Day 2 of the 3 day weekend. SP and I are moving a bit slowly as an aftereffect of dinner and drinking last night. The sun is starting to blast over the desert. And the news rolls on, and who better to curate it than one of the Elders of Zion?
Today’s birthdays include the pioneer of gay Westerns; the guy who would always go to town and get the snot beaten out of him; one of the Three Ms; England’s version of Sheedy but with worse teeth; and half of the funniest duo alive.
Not a news story, but fascinating reading.
Please, please, please, please, please!!!!!!!
“Pretend you’re not a Jew!” Here’s the best part: “According to the interior ministry, right-wing extremists committed 90% of the 1,800 incidents in 2018. The real number of Islamic-animated antisemitic attacks in Germany is not well documented due to authorities characterizing Islamic antisemitism as right-wing antisemitism.”
I prefer veterans who didn’t get disabled.
Just in time for my next trip.
SEA SMITH GET A CHUBBY! h/t Donation Not Taxation
Old Guy Music today features the birthday boy at the peak of his creativity. And what a band this was!
*hands Aus a revolver to end it because it’s all downhill from here*
Should I bother pointing out the obvs ?
No. Just let them have their moment.
The lack of ass slapping GIF?
You’ve reached peak Glib, amigo. Well done.
Middle class and drinking enough to kill a small horse as a daily ritual?
Yep, those Islamists and the Neo-Nazi’s are exactly the same.
I would probably say the same thing. Or I would say “Wear your kippot and some hip iron.”
Imagine saying “I cannot advise Muslims to wear the hijab everywhere all the time in Germany”.
That’s how you get the UN on your case.
I’d be more concerned with the Islamist nutjobs
I thought they were both the same thing?
Fair point
I would advise them to wear it somewhere else….somewhere ‘not my country’.
But enough about France.
Doesn’t the G.I. Bill pay for college for veterans?
Why do you hate our veterans?
“47 States Call On Betsy Devos To Forgive Student Loans”
Contracts, how do they work? After reading the article, it looks like there may have been some sort of program that may have given out cash? for some reason. Possible that some of the schools were like “Trump University”. I dunno, not clear why they would be getting a loan as opposed to a monthly stipend.
I went to school on the GI Bill and had to maintain a ‘C’ average to keep the cash flowing. There was no lump sum and the school was obligated to verify my participation. It wasn’t a loan.
Maybe they should allow student loans to come under the bankruptcy umbrella for all people. It’s a crazy idea but it just might work.
Get the government out of it. You want a loan, go get a loan from a bank like you would a house. No government gaurentee to the bank. The people lending the money may start caring what your major is. Which is good for the student as well because it’s information feedback.
‘Zactly’ and vested interest.
How will we continue to ruin higher education and young minds if we do that?
Hillary energizes people?
It’s like you’ve never seen Rambo: First Blood Part 2
You know who else energized people?
That masked man at Angola prison?
Yes she does. At Home Depot. By the bathrooms.
*Favorite Hillary campaign story: She was supposed to hold a rally somewhere in the midwest at a Waffle House or some such but she was late so instead of stopping she just blew right past the place. The rally attendees, most elderly people on crutches and in wheel chairs (Probably a day outing for a nursing home) were lined up by the road as she blew through. The van she was in hit a pothole and sprayed mud and water all over the old folks. I don’t know if she had her middle finger up to them as she went by.
*Second best: Her tour bus got ticketed for dumping sewage from the bus shitter onto the middle of mainstreet somewhere town. They couldn’t be bothered to find an RV service area or even pull off of the road so they just kicked the valve open and drained it into the middle of the pavement.
#2: They should erect a statue of Hillary on the shitter and put it in the town square for that one.
It was obviously the act of Russian plants that cause all those inconveniences though, yeah?
Trump’s fingerprints are all over it!
/Michael Avenatti
“Shitter’s full!”
My favorite Hillary story is when she piloted a bunch of Bolivian Airplanes right into the side of a mountain.
Link 1: Magical apocalyptic religious bullshit that comports with reality in no way whatsoever. Has it occurred to any of these idiots to look out the goddamned window?
2: Oh look. Hillary is going to run. Who could have seen that coming? She is determined to get her damned turn because she deserves it and fuck you if you disagree.
3: Fantastical communications technology hardly imaginable a couple of decades ago is….almost unusable because it is swarming with grifters and spooks.
4: I don’t fly.
