Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone especially this dude.
Democrats privately admitted their subpoena requests were “overbroad”.
Alabama passes bill requiring child sex offenders to undergo chemical castration before being released.
LA homelessness surges to 59,000. For some reason this reminds me of someone I know who started feeding stray cats a few years back and is now overrun with them.
Youtube declines to deplatform conservative comedian Steven Crowder after massive push by the SJW mob for his mocking of some Vox queen. Here’s Crowder’s apology video.
Tracy Morgan crashed $2 million Bugatti minutes after buying it.
DC restaurant industry rips Crazy Eyes after her push for $15 per hour minimum wage for all.
Can we make this a trend for all overzealous prosecutors not just the ones targeted by the angry woke mob?
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
“Tracy Morgan crashed $2 million Bugatti minutes after buying it.”
Pimp’n ain’t easy, but it is necessary…
Brain damage will do that to a fellow.
>buys $2 million vehicle
>drives it in Manhattan
When I was in London I was shocked at the number of supercars on the road – almost every one of them with passenger side wheel damage, as no one there can apparently park their insanely expensive car without scraping the shit out them.
Money can’t buy driving skills, kids.
But it can buy driving school. You’d think if you’re gonna spend seven figures on a car, spending five figures on a driving course with actual high-performance cars would be a sound investment.
Can’t buy me love, no,no,no…
Everyone thinks they are a great driver. Especially rich guys with cool cars. A buddy of mine owns a high end body shop and told me that he built a lake home and put two kids through college just from fixing 911s!
I’m an okay driver – but nothing compared to my twenty-something years when my reflexes were faster and my brain could process multiple inputs (at high speed) a lot better than now. These days I say thank god for stability control or else I would have been in the ditch one or two times.
My issue is parking. Once the car is moving, I do fine.
I’m an excellent driver.
drove dad’s car.
A lot of it has to do with mental distraction.
It’s harder to focus on the road when you’re thinking about your mortgage and kid’s tuition payments.
I feel sorry for city kids. Slinging a car around in the gravel and exploring the wild in a truck are two of life’s greatest pleasures. And everyone needs to learn how to hike two miles and then go hat-in-hand up on someone’s porch to see if they’ll stop everything they’re doing and come pull you out of a ditch or a wash . . . good news: they will. Everyone needs to tow a load of hay through the middle of town once.
I throw around a work truck harder than the average Camaro ever sees; the people who ride with me all scream because they never learned what a car can do, what the envelope is, and they have no sense of how conservatively they drive. I’m not gunning it, mind you: I bring it up slow . . . but I never slow down.
Parallel parking should only be taught on the side of a hill in a 1969 Chevy full-bed truck with three on the tree. That way rack-and-pinion, fully automatic, sensor-laden Corollas will become the obvious walks in the park that they are.
All this. Boy howdy, yes.
“LA homelessness surges to 59,000. For some reason this reminds me of someone I know who started feeding stray cats a few years back and is now overrun with them.”
This was discussed extensively at the not-Woke-Charmed thread.
I love the line they are using about the reason we have more of these homeless people is poverty. The fact that they are practically all drug addicts and/or have a mental problem and simply refuse to function in normal society however, never pops up. I guess if you convince enough idiots that the issue is poverty and that is caused by evil orange man, then you can peddle the solution being more tax and spend leftist government. Not as easy to do when you admit these are people with serious mental and addiction problems though. Especially since it would take some serious acrobatics to blame that on orange man…
Homelessness bad. Orange man bad. What’s the disconnect?
You’re letting them off the hook.
The problem is the regulatory environment jacking up costs to the point where people on the margins are effectively impoverished. In other words, taxed into poverty. And if these people throw up their hands in exasperation or get caught skirting the law, they are sent to another government system or a psych ward (but I repeat myself) where the substance abuse problems begin.
This. I just voted on the winning side for maybe the first time in my life. Defeated measure EE. Would have taxed property about 500 a year per house. That’s a rent increase of 50 bucks a month on all the poor people. Poverty indeed.
It’s California, so cost of living (especially housing) does play a big part. Anecdotally, I have to travel to SoCal about 2x a year for work, and the tent-city phenomenon has gotten dramatically worse since we left the state in 2015.
Also worth mentioning among the list of other factors like year-round nice weather: LA County cities are very accommodating to the homeless (that South Park episode years ago was not an exaggeration). Also: Medi-Cal payment rates are notoriously low, and a lot of doctors won’t take Medi-Cal patients, so a lot of health problems (including mental health) go untreated among poorer people there.
The response of a normal person when you can’t afford to live somewhere is to move somewhere else, not live in a cardboard box on the sidewalk or expect a handout from the government.
“The response of a normal person … expect a handout from the government.” Are you a time traveler or an extraterrestrial? Pick a government and that’s probably most of the budget.
Speaking of normal, part of the problem is normalization by homeless activists & the courts (thank you 9th Circus shitheals that never have to deal with the effects of your own rulings) that has largely destigmatized being homeless and more specifically, illegal acts such as camping in public, theft (shopping carts, bicycles), vandalism, public defecation and urination, public drinking and drug use.
Another part is the lack of pain stimuli by the police. This bothers me philosophically, but the lack of police harassment and willingness to tolerate those things above with a blind eye while driving by is just encouraging it. In the past, I’d roust bums from time to time. Rarely needed to ask twice. They were beating feet because they didn’t want to interact with cops or cause trouble. Now it’s militant bums who throw trash around, refuse to move, and swear at you.
“Camping in public” could be seen as civil disobedience protesting against government owning land. “Camping in public” without property owner’s permission, “theft (shopping carts, bicycles),” and “vandalism” have victims. Are “public defecation and urination, public drinking and drug use” against NAP or do you not use that standard?
As for de-stigmatization, in order to ‘cure’ homelessness, it would help to acknowledge that someone who is homeless has a problem (‘has homelessness’) of which to be ‘cured.’
You could make the argument that public defecation and urination violate the NAP as a sanitation and health issue; people who engage in these activities place a higher risk of contamination/disease on everyone around them.
“To support, create and sustain solutions to homelessness in Los Angeles County by providing leadership, advocacy, planning, and management of program funding.
LAHSA Mission Statement”
I think that is government-speak for “We spent money.” plus:
“Have you done anything?”
“Well, we’ve, er, assessed the situation.”
“Just as I thought. Nothing.” — The Three Doctors
Good Lord! These little dioramas become more disturbing by the day! Keep up the good work!
I’m thinking more tableaux than diorama. With a diorama you have a “set” (as in theatrical set) often depicting terrain. A tableau is just the actors and a few props.
And to address something Scruffy said yesterday about the BDSM rat illo – yes, these are disturbing, but (one assumes) these poor little critters were long-dead before they were dressed up, strapped down, etc. This sort of thing was big in the Victorian era – a living room tableau of a squirrel dressed as a Scotsman with kilt, walking stick, and tam o’shanter was rather de rigueur.
I’m either going senile or that wasn’t me.
More likely me going senile. Sorry. It was meant kindly.
“Tableaux” is le mot juste but I’ve been up all night and couldn’t for the life of me remember that. My fail.
Key West, Florida, US’s new city manager arrested 1991, found guilty, being a drug dealer. Promoted from Assistant City Manager.
Marion Barry was not available for comment?
What? He told you, the bitch set him up.
If you eliminated all the drug dealers in Key West from holding office, there’d be no one left to do it.
On a different note, “overzealous prosecutor” is redundant.
Not necessarily. For example, I was not overzealous in the 5 years I did it.
That’s what they all say.
So you’re that mythical reasonable prosecutor Comey told us no longer exists.
So you got drummed out for not being enough of an asshole, eh?
just kidding. I actually know a couple of other prosecutors who are not
running for officeoverzealous.The Conch Republic will rise again!
There’d be less stigma against drinking your own piss?
“What if rich, straight, white men didn’t rule the world anymore?”
Then there might not be any electricity to listen to whatever you call “music”, honey
What do white men have to do with electricity? Everyone knows electricity is produced by wall sockets!
/prog moron off
She’d be a harem-slave?
More like a chamber pot scrubbing slave
So she’d still be a cum dumpster.
Tom MacDonald has the answer. Brass balls to record this song and make the video.
“Well, it worked so well in South Africa.”
Googles south Africa current events. Jams fingers in ears. “LA LA LA LA LA LA!”
Crowder’s apology is as good as I expected.
OMG, yes. I clicked through because of your comment. Was previously unaware of him.
Also, would.
Probability that the “chemical castration” method will expand from bona fide child rapists to a 19 year old having sex with his 17 year old girlfriend?
I’d say 95%.
