It’s Saturday, and this Jew is going to wander in the desert, one hopes for less than 40 years. After all, I have lunch waiting.
Birthdays today include Swiss Servator (who deserves a Wikipedia entry), the guy who gave Heinlein his start; the guy who gave molecules an interesting twist; the guy who created the most brilliant character on Seinfeld; a murderous piece of shit who may have almost single-handedly turned public opinion against the war in Vietnam; the slickest-fielding shortstop I ever saw; and the guy who ended up with Clarence White’s guitar and redefined flat-picking. Oh, and the brains of the Democratic Party.
That said, let’s get to the news.
Much face-saving, but at least we don’t get hit with yet another tax increase.
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but… it’s aliens.
The police and prosecutors can go fuck themselves. I vote for more woodchippers.
Related, but different. In this case, the phone owner has the option to drop the case.
Indiana guns, no doubt. Because CA has common-sense gun control.
What would a cynical person make of this? I, of course, am not cynical…. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
In an irony of ironies, an Ars Technica wokester has apparently been taking my handle too seriously.
A bit of chlorine in the gene pool. Hey kids, if you can’t handle drugs, don’t take drugs.
Being as it’s Tony Rice’s birthday, here’s one of his songs, with his astonishing flat-picking leading the way. And listen to what he does for comping when the other guys are soloing. This might be one of my all-time favorite albums…
Happy birthday Swiss!
Indeed. I hope it’s a wonderful and relaxing day for you.
I too hope it’s a wonder and relaxing day for Sean.
Er, wonderful.
Thank you Ted, Tonio, & UCS.
You people are all assholes. You know that, right?
Yes. And?
For which, Sean or Swiss?
Ah, lets go with both and leave the hair unsplit.
May your day be filled with holey cheese and fine timepieces!
Happy birthday Swiss!
Thanks everyone. I shan’t be around much, as there is fondue to eat, kirschwasser to drink and Swiss Browns to tip.
Uf weiderleuge.
What am I doing here? I’m never up and around for saturday mourning lynx.
What am I doing here?
Who are you?
Who are *you*? What do *you* want?
Me neither. Go back to bed.
Why are we still here? just to suffer?
Prepping for work?
On a saturday? No.
There’s fresh snow on the ridge a few hundred feet above me, if that helps.
No. It does not.
How about if there’s a chilly ocean breeze under a thick marine layer down here at the airport?
So the sailors are having another lovers’ spat with the marines?
Snow on the Highwoods, too
Happy Birthday Herr Servatot!!
Servatot sounds like a dead Servator. 🙁
We’ll just replace the organic components and put the Servitor back in operation.
I’m imagining Swiss as a tiny bemonocled toddler standing atop a pile of gold.
OMWC just got a boner.
That’s Q.
I also with our resident Servator of the Swiss persuasion a most Happy Birthday.
Also, I heard the Vox people went on strike, but left their computers unlocked/open. I was also hearing that could affect their claims and leave them liable to straight up getting fired. Is this true or am I being deceived?
Is totally not wishing for all the Vox Union Strikers to lose their jobsThat thoundz nithe
*throws milkshake at Tej*
It’s Swissy’s birthday? I hope he doesn’t get any cheesy presents.
Happy Birthday to Swiss, may his cheeses be holey and his cows emaciated.
I’m still on Dugway time. Waking up at 5:30 mountain, which is 4:30 here.
Going back there Monday. FML.
You work in chem bio defense? I thought you were an EE.
I thought MLW was an EE, and having two women who are both libertarians and engineers is mathematically impossible.
I am an EE. We shoot at Dugway because some Utah congresscritter got some money for it.
Lots goes on there with no relationship to chem/bio. But there are also slightly eerie things like tunnels leading under mountains and totally off limits zones. We say a detailed map of the area and located our “temporary “ site. It was next to an acronym so we looked it up on the map legend. Biological Test Center. Great.
And BTW once you’ve filtered female EEs out of the general population, odds are good you’re talking to a Libertarian, even if she doesn’t quite know it yet.
What happens in tunnels under the mountains.
Carlton won!
Congrats. Pies better take care of business tomorrow night.
Don’t be silly. The tunnels are where the alien autopsies are carried out.
“once you’ve filtered female EEs out of the general population, odds are good you’re talking to a Libertarian”
The same stain of autism that causes libertarianism probably also makes you more likely to be an engineer. /anecdote
There’s a lot of fucking in these links
It’s the human condition
“It’s the human condition”
If you’re lucky
It’s a veritable orgy of links, so that seems appropriate.
They’ll never figure out my phone code. I use the same one on my luggage
*types 12345*
You’re stealing Druidia’s air?
Crap, he cracked the code. *changes to “password”*
Hah! I use password1. That’s much more secure, it’s got letters and a number!