5: Top men worshipers call for official that has no power at all over a problem to fix it by royal decree.
Who is dumb enough to think that they spent decades setting the loan scam up to just walk away from all that cash? Never gonna happen.
6: Something something mother of all battles something. Yeah, whatever. Nothing those assholes are doing is aimed at us. It is all aimed at their own people. Hey, what is Baghdad Bob up to these days?
7: ” We finally have video of Bigfoo…I mean Loch…wait. Oh yeah. Ogopogo. Video! proof!”
Cool. *drums fingers. shuffles in chair. taps foot.*
What the hell? You aren’t going to show us the video?
Oooooh, I get it.
Oh, Hillary’s running again unless she has some kind of degenerative disease we don’t know about. She’ll step in because reasonable people demand it and, besides, it was stolen from her the last time.
I don’t think those lumps under her mumu were a colostomy bag, that was an attempt to cover her folded-to-her-scaly-body tail.
Popular vote.
The day they started hammering at pop vote I became suspicious and wondered if it was a way to keep her relevant. They never let up and it became a legit excuse for them and the lie became truth.
“Ooooh, secret weapons!”
You know who else…
John Holmes?
It’s astonishing that John Bolton has the time and energy to be simultaneously publicly belligerent against Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. I suppose I should be glad he doesn’t pick one to focus on.
There have been a few Trump decisions that were absolutely awful in my opinion. John Bolton ranks high on the list.
The guy was perfect for the UN job. He hates them, they hate him. He was there to put a stick in their eye and no one deserved it more. But, aside from giving them the finger he couldn’t actually do anything.
If Bolton manages to get us into another war in the mideast we won’t see a Republican in the White House for another 30 years and rightfully so. The man’s a warmongering sack of shit who should be kept far from the levers of power.
Oh don’t worry. The D’s have never had any problem setting people off to get shot. Devil and the deep blue sea and all that.
It’s the moustache.
Shave it and his mind will be set free.
His nomination of John Bolton is a deal breaker. It is why I absolutely will never ever vote for Trump.
Add Navarro, Wilbur Ross and Lighthizer and you have a guaranteed losing hand, proves 4 of a kind trumps an ace
Apparently dark humor is out for doctors now…
I am not getting the over the top racism of the photos. I do have a question….does anyone actually find blackface or whiteface or chinkface to be funny? Warpaint? I always thought it was just dumb. I don’t see anything funny about it or even all that much racist. It’s just dumb. people of different races look different. So what?
It’s pretty juvenile. Hence why it appeals to college students.
I didn’t find it funny even when I was in grade school. Another thing I never found funny was the British penchant for men in drag. They used to think that was hilarious. I always thought ‘It’s a dude in a dress. And?’ Nothing clever, no twist of logic, not even a lowly pun.
Here’s where we differ, because Eric Idle in drag is hilarious.
Wife and I were talking yesterday and agreed that the Monty Python Troupe was the greatest comedy genius in history. Today they are throwing jokers in prison in Old Blighty for less.
*Idles roles, lines and characters were hilarious but the drag didn’t really add t oit. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
So right.
What about the Kids in the Hall when they do drag?
Is there a sketch of theirs where they don’t?
I believe part of that was due to a lot of those comedy troupe/clubs being formed at all-boys schools, so if the skit required a woman, presto men in drag. Some part necessity not really trying to be clever.
Doesn’t explain why Bugs Bunny was fond of dressing in drag.
Fun fact. Back in the 1990s there was a Bugs Bunny festival at the Rialto Theatre (Montreal) showing rare segments never shown on TV (including a scene showing Bugs’ penis as he came out of the shower). Chuck Jones was the guest speaker and he was asked about why Bugs was in drag a lot. He explained a lot of the gags were to piss off their bosses including the drag thing.
I had not thought of that. Excepting Gypsies I don’t think women were allowed in theater until a few hundred years ago. I tend to oversimplify things and that was my blanket explanation.
It was in Tropic Thunder.
Jews want to rule the world? Is that why Jewry is so expensive?
I never got the ‘want to be in charge’ thing.
So, you want your life to be dictated to you by everyone else’s needs, wants and fuck-ups? Knock yourself out pal. I will be over here doing whatever the hell I want to do.
Ya sure, but two months salary for an engagement ring is ridiculous.
*Diamond. It is a rock. Gravel. The only thing is can actually be good for is grinding and polishing. It is an industrial material at best.
Try selling that engagement ring back to the jewelry store, see what they offer you.
