A local politician decided to take action against a Facebook user that criticized her on Facebook. It resulted in the local politician researching the Facebook user, finding out where he works, calling his HR, and informing them of their employee’s actions on Facebook. She just wanted an apology….
Seriously, here’s a link. It’s a tough choice in determining who to hate more, a guy shitposting on Facebook, or the politician that appears to be trying to get him to lose his job. No arbitrary abuse of power here…
This is my review of Highwater Brewing Sugaree Maple Pecan Pie
Is this the new norm for political discourse? When did we turn into a bunch of assholes? This is not that kind of article where I lecture you about proper discourse, or a plea for civility in political discussions, I promise you. I am here to present a solution:

“Your mother is a nice lady.” “You lie, I demand an apology.” “…I am sorry your mother is a nice lady.”
I know what six of you are thinking, “doesn’t this violate NAP?” The rest of you are probably thinking, “Hell Yeah!” For those six I submit there were indeed rules to dueling.
Rule 1. The first offense requires the first apology, though the retort may have been more offensive than the insult. Example: A tells B he is impertinent, etc. B retorts that he lies; yet A must make the first apology because he gave the first offense, and then (after one fire) B may explain away the retort by a subsequent apology.
Rule 2. But if the parties would rather fight on, then after two shots each (but in no case before), B may explain first, and A apologize afterward.
N.B. The above rules apply to all cases of offenses in retort not of stronger class than the example.
Rule 3. If a doubt exist who gave the first offense, the decision rests with the seconds; if they won’t decide, or can’t agree, the matter must proceed to two shots, or to a hit, if the challenger require it.
Rule 4. When the lie direct is the first offense, the aggressor must either beg pardon in express terms; exchange two shots previous to apology; or three shots followed up by explanation; or fire on till a severe hit be received by one party or the other.
Rule 5. As a blow is strictly prohibited under any circumstances among gentlemen, no verbal apology can be received for such an insult. The alternatives, therefore — the offender handing a cane to the injured party, to be used on his own back, at the same time begging pardon; firing on until one or both are disabled; or exchanging three shots, and then asking pardon without proffer of the cane.
If swords are used, the parties engage until one is well blooded, disabled, or disarmed; or until, after receiving a wound, and blood being drawn, the aggressor begs pardon.
N.B. A disarm is considered the same as a disable. The disarmer may (strictly) break his adversary’s sword; but if it be the challenger who is disarmed, it is considered as ungenerous to do so.
In the case the challenged be disarmed and refuses to ask pardon or atone, he must not be killed, as formerly; but the challenger may lay his own sword on the aggressor’s shoulder, then break the aggressor’s sword and say, “I spare your life!” The challenged can never revive the quarrel — the challenger may.
Rule 6. If A gives B the lie, and B retorts by a blow (being the two greatest offenses), no reconciliation can take place till after two discharges each, or a severe hit; after which B may beg A’s pardon humbly for the blow and then A may explain simply for the lie; because a blow is never allowable, and the offense of the lie, therefore, merges in it. (See preceding rules.)
N.B. Challenges for undivulged causes may be reconciled on the ground, after one shot. An explanation or the slightest hit should be sufficient in such cases, because no personal offense transpired.
Rule 7. But no apology can be received, in any case, after the parties have actually taken ground, without exchange of fires.
Rule 8. In the above case, no challenger is obliged to divulge his cause of challenge (if private) unless required by the challenged so to do before their meeting.
Rule 9. All imputations of cheating at play, races, etc., to be considered equivalent to a blow; but may be reconciled after one shot, on admitting their falsehood and begging pardon publicly.
Rule 10. Any insult to a lady under a gentleman’s care or protection to be considered as, by one degree, a greater offense than if given to the gentleman personally, and to be regulated accordingly.
Rule 11. Offenses originating or accruing from the support of ladies’ reputations, to be considered as less unjustifiable than any others of the same class, and as admitting of slighter apologies by the aggressor: this to be determined by the circumstances of the case, but always favorable to the lady.
