Farmers have a few berzerk buttons. Getting too close to their livestock is one of them.
Yeah but it was several hundred meters away according to the article.
Free-running dogs can kill lambs or even calves, and will run deer to death. When I was a kid in Allamakee County, it was taken as a given that if you let your dog run free on other people’s land, it would become shot.
I just opened the sea salt caramels I got at Gibsons, and I must heartily recommend that everyone make a trip to the bakery, buy some, make an obscene gesture towards the university and go home.
Ha you swung through Oberlin for that? Nice.
Speaking of:
That is excellent.
I did post that in the PM Lynx, but it’s worth repeating.
I missed it. Was doing my language exchange across the planet…
If it was Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, they would have issued an apology and sent their staff to (another) reeducation camp.
Mom-n-pop FTW.
“Fuck him,” Raimondo responded in a text message about Copeland. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”
Hope. For once the elitist shitbags got what was coming to them.
I’ll bet that was a key piece of evidence the university acted in concert with the SJWs on campus.
The bar shooter guy…wtf is up with the uneven eyebrows?
Is he channeling his inner Spock?
Nope, the eyes themselves are asymmetrical too, with one eye higher than the other.
like this? https://i.imgur.com/onMI5zM.jpg
Saw an article ages ago about how most everyone who isn’t a model has some asymmetry in their face. They did some image manipulation on “normal” people like piecing together flipped copies of half their face and they looked weirder than their actual photos.
STEVE SMITH’S face looks rather symmetrical. What are you saying?
So did the SMITHS know that a board game was released in their name?
Age: +10.
Who wants to play hoax or Muslim?
“One of the victims said at least four men started harassing her and her girlfriend when they saw them kissing on the bus”
“”They started behaving like hooligans, demanding that we kissed so they could enjoy watching, calling us ‘lesbians’ and describing sexual positions,” she wrote. ”
go on…
It’s England. Yobs come in all colors and creeds.
Here’s my theory on stuff like this: If it had been white people, the media would have trumpeted that fact (as though it were the primary detail of the incident), shown pictures of them, and possibly made conjectures that they belonged to the political Right.
The fact that this story said nothing about their race makes me suspect that they were recent arrivals from certain violent patriarchal rape culture countries.
Must be those Mexican Muslims I’ve heard so much about.
I don’t read any significance into the accents, one way or the other.
48 hour rule, anyway.
Well, technically, it’s been a week.
Catcalling is an attack now?
Once again, there’s something that could have been done to prevent this… but these modern day Roperites will never get it.
If the picture is accurate, it was more than catcalling.
Per the article, the couple was attacked. As in physically attacked. I’d say the blood makes their point it was physical.
You guys are right. Should have clicked through and rtfa. Or not. Fuck them (and not the girls).
I read this as the Moon is part of the much bigger things. Then again, I can speak fluent Trump.
“For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon – We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!”
I read this as the Moon is part of Mars.
I read it as going to the moon is part of the trip to Mars. But of course, it’s red meat for the haters.
I suspect he’s doing it on purpose for the overreaction.
I suspect Trump simply says whatever thoughts manage to wend their way into his brain. Trumpsters will defend and TDSers will attack, he’s happy either way, no political calculations involved.
Trump simply says whatever thoughts manage to wend their way into his brain.
Right, wrong, or indifferent he is at least seemingly transparent.
I think you’re right. I think he just kinda says stuff and how people react to it is their problem. I read somewhere that sloppy handwriting is a sign of egotism, because the writer isn’t concerned with whether or not people can read what’s written. I think Trump is like that but with speech as well.
Trumpsters at some point in the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajA0ZFWXqnw
Richmond v Geelong here. My fast-forwarding skills on the DVR saved me from another dumpster fire, once I saw which way the wind was blowing near the beginning of the 2nd quarter.
Can anyone fucking beat these guys??
Well, they managed to get through 2008 with only one loss…
Before my time.
I’m just seeing another goddamn version of Man City and Liverpool and it makes me sick 🙂
Fun trivia: only undefeated VFL/AFL season: Collingwood 1929, 18/18 and then won the premiership.
