I seem to struck a nerve with my intransigence over Game of Thrones. So I guess I might as well pick on another item of social significance.
This is my review of Four Peaks Xerocole IPA
Okay I am kidding. Seinfeld isn’t a terrible show, but I do agree with the opinion the humor and plotlines of many episodes can be a bit dated from time to time. There are however, certain episodes that will stand up as well as any. One such example is Season 7, Episode 6: The Soup Nazi.
Seriously, this episode is way better than the episode of M*A*S*H* where the Korean lady suffocates a chicken.
I will cover the main points for context but if you want to check out the entire script here’s a link, or I am sure you can look around the internet and find the episode somewhere. It begins where the sociopaths Jerry, Elaine, and George are discussing which movie theater they would like to visit when Jerry suggests one in particular because it is near a place that sells soup. In spite of Elaine’s preference for a burger at that time, Jerry continues to rave about the place but there is one caveat:
ELAINE: Boy, I’m in the mood for a cheeseburger.
JERRY: No. We gotta go to the soup place.
ELAINE: What soup place?
GEORGE: Oh, there’s a soup stand, Kramer’s been going there.
JERRY: He’s always raving. I finally got a chance to go there the other day, and I tell you this, you will be stunned.
ELAINE: Stunned by soup?
JERRY: You can’t eat this soup standing up, your knees buckle.
ELAINE: Huh. All right. Come on.
JERRY: There’s only one caveat — the guy who runs the place is a little temperamental, especially about the ordering procedure. He’s secretly referred to as the Soup Nazi.
The ordering procedure; here is where I defend the Soup Nazi. There are a number of places in nearly any city that has a particular procedure one must follow to order. The pizza joint I frequently patronize doesn’t take names for phone orders, they give you an order number and expect you to give it to them when you pick it up. Many even developed a jargon to ordering. Some of these places might be stricter than others when asking to adhere to such places but I will give a few examples, feel free to point out others.
- In-N-Out Burger. They only have a few items on their menu, but they actually have a “sort of Secret Menu” on their website, that should you go up to any In-N-Out and ask for an item off this menu, they will be more than happy to make it. Then there is this. I am not endorsing In-N-Out. I personally don’t think it’s that great, and honestly no fast food burger really is.
- Geno’s (Philadelphia). There’s a lingo to ordering a cheesesteak. Should you find yourself there and don’t want to look like moron and subject yourself to Philly’s signature hospitality, they explain how on their website.
- Starbucks. There really isn’t anything unusual about ordering here, but I think this is more of a principled stand against something that often manifests itself at a Starbucks. If there is a line with 20 people in it, know what the hell you are ordering BEFORE you arrive at the counter. It’s just coffee, there’s nothing abnormal about it, and if what you want is one of their coffee cocktail…things, the menu has a decent enough explanation of what’s in it to know by the time you get to the counter. It’s a common courtesy that I hope doesn’t have to be mentioned here.
It is in this spirit the Soup Nazi had his ordering procedure. For further background, this episode is actually based on a real place, and the Soup Nazi is a real person, who recently filed for bankruptcy. As you might be able to see from the photo from the featured image, it isn’t a large venue. The ordering procedure the Soup Nazi requested is primarily meant to keep the line moving. As Jerry explains:
JERRY: All right. As you walk in the place move immediately to your right. […] The main thing is to keep the line moving.
GEORGE: All right. So, you hold out your money, speak your soup in a loud, clear voice, step to the left and receive.
JERRY: Right. It’s very important not to embellish on your order. No extraneous comments. No questions. No compliments.
That’s it. That’s his requirements. The instances where the Soup Nazi throws the main characters out of the shop is where they interrupt the flow of the line. George gets his soup taken away over his complaint he didn’t get any bread. Before it is pointed out this is a legitimate complaint–it is, however he did get his money back and the next time they gave him bread with his order. Elaine was tossed out because she took forever to order, and tried to make small talk with the Soup Nazi (“Did anyone ever tell you, you look like Al Pacino…WHOOAH”). Later she went in to thank him for a piece of furniture, which angered him because he didn’t think Kramer was going to give it to somebody so eagerly willing to aggravate him and interrupt the line of customers…again. Another was kicked out because he tried to be cute and order partially in Spanish; the Soup Nazi might have just been a dick there.
