Ramesh came to a Tee in the corridor. He stopped, looked and listened. Identical corridor in each direction. From the right he heard a muffled chorus of screeching, from the left he heard peppy Latin music.
The choice was obvious.
Today’s Story…
Ramesh turned left and once he was around the corner shrunk up against the wall. He pulled out his phone and found it had powered itself off. He hit the power button and nothing happened. He could have sworn he had decent charge. He tried again. Nothing.
Here he was locked in an underground dungeon with a kinky gay Troll who could punch a dent in a metal door. His NYPD escort didn’t know where he was. His phone was dead. He was being used as a drug mule. At least he could skate on the last part if he ever got out of here.
Ramesh prayed silently – first to his Hindu grandparents’ multi-limbed gods, then to his mother’s crucified god, and for good measure recited the Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
He began to feel better. On the positive side there was a good chance he could pass as a respected member of the community, although that carried its own risks. Today seemed to be some kind of special costume-wearing day which provided further cover. And then there was the weed which could be used to explain strange behavior, and win friends.
Ramesh heard a commotion from behind. He turned around and saw three men and a handcart approaching him. The commotion resolved into an annoying electronic beeping “preet, preet, preet,” followed by a voice announcement “Gangway, Gangway. Please move aside so that your WartCo technicians can bring you the finest service anywhen.”
The cart contained a large spool of thick cable. The foremost crewman was an older athletic man who stood on the front of the cart turning the spool and yelling back at the other crewmen, two chubby younger guys. The crew were all wearing white coveralls and hardhats, each bearing a logo consisting of a stylized “W” inside a circle. The second crewman was pushing the cart from the rear. The last crewman was taping the cable to the floor with a rolling device on a stick.
Manually laying floor tape is one of the most tedious, time-consuming and painful jobs many of us have to deal with. But with the high cost of a trip or fall, safety has to be a priority. Finally, there is a better way: introducing the GaffGun™. No longer do you have to be on your knees or use excessive tape to make your cables secure.
“Dammit Corey, put some muscle into it,” yelled the chief to the crewman working the taping machine. “And keep that cable as close to the wall as she’ll go. Steady Brian,” he said ducking down to avoid a light fixture, “and a warning would be nice.”
Brian smirked, and pantomimed jerking the cart sideways which the chief ignored.
Ramesh decided to ask for directions. “Hey, how do I…”
The crew chief shook his head. “Sorry Sir, we’re just techs. Your site POC should have all your destination info. Someone named Fist of Etiquette”
Corey giggled.
“Remember lads, we’re here to lay cable not to judge our clients.”
“Yeah, we all know whose cable you’d like to lube up and conduitize,” observed Brian, aping the posture and gait of a Troll.
“Shut your piehole and push the cart. His Growlr pic is totally hot, but it’s a decade and a hundred pounds out of date.” The WartCo crew receded down the corridor.
Something really big was about to happen at Thought! Magazine, at least with the commenters. Ramesh wondered how many of the handles he had seen while lurking were, well, whatever these people were. Was this somehow related to the music video? Thought! had the most notoriously rabid, snarky and informed comment section in the political arena. And it was well-known that there was no love lost between the commenters and staff. The boss had asked Ramesh to look for a weak point that could be exploited to further alienate the two sides from one another, but it appeared that was happening on its own.
“Hello,” said a close by voice.
Ramesh shrieked and started. Standing next to him was a man wearing a red and black checked flappy hat, matching flannel shirt, and loose-fitting jeans semi tucked into unlaced work boots.
“Hey, sorry about that. I didn’t hear you come up.”
“Good one, Doc.”
So apparently he did look like Doctor Bombay.
“Hey, I’m glad you’re back, eh. I’m headed over to Mario’s. He’s taking this really hard. Can you spare a second to help cheer him up?”
“Sure, I need to drop off something from Godwin, anyway,” said Ramesh as he started walking again.
“Thank God, he’s frantic. I wonder how long he can make that last? He’s going to Holland, but decades before the green cafes – if they even exist in that timeline. Where are you going?”
