Bottom Left, last 3
No Morning Links today. I am too damned maudlin. Sorry, not sorry.
Bottom Left 3 names – they make me especially sad. Heroic Mulatto gave me some closure on SPC Samten. See here.
This one made me cry last night, remembering him.
I cried more remembering him.
Have a music link.
The comments are yours. I am going to a memorial ceremony and hoping I can keep my shit together when they play Taps.
His wife and two children live in Virginia.
Simple sentence, but tells a lot.
And more. He is survived by his wife, Ava Lanette Bradley of Fort Eustis, Virginia; three sons, Anthony Hudson, Trevon Bradley and Juantrea Tyrone Bradley Jr.
Makes you want to strangle politicians that send boys off to war for politically expedient reasons.
And those who use the holiday to suck current military dick an imply that serving the state makes you a class above the tax cattle who fund it.
Why today of all days to make that comment? We all get it, you hate the military. Not a huge fan myself but you’re kinda being an ass right now.
You gotta separate that shit. The boys deserve a day, at least, to be remembered by the population at large. The rest of the year we can focus on the warmongers.
I should’ve taken my own advice.
Sorry, man. Memorial Day ain’t just about hot-dogs and a day off. People forget. Hope you’re feeling better later, Friend.
We miss you. Terribly.
Man, is it dusty in here?
I think it’s a little dusty where every Glib is right now.
Here here, shot glass full of whiskey sits all day for the fallen. Somber indeed.
It is pollen season, whatareyagonnado?
I pray peace to you Swiss, and to all those remembering loved ones today.
Condolences Swiss
Uffda, Swiss.
I was lucky enough to serve and not have to fight. Knew two guys who died training and miss them. I can’t imagine the misery and sorrow you must be feeling.
I was never in the military like my grandfather, father, or brother so I really can’t understand how they feel about Memorial Day but I know it’s never been a particularly good day for any of them. The closest I can relate is knowing a kid from my hometown that I grew up with(was good friends with his older brother) who died via roadside bomb in Iraq.
Hope all you vets have a good a day as possible.
Same as my family. I turn 50 this year and remember the guys coming back from Vietnam all messed up, mentally and physically. Such a tragedy.
Sorry to hear Swiss.
Happy Memorial Day to all.
I will stay home today, I can’t bring myself to go to a Memorial Day service. Saying good bye to too many friends along the way. We laugh together but we mourn alone. I’ll be alone.
I’m sorry man. I understand wanting to stay away from folk. Be safe.
You are not alone.
I’m home, after what seems like months in Indiana. It was good to see my folks, and to be able to help them out, but good gracious, I’m glad to be back in Montana. Cold, rainy, foggy Montana.
Only for another week or two…THEN…utter awesomeness! It’s been a hard winter!
IANAJ but I didn’t think skullcaps was the appropriate term for the religious wear.
Yeah, it’s a common term. (((We))) usually call them yarmulkes (Yiddish) or kippot (Hebrew), but that’s a reasonable and common translation.
Yeah I was used to yarmulkes, but never had heard skullcap (in this context) before.
(((Mel Brooks))) famously sang “It’s better to lose your skullcap than your skull”
How do bald guys keep those on their head on windy days? *Mostly serious question.
Kosher deli sandwich wrapping tape.
Double sided tape. That’s a serious answer.
Did you know Jews don’t use hair club for men? They just get a bigger yarmulke.
Just to lighten the mood, a bit-
I was channel surfing yesterday, and stumbled across the Young Turks channel, via Pluto. There was some
girlfemale humanoid engaged in an anguished diatribe about how oppressed millenials are. The triggering event for her queenly snit was some opinion piece in the NYT by Bret Stephens. How dare that conservative meanie say bad stuff about those poor children? They’re mired in debt. Their future has been taken from them by evil oligarchs and their dastardly puppet minions in Congress. Blah blah blah ad infitum. Not her fault. Expecting her and those of her age cohort to act responsibly and make informed decisions is unspeakably cruel. And the root cause of this dire emotional torment and economic deprivation?The Iraq war.
Can’t read the article cause I’m over on my free articles, but this is fairly typical of states. They will make an unconstitutional law. If it gets challenged they will attempt to change the most dubious parts so that there is never a ruling about it.
Since time immemorial.