*A fella I knew was a geologist in Canada. He was drilling cores in the Canadian Shield (rock that is harder than a preacher’s dick at a wedding) and they were using diamond bits. They were burning through them pretty quick. They ran short on a Friday. He called the supplier and requested and emergency shipment. No dice. So he dug around and found some Carbide steel bits. They found that the Carbide bits lasted ten times as long and drilled a lot faster. So he wrote a report to his boss requesting they change to carbide bits. What he got in return was a pink slip. Apparently, unbeknownst to him the company had just been acquired by De Beers.
The fact that engagement rings are expensive and useless is exactly the point. It’s appropriation of evolutionary principle in service of modern romance. It signifies that the male has enough excess resources to purchase such an item and that he values the female enough to give it to her. Some species of bird and mammal do similar things in which the male will have to work hard to obtain some useless piece of trash and the male with the best useless piece of trash gets the girl.
Symbolic that the chosen guy has wealth and power even while not exuding toxic masculinity. Analogous
…Analogous to the buck’s horns, peacock’s feathers, etc
“He ain’t smart and he ain’t funny but he sure does bring the money”
I learned that the hard way when I became an assistant supervisor in this factory over ~30 people. I won’t bore you with any great detail, but you get complaints from both ends – the rank-and-file are complaining to you because they don’t want to work overtime (or they want more overtime) and the managers are complaining to you about some minor error that happened, and they want to change some process that they don’t understand and won’t listen to your explanations of why that change will kill production speed and cause us to miss shipment.
After a year and a half of that, I just transferred to a job where I run one machine all by myself on eight hour shifts. Best choice I ever made. I ran that little machine for a few more years before going to college and transforming into an office drone.
*throws rotten vegetables*
Its wet here, ya’ll. I have had to take a detour around my detour to work the past few days and the river still has another few feet to rise. This is set to be an all time record by tomorrow.
We are down the river from you and yeah, we are about to have some problems here.
I hope it isn’t as bad as a couple of years ago. We even had some drownings and lots of people in shelters.
And yet you still deny the obvious truth of climate change.
It’s obviously a sign. Repent, denier.
I hear ya. I usually take a ferry across the Mississippi for my commute but that’s been out for month now and probably will be for another month. My 40 mile (one way) commute is up to 80 depending on what roads are open.
She’s certifiable.
So state sponsored goons. Is it legal to shoot them when they break into your house? Anybody could get a blue vest with “Investigator” on it.
Yeah, I read the whole piece and it really, really, REALLY, pissed me off. I’ll comment further on it after I’ve finished my coffee and had my Sunday morning bowl because right now my blood’s too hot.
It is worse than you think. Bounty hunters are bad, bad, bad news. You think cops are bad? Bounty hunters make cops look like Sunday school teachers. There are almost no legal limits on what they can do with impunity.
Oh c’mon, who wouldn’t want 1980’s Heather Thomas sneaking into their house at night?
…and instead Beth Chapman shows up.
I fail to see how there is any possible way in which this can pass Constitutional muster. Aside from FYTW.
Bounty hunters are not govt. agents. They are private entities that are somehow imbued with legal powers from the govt.
If you take money from a bail bondsman, your ass better show up to court. Sucks for his cousin.
From USA Today no less. This is somewhat of an interesting Constitutional question because don’t the States reserve the right to pick their electorial votes however they want? But of course, there is the question of taxation without representation for the individual voter. I could certainly see a resident of one of these States sue based on that.
Wouldn’t matter. People from smaller states, especially those icky ones in the middle, are Deploranazis who don’t deserve to vote. In fact, they’re so stupid, they can’t see that their enlightened coastal betters are trying to *help* them. So the judge presiding over said case would have no choice but to invoke the FYTW rule for their own good.
+ Hunger Games
And is why hopefully the courts strike this idiocy down. They passed it here and immediately petitions circulated to get it on as a ballot initiative and overrule the idiots in the state legislature and our idiot Governor.
“our idiot Governor.”
Welcome to MN, Western, we need all the glibs we can get. OTOH, you probably wouldn’t be comfortable with our idiot Governor.
I’m sure as hell not. He’s a tool.
States can decide how to allocate their electors. However i think that it had to be based in some fashion by how the vote goes. This plan runs afoul in two spots. First Compact clause, states have to get approval from Congress to make compacts with each other and the fact that it takes the vote away from a states own residents and gives it to the other 49. The electors are not determined by the outcome of the election in your own state.
