I’m exhausted, I’m overwhelmed with work and house stuff, and I have to get out to the trails extra early in order to avoid becoming a crispy critter. And not much is really happening in the world. And Sunday morning is our slowest time. So this one is gonna be phoned in. Hey, Spud gave you a treat last night, think of this as a kind of a counterbalance.
In fact, I’ll only note one birthday and that will be at the end. We’re going right to news, such as it is.
Insufficient panic. WE ONLY HAVE 11.5 YEARS, PEOPLE!!!!!
Insufficient panic. WE’RE GOING TO DIE TODAY!!!!
Iowa Glibs should feel privileged to have so much greatness in their midst.
“I was just looking for pussy.”
Heh heh heheh, her name is Hornaday.
Fuck TSA, piece of shit useless agency. Thanks a lot, W, I hope there’s a woodchipper in your future. We owe you that.
My old stomping grounds. Such fine management.
Yes, today’s birthday is the guy who pretty much defined electric guitar. His solo on this song is… breathtaking.
““The National Weather Service’s mission is to protect life and property,” he wrote. “The Sinclair code red is to grab attention from viewers, which gets them more money.”
Moker says he’d be more open to code red days if Sinclair was to share what their thresholds are, but he said he doubts that will happen. “A lot of those indices are proprietary, so scientists like us cannot scrutinize and evaluate their performance.””
No idea why anyone would watch the weather in English in the first place.
“A lot of those indices are proprietary, so scientists like us cannot scrutinize and evaluate their performance.”
Just like a lot of the data upon which those catastrophic climate predictions are based is also proprietary. Remember how we were told that we couldn’t see the raw data because some countries had refused to provide that unless someone (IPCC, Mann?) signed NDAs? And yet we were expected to ruin our economy because of numbers we couldn’t see.
The High Priests have spoken – to ignore that is heresy.
They’ve “solved” that problem by publishing “adjusted” data only. You can have the data, you just can’t have the raw data (which you wouldn’t understand how to use anyway, you rube).
That’s a slightly different issue, but also one which calls their integrity into question. Those “secret” datasets were all from third-world shitholes, iow they government officials were monetizing them and hoping to be able to resell them to others in the future. Also, we never learned how much bribe money was paid for those datasets.
Funny, too, how all the adjustments only went one direction.
I was unaware one could get a degree in “broadcast meteorology”.
Sure, all the stacked blonde weatherchicks on tv have them.
Plus I’m shocked nobody linked to this:
Did you Order the Code Red?
Everyone has off days. This one’s mine.
I thought Shabbos was your off day.
Too much beer last night.
Tell me about it. Got into a stupid argument at the bar about how Kevin Dylan would’ve been better than Matt in Something About Mary.
So much panic. Good thing I had a little scotch with breakfast.
Hey, OMWC, I just got the run of At Last, The 1948 Show. HOLY MACKEREL! Aimi MacDonald is awesome!
Here are 8 of the 11 complete episodes known to exist at this time, I’m always searching for more. Link expires in 3 days.
Those are also available on Amazon Prime if you get that.
COOL! We have Prime but I don’t think I’ve ever used it for video. Our kids love the streaming but I’m an old fart (and a collector with a touch of OCD) so my immediate impulse is to search for shared copies and add them to my ever growing hard drive collection. Plex has been a Godsend for me as I can now watch my entire collection on any device anywhere I have a wi-fi or cell signal.
There’s some good stuff on Prime, Man in the High Castle, and is cop/detective/lawyer Bosch and Goliath are both well done.
Stongly second the recommendation for TMITHC.
Also, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
The Patriot could go on that list as well.
I watched the first couple episodes of Good Omens last night. I’m pretty impressed with how they handled the set up. David Tennant is terrific as Crowley.
So far so good.
“The action at this year’s event won’t be confined to the dinner, as candidates take over downtown Cedar Rapids, hoping to monopolize attention and energize supporters.
Candidates have scheduled events in the state throughout the weekend, and many will be attending the 2019 Pride Fest in Des Moines on Saturday.
Sanders will arrive at the dinner with a parade of McDonald’s workers and union members demonstrating for a $15 an hour minimum after a rally at one of the fast-food chain’s restaurants nearby.”
David Burge is going to have a field day.
“Democratic Candidates Swarm Iowa for Biggest Face-Off to Date”
What? These people have to go to Iowa to and face off to get a date? Damn, Couple of the lady candidates are kinda cute, for MN standards.
Though he was permitted to speak in person, his office’s written statement was blocked by White House officials.
Chump move. You’re supposed to break out an unverifiable rape accusation from 30 years ago.
“Mesa police officers arrested Michael Navage, 40, after he allegedly contacted a 14-year-old girl online for the express purpose of having sex with her. The 14-year-old in question turned out to be an undercover detective who set up “a profile on a social media site know for casual encounters with adults,” according to court documents.”
Then he never contacted a 14-year-old girl. This is like accusing someone of murder using a mannequin as the body.
Ah, but the legal doctrine of mens rea holds that because his intent was to bang an underage girl that he should be tried for that. But I agree that entrapment of this sort is total bullshit.
“But we have to do this to get them off the streets before they get to real teenagers.”
I might be okay with the entrapment if, upon conviction of the entrapped, that the cops were automatically found guilty of child prostitution, fraud, endangering a minor, etc, and had to serve time equal to the entrapped person – in the general inmate population, of course.
Very few people will object to the cops doing that stuff. “What are you, some kind of perv, too?”
Only if people believe upholding the rule of law is some sort of perversion.
Oh, I totally know that. Unfortunately our society is heavy on copsuckers and light on civil liberties supporters. The PR is on their side – trafficked children (or the fear thereof) is indeed a sympathetic cause – and rightly so. People like Ernesto Miranda, Larry Flynn, and navage are not sympathetic. Your average person is unaware, and perhaps skeptical of the Iron Law – “Me today, you tomorrow.”
Same thing with free speech. Whycome you defend Nazis? They have managed to ruin the word “Nazi”. Maybe they’ll ruin pedo.
