SP’s Homemade Ricotta
Here is another super easy recipe that anyone can make at home. Except vegans. Sorry, WebDom!
This ricotta can be used in any application in which you’d use commercial ricotta, but you might need to let it drain a bit longer, or even overnight, so it firms up more, depending on use. We tend to use it within an hour or so of finishing the process.
Ricotta is a very forgiving product to make. You’ll definitely want to experiment and discover exactly which acids you like to use for curdling, and how much cream you want to add, if any. Go crazy and see what you come up with.
Yields approximately 1 pound of fresh ricotta.

- 2 quarts whole milk
- 1/2 – 1 cup heavy cream
- 4 tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp salt
Pour the milk and cream into a heavy saucepan. Heat slowly to 200 degrees F. If you don’t have a thermometer, heat until just below boiling.
Mixture of whole milk and cream, simmering.
Turn burner to low (or turn off for an electric stove). Stir in lemon juice and salt.
You need both.
Continuing stirring until curds begin to form, about a minute. Remove pan from heat and allow to sit uncovered for 15 or 20 minutes. The curds will continue to form and create a solid surface atop the whey.
While the ricotta is forming, dampen a double layer of cheesecloth and line a mesh strainer completely. Set it over a large bowl.
When the curds have had time to form, scoop them gently off the top of the whey and place in the cheesecloth. If you don’t have a skimmer, you can pour the entire contents of the saucepan into your lined strainer (as long as it will fit!). The whey will drain, leaving the ricotta in the cheesecloth.
Curds set
Allow the ricotta to drain until it has reached the desired consistency for your recipe. The ricotta will keep in the frig for about a week. But it never lasts that long at our place.
Finished ricotta after draining.
Note: Don’t throw out the leftover whey! It’s a great addition to breads and other baked goods, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, or even added to soups. Store in the frig for up to a week and use a bit here and there. It can also be frozen in smaller quantities.
Sounds yummy, but that’s probably a but too much ricotta for one person. 🙁
You can make a half batch, but it keeps in the fridge at least a week. You can also make dishes using it and then freeze them.
cool beans
Whey cool.
Way to milk it.
Your puns aren’t exactly the cream of the crop
But they do rise to the top.
Each one butter than the last.
Guys, this thread is udderly out of control.
Are you trying to tell us to moove along?
You guys are so lacking in culture.
Yet another reason to eat milk fat…
Who needs a reason?
That’s the problem, I don’t need a reason.
I eat it in iced form.
^Playa gets it.
SP; you mentioned your rhubarb custard recipe a few days back. Will you be posting that one day?
Oh, I’ll dig that out for you sometime this week, Mike.
Woot! Thanks!!!
I’ve been meaning to do ricotta, but it would only be a gateway cheese to mozzarella for me.
What’s wrong with that?
I put mozzarella on my salads all the time. I’m doing it right now.
I dunno what I would do with all of the ricotta. Maybe I could jump straight into the mozzarella, but ricotta looks much easier.
Fresh cheese is great, but cheese doesn’t really get interesting until it’s aged.
So, I shouldn’t post my homemade fresh mozzarella recipe next?
If you do, I’ll be able to make pizza from scratch. I don’t know if you want to live in a world where I make pizza from scratch.
This is going in my new outdoor kitchen.
I’m beginning to see why OMWC says such horrible things about you.
…and I thought this was a vagisil commercial
too soon ?
*Slowly backs away before SP reads this*
Watching CHC@HOU on DVR: looks like I recorded Almora’s foul liner that clipped the four-year-old.
I love dangerous stuff: guns, cars, watching baseball; but I reserve the right to hate anyone who puts their kid in harm’s way at the game like that.
Sports blogger Larry Brown reported that Almora, the Cubs center fielder, has been in touch with the family and the girl was said to be OK.
source: http://www.bpnews.net/53018/firstperson–crying-in-baseball–true-masculinity
I hate that in tennis, when an infant starts screaming. WTF? Hire a damn babysitter.