Supposedly the actual owner of the Soupman was offended by the entire episode, and upon recognizing them, threw out Jerry Seinfeld and the rest of the cast when they visited. He…also tried in vain to not pay federal taxes, hence filing Chapter 13.
Does this really sound like somebody we should hate? I contend he is not. This is nothing more than an entrepreneur that has a extremely desirable product, but limited capacity for space to deliver his product. His simple demands to keep the line moving are met with such contempt, Elaine’s only recourse is to publish his secret recopies and ruin his business.
Now the beer in question is a local beer, and one I plan to sent to my BIF recipient, regardless of his distaste for IPA…. it was released earlier this month and went straight to tall can territory. It does have a dry, biting IPA flavor we all love to hate, but it is also reasonably light and refreshing. Before it is pointed out this is a contradiction–it is, however even I have purchased this on more than one occasion so it isn’t too bad. Four Peaks Xerocole IPA: 3.0/5
Out of town with lousy wifi connectivity but I just picked up 4 different beers from Logboat Brewing here in Columbia, MO. Will try them out next week.
ATL@STL tix tonight with NewWife.
Jazz brunch tomorrow
Starbucks? The 90’s called and they want your shitty coffee used to water board you.
The law office representing Jerry Seinfeld called. They want you to cease and desist your poor excuse for dry wit and get your own joke.
Big Mac, no club, ask for one, good stuff again MS, thanks!
You will be happy to know, I just changed out my air filter.
Did anyone put this up? Powerline,
I clicked through expecting remote-controlled aircraft. But I was pleasantly amused.
I would like to be a sociopath. Maybe I need lessons.
*looks at OMWC*
What, living with a role model isn’t enough?
He’s more a psychopath than sociopath.
BTW, did you see my email?
Yes, I did. Checking schedules.
I always thought the Soup Nazi character was an illustration of how normal people would respond to the accurately described “sociopaths Jerry, Elaine, and George”.
A genius show, BTW. They somehow bridged whiny and self-absorbed to likable and funny.
Elaine was the best, especially when she went over the top.
I forget, was she really into lobster bisque or was it the yadda yadda yadda?
I think that is my wife.
I was cruising the satellite box last night looking for something before I got sleepy. Ran across Terminator 2. An hour later, well past my usual bedtime, I made myself turn it off (shortly after Linda Hamilton, well on the correct side of the crazy/hot matrix, tried to kill the scientist dude). Good flick.
And Linda is back in the new one, which wisely retcons everything since Terminator 2 out of existence.
The CG still looks very unnatural. Maybe just give up on it and just focus on the story.
Well, would you look at that.
I haven’t seen 4 or 5.
Dang, Linda is looking a little haggard. I doubt this one will set things right, but yes, everything after 2 should be deleted from history.
Not bad for a 62 year old in Hollywoodland.
She’s 62. That is a-list hot for 62.
I’ve always enjoyed the employees at Gates BBQ aggressively screaming HI! MAY I HELP YOU?! at me as I walk in.
One of our websites that we redesigned almost immediately after I was hired infamously had a video on the home page with instructions on how to navigate the site. From a usability perspective, a highly-usable product’s usage should be obvious by its design–a button looks like something you’d push, for instance; pitchers don’t require instruction manuals. Restaurants that require prior knowledge to navigate the ordering process are the equivalent of “Norman doors” in user experience terms. If it’s that complicated, the process is flawed. The caveat is that the usage should be obvious to its intended user base. Obviously it’s unlikely that you could design a cockpit such that someone who’s never been in a plane could successfully take off, fly, and land. Still, it should be obvious to *pilots* what the controls do and how to operate the thing.
