Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except for those living in Jefferson City Missouri who were wiped out by a tornado.
Feds bring new charges against Avenatti, this time for misappropriating nearly $300k from Stormy Daniels. Here’s a nice compilation from The Washington Free Beacon of the press fellating Avenatti. And here’s Tucker Carlson accusing the creepy porn lawyer of taking advantage of Stormy.
Rand Paul splits with Amash on Trump impeachment.
67% of Dems are as smart as a sea sponge according to Crazy Eyes.
120 people arrested at “Go Topless Galveston” beach party.
Smarter people listen to instrumental music.
Feds bring new charges against Avenatti, this time for misappropriating nearly $300k from Stormy Daniels. Here’s a nice compilation from The Washington Free Beacon of the press fellating Avenatti. And here’s Tucker Carlson accusing the creepy porn lawyer of taking advantage of Stormy. – what a sad world we are living in if social signaling does not let you get away with actual crime
It’s just important to remember he knows who the real Brett Kavanaugh is.
He reminds me of the weaselly guy that used to sell underweight bags of weed when our town was in the midst of a dry spell back in the late 70’s.
Lest we forget
I remember when they wanted him to run against Trump for president because he was soooo dreamy….
Thankfully I missed that.
Never happened. Republican fever dream. And CNN had him on only a handful of times, not for dozens and dozens of segments. Really, when you think about it, the real victim here are Democrats, who were betrayed by a conman. Where’s your sense of empathy?
As a buddy of mine told some old dude trying to tell him he needed to have some plan of attack to get a young lady to sleep with him when we all were young and still unwise in the ways of the world Commodious, my
battle planempathy is in my sack.Fuck these people with a rusty chainsaw.
“This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it.”
Oh, Ocasia. I can’t go a day without hearing about some Trump joke being fact checked. Does the projection know no bounds?
Heck, he’d be happy if they just fact checked his jokes. They scream for impeachment over offhanded quips and tweets.
Hey, Snopes is doing the Lord’s work fact checking Babylon Bee.
I will not sit idly by while you malign their work. It is totally different than what those icky GOP types are doing.
This is just a tiny incident. It is not a big deal in and of itself, but it points to something that has really been annoying me for the last 20 years. Namely, the death of the reporter.
there was a time where reporters were experts on subjects. So when they were interviewing someone they could ask intelligent questions. and since they had been covering a beat for a long time, they had a depth of knowledge in context so that they could ask intelligent follow-up questions.
I highly doubt that any of the reporters present when AOC was making that statement have not been paying attention to her over the last six months. And yet when she made that claim, nobody was smart enough to raise their hand and ask a follow-up question. You have to go to the daily caller to get a days later reality check on that statement.
That is not competent reporting. They should be embarrassed that an outfit like the daily caller put something like that together instead of the Washington Post or the New York times.
This all started when Clinton became president and put the press under his thumb. The only follow-up question he ever got came from Christiane amanpour, asking about his promises on the war in Bosnia. She got a three-month suspension for her trouble. And the message was sent, no more asking tough questions of the president.
The press was set to go back to their old ways when Bush won the election, but then war intervened and they had to morph into their cheerleading for America roll. Then with the coming of the Messiah in 2008, the death of reporting was completed. not only did that guy never faced a tough follow-up question, he never faced a question of any sort that he didn’t plant himself. The only person who ever posed a challenge to him was Joe the plumber. And in a call back to the AOC article, the media relentlessly fact-checked Joe the plumber to prove that he lacked credibility, as if it requires any credibility to ask a simple and straightforward question.
And now, even though they all hate Trump, they have lost the craft of reporting so they cannot even ask Trump intelligent follow-up questions. After his rant yesterday about pelosi lobbing false accusations at him on the way into a meeting about how they can work together, the very first question was “do you believe that Congress is a co-equal branch of the government.”. That’s not reporting, that’s snarky college kids on the couch typing furiously into their Twitter feed trying to impress everyone with how woke they are.
Okay, /rant off
Kennedy’s Camelot says this is much older than Clinton.
In reality, there was only a decade, maybe two, where the press could claim objectivity and keep a straight face. Even then it was a stretch.
I wonder if there was even a decade.
Not long ago, most papers were completely in the bag for one party or the other. They made no bones about it. In fact a lot of them got money from the political machine they were in the bag for.
Readers knew that and read the paper that agreed with the party that they backed. This internet echo chamber bullshit is nothing new.
The Louisville Courier and the Louisville Journal were located across the street from each other. One was a Yankee Republican paper and the other a Rebel Democrat paper.
Later they merged and it was all down hill from there.
Yeah, that happened in a lot of cities. Could even be a major reason why they started claiming they were “impartial”.
And people should have answered with “That word, I don’t think it means what you want it to mean”….
I wonder if there was even a decade.
Agreed. Really, I think the whole thing was an illusion perpetuated when the media was mostly a top-down, closed, community as the media market mostly consolidated. The media looked objective because no one had a voice to challenge them.
You are probably right. Nixon through Reagan is probably the only “objective journalism” era. And even that was probably just a façade.
there was a time where reporters were experts on subjects
Almost all of the reporting about anything I know a good deal about seems riddled with mistakes. Is it just my stuff or is it everyone’s stuff? Reporting is like teaching in that, like pedagogy, it’s all about the process and nothing about the substance.
But then you watch some expert, a Dr Gupta type or a lawyer in some area, and their “reporting” seems to be about 50% agenda. Would a just-the-facts coverage network draw so much as a single viewer?
No, I suppose not.
And in the last 20+ years I have to agree, when a reporter touches on an area where I have some expertise, the results range from “wow, that’s pretty clumsy” to “holy crap, that’s horribly wrong”.
You’d think they would at least bounce the article off of their subjects before publication.
And Gupta (and every other network “medical expert”) is particularly horrible, because they presumably know better. The pseudoscience they pedal as “news” is indefensible.
When I was in High school I no shit considered a career in Journalism. Seemed more lucrative than History major and more fun that Law or *shudders* Teaching.
“there was a time where reporters were experts on subjects.”
There was never such a time.
There was a time when a reporter had probably a 201-course-level knowledge of the subject they were covering, and there may still be some today. They used to bitch about their stories being re-written to a dumbed-down 8th grade level. But modern journalists are expected to write to a 3rd grade level or their stories won’t get published at all because the editor is too busy.
“Editor” *chuckles*
“there was a time where reporters were experts on subjects.”
[Citation Needed]
Gell-Mann amnesia is as old as the printed word.
“there was a time where reporters were experts on subjects. ”
When was that?
I think what you meant to say was that there was a time where people had no additional options/means to fact check the reporter class and assumed they were experts. People that actually interacted with reporters back when knew better. They were either stupid as shit, or had agendas. I think I was 8 years old when they came to write a fluff piece about our baseball team and got everything wrong. Granted, this was no earth shattering story, but if something so simple could result in so many errors, how much worse would complex stuff be?
I am glad most people have been dissuaded from the fact that reporters are experts. Shit, i still remember the 8000 word screed about how every dude in the Boston area was gonna grow tits because of the high level of estrogen in the water. It was only if you went and found the actual study that the reporter sited that you found out that it was about two particles per billion, and required someone to consume about 3500 gallons of water to get the equivalent of one estrogen dose, and was all bullshit, but all the dudes in Boston were in a panic. Well all the ones that didn’t realize that if they had their own boobs they could just stay home and play with them and avoid the trouble of having to deal with a woman to get to do that occasionally.
Damn, so many others hit this while I was typing up my word salad…
Reminds me of a girl I knew in high school.
Other guys banged her while you were figuring out how to get her in the sack?
“there was a time where reporters were experts on subjects”
Some reporters had backgrounds in the subjects they wrote about, or learned after years writing about that. Today, most reporters have a degree from j-school. While I am duly sympathetic to the fact that one day that person has to be an expert on Brunswick Stew and the next day on utility easements there is so much obvious getting it wrong that the best one can conclude from the average article is that something happened to something.
We call that Twitter ’round these parts, Son. All hot takes, all the time!
You make a real good point here Tonio. I have never considered myself an “expert” on anything, but I have far too often found some horribly stupid errors in the arguments/descriptions provided by so called experts that have made me so jaded that I immediately have a negative reaction to anyone claiming to be an “expert” until proven otherwise.
The examples of how often we get told someone is an expert in something, without actually even having a proper background for it, or worse, having the background through education but then advocating for some really unbelievably stupid shit that obviously is wrong to even a lay person with common sense, are so numerous, that I believe anyone claiming expertise in something should be greeted with scorn until whatever they claim authority for, through their expertise, has been verified.
But the number of shutup and accept whatever stupid shit we are peddling because we are pretending we have “expertise magic” to back it up with instances have gone insane, and too many people are not just automatically accepting of these claims, but generally incurious. And what is worse is that even when these claims by experts are debunked, they remain unskeptical. Dogma overrides everything.
Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except for those living in Jefferson City Missouri who were wiped out by a tornado. – hey we had one of those this year in Romania as well
Also good afternoon
Just the one, huh? Well bully for you.
/Missouri resident
Yes we get one every 15 years or so
>>More than 100 partygoers were arrested in Crystal Beach, Texas, during the “Go Topless Galveston” beach party where massive fights broke out, a jeep was lit aflame, and lewd and drunken behavior reigned.
No one told me of the Glibs meetup.
We used to call those “Pit Parties”. How far we have fallen as a society. I can’t believe this is national news.
People are just jealous they missed it.
Unfortunately, and I must point out that this is in my experience, and the experience of others may vary, it is always the people you are least inclined to want to see nekked that are the ones to go nekked….
When that stuff is hanging down to your knees or over your gunt, it is more of a dietary aid than a sexual one…
Ron White covered this in his “Blue Collar” set.