All good reasons. I’m so cynical, especially with all the horseshit decisions against Trump from Obama judges, that I just can’t see the activist judiciary actually giving power back to evil rednecks. The ratchet only goes one way and this is one of their more clever end-runs around the Constitution.
Stamping on your neighbor until he takes up arms doesn’t seem clever to me.
It ain’t over, till it’s over.
^^ It would literally remove the representation of representative government.
That is the idea.
Where this actually 2 going to affect, the great and joyous occasion would be when a republican is the first one to win the popular vote and have a bunch of democrat electors switched to Republican electors because of this law.
We could then enjoy the spectacle of a bunch of Democrats suing the evil Republicans for violating the will of the people.
Not unlike what we are witnessing today with all the howling and gnashing of teeth at the prospect of releasing documents related to the Russia investigation. Funny how even a brief amount of time can completely change things
I’m sure there will be a loophole that will allow a state to change its mind if the vote looks like it’s going the “wrong” way.
Only Sanctuary States have rights.
They don’t seem as batshit insane as most other MSM outlets.
Agreed. As far as national outlets go, I’m pretty much limited to USAT and WSJ. They both seem relatively balanced (at least compared to the agitprop that passes for journalism amongst the others).
Ogopogo was my nickname i college.
For obvious reasons.
/gently tugs at color. Nervous grin. Wipes sweat from forehead.
Because you are cold blooded and generally all wet?
Slutty Sunday is foggy and damp here. Also anti-Semitic.
I… wut… this is real??
Yeah, just smudge the place up with sage and we’ll smoke this here pipe. That’ll fix the place right up.
Y’know, those same “indigenous communities” that burned down forests on purpose to make for better hunting grounds.
The Colonialism meme is all the rage right now.
The Nobel Savage meme never dies.
Noble. Lol
The first one works too.
+1 White Indian
I can’t decide. I think her whole shtick is an act. Has anyone seen AOC and Andy Kaufman at the same time?
It would be a masterstroke, wouldn’t it? She’s effectively driving the Democrats to unelectability. It would be absolutely hilarious if she turned out to be some sort of alt-right troll.
Even if she’s just trying to move the Overton window, I would say that she is failing at that as well.
I’m getting tempted to start sending my congress critters a weekly letter.
“Recently, prominent spokespeople from your party have declared x*. Do you believe this to be true?”
*x being whatever batshit crazy thing AOC said this week.
Mr. Hero,
We thank you for your concern, and are also concerned about x. Have you considered donating to our campaign or party to help us to better deal with x?
Congress critter
That’s what I thought too. Also I love how “Puerto Rico” is described as the land of her ancestors. No it isn’t. Spain is. If we are going by that definition than we should start calling more white people Native Americans cause Massachusetts and Virginia are their ancesteral homelands.
we should start calling more white people Native Americans cause Massachusetts and Virginia are their ancesteral homelands.
Elizabeth Warren approves.
I was born and raised right here. I am a Native American. I am guessing you are also. In fact, our Native American brothers and sisters look a whole lot like the rainbow I hear the moronic diversity crown prattling on about.
Is 1500 a lot?
I’m pretty sure if we band together and give a Ted talk we can easily get at least 1000.
For a second there I thought you were organizing an intervention for Ted.
I mean we could easily get 1500 for a Ted intervention.
Spin it in your favour. It could mean 1500 people care!
Care enough to point and laugh.
This guy gets it. 🙁
Even though Quillette plagiarized me, it’s not going to stop me from casting Claire Lehmann in my mental pornos.
Does Quillette have a Mammaries Monday section now?
Yeah, Claire is pretty hot.
RE: Yarmulke non grata.
You know what other German ideology hated Jews?
(not real clever, but you get the point)
The Anabaptists?
No wait.. the Lutherans?
It’s gotta be the Calvinists…
The Holy Roma Emperor?
Well, it is the land of pork sausage.
Other Jews?
“I’m throwing you under the bus.”
” Nope! I’m throwing you under the bus. ”
It’s assholes all the way down.
Can’t they all get hit by the bus?
That’s a lot of pregnancies
Blue Flu.
“I’m sorry that this happened.”
That’s what you say when your kid gets chicken pox not when you ordered an illegal raid.
How do I get me one of those journalisming cards?
Tired if winning yet?
In a surprise turn of events, Hirarii Kurinton watches on as Donald-son carries the trophy away.