This is all about ball busting, man…
Yes some social conservatives have real serious cognitive dissonance about the capabilities of government. Any change that can be cruel and unusual punishment?
There’s noting conservative about an authority boner.
Yeah, that’s straight up progressive – “Fixing the world one mangled life at a time – until we can arrange to do it by the train-load”
let’s talk about that some time
I don’t think folks on either end of the left-right spectrum are necessarily more likely to be on the authoritarian end of the free-dominated continuum. But I also absolutely do not believe that there is anything deeply and necessarily free about conservatives or conservative movements: church-ladies are just too pleased with getting to brand all the adulterers; it seems natural for conservatives to insist on standing for the flag, making other kids listen to their prayers at school, that sort of thing. Maybe I’ve just noticed the zealous minority all these years and just live in the part of the country where all the zealots live?
I don’t disagree that there are some areas where Republicans and conservatives (specifically SoCons) are authoritarian. There’s a reason I don’t consider myself conservative anymore. However, I think this:
I also absolutely do not believe that there is anything deeply and necessarily free about conservatives or conservative movements
is bullshit. SoCons are a segment of the republican caucus, but they’re offshoots of the progressive movement. To the extent that a conservative movement embraces social conservatives (in the sense of legislating against vices), they’re drifting away from constitutional originalism, which is a hallmark of conservatism.
My experience, having been immersed in conservative movements, is that many conservatives, despite agreeing with SoCons on a personal level, found the SoCons to be embarrassing relics of a previous time. They were a group to be thrown a scrap here or there so that they didn’t flock to the democrats.
You define who the true conservatives are and let me know and I’ll re-write my notion in a way that isn’t bullshit.
Is “conservative” still a politically significant movement in the United States in the Age of Trump? Even the “Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies” is now the “Institute for Advanced Anti-Leftist Studies” which is whatever Trump does or says is OK. In Trumpville, Brett Kavanaugh counts as a constitutional “originalist.” I guess that SUPREME OVERLORD trshmnstr means no Implied Powers Doctrine, Living Breathing Constitution Doctrine, and so on by “constitutional originalism.”
This is exactly what concerns me.
My daughter is turning four in a little under two weeks and she tells incredibly detailed stories about her sister Isabella (who doesn’t exist) maintaining the details to the letter over the course of maybe three months now. On the other hand, she has a tough time understanding the meaning of words like “real”–because, for instance, a cartoon and a movie are both as “real” as the other in that they’re images on a screen. I find it very easy to imagine a kid around her age walking in on a guy in a bathroom or just making something up out of whole cloth and if not believing it at least not understanding the importance of making the distinction between something that really did happen versus a story she’s telling when an adult in authority, especially a strange adult, starts asking her.
Also, I can 100% see vengeful parents of a teenage girl getting your 19 year old idiot in trouble with the law. Maybe the law is written such that this is an option rather than a mandatory sentence, but either way is worrisome. I know a number of people who would have run afoul of statutory rape laws while I was in high school if an angry parent had dropped a dime. It’s bad enough they’d walk around with a scarlet letter for the rest of their lives without being chemically castrated.
There’s a Patton Oswald joke in there somewhere.
That Central Park 5 link needs a trigger warning Fairstein’s picture is awful and frightening
Nadler is a real piece of work. And the biggest problem is not even broadly scoped subpoenas. It is that House Dems are asking the AG to do something illegal.
How are they going to find a way to get him out of the way so they can falsely accuse Trump of obstruction for a crime that was not committed in the first place, if they can’t nail him by forcing him to do something illegal, huh?
Somewhat good news: Michigan’s sex offender registry is unconstitutional.
Why do you hate the children, Elspeth?
I argued against the Ex Post Facto violation a few years ago in circuit court and lost. Part of the reason I lost is the judge didn’t want to touch the Ex Post Facto aspect of the case.
The MI court of appeals was about to hear another case just like my client’s where the registration tier changed from 25 years to “life” registration. So it violated the Ex Post Facto clause, as there was no due process to offenders whose registration obligation changed from 25 years to life.
Kesha and Miley. Can you imagine the mingled funk that would waft off those two if they were in the same room together?
Like LA’s bum row
The departure terminal at LAX at 6AM.
Miley has her charms and can sing even if she’s a bellower but that Kesha always looked like a truck-bunny.
You mean a lot lizard?
But now with less sugar.
You did it. You said something bad about Miley. Count Potato will be along shortly to white knight for her.
Leave Miley Alone!!!
This checks out since she is a giant ass.
Arizona helicopter rescue gurney carrying woman, 74, spins uncontrollably midair
$50000 for the helicopter ride $5000 upcharge for the spinning feature.
Officials said that a line that was supposed to prevent the stretcher from spinning malfunctioned during the hoist rescue.
Yeah, ropes don’t malfunction unless they break. Suspect this was a f*ckup on the part of the crew, which is disappointing.
I have a friend who just got certified as air ambulance crew (EMS not pilot). To get anywhere near those things you have to go through a crapton of training and testing, and they won’t even let you into the course unless you are a high-end paramedic.
This wouldn’t have happened if creosote Achilles was there.
Sisal for the win! Speaking of, where has he been lately? Must be tied up in projects or something.
I think knot.
Maybe he’s just strapped for time.
I think a lot of those lines are use and lose too. Like it’s verboten to use the same line after it’s been stressed. I’m probably mixing that up with something else but fuck it, I said it so it must be true! *reconsiders many spousal arguments*
Rock climbing. You’re supposed to retire a rope after it’s broken a fall.
Ah. Or should I say AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
That’s what BIG ROPE wants you to believe.
I had a rope rated for 9 falls, never had to test it fortunately
The powerball guy thinks life will continue to be simple.
He added, “I’m still going to wear my jeans — maybe newer ones.”
Wait until very person he’s ever met starts hitting him up for money. Dude will be a recluse or dead in two years.
I’m a recluse now, so I’m ready for the big win.
This is why you don’t sign the ticket until you get a lawyer. No way in hell I’d get up in front of that podium to collect that check.
The first thing you do is meet with your lawyer and possibly your realtor. Get a new place to live lined up – emphasis on security and anonymity, and your name does not appear on any documents related to the new place. All your mail goes to a PO box or your lawyer. Realtor then starts looking for something more permanent for you.
Wear a wig, hat and glasses when you collect. And of course have your lawyer with you to hustle you out of there ASAP. The terms of the lottery say you have to let them photograph you, but you have no duty to help them in any way. One and done.
You set up an LLC or the like. It owns the ticket. A representative of the LLC that is not you signs the ticket in the name of the LLC.
The LLC appears on the podium, not you. You are just some schlub stock holder.
Nice. Added to my plan.
I have thought if I ever won a big one, I would only keep about 40%, and divide up the rest between friends and family. So I would need an LLC type setup anyway, and assign everyone shares.
I’d setup a charitable foundation to handle giving.
“I’d setup a charitable foundation to handle giving.”
Yes, I had that planned too.
Check your individual state. Some do not allow an LLC to shield the winner.
Why would you need a new place to live?
So the local yokels aren’t camped out at your door?
Because your name is part of the public record and if you’re on the voter rolls your address is easily discovered. Lottery winners are often burglarized soon thereafter. Also, as noted above, anyone you’ve ever known is going to knock on a door with a sob story or a claim that you owe them money. And then there’s the fear of kidnapping for self and family members – relatively uncommon here, but you don’t want to test that.
Also, good to get the protection in place if you have kids, as $100s of millions makes a kidnapping target.
Yeah, that too.
I could have some money if he is giving
Damn it! I had Chinese food yesterday, had some great numbers in my fortune cookie. I knew it! I shoulda played those instead of the ‘lucky’ one I paid the waiter $10 for. He said he’d gotten a tip on the lottery ’cause the stock market had a great day. Well, fool me once…
That’s the second time that guy did it too, I’m beginning to think he’s a con.
Ancient Chinese secret!
See, that’s where my misanthropy and antisocial nature will begin to pay off, when I win Powerball.
something something wide tract of forest with multiple security perimeters. That’s what I would do.
I’d buy an island. Preferably one in shark-infested waters.
SJWednesday: How to Talk Around Force and Violence In Every Manner But Not Acknowledge It 101
Marxist gobbledy-gook ahead:
Bonus argument by assertion:
Whenever I read one of these horrible things I can’t stop feeling the author’s intent was to mash up a word salad that would confuse lesser minds into thinking they were making a cogent and intelligent argument, but was simply a pile of shit covered with cake icing to make it look appealing, and I am never wrong.
I stopped reading at “American Marxist academic”
The point is always to provide some linguistic decoration in service of redefining abhorrent behavior.
In this case, the author is a Spanish commie. They always seem to be guilty of this type of tactic. I have more respect for the ones who come right out and say what they mean, like Pol Pot.
