DreamHost will be upgrading our MySQL server this afternoon sometime between 1600 and 1900 (4 p.m – 7 p.m.) Pacific. You might notice some small interruptions of the site availability. Not to worry. has not been hacked nor have I had to blow up the site.
Good afternoon, my dear Glibs. And the rest of you, too.
For those of you still on Team Google. SMDH.
Those storms in the lower midsection of the country? “The Arkansas River, which was just above 37 feet, or 9 feet above flood stage, at Muskogee, Oklahoma, was expected to eventually reach 43.5 feet. Officials encouraged residents in several communities along the river to leave their homes.” Still not good and might get worse.
I hate Netflix more and more.
I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone here that J.D. Tuccille is OK in my book. “If my wife and I and Anthony himself have properly done our jobs, he’ll be equipped to take care of himself and to offer aid to others. And he’ll be thoroughly immunized against the promises, lies, and temptations of demagogues.”
And on that encouraging note, I’ll leave you with some music. But never fear, I’ll be back with a new poll tonight, if all goes well with the database server upgrade!
we have seen no evidence of improper access
Yep, no password failures. All logins used the correct passwords.
“Man allegedly hiding drugs in butt accidentally shoots himself in testicles
A bungling felon from Washington state made a series of blunders when he shot himself in the testicles and tried to hide the weapon — all while storing drugs in his anus, a report said Wednesday.
Cameron Jeffrey Wilson, 27, was carrying a pistol in his front pocket while in his Cashmere, Wash., apartment on April 5 when the firearm accidentally discharged and pierced his groin and thigh, according to the Wenatchee World News.
Wilson, who is a 13-time convicted felon, told his girlfriend to dispose of the weapon before heading to the hospital, the paper said.
When the ex-con finally went to the hospital, a balloon of marijuana slipped out of his anus while a doctor was operating on the gunshot wound, court records show.
Cops also arrived at the hospital when alerted of the gunshot wound and searched Wilson’s car where they discovered a bag of meth in the blood-stained jeans he was wearing when he shot himself.”
OK, this is the officially the third repost since I first linked to it on the AM links.
I linked to it first last night.
Well shit…
Fucking bears ruining my pissing and moaning session.
*obligatory Lou Reed joke here*
I want to say this is at least the fifth or sixth time that has been linked.
“shame! Shame! Shame!”
For what?
Relinking a links link in the links.
Except I did no such thing. I posted a pull quote, and added a link to the Twitter thread.
Shame on you!
That’s a bold move CP. Sort of like flicking the end of SP’s nose just to see what happens.
Sorry, kids. I am too busy keeping 3 million balls in the air to read all the links every damn day, much less hang out in the comments.
3M balls in the air? Those rusty can lid comments by others really are true.
“*Balloon of weed falls out of his butt*
Sheriff: you realize marijuana is legal in Washington, right?”
There was a great reply to that tweet:
“Yes, but are balloons?”
So, RC…
As our resident medi-lawyer, how does this relate to HIPPA and doctor-patient privilege?
Asked and answered.
HIPAA doesn’t apply to anything the police might want to tell the press. The doctors and hospital are required to report gunshot wounds, and allowed to disclose patient information to report crimes on the premises.
Followup to your post about personal asset depreciation:
Take a wild guess what percentage of new Range Rovers are sold to individuals vs. companies/S-corps.
Just a wild guess.
Sorry about the repeat — I didn’t post the question until after EF’s post had gone live and everyone stampeded over, so I didn’t think to check if it had been answered.
JD Tuccille fears a toilet? For shame
How is it possible to be a 13-time convicted felon by the age of 27? And still be out of prison.
White Privilege duh
Fourteen strikes and you’re out (or in as the case maybe). Its new math so you older folks may have trouble catching on.
Based on the article seems seems very good a breaking a large number of laws in a short period of time.
Maybe one conviction was 12 counts of MJ possession, because he had 12 dime bags.
LOL … in his butt…
My best guess is that he was convicted once or twice on 13 counts altogether. Just like soon he will be convicted on four counts of witness tempering for four phone calls to his girlfriend.
Like others have said, my guess is several trials each results in conviction for several charges.
“It was a giant flop for Coca Cola in the 1980s, but the company is going to try it again.
The soda maker is reviving New Coke.
And it’s all because of the Netflix hit series, “Stranger Things.”
The show’s third season will take place during the summer of 1985, the same year Coke debuted a new recipe for its signature soda.
Sales were so bad back then that New Coke was pulled from shelves after just a few months.
Coca-Cola said it produced fewer than 500,000 of the New Coke 12-ounce cans; the company expects to run out quickly.
Netflix will release Stranger Things 3 for streaming on July 4.”
That still sounds like a lot of soda no one wants.
I could never get into that show.
Me neither. Wifey loves it. I don’t know why.
Probably because it is a good show. Not that Rotten Tomatoes means much, but it does hold a 95%.
I’ll submit to the wisdom of the crowd. The show still doesn’t appeal to me.
I watched the first season, and gave up on S2 after an episode or so.
The show’s ok, but I confess to being attached to it out of nostalgia. In the time period of the show, I was a bit younger than the boys depicted in the show, but close enough that the environment feels very familiar and comforting to me.
New Coke will undoubtedly suck as much as I remember, though. There was much rejoicing in the Chipwooder household in 1986 when Coke Classic appeared.
I was born in 1981, so I thought the 80/90’s nostalgia would appeal to me, but just couldn’t commit
1976 here. The show is 1983-4, so a little early for you.
Oh, so you’re a Clear Pepsi guy, then.
And now I remember the commercial with awful Van Hagar music. Thanks NB.
Richmond was a test market for Crystal Pepsi. I remember we had a Crystal Pepsi vending machine long before it was released to the general public.
You, too! Off my lawn!
*Takes one step back*
Do you even have a lawn?
One of the things I like about our place in Tucson is – no lawn.
Postage stamp sized, but yes, an actual lawn.
Postage stamp sized, but yes, an actual lawn.
That way you can just hock a loogie on it and call it “watered.”
“After I trim my nails, I do the lawn before I fold up the nailclippers.”