Rule 12. In simple, unpremeditated recontres with the smallsword, or couteau de chasse, the rule is — first draw, first sheath, unless blood is drawn; then both sheath, and proceed to investigation.
Rule 13. No dumb shooting or firing in the air is admissible in any case. The challenger ought not to have challenged without receiving offense; and the challenged ought, if he gave offense, to have made an apology before he came on the ground; therefore, children’s play must be dishonorable on one side or the other, and is accordingly prohibited.
Rule 14. Seconds to be of equal rank in society with the principals they attend, inasmuch as a second may either choose or chance to become a principal, and equality is indispensible.
Rule 15. Challenges are never to be delivered at night, unless the party to be challenged intend leaving the place of offense before morning; for it is desirable to avoid all hot-headed proceedings.
Rule 16. The challenged has the right to choose his own weapon, unless the challenger gives his honor he is no swordsman; after which, however, he can decline any second species of weapon proposed by the challenged.
Rule 17. The challenged chooses his ground; the challenger chooses his distance; the seconds fix the time and terms of firing.
Rule 18. The seconds load in presence of each other, unless they give their mutual honors they have charged smooth and single, which should be held sufficient.
Rule 19. Firing may be regulated — first by signal; secondly, by word of command; or thirdly, at pleasure — as may be agreeable to the parties. In the latter case, the parties may fire at their reasonable leisure, but second presents and rests are strictly prohibited.
Rule 20. In all cases a miss-fire is equivalent to a shot, and a snap or non-cock is to be considered as a miss-fire.
Rule 21. Seconds are bound to attempt a reconciliation before the meeting takes place, or after sufficient firing or hits, as specified.
Rule 22. Any wound sufficient to agitate the nerves and necessarily make the hand shake, must end the business for that day.
Rule 23. If the cause of the meeting be of such a nature that no apology or explanation can or will be received, the challenged takes his ground, and calls on the challenger to proceed as he chooses; in such cases, firing at pleasure is the usual practice, but may be varied by agreement.
Rule 24. In slight cases, the second hands his principal but one pistol; but in gross cases, two, holding another case ready charged in reserve.
Rule 25. Where seconds disagree, and resolve to exchange shots themselves, it must be at the same time and at right angles with their principals, thus:
If with swords, side by side, with five paces interval.
N.B. All matters and doubts not herein mentioned will be explained and cleared up by application to the committee, who meet alternately at Clonmel and Galway, at the quarter sessions, for that purpose.
Because there a rules each quarreling party must abide by this appears to be the ideal solution, particularly because both parties enter into the duel voluntarily. Instead of getting the Shitposter’s employer involved, the Politician simply could demand an apology. If…more likely when, the Shitposter refused, she could then defend her honor by challenging the Shitposter to a duel. The American rules appear to have provisions in the event swords are chosen. Because I can count on one hand the number of people I know that can handle a sword thanks to his medieval sword fighting hobby, I assume most people will choose pistols.
Furthermore, there would necessarily have to be some kind of referee involved, if nothing else to file the forms with the local courts and probably the Sheriff’s office. I suggest we keep this modest and not have duels wind up like this:
”Swords or pistols.”
”Kel-Tec KSG”
”…can you at least tell me where to find one?”
Pistols would need to be kept simple as possible. In the past, this was easy enough given the prevailing technology at the time meant sister smoothbore, flintlock pistols of various style and caliber. Heavy triggers, slow ignition, limited practical accuracy, and at least one of duelists having the good sense to chicken out at the last second reduced the likelihood that somebody was going to die. A modern Glock 17 might be suicidal. A .22LR, single action revolver might be more prudent. Why .22? If I don’t want to get shot with a .22, I sure as hell don’t want to get shot with a .38…
A referee to ensure adherence to the rules, and provide a witness in the event the duel turns into murder, means the quarrel ends fairly. I assume only three or four people will necessarily have to die because they called somebody a Nazi over disagreement on an excise tax on soda. Once this happens, people might choose their words just a little more carefully, or at the very least not attempt to endanger their livelihood because they criticized a politicians actions. Somebody criticizing your actions comes with the territory of being a politician, and your opinions being expressed on a public forum are subject to interpretation and criticism by the public. Grow up.
