In the future, everyone will have a narrowed gaze!
Right. Preview. I have it here somewhere… The cryptids left the office a complete mess. Not that I am going to go argue with STEVE SMITH or ZARDOZ about office etiquette, but would it kill them to have someone mop up after SEA SMITH? ….Ah. Found it. So, the week to come:
Monday – Animal continues to fill us in on Bolt Guns, in part 4 of his series. SP polls us on another libertarian hot button issue… if any of you are reading on Memorial Day that is.
Tuesday – robc takes a swing at the UBI (if he says fund it with a universal land tax, I am going to cow butt him…). MLW continues the death march through the first season of “Woke Charmed”.
Wednesday – Run. Hide. Make your sanity roll. The Hat and the Hair…times 2! First, SugarFree tells us a tale of wonder and terror, and later on CPRM animates them for us!
Thursday – kinnath collaborates discusses Russian hospital. Is good reading, you will be making. Cryptid Advice shows up later on.
Friday – End of the month mean “What Are We Reading” by the Glibs Staff. The Cryptid of the Week sends us into the weekend.
Weekend – OMWC, Spudalicious, Mexican Sharpshooter and Not Adahn keep us entertained and informed.
Weekly links by me, Banjos, BrettL and OMWC.
Enjoy your free reign in the comments section.
Yeah, I have no life.
Now hit my mother effin’ theme music!
Here’s some blues some blues since our local fucking blues festival can’t seem to find any this year.
yeah, it occurred to me that since I didn’t have to feed mosquitoes today I have spent most of it sitting here.
I grilled some “props”, almost got in trouble on gunbroker, and went cheese shopping.
Between the dog and the wife, I needed a couple of down days. I’ll be back at it tomorrow with landscaping needs. I’m still sober enough that I can cook dinner, so I’ve got that going for me.
Well, not that it seems like much help, Spud…but I pray for you, and your wife, for rest and for peace.
You’re a good man, Swiss.
According to OMWC, Swiss is essentially a Greek god, who would be offended by the Greek part.
Yes, but the god he was referring to is Pan, because Swiss suffers from priapism.
Would you rather suffer from not being able to get it to go down, or not being able to get it to go up?
Depends. Are we talking about the painful type of always hard?
Sadly, a true priapism is damned painful.
Spud, I’ve seen you make some allusions to trying times at home. Have you shared with the entire Glibertariat, or is that something you’d rather keep to yourself?
I posted it a couple of months ago. My 57 year old wife is in the advanced stage of Early Onset Alzheimer’s. My life is on hold for the foreseeable future as I take care of her. The Glibs have been a comfort, and an outlet for me.
Sorry 🙁
Oh wow. Sorry to hear that. I too pray for peace for your wife and strength for you.
Praying for you both. I’m really sorry.
And that’s why this place is special.
You just say that because OMWC is here…
These Americans fled the country to escape their giant student debt
Run all you want you can’t escape stupid.
His name is Chad. ‘Nuff said.
If the government catches up with him, he soon might be Hanging Chad.
Seems his dumb ass should be afraid of tigers. If he’s got elephants roaming through his area, there’s probably other wildlife. Even then, I’m sure there are plenty of other, human-based problems that can get him first.
And he has a Masters in Comparative Literature.
Oh, God…I was hoping that was a joke.
I can’t even with that schmuck.
CLit in the course catalog.
“He struggled to come up with the $300 a month he owed upon graduation. The first work he found after he left the University of Northern Colorado in 2011 — when the recession’s effects were still palpable — was on-again, off-again hours at a factory, unloading trucks and constructing toy rockets on an assembly line. He then went back to school to pursue a master’s degree in comparative literature….”
Yeah, there appears to have been zero learning going on there.
There was a guy who died after an elephant took a shit on him. Yeah…
Makes sense, should have got a PhD, he was on a roll.
Might as well go all in.
$300/month. Shit. That’s a car payment. I bet he was blowing more than that on frivolities.
$8 coffee drink each AM…
I notice that other than mentioning that guy’s second (!) loan-funded degree in comparative literature, it doesn’t list what majors these were for. Call me crazy, but I have a sneaking suspicion that these people did not get degrees in computer science or robotics engineering…
Wooooooooooooooooowww, looks like that college education really paid off! 2 DEEP 4 ME.
Earlier in the article, it mentions that he lives in a concrete house and shits in a hole in the ground.
But he’s surrounded by authentic natives that make him feel good about himself.
He found a cute, chubby, broad to marry.
I endorse it as long as he promises to never, ever, come back here again.
Yeah, he sounds like a net minus to everyone around him.
^This comment is Suthenboy approved.^
So true. None of them gained any common sense along the way. Not getting a job in your chosen field does not equal no good jobs available.
My ex-girlfriend qualified for numerous scholarships both public and private and had a full ride to “the” Ohio State University. But she decided to go to a private college instead and financed that with a massive loan. Now she’s in debt and enthusiastically supports Bernie Sanders in the hopes that he’ll implement
student loan forgivenessgovernment-forced nullification of contractual agreements.I have ZERO sympathy for that particular political cause.
If you’re willing to go to a 3rd World country to escape your student loans, you could have done so with the Peace Corps and had your debt forgiven.
Srsly? That would require work.
And morals…and pride…and work ethic…
Actually, it’s pretty difficult to get into the Peace Corps.
In what way? As far as I know, you just need to be a citizen who is 18+ with a bachelor’s degree who was never in the CIA or other intelligence agency.
Weekly links by me, Banjos and OMWC.
So no links from Brett?
Um….Hey, Edit Fairy!
Speaking of rocks…
I wonder if anyone has thought to look under the rock…you know, just to make sure.
+1 Wile E. Coyote feebly waving a small white flag
Classic. ?
Just build an overpass over it.
I hope they name it Boulder, Colorado.
*narrows gaze*
Ya, that has been happening a lot this spring. But palease……..
“hold my beer, we are going around this rock” would be said by many if given the chance.
Alt-right trumps all in Europe. Ha, just kidding.
Climate Crisis? Do they mean hysterical predictions of doom?
Why yes, and sabotaging their future while Asia, Africa, and most of the rest of the world look on and laugh will totally solve it.
I’m trademarking it so that all the news media will have to pay me royalties to use the term.
Climate Crisis™. I accept cash, major credit cards, PayPal and Bitcoin.
A few royalty bills and they’ll be back to Global Warming, you’ll see.
I like Klimate Krisis™. It lends it the respect it deserves.
I was skiing in white out conditions today because of the climate crisis.
Has anyone actually seen this crisis yet? Maybe….took a picture or something?
Europe is broke. This is dumber than the guy that couldn’t pay his student loan so he decided to go back to school and get a masters in underwater basket weaving.
It’s clearly in the data*, you science-denying troglodyte!!!!!
* After the IPCC’s “adjustments”
The sea level is rising 100 feet per day yet oddly only in certain places, not others. Even stranger, historical photos of various beaches appear to have identical sea levels to today.
*scratches head*
I guess we are all doomed.
