Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone not living in Silicon Valley. Feeling left out of the fun, the moron brigade wants to join in too.
Mueller’s key witness, George Nader, arrested for a second time for child pornography.
In the Trump era, stories like these are not the massive bombshells like they use to be.
Judge throws out House Democrats’ lawsuit against Trump for his reallocation of border wall funding as they lacked standing.
My governor is better than yours, except for maybe those of you living in Arizona. Texas and Arizona appear to be in the midst of a deregulation competition.
CA State Bar moves to suspend Avenatti’s law license.
Bernie pulling the Anti-semetic card after Politico runs an article critical of his finances.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
“Bernie pulling the Anti-semitic card after Politico runs an article critical of his finances.”
SOP for people peddling free shit and not wanting to tell you how they plan to pay for it.
Maybe bell was broken up, so I can type this on my phone now, first?
Ma Bell, damn you auto correct!
Mornin Banjos
Ma Bell is behind the autocorrect software and sure showed you who was boss!
I’m a Standard Oil guy myself,
“U.S. President Donald Trump has called for closer scrutiny of social media companies and Google, accusing them of suppressing conservative voices online, without presenting any evidence.
He has repeatedly criticized Amazon for taking advantage of the U.S. Postal Service, also without evidence.”
Funny how Reuter’s neatly proves Trump’s point while trying to shoot it down. Not that I necessarily think that “trust-busting” is the proper thing to do here.
If Congress was functional, they would pass some sort of data privacy bill along the lines of HIPA.
First they would actually have to believe the plebes have a right to privacy and not just mouth platitudes about it…
Also: Whycome no Microsoft or Disney for that matter? This is politically motivated base-fellating.
Reuter’s, without evidence, accuses U.S. President Donald Trump of criticizing social media companies without evidence.
also without evidence
Uh huh…
I don’t remember all of this “without evidence” stuff when Obama was saying stupid shit like claiming ATMs are behind the miserable employment numbers during his presidency.
He could have at least faked it like the enviros do.
It’s also just an odd thing to say, when you think about it. Is Trump supposed to have a PowerPoint when he says things? That’s not a president’s job to ‘bring evidence’.
I know they’re using it in a ‘trump so crazy, look what he’s saying that we’re gonna say is absolutely not true, like “wiretapping trump tower”‘
Sucks that it’s a wire service, though. They used to editorialize less.
Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone not living in Silicon Valley. Feeling left out of the fun, the moron brigade wants to join in too.
You need be careful about this. This very website is a candidate for being trustbusted. It dominates the market on Hat and Hair issues.
As well as the web’s #1 resource for telling slavers to fuck off.
SP is always a step ahead of the rest of us.
I saw that yesterday. That. Was. Awesome!
Why criticize the guy for a successful life-long grift? At least he came by it honestly, selling an image to dunce voters in Vermont and across the nation. Criticize him for his asinine economic policies.
In the Trump era, stories like these are not the massive bombshells like they use to be. – meh this is not really news… Politician lied…
Joe Biden has made a very long career out of lying.
The man has a sordid past.
Biden’s Handlers Suggesting He Forget The Words ‘Pink’ And ‘Stink’ Altogether
Did he have the number of fingers going in each reversed? or was he just screaming he was gonna fist them like his holiness’ avatar of a few days ago was doing?
Beyond the Shocker… there’s the Spocker!
Biden doesn’t have a clue what the truth is. He just says whatever tripe seems useful at the moment. A consummate bullshitter.
And he’s an idiot, so whatever he says is often an epic gaffe. This is why his poll numbers are good as long as he stays silent and out of sight.
This. The guy is a moron who never would have made it to shop-foreman if had to work a real job.
I once saw that mongoloid Biden on C-SPAN berating reporters about what a genius he is, but can’t find video of it.
The dumb fucks are always the ones desperate to make sure others know how smart they are. See the Godfather movie where Fredo is trying to tell Michael he is “shmaath”.
Like when he lied about the man who was involved in the crash that killed his wife?
Over/under on when Biden claims his wife was shot by a white supremacist with and AR-15?
If the Feds go after anti-competitive hiring practices in Silicon Valley they might have an actual case. The big boys are notorious for anti-poaching agreements and designating employees as non-targets, thus driving down their labor costs.
This. Get them on specifics, not emanations and penumbras.
Based on leaked videos and Damore’s information, they could throw in some discrimination claims too.
My solution: I don’t use Google or Facebook as much as I can. I don’t use Apple (more from personal preference than any agenda). Amazon seems the least evil out of the four and they sell products and services that actually have value to me, so I use them extensively.
Though you couldn’t pay me enough to work for any of them; *especially* Google. Working for Google seems like working for the Soviet government.
For the time being, I’m stuck with Google. I don’t have a good alternative for my business without confining myself to Microsoft/Apple, which is a royal PITA.
Facebook can kiss my ass.
Yeah, I’m pretty much bound at the hip to Google (sort of a pick-your-poison thing) and Amazon (too busy to not take advantage of the convenience), but I use social media sites as little as possible.
And I agree that I’d never want to work for any of these companies. Both because of what I can read in the paper, and because of the experiences of some acquaintances of mine (I used to live in Silicon Valley and know a fair number of FB/Apple/Google/Twitter employees).
Yup, I’ve been to FB’s HQ a few times. No fucking thanks. Every aspect of it was designed from the ground up to feel like a college dormitory. At least, for all the faults my SV tech company has, they’re not off the deep end on treating us like children.
“Every aspect of it was designed from the ground up to feel like a college dormitory.”
I went to a commuter school because I visited a buddy in a dorm while I was going to junior college. A good friend, but dumb as a box of rocks. It seemed pretty apparent to me than anyone with an ounce of self-respect that went away to college tried living off-campus as soon as they could. The step-kid was required to live in a dorm for Freshman year but she is living off-campus the rest of the way. Paying her own way, too (with roommates).
The point being anyone who wants to spend more time in a dormitory is a goddamned moron.
Hides under bunk in the barracks
Before we acquired IBM’s East Fishkill fab, I visited there a few times. They apparently were told to make things more millenial friendly because they had breakrooms filled with beanbags and oversided connect four boards.
I never saw anyone in those breakrooms, undoubtedly because IBM followed a “last in first out” policy when it came to layoffs, so there wasn’t anyone there under 50.
If I wasn’t afraid of self-doxxing, I’d post some photos of the ridiculous and totally unused “casual” space in this office. Rather than give the SVPs offices and everybody else private desks to make phone calls, we’re all at desks, and there is 500 sqft of unused cubbies and couches.
If I want to relax while I’m working, I do it from my back patio at home.
I feel like it isn’t all that hard to design a decent workspace. Give people enough space for their personal items, arrange them in offices/cubicles/desks based on their work needs, stock the breakroom with decent free food, make sure there’s enough room in the fridge, and clean the shitter. If you happen to put a Foosball table in the breakroom, fine.
Everything else looks, to me, like a thin ploy to make me work more hours for less pay.
They just can’t help themselves:
Rueter’s is oddly oblivious to the abundant evidence of social media suppressing conservative voices.
Rueter’s doesn’t think it is in the cross-hairs, yet.
They’re as biased as all the rest. It will protect them – for awhile.
“In the Trump era, stories like these are not the massive bombshells like they use to be.”
Revelations like these always were ignored/downplayed unless the accused was a team red player, in which case the usual suspect tried their best to destroy said douchebag. Heck, they often ran with stories about lying that were themselves blatant lies, but the objective was to destroy a team red guy (all you have to do is look at how they go after orange man or even the treatment given to someone like Kavenaugh). Team blue players got defended by the usual dnc operatives with bylines (recall revelations about Hillary, Obama, Lurch, “The People’s Republic of Connecticut’s Senator Rambo, and many others being caught in blatant and despicable lies and actually being defended by these cunts). The only problem these asshats have now is tat most people have figured out the game and don’t care anymore.
It’s like the screaming accusation of “racist” being made when some fuckhead was trying to peddle a parade of lies, and you called them on it during the Obama years. it has lost the magic it once had because everyone knows it is not just false, but an attempt to shut down any debate (because one side knows they can’t argue the shit they are peddling on the merits).
My favorite example of this: Bill Clinton posing for a photo in front of an all-black chain gang in Stone Mountain, GA (regarded as the KKK’s birthplace) in his 1992 campaign. This would’ve murdered the career of any Republican politician, even retrospectively; even for the non-pearl-clutching crowd, it’s a pretty awful look. But Clinton was a Democrat, so it’s OK.
I mean, shit, the Democrats were happy to be represented in the Senate for a half-century by Robert Byrd. Who was, you know, AN ACTUAL KKK MEMBER. But again, Democrat, so somehow that’s OK too.
Can someone explain to me why the Brits are so obsessed with Trump? Why should they care? What has Trump done to them?
Of course, our favorite psychotic retards are all for it.
He’s not an appeaser like the Sainted One and he’s done icky things that were reported in their tabloids.
Appeaser? Obama was a condescending asshole who pretty much sealed the Brexit vote.
I tell a lot of people that they can thank Obama being the cunt he was for a lot of the things that today make them furious, including the ascendancy of orange man, but they refuse to get it.
I was referring to the Nobel Laureate’s apology tour that set so many pleasant things in motion.
Also: why should Americans give a flying fuck what the President’s approval rating is among foreigners?
You’re supposed to care what those inbred, culturally decayed, backwards eurosnobs think more than how your bank account is doing! It’s just common sense!
UCS, I want to join you and Neph when you get together. Do you have a plan yet?