As for the beer. This is sweet. In fact I will go so far as to say it is probably too sweet for Sugarfree. It is essentially a nut brown ale with a touch of maple, which results in the beer tasting an awful lot like pecan pie, which I happen to like. Highwater Brewing Sugaree Maple Pecan Pie: 2.4/5
which results in the beer tasting an awful lot like pecan pie,
Gross, hard pass.
Not that pecan pie is bad, I just don’t want my beer to taste like that.
I had a dessert beer at a restaurant once. It was weird and filled me up to the extent I could eat my meal. I stay away from them now.
Could *not* eat…
This. If I want pecan pie, I’ll eat pecan pie.
Yeah, I don’t want any sweet in my beer, or too much hops.
I read that, pretty interesting, thanks MS
No no, thank you in Soviet Russia, Kia drives Yusef!
Brewery of the day
Thanks for putting that beer in your mouth so we don’t have to.
Great article as always, MS.
But you reference a Rolling Stones song in the title,
when the beer is named after a Grateful Dead song ?
What in my history here suggests I have any meaningful knowledge of the Grateful Dead beyond:
– Jerry Garcia?
– They’re probably as irritating as the Beatles?
Use of a swhat?
Man, this game is really complicated. My eyes glazed over after the first couple rules.
“So, when do I get to shoot him?”
Tomorrow at first light, Aubrey
I was thinking the same thing. I made it to 8, scrolled down to see how many more, and realized filing a lawsuit would be easier.
What beer would you recommend with this?
I don’t remember the name of the beer but it is made with Zatarain’s liquid seafood boil, lemon juice, garlic and some small red potatoes.
Well, at least two of them are fresh, anyway.
Ah! Kill it!
I’d recommend you don’t eat no fucking bugs, and I’m sure as hell not going to.
BIF #3 Kelsen Brewing Company, Paradigm Brown Ale.
Its an American Brown, which means hoppy. But it wasnt over the top, good flavor, good balance.
I liked this a lot. If I lived in NH, I would drink this all the time.
beeradvocate rates this 4.22. I agree, Im going sith 4.25/5.
So, the politician doxxed the shitposter. At that point, she could have contacted him directly. There was no reason to contact his employer other than to get him fired. Her statement that she just wanted an apology is an obvious, blatant lie.
If this popped up at my hospital, I would strongly urge that we take no action, since the person making the complaint is lying to us.
As for dueling, modern arms really change the situation. I vote that only muzzle-loaders be permitted, and that the 12-pound Napoleon cannon be the preferred option (solid shot only).
I liked the duel neat the end of The Baroque Cycle where they brought the ships cannons.
+1 ramming the wig down the barrel as wadding
No whiff of grape?
No, I get it. Some people of a certain degree of intellect tend to mistake a publicly-accessible social media platform with a section specifically devoted to letting other people make comments for their own personal blogs because they’re retarded cunts who should be hit with a shovel. Seriously, that woman should not have any authority whatsoever, as she’ll clearly abuse it for her own personal ends. I honestly don’t care what the guy said, there is never something you can say on social media that justifies losing your job assuming that you aren’t posting in an official capacity or posting something about your job. And I wish to Christ I could be this guy’s boss when she calls so I could tell her exactly what I think of her, and that she just got dude a bonus in his next paycheck.
Re: dueling, I’m under the impression that it wasn’t entirely unheard of for seconds to meet beforehand and agree to load powder and no shot for the first exchange, in the understanding that one or both parties might have been a tad hasty and would smarten up once faced with the real threat of injury or death. Also, yeah, once you start talking about modern firearms with rifling and such, this turns into a double homicide pretty quick.