The plaintiffs are calling foul because they think the state will just switch the law back if SCOTUS throws out the case. Now come on, they wouldn’t do that, would they?!
Which is why, before becoming a law, a bill should need to pass judicial review. Perhaps a clause that nullifies the law if it’s challenged until it makes its way through the courts?
We’ll make sure that makes it into the constitution the next time around.
78 years ago today, English troops sank the Bismarck.
As always, celebrate Memorial Day by supporting politicians who won’t send our soldiers in to pointless wars that do nothing but create more names to remember the next Memorial Day.
I watched the Indianapolis Five Fucking Hundred Mile Race. That kid with the crazy wop moniker straight out of Central Casting is my new hero. Flat foots it through the grass to avoid the big wreck. Picks up a bunch of positions. Awesome. Also, good for Pagenoud.
*Santino Ferucci. With a name like that…
Pagenoud is the first Frenchman to win the Indy 500 in 99 years – Gaston Chevrolet (yes, that one — his older brother was the founder) won in 1920. Then he was killed in a race later in the year.
Almost as bad as Clay. Bill Clay.
Condolences to you and your boys, Swiss. Also thanks to all you Glibs who were former military. Take care and have yourselves a pleasant day today.
Say what you will about Bukowski, but he captured the moment in this scene and Waits voice doesn’t hurt. It’s all about moments.
I only know Bukowski from the modest mouse song …
Bukowski was a regular at my local watering hole. http://www.therenoroom.com/about.html
Think I’ll stop by there after lunch and have a drink or four.
Condolences for your loss. Losing people like that is a hard pill to swallow.
“….prohibits them from taking them to second homes or shooting ranges outside the city.”
There isn’t a ‘fuck you’ big enough to describe my sentiment.
If GUNZ R BAD, then wouldn’t the shithead pols want people to take them out of the city? This is nothing but pure malevolence toward gun owners.
^^^ This. The law is made to punish people for exercising a right they don’t like. SCOTUS needs to affirm that self defense is a fundamental right and make strict scrutiny the basis for review.
Gun control is about control, not about guns. It is about disarming you so you cannot put up any resistance under their boot. It is as simple as that. You are asking a question that implies there is some other logic to it. There isn’t. It has never been about crime, safety, the public good, ….whatever. It is about putting a yoke on your neck and making sure you can do nothing about it.
I’m going to start cornering Lefties on this issue and ask:
“You say the 2A has to be restricted – despite no Constitutional text allowing it – because of public safety. If that’s allowed, then what exactly is your complaint if someone wants to crack down on Muslims because of terrorism?”
It’s a maddening contradiction that they get away with, and it’s time to put an end to it.
I would put it in even simpler terms more relevant to them.
“When Drumpf finally gets around to unleashing his Schutzstaffel, what you intend to do about it?”
I made an Internet convert once on a very similar point. Someone on a Facebook thread (back before I learned better than to deal with Facebook and politics) was losing their mind about the upcoming Deplorable Kristallnacht. It was a back-and-forth, but the point I wound up successfully making was that the scenario this person was afraid of is exactly why the second amendment exists. If you’re afraid that Trump is going to launch a pogrom against you, then maybe you should be a little nicer to those scary rednecks with the Gadsden flag stickers on their trucks, because they’re likely the ones who are going to step in to help you. Or even better, maybe you should think about providing for your own defense by buying a gun and learning how to use it.
If the exec was clever, she would have thrown the question at Cooper for the mainstream news pushing Russian collusion for two years.
Mental giant, folks.
Holy shit. There is so much wrong with that story I don’t even know where to start. The trouble is before I can parse it all some pinko fuckstick will start spreading a new lie and this one will be memory holed.
I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but the fact that people are clamoring at Facebook to remove content that makes their politican look bad is creepy. Especially when their narrative was expansive enough for people to believe a real video was fake.
Looking at facebook or the video is missing the point. The problem is that the Trump haters have failed so many times they are willing to make up lies out of whole cloth in desperation. How is it that they have any credibility at all? Seriously, if they said water was wet I would check to make sure.
Crazy man who looks like a robot is crazy
“I don’t believe in coincidences with the Russians,” Swalwell concluded
That is the guy that says American citizens can’t do anything about the govt disarming us because they have nukes, right?