The kids are pretty good and the show’s interesting, but yeah, it’s nostalgia. You’d be forgiven for cynically believing that they took a target demographic and then just jammed as much 80s nostalgia as they could into the thing, including Wynona Ryder. My wife has a love-hate relationship with it because while the show is pretty good she thinks it’s just fraught with blatant appeals to nostalgia based on a cartoonish version of the 80s. Her position is if you got rid of the “I Love the 80s” soundtrack and pulled all the gratuitous references to Tron or Qbert or Reagan or whatever, people wouldn’t be as interested in the show. I tend to agree, actually. I enjoy it, but it’s as much because I like the music or identify with some of the stuff as anything.
Shit maybe that’s why I had so much fun watching the first “Guardians of the Galaxy”
Huge amount of nostalgia for me – I am almost exactly the same age as the main character in the show – I played Dungeons and Dragons, and my name is Mike (He even resembles 11-13 year old me a bit)
Is New Coke from 1985 really New Coke? They should sell it as Revived Because We’re Out of Ideas Coke but that wouldn’t fit on a can.
“Coke Reboot”
Coke x.0, for whatever value of x is appropriate. Or maybe Coke x.y.z if there were many tiny tweaks.
nor have I had to blow up the site.
So you’re saying there’s a contingency plan?
Apparently there is a doomsday machine that will completely scrub Glibs if the proper conditions are (not) met.
“What’s this button do?”
So what you’re saying is if I touch the little red spot the right way, there’s an explosion.
Apparently there is a doomsday machine that will completely scrub Glibs
I say we Chernobyl that b*tch and see what happens. YAH! WHO’S WITH ME?!?
“I tried killing random PIDs but the site is still up.”
“Well, I say we pour this can of New Coke into the case.”
If anyone successfully runs for office, it’s probably a good idea.
Oh, hell, yes.
Codeword: PineapplePizza
So you’re saying there’s a contingency plan?
*Orders orphans to begin archiving comments for potential future blackmail*
“Wood is a leading Investment Bank focused on European Emerging markets. With over 150 employees spread across five regional offices and an international distribution hub in London, our strength is based on our multi-local footprint and the idea that a team of experienced and well-connected local professionals can provide the best market insight and service”
Your MD wife, 2Chilly?
(great article, though)
I had throwing knives as a kid and I turned out okay. Okay-ish. I retract the statement.
My clock radio has puncture holes in the plastic from throwing knives. Still works just fine so haven’t seen a need to get rid of it.
I traded a bunch of baseball cards and I think a Transformer for a real, authentic, throwing star when I was nine. I actually got pretty decent with that thing.
Me too. My gramps was cool af and encouraged/financed my childhood weapons cache.
Ninja stars for the win!
Until it went horribly wrong.
The thing I still carry with me from a childhood of throwing knives, stars and hatchets is that instinctive cringe when I hear that clanking sound of metal against wood, followed by a clanging ring of metal against stone or concrete.
Whaddup doh.
Tres I don’t know if you go back to check out late night Glibs. Q often posts pics of your type of woman. FYI.
The muscle bear?
“Former Indiana Official Wants Buttigieg to Denounce Fisting, Rimming
A former Indiana lawmaker and homophobic preacher says Pete Buttigieg needs to prove he’s not a disease-ridden, promiscuous gay man.
Don Boys, a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who has written books decrying Muslims, published a bizarre rant on his Common Sense for Today blog on May 15. In it, he slams the South Bend, Ind. mayor and Democratic presidential candidate for his sexuality.
In the post, Boys graphically describes gay men ingesting semen and rubbing feces on one another, and says most gay men give each other golden showers. Specifically, he said Buttigieg must denounce fisting and rimming if he wants to replace Donald Trump in the White House.
Boys refuses to acknowledge Buttigieg’s “husband,” Chasten, and slams Time for publishing the couple on its cover.
His post, entitled “Pete, Since You Brought It Up, How ‘Gay’ Are You?,” asserts Buttigieg brought homophobic scrutiny onto his dangerous lifestyle by coming out.”
$5 says Don is on the down low.
No doubt whatsoever.
And “Don BOYS”. Seriously?
This is what popped into my head when I read that.
For sure. He is way too interested.
“I want you to denounce it, but describe it to me in great detail first!”
So what’s you’re saying is… Boys to men?
The East Coast Family
I’m not ruling out Boys to boys.
I ♥️ eating ass. (Not legal in lake city, FL)
Standard anniversary dinner.
“In the post, Boys graphically describes gay men ingesting semen and rubbing feces on one another, and says most gay men give each other golden showers. Specifically, he said Buttigieg must denounce fisting and rimming if he wants to replace Donald Trump in the White House.”
Someone has issues…
FWIW: Ingesting semen – common, sometime inevitable IYKWIM. Golden showers – not uncommon; and you know who else… Deliberate fecal contact of any sort – rare; despite what some here may think not every act of anal sex involves a chocolate-dipped banana.
And he’s got a Russian dossier proving it, no doubt.
Goodnight, Don Boys.
[golf clap]
Haha. That was pretty good.
That guy must have some interesting skeletons in his closet.
Does interesting = disgusting?
To norms, maybe.
I wasn’t taking a shot at homosexuality. I get the impression this guy is off the deep end. I thought you were going in the same direction.
Ha – was trying to make a joke.
I don’t actually practice any of the things on that guy’s naughty list. Not all of us are that “exciting”.
Now I know why you’re still single.
You haven’t lived until you’ve been fisted on a ride at Disneyland.
You haven’t lived until you’ve been fisted on a ride at Disneyland.
I thought that’s what Disneyland’s entrance fee was a substitute for.
I suspect Don Boys has done a LOT of visual research into these subjects.
“blinded me with science!”
I bet he has a grindr profile
Grindr handle: Dese Boys.
Deez nuts
“Reverend Rearend”
“DreamHost will be upgrading our MySQL server this afternoon”
WHERE COMMENT LIKE ”wood chipper”
Too specific, expand it to “wood%chipper” and look into case sensitivity of the search before implementing.
Typing from my phone didn’t have time for that.
fair enough.