Flynn was supposed to be my free speech example, but I forgot that he also delved into political satire once the socons started to ramp up their attacks against him. Should have used Stagliano (thanks, again, PM for the reminder that he was a Reason Foundation board member, back in the day).
cops were automatically found guilty of trafficking in minors?
It will never come to pass, of course. But the point I was making was that if one can be convicted for soliciting a fictitious minor then why should not one be liable for the pimping of said fictitious minor. And I was ignoring the “it’s different when the cops do it” argument because I’m not a big fan of entrapment.
That is a perversion of mens rea, which holds that a crime must be proven by the act and the intent. It is a check on the power of the prosecution, and thus a defense of the accused.
This line of thinking replaces the “and” with an “or” and thus turns it on its head, granting more power to the prosecution.
Well, I suppose technically I should note that it depends on the offense. There are different levels of mens rea for different offenses. Some offenses are otherwise identical except for the level of mens rea applied (e.g., degrees of murder, murder vs. manslaughter).
And yet, strangely, the intent of the guy that is banging an underage girl that has lied about her age doesn’t come into it. It’s almost like there is a lack of consistency in the law that favors the power of the state.
“And not one of the ‘schoolgirls’ was a day under forty.” -Rumpole on his defence of a ‘dirty books’ case (quoted from memory)
Say someone is chatting online with a female cop. She writes like an adult woman. Then she slips in some comment about being 14, which you ignore as a joke.
Also, there are people who are “lifestyle littles” or in DDLG relationships. Which might be creepy, but isn’t illegal.
Or just a straight-up over-eighteen ho. They will be anything you want for enough money.
I know a guy who’s wrapping up a sentence for something like this, so I’m…not biased, really, but it’s a thing I’ve thought about. So, he got snookered into some pic trading thing online and then thought he was talking to a 15-year-old girl who wanted to make out with him (he was 34) and, surprise surprise, it was an FBI agent. To his–I guess credit?–he copped to it, basically said he was stressed out from his marriage and work and a bunch of stuff and made some really bad decisions. Whatever. Anyway, I’ve thought about it a lot as the father of a daughter, and I’m torn. On the one hand, if there is a grown man who is trying to have sex with underage girls after meeting them online and being a pedo, I want that person rendered harmless. On the other hand, I know this guy. He’s a simpleton and a bit of a man-child, but he’s a good guy. He’s also really, really easy to manipulate. I can easily see some adult woman trolling for somebody and my dumb, vulnerable, idiot friend tying one on and morosely dicking around on his computer when he gets a random chat invite and actually responds to it, then starts having someone with a psych degree tell him everything he wants to hear about himself.
tl;dr version, as much as I’d be all for this if I thought it nabbed actual pedos, I suspect it gets as many sad sack mid-life crises as anything.
“then starts having someone with a psych degree tell him everything he wants to hear about himself”
Someone like Scott Adams or Tony Robbins could put half the country in prison.
“Sex is disappearing from the big screen, and it’s making movies less pleasurable
The nearly four-hour film caused a ruckus, not just because of its derriere-numbing running time (most of it spent observing nubile teenage girls twerking to a pounding soundtrack of club music), but because of a 15-minute scene of cunnilingus, filmed so realistically that questions immediately arose as to whether it was unsimulated.”
Article doesn’t match the headline.
15 minute scene of cunnilingus. I can’t make heads or tails of that.
So you are more of an eat-and-run kinda guy?
No ass eating? Fail.
The key would be in the credits. There is a prison chapel sex scene in Orange is the New Black that is pretty steamy. As the credits were scrolling for that episode I saw the “custodian of records” notice that one sees on pr0n films. I’m guessing it was a CYA move on the part of the studio.
“And it’s not like artists are incapable of getting sex right: Productions are now hiring “intimacy coordinators” to make sure sex scenes are being choreographed and staged with appropriate respect for physical boundaries and psychological well-being. Movies here and there have managed to suggest a way forward: Witness Alfonso Cuarón’s tenderly seductive love triangle in “Y Tu Mamá También” and Angela Robinson’s warm, deeply humanistic portrayal of polyamorous sex play in “Professor Marston and the Wonder Women,” or Meg Ryan’s satisfaction at the hands (and other things) of Mark Ruffalo in Jane Campion’s feminist urban thriller “In the Cut.” Even “Fifty Shades of Grey” offered a potentially fruitful new grammar making consent a stimulating part of foreplay rather than an instant buzzkill.
With luck, a new generation of writers, directors and actors – steeped in a non-binary, anti-shaming sexual culture – is poised to reclaim sex as a crucial element of mainstream style. Meanwhile, as studios who employ them try to figure out how to compete with peak TV and ever-multiplying streaming outlets, they might want to remember their own history: Spectacles and jump scares get people into theaters, but so does a good old-fashioned snog. It’s not that we’re turned off from going to the movies. It’s that the movies have stopped turning us on.”
Oh yeah baby, negotiate my contract, ooh right there, enumerate my boundaries, harder, harder! respect my psychological well-being, uhh yeah, oh god, oh god, ooh, ooh, oh!!
*lights cigarette*
Nothing makes a sexy time hot like asking “May I…” every inch of every second in the action.
Just as an aside: It pisses me off that a lot of these “affirmative consent” advocates are women, and most women would be turned off by that kind of simpering, servile “may I” bullshit. I know women are not uniform in their sexual preferences, but it stands to reason that a lot of the ones claiming that normal sex is somehow coercive and non-consensual are the same ones who like it when a man is bold and assertive about his sexual desires.
People can like what they like, and they certainly have the right to speak out about something they think is wrong, but it’s the hypocrisy that gets me.
Kind of like all those feminists who complain about “toxic masculinity” but are still attracted to actual manly men.
steeped in a non-binary, anti-shaming sexual culture
Except for the sort of sex straight white men want, which must absolutely be shamed.
There’s a quandry: even possibly liking a scene shot with that ethos(?) in mind. Shame for liking it, or shame for being the wrong person to like it?.