Need I say more?
I forgot about that. What a psychopath. Should push Democrats on that. Ask then if they think it’s ok to Nuke people for exercising their right to self defense.
Don’t say ‘people’. Say ‘Americans living on American soil’. You can switch it up a bit by using ‘US government vaporizing American children’. Play around with it a bit and work the word ‘murder’ in somewhere.
And how in the fuck would Professor Swalwell know a single goddamned thing about Russian intelligence, Russia, Russian people, intelligence, hacking, network security, or anything else? What’s his background again? Oh, right, he went to UMB Law after getting a BS from UMD (my school, ironically) in Government and Politics. So, basically, a Poli Sci degree. Same as me. As one BS in PS to another, Eric, you don’t know shit.
If they weren’t so crazy to be dangerous I would say they are funny. But they are not. They are not really funny. Not funny at all. They don’t think we are funny either. If they had their way we would all be in a mass grave. I am not being hyperbolic.
I don’t know, I think some of them would settle for mass incarceration, maybe exile. Or maybe a great big electric fence around the plains states called Deploravania or something.
Maybe he can nuke anyone who doesn’t believe it?
Swalwell is an absolute nutjob and needs to get his ass primaried ASAP.
How had Duke Nukem not been laughed off the stage?
Poll: Is Mammary Monday appropriate after this post?
NB: a surprising number of people don’t realize that Memorial Day is to honor soldiers KIA and mistake it for current military. We can debate (read: complain) all day long about politicians and top brass with warboners, but let’s keep in mind that it’s kids like these who suffer the consequences. They’re (usually) doing something they really believe in and I respect that.
I’m pretty sure mammaries are always appropriate but then again I am having trailer park mimosas for breakfast.
recipe, please…sounds like it would pair nicely with the CarbQuik gravy I made
A trailer park mimosa is cheap box wine, mango juice, and soda water for fizz. Serve on the rocks in your favorite reusable gas station soda cup.
Damn, son! You know how to LIVE!
What the heck are those, Sunny D + Thunderbird??
Yes…yes…..you’re genius !
Sunny D would work, not so sure about Thunderbird. I think the wine of that caliber that would be better is Boonesfarm.
I’d probably wait a while, Q.
Understand that the truth about Animal Mother (Full Metal Jacket reference) when he states that if he’s gonna get his balls blown off for a word that word is”poon tang”
Wait for tonight.
And make sure the lovely ladies are wearing American flag bikinis.
Is Mammary Monday appropriate after this post?
Probably not.
Official: Mammary Monday will be postponed until at least this afternoon after everyone has a few drinks in them from BBQing. If popular opinion is still against Mammary Monday at that time, it will be canceled in lieu of Titty Tuesday.
My most evil institutions list often fluctustes, but Police Union bosses like to make sure the FOP stays on it.
I was wondering what all the hubbub – and the misdirections about “press status” – was about, and finally here it is:
While doing blow.
Oh wow. Awkward. Amidst the brouhaha I’m not seeing any curiosity about which elected poobah commanded the cops to sweep it under the rug.
I’m sure it didn’t come from the top of the SFPD. Over the last decades this place has turned into Chicago by the Bay.
The union said the chief knew of Carmody’s press status, and did not let the sergeant who wrote the search warrant know about it.
That’s not a defense to an illegal act. It doesn’t matter if he’s a “journalist” or not, there doesn’t appear to be a crime either way. Other than false arrest, assault, potential kidnapping, unlawful use of force, and various civil rights violations under the color of law.
Like Swiss and some others, Im avoiding services today.
Let me (attempt) to lighten things with some monkey humor.
Heh. After a few clicks I found that even the UK papers like to report on Florida Woman.
Evidently, she was actually LouisianaWoman®.
Maybe Suthen could address if that’s a typical cou rouge reaction.
Cajun Queen.
I… wut?
Oh, you wouldn’t ?
No, I would not.
Well obviously someone found that monkey penis entitillating because they felt the need to blur it out a la Japanese porno.
Yesterday’s NPR Memorial Day programming was dedicated to “those voices not often heard.” Which meant or course, no stories about white men. There was a story about an escaped female slave who dressed as a man, fought for the British in the Revolutionary War and took her British pass to emigrate to Nova Scotia afterwards.