Single homicide if the first shot is well placed.
This is my review of Highwater Brewing Sugaree Maple Pecan Pie
the prevailing technology at the time meant sister smoothbore, flintlock pistols of various style and caliber.
Most of those pistols were far less accurate than Huck Finn’s slingshot. But standing at the business end still took some balls.
It’s still Russian Roulette.
Pretty sure that the Cruz-Cortez bill proposal to prohibit ex-Congresser from lobbying is Constitutional, contra Mr. Cooke’s claim.
First, the proposal doesn’t prohibit anyone from petitioning the government. It only prohibits them from being paid to do so. Paid lobbyists are already heavily regulated, required to register, disclose their clients, etc. Nobody is suggesting that those regulations are First Amendment violations, although they are routinely and easily violated.
Mr. Cooke’s next move, saying that the First Amendment wouldn’t allow prohibitions on being paid for exercising their First Amendment rights, runs smack into the jurisprudence that allows campaign finance regulation, which is that “money isn’t speech”. Now, I happen to think this jurisprudence is wrong. But I also don’t think that having the right to do something necessarily means you have a right to be paid for it. If that’s the case, I can hardly wait for my Second Amendment stipend to arrive.
There is the further difficulty, however, that the First Amendment refers specifically to the press, which has always been a business that pays people to write (or speak). The First Amendment clearly protects, and always has, an institution that pays people to express themselves. I think you can say the same about churches. But I don’t think you can say the same thing for paid lobbyists.
I-anal, but I would think that Instapundit’s revolving-door surtax would be easier to defend and have much the same effect.
I am inclined to disagree. The First Amendment doesn’t protect the press in professional terms. By ‘freedom of the press,’ it means the freedom of someone to spread an opinion to a wide audience via indirect communication, rather than the direct communication of one person talking to another, or to a group. In the 18th century that meant the freedom to write your ideas down, make as many copies as you want, and pass them out to people, or leave them in public areas for others to pick up. In the 21st century that means the freedom to print or broadcast your thoughts via radio, video, or internet, free from government censorship. 1A’s protection of a profession is merely a side effect of that. I think a law that banned someone from being paid to speak on certain topics could pass judicial review, because it limits the financial incentive and the conflicts of interest that might cause, not the speech itself.
Do dueling ethics require drinking the beer before or after the duel? What happens if the duel originated because of the beer?
Is it something like moonshine, where I use a gun to make you drink the stuff and then give you the gun to insure that I drink it? There sure are a lot of rules for glibs to try to remember that there ain’t not rules.
Seems like once the beer drinking starts it will devolve into a bullshitting contest and the pistols will be forgotten.
“May the best bullshitter win!”
“One time I went out to feed my horse and ran across this eastern diamondback. I didn’t want it biting my horse so I picked up a stick and tried to kill the damned thing. It bit my stick and then got away. That bite was so potent the stick started swelling up. It swelled up into a full size log, so I got an idea. I milled that log into lumber and built a pen for my horse out of it. Now my horse if dead because of it.”
“What do you mean your horse is dead?”
“Well, the swelling went down and strangled my horse.”
Beat that.
What happens if the duel originated because of the beer?
Too drunk to aim, once again cause-of-and-solution-to.
1. I walk away and pretend to let the other person win.
2. At some point they mysteriously disappear, never to be seen or heard from again.
3. If the police ask me any questions about the disagreement, I only give one-word answers, all of which are “lawyer!”.
*Probably not true, an old story that has been repeated infinitely*
Last official duel in Louisiana was between a fairly large man who had been caught getting another smaller man’s wife to kick up her heels. Since the smaller man was the challenger the larger man got to choose the place and weapons.
“Sledge hammers in 6 feet of water” was what he chose.
I wouldn’t mind having a pair of dueling pistols. I suppose Pedersoli probably makes some replicas.
They do and they are real beauties…around 500 bucks which really isn’t that bad.