Happy birthday Swiss.
Peter Bright frightens me
He seems icky
Like “I feed pumpkin spice lattes to my caged children in the basement” icky
“Racists and alt-righters also use symbols like pizza to symbolize child porn, so are you a pedophile or an alt-right racist?”
lol d’oh
As Vox video producer Carlos Maza documented in a Twitter thread, he’s been the subject of repeated personal attacks by the popular YouTube commentator Steven Crowder.
That Nazi called me a fag!
Carlos never took Golden Rule 101 in college.
These assholes can have a point once Crowder is asking people to commit actual assault against Carlos like Carlos does for any wrong-thinking folk.
Hey kids, if you can’t handle drugs, don’t take drugs
My ex-junky friend had this advice: first time you try a new batch of H, don’t do your “normal” hit. Take a smaller dose to see how it effects you. Also don’t get drunk (to help the sickness when you’re out of H) and then take a normal hit while you’re boozed up. Too much for the heart.
He shot more smack than Keith Richards ever did (his words) and managed to not croak but he’s a smart guy. And then cocaine… and crack. And then prescription pills. And then alcohol. He apparently has the heart of horse.
And of course the prohibitionists never admit that the impurity of street heroin is a problem of their own making.
I was expecting you to ask if he was hung like a horse, too. :-p
We used to hang horses, but the trees kept breaking.
Mary would like a word with you
Ewwww. Perhaps surprising, but I’m hugely judgemental about junkies.
Yep. This story hit a little too close to home. A few years ago I had three of my friends OD and die due to fetaynal laced smack. One of them was only 27 when she OD’d and when she did the pieces of shit she was with panicked and dragged her unconscious body into a side street and let her choke to death in her own vomit.
I’m all for the NAP but I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I had five minutes alone with those people.
And had they called 911 on her or dropped her off at the ER they would have been questioned and hassled by the cops. IOW, the system was set up to encourage OD deaths at all levels. They also used to do this when drunken teens would bring in an unconscious/injured friend. Recently there have been a spate of “good Samaritan” laws shielding people from those charges.
Fuck, there were people fighting against Naloxone being available OTC in Ohio several years back.
And there are still people who object to EMS crews carrying Naloxone injectors.
Best rejoinder (from a professional EMS friend): “So, you’re totes okay with us not treating you when you stroke out because drinking and smoking are also lifestyle choices, right?”
“And there are still people who object to EMS crews carrying Naloxone injectors.”
Really? That’s insane. Even if someone wants illegal users to die, people can accidentally take too much legal prescribed opioids (eg. geriatric patients often forget they already took their pills), or have unexpected drug interactions, etc.
You are absolutely right Tonio. All the local news is full of “DRUGS ARE BAD, MKAY?” stories. All the ladies in the office are tsk-tsking about the loser drug addicts who take dangerous drugs.
I don’t even want to start the fight at work about prohibition being what is killing these people, not the drugs.
I’m looking forward to new legislation next session being introduced in the name of the cutest white girl who OD’ed during this batch of bad drugs.
Junkies generally do not drink because it washes out the heroin.
But they often do when they are “dope sick” (early stages of heroin withdrawal), as noted above by EF.
That’s not been my experience from working on an ambulance and knowing a number of junkies from working in the music business.
These repeated attacks on Carlos’s sexual orientation and ethnicity have led to vicious onslaughts, including doxxing and dogpiling, from many of Crowder’s millions of fans.
And what of Carlos’ millions of fans? Why do they sit on their hands? Why do they not rush to his assistance?
If he had fans, vox wouldn’t be hemorraging cash.
Because SugarFree isn’t around yet, I’ll be a nice guy and bring on the horror.
Shame it wasn’t HIllary’s cloaca, now that would’ve been 10/10.
*rummages around for revolver*
let me help you:
That’s pretty rough. But I like that Bear of Reason fellow on her thread. Wonder if we know/knew him?
What the…..
Now I’ll never get back to sleep.
Plus, it makes for great overtime
Assuming that the suppressor he used was legally registered in his name I would really like to see how/why the extensive background check the FBI did on him failed to catch anything. I fully expect that the answer will be simply that some people are deeply flawed but in ways which are neither obvious nor public.
I am certain that we will get the entire story, just like we did with Vegas.
That’s exactly what I am expecting – particularly as the facts I am expecting pretty much shoot down (pun intended) every argument which can be made for background checks/waiting periods. This guy submitted photographs, a full fingerprint set, and all pertinent details for the FBI to look through his background for months.
That’s exactly what I am expecting – particularly as the facts I am expecting pretty much shoot down (pun intended) every argument which can be made for background checks/waiting periods. This guy submitted photographs, a full fingerprint set, and all pertinent details for the FBI to look through his background for months.
