Back from our local gaming CON. Tradition calls for getting hammered on Saturday night, and dragging oneself away on Sunday morning. If naught else, you may call me a keeper of tradition.
So no time for witty banter, just your weekly preview, and the open comments section.
Monday – Animal continues the Bolt Guns series, with Part 3. Yusef (well, whatever name he is using today) visits a park.
Tuesday – Pie ponders welfare and the UBI. MLW continues her forced march through “Woke Charmed”.
Wednesday – If your sanity and survives the Hat and the Hair, you will have to stay buckled up to deal with another episode of Tonio’s “The Glibbening”.
Thursday – ElspethFlashman explains Mentally Incompetent to Stand Trial. SP has a poll.
Friday – trshmnstr opines upon prosperity. The Cryptid of the Week returns to give links.
Weekend – Not Adahn, Mexican Sharpshooter and OMWC will keep us entertained and informed.
Welcome back Swiss.
Yes, welcome back.
Sweet link.
damn it.
Swiss is all grumpy and hungover.
Two beer lunch turned into Single Malt Sunday. It’s a good thing that all I have to do for dinner is make tomato soup and heat up some bread.
Speaking of grumpy….
*wild Muppet applause*
Switzy agreed to an open thread? Who’s blackmailing him?
His hangover.
““Want to Dismantle Capitalism? Abolish the Family
Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics.”
Someone has been reading brave new world.
^or, what he said
I remember when grandpa was weaponizing motherhood. Oh wait. No I don’t. It’s all bullshit.
Reaffirming how far The Nation has fallen.
I wouldn’t wipe my ass with it these days.
Much like “1984” and the modern progressive left, the 4th wave feminist movement seems the think “Brave New World” was an instruction manual.
Out of morbid curiosity, WTF is a feminist geographer? That’s gotta be newspeak for something else, because a map is a fucking map.
I know women are forced into marriages and child rearing in some cultures, but seriously, they really see this as a problem in any modern so called first world country?
Yes, any woman who has PIV sex has been raped. There is no way she could consent to marriage (with a man), unless she was brainwashed by the patriarchy. It is men who force women to give birth, not nature and their own life choices.
Yes. People like this do.
Children are such an inconvenience. Best not to gestate one in the first place.
Damnit. 33 years too late.
A geographer who attended an American university at some point in the last couple decades?
Something so dumb only an academic could believe.
So is the sort of emancipatory progressive politics beloved by Gillespie and Gulker?
Dismantling the family and replacing it with the state has been a feature of all forms of the Marxist project. Probably taken to it’s most extreme in Cambodia, but present in all of them to some degree.
tl;dr version: “I have a Masters in Gender Studies, $300k in student loans, and 14 cats.”
Lefties love to stage fake crimes.
Karma is real.
Also, schadenfruede is delicious and calorie free.
Meh. Bourbon typo.
Lefty caught on camera staging a hoax that day to, by their own admission, advance gun control: “alleged acts”
Righty accused with no evidence out of the blue of having behaved untowardly decades previously: “credibly accused”
4score: sorry to hear about the bees.
Same here. That sucks.
Send one of your orphans to make sure the fence is working.
What I want to know is why Mr. 4score’s orphans did not defend his beehive against the gentleman in the fur coat.
As Fourscore has gotten older, he’s gone soft. He let’s his orphans sleep inside at night.
Strictly speaking, the worker bees are orphans, since their daddy pretty much gave his all when he was sexing up the queen.
Thanks to all concerned. I talked to the bee co., no bees available, all out. On the other hand my partner and I share equally so I need to try to insure his bees stay well. I’ll have a nice new charger for next year anyway.
Try to be nice, give the orphans a 10 minute break and SHTF. Need a new foreman. If my new friend drops by in daylight we see if a permanent resolution is possible. Its happened before and a happy ending for 1 of the parties involved, could happen again.
Came out of the shower about 8:15 and had a visitor about 100 yards out. I had to hurry into some jeans, get a jacket on. Opened the door quietly but either the movement or sound triggered Pooh.
By that time he was past the hives and started running, maybe 80 yards out. No chance before he was out of sight. Maybe he’ll make that slip and I’ll be the TX Ranger
Sorry, if I missed something, but someone is vandalizing your beehives?
Guy wears a black fur coat year round but sleeps in the winter, likes honey. My guess is he’s a 300 lb-der
I’ll be the TX Ranger
OOps, AZ Ranger
Isn’t it funny,
How a bear likes honey,
Buzz, buzz, buzz
I wonder why he does?
Aw, well, shoot.
/oddly apropos
I will be doing this. But the intestine tacos @ min 23 is a big NO.
You mean tripe?