Still waiting for the first plaform with an IDE that only runs on android/ios and only accepts input through the onscreen keyboard.
Any day now.
Wells Fargo, TD Bank turn over Trump financial records to House Dems
Can’t wait to see what happens with the precedent this sets.
That was dumb. Now Trump is going to sue them.
And rightfully so, I hope he goes after them with everything he’s got because what they did is bullshit.
From now on, all financial documents from Republican candidates must be turned over to the Democratic party.
Expect the same for Dems. This won’t end well.
And from the judiciary and civil service, because Asswipe McGee shredded any limits on Congressional power via committee investigations in his/her ruling.
Its Ahs-wee-PAY!!
Not sure who you are referring to.
Amit Mehta
Someone who should self load themselves into a wood chipper.
I’d be surprised if the Repubs actually did any tit for tat subpoenas. Which they should, unless they want this to be yet another fight that they unilaterally disarm for. The only way this will stop is when the Dems feel enough pain to make it stop. And it needs to stop.
No way the Republicans have the balls to do this to a Dem. A few will call for it but the “moderates” will shoot it down.
“Now now, we don’t want to lower ourselves to their level.”
That’s not who we are!
I’m not convinced. Beto’s wife has a ton of money. Pelosi’s husband has made a mint from government contracts. Maxine Waters’ husband has his hand in the government pie. Bernie Sanders wife is hip deep in the college she mismanaged that took lots of government money. There are plenty of tempting targets.
Who’s going to go after them? The same Republicans who have promised over and over to repeal Obamacare, but haven’t gotten around to it? The ones who keep falling for the same old trick: If Democrats win, it’s the will of the people so Dems should get their way, but if the Dems lose you’re supposed to reach across the isle in a gesture of good will and let the Dems have their way?
Quelle surprise.
RIght to Financial Privacy
On a quick review, I don’t see an exception. There is no consent from the customer, no search warrant or judicial subpoena, no administrative subpoena or summons (much less one that is “relevant to a legitimate law enforcement inquiry”), and no qualifying formal written request.
The only thing I can think of is that they are saying that this statute doesn’t apply because it only prohibits disclosures to “Government authorities”, and a House Committee isn’t a government authority. Naturally, that term is defined:
Congress isn’t an agency or department of the United States, true. However, I believe they are employees (they draw a salary and get a pension) and I believe they may be officers (there are a lot of technicalities there that I don’t know).
from what i’ve read Mehta stayed his order for 7 days and yet Wells and TD handed that shit over 48 hours later.
I just scanned Mehta’s order.
Incredibly, I saw no reference at all to the federal statute on financial privacy. He certainly didn’t address it (that I could see), and just as astonishing, I don’t think Trump’s legal team raised it. If so, Mehta completely ignored it in his opinion, and from what I can tell, that law categorically prohibits what Mehta just ordered.
If a frickin’ hospital lawyer can find this on his lunch hour, what the fuck are we paying all these judges and lawyers for?
A thin veneer of legitimacy?
I’m hoping TD Bank (U.S.) isn’t quite the same as TD Bank in Canada. I’m also pretty sure I’m going to be disappointed by that hope.
I can’t wait to see the financial records for when Bernie Sanders’ wife ran a “college” into bankruptcy.
For those of you still on Team Google.
I’ve always been on Team Tatum.
Nice music choice.
Thank you for noticing.
*Puts rusty tin can lids back in box. Awaits further instructions. *
*bangs head
*gets killed in mosh pit
Assange was charged with violating U.S. Espionage act. Will this case test the First Amendment?
The Deep State hates Assange, so no.
I think it will. But I’m not too optimistic about the results. The SC has already determined that “security” is more important than free speech and privacy, haven’t they?
storms in the lower midsection of the country
Our canoeing is spoilt: too much water, so no one will put us out. NewWife and I will be a house divided attending the ATL@STL series this weekend; our traditional float fest that we work into any Missouri visits won’t happen this time.
Sorry, bro. East Coast paddling season started late because of constant rains in Feb, Mar and most of April.
I thought you didn’t know much about paddling the pink canoe.
[slaps blade of canoe paddle flat on water twice]
You have codes on the river too?
I was not born when there was “New Coke” and I do not drink soda now. But, I will probably buy a New Coke just to see why everyone hated it so much.
Just buy a Pepsi because it tasted exactly like that.
This. It was i-frickin-dentical to Pepsi.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s make Coke taste like Pepsi! Then we’ll capture both the Coke AND Pepsi markets!”
“Quiet, Nelson! Get me the design department!”
The problem with New Coke was that they were so full of themselves that they pulled all the Coke Classic from the shelves. So no, you couldn’t capture the Coke markets because you didn’t sell that.
I remember that it was such a ham handed move. Coke execs seemed pissed that people would not gladly embrace New Coke.
It is one of the examples I pull up any time someone starts in on how people are sheep that can be brainwashed by marketing. If marketing was so powerful, we’d still be drinking New Coke.
Butterfinger’s new owner is doing the same thing. New and “improved” recipe. Tastes like shit.
Probably just cheaper. I’m noticing a lot of things don’t taste right anymore. (See: BK discussion from last night.)
I haven’t tried the new ones. The spin was they were actually using more expensive ingredients to improve the taste and pick up share.
I suspect it might have been deliberate, to generate outrage and free publicity, and getting people to make a big deal over demanding their established product.
I don’t think so. It was really bad for Coke. No sane person would fuck with their customers like that to generate buzz.
They really thought they could make people love New Coke.
That theory/rumor has persisted since the day after that shit was released. No doubt started by the same morons who green-lit the whole thing.
Supposedly, Coke did deliberately release Coke Clear just to fuck with Pepsi
This definitely has the fingerprints of a newly minted MBA.
As a pepsi-drinker, new coke was still shit.
I was a Pepsi drinker at the time. Hell, we even had a dog named Pepsi*. But I vaguely remember thinking New Coke was OK.
*It was my stepfather’s from before he moved in with us – so just a completely irrelevant coincidence.
Get off my lawn.
Thank you for saving me the trouble of typing it, Tonio.
