Spygate can make your head swim if you get too far into the weeds for those with an intense interest let alone a passing one. Hopefully, providing a simple summary will help clarify the conspiracy especially with the pending declassification of many documents related to the Russian collusion hoax and the release of Inspector General Horowitz’s report on FISA abuse.
Spygate has been covered by a few mainstream journalists such as John Solomon and Sara Carter, covered extensively by Dan Bongino (former secret service agent and current pundit and Fox News contributor) who has written a book on the subject with another follow-up book set to be released in October, and covered by various open source citizen journalists some of which are anonymous. Although some of the conspiracy has been exposed by inside sources, what’s incredible is how much has been exposed by open source journalism.
A summary of the theorized events:
- The NSA database was searched for political purposes by private contractors (one of which is theorized to be Fusion GPS). Mike Rogers (former director of the NSA) discovers the illegal use of the database and shuts it down. Ten days after the election Rogers visits Trump and warns Trump of the spying, the next day Trump evacuates Trump Tower and calls come out for Rogers to be fired.
- After getting shutdown, Obama’s admin switches over to other means of spying via the abuse of the FISA courts based off of a political opposition research dossier written by Christopher Steele (a former MI6 spy) which was funded by Fusion GPS (headed by Glenn Simpson) who was hired by the law firm Perkins Coie hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Remarkably, Steele’s Dossier has a hell of a lot of similarities to an article written by Glenn Simpson back in 2007. Steele leaks his own dossier to the media, the media articles are then used by the FBI to corroborate the information in Steele’s dossier to obtain the FISA warrants on Carter Page (a former foreign-policy adviser to Trump who was never charged with a crime). It is also believed that other FISA warrants existed targeting others including Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and George Papadopolous.
- Speaking of George Papadopolous, the FBI’s official story is that Crossfire Hurricane (the official name of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s campaign) was allegedly started when: Alexander Downer (a former Australian diplomat) claimed that George Papadopolous (a former foreign policy adviser for Trump’s 2016 campaign), while drunk at a bar, told him that Joseph Mifsud (a Maltese academic with allegedly high level connections to Russia) told Papadopolous Russia has dirt on Hillary in the form of thousands of her hacked emails. Papadopolous claims he was not drunk and had one drink and he never mentioned anything about his meeting with Mifsud and the information given to him regarding Russia and Hillary’s emails.
- Papadopolous was setup. Mifsud worked for western intelligence, had no Russian connections, and the meetings with both him and Downer were orchestrated. Mifsud had Papadopolous meet with a woman that he claimed was Putin’s niece. Needless to say, she was not Putin’s niece. While in Israel, Papadopolous is offered $10,000 in US cash by Charles Tawil (an Israeli American businessman). He thought the incident was bizarre and proceeds to leave the $10,000 with his lawyer in Greece before returning back to the US. On return, he was stopped at the airport and is detained and searched. He is then arrested without a warrant, an indictment or criminal complaint. Coincidentally, you are required by law to declare that you have more than $10,000 in cash on you when you enter the US. Almost as if they searched him for the money, did not find it and then scrambled and arrested him and threw charges together after the fact. Papadopolous was ultimately charged with a process crime for lying to the FBI and was sentenced to 14 days in jail. He claims his charges are related to misremembering the date he spoke to Mifsud.
- FBI director James Comey was fired by Trump after Trump’s frustration of being told privately by Comey that he was not under investigation and refusing to tell the public. Which led to the hiring of former FBI director Bob Mueller by former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein as special counsel to investigate the matter. Mueller proceeded to investigate Trump and Russian interference for two years knowing full well that Russian collusion was a hoax and did not inform the public until after the Midterm election when his investigation concluded.
- The Mueller investigation was a cover-up, an attempt to find anything on Trump, coordinate leaks with the media to turn the public against him, pressure him to “obstruct justice” or claim he did with weak allegations in order to setup an impeachment all in order to cover-up the Obama Admin’s and intelligence community’s malfeasance and massive abuse of power. His report is already being proven to have been written in a way that paints Trump in as negative light as possible.
There is much I left out to try to simplify the events as best as I could. If you are interested in more details here are two videos one by Dan Bongino from last November and one recently from Tracy Diaz who do a fantastic summary of events.
Hold on to your seats. The next few months are going to be completely insane if the full story comes to light.
What about the Mulder report about the role of extraterrestrials in the US’s 2016 elections?
Mueller kinda looks like the cigarette smoking man.
Maybe should post side-by-side photos.
Mueller, I remind all Glibs is one of the guys that came from the Boston FBI operation (along with Comey and some other real shady and crooked characters) and the guy is a super hack. The FBI Boston office is know to be one of the most corrupt ones ever to have been run, and these people regularly broke the law or abused to fuck over those that displeased them. Mueller also knew before they asked him to head the investigation that this was all bunk – because he was part of the group of upper management types at various Obama administration weaponized 3 letter agencies abusing the law to spy on the left’s enemies – which should make anyone wonder why he needed almost 3 years to come clean on that with a report that basically concluded Trump could not be proven not-guilty. At a minimum, if you want to give him a pass and pretend he was not smart enough to realize that either the FBI got played or the FBI was running an entrapment op and got caught with their pants down around their ankles when trump won the election they were rigging for crooked Hillary, he knew the moment he started picking his people because 3 of the democrat operatives he chose had all already been briefed and knew that the collusion thing was not just bullshit, but that the FBI amongst a slew of other 3 letter agencies had basically been spying on political opponents of the party in power (and like did so under orders from those in power).
Mueller will not testify precisely because he fears that question: when did you know this whole thing was bunk. They spent almost 3 years trying to antagonize orange man into doing something they could then accuse him of obstructing the investigation with and failed.
One of the recent revelations is that a lot of the content in the Mueller report was manipulated to make it look like there was something there (when there was not), and worse, a lot of exculpatory information was omitted, while those really engaged in criminal behavior got a pass.
Mueller will not testify
I will be shocked if he isn’t called by somebody, and in a popcorn coma if he is called but pleads the Fifth to avoid testifying.
He can’t testify and the democrats know that. There is no way they can protect him from that question being asked, and if he lies, while under oath, then he is toast. And Mueller is not dumb enough to allow them to use him that way. He knows he will be the mama when he goes to jail.
The truth is not out there.
I thought this was bringing up my Tom Brady holding a camcorder.
Wait was someone trying to steal his jizz again?
“Crossfire Hurricane”: did they just pick this because it was catchy and someone was a Stones fan? Plausible.
Or did they name it because they knew the origins of the phrase and felt it captured their mood: “According to the book Keith Richards: The Biography by Victor Bockris, the line “I was born in a crossfire hurricane”, was written by Richards, and refers to his being born amid the bombing and air raid sirens of Dartford, England, in 1943 during World War II.” Less plausible but more fun.
It sounds like the name of a Carpenter Brut song.
Carpenter Brut
The shitty cologne used by Karen and Richard?
Great summary. Thanks.