Help me kind Edit Fairy!
I heard you the first time! 😉
But yes, you’re correct. They had no incentive outside of basic human decency to help her at that point. And heroin addicts aren’t exactly known for consisting of strong moral fiber.
Holy shit, I completely got my threading muddled. Sorry. I had too much to drink last night. Wow, that was bad.
What is this “too much” of which you speak?
Pi Guy: The only thing I can think of is when you keep drinking when the only thing you have left with alcohol in them are vermouth and bitters. Although I really just call that poor planning.
Semi-related, for those who like beer, but don’t like IPA’s, you may want to try Flying Dog’s summer IPA: Tropical Bitch. It’s light on the bitter finish, and brewed with guava, pineapple, and tangerine.
Sounds like too much fruit flavor for me. /hater
Wasn’t the shooter black? The MSM is going to drop the story just like the Navy Yard shooting.
I believe that is the case – you know it twists them into contortions having to check their urge to tie him to the alt-right, white supremacy, NRA connections that they need to focus on. Robbed of that they have to memory-hole it all with an almost terminal case of lefty-writer’s blue balls.
Yes, the shooter was black.
Happy birthday, Swissy!
I hope you have a great day! ?
Happy birthday Swiss!
I hope you have something special planned.
Then on Wednesday morning, YouTube announced that as part of a stricter policy against hate speech, it would remove thousands of videos that promote Nazism, white supremacy, and other hateful ideologies that endorse the thinking that one group of people is superior to another.
Capitalism is literally hate speech. “Smash a fash” and “Punch a Nazi” channels are still up and running, presumably.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Seems decent enough, for an officer….
Regarding the trade union link, are we sure they aren’t just trying to avoid working near a Hellgate?
For decades, radio and television followed regulations—hardly heavy-handed ones—meant to ensure they served the information needs of their audiences and did not actively harm political discourse. The public may not own the internet the way it does the airwaves, but they’re not completely dissimilar. The internet is a resource that was built by government researchers. Thinking about the largest internet platforms as a kind of infrastructure is a useful place to start considering what light-touch regulation over their broadcasting functions might look like. Social media platforms impact the public interest. And so they should serve it.
Some people are incapable of seeing the world as anything but a terrifying vortex of chaos in need of a powerful overlord.
Their powerful overlord, no one else’s
The author of that piece used to work for the EFF, which nicely illustrates how the EFF never really was a supporter of actual freedom, just an enemy of copyright.
I was watching some congressional hearings on patents this week, and EFF had a representative testify. Reflexively anti-IP is what I’d call them.
That’s precisely what they are.
They’re useful in combating some of the excesses of the RIAA, but I would never rely on them as a steward of liberty in any other capacity. If anything, they’re prone to the worst excesses of the wannabe technocrats.
If they were being honest they would admit that such regulations would *help* Google et al. – by killing every other “platform”.
“It wouldn’t mean that the feds would decide what is and is not acceptable speech on the platforms. But it could mean rules against broadcasting hateful views or disinformation to large audiences. Freedom of speech isn’t the same thing as the freedom to broadcast that speech.”
That makes no sense. If the feds decide what is hateful or disinformation, then they would be deciding what is and is not acceptable speech.
Also, the entire article is bullshit. If the FCC did that everyone from Rush Limbaugh to NBC would be off the air. This asshole doesn’t want to “Bring Back the Golden Age of Broadcast Regulation” in the U.S., they want Soviet censorship.
“Freedom of speech isn’t the same thing as the freedom to broadcast that speech.”
Technically true, because the freedom to broadcast one’s speech was originally covered by the freedom of the press; the printing press being the only way at the time of the founding to both preserve one’s words, but also to distribute them in an indirect manner.
Happy birthday, Swiss! Go enjoy something to do with clocks, illicit banking, chocolate or a Miss or something….:grin:
April Glaser is another Carlos Maza. Tim Poole got hold of an email of hers ‘threatening’ Chase “notifying” them Proud Boys does banking with them. I went to her Twitter and discovered – unsurprisingly – she’s nothing but a leftist, anti-free speech activist masking as a journalist. Of course, people started to Tweet her and like the little coward she is she couldn’t face the scrutiny and went private.
Cowardly bully just like that twit-twat Maza.
So yeh. Both Vox and Slate and their employees can go straight to hell but not before they go fuck themselves.
‘Gatekeepers’ my ass.
Glaser is a perfect example of the Starbucks swilling technorati opinion piece writers that infest modern media with lousy ideas and vindictive, petty crusades.
For the boys and girls at Vox and Slate
Hey UCS, Gibsons won their lawsuit.
The squirrels ate the link.
I’m conflicted on the judgement, did the college really defame them?
IIRC the dean personally helped distribute the flyers and rally the brownshirts.