Congratulations Sofia Kenin!
I was on-and-off dozing on the couch but caught the tail end and smiled. Hated the way the shithead crowd was against her.
Sofa Sofia? su-su-suuudeo?
I’ve got the perfect place. Not too far a drive from my place.
FTA: “Portrait of Francis Scott Key. Key’s son, Daniel, was killed, at the dueling grounds, in 1836 by a fellow midshipman from the navy over a disagreement about steamboat speed.”
The original Glibs?
Truth to Power
German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Harvard graduates Thursday to “tear down walls of ignorance and narrow-mindedness” in a speech that was an apparent rebuke of President Donald Trump’s policies and worldview.
In her commencement address at the university, Merkel warned against the perils of isolationism and nationalism, pushed for action on climate change and said to never “describe lies as truth and truth as lies.”
“Dictatorships can disappear,” she continued. “We can halt global warming. We can eradicate starvation. We can eliminate diseases. We can give people, especially girls, access to education. We can fight the causes of displacement and forced migration. We can do all of that.”
The Chancellor, who never mentioned Trump by name, called for “truthfulness in our attitude toward others” and ourselves, which she said “requires us not to describe lies as truth and truth as lies” — a line that was met with a standing ovation.
Oh. Okay.
and said to never “describe lies as truth and truth as lies.”
You mean like redefining Muslim anti-Semitism as “right-wing”?
Or the global warming that doesn’t seem to be showing up on thermometers?
Commie bitch brainwashed in East Germany is a commie bitch. News at 11.
How the fuck does that snake get elected?
She’s from the center-right party. Ponder that.
Trump’s denial of education, especially to girls, really needs to end.
““tear down walls of ignorance and narrow-mindedness””
Hey, these are MY walls of ignorance and narrow-mindedness. You are not allowed to touch them. I’ve spent my entire life erecting them and that’s that. So there! Edith
As to the accuracy of smoothbores – When people talk about accuracy of rifled vs smoothbore barrels it is a relative standard. If round balls in smoothbore shotguns are any indication (1 foot circle at 100 yards is relatively easy to hit) duelers counting on wildly inaccurate guns in order to survive might be a big mistake. 20 paces each would put the duelers about 120 feet apart. A decent shot should be able to land at least two out of three of his shots on flesh.
I am guessing that the majority of misses were deliberate.
As for effectiveness the pistols were between .32 and .54 caliber. A black powder pistol, depending on the powder quality, can spit a ball out at around 1000 fps. That aint nothing to sneeze at.
*consults chart*
.32 caliber – 47 grains
.36 caliber – 79 grains
.44 caliber – 138 grains
.45 caliber – 144 grains
.50 caliber – 175 grains
.54 caliber – 230 grains
To give an idea of potency the .54 is approximately equivalent to a modern .45ACP. The .32 is about the equivalent of the modern .22LR.
I wouldn’t want to stand in front of any of those, no thank you.
Andy had rules for duelling. Shotguns at 10 feet.
Simple, but funny. compare that to contemporary late night comedians.
3feet, “but I reckon the impact of the blast ought to take care of the remaining 7.”
30 seconds and weak-assed penalty given to Liverpool.
Welp, that’s some bullshit.
I’ll take it.
It looks like Spur’s plan is to bore Liverpool to sleep and then win.
The Beautiful Game™
This is like watching two high-school teams.
Based on the rules it appears that dueling is structured to allow face saving above all else. There are a multitude of outs built into the rules.
The smoke and noise of the pistols make a great show. I’m imagine most had no shot in them.
I surprised fisticuffs we’re not used more often.
I imagine fisticuffs were more common, just not to the death.
Well, I met the Mikes, and once again my car was identified before I was. Though this time it was because of the relative paucity of New York plates in Fargo.
Oh, and I think I bored him to death, so if you don’t see Mikes again, it’s because I blathered at him until he keeled over.
I’m off to visit a replica viking ship and take pictures.
