As you read these, SP and I are already out of the house and heading north on a road trip. Yahweh bless the “schedule” function in Word Press. So behave yourselves, since we’ll be back and you do NOT want to piss her off. /nervously glances at her rusty tin can lid collection

Some interesting birthdays today, including the co-author of my favorite book on gravitation and relativity; my favorite punk rocker; the recipient of Harry Tuttle’s largesse; a popular wizard; someone described as “America’s Favorite Sheriff” but whom I will always think of as Will Stockdale; the person who actually was America’s Favorite Sheriff; and someone described by the great songwriter Greg Brown as “so tired, so tired, so tired.”

Onward and upward to the news.



Of course they waited until after I left. Timing is not my gift.


Isn’t this a character on Veep? Oh yeah, Sherman Tanz.


It’s fortunate, given the shit-smearing tendencies of their kids, that Sloopy and Banjos aren’t renting.




I can’t see how this could possibly be constitutional, but given these two, that will be no impediment.


This is so funny and so wrong on so many levels.


Secret Nazi Base. Heinlein was right!


Obvious jokes aside, I’m not sure that the Ick Factor should be the basis for law.


Now this was unintentionally interesting:

“Statistics show that since 1982, the majority of mass shootings — 54 percent — were committed by white men,” Newsweek reported while citing statistics on mass shootings compiled by Mother Jones. “Black people were the second largest perpetrators of mass shootings based on ethnic background, but only accounted for roughly 16 percent of the total incidents during the same time period.”

So putting aside the likely mendacity in how “mass shooting” is defined by Mother Jones and Newsweek, if there was absolutely no correlation of mass shooting with race, these are pretty much the kind of numbers you’d expect to see. Huh.



Old Guy Music today is a delightful song from a band that, in a just world, would be more popular than Jesus.