Well, in fact, much of the EU elections did not go the way the Left and the Greens had hoped.
Yeah, right? Amazing how two different websites will have two completely different takeways.
“Greens came in Third” likely as a protest vote by people who thought the current administration is botching things, but couldn’t bring themselves to vote for the likes of FN or AfD.
Precisely to both of you.
We have the same bumpf going on here in the Lower Mainland when they talk about “an explosion of electric vehicle purchases” in the region. What they fail to mention is that the vast majority (well over 99%) of all the vehicle sales in the region are still internal combustion engine.
“Sales have DOUBLED!”
“From what to what?”
“One last year, two this year.”
Yeah, that’s the level of crappy reporting going on here. People who actually understand statistics and their misuse just roll their eyes. Sadly, even ostensibly intelligent people (my nephew, ferinstance) can be taken in by this shite.
Go to a second hand bookstore and buy a physics 101 textbook. Take out the pages explaining the laws of conservation of energy. Superglue them to your nephew’s forehead. See is that will get it to sink in.
I have a white paper on the physical limits of alternative energy sources that I’m saving up for him, but unfortunately, he’s past the stage of reading anything that can’t be encapsulated in a Twitter message. He’s smart, but overworked, a second kid on the way and intellectually undisciplined.
Oh well. He’s decided to buy a Hyundai Ioniq pure EV (with only a 200km range, and he has a 170km commute every day) because in his words “I don’t want to run my vehicle on dinosaur juice.”
It’s that kind of empty sloganeering that makes me worry for the generations coming after me.
Ask him why he lives so far from work.
There’s a lot of context to that question, but it boils down to “most people in the Lower Mainland have unacceptably long commutes because the work exists in places where the average person cannot afford to live.”
I live in NYC. I know all about the phenomenon, and how the environment is unacceptable to most middle-class Americans/Canadians but I make it work for me, by choice.
The WSJ had an interesting take on this. The Greens did take ground, but the two major pro-union European parties got hit bad. They are going to lose majority rule for the first time in decades.
Another big winner was EU skeptic parties, primarily from former Western Bloc countries. Looks like they are starting to reach their limit of Brussels.
I am not optimistic. They were dumb enough to fall for it in the first place….
So they have defeated the pro-Brussels hordes?
Will this day be known as the Brussels Rout?
It was noted, what you did there.
The Greens have been insane and taken seriously in Europe as a political faction since forever. Nothing new here.
And always more watermelon (Green on the outside, Red on the inside) than solid green.
Especially Germany. Their heads are so far up their asses on this issue, it’s going to be ugly when reality finally dawns.
Square head, round hole.
From that millenarian article:
Question is aren’t libertarians guilt of the same thing? Reason, Cato, Jeff Tucker, Deidre McCloskey do speak of “liberalism” as leading to riches and peace for all people for all eternity at times and how Trump is the anti-Christ with his vulgarity and his nationalist and protectionist ways.
As best I can tell, libertarianism is explicitly anti-utopian. Its core belief is that there is no person in existence who can tell others how to live their lives correctly, much less bring about paradise.
I have watched people smarter than everyone else fuck things up royally all of my life.
I can tell you, for a monthly recurring fee…
Thing is classical liberalism and libertarianism has always had a weakness for the notion that the real problem with Absolutism, Feudalism and State Religion is that the King, the Aristocracy and the Pope don’t really know what they are talking about so we need Real TOP MEN who follow Reason, Logic and Science to rule the day. Or that the ignorant yokels should not have the reigns of power since they are dumb. Or that we need TOP MEN to tell Trump that Tariffs are stupid to ensure libertopia,
This is so disingenuous it’s painful. Crap like this is the reason for Winston’s Mom jokes.
Hayek, Friedman, Vin Mises, etc consistently wrote about the problems of concentrating power in government regardless of who is in power. They repeatedly wrote about government’s inability to determine what makes individuals happy.
I’d make a gratuitous mother joke but I like your mom’s anti-Krugman articles. You, however, are a troll.
Jeff Tucker acknowledges these issues have always been a problem:
Those are assertions Tucker makes on the basis of his own opinion, something he seems to do frequently. He’s also doing the “I’m a liberal, and people who originated liberalism as it was understood in the West until very recently aren’t like me, so they must not actually be liberals,” bit. At some point Jeff Tucker decided that he was the arbiter of libertarianism and classical liberalism and decreed that the only real liberalism was anarchy, it seems.
Time for a good anarchy vs. minarchy debate. Note: this is a joke.
So Winston is Jeff Tucker?
Even Hobbes in Leviathan was arguing in favor of a monarch on the basis that people, being selfish bastards, would manipulate the state for their own gain, but in an absolute monarchy all of the monarch’s fortunes are tied to the health of the nation. He’s not arguing for a “Top Man”, he’s arguing in favor of harnessing self-interest and minimizing the negative effects of corruption.
Citation please?
Reason, CATO, Niskanen, BHL, etc. You can argue they are not true Scotsmen but the temptation has always been there.
Do you read what you wrote? The Tucker quote is about deviation, his word, from libertarian thought. To assert the thrust of libertarianism is to concentrate power in the right people is nonsense.
Except I never said it was “the thrust” but a “weakness” hence why the deviations occur. Niskanen is a good modern example of libertarians falling for that weakness and abandoning libertarianism.
The Niskanen center doesn’t refer to itself as libertarian. In fact, in its conspectus it specifically refers to the ways in which it departs from libertarianism–while also confusing libertarianism with anarcho-capitalism, maybe intentionally.
It did at first before “saying goodbye to ideology” and was formed by a bunch of former Catoites and Reason writers.
It’s not a matter of a “no true Scotsman” fallacy, it’s a matter of not seeing those groups as monolithic arbiters of what constitutes doctrinaire libertarianism or classical liberalism. No number of hack writers or opinion pieces is going to change the character of hundreds of years of political philosophy.
No Winston, that isn’t the problem. Your mother really ought to put you over her knee.
The problem isn’t with the theory – that could work, just as communism could work – if you could get a species other than humans to implement it. The problem is humans. One day our species may evolve past our primitively-rooted hard-wiring in our brains, but until that day, every higher thought is in constant battle with a brain that sees the world probably not a lot differently from a chimp.
We have Top Men (of any flavor) because the vast, fucking majority of human beings are starkly terrified of facing the cold, uncaring world on their own. They DEMAND to follow some kind of leader so that: one, someone is making decisions, and two, when the results of a decision turn to a shitshow, they have someone to blame other than themselves. The True Believer. If you haven’t read it, you aren’t ready to talk intelligently about how humans socially organize.
Would that be desirable? And would it lead to an early Star Trek TNG “We have evolved passed the need for possessions!” sort of thing?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzqW0YaN2ho See 1:00
Would you say the liberals of old (say 19th Century) mistakenly thought that this was not the case or that they should be the ones making those choices? Or something else?
The difference between the eschaton and your mom, is that your mom can be immanentized.
“your mom can be immanentized”
Somebody call the burn unit!
Or what CP said.
So Winston’s Mom thinks Heaven is a place on Earth?
