Man am I tired. Have some links. I’ll try to remember to actually embed hotlinks in all of them today. No promises.
Wow, they just arrested the Florida SRO who did nothing during the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting on “culpable negligence”.
Qatar bans homosexuality. I think that worked in Cuba and North Korea, too. Duterte should try it in the Philippines.
Bottom story of the day.
Lol, greatest Grindr hookup story yet.
400 men are murdered a year in Chicago and its just background. Fifty women get strangled the same way since 2001 and its news.
You mean they allowed homosexuality in the 1st place? That’s surprising.
Oh, go ahead and TURN THAT ISH UP !
Nice tune
The article might give an impression that the ban has just been introduced, but male sodomy has been outlawed in Qatar for a long time.
Interestingly, same-sex sexual activity was legalized in the Ottoman Empire in 1858 and remained legal in Turkey since then.
“Jimmy, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”
First thought of mine too.
Sex on top of an ottoman can be difficult and you’ll often fall off. Best to stay on the davenport.
I once had sex with a girl while she was doing a very convincing impression of a credenza.
Just take your F-ing keys. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
The best part of Qatar outlawing homosexuality is that, at the same time, Al Jazeera was celebrating Pride Month.
Details here. Posturing for the West on one hand, doing something else entirely at home on the other hand.
That link seems very familiar.
Like I actually click on the links?
But I clicked on yours.
*runs off crying *
Was Al Jazeera also condemning Georgia for abortion laws?
Good lord, that article leaves no stone unturned when it comes to how horrible America is.
I don’t understand how AL Jazeera and RT aren’t treated like propaganda arms of their respective governments
I thought the anti-Russian paranoia of the last three years had achieved that for RT.
“culpable negligence”
Yeah, we’ll see.
Was he not given some kind of stand down order?
Nope, at least not until the shooting had already ended.
The whole thing was badly botched. The Captain in charge of the site incorrectly ordered a perimeter to be set up instead of confronting the shooter. Luckily the shooter’s gun had already jammed by then, and he had left. The first cops in weren’t even BSO, they were from a different county/city (Miami-Dade/Coral Gables).
I can’t remember any cop being charged for failing to do his job. I find this remarkable.
A civil case against the SRO has already been dismissed because the police have no duty to protect.
If the criminal case can somehow show he had a duty to protect, that would bring the civil case back into play.
He has no duty. This is well established although not well known to the public partially because the police like to pretend otherwise.
It seems straightforward.
So, this looks like the system is using “the process is the punishment” against one of its own.
It must be a bargaining chip of some kind.
To Protect* and to Serve**
* our pensions
** our own interests
Was he under standing orders that he disobeyed?
“A lawyer for Facebook argued in court Wednesday that the social media site’s users “have no expectation of privacy.” “
Please, please, puh-LEEZE tell me that the presiding judge responded “Well, duh.”
Wow, they just arrested the Florida SRO who did nothing during the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting on “culpable negligence”.
That’s odd, because he didn’t “negligently” fail to go into the school and confront the shooter, he did it quite intentionally.
Promoted from the dedthred:
I’m curious about their child neglect charge.
I think they are going to have a hard time arguing that an LEO is “responsible for a child’s welfare”, since they don’t have a legal duty to protect anyone from criminals. If they can get past that, I think they’ve got a case.
Weirdly, I think shooting a child constitutes child abuse under that part of the statute. I wonder how often they charge someone who shoots a child with child abuse, in addition to murder or attempted murder?
In the article he’s referred to as a “school security officer”. So if he’s employed by the school to provide security to the students, wouldn’t that make him an “other person responsible for a child’s welfare”?
He’s an LEO, regardless of who employs him or his title. The school is government agency itself, don’t forget.
We’ll see, of course, whether there is a special duty imposed only on SROs to protect someone.
Pretty sure he was employed by the sheriff’s office with a special dispensation for being on school grounds.
OMWC’s dream job. Provided it’s elementary school.
I may be wrong, but if I recall correctly: the “school resource officer” was employed by the Broward [county] Sheriff’s Office. Said sheriff was suspended for the remainder of his term of office by the incoming governor after the November 2016 election. The governor also appointed an interim replacement. The suspension was upheld by a vote of the Cabinet. Said ex-sheriff sued. Judge said (summarizing, but not by much) that governor had sufficient grounds as defined by law to suspend, law gives ex-sheriff right to appeal to cabinet, cabinet voted already, next case.
2018, not 2016
He had special permission from the state to carry a loaded gun on campus; presumably, to protect the children.
Fun fact: The cop has a gun to protect himself…from you.
They might have a shot at this.
I get that LEOs at large aren’t responsible for an individuals safety, but this guy was specifically designated as a “protector” at the school.
Also from the dead thread:
I haven’t seen the complaint, so I don’t know what the charges are connected to.
However, this asshole was integral in covering up Cruz’s criminal behavior, which led to him being able to buy a gun.
He drank gasoline and punched his terminally ill mother in the face. Peterson took no action. There were 17? separate incidents. Had he followed through on a single one of them, the shooting would never have happened.
This kid literally said “I’m going to shoot up the school.”
People who knew him literally said “He’s going to shoot up the school.”
Imagine being so bad at your job that you have 17 chances to stop a school shooting, and you still fail.
I hope this haunts him for the rest of his life, prison or not.
And for fucks sake, strip him of his right to carry.
In re: the last sentence,
This guy retired with a full pension and coverage under LEOSA. Fucking bullshit.
One of these things is not like the other:
“strip him of his right to carry.”
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
By the way, any pro-2A Glibs want to bring back Militias (and do not tell me that the American National Guard counts)?
I’m already in one.
You can check here:
“all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service.”
I think I am too old now, so may no longer be a part of the militia.
Bring them back? They never went anywhere. There are plenty of private militias with no government support. There may not be any in your particular area, but they’re still around.
Legally defined, I believe as every adult male under the age of 45(?).
It varies by state. Pennsylvania is rather inclusive:
You can also form private militias in Pennsylvania as well, though I’m not sure about other states, and the federal government is another beast altogether.
Are you saying I am STILL going to be getting deployed to Iran?
I stand corrected. CNN FOIA’d the 911 calls for the Cruz household.
There were FORTY FIVE (45) calls, not 17.
And never arrested because the sheriff’s office and the school district had a deal to suppress minority arrest numbers for federal dollars.
For a kid who wasn’t even a minority, just because he had a Spanish surname.
On paper, who can tell?
Overcharge/mischarge so he walks?
I’m sure that’s the plan.
Qatar bans homosexuality.
I wonder wha TYT thinks about this.
They’d rather Qatar ban Armenians.
Tard Tuesday: Why Can’t We Have Both Corruption and Stupidity?
AOC smart, charismatic, unabashed advocate for progressive policies
I laughed.
does anyone thing that it’s remotely plausibly that AOC is actually harboring homophobic or bigoted viewpoints?
Homophobic? Probably not. Bigoted? I would bet a large sum of my own money she is on the white male privilege bandwagon, which is absolutely racial and sexual bigotry.
Have you heard the bullshit she’s spewing about climate change?
Not only do the policies she advocates for disparately harm minorities and the poor, she basically talks about them with all the paternalistic condescension of a British aristocrat being posted to Pakistan.
Difference being, the British colonial worthies of old generally improved the lands they ruled, though clearly we can question the methods, justifications, morality, etc of it all. What prog scum like AOC advocate will drastically worsen the lives of the people they mean to rule.