It’s been 50 years since we went to the moon and our space program is less capable than it was. I am disappoint.
I can’t wait for Space Race II: Chinese Boogaloo.
Eh. It was a PR stunt that served its purpose.
Kubrick’s dead now so we ain’t going back.
I’d argue the opposite. Our space program is far more capable now, but the manned space program has become a tchotchke. Which is more than it deserves.
Strange sentence structure. Idk what it related to what and how.
I suppose this is as appropriate a place as any.
Mayor Pete to Pack the Court: Will He Make Supremes Less Political?
Speaking to the number of scotus justices, is that set by legislation or is it just however many the senate will approve when appointed?
No idea, but Saint Roosevelt didn’t get away with it. I doubt this clown – who has zero chance of getting elected – would either. I do suspect there’s a loophole here that needs to be addressed.
It’s set at 9 by the Judiciary act of 1869. Congress can change the total as it isn’t set at a specific number by the constitution, but they would have to amend or repeal that law first. The president cannot unilaterally change the number.
I would argue that either branch cannot set the number but so it is.
Devil’s advocate, since the process requires congress to provide concent to the appointment of a new justice, then congress can say that they will not approve beyond a certain number and still be within their authority was laid out in the constitution.
And that I would say is correct. If the president suggests 50 candidates and Congress gives consent, we have 50 supremes.
US Constitution didn’t set any number so Congress stepped in with The Judiciary Act.
I would say its bullshit thay Congress can dictate the administration of a seperate branch but whatevs
The founders really should have put a much larger effort into defining the role, powers, and administration/ makeup of the courts, but oh well.
They didn’t anticipate judicial legislation.
They sure didn’t anticipate Pete Buttplug.
So…the Dead Aunt is driving a huge wedge between the gf and her sister. TBF, the sister is a jealous bitch. Still, it’s not a good scenario. Worse, I have to hear about it. ?
Sounds like an ep of Woke Charmed.
Sorry to hear that man.
I refrain from getting involved in family conflicts.
My mom didn’t get along with her sister at all in later years, for reasons I never quite got.
Watching Mom badmouth her sister at my uncle’s funeral while doing the same things she was accusing my aunt of doing was a load of fun.
When my grandmother passed, an irreconcilable schism formed between my mom and her sister. It never passed or reconciled.
Various family elders fought at my grandmother’s funeral, I heard long-distance when I was living in Germany. I like to think my mom kept out of it but… you never know.
When my maternal grandmother passed (from kidney failure and diabetes so not a surprise), it led to a decades long schism between my mom and her siblings. One of her sisters still gave her the time of day, that was it. The other siblings threatened to kill her if she ever showed up in their area again. All over (at most) $10,000.
Oh, and there was fighting between various siblings and step-siblings when my mom passed, too. WTF is wrong with people.
I have no idea. Me and my sister fought a lot when we were kids, but we’ve been chill for the past 15 years or so. Both of us expect (and hope) our parents spend off all their money. I doubt there’s going to be any fighting between us (sets up foreshadowing for the future).
My grandma had nothing that I’m aware of. My mom and stepfather had a double-wide and nothing else – that’s what that fight was over.
Bro Dean has already given up on seeing anything from my parents estate. I’m not expecting any trouble.
Same for mine, except it started a few years before.
On my dad’s side of the family it’s all sisters now that he’s gone, and none of them speak to each other for any number of reasons. At my grandfather’s viewing four years ago one of my aunts took a swing at the other over who paid for the flowers. They both lose the amount of money I make in two weeks in the laundry, but, by God, they were ready to go over that bouquet.
From the sidebar of the guy shooting the bar story:
Board votes to fire teacher who tried to report undocumented students to Trump on Twitter
It’s a very short story, so I’ll post the whole thing:
She sounds nice.
Nobody likes a snitch, especially a dumb one.
So that’s how you get a teacher fired.
And the property owners of Fort Worth are forced to pay. Donation not taxation.
You would think a person with telepathy would seek better employment than high school English teacher.