Yes. We’re getting grilled cheese
We do. If you don’t hear back from UCS, feel free to hit me up at my handle at Google’s mail.
importing deranged German leadership: they relate
I thought that was going to be a link to TOS.
Hope you like seeing your FAILING approval numbers projected onto the Tower of London.
He should care why? They are not American voters. Enjoy regaining independence. Or being slaves…
And do you know what other President had low approval in Great Britain?
Well, the UK’s foreign policy is basically dictated to them by Washington, so I can see how they might have an opinion on Trump, at least as foreign policy goes.
Now, the mostly-lefty Americans who were wailing and gnashing their teeth over the Brexit vote a few years ago? That I had no answer for.
My local NPR station is having their begathon, and the host claimed that Trump was demanding that the UK abolish the NHS before he’d make any trade deal with them.
I heard him on the news not half an hour ago stating rather plainly that he didn’t give a crap about the NHS one way or the other.
Question: how are they able to use the property of The Crown (I assume) to broadcast a political message? Can Skittles project shit on the Tower of London? I doubt it.
Notice how fast the Virginia Beach shooting is getting memory-holed? Apparently a black dude shooting 9 white and 3 black people with a .45 in a gunfree zone isn’t proper fodder.
They gungrabbers are trying to get some mileage out of the fact that he may have used a suppressor – ignoring the fact that he had to go through an extra-deep 6 month ATF background check to buy a muffler.
Perp has too much melanin and used the wrong kind of weapon.
Easy peasy.
Given that the three main Democrat politicians in state office have all been scandalized recently, they’re using this as an opportunity to distract.
I believe I heard the shooter was using several anti-depressants or anti-psychotics.
I read that he was weirdly secretive around his apartment complex but a friendly fellow at work.
He brushed his teeth at work.
Case closed.
Ugh. I clean the sinks. They don’t drain well. Enough said.
Partially memory holed. He’ll be used to show how males are mass shooters.
Or the last two school shooting where kids rushed the shooter? Those sure disappeared fast.
Or Las Vegas, which no one ever mentions anymore despite the the fact that 480 people were shot and nobody seems to have any idea why it happened.
Fun fact – if you type “Stephen Paddock” in the search bar of Chrome, he pops up listed as “American real estate investor”.
Nobody seems to have an idea of what exactly happened…
Come on, they released a one-page report with no details. What more do you people want??
Access to the actual weapons, information on the bullets extracted from the victims, hotel surveillance footage, the shooter’s autopsy…?
Very much this.
You mean the shooting in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, where two students, one transgendered, teamed up to shoot up a school with stolen handguns, but were foiled by some classmates tackling them? And a school resource officer accidentally shot a deputy sheriff? That one?
I don’t think that one was very useful to the narrative.
Do we even know yet if it was a “real” suppressor, or one of those oil-filter knockoff versions?
I friend would shoot squirrels in his backyard with a .22 using a subsonics and plastic bottle taped to the end of the barrel. Said it was nearly silent.
My guess is that they know it was a real suppressor which was registered in his name – but publishing that will lead to knowledge that he had passed the strictest background checks imaginable and that won’t work with their narrative.
that it was a suppressor would blow up their waiting periods talking points. 300+ days currently.
Dunno, but I haven’t heard any reports of the shooter having a bunch of malfunctions. I suspect that it was a real commercially-manufactured can
All mass shooters are white. It is known. Ignore this and ignore gang violence.
And WTF is with the picture of a BDSM white rat? Is there something going on behind the scenes the rest of us Gliberati need to know about? Paging our resident BDSM experts!
Yeah, that bondage rat is going to haunt my nightmares.
I don’t know about haunting my nightmares, but it is disturbing.
I thought that dried-out froggy caught on the fan with the perma-scream was much worse.
One more reason I chose the physical sciences for a career, rather than the biosciences. I couldn’t imagine having the required callousness with regards to lab animals.
Before she became an MD, my sis worked in a research lab that required her to 86 hundreds of sea urchins. It actually still disgusts me to this day; especially since she seems to think it’s NBD.
I’ve never been squeamish about that, I just oppose making the animal suffer.
My urchins need disposed of occasionally…what do you all recommend? I’ve been just having them sent into the coal mine’s deepest part so far.
I could cut up the dead ones if I was stoned enough but the pithing of the frog was a struggle for me.
We did baby pigs in university. That was nasty because my lab partner was a skank that smell of cock every morning. That smell mixed with the formaldahyde made that 9am class hell. Oh, and they dissect fucking cats here in biology class.
That’s a hard NO for me.
Did you have sex with her?
More than once is what Q meant to ask…
It depends whose cock she smells of, I surmise.
Nah. She did wind up doing one of my roommates. Good for him.
I’m donating my body to science, at the proper time. One day there will be revelations made, maybe like “OMG! Did you see the size of that? Biggest bunion ever!”
I took a Zoology course in highschool. We dissected cats, pigs and a bunch of other stuff. My favorite was a shark.
Now you know why Jerry runs so fast.
^Unrequited post
And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except for CPA, who is having his balls disconnected today.
Just remember to ice afterwards.
Once the Xanax kicked in before my procedure, you could have fully castrated me and I probably wouldn’t have cared.
I only have 10mg of valium. WIll that do the trick?
Make sure you jerk off immediately afterwards. Trust me on this, I’m a doctor.
You’re the wrong type of doctor.
I’ll just assume he meant right after taking the valium, but still before the knife.
Never go on a date with a loaded gun. Including a date with the knife!
Might take the edge off.
But it’s definitely not Xanax, Valium doesn’t do much for me.
Ativan FTW.
You got drugs? I only got lidocaine and some paracetamol afterwards even tho I went private instead of going with the public system.
Please tell me you just created your handle for this.
Unfortunately not. It’s based on a previous unintended amputation of some toes.
Damn sorry, not the response I was expecting to receive.
I had it coming. The day before I cut them off I mocked people clumsy enough to put to put their feet in the mower only to do the same thing.
Losing the toes has been worth it for situations like this.
Like, how many times does the manual have to say it?
(and yes, I combined two “DONT”s, the manual specifies wet and slopes as two warnings)
Going from .50 cal to blanks.
Meh. It was not nearly as bad as I pretended. It was NCAA hockey finals weekend, so I made believe I was too sore to do anything except sit on the sofa, drink and watch hockey.
Bags of frozen peas work well for icing ,too.
Good luck!
Hope it goes well and that you have a smooth recovery. Also, ZARDOZ is greatly pleased.
That’s an excellent point: where does ZARDOZ stand on the penis when it is no longer capable of shooting evil seeds? Is fucking ok then?
I think HE would be okay with it considering the evil penis can no longer do as you you said. I’m sure ZARDOZ understands we brutals still need our penises to at least pee.
Thanks, no matter how much I tell myself I want this and I’ll be the next of many survivors, it’s still very sensitive equipment that I get squeamish thinking about it being sliced open.
Letting someone use a cutting implement to degrade the effectiveness of the family jewels is just not a thing I hope to ever have to do in my life. And I hear when you get snipped you become a lazy dude and get fat….
*Thumps tail twice, farts and goes back to the Land of Nod*
Why would you do this any day other than Thursday morning in early March when the NCAA tourney starts?
Well I met with my GP back in January. Once the urologist appointment was scheduled, then cancelled and rescheduled, the earliest surgery date I could get was today.
Do they give you a Beto shirt to wear home after that procedure?
Sweets, crisps and sugary drinks should be in plain wrappers, like cigarettes, to help combat preventable diseases.
That is one of the proposals in a report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), a left-leaning think tank, which says the plain packaging would put unhealthy snacks on “a level
playing field” with fruit and vegetables.
Just ban the damn things…
Teenage Scruffy didn’t care what kind of wrapper his Ho-Ho’s came in.
I think you stuttered…
Entenmann’s > Hostess.
Fight me.
Agree 100%. Those Pop’ems amirite?
*throws Ding Dong at Sean*
Entenmann’s > Hostess.
You people disgust me.
Yeah but Drake’s>Entenmann’s
Drake’s = Hostess. Literally.
Not anymore – sold them off when Hostess went bankrupt several years ago. Little Debbie’s parent company owns Drake’s now.
In any case, Drake’s were around for a long time before Hostess bought them and didn’t change any in the time Hostess owned them.
I learn something new every day.
Chocolate frosted devils food donuts > all.
Ho-Ho’s wrapped in the real foil, not the foil bag shit they use nowadays. #getoutofmysnackdrawer
HOLY SHIT! These things are bad for you?!?
Only in excess, like water, salt, fat, other carbohydrates, etc
They just passed a law here that all smokes have to come in plain brown wrappers. Soon buying a pack of cigs will be just like buying porn 40 years ago. It’s a brave new world.
But we’re gonna do whatever it takes to chase after the next “improvements”. You will comply, citizens.
They’ll come for the vapers next.
Um, they already are.
Something tells me this isn’t going to make kids reject candy and soda in favor of Swiss chard and kombucha.
Which will make groceries even more expensive. DOH!
the plain packaging would put unhealthy snacks on “a level playing field” with fruit and vegetables.
Produce you actually want to eat typically looks pretty attractive too. But yeah, I get how a standard Red Delicious could be confused with brown wrapping paper flavorwise.
“I’ve done some dumb things,” Biden said at that presser. “And I’ll do dumb things again.”
Promises Kept – Biden 2020
*Steps on rake then staggers back and slips on banana peel*
I should have refreshed. Just thought I was the only one who read links around here.
Great minds. Or mediocre ones. I’ll take either.
Wiser words have never been spoken.
Itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikinis.
Something for everyone here, though some of the girls are a little skinny for my taste.