I would try it too if a can could be picked up from the store. Apparently though it has to be special ordered off Coke’s website. I guess they’re aiming at Coke memorabilia collectors.
God, you’re almost as young as Evan.
*shakes cane at CPA*
pulled something in my back and took a few days to get really going and standing erect again
I need to get my cane picked out and have it ready; shopped all over Ireland for one, but those little bastards don’t whittle out man-sized equipment
I do have time to harvest, trim, steam, and bend one to my own liking, I suppose
Make 2 of ’em. Asking for a ‘friend’
Old Hickory chartered this town 200 years and one day ago.
There’s no hickory or cypress here anymore except at the hobby store
Amash Doubles Down: ‘Some of the President’s Actions Were Inherently Corrupt’
That’s rich. The Dems are pissing all over the rule of law everywhere you look. Where’s his concern over that?
This whole shitshow is specifically tailored to try to keep Trump from doing his job.
You know, it’s pretty sad when even libertarian Congressmen can’t seem to behave like they’ve gotten out of high school. You’d think, for a libertarian, this isn’t, or at least shouldn’t be, about Donald Trump. It should actually be about limiting the power of the government. And the government claiming “high crimes and misdemeanors” where no laws were actually broken and a host of civil liberties violations occurred to even initiate the investigation and the impeachment mob is demanding repeals of rules to protect personal privacy probably is something that should be a little more worrisome to a libertarian, than a powerful guy is icky and follows some policies you don’t like. And trying to claim the mantle of “rule of law” while supporting that is probably a bit dishonest.
Again, a meaningless phrase.
Well… good for him.
How far we have fallen, that a “tweet-storm” is acting “like a dignified representative of the people”.
Like what? Give some examples, or you are just another DemOp apparat, Justin.
The rule of law says the target of an investigation doesn’t have to cooperate. The rule of law says that somebody accused of a crime doesn’t have to prove their innocence. Fundamental notions of fairness say that prosecutors don’t publish every accusation and bit of negative information on people they do not charge with crimes.
Fuck you and your generalities, which hide, I suspect, a whole lot of nothing, and give aid and comfort to people you should want in jail or out office.
I wouldn’t be annoyed by Amash if he weren’t ignoring the grossly illegal domestic spying operation that was created to harrass Trump, but he is.
Give poor Justin a break, it’s not often that he gets to hang out with the popular kids.
He did it for the Kochtail parties.
Whatever his motivations are, this… is a really weird hill to choose to die on.
“Amazon developing wearable device that reads human emotions: report”
Finally I can find out how I feel.
And no need to talk out loud either.
No way that could ever be abused.
Nancy, you ignorant slut.
President Trump said at a freewheeling news conference Thursday that reports of his behavior during a meeting the previous day with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called “Crazy Nancy,” were untrue — and he called on other White House officials to back him up.
“She’s not the same person. She’s lost it. … She is a mess,” he said about Pelosi.
White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway backed him up, saying he was “very calm, no temper tantrum.” Others spoke in his defense as well.
Trump allegedly stalked out of the Cabinet Room Wednesday demanding an end to all congressional investigations before he would work with Congress on crumbling U.S. infrastructure and other matters.
Pelosi said Trump has established a pattern of unpredictability, and at one point she even joked about the 25th Amendment, the Constitution’s provision laying out the procedure for replacing a president.
“I wish that his family or his administration or his staff would have an intervention for the good of the country,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference, adding that she prays for him and the nation.
“Maybe he wants to take a leave of absence,” she said. Asked whether she’s concerned about Trump’s well-being, she replied, “I am.”
Yeah sure, just joking.
Pelosi said Trump has established a pattern of unpredictability,
I find him quite predictable.
And for Nancy “Palsy” Pelosi, who has exhibited signs of either a neurological disorder or substance abuse in recent years, to condescend about somebody else’s state of mind is pretty rich.
She’s a hot mess.
Pelosi is definitely more dangerous because she’s just doing the opposite of Trump.
“freewheeling news conference”
Is my kind of news conference.
Man, this is so weird- a legitimate threat to the free press by Trump’s DOJ and there’s no moral preening from CNN or the NYT. Seems like this would be a more legitimate rationale to demand impeachment than obstructing a make believe investigation based upon a flimsy conspiracy theory.
Oh wait, I forgot, Assange is a Russian stooge!
Super smart to lend credibility to the Russia investigation, Amash. Super smart.
Amash is pretty much dead to me at this point. He’s running interference for what is probably the biggest scandal in American political history.
Sort of related: Rand Paul repudiates Amash on obstruction.
“I actually think the libertarian position on the investigation is ― you know, libertarians, we’ve been very, very critical of the intelligence community having too much power, including Congressman Amash has said, you know, really you should have to get a warrant before you get an American’s records,” Paul said during a short interview with HuffPost.
The Kentucky senator called Mueller’s investigation “an abuse of intelligence power consistent with what libertarians have been complaining about for a long time.” He also expressed his support for an amendment that Amash supports which would require a “warrant before you target Americans because foreign intelligence warrants have a lower standard.”
He’s still better than most members of Congress. He’s just clarified that there is no room for questioning the intelligence community or the foreign policy establishment if you are being funded by the Kochs during the Trump era.
I give him credit for defying all odds and making the worst case for impeachment. I didn’t even think that was possible with so many issues that are impeachable offenses. I’d support him if he called for impeachment over bombing Syria or the War in Yemen or literally almost anything else.
I doubt he has the stones to advocate impeaching this president for the same things that every president does.
But he should. I’d respect the shit out of him if he did. I don’t care if prior presidents did that stuff without consequence. I care that a precedent be established now that Congress will impeach presidents for that shit.
Amash is pretty much dead to me at this point.
Same here. I was really bummed when I first read about this, because I thought Amash showed a lot of promise. Maybe he and Flake can go bang coconuts together on a remote, deserted island somewhere.
Yes, me too. He’s throwing his support behind a banana republic style coup. I don’t understand how his support of that coincides with a ‘small-l’ libertarian outlook, though it unfortunately does seem more and more aligned with today’s ‘big-L’ Libertarian party.