Would you have to- turn in your Cis-het Guy card in that event?
And while this is mostly theoretical at the moment, in terms of market penetration, most gay men aren’t exactly known for timidity during sex.
She can’t say no if she’s gagged!
Movies here and there have managed to suggest a way forward:
There is another way to fill your movies with sex without worrying about how the actors and actresses handle it…. never mind.
*gors back to 40’s and 50’s movies chock full of hints, innuendo, and unseen sexual scenes*
Since I’m never around for weekend morning links, and, some in these here parts need a pick-me-up:
That gave me a damn good laugh. Catchy too, thanks!
Most welcome, Raphael. The actual (official) theme of the show is my jam, and good enoght to actually be used in the ‘good’ Dredd movie. Then again, I’m a big Matt Berry fan, and love most of his music.
Considering tastes in music, I always hesitate recommending any to those I don’t know in meat-space. But, if you’re adventurous, you can check his tunes out on YT. It’s not humorous like the Snuff Box theme.
Just gave the main theme a good listen. I dig it, it’s got nice beats and it fits my aesthetic. I’ll have to look more into Matt Berry, thanks again!
I’d give you a thumb’s up emoji, can’t. So, you’ll have to settle for \m/
“Rhonda Mengert says in her lawsuit she was traveling through Tulsa International Airport on Mother’s Day when an implant in her hip set off the metal detector, The TV station reported.
Mengert said she agreed to be pat down by a TSA agent. During the search, the agent found a “common feminine hygiene product” that she was wearing underneath her clothes.
Mengert told KNTV that TSA agents then took her to a private room and asked her to strip down and expose her genitals. The lawsuit says they then instructed her to remove the feminine hygiene product.”
What the cinnamon toast fuck?
Is she hot?
Lawsuit says she’s a grandmother.
She can still be a GILF.
Two front neckrolls, exaggerated by bad pose and camera angle.
Nice org name. Very effective.
You guys.
TSA creeps don’t know about Xhamster granny channel for their kinks?
I have no idea if she’s ‘suffering’ in the way other people are, althoughI don’t see why not. That said, I find it rather triggering (uh-huh) that that language almost NEEDS to be used for a lawsuit.
She should be able to say, “I’m suing them because they are scumbags who treated me scummily, and pissed me right off!”
As said above, fuck TSA.
If they can do a cavity search, however non-invasive, on anyone then they can do that on everyone. I was tempted to write that that was a good thing because that would hasten the tipping point, but I am increasingly convinced that that moment will never come.
It will come, but only when a “non-binary” person is humiliated by it* and the news media makes a big deal out of it. However, it will result in a carve-out that requires everyone to walk on eggshells, rather than an actual repudiation of the policy.
* = This part has probably already happened
Or a trans person.
“Hey, Mel, come look at this. Five dollars you can’t tell whether it’s real or fake.”
I have to admit, I thought that’s what I meant. I’m not sure I want to go down the rabbit of hole of trans vs. non-binary.
I always thought o1o looked awfully binary.
Trans: Not born that way.
Non-Binary: Every moment of every day I have to make a conscious decision about which (if any) gender I am. Generally, this is an aspirational condition; there are a small number of people born without genitalia but I suspect that they are pissed at the anatomically normal people who want in on the act.
Intersexed: Born with both types of genitalia.
TSA (to Muslim woman): Please remove your scarf.
Muslim woman: Reeeee!
Lawsuit ensues.
Yep, it already happened:
Here’s what will happen: special policies will gradually be added to accommodate specific demographics, such as trans people or Muslim women, that will basically just make the process more of a pain in the ass for them. Many sensitivity training sessions will be held. The TSA will trundle on into the future.
There’s a short list of things that a president could do that would cause me to immediately enlist in his or her personal Praetorian guard. One of them is issuing an executive order suspending the TSA pending its elimination by act of Congress.
When I that damn drain in my abdomen, I had to go through security in a regional airport, Boston, and Dulles. It was beyond absurd theater. I had a TSA notecard stating I had a drain and to follow the proper procedure.
Security guy at the small regional airport smiled at me, quickly swabbed the outside of my shirt, tested the swab for explosives, and then waved me through. Took about 20 seconds.
TSA at Boston and Dulles freaked out. The idiot at Boston wanted me to strip right there on the spot and pull on the drain until I reminded him that neither action was allowed. I was then punished for contradicting him with a lengthy inspection by several agents overseen by their supervisor. Dulles was a shit show. The guy lost it, shut down the entire scanner line, called over two supervisors, and treated me like a potential terrorist. One of the supervisors told me everything was fine but they were going to use me as a training example for the line agent.
That is horrible. Put on that stupid uniform and they turn it assholes or born that way?
“Conditions ripe for fire — winds, low humidity, dry vegetation and heat — were expected to last into Sunday. The National Weather Service office reported a 71 mph (114 kph) gust on one peak in the region.”
Because there are no such things as tree saws and machetes?
I’m not a botanist, but I’m pretty sure live plants are filled with water. So if you clear out the dead wood, it won’t be there to catch fire.
“The parade, which was expected to be the biggest of its kind in the city, came as the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party ramped up its opposition to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, saying opposition support for LGBT issues threatens Polish culture.”
It doesn’t say what these supposed rights are.
“PiS party”???
Mote vs Log, I guess…
“Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal in Poland. This was formally codified in 1932, and Poland introduced an equal age of consent for homosexuals and heterosexuals, which was set at 15.[1][2] Poland provides LGBT people with the same rights as heterosexuals in certain areas: gay and bisexual men are allowed to donate blood, gays and bisexuals are allowed to serve openly in the Polish Armed Forces, and transgender people are allowed to change their legal gender following certain requirements including undergoing hormone replacement therapy.[3] Polish law bans employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. No protections for education, health services, hate crimes and hate speech exist, however. In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that it is illegal to deny goods and services on the basis of sexual orientation.”
That’s not Saudi Arabia with kielbasa, but same-sex marriage is illegal. Which it shouldn’t be. Otoh, no one is being forced to bake the babka.