Winston’s mom is Heaven on earth. Especially when she does that one, weird trick.
So speaking of the EU let us talk about internationalism. Isn’t the notion of TOP MEN ruling the entire world rather questionable from a libertarian perspective? And if nationalism is so bad than why isn’t mass censorship and repression also good since they can be used to suppress nationalism like they have done in the past?
And for entities like the ICC then how should it deal with those who ignore it?
“…TOP MEN ruling…”
You could have stopped right there.
As for your previous comment you ask about libertarians and then list a bunch of people who are not.
Well, it’s an open post, so I kind of put you on Chad’s level. Sorry.
This Chad?
Ya, like anybody lending any money for a BS degree with no prospects for better employment than the dude with a GED.
We have a handyman we’ve been hiring at our house for a bunch of projects in the past couple of years. He’s actually a great guy, and I enjoy having a beer with him in our back yard after he’s finished for the day, he has some amazing and hilarious stories. He went to a major college on a water-polo partial scholarship (I don’t think there’s any full rides for that sport) and graduated with a business degree. But not long into the whole corporate world, he realized it wasn’t for him and started his jack-of-all-trades company.
Some of the more smug around our town might look down their noses at him, but they can shove it. I never have any time for people who think some occupations are more prestigious than others. What’s more important is liking (or at least tolerating) what you do, and making enough to cover your needs, you can be quite content that way.
So he’s doing something different and interesting every day, working only within our little extended community, is outdoors a lot, has a couple of hardworking subordinates, and does an outstanding job on everything we ask, including fixing things for free when he notices them (he used our bathroom yesterday and while in there adjusted the hinges to make the door open more smoothly, for example). And his charges are always very reasonable. Yet this guy is able to pay for his own two kids to be going to college right now, pays alimony to his ex-wife (mother of those two kids), has a new wife and is helping to pay her kids’ college.
All on his handyman business income. So don’t tell me there was no way to cover your $300 a month loan installment, pal. There’s tons of work and money to be made for anyone willing. But if you refuse to get off your ass for anything but a tenure-track professor position, well, enjoy the elephants.
I think a lot of these people just don’t understand that even if you get a worthwhile degree, you might have to work some low-paying jobs for a few years before getting a better one, especially if you went to college right after high school and never held a full-time job.
My best friend got an associate’s degree in network administration. He worked at some cash register factory for two years making $10 per hour (and a $45 minute drive, too). He could have pounded his fists and held his breath about how it’s not fair, but he stuck with it and worked his way up to progressively better jobs. Now he’s moving up at the company he works for, and while I’m not sure what his exact salary is, it must be pretty high with all the guns he’s been buying and his recent talk of buying a new house out in the country.
23 has to be augmented, but I’m not sure I care.
5, 7, 29, 30.
Oh and open borders: in the past the notion of open borders has been predicated on the assumption that public schools would indoctrinate those immigrants into the proper values of their home countries. As we can see the idea of government schools teaching kids to support less government hasn’t worked out so well.
And those politicians writing the immigration laws and changing the demographics of society were not supposed to do so in a way to benefit themselves and grow the state but that didn’t happen now did it?
I’m not sure I understand the point you’re arguing here. Public schools indoctrinate children with common social values–ALL schools do this, public or private, to some extent, almost as a side-effect of their nature–and that may or may not have anything to do with advocating for limited government.
Classical liberals supported Public Schools since they intended them to teach children classical liberal values. Turns out that having government employees teach children that we need less government was a conflict of interest.
Where do you find that? I’ve never heard of public education being a core tenet of classical liberalism. Compulsory public education in the form that we know it today was a product of the Progressive movement in the United States and wasn’t really a widespread thing until the late 1800s.
Thomas Jefferson:
Gee who was in power in 1870 in England: the Liberals!
Here’s a little more on Jefferson and public education.
He was advocating for non-compulsory publicly-funded schools at the local level, formed (or not) according to popular vote by the residents of the districts in question. It’s kind of a far cry from the Prussian model that Mann and Dewey and all those folks pushed.
Yes, the belief was that an educated populace would tend to be less likely to succumb to a tyrannical government, but that’s not the same as “less government”, and at the time and frankly the scale at which public schools operated when classical liberals were in power the sort of government bureaucracy you’re referring to didn’t exist in that way. As for English politics, I honestly wouldn’t know as I’m not particularly well-informed on it, but just by the article you linked I note again that the sort of schools on offer weren’t compulsory and so would be a poor mechanism by which to indoctrinate a statist perspective in a society. And, of course, there’s the fact that the British Liberal party towards the end of the 19th century was more in line with Progressivism than with classical liberalism.
And championed by a communist. just like the boy scouts, and the pledge of allegiance.
And don’t let the term confuse you: The German Progressives of this time were the classical liberals.
“Oh and open borders: in the past the notion of open borders has been predicated on the assumption that public schools would indoctrinate those immigrants into the proper values of their home countries.”
Not really, open borders predated universal public schools.
“As we can see the idea of government schools teaching kids to support less government hasn’t worked out so well.”
Perhaps, but what does that have to do with assimilation? Apples and oranges.
“And those politicians writing the immigration laws and changing the demographics of society were not supposed to do so in a way to benefit themselves and grow the state but that didn’t happen now did it?”
You can usually trust politicians to act in their best interest, like everybody else.
I was going to say that during Ellis Island-era immigration you had 9 year old kids working in the mills and shit.
You are aware that was those waves of immigrants and those kids working in the mills that were a major factors in the rise of mandatory public schooling? Those education activists wanted all those immigrants in schools and those kids out of the mills and into schools?
That’s what I’m saying. Your OP seemed to me to have the arrow of causality reversed.
Before the progressive era.
Alright then I’ll clarify: the classical liberals supported freedom of movement and also supported public schools to ensure that any immigrants, especially the Catholic ones, supported what they thought were proper values.
The schools were supposed to make everyone good little laissez-faire liberals. How did that work out?
Classic liberals generally supported negative rights (freedom of movement) but not positive rights (the right to an education).
“Generally”. Reality and political situations is another matter.
Quick, find the fainting couch!
Not sure what this is supposed to mean. Changing demographics will change society in some fashion and the classical liberals hoped that any changes would still support them.
Changing climate will change society in some fashion as well. Man’s attempt to contain and control both is merely King Lear raging against the storm.
Difference is there is some debate in libertarian circles over whether or not Man can change the climate.
But can man change society? Definitely. But what sort of changes do we want, how do we do it and will any of these changes actually work?
Do you think that classical liberal/libertarian views will always be accepted by society?
I would argue that statement represents a fallacy of personification. Society cannot accept or hold views: individuals accept and hold views. In an group of individuals, you will have some who are concerned with maximizing personal liberty and those who are not. Yes, we can say in aggregate that a majority of individuals have expressed support for X or Y, but so what? The importance of freedom of association is that it allows those who hold like views to form communities around shared values. It also allows those who do not share the values of the community to refrain from participating in communal life, or to leave the community altogether.