Honestly, I’ve tried to understand the whole “obstruction of justice” claim. But, I’m just not seeing it. Most of the crap being thrown at the wall isn’t, in and of itself, illegal. And a libertarian who argues that the individual should be obliged to cooperate with the government framing him up for false accusations has gone off the rails somewhere.
Impeachment is political, not legal. But if you want to deal with the alleged obstruction under the hypothetical of the statute and “beyond a reasonable doubt”… Hypothetically, Volume II presents the ten ‘counts’ that were the closest to obstruction that Mueller could think of. Hypothetically, there are three criteria under the statute for no-longer-federal obstruction of justice. Hypothetically, none of the ten prima facia simultaneously meet all three burdens when you allow for the hypothetical defendant’s style. I would be interested in Amash’s reasoning for how any of the ten do.
I would be interested in Amash’s reasoning for how any of the ten do.
Trump is ass-fucking Amash’s investments in China.
I’m not sure I buy that argument. Amash has an extended record. And, for the most part, it’s been principled. I really think it’s just that Amash hates Trump so much that it’s blinded him.
Supporting a deep state coup against a duly-elected president does not speak well of libertarian principles.
This is as simple as understanding that Amash is pissed Trump has decided to cock-block China and his investments are being hurt, and hurt bad. It’s personal.
Amash is a NeverTrumper. He “Wanted to Believe” in Russian collusion and obstruction of justice. It shouldn’t just call his libertarian bona fides into question, it should call his judgment into question. It was obvious bullshit from day one, and never stopped being obvious bullshit from day one unless your thinking processes were impaired by your hatred of Trump.
Amash could have gotten most everyone to agree with him if he demanded impeachment for any number of reasons, but instead he choose the dumbest one. They always default to the position that gets you a pat on the head from the NYT
I would be a lot more tolerant of Amash if he would lay out, in factual detail, what he thinks is in the Mueller report that constitutes obstruction. Just handwaving that its so long there’s just got to be a pony in there somewhere is bullshit.
How is he going to lay out an argument based on facts, when said facts are that he is pissed Trump is killing his Chinese investments?
To be fair, I would say abusing war powers to maneuver around the incontrovertible fact that the Constitution explicitly delegates the power to levy tariffs to Congress is an impeachable offense.
But, alas, our world is neither sane nor just.
HM, that precedent was already set by orange man’s predecessors, and while I agree with you, I see nobody interested in fighting that battle (especially since it will gore a ton of other sacred cows that none of our political class members want to deal with) anymore.
Definitely. That’s the point. No one batted an eye when Obama used the imperial presidency, partially because they wanted those powers to be available when they took office.
I think quite a lot of this shit started even before Obama. He, and people like Harry Reed, just took all of it all to a new level.
That’s not true.
Amash is just choosing principal over principle. There is no big secret reason why. That is just the Koch way. The same reason why Reason was the only libertarian publication to lend any credibility to Russia Fever Dreams. That’s who they are- the NYT addendum.
Either Liberty, the Libertarian Institute, the Libertarian Republic, etc. are all just Trump supporters now or believing that the same people who lied about Iraq were telling the truth about Russia was a fool’s errand from the get go. And cosmos were those fools.
Impeachment may be a political act, but obstruction of justice is a legal claim. And it’s a legal claim intended to give cover for the political act. So, they deserve to be assessed from a legal standard. And by that standard, they don’t seem to hold water. And God help us all if they were to.
His reasoning is it’ll increase his profile for a presidential bid. He is a politician after all.
Yep. Not a trump fan, but amash has been a little off on this.
A little?
The guy is actually siding with the people trying to fucking run a coup attempt and getting more desperate as they remain unable to succeed at that or run the clock out so the facts of how corrupt the Obama admin was can be kept away from the public at large.
Ok a lot.
Another Amash possibility: his district boundaries may change, adding a chunk of the city versus the more conservative suburbs. With a less-safe seat, he has to lurch to the left?
Just throwing it out there after the Michigan ballot of last year changed gerrymandering.
“obstruction of justice”
Trump venting on twitter rants and bouncing ideas off of his advisers are his greatest crimes.
“Honestly, I’ve tried to understand the whole “obstruction of justice” claim. But, I’m just not seeing it.”
That’s because you don’t have a vested interest in making sure Trump is prevented from fulfilling the duties of his office, or worse, actually demands we find the facts and that means a ton of people that were part of the weaponized Obama bureaucracy, including potentially even people working directly for Obama, end up looking at jail time. That would be the final nail in the coffin of the propaganda machine’s fabricated story of how great Obama was as POTUS.
Let’s call this what it is. An attempt at a soft coup that was bungled when the fish didn’t take the bait.
Yep. That’s exactly what it was
The Obama admin’s weaponized 3 letter bureaucracies tried not once or twice, but at least 5 times, to entrap members of the Trump campaign and played along with a ton of fake shit generated by the Clinton campaign (knowingly I suspect) to tilt the election even more in crooked Hillary’s favor. Then on election night they realized Trump would now find out WTF they had been up to and started looking for a way to run a coup and to cover their asses. Unfortunately, Trump was informed that they had been up to these criminal activities before they could lay and trigger the trap. Then the requirement to prevent Trump from being able to run the country unopposed and dig into the criminal behavior took a life of its own, and they basically decided to throw all caution to the wind in pursuit of a means to prevent the criminal behavior to come to light and need to be dealt with.
That is why they demanded an independent investigation with such furor and Mueller was given the job: not to investigate any Russia collusion (they all knew it was shit made up by the Clinton campaign to allow them to damage Trump politically), but to trip the Trump team into doing anything that they could then label as obstruction and use as a means to sell the impeachment they had promised their big money donors pissed Clinton had lost and with that their investments in her gone up in smoke. Mueller spent close to 3 years trying to find something – anything – they could use to make the Trump team blink and do the wrong thing. Then Barr took over from that idiot Sessions, and the jig was up. Mueller decided to close shop down.
The democrats got owned when Barr didn’t let them do what they wanted with the political piece of fiction Mueller created that hid evidence the criminal activity came from team Clinton and the Obama administration, while shamelessly editing things to make it look like there was something criminal going on, and have now desperately been engaging in attempts to cow Barr (good luck with that) and run out clock so they can avoid dealing with the fact that we have now spent over 3 years with them all trying to cover for the horrible criminal behavior of the Obama administration.
If you want to read just how close they came to pulling this coup off got to humanevents.com and read an article titled “Checkmate”.
It will probably raise chill bumps on your skin like it did mine.
It had not occurred to me that the Glibs would want to read that. Congrats for thinking otherwise. Based on your links, this is a good summary. Just one nitpick: At the time, Alexander Downer was not “a former Australian diplomat.” Alexander Downer was High Commissioner to the United Kingdom from 2014 to 2018. Unlike the United States (also a former British colony), Australia is a member of the British Commonwealth. Not “former” and not just “a,” but one of the most prestigious, sought after diplomatic posts (for Australian government).