I dunno he seems just the fellar to lead us all to utopia
What’s the over and under on the body count? Utopias require piles of corpses.
I literally can’t make head or tails of that.
That’s usually by design. Too many people are stupid enough to think that when they read dumb gobbledygook shit, the issue is that they are not as smart as the fuckwad that barfed up the word salad, and lavish praise and assumed expertise/intelligence on the fuckwad.
Just look at the trend of people submitting garbage studies, full of nonsense but replete with hipster marxist buzzwords, being taken seriously by reviewers and then getting published.
Let me try to rewrite this in English
Kautsky proposed that there were 2 phases of socialist revolution. A non revolutionary phase where the primary activities of the revolutionary guard are education and organization of the masses and the revolutionary phase where the tactics must switch to more direct action sich as mass strikes and other more violent means.
This is a flawed conception because there is no clear deliniation between the revolutionary phase and the non revolutionary phase and so there is no clear indicator when it suddenly becomes ok to engage in more energetic action to oppose capitalism. This is similiar to Clausewitz’s observations that it is not clear what exactly constitutes a war. However behind all wars, in fact all political engagement situations there are always 3 factors at play, the elemental impulse or hatred, which he attributes to the people; the calculation of probabilities, which he attributes to the generals and the army; and politics, which he attributes to the government.
We can draw some analogies between these 3 fundamental forces and socialist revolutionary struggle to use as a guide for determining when direct energetic action is called for and when we should restrict our activities to more passive means with class relations taking the role of the elemental impulse, the party taking the role of ythe calculation of odds, and the leadership taking the role of the government.
All I want to know is when do I get to break stuff.
All I want to know is when do I get to break
stuffheads.The next
workersrich white liberals revolution will be amusing.Re Crowder. Look up Carlos Maza. Evil does have a face.
Crowder did it right. A subtle eat shit, fuck off and die apology.
I haven’t watched much Crowder, but damn that is some funny stuff.
“Speaking of aquatic mammals, I’d like to apologize to Amy Schumer…”
The caveat to “never apologize”. He’s funny as hell.
It’s good that he’s as buff as he is because some of the stunts he pulls would get a lesser man shit-kicked.
He’s much more cut than he was when I watched him a few years ago.
The “Bob Ross painting Mohammed’s 9 year old wife” one was pretty good.
Guy has some big balls on him.
“Shapiro the Shekel hound”
I never really followed Crowder, but that apology video was just 10/10. It was a masterpiece and an oscar-worthy performance.
Also led me to his gun control debunker and Communism rebuttal vids so I guess I’ll just have dinner and watch those.
There is little point in following Crowder imo
Only UCS commented when I linked to Crowder’s video in yesterday’s PM links.
*kicks pebble*
I wasn’t there for the links then, I promised I would’ve thrown you a bone at least!
How do you mean?
If anything, a case can be made to follow him because, like Nick Di Paolo, these guys are unapologetic and damn the torpedoes in the face of the little left wing shits.
I don’t follow Crowder (though I do watch the occasional video since it pops up in my youtube recommended) but I do follow Di Paolo.
The other day he pulled a fake jack off (to Democrats saying dumb shit in California) on live YouTube that is worthy of an Oscar.
‘Abortion is healthcare’. ‘No one got hurt by a milkshake’. Get rid of the EC, impeach, guilty until proven innocent….
The modern emotionally stunted, intellectually bankrupted, morally empty modern left and the Democrat party: Burn it all down.
“We’ll always have Trudeau.”
I’d like to throw a milkshake at him…..but that would be a waste of a perfectly good milkshake.
How about just a simple shake?
I just realized. Milkshake today… tomorrow?
‘We weren’t banning and censoring shit enough so we had to up our game. Coffee should get their attention. But don’t worry…it’s cold coffee. However, it will be hot if we don’t get our way.’
But according to Ministry of Made-up Terms that would be “Genocide”!
Ally, Illy and Sheedy!
I am not of a particularly anti abortion stance and even I am annoyed how the left argues the subject… Then again the left cannot argue rationally and vaguely honest this subject or anyother
SJWednesday: Adulting Is Old and Busted, Adultism Is the Nw H Adulotness
TL;DR – Young people more easily buy into our half-baked, bullshit ideas, therefore we need to elevate them as a protected class.
the New Hotness, whatever….
Oh sod off, EF. No one cares about today’s struggle session or grievance you have.
/millennial who’s tired of this BS
Recasting a normal life stage as a category of victimhood – how prog.
Youth has no wisdom or experience. Those are acquired with age and life experience.
Hence, shut the fuck up, learn and go cut the grass.
I wonder how they’ll raise their kids. Will they be highly permissive? Will they be totalitarian, helicopter parents?
If they think this way now, how will they deal with the stages of dealing with children and teenagers?
They don’t seem to grasp what they’re saying. They’re just sprouting nonsense.
Absolutely totalitarian
They’re the sort of people who advocate for high taxes and regulations for businesses. Then they go into business and realize ‘holy shit! I have to pay what? WHO LET THIS HAPPEN?’
Or they think they won’t have to ever face any kind of unintended consequences of their actions.
I lean totalitarian too. They wouldn’t put up with the shit they spew in others.
They can’t tolerate dissent among themselves. Why would they tolerate it from their kids?
In return, the kids are going to be absolutely rebellious. But will they lean towards freedom or double down on the same bullshit that worked so well for their parents and use it as a weapon against them?
Go and learn to cut the grass
I think we’re on to something.
I’m so pleased, I haven’t mowed my lawn in two years now.
I still weed whack though, easy enough. Another year or so I’ll get that job done as well.
I’m going to ask us to think about youth as a social justice issue.
So your’re saying that you are against debt spending that enslaves future generations?
Even the chemically castrated can appreciate these fine specimens.
12, 21 (she can burn my bunnies), 36. Thanks for the bodacious blondes.
Here’s Crowder’s apology video.
Is that the one where he shoots himself in the nards and shits a bag of weed? It’ hard to keep up with the news cycle theses days. j/k
No, it’s the one where he hires the Cleveland Browns as pallbearers.
That’s a bad article about a bad book.
You might want to rethink your life choices if you’re dressed too provocatively for Golden Corral.
I hear Old Country Buffet is less discriminating.
John gets a diamond-cutting erection.
She’s what Id call ‘petite’ anyhow
Would be very interesting to hear Golden Corral’s side of the story. Was she being loud and obnoxious? I once saw three guys get kicked out of a restaurant for being very loud and very profane, in a family restaurant, in front of people’s little kids, on a Sunday morning.
*shifty eyes*
This. Her story is probably complete bullshit.
I once saw three guys
So you and two other guys…
I saw some drunk guys get their “bottomless” coffee taken away at IHOP for pouring syrup in the coffee container.
>>Alabama passes bill requiring child sex offenders to undergo chemical castration before being released.
I’ll take “places that OMWC won’t vacation at” for $400, Alex.
IF he’s chemically castrated, then diddle-o-rama won’t be a problem anymore.
It would take a trainload of that chemical to have the slightest effect on me.
Re Fairstein. She disgusts me like Coakley does.
Martha Coakley makes me hope there is a hell.
Is Dr. Adder in?
How austerity is forcing disabled women into sex work
“My life sucks and it’s all your fault.”
I’m not sure what point this article is trying to make; prostitutes are bad? Women never choose this life unless they have absolutely no other option?
“Many of her friends with disabilities and chronic illnesses started sex work for the ease and flexibility it offered to those who are too unwell for traditional employment”
I don’t see the problem with this. You can work when you otherwise wouldn’t be able to, you make enough money to get by and it’s “easy” and “flexible” (it’s right fucking there!).
“If the state won’t support vulnerable people, they have to find work. And if they can’t, they’ll find options.”
Again, where’s the problem? Oh right, the problem is that the Omnipotent State should magically provide unlimited amounts of money to anyone that wants it regardless of their situation.
A government-run program that does not make itself a monopoly by making competition illegal that redistributes only the wealth voluntarily given to it is (in principle, D in the Deets) OK with me. However, I suspect that the UK’s program to “support” disabled (can’t tell from the article if we are talking about wannabe prostitutes or people who are habitually successful at getting paying johns) uses either taxes (money taken by force or threat of force) or deficit spending/borrowing with payments to be creditors to be made by taxes.
Go ahead. Have Parliament vote to have the program, but then have the government try to persuade people to voluntarily pay for it.
The problem, Q, is that she wants moar free stuff. You see, she’s disabled which is a magic word which entitles her to be completely supported by society. Total free.
How dare society expect her to support herself even to the small degree which she’s able. And the government forced her to do this, forced I tells ya, with an armed agent of the state standing over her forcing her to strip on camera.
