Spygate can make your head swim if you get too far into the weeds for those with an intense interest let alone a passing one.  Hopefully, providing a simple summary will help clarify the conspiracy especially with the pending declassification of many documents related to the Russian collusion hoax and the release of Inspector General Horowitz’s report on FISA abuse.

Spygate has been covered by a few mainstream journalists such as John Solomon and Sara Carter, covered extensively by Dan Bongino (former secret service agent and current pundit and Fox News contributor) who has written a book on the subject with another follow-up book set to be released in October, and covered by various open source citizen journalists some of which are anonymous.  Although some of the conspiracy has been exposed by inside sources, what’s incredible is how much has been exposed by open source journalism.


A summary of the theorized events:

  • The NSA database was searched for political purposes by private contractors (one of which is theorized to be Fusion GPS).  Mike Rogers (former director of the NSA) discovers the illegal use of the database and shuts it down.  Ten days after the election Rogers visits Trump and warns Trump of the spying, the next day Trump evacuates Trump Tower and calls come out for Rogers to be fired.
  • After getting shutdown, Obama’s admin switches over to other means of spying via the abuse of the FISA courts based off of a political opposition research dossier written by Christopher Steele (a former MI6 spy) which was funded by Fusion GPS (headed by Glenn Simpson) who was hired by the law firm Perkins Coie hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Remarkably, Steele’s Dossier has a hell of a lot of similarities to an article written by Glenn Simpson back in 2007.  Steele leaks his own dossier to the media, the media articles are then used by the FBI to corroborate the information in Steele’s dossier to obtain the FISA warrants on Carter Page (a former foreign-policy adviser to Trump who was never charged with a crime).  It is also believed that other FISA warrants existed targeting others including Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, and George Papadopolous.
  • Speaking of George Papadopolous, the FBI’s official story is that Crossfire Hurricane (the official name of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s campaign) was allegedly started when: Alexander Downer (a former Australian diplomat) claimed that George Papadopolous (a former foreign policy adviser for Trump’s 2016 campaign), while drunk at a bar, told him that Joseph Mifsud (a Maltese academic with allegedly high level connections to Russia) told Papadopolous Russia has dirt on Hillary in the form of thousands of her hacked emails.  Papadopolous claims he was not drunk and had one drink and he never mentioned anything about his meeting with Mifsud and the information given to him regarding Russia and Hillary’s emails.
  • Papadopolous was setup.  Mifsud worked for western intelligence, had no Russian connections, and the meetings with both him and Downer were orchestrated.  Mifsud had Papadopolous meet with a woman that he claimed was Putin’s niece.  Needless to say, she was not Putin’s niece.  While in Israel, Papadopolous is offered $10,000 in US cash by Charles Tawil (an Israeli American businessman).  He thought the incident was bizarre and proceeds to leave the $10,000 with his lawyer in Greece before returning back to the US.  On return, he was stopped at the airport and is detained and searched.  He is then arrested without a warrant, an indictment or criminal complaint.  Coincidentally, you are required by law to declare that you have more than $10,000 in cash on you when you enter the US.  Almost as if they searched him for the money, did not find it and then scrambled and arrested him and threw charges together after the fact.  Papadopolous was ultimately charged with a process crime for lying to the FBI and was sentenced to 14 days in jail.  He claims his charges are related to misremembering the date he spoke to Mifsud.
  • FBI director James Comey was fired by Trump after Trump’s frustration of being told privately by Comey that he was not under investigation and refusing to tell the public.  Which led to the hiring of former FBI director Bob Mueller by former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein as special counsel to investigate the matter.  Mueller proceeded to investigate Trump and Russian interference for two years knowing full well that Russian collusion was a hoax and did not inform the public until after the Midterm election when his investigation concluded.
  • The Mueller investigation was a cover-up, an attempt to find anything on Trump, coordinate leaks with the media to turn the public against him, pressure him to “obstruct justice” or claim he did with weak allegations in order to setup an impeachment all in order to cover-up the Obama Admin’s and intelligence community’s malfeasance and massive abuse of power.  His report is already being proven to have been written in a way that paints Trump in as negative light as possible.


There is much I left out to try to simplify the events as best as I could.  If you are interested in more details here are two videos one by Dan Bongino from last November and one recently from Tracy Diaz who do a fantastic summary of events.

Hold on to your seats.  The next few months are going to be completely insane if the full story comes to light.