I can’t imagine bringing a baby to a tennis match. It’d be like bringing the baby to a movie
I don’t know, I think I’d take John McEnroe to a movie…
Some people suck…..
Either make it quiet, or GET IT OUT!
I don’t need more hobbies.
I don’t need more hobbies.
I don’t need more hobbies.
If you were closer, I could trade booze for cheese.
I’d take that trade, too.
I’m sure it would be a win-win deal.
Speaking as someone who currently has both booze and cheese, I can say with certainty that you are correct.
Booze and cheese will get you through times of no money better than money can get you through times of no booze and cheese.
Oil edged closer to a bear market collapse as Wall Street banks raised the specter of a recession, while Saudi Arabia tried to assure investors that OPEC will avert a supply glut.
The speculators always over-react. WTI is right in the middle of the range it’s been in since 1970.
That reminds me. Turns out the free wine is a Coastal Vines Cabernet Sauvignon from commifornia, 2016 vintage. Not sure if that means something to anyone.
Is the hotel as swanky as it was advertised to be?
They make the effort to look the part. The staff are making a decent effort.
Reminds me of one of those grand old hotels I stayed at in Cleveland. I hate hotels now in general, but as far as hotels go, I like those over the modern ones.
The nighborhood looks like it’s in the middle stages of gentrification, so there are some rough edges in evidence, but it’s not been overwhelmed by trendy people yet.
5 buck retail. But 4 1/2 start on 16 reviews.
I figured it was going to be cheap. You don’t tend to hand out expensive stuff as complementary.
I’ve been out and about today. Where are you at the moment?
I have reached Milwaukee, and am in the Ambassador hotel.
Did I make a terrible mistake and pick a spot in the middle of the worst neighborhood in the city? Where should I avoid going?
Nah, you’ll be fine there. (I love the old hotels from that era.)
Milwaukee has a much worse reputation that it deserves.
The building does look very nice, and the staff do appear to be trying but strike me as a bit inexperienced.
This sounds like the first 30 seconds of a porno.
No one is judging you for liking to watch films where fat nerds bang hot hotel maids, what you watch on your own time is your business.
I was surprised to find one in Cleveland that actually lived up to something close to what one might expect from that era.
Nothing like that in my old Buffalo or Rochester stomping grounds – they’re all gone (or gone to seed, like the one I worked in Buffalo).
Yeah, that was really sad. The places my Mom remembered from her youth in Rochester were long gone, mostly lost to the damn Can of Worms by the time I was aware.
If you get to Kansas City, check out the Hotel Phillips. Same era and an actual speakeasy in the basement through a hidden entrance. Fabulous place. We loved it.
AND it’s walking distance to Tannin Wine Bar. Amazing experience.
Do you mean the Inner Loop? That’s what destroyed large chunks of downtown. The Can of Worms is out by Brighton.
I liked Milwaukee. My grandpa lived in Mequon. It’s the first place I ever saw “minimum” speed limit signs.
My wife has a business trip to a meeting at the Milwaukee Ambassador Hotel later this month. She’s excited and has been told it’s a great place.
You’re on a pretty major street, UCS, so you should be okay, but the general area you’re in isn’t great. Marquette University is a few blocks east of you, and the campus is nice enough, but I wouldn’t do too much late night walking around the Ambassador.
I know you’ve got the trip planned out pretty well, but if you’re looking for restaurant recommendations, please let me know.
At the moment, I’m set. Since SP and OMWC bailed for drier climes, I’ll be taking a tour of the Lakefront Brewery today, and if the college friend I’ve been trying to organize a meet with also bails, I may need a restaurant for dinner.
I guess there’s TWO cutesy art-deco hotels in Milwaukee. I was camped out at the Metro on Mason an Milwaukee St. It’s two miles or so east of you.
I do recall when I walked a quarter mile west across the river to the Walgreens, the store manager had just locked the North doors on Wisconsin avenue when I was leaving to get back to the Metro. It was because of the riots. She let me out and told me not to stop before I got to my hotel. I watched it on TV in the bar when I got back.