It is pathological with dudes. We like nekkid chicks… even if they are not particularly attractive. And let’s face it…. once you get past a certain age, “attractive” is kind of off the table for most of us….
Yeah, the Bay to Breakers run in SF has a lot of nude runners. It’s always the ones you don’t want to see. Shiver. Talk about indelible in the hippocampus.
There was a medical convention this past week in San Francisco, and the Bay to Breakers race went right past the convention center. A woman doc i know proudly showed me her photos on her cell phone, all of chubby middle aged men completely naked. I’m not quite sure what her fascination was other than being able to show people with ‘can you believe this?’ but you really didn’t want to see more after the first photo.
So, Go Bottomless Glibs for next year’s theme?
Let it All Hang Out in 2020.
Didn’t the last convention kinda prove that point?
Someone should link that Mickey Avalon song that played during that “Harold & Kumar” movie that had them go to the bottomless party…
you got Mickey Avalon and the right movie.
The song played as they were leaving dude’s house after the bottomless party.
The song title, “My Dick”.
….and that was just the lurkers, the warm up band. The Heavy Hitters and main attraction were scheduled for later in the afternoon.
Oh hey, I was thinking of you yesterday when MA decreed that farmers are no longer allowed to turn ursine invaders into high-value taxidermy. They must now only use “non-lethal means” to deal with problem bears.
To be fair, MA bears are only about the size of a collie.
Hey, NA, the good news is I’m getting some replacement bees on Sat (I hope). I put a new fence charger on the fence and no more damage. I got a few nice pictures with my gamecam though. I’ll put the camera back out today to see if there has been any recent visits.
I have my bear suppressor nearby if opportunity presents itself.
The “Go Topless” event was not named for X-rated behavior, but rather for the removable tops on the Jeeps that participants were encouraged to drive to the event.
*nope nope nope gif*
Oh hell no…
Mornin’ ! Your handle should give it away for this one but I’m amazed at the breadth of your musical tastes. Uncommon for a young woman.
Hey, most young ladies listen to both Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga! The open-minded ones also like the Lumineers.
Beyonce. Yaaaaasss Kweeennnn!
My fiancee (24) likes Shakey Graves and similar stuff. It could be so much worse.
Mornin’, my father influenced me early with classic rock and bluegrass/folk, being a kid in the 90s influenced the alternative rock, having a theatre degree is responsible for the musical theatre, ex-boyfriends are to blame for the punk and surf, sloopy has influenced me some with 80s alternative which I previously written off, and a general curiosity and love for music are responsible for the rest.
The Galveston beach party looks like a NJ get together.
Any redneck, Anywhere. Fun, too!
I almost need anxiety meds at the beach. Who’s watching that baby?1!?
But mostly it’s my dread of dueling boom boxes. Jeeps are, of course, self-propelled boom boxes. Maybe the fights started when someone who just wanted to get sand in his toes had to try to live with “do you like piña colada” in one ear and “I’ll put a boot in your ass” for an hour or two too long and just lost it.
Further ranting, Ted Knight edition: music on the golf course.
Out in the lagoon I hear the music doppler by a few times a week; it’s not so bad but it’s not my thing: I want to hear big horsepower and coeds’ giggling.
Further ranting, Earl of Chadwick edition: then there’s this thing which I interpret as underclass rage / racial acting out: the music so loud that you roll up (I almost wrote “crank”) your own car’s windows to escape it.
A crowded beach is hell on earth as far as I’m concerned.
I was lucky (spoiled) enough to grow up with a cottage on the shore of Lake Michigan – private beach. Only a few other neighbors walking by – a sight even rarer during the week days.
That is why you always rent a house and not a condo.
+1 Rat Fart
I worked on a 2016 Nissan Versa S Plus yesterday- I would have thought that was the deluxe edition, it was not, crank windows and no power locks. It was an automatic transmission though.
Rand Paul splits with Amash on Trump impeachment. – in the end are there clear rules for impeachment e.g. something that can be shown to be objectively impeachable? Or do you just need to convince enough congrescritters?
The latter, I’m guessing. Those people are relentless.
The upshot is that they cannot impeach, they do not and will not have the votes unless they can turn over the Senate in 2020. If they can turn over the Senate in 2020 they will probably also have won the Presidency so it will be a moot point.
This is all theatrics as part of the 2020 campaign and I hope and pray it bites them in the ass hard.
It’s about fooling the idiots still angry that Hillary was unable to win the election they had rigged for her into larding their campaign coffers. It is all for show…
they do not and will not have the votes unless they can turn over the Senate in 2020
It should be noted that while impeachment in the House requires but a majority, conviction in the Senate requires a 2/3 super-majority, so even if the Ds turn over the Senate they won’t be getting Trump removed, at least not without significant Republican defection. The last time any single party had 2/3 control of the Senate was in 1967.
Considering that every President since the dawn of the 21st century, aside from maybe Coolidge, has committed unconstitutional, impeachable offenses it’s a matter of political will in practice, if not in theory.
*er, 20th
I know as a Glib I should welcome this turn of events but shouldn’t some of these people be doing the job they were hired to do ie. Govern the country and advance policy? I slay myself.
Meh, the less they do the better.
You can impeach the president for wearing the wrong color tie if you can get the votes.
Salmon and that is legit impeachment.
Print or color?
Hmmm. I dunno. My tie always ends up the same color as my lunch.
Stop using it as a napkin?
It’s not so sinister, his wife coordinates his clothes with his food.
“Sinister”? *shakes head* My fingers hate me.
He’s not so sloppy.
“Sinister”? *shakes head* My fingers hate me.
That’s kinda meta.
The phrase is “high crimes and misdemeanors”, and the intent is generally that someone is impeached for abusing the power of their office or conduct that significantly impairs their ability to perform the duties of their office, like being fall-down drunk all the time or something like that. Even in it’s ideal form it’s subjective, and in practice it’s typically a highly partisan process.
The big thing about impeachment is it just kicks off the process of removing someone from office. Once impeached, you have to be tried and “convicted” to be removed. For the President, that would mean a trial before the Senate.
If this isn’t a high crime, I don’t know what is.
Constitutional Crisis: Trump Is Visiting The National Archives While Eating A Meatball Sub
‘But many believe, given Trump’s personality, he’s going to demand to hold the Constitution. If that happens, constitutional scholars agree that, given Trump’s lack of awareness, there’s nearly a hundred percent chance he will get marinara sauce all over the supreme law of the United States of America. As to what would happen afterward, experts seem unsure.’
I larfed
Hey that was never an issue for Grant
114) My son is entering high school this fall. Last night I went to some sort of parents’ welcome meeting at the school and, holy shit, I’m never voting to increase school funding again. The principal started off with her spiel, fine. She told us that every kid would be assigned a guidance counselor, great. Then, if I heard correctly, she said the kids’ guidance counselors would meet with each kid once a week all year, and I’m thinking, How many guidance counselors are there?
After that, we had a presentation from the Director of Student Services, followed by the Director of Student Activities. Both seemed like energetic people really into working with kids and improving their lives but…why do their positions exist? If we have any problems, the kids can go to a trusted teacher, their guidance counselor, or the school psychologist. Don’t worry, though, the school psychologist has not supplanted the school nurse, or her aide.
Curious about the guidance counselors, I checked the website when I got home. There’s a safety & security specialist at the school, a community activities specialist, and a supervisor for performing arts. Don’t think that these are just different names for the vice-principals, either, because there are four of those guys. There are three building supervisors—which may be a fancy way of saying they’re maintenance staff, although there’s also three custodians. Oh man, there’s an assistant building supervisor, in addition to the three main ones. Holy shit, there’s not just the aforementioned Director of Student Activities, there are three Assistant Directors of Student Activities. Three admin assistants, although I notice at least a couple of the administration folks seems to have their own admins too. And I still haven’t been able to find the page with guidance counselors—however many it takes to meet with each kid weekly, I guess. (There are 2,384 kids by the way—that’s a lot of weekly meetings.)
Okay, that’s it, everybody else looks like a teacher or cafeteria people. It could’ve been worse, I guess—I don’t see any diversity directors or anything like that (hovers mouse ominously over link to the county school district office, decides to save sanity instead of clicking.).
+1 Why do you hate the children?
No, I hate the massive bureaucracy that now consumes the largest portion of the school budget, while actual teaching positions are being cut.
My town had 5 – yeas you read that right – principals. That was because 3 of them where always touring (and making more money on top of the $175K the town was paying each) and only one of the other 2 needed to be there on any given day, but they kept asking for more money or they would cut teachers. It took six rounds of votes for them to scale it back to only 3 principals now, and the budget keeps going up by 5% each year while the actual teaching staff keeps going down. These fucks are now so organized that they have a phone campaign to remind parents with kids in school to go vote (obviously vote yes) so that the town people don’t stop them from fleecing us tax payers.
the system is not just broke, it is a massive fleecing scam.
You have to have a shit ton of administrative jobs in a school if you want to get competent teachers. Why? Because every teacher’s dream is to get one of those administrative jobs where they no longer have to deal with the snot nosed kids. If you ran a lean school, no teacher would want to transfer there.
In my neighborhood we have two elementary schools that are so close to each other that they share a playground. But of course there are two principals, two nurses, two of everything.
In my hometown, we had 4 elementary schools that were all about 3 miles from each other and we had one nurse for all of them. The Norwegians in the area would never have paid for 4 nurses.
As with a corporate bureaucracy, the administration grows simply because people don’t want to work, so they figure out a way to justify hiring underlings to do that for them. Then the underlings don’t want to work, so they hire underlings. Et cetera and so on.
And that as that vicious cycle propagates, they cut the actual teaching staff and learning programs, because the uncaring fucks in town don’t want to pay more in taxes to support the bloated and useless bureaucracy…
I’m gonna bite on the school nurse…
Our elementary school has a full time nurse for 750 kids. If any kid complains of any sort of symptom, the teachers have to send them to the nurse. (more on this later).