“To be a junior federal prosecutor working for Preet.”
“Beauty. Wreak havoc. The Squirrels really have a hardon for him, eh?”
“Sounds like.”
“And speaking of whom.” The Canadian paused and opened a door which somehow Ramesh had failed to notice. On the door was a sign reading “Data Processing.”
The room contained a complicated, multi-level structure of of small ramps, chutes, hamster wheels, spinning levers with balls attached, all now silent and still – a Sciuriac, an antique Indian squirrel-powered computer which used acorns to encode and store data. The Indian Museum of Digital Computing had an exhibit with part of a unit and a brief film loop of countless squirrels running to and fro along the ramps and wheels, taking acorns from the various output cups then dropping them into the various input chutes.
“Let’s not leave Mario hanging,” said Ramesh.
“Right. Good point.”
As they walked down the corridor the peppy Latin music started up again, and grew louder as they walked. They passed a door labelled “Men” and from around the next corner Ramesh saw a man in a black dress and low-crowned, broad brimmed hat approaching, as he got closer Ramesh saw the simple wooden cross on the twine around his neck, and the notched collar on whatever the dress-type garment was called – some sort of clerical outfit.
“Hello, Your Holiness,” giggled the Canadian.
“Hello Rufus, Heathen. I’ll pray for you both. Better get to your boy, he’s crying like the sissy bitch he is.”
*whistles softly*
That is some good dope.
I….. I got nuthin’
If you’ve got free time…
Hmph, started an hour ago. Too bad.
Well, they’re both probably locked up by now anyways.
Truth telling with…. Dan Rather. You couldn’t make this shit up.
There are plenty of people, at this point, who agree, and are letting them know.
Thx, Tonio. These are the perfect length for my morning commute.
It seems more appropriate for one of your drunken “missed the last train” trips home.
Make it an audio file and it’s a deal.
I’m actually thinking about that. Except I hate my voice.
Nobody likes their own voice
That being true, there are a hell of a lot of people who don’t know how to shut up.
It didn’t bother me when I was a professor, just when I heard recordings.
Yeah, I sound like a muppet.
Go on…
Is that on your dating profile? Cuz that’s hawt.
Wait… so you sound like trshmnstr and Rufus? Like together?
I am tempted to crowd source what I wrote,then I read this and, … not so much
will drawl for cash
Thanks Tonio!
And I’ll take a hit of whatever it is you’re smoking.
Quite tame in comparison to the prior episode, but I am eagerly looking forward to the building up and inevitable SHTF moment.
So Rufus is a fop?
I thought he was a bottom.
Oh, you said fop, not top.
He always did strike me as a bit of a dandy.
His chosen profession is Babysitting, which is a teenage girls job so…
Not a Dapper Dan man?
+1 Geographical Oddity
Or, would it be +2 weeks?
How can you not enjoy this guy?
Not celebrating journalists’ every bowel movement is making journalisming dangerous!
I think this is the first time a POTUS has actually made me laugh.
*Using actual humor
CNN will probably spend the next 24 hours wetting the bed over this.
“Better get to your boy, he’s crying like the sissy bitch he is.”
Waaaay too soft spoken for the Real Pope. I know the pope guy and this ain’t him.
Uffda. I can’t believe that you think I ever speak in anything other than dulcet tones. You are lucky it is Empathy Day, or I’d show you what real ex cathedra talk sounds like.
See? Now this is the real Pope, overt and threatening, the Pope we’ve come to know and… Wait, wait, I ain’t goin’ there…
Marco Rubio blinks too much.
I’ve been reading during TV timeouts. It’s fucking brilliant, Tonio.
Rufus and Jimbo makes for a perfect episode!
That wasn’t me. I didn’t get to be Pope to wear a simple outfit.
Nope. I want all the pomp and bling I can get my hands on.
How an American billionaire predicted — and then profited from — the U.S. opioid epidemic
Awful article, but some serious pushback from Yahoo commenters. Too many people benefit from this scare for it to go away quickly, but hopefully people are starting to wake up to this bullshit.