22, 36, 50. Bless summer and I wish my area was more popular with the yutes.
OK, then I’ll look.
#57 please.
Oh, and #28
iswas a man.I’m curious what market Apple “dominates” – its less than 20% of the smartphone market? Less than 10% of the desktop market? Of the ones listed, the only one you could charitably argue they are in the business of is apps but you can’t “dominate” it with those market shares. “But walled garden!” That’s a different argument that’s already going through the courts.
Apple’s in trouble. Their valuation exceeds their potential at this point.
Yep. Apple’s revenues are basically iPhones and not much else, and the high-end phone market is slowing.
Tim Cook ≠ Steve Jobs.
Jobs, a preening asshole was unafraid to fail. Cook is too precious and calculating.
They dominate the hipster signaling market.
Given the choice, I’ll always go with Linux, but IMO, at this point Microsoft makes a superior product.
I have a 4 year old MacBook Air which has been fine. I don’t game, watch movies, code or build massive spreadsheets, so more anything is really unnecessary for me. What I liked (and like) about it is how light it is. I pretty much always have it with me, so that’s more important to me than the technology.
But that’s it. No iPad, Apple watch, Apple TV or any of their other stuff.
I don’t game, watch movies, code or build massive spreadsheets
It’s a great computer as long as you don’t really do any computing.
I love my Microsoft surface.
I’ve been using a Samsung Chromebook Plus for over a year and really love it. Surprisingly versatile machine, and light/compact enough to double as a tablet (e.g., reading Kindle books etc.)
I’ve had several. They’re great.
“Microsoft makes a superior product”
Windows is better than OS X?
In utility. I can’t name one thing I could do in OSX that I couldn’t on a windows machine, but plenty that the mac won’t run.
Also, so little for the price tag and bundled hardware…
OSX has been way more stable and less prone to viral attacks, though.
Yeah, the continual trainwreck of Windows forcing updates on her machine has made Mrs. Dean pretty cranky. Every time, she has to go through and reset a bunch of stuff.
And, yes, there’s a way to stop it. But the fact you have to go digging around in the software to do so is, itself, an indictment of Windows.
I was a Linux man until Apple ruined it for me. Fuck them and their piece of shit computers.
Apple ruined Linux? How?
No. Mac suck ballz.
Windows sucks ballz. Now we’re even.
You like riding around on a tricycle. Safe and easy but treats you like a child. Me, I am into big engines and will die in style when it crashes.
Yeah, I like being treated like a child. You got me.
They have a lot of money – that’s the real reason they’re in the crosshairs.
In the end my bathroom ended up a fucking disaster. I should have spent like 400 dollars less for something simpler and it would have been better. I should have known Romanian workers would struggle with a asymmetric tub.
So now you have to shower in the bidet and shit in the shower?
haha. ow I need to find a way to use some plastic or silicone or something to stop the water going along the side of the tub to the portion of my floor where the slope of the floor is towards the bedroom not the drain.
Also a way to fix the mask into a proper position better. Glue it or something.
“I’ve done some dumb things” Biden said at that presser “And I’ll do dumb things again.” This should be the man’s campaign slogan
<a href="" target="_new".BRING OUT THE GIMP!
This article has so much comedy (or is it tragedy) that I am just gonna leave it to the Gliberati to peruse and find their own favorite part of it.
Link fail – you were supposed to send us the one wherein they hooked up on Grindr through the Black Men Love Fisting app.
<a href="" target="_new"This one.
HEPL Edit Fairy!
Ha-ha. Now, that is funny.
The edit fairy is a stern but just fairy.
George Costanza, call your office!
WHO KNEW? 2% of American Counties Account for 51% of Murders Nationwide BUT 54% Had No Murders at All
The heat map is exactly what you expected.
That 2% of counties has what percent of the population?
And ditto for the 54%?
The map is exactly what you would expect, but I am going to call out people I agree with when they use numbers bad too.
I distinctly remember reading this conversation before here a few months ago. Someone saying the first statistic and someone else (probably robc) looking at population numbers etc.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the previous time I was on the other side of the conversation.
It happens sometimes.
On the other hand, the details on Chicago neighborhood is a good way to show the same thing. Even without a high murder area, the murders are concentrated in certain neighborhoods.
And a lot of the murders seem to be in places that have fairly strict gun control.
And dry precincts.
WITHIN not without.
I blame the NRA
And you should. Using counties for any of kind statistical argument is bullshit.
I had no idea Central Cali was that bad.
VDH would like a word.
Well, if not for all of the guns being smuggled to those places from Indiana…
That’s a lot of suicides.
I wonder how many of the 1700 are by cops?
If not for gangs and drugs, the number of murders by guns is below 1,700 in a county of 330,000,000 people.
So basically if you are not into the gang scene, the US is as safe for you as Switzerland (0.52 v 0.54 per 100K).
Not sure how many are by guns, but about 1000 people a year are killed by cops.
Tard Tuesday: DO IT
Dumb representatives don’t realize that Pelosi is protecting them from themselves. Impeachment is politically unpopular, and there is a 0% chance that it will lead to removal (that would require all Ds + 20 Rs in the Senate), so there is zero upside for this move.
And even if enough Senators crossed over to sustain the effort… they lose probably their #1 2020 campaign issue. Will they “organically” push through the effort to impeach Pence? What else will they campaign on? The GND? Antisemitism? Repealing tax cuts?
War with Russia and China
also, Moar Taxes
Vote Shrillary 2020
What happens if they miraculously impeach and remove him prior to the election in the next 17 months and he runs for president and wins? That would be glorious. I would need a shit ton of popcorn as well.
how could i NOT vote for Trump at that point.
I support having workplace temps be near the peak of what women prefer, as a symbolic gesture to show support for women in the workplace. Versus other such symbols, this would be more visible & verifiable, & induce at most modest productivity harms.
Well another summer of listening how office temperatures are sexist.
In other words “I’m a virtue-signaling putz”
Ah yes. I remember an office where middle-aged women dressed like they were going to the beach would turn off the AC…
In my company some did that and started complaining the men were sweating and that bothered them
Ha – you sexist bastards! I often had to take my laptop to a cooler part of the building to work. Being hot makes me fall asleep.
Being sweaty makes it hard to concentrate for me.
Yeah, being hot and miserable definitely dulls down your thinking ability.
That’s what pisses me off about the office temperature bullshit – aside from the fact that women’s comfort should for some reason be prioritized – if it’s too cool you can always put on a sweater, but if it’s too hot there is nothing you can do but suffer.
Seriously – when you allow me to wear shorts and a tank top to work, then by all means set the temperature at 78 degrees or whatever nonsense. If you expect me to wear pants, then turn that shit down and get a sweater, toots.
Or, they will bring in small under-desk heaters which are fire hazards and will often trip breakers.
Evil Tech Tonio: [loudly] Looks like it was Cathy’s heater which knocked out all your computers. How many times do I have to email you people about this? Remember, we will provide safe, low-wattage foot heaters for you upon request. This guy is a high wattage fire hazard.
ETT: Sure, I’ll take a look at your issue once you turn your heater off. Yeah, I’ll be back in five once it’s cooled down enough for me to work under there.
I support having workplace temps be near the peak of what women prefer
I first read this as referring to “workplace temps” as in “temporary workers” and had an entirely different story in mind. The actual story was disappointingly mundane by contrast.
Women are too stupid to bring a sweater to the office. It is known.
I told my boss about that study. She was in her office, wearing a sweater (in Tucson, in June). She laughed.
This was in Brazil, but amazing how something like this works.
The video’s a little gruesome FYI.
I want to make babies with that lady!
It worked, but she took a hell of a chance with that lady and kid behind him.
Gruesome, but kind of awesome, too.
The first time through, it looked like she had the two bystanders behind the dude, but it seems to be the camera angle.
She’s an off-duty cop.
Damn that was slick as hell, good job Mrs. Sastre.
Good for her.
Serves him right for wearing flip flops.
I like how he cried like a little bitch and died later.
Because of the flip flops right?
Yeah – he was all Billie-Badass when he thought he was the one who would be shooting people, deciding who lives and dies. Instant Karma can be a bitch.
He later died. Brazil needs common sense off-duty cop control.
Didn’t we do this 6 months ago? Not that there’s anything wrong with chicks shooting assholes.
Yeah, I didn’t click on the link, but it sounds very familiar.
The video is a year old.
It says she shot him three times. I only saw a couple. Maybe the third one was to the back of the head, off-camera?
I do like the way she literally kicks him while he’s down.
Greetings you glorious bastards. I have survived a weekend of beer fests and punk music. Several running jokes from the weekend was the saying (and shirts that said), “Old Punks don’t die. They just stand in the back.”; the girlfriend getting Rancid and Sublime confused and telling everyone she was really excited to see Sublime play; the mud… oh sweet Cheebus the mud (my black Docs are more of a brown right now, two days later).
The biggest balls award at the event go to Stone Brewing, who after pulling out support for the Punk in Drublic beer, tour, and getting NOFX removed from their own event, showed up at this event to pour beer during the beer fest.
Old Punks don’t die – they become censors.
That seemed like a pretty mild bad taste joke. Not really funny either, so they should have been booted for their lack of humor, not for the poor taste.
I’m glad you had fun!
“Old Punks don’t die. They just stand in the back.”
It’s a fair cop.
NOFX should have known better. 30 years ago no one would have even heard about it.
/looks down at the colorful bruises and sunburn on my arm.
Some of us still go in for at least a while. It just takes longer to heal up again.
