A question that gets asked a lot is, “Why is it that Team Blue’s turn toward anti-semitism has not significantly driven Jews out of the party?” It’s a reasonable question, and I gave a partial answer some time ago in a Jewsday Tuesday, a desire among the upper and upper middle classes to demonstrate their virtue as a way of expiating their feelings of guilt over their good fortunes, all encouraged by actual Jewish traditions of charity and “healing the world.” There’s also the concept (very flawed) of the “self-hating Jew”; this is a particularly ridiculous term for a real phenomenon, given that the people who are described this way generally think quite highly of themselves, they just dislike OTHER Jews. But it goes a bit beyond all that, I think. Since people love drawing historic parallels, I’ll do the same by reminding us of the Judenrat.
The Judenrat came about during the ghettoization of Europe under the Germans. The basic concept was a group of Jews selecting themselves as intermediaries between the Germans and the ghetto residents. The Judenrat would essentially act as a local government to make sure that the ghetto residents behaved themselves and didn’t piss off the Germans too much by acting up, or Yahweh forbid, rebelling. By this means, they hoped to curry favor with the Germans by helping to enforce German law and restrictions within their community. This sort of structure had a long tradition in European Jewish areas for much of the period of Christian rule; it was not an innovation of WWII, although its formalization (if not its authority) was dictated by the Germans.
Whence, then, derived their authority? The Judenrat were mostly populated by rabbis and other prominent citizens (upper class and upper middle class- sound familiar?), who felt that “go along to get along” was the best policy- of course, the fact that they had their social positions (and fortunes) at stake had no bearing on their decision to bow down to the Powers That Be. Perish that thought. The basic concept was the rationalization of cooperating with one’s enemies for some sense of reward.
It might be monetary, it might be survival with other people being killed, it might be a sense of moral self-satisfaction. Hey, if others suffer but you prosper or at least escape the fate befalling your community, what’s wrong with that?
The historian Hannah Arendt caused great consternation by observing:
Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis. The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had been really unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and half and six million people.
Unintentional libertarianism, but nonetheless, her point was sound.
Here’s excerpts from meetings of the Judenrat of Bialystock (source: Yad Vashem):
More than eight months have already passed since the fence made a special “kingdom” for us, the Jewish ghetto. In this “kingdom” the Judenrat carries out the duties of a “government,” and we, the Jewish police, must carry out the difficult task of keeping order and maintaining quiet in the ghetto. I asked Engineer Barash several times to arrange talks with the population of the ghetto. The thing is this: the regulations of the authorities are not being properly observed. Perhaps I am at fault myself, I am too soft and moderate, and our people do not take into account that we are Jews. The evening curfew is not observed punctually: one must go to bed at 9 o’clock, one is not allowed to be in the street. Not keeping the regulations may cause somebody to be shot; and Jews often take a walk after the curfew hour. The yellow badge is not worn properly, one forgets it in front, and the next forgets it at the back. The same happens about the black-out. There have been cases of whole houses lit up like for a celebration. There has already been a tragic case in the ghetto: a woman was shot in her home when the room was badly blacked out. The Jews are a stiff-necked people. Street-trading never stops, especially on Kupiecka Street, and all our efforts do not help. That shows the need for a firm hand. There are telephone calls from the 4th [Police] Station outside the ghetto that Jewish children have been caught without yellow badges and without papers and that can cause a tragedy on some occasion. Parading up and down the street with children in colored baby carriages could also cause much annoyance. Let the mothers stop doing it.
Groups of Jews gather around the gates of the ghetto and don’t go away even when the Germans chase them off, and the Jews might even be shot. Cleanliness is not satisfactory either. Thousands are spent on cleaning, and it is dirty again by the next morning; people don’t take care, they don’t want to know that that is a danger. And again, thousands of Jews go to work, work in the sweat of their brows, and at the same time many others avoid work in various ways. The house committees are obliged to hand over such cases so that the members of the Jewish Police need not catch passers-by in the street and start fighting with Jews. That brings no credit either to the population or to the Jewish Police. If things go on like this for much longer, there is likely to be a catastrophe, for anyone who wants to live must work!