I wouldn’t trust Yahoo to tell me what time it is. They’ve sunk to WaPo levels.
I still live. May the gods above and below save me from intermittent user issues. I’ve been tied up in four hour conference calls and site visits the past two days dealing with this shite.
Uh, dude, you’re missing the best part of that cover photo.
Yeah. I want all of lobster girl; not just from the shoulders up.
I never knew this before but Herbert Spencer’s protege was none other than the arch-Fabian Socialist Beatrice Webb!
Says it all about the death of classical liberalism. Even the students of its major intellectals turn against it do much and very quickly at that.
Oh and Beatrice’s grandfather was one of the men who sponsored the Guardian when it was first founded.
Speaking of the Guardian:
They absolutely have this right. The fact that an employer might not grant those requests does not mean that the right is being violated, just like how a publisher declining to publish your political book does not mean that your freedom of speech is violated.
UCS: From the last thread, the reason that the robocalls are trying to get you to say “Yes” is so that they can then charge you for random shit. They can then use the recording of you saying yes as proof you agreed to the charges. If you fight it, you’ll usually win, but it’ll take more time. Some of the newer scams are also targeting those who automatically call back numbers that tried to call them. They call from an overseas number that looks close to a US one, and hang up after one ring. Think of a 900 number calling you and hanging up…
One of my fat fingers slipped the other day and I accidentally called back an obvious robo-caller. Immediately hung up. They make it non-obviously easy to do that – like just touching the number? – which ticks me off.
Several of the people I support have their outbound phone numbers configured incorrectly (by the customer’s request)… This has led to several of their calls to my cell phone to be flagged as Scam Likely, which means I trigger Google’s call screening service. The service is a text to speech telling the person that they’ve reached a number using a screening service from Google, and to state their name and the reason for the call. Google then tries to take that speech and display it as text (it’s not always the best at this point). Anyone who actually tries to talk (and doesn’t mention warranties, insurance, or credit card debt), I immediately accept. I’ve still had legitimate callers hang up (although I had one caller comment that he thought it was really cool that my phone did that).
I’m about at the point where I’ll refuse to answer an unknown number unless you email me first, give me the number you’re going to call from, and arrange an agreed time to call.
I can’t do that, since I forward my office phone to my cell when I’m not working in the office. So I have to answer the unknown callers any day I’m working from home. But at least I’m at the point I recognize most of the more likely area codes to call me (and the ones where they’re sending out their internal extension as their phone number).
Hm… good point. Yeah, I do that too. Luckily my work doesn’t require taking a lot of phone calls. Other than my boss. I’m trying to remember if AD was integrated into my phone at my last job. That would be helpful.
Are you back to work, or, I am I reading into your statement?
If the first part, congrats, and, my condolences…
Nope. I should get on that.
Well, then–my apologies for bringing it up.
Yup, I have voicemail for a reason.
I always google strange numbers. Most of the time, it belongs to telemarketers and it’s obvious.
I didn’t know you could do that.
You can google anything with nipples.
My nipples aren’t that flexible.
When dealing with a keyboard, or touchpad, hard and pointy are preferred.
Well played, sir!
I think he missed it. Oh well.
Any cat fan should have spotted it immediately.
That, or people with ceramic urns…
/brings up Google home page
/types in “anything with nipples”
/hits enter key
I don’t even bother anymore. If you didn’t leave a voice mail, and you didn’t e-mail me, it either wasn’t important, or I shouldn’t be talking to you anyways.
Yep. Block and move on
The Caribbean used to be a hotbed of toll phone fraud. Montserrat was the worst, IIRC.
Never, ever dial a number with a (664) area code.
It doesn’t matter so much if you can send your outbound traffic out wherever you want.
You’re not my supervisor!
C’mon, FM–you’re obviously waiting for the triple 6’s. You’re still set if you do follow his advice.
Binnington let his team down in game 6 but he certainly is making up for it tonight. What a performance.
He is in their heads.
Boston is definitely off their game. Sloppy.
*shrugs* I don’t care who wins, TBH.
I just want Boston to lose. That fucking city has seen enough winning in the last 15 years
I think your wish is about to come true.