So some kid says “I have a tummy ache”, the teacher sends them to the nurse. Ok, fine… the nurse evaluates the… oh, no.. never mind. They aren’t allowed to provide actual health care. They might check for a tempurature, but what the really do is call mom and dad. “hey, your kid says her tummy hurts, you wanna come get her?” Any followup questions are met with “she says her tumy hurts”. So you either blindly direct them to send her back to class, or you drive to the school and check her out yourself. So what’s the point of having a nurse there??
From what I can tell, the purpose of the nurse is to oversee the administration of regular prescribed medications that come with a doctor’s note. So if your id needs a pill at 1:00, they send her to the nurse who dispenses the pill.
Now for the “more on this later”: My 3rd grader discovered this “get out of class free” loophole this year. So I’ve been over there a good 10 times… a couple for legit injuries on the playground (she’s a bit “balls to the wall, that one) and a couple for legit illness… the rest were “my leg hurts”, “my stomach hurts”, etc. Out of all of them we left for the doctor twice and I sent her back to class the rest. After the second stupid one, I asked her teacher not to send my kid to the nurse unless she really looks sick. “we are not allowed to do that”. Dang.
So we pay for a full time nurse and she’s not allowed to actually nurse. One of the secretaries could be in charge of making the 5 or 10 phone calls to mom every day and be done with it. Instead we have a trained professional who sits around with nothing to do for the vast majority of her day. I think maybe she’s in charge of maintaining records as well, so maybe she has that to contend with at the beginning of the year. But what a crap job… just sitting there in a little office waiting for nothing to happen.
your daughter is crazy
In Maryland it is worse than that.
The school nurses, at least in middle school, are not actually allowed to give the kids the prescribed medication.
The kid has to check the medicine in with the nurse but the parent has to actually go to the school to hand it to the child to take, in the nurses office. But if you do not follow their asinine procedure your kid gets expelled for having drugs in school
You forgot to tell us how many displays there were in the school hallways that were promoting the latest Vote Yes on New Levy campaign.
+1 3rd Grade Career Advisor
(I’m not joking)
Was there a “Free Candy” van parked just outside school property? If there weren’t at least three of them then the administrators are falling down on the job.
IIRC – when I went to high school in the 1970’s the person/people who “directed” student activities were the student leadership. “You wanna do something? Figure it out and plan it. Need money for that? hold a bake sale or something – figure it out.”
Our school dances were usually put on by some student group that wanted to raise money for their activity.
I was on the tennis team and we would put on at least 3 dances each year. It was great because we would sneak beer into the school kitchen (all our dances were in the school cafeteria) during setup of the sound equipment and could drink all through the dance.
Good times.
Lucky bastard. We weren’t allowed to dance in my town until this guy moved in and challenged our protestant ways.
Is that when you learned to embrace your inner Astaire?
Probably his inner Bacon.
Or maybe some other pork product.
6 degrees of Straffinrun?
Why didn’t you just kill John Lithgow years before?
So figure a guidance counselor can meet with say 3 kids per hour and still get their other work done. 3 kids per hour for 6 hours a day times 5 days a week – 90 kids a week.
So every kid meeting with guideance for 10 – 15 minutes once per week would require somewhere in the vicinity of 25 guidance counselors.
Compare to when I went to high school, in a school o the same size, I think we were in the mid 2200 student range in my senior year, we had 6 guidance counselors
I think we had one, and maybe not even a dedicated one, in my high school of around 700 students in the late 70s. Really not sure, because I never met with her (him?).
We had three in my HS with about 800 kids in the 80s, and probably only because the building was divided into three “specialized” school. I spoke to mine once over six years, and only because it was mandatory.
We had 6 or 7, most of which had other various jobs at the school, for over 4000 students. I saw my guidance counselor twice. Once to set the degree track I was pursuing, once to fix being assigned to a wrong class.
I realized I’ve forgotten to ask a basic culture question. Is the Canadian stance towards tipping any different from the US?
Canadians would never mistreat their cows the way we do.
Ha! I was about to say our cows are bigger so you you don’t have to put as much of your back into it.
Well, they already brought the poor things to Canada.
I prefer cow painting, like Milka does.
Canadians are just grateful to be visited by Americans. No tip necessary
A+ trolling! Bravo!
Canadians tip more politely.
“Pardon me, Miss! This is awkward but I seem to have got myself wedged in your penalty box. Sorrey.”
Canadians tip the same amount but with money that is worth 20% less. Fuckin cheapskates.
It’s now worth only 3/4 as much.
*hides window on other monitor*
Our money is colourful and woke, so it’s a push.
Your money’s woke? No wonder the value went down.
You do have prettier cash, it’s true. Very European, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Heck, Australian money has transparent “windows” – spaces which are clear plastic. It’s like the stuff is losing value so fast parts of it disappear before you can spend it.
Yes, but you can’t starch and iron it like you can greenbacks.
Yes, they consider it alright to tip with a large amount of change. But they do frown upon you throwing loonies at them while shouting, “Dance flappy head man! Dance!”
That’s what the flappy head is for.
Lololll/ +1 south park
So, what’s the actual answer to the question?
Figure same as the US.
Twenty bucks, same as downtown
Hey UnCiv
If you are staying in Inferior
Superior, you should check out the Thirsty Pagan Brewery. I don’t know about their beer (I don’t really like beer), but their pizza is good.I can also recommend the Olive burger at the Anchor Bar (just don’t peak into the kitchen)
More local events:
I’ll have to look into it.
What’s in the kitchen? A morgue or merely unsanitary conditions?
It is quite disgusting.
Rand Paul splits with Amash
Way less disturbing headline than
Rand Paul scissors with Amash
Ugh, you bastard.
Actually Reason headline. “11 Other Times Justin Amash Crossed Swords With President Trump”. That’s frot with euphamism.
11 Other Times Justin Amash Crossed Swords With President Trump
“Let us gently touch tips to cement this alliance!’
I sense a new Hat and Hair in the works….
Morning from the (still) flooded wastelands.
Those storms were really something and we were ready to get in the cellar. Not a euphemism.
Glad you’re safe!
Instrumental music? Are you with me, Goose?
I was thinking of this guy
Amash really did jump the shark. I’m sure the Reason idiots are kissing his ass. Everyone else just dismissed him as a serious legislator.
Yeah, let’s impeach the President not because of any actual wrongdoing, but just because we don’t like him.
And wasn’t he supposed to be against government spying on citizens?
And he also seems to think the president is not entitled to 4th amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.
Don’t forget the “special prosecutor” investigation that is a thinly disguised general writ
He should also be seriously against ignoring spying abuses and letting the perps get away with it if he was a libertarian and for less government, but that seems to not bother him now that he is pissed Trump’s trade fight with China is hurting his money making.
I’m going to say sea sponges are smarter.
How many sea sponges voted for AOC?
Zero! Proof that sea sponges are smarter than NYC Dems.
Well that makes my turds smart too, because none of them voted for that air head. That she has a degree in economics from a school like BU and still spouts so many economically stupid things, is just frightening to me. And I am sure they will tell me because of her economics degree she MUST be an expert (to link back to the topic above).
So then we agree: your turds are smarter than the average Dem voter.
degree in economics from a school like BU
I wish this were rare in our day. Apparently you can get through Warton and not know how a tariff works.
Alex, I didn’t say your turds were smart. Just that they were smarter than the NYC Dem voter.
Yeah, but based on what I have seen Karla Marx say, I am sure my turds are smarter than her and likely any other BU economics major.
I’m starting to agree with a few people here who think her whole schtick is just an elaborate troll job.
I wonder if Pelosi and the rest of the purported (D) leadership had any idea how far off the map AOC was going to take them?
I doubt it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Pelosi is stupid. She at the least has a strong sense of political cunning to her. But she and the leadership helped foster the the new generation of Dems’ values and reasoning skills. Now that they have grown up and entered her realm I think she’s aghast at their political naivety and tactlessness and now isn’t sure how to curtail the behavior before it sinks the dems entirely outside of the most blue of strongholds.
“I think she’s aghast at their political naivety and tactlessness and now isn’t sure how to curtail the behavior before it sinks the dems…”
That’s my point.
Which one of you was this?
The man is just a heap of poorly thought out decisions.
I know at least 3-4 guys that have never moved more than a mile from where they grew up. When I visit it’s like “The Land That Time Forgot”.
Needs more information. Was he recently travelling internationally?
I hate it when one just slips out when you’re in a public place.
How loose is that guys anus?!? Wait, I don’t want to know.
Well, he’s been using it as a storage compartment, so he probably broke the lock on the door.
Wish I could find the clip on YouTube, but back in the early 80’s there was a Donahue about homosexuality. Phil keep bringing up the problem of “fecal leakage”. He really seemed to like the phrase because he kept saying it.
Perhaps he was just excited about the prospect of Doritos WOW! chips coming in the far future of the 1990s.
13 feeling convictions might have loosened it up.
I will never smoke black market weed again, that’s for sure.
This weed is really shitty.
No no no..
“Man, this stuff is the SHIT!!”
Well, almost.
Cheeck & Chong went there after their dog ate the stuff and they had to smoke the after product….
I know we talk about nut-punches, but this is taking it to a whole new level.
Anybody on this website who claims they wouldn’t have some illicit substance fall out of their anus after they were shot in the nads is a damn liar.
Fact Check: False.
We’re not damn liars, we’re actually statisticians.
“A 13-time convicted felon”
At some point, you’ve fucked up enough.
Dey terk er jerbs!!!! – Ford’s demo of a robot working in unison with a self-driving car is a wild glimpse into the future
Welp, now the roads will be unsafe.
Is that you John?
No. I know computers, and that makes me distrust the silicon bastards.
Is the computer any scarier than the rubes who already drive every day?