Nonsense! We had a good talk. I enjoyed myself. Enjoy the Hjemkomst. I ended up stopping at a local brewery. ??
I visited the ship, took a lot of pictures, sat for the documentary. I would have taken more pictures of the stave church, but I think they were having a wedding in there.
Yes, as luck would have it, we parked across the street from each other at the same time. Not a small coincidence considering the size of downtown Fargo. And the fact that we were a half hour earlier than our agreed meeting time.
Anyway, I saw his plates and was pretty sure who I was looking at. Even though I didn’t see any driving gloves.
I figured the glowing head in a Leyden jar would be a dead giveaway.
And the cape. I don’t imagine many NoDaks wear a cape.
Well, not in summer.
how do you see through the plates lining jar?
Transparent aluminum.
I like the cut of your jar, Sir.
I knew it! UCS and MikeS together in Fargo . That’ll result in another Coen Bros film.
Fargo 2.
Are you ready for when these two guys get together on a Saturday morning? Abbott/Costello? Dean /Jerry ? Murray/Candy? For a rip roarin’ adventure of hi-jinks by two of glibiest Glibertarians you’ll ever see in one place.
I did remind him regarding the Rhubarb.
I’m not sure he’s going to show up any time soon though.
MikeS, UCS was supposed to tell you I have lots of rhubarb available. I tried to get him to take a few bushels with him to surprise you but he didn’t want to appear pretentious…and assuming…
Any glibs that are in rhubarb withdrawal are welcome to get what you want. Actually if any cool weather glibs want to start your own I can mail you a root or two. Grows easy
If he had told me he declined to deliver me rhubarb, I wouldn’t have been so nice to him!
And the fact that we were a half hour earlier than our agreed meeting time
Because Glibs understand how to actually be On Time.
Any small engine savvy glibs want to take a crack at this?
4 cycle leaf blower with maybe 5 or 6 hours on it. Stored it over the winter with gas in it, and thought I had treated it with Stabil, but perhaps not.
Starts fine, but bogs down when I push the throttle. Air filter isn’t the issue, brand new gas in the tank, just replaced the fuel filter. Oil looks clean and is still practically new. Spark plug is properly gapped and looks new. Fuel lines look clean.
I was hoping to avoid rebuilding the carb, but that seems to be the only thing left besides replacing the fuel lines for the heck of it. Thoughts?
It’s the thermostat. No question about it.
Did you change your filter?
Air, fuel, spark. Fuel sounds fine. Clean the air filter. Could be that the carburetor is sticking, I had a chainsaw do the same thing. Try squirting some carb cleaner in there.
And vacuum. Engines sit and the gaskets can dry out. Make sure everything is tight.
Have you considered cutting down all the trees? No trees, therefore no leaves…
I have dreams about cutting down the trees. I would love to do that. Unfortunately, I don’t have $15k laying around to do it.
Assuming the trees are on your property, how would it cost you $15k to cut down your own trees?
They’re all big enough to require cutting from the top down (50ft+ oaks and hickories) . I have cut enough trees to know that it’s beyond my skill level to take down these trees. They’d end up on/through my house.
I know a few Mexicans that can handle 50” trees, keep your house in tact, and not cost more than a $1000.
You don’t want to hire me to do the job. Chances are that that thou wouldn’t even pay the legal fees
Me too, except they’ll do it for $500. However, I have 10-15 trees that need to go. They’re all threats to the house if/when they fall.
A lot of small engines have a soft diaphragm in the carb that dries out and gets hard. Was the plug wet when you pulled it? Did you try a shot of ether. ? My brush saw acted the same way but after several starts it finally started and ran on the gas.
“A lot of small engines have a soft diaphragm in the carb that dries out and gets hard. Was the plug wet when you pulled it?”
So many euphemisms.
Check the muffler/spark arrestor for build up or coking. Does it idle fine or eventually die?
Idles 100% fine. I’ve run it for 15 minutes plus without any issues.