Awhile back a few people were saying that they were struggling with the Spygate related news stories I was posting in the links, I realized not everyone has been following. Figured it would be good to post a general summary especially with the pending IG report and declassification of documents coming out soon. Thank you for the nitpick, this is a complicated story, I welcome corrections.
And you did an incredible job of summarizing it Banjos!
I am loving how right-thinking people have declared that to question the intelligence community makes you a Trump supporter by default. If you find orange man to be more dangerous than the intelligence community then you suffer from a debilitating case of TDS. And TDS is definitely real and it makes people legit retarded.
Reminder: Judge Napolitano first shed light on intelligence community misdeeds early on in Russia Fever Dreams and corporate press outlets demanded that he be reprimanded and so he was suspended from Fox and Reason stopped running his articles.
Meanwhile, Justin Amash called for a special counsel on Russia basically for lolz. And has now been suggesting that Manafort covered up some super secret Russia collusion operation.
So, although Napolitano and Amash both think that Trump obstructed justice, Amash’s position is based in retardation and is not respectable.
I know I’m beating the bejeezus out of a very dead horse here, but there are two parts I’m not seeing, and it bothers me because it puts me at variance with people whose opinions I respect. First, the obstruction issue: my understanding is that obstruction only happens if you lie to investigators about a crime. If there isn’t a crime, or if you haven’t lied, there’s no obstruction. Not cooperating with an investigation, so long as you aren’t doing so in violation of the law, is not obstruction. Second, there is no evidence of Trump doing anything that he’s been accused of, while there appears to be ample evidence of repeated, systemic violations of the 4th amendment, FISA rules, and all sorts of horrible behavior on the part of the FBI and DoJ, maybe even the NSA. So, on the one hand, Trump may have obstructed an investigation. On the other, the investigation is unethical and I would think illegal. Why, in that case, would the obstruction be considered on par or meriting equal concern as the institutional corruption of the law enforcement branches of the federal government? Sorry, isn’t that basically like saying, “Well, I think the cops were wrong to forge a warrant to search that guy’s house, but he was wrong for not letting them in, too, since they had a warrant and all.”
First, the obstruction issue: my understanding is that obstruction only happens if you lie to investigators about a crime.
No, obstruction is essentially wrongful interference with an investigation. If you threaten or bribe a witness, that’s obstruction even though you didn’t lie to an investigator.
If there isn’t a crime, or if you haven’t lied, there’s no obstruction.
I struggle with this, but I think I see why there doesn’t need to be an indictment or conviction, or even a final conclusion that a crime occurred, for there to be obstruction. If the cops have a suspicion that a crime occurred, and get a warrant for my computer, but I knowingly wipe my computer to prevent them from seeing what’s on it, then I have obstructed an investigation, even though it may not be possible to prove that a crime actually occurred.
Keep an eye on the Flynn case.
The judge there demanded that the government prosecutors turn over the FBI’s taped initial conversation with Flynn – the one they first said was all good but then claimed had him lie to them by omission – and got told they would not. The judge, after looking at some hinkey shit that the prosecutors have been doing, has become suspicious that Flynn was railroaded (he was). Their refusal to provide this and not have any reason why they can’t is why I think the case against Flynn will also collapse. The judge has seen too much shit going on and the government’s case is going to suffer because they had none to begin with.
I didn’t think the FBI taped interviews.
They don’t. That way they can lie about them in their 302 reports. (Sorry to corpse fuck the thread.)
Who is this judge? His/her behavior is what I’d like to see applauded more often (though we know it won’t be!).
And if said warrant is based on trumped-up evidence, or outright lies (e.g. the Houston no-knock raid earlier this year)? I fail to see how the mere existence of the warrant implies that justice was obstructed.
The whole thing stinks to hell
Congratulations on your propagations. Spawn due around Christmas?
The day after!
you still have time to run then. Come to Romania no one will find you here
I don’t know, she’s pretty determined.
Upgrayedd determined
A pimp’s love is a different kind of love, not like a square.
Wait, some chick let you impregnate her? Wow. How drunk was she?
I keed, I keed, congratulations!
He is then arrested without a warrant, an indictment or criminal complaint. – working for Trump should be enough probable cause to arrest anyone. Warrants are for schmucks
I wonder how the FISA court feels about being lied to and used, not just a time or two, but at least 5 times by the FBI leadership…
Still looking for the maddow clip where she berates the Obama administration for interfering in the Israeli election.
That’s the same thing, right?
Remember when Maddow wasn’t crazy and didn’t love the intelligence community?
My days of ignoring Rachel Maddow are definitely coming to a middle.
Like pizza, beer, and sex, ignoring Rachel Maddow will always be preferable to not ignoring Rachel Maddow.
What about throwing pineapples on maddow?
What a waste of nice fruit.
OT, just had lunch at the Lakefront Brewery, waiting for the tour to begin. Soft pretzel flatbread topped with cheese sauce, bratwurst, saukraut, sweet onion sauce, and polish mustard still works. Even in an odd form factor.
But how was the beer?
I haven’t had any yet. Odds are, I’ll hate them. But if I’m reading the cup right, I can change beer tokens for take-home bottles of root beer at an unfavorable ratio.
I’ll have to report back later, It’s almost tour time.
Back to back Banjos posts!
Thanks for the summary. The whole scandal is breathtaking in it’s brazenness & ineptness.
This one is conspicuously lacking in taxidermied vermin.
I’m sure one of the links mentions Pelosi.
What ineptness? The media is still beating the drum, and a full 49% of America believes that the current president is a Russian stooge. Sure, they didn’t drive him from office like that pussy Nixon, but they sure as hell limited his ability to affect his program.
Not related:
Unless you think there should be a special counsel to investigate any shrimping.
Gross, dude.
When HM says gross, you crossed a serious line.
Also, for the wife of sloopy, mother to three bright, curious, and highly active young girls, who is perpetually exhausted, that is some top-notch writing.
And bilingual!
This real-time global flight tracker is fascinating!
And should have been consulted before writing the script(s) for “The Magician’s Apprentice”/”The Witch’s Familiar” two-parter of Capaldi Who. Either that, or blame lowest bidder government contracts for UNIT having worse info than could be gained by using this free service.
Incoming rant – Capaldi was the absolute best of this new iteration of Doctors but was hamstrung by some of the worst writing in the entire run of the series. Also, Michelle Gomez is the best Master since Delgado.
Agree on all counts. And I didn’t even watch the last season but heard it stunk.
Have you seen Green Wing? Gomez stole my heart as the thoroughly kinky head of hospital HR. It’s made by the same production company that did Phoneshop, another wonderful UK comedy.
Take it out over the North Atlantic or the Arctic, and you’ll see the “lanes” of traffic.
OMG! thanks for sharing this. I live by JFK and now I can’t stop watching the tracker for my area – they even have all the choppers going around Manhattan… (squeals with delight).