Needs footage of 380 lb land whale with pizza stains on his t-shirt answering the door still wearing his gamer headphones….
Soooo robot autocar of the future shows up at the Gen Z’ers house to deliver… Index cards and post-it notes? In what century is the Ford Marketing Division living?
Yeah, that’s pretty funny. Also, why are humans packing those boxes?
Dey terk er jerbs!!!! – Ford’s demo of a robot working in unison with a self-driving car is a wild glimpse into the future
Uh-oh. Squirrels on the loose! Run!
Well at least robots can’t post only once like a normal human… Yet.
Married Men and Women Having Good Sex Commit Infidelity More Often
“Married Men and Women Having Good Sex Commit Infidelity More Often”
Phew, I’m safe then.
Some young babe gave me the “glow” look today. This is happening with some frequency, lately I must have crossed a threshold from skeevy perv to somewhat well put together gargoyle sometime in the last year or so.
I’m a middle-aged git, but sometimes I get come-hither looks from HS/college girls.
EF jokes: “Daddy issues!”
EF’s right. All the bad decisions twenty-somethings with lots of eye makeup and piercings who weren’t all that into me twenty years ago apparently had daughters who think the 40-year-old version of me is the cat’s pajamas, and I swear to God I think it’s because I’m a stable-looking adult man with some authority and a positive checking account balance.
The residual “V’ shape seems to bring all the girls to the yard. Pity about the low-T and bank balance…
I’ve always been scruffy and it’s worked well over the years, but there was a lengthy period following my wedding where I devolved into scruffy and portly. As I lose the dad bod, put on some muscle, and get older I’m told I’m getting a kind of bargain-bin George Clooney thing going on. Mind you, this is like saying that as I continue to mod this ’98 Honda Civic it’s becoming more like a poor man’s Bugatti Veyron, so take it more as a measure of improvement than an active comparison.
It’s notable and I don’t give a care. Yay me?
I’m pushing 40, have a stable job (and present like it) and have lost 120+ lbs in the last year and a half. I can pinpoint exactly where the bar on attractiveness is for this to happen.
Remarkable, Leap. I’ve seen the WW commercials and didn’t recognize you. Keep up the good work.
I had a girl who works at the ice cream shop nearby (looks about 18-ish) smile at me a little too much and too long at the local pizza place a few days ago.
Totally creeped me out. I’m 47 but look younger but not that much younger.
Does having young hotties laugh at you count?
I’m going to need some photos of the team to see if there was an observer effect.
>>they were more interested in sex in general
::whistles innocently::
You know you share a connection with your wife. Who is a lawyer. Whistling past the graveyard, Lord H!
“More research is needed to determine causality”
So they can pay for more sex?
I apologize as a former member of the Psychology Department at Florida State University.
Alright mid-Ohio Glibs, when are you going to start pushing for policies like San Francisco>/a>?
/hangs head in shame at the typo, but the link still works at least.
Louisville likes to claim that they are bigger than Boston.
Arbitrary city limits doesnt make it so. We should use arbitrary government metropolitan borders instead!
The metro borders are designed for the purpose of comparing cities, so yeah.
Wikipedia says: Columbus OH, 217 land area; San Francisco 47 land area (coincidentally, total area including water is about the same for both, at ~230
Hopefully the jackassery in SF correlates to population density, so we’re not at risk anytime soon. Although there’s plenty of jackassery in CMH, just not rising to SF levels.
On an unrelated note, I’m looking out the window at a pair of redtailed hawks that have a nest in the cell tower in the parking lot. They’re just gliding around, enjoying the fair weather.
I pooped on the street today in celebration!
Which one of you was this? Talk about your prison wallet failing at the wrong time…
Tulpa confirmed.
Yesterday when we were discussing the new law in Washington that allowed human composting, a lot of us were pretty skeptical about why anyone had to use a professional to dispose of our recently deceased.
We may have been premature in our mockery
Maybe cremation should be done by pros.
Look, just because the rounded knife tips in the UK botch mouse disposal, doesn’t mean we can’t manage it.
It’s a bunch of energy: over 500 calories to boil a gram of 100°C water.
gram? °C?
Get out of here Metric breath. Next you’ll be wishing us a good afternoon like Pie.
30 years working all over the globe and going back and forth in units and there’s no question but that SI is easier.
But SI isn’t as fun. Spend a moment to figure out how many drams are in an acre*foot . . . sheer joy!
I learned SI in MS in 1974 grade-school somehow. Engineering school went back and forth in most classes. When I worked for the Germans State-side, the components were SAE but documented in SI, so you end up with all these 25.4mm dimensions when in Europe they would have simply been 20.
From the I-don’t-think-like-that-but-it’s-funny files: there are two kinds of countries, those that use the Metric System and those that have put a man on the moon.
Easier for abstract math, but the hydrocentric measurements don’t map to an anthropocentric world very well.
Which is both exactly true and utterly irrelevant. Units of measure are needed for people like me who build things; they’re not political footballs and they are not abstractions. Guys like me make the things you type on, live in, and drive, and we agree that cubits isn’t the way to measure our work.
If you want to say that something is so many feet from here, I think that’s absolutely handy. But it becomes hopeless if you’re doing anything more important than laying out the Less Nessman tape for your cubicle. I’ll concede that yards are pretty handy: you can step off your future sidewalk and then go by the quik-crete and get it really close; of course, you could the exact same thing if the materials were called “meters.” I’ll give you that little piece.
But metric wins the rest because the dimensions are related. I have not met more than three people who know what a gallon is; test yourself: how many gallons in a cubic foot? No one gets even close even though we buy milk every week. A few can guess what a gallon of milk weighs.
Compare that to my ability to assess and design in the systems. I’m sitting in a room that about 150 m^3. If filled with water, it would weigh 150 tons, 150,000 kg, done, easy peasy. But if I figure from feet, 4000 ft^3 is 30,000 gallons, so about 250,000 lb (I know, doesn’t match my metric estimate which is 330,000 lb; I’m just working with one significant figure here for the example), I need to know a bunch of conversions that aren’t anthropocentric anyway (because a gallon isn’t so many noses cubed).
If there’s someone here who’s bought more steel than me on this thread, I’ll eat my hat. I bought it all in SAE merely because that’s the convention. But the useful calculations in SAE were always pointlessly more difficult for being in SAE. There are advantages to SI; since I can step off a meter, there really are none for SAE but heritage.
There’s a metric shit*ton more to systems of units than just stepping off the approach shot from the seventh fairway.
Your rant proved my point – those are conversions most people are never going to need to do. Is it near? is it far? Is it big? is it small? is it warm? is it cold? is it heavy? is it light? Those are the questions most asked.
“Useful” is always task-dependent. Always.
The older systems were all used because they were useful for a given task. The SI systems were designed to be interrelated and self-consistent, which is why you have a hojillion different derived units such as calories, angstrons, and wavenumbers. The fact that these derived units exist at all is proof that SI is inherently less useful for pretty much any given task than the original ones.
absolutely stipulated: useful to whom; there’s a lot to unpack there but I’ll leave it be
derived units exist at all is proof
uhrm: inches, feet, cubits, rods, miles, light*years
Wait until the woke movement starts saying they don’t like the fact your units of measure are unwoke and demand it conform to whatever political reality they want to impose. They are already telling astronomers that black holes, brown dwarfs, blue or red giants, and planetoids vs. planets are uncool in today’s world.
made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs
Woke movement: has it banned the slave cylinder yet?
I think what you’e doing Don, is treating better = easier = decimal.
My pushback is that decimalization doesn’t add anything, thus the crux of the “metric is better” argument falls flat. Because in actual practice, nobody (of an arbitrary value of nobody) is making used of the theoretical advantage of these task-specific systems being interchangeable. The customer who gets my FTIR results doesn’t care that his units are different than what my customer who wants his trace metal results in (e10 atoms/cm2) which is different than my chem customer (ppb) which is different than my water customer (ppt) which is different than my airborne molecular contamination customer (ng/m3)… They never interconvert.
Now if the metric system was based on 12 AND introduced a dozenal numbering script, I’d agree with it.
Industrial electrician here. Completely agree. Hate ordering all of my materials in “standard” (SAE) sizes.
Gah! Meant to add to that:
If that were true, you wouldn’t be using calories. Just remember that it’s 4.184 J/g(DegC)
Great point!
What you really caught is ambidextrous me using the wrong side of my brain again and undermining my own argument in doing so: I reached for the knob left handed and smashed my own nose in with the door. Decades of going back and forth so much has weakened my ability to argue the purist position . . . as if I lectured that English should be the official American language because I’m tired of going back and forth to Spanish – but then gave the lecture in Spanish because I can do that just as well.
There are some fun and handy things in SAE / English measures I can’t forget:
* a cubic foot of steel is 600 lb
* a pound of low pressure steam will deliver 1,000 BTU
* a pickup bed is almost exactly a half cord
There are an awful lot of ISO standards that are literal SI-zations of US/SAE standards. The US invented the FED system for cleanrooms which was a log scale based on the number of particles present in a given cubic foot of air. Class 1 cleanroom – 1 particle/cubic ft, Class 100 = 100 particles/cubic foot, etc.
This of course simply would not do for Europeans. The ISO class is to take the log value of the FED class, add 2 to it to disguise what you are doing, and convert it to particles/cubic meter. So FED class 100 = 100 particles/cubic foot, which converts to ISO class 5 = 3520 particles/cubic meter.
What’s the typical particle count in an ordinary room?
The FED system didn’t consider anything above Class 100,000 to be a “clean room”
The ISO system recogized ISO 9, which would be the equivalent of FED 1,000,000.
Having said that….
Particle counters improve, and so what/how you measure changes with them. The FED system was based on 0.5 micron particles. When cheap/reliable 0.1 micron counters came about, the ISO system added additional “bins” based on that that did not follow the FED system but were in round powers of ten.