“Feminist speaker Julie Bindel ‘attacked by transgender person’ at Edinburgh University after talk
Julie Bindel, the keynote speaker at an Edinburgh University event which discussed the future of women’s sex-based rights, said she was verbally abused, “lunged at” and almost “punched in the face”, by a transwoman as she left the building.
She added: “I think the lecturers and other staff who stoked the flames of this by calling women bigots and fascists and Nazis because we were holding an event to discuss women’s rights, should take responsibility for this.””
“Edinburgh University’s LGBT network resign en masse amid row over Julie Bindel talk
The event, titled “Women’s Sex-Based Rights: what does and should the future hold?”, took place on Wednesday evening despite calls for its to be stopped on the basis that it was “transphobic”.
A group of staff and students launched a petition calling for the event to be cancelled immediately on the basis that it would put transgender people “at risk of physical and psychological harm”.
Jonathan MacBride, who was the co-Chair of the university’s LGBT+ staff network until the entire committee’s resignation this week, said the university had not consulted with them before approving the event and “instead of supporting us, supporting our position, they chose to censor us”.”
They censored your saying someone should be allowed to speak?
Can I hope they both lose?
Edinburgh University’s LGBT network resign en masse amid row over Julie Bindel talk
If the university were smart, they announce that none of those positions are being filled.
Oh to be on that hiring committee…
“Xer not diverse enough. Xan mannerisms indicated unchallenged internalized whiteness. Xal is a cultural appropriator.” I could reject applicants FOREVER.
I deeply enjoyed the semester I had at Edinburgh University, but wokeness has an iron fisted hold on it. There’s no escaping it.
I hate everyone in this story. It is dripping with hypocrisy from both sides.
Unfortunately, the University of Edinburgh is subsidized rather than paying for itself. The taxpayers of the United Kingdom are being forced to pay.
Yep. This touches upon a point I bitch about occasionally in regards to monetary settlements due to police misconduct. When an officer of the law is found guilty of violating the codes of conduct for their profession or found to be criminal in their actions the party violated will sue the city for damages rendered, as well they should, but the police union itself tends not to suffer any financial penalty. Until the union itself suffers a significant financial hit due to the lawlessness of its members actions it will never curtail said behavior.
Feminism isn’t part of the alphabet mafia? Given the minute percentage of people that fit into those groups, I wonder what the percentage of staff is at Edinburgh?
“They censored your saying someone should be allowed to speak?”
um, “shouldn’t”
Bindel kind of was the ‘canary in the coal mine’ when it comes to this “transphobia” stuff. Really, feminists should’ve listened to her fifteen years ago when she was first a target and shut it down back then.
But otoh, it’s very much a case of them eating each other, since she has some terrible ideas on ‘patriarchy’ and other garbage. I wouldn’t really mind it, if their fight didn’t leak all over everyone else.
Its a homemade sloppy joe kinda night. Cheers everyone.
Cheers ?
Hennessy, Gin, Aperol, orange bitters – doesn’t quite work. That’s what I get for coloring outside the lines.
There’s a science and an art behind making a proper cocktail. It takes a lot of experimentation to learn some of the ideas behind them.
Yeah, the classics work for a reason.
I do like reliving a childhood moment though – I was at a wedding when I was like seven, and just mixed up a bunch of shit and got kind of hammered. It was the 70s when no one paid any attention to their kids.
I’ve spent way too much time and money learning about booze, and I’ve even mixed up some things that… did not work.
And you know what, this is either giving me a massive headache or I’m getting a massive headache for some other reason.
Sorry 🙁
Sorry to hear that…
I poured the bottom 1/3 down the sink and replaced it with a Manhattan.
Headache is gone.
I was a bartender. Inventing new ones is a lot of trial and error. Even new mixes that other bars make, old re-discovered cocktails, drinks that might becoming trendy, etc. are usually usually taste tested by the staff before deciding if it’s something the bar wants to sell.
Cheers! I’m into the whiskey portion of the evening.
Ditto. I’m self-medicating a week-old sinus infection that seems to be on its way out the door. Four Roses, cranberry juice, and soda. For some reason the combo of bourbon and cranberry is my wheelhouse lately.
I may have to give that a try.
I’m working on killing a growler of a kettle-soured Hefe from a Fargo brewery. Then, whiskey.