What she’s really angry at is that technology and freedom have created a job which she can easily do from home on her own time and schedule. And it doesn’t have to be sex-work. She could do phone tech support, etc.
bipolar = disabled?
I was expecting wheelchair bjs.
Cripple fucking?
“Disabled” doesn’t mean what it used to or there are a shit-load of twisted Brits, nowadays.
“some, but not enough to live off as a human being”,
What does this mean?
Nice apartment, unlimited cell phone plan, cable . BBC service, plenty of drinking money, new clothes, eating out most meals…
Lifetime supply of Dr pepper. You also forgot hbo and a new gaming console/ tv every 4 years.
Massage monthly. A car, and not some crappy Fiat, either. Something upscale, a 5 series or maybe a Porsche suv.
How Psychology Today (a tribute to Soviet-style psychology) allowed this to be published I’ll never know.
I’d think this guy will be unpersoned shortly; especially considering his practice is in SF.
waitiminnit – I thought women were all precious little innocent snowflakes who get used and abused by sweaty, aggressive men. ::ponders:: I’ll be in my bunk.
I don’t how how the “sexual revolution” got twisted into “women must do everything men do and be praised for it & men who do the things men do must be condemned”.
The facet about this arrangement which tickles me pink is the fact that one of the “things men do” (which I excel at) is not giving a shit about what some idiot thinks about what I do.
Minneapolis may still be second to Portland when it comes to being bike friendly, but we have the #1 Woke city government in the world
Sure, that sounds pretty woke you say, but #1 in the world? Well, read the story and stand in awe when you discover that the “sacred” conversations are a) segregated and b) use the terms “black bodied” and “white bodied”
TW: Powerline.
Are the ‘Hispanic bodied’ employees are supposed to do the work while the “black bodied” and “white bodied” employees are sacredly conversing?
Only White Hispanic bodied. Other/Undetermined Hispanic bodied people get free lattes and biscotti.
Would “the #1 Woke city government in the world” consider Hispanics partaking of “lattes and biscotti” cultural appropriation?
The Netherlands allowed the euthanasia of a 17 year old girl, who admittedly had problems, on Sunday:
I’m all for people having agency and being able to choose when and how to check out but this seems a bit much. An interesting tidbit, children as young as 12 can choose to be euthanized with their parent’s permission.
My position has always been that the person committing suicide should be the one to push the kill switch. If you don’t have the balls to do it yourself, you’re not ready to die.
All that said, I’m quite anti-suicide, so my moral convictions don’t line up with my political convictions on this one.
The One Fair Wage campaign’s mission is to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers, meaning non-tipped employees would be paid the same as a tipped employee. Many in the industry are against the proposal, saying businesses would have to raise prices or add a service charge in order to afford the minimum wage.
Supporters of the initiative say that only a very small portion of restaurant workers are in favor of the current tipped wage. ROC also says that those in favor of a tipping wage system are mostly white, non-immigrants who work for bigger restaurants in the city.
Tipping. So racist.
Coming from a guy who used to work in a small mom-and-pop restaurant, these guys can screw off with that plan.
The place made barely above its profit margin and it gave a guy with no job/work experience like me a shot.
Well, my plan is to stop tipping once they go to a $15/hr wage. I’m sure the workers will be so pleased.
That why when you poll them they overwhelmingly say “no thanks”. The ROC is lying – shocking, I know.
Yep. If they had $15hr as a base then add tips to that a food server would probably be making more money than I do. Maybe this is just me being petty/irrational but I don’t like the idea of being forced to pay higher prices for my food to cover the wages of somebody who makes more money than me at job that I consider far less skilled than mine.
I’ve been a drink-slinger under both schemes. Working for a rather nice hourly rate at a private club where tipping was forbidden and working for a pittance of a shift-pay but keeping all the tips (after tipping out my bar-back). Both scenarios have their appeal but I would only forgo tipped service work if it was a private venue; their ability to restrict clientele to members and guests makes for a lower stress workplace than did the French Quarter but in Da 1/4, you can make some really good money off of volume.
If $15/hour is a fair wage, then wouldn’t it be what Americans should be paying AOC?
Servers and bartenders in the Washington, D.C., restaurant industry were quick to criticize New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for supporting the One Fair Wage campaign, which calls to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers to a full minimum wage at the federal level.
It may have something to do with the fact that bartenders can make much more money per hour on tips.
LivestreamD-Day Commemoration in UK
My bad…old stream
Is there really any difference between tipping and a commission?
I will be in favor of eliminating tipping and having restaurants pay their wait staff on commission.
Nope. Keep the tipping. Removes the middleman from the equation. The last thing you need is some biased floor manager playing favorites over this. Table assignments are already fraught.
Sometimes you want a middleman. I go to a restaurant to get good food and good service. I want to buy that with a single packaged price. If I am going to pay separately, I want the ability to bring in the server from an outside source. I figure I can get better service and negotiate the price better that way.
How is a biased floor manager any different than a biased engineering manager?
How do I provide good service to my customers despite the fact that they don’t tip me?
Okay, I am getting inspired, I may have to write an anti-tipping article.
I may do it in the style of a certain Judge and just ask questions.
*cues ominous mooooooing*
Didn’t get it at first.
Now, gaze narrowed.
That was udderly ridiculous.
The relationship between the server and the customer is a one-on-one transaction. If he/she gives shit service – no tip. If they do an exemplary job – Yay $. I thought we were against the regulatory system round these here parts. Adding another level just seems counter-intuitive for such an esteemed Glib such as yourself.
The server is an employee of the restaurant, not mine. Like I said, if they are my employee, I want to be in charge of hiring them, conduct the interviews, negotiate wages, etc.
You should have to send everyone you tip a 1099 from at the end of the year.
There’s a lot going on.
The waiter is pressuring the busboy to get the table spotless and turned to next customers quickly; you would notice a nasty top or seat in an instant.
Cooks are balancing order complexity and lead. The medium rare filet and the roast chicken must go out at the same time. The shrimp and the fries are in the same grease at the same temperature. Everything must be on time, together, and cooked correctly.
How organizations understand their clients and run their operations to guarantee quality is the most interesting thing to me, no matter how simple the craft or how small the shop.
What else will people put on that cake for Miley to lick?
You know who else ate cake?
I don’t think that cake farts girl eats the cake at the end…
I… I don’t want to know what that means.
I won’t go looking for a link while I’m at work.
Cake farts girl? is this one of those chaturbate sites HM keeps advertising where some fat chick farts on a birthday cake with lit candles and creates all sorts of gaslighting displays or something?
It’s exactly what it sounds like.
It’s also a great intro quote.
“You know what I like the most?”
Just scooped the cat boxes so your guess is as good as mine. By the way, welcome back Doom and congrats on the good news!
It’s going to be the next Crowder change my mind meme. For a bit.
Thanks! Good to be back.
I, too, am glad to see you back here.
Welcome back.
I like tipping because it allows me to reward good job performance and punish shitty performance. I have friends who whinge about “you need to tip at least 20% no matter what!” Fuck that. If they suck, they’re getting 5% or less. If they want their 20% they better damn well fucking earn it.
Steve Buscemi’s strategy is 10/10.
Damnit, lost my link.
+1 Lawrence Tierney
Come on you, cough up a buck you cheap bastard.
Most people don’t differentiate enough for the staff to get the signal. Even 20% vs 5% won’t do it. The 5% receiver will just think you are a cheap bastard.
Unless you leave exactly 2 cents with a note saying they aren’t actually worth that much, the signal won’t be received.
If you want to get the point across, the answer is to talk to the manager. That works in tip or non-tip situation.
“Most people don’t differentiate enough for the staff to get the signal. Even 20% vs 5% won’t do it. The 5% receiver will just think you are a cheap bastard.”
I usually tip 20%, and even higher when the wait staff does good job. And you should not just tip low, but make sure to tell them they only got the 0-15% because their not doing a good job. Feedback can be a game changer.
I have only had to tip low a few times, but it had to be done because the service was abysmal and it was all the person not doing their job’s fault, and with a few exceptions, the people knew it was deserved.
Too Many People Want to Travel
Massive crowds are causing environmental degradation, dangerous conditions, and the immiseration and pricing-out of locals.
Author conveniently self-identifies as a Marxist, removing any necessity to take what she says seriously.
I also quit reading when they use colorful language to show how much they hate people, eg “disgorging passengers”, “diesel-belching vehicles”. If you can’t make the case dispassionately, it’s propaganda.
Capitalism creates poverty and misery. Facilitating the ability of the average person to travel all over the world, for instance.
tens of millions of people have acquired the means to travel – nothing a little socialism won’t solve.
— Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington
“How dare these plebes enjoy the places that were previously the exclusive playgrounds of elites like me!!”
I’ve noticed the same thing where I live. Week ends are hell but the local restaurants/liquor stores/businesses put on a smiley face and take the money. The other 40 week ends of the year are rather quiet.
Which 12 weekends v. which 40 weekends?
Yeah, I grew up in a tourist trap. It is a love/hate relationship for sure. You have 4 months to make as much money as you can and then 8 months of holding on until the next summer.
The problem is the10% of tourists that bitch about everything. Everything has to be perfect or they will complain and complain. And even if it is perfect a lot of them will still complain.
And to be honest, a bunch of it is envy. You are scrabbling away to make money while the rich tourists just laze around.
Everyone around here (NYC) bitches about tourists. I love them, and am always very helpful when they ask for directions or something. You know how much fucking money they pump into the economy??
The Rockaways gets quite crowded during the summer but my only complaint is a minor one about the dearth of parking (many streets go no parking allowed from May – Sept.). The business that the tourists bring is always welcome.
I’m happy they are pumping money into the city and I’m always polite and helpful to them.
However, clueless dawdling and walking on the sidewalk is most definitely irritating. But far more tolerable than the texting and walking zombies who are local.
Is clueless dawdling the libertarian moment?
My guess is that libtopia would be very, very messy, and everyone would need to retrain their brains to celebrate the mess: companies going bankrupt, banks sunk under the weight of unguaranteed loans, cereals with unsanctioned nutrition panels, experts without reliable certifications, random signage on different toll roads. Thinking, processing, tolerating, and just going around people all day would be a thrill, the intellectual equivalent of driving across Saigon . . . but it would not be orderly.
Foreign tourists to Japan have quadrupled over the last 7 years – there are lots of places in Tokyo where I hear languages other than Japanese spoken much more than I hear Japanese where 5 years ago I rarely saw a tourist. But there are still plenty of places where I can go when I want to be with locals.
I can’t really bitch since my current gig services the hospitality industry.
Can confirm. The last couple times Mrs. A and I have come to Tokyo, we’ve been staying in a little Marriott property (so I can book with points) in Kinshicho. The first time we stayed there the place was fairly new, and pretty quiet. This last March, the place was overrun with Chinese bus-tour groups that made the breakfast impossible and the common areas crowded and noisy.
SJWednesday: The Purges Will Never End
And remember, nobody expects the
SpanishHomintern Inquisition :I fucking work here.
At least they let me carry?
Marxists are always with the violence.
These particular Marxists like to talk about violence. If they ever wanted to really get real about it, they’d find it wouldn’t work out like they imagine.
Precisely. They tend to overlook the fact that many of the people they so despise tend to be armed in this country, and much more adept at using their arms than the Red Army Faction wannabes.
I lost the link, but a year or two back I stumbled across a video of a left-wing “militia” group doing what they laughably called “firearms training” with a couple of old ChiCom SKS carbines and an unidentifiable revolver.
It was laughable. A couple of old rednecks with .30-30s would take them out in a matter of moments.
During the (IIRC) 1919 Berlin uprising, the Marxists took over the police headquarters and held it for almost a week. They were driven out by Freikorps using flame-throwers. I don’t think the moderns are made of such stern stuff.
Glad to see the YDSA is being inclusive.
Kesha Rids the World of ‘Rich, White, Straight, Men’ on New Track
And what of rich, white, bi (?) women?
“Don’t Fuck With My Freedom”
Right. So leave my money, guns, and speech alone.
Mass Immigration and the Subversive Libertarian-Right
re: Trump’s Mexico tariffs
We make freedom our main concern. Most constraints on freedom are economic ones, so we bang on about them, but it’s freedom which matters.
It fact, I think the author has more in parallel with Marxists than he realizes. He, like the Marxists, believes that with the right sort of targeted violence now, society can be pruned like a sapling to grow to a magnificent, beautiful tree, and that the beauty of the anticipated future justifies the cutting of branches in the present.
Last night on this site, a few freedoms that were illegal in mid-2016 in New York City and may or may not still be illegal were listed (source:
“It is against the law to throw a ball at someone’s face for fun”
“A license must be purchased before hanging clothes on a clothesline”
“No taking selfies with tigers” even with the owner’s permission
“It’s against the law to run a puppet show in a window” (even if for free and thus, not economic freedom)
“You may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in your pocket” Do people do this Monday to Saturday?
“It’s illegal for two or more mask-wearing people to congregate in public”
On the plus side, NYC does not prohibit jaywalking.
Yes they do, since 1958. And got sued for $5,000,000 for their rough handling of someone the 24th Precinct arrested for it.
Really? My NYPD neighbors bitch about it all the time. They want the ability to roust folk for crossing the street wrong so they fish for bigger charges like weed possession or knife/firearm carrying. “We need those tools!” they say.
They seem nice.
Meh… they’re NYPD. I was raised to treat police as one would an unknown dog – keep an eye trained on it, an exit route, and don’t get too close. On the other hand, they make for decent neighbors.
Try these:
(Security warning: not https)
Thanks for links. It’s a fascinating history of which I was unaware. I wonder if the overzealous treatment of the little old man has led to a blanket ban in other precincts?
Yeah there are said to be lots of cops living in Bay Ridge too. The criminals do seem to mostly stay away.
The cops beating up the old man for crossing the street too slowly… fuckkkk that’s infuriating.
“throw a ball at someone’s face for fun” may be across the line from the other offenses because it involves someone else who may not be willing. And note the caveat about the tiger.
“Libertarianism, like Marxism, is also an internationalist movement.”
Depends on which strain one adheres to. I’d like the whole world world to be libertarian, but I’m mostly concerned with my immediate settings.
The root cause of this surge in tourism is macroeconomic. The middle class is global now, and tens of millions of people have acquired the means to travel over the past few decades.
The world was a better place when it was populated primarily by subsistence farming peasants.
Those of us who mattered had more elbow room.
Pretty much the problem the elite have but don’t want to clearly articulate. Having to spend time on a cruise ship, airplane, train, or in a luxury resort with people you look down upon and consider to be fodder is just so gauche.
Unless you leave exactly 2 cents with a note saying they aren’t actually worth that much, the signal won’t be received.
If you want to get the point across, the answer is to talk to the manager. That works in tip or non-tip situation.
Too much human interaction. I just don’t go back.
2 hours ago
Omg yes girl!!! Going where most people wont thats why i love you! ??
So I went on youtube to see what’s up re this Kesha.
It’s the perfect place to see projection in practice.
I don’t see what’s so brave about her position or that she ‘went somewhere’ people wouldn’t go. Bashing whites is pretty much being done by all far leftists.
It’s about as edgy and unique as getting a tattoo.
I wonder if ‘Official Danek’ would say the same if, say, a singer came along asking to rid the world of, ‘Poor, black, Hispanic, queer trans women’.
They’re insipid sloppy sophists.
And of course, she’s just a rich white girl. It’s funny how she has no idea she’s up against the wall next.
She’s a dick away from being a rich white male!
Who is this “Danek” who feels the need to differentiate “OfficialDanek” from all those nonexistent unofficial “Danek” accounts?
It becomes evident that libertarianism has the same subversive character found in its apparent nemesis, Marxism. Both systems make the economy their standard and main concern.
Yes, exactly. Peas in a pod.
Both systems make the economy their standard and main concern. – I am not convinced of this. At all.
It is probably true, or at least more true, for utilitarian libertarians vs deontological libertarians.
Yeah but who cares about utilitarians
Singled out: why can’t we believe unmarried, childless women are happy?
There is plenty of evidence that single people are often more content than those in couples. But when I pointed this out, the furious reaction revealed the strength of ‘married is best’ prejudice
I am not really sure of the “evidence ” either way but I doubt a majority of people are happier single
I doubt the majority of people are happy.
happier may not mean happy…
You are correct LH. This fixation today with being happy 24/7 is a new phenom that has resulted in most people feeling miserable. Happiness is something that happens on occasion. Unhappiness however has become an emotion most wallow in because they feel they should always be happy. Life is hard. Whether you are in a permanent relationship or single. Arguing which is better is a clear sign of not getting life.
Nothing says happy life like “spinster”.
Don’t ask me. I’ve been married twice and I’m always miserable.
TW: The Sun, bottoms in thongs, boobies, NSFW
Sex Island trip where men get ‘unlimited romps’ with 100 escorts is back in a secret new location
We’re going to need a bigger antibiotic.
Some stuff is no fun if you didn’t earn it.
I mean if i had won the powerball id give that a try
*packs a suitcase full of kratom*
Just follow Bill Clinton for a few days.