I saw that, but unless it was during her workday or she used college facilities I’m not that comfortable holding her employer liable.
Yeah, needs more details.
The jury thinks so.
I didn’t hear all of the evidence, but have seen enough to believe the jury got it right.
That’s great news.
Notice how the fucker left-wing students lied out of their asses.
Hey, Tulpa; did you hear about the guy who shot himself and weed fell out his ass?
I think it was after telling the dying guy Trump was Impeached.
Did the dying guy ask for the Browns to be the pallbearers?
They all turned gay from the Golden Girls.
What in the hell is a ‘Pumpkin Fright’.
I am convinced soy boy cucks (just going by his avatar) like this guy and people like him NEVER read a single damn word about the history of Hitler/WW2.
They just spew and emote inane, illiberal nonsense.
Remember, before logic was formalized by the Ancient Greeks, sophistry made totes sense to people.
Katie ? ATL Homestand
Apr 5
Richard, I have. I’ve also been involved in anti-racist action for over two decade and have been aware of this and other efforts of the alt-right to co-opt memes so people like you will defend them when they do use them.
Whatever you say Katie.
“Look how moral I am!”
These people are venal little opportunists that would sell out their neighbors in a heartbeat.
The queer latino (stunning, brave…) Tweet that has been making the rounds is actually pretty damning against him. He outright stated that some people he finds distasteful should be fearful of debate/protest/stating opinions. In order to find the Nazi’s/fascists they seek, leftists merely need to look in the mirror. All progjection, all the time.
Ha! I didn’t click the second link.
What a little, snotty shit. Projection. Evil people project. The harder they say claim everyone is a Nazi racist, the more one should suspicious of their motives and what they’re hiding.
Even funnier….he still has a BLUE CHECK MARK!
What a shit show youtube and Twitter have become.
Communism, of course, is never considered a “hateful ideology”.
not never but rarely
I don’t see them as hateful as much as cold-blooded psychopaths. An omelet was ordered so they’re just cracking eggs.
They committed ethnic cleansing against multiple gropus, like the Crimean Tatars.
Point taken. I stand corrected.
I was thinking about the garden variety Marxists I have run into in the US and Japan – but I can see how when they get their hands on the controls they would find reasons to turn the full attention (with prejudice) of the revolution on specific groups.
Did those two Republicans killed know the Clintons?
Asking for a friend.
its getting damn hot here as well. 31.5 on my thermometer. But a bit late for the cherries, rain spoiled about half of them. but there are plenty left for how many i eat.
hot here as well. 31.5 on my thermometer.
Commie units are hate speech.
Before Ronald Reagan became president and took an ax to so many federal regulations over American industries, for decades the FCC required that any entities that were granted a license to broadcast followed certain light-touch rules to ensure they were operating in the interest of their audiences.
It’s like a Hieronymus Bosch vision of Hell, the internet is. Demons shouting horrible things at the angels nailed to the wall. Waving their private parts around. Blowing things up. Not like the good old days, when the High Priesthood ran things, and the demonic rabble were properly muzzled.
it is worse. kids get different ideas than in left dominated government schools.
Like a warm caress… *swoon*
Nostalgia is an odd thing.
I went to college in the Rochester Area, so being here, I had to go and visit some of the places from that time, including Empire Hots for a ‘Trash Plate’. The name is fairly descriptive, as when compiled, the plate will resemble a kitchen trash can at the end of the day. Take a heap of crappy macaroni salad, a few spoonfuls of unsalted home fries, drop a couple of cheeseburger patties, squirt some mustard on it, then ladle on rochester meat sauce. (As far as I can tell, what the call meat sauce in rochester is very finely ground beef, some seasonings, and an extra three gallons of grease). It was not particularly good when I was in college, and it still wasn’t, but just being here I felt compelled to go back.
Nick Tahou cries trademark infringement.
Never went there, but there are a thousand of these ‘____ Hots’ restaurants in the area, all selling some for of ‘rubbish/trash/garbage/ plate’
Me neither, even though I probably passed it a million times. I dunno if those imitators were around in my day – maybe some of them were – but the original is the only one anyone talked about.
Speaking of nostalgia, I went to their site to try to find a pic of that, and they have a website stuck in the 90’s.
I’m curious at the map pointing to an apartment complex.
Happy Birthday, Swiss.
Here is some dumb jangly guitar punk song with a tangential title to celebrate your day.
Here’s another birthday song. Heavy shoegaze, and that singer is playing her strat upside down.
Maybe she’s left-handed like Jimi Hendrix?
They are Aussie ‘s, so maybe that’s the way Strats play below the Equator? Like the way the toilets swirl counter-clockwise?
And another punk birthday song
Good one.
Have another
WILLIAMS: Colleges Committed To Ideological Diversity
Are there any?