Bonus points for your spelling of Hirari. Add the extra “i” cuz she’s so kawaii?
Vaginas are so kawaii omg (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)/ when you grab her by the pussy & it starts leaking its like its happy to see you (/ω \ ) or when they get all puffy and look at you like “owo nya?:3” hehe~ manko-chan is happy to see me!! (^ヮ^) & the most adorable thing ever is when squirt-chan comes out but they’re very shy so u have to work hard!!(@•́□•̀@)✧ but when manko-chan and squirt-kun meet && they’re blushing &&& all like “awaaa~!” (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚hehehe~manko-chan is so adorable (⚫´Д `⚫) •:*:•
Good work scruffy. Took me a minute to figure out who Hirarii Kurinton was.
“I thought a stripper was supposed to jump out of this thing!”
I just won Japan!
“I didnt know Chuck Schumer had an asian relative”
Miss Universe has gone downhill since Trump took over complete control.
OT: I busted my butt getting the neighborhood ready for yesterday’s opening. I go to my first swim and I immediately think the three dozen screaming and shouting little kids should just leave so I can get my peace and quiet again. ie – when I was at the pool before the opening, it was usually just me and maybe 2-3 others working on projects. Now it’s overrun by a mob who (mostly) don’t care about the work that was put into it.
Yeah yeah – making people happy.
ZARDOZ has something for this problem.
Communism in action.
*neighborhood pool
Good job, LH. You did some great work.
Now go do something else.
Here’s a list of stuff that needs attention. Oh, and good job on the pool, LH.
LH as a lifeguard. “You, over there: Lifetime ban!”
Older story, but cops in Salt lake released footage of some 10 cops opening fire on a guy who was driving around shooting his rifle from his truck. Why did there need to be 10 officers? Well there are all on paid leave.
One situation in which the cops shooting him was probably justified. They just needed 10 because, DAMMIT I JOINED THE FORCE TO SHOOT PEOPLE AND I’VE NEVER EVEN FIRED MY WEAPON. THIS IS MY CHANCE!!!
Her Shrillness is running for prez.
I don’t think she has the stamina for it. No matter how bad she wants it.
True. But that is why it will be entertaining. Between this and Trump goading the Dems to impeach him, you’d better stock up on popcorn.
If so, we truly do live in the best of all possible timelines.
I really thought loosing was going to kill her. I was sure she was going to die in the next for years after losing the election.
loosing what? Her spawn with Huma?
It’s lose. Lose has one “O”
In her case, loosing is probably workable too.
The franchise really needed another sequel. So after returning to her lair in the deep Northeastern woods, surrounded by only her most loyal sidekicks, she has hatched an even more sinister plot to finally gain the throne. The power should be hers, it was stolen, and now she will extract her true vengeance.
This should be fun.
Straight out of the commie play-book.
Divide and conquer.
Oh fuck off. That Carranza guy sounds like one genuinely such fuck. If you want to talk about “right side of history” that guy is going to be on the wrong side.
‘This is not about being Jewish! It’s about black and brown boys of color only. You better check yourself.’
What is “this”?
The struggle-session they were attending.
Sorry, thought it was about anti racism. My bad.
“moving a bit slowly as an aftereffect of dinner and drinking last night”
“secret weapons”
They did recently unveil a plane that is a copy of an F-5. *Shivers*
Mark Cuban wants to replace the 2nd Amendment with… the 2nd Amendment?
Let’s apply that logic to all inalienable rights. That way I can demand that Cuban to shut the fuck up.
PA gun laws are pretty good. Wtf is he talking about?
I’m assuming he was just assuming.
I know what a back door looks like. Fuck him.
You know who else could quickly identify a back door?
Too easy. Jim Morrison.
Too easy and yet I fucked it up.
*hangs head in shame*
Willie Dixon doesn’t count ?
Ron Jeremy.
I’m kinda bummed. Every year I go to the Simi Valley Blues festival on Memorial day weekend. It’s been great for many years. There’s two stages, one for blues and one for zydeco. There’s a huge midway with kids rides and food, etc. They have always had good bands and mostly blues oriented. They used to have Guitar Shorty every year, for example. It’s like 5-6 bands and all day for 25 bucks and it’s always been pretty wide open. You could walk up to the stage, put up tents and pop ups, bring in your own food and beverages, etc.
