This may be an accurate depiction of me on Saturday night.

While gathering material for the links, I see that there may be a world shaking event, impacting the Hat and the Hair.

So once I recovered from that shocker, I found some links for all of you to read and comment on… no, seriously! OK, a man can dream, can’t he? What’s that? Nightmares are dreams too? Yeah…I guess so. Anyway, have some links:

  1. I did not realize one of the Glibs had gone to London. We will see who is missing in the comments.
  2. Florida Man…I respect that he is still alive.
  3. Ah, Chicago….at least there are distractions available in Illinois now.
  4. Mexicans imperiled… weed becoming more available. No word yet on buttsechs.

Music link – for some reason I thought of Almanian! this morning.