Likewise, the transmission of those values is primarily the responsibility of the parents – but transmission does not ensure acceptance, as each individual is capable of moral reasoning (even fallacious) and may chose to reject the values into which they were socialized. Regardless of the fact that any attempt to use force to prevent the movement of peaceable people is an ipso facto rejection of those values, there is nothing one can do to control an individual’s own moral reasoning. God knows every totalitarian regime has tried.
But doesn’t this assume that enough individuals (or enough of them in important positions of power) will support freedom of association for those who wish to refrain from or withdraw from the community in order to allow them to do so? And I have no idea how to quantify those amounts required for that to happen?
From the context of the conversation, I assumed we were talking about a society that held classically liberal values to begin with.
Well I was talking more generally…
Anyway what if those who refrain from or withdraw from the community do not support classical liberalism? Would they support the freedom of association of the community they refrained from or withdrew from? Or those in their community who wish to refrain from or withdraw from their community?
“Climate crisis”
I’m glad to see the Dem-Op-Media using the new style guide.
Dammit. Just saw Rhywun’s comment.
I go to corner of shame.
I’ll let it slide. This time.
You are merciful indeed.
The happy sunflower gang. Sure wish they were my reps.
Since the “What are We Reading” was mentioned: You know how sometimes when you go back and read something you read when you were young and get a different understanding of it? Well, I’m re-reading my Goosebumps books and this paragraph is on the first page of book 15:
Hat and the Hair: Origins?
To answer your first question – yes.
To answer your second question – no.
I reread,well, tried to reread David Eddings’ Elenium Trilogy last year. It didn’t age well at all. The twelve year old me found those rather entertaining but the late thirties me just found the story line and writing style flat. It almost read like the script for a bad SyFy channel flick.
So my idiot neighbor down the street got her first dog to please her kids this week. The mutt has already bitten the guy next door without any provocation. Instead of destroying it or at least returning it to the shelter, she’s walking around with it on an extendable leash.
Lawsuit waiting to happen.
Put a pork chop in your pocket and get a lawyer on speed dial.
Obvious response: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yhfZIUYZunI
Whoa, so what happened? The dog just rushed over to him and bit him, or he was going in to pet it and it bit him?
That sounds like a disaster in the making. She sounds like someone who should never own a dog. Also, extendable leashes are the worst things in the world, and in my experience people who use them tend also to be people who have no ability or seemingly interest in controlling their dogs.
I’m trying to remember – was it you that got into the ridiculous dispute with your neighbor?
Hopefully that’s the neighbor that got bit!
“for real tho, we’re trying to pay off those loans. introducing Whopper Loans – make a purchase through the BK app for a chance to have your student loans paid off.”
I still wouldn’t actually eat the Whopper.
But the OG-3X-OG chicken sammich is teh bomb
And those breaskfast gut-wreckers…..so good
Occasionally(once every year or two) I have fond memories of Burger King food and I give in to my fantasies, then I spend two days feeling like I swallowed a sack of quickcrete.
Like an Alzheimer’s patient, I ordered their onion rings for years.
So, so, so bad. ?
Jugsy wanted kraft blue-box mac & cheese tonight. Naturally, I used actual butter, and substitute milk for heavy cream.
It was calling to me, and required much restraint on my part.
Grate a little sharp cheddar and melt in it then chop up a small amount of pickled jalapeño finely and mix in. It just takes a little to boost the flavor quite a lot. A little sour cream doesn’t hurt either.
I’ve actually noticed that adding a small amount of blue cheese really pumps up the flavour and aroma of most mac ‘n cheese. Regular cheddar (even the 5-year-old stuff) loses a lot of its mojo when it’s heated/melted.
About a half teaspoon of dry mustard.
Yes! Also small amounts of onion powder.
Thanks for that BEAM. I don’t know why but I never thought of blue cheese. Yum. I have to try that. Feta comes to mind as well now that you mention that.
Are we back on cheese again? What ever happened to Tundra’s planned invasion of Wisconsin?
Feta’s got the mojo for sure, but some types of it might not be as “melty” as you need. Still, it would be enjoyable to find out which ones were better. ;-)
That happens to me with Long John Silvers….about once a year it seems like a good idea. Then the 3 hours spent on the toilet after reminds me why it wasnt. Then it takes about 8-10 months for me to forget.
I get that reaction to McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Annoyingly, I actually kinda like the F-O-F, but the last time I had one was March of 2009. How do I remember so specifically? I was running madly in all directions during the last few weeks of my Mom’s life in the hospice, and one day I stopped at a Mickey D’s to shove something down my gullet in between various errands.
I remember that meal, because it’s still emotionally fraught. :-/
In my mispent teen years, I ate a lot of Taco Bell. I stopped at one a couple of months ago and realized just how important being fucked up is to eating really bad food.
+dozens of trips to Taco Bell and McD’s as a drunk college boi
I had taco bell last weekend. Gi tract didn’t forgive me for two days after.
I miss taco Bueno.
I used to eat a lot of fast food as well, then I became sort of a health nut (a health nut who drinks). I’ve gone so long without eating fast food that it’s not even appealing now. When people from work bring it in, it just smells greasy and artificial.
See, I’m cheap and don’t want to pay restaurant prices, so I rarely eat fast food. Past time was two years ago when I was on the MassPike on the way to a family wedding.
The couple got a fucking annulment after four months.
What the hell has BK PR/marketing been smoking the last few weeks?
Advertising, like HR, is a different beast from the rank and file, whether it be workers or franchisees.
Sounds about right. Still though, between this, the milkshakes, and the emotion whoppers, I’m just bamboozled.
I would bet dollars::donuts that the marketing team is envisioning college students saying something like, “Yeah, I’m just gonna keep hitting their value menu and, then, BINGO–no more student loans. I got a method, see?”
Have fun. That 1099 is going suck donkey balls. And unlike student loan processors, the IRS is less likely to go with a minimal payment plan.
“Chicago high school spent $53K replacing yearbook after students pose with ‘OK’ hand sign linked to white supremacy”
“We are concerned that the gesture will become more closely associated with White supremacy in the future.”
Then maybe you should stop being a useful idiot for 4chan trolls. Just a thought.
Who knew SCUBA divers were all Nazis?
That is the first thing I thought when I heard this nonsense.
Oh well, this isn’t the first time I am the last one to find out about something I have done and I am sure it won’t be the last.
White nationalists
#%*&^@ power went out. WTF? It got a bit breezy but most transmission lines are underground around here. I hate this electric co-op. They are assholes with what I would consider semi frequent outages which = poor service imo, but the fuckers will cut your shit off asap if you can’t pay your full bill. No payment arrangements allowed. No negotiation no discussion you are living in the dark motherfucker is their motto.
That’s actually illegal in many places.
I don’t think it should be illegal, but I do think it is asshole business practice and I have never encountered another business that would not negotiate terms for payment. I am full on board with payment made for services rendered but their access fee is easily half of my bill in the summer because I don’t use AC. (winter not so much) Half my bill going to them for the privilege of their service it better goddamned well be good service. They have an outage every other month if not every month. They usually don’t last long but the interruption is annoying. I was digging out the coleman stove to make coffee when it came back on. I need to be off the grid.
