Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always is as Trump set off TDS over the land by saying he wouldn’t go to the FBI if offered dirt on opponents by foreigners. The left then was confronted with the fact that Hillary paid for foreign opposition research. And that foreign opposition research was reported on breathlessly by the media currently feigning outrage by Trump hypothetically being willing to accept foreign opposition research.
Youtube censors Project Veritas’ Pinterest story.
While Project Veritas is doing actual journalism, this is CNN.
Two oil tankers attacked in Gulf of Oman.
Americans dying in the Dominican Republic.
Chilluns growing spikes in the back of their heads due to smartphone use.
That’s all I got for today. I’l leave you with a song and move along with my day.
>>While Project Veritas is doing actual journalism, this is CNN.
Probably a Russian plant
Heh. Couldn’t even find a tangled web.
“This follows a similar act of censorship by Twitter, which restricted a tweet from Project Veritas revealing internal communications from Pinterest smearing conservative pundit Ben Shapiro as a “white supremacist.””
Was it the little hat?
It’s always the little hat.
Whatever it was, it was itsy-bitsy.
“O’Keefe posted, “The established media and technology are so afraid of investigative journalism they need to censor it. YouTube calls REPORTING on someone by showing their face and name, and how they added a pro-life group to a porn blacklist, a ‘privacy complaint.’ Would they do this to NYT?””
Never mind there are a ton of lewds on Pinterest.
The initial act of censorship is bad enough, but the way these social media companies swarm and act in each other’s interest really disgusts me. I’m still holding out for a market solution to this but it’s getting pretty sick.
What people need to understand is the motivation driving the leadership of these companies, which actually is not what drives the drones doing this stupid shit. The drones, the people doing the supposed enforcing, tend to be totally moronic bat shit crazy leftist asshats. The worst kind too. They think they are so much smarter because they believe the leftist trope, and that makes them fanatical assholes. The leadership, despite seeing this can’t end well, allows it to continue because they are hoping that by allowing the fucking evil marxist to get their way they will be the last ones sacrificed. It’s the whole cowardly approach of enthusiastically going along with the religious fanatics sacrificing anyone opposing them to the alligators/crocodiles, as heretics, in the hope they give you a pass.
There is this:
I also read that Jordan Peterson is trying to set up a free speech platform.
The problem is that not only the tech giants, but the financial giants are in on it as well, and servers cost money.
It’s not the money, but the government provided monopolistic regulatory machine that is the problem. These behemoths have enjoyed a monopoly precisely because they have managed to let government entities create a system that basically makes anyone attempting to compete with them unable to get anything of the ground due to the regulatory cost.
That’s part of it, but take a look at those who have tried, and how they’ve been banned from financial services.
And it is government regulation that is usually used to justify said banning…
“Hillary paid for foreign opposition research.”
News: Hillary Clinton paid for something.
Well, technically, the people that paid Hillary huge money in expectations of her returning the favor once she was handed the spoils of the election they had rigged in her favor, paid for this shit, but that is a distinction without meaning.
It was intended as a reference to the recurring theme of tales about HRC that she does not even whip out the credit card like a spoiled “daddy’s little girl,” but seems to expect everything to either be comped or for someone anyone else to engage in the task of paying for it.
I think we’ve all dated someone like that.
” The left then was confronted with the fact that Hillary paid for foreign opposition research. And that foreign opposition research was reported on breathlessly by the media currently feigning outrage by Trump hypothetically being willing to accept foreign opposition research.”
I don’t think they can. If the left could be confronted by facts, they wouldn’t be leftists.
The left was confronted with the fact. And then the left remembered that hypocrisy isn’t something they worry about and went along to their next #Resist CNN appearance.
This problem goes above and beyond the Clinton campaign actually paying for fake information – from Russian bad actors of all things – and peddling it through the State Department (and not the usual intelligence channels (CIA/FBI), all the way back to the Obama administrations main and original reason for doubling down on the weaponization of the bureaucratic machine: The Iranian nuclear deal.
Team Obama started abusing the powers of the bureaucratic monster practically from the moment they took power (Fast & Furious was just one such event), but really went overboard in late 2013/early 2014 when it became necessary to provide itself with cover to hide the fact that the Iranian nuclear deal was not just a sham, but that Iran remained a bad actor very likely to never comply with any such agreement. I don’t know how many of you caught the story that came out early this week about Iranian operatives stockpiling bomb making materials in London. Did you notice that this happened back in 2014 and they kept this story from the public?
Wait until you find out that this was not reported then, as a favor to the Obama administration, so they could march ahead with that disastrous Iranian deal, and that the Brits are now finally talking about it in order to get ahead of the royal fuckall they will be facing when Trump declassifies things that will show how deep the Brits were involved with the Obama administration (and the Clintons) in all sort of nefarious and corrupt schemes of all sorts. In fact, people like Patreus and Flynn were targeted from the start by the Obama admin because they got in the way of things like the Obama admin’s efforts to get the Iran deal passed, no matter how bad it was for this country, or the fact we bombed Libya and killed Qaddafi so people connected to the democrats could prevent him from selling his oil to China instead of the Euros in return for some incredibly lucrative payoffs.
The spying or Trump (and it was not only on him, but any enemy of the Obama administration and the Clinton machine) is but the tip of that iceberg. The corruption and abuses of power that became SOP during the Obama years, and was expected to forever cement the left’s hold on power, is something that should frighten all Americans. Unfortunately team blue people, being collectivists, are always going to be OK with criminal behavior as long as it favors them, regardless of how bad it is (as we can clearly see from how things have gone for the last 11 or so years).
