There are two BARCO alignments which, due to their nature I will summarize simply:
Jupiter retrograde in Sagittarius (Misrule) + Moon in Taurus (clumsiness) + Sun (greatness) = gigantic fuckup.
Mars in Cancer (low-level war) + Mercury in Taurus (delayed news) + Sun (greatness) + Saturn retrograde in Capricorn (stupidity) = news about a conflict, but false.
So, expect a news report from a “reliable” source about a conflict that will turn out to be bullshit. I know, kind of a lame prediction, but neither of these alignments were very good either.
Gemini has a good week. Cancer has to deal with cowardly little shits sniping. And Taurus-born women will be unusually effective in their endeavors. Not so much guys born under that sign though.
The cards don’t look particularly fun this week, either. Lots of reversals, poor growing, enmity/opposition from both the medical and financial professions, attempts at one night stands will be unsuccessful. The emphasis is on prudent stewardship of resources and personal/spiritual development. The good news is, longer term plans made this week will be successful. Keep company with a dog.
Gemini: Ace of Swords, reversed – Pyrrhic victory, disaster
Cancer: The Sun, reversed – Diminishment, withering
Leo: Page of Swords – Supervision, weasley bastard working in your interest
Virgo: King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, scandal, vice, double-dealing, injustice, pillage, roguery
Libra: King of Coins, reversed – Vice, ugliness, corruption, peril, perversity
Scorpio: Knight of Wands, reversed – rupture, division, interruption, discord
Sagittarius: 3 of Coins, reversed – Mediocrity in work, pettiness, weakness
Capricorn: 6 of Cups, reversed – Renewal, events coming to fruition
Aquarius: Knight of Swords – Skill, bravery, capacity, defense, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin.
Pisces: 7 of Coins – money, business, barter, successful investment, harvest
Aries: 4 of Swords, reversed – Wise administration, circumspection, economy, avarice, precaution, testament.
Taurus: The Hierophant – Seeking beyond, removing limitations, triumph of the overt over the covert.
Virgo: King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, scandal, vice, double-dealing, injustice, pillage, roguery
That’s 3 crappy horoscopes in a row. You’re fired!
Although last week’s probably predicted this.
Have you stopped to consider that the person engaging in the pillaging and roguery might be you?
Even then, the consequences are not fun either.
Seeing how that’s every week, it didn’t cross my mind:) lol
“Virgo: King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, scandal, vice, double-dealing, injustice, pillage, roguery”
Not Adahn cheated and looked at my weekly planner page.
“Libra: King of Coins, reversed – Vice, ugliness, corruption, peril, perversity”
So OMWC is going to make a surprise visit? Good to know. I’ll need to lock up my orphans.
My intention is to decimate the decent part of your wine collection. The orphans are on their own.
I don’t know that either one of us is in any kind of shape to accomplish that goal.
Goddam, aging sucks. I’m thinking that one of our regular LA Friday nights or Bay Area Sundays at your place would kill us now.
I think that’s the bodies self defense mechanism against our lack of common sense.
You should probably avoid a trip to the DR with that horoscope.
Yes, a couple peacefully dying of natural causes in their hotel room. Happens all the time.
I’m guessing a bad batch of “Spanish Fly”.
she had “burns” ?
“Diminishment, withering”
Should I take some Viagra?
Capricorn: 6 of Cups, reversed – Renewal, events coming to fruition
yup: carpet’s vacuumed
I don’t always get erect over the Euro import scene, but when I do, I pop a boner over a Porsche 911 in British racing green. Though, first thing I’d do is pop a set of 2 piece forged Outlaw wheels from fifteen52 on that bad boy.
When I was in high school the Porsche 911 and Ferrari 308 both seemed pretty popular. But the Lamborghini was higher on the food chain.
I’m talking from a pop culture standpoint.
The John Deere 3020 for my crowd.
5020 or GTFO
You are a man of taste and refinement.
I look down my nose at 911s generally, but that is a pretty car.
OK. Animated fist of power is gone. But that was fun.
Did gosh get catbutted, or are you catbutting the rest of us?