” What prog scum like AOC advocate will drastically worsen the lives of the people…”
…who voted for them.
Even in a shitty democracy people should get what they want once in a while.
“I can handle things! I’m smart! Not dumb, like everybody says, I’m smart and I want respect!”
“And doggone it, people like me.”
Stop and think for a second: does anyone thing that it’s remotely plausibly that AOC is actually harboring homophobic or bigoted viewpoints? Come on…
I’m going to try the same approach the next time a white male is accused of being a racist. I’m sure everyone will accept this argument alone and move on.
Pelosi is a great leader and legislator.
I read this as “lying, conniving, pol”.
e really need to fall into the “pick a side” trap between so-called “establishment” Dems and so-called “AOC wing” of the party?
So, you DU and Kos types are going to stop primarying establishment dems who have a chance of winning their general elections? Progs are going to give their primary votes to the candidate who is polling highest to beat Trump in the general?
Nope, didn’t think so. That’s called reality. The only trap is the one progs are setting for themselves.
What do you do when your enemy is making a mistake? Let him.
Dude, gimme a DU trigger warning. I just got brain cancer.
You couldn’t hover over the link?
Not on my phone.
On both my phone and tablet, one can press and hold on the link, and eventually a dialog box will come up including the URL.
“The next Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission meeting will be held on the following date: Meeting Date: June 4-5, 2019 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.” “Wow, they just arrested the Florida SRO who did nothing during the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting on ‘culpable negligence’.” Is the timing a coincidence?
For once, it’s a coincidence. They’ve been having those “meetings” regularly since the shooting. The meetings continue to be worthless and dumb though.
18 hours of meetings. Yeesh.
So the word came down from high at my new employer…
All employees will take Unconscious Bias training.
I scheduled myself for the earliest class that has an opening.
This should be pretty interesting.
Suggestions as to what sorts of innocent questions I can ask that torpedo any racism or sexism on the part of presenters will be very helpful. 8)
“Should we allow homeless people into the building to use the restroom?”
“Follow up: Can these homeless people use whichever bathroom corresponds with the gender of their choosing?”
Ask the presenter what their cut is.
“As somebody who has temporary power over me and whether I get to keep my job, can you explain how your unconscious bias is impacting me right now?”
“If we eliminate racism and sexism, you’d be out of a job, right? So it’s in your interest to make sure we never eliminate racism and sexism. That being the case, anything you say here today is likely to increase racism and sexism. Well, I have to tell you, I don’t condone that sort of behavior.”
I like this one.
Just use reductio ad absurdum, which admittedly won’t be hard.
I bet you can find conflicting guidelines from the bias training and the employee handbook within a few minutes.
Why does it matter to the company if I’m biased while asleep?
Go to the training, and fall asleep. If anyone complains, tell them you weren’t conscious for the Unconscious Bias Training, just like the title says.
Actually, it’s a webinar, but there are tests at the beginning and the end. So I’ll be at my desk.
I may write it up as it’s happening a la Mythical Libertarian Woman’s series on Charmed.
Or I may just have it playing in the background while I get work done, keeping an ear peeled for the quizzes.
We had a sexual harassment e-module at my last company. There were little videos that you were supposed to learn from, then tests given.
I turned the volume down on the videos and supplied my own dialog. Mine was better.
(note: the tests were easy, the answer is always, “If you’re not sure, contact your supervisor or HR.”)
Pro Tip. Most, but not all, will allow subtitles for the hearing impaired. Avoids tha bad acting and some will let you click through the pages of subtitles.
You can get through them in about 25% of the time, but it seems the production companies have begun to get wise to this.
I looked up the company providing it. It’s Cook Ross.
It looks like they use a pretest and a post-test to identify how biased you are. One fellow who wrote up his experience said that he was diagnosed as having anti-female bias because it took him longer to connect “woman” to “work” than “man”.
Must be nice to have no scruples, allowing you to run scams like this.
it took him longer to connect “woman” to “work” than “man”.
Because it takes women forever to get ready to go to work, amirite?
Whenever we have the annual sexual harassment e-module (no doubt the same as yours) I can only get through it by singing the ‘Sexual Harassment Panda” song as the slides progress.
Who lives out east ‘neath the willow tree,
Sexual Harassment Pan-da.
Who explains sexual harassment to you and me,
Sexual Harassment Pan-da.
I did a lot of brown-chicken-brown-cow.
“Say, Amanda, I hadn’t noticed before, but your tits are quite the perky pair!”
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Freekus! I try to take good care of them.”
“I do have a concern, though. Were you aware that unusually shapely breasts are one of the seven warning signals of cancer? Now, I have some training here and would be willing, because of your health and safety, not to mention your indispensable role in this company, to give them a close examination.”
“Mr. Freekus, I am touched at your solicitude.”
Who do you think needs this training the most and why?
I know how to handle the test: don’t bother reading the description of any hypothetical scenario, just pick the answer with the most racist/sexist/homophobic/etc. accusations.
“I am actually a deep voiced woman.”
Does this dress make me look fat?
You’re not gonna believe this. Jill Filipovic has an opinion about guns.
Plenty of people like guns. Guns can be fun to shoot. A lot of people hunt for sport. A relatively small number of gun owners need their guns to, say, defend livestock from predators. But most gun owners do not need their guns. Many say they need to self-protect. But stricter gun control laws would mean fewer “bad guys with guns” to protect oneself from. We would all be safer.
We, as a country, face a choice. Every gun owner and gun proponent faces a choice. We can allow easy access to guns and the fun they bring, and let people enjoy the sense of power and control and masculinity guns offer. In exchange for that pat emotional comfort, thousands upon thousands of Americans will continue to die unnecessarily. Or we can agree that the only way to prevent gun violence and gun deaths is to regulate guns; sacrificing the illusion that a gun equals freedom is probably worth it.
No guns = no gun murders. Any sensible person knows this.
And her right to be righteous trumps any and all of your Constitutional rights. Learn to live with your tiny penis.
But stricter gun control laws would mean fewer “bad guys with guns” to protect oneself from.
“But stricter gun control laws would mean fewer “bad guys with guns” to protect oneself from”
Just like Chicago.
but…but INDIANA!!!!!
Jill will be able to rely on her cockless hubbie to protect her.
Seriously, who would marry that? Who?
Well, someone married her pal ENB, sooooooo…..
She probably knows lots of sex tricks from talking to hookers.
I think we need to clockwork orange Jill Filipovic with this video playlist of people getting attacked by people who don’t have a gun. She can go fuck herself.
I think Jill Filipovic needs to answer some very simple questions: what happens to the hundreds of millions of guns already in circulation? How exactly are you making them? Why do you think the criminals who are already possessing firearms illegally now will comply with whatever bullshit new law you pass?
I’m pretty sure I know what her answer would be. And it would involve “for their own good”
Moreover, there are thousands of machine shops in the U.S. Anyone of which can manufacture automatic rifles and ammunition. Handguns will be trivial.
Hell, you can, with a little elbow grease, make perfectly good handguns with hand tools.
So, the black market will exist. Criminals will have guns. And they will have less of a fear of armed resistance.
And Jill, who benefits from the herd immunity of living in a community where there are lots of armed citizens who look like everyone else, will now get to experience the benefits of living in a community, where violent would-be rapists do not need to fear breaking into the residences of young single women.
So, the black market will exist. Criminals will have guns.