The neighborhood may not matter when the fun can come to you =).
I forgot to tell you; you piqued my interest so I looked it up. You were approximately 15 miles further west in Dallas/Ft. Worth than you were in Fargo.
So close. No wonder neither of us was sure which was further west.
Hey–we’re where the West begins. Or, so I was told.
“…and how much cream you want to add, if any.”
Cream – if any? Are you kidding?
Seriously, what’s the downside to more cream. My general rule is that you can never have too much.
I need try this. No idea it was so easy. Actually I had no idea at all. Cheese has always struck me as being a form of magic.
Oh, it’s just a different taste and texture. You can really customize this sort of thing based on what your use will be. This is my everyday version.
I used this a couple weeks ago to make spinach and ricotta manicotti. With SP’s home-made pasta sheets. She did the hard work, I took the credit. Win-win!
Oh, and as good as you think this is… it’s better.
You need to try Malfatti. This dish is a childhood memory.
I made gnudi last week, served with a butter-sage sauce.
It sure is a challenge trying to go vegan.
That’s why I never tried. And almost all of the ones I’ve known are fairly miserable people.
The vast majority fail to account for all the minor nutrients, focusing on the major ones. The stuff that no one ever thinks about can cause a lot of misery by its absense.
*based on an entirely unscientific survey conducted by me of vegans whose pre-, peri-, and post-vegan personalities were observable or recorded, and the remarks about what food brought about the biggest improvement.
Vegetarian is a doable lifestyle choice for the average person. Meat, while delicious, isn’t necessary for good food. I’ve done vegetarian before, and while I have no interest in doing it again (I did it out of convenience, not because of a real reason), I could go vegetarian if a gun was held to my head.
Vegan is completely different. It’s a one way trip into a life of reading ingredient lists, finding substitutes for every recipe, and struggling to balance nutrients. If the choice was eating vegan or eating lead, I’d pull the trigger myself.
Wife and I are moving to a much more vegetarian diet, mainly due to a proclivity for me to develop kidney stones (with meat consumption being a contributing factor). So far we’ve focused on swapping vege substitutes in heavily flavored dishes – taco salads, chili, and sloppy joes. We use a mix of quinoa, lentils, and beans. That combination has worked well in the more spicy dishes, giving the feel of meat, and the main flavors are the spices and seasonings. Won’t say it tastes just like ground beef, but it is tasty and I don’t miss the beef.
We did try a similar mixture in a lasagna that was pretty disastrous…
Rothdard made a mean manicotti and state.
This is a high quality play on words BTW. If I do say so myself. *Polishes monocle with cheesecloth*
OT: Stunning and brave.
3 years in, this stuff is just boring. Yeah yeah, you hate Trump and everything he represents. Get in line.
Notice it’s not really against any specific policy, just against the man himself.
It’s like Occupy Wall Street or latter-day Yellow Vests. Generic lefty protest – it means whatever you want it to. The process is the protest.
I keep forgetting I have this goddamn thing installed and it’s so pleasing when I do.
And, they wonder why people in the US tend to say, “Fuck Europe”.
And Canada and Mexico and …
As always, these recipes look delicious but trying to find the right translation is a nightmare. Heavy cream is exactly what? Figure that out and then it’s always, “We don’t have that, but this should work” and the clerk will give me something kind of close. After substituting out most of the ingredients, I end up with some weird concoction.
Looks like you wane 35 to 45% milk fat cream.
So the same stuff I use to make the icing/cream for my cake? Alright. Easy enough.
This is how you end up with mayonnaise pizza.
Not just mayonnaise pizza but that God-awful Kewpie Mayonnaise that contains more sugar than eggs.
Rhywun, in case you missed this;
I don’t tweeter so yes, I missed it.
LOL he’s still trying to meme “ConDon”. Poor thing.
“Brexit Bojo”… oh my God. Go home, Bill – you’re drunk.
Poor guy. The left is really not liking the right beating them at snarking.