At this point I am afraid we are too far along to save us anymore, and things are just delayed, but we are doomed as a nation of free people because our political class is not just inept but criminal.
So? The article insists that “Something must be done” without stating one reason this natural response is even an issue or causing trouble.
It beats horns in the front of the head, ammirite?
There are plenty of thouse around too.
/Old reference, wonders who’ll get it.
Cucks. Learned that from Shakespeare.
That damned hack from Straford upon Avon!
*shakes fist*
“Strange outbreak of pubescent boys developing mysterious follicle growth on the palms of their hands leaves researchers baffled”
Am I missing something? no photos of said spikes?
They are not visible. They are more like subdermal bone ridges for the attachment of more neck muscle because of the downward-facing posture adopted for much of childhood with handheld devices.
The headline is misleading. You’ve likely never notice even if you were holding a skull cleaned of flesh.
As one does.
even if you were holding a skull cleaned of flesh
*backs away slowly*
Have you met Yorick?
I knew him.
Ah, but did you know him well?
A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy
By the way, was not joking yesterday. Hansel and Gretel is about Europe’s population being greatly decreased and the little ice age creating famine. Europe was largely re-forested and there was quite an uptick in cannibalism. It seems like a story begging for a less child-like telling.
I wasn’t joking either, but all the ideas I came up with were needlessly mean-spirited.
Neil Gaiman did a take on Snow White from the stepmother’s point of view called Snow, Glass, Apples.
I actually started a draft, where Hansel and Gretel were Bavarian tree-farmers recently put out of business by an EU directive that rendered cutting trees into the crime of ‘Ecological Sabotage’.
Or a Cinderella version where the step-mother has the step-sisters cut off their toes so their feet will fit in the slipper.
You mean the classic version? That was sanitized out of the originals.
*sanitized out of the originals when collected for mass publication
Yes, that is what I mean.
My wife, who comes from the Black Forest region where a lot of these stories originated, grew up with her grandmother reading her the unedited fairytales. It’s what turned her into the twisted, misanthropic deviant I love today!
Bah! All my skulls cleaned of flesh were turned to wine goblets long before the advent of mobile devices. Guess I’ll have to update my collection…
That’s what you get for resting on your laurels.
Yeah, I’ve gotten soft in my middle years. I even give my monocle-polishing orphans time off (unpaid, of course) to scavenge for food…
I assume this is one of them joke articles to make people obsessively feel the back of their head
That’s just the dormant Sleestak DNA coming out.
And mornin’
Mornin’ Tres.
“FIF!” FIFY. There. Fixed It For You.
Oh, and any HR manager who wants a cover letter deserves to have an unfortunate intimate encounter with a rusty woodchipper.
Can we throw the ones who ask “why do you want to work for xyz company” in right after them?
Hey Genius, I want to work for you because I need a job, you ave a job, and I think I can do that job, I really couldn’t give 2 shits about the company otherwise.
Let’s add in those who insist that “our company is a family”
So if I bang the executive receptionist, is that incestuous?
When they say that they mean “we’re going to pay you less because it’s so fun to work here.”
I really hate Pinterest – clogs up a lot of image searches unless you purposefully remove them.
“image searches”
::hangs head in shame::
Morning, Banjos. I’m sorry I’ve been distracted this morn.
Mornin’ Banjos! I liked that bass groove.
Here’s a track with a tasty bass line.
“BREAKING: Spider watched alt-right videos on YouTube”
Growing spikes, eh? Great, now I am imagining hipsters with heads like morningstars.
P.S. Tonio, I just caught up with the Glibbening – thanks for that Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear – I needed a hearty laugh.
I was envisioning something akin to Pinhead’s affliction but yours works better.
Two oil tankers attacked in Gulf of Oman. – this is why we need 100% wind power NOW. Not in 20 years NOW. But you goddamn libertarians are the only thing preventing this. I HOW YOU GLOBAL WARM WITH YOUR TEXAS AND ARIZONA etc…
Good afternoon glibs.
I like you Pie. I really do.
Too late!
I, Pie should be the name of your spoken word album.
*finger snaps*
Wait, but Pirates are cool!
And Butt Pirates are libertarians
“Have you looked at our caps recently?”
Wind power for ships? Lord Admiral Hornblower would like a word.
Cuomo and his brother are a couple of cunts.
how did the old saying go…
they lack both the warmth and depth
Jesus that was good, Pie! Are you sure that English is your second language?
I mean I don’t remember anything before I was 5 so who knows
If Tony Soprano had two sons.
They would be better human beings than these two Cuomo cunts.
Americans dying in the Dominican Republic.
I keeps telling ya… Stop touristing in shitholes and go to a nice castle in rural Transylvania
All the wine I can drink and stealth rape by hotties where I still get to plead victim-hood? I want to go to there!
What if I discovered that both of our Mothers were named Martha?
Yeah, like I’m going to give up my blood that easily.
Pie, have you done any travel posts about castles specifically?
No. I have done just one travel post
it goes something like this:
There are around a gazillion of those Hammer films, but they are almost never on U.S. TV.
Hammer movies was how I got EF to finally enjoy horror movies. It used to be – true story – that even a movie like Tremors would freak her out. But the slow pacing (and low budget) of the vintage Hammer films, along with the acting chops of Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, helped.
They’re on TCM most Octobers.
Surly fellow! It’s so hard to find good help these days.
I looked into booking a trip to the Dominican a couple years ago. They have a gigantic airport tax that made going elsewhere more affordable.
Fly to Haiti and cross over?
Fly to Antigua and return alive.