Stupid autocorrect, *did you
How did you misspell “you” that got autocorrected to “gosh”?
Germany has “royals” too
fuck aristocracy
also, she looks more German than he does
“marries his American Model girlfriend after he split from Real Housewives of New York City star…”
At least he’s not beheading them when they get fat.
He does look the type
How do you know? They haven’t gotten fat yet.
I know rite, dude gets divorced 12 years ago dates someone, it doesn’t work out, meets a new woman dates her for four years then marries her, what a piece of shit.
That’s one of worst written articles I’ve read.
My great shame of British decent is that we did not hang the royal family. To be fair, my ancestors left 400 years ago, so I guess it wasn’t their problem anymore.
There are some good ones. Albert Maria Lamoral Miguel Johannes Gabriel, 12th Prince of Thurn and Taxis owns a brewery. That’s my kind of aristocrat.
Huh. I would have thought the Prince of Taxis would be from London or NYC.
The titles aren’t banned like they are in the U.S. but are otherwise meaningless. There’s no legal privileges attached to them, not even the ability to get a stipend or represent the country in symbolic affairs.
“Vice, ugliness, corruption, peril, perversity”
Libra gets screwed again.
Or does some screwing, maybe?
Could mean we’re going to snap and go all Tony Soprano on someone’s ass.
“Supervision, weasley bastard working in your interest”
Like, I’m being supervised or I’m supervising someone else? Because the wife’s back in town and either way that goes doesn’t turn out well. But at least the weasley bastards in my life will be working for me this time, so that’s something.
Just another week in the Legal Department.
Alright, so I’m house hunting and have a realtor and she texted me last night that she was social media stalking me and couldn’t find me anywhere. Is this normal these days? I’m not on any of that nonsense, so when I read about people sliding into DMs or instagrams or whatever, it’s like talking about elevator repair in French to me, I just don’t get it.
And no, she’s happily married and has 15? years on me.
Fuck social media. Aside from this place, I don’t interact with anyone online.
I post on a site than spun-off from a college football forum most days and weekends here. That’s it.
Someone who is very clearly not me comes up when my name is googled, and I’m fine with that.
So much this. I also get my news from here.
That’s a bit twisted, donchathink?
If my only source of news was Glibertarians and things that are linked from here, I’d still be getting a far more accurate picture than those who only get news from CNN and the New York Times.
I’m still better informed than my wife who listens solely to Fox news. She hadn’t even heard of the guy who shot himself in the testicles and pooped a bag of weed.
You got a link for that?
It does seem to be the norm, but there’s no reason you have to participate.
Yes, realtors want to “establish a relationship” with their clients. I guess they’re fishing for recommendations to new
marksclients?That’s what a friend said when I asked him about it. I’d be more than happy to recommend her even though I’m 0-5 right now on houses, but that’s more due to being cheap.
It’s normal, particularly for realtors these days.
I guess it’s the modern version of having a client put your business card on the church bulletin board.
we’re talking about a profession where people have their picture on their business cards
so I’m sure this is another frivolous social deal that is normal to them
Principal Skinner: Why, there are no children here at the 4H club, either! Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.
First man: When I was young, I was a member of the 4H club.
Second man: When I was young, I joined the Mile High Club, but I could never last four hours.
Welcome to Cougar Town.
Have you heard the one about the unoriginal Indian chef? He was a naan conformist.
I met a guy at work last week. Subcontinental guy, normal haircut, but a steel bangle on his wrist. Now I’m wondering if he just isn’t a very frum Sikh, or if there’s some sort of reformed variant he belongs to. I didn’t ask, since I never discuss politics or religion at work.
Why did the Amish girl get shunned?
Too Mennonite.
That’s really good. I grew up near Amish Country and never heard that. Definitely stealing it and not giving credit.
Well I stole it from Hitchens:) lol
I was at work when a Muslim guy was asking a gay man to explain how Jesus could be god at the same time. Good times.
I knew the gist of it but couldn’t remember so I looked it up.
“The easy confidence with which I know another man’s religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.”
– Samuel Clemens
Did you ever read his Innocents Abroad travelogue?