It is not only tripe, it was actual intestine in the pan. Looks like bung holes
Try it drunk. You won’t notice. That was the first time I ate tripas and sesos.
Ya, I don’t think so. My friend got tongue the other day at a small taqueria close to work. I tried it and am not a fan. The carnitas were some good stuff though.
Tongue is a bit tough. Head meat is very good, though. Very good. They call it “cabeza”, but it’s mostly cheek meat.
Es Primo
I’ve had tripe at a Basque restaurant that I love in Reno, but I have no plans to bring that into my repertoire in our kitchen.
Me either but the stuffed breaded and fried jalepenos cut up as a taco ingredient will soon be on the menu.
Sounds muy sabroso.
It’s fine if you rinse and cook it thoroughly. I add it to my pho.
Sometimes, though, it’s better not to peek behind the curtain. I wouldn’t make my own hot dogs.
Yeah, I will absolutely order stuff at a restaurant that I either don’t want to deal with in my kitchen or am a bit squeamish about. I will eat chicken livers all day when a Brazilian is cooking them, or beef hearts at a Peruvian joint.
About 15 years ago, I ate some Peruvian beef heart skewers at my desk. The next day, a company wide memo went out: no more eating at desks.
I love having rules named after me.
I will thus name you
Captain Beefheart
Oddly, what I really remember about Reno/South Tahoe was how good the tacos were. In less than a week, I probably tried 8 different taco joints.
Heh, heh. You must have told someone it was heart and they got grossed out, cause they just smell like beef.
If you are ever hungry in Reno, Louis’ Basque Corner is frigging awesome. Start with a Picon Punch and enjoy the copious chilled Spanish wine that is included with the family style dinner.
I used to get bison hearts from this ranch nearby (the Pencil Bison Ranch in Urbana OH, if anyone is in the area).
Everyone is grossed out by the idea of eating heart, but it’s just a big muscle. It does need at least 10 hours in the crock pot to get even somewhat tender, though.
Maybe I should try pounding or Swissing it sometime…
Heart can be very good. Since I was a wee Quarter Eagle heart was the traditional first evening meal for a successful deer/elk/moose/antelope hunt. Halved, filled with buuter and garlic and wrapped in foil. Best if thrown into mesquite coals of your campfire. Mmmm Mmm good.
Louis’ Basque on 4th?
Yup, right across from the El Dorado. Love that place.
Back from our local gaming CON.
Did you win?
Jugsy demanded a homemade pizza tonight, so she got a pepperoni, mushroom, onion.
I’m 7 beers in, so it may be time to sit on the porch for a bit.
That’s a dandy lookin’ crust,
That’s a tasty looking pie.
Now I want pizza…
Earlier today, comments were made about making breakfast for our women (I’m also guilty).
I think we’re doing this shitlord thing wrong…
I’m such a shitlord that I frequently ignore the shitlord code. Besides, they’re more like guidelines anyway.
I bring her breakfast, she brings me sons. But only as often as necessary. I’m content with that arrangement.
Nice work!
That is a weird euphemism.
That looks terrific!
It’s funny, out of context, that could look like something horrific. Knowing it’s pizza, my mouth started watering.
LOL there you go.
I haven’t seen this mentioned yet but might have missed it. The SAT will now start assigning an “Adversity Score” to every student taking the test and provide it to colleges.
Saw that the other day. Fuck them in the ass with a running chainsaw! Make victimhood an incentive
Yesssss…..continue to devalue higher education by putting more weight behind the thumb on the scale. And when industry finally wakes up to the fact that degrees =/= better employees, the institutions implodes in on themselves……
What Bob said (and, we were all thinking). At the very least, maybe the “ivies” will start losing their prestige when students start bringing their shit in–as opposed to being molded by the university.
It could be kind of a serendipitous benefit though if it hastens the realization that college degrees are no longer reliable indicators of intelligence, work ethic, or employability (yea, I’m kind of an optimist).
I wonder how quickly people will learn to game the new score. If they rely on the student, it will be easy.
Of course colleges can already guess the level of privilege by looking at where the applicant is from. So I’m not sure why they are doing that.
I wonder how quickly people will learn to game the new score.
There was a separate article about how some academic advisers are already telling their white students to mark ‘Native American’ on college applications aka the Warren approach. Some Asians are selecting white.
I had a friend who did that back in the 90’s. He claimed he was born in America, hence he was a native American.
How about “MYOB”?
I’m thinking people will start gaming the economic side of things. Rent a motel room in the hood, claim you live there– you are poor and get a higher score.
Don’t even have to do that. Just claim the kid lives with a relative in a shitty part of town. We all have that *one* relative…
Oh, they’re just trying to keep those slanty-eyed devils from stealing your white women.