Indeed. Anyone who has payed any attention to the drug war would know that the law does not (and cannot) prevent a black market from forming.
And Jill, who benefits from the herd immunity of living in a community where there are lots of armed citizens who look like everyone else
Gun banners as anti-vaxxers. I like it.
But most gun owners do not need their guns.
You don’t get to say what I need, so fuck off.
In exchange for that pat emotional comfort,
These people are literally incapable of processing anything except in emotional terms. They are mentally stunted.
It’s the way they see everything
As a result, they can’t even conceive of a principled position. If you say you’re acting on principle, they assume you’re lying.
“people enjoy the sense of power and control and masculinity guns offer”
What a fucking cunt.
I question the fucking part.
let people enjoy the sense of power and control and masculinity guns offer.
I don’t think that’s why my wife and daughter carry. I think it has more to do with leveling the playing field when a threatening dude is enjoying his sense of power and control and masculinity.
Jill can fuck right off.
I think it has more to do with leveling the playing field when a threatening dude is enjoying his sense of power and control and masculinity.
This. It’s like these banners don’t know (or at least don’t want to admit) how violent society was before the advent of firearms, and how unegalitarian this violence was. The weak and poor benefited immeasurably from the invention of the firearm.
The weak and poor benefited immeasurably from the invention of the firearm.
I suspect they know that, and that is why they want to get rid of guns.
God made men, but Sam Colt made them equal.
But most gun owners do not need their guns.
But most book owners do not need their books.
Most car owners don’t need their cars.
Most fertile women don’t need birth control.
Now do cell-phones.
Most healthy people do not need their health insurance. Most pregnant women do not need abortions.
“But stricter gun control laws would mean fewer “bad guys with guns” to protect oneself from.”
Well, this is a first. A gun control law that disarms the FBI. Or do people who decide to end government of the people, by the people, and for the people not count as “bad guys”?
Sorry, but between the coup of 2016 and social media totalitarians, half the country is acutely aware that the ballot box and the soap box are pretty unreliable guarantors of liberty these days. If you go for the cartridge box, you probably won’t like the way you receive it.
NPR headline: “Despite Increased Spending, Homelessness Up 12% In Los Angeles County”
Yeah, it’s almost ad they don’t understand the whole cause and effect thingy…
“Despite” is the new “As a result of!”
You get more of what you reward and less of what you punish.
It’s amazing! They pay people a salary to shit on their streets, and then wonder why there is so much shit on their streets!
400 men are murdered a year in Chicago and its just background. Fifty women get strangled the same way since 2001 and its news.
Something something the disposable sex.
Wow, they just arrested the Florida SRO who did nothing during the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting on “culpable negligence”.
He did his job. He went home safe.
Apparently, the State of Florida has decided they hold school cops to a higher standard.
That’s one way to get rid of school cops.
This is my contribution this afternoon.
I also had an introductory interview at a school in new Hampshire. So things might be happening.
Wow. That would make 3 cross country moves in a year-ish? Makes my back hurt just thinking about it. But I’m old and a homebody.
Good luck!
Yeah, about a year and a half. I moved from Colorado late summer if memory serves me.
I don’t have much stuff, so I got that going for me.
Lol. Spawn 1 just moved. Two trips in a Jetta. I told him he’ll look back wistfully on those days of agility and freedom.
You need to bring us up to date. Last I knew your landlord in Texas was screwing with you and your girlfriend.
That seems fair.
So the landlord problem was more or less taken care of. We weren’t exactly sure how to handle it, but once we just said we’d walk away. She cleaned it up and apologized, which mostly smoothed that over.
The job here has been a little less than promised. I won’t go too far into it, but there’s a total lack of control, and it’s been in such a mess for about 30 years that the department is now in some audit trouble. Most schools like this would have one or two, maybe three master systems in place this size. We have more than thirty in use here.
I proposed officially to my girlfriend! Which is nice. I also bought a used gti to replace our breaking Forrester.
We found out a few weeks ago that she is pregnant, and saw the doctor last week to see where everything is.
saw the doctor last week to see where everything is.
Apparently you already knew that.
*puts sunglasses on*
I’m good.
Lucky shot.
Congratulations on the engagement and dealing with your landlord.
Sounds like the school is a problem. It’s good you are moving on.
I was in San Marcos last month. Asked around here furiously for updates but just couldn’t find any trace of you.
My son and I killed some serious brew in Sean Patrick’s.
Sorry I missed you guys!
Hah! I had the Facebook story teed up in the last thread but had a hunch.
The blimp deflation is a nice substitute for music, but we can let’s listen to Westerberg for a few minutes, too.
Noa Pothoven of Arnhem in the Netherlands is legally euthanised
A 17-year-old Dutch girl has been euthanised at her home after she said the trauma of being raped as a young girl made her feel she couldn’t keep living.
Fucked. Up.
Nikki approves
That is fucked up. I attended group therapy with two of my kids, and this sounds like about half the girls that were there. I can’t imagine the parents and therapists saying “You’re right, nothing can help you, go ahead and kill yourself. Have a nice afterlife.”
There is a distinction between acknowledging your self-ownership that says you have the right to determine your own life or death and providing moral cover for it.
She may have been within her rights to do so, but I find it morally unconscionable for her and the adults around her.
Socialized medicine. Think about how much money she saved the State!
Look at the scarring on her left arm in the pics accompanying this story. Self inflicted?
This poor child. Heartbreaking.
I would venture that she was never encouraged to stop being a victim. To take control of her own destiny and own it. It’s sad and horrible.
I have a feeling you are right. I’ll go a step further and speculate she was encouraged to keep believing she was a victim who was incapable of ever getting better.
“I would venture that she was never encouraged to stop being a victim. ”
And the sickest part is that actually encourages dependency. Either dependency on the state for “justice” or dependency for mental health care. I’m starting to see a correlation between the Ritalin and anti-depressants and whatnot being pumped into kids and the zealous support for socialism. Maybe I’m only seeing it because I want to see it, but I kinda think I’m actually pretty damned slow in seeing it.
She did this after she was legally allowed to. Her parents couldn’t stop her.
This sucks all around.
This is sick.
I can’t imagine the parents and therapists saying “You’re right, nothing can help you, go ahead and kill yourself. Have a nice afterlife.”
That’s MY job.
Why are Europeans so much more enlightened than us stupid backward Americans?
Because they loathe themselves more.
I can’t decide if this was a tragedy until I know if she was hot.
That’s repugnant.
Holy shit. I have to say, I’m not happy that my first thought was “I wonder if Elderveld is an ME ghetto.” I know there are immigrant neighborhoods in Amsterdam that you are well-advised to steer clear of.
50/50 the sexual abuse never happened.
“Children as young as 12 can opt for euthanasia in the Netherlands but only after a doctor determines that the patient’s pain is unbearable.”
Parents? What parents?
That sounds scientific.
Well, sure. Because another person’s subjective experience of pain is absolutely something that a doctor can measure with a high degree of precision.
Fucked up for real.
“Children as young as 12 can opt for euthanasia in the Netherlands but only after a doctor determines that the patient’s pain is unbearable.”
“She said her mother Lisette had “always been there for me” – however according to Dutch law, her mum did have a say in her daughter’s decision.”
The Dutch seem to be a society who have lost faith.
In the U.S. children as young as 8 can start doing cross-sex hormones. By the time they turn 12 or 17, euthanasia can be already something to ponder about.
Uffda. This is a tragic story.