To those going after Trump, the end justifies the means. If we have to give up freedom of speech and personal privacy, if we have to allow government agencies to spy on people, if we have to seize private property of someone who hasn’t been accused of a crime, it will be all worth it if we get rid of Trump. And then after that the, ratchet will go in reverse and everything will go back to the way it used to be, right?
Manning embarrassed Bush.
Assange embarrassed Obama
This is why things are they way they are.
Wells Fargo and TD have blazed a pretty clear trail for killing goodwill with half the country while ensuring regulators ream the fuck out of their business.
how the hell do you have all of those documents at the ready? the judge just issued his order. was their any indication from Trump’s legal team that they would file an appeal to stay the order? i have to assume they were working on it.
was their any indication from Trump’s legal team that they would file an appeal to stay the order? i have to assume they were working on it.
The judge took the very unusual step of refusing to stay his order pending appeal. A giant red flag this is a partisan hit job.
Mehta had refused to stay his order to comply with the subpoena beyond seven days to allow time for an appeal, but Trump’s lawyers acted within hours.
Mehta gave him 7 days. That was the 20th or 21st. Today’s the 23rd and Wells and TD have already handed over his banking records?? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours?
See above. I think this is prohibited by federal law. I wonder what Wells and TD’s general counsel have to say about this.
But here’s where the Deep State comes in. IRS rank-and-filers have been bucking the administration’s directive not to turn over Trump’s tax returns. I think its likely any regulatory enforcement action against Wells and TD is going to verrrrry slow walked.
Wells and TD’s general counsel have to say about this
I can only assume they were out to lunch.
Sympathetic staff at WF & TD that are only too happy to be able to play their part.
Don Boys and the missus.
The replies in that thread broke my brain.
Replying to @stillgray
I swear, you right wing cock warts are nothing but a bunch of dishonest, proudly ignorant manbabies.
The fact that you would fucking dare to equivocate this with what’s happening now is a testament to how little you actually give a shit about the context of the situations.
I f’ing hate twatter
Behold the stupidity of Man.
Those people are fukt
dare to equivocate this with what’s happening now
Oswald Bates is that you?
Those people have to be a part of a larger scheme to get people to turn against the 2A. Because, when I think that many of them can legally own guns….sweet Baby Ray, I almost agree.
nor have I had to blow up
the siteOMWC’s inflatable child doll.FTFY
Uffda. That was a bad one. I shouldn’t have hit enter.
Apologies. It sounded funnier in my mind. Reading it makes me sad.
I need the edit fairy ten times a day.
The only way to survive here is to assume good intentions from all corners.
It’s OK. OMWC isn’t as funny as he thinks he is either.
With regard to Amash, I think the basics are pretty clear. He’s pushing to run as the candidate of a coalition of the LP and Never Trumpers.
The full embrace of neocons by Reason and the LP has been an embarrassing spectacle. It’s a mischaracterization to say that the LP offers any alternative with regards to foreign policy anymore. That hasn’t been true since Harry Browne ran as the LP presidential nominee. But, that 3%, though.
If the LP couldn’t get 10+% when it was Trump Vs Hillary, I think it’s safe to say they will remain politically (and intellectually) insignificant for the duration of our nations existence.
I’m not going to argue that they are relevant, but how folks voted before and what they might do all depend on a lot, much more than the notion of I-hate-both-of-them.
I voted LP in 2016 (and generally do), but I live in a red state and can send any message I want: the truck-drivers and church-ladies are in charge here to the extent that my vote doesn’t count at all. What motivates others is all over the place; in FL and OH there is probably a bunch of lesser-of-two-evils voters who can’t stay home and can’t vote LP.
Anyway, there are many reasons to stay home instead of voting LP. That said, I don’t know what counts as relevant anyway: 33% of the popular? winning a state? throwing it all to the House? By those criteria, it’s probably irrelevant even if it polls three times better than 2016?
I think 10% is the magic number for getting them on the debate stage if memory serves…
Amash is way more coherent than Gay-Jay, and way more believable than Weld.
As much as I hate the LP, at some point it may become responsive to actual libertarian concerns.
“NYC Chancellor of Schools Richard Carranza mandated training intended to purge Department of Education employees of the implicit biases endemic to whiteness”
Long, but good, Twitter thread.
I like to think that if that racist crap makes in into the private sector, I would walk out. I guess it depends on how close to retirement I am….
Walk out. Let them fire you. Sue them. Win. And then retire.
Are you over 40? You can be part of the lamest protected class ever. But maybe you can make it yours and start screaming about ageism at every meeting to let HR know you are not a person to be . trifled with.
Just turned 50.
Let Operation Dad Body commence!
The secret is an excellent selection of ties and hawaii shirts to hide all the retained earnings in conditions formal and not
Couldn’t agree more, speaking as a man with a definite 61-year-old body. Best part about wandering around Waikiki.
It’s 1984 in real life. “Quantity over quality- being results oriented”. Yeah, ok.
My favorite is “individualism”.
To be fair, that could be just some of that “teamwork” nonsense of the type that HR always goes on about. If it wasn’t listed under, you know, “White Supremacy Culture”.
“The APA Meeting: A Photo-Essay
You know how drug companies pay six or seven figures for thirty-second television ads just on the off chance that someone with the relevant condition might be watching? You know how they employ drug reps to flatter, cajole, and even seduce doctors who might prescribe their drug? Well, it turns out that having 15,000 psychiatrists in one building sparks a drug company feeding frenzy that makes piranhas look sedate by comparison. Every flat surface is covered in drug advertisements. And after the flat surfaces are gone, the curved sufaces, and after the curved surfaces, giant rings hanging from the ceiling.
The ads overflow from the convention itself to the city outside. For about two blocks in any direction, normal ads and billboards have been replaced with psychiatry-themed ones, until they finally peter off and segue into the usual startup advertisements around Market Street.
There’s a popular narrative that drug companies have stolen the soul of psychiatry. That they’ve reduced everything to chemical imbalances. The people who talk about this usually go on to argue that the true causes of mental illness are capitalism and racism. Have doctors forgotten that the real solution isn’t a pill, but structural change that challenges the systems of exploitation and domination that create suffering in the first place?