I am full of admiration for the close harmony that reigns between the members of the Judenrat. Differences of opinion simply do not happen. All our decisions and actions are unanimous.The Judenrat did not start out as what it is today: It developed in time as it worked, thanks to the efforts of its first members who created everything that we now have. As I said, we were not chosen by anybody. The respected Eng. Barash convinced us to accept the great and difficult duties because he understood the needs of the hour. Now it has become a government, so to say, with all the offices, departments, ministers. The official chairman, Dr. Rosenman, walks around by himself to find workers for the Germans. He has gone through a great deal. His most important contribution was to have appointed the respected Eng. Barash, because the Rabbi did not have the strength to do everything that was needed. I do not wish to praise the individual, what matters to me is the job, the achievement. The respected Eng. Barash is the prime minister in our “government,” as well as the minister of the interior, minister of industry, because in the ghetto everything must be concentrated in one hand. Industry, for instance, is connect with the Wehrmacht, so it becomes a matter of foreign policy. Sometimes we are surprised how he gets it all done, how it all works out. It seems like Divine intervention, particularly in the past few weeks. Everything gets done in the best possible way. The other responsibilities, it seems to me, are carried out by the other members, but it is the spirit, the direction, which is the most important thing….
What is our direction? In matters concerning the community we try always to reach agreement, compromise, so that everybody may be satisfied. From now on we shall have to stand by the letter of the law! Let him who is fearful and fainthearted return to his house! We shall have to cling to this principle if we wish to stay alive. And the ghetto must remain a productive element as well.
By contrast, here is a transcript from a meeting of the resistance fighters of the Bialystock ghetto (source: Yad Vashem):
It’s a good thing that at least the mood is good. Unfortunately, the meeting won’t be very cheerful. This meeting may be historic, if you like, tragic if you like, but certainly sad. That you people sitting here are the last halutzim in Poland; around us are the dead. You know what happened in Warsaw, not one survived, and it was the same in Bendin and in Czestochowa,and probably everywhere else. We are the last. It is not a particularly pleasant feeling to be the last: it involves a special responsibility. We must decide today what to do tomorrow. There is no sense in sitting together in a warm atmosphere of memories! Nor in waiting together, collectively, for death. Then what shall we do?
We can do two things: decide that when the first Jew is taken away from Bialystok now, we start our counter-Aktion. That nobody will go to the factories from tomorrow, that none of us is allowed to hide when the Aktion starts.
Everybody will be mobilized for the job. We can see to it that not one German leaves the ghetto, that not one factory remains whole. It is not impossible that after we have completed our task, someone may by chance still be alive.
But we will fight to the last, till we fall.
…Here in Bialystok we are fated to live out the last act of this blood-stained tragedy. What can we do and what should we do? The way I see it the situation really is that the great majority in the ghetto and of our group are sentenced to die. Our fate is sealed. We have never looked on the forest as a place in which to hide, we have looked on it as a base for battle and vengeance. But the tens of young people who are going into the forests now do not seek a battlefield there, most of them will lead beggars’ lives there and most likely will find a beggar’s death. In our present situation our fate will be the same, beggars all.
Only one thing remains for us: to organize collective resistance in the ghetto, at any cost, to let the ghetto be our Masada, to write a proud chapter on Jewish Bialystok and on our Movement.
I know which group (((I))) would be in.
And here is a speech from the head of the Vilna Judenrat given to the ghetto residents about arming themselves and the necessity of common-sense gun control (source: Yad Vashem):
A few days ago I went to the Gestapo and spoke to the Commander of the SD there about the revolvers. I may tell you that he is not at all stupid. He said to me: “From an economic point of view the ghetto is very valuable, but if you are going to take foolish risks and if there is any question of security, then I will wipe you out. And even if you get 30, 40 or 50 revolvers, you will not be able to save yourselves and will only bring on your misfortune faster.”
Why did I call you together? Because today another Jew has been arrested for buying a revolver. I don’t yet know how this case will end. The last case ended fortunately for the ghetto. But I can tell you that if it happens again we shall be very severely punished. Perhaps they will take away those people over 60, or children… Now consider whether that is worthwhile!!! There can be only one answer for those who think soundly and maturely: It is not worthwhile!!!
As long as the ghetto remains a ghetto those of us who have the responsibility will do everything we can so that nothing shall happen to the ghetto. Nowadays a Jew’s whole family is responsible for him. If that is not enough, then I will make the whole room responsible for him, and if even that is not enough – the apartment and even the building.