Engineering school hammered in an easy acquaintance with both Metric and ‘Murican – but living in Japan (which is basically metric) and shifting back and forth between currencies as well really made is part of my mindset.
Fun fact: Traditional Japanese carpentry measurement still uses Shaku as a measure of length. One Shaku is equal to 11.93 inches – so basically a foot. So in Japan when they talk about area in a room (in American we would be talking about SQFT) the standard is Tsubo – which is two Tatami mats, which are 6 X 3 Shaku each. So two Tatami mats are 6 X 6 Shaku which is (almost exactly) 36 SQFT.
11.93 inches – so basically a foot
Exactly a Japanese foot?
I see most interiors the same way: I’m in a room and see all the dimensions in the 4×8 sheets of dry-board; a ceiling grids off the room in 2×4; for detail, maybe the tiles are 12″.
“One Shaku is equal to 11.93 inches”
These euphemisms have gone international.
You’ll notice it’s slightly smaller than the western equivalent!
Rice dicks?
I knew the tatami measurement, but not that it was derived from shaku.
Japan may use SI for measurement, but the language itself has multiple counters. For example with tatami you would use “jou”.
…And 2 Jou is 1 Tsubo – but that just complicates the conversation. Tsubo is how Real Estate offices present area in apartments, houses, or offices. Jou is rarely used.
Japanese “counters” continue to give me fits!
Part of the reason at my age I’ll never be fully fluent.
OK Sensei, explain a “pair of trousers”.
Fair point.
At least I don’t have think about if I need to use 履く or 着る!
“pair of trousers”
I think it’s just a bad habit from Celts and German serfs being forced to speak Viking French so they could be proper English (gags slightly): many “English” words that end in “s” came to be treated as plural, pants, trousers, and scissors amongst them.
speaking of Amash:
DeVos family ends longtime Amash support
In other words, toe the party line or we will loudly de-fund you. However, I am not sure that it would make a difference to his loyal following around here.
Well, DeVos being part of the administration probably means more than the party line.
>>Smarter people listen to instrumental music.
Hmm – right now I’m listening to this:
But only condescending assholes listen to avant-garde jazz….
It’s been cool out all week. Rain last night.
I’m starting to think that all this “Arizona-as-convection-oven” shit is made up, just to scare people away.
After your first year, let us know if you still hold that opinion.
It’s just setting you up for the delights that comprise Arizona in August.
Gonna need a bigger boat.
Back in 1990, I was in Tuscon in early September with the idea of moving down there. The 105 degree temps made my brother and I retreat to Boulder, CO.
In Arizona it’s not the humidity that will kill you, it’s the heat. In Boulder it’s not the cold, it’s the patchouli.
Wise man.
I’ve lived in both Tucson and PHX. PHX is consistently 5 degrees hotter than Tucson.
“5 degrees?” – you say. When it’s 120 degrees in the shade you want to cut your ear off for it to drop down to 115 degrees.
And Yuma is consistently 3-5 degrees hotter than Phoenix. We went through a stretch one August of about 10 straight days of temps in the 112-117 range.
You just LOVE tempting fate, don’t you? In 6 weeks you will wonder WTF you were thinking about. I grew up in and love the desert but PHX was oppressive.
It’s only May …
Our average high this time of year is in the low 90s. This is one of the coolest Mays in history, for a couple weeks its been highs in the 80s, lows in the 50s or low 60s. More like March or April, really.
And yes, Tucson runs cooler than Phoenix (and less humid). Where I live in Tucson it runs a couple of degrees cooler than most of the rest of the city. And its still fucking hot as hell in June through September and into October. As in, walk the dogs before 7:00, before it gets too hot (and the pavement, especially, gets too hot). If you walk your dog in Tucson during the day in summer, you really should get booties for their feet. Even the homeless people get booties for their dogs feet here.
If these geniuses are not hired by the Packers there is no justice in this world.
The Selfmade project is where those two geniuses take microbes from celebrities and make cheese from them. Think of the marketing possibilities if the Cheeseheads in Wisconsin could buy a wheel of Aaron Rogers cheddar.
Rogue made a beer from yeast found in one of their brewer’s beard.
Which is also wrong.
For the first time ever, you are correct about something beer related.
Ad dude’s beard? Sorry – no chance. An attractive female’s pubes? – OK, well, maybe.
these guys seem to have gone out of business.
What if she is a fuggo?
I thought Aaron Rodger’s significant other was the only one allowed to “taste’ his smegma?
Does anyone else have an image of tornado slumped and sitting on a curb dejected watching the carnage it left behind muttering, ‘I can’t help myself!’
There should be a Freud for tornadoes.
The one in Norman just plowed: looked like 100 D9 had been lined up and just pushed a fresh right-of-way for some new interstate through town.
Jarrell dodged all over the place like Doak Walker slinging cows and going total Zardoz on the few houses there.
In Corinth MS 1970, the roofs came off the houses on either side of us, but we didn’t suffer so much as a cracked pane.
An early 90s tornado just outside of Louisville hit a cul-de-sac. Something like 8 houses flattened and 1 entirely untouched.
For people searching for the meaning of life, this is it….
We found forty-two?
Tornadoes should decide who deserves unemployment payments!
Odds Stormy banged Avenatti.
100%. It’ll come out in an interview Stormy Daniels gives later in the year when she’s really, really short on cash.
And I’ll bet she’ll tell us that his penis looks like a bundle of knotted rags.
Slutty girl in high school that didn’t like me much – “Sure, why not?”
I bet she is now suing him because he told her as her lawyer that it was a form of payment and tax deductible.
Dumb-as-a-stump porn star past her career prime wooed by a sleazy ambulance chaser? Gosh, I don’t know…
I’m actually still unconvinced that she actually banged Trump. Well, perhaps “unconvinced” isn’t the right word. I haven’t seen any definitive synopsis of what allegedly happened. I guess that’s too much to ask for in the #BelieveAllWomen era.
Besides, we know that Trump’s jam these days is Eastern European hookers that pee on the bed.
I expect prostitution stings like this in Missoula but not in Ohio.
Amash was bit by a TDS zombie.
I think he just figured that he had been going too far to one side and so picked this random topic to go to the other. Politics. He calculated that the blow back from team Trump would be weaker than the tailwind he’ll get from team Pelosi/Schumer. I think he’s wrong.
No, Amash has significant investments in China, and Trump’s trade war is hammering those. It is all about the cash.
I want to believe he’s just setting those matches up for the House Dems to light their own asses on fire WRT impeachment, but TDS is one helluva drug.
I don’t think it’s TDS.
1. He’s pissed at Team Red because they constantly try to primary him and get their asses kicked because he doesn’t toe the party line.
2. He’s setting up to run LP in 2020 (and I’ll vote for him in a second. If he runs with Massie I’m dipping into my HELOC to donate maximum $ to him).
I’d much rather vote for Massie. Amash always seemed closer to the Sarwark side of the LP than I care for.
C’mon, JB. You’d have to be deranged not to think Trump is the greatest president ever.
He’s certainly the most entertaining.
100% this. His main utility is the disdain and damage he does to the presidency; his main attraction is how much he annoys people we hate in common. But a car alarm outside their house in the middle of the night could do that; it’s no reason to forgive his galaxy of faults, flaws and personality disorders.
Gotta take the bad with the good, you know.
My own opinion is that Trump is a venal cretin who nevertheless is no worse a president than anyone else who might have gotten elected, and furthermore has most likely been less awful than most of those. A pleasant surprise in some ways, and exactly who I expected him to be in other ways. Since the alternative is the Democratic Party gaining power, I can live with him.
This is pretty much my take on it too. Actually, Trump is better than either DNC or GOP gaining further ground anywhere so I’ll take that if it’s all that’s on offer.
“…no reason to forgive…”
Wrong. Exonerated. 100%. Four times.
Trump is the worst President ever*
* I’ve said this about every President in my lifetime and think it about every President going back at least a century, so take that with a grain of salt.
Nope. LBJ was literally worse in every way than Trump.
I was thinking the other day that the President that Trump most resembles is LBJ.
He’s the 3rd greatest.
After William Henry Harrison, and of course, the best, Aaron Burr.
Has he made any hints that he’d switch to run LP? It seems like a weird play for him.
Yo, if he was running with Massie, that’d be fantastic.
Have you already set up the LIBERTARIANS FOR DEEP STATE PAC?
I don’t think it’s TDS.
He was a charter member of Team NeverTrump. I think there’s a fair amount of that in there.
Amash has a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming President. He has a much better chance being primaried.
Having sex was just a pipe dream… Boy, 16, has to be freed with a circular saw after getting his penis stuck in toilet plumbing during bizarre tryst in Malaysia
Seems like they cut the wrong pipe. You wouldn’t even need a circular saw to cut his “pipe” off. Just a reasonably sharp jackknife.
That reminds me of whenever protestors form a human chain and cuff themselves to each other inside pipes. I keep thinking “Cut a few arms off and people will stop using that tactic right quick.”
Porn saves lives!
Years ago I read an interview with Buzz Osbourne of the Melvins in which he was asked about the band’s lyrics. He essentially explained that most pop song lyrics are hopelessly stupid and that he writes nonsensical gibberish because how the vocals sound against a particular arrangement is much more important to him than any possible message they might convey. This really resonated with me and gave me a much greater appreciation of the band.
In times of bella foe fa lies cobalt cast and clean.
I gotta motor fare the wheel real fast and fear.
Tri-jacking blackened for moi, handcuffs and special keys.
Triple lies and neckties divide. This will be his size.
Throw my case of Plasticine down. Maybe after you won’t let it.
Ain’t about to pick my rounds. This is in my way.
Plop is fast as my hole’s down. Green glass and most of all.
Been around the somber town, maybe in the wall.