Professors Debra Mashek and Jonathan Haidt authored “10 Colleges Where You Won’t Have to Walk on Eggshells.” Mashek and Haidt are, respectively, faculty members of Harvey Mudd College and New York University. Haidt is the co-founder of the Heterodox Academy and Mashek is its executive director. Heterodox Academy is nonpartisan and boasts a membership of more than 2,500 faculty and college administrators who advocate for open inquiry and civil disagreement on college campuses and in academic disciplines.
The Mashek and Haidt article discusses 10 colleges in alphabetical order. Among them is Chapman University, whose president, Daniele Struppa, is “an outspoken advocate of academic freedom and freedom of speech.” Struppa has little tolerance for the political correctness so prevalent at most of the nation’s colleges.
The University of Chicago has set the gold standard on free speech and open inquiry. In 2014, it created its “Statement on Principles of Free Expression” (aka the Chicago Principles). Those principles provide the framework for thinking about the importance of dissent as well as the role of the university for establishing the platform for debate. University of Chicago president Robert Zimmer says, “We have an obligation to see that the greatest variety of perspectives is brought to bear on issues before us as scholars and citizens.” The Chicago Principles, or substantially similar ones, have been adopted by 55 schools across the nation. In June 2018, the University of Chicago received Heterodox Academy’s Institutional Excellence Award in recognition of its stellar culture and support for open inquiry.
Other colleges listed in the Mashek and Haidt article, where students won’t have to walk on eggshells include Arizona State University, Claremont McKenna College, Kansas State University, Kenyon College, Linn-Benton Community College, St. John’s College, University of Richmond and Purdue University. It’s worth noting that Mitch Daniels is president of Purdue University and former two-term governor of the state of Indiana. Daniels and his interim provost Jay Akridge wrote this message to the Purdue community: “At Purdue, we protect and promote the right to free and open inquiry in all matters and guarantee all members of the University community the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen challenge and learn.”
“Arizona State University”
Too busy partying to people?
Silicone Saturday.
One weekend day I’m going to compile some pics of ladies closer to my real life personal experiences. I think I’ll call it Saggy Titties Bar Fly(What the hell was I thinking last night?) Sunday.
I’d settle for 1… 8 and 9 work as well… and for some weird reason 49
The University of Chicago has set the gold standard on free speech and open inquiry. In 2014, it created its “Statement on Principles of Free Expression” (aka the Chicago Principles).
I should write my alma mater (THE Colorado College) and ask them if they have signed on. I think I already know the answer.
Hey my little town is in the news! Here is a relatively sane article
Personally, I’ve been staying with relatives during the week since a 450 mile roundtrip to work is a bit much for daily travel. It’s good to back with my family this weekend.
Let the games begin.
“This might hurt a little”
Paywalled but isn’t there already proof out there that certain managers refuse to hire
Naziswhite men? I seem to recall that during the original kerfuffle. Of course EOE is already effectively the same thing but not as blatantly.Note how they call the protesters “far-right”.
Not wanting to be racially profiled is a fat right ideology.
Far right even. Damn phone.
I saw an interview with the guy back when he was making the rounds when he got fired. He was a very reasonable fellow.
“Birthdays today include Swiss Servator (who deserves a Wikipedia entry)”
Well, let’s not get cuckoo. It might not be time yet for that. Using a combination of tools, we have to watch and see if a mountain of accomplishments can be coagulated into a cantonal article that doesn’t have too many holes in it. Even if it’s written in Helvetica, Wikipedia isn’t a neutral platform.
Any whey, Happy Birthday!!
Don’t chocolate coat it for us, what are you trying to say?
Well played, sir.
There is something to be said for honesty, but take your meds.
“Let me press you, Congressman,” CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said. “Do you want to see the president of the United States in jail?”
“More than anything else, Wolf, I don’t — this isn’t about my feelings or about retribution,” Himes responded. “The lizard brain that I have says I hope bad things happen to this man because he has been so destructive to our republic, to the concept of democracy, to the concept that, internationally, we are a light unto the nations.”
“So yes, I have my emotional reactions but, look, we’re a nation that is of a rule of — we are a nation of laws,” Himes continued. “So what I really hope — and this is me personally speaking — what I really hope is that if impeachment is not a mechanism of accountability — and I will tell you flat out that I can’t imagine anything happening, anything at all happening that would cause the Senate to convict and, therefore, remove this president — so impeachment stops in the House, in my opinion, my real hope is, that in 2020, the American voters look into their hearts, think about the generation that we’ve been celebrating today, who, as young men, decided that they would give their lives for this country.”
I still dont get how he is destructive to the concept of democracy? Whatever you think of him the concept of democracy entails all sorts of people getting into power. Some would say this very danger should make strong limits on government power crucial but that is crazy talk.