“I’ll tell you what, I’ve seen a lot of things over my life. I don’t think in my whole life I’ve ever called the FBI. In my whole life. You don’t call the FBI. You throw somebody out of your office, you do whatever you do,” Trump continued. “Oh, give me a break – life doesn’t work that way.”
Trump to Democrats: stop snitchin’.
Best thing he’s ever said.
Why would a sane person invite the FBI into any part of their lives?
“Have you actually seen our FBI?” *thumbs down, fart sound*
So I don’t follow figure skating. But some news came in my feed about a genre of music winning a cup in a related sport. This reminded me of someone on this very board – no idea who – a few weeks back saying that Boston will have championships in all major sports this year. Between the Celtics and this, that person was wrong. so HA.
Considering the Blues track record, it wasn’t a far stretch.
Also, isn’t Toronto in Boston? I don’t get that crazy yankee geography.
No that is definitely Westa Woostah
English is hard.
Describing the phenomenon dubbed “text neck,” Shahar told that as we look down at devices like smartphones and tablets, our necks must work to keep our heads in place. Prolonged straining could lead the body to build new bone to increase the surface area holding up this mass.
Sounds legit.
It’s just like Darwin predicted…
It’s legit in as much as the process they are describing exists; it’s the mechanism that causes Haglund’s Deformity.
The absolute state of British journalism:
Because both Sue’s dog and fiance are both literally Hitler.
Stop touristing in shitholes and go to a nice castle in rural Transylvania
Sounds legit.
*dueling banjos plays on balalaika*
After Calling for Trump’s Impeachment, the Polls Are Not Looking Good for Justin Amash
These pundits don’t realize how strong the backlash to the insanity will be toward this relentless crusade if the TDR brigade continues down this path. They should have learned to stop kicking that dog in 2016 but they want cake.
It’s a shame Amash decided to go down this road: his goose is cooked.
Or, like many congressmen before him, he decided Congress was not the place for him in the long term. Many just slink away but Amash appears to want to go out in a blaze of glory. I bet he already has some lucrative position lined up that he thinks will be more fulfilling for him and his family.
I have no idea whether that’s true, but it would plausibly explain the otherwise somewhat mystifying behavior.
If by “blaze of glory” you mean burning any and all bridges to the people that supported him, then i get it…
How did he burn his bridges with the NeverTrump donor class?
Voters…. And other political critters that are not never Trumpers…
Amash and Flake, the LP ticket in 2020
People keep saying he was going to lose anyway, and therefore he just went “principal”
I’m confused why supporting an actual surveillance state is a libertarian position
Because Orange Man Bad can open a lot of doors for someone with knowledge of how the sausage is made in Washington. Amash realized that he had climbed as high up the tree as he was able and now he’s going to bank on his experience and name recognition for fun and profit.
Grosser. That’s even less libertarian.
Amash also voted to hold Barr in contempt. The only Repub on the committee to do so.
TDS is a helluva drug.
I never would have guessed that Project Veritas would have the longevity it has had. Pretty stupid of Pinterest to attack Christians, since, at least around here, that’s who uses it–ladies in their 30s and 40s who have kids and go to church.
In case you hadn’t noticed, there has been a rash of companies antagonistic to their customers of late – both new tech and old standards doing stupid shit like insulting their customers directly, or telling them not to buy their products.
And for the social media companies, people bitch up a storm for 24 hours and then keep right on using it because network effect, which is what I predict will happen here as well.
I do think we might be building to some kind of tipping point on both youtube and twitter because it’s just so damn blatant that everyone can now see it, but I don’t think we’re there yet.
Problem is ‘go woke, go broke’ is a myth. I don’t think it impacts their bottom line negatively.
It has, but for the diversified conglomerate, the quiet, reliable divisions prop up the crazies.
So it can be a cold, calculating thing for them. Be woke, let the other more stable divisions cover up whatever negative impact emerges due to virtue signalling.
I see metaphors.
Even there responsible conservatism has to cover for the immature asshattery of progressives.
Actually it does affect them, but a lot of these places ignore it or have contingencies. Dicks sporting goods, for example lost a shit ton of money, but the CEO managed to avoid being kicked off the board by promising he would magically make it up. And look at what recently happened with Facebook stock owners voting by over 64% to remove Zuck as CEO only to have him override their vote because as owner of CAT B stock his voting power is more than all other private owners of CAT A stock combined.
True. Dick’s comes to mind. And I can see how tech companies could get pretty weird, insulated in the San Francisco reality bubble.
Louisiana bans freestanding ERs to protect rural hospitals
What the hell is a freestanding ER?
hmm let us google
A freestanding emergency room is an ER that’s unaffiliated with a hospital, but is licensed by the state to provide uninterrupted medical care to the local population.
Hmm sounds dangerous
Something like a Doctor’s Care or something similar I guess?
We have lots of what are called Urgent Care Clinics. They aren’t really ERs. They take care of minor ailments in order to take the pressure off of ER’s.
I am not aware of any ER’s unaffiliated with hospitals.
I hope that isn’t what they are banning…those places are very handy to have around and they have greatly reduced waiting times at ER’s.
We have a bunch of those too…a 30 minute wait in a clean and uncrowded facility vs 4 hours in a crowded shithole of an ER waiting room. I know where I want to go when I have the flu.
When I have the flu…I go see a Jew.
I just write what pops in my head without a care for consequences.
The mohel is very confused about how he can help you.
When all you’ve got is a hammer…
Doc in a box.
(Although they usually seem to staff with PA’s or nurse practitioners to reduce cost. Fine by me, I choose either one of those over a MD for common ailments)
If I remember the news report correctly, we are starting to get the stand-alone ERs here in Tampa. Basically the same functions as a normal hospital ER minus beds for care longer than a day. If you go to one of the stand-alones and need to be admitted, you’ll have another very expensive ambulance ride in your future.