If it weren’t NOFX, I would agree that the joke was minor and shouldn’t have been a big deal, but Fat Mike has been one of the worst PC censors in punk rock so fuck him. He kicked Screeching Weasel off Fat Wreck for the Ben Weasel-punches-woman incident.
Oh shit, I haven’t thought about Screeching Weasel in years. I’ll be binge listening today.
As an mid-1980s punk, I never glommed onto a lot of 90s punk.
an exception:
apologies for the flashback – saw these guys live in a little hole-in-the-wall in Kalamazoo.
I saw the guitarist looked super sick – barfing in the waterlogged bathroom. Turns out he had HIV…
one more – the Hudson Falcons:
Their second album actually has EF and I mentioned in the liner notes. We hosted them several times in Grand Rapids and got to know the entire band. Very lefty people – working class this and that.
Fuck man, the Damned and FEAR played there. As one of the old punks said to one of the young ones, “That’s someone’s grandfather up there on stage.”
There was also some entertainment as some of the really young punks didn’t know about the SHARPs that were there. So some of us old people got to talk about the scene and the changes over the past 2-3 decades.
And for one of the few times, there were women walking around topless (with three variants: stickers, electrical tape, and nothing) that were worth looking at.
Man I saw FEAR back in the mid-90s. Lee Ving looked old back then!
Well, even then he was around 40, and a hard-living 40 at that.
Saw FEAR twice and loved every minute of it.
NOFX: the Nickelback of punk.
I wouldn’t go that far. They have some good albums.
That would be Green Day.
Blink 182 would be my pick
I can accept Blink 182 as another option.
Successful and adored by millions?
/Ducks and runs for cover
No one needs $1 million so may as well give it all to charity, right Grandpa Gulag?
How people can vote for this disingenuous commie nut is beyond me.
Yeah, no shit.
Dorsey the punk: Why come? We just doubled character limits to 280!
Darwin shooting: Four killed in northern Australia
are you American gun nuts happy now huh? You mass shootings are contagious. You are ruining Australia. Ban all guns worldwide now!
I am sure the guns were purchased in Indiana.
I am sure the guns were purchased in India
na.Next time that vapid douche Barry yaps on about gun control and he mentions Australia’s ‘sensible’ gun confiscation program….tell him to go feed Michelle beef jerky.
Wookies eat beef jerky?
She strikes me as someone who would whip out the BJ.
Right after giving a speech scolding people to eat healthy like her.
I always thought Wookies were more into possum or other forms of roadkill… But yeah, Michelle looks like she has not missed too many meals…
I’m pretty sure I saw her in a Jack’s Links commercial.
Fuggin Trump and his climate denialism.
Of course it was. LOCKDOWN!!
Also, I thought shotguns were ok because they aren’t weapons of war.
Biden approves.
Whoa, wait – this can’t be right. Mass shootings only happen in the US, thus saith Chocolate Nixon.
I blame the NRA
I have it on good authority that the Aussies don’t have mass shootings since they banned guns.
Apparently Governor Blackface is going to make some gun control push today. I am going to go ahead and wager that nothing proposed would 1) be constitutional (Article 1, section 13 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth is pretty explicit and clear) and/or 2) have made a difference in the recent shooting.
We all knew that was coming. Hell, they even let Fairfax out of his janitorial closet.
I’ll have you know that my closets are pristine examples of the Janitorial Arts. His is probably littered with used condoms and Ho-Ho wrappers (not the same).
BIF #4: Maine Brewing Company, Lunch.
IPA, 7% ABV, pleasant citrusy hops, no harsh bitterness. Really good, not over the top. Came in 16.9 oz bottle, which is probably something in metric, but seemed odd.
Beeradvocate rates it a 4.38, I will go 4.5/5. Excellent beer, much thanks to DanG for this one. I now have a reason to visit Maine.
A Romanian brewer made a something called new england ipa which I tried. Bloody thing was murky. Must of been a bad batch.
Now I also bough a bottle of New Zealand New England style IPA which is becoming ridiculous as styles go.
I grew up right in the middle of New England – not sure how an IPA got the name.
Lunch was a west coast IPA, not a NE IPA.
The difference is basically the types of hops, the citrusy/piney hops are the staple of the west coast IPA.
Oh, I left out, Lunch was bottle conditioned, so had some yeast floaties in it. Makes for extra delicious.
16.9 ounces (US) is just monkey’s nuts under 500ml (half a litre).
i’ve been to that brewery a few times and had some stuff on tap that they didn’t bottle. they make very good beer. and the moral of this story is to visit breweries as often as possible. so much great beer is never bottled, just kegged and served in-house.
Catwalk cover-up: how the west is falling for modest fashion
something something best timeline?
…is this progress?
No. Not even close.
Next question.
I can’t do much about it but can we have the tube-top come back into vogue? Mini-skirts made a comeback some years ago.
Oh hell yes!
Hey there baby, say, what’s your sign I could tell it was the same as mine Tube top momma nearly six feet tall She is the fox of the shopping mall This is the era, this is the time You know you’ve got to boogie ‘cuz your platforms are fine
Come down to Florida and see what the girls are wearing on the beaches. T-backs. Things that make beach volleyball players look well-covered.
Between this and the abstaining on sex deal, my lord, the Victorian Era is making a glorious comeback.
The argument that the industry is offensively fetishising religious wear, turning something deeply meaningful into a throwaway trend, has been made several times. On the other hand, by seeming to be more inclusive, is this progress?
IOW, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Typical progs.
Complaining is the highest form of virtue.
What I find unpleasant about how Muslim women dress is two fold. First, it screams I am submissive chattel and second, the first thing it tells people what religion you practice. If I see a woman in typical western dress, I have no idea what their religion is or even whether they’r religious at all.
Burkas are the next tattoos trend.
EF was looking to buy a new swimsuit from a UK site (which has some great clothing too). The Burkini will do well for those hot summer days by the beach. Gah!
Eh, hijabs aside, tastefully and stylishly covered up is often more alluring than showing lots of skin.
Capitalism is hilarious because everyone just finds it perfectly normal that every cat food brand tells you to overfeed your cat in order to sell more cat food. The free market is highly rational in serving our needs, after all.
Some people long to be slaves.
It’s a lot like life.
That poor motherfucker and his complete lack of independent thought, having to do whatever a company tells him.
Think of the children
Like your soon-to-be one?
I just needed smaller hands to get a wrench into the land cruiser.
Damn! Welcome back DOOMco. Glad to see you made it back. I have the feeling I’ve missed a story over the weekend.
Well, we did shorten your house while you were away, hoped you hadn’t noticed.
It snuck out last night.
I’m 6 months from having a little doom in the house!
A while back, I used to entertain myself by commenting on his facebook posts. Generally his ridiculous critiques of capitalism turns out to actually be a spot on example of some oppression that actually happened in the Soviet Union.
So my shtick was to tell him he was spot on but had gotten the names backward. It used to drive him to a fury, especially when I used links to to back me up.
But, in the end, arguing with that man is like casting pearls before swine.
People living in a world of their own imagination will not usually appreciate having sane people that know better show them facts or use logic that make their fantasy world look like the fable it is.
In Soviet Russia, cat eats you!
In Venezuela…
They finished eating the pets and are already looking at eating their neighbors…
No one needs 23 different kinds of cat food.
Jun 1
Mine’s strictly an indoor cat, but that didn’t stop him from bringing a dead mouse into my bed, Godfather-style”
Cats are soooo bad ass.
When I first adopted my (healthy, fully grown) cat, he gained 2lbs in a year because I fed him what the bag said to. I got his weight back down, but I will never get back the nights of not getting scratched in the face at 4am that this little bit of misinformation cost me”
I follow the instructions but the instructions do not work like these goggles. So capitalism is bad.
/sticks thumb up ass.
It took you a whole year to figure out your cat was porking out? Two pounds is a lot for a critter that small – cats avg 10-12 pounds for a standard size, healthy cat.
My guess is he was fattening the cat up to sell to a Chinese restaurant but then lost the nerve, and decided to blame it all on capitalism…
What does it take to a) read the instructions. b) take those instructions and confirm and verify with a vet or someone who is experienced with cats, c) do a cursory research yourself for further information and finally d) observe and be attentive for a couple of weeks or a month?
That’s pretty much what we did.
Too much work for left-wing commies though. Better to be lazy ass whiners and blame capitalism….and Trump.
I should add to (b) experienced people including those at a pet food store who tend to be very helpful and accurate.
The recipe provided by Nestle may include more chocolate chips than is truly needed? shocked, I am.
So he really has no idea of the cat’s history, other than the vet said it was not diseased.
The cat’s history is going to affect its behavior. If it had been a stray at any time in its life it is going to eat whatever is put out because it a) assumes it is a one-shot deal, and b) doesn’t want any other cat taking any of it.
But the author has no ability to understand humans an individuals, so he certainly has no capacity to understand any other animal as an individual.
This is the mentality of a man who watches Chernobyl on HBO and draws the conclusion that it’s a commentary on Trump.
Yeah that whole kerfuffle and line of thinking is laughable. Especially since I hear the producer/director of the show got really mad when people pointed out the show did a great job of indicting marxism/socialism by making obvious how the marxists, more concerned with the optics of how the disaster would impact their branding in other parts of the world, decided to not act immediately, and thus caused a far larger casualty toll.
I pointed out to some asshat how if they but looked at the difference of how things were handled between Chrnobyl and Fukushima, and that that difference came from the fact that the USSR was more concerned with its reputation and the damage done to the communist brand than the actual disaster unfolding, while Japan by virtue of being a free country could not hide the facts, that Chernobyl was far worse because socialists of that concern for branding. They were pissed, and immediately went to the “that was not true socialism/marxism/collectivism” trope.