Starts fine, but bogs down when I push the throttle. Air filter isn’t the issue, brand new gas in the tank, just replaced the fuel filter. Oil looks clean and is still practically new. Spark plug is properly gapped and looks new. Fuel lines look clean.
It’s awfully new, but any chance of an obstruction on the exhaust side? I have heard about problems with mufflers/ spark arrestors getting gummed up.
Dirt daubers have been known to find mufflers a tempting place to nest.
We used to call those ‘mud’ daubers.
All critters have various name references. But I also call them Mud Daubers. And there are far too many around. They like my shed a little too much.
Proper Glibs would refer to them Muad’aubers
The thing I don’t mind about them, is that they usually don’t pose a threat like wasps and yellow jackets do. I kill either of the latter on site. My fav method being waiting until sundown, drenching their nest in gasoline and setting it on fire.
I’ve got dauber tubes like crazy on my porch, new ones appear regularly.
NEVER seen them. My buddy says they’re hell on spiders, and damned if I’ve seen a spider (abdomen) bigger than a BB in the 2years I’ve been here.
I’ve never known one of them to sting a human. So, NAP I suppose.
The exhaust flow seems powerful enough to not be the issue. If there is a blockage, it’s not enough to create the type of “off a cliff” bog down that im seeing.
Almost sounds like air intake isn’t keeping up with fuel and you’re flooding it.
Yeah, pulling the plug and seeing the condition would answer the lean/rich side of it stopping.
No. It’s running too lean. If it idles okay then stalls on opening the throttle then it needs choke.
I’m leaning to the side of the fuel not keeping up. I checked the entire air pathway and its fine. The air side of the carb is pristine, the air filter is pristine. Tomorrow I’m gonna get some carb cleaner and hit the fuel side of the carb. I think there’s a clog in there.
While I’m at it, I’m gonna fire up all my 2-stroke engines to make sure there aren’t more carbs that need cleaned (there are, I’m bad about leaving ethanol laden gas in my equipment)
My handheld blower had a frequent problem with coking on the arrestor, and the first time I looked at it, it didn’t seem that bad. Nevertheless that was the problem as soon as going WOT. Just remove the muffler and see if it happens. Easy to isolate and move on to other things.
Try a carb cleaner like gum out or another I use in every small engine is Mechanic in a Bottle. The stuff saved me from a carb rebuild on many small engines and motorcycles.
Let the stuff sit in the carb bowl overnight then try to start.
I bought a competition holster. I have agreed to attend next weeks Action Pistol competition. Not compete, just attend. Maybe the holster won’t get here in time and I won’t have to worry about being talked into competing.
Drankin Heineken and Yuengling Golden Pilsner. Damn Chinese beer. Yeah, I know, it’s from somewhere in China named Pennsylvania. I hate the way those Chinglings are always ripping off our Murikan names. Anyway, only one Heineken left and wifey says that it’s hers. Oh well, hard to argue, you know, because pussy. Anyway, if I run out of beer, I have about 100 bottles of rum, whiskey, bourbon, gin, vodka, and assorted other stuff. I guess I will live.
I read that in the same deep southern accent that I force when I am messing with the gf.
I guess I will live.
Or she could go on a beer run…
Well, that is why I bought her a car.
Any of you Glibs living in NOVA might want to give me some advice. I love the area down there our friends live in, between Manassas and Ashburn. But holy fuck, once the wife and I started looking at buying a home, recently, it seems completely out of the question. The home prices I am seeing there are a LOT more expensive than the best areas in Maryland. So we’ve pretty much dropped looking there. Shit, and I wanted to buy beer at Walmart on Sunday…
I love the area down there our friends live in, between Manassas and Ashburn. But holy fuck, once the wife and I started looking at buying a home, recently, it seems completely out of the question. The home prices I am seeing there are a LOT more expensive than the best areas in Maryland.
We live exactly where you’re talking about. Manassas is 10 minutes south of us and ashburn is 15 minutes north of us.