I go to the urgent care for injuries that are not immediately life threatening – rusty roofing nail in the foot, stitches on a broken nose, etc. My only trip to the ER was for kidney stones…
They have actual ERs in Houston that are a step up from urgent care, but not an actual trauma center. If you are experiencing acute respiratory or cardiac arrest (I think also exhibiting signs of stroke) they have the facilities and equipment to stabilize you. I can’t remember if urgent care does stitches, but they’ll do that, too. I found the one thing nobody will touch except a real ER is a two week old infant with a fever over 100 degrees.
My second had a UTI (which they missed the first time they tested for it). We got to spend a night at the hospital. The second time at the ER I just told them they needed to give him the right dose of tylenol and send him home with us. 99.9% chance he just had an infection. 0.1% chance he had some horrible thing that was gonna kill him. Either way, he and his mom were going to be more comfortable at home, since they couldn’t do anything for him at the ER and he’d had the fever for 3 days. So they did another swab of his ureter and sent him home. Next day we got a call to go pick up antibiotics. He’ll be 4 in August.
Fake news. I’ve been to an actual ER and it was nothing but interruptions.
The last time I was in the ER there were very few interruptions. I was able to spend 90 minutes just sitting there not being interrupted by any annoying nurse or doctor.
Now that’s what I call service. Just let me bleed out in peace and quiet.
We have one of these. It’s great. They can handle more than an urgent care center, but don’t have a big hospital attached. The best part is, the waits are very short. I went there once and was seen in about 5 minutes.
Looking at their list of services:
Care for minor illness and injury (sprains, strains, breaks, falls, coughs, colds, UTIs) – this is urgent care.
Treatment of major medical concerns (drug overdose, burns, GYN, sepsis) – these will get you transferred, with no real benefit to going to the free-standing ED.
Heart care services (chest pain, shortness of breath, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrest) – transferred, etc.
Treatment of respiratory issues (asthma, COPD, respiratory arrest, shortness of breath) – maybe a benefit here, but some of these could probably go to urgent care
Neurological services (stroke, seizure, migraines, minor head injuries) – doesn’t say if they can actually do the first round of stroke treatment or if you get transferred for that.
Care and treatment of life issues (animal bites, allergic reactions, cuts, wounds) – urgent care, except possibly for severe allergic reactions or injuries. Some of these might fall into a (narrow?) zone where an urgent care can’t handle them, and you don’t need a full hospital.
Emotional wellness services (acute and chronic behavioral health) – this is puzzling to me. I think about the only behavioral health they could do would be telemedicine evaluations. “Acute” will get you admitted to a psych hospital, and “chronic” will get you a referral to a shrink of some kind.
Advanced imaging equipment including 3D mammography, CT scanner, digital ultrasound, digital diagnostic and portable X-rays – these are the high-intensity diagnostics.
Emergency transfers to Henrico Doctors’ Hospital if necessary, with no fees – that’s a nice feature, if it includes the ambulance ride.
“Care for minor illness and injury (sprains, strains, breaks, falls, coughs, colds, UTIs) – this is urgent care.”
Not in my state, not for all those things. Urgent care will clean and apply bandages to a wound and give you a script for antibiotics, but they can’t apply sutures. They aren’t permitted to tell you if they think a swollen ankle is a soft tissue injury or a break. They will treat caughs, colds, and UTI’s.
“Some of these might fall into a (narrow?) zone where an urgent care can’t handle them, and you don’t need a full hospital.”
RC – as the father of 2 rambunctious kids, I assure you that this band is not at all narrow, at least around here.
There is a market need, at least here in MN, for actual lower-case u urgent care. Stuff that isn’t life threatening but needs imediate attention. Cuts that need stitches, simple imaging to figure out if a swolen ankle is only a soft tissue injury or not,
There’s a need for urgent care, and a need for emergency care.
What I don’t think there is much need for is free-standing emergency departments. They can’t do anything that either an urgent care or a hospital couldn’t do. They will never save you money, although they might cost you money. They might save you time, although they might also cost you much needed time in a serious emergency.
They aren’t permitted to tell you if they think a swollen ankle is a soft tissue injury or a break.
That’s just stupid, since urgent care facilities have x-ray machines and can make a definitive diagnosis. If your regulators have hamstrung urgent care, that’s a regulatory problem, not an urgent care problem.
Gather round, my Glibs, and I will break down for you why you should rarely go to a freestanding ED.
There are two kinds of patients in an ED: those who will be admitted to the hospital , either as an inpatient or an observation patient (not expected to stay more than a day or so), and the “treat and street” patients. The latter could have gone to an urgent care, where they will be treated faster and much, much cheaper. So, if you don’t think you have something that is really an emergency (as in, imminent risk to life or limb), urgent care is the place to go.
If you have something that is going to get you admitted, go straight to a full service hospital. If you go to a freestanding ED and you need to be admitted, they will put you on an ambulance to a real hospital, and you just lost time and picked up the cost of an ambulance ride. Now, maybe you should have called an ambulance yourself, so that’s not a net hit. But, you may well see two ED bills – one from freestanding ED, and another from the hospital they transferred you to. Maybe not, but again, the best outcome is you are no worse off.
EDs are basically two operations: an urgent care center, and a high-intensity diagnostic operation (CAT scans, MRIs, in-house labs, that kind of thing). If you don’t need high-intensity diagnostics, you don’t need an ED. If you do need high-intensity diagnostics, go to a full service hospital and cut out the intermediate stop at the free-standing ED. There are very few scenarios where you are better off going to a freestanding ED.