He’s destructive to the concept of democracy precisely because he illustrates how shitty a system pure democracy actually is.
They haven’t explained how he is destructive to anything….aside from a corrupt, incompetent bureaucracy.
Yes, he is destructive to Democrat’s narratives and policies. He is pro America.
It’s almost like he’s not being honest or something.
“I still dont get how he is destructive to the concept of democracy?”
Because he dared win an election against someone I wanted to win. And besides, he’s a big poopey head.
His election should be a tribute to the power of people deciding who will lead them. Hillary got the entire Coronation treatment from the press, pundits and Swamp. Then the stupid people had to go and ruin it by voting for the wrong person.
Democracy is the enlightened and ennobled winning elections. The unclean aren’t even supposed to run, never mind win.
That, and the most effective way to actually undermine something is to claim there’s a crisis that imperils it (see: Bush, 9/11, USA PATRIOT Act, etc.)
Connecticut has the worst voters in the universe.
That’s because it’s full of people from Connecticut.
“I’ll work with Martians. If—and the if is critical—they’re willing to cut spending and reduce the debt.” – Ted Cruz @
Happy Birthday, Swiss. I hope you have a great day!
More whining about Trump
“This seems like a bit of theater — automakers likely never expected 11th-hour negotiations to resume anyway, but can now try to claim credit for trying,” said Shannon Baker-Branstetter, a transportation policy advocate for Consumer Reports.
“It was the automakers themselves who asked for a rollback in the first place, and whether it’s their own proposal to weaken standards or the administration’s complete rollback, American consumers lose out and will be spending more on fuel for decades to come,” she added.
Under Trump, the agencies have proposed freezing mileage targets at about 37 miles per gallon for cars after 2020. In addition to ending California’s unique authority to set its own, tougher greenhouse gas emissions standards, the plan would nullify the state mandate that automakers sell a certain number of electric vehicles.
Official projections show the administration’s plan would increase daily gas consumption across the United States by about 500,000 barrels a day, worsening greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to the rise in global temperatures.
I like how they implicitly assume there will be no additional up front cost for this miraculous leap in fuel mileage.
I guess that 200mph carburetor has finally gone off patent.
Or that .5 million barrels per day sounds like a lot, but we use billions of barrels a year. They also won’t mention that our greenhouse gas emissions have reduced from all time highs.
The axed proposal meant even smaller gasoline engines with even higher pressure turbochargers and would be an overall disaster for the consumer. Good riddance.
We want to make fuel more expensive, and if we can’t do that, consumers will have to pay more for fuel. Got it. /proglogic
Is he outlawing high mileage cars? Because if not, Comsumers who don’t want to spend more on gas can just buy one, and consumers with different priorities can spend their money how they want.
It’s almost like they believe anything not mandatory is prohibited.
“consumers with different priorities can spend their money how they want.”
You damn anarchists, always wanting to let people do whatever they want.
Good. Global warming is what plants crave.
worsening greenhouse gas emissions
Increasing is not necessarily worsening.
what plants crave
Luckily they thrive in higher CO2 atmosphere. I don’t have time to find it now but a co-founder of Greenpeace makes the argument that human industry may have saved the planet from getting too low in CO2 content in the atmosphere as it had been generally been declining until the industrial revolution.
in my opinion, my real hope is, that in 2020, the American voters look into their hearts, think about the generation that we’ve been celebrating today, who, as young men, decided that they would give their lives for this country.
So what he’s saying is Republicans should kill themselves
It’s hot out today, almost 80. 🙁
What is that in high culture degrees?
your bacterial load will grow well at that temperature.
80’s not hot. Now 31.5? That’s hot.
80. 😉
Happy B Day, Swiss. Are you drunk yet, or at least well on your way there? If not, I haz a collective Glibertariat sadz. *sadz face*
Stop saying happy birthday it will only encourage xer to overdrink
Then again i would drink a glass of red wine to swiss but at 31 it is too hot
” it will only encourage xer to overdrink”
I thought that was the goal?
Yes i know it is a dificult concept for a glib to understand
I sort of get it. There is a certain amount that I can drink and wake up the next day feeling good and ready to go. Beyond that carries a significant risk of a hangover. And hangovers suck. And the only way out of one is to drink more. Then my day is pretty much confined to drinking more to nurse the hangover. I really hate that shit.
I’ve never done that nor do I intend to try. I would rather ride it out than drink all day.
Well, your day is fucked up either way. Best option is to just avoid getting a hangover in the first place.
Look, Mister Dean, there are two conditions that are counted as “Overdrinking” One is a gastric rupture from excessive internal pressure. The other is death by alcohol poisoning.
When you don’t notice it’s time to change to glasses/steins with wider, heavier bases so they don’t tip over so easily.
At a certain point, I tip over easily too.