Access fees for BC Hydro are in that percentage range. Basically it’s just a way of paying their high fixed costs even if people economize on electricity usage. Power providers all over the Western world have been moving to various fixed fees for many years now. If you were an extreme early adopter, the crappy LED lights you could buy back in the day really could save you hundreds every year. Now, the utilities have all but completely removed their financial advantage, whilst their partners in crime in government have all-but-mandated their use.
Centralized electricity generation is a necessary evil, and it’s another racket.
My power went out last night due to a 20 minute thunderstorm. Kids and wife were not pleased. I’d be happy paying a little extra each month to have the power lines run underground since it seems like our power goes out way too frequently. At least for the longer outages I have a propane generator that powers my panel through an outlet.
In other news, Ana Navarro is completely insane.
Why did twitter never adopt “abandon hope, all ye who enter” as the motto for their service?
Because honesty isn’t their strong suit.
The Blue checkmarks are at it again!
I’m amazed that the original poster hasn’t been suspended by Twitter — as a Time reporter you have a certain obligation (one would think) to not make up quotes without clearly labeling it as a joke or satire, no wonder so many of these big names believed it, the guy should carry some credibility. That is, he used to carry some credibility.
No Twitter, keep going after the 14-year-old politically incorrect girl comedians who might ruffle some feathers, but let major publication reporters make up a big enough phony quote that it could have political or even international repercussions. Nice.
Right? Same with how they keep all the media pundits who peddled Russiagate the last few years but banned dudes like Alex Jones who at least apologized for his Sandy Hook theory.
She aint by herself. If you think they are bad now, wait until Herself loses again.
I will relish the moment when that happens. No matter where I’ll be in 2020, I’ll laugh twice as hard as I did in 2016.
Same here, and I will watch the re-runs of election night twice as many times as I did in ’16.
Truth is I would not be surprised to see them turn violent. I see a lot of them beginning to shift their open hatred towards anyone who is not a Trump hater. In the end TDS won’t be just about Trump. The morons are going to turn on the people that grow their food, supply their water and electricity, build their roads and stock their stores. It could get ugly. I find it a little troubling.
I wouldn’t be all that surprised either which is saddening. Hope at least it doesn’t come to that and if it does, may we at least be prepared for the worst.
Thank goodness for the Second Amendment.
Ana Navarro’s brain is polluted by dollar signs.
Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
“Here’s the footage of our arrest by Turkish military. After 10 hours interrogated & forced to sign a waiver to NOT let our embassy know where we were.
We were extremely lucky to be released & had to leave the country immediately after shipping out hidden hard drives #Borderless”
“Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”
I have never been dumb enough to go to Turkey so….no. I would like to keep it that way too.
Do you like gladiator movies?
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Speaking of, Borderless is still on bitchute, right? Last I heard, youtube’s been hard-nuking that video and its backups there.
YouTube backup still up:
I gotta mind to hear some more blues
You gotta get it where you can, nowadays.
You’ll hear them when the Stanley Cup finals start tomorrow night.
Or at least get it while you can.
You’redamn right
That’s good stuff right there.
At my medical school in downtown Chicago in the early 1980s, our campus had a bar and grill on the third floor of the main residential dorm. The manager was really into blues and was able to get some huge names to come and play for his special ‘Blues Mondays’ (I’m guessing most of the local blues clubs were closed Mondays, so a paying gig was appreciated even at this place). I remember seeing Koko Taylor, Junior Wells, Big Time Sarah, and, the most unbelievable one night — the one and only Willie Dixon. I even got to talk to him between sets for a few seconds (well, I told him what a fan I was, and he just nodded, I wouldn’t call it talking to me.) But for Willie Dixon at this little spot with $1 draft beers there were maybe ten of us total, on a grad school campus with Med, Law, Dental, Business and several other programs adding up to thousands of students, I just couldn’t believe the turnout. But you can bet that if the drummer from the Captain and Tennille had played with his own band, the place would have been overflowing. Such is the fate of the blues.
Very cool. I came across the blues later in life like in my mid 30’s and am not the fan I should be. I was on vacation with the last serious GF in vegas some years ago and BB was playing at the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay where we were staying. Had to get tickets. I think arthritis had done his fingers in so he talked more than he played, but still worth it.
Uh, Doc–I think you got confused on the location.
Great choice, thank you.
Canadian blues
Some little ole blues outta Texas.
give this a whirl.
That’s pretty cool. Thanks.
I’d have enjoyed that, but I’m still pissed about the Journey cover band, the Queen cover band, Ambrosia and Starship. Plus, to hear that I’d have had to hear little miss can’t be wrong.
Yeah, Spin Doctors out-suck all the rest of that by a few dozen standard deviations.
“What. How do you drink 70 drinks in a week and not die?”
In my twenties I’d often drink a 30-pack of Bud Light or Miller Lite on my own at a party, and then keep on going until the sun came up. Depending on the week and when you did the cut-off I could probably have hit 70.
I could never approach that, whether in my skinny twenties or a not-skinny fifty. And that’s with drinking pretty much every night.
Same here. In college, I occasionally would slam a 6 pack of Guinness or other higher abv beer. On rare occasion id have 10 drinks’ worth of hard liquor.
30 pack? I’d be full halfway through and barfing by 24. I also have no interest in pissing every 5 minutes for the next 6 hours.
Actually, Guinness is only 4.3% abv. Lower than the average of 5.0%.
That any of us still have functioning livers amazes me. I remember one night drinking four Steel Reserve 40s in two hours, and then getting into a case of Red Dog. There’s still a picture of one of my friend’s floating around where he’s double-fisting two of those.
” I remember one night drinking four Steel Reserve 40s in two hours, and then getting into a case of Red Dog.”
Another dead poster who is commenting as a ghost.
Yea, after I turned 21, I got blackout drunk every single night for about five months. I’m sure I averaged more than 10 drinks per night, and some of them would be mixed drinks that were basically straight liquor.
Thankfully, I realized that I’d better slow the fuck down with that stuff.
Bitch needs to learn her some Churchill.
10 a day? Start early? Is this a graded quiz? Drink fast? Make the drink very small? Keep a bottle in the garage? Plan ahead?
How does one read Matthew Iglesias tweets and not get brain damage?
How do you drink 70 drinks in a week and not die?
How can the Trump administration sit by and do nothing in the face of such privation? I weep for my poor brothers and sisters who can only afford 70 drinks a week.
Probably worried about paying off his/her college loan.
Um, everybody dies. How does anyone put up with reading twitter sober?
Count Tater is a friggin’ sot.
We Glibs are eventually going to do our own version of the Churchill challenge. In doing research for it, we came across the concept of the “standard drink“, which is the definition I am certain the researchers used in the study. A standard drink contains 14 grams of alcohol. 14 times 70 is 980 grams. Furthermore, it takes 1 hour to metabolize a standard drink. There are 168 hours in a week. So there is plenty of time to fit in 70 standard drinks.