We really need a movement to get our tax dollars away from that organization fucking pronto.
Save for official press releases and press conferences, the government should have no role whatsoever in the media.
Same issue about funeral services in general. I’m going for others. It’s not the kind of closure that works for me.
Much prefer more of an “Irish wake”.
Student: “I live in Tokyo.”
ESL teacher: “Very good. Now make that past tense.”
Student: “I live in Edo.”
Hang in there, Swiss and all you who lost buddies and/or family.
I’ve heard the same joke. I’m wondering if it is real or just a legend.
Swiss – I did this last year, but it needs to be said again. For your guys, and for all the others who gave all they had.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At he going down of the sun and in the morning
We shall remember them…
As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
Lawrence Binyon, “For the Fallen”
Hero of War
Damn Mike. I had already got over my allergies this morning and there you go.
Who cares about the tweets; Hope Hicks, would, would, would, would, would.
I am sure they will hold the same position when Brennan, Comey and everyone else in Obama’s criminal cabal are subpoenaed.
I would go farther and strongly advise against reading any of the tweets. I had to tear myself away before I lost any more IQ points.
That the Paper of Record would profile Hicks as if she has a legitimate choice as to whether or not she should comply with a Congressional subpoena is a testament to the degree to which norms have shifted to accommodate Trumpian criminality.
*cough* Hollywood Ten *cough*
Norms, huh? It’s like Eric Holder never happened.
There goes the alt-right NYT slobbering all over the GOP again. Sigh!
All pictures of Hope Hicks are de facto glamour shots. A picture of Hope Hicks having hemorrhoids removed would somehow still be a glamour shot. Don’t hate.
Also, the picture at the top of the article looks like it should be right next to the entry for “Catty Bitches” in the Encyclopedia Britannica. If you had to explain the concept of “jelly” to aliens you could just point to that picture and say, “It’s the emotion that makes you look like this.”
I… just… *sigh*… fucking hell.
The only time I want to hear “HER beard” is when Im telling the story about the ssBBW I banged that had a severe case of PCOS.
*insert Judge Smails gif*
Whatever… I switched to a shavette (basically a straight razor that takes single razor blades) about six years ago, and I recently bought an old-school safety razor that takes the same blades. Basically, you get a shave as smooth as you would with a straight razor but with the ease of using a modern cartridge razor.
I have no use for Gillette products.
+1 1960’s safety razor. I have enough Feather and Shark blades to last the next five years of shaving for ten bucks online.
Because going through manly rituals is a big part of pretending you’re a man.
Same phenomenon but in reverse as Mitch-now-Michelle who spends hours caking on makeup and trying out a dozen heels.
This appears to not be a link to the bee
The headline says it all:
Man Arrested For Giving Cop Fake Name While Wearing Name Tag With Real Name
Yeah, Blackjack isn’t my real name either.
There are a handfull of people IRL that call me Tres. only cause it sounds better than my given name, Mortimer Lipshitz
I actually do have a fake name story.
When I was about 13, my brother and I were going to become pot dealers. We rustled up about 500.00 the legal way (painting x-mas scenes on business windows) and bought a pound of Colombian.
We smoked most of it, gave away a bunch and sold a few quarters. When we got down to about a quarter pound, we got pulled over. We had a big bag under the spare tire in the trunk, and a small bag inside the car. My brother, thinking quick, says ” my name is gonna be John Bonham and you’re Jimmy Page. OK, got it.
Cop finds the small bag and pulls us out of the car. Separates us and asks me what my name is. I say John Bonham. Cop has a puzzled look on his face and asks who the other guy is. I tell him Jimmy Page. It turns out, my genius brother got mixed up and reversed our fake names. So, the cop keeps searching and then gets a call on his radio. Just before he was gonna remove the spare he pour out the small bag, gives us a stern warning and peels out.
You can see how easy it is to mix them up. I had the whole thing typed and somehow swiped it all away and retyped at lightning speed. Sorry.
Deangelo Towns. This man is no Bart Simpson.
When I was a kid, I worked at the Holiday Inn as a porter (bell boy/front desk/whatever) and I would always use the stupid label maker to make a name tag that said “Sir”
It was fantastic. When some old coot (who hadn’t tipped for anything during his entire stay) would grab you to complain about something, he’d always start off by glancing at your name tag and starting in with “Let me tell you something Sir…” then he’d realize what he just said and would be even madder.