File this under it’s a start.
But Im betting dude doesn’t see a day behind bars.
Good news, everyone!
The former President of the United States and First Lady’s production company, Higher Ground, has announced a multi-year partnership with the streaming company.
The couple will “develop, produce, and lend their voices” to multiple podcasts.
“Podcasts offer an extraordinary opportunity to foster productive dialogue, make people smile and make people think, and, hopefully, bring us all a little closer together,” Barack Obama said in the statement.
Michelle Obama added that the podcasts will “amplify voices that are too often ignored or silenced altogether”. There were no specific details regarding what content the podcasts will contain.
Free speech is safe. The disenfranchised will have their voices herd.
*No one listens. Next Obammy podcast is about net neutrality and how free speech must be regulated. No one listens to that either. Cries of racism…*
Are there enough partisans who want to listen to Citizen Obama’s vacuous condescention to support this venture?
Maybe if they have Gulag Barbie on for some comedy effect?
“Are there enough partisans who want to listen to Citizen Obama’s vacuous condescention to support this venture?”
At this point I am genuinely curious about this. Are there still enough people out there who can spare time to pay attention to this has-been?
Sure there are. They’re fucking stars. They are going to ride this wave for the rest of their lives and rake in millions.
I’m still surprised we don’t yet see Obama hanging out in Brussels or loitering around the UN building.
Enough woke to support that? No. The woke are all about signaling. Signaling is easy. I can even say ‘I’m a socialist’. See how easy that is? But tell them they will have to pay double the tax rate they pay now to get all their woke stuff they are signaling about. Tell them they can no longer afford that big beautiful house and those 3 cars, or taking expensive vacations in all sorts of exotic locations. Watch their reaction. That’s when you find out that they want the same things as everyone else and they’re not giving up jackshit of it. Free healthcare? Who doesn’t want that! What, I have to pay for it? Spend my private time listening to a boring podcast? *crickets chirping*
I don’t know if this was intentional but I am going to *narrows gaze* just in case.
Yipe, Oberlin College loses 11 million dollar lawsuit for facilitating protests against a bakery that called the police on some shoplifters:
Suck it Oberlin.
Oh well…
Look, we don’t always support shoplifting. Only when someone doesn’t want to pay.
There is also a punitive phase coming up. Could make it go up to $33M.
That’s a lot of flour.
“Freedom of speech isn’t the same thing as the freedom to broadcast that speech.”
So freedom of the press means you can write what you want but not publish it?
Freedm of the press means that approved, licensed journalists can print approved rightthinkful stories lambasting the doubleplusungood unpersons.
Freedom of the press only applies to print
Another day, another fuel starvation issue for a small engine at casa trashy. This time the issue was blatantly obvious. I drained the gas tank and pieces of the fuel line came out.
Glad to know that this should be an easy fix
Ah the quality of new equipment + ethanol in the fuel.
This one is understandable. It’s 5 or 6 years old and the 2stroke fuel mix I was using was probably mixed in 2016.
So you didn’t have to check the thermostat?
“voices herd’
A slip in the Freudian style.
The perpetually aggrieved herd will finally be heard?
That’s how I took it.
74x4710n 15 7h3f7
Should be a Glibs t-shirt
I’d buy it
Happy Birthday, many more to come, Mr S. Enjoy them like its the last dance at the senior prom and the real party is about to start.
ENB got herself an engineering degree!
Well, let’s just hope she’s able to make a good sammich now.
That is wonderful.
I laughed, out loud!
“Then they came for the paedophiles, and I did not speak out, because I am not a paedophile.”
That tweet was from 2014. Why did it catch fire again I wonder.
Happy B-Day Swiss!
Peter Bright at Ars actually did good reporting on MSFT and Windows.
Happy natal day to our good friend and fellow veteran Swiss!
“NEW VIDEO: The Truth About Steven Crowder Discussing all the drama with @scrowder & @gaywonk, as well as why I stopped going on Steven’s show..”
“The Truth About Steven Crowder”
Oh good grief. It wasn’t enough that we had all these liberal ‘wonks’ running around during Obama’s first term? I really hate that term. Now we have to have gay wonks as well? What’s next, tranny wonks? I say we execute anyone who calls their self a wonk.
I have noticed that people who self-identify as wonks typically are not well-versed in policy and/or history.
If I have to constantly tell you how smart I am and ever give myself a title of wonk to tell you how smart I am, I’d say the odds of me being dumber than a box of rocks is very high.
Or human nature.
Super good video. I particularly like her comment on the unfortunate tendency of the right to call individual people out for being gay, which is a very different thing from calling out the alphabet movement.
I understand why she doesn’t like that but it’s just juvenile humor when it comes down to it. People get made fun of for being fat, short, bald, stupid, and any of a thousand other immutable characteristics.