If you are experiencing acute respiratory or cardiac arrest (I think also exhibiting signs of stroke) they have the facilities and equipment to stabilize you.
A very high functioning free-standing ED can stabilize some acute episodes, but you will still be transferred to a real hospital. Very few free-standing EDs will have a cardiac cath lab or a cardiologist on call for on-site care (necessary to stabilize some kinds of heart and vascular issues), , or a neurologist on call for on-site care (necessary to deal with a stroke). Unless the free-standing ED is closer and is high-functioning, you are better off going to a hospital. You can stabilize some episodes with a doc on the phone, but for many you really want the doc at the bedside.
If you have a free-standing ED nearby that you think might be an option, find out what their capabilities really are. If its an urgent care with high-intensity diagnostics, I wouldn’t plan on using it. If they have the staff and equipment to actually begin treating emergencies, as opposed to just diagnosing and transferring, maybe.
“Blunt utensils will replace kitchen knives in the homes of victims of domestic violence. It’s hoped it will help save lives – what do you think ?”
“Nottinghamshire Police is piloting a scheme where victims of domestic violence will have their kitchen knives replaced with blunt utensils, to help stop partners attacking them in their own home.
Around a hundred “no-point” knives will be given to victims who have either been threatened or attacked with a knife.
It comes as police say they’re concerned about the high numbers of knife-related incidents in the home. They say the new scheme could help save lives.”
WTF, England?
So… how are they supposed to cook?
Bad cooking can lead to more domestic violence? (Might be why they are so concerned about it in the UK in the first place)
Wrap it in a pudding cloth and boil it, just like everything else. It’s like you don’t even British or something.
You’re asking for another black eye cooking like that…
/not a real threat against glib
what do you think?
I think you’re hopeless. I think it would just be better if the UK sank into the North Sea.
Knife stabbings down, screwdriver stabbings are through the roof…
Along with pan bashings.
They’ll pry Flo’s rolling pin from her cold, dead hands…
The UK police seem blissfully unaware that slashing is a thing.
You can stab and cut?
/Modern Sheriff of Nottingham.
What the hell is wrong with those people? I noticed people there were fascinated with Americans. The first to fifth question they had for me was “oh, you’re a yank, do. you own guns?” and less than half a minute later they were talking about shooting people. WTF?
“No, I haven’t shot anyone. I don’t want to shoot anyone. I don’t think about shooting people. Everyone I know has guns and they don’t shoot people either. They don’t talk about it, they don’t think about it. WTH is wrong with y’all? Less than a minute into this conversation and that’s what you think about? I am starting to think the govt is right in not letting y’all have guns.”
Pent-up demand to kill? 😉
Seconded. Yeah, it’s bizarre that that’s where Brits go. Germans aren’t so bad.
I think it’s a child-like fascination with the forbidden, even if they’re never personally going to take the step of seeing the reality. Their ignorance of the purpose and mindset comes to the fore, but they aren’t actually malicious, and don’t want to shoot people any more than the average.
A lot of my lazy/casual reading has been always been British mystery writers from a few generations back (think Sherlock Holmes and Peter Wimsey). So for those it’s roughly 1890s-1930s. But guns are pretty ubiquitous, and just culturally, not really as a bad-guy prop. It’s odd/sad that they’ve collapsed in just a few generations.
Huh. The Scots I meant just wanted to talk about real football and Prince.
Look, the important thing is that it’s not gun violence. Mission accomplished.
How stupid. It’s not like they can use their teeth for cutting intsead.
Some of us do have the pronounced external occipital protuberance.
Why you kinky bastard…
I have “The Pluto” bone nubbin on my skull. Does that make me sub or supra human? It’s just an impediment to the clippers so I don’t give it much thought.
I think that’s the same thing. Sometimes called an Anatolian Bump.
But I don’t wanna be a Turk!
Just Minor in Asian, you’ll be all right.
That is nobody’s business but yours.
A Behind the Scenes Look at Thailand’s ‘Ladyboy’ Sex Industry
“Investigative Reporting” for “Research Purposes”, to be sure.
I am not buying any of it until HM confirms…
related story: My friend Bill traveled all over the world, and also had yellow fever. After visiting Thailand and Cambodia, he came back with a whole bunch of pictures including a lot of nude gals (prositutes). One photo he showed me was of a girl at a bar with some obviously fake boobs.
Shit eating grin on his face, he asked: “So how do you like those titties?”
Me (being polite): “They’re alright I guess.”
Him, breaking out in laughter: “That’s a Lady Boy!”
go on….
So I have a dilemma about my Islay trip which is becoming to pricey for my budget… Do I skip the Laphroaig 70 pound special tasting or the trip to port askaig and bunnahabhain? The trip would not be that much in itself but the buses are few and the cab back to port ellen expensive and by going alone I have no one to share the cab with… Alternatively I could skip Kilchoman but that seems interesting being the only small independent one. I want to do the Lagavoulin warehouse tasting and the Ardbeg… The problem is all the damn tasting are at the same time and between 10:00 and 14:00 and then nothing after 17:00
Go to Bunnahabhain just for the bragging rights.
Skip Port Askaig.
I could rent a bike but it is been 10 years since I rode one for more than 10 kilometers in one day I have no idea of my bike fitness level…
Drink enough Scotch and that won’t matter. Dead in a ditch or sleeping in a hedge, same diff!
Monumental mammaries await on Thot Thursday.