I’ve always read this kind of recipe as creating Cottage Cheese. I know they’re similar, but not sure which is the truth here.
It’s simple – if you get curds, you were making cottage cheese. If you don’t get curds, you meant to make ricotta.
Did the curds warm up enough on the drive to get squeaky? They taste better when they squeak.
Mmmmmm squeaky cheese
This is a fact.
They reached the temperature just from sitting in the car during lunch.
That and risotto. All seem like mush to me.
According to this definition from taste of home, this would be cottage cheese, i think.
They whey you’re draining off or putting in the fridge would become the ricotta.
Making it from whey left over from cheese making is the traditional method, but it can be made from whole milk.
Um. One is edible, one is not?
Yeah. I’m gonna do this.
Thanks, SP!
Ricotta is my fourth favorite cheese after smoked gouda, asiago and sharp cheddar.
This looks tasty.
I love smoked Gouda. My go to for omelettes.
I like when those Swiss guys in lederhosen and feathered hats play those long horns, and call “Ric-cot-ta!”
I stopped at 1. Competition was over.
Karelis Garcia, she’s named.
You ever wonder why Brits say “called” instead of named? I’m still not sure.
Welcome to the party Commodious.
Pictures like that make me regret getting married, then I remember I never had a girl like that while single anyway… plus my wife is awesome.
Awesome post, SP! I always enjoy your recipes.
I made ricotta and mozzarella years ago. Here’s a pizza made with homemade mozz preceded by some photos of the cheese being made. I don’t remember any mozzarella ever tasting so good, and I just used Kroger-brand dry milk with heavy cream added.
This is the the best Mozz, in it’s stringy form.
Kroger totally rocks my fuckin’ nuts off
Damn, son. I could eat that pizza.
BTW, Glibs, congratulations are in order. DOOMCO and lady are expecting their first child around Christmas! If you see him around the interwebz, give him a shout out.
Congrats, DOOMCO!
Whoo-Hoo! I like kids way better than people. This poor kid’s gonna get jacked every x-mas just like I did. Every present is for “x-mas AND your b-day” meanwhile bro and sis didn’t have that prob.
“That’s fuckin’ bullshit, man”
My brother at 14 (birthday Jan 2)
whaddup @ DOOM !
Also- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixCrLAgk4YI
Wait? Housing trouble and having a baby at Xmas? I think I’ve heard this story before…
If he plays his cards right, he could end up with some sweet swag.
Frankincense and Mir BITCHES!!
and Mir
He’s spacesteading?
Most difficult video game ever.
I seem to remember Gauntlet on the original NES being unbeatable.
Oh, Go Blues!
…The first Bushido Blade wasn’t exactly a cakewalk either.
Yes, gauntlet was literally impossible. Fun time though.
be more specific- arcade, or at home ?
Of course, and at a quarter in your local bar it is a deal.
I get super drunk and super annoyed with whatever plot-heavy game I happen to be playing… so most recently, Prey.
I just want to know what happens, not get stuck behind another f*in Weaver.
Ghosts ‘N Goblins
Lately, every video game.
Arch tempered lunastra is a walking bullshit factory, Sekiro was a cake walk compared to that flaming monstrosity.
GTA for my kid. She refuses to hurt anyone.
This looks familiar.
To those that want to be driven into a homicidal rage, try the freeware game I Wanna Be The Guy.
Im. Possible.
Wow, that looks like all kinds of not fun.
DOOMCO Impregnator?
(Congratulations DOOM!)
Contra. Probably the hardest one I’ve beat, anyway.
Dragon Quest Swords on the Wii.
Wifey found out that I will chuck a controller across a room when necessary.
Darksiders 3 is a close 2nd.
Well, WII games were hard a lot of the time just because the controllers didn’t ever fucking work.
I hated the fucking Wiimote.
Ehhh…it mostly did, but, yeah–that.
*shakes cane at the young’uns*
This is virtually identical to how I make paneer.
Do you use yogurt in it?
