Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except for those living in Dayton.
Senate Republicans are vowing to crush any impeachment efforts. Technically, at that point he’d already have been impeached, they’d be squashing the trial.
Why do people have no respect for us? Seriously, why?
Won’t someone please think of the drug dogs?
College student sues college after being suspended because of a photo with firearm.
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
It was Ben Shapiro’s fault it was raining earlier today.
*mutters and grumbles*
I also hope Dia’mon wins her lawsuit.
You’re doing it wrong!…..
A hashtag?! Secret Nazi!
Yes, 4Chan trolls are making the hashtag a racist symbol now.
And I just brooks’d.
Aaaaand I posted my reply in the wrong spot. Man, this subthread went to shit fast…ha!
For real, I am laughing my ass off. Good job, everybody.
And uses part of the proceeds to sue her mother for saddling her with such a silly name.
You dont dia, mon?
Suspended for exercising a constitutional right. I’m guessing the law suit will not go the college’s way.
“Dallas had a “mean look” on her face”
Yeah, they’re screwed.
Resting bitch face is a constitutionally protected right.
It’s the ‘that dumb look Covington’ progs use.
‘that dumb look Covington’ DEFENSE progs use.
“The Smirk Heard Round The World”
Have they seen AOC?
I’m guessing it depends who appointed the judge.
>>Won’t someone please think of the drug dogs
Something something Korea
Something something gamboling on a nice farm upstate? (Don’t think I mean to kill them, just adopt them out)
Something something when police dogs ‘smell’ drugs in the area they only turn up drugs about twenty percent of the time. Which means they’re usually aren’t smelling a damn thing, just responding to covert signals from its handler. Something something fuck K-9 units up the ass with a rusty something something.
Which means they’re usually aren’t smelling a damn thing, just responding to covert signals from its handler.
Correct. Dogs are geniuses at reading human body language, and learn to alert when the handler wants them to, rather than when they actually detect drugs. With a competent handler doing blind trials, the dogs get it right. But that’s not what the K9 cops on the street want.
Depends on whether they’ve also been attack trained whether they can adopt them out to someone without handler training. But there are enough badge bunnies and copsuckers out there that those dogs will get adopted.
Fun project – find the most rabidly anti-drug politician or pundit in the district and ask why they haven’t yet adopted a dog.
They always go to live with the handler. This is ginned up non-sense for the drug warriors.
Attack trained? I’m sure those dogs are all super professionally trained and would be cuddly house pets.
In my head this turned into a bunch of Labradors running around Seoul barking at people in tie-dye.
The beginnings of an Agile Cyborg poem if I’ve ever heard one.
Target practice is the obvious answer.
Drug dogs lie at the behest of their masters in order to generate probable cause out of thin air.
That Nirvana tune in a Major key sounds like the theme to every 90’s sit-com and/or light hearted comedic film. Nice work!
+1 Friends
It’s such a nice happy sounding tune.
That’s a good one. Reminds of DJ Cumberbund’s Earth, Wind, and Ozzy that someone posted the other day.
So if you want to be an edgy garage band, cover Nickelodeon songs in minor keys?
That was a staple of aspiring punk bands back then. Nursery rhymes, lullabies and the like. Got old pretty fast.
Related: Evergreen Terrace putting some metal into classic pop tunes.
Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time…
On the other hand:
And the almost entire shtick of Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies. They’re nothing but punk covers of songs.
This is better
and this
Rainy & overcast after a lovely 3 day weekend.
I should have stayed in bed.
Gonna be in the 80’s here again tomorrow. Out of the ordinary but not unheard of.
Wrapped up in Super Friends bed sheets.
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice, Gleek gets violated by a Canadian Muppet.
I figured Gleek would be your favourite SF.
Any Apache lovers here?
Never been with an Apache, only a Choctaw. And some white girls claiming to be part Cherokee.
You banged Elizabeth Warren?
What’s the Choctaw Ridge like?
Ask Billie Joe.
High 90s with high humidity here. My balls are going to be stuck to my leg.
Better than at least one alternative scenario but worse than others.
It’s only a two day work week for me. I can roll with some shitty weather today and tomorrow if it means I miss the thunderstorms when I’ll be “camping” this weekend.
Yesterday it was 96 here with a UV index of about 40. I got two hours in of yard work and had to go inside. I’m getting too old for this shit.
“My tweet yesterday about Trump preferring Kim Jong Un to Biden as President was meant in jest.”
Silly journalist. You have a press license, not a comedy license. Only licensed and credentialed comedians can make jokes.
Twitterers are so stupid that jokes, sarcasm, and satire need to be appropriately labeled and that won’t necessarily save you.
I think his point is that assholes like Bill Maher used to hide behind “I’m Just a comedian” facade when called out on his “journalism” and opinion pieces.
Ah, the John Stewart school (and every other comedian nowadays, god help us) of political comedy.
Him too. Aren’t they all like that now?
Yeh, I hated that shtick. They were serious….until they weren’t.
They think themselves intellectuals until called out and then scream ‘we’re just comedians’.
Tiresome faux-Intellectual cowards.
Maher is the master abuser of this.
Yes that’s what I was getting at. Also poking fun at journalists that claim they have “special” 1A rights that other people.
Meh, the guy is full of shit. It isn’t funny, it isn’t clever and it isn’t satire. He never thought he would get caught. Expect a flood of this kind of this. They are starting to sling any shit they can fabricate desperately trying to get something to stick.
Not only did he not think he’d get caught, he probably thought someone would back his claim and give it credence. Unfortunately for him, Brian Stelter was reeling from Avanetti falsehoods from last week, and was unavailable.
“According to the complaint filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court in Jacksonville, Dia’mon Dallas”
Insert wrestling joke here
Between the Judge sneaking the IA out of the court and numerous cases like this school expelling a student over illegal firearms it looks like the chickens are coming home to roost. True believers are in positions of power.
Geez. They are going on about the UFO’s again. I guess they are going to try to make that fly.
It’s been too long since a good UFO panic. Seems like it rolls around every 30 years or so, 50’s, 80’s…
Michael Schenker!
This moron? A sane Judge would know when the jig is up and it’s time to make a deal.
Next CNN and MSNBC will be showing this as proof, pasting it into an ‘Investigative Documentary’.
Somehow Trump and the Russians will figure in to it.
“On the wall is a whiteboard listing all the drugs the dogs are being trained to detect — heroin, cocaine, MDMA, LSD, meth and PCP, among them.”
LSD? How can a dog detect LSD? It doesn’t boil or sublimate.
Because it still has an odor detectable to dogs, since they can smell literally just a few molecules of something.
With a few handy cues from the handler I’m quite sure that Wifey’s Pom could become an ace drug-sniffer.