We got one of the few houses that cost less than $500k in this area. It’s not a “forever” house… It’s a traditional fixer upper.
We have been seriously talking about what to do for housing long term. There are aspects we love about this area, but one of the biggest negatives is that we would have to pay $700k plus to get any decent house in this area, and likely closer to $900k to get what we want.
We could sell this house and use the equity to put 50% down on whatever the hell we want back in Dallas.
You can find houses in the 400s around here, but they’re gonna be 2 to 5 acre horse pastures with 50s or 60s non-updates houses on them. If you want something that doesn’t require $100k in maintenance, you start in the mid 600s.
Thanks. That is the issue. For 300-400K I can buy a big beautiful home in either city Canton waterfront, or out in Carrol County, with acreage. For the price you are talking, I can buy something here waterfront in Canton Promenade or Harbor East or out of the city with a lot of land.
And so the wifey decided to start a fight with me about this yesterday. She’s a city girl and so when I started to show her the homes out in Carrol County with he acerage, she was sort of testy. She wants to live at Harbor East or Canton Waterfront. I did remind her that it’s Baltimore City…
We have similar conversations. She wants a neighborhood, and I want acreage. We have our eye on a neighborhood down the street with 2.5 acre lots, but it’s a tough compromise for both of us, especially with houses starting around 600
I’m looking at 3-4 properties in Carrol County with between 4-6 acres, and the houses are gorgeous, between 3-5 hundred thousand. But the wifey thinks she will have to work too much because of all the square feet and the lot and I work a lot. But the houses we are looking at near the harbor are fucking huge, they just don’t have a yard, but most have rooftop decks (it’s a Canton thing). Women are so difficult. If they didn’t have a pussy, they’d go extinct.
If they didn’t have a pussy, they’d go extinct.
“She wants a neighborhood…”
What the hell for? She thinks her best friends from high school are going to be living in every house in the neighborhood? There won’t be any nosy fucks up in her business? No shithead teenage kids down the street pilfering your garage or someone complaining about the way you put your trash out?
Fuck that.
Suthen wins one internetz.
Something something “community”. Really, she wants to be able to do her morning run without getting in the car. I have yet to convince her that I could make some killer paths on the 165 acre lot for sale down the street.
Still have a neighborhood, only bigger. Having near neighbors isn’t all that necessary. If I can see them then they can see me. If I can hear them then they can hear me. It cuts both ways. Why would anyone want me to be their neighbor? I’m not Mr Rogers…Bad enough that religious folks want to save my soul.
5pm – too early for a Negroni?
I’d say I’m drowning my sorrows over Tottenham but, in truth, I’m a extremely casual fan.
I could just be pre-gaming for the Bruins.
I’ve been waiting a long goddamn time for these dopes to win something, and you’re not going to ruin it for me 🙂
Coulda been me – I picked an EPL team at semi-random (friend is a Spurs fan) & FSG bought Liverpool about 6 weeks later; as a Sox fan, Liverpool would then have been a natural fit, but I had already chosen & no sports bigamy allowed.
Well, FWIW, of the London teams I favor Tottenham. I would have rooted for them over any of the likely contenders other than Liverpool.
“5pm – too early for a Negroni?”
Shit, I dunno, I started drinking at noon and now I’m well done. Wife is teasing me because she put on some sexy clothes and is holding out. That’s OK, I can drink a LOT more and still do the dirty, lol.
It’s wine o’clock here.
Any firearms in the vehicle today?
That was but the next video in line has me all triggered now.
Well, lah dee dah, the ILLINOIS TERRORISM TASK FORCE has decided to show up at our disaster. This apparent unlocks secret cop funds so every cop within a 100 miles that wants overtime is here.
Isn’t that an absolute necessity now in IL? I mean because they legalized the devil’s weed and guns still flowing in from Indiana and autonomously killing people. It’s like the most dangerous state to live in now. All of that besides the fact that the weather is likely to kill you.