Nope. Got the recipe from a buddy from Mumbai. Stupidly easy.
Guess who got himself a box of silkworms?
Ordered out for dinner, huh?
You going to fry them up?
No idea what to do with them. Need a sweater?
Silk cocoons are used in various forms of fiber art.
Have you been talking with Virginia Postrel?
Carryover from last thread:
Ground the generator to the load.
Ground the generator to the trailer.
If possible, ground the trailer to the ground (stake).
Do not fuck with grounding and power systems.
Working on getting a Redbubble merch store up. It ships to both Japan and Romania! (I checked). But kind of odd shipping on a poster to Romania is just over $5, to Japan is over $23. Where the hell is Redbubble shipping from?
There’s gotta be a cheaper way. Not use airmail?
I think it was Sir Digby (could be misremembering) who suggested a ‘mail it forward’ where a US glib will order something and then ship it at a better rate.
Yes, it was. Last night, late night.
Yeah, I had been up since 3am and had many beers by that point. Just wanted to caveat that in case I was wrong.
What SP said. Also, I got my Coolidge t-shirt today.
What I like about redbubble is that they are always doing X% off sales–usually 20%. You can really stock up on shirts and what not.
Obviously, sizes matter for the shirt lines (and there are plenty), and plenty of blends/non-blends. But they also do stickers, phone and tablet cases, etc.
Then get ready to be
stalkedstocked!Well, it was a “merch it forward”, as opposed to beer. I would participate in the latter, but can’t really drink any more.
And speaking of merch, how about some featuring the dems in cartoon form? Like a ‘Gropin Joe’ line?
My man!
“The Communist Party has many faults – not wholly unlike (please permit me) America’s Republican and Democratic parties, whose diminished capacities are now fully on display. But to bury under a blanket of condemnation the party that helped countless Chinese citizens move up the economic ladder after decades of misery is to deny one of history’s great astonishments.”
Tom Plate at it again.
No idea who that is but gosh that was so long ago, I have doubts on what I remember. Oh well.
‘…But to bury under a blanket of condemnation the party that helped countless Chinese citizens…’ to an early and brutal grave and decades of soul crushing poverty, who just happened to be lucky enough to have the examples of British controlled Hong Kong’s prosperity and the U.S.S.R.’s abysmal failure to guide them away from governmental suicide…fill in the rest as you will.
Yep. He does have a point on how memories become entrenched history even if they aren’t accurate. Mix it in the way he does and it looks like a partial justification.
Even the Chinese eventually figured out that communism doesn’t work. Now they’re giving fascism a go.
They lifted millions out of poverty by not murdering them instead. ?
The are so called “economic historians” who claim that Mao style communism was a necessary step for china. I fail to be convinced.
Those who forget history are condemned to
repeat itlie through their fucking teeth about it.That is one of the most egregious examples of sinister gaslighting I’ve ever read.
This is the only kind of gaslighting that I know about.
Ladies, he’s single!
And butthurt.
It’s like you know me so well.
Not meant for Rhywun.
Or was it?
I stand by my claim…although he may know enough about me to accurately explain my actions. I can’t say for certain that he does NOT have psychic powers, or that he does NOT have the observational prowess of Sherlock Holmes.
You failed to provide the full nutritional information. There ought to be a law…
Good morning glibs!
Mornin. You following the finals? Good series so far.
Yeah… but as it goes the warriors will have to get one lucky fan to play the next couple of games.
Kawhi looks great though… I am sor of sad the laker got 0 chance at him. Lowry is as always disappointing in the finals…
He’s playing hurt, too. The Lakers are gonna suck for a while. LeBron is probably not going to stay healthy for, say, 75% of the season anymore. Bad pickup for them. Maybe they can squeeze two good years out of him. I doubt it.
So can we stop the MJ comparisons then? Because LeBron is 34, here is MJ at 34.
I stopped a long time ago
Everyone said no team could have said no to Lebron but I did not like it since the moment he signed. I mean could be worse could be chris paul on a supermax
Good morning, Pie. I can calculate it if you like.