This could theoretically be useful, if you viewed it as a potential indicator of more potential than is obvious from the test itself. Of course, then you could scrape all the other grievance points they hand out.
But then again, is that really true? Do two people with the same score on a test have differing potential base don their socioeconomic background?
It’s not about picking the “less privileged” of two candidates with the same score. It’s about finding an excuse to admit more people with lower scores.
Oh, no doubt. There is really already no need for this as college admissions is already looking at these factors, but from an academic POV, there could potentially be a use for metrics like these.
Higher Ed:
There was a time in the U.S. when only children of the rich could attend college. Being able to study things like art history or literature was a luxury. Everyone else had to work for a living. Everyone else also ended up being way richer than their parents. Now, anyone can go to college, and most of them end up making less money than their parents did. When you just hand students money, you get skyrocketing tuition, and a glut of useless degrees.
I disagree with most libertarians, that I’m not against tax funded state universities and community colleges. Because, unlike student loans, the money is on the supply side so it lowers the cost of private schools. The thing is that these state schools need to stick with useful occupational majors, and not teach woke studies.
Front page article on the local rag was a boohoo sob story about how college students getting massive amounts of certain types of student aid were getting taxed on value of said aid, like they were “trust fund babies”. And how it was more than what their family tax rate was (as if there was some filing category for family). Suck it up bitches. And you’re adults responsible for your own income taxes.
And fuck you, everyone who paid their bills already or didn’t run up debts to the max.
That would require the taxpayers to show some interest in where their dollars are going.
The higher duration bubble cannot pop soon enough. Fuck those shitweasels.
Ducking autocorrect.
KS’s theme music
I suddenly feel the need to chase some scantily clad nurses around the lawn in my undies.
Pshht. Yeah… “suddenly”.
I wonder how they are going to score kids who are taking the SAT from overseas? How would they know what part of Hong Kong, Brussels, Bangkok, or Istanbul is more or less advantaged/disadvantaged over the other parts of the city? – Or more or less disadvantaged over Compton?
And I am sure that the color of the applicant’s skin will be a heavier factor than the actual conditions. I will bet that being a white kid from a heavily non-white, “underprivileged” neighborhood will garner no points at all.
Wednesday – If your sanity and survives the Hat and the Hair, you will have to stay buckled up to deal with another episode of Tonio’s “The Glibbening”.
I’m working from home that day. I look forward to it.
Swiss (or any others interested in board games),
The girlfriend and I will be heading out to Philadelphia in December to make it to PAX Unplugged
I think someone’s trying to horn in on Gojira’s racket… 😉
Have you been before, and, if so, what is it like?
Comment anarchy!
2 makes me conflicted.
7 has dat azz. Thicc Thinn. No tats visible.
20 will cut you
27 could keep me clean.
30, 33. Nice set.
Pre GoT margaritas.
Pre GoT beer at Fat Head’s, a large platter of smoked pork, and seeing an old friend. Now just waiting to see how the shit show will end.
Tyrion wins
John Snow wakes up in an obviously modern bedroom, turns to the lump beside him and says ‘I just had the strangest dream’. The lump turns and it’s Anna Gunn she starts to say something calling him Walt but ‘Don’t stop believeing ” starts playing and then a quick cut to black, ten seconds later we see the midget in an orange jumpsuit in a “US military Alien Task CForce” cell sitting next to ALF, pan up and back and “To be continued…?” pops up.
The small folk rise up and send the high born to camps. They then establish a dictatorship of the proletariat and prosperity is enjoyed during a thousand year Reich.
No Pre GOT anything because I’m not GoT’ing anymore. The storyline became too stupid and they unceremoniously killed off characters for the sake of killing off characters. I may finish the series someday but I’ve ceased to have even the slightest investment in it.
I watched the first season, and that was it.
I’ve heard some spoiler’s have leaked. I haven’t looked for them because I’m to lazy but I’ve heard they are out there.
Rocks fall, everyone dies happened last episode already.
Good. I hope GRRM does too.
I hope he dies taking a fat dump on his gilded toilet. Is this wrong of me?
Why do you hate him? Just curious.
Hate him? I have him going out like the king.
dies taking a fat dump on his gilded toilet
Going out like Elvis.
I’ve heard the same, and the same poster leaked stuff about last week’s episode which was all correct. I don’t care enough to hunt them down at this point. With teleporting armies, dragons, and Euron, I’ve lost any faith I had in the showrunners.
Am I the only one you never heard of the term ‘showrunners’ before this GOTs brouhaha? Has it been a common term or did it just pop up recently?
It’s not new, but it’s definitely newer than “gaffer” and “best boy.”
I’ve heard the term for 4 or 5 years. From what I understand they are the ones that guide the show and make sure it has some coherence and logic over the seasons.
