Happy Frigedag! First, my apologies for not being around much this week and missing some terrific content from our great Glibertarian community. Things have been… complicated here. I’ve managed to have my first-ever interaction with city jails and bail bondsmen. I found the latter to be singularly humorless. And no, I was not the inmate nor was SP. Not yet, anyway.

There are, as usual, birthdays today, including the poxy one;  a gymnopedist; the goat of Super Bowl III and the hero of Super Bowl V; and one of the dirtiest comedians ever, who may have actually deflowered the Olsen Twins simultaneously.

But enough of the preliminaries, let’s get to the news.



Nice start there, Billy.


I know that this kind of stuff seems to fascinate everyone, but if you took all my interest in it and converted it to gasoline, there wouldn’t be enough to run a pissant’s go-kart around the inside of a Cheerio.


Let’s get fucking, people!


Speaking of which… the jokes write themselves.


I’m still amazed at the prices for just-OK Merlot.


Don’t tell Swiss!


Donald Trump supporters are much brighter and less cult-driven than AOC supporters. Or maybe not.


Next time, a yarmulke.


Fuck ’em, they’re WEAK.


My kinda town.


Why I miss Chicago.


Man, it’s tough being an Orioles fan.



Old Guy Music today is an odd and fun one. Unless you’re exceptionally geeky, you likely didn’t know about this talent of the one-eyed Jewgro. Now you do.