I was told there would be no math………uuurp
I couldn’t do ten cans of beer every night, no way. I lose 🙁
Only 10 beers a night? This is supposed to be a challenge?
A standard drink? Less than an oz? Uhhhh….yeah. That is standard. A standard drink.
*hides 2oz measure*
Well, you’re not drinking straight ethanol.
What am I talking about? This is Glibs.
It’s 2019. 2oz is known as a “light pour”.
So how does that compare to a typical drink. I make a martini that is 2 1/2 ounces gin and 1/2 ounce dry vermouth. Is that 1 drink or more? If one, holy carp that’s a lot of booze.
That sounds like a double to me. *hic*
Really, it’s straight out of the Old Mr Boston’s Bartenders guide
Old Mr. Boston was my dad, call me Randy.-The New Millennial Print Edition
“Randy Boston”, eh?
Pretty good porn name. Just no on the southie dialect.
I think a martini has always been considered kind of a “stout” drink, hasn’t it?
My Boston’s has a bunch of varieties such as “Extra Dry” which is 2oz gin and 1/4 oz dry vermouth. So, maybe not double. Call it “generous” 🙂
Things to come?
Lone German soldier?
The entire army of Libertopia?
Nope. Sorry jumped the gun. Just noticed he was on a road. Definitely not the Libertopian Army.
Oh, c’mon folks! That’s gold righ’chere!
*nods vigorously*
The Last Stormtrooper.
Shock and awwww, he looks so lonely.
Looks kind of alpine. I like it.
Yes, but the pines don’t fit the color wheel, Bummer, I like pines
2 years in AF and IQ…never saw 1 f’ing pine….
Only one more day left of my solo parenting week. I think I might actually make it. I haven’t traded my daughter for a motorcycle or jumped in front of a bus, so that’s a win.
Win? Still no motorcycle, though.
I’m not entirely sure, but I think today she did the subtle “I’m gonna scratch my eye with my middle finger so that I’m flicking you off but have plausible deniability” move when I told her she couldn’t have any more Cheetos until she ate a vegetable, so, you know, there’s still time. She’s turning four in two weeks, btw. Four going on 32.
That’s the worst age to be solo parenting. My 3 almost 4 year old turned into a monster at about 3 and 1/2.
I was 3 when my mom became a single parent of me and my three older brothers. I wonder what I was like. But we moved in with my grandma for awhile, I’m sure she helped even if I barely remember it.
“I wonder what I was like.”
Front Toward Enemy.
If you’ve done a good job you will be rewarded with opportunity to spend more quality time with your child. I salute you for a job well done. BTW these points can not be used when she becomes a teenager. You’ll be on your own.
Yeah, as she gets older I get the appeal of boarding schools in a way I never did before.
How old?
Shortly after my son was born my father-in-law passed away. My wife’s, at the time, family had a difficult time with that. He was a fantastic guy and the family rock. This was all made more difficult by the prior passing of ex-wife’s brother (died of leukemia at 19 years old). It was devastating for the family.
So there I was essentially raising our son alone for about the first year of his life so that wife could grieve herself and look after her mother. I never missed a beat…but yeah, I know about single parenting. It is a full time job. Good on you.
Wait…you said a motorcycle?
When I got divorced I got sole custody of my 10 year old son and 6 year year old daughter. Fortunately my widowed mother was able to come and live with me. In any case though I was the one being Mom and Dad. Have to do what ever is necessary and pay the bills. In addition I had to pay alimony.
I keep hearing of this “alimony” thing but when my mom got custody of her four children, she didn’t see a dime of it. Granted, by all accounts my father was a bum, but still.
Dude… *salutes*
Once I’m at the place where I’m trading my child for motor vehicles I may as well throw a mid-life crisis in there as well. I know, the logic’s not quite there, but it’s been a long week.
She’ll be 4 on Father’s Day, fittingly. She’s a good kid, she’s just at that stage where she’s old enough to want to be independent and to bore easily but too young to be left more or less to her own devices, so most of the time and energy I’d spend on stuff like doing the laundry, cleaning, buying groceries, stuff like that, is taken up keeping her entertained. She likes to help, which is nice, and I can get her engaged in stuff that way, but she’s still miles away from being able to help with some chore that takes more than, say, two minutes. So, I’ll send her out to shovel up dog poop, no problem, but she’s too short to help with dishes and not particularly interested in folding clothes.
The perversity of kids is that they want to help until they can and then they don’t
Yep. She likes helping in general, which is great, and she likes doing responsible adult stuff like cleaning and so forth, but she likes it in the same way that people like hobbies.
Good job and hope the last day goes well for you.
I am considering editing my article in order to receive a cow butt.
*squints suspiciously*
Finally we’re playing some decent music in this joint.
Huh. Ry Cooder. There is a name I haven’t heard in a while.
One of my favorite albums. Want to hear blues? Original original blues?
BTW, two best tracks – 11:38 and 52:44. IMHO.
Ah shit. It’s been years since I heard the album. I left out 21:49
If you hear nothing else there, hear that one.
album bookmarked. Thanks
Thx. I’ll give it a listen.
Nice Suthen, that’s going in the mix.
Little-known fact. First commercial digitally-recorded record album was by Ry Cooder (I remember that from being a college radio DJ at the time).
In the sidebar
That was bad assed!
This one of the coolest British blues songs ever. Don’t quit too soon, the meat is a little ways in.
Reminds me of this. As you say wait for it, or skip to the outro begning at about the 7:30 mark.
One of the best things ever on NPR.. The whole show.
The first song wasn’t in my link. That had me smiling.
Albert King was doing all that without a guitar pick, too. He must have had some hellacious callouses on his fingers.
One of my all time favorite blues tunes.
I saw R.L. when he was touring for Come On In (’98 or ’99). Got to, very briefly, meet him and get his autograph. That was a fun show.
Let My Baby Ride
Nice! I still regret not going with my friends back in the day to see a Jon Spencer Blues Explosion show (think it was at The Fillmore as well) that featured RL.
I didn’t invade Wisconsin
Instead I grilled jerk wings and I’m gonna watch Grosse Point Blank shortly. I’m already looking forward to the leftovers.
I knew it was a bust when everyone got distracted by talking about beer. Everyone dropped their rifles and wandered home to drink.
The best kind of war.
Fuckin’ A!
If you had invaded Wisconsin, you would have just ended up in a food coma fueled by beer and brats.
Almost there anyway. I love meals that are so easy yet so fucking good.
What about brandy old fashioneds?
So same old same old.
What is this solution? The same old policies of Regime change and humanitarian interventionism? Or non-interventionist?
Want to put a stop to this shit?
Get a list of every company contracted to perform services in the theaters of war or supply the military and a list of every one who has ownership in those companies. Publish it.
Ask any cop what the worst situation is and they’ll say getting in the middle of a family fight.
The whole ME is one big family fight. A religious family fight. We can do nothing to stop it. At some point they’ll have to grow up. Or not.
Exactly. Our foreign policy with regards to the Middle East should be:
“We clearly cannot do anything to help this region, so we’re pulling out 100% of our troops today. Drop us a line if you ever graduate from the 7th century and want to be friends again. Goodbye.”