I first noticed it with Nu Who. Maybe it started as a British thing.
Do you guys ever listen to the commentary on your DVD’s? (Assuming you have DVD’s). It’s been around for at least a decade. It’s usually the Exec Producers who handle the day-to-day stuff (often, the bigger stars in a show will get the XP title).
Almost never.
three words: King Hot Pie
Well that was quick.
“Communist China: Writing gay stories gets you thrown in prison for ten years.
Democratic Taiwan: Just legalized gay marriage, the first country to do so in all of Asia.”
I don’t know how proggies will rationalize this, only that they will.
That’s probably right.
They’ll put a hot Uganda on them:
“It was them damn missionaries what dun it.”
That’s a misleading headline.
It’s also a misleading pic from FB….dang.
“ElspethFlashman explains Mentally Incompetent to Stand Trial. SP has a poll.”
Poll: Would you eat feces in front of a judge to get the charges tossed?
Felony or misdemeanor?
And more importantly who’s (whom’s?) feces?
It’s a yes/no question.
Damnit, Playa, stop using your Founder Privilege to preview my polls!
Sure. You know what happens in jail/prison?
It’s like being a waiter at The Olive Garden?
All you can eat “breadsticks”.
Tossing endless salads.
Lesbian shower scenes?
Pillow fight!
You’d do it to get out of a speeding ticket, though.
Have you seen what those things cost in California?!
A little something for Rhywun:
I think I’m OK with him spending all his time away from here. OTOH, it’s not like anyone will notice the difference. Cuomo’s the one running this joint anyway.
Cuomo sounds like a guy who auditioned to be an extra on The Sopranos and didn’t get the part.
You should see him in person.
But his Dad did.
“ATTACK on @infinitechan owner. VICE reporters are showing up at the owner’s house uninvited. BREAKING and ENTERING.
police are now involved.”
Supposedly, 8 chan is the home of #QAnon, this was the owners house. So these two people from Vice broke into the owners house, then locked their Twitter accounts.
Land Justice: All White farming is evil. All POC farming is woke, no matter how efficiently it uses resources. Solution? Land redistribution. TW: Jacobin.
Well they love open borders (except for the deplorables) so they are good / Gillespie.
This appears deliberate, so I’m tapping out before the end of the first sentence, thx.
I don’t know who Brandon King is. I’m guessing by your statement that I don’t want to know.
I don’t either but unless you’re e e cummings I’m not putting up with that pretentious twaddle.
Mechanization is racist??
Zimbabwe and South Africa agree!
I continue to be surprised that anyone is surprised that a magazine that calls themselves “Jacobin” would be ok with things that would cause mass death.
I choose to believe that that outfit is some sort of performance art.
Cute libertarian alert:
Would with extreme prejudice.
She’s looks crazy. I wouldn’t even with your dick.
Who said you could use my dick?
Begone, Thot!
“Currently reading Bell Hooks’ “Feminism Is for Everybody” and, I dunno, I just kind of feel like her insistence that feminists be hell-bent on both government-subsidized abortion and the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system is at odds with the title.”
“‘Donald Trump’ decked by ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ on comic cover inspired by ‘Hitler’ punch
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And The Freshman Force: New Party, Who Dis?” comes out by publisher Devil’s Due comes out May 15, 2019. The issue features 12 variant covers.
An upcoming comic book touting the rise of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez features a slew of hagiographic covers — including one in which she punches out President Trump.
Comic book legends Joe Simon and Jack Kirby produced “Captain America Comics #1” in 1941, which featured the “star-spangled Avenger” punching out Adolf Hiter. Now, modern artists and writers have teamed up for a project that casts the New York Democrat in the role of a superhero while Mr. Trump is portrayed as a genocidal maniac.
“‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And The Freshman Force: New Party, Who Dis?’ will hit online and physical retail outlets on Wednesday, May 15,” Sweat Equity Publicity said Tuesday in a press release for publisher Devil’s Due. “To mark the occasion, the Chicago-based comic book publisher has teamed up with a number of comic shops to provide 12 different collectible covers, available as limited-edition purchases at each retailer’s location or website.”
Other notable variant covers include one inspired by 2015’s “Mad Max: Fury Road” with Mr. Trump in the role of the famous character, and “The Amazing Spider-Man #583,” which teamed the iconic hero with former President Obama in 2009.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez essentially stands in for Mr. Obama while a blue donkey stands in for Spider-Man.
The issue’s story also features high-profile Democrats such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. One scene features the 79-year-old California Democrat sporting washboard abs.
Mrs. Pelosi’s character steps out of a shower, congratulates the “rookie” and warns her about “special interests” in the nation’s capital.”
Remember, a rodeo clown lost his job for wearing an Obama mask.