A coworker of mine got a 1000 lei fine for listening to loud music at 1 am. First time i heard this happening to someone i know
Is that like $3.63 in American money?
Ha ha
I tried googling “1000 lei in real money”
Dammit Brazil, you screwed up my joke.
The conversion to USD pops up in Opera when I select “1000 lei.”
That’s a lot of flowers.
At least he wasn’t shot, tasered or beaten.
“Stop Resisting!!!”
There oughtta be a law
The Beverly Hills City Council late Tuesday unanimously approved a ban on the retail sale of most tobacco products with a sweeping ordinance that is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.
The tobacco sales ban in the playground of the rich and famous is set to go into effect at the beginning in 2021. It will outlaw the retail sale of cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco and electronic cigarettes sold in gas stations, convenience stores, pharmacies and grocery stores.
The 5-0 vote Tuesday followed the council last month supporting a draft ordinance, which carved out an exemption for upscale cigar lounges and hotels in the city.
“I thought this was just truly a landmark moment for our city, for our community,” Council Member Lili Bosse said prior to the vote. She added that outlawing tobacco sales is in step with Beverly Hills’ reputation as a healthy place and expressed confidence other cities will follow suit with their own bans.
Do-something-ism at its finest. Finally, someone takes a bold stand. Lives will be saved, I tell you.
I love the “upscale cigar lounge” loopholes that are de rigeur with this shit, every time.
Well, of course – you don’t think the kind of assholes who pass such laws would actually apply them to themselves, would you?
carved out an exemption for upscale cigar lounges
Leftists really do hate low income people.
It’s almost too easy to get them to say as much.
OT: Not looking for an answer here but more of a musing. I’ve noticed that – compared to the old days – that seeds aren’t in the bags of wacky-tobaccy I buy. I was thinking of doing a small grow operation – can now legally have 12 plants – but apparent;y getting seeds is a real pain now. There are some online stores that sell ’em for “educational purposes only” but I think I would be opening myself to a possible federal charge. Some real interesting blends out there.
This has certainly been an increasing phenomenon for several years now. The growers with whom I am familiar take great pains to avoid getting pollen anywhere near their female plants. It’s all about cloning these days.
The growers with whom I am familiar
What about the show-ers?
They end up in custody?
Clones, the correct answer is clones
My law school alumni network came through – I had to call a guy who knows a guy. So I think I will have an answer later today.
Seed and plant transactions can only take place between Michigan- licensed Medical Marijuana companies (at the present time).
Stop Trying to Make Coal Great Again
And they’ll never be challenged about it. Fucking infuriating.
How do you level the playing field with sources that already receive subsidies? You give subsidies to coal too because the elimination of subsidies to other energy sources is politically impossible.
apropos of your latest avatar:
I grew up in tobacco country at a time when
* the USG subsidized the farming of tobacco because votes
* the state and USG taxed tobacco because sin
* medicare was paying for emphysema treatments on at least a tenth of its clients
* social security was being saved by the early exit of its dumbest clients: underclass folk pay little in but buy the farm early and don’t collect much either
I drove NewWife through two weekends ago: she had never seen cotton and tobacco grown in the same county before and probably never will again.
When my dad was a child, school shut down for tobacco harvest time; all the kids were out in the fields helping their parents.
Even in hot MS, the cotton isn’t all out until November! If they waited until September to start school, they’d never have it.
What are the numbers of the Article, Section, Subsection or Paragraph, and Clause that make it constitutional for the hypothetically constitution-abiding federal government to borrow or tax to get the money to pay for subsidies to electricity producers, regardless of which kind of fuel?
Part of requiring that spending be paid for by voluntary money is that spending be paid for (deals with debt problem). The other part is that the money is voluntary rather than by taxes or the two-step of borrowing and then making the payments with taxes. But then the bar for getting the money is higher than persuading a bureaucrat or politician to spend tax money (waste problem). Voluntary money is more moral (morality problem). For the United States, the national government could even do farm subsidies, Social Security, etc. without violating the old white slavers’ document with voluntary donations instead of taxes or borrowing on the credit of the United States (constitutionality problem).
Unreliable power sources like wind and solar occasionally get a windfall that allows them to almost produce their nameplate power output. That does not mean they are either economical or useful.
In a free marekt we’d be building coal power plants. Wind and solar would be relegated to a very small number of uses where despite the expense of their construction and their utter unreliability they were still, somehow, a better source than other options.
For example, a cabin that is 1,000 miles from the nearest paved road.
Even if they had a great month, there’s no way. Coal still generates overall more than 10x the electricity.
And smaller, more distributed nuke plants.
How much climate crisis causing CO2 (not looking for a climate change debate, but accept that the Left accepts this) would deregulated nuclear produce? Which would eliminate how much CO2 output compared with, for example, attempting to reduce livestock flatulence by meat shaming?
Left unexamined in the piece : is the market share of those renewables increasing because they are more cost efficient than coal, or because the government has deliberately favored renewables for non-economic reasons? I can’t say I know the answer, but I certainly have a hunch.
Yeah. The piece starts out ok. Trump and the government should certainly not be favoring coal. But the same should be true of renewables.
Your hunch is correct.
Nat Gas makes coal irrelevant, but somehow renewables are the real winners here? Well, no shit: they’ve been subsidized to the hilt while coal gets its lunch eaten by fracking. Of course you’re going to see some uptick in generation in the former while the latter is plummeting. But it’s not inversely proportional.
This. Gas is killing coal. It’s cheaper and cleaner.
Of course, the greenies hate it so they’re fighting every gas distribution project out there.
As always, follow the money. Cuomo isn’t cutting off the supply of cheap energy to downstate and New England because he cares about Gaia.
What the fuck?
Sitcom idea popped in my head.
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale
A Tale of a wokeful trip
That started from this dystopic port
Aboard this whinging ship
The Beto mate was not a Mexican
The Sniffer so brave and sure
Five Candidates set sail that day
On a three year purge
A three year purge
The tweet storm started getting rough
The Mayor’s salad was tossed
If not for the war cries of the albino squaw
The movement would be lost
The movement would be lost
The ships aground on the shore of this
Undocumented desert isle
With Gillibrand
The Commie, too
The Plugs of Hair and Mayor Fife
The Prosecutor and Beto The Also Ran
Here on Gillibrand’s isle.
Do you really want my final verse?
YES. Final verse please, I want it.
+1. I think we need it.
Now this is the tale of our castaways
They’re here for a long, long time
They’ll have to make the best of things
It’s an uphill climb
The fist mate and the Sniffer too
Will do their very best
To make the others flexible
In their dystopic Island mess
No IPhone, no lights, no motor car
No a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe
It’s Bernie’s creamy dream
So join us here each week my friend
You sure to get a smile
From seven stranded castaways
Here on Gillibrand’s Isle
+ thunderous applause +
There actually is an episode “President Gilligan.”
30 Years After Tiananmen, a Chinese Military Insider Warns: Never Forget
*operatic applause*
Bravo, would watch that sitcom, oh wait…I’ll just sing that song and play the Gilligan’s Island theme while the DNC Primary Debates for 2020 air.
Fits them. Should have done one for The Reps in 2016.
There’s always next time.
No IPhone, no lights, no motor car
No a single luxury
Like Robinson Crusoe
Someone likes Weird Al…
Good stuff. Federal level politics are basically a sit com, so an appropriate theme song is warranted.
There is a helluva video to be made with those lyrics sung to the Gilligan’s Island theme and clips of the misc. Dem candidates.
In a free marekt we’d be building coal power plants. Wind and solar would be relegated to a very small number of uses where despite the expense of their construction and their utter unreliability they were still, somehow, a better source than other options.
For example, a cabin that is 1,000 miles from the nearest paved road.
paved roadutility pole.Ars Technica readers discover airline industry is already optimized to balance economy and comfort, complain anyway. The article is about a proposed airline design that conserves fuel better but relies on unrealistic assumptions about what passengers will stomach. The comments immediately begin denigrating airlines for… making passengers uncomfortable to conserve fuel better.
And anyone want to place odds on 95% of the complainers also insist that airlines have to “do their part” in preventing
Global WarmingClimate Change?Oh, sure. But keep ticket prices low. But stop selling high-price first class tickets to passengers willing to pay more. But don’t raise general prices to cover the lost premium. And more leg room, and more window seats, and a dining car.
And blowjobs, don’t forget the blowjobs.
I read Ars Technica, but almost always avoid the comments.
They are a perfect example of Top Men and Gell Mann amnesia effect.
I get that the Tennessee Valley Authority and rural electrification represented a massive step forward in the economic development of this country, but I sometimes wonder if the need for an all-encompassing interconnected electrical grid has been oversold. Even in the early 20th century it was possible for isolated places to install their own electrical generators and provide power for themselves.