No protections for education, health services, hate crimes and hate speech exist, however.
Damn that’s a bad sentence. Sounds like Poland has a patchwork of laws just like many other Western nations.
It doesn’t say what this supposed culture is.
Beer, vodka, kefir, yogurt, sour cream….
How Legal Weed Is Killing America’s Most Famous
Marijuana Farmers
In the forests of Northern California, the regulatory state—not the DEA—is forcing thousands of growers out of business, or back underground.
I feel shitty about collectivizing but there is more than a bit of schadenfreude imagining that many of these folk supported this sort of regulatory state wholeheartedly. If only there were a couple of Iron Laws that could have been helpful.
Imagine what the future holds when Cali ‘legalizes’ prostitution.
More sex tourism to Nevada as the industry flourishes just across the border?
Yeah, that is not gonna change, most assuredly. I just imagine that they will find ways of messing up their golden goose.
/never been out that way; unsure of the logistics for the whole state
Look at all that efficiency. It’s a good thing the state government is controlled by one party, or otherwise their regulations might have gotten complicated and contradictory.
Feature, not bug. We all knew that they couldn’t just make it legal, that the price for legalization would be heavy regulation and that only the people already used to jumping through regulatory hurdles would be able to navigate the byzantine maze of laws, regulations, permits, etc. See, also – “Custodian of Records,” above.
Typically, the goose has to lay a few eggs before killing it.
TW: NY Times interactive thing-a-majig
The Making of a YouTube Radical
I like the pic of noted KKK member Milton Friedman in the collage.
Now, do the tankies.
“Countless versions” of that story, eh? Maybe you should try looking into other stories, then. Like, the more common radicalization going on at various colleges and universities?
Merely a suggestion.
“Countless” is journo-speak for “at least one, not accounting for corroboration”
Hell, I’ve seen that very topic for the last, what….half year?It’s already worn out, but, still getting played.
I still can’t get over President Tyrone of Kekistan and Jordan Peterson being there. Also hilarious they still kept Phil DeFranco on there.
Dave Rubin and Shapiro.
And a bunch of others I failed to mention, what a friggin joke.
At least we’re not seeing the Glibertarian logo there – yet.
We’re not trying hard enough.
While we are out in the open, unlike another group of friends (Hi, Guys), we do not court publicity.
The defense of putting DeFranco on there is, well, just take a look.
Man is that guy an NPC retard or what?
At least the responses are good.
Yeah, it’s heartening to see people taking this idiot’s opinion piece fantasy to task.
That probably is one of the most misleading, foul, and idiotic hit piece I’ve seen yet come out of the NYT.
Rubin, Fiamengo Files, Shapiro…all deemed ‘alt-right’? And use ONE clown as anecdotal evidence to support their sloppy stupid assertion?
The author of this terrible, dreck Kevin Roose:
We’re all alt-right now.
God help us all.
What a joke for real.
Dreck? That’s appropriating Yiddish culture you evil Nazi!
How about, you’re a weak-minded sad sack who can’t think for himself?
Peterson told me to clean my room!
“FYI, since I’m getting some questions about it: the collage up top is just a sample of stills from Cain’s viewing history. Some are far-right, some (eg Milton Friedman) aren’t.”
He’s getting roasted in the comments.
“Climate testimony”
*severe eye-roll*
Unless they put Gaia herself on the stand, I’m calling bullshit that pulling politically-motivated guesses out of your ass is any kind of “testimony”.
If they put Gaia on the stand, she’d be held guilty of genocide.
Thus does a familiar pattern repeat itself: The summer begins with a new crop of sexually explicit, mostly European movies set off from Cannes to the festival circuit and eventually to brief art-house runs, while Hollywood churns out its chief export of gun-happy escapism and wholesome kid stuff.
And the world yawns.
Some young men discover far-right videos by accident, while others seek them out. Some travel all the way to neo-Nazism, while others stop at milder forms of bigotry.
Milder forms of bigotry? What the fuck does that even mean? Not helping little old ladies across the street?
“Uncomfortable truths” would be my guess. Like “men don’t have babies”. “Meritocracy is a positive”. That sort of thing.
Hate speech!
Milder forms of bigotry?
Mexican are rapists.
Pride Month seems to be going well.
“White supremacist appears to urinate on an Israeli flag as nationalist group interrupts LGBT celebration in Detroit by tearing apart Pride flags and giving Nazi salutes”
“Philadelphia’s openly gay deputy sheriff, 26, ‘shoots himself dead at his desk’ just one day after attending a Pride event”
“Hey, WE were gonna urinate on that flag!”
Middle America is obviously to blame for all of this
Hey! Someone got it right! Those are actual white supremacists.
Indeed. Actual Nazis too. You just don’t see those everyday.
Well, there’s only so many undercover FBI agents to go around.
Such as?
Such as??
Don’t be coy.
The guy who is objectively the most gay-friendly president ever, who embraced gay marriage long before either major party, doesn’t want taxpayer-funded military budgets to pay for sex change surgery = Forcing all gays to wear pink triangles and then shipping them off to orientation conversion camps.
The only actual policy I’m aware of is the tran-ban in the military – assuming that even happened. And since the reeing on that stopped and nobody will go into the specifics of it, who knows?
As for housing or education – no clue what that might be about. But again, they never state what these actual “gains” that were lost are.
I think he decided that federal money can go to homeless shelters even if they ban transgenders. Never mind that if federal money were blocked, there would be fewer homeless shelters.
Lemme guess – Catholic Charities and the like.
Things That Go Bump in the Wild
Sure, the wilderness is beautiful. But it can also frighten you out of your mind.
STEVE SMITH: Thing that goes bump ‘n’ grind in the night.
Maybe his biography?
“the mind will do what it wants to, however, no matter how you try to rein it in”
“Well, one night when we were on patrol in the ‘Nam”
Actually we were looking for a bar that was still open
Doublethink Is Stronger Than Orwell Imagined
What 1984 means today
To be fair, I confused mid-90’s era Democrat policies with “hard nationalism — the diversion of frustration and cynicism into xenophobia and hatred — [and] soft distraction and confusion” too.