Dogs can smell a few molecules of some things, but it has to be in the air.
I don’t think being able to smell had anything to do with it.
That’s the downward chopping hand motion by the handler.
Great minds and all that…
Yeah, I’m quite suspicious of that LSD claim.
Another fun idea: Get some libertarian types to adopt some of those dogs and do blind trials of how effective they really are at detecting drugs.
I had a conversation with a dog trainer who produced schutzhunds for the German police/military. He said that drug training usually ruins a dog if it is done correctly. In other words, the repetitive exposure at varying levels of drugs causes sensory problems for the dog.
What, like the dogs are running around thinking, “C’mon, man, let’s go practice finding coke again. Just real quick.”
“Gimme some teeeeets, Man!”
It would not surprise me if there’s a common byproduct or solvent used in packaging LSD that is detectable.
Train them to find minimarshmallows.
According to the complaint filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court in Jacksonville, Dia’mon Dallas was suspended from the school indefinitely because another student reported to the college’s administrators that a photograph of Dallas and her fiance holding legally purchased and lawfully possessed firearms at a gun range in Palatka was posted on Facebook.
See something, say something. I hope that student got its Young Pioneer snitch patch.
Snitches get stitches.
Yes, stitching is how one affixes one Snitch patch to ones Young Pioneer jackboot.
This is a law school. They claimed she had a mean look on her face.
A law school.
And they also claimed it was an *illegal* gun, even though it was legally purchased and possessed. Do these types just automatically assume any and all guns not held by Heroes In Blue are illegal?
Of course it’s impossible to know what’s in someone’s head, but I bet they would rationalize away that news anchor waving around an illegal-in-DC magazine on TV.
Was it black and one of those things that go up?
Critical legal theory as applied to gun rights.
In other words, the law says what they want it to say in any given situation.
Yup. Critical leagal theory is to legal philosophy as moral relativism is to philosophy of Ethics. Critical leagal theory is just the idea that ends are justified by means and that there is no law but what is the cause celebre.
Technical college
When law schools misapply the law this egregiously they should loose their accreditation. This is equivalent to an economics program churning out AOCs
Haha. Yup. I got my degree in econ being trained by leading Marxists, and still have better understand of the Economy that Ocasio-Cortez.
Yeah, that’s pretty egregious. Hopefully FIRE is on the case.
Do we even need FIRE for this? Seems like a form letter would do it.
Is this her?
Then I suspect race might have had something to with it.
I find her guilty of being a knucklehead at the range. I sentence her to get it together and quit fuckin’ around.
Agreed. I cringed as well.
At the range I go to the range officer would ban you for life for that shit. Which is why I drive two hours one way to go there. Well, that and it’s a family operation run by a bunch of shorebillies and it’s like going shooting at your grandma’s house, if your grandma had a taxidermy hobby and a bunch of semi-feral cats.
Oh geez, that is priceless.
If you ever wondered what a dead duck looks like…
I have no idea where I got the notion that it was a law school.
Unless that was a remote mount camera, the taker of that pic is the bigger idiot.
The old “It sounds like something he’d say” defense.
Also the song reminded me of this other lovely Nirvana song getting an upbeat treatment.
What is wrong with me that I’m not even 41 yet and all I can think as I watch that is, “Cut your hair!”
I feel that way as well except when it comes to “Manbuns”.
Just because a twinky feller can grow a beard doesn’t mean that he should. I feel the same way regarding pretty girls with piercings and tats.
The funny thing about beards is that if you’re not really meant to grow one, growing one actually makes you look less manly. I present one Matthew Iglesias as exhibit A.
The funny thing about beards is that if you’re not really meant to grow one, growing one actually makes you look less manly. I present one Matthew Iglesias as exhibit A.
Sadbeard is such a perfect name for him. I understand it makes him furious.
What kind of piercings and tats we talking, good sir?
*cringes in SuicideGirls*
I have ever only known one girl with a tongue stud that actually could use it to make fellatio better. All the rest it was a non-factor or a detriment.
Yeah…generally not a fan of the ones on the tongue as well.
“Manbuns” are the big pants of this generation. I predict another four years before young men have found something new to make themselves look dumb.
I pray for the end of the manbuns.
Why? It’s a visible warning to avoid those people.
They covered this in Portlandia. Essentially a guy who’s so confident he can leave the house looking like that has so much confidence that women get weak in the knees around him.
Building the wall that quickly and efficiently was actually a pretty good troll of the FedGov.
*standard “fixed fortifications” disclaimer
They said they had to do it fast so no opposition group could file an injunction to hold up construction indefinitely.
Pretty sad that its come to that. An activist can stop construction on private property they’ll never see with private funds they’ll never touch by filing an injunction in a court 1000 miles away in a different jurisdiction, and the judge will order no wall building nationwide until he’s convinced the President is not racist
Good point, we are pretty far gone aren’t we?
Needs a variance and a building permit. Gotta keep it legal.
At which point the president should ignore the ruling due to the court’s lack of jurisdiction.
*Looks in rearview mirror*
How many divisions do they have?
“He’s made his decision, now let him enforce it.”
By filing the injunction the activist is indeed touching the money, or at least forcing defendant to defend himself against said activist. It’s called lawfare. Progs hate it when a business or trade association files a SLAPP suit, but they are totally fine with doing an act which is the moral equivalent of that.
“filing an injunction in a court 1000 miles away in a different jurisdiction”
Theoretically, the federal court for (ie) the District of Kansas is only supposed to hear cases which actually occurred in Kansas, or effect Kansans. And private citizens have to jump through more hoops than a circus horse to prove standing, whereas state governments are automatically assumed to have standing for anything that the federal courts have jurisdiction over, even half a continent away.
For Animal:
137-year-old Winchester rifle found in Nevada has new home
Nirvana 90210.
Gah, that is awful.
Natsoc Propaganda Radio remembers to touch all the bases
As disasters like wildfires, floods and hurricanes are increasing in size, severity and frequency, experts who study our response to them are warning that events like the Camp Fire should be a wake-up call. One of the early lessons from Paradise is that we need to radically overhaul how to prepare for and respond to disasters in the era of climate change, they say.
“We have been very reactionary,” says Josh Sawislak, a climate resiliency adviser in the Obama administration. “The problem is that we’ve kind of gotten away with it for a while.”
It were
Global WarmingClimate Insecurity what dunnit. And if didn’t actually do it, it made it worse. And besides, we need to stop letting people just live wherever they want, qall willy-nilly and unregulated.As disasters like wildfires, floods and hurricanes are increasing in size, severity and frequency
Assertion not supported by evidence.
But did you see that drone overhead video!?! the horror! we must prevent anything from ever happening again.
Also, you people don’t have insurance on your home? I have such little sympathy for that.