You will have to watch each other, and if there are any hot-heads then it is your duty to report it to the Police. That is not informing. It would be informing if you were to keep silent and the people were to suffer.
This really sounds eerily familiar.
Lest I imply that the Judenrat were irredeemably and universally evil, allow me to briefly mention Dov Lopatyn, the head of the Judenrat of the Lakva Ghetto in Belarus. The Germans informed the Judenrat that the people of the ghetto were to be murdered, but that if the Judenrat cooperated, they would be spared. Lopatyn refused, and immediately set into motion a plan for resistance. When the Germans entered the ghetto, the Jewish leaders set the Judenrat headquarters on fire as a signal. The ghetto resistance ambushed the Germans, and fought them with every weapon at their disposal and no hope of survival. Indeed, the majority of ghetto inhabitants were killed, but at least they managed to inflict some casualties. Over a thousand ghetto inhabitants escaped during the battle. Most escapees were also found and killed, but Lopatyn joined the Communist resistance and over the next couple of years, managed to take out some measure of vengeance against the Germans before being killed in battle. Some people are capable of learning.
Some are not.
So in the end you blame the jews?
Honestly I may think one thing or the other but I have no idea how I would react in such a situation. By this I mean a ghetto in Nazi Germany not protesting safely in the US
I’m not saying that I blame the Jews, but… I blame the Jews.
Self-loathing for the emmer-effin win! [high fives OMWC]
For what percentage of US Jews is the Jewishness a significant part of identity?
It depends on your definition of “Jewishness.” If you mean adherence to the laws, traditions, and survival of the tribe, perhaps 10%.
in that case I assume they don’t feel much towards Israel so the above picture is just signaling.
I doubt many Americans in general actually care about Palestinians, so same conclusion.
You are correct.
We have a small Palestinian community in these parts. I know some of them well. They have assimilated very well and are just typical southern folk. They don’t give a rat’s ass about Jews/Palestine etc. I know some Jews as well and while they do seem to care about Israel and their Jewishness they don’t go around talking about it or wear it on their sleeve.
They all seem quite happy to be Americans living in America.
My particular care about Israel is that it is the only country that would take me in if the shit hits the fan here. There isn’t another country in the world that would do this- and the US proved it by blocking the entry of Jewish refugees from the Nazis. Thanks, FDR and Hoover, thanks a fucking lot.
If it is any consolation the shit hitting the fan here will have to get past me and millions like me before it hits you.
this sounds like extremist talk. You should have your guns confiscated. I will email the sheriff of Grant Parish Louisiana to do that. Ehm can I have your address?
Hopefully it will never come to that. I have a comfortable life and would hate to be killed fighting my fellow Americans.
Heh. When I said millions like me I include the Sheriff in Grant Parish. He would probably come over, drink coffee and we would talk about hunting and fishing spots.
Re Florida Man: It won’t be us that picks the fight but it will be us that finish it.
^^^ What he said.
Is Israel resistant to the Marxist/postmodernist rot pervading the rest of the Western world? I have to think that frequent rocket attacks/bombings/knifings/the everpresent threat of Iran making good on its promises helps keep the mind sharp.
Not entirely- the Israeli left is bent on self destruction- but they do keep re-electing Netanyahu. The divide is quite regional (more leftists in Tel Aviv) and sectarian (but everyone there hates the ultra-orthodox).
Fun trivia fact: Jews are not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount for fear of riling up the Arabs. Apartheid in action!
“…or wear it on their sleeve.”
What you did there- I see it.
So where do Jewfros come in?
I had one before I got to the point where continuing made me look like Bozo or Larry Fine.
With Art Garfunkel.
Jewish friend L has, AFAIK, never seen the inside of a synagogue. It’s entirely a cultural identity for him. He’s atheist.
Jewish friend B describes herself as atheist, yet went through a big thing with HR to ensure that she gets every high holy day off. She’s happily married to a protestant redneck.
Jewish friend T is the most outwardly observant and culturally active of the bunch, but loves him some bacon cheeseburger.
listing Jewish friends to hide your antisemitism I see
I don’t know what the Jews did to piss off Yahweh, but he allows me to eat bacon cheeseburgers.