Where is Barfman?
I gotcha.
That was one of the best things about TOS, before mandatory registration — I suspect there was more than one Barfman and Sandi. I sometimes did the Teenage Girl schtick after that other poster(s) stopped.
… But remember, Drumpf hates free speech, and he has turned America into a dictatorship where you’ll suffer all kinds of horrible consequences for speaking out against him.
My prog friend was going on and on about how Trump is the worst person alive and is ruining the country and is Hitler.
I said, “You know how I know you’re full of shit. If you believed what you’re saying, you wouldn’t be saying it.”
Whenever I get the “Trump is Hitler” thing, I usually fire back with the far more apt similarities between Bernie Sanders and Hitler.
That’s cute. I wonder if the real AOC is dumb enough to think that NaPo is merely misguided, instead of the willing representative of and fixer for special interests.
…who would squish her like a bug if it ever became politically expedient to do so.
Unless the bug gets big enough to squish her first.
So japanese
There’d have been more tentacles if Kafka were Japanese.
Silly Tonio – government and government-ancillary organizations (like universities, pubsec unions, and “community outreach” groups) don’t have interests of their own. They merely exist to serve the people.
The rodeo clown job or his real job? I’m going to go way out on an elitist ledge here and assume that if ‘Rodeo Clown” is your job title, losing that job isn’t something that’s going to make or break you, nothing a gig at Home Depot or Bob’s Lawn Service ‘”You grow it…We mow it”™ won’t more than make up for.
Wow, yep, you do sound like an elitist.
The PBR circuit guys, at least, are the real deal. Rodeo clowns aren’t out there to make the flyover rubes laugh. They are out here to save the cowboys’ lives when they get bucked off. I assume they get paid well.
I’ll need to see some numbers/anecdotal evidence to the contrary or I’m going to assume ‘Rodeo Clown” is a hobby job, you do it once a month or so for the fun not the paycheck meanwhile you have a ‘real’ job down at the meat processing plant.
Have you ever seen a rodeo? Real, dangerous, well paid job. It isn’t being a soccer ref for 5 year olds.
Have you ever seen a rodeo?
No, as I am not a hillbilly.
“The average rodeo clown makes about $51,000 a year.”
How Much Does a Rodeo Clown Make Per Year?
Welp, there you go, mea culpa.
I figured it was just hyperbole.
And now you prove your elitism by speaking a different language!
Mea Tulpa
…or that.
He’s lucky the Secret Service didn’t pay him a visit.
DC isn’t having it.
I was hoping that wouldn’t take too long.
One tiny push back against the woke brigade. I’ll take it.
Hudson’s Maple Cask Rye is tasty.
That is all.
Now the bastards are coming after eggs
Putting aside all the other nonsense for a moment, I thought the “OMG, egg cholesterol will give everyone heart attacks” line of attack had been debunked? Or has it just died down?
Debunked, but it doesn’t matter. It’s animal-derived so evil.
Soy is no bueno, but they keep pushing it.
I’m gonna have six eggs tomorrow instead of my regular three.
I’m all for treating chickens humanely while they supply me with delicious eggs. It’s not an either-or proposition, folks.
They don’t really know anymore. Most of what they have is research soiled by confirmation bias.
I eat 2 sometimes 3 eggs for breakfast each day. My cholesterol, in a test taken last week, is normal. YMMV.
I’ve eaten about 60 eggs a week for several years (along with a lot of steak, shrimp, lamb, and other foods high in cholesterol). My bad cholesterol is actually abnormally low, and my good cholesterol is right where it should be.
I know I’m just an individual case, but my grand theory of dietetics is that human bodies are highly variable and you should stick with what works for you.
… But yes, I have read that cholesterol levels are largely dependent on how much your body naturally produces, not how much you ingest.
But yes, I have read that cholesterol levels are largely dependent on how much your body naturally produces, not how much you ingest.
Bingo. Your body needs it, makes it and every body is a little different.
There is a lot of interesting stuff out there about the new views on cholesterol. Someone should pen an article about it!
I wouldn’t spend a second worrying about eating eggs.
“the Food and Drug Administration estimates that 79,000 Americans are sickened by tainted eggs every year”
I’m thinking that’s bullshit.
Would you believe 69,999?
Missed it by that much.
If I recall, the vast majority of egg-induced sickness is a result of eggs being mixed together en masse for fast food or pre-packaged meals. You’re immensely unlikely to get sick from a carton of fresh eggs you bought at the store and cooked at home.
+1 bowl of egg salad sitting on a picnic table for 6 hours
Yeah, that gave me a double take. I’m picturing “egg-borne illness” getting the blame for anyone with an unexplained stomach flu who ate eggs in the last 24 hours.