Full disclosure, I worked at Starbucks for a few years. If you think the ordering process is complicated, try being the guy who’s making those drinks with a line out the door. Or the cashier who’s trying to remember the exact order in which to say the drink components. That’s a big part of the process because the barista will generally start making the drink as its being ordered in order to save time. Here’s the formula:
(caf/decaf) + (Iced) + (whip cream) + (number of shots) + (cup size) + (milk) + (flavoring) + (drink name)
So, it’s “iced quad grande Americano”, not “four shot Americano, venti, iced”. Iced or not is the big one because there are two different cups and they’re usually on opposite sides. Or, “decaf venti skim caramel latte”, for instance. Knowing the correct order is a sign that you’ve either worked at a Starbucks or are a frequent customer, and will sometimes result in better service.
^this this this
[faps furiously]
You two get a room together!
Sorry, forgot that “iced” comes before “decaf”. Again, different cups, so that’s the most important thing to say first.
“(whip cream) + (number of shots) + (cup size)”
Is this about trying to get a bar thot to go home with you?
“man hiding drugs in butt shoots himself in testicles”
Someone should post a link to that.
Shit, I was gonna reenact it.
So Tres is reenacting your labor?
Where’s Swissy when you need him?
Never mind that, how’s Lou Reed doing? I heard he’s been poorly.
It’s like that every day, all over the world
I enjoy the background elements of Mexi’s photography as much as the subject matter. Also, the sly self-portrait of the photographer’s reflection in the beer glass.
He just doesn’t know how to use Photoshop to remove the reflection.
I never noticed that.
Are those Mexi’s legs or is he riding a chicken?
I’m actually an AI based off a composite of other successful libertarians.
That is a pair of skinny little pegs, isn’t it?
I’m noticing a trend today. Is this site trying to get on the SPLC list. Or has it quietly been taken over by Nazis?
According to some people we have been Nazis all along.
Family. Friendly. Nazis.
Nazis had friends and family too.
“”I am not endorsing In-N-Out. I personally don’t think it’s that great, and honestly no fast food burger really is.”
You’re triggering everybody these days.
I won’t say In-N-Out sucks, but it’s about 5th on the list of fast food burgers.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Acshually, you confirmed my opinion.
Its better than most in its niche, which sadly is a bar low enough to trip over.
Are they actually fast-food, or “fast-casual”? There’s an enormous gulf there.
They have a drive through. Which put its it in the fast food niche.
Ah. The only fast-food burgers I can think of in NYC are the big three.
I thought I fucking told you never to use that kind of fucking language around here.
Sorry, ma’am. Please spank me.
Just gonna say it…i hate summer with a passion. I love the cross country drives, but with the sun shining on me all day long – it’s just miserable. Need cool and overcast. Just not sure how soon I’ll be able to move to a comfortable place 🙁
Sounds like Seattle is perfect for you. Watch out for the poop and needles.
I loved living in Everett for a few years. Want to get back to that region, but in terms of professional education, etc – I’ll probably wind up in Newport News for 4 years….which is like the worst of all possible worlds…..but the best option for long term success/goals.
What with global heating and all, the Northwest Passage should be wide open any day now. There are sure to be opportunities for a young, entrepreneurial, nautically enthused filibusterer. That AO might be more to your liking.
Haha, yea. According to many “experts”, the North Pole was supposed to be completely ice-free by this time.
There’s always San Francisco. Oh wait….
I know there are several Glib Uncles out there. Here’s something you could do with your niece/nephew this weekend.
The collective pants shitting was worth it, Im sure.
Hundreds in Dayton to counter 9 KKK members at rally
Jesus…we even made the news all the way out to OMWC & SP-land
I’m sorry your downtown had to be shutdown for hours at great expense to the taxpayers just because of maybe twenty Klansmen and supporters.
Given the lessons of Charlottesville it sounds like the police hit the right note by actively segregating the protesters and counter-protesters, as distasteful as it is that this has to be the case.
I noticed all the elaborate chain-link fencing put up and wondered the same, “how much are they spending on this?”