When I was a kid in the country my mom bought fresh milk from neighbors who had a cow and then boiled it for consumption, but occasionally it did not boil properly… how to put it it started becoming cheese instead of just boiling, and the mom made a ricotta like cheese because there was no other option with that milk. Well not quite ricotta but still.
People always miss fresh milk, but I didn’t like it that much because what other people considered the best part – in warm milk some of the fat would coagulate, called caimac in Romanian, is the part I did not like, a texture not taste sort of thing, I did not like feeling solids in the liquid. Usually this film would form on the surface and I would put a teaspoon in, collect it and trow it away.
There was a fancy coffee shop in my last office building, one day I went to pour the milk into my coffee and it was chunky. They’re like “you have to shake it first”. GAHH
You dont shake milk to make it better….gahh indeed.
Apparently it was some crunchy non-homogenized thing. Yeah, no thanks.
Sweet baby Ray….yeeeesh.
No, no, no! You feed the milk to the baby then shake the baby! (CPRM WAS CHARGED WITH INFANTICIDE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS POST)
Bearded, saw your replies.
So from the breaker box in the trailer, which handles the 120VAC 30A service from the generator, i should have a ground wire to the generator coming from the bus bar in the breaker panel?
Run all the wires to an elephant to PWN your enemy!-Eddison
Ive already zapped my dog…tasted great. I was thinking of making the whole trailer a potential death trap.
That sounds like how everyone sees libertarianism, I approve!
At some single point your ground needs to be tied to the load ground. If your frame is grounded then that should be enough to tie to the frame of your load.
Please understand this as this can cause a shock injury.
Yes. We’re talking grounding bar, here.
When I met UCS today my thoughts were, “Oh, he looks like a friend I’d have in real life.” Which adds to his mystique of blandness here through the act of being as expected. Bravo. Great Guy. Friend of mine. He is not a racist.
Did you force him to drink beer? Beerboard him if you will?
I tried my damndest. Pointed out a local brewpub had a beer on tap at the bar down the street. He chose the restaurant without beer for lunch. He was the guest, so I obliged.
Wait….you met a glib? In meat-space?
I’m just….I can’t even.
3rd one. Met OMWC and SP before I started cartooning. It’s scary, I make sure someone knows where I am and that if I don’t return to call the police, but so far I haven’t been stabbed.
Don’t keep us in suspense. What gloves was he wearing?
His lunch gloves, or glib meeting gloves. Hmmm, tough choice. Maybe he could have the glib gloves tailored to fit over the other pair?
I should have worn gloves – I have sunburn on the backs of my hands now, but that could have been from the twin cities meetup.
This trip has proved two things – I’m not allergic to bees; and I don’t tan at all, I go directly to red.
Thank you for the glowing appraisal. The hardest part of the visit was having to get back on the road. I don’t know what it is about the personality types whove congregated here, but it’s easier to have rambling multi-hour conversations with the people I’ve met on this trip than the average random person I end up in proximity to from normal social situations.
After 10 years of wanting to shoot a short film, I’m now drawing close to actually doing it, and I realize I need a tobacco pipe. I bought one for the last short 10 yrs ago, but don’t know what happened to it. And I have no idea where to get one now-a-days except the internets. Western culture is doomed.
As a gent of my acquaintance likes to say, “enjoy the decline.”
So, no Sir Elliot’s near you, huh?
Maybe they were a local thing. Seems like they were in every mall I ever entered.
Maybe if I travelled unto the big’n city where that thar mall uste ta be I’d find un…
Q’s home base
Who woulda suspected the guy behind Ren and Stimpy mighta been into some kinky shit?
Part of me sort likes Kric. The rest of me is rather repulsed by his…art.
Another video that I, personally would never release because it’s shit editing, even if I wanted to make said video. And of course, more views than any video I’ve ever done, with editing and audio I’d never let another person see…fuck this life, no one is good at doing anything anymore, but yet get more views than people who are good at doing things..COUNT TO TEN…BREATHE…
I think you need a (PBUH) after your handle.