All this effort to make meat-tasting meat substitutes. Where’s my no-carb bun substitute?
My wife tells me a woman taught her to cook turnips to taste exactly like potatoes. I said “Why would you do that when you can easily get potatoes?”
Carb avoidance.
Turnips aren’t low carb though, are they? They’re pretty starchy.
Lower carb than potatoes. Potatoes average about 32 grams of carbohydrates, turnips around 8. Turnips also have a higher amount of their carbohydrates as fiber so fewer carbs are actually digested.
Next you fucks are going to tell me Brussel sprouts are good eats too. Fuck that. I have avoided that shit since before the days of the EU. I know how to protest bureaucracies people…
If you shred the brussels and then saute them with chopped bacon, yes, they’re pretty good.
Trim and cut them in half. Slice up a shallot or two. Toss with oil, salt and pepper. Spread on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Roast at really fucking hot temp for 15 min or so (feel free to flip them halfway if you are an overachiever). Hit them with balsamic vinegar and serve.
Trim, halve, then shred the sprouts. Stir fry over high heat in some peanut oil until a few are showing char and they start to wilt. Add a bit of hoisin, stir, then stir in chopped roasted pecans. Get ’em out and on the table. If this takes more than 2 minutes, your pan wasn’t hot enough.
When Spud shows up, I’ll allow him to explain the dish we do with halved sprouts oven roasted with garlic.
Trim off base, peel outer leaves, cut in half optional. Steam until desired amount of softness. Salt liberally.
Not responsible for any Dutch ovens.
Trim off base, peel outer leaves, cut in half optional. Steam until desired amount of softness. Salt liberally.
Wait, I thought the Jews were circumcised.
You Brussel sprout peddlers are ALL off my Christmas/Hanukkah list!
I don’t think you’ll find a no carb option, but low carb you can.
crushed pork rinds with egg and some baking powder?
Awesome. Thanks for that.
Handy. I keep meaning to pick up some almond flour.
Wellbee’s is what I use. Good stuff.
I just order it from Amazon.
Reminds me of a story/joke my father told me. It could be true I guess. The company he worked for hired a Hindu engineer. When he first arrived in America he saw a McDonalds. He had heard about American ‘Ham’burgers and decided to try one. Holy shit, he fell in love. That was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. He was eating ‘ham’burgers every day for several months before someone told him…that aint ham. It’s beef.
His response? He shrugged and said “It’s ok, I don’t have any relatives in this part of the world” and off to McDonalds he went.
My bet is that that is not a joke Suthen. Being in IT I have encountered swaths of people like this. They are ONLY vegetarian when they go back home to visit. There is some sort of taboo associated with alcohol in that culture as well. I had an Indian coworker that would only go out with us for a drink when his wife was back home visiting, because culturally even one drink made him an alcoholic.
I’m guessing my one Jewish friend growing up didn’t see the inside of a synagogue after his bar mitzvah until he got married. His family went to a Reform temple anyway.
My Jewish cousin (we’re related through her father, her membership in the Tribe is from her mother) goes to temple on the major holidays and that’s it, I think. Definitely does not keep kosher – I’ve seen that girl demolishing some baby back ribs.
So, is Reform basically the Episcopal Church, only for Jews?
Pretty much, yeah
Yes, that’s why they have a hymnal.
I’m not joking.
At least they haven’t replaced them with hyrnals yet.
I read that as “hymen” first, but that’s because I knew it was you writing.
What happened to G?
This would not happen if they drank more romanian wine. That would make em libertarian.
Well, I drink Romanian wine (thanks to you) and I’m a libertarian, so you must be correct.
Anyway you should dump the tech job and take up sociology as a career.
For some reason, this reminded me of Fauda, an Israeli TV series (on Netflix) about the dirty war between Israel and Palestine. I really liked it – showed the ruthlessness and brutality that decades of conflict create.
An entirely interesting show. Season 1 was very good.
No grand cultural tradition of snitches getting stitches. Pity.
And frustrating, because we never seem to learn anything.
Thanks for this, Old Man.
The problem is that every new generation seems to be forced to relearn the same lessons because humans lack generic memory…
And the problem gets compounded by the fact that younger people genetically are predisposed to think adults are morons between the ages of 13 to around 25. I know this does not explain most team blue collectivists or people like Liawatha or Bernie, but nature has conspired to make it hard for the same mistakes to be avoided.