“Look, it’s just not apples to apples,” Cuomo argued. “We don’t have any proof that Russia as a government came and said ‘here’s value for you on Donald Trump and you can pay us for it if you like.’ We have the opposite proof, which is that they came time and time again with things they thought would help Trump and put it out there and his people around him were only too eager to try to get more of it.”
Proof? I’m pretty sure we’d have seen the evidence if “Russia as a government” had an active role in Trump’s campaign. That’s pretty much what Mueller was supposed to be looking for, as I recall.
I imagine the Russians did want want Trump to win as Hillary would have started a war. If his people weren’t ready to seize on what was being put out there they should have been fired.
He surrounded himself with so many morons and fall-guys it’s no wonder that they can’t pin a single damn thing on him. Dumb luck or 10-D chess? That’s for the history books.
I think that it was the fact that the corrupt forces arrayed against him were so inept that they could not help but fail miserably….
I’d like to think this is fake, but I know it could be true.
yeah. The guys avoiding women altogether are starting to look less crazy.
now that’s a disney movie I’d watch.
I would like to know how the guy reacted when he found out she did this to him….
Sounds like a fun project, but I’m not sure she’d be fun to do it with.
Minnesoda craft brewer visits 120 breweries in one year. Her review is pretentious and full of “I’m a woman brewer!” comments, so I think drinking beer would have been more of a chore than it should be.
These are the guys I would have wanted to drink with:
To the author of the article – As long as you’re using normal brewer’s yeast and not something you scraped out of a… personal infection, It doesn’t matter what you are. The fact that you’re obsessed over being a “woman brewer” rather than a “good brewer” says a lot about you.
“Vagina Beer Made From A Model’s Vaginal Yeast Set To Hit The Shelves”
What else did you think I might be referencing?
The ultimate in damned if you do, damned if you don’t. “They apologized! How dare they.”
A whole two paragraphs in:
You pretentious bitch. What does “being in the industry” have to do with your ability to visit taprooms?
*clicks close button*
Actually, it would be easier for someone not “in the industry” because they might A: have more reason to travel, B: have less geographic ties, and C: be able to finance idle wanderings from beer hall to beer hall on their own.
120 breweries? That’s cute honey.
/not in the industry.
I want to thank everyone who has left feedback form my fictional “The Glibening” series, including the folks who don’t get it. I started writing the series long before the actual exodus, but had only published a brief snippet in the comments at TOS. And speaking of those heady early days, here is an excerpt from “A Place of One’s Own,” the very first thing published on Glibs (suckit, wannabees, I’ll always be First!)
To that end, “The Glibening” is highly fictionalized and the names of many characters have been changed. “The Glibening” describes the commenter dungeon at “Thought!” magazine, edited by one Dmitry Gilhooly, formerly by Regina Postrel. Some of the popular commenters who have appeared in “The Glibening” are Mario the atheist sodomite, his arch-rival Axl the papist socon who enjoys clerical drag (sorry, that wasn’t Jimbo in Part Nine), Doctor Bombay (you know, from Mumbai), and of course Rufus who exists unchanged throughout all timelines. I’m sorry this is confusing and I might have done things differently had I started the series long after the fact.
Trust me, I’m the last person you want writing a non-fictional account. My memory sucks in that regard. I’ll leave that to others.
That’s all right, it usually drops at a time I’m not on the site, so I fear I’ve missed… well, all of it so far.
That’s okay, UCS. I realize it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If you do find yourself with some time to kill I suggest starting with Part One. “The Glibening” is a serial narrative and it’s kind of hard to jump in in the middle of the story.
If I get the time.
Good luck and happy writing.
The fact that I’m telling the story from the POV of an outsider, Deputy US Attorny Ramesh Gupta, doesn’t help with exposition because he doesn’t know anyone’s name until someone else reveals that. While using an outsider to tell the tale helps my life as a writer in some ways, it also creates further confusion and difficulties for both me and my readers.
I knew it wasn’t me! I said so last night. The giveaway was that Axl dressed all plain.
Not me. I’m styling and profiling as the Real True Pope. As soon as I get my hands on all those Vatican bucks, I’m putting spinners on the popemobile.
I was late to the party like super late before the exodus. So late in fact that TOS wouldn’t accept my comments. Much of this has been very “inside baseball” to me but I appreciate the care and craft that must have gone into it. Nice work, Tonio!
My hat needs more tinfoil. I knew it wasn’t you, the real you is…well…
I sent you the Mpls guys an email with pictures from last night. The party is still on though.
Uffda. I’m sure you meant that I’m absolutely charming unlike that villain in Tonio’s story.
I’ve said it before (too many times?) but I absolutely love Teh Glibbening.
It’s the kind of good-spirited anarchic happy mythmaking that acts as catnip for me.
Tonio, I’m coming thru Richmond tomorrow, Up for lunch?
Oh, hell yes!
tonio (numeral four) liberty at protonmail
Excellent. Sent you an email with my phone #.
Can’t let the Minnesota/Illinois glibs have all the fun. Dirty upper midwest bastards.
I missed the first couple, and (as you’ve said) couldn’t start in the middle. Instead of looking for the ones I missed back then, I gave up.
But I would like to read it all. Where is part one? Is there a link there to go to the next, and the next?
Hier! Please note that there are multiple pages of article thumbnails, most recent articles first. You have to click through to the second page to go back to the first three parts.
Well that was easy! I didn’t think of the author pages. Thanks, man! I’ll immerse myself in the Glibbening this weekend.
If only some benevolent site admin had provided an easy way to locate articles by author….
And mentioned that page’s existence in a weekly post for months.
That left a mark….
*hangs head in deep and profound shame*
Goddammit, I wanted it to be Jimbo!