They were pissed, and immediately went to the “that was not true socialism/marxism/collectivism” trope.
You’d think they’d be proud of it. That’s what “There is no me, there is only we” looks like – the individual is sacrificed for the collective.
In their fantasy version of the collectivist Utopia bad things never happen to anyone but bad people…
every cat food brand tells you to overfeed your cat in order to sell more cat food.
Yeah, I’m guessing his cat is sitting in the background thinking something to the effect of “Yeah, buddy, on that starvation diet you give me, you can bet the bank I’m going to eat your face when you die.”.
All I’m seeing is him fat-shaming his cat. Christ, what an asshole!
Independent Vermont Sen. and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders labeled a Politico article digging into his finances “anti-Semitic” during an interview over the weekend.
Sanders stated, “Call that what it is. It’s an anti-semitic article,” in an interview with The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur.
“The whole article, it’s littered with innuendo about, like, ‘Oh yeah, he talks about millionaires and billionaires controlling government, but now he’s a millionaire,’” Uygur previously stated back when the story was published, according to Mediaite. “It’s a one smear after another after another after another.”
“Pointing out my hypocrisy is antisemitic. Btw where are Drumpfs tax returns. What is that guy hiding?”
Bernie is pretty slippery on this issue. I mean, is he a Jew ? Or just, you know, Jewish ?
Sex diseases on the rise in England
Chavs gonna Chav.
Yeah, this just brought to mind the many snapshots I’ve seen of them drunkenly stumbling around during late-night festivities in any English town.
Needz moar censorship of social media.
I congratulate socialized medicine.
Denver Firefighters Disciplined Over Sex Toy Escapade
Tade thought it was funny, too, he just has to tow the lion.
I just assumed his “completely inappropriate” remark was addressed at the “posted online” part. Some categories of fun are not supposed to be broadcast. He’ll discipline his firefighters to know better next time.
“That was hilarious, guys. But you gotta be more discreet in the future, ok? Now, remember to look guilty and shamed when you leave in case any of the HR scolds are watching.”
Disciplined, like a good spanking?
I hope that there were alcohol baths between “rounds” on the sex toy.
See that post about more TSDs in England above……
I saw Sex Toy Escapade open for The Blots at the Troubador in late 97.
Something, something Steely Dan.
Today in the Yomiuri and on Yahoo News Japan I saw the same ad campaign, so I googled it to find out where it came from. The campaign is “Kuutsuu” which is a play on the words “pain” “foot” and “shoes”. This media blitz (after a google I saw it at many other outlets) is to stop forcing women to wear high heels because it hurts their feet. It’s so silly given that nobody besides pimps are forcing women to wear high heels. Also, women here complaining about being uncomfortable at work when the men do ALL of the dangerous jobs is a bit rich. So where did this campaign originate? Of course, the Communist Party of Japan. Ugh.
Saw some of those party peeps campaigning a few months ago with the van, bull horn, and all that stuff. I just shook my head and kept on walking on.
They are some truly weird looking people, aren’t they? Bad skin 50 year old women and some tiny old men. They make up for their small numbers by being extra loud.
Every time I see them in front of the train station I get so tempted to stop and tell one of them that the reason I joined the Marines was so they would give me a gun and send me somewhere to kill communists.
Is Yomuri Japanese for Tienanmen Square?
Attention cartography geeks:
Download 91,000 Historic Maps from the Massive David Rumsey Map Collection
David Rumsey Map Collection
Oh, now that is cool.
Thanks Mike.
we find early data visualizations
“Ok, next overlay”
*flurry of servants, parchment and quills*
Hey everyone!
Been away too long, and I keep getting drawn back here!
Of course Bernie doesn’t like someone pointing out his finances
Congrats, right?
SP mentioned she might have said something.
Thanks, the doom family is starting!
Good and less good times ahead. Enjoy them both.
You little fucker!! Your family was worried sick!!
Seriously, glad to have you back, kid.
It’s been hard, the whole move and this job is a lot more time consuming.
That, and we’re playing mortal Kombat a lot when I’m home.
I just don’t want to go to sports websites this morning and see more of the bruins sucking.
Well, just glad to have you back. What’s this about the Doom family starting?
Well, my girlfriend is now my fiance, and is also (unrelated) pregnant!
Which is kind of a miracle, we were told there was almost no way that would happen after she got of depo provera.
Thanks!! We’re pretty excited, and a little nervous naturally.
Good for you for choosing an unrelated girlfriend. We’re not judgy or anything, but still…
We do kinda look alike…
No shotgun.
Well, my girlfriend is now my fiance, and is also (unrelated) pregnant!
Congrats! If my wife doesn’t murder me in my sleep between now and September, we will celebrate six years of getting married while pregnant.
I think she’s leaning towards a wedding after, but the legal part might happen beforehand.
We’re also looking for ways to get back to new England for family. New Hampshire being the only place I’m really willing to live unless the money is bonkers.
Just sleep with one eye open!
He can’t sleep with one eye open, too exhausted from cleaning up after puking kids.
You haven’t even been through ONE San Marcos summer yet!
Really happy for you, man! I never planned on being a dad but it has turned out to be the best job I’ve ever had.
Most days.
All my best to the three of you!
Thanks. I’m really excited, and my friends have been great in encouragement.
Tulpa alert!
Welcome back, good sir!
I have been in our discord a lot, it’s a little easier to pop in and out there, but I like these links and articles too much to quit!
Seriously, check out Haidt and Lukianoff’s book, The Coddling of the American Mind. I know I overprotect even though I’m try consciously not to.
Oh thank goodness! I thought maybe something terrible happened. Like you ate some bad Hawaiian pizza (but I repeat myself) and died. Seriously, glad everything is going good!
And congrats on the upcoming birth of your child. I hope the child is a masculine child.
…unless it’s a girl.
Lady doom thinks it’s a girl, im not sure.
SP made fun of my pizza toppings on my Instagram!
And we both like pineapples on it!
*high five*
Congrats and welcome back! You still in Tejas?
We are, for now.
I think this has brought a desire to get back home, it’s nice to be able to see family more than once or twice a year.
Right on. It’s definitely good to have family around when the kids start showing up on the scene.
I just signed a law allowing you to order beer and wine from retailers to be delivered to your home.
Enjoy responsibly.
Deliver it by drone. Also, I want a pizza.
Deliver it by drone.
Liquids are too heavy to be delivered by drone in any significant quantity, so unless you’re a lightweight it’s more economical to have it hand-delivered.
You haven’t seen my drone.
EF ended up buying a used, well-maintained 2008 Infiniti M35x, which has the legroom needed for our 6’8″ son. I drove it a bit yesterday – very well put together car. No squeaks, rattles – and it feels newer than one would guess. Leather and (real?) wood trim. 3.5L V6 feels pretty powerful, and the short gearing plus the AWD gives it a good shot out of the hole. A little characterless exhaust; needs more gears than a 5-speed autotragic and, if I were to buy one, would prefer RWD for sheer hooliganism.
I test drove a Kia Telluride recently. Remarkably quiet, quick, and smooth, but why oh why is it FWD?
Uh, money?
I’ve just been driving RWD for so long, FWD feels like a complete aberration.
Used bmw?
It’s an SUV?
Gravel makes that easier
You have a 6’8″ son? Dayummmm
One suspects his handle is descriptive.
he may be taller than that but I don’t want to know!
*he may be taller than that but the air gets awfully thin near the summit
Even UCS would have to admit that’s tall.
Barely tall.
That Nissan aluminum V-6 may be the best motor ever built. Had a Maxima that was indestructible rocket-ship. (I got one with a manual 5-speed that did temp me to commit seriously hooliganism despite the front-wheel-drive)
I have a 2006 350Z. The motor is awesome.
I’ve always liked the Z cars. And they are surprisingly not-expensive. If I was going to get a sports car, it’d probably be one of those.
LH’s Infinit sounds like a good ‘un. You can fix that puny exhaust and probably squeeze out some horsepower with a cat-back exhaust. I bet that engine is seriously choked off by its ECM; don’t know if they have after-market ECMs for those (we have them in both the FJs), but a speed shop might be able to tweak it.
I read a bunch of reviews when I was thinking of buying the Z. There was one Aussie review where he talks about walking into a showroom to look at sedans and sees the Z sitting on the side. He looks at the price and sees it’s the same as the sedan. So you buy the Z and drive it home. Your wife gets pissed and leaves you, but at least you still have the Z.
At the infinity G35/G37 is the same platform as the Z.
The Jeep Straight Six from the 90s Cherokee is quite a specimen as well.
I love those 4.0s. They’re tough as nails.
I drive a 2002 Stagea (not available in the US) which is a stationwagon built around the M35 drivetrain with AWD. You have to experience that AWD on a highway at speed in a curve. When the rear wheels feel like they might start slipping out you give it more gas and the front wheels take over.
I was reading from the bottom up and thought sweet, a station wagon built out of a deuce & a half.
One of our neighbors has a restored WWII Deuce & 1/2 Field Kitchen Truck with trailer. I covet that thing like you wouldn’t believe.
There was a guy up in Granby tht had a Vietnam-era deuce-and-a-half for sale. I was well into negotiations with him before Mrs. Animal got wind of it and slammed the door.
Oh well.
BTW, congrats to bacon magic for the Blues’ enormous, huge, gigantic victory last night. They had to win that game, and they did.
I’ll second that. Pietrangelo was a beast.
But how about Charlie Coyle? I’m happy to see him doing so well and even more pissed at Wild management for not using him properly.
You know where he’s from by any chance?
Yes, but he still seems non-retarded. Must be the time he spent here.