I don’t understand group identity. I recognize the culture I come from but I don’t identify as an X. I am just me…an individual. I don’t feel guilt or credit for what others have done or what they do now.
Ayup. I feel nostalgia for traditions connected to my family, but that does not bind me.
I enjoy wearing my kilt a few times a year. That’s about it.
And that is what makes you – and I would say all of us here – so different. For most people not being part of a group is the scary and wrong thing.
So what you are saying is that you identify as a white supremacist.
…no George Soros pic?
But seriously, I think I will pop out and drink tonight, because now I need to, after reading that.
“Barkeep, one hemlock and whisky, please!”
I thought it was Malört in the US
But I have survived Malört. That is more a Chicago area
traditionpunishment.on the other hand you could not handle Țuică
Now, I need to find some…
The only one available here is Serbian.
Stupid Pennsylvania and their stupid liquor laws.
The thing I like about this is that if forces the Germans (in this case) to show who they really are. If you knuckle under and go quietly, the true nature of the Germans isn’t shown. You put up a struggle and force their hand the thin covering comes off to show the beast underneath.
You put up a struggle and force their hand the thin covering comes off to show the beast underneath.
Which then makes it less likely that future intended victims will just roll over and accept what they want to do.
There is nothing special about the Germans. Every group of humans have those individuals with that personality type. Look at how the so-called ruling class/elites are behaving here now over Trump upending their playhouse. Under pressure most progs here start talking about internment camps and murder if the pushback against their authoritarian bullshit gets too stiff.
Ex.: Calling for the killing of NRA members after any random shooting.
Fortunately the people on the right are the ones with the guns.
Never. Give. Them. Up.
Never. If we do the talk about camps will be more than talk.
Why do you think confiscation is so important to the collectivists?
The camps are gun free* zones?
*except for the camp “counselors”
I’m not sure what I’d do in that situation. On one hand, resistance means certain death. Playing along buys time, and during that time there’s hope that something might happen to change the situation.
But in reading this, I was reminded of those stand off scenes in action movies. The bad guy has someone at gun point, and says “just hand over x and I’ll let her go.” But the hero is trusting the bad guy (someone who has no problem stealing, holding hostages, or killing people) to keep their word. There is nothing keeping the bad guy from getting x, and then killing both the hostage and the hero. That’s pretty much what the Nazis did – make promises to get compliance, then killing everyone anyway.
That’s why you tape your backup plan to your back.
That guy holding a gun to your back and promising you if you just go to the ATM and get money for him he will let. you go? He aint gonna let you go and he isn’t killing you so he can get away with robbery. He is committing the robbery for a few hundred bucks so he has an excuse to commit a murder.
Funny, pursuant to my recent fixation on historical fiction set during the Napoleonic Wars I’ve been reading, among other things, the Aubrey-Maturin books, and I can’t help but contrast that with the scenes of crews being held on capturing ships in relative comfort, and captured officers being treated as honored guests, even so far as being allowed to return to a home port under parole, with the expectation that, having agreed to not rejoin the fight until officially exchanged for an officer of equal rank, they would be as good as their word.
Consider the character of the people involved. Think AntiFa with spiffier uniforms. That is who the Nazis were. An old Kraut told me once “The Nazis were talked about like they were supermen, very intelligent and capable but in truth they were just stupid, cheap thugs.”
The left is always and everywhere the same.
And I was unaware that Bialystock was anything other than a surname. Gives a whole new level of appreciation for the character name Max Bialystock in “The Producers.”
One of the greatest movies of all time.
Which could never be made today.
There’s two or three scenes that drag (like any of them with Dick Shawn), otherwise it’s wall to wall brilliant. There was a wonderful bit in the TV show Homicide where the cops are looking for a murderer, they go to his apartment, and say to the lady at the front desk, “Excuse me, Madam,” and she immediately responds, “I’m not a madame, I’m the concierge. My husband used to be the concierge, but then he died. Now I’m the concierge.” All done perfectly deadpan. I was in hysterics. My phone rang, it was my sister. “Did you just see that???”
I don’t think ANY of Brooks’s good movies could be made today.