I had no idea JetBlue operates flights to Florida out of White Plains (?!).
That is cool.
There is a small airport in my town and it even shows the private planes.
The addition of ADSB-out has been a major change in visibility for small planes and on-board traffic.
Previously you were only individually tracked when on an Instrument flight plan and assigned your own code. Visual flight all used the same “1200” code (mostly) .
Starting with mode-S transponders about 20 years ago, and now with the push for ADSB (required in major airspace as of Jan 1 2020) all participating aircraft have individual codes, and now transmit “I am here” every second.
These signals are easily received by commodity devices and displayed in real time on iPads and other cockpit displays. Ground support equipment is not required for the system to be useful, although the ground network expands the usefulness of the system.
They issued me an iPad at work… JFC what junk. And people pay more because it’s Apple, which is, as everyone knows, oh so much better than stuff that actually works.
Huh, I was messing with it near LAX and discovered “Amazon AIr” flight from Riverside to Honolulu. The picture of the plane has “Prime Air” emblazoned on it. I had no idea they were running their own cargo flights.
The planes are owned/leased by Amazon, but flown by Atlas air. I have a friend that is a 757 captain for them.
I use flightaware.com. The flightradar24 site by default shows airplanes in ground mode as well.
Flightradar24 also doesn’t have as comprehensive a list of airports; it thinks YPK (Pitt Meadows, where I live for another 9 days) doesn’t exist. Flightaware.com immediately brought it up and is showing traffic that’s literally flying above my house as I type. Nice.
To be fair, Canada doesn’t really exist.
It sure seems to be living rent-free in your head, though.
An SWA plane going from BNA to MDW is going east of Bowling Green for some reason. Huh.
That is the only plane remotely close to me right now.
There is a perfect line of planes flying along the appalachians. They are all going to Houston from the Northeast.
I’m curious about the flights that have all their data blocked. Wondering if they are military flights being tracked or if they are civil aviation flights who do not consent to the release of their data like that?
There is a voluntary list of commercial and government aircraft IDs that are blocked by partners that are given access to the direct FAA feed.
That said, the protocol is broadcast in the clear and anyone can receive the signals with <$100 of gear. This group
believes in sharing the raw data without any filtering, but since they cannot aggregate data with people who have access to the FAA data their database will be spottier than the major players.
This group https://aireon.com/
has put ADSB receivers on the iridium sattelite cluster. Canada’s ATC and probably most of the world will base their next generation traffic control systems on that technology.
The FAA deployed a network of ground stations for ADSB coverage in the USA.
there are some other technical procedures for anonymizing this ADSB data in development but currently ICAO addresses for most aircraft are fixed, and therefore easily tracked and correlated.
Way better than trains on (nearly) permanent tracks.
In 2008 some people speculated on Obama’s choice of the running mate by examining flight tracks on this site.
The next few months are going to be completely insane if the full story comes to light.
Seeing as (a) Trump managed to appoint a new CIA boss who was up to her neck in this, and (b) this is so incredibly damaging that it will be very tempting for Barr and others to sweep it under the rug to “preserve essential American institutions”, I am not super-optimistic.
A scandal of this magnitude should result in the firing of every single person at the top of the FBI and DOJ, and that’s before the criminal indictments.
Yeah, I expect very little of real consequence to happen.
What’s the going rate for treason these days
A cushy job at a nonprofit?
A Niskanen Center distinguished fellowship, say?
A presidential Freedom Medal from the next Democrat president.
Not “committing suicide”?
Can we stop with this shit? “Treason” is very narrowly defined in the Constitution as levying war against the United States.
What the intelligence community is guilty of is sedition.
Jesus, you people.
You fancypants intellectuals and your insistence on accuracy!
“Ooh, look at me, I’m Heroic Mulatto and I know the proper meaning of words.”
I’ve been a woman this entire time.
I’ve been a woman this entire time.
HUH? I thought your profile said that you were “one surgical procedure away from being the perfect diversity hire”! I feel so ripped off.
No. NO!!!! Do not encourage him!
Wait, does he have Moobs?
Tokyo Rose might disagree with you about there being a substantial distinction between the two.
Bah, hit post too soon by accident, attempt two:
Tokyo Rose might disagree with you about there being a substantial distinction between the two in practice, though you’re correct in theory.
Pics or Tokyo Rose never happened
I’m surprised I can’t find any moe anime depictions of her.
TR did commit treason as she gave “aid and comfort” to a foreign power that was at war with the US. Sedition is like the “assault” to treason’s “battery”.
Ah, christ, I was confused enough already before you had to drag the assault/battery distinction into this.
Her conviction on treason was for:
Her treason charge amounted to she did a thing about ships, sometime in October. Probably. Trust us. That’s a really low bar for aid and comfort. Granted, she was eventually pardoned because the charge was a pile of bullshit so large president Ford couldn’t ignore it, but my point was that while yes, you are correct on the letter of the law, politically motivated prosecutions couldn’t care less about the actual law.
Coulda been worse. AJP Taylor said this about Lord Haw Haw, whose conviction on a : “Technically, Joyce was hanged for making a false statement when applying for a passport, the usual penalty for which is a small fine.”
IIRC, that insipid hack, and Jergens Lotion pitchman Walter America’s One Man Newspaper Winchell was the prime figure barbering for the prosecution of Tokyo Rose.
Oh come now, I was just being funny
I’m not optimistic either. With very few exceptions, the entire political class (Dems, GOP, media, triple-letter agencies, etc.) wants to bury this and will do even worse in the future.
Thanks, Banjos!
This is a beautiful organized and explained summary. I share your amazement that so much of it was unearthed by nobodies.
Anyone still think there’s no Deep State?
Its even worse than the Deep State, is what this shows. Because this describes an international/globalist Deep State conspiracy, with several countries participating in the attempt to defenestrate Trump.
Remember when Napolitano alleged this early on and Fox suspended him and Reason stopped publishing his articles? Dude was right
I eagerly await Fox and Reason’s apologies.
This is just one tentacle of the Deep State. The rot is much further reaching I believe.
Wait… Sea Smith is one of those Japanese tentacle porn monsters?
You’re just now figuring that out?
I thought it was an aquatic cousin of Steve Smith. You know. Some hairy wet shaggy dog looking thing. I guess that family has really been around the block.
Thank you!
In five years time we’re all going to pretend like Amash and Reason and half of CATO always cast doubts on Russia collusion and the intelligence community. And that they just disagreed over obstruction of justice. That’s the same myth that has been built around the Iraq War. We’re supposed to pretend like all libertarians opposed that conflict when, once again, the Beltway Libertarians were all in on that conflict until it became unpopular.
Reason, Amash, CATO et. al. are so blinded by Trump hatred that they would burn their principles at the stake to “get him”. Amash’s puzzling stance on impeachment and Reason/CATO’s absurd mental gymnastics in their writing is proof of that.
Are Glibs part of “we’re”?
Fuck no.
We remember John.