More flyover country hate, huh?
Skip the summer vacation and send your toddler to Burning Man
I hovered over the link expecting it to be the Babylon Bee.
Great minds…..
“Nut-free Early Childhood Education”
OMWC hardest hit?
I would take Maura (whoever she is) over Demi.
Svelte is better. They can get thicc when you don’t care anymore.
‘Sex-starved males’ comment sets off House floor kerfuffle
Rep. Norma Torres stirs GOP colleagues with comments during debate
Incels in gov!
Obviously, what we need is a boy’s congress to make boy laws, and a girls’ congress to make girl laws. Then it will all be fair.
Gender is not binary you shitlord!!11!!!
Oh, the horrors!
Hourly workers at Minnesoda schools are upset that they won’t get paid for work they didn’t do due to snow days.
We had a nasty winter (due to Climate Change of course) and missed a ton of snow. There were so many snow days that most schools missed more days than they had planned for. The gov and legislature passed a bill to let it slide and not make the schools eat into the summer to make up those days.
Hourly workers are now howling because they won’t get paid for the missed time. Most of them are very happy to not have to make up the time, but they just want a check.
The only person who made sense was this guy:
They don’t have vacation time?
No, most of them don’t. Salaried employees (not who are at issue here) in the classroom don’t get vacation because they get every holiday off + fall break + spring break + the summer (they do get sick time.) Year round salaried employees (ie some, but not all, administrators) work year round and get vacation time.
But no hourly employee of any school district that I know of gets vacation time. They can request time off, but they don’t get paid for it.
Source: I’m bangin an hourly school employee (it’s my wife.)
“PICTURED: Father-of-one, 20, ‘killed by cops in hail of 20 bullets in his front yard’ sparking huge riots which have left 25 police officers injured overnight in Memphis
At least 25 police officers have been injured after rioting erupted in the streets of a working-class Memphis neighborhood when a 21-year-old black man was shot dead by U.S. Marshals in his family’s front yard.
The violent clashes broke out after Brandon Webber was shot and killed by officers on Wednesday as they tried to arrest him for outstanding felony warrants outside his home in Frayser in North Memphis.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations said officers went to the home to look for Webber who had outstanding with felony warrants.
Officers said they saw Webber get into a vehicle and that he then proceed to ram task force vehicles several times before exiting with a weapon.
Marshals then opened fire on Webber. He died at the scene, according to officers.”
If the story of ramming vehicles and getting out of the car with a weapon holds up this actually sounds justified. People need to pick more sympathetic figures to riot over.
They always seem to riot over the least sympathetic ones.
Yes, because the point of rioting is to distinguish yourself from the bad people who disagree with you. If you picked an obvious and clear wrongdoing, nobody would disagree, and therefore you couldn’t be better than them.
It’s the same reason that feminists ballyhoo false rape accusations.
Huh, as it turns out, that’s in that article I hadn’t read yet.
Suicide by cop?
Which is it, 20 or 21?
Typo. It was supposed to say ‘father of 120’.
His birthday was right between bullets 11 and 12.
The fact that the DailyMail is obsessed with this stuff ought to answer the question above about what Brits think about Americans.
You can’t argue with numbers
Ever since President Donald Trump was voted into office, global confidence in U.S. leadership has plummeted. That’s according to this year’s Global Peace Index.
The 2019 Global Peace Index, which was published on Wednesday, showed that while global approval of leadership in Germany, China and Russia has been steadily on the rise since 2016, approval of U.S. leadership has seen a dramatic decline.
Overall, Killelea pointed out, levels of support for U.S. leadership have fallen 17 percentage points since 2009. That was when Barack Obama entered the Oval Office, sending approval ratings soaring to 50 percent.
Whereas Obama was “very popular internationally and had historically high levels,” Killelea told Newsweek, “the election of President Trump saw a lot of negative press.”
The Global Peace Index founder said he believed that negative press in the international media played a significant role in seeing approval in U.S. leadership drop.
On average, the 2019 Global Peace Index shows that the level of global peacefulness improved “very slightly” last year, according to the report, representing the first increase in the last five years.
“Despite this improvement,” however, the report said, “the world remains considerably less peaceful now than a decade ago, with the average level of peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78 percent since 2008.”
Three point seven eight per cent. Science, motherfucker!
I feel fine
A) Bullshit
B) I don’t give a fuck what the world thinks
The usual cunts trot this meaningless shit out only when it benefits their agenda.
Besides, the world only loves the US when it bends over and grabs it’s ankles for them. That’s why the Obama apology tour was so popular and the cunts that create these rigged measurements create them in the first place.
Look, Obama got a peace prize. It’s right there in the name.
Who gives a flying fuck what other nations think of Trump? He’s the president of the US, not the world, and his job is to see to US interests first and foremost.
literally shaking rn
Oh, that’s where we left the paint mixer.
Interesting. I don’t remotely care.
Whereas Obama was “very popular internationally and had historically high levels,” Killelea told Newsweek, “the election of President Trump saw a lot of negative press.”
And? Barry was one of them, the elite. Trump is not. This just provides me another reason to vote for Trump, despite his failings. *politely raises middle finger to other world leaders*
Foxy Knoxy back in Italia. Would.
She does have the crazy eyes, though.
I still doubt she’s innocent.
as do I potato as do I.
No fucking way would I ever set foot in that country again were I her.
If she manages to find herself in the shit again, it’s on her this time. Fucking moron.
Something something stick it in crazy.
LOL, ah you old bastard.
Yep, those corporations will have no choice but to issue 15% rate cards to very high-risk customers. They’ll simply have no other option.