Trump is a totalitarian because they say he is.
This is their entire argument.
Wake me when he throws some journalists in prison, or even exceeds his constitutional authority to the same extent his predecessor did.
“Today the problem is too much information from too many sources, with a resulting plague of fragmentation and division”
Yes, we just need one Ministry Of Truth with a single newspaper.
Damn those ordinary people! They must be protected from themselves, else we’ll have to be protected from them.
Also, the prejudice and delusions of others is so much more preferable.
– A man is a woman if he feels that he is one.
– A disabled white ex-coal-miner addicted to Oxycontin is unjustly privileged over Jay-Z because of the color of his skin.
– Assaulting someone is a “hate crime” if the person assaulted belongs to a particular group.
– “Hate speech” is equivalent to violence.
Yeah, Orwell’s mind would be blown if he was around today. Tyranny and fascism really is right around the corner, and The Atlantic would hasten its arrival.
Add to that list “American women are oppressed”.
Never mind that one of the biggest corporations in America had a program to fast-track women into leadership positions, and when one man wrote a tame critique of it (that even included suggestions for better ways to get women into these jobs) he was promptly fired, after which the media smeared him as a vile, angry misogynist.
And pay no attention to the fact that a Supreme Court confirmation was held up because one woman made an evidence-free claim of rape and had a major political party along with the mainstream media throw their full support behind her.
And don’t let it trouble you that women in America are vastly underrepresented in homicides, suicides, homelessness, incarcerations, and workplace deaths.
American women are oppressed. It is known.
Just wow.
The mental gymnastics.
No Packer.
1984 is a reflection of the hyper-shrill, illiberal tendencies of the fricken left.
Not Trump.
Justin’s Canada:
Canada Declaration on Electoral Integrity Online.
Remember. We have a Minister of Democratic Institutions portfolio.
I don’t know about you, but I fully trust governments to determine what is truthful news.
Is this one of the pictures?
Promo photo for softcore gay porn?
That or Tinder profile.
i remember the good old times before Facebook there was no disinformation. Why during communism the main newspaper Adevarul which means the Truth only printed the truth, after all it was in the name
Oh, no! The President is running for re-election. NOT FAIR!
The general-election campaign is happening today. And Donald Trump is running unopposed.
Presidents who have recently won reelection seeded their victories not in the final sprint before Election Day, but by executing a two-year campaign to exploit a contentious primary on the other side, reconnect with their base of supporters, and define the election as a choice, not a referendum. I served as the national press secretary on President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, when we used that strategy to great effect. Now I’m watching President Trump executing the same strategy that powered Obama to reelection, while the Democratic organizations that could answer him have left an open playing field in the battleground states where the election will be decided.
Sleazy political consultant wants everybody to know how smart he is. He helped Obama smear Romney and “shape the narrative” about the economy and helped Obama boast of his various and sundry other Good Works, even as the Republicans bickered among themselves in the primary. But now, the tables are turned. Now Trump is doing the same stuff, and he is concerned for the Democrats. Won’t you please send him money, to save America’s future?
Also- I despise the political insiders who are incapable of recognizing legitimate policy preferences as anything other than election stratagems.
They wouldn’t be happy even if Trump got on his knees, begged for forgiveness, and then self-immolated.
“He didn’t use enough gasoline!”
“Republican Flaunts Carbon Footprint”
“That bastard didn’t let us light the match!”
We on the Obama campaign didn’t let those early odds intimidate us. By the spring, we had launched a major effort to reinvigorate Obama’s activists, define Romney to swing voters by highlighting his every jolt to the right, and build a data-driven field and persuasion effort. Quietly, we fed research to media outlets that would highlight Romney’s hypocrisy, providing ammunition to his Republican-primary opponents, and draw attention to the deficiencies in his record in the private sector and as governor, which would concern general-election voters. And as we tested and finessed the most effective frame for the general election, we learned that we needed to do more education about Obama’s success in turning around the economy after the financial crisis.
What’s a little hardball opposition research (and creatively re-writing history), among friends? It’s not like we conspired with the Russians to thwart the election of the most qualified candidate ever.
Hmmmm… Sounds like someone INTERFERED WITH AN ELECTION!!!
Today the problem is too much information from too many sources, with a resulting plague of fragmentation and division—not excessive authority but its disappearance, which leaves ordinary people to work out the facts for themselves, at the mercy of their own prejudices and delusions.
OMG not qualified to think for themselves.
This is a big thing. There are fairly high-level EPA people who work with me who have said several times that they don’t want the public to see raw data because they’re not qualified to interpret it and would likely come to the wrong conclusions. Their position is that you need science communicators (English majors who hopefully minored in Bio or something) to take the conclusions drawn by EPA experts based on that data and present it in an easy-to-read, executive summary type of format.
Darn laptop:
Office Space – What Would You Say You Do Here?
So back to being reduced to the role of the illiterate peasant unable to read or understand Latin, relying on the incorruptible nature of the priesthood to tell us what we need to know in order to advert the wrath of God.
Just when you think the timeline can’t go more inverted.
Wasn’t the FBI started by a cross-dresser?
Kit Carson, the famous mountain man, had a life of wilderness adventures enough for 50 movies, but when he recounted his exploits in his autobiography, you’d have thought he was describing going down to the corner for cigarettes.
Alternatively, perhaps he just wasn’t a squealing terrified sissy.
This thread is awesome:
Original cat fucking story:
“a caller reported to police that Navage had taken his cat into the bathroom and ‘it sounded like the cat was hurt and screaming'[…]The police report states that when the officer arrived and went into the bathroom”
Where is this bathroom? It says the guy’s a transient.
‘he saw Navage ‘naked, standing in the middle of the bathroom with a cat partially wrapped in a towel placed by his genitals.'[…]Navage told police he was ‘naked in the shower with the cat’ and then was ‘using a towel to dry off the cat.'”
Who doesn’t like to take a shower with a cat from time to time?