3-0 Blues…that should do it. Incredible pass by Tarasenko.
4 now
4-1. Man, they could have at least tried to make this interesting for the neutrals.
As a silver lining, at least I don’t have to think which one of the Bruins would offer a retarded excuse before refusing to go to the White House.
Some wag commentating the USWNT during their 13-0 win yesterday said something along the lines of “If they keep this up they’ll get an invitation from the White House”. Apparently completely oblivious to the politics of the USWNT.
Lobster Girl is home!
NB: This is deliciously disturbing Tonio.
What a maroon.
Guy is having a rough time. He’s got 20 other clowns trying to out-commie him so he’s gotta keep upping his ante.
*honk honk*
thank you Q
from the morning thread, sorry…
But I never was, being white, cisgendered (ie, normatively masculine), and able-bodied.
That’s important, now that you have push up on the bus’ undercarrage to make room for white cis lesbians.
Sounds like they constantly will need a bigger bus…
Part bus, part monster truck. Wheels 10ft tall, kickass paintjob, and it breathes fire. Trump will be forced to pay for it as part of his eventual sentencing.
It’s gonna be yuge.
Well, at least I can be sure that whoever is running Ticketmaster’s big data really is not doing a good job. The chances of my dad (in his 70’s) enjoying Social Distortion and Flogging Molly are about the same as Q deciding that A cups are where it’s at.
I’m in my 60s and enjoy Flogging Molly, so ya never know…
Let’s go Blues!
the West for the win
I was told I’d soon be sharing my cubicle with a female student intern.
Met her today. She’s in high school.
*sad trombone*
Lights OMWC signal
High school. Still too old for OMWC, that’s a no-go from the van-man.
I thought the whole point of having cubicles was so you don’t have to share them.
My last place had U-shaped cubicles so technically I was sharing mine with my boss. ?
Read that as U shaped pubicles. Hope your boss was hawt.
I’ll be an intern for at least another couple months, so I have to content myself that they’re only packing us two deep.
got a Pence-approved body cam?
Has X ray vision and mosaic at same time.
Ask her how she feels about feminism. That’s a nice safe opening topic.
I see you too like to live a life of danger.
*points to handle*
*cheers as a fellow Florida Man*
I hear what you’re saying.
Are you in Virginia? If so, then it’s probably not a problem.
Don’t think you can call it a “hug” if it lasts 10 minutes.
*takes notes*
I know it’s some weird knuckle under culture they have, but really 10 minutes without a knee to the nuts?
*scratches out notes*
*buys plane tickets*
Guy should’ve mastered the “hover hands” like the homeboy, Keanu Reeves.
Obviously no one in the story learned the lessons of Sailor Fuku to Kikanjuu.
Also, Hiroko Yakushimaru. Wood even more today.
That was filmed in the neighborhood I’m in today. Never heard of it, but with a name like “The Sailor uniform and the Machine Gun” I’ll check it out.
Full movie
The title sucked me in too.
Tenacious D Disagrees.
Where you been, dawg? Getting mighty
boringlate in these parts…Worked a little later than usual. Then watched a couple shows while beering it up to rend the frustration. For said frustration see my bottom comment.
Gotcha…enjoy ze brewskis
You know, it’s always fun when you have to ready your CCH because some asshole in a “Texas Special” wants to play king of the lane for some unknown reason.
Dude, I don’t who you are, or, what your malfunction is, but get the fuck away from me pronto.
Something that’s been bothering me lately: the grills on Trucks and Vans lately. They have these big ol’ badass grills. Made of plastic. It’s like a tattoo on a barista.
There are that many trucks in Japan?
They have the small Honda trucks and I like those things. I’m talking about Merican trucks and Japanese vans. Like this:
My wife calls it the gaping mouth. Thinks they’re awful.
Fair enough, that is pig ugly.
It’s amazing the designer thought it was aesthetically appealing. Another one. My neighbor’s van. I have to see it every morning.
It’s like they put a cleft lip on a vehicle.
Or, a grinning dog.
I thee what you’re thaying.