You can all see where this is going, right? Combine progs love for meddling with their love for “national service.” We’re going to see the re-invention of the Civilian Conservation Corps as the Climate Change Corps.
Climate Change Corps Patrol
a unit of the United States Services Regiment
Bullshit bullshit bullshit
The Camp Fire is a direct product of encroachment and poor forestry management.
“…disasters like wildfires, floods and hurricanes are increasing in size, severity and frequency,…”
Gee if only climate scientists agreed that these events are indicative of climate change. But they don’t.
Speaking of the Camp Fire. Sierra Nevada is still waiting for over half of the charity pledges from other breweries.
/my apologies if this has already been posted over the weekend.
This is no time for the left to try and appease Farage and Trump devotees
Remainers should focus on winning over marginal voters, not those it cannot hope to convince.
Maybe if those liberals/leftists would stop calling any opposition nazis or fascists, they’d gain more ground, but hey, what do I know?
Also if they could stop being slavers, that’d be cool too.
^This x 2
The great irony is that it is the leftists who are acting like nazi’s/fascists.
It’s only irony if it’s unexpected.
Yep. They are always and everywhere the same. Promise Utopia, deliver mass graves.
To say they speak with a forked tongue hardly covers it.
>stop being slavers
This stood out for me, “containment until it goes away”. They’ve just put all of their cards on the table in five simple words.
“I don’t want to get on the cart.”
“But Oim not dead!”
Yeah, containment, maybe in centralized locations, some sort of camps, perhaps….
Where we can concentrate?
Camps for adults?
spatial inequality
Not sure whether it means quantity or quality of living space. Poor people “deserve” beachfront property, too. And an extra bathroom, you shitlord.
40 acres and a mule0.2 acres and a boat.Changing minds, if it is possible, can come later.
Do you know who else wanted to change minds?
As we watch the sickening spectacle of Brexiteers choosing our next prime minister
Translation: As we watch the sickening spectacle of voters not voting the way I want them to
I do agree democracy is sickening.
a cohort effect of those brought up in the repressive Fifties, who were untouched by the Sixties revolution happening in the cities, or is it some inevitable consequence of age
Asserts facts not in evidence – anyone who experienced post-sixties US culture was affected by the sexual revolution. “Three’s Company,” etc.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s because those geezers see right through your fancy window dressing to the confiscation, redistribution and death panels.
As Raphael pointed out above, though in a slightly different way, the only way for progs to “reach” those groups is by changing policy.
” As we watch the sickening spectacle of Brexiteers choosing our next prime minister, what we want above all else is to take power away from these people. Changing minds, if it is possible, can come later.”
Well, that is a mouthful.
You don’t have to swap too many words out and that becomes a totally believable quote from Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot…
“These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries,” Juncker told CNN in his Brussels office.”
Any questions?
/flashes okay sign.
Honk, honk.
It’s not like they have any good examples of how to free a nation from a distant oppressive governing body, right?
These people in an armed insurrection? I think not.
Sure, Jan.
Coming up on 100 year anniversary of the first trans-Atlantic flight.
16 hours in a 1919 engine…yipes.
I’ve been watching a lot of Jay Leno’s garage – and I’ve been fascinated by the steam powered cars.
I’ve been reading David Weber’s Safehold Series – they use steam cars due to a prohibition on electricity.
I want to like that series but all the detail wore me down somewhere in the 3rd book. I supposed he took ten pages to describe the functionality of those cars.
I just finished the audiobook of the latest – out of pure stubbornness not enjoyment.
You should see him driving one in person through LA traffic. Talk about stressed.
Powered flight is a social construct?
An activist can stop construction on private property they’ll never see with private funds they’ll never touch by filing an injunction in a court 1000 miles away in a different jurisdiction, and the judge will order no wall building nationwide until he’s convinced the President is not racist
Nicely put.
Welcome to my world. Up here we may as well not even bother with elections. The appointed courts and various “Human Rights” orgs seem to run everything.
“A thought experiment with John McAfee
The Libertarian presidential contender ruminates on the value of ignorance
My largest experiment was ‘whale fucking’ which tested a person’s gullibility – a powerful form of ‘imposed ignorance’. I claimed to be part of a ‘whale fucking’ club in Hawaii, the members of which had sex with humpback whales. Anyone who considered for a moment would see the impossibility. I even spelled out this impossibility but couched it in terms of ‘is whale fucking consensual?’.”
This was on Twitter, right? I contend that there’s something particular to the character of that population that might not be applicable across the board.
Yes, although I remember it being New Zealand not Hawaii.
The author does not acknowledge the fact that the users he polled were probably just pulling his chain or being silly on purpose?
the possibility*
Look at you and your rosy outlook on humanity.
Yea I mean that’s clearly the real case.
Wait….so McAfee DIDN’T fuck a whale? Man, this is so disappointing.
Not sure I can vote for him anymore.
It was a whale of a tail.
I don’t believe that any man can fuck a whale. But John McAfee isn’t just ‘any man.’ Ergo, he fucked a whale.
I think you missed a step.
Japan stabbing: two dead and 16 injured in attack on children in Kawasaki
That’s horrible.
If only Japan had effective knife control, like England…
That’s awful. Hope the asshole is rotting in 地獄.
I have it on good authority that mass killings don’t happen in places where people can’t own guns.
Climate Disaster is spreading Trumpism to colonized populations.
Sam Hyde must be in Japan. He can’t keep getting away with this.
Forgot to refresh, ignore my post, sorry,
You focus on changeable views by providing facts and an alternative narrative, so you can elect a left-liberal government. Only then can racist views be stigmatised and income and spatial inequality reduced to help the “left behind”.
Mask? What mask? Once we get the reins, we can bring down the hammer of retribution onto those deplorables. We’ll take their stuff and redistribute it to those whom we deem properly deserving.
“Alternative narrative”
We don’t lie, we just use alternative facts.
“Miley Cyrus claims ‘nervous’ airport staff ‘LOVE giving her a pat down’ at security when she refuses to remove her jewellery… but cheeky star says she ‘loves the human touch’
The former Hannah Montana star explained: ‘They have a love hate. Because you know they hate because it’s definitely kind of annoying because I never take it off but they love me because they always get to do the pat down.
‘They’re getting very sensitive with the pat down and I’m kind of like in to it. Like human touch, you know. But they’re getting like more and more nervous about doing that kind of thing but I actually like it you know.’
Miley cheekily reiterated: ‘I need a little human touch.'”
She doesn’t have a private jet?
Anyhoo – she’s already sliding off of her “good looks” peak.
‘I need a little human touch.
She looks fine to me. Although I’m thinking she might be pregnant.
Whatever floats your boat. (weirdo) 😉
Something’s up. She looks like she’s put on a lot of weight.