He once called me an Iranian apologist (good screen name) for insisting that sanctions do not work
OT- Wapo’s adblocker-blocker has had me locked out of their website for a while. I foolishly decided to “whitelist” them to read something or other. No go. I guess they want me to completely remove Adblock from my computer. I don’t really care that much what stupid (or factually wrong) shit they have to say. I’ll just have to laugh at somebody else.
We are a Banana Republic.
And just like a proper Banana Republic, no one will be held accountable and shit like this will become more and more prevalent.
Remember this: conservatives will go back to loving the intelligence community as soon as it benefits them again. And the Beltway Libertarians will go back to hating them once the NYT tells them they’re bad again.
That’s why this is never fixed.
Sad but true.
I hope you’re wrong. But I don’t think you are
That’s funny.
Reason, Amash, CATO et. al. are so blinded by Trump hatred that they would burn their principles at the stake to “get him”. Amash’s puzzling stance on impeachment and Reason/CATO’s absurd mental gymnastics in their writing is proof of that.
We cannot allow our most important institutions to be taken over by the rabble. We need The Right People in charge. Otherwise, we’ll succumb to anarchy and chaos.
Without the right kind of top men, it’s all bad for the plebes!
As much as people trash the far-left or whatever, the antiwar Left have been doing a lot of brave journalism on this topic.
I would sooner trust The Nation, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald, and Tulsi Gabbard long before I’d ever trust some others when it comes to foreign policy and the intelligence community again
Don’t know in which camp the specific examples you gave are in, but IMHO and oversimplifying, YMMV, “the antiwar Left” come in two types: principled and R is president antiwar/D is president prowar.
Principled anti-war people of any stripe are pretty rare; principled anti-war journalists are practically unicorns.
That said, Glenn Greenwald has done a pretty good job, at least on this topic.
The Nation ran a shockingly good column about Spygate just the other day.
This is serious through-the-looking-glass stuff. I never, ever expected to be lauding anything the Nation published.
There has been an internal fight at The Nation. Whether they should stay true to their history as an antiwar publication or to say “fuck it- orange man bad”.
I think a lot of the media is in for the lies not because they think orange man is bad, but more importantly, because they have a vested interest in protecting the Obama legacy and the Clinton reputations.
That’s part of it. Another part of it is that the corporate press has always been lapdogs for the intelligence community. Some people just refuse to accept that.
Also, they’re massively complicit — they aren’t just biased, they’re materially (though not necessarily knowingly) involved in a conspiracy to overthrow democratic government. One of the central figures is a journalist. I think they’ve got a “hang together or hang separately” outlook now.
I am curious about the specific selection of people tracked and charged as part of the coup — Papadopolous might just be a random patsy, but Page was an FBI informant against some Russians, Manafort owed some Russians a lot of money, and Flynn was talking about auditing the IC, I think. It might be like that one ending to Clue, where there was a lot of incidental score settling going on.
“The Russians were just a red herring”
His report is already being proven to have been written in a way that paints Trump in as negative light as possible.
“This does not exonerate Trump of wrongdoing.” => Makes my blood boil. You are innocent until proven guilty. The end.
The report should have been about five pages, announcing that there would be no indictments, explaining the possible crimes that were considered, and stating that there was insufficient evidence to bring an indictment on those crimes.
“This does not exonerate Trump of wrongdoing”
It absolutely does exonerate him. Despite you’re adolescent attempt at make-believe.
He created a new standard where they can prove you are not not-guilty….
Let’s not forget that integral to this story is the complicity and support of the lapdog propagandists in the MSM. If they had even a shred of integrity, they’d be jumping all over this, even just from the selfish angle of trying to get the scoop. This is the story of a lifetime; it’s the kind of stuff that aspiring journalists have wet dreams about. But because of the TEAM membership of the various players, it must be ignored and covered up.
The average nobody off the street could give a pretty accurate summation of Watergate; my guess is the average nobody off the street knows almost nothing about any of this.
When has the corporate press ever questioned the intelligence community or the foreign policy establishment?
When it benefits Democrats.
They didn’t question Trump’s bombing of Syria. The UN and some other governments now say that gas attack never happened
War is the objective and it knows no party. Trump got targeted because he was an unknown quantity pushing crazy ideas like leaving NATO
They were pretty damn critical of the IC and the State Dept. when Bush 2 invaded Iraq.
After it blew-up in Bush’s face. There were exactly zero critical newspapers in the entire country. From the NYT to the WSJ- they all supported it and wrote dubious articles justifying the war. And then they rehabilitated all the people involved in that fiasco, including former FBI head Mueller who said that there were absolutely weapons of mass destruction
Agreed, but that just goes to show that TEAM trumps permanent war. Not by much mind you, but they could have kept up the charade and pumping up the war to fill Lockheed’s coffers for an arbitrary amount of time. When they sensed an opportunity to destroy an ideological enemy, they couldn’t help themselves.
None of this is to argue that the establishment doesn’t love war. They love it so, so, so much; they just love Team Blue war more than Team Red war.
Just about every IC in the world believed Saddam had NBC weapons. Even people in his own government believed that. The story is he wanted people to believe he had the weapons so he still had some influence.
all in order to cover-up the Obama Admin’s and intelligence community’s malfeasance and massive abuse of power
Yup. Mueller was charged with investigating collusion by the Trump campaign with the Russians, and was empowered (illegally, under the rules for special prosecutors) with investigating anything else that came up. The Steele dossier, with its connections to both the Hillary campaign and the Russians, came up immediately. Yet he never investigated the actual Russian collusion that came up while investigating Trump.
Well that was Russians colluding with the wrong people!
I’d give a testicle* to be allowed to question Mueller under oath.
*Its cool, I’ve got a spare.
He’d commit perjury without batting an eye. And the “establishment” would let it slide “for the sake of the stability of the Republic”. Just like they’re going to let all the rest of this shit slide for the same horseshit reasons.
He’d commit perjury without batting an eye.
Opening yet more lines of questioning. Prepping for an extended interrogation would be a lot of work, but there’s enough out there that I think it would be difficult to get away with telling a significant lie.
The smart thing for him would be to plead the Fifth, but he’s probably too arrogant for that.
I get what you’re saying and I’m not trying to be argumentative, but the substance of any testimony, the lies, the “getting away with” is a foregone conclusion. It would be a show trial, but with innocence predetermined instead of guilt.
All of this is built on the supposition that The Process works for our rulers the same way it works for us. It doesn’t. It’s a farce. Mueller is part of the untouchable Elite. He could admit under oath that he fabricated the entire thing and nothing would happen. He wouldn’t be prosecuted, the media would ignore it, the general populace would remain ignorant and complacent and a little bit more power would be centralized in the permanent bureaucracy.
And this is why he held his little press conference – he really, really doesn’t want to have to take an oath to talk about this stuff.
The whole point of a press conference is to control the press. Forty yeas ago journalists knew that and only the lowest on the totem pole of any news organization would go to them. Now they’re all like “OOH, a press conference! Look how important I am to be chosen to cover it!”