“The report goes on to say that Navage told police ‘the girth of his penis was too large for him to penetrate the cat’s anus, so it was impossible for him to have had sex with his cat.'”
That’s a real ego booster there.
“Police say they also found methamphetamines, drug paraphernalia and forged money in Navage’s possession.”
The counterfeiting is probably going to get him the most time. Don’t fuck with Uncle Sam’s lucre.
I can’t even.
I’m wondering how he expected to get out of there without being covered in sheets of blood. Yeah, towel, but at some point the towel drops and the claws come out.
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Link for tomorrow: Romania Bans Stories About Cat Fucking.
Next up they’ll come after MacAfee for whale-fucking.
Aright, ya funny fuckers—enjoy your Sunday, and try to be back tonight for after-hours fun!
“Sex is disappearing from the big screen, and it’s making movies less pleasurable”
Oh Em Gee! How is this possible!??!
“We know why. With the onset of internet porn, viewers looking for vicarious thrills had instant access to a cheap, private universe of polymorphous gratification”
I guess that explanation was just too simple so it necessitated you writing 2000 words of impenetrable nonsense to satisfy your highbrow SF readers.
Bonus: give me an example of an era or genre of mainstream Hollywood movie in which it was typical to include 15-minute long unstimulated cunnilingus scenes. Y’know, those halcyon days before we were such prudes.
“unstimulated cunnilingus scenes”
Excellent John-o.
Funny how one additional letter reverses the meaning of the entire sentence.
Yet also makes it more accurate.
Hollywood sex scenes have always been uncomfortably dumb.
The sex scene in The Room was fucking hilarious (as is the entire movie).
I heard James Franco is doing a remake. Fucking Hollywood, they regurgitate terrible remakes of the great, beloved films of our youth and now they’re going after our shittiest!
The Birthday Boy’s little dog sleeps right on through Les’s artistry. Ho hum, the dog has heard/seen it all. Les is all gussied up to sit on the back yard patio and practice what he does best.
Thanks OM, brings back some memories from the deep recesses
One of my favorite guitarists – Sonny Sharrock
Somebody has issues
Feminists have wrestled with their relationship to pornography ever since the early ’70s, when the Rimbaud-loving Jersey girl Andrea Dworkin joined forces with America’s most lighthearted legal scholar, Catharine MacKinnon, and created sex-negative feminism. Their arguments about the nexus between violence against women and hard-core pornography were powerful, but the whole enterprise was a hard sell in the midst of the sexual revolution.
“No woman needs intercourse; few women escape it,” Dworkin said—what happened to Rimbaud?—from deep within her overalls, and she lost the crowd. MacKinnon’s legal argument depended on pornography’s potential violation of the equal-protection clause, a delicate proposition, and one she was advancing at a time when free speech was at the very center of the youth movement. The women were raising important questions, but in 1988 the World Wide Web arrived, blotting out the sun and giving us porn without end, porn as it is now and ever shall be, porn beamed down from the starry heavens into the world’s bedrooms and bathrooms, buses and fast-food joints, church parking lots and prison cells. Porn surrounding you in the room where you sit reading this article—all you have to do is set your phone to pick up the signal.
The problem is that there are some very old human impulses that must now contend with porn. One of them is the tendency of deeply troubled teenage girls to act out sexually as a kind of distress signal, an attempt to get the attention of adults who may not be getting the message that they’re in a crisis. Working this out within the closed world of a high school was painful, and almost always contributed to suffering, but it was something that could be transcended—eventually everyone moves on and the past settles into place.
But working out these impulses within the pitiless economy of the vast, global pornography industry is an entirely different proposition. Whenever a third party stands to profit from the sexual choices of a woman, a door is opened into another world, far beyond the high school, the disappointed parents, the town where she lives. It’s natural that this would become the venue for these troubled girls; porn is the main determinant of high-school kids’ sexual imaginings. Girls who feel uncomfortable or shamed about their body are deeply drawn to it. “I liked the attention I got,” Caitlin says of her first foray into selling pictures online; she liked “being called beautiful. I enjoyed it because it made me feel good about myself.”
Grrrrrrl power is wonderful. Unless it isn’t.
That’s pretty much the message I’m getting. Also, “Look at meeeeee. I’m a writer with style. This girl’s sad story is merely the stage upon which I may perform my sexy gyrations. Clap, damn you!”
all you have to do is set your phone to pick up the signal
Seemingly trivial, but actually profoundly undermines what she’s saying. It’s not as it’s being broadcast 24×7 by every cellular telephone tower in America, and you can just stumble upon it. You have to seek it out. Granted, they do advertise, but that takes us to that whole free speech thing.
Dworkin’s is one of the few graves I would actually urinate on if given the opportunity. She said that gay male pr0n, as in totally man-on-man, was violence against women.
Well, she was batshit crazy.
porn is the main determinant of high-school kids’ sexual imaginings
Citation needed. I would suggest that the main determinant is that hot boy/girl in the desk ahead of you, or maybe the teacher.
“The women were raising important questions”
Like, who is paying for this drivel?
Damaged, insecure young girls will use sex to get attention, adoration and money.
More news at 11.
Bonus: *All* pornographic actresses are helpless victims of the patriarchy? Every. single. one? Jeez, I wish I had the author’s omniscient powers.
I suspect that there is a left/right alliance that will grow or try to grow to include everything which attempts to make money indulging male lust (including cosplay at trade shows) as part of the females being victims of trafficking and if the females do not agree that they are brainwashed and have to be deprogrammed. Catwalk models at fashion shows will still be allowed, but Victoria’s Secret will not, because reasons.
We should just completely ban pornography so that women are treated better.
Pornography is illegal in the Middle East. I haven’t checked, but I’d imagine the treatment of women is exemplary.
I had a long argument today with a lefty friend who was convinced all peoples income should be public like Sweden with the main argument that he is not good at negotiating during job interviews and knowing everyone wage would mean he knows how much to ask, the alternative being he risks getting paid less than he could. My argument was that it should be ones right to keep ones earnings private for a variety of reasons. Thoughts?