I never thought she was that good looking. The bangs do nothing for her, nor any other woman for the most part.
Yeah, Miley, I think being treated like an inmate by a mall cop in the name of security theater is cute and funny, too. Although in my case if I objected I’d get gaffled and locked up if I didn’t get shot, so, there’s that.
From a person who uses a wheel chair in an airport and has to go through an invasive pat down every time… fuck off Miley.
Meanwhile, speaking of forestry (mis)management-
A group of radical viewscape preservationists has outbid a logging company for a forest maintenance / fuel mitigation logging permit outside Bozeman to “protect” a large swath of forest (owned by the state, I believe). Those poor little woodland critters will all die if a single beetle-kill tree is removed. And the timber company will clear cut the whole thing, because that’s what they do. Everyone knows that.
I wonder what sort of liability insurance they have.
I wonder if they can afford it. A few years back a guy here in Utah did the same thing , but in bad faith. Ended up going to prison (which seems a bit harsh).
“…owned by the state…”
Ooops. I am out.
So what? People spending their own money on something they value in way you wouldn’t, right? Is that something we are against?
If they were bidding on the purchase of the land, sure. But this is a permit to do work that ostensibly has been determined to be important for managing the forest. I may look this up later, but for now I will say the state shirked their responsibility to the taxpayers. A decision was made to manage the forest, likely after a fair amount of input and public comment. This is an end around to that decision making process.
Is the permit permanent or do they have to pay it every year?
I decided to track down the issue. It appears much more complicated. I still don’t have the full story since so many places have paywalls, but it appears the state offered two types of permits, one for the forest treatment and a competing ‘conservation’ permit. On it’s face it sounds like letting the market decide, but in reality it allows one group of people to override the interests of the public at large.
I’m not going to look up the mandate for the agency, but typically it has to do with managing the land for the good of all citizens or something on that order. There is usually a decision process involving input from agency personnel and the public, including numerous stakeholder groups. The process is messy and by no means perfect. It makes more sense to just sell the land to the highest bidder than call it state land and let a small group control it for 25 years. Again, I’m not up on lots of the details so I reserve the right to amend my position, but as I currently understand it I think this is a poor path to take.
That said, I know Canadian provinces use a similar tack for managing provincial forests. They essentially offer long term permits (like 25 to 50 years or something), to companies for harvesting, but must sign off on management plans and have some monitoring oversight. I think that makes a lot of sense compared to our systems in many ways, but there are drawbacks as well. I’m sure the resident canucks can offer more details on this.
Also, SLD regarding government owned land and such. Just saying that there are currently laws mandating how the state manages the land. And there is much more to this than I can get in a post.
I’m Sorry, but We Must Talk About Genie’s Sex Life
The new ‘Aladdin’ stars Will Smith as a very DTF genie. Our question is … Why?
Petition to remake Aladdin…AGAIN.
No. No, we really, really don’t.
“I liked it better when I could watch this movie and not be forced to think about Genie having sex”
I’m sorry, but it’s only you thinking about it.
“Well, yeah, that’s what happens when you have sex.”
No abortions? How unwoke.
Or, ya know, if he has all of the necessary body parts?
Super unwoke.
If your reaction to “these two people want to have a long and fulfilling life together is” to immediately think of the guy fucking, that might just be on you chum.
Uffda. I see Snopes is at it again.
Totally fake news about Somali teens attacking people at a light rail station with hammers.
* It was pipes not hammers STRIKE ONE
* No one was charged with assault STRIKE TWO
* Eyewitness not corroborated and police say it wasn’t true STRIKE 3
Yeah, I’m not sure how you get to rate the story as false, based on they only had pipes and not hammers. And the cops didn’t want to open a can of worms and bury the story.
I don’t know for sure what happened, but you’d think that some intrepid local reporter might track down a few people (non cops) who were there and find out. Or go review the security camera footage themselves.
I, for one, am convinced.
How can 1 and 3 both be true. If the whole thing was fake then why are we clarifying the lie about hammers.
Also hammers vs pipes? Big diff. That’s like saying the Germans used chlorine not sarin gas.
Leon wins a prize.
Exactly this.
It’s akin to the court case I was on where the defendant’s attorney tried to simultaneously argue that it was not his client that carjacked the woman and that his client knew that it was a toy gun used in the carjacking because the real carjacker told him.
The case I sat on had a similar thing.
Lawyer: Are you not in fact in Gang X?
Witness: No we are just friends. Just a bunch of guys.
Lawyer: Here is a picture of you and your friends. What are you doing with your hands
Witness: Throwing Gang X signs.
Why was the supposed police report redacted of the names of the people arrested? Isn’t that a matter of public record? Also note that Snopes alternates between teenagers and men in describing the attackers.
“Isn’t that a matter of public record?”
Right to be forgotten, dude. One little mistake shouldn’t brand you for life.
They were minors.
It’s almost as if there was some sort of script or rulebook which pre-determined the outcome. You see, it’s much more important to keep the lid on any info which might lead to racist violence than to actually look for the assailants.
Ah, yes, the old “Muslim community fears backlash from tomorrow’s terror attack” bit.
Funny how the Muslim community here fears a backlash that never seems to happen, but in Germany the government is warning the Jewish citizens to not wear their funny hats because of fears that they will get beaten.
You know, come to think of it, has there been an anti-Muslim attack that hasn’t turned out to be a hoax? As I recall shortly after 9/11 a Sikh was attacked by some ignoramus who never took a comparative religion class, but that’s all that comes to mind.
There was this guy
Yeah, we had a mosque bombing here in Sunny Minnesoda by alleged white supremacists.
No one hurt, but knuckleheads will be knuckleheads.
In ‘Who Nedds A Gun?’ news:
Seriously though, this is pretty fucking brutal.
Big surprise: The hack used on Baltimore was originally an NSA tool used for espionage.
Government is people working together.
My understanding ((which is most likely wrong) is that a lot of the exploits are developed by security firms contracted by the NSA. Which surprises me that they aren’t sued by the corporations that they hack.
I hate everyone in this story, even the dead ones.
It is dim bulb authoritarians all the way down. Fuck the McCains (living and dead). Fuck Klobuchar for stupid political hyperbole.
Good job Klobuchar. (Unverifiable) attributing your supposed concern to a warmongering brain cancer addled nutjob.
What an asshole.
Which one or both?
Sure he did.
“On behalf of the entire McCain family (Senator Klobuchar), please be respectful to all of us and leave my father’s legacy and memory out of presidential politics,” she said.
My father was unfit for his position and refused to resign for political reasons. Please leave his name out of politics.
Heh, nope not living in fantasy land at all. Mordor is real! Sauran was made of CO2!