Like I said: we’re a Banana Republic. We have rules for the Elites and rules for the Little People. Herself’s “private server” proved that beyond all doubt.
I wouldn’t want to question him to get him indicted, necessarily. I’d be after public humiliation. Indictments would just be the icing on the cake.
But, RC, our media is committed to revealing all the news that’s fit to print. And that isn’t fit to print.
You mean they are going to hide news that hurts team blue’s narrative and make up bad stories about team red?
Honestly a lot of this stuff is moot. The objective of this farce has been met. In five years we will be embroiled in a proxy war in Ukraine. We’re arming them now and have advisers on the ground.
The best you can hope for are low level prosecutions. It’s already game, set, match
In five years the Ukraine will be covered in a shroud of Chernobyl fallout and it will all be Trump’s fault. But that will be the perfect place to send a lot of Deep Staters.
No love for Groovus?
Anyone ever hear from him?
That, or he already knew that none of it was actually even sourced to any Russians. Could have been pure fabrication, for all we know, and that would make the FBI look even worse, probably.
Any guesses on the relationship between the content of this article and John Durham’s report to Attorney General Barr?
Fat Jerry Nadler’s first witness in his farcical hearings regarding Mueller? John Dean. In 2019, John fucking Dean, I shit you not.
*thinks to self, “not that John Dean”*
*clicks link*
James Dean?
Jimmy Dean’s?
Fat Jerry does look like he enjoys the sausage.
(I’ll let you interpret that as you will)
Jimmy Dean. He’s gonna serve some frozen boxed lunches, straight from Parris Island.
I would have guessed he was dead.
/sigh. Another porn star is involved with all of this…
My suggestion for Trump:
Pardon Flynn, and make him National Security Adviser. He must have a serious hate on for the intelligence community, and would be just the guy to let off the leash to clean it up some.
They’d refuse to grant him a security clearance, then use the media to run the denial against Flynn and Trump.
Trump can give him the clearance, too. Any non-cooperation would just be more fuel for the fire of tearing out the leadership of the agencies.
I’d also add, look at the principals in this story. The truly remarkable part of the story is how insular the whole FBI/DOJ cadre was in managing the whole thing. If you look, the same people were front and center of the Clinton e-mail investigation as were the FBI/DOJ cast of characters from the Trump investigation. To top it off, one of the FBI players even saw his wife’s political campaign get donations from the Clintons. And let’s also not forget, the same characters from the intelligence community were the guys Snowden’s whistle-blowing revealed to be perjurers.
Don’t get me started on the connections between the media and the political establishment.
Hell, Comey was involved in investigations of the Clintons from way back that somehow never came to anything, and did a very well paid stint at some company run by big-time Clinton supporters. He’s been carrying their water (and getting paid for it) for years.
“how insular the whole FBI/DOJ cadre was in managing the whole thing”
This is a wider problem in society the “fix” for which is not clear to me. Most of us tend to gravitate to people who either think in a very similar way OR who don’t say a whole lot on matters that really mean a lot to us. I’m not a psychologist, but I assume a lot of this is connected to humanity’s evolution since, for most of human history, survival was dependent on a cohesive group. Even on this site, where there are a lot of different opinions, they are different within a fairly narrow range. And, why I think people like The Hyperbole, HM, and Don Escaped Texas bring extra-value to the discussions here.
That said, I think the incestuousness of the political establishment is a problem but (a) I think it mirrors society as a whole and (b) I don’t know how to change it.
Hawaiian deep dish is the best.
Big tits > big ass.
Both correct.
Nice job, boys.
I don’t think it’s fixable. There is (axiomatically) no political system that can sustain forever (destruction of the Sun/heat death of the universe and all that); but I posit that there is no political system that can sustain over anthropological time scales either.
See vignette #1 (shameless self-promotion).
Considering what site this is, if governance was devolved and/or eliminated so that each group could live as they want or close to it while somehow still being part of a cohesive whole, then how much of the problem do you (or other Glibs) think would remain? Some of the communities at the time of what Australians call War of the Insurrection (the American Revolution to US Glibs) had oppressive regimes of Church as State. They formed a union.
The “problem” is built into the human mind. War of all against all. The history of humanity is written in blood; at the core, we’re just animals trapped in a pit killing each other for scraps.
If that were true, then we would all be solitary predators. Outside of the hyper-introvert, autist hive that is Glibs, human beings have the ability and inclination to cooperate to accomplish goals for mutual benefit, as packs of primates are wont to do (e.g., a bonobo orgy).
Yet (several, many, don’t know) Glibs (based on comments) appear to hold management/supervisory positions for multiple years without being fired. That would indicate that these “hyper-introverts” can at least con their underlings ” to cooperate to accomplish goals” that benefit the Glibs’ performance evaluations. Not counting UCS who does not get performance evaluations and is almost invulnerable to being fired.
Something, something, land of the blind, something, something one-eyed kings.
I’ll rephrase: war of all tribes against all tribes in which the tribes are mutable and often arbitrary.
Now, that is a true statement.
Two Tribes
Yeah, most are drones that sell off their individuality to belong to one group or another. We here are all Tulpas too!
I think geography makes it extremely difficult. That is, say you had something fairly close to anarchy where all services were provided by private transactions. Let’s use an obscure example, like, umm, a road. I think the general anarcho-capitalist argument is that you build a through road by buying land at fair market prices along the planned route. But what happens if one (or more) people refuse to sell such that it negates the road project? In theory, the road would detour and still be built.
Unfortunately, I think it more likely that the road builders would use non-violent coercion (e.g. refusing access to a water pipe) to the recalcitrant landowner.
In 17th century Massachusetts, this is how the general government got the Salem church to get rid of Roger Williams.
That said, an overall reduction in the size and scope of the state would, in theory, reduce the coercive power and also this clustering effect. But, at this point in American society, far too many people consider too many things to be public goods. So, for example, I don’t see any way to convince people that it makes sense to sell off most of the BLM lands.
Are you one of those libertarians who are anti-shaming? That not only do people have a right to do what they want, but they have a right to a “safe space” to not hear that someone else thinks it is wrong?
If so, it is odd that you would being Roger Williams into it. He wanted to lure the “White” misfits from the rest of the “New World” to where he could convert the heathen by persuasion.
Also, would you please elaborate on the “non-violent coercion” the Board of Governors used on the faux Church of England that resulted in banishment effective six weeks from September 13, 1635 and those pot-luck parties that kept Cambridge graduate (on a scholarship) Roger, Mary, and their then-only child (unborn) fed until he fled on the night of January 11/12, 1636 to survive traveling on foot for 14 weeks of winter?
“for most of human history, survival was dependent on a cohesive group.”
I would rephrase that as “cohesive groups.”