No. Nobody has forgotten that. Because the third thing you notice at the American Psychiatric Association meeting is that everyone is very, very woke.
Were there really more than twice as many sessions on global warming as on obsessive compulsive disorder? Three times as many on immigration as on ADHD? As best I can count, yes. I don’t want to exaggerate this. There was still a lot of really meaty scientific discussion if you sought it out. But overall the balance was pretty striking.
I’m reminded of the idea of woke capital, the weird alliance between very rich businesses and progressive signaling. If you want to model the APA, you could do worse than a giant firehose that takes in pharmaceutical company money at one end, and shoots lectures about social justice out the other.”
Back in the late 90s me and some buddies were trashed, found an unlocked door in the middle of the night, and ran all over that building until it stopped being fun. Security guard showed us the exit and all but waved us good night. A more innocent age.
Good line.
I think we can all agree on which end the social justice is coming out of.
Advertising psych meds to doctors shouldn’t be illegal or anything but, great goodness, that looks bad.
My FIL is a doc. He doesn’t mind advertising aimed at doctors. It’s the direct-to-patient advertising that he thinks is dangerous.
Patients come in asking for drugs to treat conditions that they definitely do not have, and they don’t understand the risks.
One example: skin disorders. It’s probably a rash; you absolutely do not need systemic immunosuppressants.
JHC… The (actual posted) agenda.
Every single session looks like a parody. Psychiatrists aren’t much into self awareness
Anybody know where Gilmore went?
Fashionable male?
Men’s Warehouse?
Jay mar/Sans-a-belt?
was thinking about him ten seconds ago
someone posted six months ago that his job changed so that he couldn’t hang out much anymore
+1 Rufus ?
HTML camp.
Okay, this made me LOL for real!
/Not that I should be laughing as I pull a Gilmore/Brooks or John-o nearly every time I post.
You’ll notice that I simply dropped in the link I posted below. For similar reasons.
I’ve seen him over at Reason since he left here but I haven’t been over there lately.
Last weekend our new soundbar for our new tv (only about 2 mos old) stopped working. It would turn on and all that, so when we couldn’t figure it out I call the guy who sold it to us and he came out. And surprise, it’s full of enough computerized whatever that unplugging it to reboot it was what it needed.
Why does a speaker system need to be independently rebooted??? WHY IS EVERYTHING SO FUCKING COMPLICATED AND GLITCHY?
I guess now we know what to try if it happens again, but it’s kind of annoying (even if I admit it’s funny that “turn it off, turn it on” again was actually what fixed it)..
+ 1 thermostat
The same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. I unplugged the soundbar when it stopped working, and then plugged it back in the next day to troubleshoot. I was surprised to see it worked fine.
This also happened with my new Samsung fridge. It stopped cooling after 6 months. Their tech support line said to unplug, wait a minute, then plug it back in. I couldn’t believe that was it. The fridge ran fine for another couple years before I had to replace some part. It’s all made for shit these days.
I’ve been seeing all kinds of strange happenings on my machine. You reminded me that a little unplugging might just be in order. Thanks OTA.
Plus I can check the thermostat at the same time.
Paging OMWC…. Maybe he can add some tubes.
New audio visual equipment can be crazy complex.
New stove stopped working right. Did a web search and sho nuff found ‘”Reboot it.” It worked
Yeah, I had to do the same thing a while back. The self-cleaning lock locked and wouldn’t disengage. The solution was to unplug it and plug it back in.
Ok, wanted to throw this idea out to see if there would be any interest in it. My wife is just finishing up organizing and cataloging our record collection. As she was doing this, she was playing some of her Devo records, and I was actually quite surprised by how good some of the stuff was. It made me start to think – what else do we have in this collection that would pique my interest.
I was thinking of turning this into an article to submit here – something along the lines of Selections from the Record Collection. I’d basically do a bit of a history of the band, and give impressions on the album (i.e., does it stand up to the test of time, strengths of songs, etc).
I’m a bit hesitant about this for a couple of reasons. First, I am no musician, so I definitely couldn’t get into the finer points of the strengths/weaknesses of the songs. I’ve only played one instrument in my life (bagpipes), and my instructor told me that I could possibly make a decent living playing it, but only if I used it as a WMD (weapon of musical destruction) – basically a musical mugging.
Second, I have the creativity of an auditor. A government auditor at that.
Third, I’m not even creative enough to come up with a third.
Any thoughts on whether I should even attempt this?
Give it a go. Start with Devo. If you just crap out, at least you tried. If its even halfway decent (fer chrissake, I eked several posts on cocktail recipes so its not like the bar is super high), submit it.
By all means, this is a rough crowd so you’ll get lots of ‘help’, advice, verbal fist fights. Not from me though, since I don’t do the modern stuff.
“so I definitely couldn’t get into the finer points of the strengths/weaknesses of the songs”
That’s just your opinion, man
You would be waaaaay ahead of some of us.
We have a very eclectic collection. My wife has a fondness for the big band era, and we have a ton of albums from the 40s and 50s. We both love bluegrass, so there are some Skruggs and Flatt, etc. And my parent’s collection had a ton of the 50’s and 60’s bands (my mother loved the Kingston Trio). So I’m pretty sure we could hit all eras…
Wife is also German, so there is some weird stuff in there as well (and yes, we have Kraftwerk “Autobahn”)
Now you’re talking…
Yes, but does she have a copy of “Sing Mit Heino”? ’Cause you’re not really a German music nerd until you have a copy of “Sing Mit Heino.” Preferably autographed.
Ohne Hemd and Höschen
Um Gottes willen.
Maybe you could be managing editor for a Glib What-We’re-Listening-To-Again team?
Lots of us are musicians; I would certainly contribute. Maybe you come up with a list of ten albums you want to review, your team votes, everyone listens and makes notes; all this could happen in email or some fancy cloud share doc. You write the outline and first draft; everyone else adds detail, content, or counter-points. Publish to Glib when the core temp reaches 500°R.
The last person I knew who played bagpipes was Almanian!, and you see how THAT turned out.