“Nope. No way it was the 16 Miller High Life’s; had to be the scrambled eggs I had after bar closing!”
Would you believe sickened by egged taints?
I’ve been buying eggs from the same farmer for years. Sometimes, I even have them raw and have yet to even have the slightest GI disturbance.
Anti-egg people are the worst.
Yea, I cook a lot of my eggs with very runny yolks and some of the white a bit runny as well (I love slathering up my breakfast meat in warm runny egg yolk, and I consider it a waste when too much of it gets cooked solid).
OK, now that is gross AF, but I will fight for your right to eat eggs in a disgusting manner.
Yeah, runny yolks have their place but runny whites make me angry with myself for getting my eggs wrong.
An old friend (ex-Navy, natch) called runny whites “snot”.
I do prefer the whites cooked all the way, but not at the risk of overcooking any precious yolk.
IF I’m in the mood for some extra effort, I’ll flip them and cook them for about five seconds just to cook the whites on top.
Jesus Christ, people.
Branch out a little bit.
Thanks again to whichever one of you assholes posted this originally.
I love slathering up my breakfast meat in warm runny egg yolk
I stick to toast, but you want to jam your breakfast meat in the yolk, more power to ya.
The reason pork is so popular at brekkie?
Sunnyside for the win. It is the rare steak of the egg world. Over very easy is acceptable as is medium rare.
Sunnyside up is my preferred method. Fried in Kerrygold. With some sausages.
Kerrygold is the bomb. I pick up several boxes each time I hit Costco.
Half of Japanese food has a half cooked runny egg placed on top. Nasty.
Haha yea, I’m guilty of that too… My favorite post-workout meal is a mountain of gyudon with brown rice and four runny boiled eggs. Sometimes I throw some shrimp in there too just for extra protein.
Brown rice and gyudon? You know how dogs cock their head to one side when they are confused? Uh, that’d be me right now.
Fuck yeah, that’s the way to do it.
I think they have pretty much admitted that was wrong and eggs are not bad for you.
I find this quote useful:
‘Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.’
— Mark Twain
And the thing with all these people that is so infuriating is that they need to “fix” it for all of us. More power to them in creating a good egg substitute from plants. Go nuts. It’ll taste great with your fake bacon in the morning. But leave me the hell out of it. I like real eggs. Leave them alone.
*gets more serious about getting chicken coop built*
I am often amused to discover that these are the same people who rail against processed food
+1 outside ring of the supermarket.
Fresh produce, meats, dairy and eggs, ftw!
The popcorn chicken bites and tater tots I just ate for dinner were on the outside ring of my supermarket too.
Rhywun, that’s a 7-11, not a supermarket.
What I was listening to today.
Heyday is a good record.
To be fair, the supermarkets around here are about the size of a 7-11.
I’m actually mightily impressed at the logistics that go into packing these tiny supermarkets with as much variety as they do.
Last night I cooked a real meal with fresh ingredients obtained from the same place. Tonight I didn’t feel like it.
I had pizza a couple nights ago for the same reason.
The logistics of delivering me food from around the world (or even from around the Midwest) at such a low price is simply amazing. Which is why the whiners can fuck right off.
The “Cholesterol in your diet is bad for you” myth should be burnt to ashes and stomped into pigshyte along with the “your body is a bag” nutrition mentality that spawned it.
I spent way too many years (about 1982 to 1998) believing that what I ate went directly into my metabolism raw and undigested (ie; your body is a bag) just like the BS medical advice of the day told me it did. I treated eggs and red meat as if they were actually poison and avoided them as such. I suppose it didn’t do me too much harm but it was mostly a waste of time and effort.
Just think about all the delicious food you denied yourself. Demand reparations.
Turns out sympathetic magic isn’t real. Fuckin’ A!
Today is my birthday. Please do me the honor of mercilessly insulting me. It’s been a tradition since TOS and I’d hate to have it broken.
Lay it on me, bitches.
You fucking whiny bitch. You expect us to go out of our way to do something special for your birthday? What a selfish piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.
Also, do you have some sort of crush on Trudeau? He is always your avatar. Just send him dick pics like a normal crazy person and leave us out of your sick obsession.
How’d I do?
Happy Birthday.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
How Speciesist.
+1 fart in your general direction
You suck more than Ed Sheeran and this is bigger burn than the one Sheeran got from Dany’s Dragon from that GOT episode.
I hope you live a long and amazing life, TH!
Happy birthday!
So another anniversary of reminding your mother of her greatest disappointment. We all feel your pain Mrs. Trigger Hippie. If only you’d have know, you could have had a late-term abortion and spared everyone.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Trigger Hippie, and many returns of the day!