“The Fevered Delusions of Naomi Wolf”
>>At what point, though, does the satire become the reality? Over the last eight years, Naomi Wolf has written hysterically about coups and about vaginas and about little else besides.
Vaginal Coups? Sounds like a Feminist Punk band
Dude. She’s a Phd. A Fiffed. What are you? Some guy in a weird goalie mask looking to steal gas. Show some respect.
What you did there, I sees it I does…
“Naomi Wolf’s ‘Vagina’ Gets More Public Criticism And Faint Praise Than Any Vagina We Know Of,” declared the Huffington Post.
That’s a great fucking headline.
As long as her vagina doesn’t look like a package of roast beef exploded.
Add a few dashes of paprika and that’s called the ‘Reba McEntire’.
The band WU LYF (look it up I guess — they broke up) was originally named Wolf Vagina, but then the lead singer realized he could never tell his grandmother he was in a band named Wolf Vagina.
I wonder if they can afford it. A few years back a guy here in Utah did the same thing , but in bad faith. Ended up going to prison (which seems a bit harsh).
They crowdfunded it in no time flat. There are a lot of people out here who want Montana to be some sort of zoo/time-capsule.
Ahh. Yeah my story was before crowd funding, so he screwed himself.
What Those Who Seek Socialism Really Need Is A Church And Family
Plato taught us, in imprecise terms, that the socialism we need is not that of a command economy, but that of family, church, and community.
^^^So much this it hurts.
This is why communism outlaws religion. It’s removing the competition.
Can we have a roll call of Dayton/Miami Valley area Glibs? Chez GT is OK, but we’re in Harrison Twp. just NNW of Dayton proper, and there was significant damage perilously close by and in many other areas.
There are (real) people living in Ohio? I thought it was just automatons.
I think Tres & Akira are in the vicinity.
I thought I was a real person…
Whatever, Tulpa
PKD intensifies.
/begins argument about how many gears are on a bicycle.
I hope no dive bars were destroyed in the storms.
Don’t worry, the Harbor Inn was still there as of Saturday. They’ve upgraded to taking credit cards since I was last there in the 90s. They still have a selection of over 100 beers, (almost all of which are old and expired), and still sell Hamm’s.
Mr. Orwell, you are wanted at the courtesy phone.
Pregnancy is a life-threatening condition. Women die from being pregnant. We have known that for thousands of years.
They die from hemorrhage, infection, pre-eclampsia (which can lead to fatal seizures), obstructed labor, amniotic fluid embolism, thromboembolism, a ruptured uterus, retained placenta, hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma and many other causes that fill the obstetrics textbooks. Modern medicine can prevent and treat many, but not all, of these conditions. Some potentially fatal problems cannot be foreseen or prevented. Pregnancy always comes with some irreducible risk of death.
There are factors that put some women at higher-than-average risk of death from pregnancy: age (to be an early adolescent is more dangerous), high blood pressure, many previous pregnancies, diabetes, obesity, a history of cesarean delivery, uterine abnormalities, a scarred cervix, a placenta previa (in which the placenta covers the cervix). A placenta previa can result in sudden, catastrophic hemorrhage that is fatal, and it can require a cesarean delivery — which carries its own risks — since a normal vaginal delivery is impossible.
The measure of risk to a woman’s life from pregnancy itself is called the “maternal mortality ratio.” That is the number of women who die of causes related to or aggravated by pregnancy per 100,000 live births.
In Alabama, the overall maternal mortality ratio in 2018 was 11.9 per 100,000. Among white women, the 2018 maternal mortality ratio was 5.6; among black women, it was 27.6, making black women in Alabama almost five times more likely to die as a result of pregnancy than white women. For the United States overall, the maternal mortality ratio was 20.7.
By comparison, a study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology on abortion mortality from 1998 to 2010 found that for the 16.1 million abortions performed during that time, the overall death rate was 0.7 per 100,000 procedures. The death rate for early-abortion procedures — those that took place within the first eight weeks of the pregnancy — was less: 0.3 per 100,000.
Pregnancy is dangerous; abortion can be lifesaving.
I’m pretty sure the death rate is 100% but you know me I’m a crazy fundamental freak who thinks all humans have a right to life.
And this is why I don’t get into debates about abortion. The refusal to even understand that people see it as murder means neither side will get anywhere.
Seconded, you ain’t alone, good sir. And that’s also why I try to stay out of these kind of debates.
You what has a better mortality rate than both abortion and pregnancy? Not getting pregnant.
But we have to think of second order effects. Think of all the men who die due to blue balls.
What are you, some kind of Nazi? You expect women to correctly use one of the plethora of highly effective contraception options and then assume responsibility for the baby in the unlikely event it fails? Or even worse, you expect them to exercise restraint and think twice about having sex at all?!!?
Life through death!
If pregnancy is uniquely dangerous, why do women outlive men?
less “Hold my beer” moments?
Estrogen. And men are more likely to die at younger stages than women.
Seriously. After menopause life expectancy for women matches men. Men are just more likely to die in their younger years so it brings the average down.
Huh. Talk about getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.
Never change, NYT.
OMFG! Like only womyn can be pregnant! WTF I can’t even…
PregnancyLife is a life-threatening condition.Womendies from beingpregnantAllive. We have known that for thousands of years.Fucking piece of shit keyboard, I need to buy a different one. Fuck sake, how can it miss entire words?!
“This one idea – the hack gap – explains how and why conservative nonsense dominates American politics.”
It:s hilarious because how uninspired and weak pretty much all those other MSM outlets are. To me, it showed not how scary and yuge Fox News is, but how pathetic CNN/MSNBC and company are. is a news website
But is it?
that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines.
Rotflol. Yea, sure. Captain Soy’s videos are routinely picked apart by non-leftists. He is as retarded as NowThis. Maybe that is what has his panties in a twist.
The whole point of its existence, from the beginning, is that it’s *not* a news site. Even in their own words, they “explain” news that’s already been reported; ie, you people are way too stupid to get the “correct” interpretation from this story, so we’re gonna help you form the proper conclusions.
Fine. At least they’re up front about their mission; but to now call themselves a straight news site is so mendacious as to be laughable.
I just finished reading Michael Malice’s “The New Right” and vox is playing into it. What they are resorting to is name-calling and it’s pathetic, not in an angry way, but in a truely piteously pathetic way. They have nothing and are losing their minds. And they will get no pity.
Good read, I’m about halfway through.
It’s back to your regularly scheduled Titty Tuesday. I will be enjoying another day off; have a mimosa in my hand right now.
2, 8, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 37, 39. Sweet jeebus, excellent lineup. I am just sad I only have two arms and thus cannot hold all of them at once.
30 and 38 are sufficient.