Still though, I am solidly for self ownership which should allow me to decide when I want to check out. A horrible story like this shouldn’t be used to deny me the opportunity to die with dignity.
Be it so. This euthanizing of teenage rape victims is your custom; prepare the pills. But my nation has also a custom. When doctors murder healthy young girls we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the girls is euthanized. Let us all act according to national customs.
Yeh, I’m not impressed by doctors who go along with it.
euthanizing a healthy teenage is clearly a bridge too far
What you did…it was seen.
probably too easy?
but I couldn’t resist
No, I think it was quite good. I like to think I would have done the same if not for the rage induced by the story.
Florida Man Charged With Manslaughter For Shooting Woman During Foreplay With Gun, Police Say
Your doing it wrong.
But, isn’t putting a condom over the muzzle supposed to prevent discharges?
It puts the laughter in manslaughter.
Holy shit. You win. I’m done for the day.
Talk about a premature explosion.
I also had an introductory interview at a school in new Hampshire. So things might be happening.
Wear your “Live Free or Fuck Off” t-shirt.
Florida Man Charged With Manslaughter For Shooting Woman During Foreplay With Gun, Police Say
Does Disney and other Hollywood companies do business in Qatar?
5 bucks says they’ve had Disney on Ice there.
Do I get 5 bucks?
The 2022 World Cup is going to be interesting. I mean, on top of the issues with weather, forced labor, and rampant corruption.
World Track & Field Championships are there this year, in late-September/early-October. Weather so stifling they are running the marathons and race walks at midnight. I’ll be interested to see if any athletes boycott the second-biggest event in the sport due to Qatar’s policies.
Daily Beast Reporter tracks down 11-year-old who told a joke about Pelosi at school
Satire is at its best when you have to triple check to see if it’s real or not.
Snopes rates this story Should Be True.
The punchline from that Filipovic excrecsence”
Another 12 innocent people have been gunned down. Don’t just nod along as politicians issue their thoughts and prayers. They have the power to take action. The only question that matters is, will they?
But Trump and the Republikkkins are the ones taking the nation down the road to authoritarianism.
Plagiarism from JOE BIDEN???? The hell you say! I can’t believe such a thing.
bah….was supposed to be a standalone post.
It’s the Brooks effect.
arrested the Florida SRO who did nothing during the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting
I am skeptical anything will come of this.
There will be a show trial, which the prosecution will somehow manage to fuck up leading to acquittal or dismission of charges. Then they can’t try him again. Guarantee he keeps that pension.
Today is an ancap holiday
Always remember your martyrs
“Trainor said he believes Heemeyer spent months armoring the bulldozer, and investigators were looking into whether he had help.”
That would imply that he had friends, which is a bit of a stretch.
Granby is a typical Colorado mountain town. It’s full of….colorful characters. It wouldn’t surprise me if this guy had some like-minded pals.
Can confirm.
Indeed. I once lived in a trailer on the side of a mountain near Cripple Creek. I miss CO.
Does P Brooks have an alibi?
Today is an ancap holiday
You can’t tell me what’s a holiday!
Am I ancapping right?
That’s racist against us minarchists, you ass.
Regarding the Trump balloon, I find it comical that the crowd is positioned to both kiss its ass and lick its balls.
The cell phone is a nice touch.
What? No pen?
This “straight pride parade” thing in Boston is hilarious.
First of all, it’s in Boston.
Second of all, I’m not sure why these guys would have any pride when they’re likely virgins in their 30s living with their parents.
Titty Tuesday supports pride month!
5 is a definite bunny boiler.
1 looks pretty evil, red laser beams out of the eyes!
OT: Thanks to Canuckistani regulators, I get to join a work happy hour at 5 today. They’ve approved our latest product for use/sale in Canada, which (due to export markets) means we can far more readily sell it to U.S. farmers.
Praising Canadian Regulators? That’s a first!
I wouldn’t exactly call it praising…it’s not like they’re gonna be buying the drinks, after all!
Make Roundup Great Again?
Unrelated, the latest Predator movie installment was easily the worst thing I’ve seen so far this year, and maybe in the last five years.
Complaining that recent movies is the worse thing ever was old back in the 1890s.
Admittedly, my expectations were low.
IMHO: “The Dickson Experimental Sound Film” was not the worse at sound. Its dialogue, plot, and visual special effects left a lot to be desired.
I heard they tried to turn it into a comedy. Unbelievable.
The original wasn’t?
My brother-in-law insisted on seeing Holmes and Watson when we took him out for his birthday. I have a hard time imagining the Predator movie could possibly be worse.
I won’t click on that link, but there was a streaker (not really a streaker, in that she had a shirt and short shorts on) at the Champions League final in Madrid. Her shirt was an ad for some Russian porno site her boyfriend runs. And then she got banned from instagram.
Also, would not.
I guess it’s better than throwing bananas at players…
Looks like The Sun doing her work for her. I had forgotten that even happened.
OT: Any menu suggestions for meal for 8 for dinner/supper and two movies when the movies are the female Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman? There was also a male Captain Marvel movie just out but he did not make it into Avengers: Endgame.
Beans and franks
Lots of alcohol.
One of the eight self-identifies as vegan. If soup or salad is the starter, going to have plain soy flour chunks instead of croutons as an option. Also will omit words such as “beef” or “egg” from the names of the dishes but still use the animal-based ingredient(s). Because I know that the person is vegan for the virtue signalling and not the principle.
Sounds like you should just go out by yourself.
“Have a good time at your party! See you later!”
That’s because the male Captain Marvel lives in the DC universe, not the MCU.
He is aka ‘Shazam’, the same one from when you were little — remember the strapping, handsome teen who toured around in a mobile home seeking adventure, accompanied by a gentle, white-haired older gentleman he was not related to?
That was OMWC and his ward, Dick Little.
Then who was the Captain Marvel in the Fawcett comics universe?
Pharoah Fawcett-Majors
Nice! Was that who then became Living Monolith and, finally, Living Planet?
Serena Williams is a classless sore losing prima donna.
While I agree that this is a true statement, why are you uttering it now? Did she do something?
She pulled a scene at the French Open.
And the usual idiots (some who make it about race) rush to defend that unprofessional whiner.
She pulled some hissy fit nonsense again?
What a bitch.
She cut into Thiem’s conference and he didn’t take kindly to it.
Neither did Federer.
Her and Lebron. Terrible athletes when it comes to professionalism.
Crosby, Federer, Djokovic….that’s how you do it.
Discussed in yesterday’s PM links,
I noticed that the USA Today story was rather more defending Serena than the BBC story.
Why do they have to defend her and her poor behaviour? That’s what I don’t get.
I assume they’re afraid of being called racist.
At this point who gives a shit? We’re in ‘your subconscious racism’ is a thing territory now.
So may as well just drop the gloves and let the idiot have it as she deserves.
If they want to make it a race issue let them.
Won’t change the fact they are WRONG.
Except we’re still in “it will cost you your job” territory.
ESPN really needs to grow a pair.
You can’t pretend to be ‘woke’ and be an apologist for her antics and poor behaviour.
Today I was waiting to see the dentist and the TV was on The View. It was horrifically awful. What a bunch of idiots.
Whoopi is an ignorant racist. Thiem is one damn good tennis player.
Serena sucks. Hurry up and retire, you’re bad for the sport.
/Chris Evert faints.