And it’s only been 14 years since they remade the Producers. In that time the atmosphere has shifted so much, hell just the last two years.
I thought the remake was pretty good. Usually I’m against messing with a classic.
I don’t watch Homicide, but holy shit, that’s awesome!
Young Frankenstein would pass muster, no? Nothing terribly offensive or outrageous about it.
Let’s see- mocks the blind, demeans women (Frau Bluecher, what knockers, roll in the hay), makes jokes about hunchbacks… no, I don’t see a problem.
Then there’s this problematic scene
Absolutely the funniest part. To this day, I crack up every time I think, “Oopeh doopeh!”
My dad always says the same thing when he sees that scene: “Why would scientists bring rotten vegetables to an exhibition?”
I guess I’m naive. I wouldn’t have thought that one would be a problem. The rape scene, though, yeah, I shoulda thought of that.
Dr Frankerstein: “Igor, would you help me with the bags?”
Igor (in a Groucho voice): “Certainly – you take the blonde, I’ll take the one in the turban.”
This one is likely my favorite:
I wish I wasn’t so technologically backwards. I would absolutely have Gene Wilder in top hat for my avatar.
Ask and ye shall receive
(a little bit later)
Not to diminish Scruffy’s fine work, but the are plenty of pictures of Gene Wilder in a top hat, just use a still from Willy Wonka.
I had a friend who worked with Peter Boyle for a while in the early aughts. You can imagine what came up in conversation at parties.
Open this door or I’ll kick your rotten heads in!
Brooks didn’t want to do the “Puttin’ on the Ritz” scene. Wilder had to talk him into it.
Rape scene, but she likes it? Toss up.
Mel Brooks not making movies means there is more money in the states’ budget line item of “movie production incentive” to spend luring filming such quality entertainment as Aladdin (live action), Dark Phoenix, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Ma, Men in Black International, and The Secret Life of Pets 2.
While not in the pantheon of Mel Brooks classics I gotta say, Godzilla: King of the Monsters was actually a pretty good movie. No not a great work of art that will be remembered for generations but it was far better than most summer popcorn blockbusters
Pshaw. You think Mel Brooks is so great? What movie has he produced this year? I doubt anybody has even heard of him.
Whatever ended up happening to that idiot, besides getting dumped on by Twitterers.
Hopefully he was shamed into hermitage.
JL Chave, preferably, though I am quite partial to Faurie.
You didn’t disappoint.
He managed to satirize without demonizing. That’s incredibly hard to pull off, and surprising for someone who loves the schtick comedy and the low-hanging fruit.
My Mel Brooks story:
Spud and I used to hang out at a super-secret wine storage facility in LA where celebrities kept their wine. Unmarked door, unlisted phone number. They had tastings there every Friday night (the only night they were open), where anyone who had wine stored there could come in and start opening stuff to share. Each week, Mel Brooks’s personal chef would come in to grab bottles for them. Invariably, she’d put a bottle of a top Burgundy on the table and say, “Mr. Brooks asked me to put this out as a gift.”
One evening, I was sitting next to her and we were chatting. “So clearly he knows a lot about wine and has great taste. Why doesn’t he come to any of these tastings, since there’s some absolutely amazing stuff opened every week?”
She responded hesitantly, “Mr. Brooks doesn’t like… situations like this.”
“What do you mean, ‘situations like this'”?
She looked a bit embarrassed and said, “Where someone is likely to ask him, “When are you going to start making funny movies again?'”
Surprisingly the play won a series of Tonys less than 15 years ago. What do you think the odds of there ever being a revival again?
Anyway, thanks for the excellent article OMWC, very informative!
I’ve got it! Israel can claim it was raped and they just want the world to recognize their right to abort Palestine!
After all, Palestine is just a part of Israel’s body, and Israel has a right to choose.
Re: the talk of turnips above it is clear I have to repeat my turnip recipe.
Take all of your turnips, wash them and place them in a bucket. Take the bucket out to the pig pen and dump it in the non-poop end of the pen. Continue doing this for about a year. At the end of the year place the pig on a spit over a nice oak fire….or wrap it in foil and do a Hawaiian style bake.
Turnips are delicious.
How do you make an oak fire with apple wood? Being as apple wood is the only wood acceptable to cook pork.