9’s doing a thing that I think is pretty neat. 26, though apparently a goofball, also has what look to be spectacular sweaterpuppets.
40 wins.
Sex between Earthlings and humans living on Mars could be disastrous, scientist reveals
something smallpox something blankets
Cybersex is probably the least possibly dangerous way to do it.
Well if we start banging Martians, I worry that the term “earning your red wings” will lose all its cachet.
What if they get pregnant? That ain’t the kinda place to raise your kids, I’ve heard.
In fact it’s cold as hell
“Well in those days Mars was just a dreary uninhabitable wasteland… much like Utah. But unlike Utah, it was eventually made livable”
*quickly skims Stranger in a Strange Land*
Hasn’t this already been done?
I, for one, look forward to pillaging hot Martian women.
IANAScientist, but if there were regular contact between earthlings and martians, wouldn’t the martians keep their immunity?
Presumably these Martians won’t be living in sterile conditions and will be bringing all their microorganisms with them. It’s not like they’re gonna touchdown and go expose themselves to the conditions that make martian soil sterile. Fuck, it’ll be hundreds of years min before humans have any sort of contact with martian soil that isn’t dragged indoors by a robot.
Apparently 4chan is at again. The latest trolling is Fashtag #. They’re pushing out memes left and right claiming Fashtag # is the new white supremacist movement. So far it doesn’t look like the left is falling for it like the ok sign.
I’m really hoping they can make the rainbow thing work.
They should make FDR look like a racist ready to round up people.
They should make FDR look like FDR?
I put a Tim Pool link to that very topic upthread. He contends that they’ll run with it simply to fill column space and get clicks. They know it is bullshit but they knew the OKAY sign was bullshit from the get go as well. At least that’s Tim’s take.
My questions for the Brexit Party
“dope-legalising maniacs ”
That’s pretty weak.
I saw them open for Cosmic Howitzer at No-chella back in ought-nine. They were weak.
A nice reminder that nannies are not exclusive to the left, even if they’ve had to sit at the back of the conservative bus for the last few years.
“watching your neighbour’s kid, or your community, destroying themselves and others most certainly is our business”
No, it’s not your business. Fuck off slaver.
If you want to help out, go ahead. Pay for dipshits rehab, help your neighbors. But you are advocating a faux concern, where you get to feel smug and offload the costs on everyone else. So yeah. Fuck off slaver.
Why’s that, blue nose?
I’d be surprised if any of you can find a more ironic story than this.
Justin Amash, a threat to Trump 2020?
He might break 1% of the vote! That’ll show the Orange Anti-Christ!
What a douche. If he was an actual threat to either party, they would annihilate him with his own words and emphasize how much money his family business makes off of Chinese manufacturing.
Gravitas is such a bullshit concept
Amash is still better than about 95% of other Congress-critters (yes, low bar I know). And even with the Chinese connection, SOME of his statements on tariffs, etc. are correct. But, given his track record of explaining votes, it’d be nice if he was open about his business interests.
GOT – Vox agrees that Westeros needed a Cultural Revolution. The third of the population it would have killed were necessary for the omelette.
Vox is on the Stephen A Smith train of driving clicks.
STEVE SMITH drive train…
All that makes me want is to whip up some wonton wraps. Pork? Chicken? Beef? What to fill them with….
I never thought the SAT was particularly useful in assessing potential academic or professional success even before it became woke. Now all doubt is removed.
Take the ACT instead. That’s what Iowa colleges primarily use.
My brother is an engineering professor at a small college in Iowa. According to him, the data show a straight line correlation between ACT score and the graduation rates in engineering at his college.
That’s racist on so many levels. 😉
Also… my eyes! ?
Ugh. She doesn’t need any help from a cheap photo filter to discredit herself.
I like the “Green New Steal” banner over the Earth.
Gun-grabbers don’t trust people with guns because they know that they themselves cannot be trusted with a gun.
All progjection, all the time.
Police say Blaisdell “knowingly” confined a family member, trapping his victim by “holding the laundry room door closed over a period of several minutes.” Police claim that Blaisdell also stepped on the person’s hand during the incident, and also allegedly destroyed their cellphone.
i don’t know the specifics. the facts could describe a dad trying to keep his drug addict son from leaving to meet his drug dealer. again, i have no clue of the specifics. he certainly could’ve been trying to rape his wife or something else nefarious.
“Parents shouldn’t have any authority over kids to any degree. Not to any extent. A child should rightfully be able to work, run away from home, commit suicide, or engage in as many consensual acts of sex as they like, all without parents or the state telling them otherwise.”
I’m not sure if this is parody, or a 12-year-old took way too much Adderall.
His youtube channel is titled “libertarian communism”, so I’m just going with retard.
Christopher Kerins
23h23 hours ago
Replying to @times_tribal
When mom tells you to finish your brocolli before leaving the table
It’s not immoral to kill capitalists, but in an post-revolution society, former capitalists would be given rehabilitation therapy, so that they could see the error of their ways, and realise how evil their actions and behaviours have been, have done great harm to others…
It’s not immoral or even wrong to physically assault or kill people one disagrees with, if such an individual in question has no redeeming values about them. In an anarchist society, they’d receive rehabilitation. But in a capitalist one, their life is worthless and pathetic.
I’m on the fence.
Damn your nimble fingers.
“It’s not immoral or even wrong to physically assault or kill people one disagrees with, if such an individual in question has no redeeming values about them. In an anarchist society, they’d receive rehabilitation. But in a capitalist one, their life is worthless and pathetic.”
Poe’s law.
In an anarchist society, they’d receive rehabilitation.
Why? In a society with no restrictions, legal or moral, on killing irredeemables, who would spend their own money to “rehabilitate ” them?
Because we all know that “anarchy” means people making other people do what they want.
Is that you Nikki?
Still the worst.
This kid is doing a bang-up job in making the case for abortion.
I’m coming round to mandatory universal abortion
Tard Tuesday Game of Thrones Edition:
Bran the BrokenMueller the Musty Will Save Us With the TruthExcept, if Mueller were aware of any actual crimes by Mr. Trump, there are only two possible reasons for him not providing them. Either there were no crimes or Mueller is in cahoots with Trump.
only one who can appear in public, under oath
Such as at a trial in the senate where he would be forced to tell the truth about the farce of an investigation.
“under oath and tell the American people that Trump and Barr are not telling the truth about his report”
Forbid anyone go and read it.
No shit. This is desperation beyond desperation.
I thought Mueller’s only real concern with the memo was that the media would fuck it up.
Can you say “donor egg”?
She’s lying.
Or maybe the surgeon was lazy and in a hurry to make it to the course that day.
Libertopia is invisible.
“The relationship between Somalia and Ethiopia has been historically shaky ”
I am not gonna sugarcoat it….