Yesterday, my buddy re-gifted me a bottle of Taiwanese single malt for my birthday – it was a gift from his brother-in-law & my buddy is not a whisky fan. I’m suddenly reluctant to open it – I should probably let him know it’s a pricey bottle.
Cheers. Sloppy Joes are my go-to when I can’t think of anything else to make for dinner.
Why I Left Antifa: Former Antifa Member Tells His Story
YT;DW but I’ll guess they turned on him for some reason.
I stopped saying the pledge in middle school because I thought it was creepy.
Winston’s mom came while I was sleeping? That don’t seem right. Hope Carlos gets her demonitized.
You must be good.
For those who signed up for the BIF, packages should be already shipped or delivered. If you haven’t heard from the person shipping to you (or received your package) let me know.
[Sorry for the OT]
Got mine from MS yesterday and opened it this morning, felt like Christmas. Lotsa tall cans and I think one or two he’s reviewed here before and looked interesting. Not sure when I’ll get to them though as a business trip starts Tuesday.
Thanks Mex.
It’s grey, raining and 50 degrees out. We’re running the fire place. It’s June.
Where’s muh Climate Crises?
Trade ya. It was near 90 today. Sweatin balls…
Not a fan of tariffs, the threat of increasing tariffs, or a border wall, but I’ll be damned if Mexico didn’t blink first.
I am impressed. Scott Adams really can pick em.
+1 Scott’s girlfriend.
I know that’s not your cup cup of tea but for us hetero-cislords she makes him a god amongst men.
Meh, looks like a gold digging bimbo, I doubt I could stand her no matter how good the pussy is.
That’s not how any of this works.
Is that from the comments? Or are you making a callback to a stupid comment by somebody that I’m too Inebriated to remember?
They can blink, but are they actually capable of (or interested in) doing anything?
I should have included the caveat of details not withstanding but I get the feeling Trump wouldn’t tweet this at 7:30pm on a Saturday unless he was pleased with the result.
Er, Friday…
Have I ever mentioned I smoke pot?…. fuck me…
They’ve always been torn. Do they go with Latin American unity? Or do they go with not having having a hoarde of migrants passing through their country.
Well, think about it from Mexico’s point of view. “Hmm, he slammed massive tariffs on China, and then went to a campaign rally. He hit us, Canada and the EU with tariffs, and then went to a campaign rally. Let’s fix this before he talks about Mexico tariffs at a campaign rally.”
Trump kicks Mexico ass, according to the prez.
I’ll wait. See if the # of border crossers slows down. Seems like the only difference, if any, is the vetting process, not the numbers
I think Mexico could effectively reduce the number of migrants since their southern border is much smaller than ours and I’ve heard a majority of migrants are coming from Central America
I would be open to merging with Mexico. With a less corrupt government it could be really nice and prosperous.
Yup, it is always amazing to see the places that *should* be rich (including China, India), but are not at all. Makes you realize how important culture (including politics) is.
Supermarine Spitfire FR Mk.XVIIIe
Cool, too lazy to look it up, was a 5 blade propeller standard?
I believe it was. If I remember correctly that was the most advanced model. Another notable feature that they finally introduced (?) was the bubble canopy.
I got to see this lady up close and personal at a fly-in breakfast at the local airport a few weeks back.
Being less than 100 feet from it when that Merlin fired up was just awesome.
The P-51 is obviously a superior* plane. ///’Murica
*Yes, I realize we had to use the British engine…
Sigh, a plastic piece, that I think is part of the sprayer(?) ended up in the top shelf of the washer. Guess I need a new dish washer.
How old is it? If greater than 4 years – pretty much yes unless you can fix it yourself and order parts of the internet. Initial service call will be $100+ in the greater NYC area.
My (my wife’s?) dishwasher is 27 years old, never had a lick of maintenance. Sears brand. My John Deere lawn tractor, OTOH, needs a second new starter. The current starter lasted about 5 years. Lawn cutting here is only a 3 month operation so it really doesn’t get a lot of use.
The business person in me admires them. New appliances are designed to last the warranty period. The guy that has to to buy and go through the hassle of replacement can’t stan them.