Then the old coot would accuse you of killing Bobby Kennedy?
Yo Swiss, we all stand tall
My closest friends in uniform were lost in the 1980’s (Beirut, etc) and then I came back for more 18 years ago.
No way to explain it all.
Retired now and no choice but to Charlie Mike.
You know who else got beat in court?
Charles Sumner?
Preet ?
Authur Ashe?
John Larroquette?
I’d like to beat Markie Post in ‘Court IYKWIMAITYD
Yes, yes I do.
Bobby Riggs
Hamilton Burger?
Yeah, blatantly unconstitutional fishing expeditions for private financial information are totally gonna take down Orange. They’re so cute when they think they “got him this time”.
Surprisingly, n̵o̵b̵o̵d̵y̵ ̵w̵a̵s̵ ̵s̵h̵o̵t̵ ̵d̵e̵a̵d̵ everyone made it home safely. And it’s just comical.
Nothing funnier than when a layabout steals a municipal vehicle. Back in the day a guy stole a S. St. Police car and drove it to Detroit Lakes for 4th of July weekend. His undoing was getting into the back seat for a nap. He couldn’t get back out.
I used to work in film production doing props/set dressing. One weekend, I had command of a picture car, an LAPD cruiser. I was told specifically by the car rental place to not drive around with the badging or lights going. Yeah right. Drove all over LA with that thing. I blew some guys mind as I pulled up next to him on the 5 freeway lights going, he looked in the cruiser and saw me a dreadlocked white-boy with a big spliff dangling from my lips. His eyes literally bugged out from his skull. That was a fun weekend.
I regularly drive cop cars at work. It sucks. People all slow down to 5 under and change lanes incredibly slowly.
Man Red State’s crushin’ it today.
If you’re a billionaire, I think it would be more effective to find hotties that were better actresses.
+1 Meg Ryan
Sorry for your losses Swiss.
Conor Friedersdorf has an article about Princeton and Title IX at the Atlantic.
After decades of diligent effort, the epidemic of campus rape has apparently not yet been stamped out. Student activist want more bureaucrats, bureaucratting harder.
per the arti8cle:
They write:
At least 65 colleges and universities—including Brown University and Stanford University—have implemented some form of restorative justice programming. PRISM at Skidmore University offers opt-in restorative justice conferences, support circles, and administrative hearings for all members of the University community. A full administrative staff is dedicated to the implementation … We call for restorative interventions that establish appropriate standards of sexual conduct, reduce fear, and preserve the agency of survivors. Full-time, professional practitioners of restorative justice—trained specifically in matters of interpersonal violence—will help all parties involved develop mutual action plans, choose how, if at all, to participate in moderated dialogue, and empower rather than retraumatize survivors.
“Restorative interventions”? What in the everloving fuck is that even supposed to mean? More suchlike imbecilic gibberish may be found by anyone brave or foolish enough to look.
What have I divined from the article?
If I had a child, I would rather see him/her butchering hogs for Hormel, or pumping out port-a-shitters, than mired in a festering swamp of intellectual depravity like Princeton.
In my world a “restorative intervention” is a bloody Mary.
I know the St. Paul schools dumped $4M into a pilot on “restorative practices” to help with discipline. If you dig talking sticks, you are going to dig restorative justice
Good lord. It’s even dumber than I imagined. In NYC they handle the pressing concern of “how to best address racial disparities in student discipline” by simply letting teachers get beat up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, I’m sure this is how it was always done among those noble savages before the evil white man arrived… *eye roll*
I was reading a book about the Comanches recently that went into detailed descriptions of some of their torture methods that they would employ on other Indians and paleface. Staking men to the ground next to an ant colony and covering them with honey, burying men up to their necks and cutting off their eyelids, flaying alive, and so on. It’s weird how pervasive the noble savage bullshit still is.
I posted it last nite, but it really deserves to get posted for the morning crowd. The whale fucking thing continues to make me laugh my ass off.
Well goddammit, he’s MY president whether he wins or not.
“Enough of the “Whale Fucking is non-consensual” bullshit. A Humpback Whale weighs 70,000 pounds, is fifty feet long, can dive more than a quarter mile and can crush ships with a single swipe of its tail. If a human manages to fuck one, you damn well better believe it’s consensual.”