So people complain that Amazon is terrible for consumers and what not. False, I say.
This week I bought a RC car for goofing around with and the receiver failed on the car. I message the seller and within an hour I get response with a few follow up questions and they have a replacement part in the mail the next day and a discount on the extra batteries I bought.
Why? because they don’t want Amazon getting involved. If everything is handled between me and them it’s all good. If I complain to Amazon and they get involved (and enough times with other customers) then their bread may no longer be buttered if Amazon won’t allow them to sell on the site.
If I purchased directly through the companies website what recourse would I have with an online retailer from who-knows-where?
what recourse would I have with an online retailer from who-knows-where?
Social media.
There’s no additional risk in buying from an online retailer than there has been with any kind of mail order for lo, these many decades.
For a guy who does not like to make a deal about anything it is very welcome that I message the company and the company responds quickly without a bunch of arm twisting (social media). This interaction was great and I believe it’s the looming presence of Amazon that helps keep them honest.
This sounded a little too much like UCS for my liking. I’m off to find something hot and spicy to eat.
My one counterpoint would be that I have frequently gotten stuff from third-parties through Amazon when I thought I was buying directly from Amazon, and the only reason that has been a problem in the past is that the quality has often suffered and shipping times have been erratic. Now, Amazon has been very good about compensation, but I’d much rather they just get it right the first time. I’m not talking about like once in a while, either, I’m talking about something like six months of bad experiences. I remember reading somewhere that the Amazon strategy is to just move product ASAP at light speed and bake in having to send out refunds or replacement products into their operating costs. Obviously it works for them, but I got tired of having to yak at customer service every few weeks for something.
One man’s science…
Except the critique of the Belgians was put out by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a vegan group affiliated with PETA.
The whole debate is so politicized it’s impossible for the average person to form an opinion on this stuff.
Today, in asian women eating live seafood.
“What in the ever loving fuck is this?”
She’s way too pretty to have to do stunts like that for money.
Slate shits the bed over the Federalist Society.
Yes, large governments prevent quick and painful deaths. This is known.
the human toll of “limited government.”
Compare to the toll of total government.
those too old to work and too poor not to could often expect a quick but painful death
They really are just making shit up, now, aren’t they?
They always have been. This is the political version of the teenager caught in their lies getting increasingly desperate and ridiculous to explain them away.
Lunatic fringe is gonna lunatic.
The post–New Deal court decisions Leo wishes to repudiate are the ones that gave the government the power
Constitutionally, this is the problem. The gov’t has been granted certain authorities by the document that created it. Activists judges reading into it things that are not there is an affront to the notion of law. But Slate says the ends justify the means. They fail to remember that “liberals get the bullet too.”
Another diversity crisis
A strong U.S. economy and low gas prices are more probable drivers for increased visitation than social media, according to D’Antonio, though she acknowledged that many of these new tourists are sharing photos on Instagram and Facebook. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, she argued.
The National Park Service and other groups, for example, have been using social media to try and diversify the kinds of visitors who travel to places like Yellowstone and Grand Canyon.
“Most of the visitors to our parks and protected areas are upper middle class, white and slightly older,” D’Antonio said. “There’s been a lot of groups that use social media to get more people of color, or people that aren’t traditionally seen in our protected areas, out promoting and saying that this is a space for you, too.”
This just in: people with time and money more likely to go on vacation.
We must have equality of outcome in leisure preferences because we must have them.
I didn’t know it was possible for me to roll my eyes as far back into my head as I just did.
Sorry sir, you are too white to come to the park, we’ve hit our quota for the month.
“It’s OK, I identify as a black Muslim lesbian.”
I love the NPs and I’m glad they exist.
Fuck off, Precious. I have no problem with fit young ladies hiking up to a monument and doing bendy things for me.
“It’s frustrating when people do stuff I look down my nose at.”
“People aren’t thinking and feeling the way I want them to!”
Who the hell are they to tell other people how they are to use national parks?
Most people are really respectful and get their pics and GTFO so others can do the same. Especially if the hike there is a tough one. People are cooler the further you get from the main drag.
Except Germans. Collectively, the worst tourists I’ve ever come across. And not just in the NPs.
My proposal: ban Germans and recruit Lululemon hotties of all colors and creeds.
When I witnessed British soccer fans in Italy.
Hordes of drunken barbarians and louts singing obnoxious songs.
Yeah, people just used to take shit from the parks themselves as souvenirs. We should go back to that instead of selfies because they are so cringe.
I’m confused. Do we respect minority cultures, or try to make them behave the way we want them to?
Are we still not counting Asians as minorities? Because I’ve never been to a NP where there weren’t a ton of them.
I’m not sure anymore. I thought Asians got unminoritied because they were pissed about being on the wrong end of affirmative action.
Asians are the white people of, err, white people.
So privilege. Much multi-culture.
They place too much value on education and that’s not OK.
It’s both. Shut up! Stop confusing us with your white man words!
“More people being prosperous and happy is an affront to our conscience”
“7 USC §8313 & 9 CFR §93.301(e)(3)(i)(A) make it a federal crime to import a foreign stallion from a region affected by Contagious Equine Metritis if you don’t wash its fully-erect penis on five consecutive days and apply ointment to it after it’s tested negative for the disease.”
*lights HM signal*
“Nick Monroe has been permanently suspended from Twitter.”
Is that really such a bad thing? I think being banned from twitter is like being banned from the shittiest bar in the shittiest part of town. I just don’t see how it’s any loss.
Because no matter how shitty it might be, it’s extremely popular. “The shittiest bar in the shittiest part of town” doesn’t have millions of rich customers.
AKA “banned”?
Godfucking dammit this morning. First I wake up to my bathroom underwater because the sink’s leaking like a faucet. Then a car stops short in front of me and I bump it. Like at 5 MPH, and there was no real damage outside of paint transfer (though we’ll see what they say to their insurance), and I have accident forgiveness, but still. Pain in the ass. Also, it’s my own fault for dithering and not getting a dashcam yet.
There was another anti-4th amendment decision this morning from SCOTUS. 6-3 decision. Gorsuch (maybe the most libertarian-ish justice we’ve ever had), Sotomayor (terrible but great on the 4th amendment) and RBG (just terrible) were the dissenters.
Also, it’s my own fault for dithering and not getting a dashcam yet.-
I went with Rexing and am happy.
Can it record interactions with cops?
I had a lady cop on the rear cam texting when she nearly rear ended me, so yes.
One of the reasons I’ve been hesitating is because I wasn’t sure which ones would hold up to the Florida heat. Thanks for the tip.
I think as long as you’re not trying to operate it while the camera is still 170F it should be fine. Let the AC start working before you get going should be enough cool-down after being parked in the sun. Unless Florida car-ovens get hot enough to reflow solder, shrug.