She actually made some very good points.
“This, right here, from @voxdotcom EIC Lauren Williams and Head of Video Joe Posner, is a vile lie. Maza has not been silenced in any way. The only people seeking to silence are those who demand Crowder be deplatformed because Maza’s precious feelings were supposedly hurt.”
I couldn’t stand her delivery and uptalking. I thought valley girls weren’t a thing anymore.
That said, Crowder’s problem is mistaking his fans for the public at large. He got high on his own supply.
All das Beste zum Geburstag, Swissy!
Exactly what Tulpa would say.
True…but then, we’re all tulpa.
“I spoke privately with over 100 of the biggest YouTubers over the last 48 hours & we are prepared to fight the media websites that host articles that attempt to get advertisers to stop running ads on YouTube.
Our plan is simple convince advertisers to not run ads with you.”
Keemstar isn’t the best representative to have out front on this, that’s some toxic shit. Toxic shit that ought to be allowed of course but they aren’t sympathetic in the slightest.
“Psst! ? Birth control should be over-the-counter, pass it on.”
I agree, but Democrats attacked Republicans who said the same thing.
Drugs are bad, mmkay? Ask your doctor if birth control is right for you.
Democrats attacked Republicans who said the same thing.
Yup. Someone should inform her.
I’m just waiting for them to call out Trump for making a tariff avoiding deal with Mexico. Sort of like they called for getting out of Syria and when Trump vowed to actually do it, they attacked him for the same thing they just supported. The only thing that Democrats actually stand for is gaining more power and money through rampant corruption. We’d be Venezuela do Norte if they could get everything they are calling for.
Now ask her who she thinks has to pay for it.
No one. It’s free. Not working and getting free stuff is a right. MMT is science. AOC 2024.
All drugs should be free. The fact that this means there won’t be any more drugs is just an unfortunate side effect caused by zillionaires hording up all the money.
Of course, the very next comment she made was that it should be free too.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Verified account
19h19 hours ago
(It should be free, too – like in the UK!)
Because things don’t have associated costs. And the UK has an entirely different healthcare system.
Oh my fuck.
I can’t even anymore.
She is predictable, isn’t she?
Every leftist is predictable. You can predict exactly what they are going to say or do in every situation, with a great degree of accuracy.
“People are calling for Asian professor to be fired in Georgia after he correctly argued that illegal aliens are a financial drain on America”
“Zhou says he welcomes the criticism, including from those who say he should lose his job, according to the report.
“I am against political correctness,” Zhou, a legal immigrant from China, told the newspaper. “I speak truth to power in class and my students learn about the financial drain of illegal immigration on the economy and the high crime rates of illegal immigrants.
“My students are ‘woke’ and are overwhelmingly against illegal immigration after taking my class,” he added.
But Zhou told the paper he does not force students to share his opinions.
His critics, however, argue that many of Zhou’s assertions have been debunked and they object to some of the terms he uses in his comments, such as “libtards,” and “ghetto thugs.”
One such critic, according to the report, is Georgia state Rep. Bee Nguyen, the first Vietnamese-American elected to the state’s House of Representatives.
Nguyen posted some of Zhou’s comments on Twitter this week and asked her followers: “Are these the values supported by Georgia Gwinnett College?””
So what’s interesting about this is that a number of years back Georgia decided to crack down on illegal immigration by strictly enforcing immigration status on migrant workers. The result was that the ag sector of the state economy was hurt because farmers had to raise prices in order to compensate for paying legal workers, meeting labor regulations, paperwork, stuff like that. Simultaneously, neighboring states saw an increase in migrant workers and subsequent drop in labor prices, resulting in ag sector growth due to lower prices. These were net economic gains and losses, too, not a situation where the loss in ag profits was offset by a drop in social welfare spending.
Now, those effects were specific to the region and the labor sector. Migrant unskilled day labor is not even in the same category as unskilled construction labor in that literally anybody can walk through a field and pick tomatoes or peaches. They also didn’t account for off-season effects, I suspect because there was difficulty determining how many migrant workers stayed past the harvest season. And finally the take I think is most appropriate isn’t that illegal immigration is a net economic boon but that immigration laws are so poorly designed that they create remarkably perverse incentives. Still, it’s a thing to consider.
Happy Birthday Swiss! Hope it’s a good one:)
Oh snap, happy birthday Swiss!
Totally struck out at the gun control rally. Nobody knew what colon labor means.
Molon Labe
It’s what comes after a visit to Taco Bell.
Happy Birthday Switzy!
(does he blow out the candles merely by narrowing his gaze?)
When he narrows his gaze, the candles put themselves out because of their embarrassment.
(It should be free, too – like in the UK!)
The UK is, like, the freest country anywhere, man.
Common sense chef knife control.