I’m not entirely sure you can call what I did “playing” the bagpipes. I took the poor instrument and turned it into a torture device beyond human comprehension (mores than it already is). I’m fairly tone-deaf, so it was constantly out of tune, and there is not a more hideous sound in the world than an out of tune bagpipe. I also have no sense of rhythm, so the songs were constantly being played in pretty much every time signature known to man (and some that were probably my own creation as well). I have the dexterity of statue, so actual notes were sometimes played. And sometimes they were even played in the proper order.
So you play like I do.
Only one man in history could play bagpipes and still remain a man’s man, and his name not even need be spoken.
Its the skirt you’re supposed to wear while playing them, right?
Scoff away, but you don’t know true bliss until you are wearing a kilt, standing above a floor A/C vent on an Alabama summer day…
Only if you’re Bon Scott, otherwise, you fagooot!
These Scots disagree
Would you like me to post some music suggestions?
We don’t take kindly to yer fag music round these here parts, mister!
I had an old high school friend who found himself, many years ago, living in a *tiny* flat that faced into an alleyway in Hong Kong. The alleyway was a cacaphony of noise at all hours of the night, and one sleepless night out of utter frustration he pulled himself out of bed, grabbed his bagpipe, went out onto the micro-balcony and started playing “Scotland the Brave” as loud as he possibly could.
Activity everywhere in the alleyway came to a dead halt. He finally finished playing, and everyone in the alleyway (and on many of the balconies) were staring open-mouthed and astonished.
Then they started wildly applauding.
To this day, he just couldn’t grok how these people could deal with the noise, but after that night he gave up and started looking for a new place to crash.
Ok, I don’t think this will work. Just as a test of concept I got out an album that I know that I liked the first time my wife played it. Listening to it, I still like it, but can’t really put into words what I like about it. The album is “Luciferian Towers” by Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Entirely instrumental, mostly in minor key and very discordant, but strangely uplifting at the same time. It’s an album that I think would be best listened to in a completely dark room, and I imagine it would be something that would go along well with, well, mind expanding substances (purely conjecture on the last bit, as I’ve never actually used any mind expanding substances…)
But that’s it. That’s all I’ve got. Not really article material there…
Please do. It’s the great range of voices here that truly sets this community apart.
I’m also a record collector – always fun to revisit old stuff I forgot about… I’m no hoarder though and try to keep my collection optimized for my current tastes ; which is the effect of living in a midcentury house with very little extra storage space.
Oh and writing music reviews is so difficult; same problem I ran into doing equipment reviews.
We just put our entire collection into a spreadsheet to keep track of what we already have when we go to record stores. Right now we are at about 870 albums (and a fair number of these are double albums or box sets, so well over 1000 actual records). Thankfully our house has a built in bookshelf that is perfect for the system and there’s a convenient wall that fit a 4×4 square Ikea shelf for the records themselves.
That’s about the size of my collection – also use the IKEA (Kallax) shelves
We’re still actively building up our collection, and we’re lucky in that regard – there are a number of really good record stores in the area. We go out to St. Pete about once a month to go bin diving, and have come away with some nice finds. We also have a community radio station that holds a used record sale as a fundraiser every year. This year we got about 70 records for $120. Even found a copy of Bob Mould’s “Workbook” and Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians “Globe of Frogs” mixed in there.
I was thinking of turning this into an article to submit here – something along the lines of Selections from the Record Collection. I’d basically do a bit of a history of the band, and give impressions on the album
fuck that, here’s what you do…
1. come up with a theme… for instance, “I just listened to the first ten albums released in 1980 (make ‘1980’ be a link to the wiki page listing those albums) here’s what I think.”
2. Piss on the album that you think most glibs probably dig (Permanent Waves)
3. Claim the worst one of the bunch is seriously underrated (The Age of Plastic)
4. If there happens to be one by an artist that you suspect a particular glib really digs, really shit on that (Just Testing)
5 Pull the semi-avant-garde but totally safe choice as the best of the bunch (Pretenders)
6. next week do 1981 or the next ten from 1980.
7. Milk it as long as you can.
BTW … Jesus! that Robert Fripp album sucks balls! and The Wipers Kick ass!! (Rock and Roll emoji) (Gene Simmons Imogi)
*furiously scribbles notes*
Sounds like fun. We’ve clearly got a bunch of music nuts and it would get a good reception.
We had a pretty good-sized record collection and while recovering from back surgery I went through it and digitized it. Two things struck me – most albums only have at most three decent cuts and “I used to listen to this shit?” Little of what we had wore very well.
I’ve never listened to any of it since. No need to own it anymore it’s all there on YouTube and Prime. I can follow new paths on YouTubes sidebar and Prime’s suggestions for hours finding stuff I like that I didn’t know existed.
I haven’t watched it yet but Michael Malice was on Joe Rogan’s show a few days ago:
Malice confused the hell out of Rogan.
“BREAKING: Facebook suspends @RaheemKassam again over 11-year old post”
They’re just doing this shit so they’ll get regulated.
“The leftist who planned to bomb Trump Tower was all over his Instagram bragging about donating money to Hamas (a proscribed terrorist group).
I’m banned though. ?”
“Facebook has suspended Human Events editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam over an 11 YEAR OLD post.”
How Woke.
“This is insane. An 8 year old was using a staff bathroom because he was embarrassed about a condition he has but a teacher assumed it was because he questioned his gender. The teacher began secret 1 on 1 sessions at recess to indoctrinate & confuse the kid.”
” Woodburn parents sue school district for $1M, allege teacher asked son if he’s transgender ”
a teacher
assumed it wasreally, really wanted it to be because he questioned his genderWTF is wrong with people?
“This is insane.”
But they want you to accept it as normal. They being the insane retards running our public education system.
One of the more mendacious headlines I’ve seen recently…
“Woodburn parents sue school district for $1M, allege teacher asked son if he’s transgender”
Uh, yeah. She did a bit more than that.
Well, at least give them credit for having a formula that works. If they can indoctrinate you that early into their retardation camp and get your spineless parents to accept it, then you’ll easily accept socialism. What’s not to like?
sounds like the teacher was training a future sex slave
Under AZ law, that could end up as criminal child abuse, depending on how badly she damaged the kid
That’s a pretty high bar, but not inappropriate.