There was a 5-4 decision today written by Thomas, joined by the 4 liberals. Alito and the other conservatives dissented.
Without reading it yet, unless it involved strip searching, I am guessing that Thomas is correct.
I dont know all the legal arcana, but it looks like in involves moving a case to federal court, and Thomas is arguing that the phrase “any defendant” literally means “any defendant”.
Okay, so basically here is the idea:
Party A sues Party B in state court. The case fits the scenario that the defendant can move the case to Federal court.
Party B then countersues Party A and Party C.
Party C demands the move to Federal court.
Party A files in state court, that is where they want it. Party B apparently wanted it in state court too, they didn ask to move it. Party C wants to move to Federal court.
Thomas says they qualify as “any defendant”, Alito says its a weird, special case and wasn’t meant to apply to a 3rd party defendant in a countersuit.
Alito says its a weird, special case
Not really, no. Its not super-common, but its not unusual, either. Plaintiffs, for whatever reason, frequently don’t name the right defendants or all of the defendants. Any defendant who thinks there’s a third party around to share liability with is either going to name them as a non-party at fault, or as a defendant. And why should the third party’s right to have the case heard in federal court depend on who brought them into the lawsuit?
Like I said, I default to siding with Thomas.
This is why I couldn’t be a lawyer. I almost fell asleep reading the TL;DR explanation. I can’t imagine the morass of meaningless legalese in the actual complaint.
My head hurts.
“Jesus Christ. We’re all against fascism. It’s like saying you’re against slavery in 2019. It’s meaningless. You know this. People being outraged like little bitches and threatening to throw milkshakes is what we’re against. Grow up.”
We’re all against fascism. From what I can tell, there is a double-digit percentage of the population that is all for it. As long as its the brownshirts, not the blackshirts, in charge.
Precisely. Just because they don’t call what they support “fascism” doesn’t mean it isn’t. I’m sure Lefties use the same argument against the other side, but Lefties are the only ones I see physically assaulting people for political beliefs.
Lots of people assume fascism has the property of a majority racial group oppressing minorities.
It doesn’t. The Nazis where fascists who happened to be violently imposing a vision of racial superiority upon ‘subhumans’. The Italians were violently imposing their vision of nationalist syndicalism. The Spanish were violently suppressing anyone who got in the way of the Catholic Church, etc.
And, once the fascists are in charge, typically the violence is entirely by police and security officers. The street violence only really exists when the fascists’ grip on the state is weak or non-existent.
The lefties are currently in a huge romance with fascism. It’s not going to end well for them no matter how well they succeed.
Party A sues Party B in state court. The case fits the scenario that the defendant can move the case to Federal court.
Party B then countersues Party A and Party C.
Let me guess: Party C has deep pockets.
Doesn’t really matter if Party C has deep pockets. Any time you can spread liability from yourself to a third party, you are going to do so, regardless of whether they can actually pay.
Party A sues Party B for a slip and fall on a stairway with a bad handrail.
Party B sues Party C for the bad handrail.
The jury says “Meh, we can’t really tell who is most at fault here, so we will say Party B and Party C share liability 50/50)”.
Even if Party C is dead broke, Party B is better off.
*shocked face*
A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won an NCAA national championship over Memorial Day weekend.
Franklin Pierce University (FPU) runner CeCe Telfer won the DII women’s 400-meter hurdles on Saturday night, besting the second-place finisher by more than a second…
“It was tough conditions out here with the wind and the heat over the last three days but, as she has over the last six months, CeCe proved herself to be tough enough to handle it,” FPU coach Zach Emerson said in a press release.
“Today was a microcosm of her entire season; she was not going to let anything slow her down. I’ve never met anybody as strong as her mentally in my entire life,” Emerson said.
“Her” We really do live in the crazy times.
The cognitive dissonance of the woke, female college athletes is so schadenfreudtastic I can hardly keep from ejaculating. The tight rope they have to walk between “celebrating the tranny’s bravery” vs. their true (and justified) anger at being beaten by a cheater is like watching a dog with peanut butter stuck to the roof of its mouth.
The coach then when to his hotel room and cried for having to say such things under fear of losing his job.
I’ve never met anybody as strong as her mentally in my entire life,” Emerson said.
But not mentally strong enough to come to grips with biological reality.
Holy shit look at the picture in the article. That’s a man baby.
and none of the female runners who train their asses off had a comment? absolutely nobody had a comment on a dude crushing their times and setting a new record in a women’s event?
CeCe Telfer is a trans athlete who doesn’t win every time
The college senior wins some, loses some, but is always a champion.
especially when it matters.. like at the NCAA championships where he crushes everybody and it’s not even close.
Everyone gets a medal…
Yeah, the cynic in me wonders if he didn’t lose some just to sandbag a bit. I guess he could have just been training harder recently, but for someone who ‘lost some’ he sure did win convincingly in this case.
My thought exactly. This guy crushes the championship race, but loses other races?
Either he’s intentionally sandbagging, or he’s a shit competitor who doesn’t really try to win every race.
Maybe he had his period…
DII. Don’t care.
Wow, that’s like an eighth grader competing against fifth graders.
Sure you might come around some super mega awesome fifth grader to give them a run for their money and maybe win but it’s gonna be the eighth grader if he feels like putting the effort in.
I wonder how often this has to happen before even the NCAA has to admit that there just might be some impact resulting from hormones that gives biological men an advantage in certain sports over women. I mean, I saw the video. It doesn’t matter how hard those women train, it’s like Michael Phelps racing a fuckin’ dolphin.
Bigger letdown: Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone’s vault, or Michael Phelps “racing” a shark?
“My California fan club wants a plaster cast of my d***k for posterity in case I lose my bet. I’m weighing the posterity thing against simply keeping its memory alive in the minds of the few thousands of women who have known it and are certain to pass down stories. Thoughts?”
I wish someone would give this guy his own late night show.
“Live, from an undisclosed location somewhere in the Caribbean, itsssssss the John Afeeeeee show! And first up we have, Lexi, an exotic dancer picked up from the Dominican Republic in a very special DMT strip ping pong tournament with your favorite 2020 Presidential candidate and cyrptocurrency fanatic.”
I’d watch it.
I’ve never met anybody as strong as her mentally in my entire life,” Emerson said.
Haha, “Cheaters never win.” That cracks me up.
OT: During the US holi-3-day, OMWC posted:
Do not see any comments posted about it, which is a shame. FTA: “The lawsuit seeks compensatory and punitive damages. The encounter was not damaged and the guests have been unaffected, but the road had to be rebuilt.” The Noah’s Ark replica is Floodworthy. Alles ist in Ordnung.