You won’t believe this one
Every time you see a projection… Drink
Money quote in an article filled with money quotes:
CHUCK TODD: So the president is not going to accept exoneration if that’s what Bill Barr finds?
The answer should have been, “it’s rich Chuck, that you think you have the same access to secret information that the President has”.
Or how about : “Really Chuck? You have spent the last month refusing to accept the exoneration that Mueller found – and so has your entire party and every member of your caucus, and you have the temerity to try that version of the big lie?”
Here’s a throwback for you:
In a remarkable statement that seemed to cast doubt on American democracy, Donald J. Trump said Wednesday that he might not accept the results of next month’s election if he felt it was rigged against him — a stand that Hillary Clinton blasted as “horrifying” at their final and caustic debate on Wednesday.
An additional money quote – remember this is mid-October, 2016:
He sputtered when Mrs. Clinton charged that he would be “a puppet” of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia if elected.
And in case I haven’t beaten that dead horse enough:
Every losing presidential candidate in modern times has accepted the will of the voters, even in extraordinarily close races, such as when John F. Kennedy narrowly defeated Richard M. Nixon in 1960 and George W. Bush beat Al Gore in Florida to win the presidency in 2000.
Mr. Trump insisted, without offering evidence, that the general election has been rigged against him, and he twice refused to say that he would accept its result.
“I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense.”
“That’s horrifying,” Mrs. Clinton replied. “Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.”
Pepperidge Farm remembers that heap of crap.
Nobody who works in the American media seems to remember it.
Mrs. Clinton went on to say, “I mean, of course it’s rigged against him, it’s my turn. But to say so is just so droll. Don’t worry, when I am president he will be unpersoned and we will be in Utopia.”
A sniveling Alt-Right-Nazi reporter then cried,”Don’t you mean if you win?”
The Yass Queen Hillary totally wrecked him by saying, “Da Commradinski. There is being no rigging. I am making the joke.”
And this is all from one NYT article, foreshadowing everything to come – except in a mirror image.
1) Trump claims he was spied on – and is ridiculed
2) Trump refuses to announce that he will accept the election results until after the election actually happens – Hillary is not asked the same question, but everyone agrees that even the suggestion that you might not accept the election results is “horrifying”
3) Trump claims that there has been interference in the election and suggests it might be rigged
4) The phrase “Trump asserts – without evidence” is used to implicitly declare something he says is a lie, a tactic that will become common over the next 2.5 years.
5) Trump is accused of being a puppet of Putin by Clinton (hmmmm…. exactly where did that come from?)
6) Another quote: “With 20 days left before Election Day and early voting already underway in Florida, Ohio and several other key states, the debate felt less like an argument between equals than a last-ditch attempt by a fading candidate, Mr. Trump, to save himself.” Hubris of the media.
That’s all in one “news” article in the New York Times. Wow.
“CHUCK TODD: I’m trying to understand what outcome the president expects. He’s, he tweeted the following: “My campaign for president was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American politics. A really bad situation. Treason means long jail sentences and this was treason.” Why did the president ask the attorney general to do an investigation if he’s already come to a conclusion, already decided what the penalty should be? And I think has already determined what the jail sentences should be? Isn’t this the president already playing judge and jury and putting his thumb on the scale here for whatever investigation he claims he wants Mr. Barr to do?”
I didn’t do my due dilligence on this one, but I’m going to go ahead out on a limb anyway and say that Chuck Todd never asked anything of Nadler along these lines, despite over 2 years of nonstop rhetoric and action intended to unseat the elected leader of the nation.
I’m surprised he didn’t go akshually on Trump and say the punishment for treason is death.
That was what they asked Trump directly at the press conference where he announced this stuff. They were ready for him and the first question out of the gate was “what you are describing is treason. Treason is punishable by death. Who exactly are you saying has committed treason?”
So right out of the gate they had a plan in place to cow Trump into backing down by invoking the death penalty and making him name names – or conversely get him into a “Bloodthirsty Trump demanding execution of Comey, Page and Struzk.” Either way, a political win for them. It was so fast that it was clearly a planned response.
Watching a doc about this: https://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/20170517/notorious-treatment-center-operator-chatman-gets-27-years-in-prison
Holy shit that is some top shelf evil there.
Where can we find the documentary? Netflix?
“I recall close to 150 in total, different faces of rapists abusing me daily over a period of three to four weeks,” the woman said in court. “I was unrestrained for brief periods, only to be cleaned up of bodily fluids. I thought I was going to die there.””
The dude found 6-8 people willing to pay to rape a girl chained to a bed every day for 3 or 4 weeks, 7 days a week? I really, really don’t want to believe that this is literally true.
A quick google says that an ordinary prostitute can see 8 or 9 clients on a Friday night… so that’s not impossible as a number for a prostitute… I just balk at the notion that there are enough twisted people who would pay for something that obviously isn’t just a professional fantasy that one not-particularly-bright dude could round up that many every day – just for one of his victims. Please, let there not be that many people who would actually go through with something like that…..
You know better than that.
I don’t want to know better than that.
I want us to be better than that.
The vast majority are. That will have to do.
Let’s just say I wouldn’t be too sad if this guy got a daily raping in prison.
It’s an episode of American Greed (2017?)
What a sick bastard.
I’d be happy to beat him to death with a hammer.
if guilty, of course.
Yeah, if that was my daughter….
Good chance he’d be better off if he just stayed behind bars. ‘Cause I wouldn’t start at the top end with that hammer.
And it would better if she were 24, 37 or 52?
Depends on what you’re in to. Some dudes like the Mommy thing.
I never watch or read things like that. Now I’m sorry I read these comments.
Climate crisis seems like an attempt to rebrand in the wake of what happened in France. That was a real kick in the balls to the progs on both sides of the Atlantic.
What ‘what happened in France’?urning Joan of Arc?
I swear, this new wireless keyboard has been responsible for more typos in the last month than all my years of drinking. Damn technology, it was better back in my day! *Shakes fist at sky*
Well, I was referring to the whole revolt against taxes in the name of climate change thing.
Didn’t that morph into the usual demands for free shit after like a week or two?
Well, it is Europe. But the point stands that it was pretty embarrassing to see a tax revolt in France of all places after taxes were put in place specifically in the name of combating climate change.
The next round of EU elections and presto – you get a bunch of bullshit stories trumpeting the gains made by the modern day climate crusader commies.
Not bullshit, the Greens showed huge gains. Yellow vest was a complete bust until it got hijacked by the far left.
It hasn’t been a revolt against taxes, it’s been a revolt against taxes on ‘the wrong’ people. I mean, rich people should pay more for everything than poor people, it’s only fair.
When your entire political program requires a shit ton of taxes on the not-rich, and you point to Europe as the shining beacon of hope that this will be accepted here stateside because its accepted over the pond no questions asked because free shit, that is most definitely a black-eye.
Where the fuck am I right now?
they didn’t urn her they tossed her ashes into the Seine.