Tell him I’ll negotiate for him for a 15% cut.
My pay check is my business.
There are a variety of resources available online like Glassdoor, that your friend can get a pretty good estimate on salaries of others in the area with a similar job title/industry. No sense in getting the government involved because he can’t use Google.
Enough People already post their salaries voluntarily anyway. There are sites that tabulate the data. You can see average pay for any job in any region. Non issue.
Nobody’s business what your wage is. That’s between the agreeing parties. I don’t know what my fellow employees’ or my bosses’ earnings are. I have a pretty damn good idea but not the exact amount because I make it a point not to. Tell your buddy to sack up and quit being a pussy.
also he said and I quote “if something is bad for the company’s profit it means it is probably good for the employees” and “why do you care if businesses make a profit you don’t own a business”. I was sort of speechless after this …
If your “friend” works for the same employer as you, then if you remain “speechless,” then your “friend” not getting a raise means there is more money available to pay for your raise. If not, you might want to consider telling your “friend” that the point of the employer paying an employee is to get more value from paying said employee than paying someone else to do the job unless there is a ‘hassle premium’ involved. Two, but not the only, kinds of ‘hassle premium’ is when an employer is willing to pay more for a position if it gets someone to fill it that requires less supervision and someone who is less whiny.
Also, what’s good for business means that the business has money to hire more employees, pay raises to the existing ones, and so on. Instead of “speechless,” consider telling your “friend” about that.
Salaries are part of a private agreement and should remain private unless both parties want to disclose the terms. My case is different in that I’m an employee of a state university, and state salaries are a matter of public record. So, you can go online and see how much (ha!) I make. Same is true for all fed employees too, I believe.
<a href="https://nypost.com/2019/06/08/richard-carranza-accused-of-waiving-protocol-to-hire-pals-in-high-ranking-jobs/"Richard Carranza accused of waiving rules to give pals high-paying jobs
Dunno what the big deal is. The two women look (emphasis on look) very qualified.
Ah derp
From the sidebar: The Vietnamese are surprisingly conservative.
I don’t know what those people are smoking, but I for one am not at all offended. I may need more evidence to make that determination, however. Lots more.
Strangely getting a nose and eye change is conservative? Beautiful girl. Still has a little room for enhancement before she makes Q’s list though.
Qualifications include: Blowjob ability, openness to sexual experimentation and ability to STFU when told. Bonus points increase with cup size.
I’m sure they were top of the list for the bona fide job requirements.
I like how one is a made-up, do-nothing position with a $200K+ salary and his pal doesn’t even have the required piece of paper that bureaucrats use for gatekeeping the job. But at the end of the day this is bog-standard cronyism that barely draws any attention around here.
speaking of weird twitter threads… better ending that how I et your mother though
That was actually kinda a sweet story. My heart almost thawed for a minute there.
Yeah I might have to share that one
Good story. Don’t even care if its true.
And- Tadaaaaaah! Whom do we find behind the curtain? None other than Trump, Destroyer of Worlds.
The right understands porn as a thing for sale, and so has a grudging respect for it. “It’s Trump,” the porn star Eva Lovia told Fortune at the 2016 AVN Awards when she was asked whom she was supporting for president, “because I like my money. I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I want to keep it.” The right destroyed the one force capable of challenging porn’s ubiquity: social conservatism. It gleefully elected a sleazeball whose personal history is that of a man with contempt for the ideas of personal responsibility and duty to others that were once central to social conservatism.
The right sold out social conservatism for lower taxes and “The Snake.” Our shadow first lady, Stormy Daniels, enacts an endless performance of Fatal Attraction; Donald Trump calls her “Horseface” on Twitter, and her own sleazeball lawyer—who was somehow briefly considered a potential Democratic candidate for president—is currently out on $300,000 bail in a serious extortion case. The president calls a much-loved, exceedingly minor member of the British royal family “nasty,” and his own beautiful daughter “Baby”—and there isn’t anything left of the social conservatism of yesteryear but money, and selling any valuable commodity we have remaining, from our natural resources to our international reputation to our young girls.
The guy is omnipotent.
“there isn’t anything left of the social conservatism of yesteryear”
If only that were true.
Um… I wasn’t aware that this was an unusual thing for fathers to do.
Everyone should work for the State, and receive exactly the same salary. Bus drivers, surgeons, nuclear attack submarine commanders, milkmaids; then we shall truly live in a just and equitable world.
At which point the state would wither away? Heaven on earth, but who will play the role of God?
It’s ironic to bring up Sweden as the height of perfection of the socialist scheme, because for exactly the reason you state (that a doctor makes roughly the same as the janitor who cleans his office), Sweden is experiencing shortages of highly skilled workerS.
That’s why I was able to go to grad school in Stockholm: great facilities, great professors, but not enough Swedes willing to enroll in a 5-6 year engineering program if they can get a job NOW for the same pay.
Also why there is a long waiting list for even the most simple medical visit.
(I can write a whole article on my experiences in Sweden if there is interest)
I remember you wrote a post about some of the issues with getting medical services in Sweden.
I’d certainly read a post about why you wound up in Sweden and the pluses and minuses about the experience.
“I can write a whole article on my experiences in Sweden if there is interest”
Ok, but not Q level experiences.
I realized after my post that it could have several interpretations.
Heh. Maybe it’s because I’m half delirious from lack of sleep but my mind didn’t even go there. I don’t know whether to feel pround of myself or ashamed.
It’s Sweden. How hard is it to toss in a couple of hot blondes?
No Swedish Bikini Engineering Team?
Nobody who advocates for socialism thinks they’d wind up with less than they have now. It’s entirely based on envy. Even wealthy people who argue for it think that they’ll gain something–power, prestige, security from the hoi polloi. The most fervent socialist is unwilling to take a net loss in order to make everyone else a little better off.
And add me to the list of people who’d be interested in reading about Sweden!
Yes, especially if there are pictures.