Too damn funny. But I think he really is on to something with his belief that ignorance tracking will become a huge thing.
Yeah, behind that very funny story is an extremely interesting theory. Something to watch.
Still reading, but it occurs to me as I’m reading that the political class has been taking advantage of people’s ignorance for decades.
I was reading my wife some of those tweets last nite, and had her actually believing that there was some secret society of Polynesian whale fuckers for a minute. Then I had some laughs at her expense. She says, “come on, threre are dudes out there who would try and fuck anything. I thought it might be some weird Asian bravado thing to take a go at whales.” Still laughing.
Not so much ignorance but demographics and it has been happening forever. My elderly parents fell for a phone scam. It cost them $2000. It was back when they had a land line. I assume scammers target land lines because the only people who have land lines these days are the elderly.
Random bit of FYI;
Did you know many cellphones have FM tuners built in? They have for a while, but mostly they were edited out by the carriers. However, in recent years that has changed. Sounds like it’s mostly due to a deal made by the owners of the NextRadio app. (they also own radio stations)
Some countries and markets had them as requirements too.
In honor of Jay Silverheels birthday yesterday, Tonto’s job interview.
Saturday, on the way home, I got tired of the interstate and took the scenic route across northern Wyoming and then up into Montana. A series of small towns in the middle of nowhere, with cemeteries (and a couple of Main Streets) decorated with American flags.
I can only hope that the largest majority of flags were planted by grandchildren and not parents.
Typically its’s the local American Legion or VFW.
…but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment.
That’s something we love to do as well. The small town back routes are just wonderful.
The slow way is the best way.
Not always.
Often characterized by a circular seating arrangement, the conversations at the heart of restorative practices offer everyone involved the chance to speak.
Fuck that. What about financial compensation for the victims?
Bird watching report. One of these landed on the corner of my deck yesterday. I see them around, sometimes, but never right out the window, before.
He flew away before I could fumble my way into getting a photo of him with my phone. He flew a little way off, and then held himself stationary in the breeze, looking for something small and furry to snack on. Very cool.
That’s cool!
One nice summer evening a couple years ago, my wife and I were sitting outside on the patio when a mourning dove flew over us fast and low. A second later a Merlin came shooting into view from behind, grabs the dove, and flies away with it. All without hardly missing a (wing) beat. They were no more than 20 feet from us when it grabbed the dove. It was f’in amazing.
“It was f’in amazing”
Not for the dove.
While mowing the yard earlier I saw a garter snake. It must have been cruizing across the yard while I was gasing up the mower because it came into view pretty close to me right after I cranked it. The gf was adamant that I kill it when I told her. But there is no reason to dispense a harmless snake. Though I did realize I should probably get a machete just in case the next one is dangerous.
Thoughts and prayers are with you, Swiss.
I’ve been trying to think what to say to you Swiss. It’s hard to come up with words. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you, their loved ones, and all the loved ones left behind.
Seconded. Humbled by you all, Swissy.
I carried the National Colors in a small town parade this morning. Lots of people clapped for us. The older folks stood for the flag and took off caps, placed them over heart. A fair number stayed slumped in their lawn chairs with hats on head. As a non-interventionist and critic of almost all of America’s wars, I can still appreciate those who served and serve. I wonder what language we’d all be speaking if the U.S. had no men and women who were willing to lay their lives on the line.
That describes me as well, and it irks me that some people don’t get this. They think you have to support every single war we’ve been in, or else you’re critical and ungrateful to the troops.
Our troops should not be sent into harm’s way for a stupid cause. Why is this a difficult concept for some people??
Yeah, bittersweet day for me. I’ve never lost anyone close to me, but I do carry a tattoo memorializing some that I met a couple weeks prior to their absolutely senseless deaths in Iraq. It’s a daily reminder to me why my job is important and what I should be focusing on every day when I go into the office (for clarity – I work for the Dept. of Defense Inspector General, and in 2011 I was in Iraq looking at base security).
I wish I was better at hyperlinks here, so I won’t even try. My favorite song to listen to on Memorial Day – “War Was in Color” by Carbon Leaf. Video on YouTube was put together by a fan, using stock photos, videos, and pictures taken by a relative of his…