What does that mean? I don’t know.
For Mamaw it meant a single bulb hanging from a cord with a two-pin receptacle for other conveniences she didn’t have. Shitting in a shack out back and toting water would continue until the Ford administration. The milking barn had none of the required facilities and was nasty, so their milk earned the lowed grade and the route truck from the local dairy paid accordingly. Turns out that lights were the biggest step forward as little else changed. Also, radio batteries were relatively expensive, so news via A/C was nice. Ironing and washing without a fire in the summer: amazing! I’m not advocating for federal programs, though . . . just sharing because even though I’m only 54 I was born to a people typical to Dorothea Lange photos.
Most folks get their subsidies: free land for railroads, massive military infrastructure (both installations and contractor manufacturing), WPA highways.
“so news via A/C was nice”
*makes note to set up a meeting with climate control system*
Fucking kids are cute as hell.
Submitted without further comment.
Also, happy birthday?
nice, love getting those cards.
I’m assuming the stick figures is you doing something awesome with your kids?
It’s me throwing batting practice with him.
He moved up this year from the tee to the pitching machine and I have spent quite a bit of time trying to learn the boy how to hit a baseball.
Play your cards right and you can get some of those in a couple years.
By “play your cards right” I mean spend time with your kid(s) (cause your going to have more right? RIGHT!)
That’s a rule!
Happy Birthday. Woo Pig Sooey works for cricket, too? ?
Woo pig, baby.
Pigs are back in the super regionals hosting Ole Miss this weekend for a trip to the college world series.
If there is one thing arkansas does right, its baseball.
That’s awesome man. Have a Happy Birthday and hope it’s a great one.
Happy Birthday
Fantastic kids. And happy b-day.
I once got a hand made b-day card from my daughter that said “Happy Birthday. I’m hungry, can you make sandwiches?”
Happy Birthday!
“What happened in Parkland is proof that a good guy with a gun doesn’t always stop a bad guy with a gun”
“One of the dumber and least respected of the political pundits.”
That’s probably the dumbest hot-take I’m going to read this month.
Otoh, we’re only on day five of the wokest Pride Month ever, and there are plenty of tards out there living kick-ass lives.
I was going to ask if this has been discussed: Sheriff’s Deputy Who Was On Duty The Day Of Parkland Shooting Arrested
Basically a show trial to appease the masses. They can’t convict him on anything other than perjury as cops have no legal obligation to protect you.
I want all of those responsible for burying Cruz’s well recorded history of mental issues and near arrests held publicly responsible and sued into oblivion.
You may enjoy what happened to his boss. I may be wrong, but if I recall correctly: the “school resource officer” was employed by the Broward [county] Sheriff’s Office. Said sheriff was suspended for the remainder of his term of office by the incoming governor after the November 2016 election. The governor also appointed an interim replacement. The suspension was upheld by a vote of the Cabinet. Said ex-sheriff sued. Judge said (summarizing, but not by much) that governor had sufficient grounds as defined by law to suspend, law gives ex-sheriff right to appeal to cabinet, cabinet voted already, next case.
2018, not 2016
He put this as his description (?) in twitter to be self deprecating but it’s just straight truth.
quintessential bluechecktard
The gun gives you a fighting chance, though, which is why the motherfucker is being charged.
Honest? Honest as the day is long.
A group of kids are suing the Trump administration over the climate emergency, which they say is being handled so negligently that it violates their constitutional rights.
“climate emergency”
The climate kids allege their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property are being violated by a US government that is knowingly promoting the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, which cause dangerous levels of warming, raising sea levels and promoting droughts and storms.
They also say they have a right to a safe atmosphere, and that they are being discriminated against as young people who will bear outsize consequences of the climate emergency.
The lawsuit has been called a moonshot attempt to get the federal government to act on climate, and has been compared to Brown v. Board of Education, which desegregated public schools. It’s “the biggest case on the planet,” University of Oregon law professor Mary Wood told CNN in 2016.
They should be suing their respective school districts for fraud.
promoting droughts and storms
Well, which is it?
It’s both…and neither.
Global Climate Change creates drought storms. Violent weather systems with wind and rain which extract all the moisture from the soil.
They should be suing politicians and public sector unions.
So they support making nuclear power cost-effective through deregulation?
The adults sockpuppeting the kids need to be curbstomped. The kids themselves should be saddled with the court costs and attorney fees for this farce. Actions have consequences assholes.
Looks like our morning links had a baby:
Called it.
Like 16 hours late. Still pretty good for me.
Who is that? Miley?
The naked Pringles guy was, um, interesting.
HM approves
Much attention has focused on the case in part because of the dire stakes of the climate emergency, which have been clear for decades and yet continue to worsen.
A United Nations scientific body found last year that there were only about 12 years left to avert some of the worst effects of the climate crisis, including flooded coastal cities, deadlier heatwaves and the near-end of coral reefs. Global emissions of heat-trapping gases must be cut in half by 2030 and to net zero by mid-century, the group found in a landmark report.
Repeat as necessary.
I watched Evan almighty last night, because it popped up on the Netflix.
I’ve decided to go through every movie Wanda Sykes is in and edit her lines out.
Gf suggested muting her lines and superimposing a clown on her.
Both would improve the movies.
Wall Street journal headline:
Trump Wants to Cut Interest Rates. Powell Should Do It Anyway
I suppose they’re being honest.
This made me think of climate management: just as soon as the world is running on a renewals grid, Krakatoa will erupt and throw us all in a nuclear winter.
Same for the Fed: if they don’t know which economic calamities the administration is going to start with China, the EU, or Mexico, how can it know which way to lean?
I got to thinking more last night about that 17-year-old rape victim in the Netherlands that was euthanized. There are other counties that put rape victims to death.
She wasn’t euthanized.
I believe you. Do you have a source other than Twitter? It’s blocked at work.
Here’s a source. I think DW is fairly reliable:
There’s a fine line between euthanasia and assisted suicide. I think this one is just to the euthanasia side.
As I mention below in my Sudafed-influenced comment, I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive.
Yeah, I suppose you are right.
“A 17-year-old rape victim was NOT euthanised in the Netherlands. @euronews @Independent @DailyMailUK @dailybeast are all wrong It took me about 10 mins to check with the reporter who wrote the original Dutch story. Noa Pothoven asked for euthanasia and was refused (cont.)
Infuriatingly, it’s too late: this misinformation has already spread all over the world from Australia to the United States to India. Her name, #noapothoven is even trending in Italy.
I had immediate questions reading the Dutch articles about whether this was a case of euthanasia or not. It would have been an enormous deal in the Netherlands if a 17-year-old really had euthanasia. It’s really easy to check. Like I say, took me about 10 minutes. Infuriating.”
So the media doing it’s usual bang-up job, I see
I guess I still don’t see much, if any, difference between euthanasia and what happened here.
The number of people in the comments arguing it’s not euthanasia when it literally fits the definition of euthanasia is infuriating.
Me neither. Dying of dehydration and I would assume the ensuing organ failure because you opt out of fluids seems like suicide to me. If she was offered palliative care of some kind I’d argue it was assisted suicide.
Let me clarify. If you are in the care of medical staff and they fail to provide care that would otherwise save your life, that’s euthanasia. Euthanasia where the victim (patient? subject?) is a willing participant in their own demise is, I would think, also suicide.
As I say above, there’s a fine line there.
I don’t know, there’s so much we don’t know. We (including me) should probably temper our judgement. A couple things jumped out at me:
1. Multiple unsuccessful suicide attempts. Doesn’t this generally mean they didn’t really want to die?
2. She’s too young for electro-shock. But she’s not too young to die?
You’re absolutely right. There’s not much information and nobody needs it more than the family needs their privacy. But yeah, the age really struck me as well. I don’t know the law there but it seems strange that a teenager would have the legal authority to decide to end their own life. I realize how that sounds, but for hundreds if not thousands of years of human history we’ve recognized that children, especially teenagers, are prone to make hasty, irrational decisions, and even in countries where suicide is legal there are a lot of obstacles put in place to attempt to ensure that the person in question is making a thoughtful, rational choice.
Sounds a lot more unpleasant than a morphine OD. Maybe they drugged her so she didn’t feel the thirst?
I would assume that’s what happened. My understanding is that dying of either dehydration or starvation is a very painful, lengthy death, and is generally not what people have in mind when they want to end their lives. I’d also think that doctors even in countries with seemingly lenient views on assisted suicide or euthanasia would still have some admonishment if not requirement that doctors provide some kind of pain management.
either way horrible story…
Saw Woodstock the Director’s Cut last night on TCM. Never knew it existed. The additional material sucked in my opinion. However, the two additional Hendrix songs were fascinating. And I could not help but thinking that what Hendrix did with his guitar was absolutely original. It’s not as if he simply copied what others were doing. It really does boggle the mind.