This is what I was talking about yesterday. She is fucking royalty. Even if they did it behind her back – and we don’t really know – it was gonna happen because that’s what happens with royalty.
You repeat yourself.
From yesterday’s thread:
Gillespie has a sad.
This is true: Lenin disapproved of the police and bureaucrats, until he came to power that is. He also liked freedom of association since it allowed him to purge Mensheviks. Once he came to power though….
Same could be said about everyone. Even Nazis and Communists wanted freedom for themselves.
Freedom for me but not for thee is not libertarianism.
Any menu suggestions for meal for 8 for dinner/supper and two movies when the movies are the female Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman?
The pablum are the movies.
Wonder Woman has Gal Gadot so all is not lost.
Renting cars is weird. Lately I’ve been getting F-150s for less money than most of the others, sometimes even econoboxes. I just rented one for a week in July and the truck was 33% cheaper than a midsize SUV.
Are they undesirable for most renters?
Yes. No covered/secured storage. Larger than a midsize SUV for parking/driving in a city.
I’d think most car renters are vacationers or businessmen. Vacationers probably want more seats and businessmen probably want a trunk that they can store stuff out of sight.
Unless you need the truck to haul things, renting a truck seems like a huge waste of space.
And if you do need the truck to haul something, it may get damaged and that’s bucks for them, too.
They are all Supercrews so they are bigger than almost all of the available SUVs. Covered storage is a good point.
That’s me whether traveling for business or pleasure. Unless there’s shitty weather, I prefer a sedan with a trunk over both a SUV or truck. Just more flexibility with leaving bags in the car.
People want SUVs because they drag their gaggle of nuisances along with them. It’s not that F150s are undesirable. It’s that SUVs are in high demand.
I once was given a pickup truck as a rental. Unfortunately I had to get something else because I was transporting my handicapped mother in that vehicle and she couldn’t get in it.
Ended up with a Chrysler 300.
I once rented a Ford Excursion in Houston, Texas. It was all they had on the lot. It beeped when I backed up.
When you say weird, were there dancing naked midgets and the Peanut gang, people doing coke, and images of Twin Peaks with a bad ass laser show all over the dealership?
No, the Peanut gang wasn’t there.
The last time I was in Boston, they gave me an Escalade with Texas plates.
It was a real conversation starter.
Did you get some famous Boston hospitality? I strongly prefer local plates on a rental.
I was out on the cape, and returned it at JFK. But yeah, there were lots of questions.
Last time I was in your land they gave me a fucking Mercedes. I would much rather have had the Escalade with Texas plates.
A couple of weeks ago I was stuck in a BMW SUV. It had a “feature” whereby the doors unlocked every time I got within 30 feet of it with the key. I couldn’t figure out why the vehicle wouldn’t lock.
I hate vehicles that helpfully out-think me.
I had a Volvo XC90 a few weeks ago that had a key smaller than a USB drive. The kid at the kiosk was attaching a big tag to it because people kept losing the key.
Too much shit on that vehicle, too. The lane departure bullshit fought me all over Norfolk.
Volvo is overdoing that crap. Then again they are hardly alone.
If I had access to a time machine, I’d buy a new 240.
Dang, man. I just watched this one a couple weeks ago.
I’ve had a bunch of them. One of the best cars every built.
BMW has been gimmick central for two decades.
I worked on Z3 (E36/7) and Z8 (almost totally custom), and I came away afraid for the company and their customers.
least favorite client, and that’s saying something
People see vehicles more and more as an appliance, and the car companies are responding to that by making everything about them easier for those people. If you want to actually drive a car, you almost have to buy an older one. I don’t much care if some people need their car to help them stay in their lane. My concern is that eventually they’ll take the option to actually drive for yourself away. The people who LIKE to drive are paying attention and don’t need any of that crap. But we’ll be made out as the problem.
The same applies to trucks. Try to find a good solid 4×4 nowadays with manual everything – transmission, window cranks, door locks, everything. You can’t. I’ve got a 1999 Ranger and just managed to get everything manual except the transfer case and hubs.
Next year Ford is re-introducing the Bronco, and it will be loaded with high-tech gewgaws that will break after a few years of pounding off-road. But then, 90% or more of them will never be driven off a paved road.
I like the lane assist for long trips on unfamiliar roads. I shut it off the rest of the time. There are too many corner cases not yet well handled to make it anything but a nuisance on a daily commute.
That’s true where I rent too. I don’t usually get them because it seems like I usually put 500 or more miles on per rental, and after paying for gas I’m out of pocket for more. It’s also the one rental where they give me a specific vehicle, rather than “Choose any car from that row.”
So speaking of abortion I don’t think these corporate boycotts will help recede the increasing anti-capitalist right what with protectionism and anti-trust against Big Tech.
I didn’t even know you could rent a pickup truck, except from Lowes or Home Depot.
Yep. Brand new F-150s. At least at Enterprise. I also got a Nissan Frontier recently. I didn’t like it as much as the big one, though.
Blue Plate Mayonaise is the best mayo. Duke is #2.
Mayonnaise? Okay in small doses around a club sandwich but I gotta go with some kind of mustard instead.
I just ranted about this the other day.
I can’t go into a restaurant anymore with fricken mayo and cheese, and other goo sauces drenched into something.
What the Hell, Man?
If you like Best Foods, just say so.
Hellman’s > Best Foods
It’s the same thing
That’s what they want you to think.
Curse you and your <55 WPM!!!
Don’t you mean Hellman’s?
*checks map*
Nope, I’m west of the Rockies.
I don’t know if you know this, but….its the same thing.
Pus = pus.
Mayo in general is disgusting.
/objective fact
So you are telling me that the Qatar Flash are hardening their heart towards gays?
Nut punch of the day.
“His father, Luis Posso, 32, and stepmother, Dayana Medina-Flores, 25, have been arrested and charged with murder, negligence, criminal confinement and battery to a minor. Officials say the couple slowly starved Eduardo to death in a Bloomington, Indiana, motel.”
Anyway I have been thinking about a pretty huge flaw in capitalism: nobody really seems to actually like it. Sure some people may like it the abstract but in practical terms not much. You could either agree that status quo is okay which makes you a conservative or a reactionary which is supposed to be bad and puts you on the defensive and makes you pessimistic. Or you could agree with the likes of Bernie, AOC and Warren that the system needs to be changed but somehow convince them to change it in a way you approve of.
Not helping matters was the hope that the politicians, corporate elite, the intellectuals, academics, artists, judges, lawyers, urban upper-class cosmopolitans, immigrants etc. would forever be liberals.
Then there is all the stuff about creative destruction and cultural changes yet expecting that the old underlying liberal values should never be challenged forever.
Is this all due to our unevolved lizard brains being unable to deal with anything but conflict? Of course saying that we need to evolve to be free has its own issues.
I love it. So …
I love it, dude. Lots of people I know love it. It’s dead sexy.
Well the real problem is that its benefit are too abstract for most people. Being wealthier, healthier, longer-living and having better technology and access to more information than everyone ever before in human history? Okay but what about poor people? Climate Change? Trump? Alt-righters on twitter? College Debt? Racism? Rape Culture? We most do something! And we can expect the Deep State Elites to put the economic good of all humanity over their self-interest, right?
Okay but what about poor people?
Define poor.
From what I can gather anyone who is the least rich in society. Of course this means poor people are fat and have cell-phones and TVs but whatever…
But whatever indeed.
Actually, the benefits are real and tangible.