In other words, I don’t think a giant organization is cohesive enough to survive very long (relative to its size). A group has to be cohesive AND adaptable to survive. That’s what should infuriate a lot of GOP’ers with the Never Trumpers – the GOP would never have won without Trump basically pounding cracking that cohesion to keep it relevant; the party before Trump was incapable of adapting from within and its cohesion restricted its ability to bring in new people.
Individuals, at least in the US, seem to know instinctively that they need to be in a group or several groups, but they also know they need to be ready to abandon a group when it refuses to adapt, or when the group’s cohesion threatens the once-safe individual member. This site is an example of that – once the commenters called out a few writers at TOS for their Trump Derangement, the rest of TOS doubled-down in protecting their “elite” members and started advocating extremely anti-liberty positions. But it sure exposed most of them as simple Kultur Kampf -ists (like Postrel) whose libertarianism was nothing but a marriage of convenience.
Well, yes. I should have phrased my original statement differently i.e. “for most of human history, an individual’s survival was dependent on being part of a cohesive group.” Thus, there is no limit to the number of groups there might be, at least in theory. In reality, I think you get fewer groups as smaller groups form alliances across common ground. Those alliances are not necessarily permanent (e.g. the Era of Good Feelings shatters in 1824). This is one reason, I think, why the American 2-party system has problems, which come from the first past the post system. In the UK & Australia, preferential voting leaves room for smaller parties/groups to emerge and influence policy.
“whose libertarianism was nothing but a marriage of convenience.”
I’m not sure I agree with this – at least not in all cases. While I’m not a Marxist, I do think the idea of dialecticism has some value. Ideas tend to form in one situation and then they adapt and modify to new circumstances.
Don’t forget the side story of “Russian hacking” into the DNC. Which I do believe was originally entirely unrelated to spygate.
My basic theory is that:
1. A DNC insider stole some documents and offered to give/sell a lot more to Wikileaks.
2. Somebody got wind of it (possibly through monitoring of Wikileaks) and tipped off the DNC.
3. Crowdstrike was hired to handle the problem and found evidence of successful pfishing attacks on the DNC, but did not know about the insider. This is why they did not immediately clean up the system by resetting all passwords, reviewing access levels, etc.
4. The insider stole a shit-ton of documents right from under Crowdstrike’s nose and gave them to Wikileaks.
5. The inside theft was covered up using the previous outside attacks. The FBI was never allowed access to the servers, and was later given logs and disk copies, easily cleaned up first.
6. The DNC attack was conveniently rolled into the “Russian collusion” story.
What happened to Seth Rich is very bizarre and it annoys me that it’s been relegated to tinfoil hat territory.
Reducing disagreement with the received narrative to a conspiracy theory is the preferred method of enforcing conformity among the U.S. clerisy.
What’s even more bizarre is the abject uncuriousness of his family.
Were they paid off? Threatened? Or are they just that credulous?
Threatened. Credibly, I am sure, seeing as the people threatening them just left Seth Rich facedown in the street.
While fiction, M. Todd Henderson’s Mental State may be not too far off from how the Deep State operates.
Especially considering that Assange and Wikileaks strongly implied that he was the source. Maybe that was just misdirection, even though that would seem to be out of character for them. But it certainly warrants investigation, does it not?
And then we also have Seymour Hersh on tape claiming to have an inside source saying that Rich stole the documents. Well, maybe he’s wrong, but again, doesn’t it warrant investigation? Doesn’t it help move it out of tin foil territory, and into the realm of possibility?
7. The inside leaker is conveniently killed in a “botched robbery” where absolutely nothing was stolen.
8. When asked by the FBI if they coulld take a look at the servers to get on some investigation to find the culprits, the Wasserman-Shutlz’s DNC absolutely told them to go pound sand.
The report should have been about five pages, announcing that there would be no indictments, explaining the possible crimes that were considered, and stating that there was insufficient evidence to bring an indictment on those crimes.
Did Donald Trump conspire with the Russian government to illegally manipulate the electoral process? No.
The End.
OT: Any guesses on what’s wrong when a top-loading washing machine makes noises as though a load is unbalanced when i is balanced, moves forward by itself, and finishes with the load still dripping wet?
You need to work harder at satisfying your wife?
I dunno man, if she finishes dripping wet after making crazy, unbalanced noises and moving forward (ie: pushing back) I’d say you did a pretty good job.
A picture that works both with the comment and the topic at hand.
If he were alive today, MLK would admit to eating ass.
Is eating ass controversial now?
*slinks into the corner*
I would hope he would take issue with “reporters” recently running with FBI notes alleging a lot more than eating ass.
The need to trust the police at face value is perhaps the most cancerous attribute about America
You dare disparage the probity of J. Edgar?
The fact that the man was an absolute poon assassin only makes me respect him more.
I heard he probed quite a few things.
Eating ass, nice ass that is, is a sign of class.
The “reporter” was (until recently) a fairly well regarded historian. And I remember reading the transcripts were independently proven to be accurate transcriptions of the wiretaps. Well before this came up.
So are we at the point where the FBI can illegally wiretap you and we all just ignore that so long as they found something juicy? Because I think that is the reality we are approaching. The notion that the FBI should be allowed to keep recordings and notes about illegal surveillance is exactly how we all end-up living under a police state.
I don’t believe anything unless I hear the recordings my self and I can verify that they have not been doctored
Well as far as I know, MLK is not being charged with anything. So even though what the FBI did was despicable, if the transcript is an accurate rendition of what happened, then it is the truth but it still does not take away from the good MLK did. It just gives a more accurate picture of the man.
And I was more commenting on the fact the historian was well regarded until he reported this
Is it new? I recall my machine going nuts because a shipping bolt was still in it. Once I removed, it worked fine.
Thermostat, every time.
Did you check it BTW?
I had one that need a stability platform.
Make sure it is level.
The basket is suspended from the top at the four corners. If one corner has come loose, you could have those symptoms.
This is a wider problem in society the “fix” for which is not clear to me. Most of us tend to gravitate to people who either think in a very similar way OR who don’t say a whole lot on matters that really mean a lot to us. I’m not a psychologist, but I assume a lot of this is connected to humanity’s evolution since, for most of human history, survival was dependent on a cohesive group.
And this, I believe, is why the left’s obsession with enforced “diversity” is not just misguided, it’s actively destructive.
I don’t want transgender people who are not also qualified engineers designing bridges I might drive over.
To paraphrase someone, somewhere I don’t remember: when you’re boarding a 747, you don’t care what color the pilot is, you just want him to know what he’s doing.
If the twig and berries are still attached, it’s still sir and not before!
Twig and berries? Is that like frank and beans?
That’s because I don’t fly Government Airlines. If my only choice was GovAir, I’d walk.
o/t: Minnesoda Glibs, you have much to be proud of. Not only is the City of Minneapolis holding a series of segregated “sacred discussions” on the legacy of slavery for municipal workers, they go to true Woke Speed by specifying “black bodied staff” and “white bodied staff”.
*drives forehead through desk*
Seriously, who the hell talks that way?? What is the point of the obsession with “bodies”? Is this just all based on some horseshit from Ta-Nehisi Coates’ silly book?