>>which was just above 37 feet, or 9 feet above flood stage,
Obviously Trumps fault since Obama made the waters recede – hallelujuah!13i1902i!!!
Boil that dust speck
Jeebus on a stick.
Not performing the dissection and removal is “obstetrical violence”
Can’t wait for that to show up here.
That’s crazy. He was prosecuted for ‘obstetrical violence’ (gotta be a weird translation thing there) and disregarding the law on abortion by ‘omission’ because he refused to do an abortion (on a viable fetus, I might add).
Well, I guess this is what some people mean by having a right to an abortion. If anyone refuses to give you one, they have violated your rights and can be prosecuted. We’re not there yet, but that’s the end of the road fur “positive rights”. And there have been knock-down drag-out fights over allowing people to opt out of doing procedures they have a conscientious objection to.
I dated a med-school student for a while. I tried hard to explain to her that all these positive rights essentially made her a slave to the collective…….it didn’t take. It was creepy how fast the God complex sets in, she despised the idea of higher taxes and caps on her earnings but she had an obstinate belief that she should be able to make decisions for a patient regarding life and death.
Occasionally I have to beat that of a doctor.
“If you do anything to this patient without their consent, you can be charged with assault. If you break the skin, it will be assault and battery.
You will also be violating our professional staff bylaws and your license, by way of the code of ethics.
But that’s not the worst. The worst is, my hospital will get surveyed for a violation of our license. That makes it my business. This isn’t clinical, this is legal. You may answer to our medical executive committee, but you will definitely answer to me.
Any questions? I didn’t think so.”
Only a little further until we have doctors chained to the bedside to provide medical care period. Since it’s a right, to deny any care is a violation of that right. Unless the government sanctioned death panel does it.
Hand of god strikes again.
Hey has anyone heard about the story about MJ falling out of someone’s butt? ::runs away to hide in the woods where STEVE SMITH lives:: Come and try to get me!
I laughed
* drinks in shame *
I heard there’s another post coming. Save it for any new arrivals.
I may use it Saturday night out of spite.
Earlier today, Jugsy demanded ribs & greens
So she got ribs, then ribs & greens
I ain’t even clicking that, because I’m sure it’s some pr0n showing what she actually got for ‘demanding’ stuff, amirite?
Choose, but choose wisely
That looks dee-lish. Now I’m hungry, and dinner’s still 3 hours away.
That keyboard is quite jaunty.
Its some damn MacBook overlay
Sily kids these days, and how they waste their money
Nice keyboard. Do you have a lot of stuffed animals?
Does a waifu count?
Bunch of cucks around here, cooking for their wimmenz.
Everyone knows cooking is women’s work.
Would you give me a foot massage ?
I noticed that PJ Watson had a picture of Battersea power station in his Twitter background. When my brother (a huge Pink Floyd fan) went to London, he was in a cab w/ his girlfriend, they drove past it, and he freaked out (as much as he ever does). His GF had no clue why he would care about an abandoned power station.
To be fair, I had something of a similar reaction when I went to London and saw it.
Of course, now it’s being turned into many, many luxury flats.
Well, the crossroads is gone, but this whiskey ain’t gonna drink isseff, some come on down and we’ll get close enough and sling some tunes.
Don, it’s a bit of a ways from Florida to where you are. How about I raise my drink and you raise yours…
If I ever do get to your neck of the woods, please tell me you know some Turnpike Troubadours or Dead South.
Failing that, there’s always Willie Nelson. “Hello, Walls…”
Thanks to all who read (and commented) on my earlier legal post.
True crime time: I had to research this because of a current case. My client is a schizophrenic who has also had traumatic brain injury. He’s 32, and has 3 prior felonies, one of which disqualifies him from mental health court treatment (sadly).
He says he was emancipated, but doesn’t recall it clearly. He may have had a period in foster care. I’m not sure of his juvenile record since it took place in another county (Kalamazoo? Wayne?) so if he had a prior psyche eval I can’t see it. And he can’t remember when he lived where. Sigh. He has no family in the area either, who can tell me what’s up. I am the only person who visits him in jail.
So next time we have court I am strongly persuading him to take a no contest plea, which I think should go down fine with the judge. That way 1. he will be given credit for time served 2. He won’t be forced into hospital treatment. I’m not sure what else to do at this point !
Im going to go back and read your post, since I busy. But it immediately reminds me of a Cheech & Chong big, where the pervert pleads “insanity”.
Im sure the other Glibs can provide the punch-line.
/I was
I would like to blame autocorrect, but Im buzzed after making ribs
Buzz away, all I have to say is Hooray Michigan MMM.
You can’t access the files of another county? That really seems odd. Is there a ‘privacy’ issue, or is it just bureaucratic dick-sizing?
He can’t remember where he lived – or at what times. So I can access them, yes, but I have no idea where to start looking.
Speaking of the resurrection of Satan Coke, I did manage to try out the Orange-Vanilla Coke a couple weeks ago and dear sweet baby Jesus, that was pure liquid love.
I’m not a huge fan of coke’s vanilla flavor. Even so, the orange vanilla was delicious. I wish they’d tweak the vanilla to be a little less… rich, I guess.
Tried it Tuesday and was pleasantly surprised. A number of their new Diet Coke flavors aren’t bad at all, though I think they ruined the lime by adding ginger.
Man, shot in nuts. Something falls from anus.
Congrats on being like No. 5 or 6 for linking that.
I’m definitely going to post that Saturday night.
On purpose.
We should just archive that link and use it instead of a narrowed gaze or a catbutting.
Or better yet, the actual link, not a screwed-up one to a NYT article about Julian Assange. ;-)
Hover over the link that doesn’t work.
*looks over to the ruskies who have infiltrated the glib servers*
I’m just gonna go ahead an confess. I once knew a person who knew a person who once talked to a person who might have been Russian. Obstruction? OK, OK, I confess!
‘For those of you still on Team Google. SMDH.’
Yeah, despite downloading the duckduckgo browser months ago I rarely use it. Google has become pretty much reflexive over the last decade or so. I really need to stop encouraging their shitty behavior.