And the article notes that the Klan guys came from Indiana. Evidently we dont have enough of our own racists locally for a proper rally. But if you sit through a city commission meeting, you’ll hear that Dayton is the most racially divided city on the planet.
Better Indiana Klansmen than Illinois Nazis. LOL
“But if you sit through a city commission meeting, you’ll hear that Dayton is the most racially divided city on the planet.”
Race hustlers, they are everywhere.
They get their Klan from Indiana just like they get their guns.
Is that headline right? They could only muster 9 members?
Nine protesters (assumed Klan members, affiliates or whatevs), and a like number of people demonstrating support for the actual protesters.
So the lesson is that each Klansman summons fifty counterprotesters. That would make them like eighth level anti-paladins?
That’s a pathetic showing. Which is a good thing.
The FBI couldn’t rustle up enough agents on a holiday weekend.
LOL! It’s true, though. Probably half of them were agents or informers.
A chicky boom boom down.
7 were FBI and BATF agents
I have a salmon on the smoker, and hot dogs and burgers in the fridge waiting for folks to arrive. Roughly 50 people coming over for a party at casa de trashy.
Drink related question: what is the ideal ratio for lemonade? I usually just eyeball it, but that doesn’t work so well when making in bulk. I read a site that recommended a 5:5:1 of lemons:cups of water:cups of sugar.
Whelp, since I go through gallons of (keto) lemonade weekly, for small batch, 4.5 cups water : 1.5 cups concentrate :10 packets of stevia
Extrapolate out?
You forgot the Everclear.
Yeah I want to avoid getting my pastor’s 3 year old drunk
You have no soul to save.
Tell him the delicious lemonade is for adults only. If he doesn’t listen, that’s on him.
1 shot Limoncello + big splash of fresh, unsweetened cranberry juice – shake with ice, strain into pint glass, top with ginger beer… good stuff.
Also, the sweet little old Polish ladies at my local market did confirm that their particular rustic loaf (similar in appearance to the Romanian loaf you linked) must have the dark glaze knocked off of it as it is so brittle and sharp it’s like eating slivers of glass. I hate to imagine the trial and error that went into that process innovation.
That sounds delicious.
And thanks for the clarification of the baking thing!
what kind of salmon?
I grilled some Copper River King salmon a couple of nights ago. Gawd awful expensive but one of the best pieces of salmon I’ve ever had.
This recipe
salmon itself wasn’t fancy.
Sugar in lemonade is an abomination. Ruins the taste.
I would go for 5:5:0 if I was you.
And if there are children with immature palates and must have sugar, have some simple sirop ready.
I have real difficulty getting it across to waiters that I want just the lemon and water. When I say no sugar they ask you want honey? No, lemon and water.
John McAfee on drinking scotch. Bath salts optional.
French dip sandwich, pint of hazy IPA? Check. Ribs on the smoker? Check. Off to the man cave for an afternoon of drinking and flipping through various sports.
The delmonicos last weekend were so good that I’m doing more tomorrow.
1 lb each, shown with Spanish made protection.
Tonight will be a tri tip on the grill. I also see gin martinis in our evening plans.
In America, those are known as “ribeyes”. “Delmonico” is an east coast, commie term.
I bought a wagyu tri-tip that was on sale last week and smoked it. It was good, but it’s not a cut I’m willing to pay full wagyu price for. Now coulotte steaks are a different animal.
“coulotte steaks”
Never heard that before. I had to look it up.
They are damn tasty, even at choice grade.
Nice, on both counts! Star or another?
Star Firestar M43
…I’m seeing a definite lack of Glibs logo on that.
I wonder how many different people requesting that would make the engraver start to wonder if he was getting roped into the next NXIVM
I thought you meant on the steaks. I guess we need a Glibs logo branding iron for grilling.
I like Seinfeld. I also like IPAs. Although I am trying to go low-is carb and thus reduce my beer intake. I have had middling success on this front. There is still no better drink post gym or on a sunny Sunday morning.