Him and Johansson have been great.
Full Metal Farming
Probably an old timer? I love that, “If it gits me, it gits me” attitude.
I think he’s driving down a road at full speed. But still cool AF.
Which FYI; would be no more than about 30mph
I think its a dust devil, albeit a big one. Pretty harmless. I’ve had them run over me while I was plowing, and I wasn’t in a fancy enclosed cab. He’s just driving along, not plowing or you’d see dust behind his tractor.
Uh, no. That guy is farming grain, not metal.
Uh, Ok, I guess…
When I was in the National Guard, that was our Division patch. Worst ever.
Pink pussy Hat wearers? 🙂
May as well have been.
What’s the punishment for not wearing the unit patch?
I think color patches on camo uniforms are stupid in the first place. So I always wore the subdued version which is just lines of varying shades of grey. Also wore the subdued American flag and my First Marine Division combat patch.
UCS – in case you see this, here’s a few Milwaukee restaurant ideas in case your buddy bails on you tonight. All of these places are within 20 minutes of the Ambassador:
Old Towne Serbian, Three Brothers – Both of these are Serbian restaurants. Decor and food are very old style, nothing modern.
Maders, Kegel’s Inn – Both of these are German restaurants. As with the Serbian restaurants, both of these are older. Maders is downtown, while Kegel’s Inn is a bit west of you in West Allis.
Sobelmans, Oscars – these places aren’t anything * too * special, but if you’re just looking for a good burger and a bloody mary or a beer, do one of these places.
McBobs – this is a hole-in-the-wall place that serves the best corned beef I’ve ever had. The bar is easy to miss if you’re not looking for it.
Thank you.
People have strong opinions over the dumbest shit.
Nothing else to live for.
There is no neutral stance on Chick-fil-A any longer.
Well, yeah, because one side is trying to tell everyone else what they can and can’t do. Sort of by definition, a “neutral stance on Chick-fil-A” is taking a side. It’s not like there’s rabid fundamentalist Chick-fil-A thugs trying to stuff chicken sandwiches down everyone’s gullet.
I’ll take a chicken sandwich and waffle fries, hold the censorship and moral scolds.
A fast food place that is clean, efficient, and the employees generally seem happy. The nerve of that place.
The public is a ass.
Oh, nice, another Gawker site. Just what the world needed.
Jalopnik was the only semi-decent site, but even that is being infected by the company it keeps.
It’s like sb nation. It’s ok, but then the vox starts to show.
Imagine looking back on history fifty years from now and finding out that the LGBTQ community’s biggest villain in 2019 was a chicken restaurant. Reality is parody at this point
A chicken restaurant that completely refuses to engage them in bickering.
…and just continues to serve and employ people regardless of whatever social clan they belong to.
Back in 1987, I met Truett Cathy in his CFA HQ office.
A remember absolutely nothing about what he said. I had just graduated HS.
That is the worst story I’ve ever heard.
Well done
It seemed relevant and I thought it would go somewhere interesting when i started writing it. But it didnt.
Sometimes the truth is far more boring than fiction.
At least it was not a “This one time at band camp” thing…
But that Palestinian chicken is so good!
I’m sure this was yesterday’s news, but the BBC having the Trump blimp on is hilarious. The height of British culture.
Yesterday, someone wondered what’s up with that queen’s handbag. The NY Post is on the case!
Wait, putting your purse on the table means you want to leave?!?!
Next up, when someone puts their jacket on they might want to go home.
And all this time I was putting my purse under my chair.
Elizabeth I once declined to permit the French Ambassador to rise from a bow for a full quarter hour. QEII needs to up her monarch game.
When I put my coin purse on the table people just look at me funny.
You have a woman’s purse, my lord!
I will testify that it was not bedazzled or girly in any visible aspect.
That’s his European carry-all.
I’ll wager that purse has never been used as a rowing-boat. I’ll wager it’s never had sixteen shipwrecked mariners tossing in it.
Let me guess – kangaroo scrotum?
How’d you know? It’s all yours if you want it.
Shit, she’s gonna need a backpack.
Horses? In that little thing? Is it bigger on the inside?
She’s a sly one, that queen. Thanks.
A good bit of parody from IMAO.
“Show me a real classical liberal and I will be a classical liberal”
Any glibs planning on attending the Colorado Brewers Festival here on June 29th?
No more drink tickets this year. Ticket buys you unlimited samples, soooooo….I’m probably getting arrested.
I have never been to a beer fest where I didn’t leave with a pocket full of tickets. I had to explain that to some of the people at the beer fests Saturday and Sunday (some people paid extra to get more). At least one person was smart and brought in a larger sample glass though.
I have acquaintances that run a nano-brewery in NH.. so I’ve flown up for that the past four years.
They are all you can sample, and the regular 3 hour session is more than enough for me.
Anyone else planning on being there?
Well shoot. I’ll be in Europe.
Chernobyl is the scariest show of the year
This, of course, is the show’s great moral horror, which, though easier on the eyes than that which came before, is as terrifying as anything we’ve so far encountered on the series, especially in light of its modern resonances. Mazin hasn’t been shy about the parallels he’s drawn between the willful ignorance and political maneuvering of Chernobyl and the modern GOP’s repeated dismissal of climate science. Throughout, Legasov, Khomyuk, and, eventually, even government stooge Boris Shcherbina (Stellan Skarsgård) marvel at how “career party men” routinely deny scientific data and sustainability proposals in order to cut corners and, by extension, justify their own delusions. Legasov’s weary bemusement at the KGB director asking why he should “worry about something that isn’t going to happen” is all of us reading Trump’s trolling tweets about how cold weather negates global warming. The casual obliviousness is infuriating.
So that narrative is still humming along.
The level of delusion required to maintain it is fairly astounding.
Now this is the frightening part. The Soviets threw men at the problem with little regard for their personal outcomes and these moral retards celebrate it like a great achievement of civilization.
One of the worst disasters of a regime that viewed the whole as greater than the individual is actually a celebration of putting the whole above the individual.
Galaxy brain
I could understand if they brought up Stalingrad as a defense of Soviet collective sacrifice against an enemy. The populace knew what was at stake and their potential outcomes, but the men who were sent to Chernobyl? They didn’t have a clue. They were there to protect the system that chewed them up and spit them out.
There’s a good story out there of a local Ukrainian news man who was allowed to film the roof of Unit 3 during the clean up and was killed by the exposure.
They couldn’t risk telling him that being up there was a death sentence.
I mean, the defense of Stalingrad was a triumph of….nationalism. Few people were dying for the Soviets as much as they were dying for their homes. And it also exposed the similarities that nationalism and socialism share: the belief that the collective is greater than the individual.
The collective’s value is in its ability to perpetuate its survival. But the collective has zero moral component in it.
Exactly. It’s survival for “we”, but not for “thee”.
If only there were a way to combine the two. Kind of a national socialism.
The fact about how the Soviet leadership was more concerned with branding and tried its best to hide the fact this was happening, both from the west and their own local people directly impacted, to protect the communist brand, as I mentioned, was a good thing in the eyes of the people that have assumed that same role today vis a vis providing evil collectivism with cover.
I do agree that there is a lot in common between the Soviets and the Green Fascists
Jesus. And I wanted to watch, too. It looked good.
Manipulation of data for political purpose isn’t good science.
It’s worth watching even if the creator’s interpretation of his own work is ignorant.
See also, The Wire and David Simon.
Whole heartedly recommend it as well.
Normal Person: Woah- that Chernobyl really makes socialism look bad
Super Smart Reporter: It’s a metaphor for climate change and it’s attacking Republicans
Normal Person: So, a documentary about an incompetent bureaucratic government is actually a metaphor for how we need incompetent bureaucratic government because of climate change?
Super Smart Reporter: Chernobyl was the result of politicians not trusting science
Normal Person: Are we watching the same show?
Super Smart Reporter: You’re complicit
And when you mention the Milgram experiments they eventually say “Those experiments were unethical and therefore not science.”
Yeah, the IPCC more closely resembles a soviet committee meeting with a predetermined outcome and dissenters told to shut up or worse. Fudged & manipulated data… sure, that’s anyone questioning climate change.
It isn’t science if it can’t be questioned.
I mentioned this before – but this documentary on Chernobyl is worth watching
The absolute scariest part of that documentary – and there are dozens of scary parts in it – is Gorbachev. After knowing full well that his own government seemed to be incapable of conveying the truth at every single turn – and perhaps sincerely trying to work against such an infrastructure of pathological lying – puts forth the “solution” that yet MORE collectivism is needed!
And I doubt the director put that in the film as an example of the extreme rot of the collectivist mind, even the mind of an alleged reformer, but I thank him for leaving it in.
FFS. What is wrong with these people?
The same people who look at the fall of the Soviet Union as a tragedy, ignore 80 years of blood, and wish to recreate it. It’s a fucking warning, not a guidebook.
I’ve not seen this show, but my co-worker who is a centr-casting progressive except he loves actual science (a physics PhD) was telling me all about this show. The supposed global warming paralles weren’t mentioned. I think the author is just going for hot takez.
But the public now demands a sort of reckoning, a final decision on where we as a country stand on Chick-fil-A as an idea, not just a chicken restaurant.
How does this person type while wearing a straitjacket?
They rant at a voice to text machine, and they print the word salad.
CFA is tasty.
I like the idea of tasty food.
Their breakfast chicken biscuit is the shizzle.
Sacrilege moment: For breakfast chicken biscuits, I prefer McDs to CFA. I find the CFA chicken biscuit to be too dry.