Trigger Hippie’s weak. Very low energy. Sad!
You, sir, are worse than Tulpa.
Nah. I’d just have a look at your medical chart….
Thanks, all! Too tipsy to respond individually.
See ya, tomorrow.
LOL Galaxy can’t even beat Colorado.
Huh? Colorado has been out for awhile. Not sure what you mean by ‘Galaxy’…
I saw the Blues destroy the Sharks, though, so that’s cool.
That was pleasingly impressive.
Freedom of Choice!
Sunday night yearning for central planning.
Some years ago I saw a TV documentary about Soviet central planners. It was just after fall. They interviewed the people at the National Bureau of Shoes (not the name but they were really responsible for determining what shoes got made – types, designs/styles, sizes, numbers etc).
Despite clear evidence that they had failed – there were shortages of shoes people wanted and huge surpluses of shoe no one wanted they were convinced that they were on the right track. A little more data and they’d get it perfect. They admitted the West was doing way better. In fact, they got their inspirations from Western designs.
They just couldn’t stop wanting to be the Top Men
Losing privilege and power is hard to deal with.
Pretty sure this was posted before.
Yea, and they’re kept on their toes by the ease with which customers can ditch them if that planning is a clusterfuck. The problems begin when you try that shit on a national level and give customers no choice (that is, no choice but to leave the country, which is not a realistic option for most people).
Until they build a wall. So more for those open borders eh Gillespie?
But they hate the outcome of Wal-Mart’s and Amazon’s planning. I don’t understand why they think they will like the outcome of government planning
It’s almost like the whole thing is an act.
In my experience, most of them say they hate those companies, but they still shop with them. Or, they will refrain from shopping there but shop at a competitor that has pretty much the exact same business model. It’s very, very few of them who actually seek out products (and shell out the extra money) from “co-op” manufacturers.
“Walmart engages in large-scale planning without the direct intermediation of markets….”
The article is chock-a-block full of such wisdom.
TL/DR: A big, complicated business make plans and succeed, therefore, a government can make complicated plans and succeed.
Maybe that would be true if failed government plans meant those responsible lost their jobs and took a hit on their net worth.
This does raise an interesting point: prosperity, technology and communications ironically does make it appear that central planning can work. If the modern economy can produce 23 types of deodorant then why can’t we make it so it produces Things People Need? I mean isn’t the modern economy just going to store or ordering it online? And now thanks to computers and instant communications why can’t we solve Hayek’s knowledge problem?
No computer could have predicted the need for 7000 craft breweries. Or the craft beer movement at all.
That’s because do we really need craft beer? All those crops contribute to our climate catastrophe, are white supremacist since rednecks like them and are rape culture.
This is coming way too easy to you.
I honestly just made that part about racism up thinking there probably is an article saying that somewhere and…well yeah.
Even climate change is easy whatvwithbthe farting cows.
It’s an appearance only. Knowledge will never be perfect and who decides what *we* need? What does “need” mean anyway? In gov’t all decisions are political and bad economic decisions will never be punished.
I did say that it makes it “appear” that it can work.
That’ll be up to the TOP MEN to decide.
You ever read Red Star by Alexander Bogdanov?
How unwoke.
Oh and I’m not supporting central planning but I am pointing out how ironically certain aspects of our current can make it look like the problems have been solved.
Also see Star Trek:
I understand that. I just mentioned it because in the society that Bogdanov portrays, all economic decisions are decided through the calculations of a central computer which receives economic data in real time.
Since computers are so much more powerful than 100 years ago and are involved with a ton of economic decisions today ironically makes this ideal seem more achievable. An interesting downside to the digital revolution.
It is also interesting that there used to plenty of utopian socialists in the past who thought modern tech would end the need to work or possess anything. Contrast this to Gillespie and our modern watermelons.
Every time I see that I keep expecting Martin Landau and Barbara Bain to walk in and take a seat.
Too much stupid.
By the way, running a breather tube to the frame worked like a charm. I may still do a can, but the mess is gone and very little other than condensate drips from the tube.
Weird, huh?
Um, yes?
Thank you for providing a wonderful forum for weird hobbies.
For what it’s worth, Mikey was assisting me in the finer points of post-pollution-control sports car crankcase ventilation.
Yeah, sure.
It’s OK, have your little secrets.
Back in the 90s, the company I worked for’s 2 biggest clients were GE and Sears. GE was a Fortune 1 company at the time (MSFT hadnt yet passed them).
How has that large company central planning worked out for them?
Circuit City was another big client.
Not all our clients crashed. Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes are still around. Walmart was the whale we couldnt land.
Good. To bad you hate Gaia. That’s not nice stuff coming out of tube and it gets worse as the engine wears.