Honey Bucket is a fantastic song. The Melvins don’t play fast very often, but when they do it’s incredible. And, to your point, I love that song but didn’t recognize those lyrics because I’ve never paid attention to what the lyrics to their songs actually are.
And now an excellent live performance of Lizzy.
Melvins are one of the most consistently satisfying bands out there, and it’s incredible they’ve been able to maintain that for as long as they have. I can think of precious few other bands that have managed to pull that off.
Here’s another great fast one:
Seen them three times and never been disappointed. Buzz is a funny dude, and a libertarian to boot.
This is basically part of why I listen to heavy metal. Some shit you just can’t understand (search – Vale of Pnath, which I am currently listening to). Some shit is just goofy tongue-in-cheek horror or DnD shit that you aren’t supposed to take seriously (There’s an entire album about the RPG Traveler, and it is fantastic). But some rare artist take it as a challenge and are able to really make some beautiful art that transcends the medium.
Wow. I think they nearly out-Manowarred Man-o-War.
See also, Beck.
On the McMarxist from the Bronx.
As if she already wasn’t a detestable cretin. She damn well knew what she was saying and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was on purpose to scare the shit out of kids. Kids took her literally because kids are vulnerable to scare tactics. This is what makes people who use children as political pawns disgraceful shitheads. Teachers Unions, Obama, AOC….all pieces of shits.
Now that she claims she was being ‘metaphorical’ someone should confront her about the cost of the $93 trillion GND and the fact the world GDP is only $78 trillion. The idea that the GND will propel the economy is preposterous. In their little heads that actually think, ‘well, if the USA economy is $20 trillion, and it will cost $93 trillion, because it’s needed and will create jobs it’s gonna pay for itself and reach $94 billion! And even if it doesn’t, who cares? If we can save one turtle….’
A guy I know claims she’s not as dumb as Trudeau. I think both are just about on the same, authoritarian, sociopath retard scale.
Trudeau had no choice. Look at his dad.
AOC is worse.
Look what’s on the horizon. I’m sure the son of two proud Marxists will make an excellent addition to their legacy.
no entitlement here, no sir.
Why shouldn’t he enjoy the benefits of the millions his parents have fleeced taxpayers for through corruption and graft?
120 people arrested at “Go Topless Galveston” beach party.
I miss the old head shops before pot was legal. “We sell this three foot bong for tobacco.”
Nothing left to cut in Idaho
Yup, taxpayers in Idaho are paying $83K to have students work with a private business. WTF? Why do they need $83K? If students want real world experience, there should be no reason that they couldn’t just help the business pro bono.
See without government who would invent toilet seats?
Spud is the acid test.
War, shortage and Thailand’s industrialisation, 1932-57
Young voters have Buttigieg and Beto. So why do they prefer old socialists?
Sanders has a track record of what exactly?
30 years of fucking the Vermonters.
Streaked undies
Yelling at clouds.
Most face plants in the 110 meter hurdles?
Being kicked out of hippie communes due to his laziness?
Not combing his hair.
Young white men, one gay, one rich. They can’t be trusted.
Sanders has a proven track record of being a useless piece of shit and proudly proclaims socialism.
Warren gets the dried up biddy vote, the die-tard Hillary voters (until She gets in the race, at least,) and the oddballs who like the idea of being lectured by a lesbian community college adjunct for four hellish years.
Biden is the adult, the moderate, the sane choice in the race, the pressure valve for when all of the rest of them go bugshit nutballs. /s
I’m rooting for that guy Pike, the one with the truck.
Daddy issues?
Liberalism and Jewish Emancipation
What is the official Glib view on this liberalcurrents thing?
By liberalism do they mean classical liberalism or modern US liberalism?
I’ve never actually read that site before, but that’s a decent article.
Neither, apparently.
So I take it the new liberal is a left voting neoliberal that looked at some Moldbug screeds and said “Yes, I should learn to write like that too.”
I’m getting really confused about politics nowadays. It’s either slavish devotion to Trump, TDS, anti-TDS, or anti-anti-TDS. And some anti-anti-anti-TDS.
I don’t politick.
When you know that one of two parties is going to win the presidency (yeah, democracy in America), it’s going to dominate everything. I just won’t vote as usual.
If Massie, Amash, or an actual (non-Sawark wing) libertarian run on the LP ticket next year, I’ll happily turn out to vote.
Otherwise I’m staying home and getting yelled at for it.
Just you wait, Gary will make a run for it again.
Can it at least be 2012 Gary and not 2016 Gary? I liked 2012 Gary a lot more.
You never know which Gary you’re going to get.
Jeezus. Perfect, but I don’t know you when you get a visit from the Feds.
I’d vote for this Gary:
+1 John McAfee
Look man, politicks were never a thing until Orange Man Bad ruined our democracy.
Personally, I’m enjoying the shitshow. Delegitimizing the power of the government and the credibility of the media will bring the world into a much better place.
Dammit, Banjos. Exactly. “Respect the office, if not the person”. I don’t respect the office or the congress or the courts and I don’t care about the people involved. The whole shebang is too big and intrusive.
Why would you respect institutions that for all intents and purposes have more in common with those of a banana republic than anything else?
I’d agree with you if I thought that would be permanent. But the next time the “right” person is in office everyone will go back to the status quo.
For the Progs, yes, as government is a religion to them. Everyone else is experiencing some degree of redpilling.
I hope it works out that way, but I won’t live long enough to see it; maybe your daughters will.
I’m getting hopeless:
* Elections are the process by which the people select which floor from which to fling a bullfrog to help it fly; if the fifth floor window wasn’t high enough, we must try the tenth next time. Quadratic insanity. I don’t think that bad government and bad governors signal to people the need to minimize government; they just keep arguing over who should drive the train to nowhere.
* And it’s football, anyway, because I need my church-lady elected so she can ram what I believe down your throat because we Americans don’t remotely believe in liberty, other than your liberty to do what I want. The very best Americans I know are still repressed tyrants.
Banjos with the truth bomb.
Telling meat-eaters bacon is off the menu won’t work – here’s a better way
The net effect of these types of comparisons is going to be to turn people off to environmentalism, not to make them embrace it.
Keep it up.
I’d love to see the math that came up with that total.
Math? You fucking denier!
The concept of the carbon footprint, and its sister, the “water footprint”, is hokum. It makes a ton of assumptions about what activities are leading to the release of carbon into the environment, confuses carbon with atmospheric carbon dioxide, fails to account for compensatory effects in the carbon cycle, and is generally a pseudo-scientific phrase used for political reasons. Notice how every time someone uses the phrase “carbon footprint” it serves as a reason to make your life less convenient, or convince you to make some arbitrary change you wouldn’t ordinarily make, or assume some kind of lifestyle that doesn’t appeal to you on its own merits.
The old saw about how cattle ranching takes up sooo much land is stupid. Go to Western NoDak and you will see that most of the cattle ranching happens in rough country that can’t be farmed. The cows can graze on the side of a butte, or in a draw that no John Deere could ever plow.
Of course, those estimates are always done by people who would take forever to get a gallon of “milk” from a bull. They aren’t the sharpest AgriMinds in the cupboard.
3.785*10^(-3) m^3 of bull milk would still taste bad
There you go again.
*lol, I agree that SI is much more convenient when doing engineering stuff. When I am abroad, I can convert just about everything pretty easily except temps. I still have to stick my hand outside to figure out what the Ceclius temp I heard on the TV means.
I had a “smart” French boss who knew nothing of engineering. He thinks he can size a compressor with just a few details. The system’s super-heat was specced at 9°F; he quickly translates that to -13°C. . . why won’t the corporate model accept that as imput?
Negative super-heat ! eye roll, yawn
FWIW, years in the wind tunnel and on the calorimeter will NOT teach you how to estimate temperatures in any units.
“a carbon footprint equivalent to a 12-mile drive.”
So, hardly anything then.
What’s the equivalent of flying from LA to London on a private jet to protest global warming?
Oh when indulgances are factored in, that removes carbon due to the awareness raising activities.
/Priest of Warmism.
Eating an entire cattle ranch? Just a guess.
SHHHH! That’s different. They have to spread the word!
Climate ain’t gonna fix itself bro. So Algore must s jet set in first class around the world hollering how OTHERS have to reduce their carbon footprint.
Another shit head. Throw in Climate Barbie and Justin in that mix.
Abstinence to promote abortions?
” I stopped eating meat because I looked into a soon-to-be-slaughtered lamb’s terrified eyes and knew for sure that I never wanted another animal to die to feed me.”
Dude sounds a bit pervy with the lamb.
He got that from The Simpsons when the lamb emotionally manipulated Lisa.
“You will go well with mint sauce, yes you will.”
The city of Hartford has/had a pigeon problem a decade or so ago. Nobody took my advice that they could get to birds with one stone, if they had the local Hartford McDonalds offer pigeon McNuggests and the Burger Kings do pigeon tenders. I think the problem was that they would have to introduce a different dipping sauce for these and just didn’t want to.
Fun fact: Paul McCartney only agreed to be in that episode if the writers permanently made Lisa a vegetarian.
Further proving why Ringo is the best Beatle.
Dear Marge. Thanks for the fab painting of yours truly. I hung it on me wall. You’re quite an artist. In answer to your question: Yes, we do have hamburgers and fries in England but we call french fries ‘chips.’
Love, Ringo.
P.S. Forgive the lateness of my reply.
He’s definitely been emasculated.
I notice that tattooed millennial fathers who look cool and tough are the whiniest helicopter fathers who nit pick about shit traditionally domain of concerned (or nagging) women.
The educators at my place don’t see them as men but as cucks.
“Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb and then she tried the pork”
To paraphrase the Kratt brothers: there are no good or bad guys in nature.