Jimi Hendrix paid his dues on the Chitlin’ Circuit by the time Linda Keith saw him play at a club in New York City. She brought him to the attention of several managers including Chas Chandler, former bassist for the Animals. Chandler liked what he heard and convinced Hendrix that London was the place to launch his career. Promised several things, including a meeting with Eric Clapton, Hendrix agreed and flew to England on September 24th, 1966.
On October 1st, Chandler made good on his promise at a Cream show at Central London Polytechnic. Clapton agreed to Hendrix sitting in on a couple songs with the band. The result was incendiary.
Uffda. Marketing genius in Wisconsin.
My guess is selling mech is going to be far more lucrative than actually running the minor league team. They really need to get someone wearing this shirt to try to interview AOC.
yes, selling the merch is where it’s at.
Who’s playing catcher for the Udder Tuggers?
wait they are selling huge robots? Can i get one?
I refused to cooperate with a military stop on US180 in west Texas, maybe 2006, so my car was waved into the search area, but after 20 minutes of sitting mute with my arms crossed and the doors locked they let me go. But I’m not a PoC.
Wow. I’d like to think I’d have the cojones to do the same thing but I’m not sure I do.
I was terrified: our governments do stupid, unconstitutional things every day; I could image spending a year’s salary litigating my way out of a mess that could have been avoided by a few polite, submissive words. But I had a child and we were way out in the desert, so I don’t think they wanted the bother.
The real reason I was waved over was probably because I cover everything in my car and truck always, still do. The tarp over the stuff in the back seat infuriates cops, but I give them zero probable cause; it will be the lamest Terry stop of all time if anyone goes through my stuff. My people covered the buckboard to go to town: it’s nobody’s business. I think that’s why I still butt heads with so-cons: true liberty means minding your own business, something that few Americans can manage.
You’re lucky you weren’t shot.
I give them zero probable cause
“I feared for my quota.”
people like you deserve a full cavity search.
This bullshit with “border searches” in Pennsylvania et al. is fucking infuriating. What is even the point? Who the hell carries any documentation proving you’re a citizen unless they’re, you know, exiting or entering the country??
Saw the marxist take on Thomas Jefferson. I had a leftist acquaintance try to pull that bs on me once.
Even Thomas Jefferson said “That government is best which governs least”, not “not at all”.
So the feds should act even further outside their Constitutional bounds than they already are just because, in your feeble collectivist mind, you think they should take some action because your feelz? I’m sure TJ would be all over that statist, illegal (constitutionally..) bullshit. Needless to say, he doesn’t talk to me anymore.
Not at all was Emerson’s addendum, I believe. By taken Jefferson’s line to the logical conclusion.
If not Emerson, then Thoreau. One of them. I can’t keep them straight.
How is “governs least” closer to “governs much, much, more” than “not at all”?
“Reading the Righteous Mind by @JonHaidt – apparently there is something magical about dancing to bring people together.
We should make our rallies into dance parties if possible. ?”
I fucking hate dancing.
Unless it’s slamdancing.
I met my wife in ballet class.
But I did refuse to wear the tights.
Got something against moose knuckles?
I was a hell of a two-stepper back in the day. Great way to meet gals.
I used to dance all the time at the goth/industrial clubs. I shudder to think how ridiculous I must have looked.
Please tell me it was like this.
Exactly like that – except with much better music, better-dressed people – and none of that “rave” shit, and with booze, and in the dark.
The Pipeline?
Reminds me a little bit of where I spent most of the aughts.
We’d all pile in a car every Thursday for Alchemy and get there as soon as open bar started so we could pound free whiskey sours for an hour. A friend of mine knew Mohawk Adam and one of the bartenders pretty well so we’d get hooked up a lot. When I think of my twenties I will forever think of bald industrial doods in black denim shorts and Docs playing volleyball in the dark.
There we so many clubs and theme nights in Buffalo, SF, and NYC where we spent all our time I don’t remember the names of half of them.
something like this I suppose
Ritual can be yummy. It doesn’t mean that it’s going anywhere, but I can’t think of many things in life where you get some easy feedback that you’ve got it rolling in the right direction.
Dancing. Suit and tie. If a bald/flabby/backward/confrontational/isolationist moron like me can win the game, anyone can.
I used to dance/do liquids during my rave days. Got pretty good at it too. Oddly enough, I stopped dancing about the same time I stopped doing ecstasy.
If he’s lucky he’ll die dancing.
If we’re lucky it will be on the end of a rope.
Today, in everyone is literally Hitler
Also sad
everyone except non-white trans non binary gender queer feminists socialists, thank you very much
First person out is a dude in a wheelchair who would have been an early candidate to be expunged under the Nazis.
Holding a sign that says “Fuck you Nazis” as a disabled man in a motorized wheelchair passes through your gauntlet is what the kids are calling “bad optics” these days, I believe.
Just merely unfortunate happenstance.
Look at the optimist here.
Well, not the lefties.
you make me laugh every day
as I chuckle, NewWife: you on your little site again?
So Trump spend an hour and a half alone with the Queen. You can’t say there was a zero percent chance that [redacted] occurred.
“Unnamed sources say….”
I smell a new H&H plot line!
What was she doing with her handbag?
I’d be surprised the Queen is ever alone while doing Queen shit. No attendants, flunkies, minions, nobody?
The ending GOT deserved.
How Game of Thrones Season 1 Should Have Ended
(Unless you are boycotting Alphabet/Google/YouTube)
he probably did it, but our system is fucked if he’s convicted without evidence
(the prosecutor) repeatedly pointed out that the defense has offered zero evidence proving (that the encounters were consensual). (He) hammered time and time again was that five women who don’t know one another have accused Winslow of separate incidents of sexual misconduct. He urged the jury to avoid missing the forest through the trees by getting bogged down in the details Carlos raised.
Convicting people based on our facebook feels is the new justice.
That sounds like I haven’t proved beyond a reasonable doubt talk to me.
Also, I’m sure this is regular fodder for lawyer types but why does a defense attorney allow (doesn’t have a choice?) all these charges to be brought in a single court case? Seems like having these five separate crimes tried together puts a huge cloud over the defendant.
right: how can it not be prejudicial ?
I would guess money
This is ElspethFlashman’s territory, but AFAIK, and this applies to the United States, outside YMMV: How astute of you to quickly figure out in your first exposure to this tactic that it enables the prosecution to taint the jury’s decision about one woman by knowledge of the other women. That would be reason 1 why prosecutors want it if plea bargaining fails. The top two reasons why a clerk of the court indulges them are the clerk may have been elected to be “tough on crime” and multitasking the trial if plea bargaining fails is good for the budget. Lack of capacity to have trials is a major driver of plea bargaining.
Right. So the “evidence of other bad acts” is an evidence rule (F R E 404).
Typically the jury is not supposed to be making a decision about the defendant because of ‘character’ evidence.
But the 404b exception is if the prosecutor can show evidence of other “bad acts” – which show motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, absence of mistake, or lack of accident, then the evidence comes in.
So for example, if I am defending a person for domestic violence, and there’s a prior conviction of my client of DV with the current alleged victim, prosecutor can use that prior conviction. Prosecutor would argue the defendant had no mistake of what he was doing, or something like that. The 404b exception is sort of a “spaghetti” method – throw all these ideas and see what sticks.
So yeah, it’s unfair. Defense attorney’s next move (pretrial) is a motion in limine to get the prior bad acts of evidence OUT of trial evidence. Usually denied.
Here, the trying of FIVE similar cases sounds terribly prejudicial to the defense. I didn’t read the article (sorry!) but how can all the allegations be tried in the same complaint to begin with?
Now, I’m just a simple, country layman, but isn’t the whole point that the prosecution has to prove that the encounters were *not* consensual?
Not any more, apparently. I mean, if the highest profile prosecutor in the country says the accused hasn’t proved they were innocent and so the prosecutor can’t exonerate them, what’s a county DA going to do?
(the prosecutor) repeatedly pointed out that the defense has offered zero evidence proving (that the encounters were consensual).
Innocence not proven. Off with his head.
Accusations were made, therefore: guilty. If he could demonstrate that no accusations were made, or that accusations weren’t made, he’d be not guilty. Not guilty of being accused, anyway. But that’s a tough bar to clear since he wouldn’t be on trial if he weren’t accused. And he was accused, because he’s guilty. We know he’s guilty because he was accused. Let me know if the legal mumbo jumbo is over your head.