I am currently drinking Winzer Krems Sandgrube 13 Blauer Zweigelt 2017 which I picked up at the local Kaufland for a bit of 6 of you American “dollars”. It is decent for the price.
As of today I have all my electricity outlets and light switches. Next week hopefully y bathroom will be ready, I am waiting for the glass screen for the tub. I had the most shitty experience with it. From now on I will only buy things in stock and not things that need to be special ordered from the producer in fucking Poland. dam Poles so unreliable.
Well, I found the thermostat, for whatever reason, it was saying it was 22 in the room. This was absurd, as I was sweating like a pig, and 22 degrees isn’t pig sweating temperature. The real problem is the location of the AC unit. It’s situated over the door to the room. Mind you, the door is down a short hall with a dogleg so that there’s no way the wimpy-assed fan in that thing can get air into the room proper.
PS the one hotel clerk who actually spoke english was a cute redhead. The rest spoke frog and pretended to speak english… but were not what I’d call fluent.
So far, Canada looks like a flatter, even more depressed New York. Mind you, I’m in Gatineau, across the river from Ottowa.
dogleg – I learned a new word
o far, Canada looks like a flatter, even more depressed New York. – so we all agree Kawhi should leave Toronto for the Lakers.
Glad you are having a safe trip, with the exception of meeting Not Adahn.
It was a peacable encounter at a public place with plenty of people around. Neither of us initiated violence.
NAP makes for terminally boring libertarian meetups.
I’m no libertarian.
So, it’s almost 4pm, I could have dinner downstairs, but I’m worried about the waitstaff’s english fluency, and I don’t have any working knowlege of Quebecois French (or French for that matter) so I’d rather go some place where I don’t need a complicated ordering system and can avoid linguistic troubles.
but that requires getting up off this seat and leaving my parking spot. With the tiny lot, I’m afraid I won’t have anywhere to park when I get back.
You need to try speaking French and do it badly enough that the staff will start speaking English. Worked very well for me in France.
Well, I spotted a place within walking distance, I’m off to get dinner and see how the venture turns out.
My parking spot is safe for a little while longer.
Now I know I’m in a foreign country The menu was in french, but it turned out to be a chinese food place run by white folks who spoke perfect english.
I mean that’s not the unwritten contract of chinese food places.
With all of that cultural appropriation, how have the Canucki proggies not shut them down?
I don’t know, but the food’s good at least.
Dammit, I have no plasticware. There’s a grocery store down the road, but outside of walking range.
Bye bye parking spot.
point at you open mouth an see what they give you
I’m afraid I’m not Civilized enough to try that.
I found something that I not on’y don’t like but which could be dangerous to me.
The street lights in this neghborhood are not positioned where you would expect to find them (and where I saw them in Ottowa), they’re coyly situated off the sides of the road amid the trees, clutter and signage where you really have to pay attention to see that you’re not supposed to drive past that alley that is really another street with the green.
Pork loin on the grill/smoker, and
and eager to get back to it?
On first read, it doesn’t sound so bad. What’s the catch? I mean, it can’t be good if it had bipartisan support.
Those who work and save responsibly will be means-tested for SS – so the government will have more money to distribute to the leisure class.
Is this all accounts, even private ones?
I’m not clear what the means, either.
There’s got to be something in the fine print. That seems to sensible for Democrats to sign on.
I didn’t see anything about SS. I did see that if I contribute to my own 401(k), I can’t withdraw from it until I’m 72 – unless that’s just really bad phrasing on the part of the article.
I really don’t intend to wait until 72 to retire. The whole point of saving now is so that I won’t have to work then.
You can withdraw earlier, but after you reach that age you must withdraw over a certain amount every year.
Ah. I didn’t know there was such a thing.
The King needs his cut of your gains. Also applies to traditional IRAs but not Roth IRAs
Yeah, the summary of changes looked surprisingly good to me, hopefully there isn’t something nasty buried in there somewhere.