I use broken down pallets.
Railroad ties, if you’re in a pinch.
The creosote adds a nice tangy flavor.
*quietly* But I like mashed turnips.
Have you tried mashed kabocha?
I prefer my kabocha cut into chunks & roasted, but have had it mashed too. Pretty tasty.
Not unlike like my kale recipe:
Clean and pat dry individual kale leaves. Chopping is optional.
Coat the bottom of a saute pan with olive oil.
Add the kale to the saute pan.
Empty the saute pan into the trash. The oil helps the kale slide right out.
Very similar to the Henry Watterson mint julip recipe.
After you throw away the mint and sugar, you pour bourbon in a glass.
Baldrick approves.
Con: The Jews in the ghettos got sent to camps.
Pro: So did the Judenrat.
There’s always a silver lining, guys.
I think the Jews took all the silver with them.
/books ticket to hell
Fuck. Just turned on the TV and I see Pompeo blaming Iran for the oil tanker ‘attacks’. Apparently Iran has been lacing the shipping lanes with mines. Something has to be done about those fuckheads, something other than sending US troops.
Carpet nuking?
Seriously, I wonder if actually doing that might stop all other bad actors and make people think twice…
Probably, but that would be the least of the consequences
Is this one of those lesbian things?
No, you’re thinking about tomahawking the rug.
Operation Praying Mantis, Part II
I’m not sure I believe that. Cui bono? I have the sickening suspicion that someone is trying to pull a Gulf of Tonkin on us.
Lookit this fuckin conspiracy theorist here
Next his going to say Mk ultra and the majestic 12 are real. Get out of her tinfoil head!
Sub her for here. Or don’t.
Wheels within wheels.
Yeah, I am with you here HM. Lets get proof before anyone does shit.
Amen. The dumbest thing would be getting sucked into another stupid war that is a bottomless pit to throw money and lives into.
You want proof? I can get you proof, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don’t wanna know about it, believe me.
I could definitely see the anti-Iran coalition in the ME doing this as false flag attacks to draw us in.
I could also see Iran doing it to try and damage the anti-Iran coalition.
I don’t know how we would get to the bottom of it, so there’s really only one thing to do: bomb them all.
How would it damage the anti-Iran coalition?
The anti-Iran coalition in the ME are oil states (except for Israel, and I don’t know if its really part of the coalition). Shut down the Straits of Hormuz, you could hurt them very badly indeed.
Or, it could be that any of them (Saudi, Iran, etc.) think that creating risk that the Straits will be shut down increases the price of oil (which it already has), and they will make money off of it.
There are many stupid reasons for everyone involved to give this a go. I wouldn’t assume who did it, or why.
Mining their harbors?
A similar division can be seen in African-American history, particularly in the disagreement between Booker T. Washington (gradualist) and W.E.B. DuBois (radical): the difference being that the script is flipped. Washington was born into slavery and worked his way up in life, whereas, DuBois was born to a family of land-owning free blacks who had a long history in Massachusetts.
I’ll let you posit as to the root cause of the difference.
Did it involve a debate about which paper bag to use?
Ah, you’ve heard of DuBois’s “talented tenth,” I see!
It’s nice to see elitism is present in all cultures.
Anyone want to comment on this?
She said she has pictures….fuzzy, no doubt.
Cook was able to capture what she believed to be the creature on her camera,
If somebody says they have pictures, but doesn’t share them? They don’t have pictures.
I don’t know, I’m convinced.
I mean it isn’t like there is some other large furry creature with a known like for sweets like Honey that lives in those woods
and pickanic baskets?
Fourscore may have some thoughts…
related: https://tenor.com/view/hey-boo-boo-yogi-bear-gif-10674936
I never realized BooBoo was a stoner.
It’s darker than that.
Boo-Boo had been brutalized and sodomized by Yogi so often that he developed a permanent 1,000 year stare and no longer displayed any resistance when Yogi would lead him to the “Cave” for another session of physical and sexual abuse.
Has anyone read any books on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? This is on my short list, possibly even next up: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0023NVA2E/?coliid=I2YEAZ8XNXBKO8&colid=M9PLQN7F2ZKK&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
Forced Urbanization is how socialists destroy insurgencies. It’s near impossible to flee or effectively fight when you are penned in like cattle.