Mean, but fair.
My father-in-law has that van. Needless to say we don’t see eye-to-eye on much of anything.
Sometimes I wonder if the auto companies are just trying to see how far their market will go along with this stuff – like the tailfins of the late 1950’s.
See….that should be turned into a Darth Vader helmet of some type. Scare the hell out of little children.
What I was referring to seeing daily is: http://www.velocityjournal.com/images/stk/2019/761/fd2019f150extendedcab76183041_600.jpg
Or, whatever competitors are coming up with.
Who lets their 4 year old boy choose their truck?
Proud Texas daddies, is my guess. Well, the ones that just gotta have that spiffy showin’-off truck.
BTW, I may try to trademark “Proud Texas Daddies”….may make some bank when the right group comes along wanting a catchy name.
No offense to anyone that owns a van or truck like that BTW. Just not my style. I drive a Honda Fit FFS. Glass houses.
This is what I drive (like this – not the exact same car) :
This is what I drive (like this – not the exact same car) :
Practical. Works for me.
It’s also inter-cooled turbo, fuel injected (about 320 hp) and AWD. Same drive train as the Skyline. Huge amount of space in the back.
Didn’t read the description. I thought it was the Probox. Need bifocals when I’m on the IPhone.
Restlos Intercool
What I’m finding interesting is that my original post about a potentially violent driving experience has morphed into a talk about shitty vehicle body design, and, what some of us drive.
The one I drive I bought used on an auction site. I paid JPY70k (about US$650) for it but I knew that was just the price for admission. Expired inspection, bad tires, sitting on a lot in Ehime prefecture. By the time I got it trucked up here and back on the road it cost me about JPY400k (US$3,700). But the custom rims that came with it were probably worth more than I paid the auction price.
Braving the DYI skaken? Glad it worked out.
Shaken Dammit.
Not much I can say about road rage situations – they’re pretty rare here and about the only thing I can have (which I do) in my car approximating a weapon is a Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel (https://tinyurl.com/y4fn4a3e).
When I’m in the US I’m generally armed to greet the apocalypse – New Mexico gun laws are cool.
Straff – I didn’t do my own inspection work, that’s why it cost so much to get the car on the road.
There’s a Chevy commercial here (with that beta cuck spokesperson they’ve been using for the last couple years) where some man-on-the-street literally says “That’s got a mean face on it!”
The tiny one agrees.
I thought the wussiness of their spokeswuss was just in my head. Relieved to see that I’m not the only one.
Isn’t he intended to be the white bread of the commercials? So that the “actual Chevy owners” can shine and make the actual ‘OMG BADAZZ KEWL!’ pitch?
I dunno what their thinking is but that guy bugs the hell out of me. He is so off-putting and combined with the “gotcha” angle* they use in every damn commercial… I can’t even.
*so bad that Flo the insurance lady made fun of it in another commercial!
Well, he’s the best that Government Motors and Detroit has to offer.
You are absolutely right. I see that every day, and it’s weird. I get the push for ‘modern’ design, but, that is bewildering.
I am rarely online when you grace these pages.
So is your handle related to Sir Kenelm Digby?
Heh. No–and I had to look him up. But, I’m that much more educated, so, thank you.
It’s mostly him
The (PBUH) is….
You’re the 2nd glib this week to ask. Huh….
Also–I thought you were on relatively late, usually. I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue….
So the president admits he’d listen to dirt from a foreign entity about an opponent and the media is going ape shit.
I don’t know if he’s baiting them or not any more.
I think its opening the curtain and ripping the mask off from what every politician does. At least that is my hope.
They, including Trump, all do it but one side will decry it as a major revelation.
I know any of them would do it but he’s not helping himself. He is walking up to the line of inviting foreign interference.
Agreed. I know what I would do. Confess and then open up all records, pack up and leave a fake fowarding address.
Trump should start trolling from a different angle. Tweet something like, “It’s not true the socialism killed a billion people!” Get the media to start haggling over the numbers.
LOL. I think that would actually work.
It’s basically what he’s already doing. I mean, it’s just a matter of degrees how crooked Hillary is.