Yes, just breathe.
Yes, I am the Grand Puba. Thank you for acknowledging that.
So, do you need the hat to go with it?
Although you could try Goodwill Stores or such like (for inexpensive used ones, natch). I’ve also seen some in cigar stores.
Never seen one at a local goodwill. I bought the last one at a local book store that also had a walk-in humidor. But it was a Book World and was forced to close when the franchise folded.
Huh. Just checked for shops near me. The Lower Mainland appears to have a buttload of tobacconists. Learn something new every day.
I can get you a hookah at at least a dozen shops near me. A pipe? No fuckin’ idea.
Every single Duane Read/Rite Aid/Walgreens/etc. sells the Dr. Grabow brand. Be prepared for sticker shock. When I was an avid pipe-smoker, in the 1990s, a basic pipe could be had for around $7.00. Wanted to pick one up about a year ago and found they are now closer to $30.00.
I know of two places near Albany I’d look if I were trying to source a pipe, though not sure what the price tag would be, I’m not a smoker, so I haven’t gone into these tobacconists’ shops.
There is a tobacconist downtown here that occasionally puts empty cigar boxes out for sale for $1. Would have been a great resource when I was a kid.
Are they still made of wood? If so, I could use some of those. I have a lot of miniature bitz that need safe storage, and plastic tubs get a bit generic after a while.
Some are — there are lots of sizes and styles.
Now I need to know what the establishment is so I can drop in and check out the empty boxes.
It’s right on the corner of Phila and Broadway. My creperie is on Phila, they have fantastic fries, and resultingly fantastic poutine.
I tried hookahs once, not sure of the appeal. Pipe smoke smells amazing though I still have no desire to smoke it myself. Maybe I could pay someone to smoke a pipe near me.
Is Chafed lurking here abouts??
Oh, so I’m not enough for you?!
I am now. JFC what a day.
You OK?
Yeah. Just filled with rage. I wasted an entire afternoon on a pointless settlement conference. I’m suing a lunatic client who didn’t pay me after I won her case.
I’m losing faith in my attorney who tells me everything at the last minute and has a good but not great grasp of the details. Walking out of court she said something that made me believe she has not reviewed the two and half years of emails with said lunatic. And she casually mentioned tomorrow is the final day to exchange exhibits.
I drove home, had a quick dinner, cooked for my sick oldest kid because my wife was too tired from her day at the spa (I shit you not), and then spent four hours reviewing emails, cataloging pertinent ones, and writing a synopsis for my lawyer.
It was not the perfect day.
Err, no, it doesn’t sound like it.
Well, I was gonna ask if we are cool, but I figure that can wait until (at least) the spa closes–so you don’t have solo sick patrol.
We are cool. It’s midnight here. Everyone is asleep except me. I thank Nyquil for knocking out sick kid.
Nyquil is like the duct tape of OTC medicines.
It’s the alcohol
Yes, and it covers a multitude of ills. Or, ails, if you prefer.
“my wife was too tired from her day at the spa”
And people wonder why so many marriages end in murder-suicide. ..
Bjorn Lomborg FTW.
No hookers or blow. What an amateur.
So, what I’m getting is: Get in early on investment schemes, and, go with low-impact vices.
Also,cocktail waitresses and strippers are easier to woo than hookers.
Or, so I’ve heard.
Why would you want to woo a hooker?
you fall in love as a client? She is hot and has a great personality? She reminds you of your high-school crush? Or your mother? You want to save her from a life of debauchery? The reasons are many
Awesome! Thanks SP!
We do the same thing at home to make paneer, except we press the curds in the cloth with a weight to form a cake, also we use vinegar. The whey goes surprisingly well in borsht.
We just use whole milk and no heavy cream and it still comes out better than anything you can buy at the store. I probably use more vinegar, but i like the whey more sour for the borscht, using less will still get you the same result for the cheese.