McDonalds stopping doing breakfast chicken biscuits around here. And closest CFA is over a 100 miles away.
A final … solution?
A guest appearance by DOOMco. Nice.
Someone has to carry this show
Saw the news. Congrats, DOOM.
They rant at a voice to text machine, and they print the word salad.
What wondrous, magical times we live in!
For those 70’s Brit SF fans, Paul Darrow croaked.
I’ve been watching Thriller. I really like it. Thanks again for the recommendation.
Glad you liked it! Wife found it, but has since tired of some of the poor acting and less than stellar scripts. Me, I could watch that era of shows over and over. Reminds me in the lighting, colors, camera work, and incidental music of Dr Who I watched as a kid.
Completely unrelated, came across a series remake of The Name of the Rose on Sundance. One episode in and I’m liking it. Also, State of the Union on the same channel with Roy from the IT Crowd and the always lovely Rosamund Pike.
I need to look for those. Pretty sure I saw a few when I was a kid and enjoyed it.
Damn… I loved his character Avon.
I fucked up. I should have eaten at Chk fil a while is was in Indianapolis, but I never made it. Didn’t even make it to Steak and Shake.
There’s a Steak and Shake near me, and I’ve been there a few times, but refuse to go any more. Not because the food’s bad, nor the shakes (I love a good shake!). It’s just that every time I’ve set foot in there, the staff seems like they’re on a personal mission to make me wait as long as possible to do anything – be greeted, be seated, order food, get food, get the check…
Way back when we lived in Gulf Shores, a Johnny Rocket’s opened up near us that had the same issue. The place could be completely empty and it would still take 20+ mins to get a damned burger.
be greeted, be seated
Is that a thing in SnS now? Last time I went, it was a seat your own affair.
It is/was at the one near me. I have no idea if that’s universal, or was just for peak hours. I never actually went there when it was *empty*, but there were definitely times that weren’t “in the weeds”, and yet the wait times were abysmal. But it wasn’t just busy-ness, it was attitude. Line of people at the door, woman comes to the hostess stand, putters around for a few minutes, doesn’t even speak to us. No effort made to clear tables where patrons have left, even though there’s several groups waiting…
I too was in Indianapolis over 500 weekend and completely whiffed on going to Steak and Shake.
“That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.”
In 1981, I got to see John Hartford perform in a small venue on the Penn State campus. I was made aware of it of it about two hours before he went on (and only one ticket was available), so I had to cancel a date with this super-hot elite women’s gymnast. She and I still visit by phone now and then and she’s a great person and all, but I definitely made the right choice. What a performance!
Cracks in the foundation
Blue-collar union workers in solidly Democratic California are rejecting “Green New Deal” politics, a possible preview of troubles for 2020 presidential hopefuls in Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
When Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti launched his “Green New Deal LA” plan last month amid cheers from environmentalists, hundreds of jeans-wearing, tattooed union members outside the event chanted “Garcetti’s gotta go” and denounced the move as a betrayal. The Garcetti protest was followed by disputes in the state capital this month over a large buffer zone that would block new oil and gas wells, as well as a massive hydro project near Joshua Tree.
Robbie Hunter, president of the state Building and Construction Trades Council — which represents more than 400,000 workers — says that dozens of his members plan a major “Blue Collar Revolution” demonstration Saturday morning at the California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco, which will be attended by 14 of the Democratic presidential contenders and 5,000 delegates and guests.
The effort aims to send a message that the party is in danger of eroding a critical base if it continues to back the Green New Deal resolution being pushed in Washington, D.C. by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her allies. Hunter argues the measure’s goals could endanger thousands of jobs in the Southern California oil industry alone.
Maybe not all Democrats are delusional morons.
When the proposals cut into the union coffers, things get contentious.
It’s hard to juggle so many different bases when they have little in common and your platform is so divisive.
They already lost a lot of blue collar guys last election. Some of the biggest Trump supporters I know are union guys who up to last election voted Democrat their entire lives. The Dems have this habit of building up a base and convincing that base that Republicans want to take away everything they hold near and dear. Then they either ignore or shit on that base, assuming they’ll fall in line when it’s time to vote. In this case, the blue collar workers have had enough. I’m skeptical about whether this is going to happen to other groups, though. I can’t see black, gay, or women voters rebelling like this.
The base of the Democratic Party is primarily made up of college students, government workers, and single-women (Republicans traditionally win married women, although Trump is the exception).
Our politics is reverting to a rich/ upper-middle class v poor/ lower-middle class dichotomy. But, I bet we still pretend like Lena Dunham speaks for working people or something so divorced from reality that only the corporate press would believe it.
Yup. My father in law is a welder who retired from GE’s locomotive plant in Pennsylvania after 30 years. Big, big union guy and a lifelong Democrat, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a bigger Trump fan. I believe Trump is the first Republican he’s ever voted for. I doubt he’s too jazzed about any non-Trump Repubs, but he DESPISES the Democratic Party now.
The reason for that is no mystery. You either get Hillary ignoring you, or the extreme left telling you that your work is destroying the planet and people of your race and gender are destroying society. Contrast that with Trump, who (right or wrong) is renegotiating trade agreements and proposing tariffs to protect your job.
The Hard Hat Riots returns.
Who would have thought that 21st Century politics would have been foreshadowed by a minor riot by tradesmen in NYC against some college kid anti-war protesters being defended by Wall Street traders.
“The Green New Deal may be the darling of the Democratic Party — but it really divides the Democrats on a fault line, which is more of the elites against the working class Democrats who are concerned about losing their jobs,” said Jessica Levinson, a member of the Los Angeles Ethics Commission and a professor who teaches politics and ethics at Loyola Law School.
Lifelong union members “don’t necessarily want to be retrained’’ for other, greener work spots — “nor is it even possible,’’ says Levinson. She predicts with the 2020 election looming, Democratic leaders will have to wrestle with the fact that “unlike the Mueller report and impeachment and indictment — people vote on whether or not they’re going to lose their job.”
“working class Democrats”
They can be found in the fossil records just above the Blue-Dogs.
Of course not, they wax.
We have encouraged women to shave a *little* too much. Let’s be honest here
Nope, no one likes pubic hair.
Admit it, you’re just a shill for Big Lice.
Ewww……and yes. Yes I am a paid spokesperson for a medicated shampoo to cure pubic lice. What of it?
So we’re going to see a screen name change to “Medicated Shampoo Apologist”?
I rather prefer the small, neat landing strip. Completely bare freaks out many of us who don’t share OMWC’s proclivities.
Yes. It’s a little creepy
No argument here.
I always liked you.
Brought to you by Dollar Shave Club. Heh.
“[Garcetti’s] got the big corporations with him, and he’s not thinking of the effects on the common people,’’ said Paul Valdez, 58, a third-generation building trades worker from Thousand Oaks. “If they start taking away our jobs, who’s going to pay our bills?”
Racist White Nationalist like this guy must be purged from the Party of Justice.
“who’s going to pay our bills?”
Typical old person.
If they start taking away our jobs, who’s going to pay our bills?
Why, Big Daddy Government, of course.
One of Mueller’s key witnesses is a repeat child porn offender? And Mueller didn’t think to mention the guy’s prior criminal history in his report?
You can’t make this shit up. When he testifies, I hope somebody asks him if he is the habit of not disclosing the prior criminal histories of his witnesses.
Oh, and not just his prior history, also the fact that he was actually under indictment for child porn during the investigation. And was allowed to leave the country.
He’s going to testify again?
Oh, yeah. There’s no way out of it. Either the Dems call him for their impeachment hearings, or the Senate calls him for their investigation into the scandal.
Or a grand jury calls him to testify about his role in the scandal.
You know how bad he doesn’t want to be put under oath? Watch his last press conference. He desperately doesn’t want to be put under oath.
I hope somebody asks him if he is the habit of not disclosing the prior criminal histories of his witnesses.
Christ, it’s his habit of leaving innocent people to rot in jail to protect mafia informants. After that, a little non-disclosure about a witness’s “colorful” personal life is nothing.
“Man Becomes Internet Hero For Handling Woman’s Racist Comments, Internet Quickly Destroys Him
You can never win with the social justice warriors.
Let’s recap: A man was called a racist slur and stood up to the person who said it. He then became the villain for having an unapproved opinion about trans people.
This is what our media does now. It learned nothing from Justine Sacco, a woman with barely 100 followers who made a poorly worded, racist joke as she was boarding a plane to Africa and was fired from her job by the time she landed because a Gawker writer amplified her tweet.
Now we have major news outlets “investigating” the people who make parody videos and gifs. CNN found the young man who made a gif of President Donald Trump attacking the CNN logo. Trump shared the gif, and thus it was apparently okay for CNN to track the man down and threaten to name him if he stepped out of line again. Just last week The Daily Beast – with the help of Facebook – tracked down the man who made a slowed-down video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) that made her look drunk. The Beast named the man and reported on his criminal history – because he made a video about a Democrat.
And the media wonder why the American people view them so negatively.”
For me, the media is like the cops. I have no doubt that there are journalists aren’t garbage people, just like there are cops who aren’t garrbage people. But, if you sit by and watch your colleagues be garbage people, at some point you are one, yourself.
That’s a good analogy.
Imagine how sorry your life must be to be eager to, for no reason whatsoever, go digging through a random citizen’s social media history in the hopes of finding something negative about them.
There’s that, plus the fact that posting anything to garbage social media now is just asking for it. Stay away, people.
Haters still hating on Chick-fil-a. I may just go there for lunch today.
The one in San Marcos is closed for renovations.
And the one in the school is closed for summer.
I did. Celebrating Pride Month, I guess.