On the plus side the internet makes fixing them easier than it used to be.
You should be able to repair that.
Agreed – if you feel comfortable ripping the thing apart. I’ve done our washing machine, dryer, oven, dishwasher and refrigerator. I despise new appliances.
washing machine – pump impeller
dryer – fuse. Still never was able to find a root cause – has been running on that new fuse for 5+ years
oven- igniter. Old oven TWO igniters.
dishwasher – new rack after the guides broke.
refrigerator – replaced drain line with new improved line that doesn’t clog as easily. Old refrigerator had a drain line that constantly froze.
Have I mentioned that I hate new appliances?
How am I just now noticing you have an assassination classroom avatar? I loved that show.
Really? My daughter was into it, but I really just couldn’t get into it. The humor just didn’t click with me.
I like that they are constantly trying to kill their teacher and he still teaches them. I also enjoy bizarre for the sake of bizarre sometimes
That’s the thing. I found bizarre for the sake of bizarre worked for JoJo, but for AC, my reaction was that of antipathy. Granted, I’m probably not the target demographic.
Did you check the thermostat?
Sorry, super late on this but especially relevant as I’ve just practically rebuilt our dishwasher. Are you talking about one of the spray arm things? Like the bit that spins and has water come out? You should be able to pick one up on Amazon or somewhere online for around $30 – $80 depending. We just got a Kenmore Elite for free from an uncle who’s a contractor and I swore that it was broken. In the process I replaced a few parts and cleaned out and/or tested the entire thing. Turns out we just have old pipes and the water intake was limed up. What I learned in the process, however, was that it would cost me $1300 to buy the same dishwasher new, or $500 to buy all of the parts but the frame and rebuild it myself. YMMV, but don’t write off replacing the part and fixing it yourself before you run the numbers.
I feel like the older it is, the more you should try to fix it. I have an old one that came with the house, works great and never any issues. People with new ones tell me they tend to break a lot.
Game of Thrones – 90’s Intro VHS style
LOL that was great
*magical mythical medieval golf clap*
That ad at the end is shit though.
Yeah, that pissed me off. I’m not going to click on an ad that’s shitting all over the highlight of the video.
The picture is pathetic. Have some dignity, man.
Drugs’re bad, mmmkay?
Why is it celebrities get caught with drugs so easily?
Anonymous tip is my guess.
Like this?
Well, that answers my question.
I’m sure celebs get extra “attention”, too.
/remembers smoking a joint in broad daylight on the streets of NYC a couple decades ago – not my idea!
I once smoked in my seat during a sold out opening day at the K(Royals Stadium). I’m not proud of that, just saying I did it. Kids will be kids.
Yeah, I did a double take on that when I saw that earlier.
And for Glibs that need a tongue in cheek lesson on dogeza – https://kotaku.com/behold-extreme-japanese-apologizing-1553479803
Gawd, I love Murhica.
Maybe he’s just happy to be escaping the death penalty?
Oh snap, I almost fell for that.
/nothing’s shocking
One of Jonny’s boys.
Fun Fact : “Johny” Kitagawa – the man behind most of the popular Japanese male pop bands for over 50 years – was actually born and raised in the US. He came to Japan in the US military (probably Navy) and stayed after being discharged.
Johnny and Associates always makes me think of Johnny 5 and a bunch of his friends.
New Johnny 5
‘According to the indictment, Taguchi and Komine, a former actress, had about 2.2 grams of marijuana on May 22 at the Tokyo apartment they shared.’
Christ, whenever I have less than 2.2 grams in my possession I have a mild anxiety attack. Feeling shame over getting arrested for that is completely alien to me. Regardless my fame or social standing I’d like to think I’d exit the police station, turn around and flip the bird, grab my junk, then spit on the building for good measure. Granted, I didn’t grow up in that culture but your point stands.
Ooops, responding to Straff…have I mentioned I smoke pot?
Shame for bringing shame on one’s family regardless of the offense itself. Yeah, it’s weird.
Collectivist cultures gonna collectivize, bro.