If you live longer and have more money (relatively speaking), and live in relative peace and (….ha my cat just smelled my glass of Bordeaux and recoiled….)….where was I?
Yeh. Capitalism is….embrace it…..and make love to it.
This here.
Now, people might not realize that the only thing standing between them and a pre-technological existence growing potatos for the local strongman is capitalism, but that’s not capitalism’s fault.
Okay but what about poor people?
Well, poor people in capitalist countries are better off than poor people elsewhere.
Climate Change? Trump? Alt-righters on twitter? College Debt? Racism? Rape Culture?
None of those have anything to do with capitalism or even the economy. The climate was changing while we were still swinging in trees. College debt is a government racket, not a capitalist racket.
Ah, gotcha. You aren’t talking about capitalism, you’re talking about Affluenflammation.
Is that similar to Affluenza?
Watch the video Winston.
Ah yes the old phenomenon that prosperity seems to make too many people too complacent and weaken the values that brought it about.
Slapitalism for you!
nobody really seems to actually like it
I recommend ignoring the protestations and reflecting upon how few have fled the light, escaped the heat, thrown off the warm threads, or spit out the cheap food that capitalism delivers. There are many places in the world safe from capitalism, but no one is booking passage to same.
People who suck at everything don’t like it because capitalism is the ultimate inclusive meritocracy. If you’re even a little bit good at literally anything worth marketing (even if it’s taking enormous shits) you can benefit.
People that gripe about it are people who are consummate failures with no reason to live.
Even I managed in capitalism.
Except the very same people in the universities and media centers made possible by capitalism are the ones bemoaning how meritocracy is white supremacy.
They don’t really hate capitalism; they just hate that they’re not in charge.
They hate that some people have more. Good old-fashioned envy.
Except that in theory capitalism was supposed to make them realize that they shouldn’t be in charge and let the system stand as it is good.
Capitalism is *supposed* to anything. Capitalism is like jazz….it just is.
Listen to the notes not being played!
/stoned Muppet.
is not *supposed* to anything…. /burp.
I understood you, Raggedy Man.
Capitalism has nothing to do with people’s envy and stupidity.
Thing is what I am talking about has been going on for a long time. Europeans didn’t start to vote in socialists until after the enormous rise in living standards in the 19th Century not before. The Labour Party in Britain didn’t really take off until about 1906 long after prosperity and free trade, How come no one has really thought of a way to deal with this?
Fuck you, I love it. 🙂
Don’t mistake this for an attack on the basic idea of capitalism. It is more me wondering why it seems so unsustainable (e.g. Democrats, Big Tech, MSM all benefited from it yet loathe it). There is a reason (drink!) I have been ranting about the Libertarian Moment for over a decade.
For example the Democrats and the Guardian were originally very classically liberal entities. Those days are long gone. The Republicans have always been mercantilist so Trump is in many ways a return to their roots however.
What does your mom think?
Tune in Friday to find out!
She’s down with slapitalism, but extra charges may apply.
I hesitate to ask what she does with her Invisible Hand.
I have been ranting about the Libertarian Moment for over a decade.
So he’s admitted it — the person posting under the Winston name is actually Nick Gillespie!
It explains so much now…..
You know too much, darling.
No I am really the Jacket…
That would make Winston’s Dad a letter jacket from 1955.
The very aspect of capitalism that benefited them when they were small is what threatens them when they are large. The bigger they are, they harder they fall. For them, it’s totally logical to fear capitalism.
What you should be wondering is why the small fear it so much. They think their Big Brother (any large, perceived-to-be-cohesive group) will protect them when history’s examples of such are the exceptions rather than the rule.
How can they “in practical terms” if they do not have it? Do Glibs consider anywhere on Earth to have “capitalism” other than Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland? Am I setting the bar too low to include those five?
Also, I understand that “capitalism” is now a Lefty word. I understand that the politically correct term on the Right is “free market.”
Considering that New Zealand is the land of Jacinda Ardern then yes?
Capitalism exists in nearly every country, including Communist China.
Sadly, it is forced to co-exist with a variety of collectivist authoritarian governments.
From the Babylon Bee: Groot In Hot Water After Recent ‘I Am Groot’ Comments
Trigger warning for Swiss.
Groot has “root” in it! Rape culture, theocracy, Nazism and racism!
Oh no! Adults engaging in harmless commerce!
This must be stopped! WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!??!
Can’t they just have a lemonade stand or mow lawns or something?
Glances twice at “lawn mowing”
I had something for this
“Can’t they just have a lemonade stand or mow lawns or something?” The adults or the children? Are minors allowed to do either where you live?
I mean and get paid for it.
I was responding to WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!??!
I think other part time jobs are more appropriate for children and yes, kids around here make plenty of money from lawns, snow shoveling, drug dealing and lemonade stands.
Very entrepreneurial.
Also: how about some citations and/or data that this is all about “sexual exploitation” and “underage girls from welfare homes and high schools” are being ruthlessly recruited in a life of misery, vice and rape. Is it 50%? 10%? 5%? Ok fine. Go deal with those cases, but leave everyone else alone you fucking puritans.
We’ve already passed laws prohibiting them from being prostitutes. What more do you want?
My (albeit limited) understanding of the issue is that the actual research showed that, at least before it was shut down (Thanks, Kemala!), the website Backpage, which relied heavily on ads for intimate services, was actually associated with a reduction in the role of pimps and reduced violence in the prostitution business. Even the article notes “Prostitution has moved ‘from the street to the Internet'”. But, that inherently makes for better opportunities for prostitutes to protect themselves without the services of a pimp.
The comments are surprisingly reasonable.
Solution is mass economic regimentation to ensure the first two challenges happen.
Hmm this is a big reason why the statist ratchet effect works and why libertarianism faces such serious problems.
And that might explain some of the issues I am talking about.
Umm, wouldn’t slower income growth still be a better tomorrow, seeing as it has, you know, income growth?
The only deepening climate crisis I see is that more and more people are ignoring the climate hysterics. Which is definitely a crisis for the hysterics.
That doesn’t bode well for the Democrats. Even Biden has hopped on board the crisis train.
Dammit I thought Joe Biden would be a crypto-libertarian!
The truth that the Grauniad crowd can never admit is that Reagan and Thatcher saved the welfare state from collapsing under its own weight (at least, in the UK and US). We are not faced with a crisis of capitalism; we are faced with a challenge of continuing to maintain the legacy of the welfare state while adapting to changing realities. Economic growth has continued to be with us long after population growth has ceased. The great sin of so-called neoliberalism is to accept that premise rather than ignore it or deny it. The welfare state as we know it was built on a lie, and in many cases the lie was known when the policies were enacted, that population growth would continue forever. The other attempt to solve this problem, communism, turned the clock so far backward that population growth was a reality again, but so thoroughly impoverished and immiserated the people it was allegedly saving that any contact with the outside world was exisentially fatal to the ideology. Whether classically liberal free-market economics will ever truly be a viable political choice again, it is not now and has not been for some time. The real choice is between maintaining and expanding the false promises of the welfare state until it collapses, or reforming it continuously and aggressively for the foreseeable future. If that choice doesn’t sound particularly inspiring, then that is because we have forgotten what suffering really is.
Wow, they just arrested the Florida SRO who did nothing during the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting on “culpable negligence”.
From an article I read, they are not trying to overturn the lack of duty to act immunity that police enjoy. Instead they are arguing that this SRO took actions that actively contributed to the deaths of more children than if he had simply not acted. I guess kind of turning him into an accessory to the crime, though that wasn’t the phrase used.