Tailgating on a comment yesterday on canines, humanity is manifest in its teeth and digestive tract: of the design to efficiently and safely process both plant and animal. Carnivore GI tracts are short; herbivore tracts are long; ours are in the middle like possums and bears.
I can think of no reason not to pursue our lusts with the tools we evolved to do so.
Yup. We are pursuit predators that can run down and kill just about any animal on the planet. Although other carnivores may have situation-specific tactical advantages, we have a number of more strategic advantages – few can match our endurance, resilience, immunities, etc. Although its common to view homo sapiens as being physically weak and surviving only because of our brains, we are an apex predator in significant part because we are actually tough as nails and hunt in packs.
Koreans don’t have that problem.
Freedom!!! – Bacon
Durham high school students’ cell phones seized after sex acts reported at Riverside High
Archie and the gang are in trouble now (I know – Riverdale)
Synth Repairman Accidentally Gets High By Touching LSD Left in Vintage Buchla
I should be so lucky for that to happen at my job.
Since Curtis’ trip, the vintage Buchla has been thoroughly cleaned of all LSD.
One trip at a time.
Probably sugar cubes. If it was actual crystallized LSD, though, holy shit I bet that was a hell of a trip. And the clean up probably destroyed thousands of dollars of LSD.
Am I evil for hearing this and thanking the powers that be it was not so?
When does Meghan get brain cancer?
Just asking.
Her big fat heart will give out before cancer can find her tiny brain.
He could’ve tried some of that depleted uranium on his own cranium.
Yes. Heaven knows that it’s only right and proper that a black man should take his designated work assignment from a white woman.
*Gets down from high horse condemning the British aristocracy*
Fuck! It is pathetic that we have our own stupid version of American aristocracy. Meghan would be working the second shift at a convenience store if her dad hadn’t been a raging asshole of a politician.
‘The sofa’s up against the door’: Tory MPs count the hours until May quits as she ‘barricades’ herself in Downing Street after Leadsom resigns on eve of today’s Euro elections that will see the party wiped out
Yeah, I saw the bullet-points of that “agreement”. It was basically, keep following all the EU rules – i.e. same as the last one.
May is the worst PM ever to serve and that includes Chamberlain who had good intentions at least. They need to drum her out of office and then lock her up in the Tower of London.
When are the results of the vote expected to be in?
“It’s an anti-Fascist, anti-Trump rally.”
Trump is truly a miracle. He’s injected himself into the brainstem of every moron across the globe.
Anti-Trump rally….in England, because….well, fuck if I know. No one protests here over the British PM.
Because leftist activists all over the West have one brain to split between them.
I think we already did the best protest against the British culminating in a major fuck you in 1783.
Golf clap?
Golf clap.
I wonder how these people would react if some tatted up football hooligan dumped a milkshake on Corbyn. This stuff might be mild in spectrum of political violence but they’re absolutely nuts to encourage this stuff as it can only lead to an escalation.
From the dairy aisle, anyway.
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
That’s what I find somewhat amusing about this milkshake business – the English right isn’t exactly short on meatheaded goons. Seems a bit shortsighted to escalate like this when there are plenty of people on the other side who are probably eager to do the same.
I’ve seen Twitter posts saying it should’ve been gasoline or acid. This is going to end in disaster and, yes, I’m certain there are plenty of righties over there who would love to have a good excuse to cave in some skulls.
*insert link to those “u wot m8” hooligans*
Because they like those failures…?
I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this “anti-fascist” rhetoric.
How did a bunch of anarchist/communists get side-tracked into “fighting fascism”, and under what possible thought process did they determine that Trump is fascist? Is it just because he’s anti-immigration? That’s not exactly a fascist position, or at least not specific to fascism.
Obama was 100 times closer to fascism that Trump, with corporate takeovers, secret kill lists, using the IRS to attack enemies… And even that is pretty weak on the fascism scale. Trump is a populist and something of a mixed bag isolationist on trade… but fascist?
It just makes no sense. It is as if internet trolls are running the world.
He’s not a fascist and they know it. Mark my words, within fifteen years, they’ll be telling everyone how whoever the Republican du jour is is an evil fascist. Not like that noble Donald Trump, who they always respected and was just like whoever the socialist they’re running then.
They don’t know jack shit except that “fascist” is a useful slur against people they don’t like.
The team blue members have a shallow playbook. If one of their own is not in power that person is worse than Hitler and should not be allowed to make any decisions they don’t approve of. Once that person is no longer in power, that person suddenly is a great statesman, and even greater as long as that person complains or talks bad of the current person in charge that isn’t part of team blue and is now the new person that is worse than Hitler.
The crypto-Marxist campaign to corrupt the English language continues unopposed. Even anti-leftists meekly adopt their debased meanings.
Exhibit A: “gender”, now used to refer, at the whim of the user, to sex, sexual preference, and the delusion/desire to be something you are not. Nobody talks about sex discrimination any more, even though that’s the only legal term. Now, its universally referred to as “gender discrimination.” Increasingly, demographic information doesn’t include sex, it includes only gender.
Years ago I assumed that the gradual replacement of “sex” with “gender” was just because “sex is dirty”. The deliberate campaign to conflate the two didn’t come until more recently, it seems to me.
It’s sad that the British educational system has come to a point where its products are permanent infants who seem to think they’re Americans and Trump is their president.
If America had REALLY won the revolution, the UK would be an American territory.
Just imagine the lusty scene of these two Crypt-Keepers tearing into each other’s writhing bodies.
*violently vomits and goes into fetal position*
It’s only the weakness leaving my body.
Someone captured the moment.
Extra credit addition – Rudy’s in drag again
That’s how she likes him. Calls it her “Women’s Studies syllabus.”
Be careful how you identify:
OFTRANS is probably more accurate.Transamerican Killer
What if Joe Biden attempted to burnish his liberal bona fides by sponsoring a golf tournament for trans athletes. Just to keep it simple, these would be amateur trans athletes from high schools.
Would he call it the Joe Biden Trans Am?
I knew that joke was in there somewhere – well done for finding it.
You need to get a job
Cis-hookers get killed all the time and no one makes a big deal of it. I guess this is just their male privilege showing.
When they’re dead, they’re just hookers.
Killer seems to be taking trophies– all of the dicks are missing from the bodies.
He’s just helping them out with their transition?
This is the direct result of Trump’s election. He has created an atmosphere where haters of trans people are encouraged and feel safe murdering. This would never happen if Hillary were president.
Now you’re getting it.
Because if you can’t shove drugs up your ass and shoot yourself in the testicals, then what’s the point of living?
Doctors operating on man who shot self in testicles find drugs in anus
something Cleveland something Lou Reed
Some just call that Saturday night.
So are we going for a new record for linking to the same story in consecutive posts?
Doesn’t reporting that violate HIPPA? Doctor-patient privilege?
As long as its not the doctors releasing the info directly to the press, no. They have to report gunshot wounds to the cops, and are allowed to report crimes on the premises of their offices or the hospital (which includes storing drugs in your butt).
And its HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The comprehensive privacy regulations are almost completely unauthorized by the statute, but nobody gives a shit.
i listen to this instrumental. it’s calming yet has a ‘time to whoop ass’ part at the end.
Ok, you know how I’ve been annoyed with the press lately? Well, here’s another stupid rant:
The Microsoft landing page on “Microsoft Edge” has a bunch of MSN curated news articles. Today’s “top stories” included some politics and then fluff like Tony Robbins acused of sexual misconduct, Jamie Foxx flubs line on live TV show, and the subject of this rant, Man crashes wedding. That’s it… some dude came to a wedding without invite, and was arrested after refusing to leave.
So that was national news. Not just national news, but front page national news.
Jeeze-Louise, we’ve lost our damn minds.
The combination of social media and cable news has turned everything into national news.
How’d they totally miss that NORK rocket attack on Pearl Harbor this morning?
This was the top story at the NY Post for awhile yesterday.
That is precisely what I’m talking about. It isn’t even that they cover stuff that has absolutely zero news value, it is that they place it at the top of the heap.
And that one is a doozie. Some random fan of a soccer team doesn’t like Kim Kardashian. Wow! Stop the presses! And even in the article they acknowledge that it is perhaps a little tongue in cheek.
That is barely worthy of a teen’s blog post.
You guys keep forgetting that “news” is driven by clicks. If Tony Robbins, a wedding crasher, and the Kardashians are bringing in more clicks, you will see more of that.
The problem then is with the idiots clicking this shit.
Not forgetting. But the fact that people click on any link with a wafer-thin connection to that woman is in fact proof that “we” have lost our minds.
Agreed. The problem isn’t that they write these articles, it’s that they KEEP writing them because enough people read them.
Which just goes to prove that they are incompetent hacks. If that’s the goal, then you gotta put more porn on your site. That’s where all of the top sites are… porn. Either you are a landing page for search, or you are porn.
So the next time you want clicks, you gotta put some nekkid people in that article. Preferably good looking ones, but if the internet is any guide, that’s not an absolute requirement.
Government Ale **shudders**
Finally a series that continues to live up to expectations.
Wait until season 7, and you’ll hate it.
OK, that trailer was a 10 out of 10.
This guy is obnoxious, but he does scorched earth better than most.
Obnoxious, yes, but I found his novels pretty entertaining.
#Science. I like that.
Hey, do 97% of #Scientists agree on what the proper temperature is? What is it? And how did they decide that that was the proper temperature?
Yesterday it was 72, sunny, and no humidity. That should be the proper temperature.
Thot Thursday gives ass Glibs something to celebrate!
my thots and prayers are with you
#33 and #35 seem nice.
I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this “anti-fascist” rhetoric.
I get tired-head trying to neatly delineate fascism, capitalism, and aristocracy without getting into semantic trouble; they’re not all need economic theories, so my apples bump into my oranges.