Yes but long ago. I read most of his stuff when I was a young teenager. What I remember most is his cussing and spitting about royals and other such elites and how corruption made it near impossible to travel around Russia. Some asshole in a uniform jumped out from behind every bush demanding a bribe.
I lived in the Middle East and got a good laugh on how nothing has changed in 150 or so years.
150? Multiply that times a hundred…at least.
“Archeologists have discovered the ruins of a city at least 15,000 years old in the Middle East. They tell us that from what they see life there must have been violent and brutal.
How things have changed in only 15,000 years.”
– Jay Leno joke from way back when such a place was discovered.
I just noticed a guy at the bar I’m in is wearing a MAGA hat. First one I’ve seen in the wild.
Wife and I saw an old guy at a bar in Wheeling, WV with one a year or two ago. Only one I recall seeing outside of intertubes.
I have seen a few around Anchorage, mostly on older burly blue collar looking types who look like they’d have no problem whuppin anyone who tried to take it.
Is it too early to be in a bar?
No, it’s the children who are wrong.
Bars here don’t open until ten on Sundays. It’s nonsense.
Last I visited my mom she was talking about Sunday laws and said “if you need to drink so bad, buy it Saturday”. I said “exactly. It’s a useless law so repeal it”. That wasn’t the response she was looking for.
I’m surprised. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but my first view of Wasilla was a huge sign advertising interlocks. Around here, interlocks on billboards would be the concrete stones used for landscaping. Noticed a lot of DUI related advertising- attorneys etc in the short time I was there.
Wasilla is in the Mat-Su borough, so different laws than Anchorage. And yeah, there’s a lot of drinking and driving up here. I think it’s a combo of ‘fuck you, government’ and lack of law enforcement outside of the cities and towns.
Nice call back.
Way ahead of you. There was a one year old’s birthday in the back room of the bar I was at. Genius, the adults had a place to have a few cold ones while little Jill gets her sponge bob cake.
Any time we have a party for anything, including children’s birthdays, my wife’s family hosts at one of their houses, everyone comes (100+ people, minimum, not counting friends), and we drink and grill all day. If kids are old enough to clear the fence, we assume they’re old enough to take care of themselves. Any time ten of these people are in a room together G&T’s and beer start appearing out of thin air.
I saw one two years ago at a Pennsylvania gas station. Only one I’ve seen in the wild.
I was in a roadside cafe last weekend that had a “Proud Deplorable” bumper sticker behind the bar. No MAGA hat though. They also had a sign that said that they don’t serve liquor to Indians. Not sure if it was a joke. My daughter and her friend were puzzled by it.
I saw an old guy wearing one at a local restaurant. Him and the cook were shooting the shit. The cook is a Mexican immigrant. I was dissapoint.
Legal or illegal? It’s am important distinction.
I didn’t ask for his papers.
So how do you know if the guy in the MAGA hat was supposed to be here?
What sort of jackbooted enforcer are you?
My wife tells me that on Rt. 2 crossing into Calvert County there’s a billboard that will have some message from “Calvert County Deplorables”, like this. Up here I’ve never seen any MAGA hats, although I have seen Trump bumper stickers.
My dad has one, he went to the local Trump 2016 office during the campaign to get a hat and a yard sign but they were out of hats and directed him to the online store. The MAGA hats were like thirty bucks so he found a Chinese version for $9.99 or something.
Sunday at the Beer bar. As usual they have Great stuff on tap. They have a beer store attached that is the size of a NYC grocery store.
Mikkeller sours, IPA’s, stouts and porters, and standard German lagers and wheats.
The wife and I just spent 140$ on beer in the store and the APV on each beer was over 8% so it’s time to go closer to home.
Go homeENB, you’re drunk.
I mean, I’m fairly buzzed for a Sunday morning and this makes no sense.
Also, this whole “human trafficking” or “sex trafficking” is the replacement for terrorism to keep them sweet sweet fed dollars flowing to state and local cops. 1% fire and 99% smoke.
Forget it man, it’s Reasontown. The R’s and D’s are always morally equivalent I\even if one has to violate every law of logic to make them so.