I bet this guy loved to be able to write the headline… “Pro-EU Change UK, Liberal Democrats Could Form CUK-LD Coalition”
That is so perfect.
Just made my bi-monthly pork chop order from these guys. Seriously, the best pork chops I have ever eaten. They are not cheap, but they are quality. The 6oz bone ins are good for a light lunch or dinner and the 16oz ribeye chops are the frickin’ bomb. No marinade, no fancy nothing, just on the grill or cast iron with salt, pepper and spices.
Nice. I was contemplating ordering a half Mangalitsa pig.
some Romanians delude themselves with Mangalitsa is an authentic romanian breed
That’s a negative.
Rhywun: NYC isn’t playing terrible…
Still better than the shitty Rapids.
Also – VAR is out of control, they need to tone it down.
Yeah, they’ve been pretty mediocre to bad.
I’ve got it on the radio cuz the Spanish-speaking diaspora has chosen this match for one of their exclusives this week. ?
If it’s on Univision, I usually just watch it on mute.
Yeah, it takes too damn long.
Have some more outrage theater.
I fucking hate the trumpeting of “death threats”. What percentage of death threats are actually followed up with real action? And are they aware that there are communities like 4chan where people like to just stir the pot, and your shenanigans getting on the news is like the gold medal?
Meanwhile, there are tons of people suggesting that Trump should be assassinated, yet there doesn’t seem to be any concern from the media on that one.
Before social media, death threats were probably a little weightier of an issue since it took effort to actually send a letter or make a phone call. Now some dipshit goes on Twatter and shits out some nonsense and it’s a Federal case.
Article in the WSJ about the new CIA director. TL/DR: new director is what you’d expect – a career swamp creature interested in self and agency survival.
However, this really struck me:
“But if Ms. Haspel’s primary mission is overseeing a global spy agency charged with addressing threats ranging from terrorism to climate change…”
CLIMATE CHANGE? CIA is protecting us from CLIMATE CHANGE? We are doomed.
Better or worse than starting proxy wars in Central America?
If they’d give up one for the other I’d be all for it.
They won’t.
Welcome to the “Climate Deniers” wing of CIA site [REDACTED}.
Oh, I know site [REDACTED]. Is [REDACTED] still [REDACTED] with [REDACTED]?
The “climate change” part is proggy projection. The climate doesn’t have testicles that can be hooked to a taser.
Deniers do.
Just the males.
You some kinda TERF or something. Get woke
*adds BEAM to the “list”*
Look at the transphobe, here.
/Recalls link posted the other day showing a CIA brochure’s “diversity and inclusion” bonafides, concludes they’re just another part of the do-nothing swamp with all the rest of the alphabet-soup.
“Indistinguishable from humans” is a pretty damn high bar. I’m sure that someday, probably long into the future, sexbots will cross the uncanny valley. But it sure ain’t there yet.
Not saying I wouldn’t, but I would still definitely prefer (mostly) flesh and blood.
“Someday…sexbots will cross the uncanny valley “
And we will know because Q will post sexbot titties
Why wait?
Can she give me a blowjob on demand without me doing the work? Can she make me a sammich? Will she stop talking when I say “shush”? When the answer to all of those is “yes”, then maybe it would be worth considering.
/blatant mysoginist
Only if you jailbreak her and overwrite the wokeness subroutines.
“jailbreak her”
*deletes false accusation functions from Q’s AI libraries*
This may be the best thing I’ve ever read.
Brings a tear to my eye.
Just because it’s confirmation bias doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
It also makes sense. Those who have failed at life and are envious of others are drawn to an ideology that promises to reward their failure and ongoing sloth.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.
Figures were compiled by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution
I realize it’s not the United States, but it still sounds laughably oxymoronic.
IIRC the Baader-Meinhoff Gang never had their own digs either. They always bummed space from someone else.
The blondie conducting the interviews at the golf tournament on CBS has a vein that runs all the way up her forearm. It really distracts from her tits.
It’s a draw for the vampire demographic though.
“No one ever says, ‘I wanna be a junkie when I grow up'”.