The main two points were that he ordered the arriving officers to stand back and not go into the building. He also supposedly lied by reporting there was no shooter inside when there was evidence he knew the shooter was inside killing kids. Both actions by the SRO likely raised the death count considerably, and he can’t reasonably argue he was following procedure (though he might of course try).
Whether he’s convicted or not, I think the above makes it different from the typical ‘duty to act’ cases.
WTF. If that’s true… I better keep my mouth shut.
Actually, that part is unclear if he lied during the event or afterwards… “previously said” is vague. They have him nailed on perjury regardless though which could influence the others. The first part, about ordering arriving officers to stand back, is clear and damning.
Don’t all departments train their cops that heros coming home safetly takes precedence over everything?
It depends on the location for active shooters. I have a good friend on the tactical unit in a moderate-sized city. He told me their SOP is to immediately engage an active shooter in a diamond formation without slowing for cover. They acknowledge the risk of losing officers but put stopping the shooter as the #1 priority.
I’m sure other places have someone like this SRO writing their SOPs.
“The first part, about ordering arriving officers to stand back, is clear and damning.”
That seems like it’s going to be dependent on standard Sheriff department procedure and training.
Far be it for me to defend police. I just think people need to be told the cold, harsh reality that the police are ineffective protectors and wishing otherwise won’t change that fact. Instead we perpetuate stupidity.
Interesting. I am having a hard time seeing those as negligent actions, though. They seem intentional to me.
Negligence is the failure to exercise the degree of care expected of a person of ordinary prudence. You can’t lie negligently (although you can be negligent in ascertaining the facts). I don’t see the order to the other officers as negligent, either.
Negligence often arises in the context of a duty of some kind. In a failure to act scenario, it means you failed to discharge your duty (malpractice cases are negligence cases, and are the failure to meet the standard of care). The degree of care that you are expected to take generally is determined in the context of your duty to do something.
If I have no duty to do something, then not doing it can’t be negligence. Now, if I try to do it anyway and botch it, that can be negligence if I was careless.
*quietly closes Google search*
I defer to the lawyer. Though they may still find a jury full of Florida Men to convict.
I don’t know what their options were, and I’m mainly from a civil law perspective anyway.
I’m just struggling here to find criminal culpability for someone who (a) had no duty to the children and (b) did not directly harm them himself.
If they go with child neglect:
They have to make the cop a “caregiver”:
That’s where the duty would need to arise, in my mind. And I don’t think, as a cop, he has any duties to the children.
Maybe they are charging with something else.
As for failing to haul him in for a psych eval, I think that is a power the police have, not an obligation or duty.
If you read the case history on this guy, it’s literally unbelievable that they did nothing. 45 calls, zero paper.
For me, it’s justification to strip the Broward County Sheriff’s Office of accreditation. It really is that bad.
I may be wrong, but if I recall correctly: the “school resource officer” was employed by the Broward [county] Sheriff’s Office. Said sheriff was suspended for the remainder of his term of office by the incoming governor after the November 2016 election. The governor also appointed an interim replacement. The suspension was upheld by a vote of the Cabinet. Said ex-sheriff sued. Judge said (summarizing, but not by much) that governor had sufficient grounds as defined by law to suspend, law gives ex-sheriff right to appeal to cabinet, cabinet voted already, next case.
What about not invoking the Baker Act (5150) when the kid drank an entire cup of gasoline?
If that doesn’t qualify for a psych eval, nothing does.
Who puts that decision in the hands of a LEO instead of a doctor?
All 50 states.
When you call the cops and say “my kid is drinking gasoline again”, they take him to the nearest public (and in some cases, private) hospital for an involuntary psych eval. In California, they can hold you for 72 hours.
This precludes you from buying a gun for 5 years unless you appeal to a judge.
To be clear, the police transport. The decision to accept the commitment is made by the attending physician.
And yes, they will admit a gasoline drinking kid 100 times out of 100.
I have to answer a questionnaire for a SME organization I’m a member. The first question has me in a pickle. Thoughts? My first instinct is ‘yes, compensate them because it’s not their fault government interventionism fucks people over’. On the other hand, they chose to go into it and it *could* lead to ‘endless compensation’.
Impacts of the sharing economy
Background: The “sharing economy” uses technology to connect consumers with goods and services that they can purchase or rent on-demand (e.g. Uber, a taxi-like service). Currently, the Quebec government is trying to set similar rules for traditional businesses and those from the sharing economy. For instance, it has proposed a bill to overhaul the passenger transport industry that will get rid of the limits on the number of taxi permits — reducing the value of existing permits. In exchange, the government is offering a total of $500 million to compensate permit-holders. As the sharing economy expands to other industries (e.g. home sharing, tool rental), compensation following regulatory changes may become more common.
Supporters say:
It’s only fair that the government compensates traditional businesses that have played by the rules and are now affected by regulatory changes;
Most businesses don’t have the financial resources to adapt to new regulations.
Opponents say:
It would set a precedent that may lead to compensation requests from any business affected by new regulations;
Compensation should only be provided in exceptional circumstances, not for regulatory changes related to emerging business models.
Should the Quebec government compensate businesses that are affected by regulatory changes related to the sharing economy? (Select one answer only)
Maybe the price of the permits and any compulsory equipment that would not otherwise be required in the new market could be compensated. That leaves them with equipment that is not necessarily priced out of the new market.
Mind you, I’m fairly flexible on the printing and distribution of portraits of queens and birds and such if anyone is willing to take them as compensation. The very nature of fiat money is inflation; the relative degree of inflation has no particular morality to me.
No. The licenses kept the prices for their services artificially high because they were limited in number. They received the benefit of those higher prices and limited competition until now. Are they going to give that excess profit they were able to make all of those years due to their license back? Say you’re welcome and move on.
thanks: had not thought of that
They benefitted from the monopoly. Ahhhh.
This, although I might have some same pity for the poor cabbie who busted his ass to buy an overpriced medallion because he didn’t see the writing on the wall and got in too late to benefit from the rent-seeking. Then again, caveat emptor and what not.
I do feel bad for those people. What can I say? I’m a bleeding heart libertarian.
Here in NYC a bunch of taxi medallion owners have offed themselves over this. You can imagine the impact that has had on the “conversation”.
Maybe they could learn to code.
This is way too nuanced an issue for a simple binary answer.
/resumes watching Judge Judy.
that is drunk
“My first instinct is ‘yes, compensate them because it’s not their fault government interventionism fucks people over”
I’m frightened that is your first instinct.
Animal House teaches you all you need to know.
“Face it. You fucked up. You trusted us.”
Do not pay for it by taxes or the kind of borrowing to be repaid by taxes. Make it a government-run entitlement which is funded by voluntary donation. Seriously. A government-run program (that does not make itself a monopoly by making competition illegal) to redistribute only the wealth voluntarily given to it is (in principle, D in the D) OK with me.
Conversely anti-SJW youtube is about how woke this is:
Politicians can’t fix our roads and bridges, but can pass a tax cut for their corporate clients?
The other great lie of our present age, that we don’t have enough money because tax cuts have sapped it all away. Every state in this country has more money in real dollars than it did decades ago. To the extent we can’t fix today’s infrastructure, it’s because we’re still paying out for yesterday’s fixes, and hamstringing every action taken with a dozen bureaucratic hurdles that enrich government employees and their “corporate clients” at the expense of everyone else. Revenue lost to tax cuts pales in comparison to expenditures wasted on compliance, labor rackets, “cost-cutting” measures that mysteriously triple costs, minority-participation quotas, environmental impact studies, “locally sourced organic non-GMO” mandates, etc.