It’s also somewhat obligatory to apologize as his career would be toast if he didn’t. Breaking any law – drugs in particular – gives a bad image to not just the artist but his agent and the firm they work for. If this guy didn’t do the full, public Mea Culpa you would never see him on TV or at a concert again – his agent would drop him and nobody would touch him.
And he would still have his dignity. That’s a tough trade off.
So the cultural acceptance of drug use in Japan is akin the the U.S. in the 1950’s? Fuck me, I had no idea.
Or is that too broad of a generalization?
They’ll toss you in the clink for a couple weeks then boot your ass out of the country. I’ve seen it happen to people I know.
Makes sense, Hell I think they should do it here if you break the law too. (I just think the laws should be changed…)
I’d say that’s pretty close. Japan, broadly speaking, is still quite conservative. And drug laws are strictly enforced.
A buddy of mine once sponsored a guy’s (Brit) work visa into Japan years ago. When the Brit got caught in possession of several hundred ecstasy tables the Brit was held incommunicado for several weeks – waiting for him to confess per SOP. Even my buddy was called in a few times for questioning even though he hadn’t seen the Brit for years.
I don’t even know what 2.2 grams is. Can you even fill a bowl with that?
< 0.1 ounces
I know that, I just don’t know what volume that equates to. I can only measure pot in bowl or joint size.
A pinner (super thin joint) or one hit on the bat.
Nah, a regular joint contains a little less than a gram. You can get three decent sized joints out of 2.2 grams.
Been a while for me. As in decades.
*breaks up a big bud, packs a chameleon glass bowl*
Yep. five times over, at least in my bowl. It damn well better fill multiple bowls seeing how I pay forty bones for an 1/8 in my neck of the woods.
Huh, OK. I hear 2.2 grams and I envision a couple twigs or something.
I’ve never bought it directly myself – just kicked in cash as needed.
Wow. I’m told that’s about half of what it is here.
Where’s that again? North Dakota? Keep in mind I have connections to dispensaries in Colorado and California. If I lived in those states my cost would be about half that. Time, travel and risk; you know the score.
That was pretty good. 🙂
Adds trigger hippie to my next report. Nothing to see, move along…
Kendrick Perkins being a complete fool. Compares a slight shove to black men being shot by cops. ESPN is beyond parody at this point.
And today some moron (was it AOC, or one of her pals, at least) measured the death toll of “Climate change!!” in “Holocausts.” as in “it will cause the deaths of ten Holocausts.”
Because everything bad, can’t be just bad it must be the Worst Thing EVER.
It’s Clickbait Thinking and it’s taken over people’s brains.
25 Holocausts to be precise:
That’s a lot of people.
It’s 9/11 times 100.
It’s 91,100.
Hey, freedom isn’t free.
+ $1.05
So, a shade less than 82?
What’s the point of that article. “propaganda organ, spews propaganda”
No shit.
“People of color are dying daily from pollution”
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at that.
These people are a self-parody.
Wow. Anybody else get the feeling something just ain’t right in the head with these people?
*Raises hand*
“Thousands” at 3C, not millions at 2C. And they can be mitigated with … air conditioning.
The old “all things being held constant”. Humans don’t alter behavior to suit conditions? Why aren’t we all still in Africa?
Because they kicked out all the ones who can’t dance.
Out of Africa and Footloose mashup.
As long as there is Bacon…
It’s 6 degrees hotter.
I’m only 2 degrees from Kevin Bacon, film school has it’s perks.
I’m five degrees from KB! Friends with somebody who is friends with someone’s little sister who started in blah, blah, I’m too faded to finish…
Dammit, now that means all the glibs are only three degrees away.
You bastard!
“Ratcheting up global mitigation ambition to achieve the Paris Agreement long-term temperature goal would significantly reduce these cities’ exposure to extreme heat“
A classic case of the cure being worse than the disease.
…And they’re all the elderly in France.
We are fucking up the next ice age.
They’d burn the author at the stake, but he’s carbon based.
These are facts, but also giving credence. And we all know giving credence leads to a revival!
*taps out*
Oh c’mon now. Later in we learn about Roman fish tanks. ROMAN FISH TANKS!