No no, it’s just the progressive D’s that are as bad as the R’s. The rest are totes kewl.
Ah that’s right. Being a 1990’s Democrat was to be a part of the most libertarian movement in US History.
But NAFTA and surpluses that still caused the debt to increase!
I see someone challenged her o n that and got no response.
I don’t even know what she’s talking about.
But I do like her new, more serious look. I thought the dyed hair was too young, especially when she makes such a fantastic MILF.
I’ve watched a few of those kids videos. I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t shut him down.
As long as this guy is still around, styro is safe
A lot of his stuff has been demonitized. Fortunately he has diversified his business, plus has a veterinary practice.
Oh Dear…
Nice catch. I instinctively despise that sort of argument. We know where it leads.
I get a similar feeling every time we start hearing about how the country is “ungovernable.” What they really mean is that if people won’t willingly go along with what they want, then they should be forced to — for their own good, of course. Always for their own good.
AOCbelieved that the virtue needed for any democratic socialist government was extremely lacking in the American people. As a result, she decided to weed out those he believed could never possess this virtue. The result was a continual push towards Terror. The DNC, used this as justification for the course of action to “crush the enemies of the revolution, … let the laws be executed, … and let equality be saved.
Accurate or am I reaching?
Fuck you, Not Adahn! I’m tired of Scorpio getting the shit-end of the stick! I’m even more sick of the fact that your predictions seem to be 100% on the mark. Damn your nimble card-flipping fingers!
Glenn Beck on Justin “I support the secret police coup to own the trumpkins” Amash.
We also need a secret police coup to bring virtue and end division like what happened in the Reign of Terror.
As one of the commenters in the thread pointed out; Beck is trying to wear a MAGA hat and a #nevertrump hat simultaneously. I don’t know what Amash’s primary motivation is but it seems odd that he’s decided todo this just as he’s peaked the interest of big “L” libertarians (TOS is all over his dick) and the likes of The Atlantic as an interesting little side show leading up to 2020. This right here is enough to make me dislike the guy:
Fuck that, I had to live where these fuckers roamed when they were decimating livestock in the early 2000’s and livestock producers were SOL if they couldn’t definitively prove the a wolf killed their livestock (hint; free range stock just come in short, you rarely find the carcass and when you do there isn’t much left.)
So fuck you Amash, you wolf loving POS.
I bought a couch, chest of drawers, and a gorgeous steel and reclaimed wood shel CVing unit yesterday (6 1/2′ tall and 5′ wide!) I can’t wait till it gets delivered Thursday.
Shelving, you stupid phone, shelving. Smart phone my ass.
How many ammo cans can it hold?
My right-hand man at work and I are in the desert in Dugway toiling in preparation for a high-stakes test. He’s the brilliant crazy guy with aggressive technical goals. I’m the manager who tempers his impulses and reduces risk.
I’m an Aries so mine looks pretty good for our joint endeavor. He’s an Aquarius, and his starts out sounding exactly right but then takes a turn and eventually ends in “ruin”.
Not so confident about the test now… we shall see.
It’s the desert, what could go wrong?
Is it an ACME explosive?
(Sorry, Hayek; I probably shouldn’t be joking about explosives going wrong.)
It’s not ACME, it’s of our own making. No explosions intended but we are about to crank up about 15 sticks of TNT worth of high voltage capacitors.
Could get interesting, even in the desert. But that will start tomorrow. This week and weekend has all been build and prep.
Dinner time now so we are grilling. Woot!
Then we will do a relatively low voltage checkout to make sure everything is playing nice.
When I was running marxes I had a bumper sticker that said “Happiness is a 3ns Erection” meaning a marx erection with a 3ns risetime.
Never or rarely understood, I reckon
“Virgo: King of Cups, reversed – A dishonest man, scandal, vice, double-dealing, injustice, pillage, roguery
Libra: King of Coins, reversed – Vice, ugliness, corruption, peril, perversity”
According to Glibertarian news links, that would be government as usual, but all 12 signs would be affected.
Well, back to chainsaw work. Hope my new possible CA neighbors love the sounds of a two stroke revving.