So even Joan of Arc went in Seine over taxes?
*rétrécit le regard*
Pardon for machine TL.
A French joke from Marcy Playground.
For no reason at all.
Mike S. gets it.
Come on dirty white boy
You are amazing, man. How the hell do you remember that stuff?
I’m watching this scene as we speak:
John Cusack peaked to early. This was his best. I was sad to see him in some headline where he ‘owned’ Trump. Did not read the story.
GPB is still my favorite. And yes, he’s an ass clown – but that’s not remotely unusual for entertainers.
I kinda get it, too. I mean, I have at-shirt based on Carl’s declaration in that clip.
John McAfee continues to provide top notch infotainment.
The whale fucking thing continues to really cracks me up.
The McAfee Hat I designed for Raph’s Patreon reward involved the whale fucking.
Dammit-that’s brilliant!
Patreon, eh?
Yes, he is in the Donald level, which has that perk, exclusive content.
Heh, heh. Nice job.
It’s truly a glorious hat.
You flatter me. I don’t take compliments well. I always read them as passive aggressive. When someone compliments me my first response is always, “Well, fuck you buddy!” I might have issues. OR you might be patronizing me…(not in the Patreon sense, but the making fun of sense PATRIARCHY!!!11)
No!! Really…?
I’m being for real so no worries.
oh, I hadn’t seen all the detail on the hat in that tiny icon. Good job!
You didn’t expect it to be great?! Like I said, I don’t take compliments well…
In my quest to not ‘worship’* politicians, I have resisted (thus far) my desire for a McAfee candidacy t-shirt. Not making that purchase is something I struggle with quite a lot, recently. This article doesn’t make that struggle any easier.
*worship = even the appearance of giving praise to power-seekers. That includes the ones that I enjoy/have respect for.
I’ve never had any kind of campaign sticker, shirt, or whatnot, but I am also sorely tempted to rock a “whales for McAfee” shirt. I also have zero interest in meeting any “celebrity”, but I’d love to hang out with him and some mind altering chemicals for a weekend.
I was on the whale thing before McAfee.
That’s based on an orphan joke I started telling almost 20 years ago, that I’d adopt kids and make them speak in a cockney accent and sell whale milk. “Pleas suh, buy me wayws muik or me favva wiiw beat me!”
“Sedona Internatioal Film Festival”
Nice touch.
I would swear that whale is smiling…
Yeah, the celebrity thing. While I don’t go seeking any kind of interaction, depending on what they are known for, I might not mind meeting some. Or, I guess I should say, based on what I reasonably think I know about them.
Fun fact: I sat directly behind Thomas Hayden Church one night at a Mexican restaurant in Deep Ellum back in ’92-’93ish. I mean, like in back-to-back booths where you could almost expect to bump noggins if either person leaned back too far. I told my friend who he was (she didn’t quite know), and had to clarify “Lowell, from Wings..?”. I’m pretty sure he heard me say it, but no interactions resulted.
So yeah, my pointless celeb story.
I went with my dad and his cousin to a Packer game, 98 or 99. Dorsey Levens was the running back then, a hero to me. But at that time he was injured, and his replacement had a real good game. After the game we went to the Red Lobster right down the road from Lambeu Field. There I was talking about how Levens wasn’t ready to come back and what a good game his replacement had and my dad’s cousin says ‘Don’t look behind you’. So of course I do, and who is sitting back to back to me? Dorsey Levens.
Heh. I also had my back to a Sportsball player, back when I worked for the Stars. He was looking for a hockey helmet. You know that feeling of someone watching you? This was one of the few times I had it with no knowledge of the person being there.
Funny thing–I was/am taller than him. It was a weird thought while I was processing what was going on.
Also,as to Lowell on Wings, it’s still an in-joke in my family about the episode where they played Trivial pursuit and he remembered the last time he played one of the answers was ‘Anne Margret’ so that was his answer every time, except when it was the answer: Damnit I knew the answer to one of these questions was Anne Margret!
Poor Lowell. Well, Hayden-Church, for having that over his head. I say that as someone who likes Sideways, so I don’t consider ‘Jack’ as an albatross for him.
OK, not ‘Lowell’, either, as I can separate character and actor. But, I’m sure there are still people who relate him only to ‘Lowell’.
Remember, he totally had that whale’s consent.
“If a human manages to fuck one, you damn well better believe it’s consensual.”
You can’t really argue with that. Heh, heh.
So the ruling party got kinda smashed in the EU election… which is mostly irrelevant. But maybe Liviu Dragnea goes away… The referendum seems to have passed as well but I am not yet sure.
Good morning glibs!
Does it favor the State? Then it won, regardless of the vote.
It is a sort of pointless “referendum on justice”
One was to forbid pardons for jail sentences relating to corruption
The second was to forbid changes to criminal justice laws by executive order (which was used by ministers to bypass parliament)
But our betters here love executive orders, unless Orange Man Bad does them. But that one does actually sound good, but not knowing the structure of each government there I can’t say for sure. Maybe some need more executive authority, maybe some need less.
yeah first on eewwww, second one nice
Correction: Yay on both.
OK–all three.
Or, are you going for more, Q? I mean, if so, I would just give you a blanket “YAY!”. But, I kinda want to see before hand….
Dangit, I’m still at work.
*angrily pouts and hurries back before Rufus can get on his case*
The Patriot is a bizarre, but thoroughly enjoyable show.
Ok got work in the morning, someone has to push those buttons. Have fun to those of you who got a weekend.
Fine. Take off.
Shouldn’t that be “Take off, hoser!” ?
Truth be told, I almost put an “eh” at the end. Visions of Bob and Doug ensued.
Gustave FTW!
Also, how are you, Doc? I can’t thank you enough for your neuropathy/Gabapentin input. When I see my pc, I plan on discussing the wind-down he has in mind.
Doing well, thanks. I’ve actually been tapering my own gabapentin dose after talking with my oncologist about it. I think it was interfering with my thinking and memory, and leading to me getting hammered really quickly on just a few drinks. So I’ve cut down from 300mg to 200mg a day – both are technically low doses — but I subjectively feel a bit clearer, and although I’m not sure it’s not just wishful thinking. I am noticing some other minor improvements in health, though, so perhaps lowering the med has something to do with all of it. The good news is I’ve only noticed a slight uptick in the neuropathy, and no change at all most days, so there’s been no negative to the reduced dose.
Good luck with whatever you and your pcp decide!
Thanks. Mom has started developing dementia over the last few years (five or so, I think), and her mother had it (no idea about Dad’s side of things), so it’s something I am concerned with, given what was mentioned about Gab back in that thread.
Still, it has helped. Just wish it did something about the tingling.
And, good to hear about the improvements.
I don’t know who to hate- Amazon or CBS. Perry Mason is “available” on Prime. I put it in quotes because limited episodes per season (like a single one in the middle of S1) are available on Prime, the rest are only available with CBS’s streaming add on. But because at least one episode is on prime, the entire season is marked available with the prime sash on it. Fuck either one of them.
Or both.
I hate streaming – still.