Disincentivize the development of skilled workers; import tons of unskilled people from the third world. What could possibly go wrong??
A veritable orgy of stolen bases.
Also: “most liberal” according to what criteria? Measured how? Sample size? Methodology?
Bonus for: MUH TAKS CUTZ BENUHFIT WELLTHEE. Y’know, those tax cuts that eliminated SALT deductions and disproportionately affect… wealthy coastal elites (like your readers).
Good. Let’s go full-tilt “most liberal”. Let Bern pass the torch to Sandy when she comes of age, and bring it on! We need to get it over with so can return to normalcy sometime before I kick it.
Poor Mary Ford. She was a talented and pretty woman, but she died really young.
She could play a little bit, too.
Dueling guitars…
Where do I order my tickets?
At the start of the Tony-nominated play What the Constitution Means to Me, the writer and performer Heidi Schreck bounds cheerfully onto the stage wearing a sunny smile and a cupcake-yellow blazer. She then proceeds to savage the revered, 232-year-old text on which the U.S. was built. The play is never more electrifying than when Schreck’s charisma curdles into fury over how the entire American legal framework has rendered women’s lives worthless.
I can’t wait ’til it rolls into town.
How convenient for her that the First Amendment of that document she hates so much prevents her from being imprisoned or killed for her little play.
Implied: Lefties that hate the Constitution are really, *really*, REALLY gonna hate what it gets replaced with; especially as they’re being loaded into boxcars.
I just think it’s sad and pathetic that she thinks so little of her fellow women.
I’m sure it’s an original and entertaining performance, and not at all masturbatory dog-whistles for the kind of people who get off on this sort of shit. Like readers of The Atlantic, for instance.
Oh do tell.
It’s not my responsibility to make you feel “safe”.
If you’re that neurotic, get counseling, take self-defense classes, anything so you’re not such a paranoid pathetic mess.
look it is not to much effort to go to each woman and say i wouldn’t even rape you.
youtube failed at containing violent language yet again.
Or one of these.
What a stupid article.
Really, Delia? I hope you like cats.
But what the fuck do I know? I still hold doors for women (and men).
” I still hold doors for women (and men).”
I do too, but now I get a lot of doors held for me, by both men and women, including a lot of younger folks. Actually I am very proud of the manners of our young people, they have been taught well and learned well, for the most part. Seems like they can’t get past a tattoo parlor without getting some free samples but that’s not my problem.
*rolls down shirtsleeves, opens door for 4×20*
You think that’s bad, toots? Try being a man. I’ll go ahead and say 90% of men have experienced physical or sexual violence by the time they’re, say, 25. The first time I was punched in the face was when I was 6, and my first broken nose was 11. I’ve had the stuffing knocked out of me a few times. Still waiting on a parade or PSA or something. It’s that toxic masculinity patriarchy privilege stuff, I guess.
Anyway, if you seriously believe that you are under constant threat, you should contact the authorities immediately. Or see a therapist. If, instead, you’re just paranoid and socially-anxious, probably in no small part due to imbibing a steady stream of propaganda, you should try to get it together. Seriously. It’s ridiculous. And, frankly, it’s just a little insulting to be expected to cater to your prejudices because you’re a flawed, sick, weirdo.
Yep. Even amongst hetero-cislords it wasn’t uncommon to suffer a lot of abuse from upperclassmen in the form of nut punches, dick taps, and being pinned to the ground or a locker by a burly dude who seemed to enjoy it a little more than he’d like to admit to himself.
After several paragraphs of whining about how the play is insufficiently racialist, we wind up here:
The play concludes with her facing off against a real-life competitive teenage debater about whether to abolish the Constitution, their positions determined by a coin toss. On both nights I saw the performance, Thursday Williams, a black high-school senior and an aspiring lawyer, was tasked with arguing in favor of preserving the decrepit national albatross.
I’m pretty sure there are plenty of other countries with vastly superior political systems which would be delighted to take in an oppressed political refugee such as yourself, lady.
SO what is the official glib view on steak confit in butter?
Intriguing…I like steak, I like butter…
Hot buttered steak, what’s not to love?
I approve. A couple times a year I break out the pan-fried version:
Sounds good.
Their position is that you need science communicators (English majors who hopefully minored in Bio or something) to take the conclusions drawn by EPA experts based on that data and present it in an easy-to-read, executive summary type of format.
“Trust us. We’re scientists. Now shut up and do as you’re told.”
And here I thought actual scientists always made their data available, on account of pronouncements based on secret revelations not being science.
Scientists hired by the fossil fuel industry are corrupt shills, but scientists hired by the regulatory agencies that oversee that industry are pure as the driven snow because they couldn’t possibly be motivated by anything but the pursuit of truth. After all, what could the government possibly hope to gain?
That’s for old fashioned stuff like physics and chemistry.
Yeah, and they could also make monkeys fly out of my butt.
Global warming means *more* navigable trade routes. And more CO2 and warming are also likely to improve the world’s food supply.
The effects of climate change could undermine trade routes, the global economy, and the world’s food supply.
Undermine trade routes What about the Northwest Passage?
TheTSA gets you even when you do not go to the airpot. They are funded by taxes or by deficit spening paid for by borrowing with payment schedules paid by taxes.
The TSA gets you even when you do not go to the airport. They are funded by taxes or by deficit spending paid for by borrowing with payment schedules paid by taxes.
Agreed on both points.
A buddy of mine worked as a TSA agent for about two weeks between real jobs. It’s just as mall cop as you’d imagine. It’s a joke. A terribly unfunny joke.
Insert Polack joke here.
A Polack and his friend were watching the 10 oclock news.
A news report of a lady on a ledge ten stories up was being broadcast.
Polack: I got ten bucks she doesn’t jump.
friend: You’re on
The woman jumped to her death.
Polack: Damn, I owe you ten bucks.
friend: Naa, I can’t take it, I saw that story on the 6 oclock news.
Polack: So did I but I didn’t think she would be dumb enough to do it again at 10.
Q: how does a Kiwi find a sheep in tall grass?
A: Irresistible