The Great Awokening in charts.
iMmiGrANts wILl bRInG iLliBEraL IdEAs
It’s white people, damn it. The fascists are calling from within the house
And yet for blacks, it’s lower than 20 years ago.
Who would have thought that the people who experience racial prejudice are the best to judge racial prejudice
Love the song choice! One of my favorites since I found it a couple years ago. Also fitting because summer has arrived in northern Minnesota. It’s above 70 degrees and humid before 10am. Ugh… Supposed to dry out after the storms roll through this afternoon and be nicer after that.
One of the yokels here turned me on to them a while back. Good stuff.
Fuck, we were down in the 50’s last night. My brother in law was bitching about needing to start a fire in the house because there was no way he was going to turn on the heat in June.
Lol. We had highs in the 50s and 60s except a couple warmer days for the last month or so, but with low dewpoint, so tolerable.
Also, we had a fire last about 2 weeks ago. We also don’t use our (fuel oil) heat past April.
Speaking of the Democrats’ “base”, I saw a thing a while back, in which some paternalist douchebag was basically telling black people to ignore their falling unemployment rate because it’s “not good enough”. It might be a huge improvement over where it was when the Ascended One was President, but it doesn’t count, because Trump. I was kind of surprised he didn’t just come right out and say, “You folks don’t really want to work, anyway. Just rely on us. We’ll take care of you.”
If the Republicans weren’t so stupid, they could probably divert millions of votes (of all colors) away from the Democrats in 2020.
“If the Republicans weren’t so stupid, they could probably divert millions of votes (of all colors) away from the Democrats in 2020.”
If Republicans ever campaigned where they lived. Making a bunch of YouTube videos telling them that they’re on a plantation is not going to cut it.
This goes for the LP too. Surprisingly (only to people who have never met an immigrant before), Hispanics care more about stuff like education and the economy than they do the legal status of illegal immigrants.
Speaking of shows-
I finally got around to watching the current season of Bosch. Excellent.
Now I can start that Armageddon thing with the Limey who was in Dead Like Me.
Yeah, we just finished it. A solid show.
We started Generation Kill. Only HBO doesn’t have the second episode on satellite/cable. You have to stream it. W.T.F?
So we switched to The Expanse. Mrs. Dean hasn’t seen Season 1, and I’m perfectly willing to rewatch it. I haven’t seen the Season 2 or 3.
The girlfriend and I are half way through with Good Omens. I’ve enjoyed the additions that have been made to the story so far, and the girlfriend has been enjoying the show (I’ve read the book many, many, many times).
FYI- Australia is a police state.
“Federal police in Australia are raiding the home of a reporter who revealed a government plan to expand powers for digital surveillance of the public”
That Daily Telegraph link won’t let me in unless I’m a member. A member of what I dunno.
Another source:
Insanity, the Aussies and the Kiwis have gone off the rails.
Imagine how sorry your life must be to be eager to, for no reason whatsoever, go digging through a random citizen’s social media history in the hopes of finding something negative about them.
Imagine how warped your perception of humanity must be to become outraged by somebody like that, when there are 535 (532?) members of Congress whose closets are so jam-packed with skeletons investigating them would require a minimal effort.
So we switched to The Expanse. Mrs. Dean hasn’t seen Season 1, and I’m perfectly willing to rewatch it. I haven’t seen the Season 2 or 3.
I like that show. Watching it all the way through would be the way to go. I had to go back halfway into season two before watching season three, just to get myself back up to speed. The story is kind of convoluted.
I just finished S03 and I’m definitely going to need to re-watch it.
“If not for gangs and drugs, the number of murders by guns is below 1,700 in a country of 330,000,000 people. Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world.”
^this is a quote that was posted above. i can’t find anything to support this. here’s where it was used:
I’m having trouble backing into that 1,700 number. And believe me, I’m trying. But I’m starting to think it’s too good to be true. I’m seeing 15-33% of homicides (Heritage Foundation printed this statistics but it appears to include all homicides but let’s use it for firearm homicides b/c it’s the only % I’ve got) in urban areas are linked to gangs or drugs. And for firearm deaths in 2017, I’ve found 14.5K homicides vs 24K suicides (CDC’s number, could be bullshit, you know them). So roughly 80% (urban firearm homicides per CDC’s number) of homicides is 11,600 (concentrated violent counties) and a third of that (upper range) would mean that about 3,900 urban firearm homicides are gang or drug related. That still leaves 2/3rds or about 7,800 urban firearm homicides that are not drug or gang related. I have not seen data on % of homicides in suburban and rural areas that are drug or gang related. I assume it’s higher than urban areas due to the opioid problem. So let’s use 66% (completely made-up by me just now) for rural and suburban areas which gives us roughly 1,900 non-urban firearm homicides that are drug or gang related. Add them up and 5,800 firearm homicides are gang or drug related, and the remaining 8,700 are not related to gangs or drugs. So, really the number for figuring out our non-drug/gang firearm homicide rate is 8,700/330,000,000 = .00264 * 100,000 gives a rate of 2.64 per 100,000. But what do we compare to? Do we have to run the non-drug/gang firearm homicides for every “industrialized” nation? fuck that shit. fuck ALLLLLLLLLL that shit.
conclusion: it’s a fun talking point to blame gangs and drugs but i can’t say it’s an honest stat
i’m just so fucking angry that asshole nutbag Virginia Beach used a suppressor. what a fucking cunt. i’m going to cast a plaster replica of his face with mouth open so i can defecate into it every morning.
Are they going to claim he’d have killed fewer people if not for the suppressor? I read quotes by cops during the response that they were hearing shots a floor above them. So much for James Bond-style whisper technology.
some former Homeland Security twat wrote an op-ed claiming that suppressors can change the normal sound to something sounding like “a chair sliding across a floor”. i shit you not. and WashPost published that garbage.
and NR fisked her for it.
“My reading of the false rape accusation bill in Alabama is that the accusation HAS to be malicious and HAS to be proven false. A simple “not guilty” may not result in a charge:”
“UPDATED: Alabama Bill Aims To Punish False Accusations Of Rape. Media Cries Foul.”
Natsoc Propaganda Radio goes to bat for the poor and oppressed
Everyone can appreciate the value of a great teacher. But economists, being economists, have tried to quantify exactly how valuable they are. Eric Hanushek of Stanford’s Hoover Institution, Barbara Biasi of Yale’s School of Management, Jonah Rockoff of Columbia Business School, and John Friedman of Brown University have been leading researchers on this front, and we spoke with all of them.
“I think teachers are way underpaid,” says Hanushek. “I think we ought to see a lot more six-digit salaries for the top teachers.”
Many of the benefits teachers create are intangible: a lifetime love of literature or mentorship that guides a child onto a better life path. Yet some of the benefits are tangible. Hanushek went as far as estimating a dollar amount. He finds that an effective teacher, who is able to improve student test scores significantly, can increase the lifetime earnings of a class of 20 by $400,000 compared to what an average teacher would have been able to. Meanwhile, he finds, an ineffective teacher does the opposite and lowers student earning potential by a similar amount. Friedman and Rockoff, together with Harvard’s Raj Chetty, have done a few studies with similar findings. They find above-average teachers deliver big income gains to their classrooms as well as a host of other social benefits, like lower teen pregnancy rates.
While being a good teacher means huge economic benefits for the people they teach and society at large, teachers don’t get to fully share in all the benefits they create. In economic terms, that’s a positive externality, and it’s a big reason why we should pay them more.
I love the smell of mumbo-jumbo in the morning.
can we fire ineffective teachers that cause negative externalities to society?
Oh, FFS.
These economists better hope that they never get paid based on what some study shows their value to society actually is.
Oh, and no way are you going to pay some teachers six figures, and others less, and fire still others, without first getting rid of the unions.
Thing is he is not wrong. Sure their methods of calculating the numbers is probably bogus but the reality is that a top teacher is easily worth much much more than what we pay teachers today where they run into problems is that there are several important facts to be derived from this information…
1) If top teachers produce excess value that is not captured in their salaries then it must also be true that incompetent teachers are not worth a fraction of what we pay them, in fact they make a net negative contribution to society even before their salaries are factored in and that means we must actively seek out incompetence in teaching and fire those teachers at all costs
2) The correct way to pay teachers is based on value add to their students, not merely based on a formula factoring in their years of experience and highest level of educational attainment. This also means that you would need to devise a test which could actually isolate each teachers effectiveness from the individual students abilities, a difficult task at best and even if you succeeded at that it means actively measuring teacher performance and pay and even job retention decisions based on that.
3) Once you have identified the true top teachers how do you prevent them from moving to the wealthiest of suburbs where they pay will be the highest , stranding aleady disadvantaged youth even further behind their wealthier peers
conclusion: it’s a fun talking point to blame gangs and drugs but i can’t say it’s an honest stat
I think we should (likely not possible) categorize shootings as to whether the victims were known to the shooter, or not, and do an analysis. In the same way that suicides are rolled into “gun violence” to inflate the numbers, drug dealing, gang feuds, and domestic disputes should be separated from truly random attacks, just to give us a clearer picture.
But a clearer picture is the absolute last thing the anti-gun mob want.
Was just thinking about this today. What’s the actual risk of getting shot by somebody if you’re a law abiding citizen? Even including nutty relatives and domestic disputes, I bet it’s much lower than people think.
the FBI has “relationship” between victim and assailant that includes familial relationship but not gang member. it also has an “unknown” column which has thousands of entries. guess that’s not a data point that’s earnestly tracked.
can we fire ineffective teachers that cause negative externalities to society?
Of course we can. We only want the best possible outcomes for our childrunz, right?