But, you don’t understand. This time is different. Because of human activity the world’s temperature vs. time graph is rocketing upward like a hockey stick. Credentialed soothsayers divine this stuff from drilling plugs out of a few trees.
Don’t forget ‘correcting’ the data. With the theory.
I blame global warming for the lack of clothes.
Depends on where you work.
What I learned from this thread: Next time I visit the states, I’m swinging by Trigger Hippie’s pad first and then over to Q’s.
That’s good planning.
Name a more classic Simpsons scene. I’ll wait.
“His name is Santa’s little helper”…So, what do I win?
You don’t win friends with salad.
How about an opening credits?
My personal favorite Simpsons scene:
So speaking of Court packing isn’t the whole notion of hoping the judiciary defending our rights based on several flawed assumptions? Politicians appoint these judges and these judges do need to gain their legal theories from somewhere.
Yes, only the citizenry themselves can defend their rights.
I think this is implicit in the founders’ writings regarding overthrowing the government they’d just established.
Totally a coinky dink, but a AR state senator was found shot dead Tues, then a OK state senator also found shot dead Wed. Both R’s.
Moscow Rules apply?
Searching around, I’m apparently going for an Ian Fleming reference – “Happenstance”, “Coincidence” and “Enemy action”.
Hate to say it, and meaning no disrespect, but I read that as Moscow Mules.
Moscow Mules always apply (hold the stupid copper mug; also, muddle the limes).
Meh, too local.
Now, if they’d been Democrats, well, I mean… Trump’s America, am I right?
It’s totally Handmaiden’s Tale! /derp
Lemme guess, some on left are celebrating?
Are you insinuating leftist assassinations?
Nah, lefties just milkshake, that’s different.
This article does bring to mind an issue that I have been wondering for some: the notion that society/culture/etc. is in a constant state of renewal yet the same basic values will remain unchanged. How this is supposed to work has never been explained and contradictions abound:
it seems inarguable that American culture has evolved in an increasingly libertarian direction
Especially in a world in which the progressive left is spending increasing amounts of time and energy trying to police not just our economic choices but our speech, thought, and all aspects of our lifestyles,
Not to mention Gillespie complains about the rise of censorship which again seems to contradict his ideas. Not to mention the surveillance state is not getting any smaller.
Oh that last part was me quoting Gillespie. I mean if the defeat of the socons is so wonderful and the culture is so libertarian and it is pointless too try to stop the direction of society than why is the “progressive left” trying to “police” “all aspects of out lifestyles”?
Damn. Toronto in 5? Durant is not coming back from injury and taking 3 in a row from Leonard and co. Wouldn’t be surprised to see the refs tilt a bit towards GS in game 5 to get the NBA some extra cashola.
Well this one thing the NDP did that accomplished anything…
OMWC’s secret identity revealed
7 year olds, dude.
It’s as if outrage culture could backfire.
The Triumph of the Will has been removed. Oh the irony.
Not convinced it’s backfire so much as sorting out the chaff from the wheat. They’ll eventually tailor their algorithms to get what they want, which just happens to be Crowder et al. banned. Amazing! They’re tuning their algorithms to ban the racists/homophobes/sexists/etc., and the algorithm eventually was trained to target only popular, right-wing conservative creators. What are the odds?!
One of my Fav. youtubers did a series of videos on an ‘authoritarian scale’ which is widely use din academia, but actually just measures if someone is a conservative, people like Mao and Pol Pot (and maybe even Hitler) would not have been scored high on it if they took the test. The authors of the scale started with the assumption that leftists *cannot* be authoritarian. This is the same thing.
Linky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fltOUidbXs0 (Aydin Paladin)
When you link to a 46 minute video you should probably mention runtime.
even a 43 minute video like you did
Oh FFS. I’m groped as part of security theater but someone without valid ID still gets to board my flight.
So the TSA is truly libertarian…
I responded to a talking head on Twitter with this statement about this subject and I’ll say it again: Meh, I’d be more upset about this if I thought the TSA was even necessary.
I understand the hypocrisy involved but if I had my druthers this would be a non-issue.
TSA requires ID to fly, except…