Well, the last two years they closed off the front of the stage and sell separate “vip” tickets to sit in chairs there. This “vip” area is filled with octogenarians who sit prefectly still and with good posture then clap politely after every song. They made a small contained area for pop-ups and started rifling through your coolers to prevent outside booze. Then the bands started sucking. This year, they have the fucking Spin Doctors, Ambrosia, a Journey tribute band, a Queen tribute band and Starship. Pretty much no real blues at all. It’s like they put retards in charge of the whole thing. I would tolerate the draconian rules, if I got to see some good blues bands, but the combination is just too much. On top of that, it’s a little rainy.
So, I voted with my dollars. I hope attendance is so low that they re-think things, but I’m not holding my breath. I can’t tell if it’s a matter of getting old and everything new therefore sucking, or it really sucking. Either way, I’m yelling at the clouds about it. And, I got off of their lawn.
That was not supposed to be a reply, BTW.
The guy in Florida who got pulled over for having an “I Eat Ass” bumper sticker?
That guy just likes a good Donkey steak, that’s all!
This guy?
+1 Fusilli Jerry
The feds can’t take your gun but the state can? Fuck. Off.
I guess next up is looking the other way for the sake of pedophile rape gangs.
Man on student visa from Oman gets kicked out of one university for sexual assault allegation goes to another in a different state and is convicted of rape.
Do you even Realpolitik, bruh?
Import savages and you get….
I read somewhere that a video disputed all of the ‘incident’. Can’t remember where but a local rag. Not sure if any/all is accurate on either side.
“pedophile rape gang”
So…not a good band name.
Not a news story, but fascinating reading.
You undersold it.
Must be something in the water there…
If Jesus was a Jew wouldn’t the antijesus be something else?
I don’t do theology. You’re on your own.
Whoever creates the deep dish vegan pineapple pizza with a cauliflower crust.
Lefty article regarding the increase in “anti-abortion” legislation, but the data charts are interesting. Also, these poll results were surprising:
Restrictions on abortion later in pregnancy — like 20-week abortion bans — have received majority support in some polls, and according to the 2018 Gallup poll, 65 percent of Americans said abortion should be illegal in the second three months of pregnancy. But 60 percent of Americans in that same Gallup poll said abortion should be legal in the first three months of pregnancy. The new Alabama law’s lack of exceptions for cases of rape or incest may make it particularly unpopular, considering that Gallup also found that nearly 80 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal in at least some circumstances.
I’m not seeing anything about the “abortions anytime” laws that passed in certain states immediately before the “escalation” they’re talking about. Just a coincidence, I guess.
Maybe the Overton window is not as mobile or malleable as some think it is. There are limits to everything.
Ya gotta love how lefties idealize Europe as the enlightened land but never mention that in most of it abortions after the first trimester are heavily restricted or not performed at all.
*Pops cherry in mouth, spits out pit*
What’s that you say?
Yes, with the exception of the UK, Sweden and Finland.
Yea, I enjoy throwing the “bee moar like Yurop” thing back in their face:
– More restrictive abortion laws
– Many countries have no minimum wage set by law
– Lower corporate tax rates than us (up until the recent tax cut)
– More use of nuclear power
“According to the interior ministry, right-wing extremists committed 90% of the 1,800 incidents in 2018. The real number of Islamic-animated antisemitic attacks in Germany is not well documented due to authorities characterizing Islamic antisemitism as right-wing antisemitism.”
That made me dizzy.
All violence is right wing. Especially animated violence.
Warning: two drummers and a heavy riff.
And a plexiglass SG body with a billet aluminum neck. Wild sounding guitar.
Millions for tribute, not one cent for defense
Oregon authorities are seeking a would-be thief who was armed with a hatchet when he tried to rob a convenience store, only to flee when the clerk drew a gun and called 911.
However, the clerk’s quick thinking cost him his job, with the president of Plaid Pantry in Oak Grove explaining to local station KOIN-TV that the chain has a zero-tolerance policy for weapons.
He said employees are trained to de-escalate robbery situations to avoid injury, according to the station.
Not handing over the money is racist, I suppose. Maybe the thief can file a hate crime charge.
No good guy with a gun goes unpunished.
I wish there was a Plaid Pantry here so I could stop shopping there.
Sure, Jan.
You Brooks’d and Brooks comment? How meta.
I contain multitudes.
But yeah, the idea that some random convenience store is giving the warm bodies they put behind the counter any sort of training to handle the low-lifes that target them is laughable. To anyone who has actually worked jobs like that.