Meant for Tundra – grrrr
I got it. I did a compression test at the same time an all is good. Blowby seems to be mainly vapors. Very little oil. I just think it needed a longer breather from the VC. New gasket probably didn’t hurt, either.
2k miles a year makes a huge difference, too!
I think MN will survive a Spitfire or two. The vapors are pretty mean though. Crankcase vents made a huge improvement in engine longevity. The vapors would eat the internals.
Running racing oil and every other thing I can think of to accommodate the old tech.
By the way, I’ve been watching this beauty over at BAT.
The auction is almost over and I’m interested to see where it falls.
Does yours have the side shifter?
If the gov’t were doing the planning we still be subsidizing GE, Sears, Digital, Studebaker and a zillion others.
Actually, those companies would never have existed.
What I find interesting is how the rich urban cosmopolitans yutes all seem to loathe libertarianism yet they are supposed to be its biggest champions according to Reason, CATO, AIER, etc.
They seem pretty enamored of mass global censorship, the warfare state and mass regimentation of the economy and life itself.
Well GOT sealed off their hot steaming pile of garbage with a giant turd tonight.
As someone who was bored of GOT before it was cool this brings a tear to my eye.
Game of Thrones is the Nick Gillespie of fantasy
OMG This show cost so much more and showed more tits than All in The Family therefore open borders and NAFTA are great.
How was my Gillespie?
Your open border shtick tonight is the Nick Gillespie of shticks.
Very appropriate.
You’re a gamer. I’ll give you that.
In before everyone starts shitting on Game Of Th-oh….OK, then.
I had CPK for dinner. Man, everything was a letdown. So not worth it, except for the appetizer (buffalo cauliflower, tastes just like chicken).
We tried them once. Completely without taste.
They are, much like the Hillstone group, a “value added” restaurant chain. Every once in a while, I think I can get some good ideas or recipes by eating there and replicating at home.
Tonight, the subject of the experiment was fish tacos. Never again. Absolute garbage.
I’m actually offended at how bad it was.
I knew you were Khmer Rouge…
How’s Britain’s Siberian climate? Still time…
Blockquote>Already, according to Randall and Schwartz, the planet is carrying a higher population than it can sustain. By 2020 ‘catastrophic’ shortages of water and energy supply will become increasingly harder to overcome, plunging the planet into war
But enough about the Green New Deal…
My how the Graniduan has changed:
Hey, folks: Who wants to play “Spot The Cunt”?
Q–before you speak up…
She almost comes to the border of intellectual curiosity about why college has become so expensive. Alas, I’m sure it doesn’t change her political position that the government should just “make it free”.
Bless her stupid, commie heart.
She’ll get her helicopter ride some day.
No two ways around it, AOC basically called the rich black man “uppity”.
I………yeah, she did. o-0
Maybe she thought she was watching an actual documentary. TV can be rather convincing…
Didn’t even make it to her comment.
It just reminds me of the The Office episode “Scott’s Tots”. He loves the adoration when he promises to pay, but then….. (no spoilers)
Ah! Very apropos,
Is it Hitl- oh wait, it’s AOC.
His inner circle tried to harsh
ourmy fun!So sad to see Game of Thrones go. What will happen to all those mentally handicapped writers they’ve employed for the last 5 years?
I thought they were moving on to a new Star Wars trilogy?
Because of course they are.
Sad to think, Phantom Menace will go down in history as one of the ‘good’ Star Wars movies. Just…excuse me, I need to have a cry…
It will interesting how they handle writing a (for the most part) original story and will they bring the deconstructionist ethos of GOT to Star Wars when Star Wars was very much a reconstruction of old school space opera?
Late night perk: BABAM!
That ain’t right.
Oscar Wilde had AOC beat over 100 years ago:
Also I find this rather interesting: Wilde was Irish, gay, persecuted for being gay, an Aesthetic, an artist and lived through an era of mass prosperity yet he thought capitalism was evil. How do Gillespie and Tucker explain that?
“Bunburry?! I don’t know any Bunburry!”
He was an asshole?
Does anyone have a link to that site where it shows everything that’s been blamed on global warming? I need it for a friend….Thanks!
Sorry, global warming erased all my bookmarks.
Well, seems everyone has left the building, and Evan didn’t get that link.
/I mean, I have no idea…any DNC-based website, really.
Just about to knock off for a few hours sleep before starting the hamster wheel again. Like the new avatar.
Completely unrelated, not sure about the GoT finale. Most of the threads wrapped up even if ho hum, but no nudity. And Tyrion doesn’t die with a cock in his mouth and a young girl whining. I think that’s what he was always wanting to go out with.
I think Tyrion wanted the young girl in his mouth. Unless I missed something.
Oh, and, Thank you.
OMG I love this idea.