But consider: I despise aristocracy, especially wedding- and baby-watching that papers over centuries of atrocity. . . . atrocity just like my own: inheriting property gained at some point by genocide. How is a fiefdom any different from a ranch or a rubber plantation? How is clan Windsor any more deplorable than the East India Trading Company or Halliburton. Am I, wanton capitalist, just a petty aristocrat?
The continuous deep throating of the inbred welfare recipients on the British throne by the American media disgusts me. Their eagerness for a royal master reveals itself in their treatment of the Kennedy’s, the Obama’s, and previously the Clinton’s.
About 10 years ago the company I worked at had a bunch of Brit expats working at it. There was some wedding that was going on in Old Blighty and they had a GIANT party. I went for the booze and food. I lasted about an hour before I was asked to leave for making snide comments.
Yeah, I don’t get the whole aristocracy thing either.
Is it mostly a chick thing: paegentry, fairy godmothers, wedding gowns? The press is only guilty to presenting what girls want. The Disneyesque wedding is tattoed on the chick brain; it’s comforting to them. This is also why there are no libertarian chicks: the comfort of effective government is another other cherished cartoon.
Other than jerking to Diana, guys never cared.
It makes perfect sense; at the risk of descending into biological determinism, women on average are programmed to ingratiate themselves to and support the entities that can provide them with the most resources. On the Savannah, women were physically vulnerable and they relied on males to provide the necessities of life. In exchange, they bore the males’ babies and cared for them. Up until the massive growth of the welfare state, the husband was that source of protection and provision. Now that Uncle Sam has taken over that role, and he has much deeper pockets, it makes rational sense for many of them to prefer him to the typical Joe six-pack. The Disneyesque wedding, fantasy of being a princess, etc. etc. is just an extension of that biological drive.
It’s also why women’s suffrage all but guarantees a constant and intractable growth of government.
inheriting property gained at some point by genocide.
The (vast?) majority of property in the US was not taken from Indians, you know. It was created by capitalism, not seized by the US cavalry.
Main difference is that at some point, your ancestors *earned* that wealth. The Royals just get massive subsides.
I’m glad to see we are on the same page with this as a group.
Any coverage of British royalty by the American press is an abomination. The fact that any American gives a crap what some Brit names their kid is an embarrassment.
As a group we should not acknowledge that there is even such a thing as “Royalty” or “Royal blood”. They are the descendants of warlords, nothing more.
we should not acknowledge that there is even such a thing as “Royalty” or “Royal blood”
similarly horrible: Sir Elton John and Sir Nick Faldo
Milton Friedman – Socialism is Force
‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh set to be released from prison after 17 years
…and we still have troops in Afghanistan.
And which one did the left decide to get their panties in a twist about?
It is in the same way that Labour is Corbyn’s party.
How much would you pay not to have a 15 minute walk?
Elon Musk’s Boring Company Secures $48.6 Million Contract in Las Vegas Despite Embarrassing Demonstration in L.A.
The new transit project, dubbed the LVCC Loop, will connect the Las Vegas Convention Center’s New Exhibit Hall with other convention halls down the street. It currently takes 15 to 20 minutes to walk from the New Exhibit Hall to the other halls. That same distance will take about 1 minute with the new underground LVCC Loop, according to the Boring Company.
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority approved the contract late Wednesday which will reportedly be just 0.83-miles long and have three underground stations.
This guy should start holding seminars on how to be a grifter.
ok, but what’s the grift there?
How does this P.T. Barnum keep getting money?
O. M. G.
Even the animated “concept” stuff is just a big van in a tunnel. WTF? Where’s the high-speed train running through a vacuum?
Hyperloop is an entirely different concept. Yeah, it’s a little confusing that they both have “loop” in the name.
So is the idea that the vehicles are electric (so no emissions in the tunnel) and use Tesla’s auto driving feature so no driver is required?
It’s a tunnel that does not appear to be connected to the street. Use a cable car with a stationary motor. cheaper, bigger payload, and more reliable.
Or use existing electric vehicle technology. Anyone changing concourses at that Atlanta airport knows all about electric vehicles moving people through underground tunnels.
Cable cars wouldn’t require costly hazarous waste like batteries. You can use electric motors to drive the cables if you want.
I believe the ATL airport tram runs on a 3rd rail type setup. So no batteries. But it runs on tires, not rails.
Basically, its a miniature and likely inefficient version of . . . a subway. 100+ year old technology. The tram at DFW does a better job, except its elevated, not buried.
I think the main pitch is that his boring machines are supposed to better than the current models. The vehicles running through them aren’t relevant though of course he will plug his own company’s vehicles.
Yeah, which is a weird assertion since they just bought a couple of used digging machines.
In that LA project, a person was actually driving the car on concrete ledges? Haha. Unreal.
And then LV gives this guy $46 million. And say they need it to get people to come to LAS VEGAS. Yes, you are really hurting for tourist dollars. You obviously have at least $46 million more than you need.
You obviously have at least $46 million more than you need.
Not any more.
“Rand Paul splits with Amash on Trump impeachment.”
Rand is right on this issue.
Rand arguing against the intelligence community is a brave stand. Amash defaulting to whatever the NYT editorial board is saying is the opposite of brave and completely illogical. Amash has lent credence to an investigation that has been used to paint Rand Paul and other antiwar voices in media and government as Russian stooges. Amash demanded a special counsel investigation after Trump’s meeting with Putin and now because the investigation did not find evidence to support a moronic conspiracy theory that he should have been smart enough to not believe he wants to argue about obstruction of justice. Mueller said he could not decide on the merits of obstruction of justice, but Amash disagrees. So why did he demand a special counsel investigation if he was just going to ignore the findings if they were inconvenient?
Mueller said he could not decide on the merits of obstruction of justice,
Another Big Lie.
Mueller most certainly made the only decision a prosecutor is charged with making: Indict, or not? He decided not to indict. The rest is a just a temper tantrum because he couldn’t take down Orange Man Bad.
The demand that the target of the investigation prove their innocence, the detailed recitation of all the “evidence” that doesn’t add up to an indictment, is unprecedented and, although not technically unethical, should still be condemned by anyone who gives a shit about due process.
What I’m amazed at is that the Democrats now want to anoint Mueller as the sole arbiter of truth in this matter.
They didn’t believe his report… so now when he testifies! When he testifies… we can finally, finally hear the Truth for ourselves!
They are so sure that he’s going to step up to the mike and declare Trump a traitor and a felon for obstruction of justice…. it will be interesting to watch them squirm and twist as he carefully navigates the politics of not telling them anything. And of course the next move they make will be moving the goalposts yet again.
it will be interesting to watch them squirm and twist as he carefully navigates the politics of not telling them anything
Mueller has his own issues with the investigations now going on into the FBI/DOJ/etc. conspiracy to unseat Trump. His office leaked confidential material like crazy, he wiped Strzok’s and Page’s cell phones, he brought on the people at the center of the pre-special counsel shenanigans, and I’m sure a detailed review of his warrant applications would show the same problems as the FISA warrants that started this whole shitshow. So either he doubles down on trying take Trump out (stupid) or he tippy toes very carefully to try to stay clear of what may be a headhunting expedition.
Remember, the prosecutor digging into the FISA warrants has already cleaned up a Mueller mess in Boston, so he is unlikely to cut him any slack.
It’s almost the mirror of Comey’s little tap dance for Clinton. He laid out a persuasive case against her, one that would have landed anyone not named Clinton in a good deal of trouble, then detoured into a fanciful reinterpretation of the statute and his role in order to decline recommending charges. Comey wanted it both ways: keep Clinton from facing any charges while maintaining the illusion of impartiality and propriety. Mueller wanted it both ways, too: get his hands dirty so he’s not torn a new one by Democrats, while acknowledging there’s nothing chargeable.
No fuckin’ lie. Amash lost his damn mind supporting the Surveillance State over conclusions made by a 22 month investigation that, putting it lightly, was quite hostile. Aside from personal animus and/or Chinese business interests I can’t think of a reason why he’d turn on a dime and start trusting the Panopticon.
Whatever it is, it’s neither principled nor politically savvy.
The Deep State has something on Amash, just like on almost every other politician.
Not everyone can be as squeaky clean as Donald Trump. /jk
Your interesting tidbit of history for today:
Escaping the Berlin Wall by hot air balloon
Imagine what it’s like to never really say your opinion without fear of being spied on.
Doesn’t really take much imagination any more, does it?
Look, aside from the NSA, CIA, FBI, Local Police, Google, Facebook, Verizon, General Motors, Comcast and the NRO, who is spying on you, really?
Don’t forget Chase Bank et al.
Amazon, Apple, Microsoft…
Ok, fine. And the banks. And the telcos. And the department of transportation, and the toll collectors. And the credit card companies. And the retailers. And the folks who make phone apps.
But apart from them… who is spying on you, really?
it’s been surprisingly difficult trying to find a blaze orange GOA or SAF (or even NRA for that matter) t-shirt to wear to the gun control rally on June 7th. the only blaze orange i currently own is an old waxed cotton field jacket and that shit’ll be way too hot.
Make your own. Just print out a GOA or SAF logo on iron-on paper and voila, you’ve got your shirt.
It looks better if you just draw it on with a sharpie.
(this opinion is why we never get invited to the big dance)
Not quite blaze orange, but close.
Now that is perfect. Thank you for providing the link.
4 sold in last 24 hours
I think some like-minded folks are also planning to crash the “wear orange” gun control rallies on June 7th.
Not sure where I fall on this, but it’s thought provoking.
I tend to agree that if you rip away the foundations of everything, including reality itself, the only thing left is nihilism and meaninglessness. However, I’m not sure that such a metaphysical concept applies to Free Speech. Interesting nonetheless.
Uh… did you mean to link to a note of thanks? Or did I just “not get it”?
You utter profane exclamations, but I celebrate the fact that I wasn’t *that* clueless….