Not to mention pensions and other retirement obligations paid out today to people who aren’t working anymore.
This. “We promised all our employees six-figure pensions in retirement, and can’t figure out why we’re short of cash.”
To the extent we can’t fix today’s infrastructure, its because we are spending vast sums of money on transfer payments and bloated bureaucracies, rather than on infrastructure.
The government has all the money it needs to keep our infrastructure in gleaming, brand new condition. It just spends it on other shit, instead.
Government spends like George Best: “[We] spent a lot of money on [pensions, handouts, and cronies]. The rest [we] just squandered.”
The labor racket is why it costs five to ten times as much to build anything in NYC than in free-market paradises like London or Paris. It’s no joke to say it’s gonna destroy us.
If all bridges and roads were toll and prices for public transit were raised so instead of subsidized they would cover the costs, then users would alter their behavior to reflect the changes in costs to them and the providers would have more accurate data on how much money they could afford to spend on particular bridges, roads, vehicles working a bus/train/etc. route, and so on. Assuming the money generated by fares, tolls, etc. actually went to capital and operating costs instead of being raided for other purposes, the problem would fix itself. Especially if could lease out money-losing toll roads to nongovernmental entities that could make a profit from them without raising rates and still increasing the average vehicle speed (not speed limit but the actual speed of travel) on the money-losing toll roads.
It would be nice if they just reviewed the place without all the extra nonsense.
more trouble for hillbilly granny
Texas is worse: the mere brandishing of a firearm is per se deadly force
Whatever the actual resolution is supposed to be will be completely overshadowed by the identity angle.
You can commit a deadly conduct offense in Texas whenever you engage in any type of conduct that you know, or should know, will place someone else at risk of suffering serious bodily injury. For example, if you point a gun at someone else, you can be charged with deadly conduct even if you never fire the weapon or never intend to fire it. It’s enough that you intentionally brandish the weapon and know, or should know, that such an act poses a danger to someone else. (Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 22.05.)
“Dozens of naked people, holding up images of nipples, stood outside Facebook to protest its ban on nudity”
Based on the pics, I’d say they are being pretty loose with the use of model. I don’t know why I expected any different.
Severe eye-roll.
I wonder how they feel about FB banning “hate speech”.
“I said put the hot ones in front!”
“Those are the hot ones.”
“I’ve got to get out of this fucking town.”
thicc ?
NY area glibs: Wanna impress a date with your love of high culture? I got two tickets to give away for the ballet, Lincoln Center, this Saturday, 8pm.
That Southpark episode comes to mind.
“….Randy discovers that musicals contain subtext that encourage women to give oral sex….”
I got two tickets to a guaranteed blowjob, the line starts here.
Are you pointing to your crotch right now?
I’m giving these tickets away. I expect no recompense.
Quincy enjoys all the meats in our cultural stew!
Whatever, I tried.
Damn. If I were in NY, I’d take you up on that.
The ballet, not the blowjob.
Well, twenty bucks is twenty bucks….
I would love to watch the bears drive little cars but alas, I’ll be knee-deep in inventory. The level of shrink in retail grocery amazes me.
For a guy who wanted to write a constitution for France and was almost executed by the novel Jacobins Paine had some interesting ideas.
Anyway this idea of constant renewal yet the same basic values will be kept sounds almost contradictory to me. What if the new generation decides that free speech and laissez-faire economics are out of date?
It is contradictory and one of Jefferson’s main intellectual failings.
If you believe in natural rights, then leaving it all to the mob is a very bad idea.
I think a lot could be said for scrapping the statutes regularly but keeping the Constitution. I don’t know if that’s what Jefferson meant, though.
The part about watering the Tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots could be seen as even getting rid of the constitution…
Didn’t Jefferson get a little more conservative after the French Revolution?
Absent a wholesale anarcho-libertarian reset, I fully time support consuming busy-work for legislators.
[Getting drunk] Please switch around “support” and “consuming”.
You mean “time” and “support”?
SoberDrink up!Indeed. [giggle, snort] That High West Yipee Ki-Yay is really, really yummy.
It isn’t just Jefferson. See Libertarian Moment, Open Borders and creative destruction which at times all embrace similar ideas.
Thomas Paine, hypocrite. Oh the “people” overthrew his constitution before it could take effect and almost had him executed,
No wonder they revolted:
La force publique est composée de tous les Citoyens en état de porter les armes.
Rough translation: The public force (police/military) shall be composed of all citizens who are capable of bearing arms.
Sometimes I imagine the Electoral College, which was devised to increase the influence of the southern states in the new union
Vermont, Rhode Island, and Maine are in the South?
The only state with fewer than 100,000 people solidly in the South in 1790 was Georgia. Even if you put Delaware and Kentucky on the south’s side of the ledger, you get an even 3-3 split.
The EC is designed to increase the influence of small states which are not exclusively Southern or even in our present day exclusively in the camp of one party or the other.
It was the idea of a Pennsylvanian, a large free state. And New Jersey and Connecticut were the main causes for the Senate being equal.
But forget it, the idea is that the constitution is the work of slaveowners and we need to purge history of slavers so it should go. If Confederate Flag and statutes should be purged then why not the constitution?
Am I the only one who thinks of the Gaines family, Mad Magazine, and Estes Kefauver whenever the Electoral College is abbreviated?
It’s one fallacy after another:
The Second Amendment’s right to bear arms allows those who plundered native land and patrolled for runaway slaves, who saw themselves in the phrase “a well regulated Militia,” to haunt us.
Amazingly, atrocities against natives and slaves happened in places without a right to arms. Why, it’s almost like the two have nothing to do with each other! If the Second Amendment had been applied equally, the natives and the runaway slaves could have fought back (and indeed, some of them did!).
The whole idea is to connect guns to slavers and since slavery is bad it needs to go like Confederate statutes.
The two greatest signs of freedom for a runaway slave were Canada and a gun. Sadly, we don’t have a right to keep and bear a personal Canada.
Canadians find guns rights to be out of date. You know renewal and all…
It may have been a bad joke, but you don’t have to go and kill it.
What could the dead teach the living that could possibly be worth knowing?
The same things anyone can teach anyone else?
Indeed, a strong counterpoint is Chesterton’s fence. But I do find it a little hilarious that the people who think the welfare and regulatory states are sacrosanct also want to throw all the other laws up in the air. It’s curious how the true wisdom of yesteryear is what lines up exactly with your preexisting beliefs.
Nothing about this idea is unprecedented. It’s called Lysenkoism and it’s been tried before. There is no benefit to a “zero-carbon” society except that a disproven theory (carbon is the primary cause of warming) will be adhered to at great pain and expense.
Ugh. Revisionist history and pseudo-intellectual commie claptrap.
Rothbard has a sad at your bashing of revisionist history.
Which of you Glibs wrote what he read on camera?
Not it.
*looks back and forth suspiciously*
“*looks back and forth suspiciously*” I laughed.
Regarding Brett L’s posted above
This fad now destroys the value in the future of demands-oriented protests. At 1:05 pm today, Heroic Mulatto posted a pic of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What would have happened if his protests around the United States were anti-LBJ without an agenda of demands?