Also, I guess the Latinos get the day off?
Yes. They and the asians (both south and SE types) will be having a bbq over at Bde Maka Ska. Should be fun.
I have to admit, I think “Bde Maka Ska” is fun to say. You can even do a Looney Tunes riff with it: bde bde bde, maka ska!
Was there even any point in history where Minnesota was slave territory?
Nope. Minnesota wasn’t even a state until 1858.
No, and apparently they’re ashamed of it.
Which Indian tribes used to control the area?
Whichever one managed to enslave the others, why?
This proggie obsession with segregating people by skin color is getting kind of scary. This isn’t going the right direction.
What do you care? You think you’re going to escape the gulags? You’re going down with the rest of us.
We’ll get segregated for thought crimes, but at least we’ll be ethnically and racially diverse.
(P.S.- on the bright side, I imagine Q will smuggle in some girly pics)
Q’s guards will be a hairy trannies with implants.
Uh, I was hoping for something a little more diverse.
Dusky, even…
Impressive work
Bingo. That’s diversity, there.
What were we talking about again?
When we all do get sent away to the gulags, I suggest we occupy our time by having a mean spirited debate about pizza or something obscure like how a proper gulag would be run under a free market system
“I’m gonna stop calling you a white man. And I’m gonna ask you to stop calling me a black man.”
He’s right.
Morgan’s not interested in running for anything, is he? Could use some more of that kind of thinking.
Of course, collectivist bullshit isn’t confined to the progs.
Somalis have Changed Minneapolis
Spare yourself the comments. I’m not a fan of what has happened in Minneapolis, but this is how things turn ugly.
but this is how things turn ugly.
Sigh. Yes and no. Obviously, it’s not right or fair to blame all Somalis in Minneapolis for these things. But, honestly, I don’t really think that is how things turn ugly. People’s sense of fairness, comparable to what you’ve just expressed here provides a counterweight to these urges. I think things get ugly when the things the author describes get brushed under the rug.
I mostly meant the comments. I agree with you that underreporting, undercharging (or not charging at all) is a huge problem.
If you want racial violence and death squads, that’s a good start.
Remember, the criminal justice system isn’t there to protect us from criminals, its there to protect criminals from us.
Another view on the UBI.
DRTA, but my two objections to UBI (and I doubt shared by Glibs) are:
(1) It is being sold as to help the poor. If so, above poverty line gets $0. This puts a crimp in the “U.”
(2) Do not pay for it by taxes or the kind of borrowing to be repaid by taxes. Make it a government-run entitlement which is funded by voluntary donation. Seriously. A government-run program that does not make itself a monopoly by making competition illegal that redistributes only the wealth voluntarily given to it is (in principle, DI the D) OK with me.
Work or Die.
Don’t worry when these idiots force their crazy economic ideas on the rest of and collapse modern society, nature will make sure of this…
I think Bryan agrees with you, as did I on my SLD thread.
Also 2 Thessalonians 3:10
I think it gets even better in the next verses.
We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12 Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat.
I just wonder who Occupy Thessalonica was protesting.
as did I on my SLD thread.
Yes you did.
I just wanted to reiterate the point.
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”
Here in VA, Gov. Coonman has wasted no time in attempting to exploit the VB shooting, recalling the General Assembly to try to ram through a gun control bill. Wanna know what it will encompass? Well, this:
“Northam said he is summoning the Republican-controlled Virginia General Assembly to consider what he describes as “common-sense public safety laws” — including universal background checks; bans on assault-style weapons and bump stocks, as well as sound suppressors like the one used in the Virginia Beach shooting; requirements to report lost or stolen firearms; and expanded authority for local municipalities to regulate firearms, including in government buildings.”
IOW, not a fucking thing that would have made a damned bit of difference.
It makes a difference as a distraction from his colossal media screwups.
not a fucking thing that would have made a damned bit of difference.
Called it.
That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed;
Good luck with those court challenges by GOA and VCDL.
Well https://americanmilitarynews.com/2019/06/supreme-court-to-rule-on-us-army-vets-unconstitutional-gun-suppressor-this-week-after-national-controversy
So maybe the nfa part will be gutted?
Justice Penaltax will do handsprings to make sure that those blatantly unconstitutional laws aren’t struck down.
Yeah, I know…
It’s not about making a difference. As Suthen hammers repeatedly, they’re liars. Their only goal is to incrementally restrict and ban firearms. The fact that their “commonsense” restrictions don’t work is a feature, not a bug. Oh, didn’t work, just have to move onto more gun control. ‘Sorry gun owner useful idiots, we tried it your way and it didn’t work.’
When the General Assembly convenes, they should immediately hold hearings on the Governor, Lt. Governor, and whoever else was involved in The Amazing Disappearing Blackface Scandal. Tell the Gov they’ll get right to voting down his bill when they’re done finding out just what happened.
That’s like when Ben Cardin called for a ban on AR-15s in Maryland after that guy shot up the Capital-Gazette office here in Annapolis. With a shotgun.
Shotguns are nowhere near as dangerous as AR-15’s.
When was the last time you heard of someone shooting a shotgun getting PTSD from that first shot? Have you ever seen a shotgun fired at full-semiauto?
That’s right! The answer to both those questions is never, since shotguns can’t do those things, and AR-15’s can.
You NRA shills’ house of cards just fell like dominos…. Check and mate!
Was there even any point in history where Minnesota was slave territory?
Do tax cattle count?
The Feds only allow me to deduct 3/5 of my state taxes now.
OT: 3 hours+ of conference calls so far today. Can I jump back into the mosh pit instead?
Hey, some good news for a change!
Jeff Weiner
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Breaking: FDLE announces the arrest of Scot Peterson, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School SRO whose response to the Parkland massacre has been heavily criticized, on charges including child neglect and perjury
12:12 PM – 4 Jun 2019
About damn time.
I’m curious about their child neglect charge.
I think they are going to have a hard time arguing that an LEO is “responsible for a child’s welfare”, since they don’t have a legal duty to protect anyone from criminals. IF they can get past that, I think they’ve got a case.
Weirdly, I think shooting a child constitutes child abuse under that part of the statute. I wonder how often they charge someone who shoots a child with child abuse, in addition to murder or attempted murder?
They can’t get him on that. Which is fine with me since it will highlight the fact that LEO’s have no legal obligation to protect you once again.
Of course, I don’t know if anyone is going to pay attention.
I haven’t seen the complaint, so I don’t know what the charges are connected to.
However, this asshole was integral in covering up Cruz’s criminal behavior, which led to him being able to buy a gun.
He drank gasoline and punched his terminally ill mother in the face. Peterson took no action. There were 17? separate incidents.
This guy had special permission from the state to carry a loaded gun on campus.
Presumably, to protect the children.
Good, now do Sheriff Israel.
That’s Mr. Israel to you.
Child neglect seems like a huge stretch.