Only if its H&H doing the tweets
Next thing he is going to say that he would pay a foreigner for dirt on his opponent. And then use that to get a FISA court to agree to a wiretap on his opponent’s campaign.
That’s crazy talk. Nobody would ever do that.
I can only imagine that Orange is saving that bomb for the impeachment proceedings. Or a debate.
Lawd, I forgot how fucking frustrating just installing a damn program in linux can be.
Oh come on – “make install”. Easy peasy!
Except when it isn’t.
Yeah, no. For this program, there are conflicting documents on the install procedure, you have to change setting for other programs through the terminal, create multiple executables (which the code is copy and paste, but not explained in a way that’s easy to grock for someone like me who hasn’t used linux in a decade) I finally have the program installed, but not running yet, the terminal threw out extra commands I needed to enter after a reboot which I failed to see until I had already said to execute the reboot. I’m pushing the clocked time working on this project so I just saidfuck it, I’ll deal with it next time I come in. (I’m not in IT, this is just a side project to get the programs in house before they are deployed system wide, so we can play with it before the entire system runs on it.)
Say no more… been there a few times. MacOS is a Unix so a lot of stuff I play around with proceeds in a similar fashion.
“It’s a Unix system, I know this…”
Never change, Hollywood.
I’ll never be technocool but stuff like this makes me a moderately satisfied windows user.
We all missed the anniversary of the death of the internet yesterday.
I did, anyway.
Ahh…Netpocalypse. I remember communicating with people, in writing, in almost instantaneous fashion. Boy, those were the days.
I didn’t say anything on account of being dead for the past year.
C, please tell me you are working on something, merch-wise, in the vein of what Rhy said below.
I dunno, Rhy just Trademarked it. I don’t wanna have to lawyer up.
Bernie ’20 – Wrong About Absolutely Everything™
*except about the allure of free shit
My masterpiece from the last election.
You guys are taxing my eyes tonight. *Focuses*. Yep, that’ll do.
Is that a “double vision tax on people with more than one eye?”
That is a treasure trove of lunacy.
And, it could, still, feasibly happen. People beg for all sorts of rule in their lives.
Thank you for preserving the Glib history, Tonio!
personally, I can’t make heads nor tails of these tomes. It’s good other folk enjoy them though.
I hate to say it, but #MeToo. I wasn’t even aware of this until….what, last week? Something like that. Yeah, yeah–I’m here for the exchanges.
I being the type of aspie I am, would much rather read the factual account from the front lines of the split, seeing as I was a lurker who only knew bits and pieces. Hell, if I got enough good facts and anecdotes and accompanying video or photo stuff to use, I could even do a mini docu about it.
Cavanaugh left, reason went to hell, sloopy’s mom got dissed, everyone left, the end.
I’m supposed to be having a phone conference with work today (working from home). Half the day is gone and the time isn’t fixed yet.
I’d rather be at the gym if I’m not getting anything work related done today.
Time to open up that pornhub tab, since Q isn’t here, huh?
With my kind of luck I’d be in the middle of that and the sticky note over my camera would fall off as I accidently answer that call from the office.
And they would be glad you were so happy to see them!
Actually, we have some workers installing a window frame and my wife is hovering around the place. Another reason I’d rather be elsewhere.
It’s 63 out now. I guess I’ll turn off the air conditioner.
Your thermostat doesn’t do that?
Wat? I thought it’s been cool there?
*fingers crossed, haven’t needed AC yet*
Still close to 70 here. Luckily the power company’s next overnight outage is tomorrow night.
So I noticed that the new ac unit has a big flammable refrigerant warning. Strange I thought, I don’t ever remember seeing those before.
Sure enough.
Fucking warmistas are finding yet another way to unimprove peoples lives. I’m about three drinks away from wanting to see every last one of them, the bag Nazis, the single use plastics assholes including the straw kid, all strung up by their intestines without the use of opioids.
I guess there’s time to adjust.
Or something.
But does it have known chemicals to cause cancer? If it does, fear not, Biden has you covered