If you click through to the CNBC article, these cards are also secured cards. It’d take a special kind of stupid for someone to pay 28% interest with a secured card.
It’s 0% if the balance is paid every month.
LOL, as if.
Right, but if you borrow $500 on a secured card, you already have a $500 deposit to pay it off.
Yeah, I am not sure whom this would appeal to. Usually the people looking for more credit are doing so because they have no cash to pay for shit.
It’s the perfect card for an 18 year old with no credit. They can’t charge more than their deposit, which in theory keeps them from getting out of control.
You mean it is a perfect card for the parent whom is likely to be the one left footing the bill?
People with bad credit get higher rates because they are higher risk. And does he not understand APR?
How ’bout dem BLUES!
Loved seeing Marchand crying.
The one shining moment of the playoffs
I don’t want to talk about it.
Good job.
I actually commented upon that above.
I didn’t know you followed the chariots.
You’re welcome. My unwavering support was clearly what the guys needed to close it out!
I’ve mentioned it before, but my Gramps best pal was a goal judge at the old arena for many, many years. I’d like to think that Bud is up in heaven enjoying this.
Great series and less than three fucking months until pre-season games!
So Berube is a genius and not just a former enforcer! Congrats, finally, to the Blues.
Eh. Glad the Bruins lost, but I gave up on hockey this year the moment the Lightning gave up a 3-1 lead in the first game of the playoffs. After going to nearly every home game over the last three years, I was just burned out…
I just write what pops in my head without a care for consequences.
And that’s why we love you, you adorable little muppet.
Left home this morning just as the wife was taking out the garbage. Problem is I locked the door and went on my merry way and she didn’t have her key. She was wearing a robe and slippers. Oops. I’m gonna stay out drinking because she’s still pissed off 14 hours later. Time heals all wounds, amirite?
I ‘m beginning to imagine your life as some sort of White Dad In Japan sitcom.
… Who steps outside without all their clothes and without their key? I’d only be in such a circumstance if the house were on fire, or I was being dragged out at gunpoint.
I do all the time. But we don’t lock the door from the garage to the house, so its not an issue.
Hell, I haven’t locked my front door if I’m going to be gone less than a day in… 12 years? It annoys the hell out of my wife, but we have nice windows in our doors and a thumb bolt. The locks are for show.
Locks are just for keeping honest people out.
Doors are not supposed to have windows or be near windows.
Kick in the door wavin the 44
I lock the door the moment I’ve finished crossing the threshold – regardless of the direction I’m moving. Anyone who doesn’t lock thieves out deserves to have their insurance claim denied.
Where do you live? Serious question. And is this a geography thing (culture of the community) or a neighborhood thing (apartments vs. country), or just you?
I grew up in a shitty, crime-riddled, urban neghborhood where leaving a door unlocked meant some junkie was going to swipe the TV, or whatever they could grab and resell.
It’s a deeply ingrained habit.
I grew up in a place where I always left my keys in my car in the driveway. Had to learn new habits when I moved to LA.
I live in a nice area, but shithead thieves are everywhere. A favorite technique is to use the garage door opener in a car parked overnight in the driveway to access the garage, steal all the good shit and leave.
I lock up all the time.
I grew up in a really nice middle class suburb where locking doors wasn’t a necessity. But I went to college in Kalamazoo, during the midst of a turf gang war between Chicago and Detroit. Kalamazoo was between those two points – lots of drug dealing and plenty of my classmates had been mugged or robbed. I learned to always lock up.
I live in a really nice area now – but still lock the cars, lock up the house, and make sure the bar on the sliding back door is in place. A few people in the area had to learn the hard way – car thefts (keys left inside unlocked vehicles!) and quick strikes by criminals while someone is out walking the dog (and leaving their houses unlocked).
My wife is that way. Drives me nuts when she locks me out of the house while I’m mowing the lawn.
…uhhh…Straff’s wife does. Aren’t you paying attention?
We have a garbage pickup area outside our condo. Just a 20 second walk, but I didn’t see her in that time span. Clearly not my fault.
Like that ever fucking matters….
I thought that was how you all dressed over there?
Black pajamas and sandals made from old tires
You numba one, GI.
Serenade her with this song?
That’s great.
She should call a rocksmith.
Oh great, now *I’m* the racist for laughing at that. Thanks a lot.
Have none of you heard of keypad locks? Never be locked out again.
They have made huge strides with those in the past years, but even they sometimes fail. Schlage tends to make the best residential ones, but keep the key override handy in case of failure.
It’s Japan, I’d assume that mechanical keys were replaced with three levels of biometric scanning back during the Reagan administration.
I make a point to always have my house key when I walk out.
Three line checklist before leaving
Question for non-IPA drinkers, I will give some context after I get some answers:
If you saw the following on the shelf, which would you be most and least likely to buy, based solely on name
a. English Style Bitter
b. Extra Special Bitter (ESB)
c. Amber Ale
Also, what would you expect from those and what differences would you expect.
Don’t worry, I am not actually trying to get free market research, its just I saw an interesting post related to this topic and thought I would get some unbiased opinions.
I’d curse them all, then see which one was on sale.
As a IPA drinker I would goodle each and choose based on that. Amber ale can mean many things. I know what ESB is so know what to expect.
Whoever trolled the entire country into thinking IPA’s were good deserves some kind of metal for troll of the century.
I believe that would be the British around 1800.
They trolled India a lot back then.
They were probably trying to cover up the taste of something in the water, the way they used twigwasser to cover the taste of quinine.
Shipping times. They hopped the hell out of the porter shipped to India too. Its a preservative.
The porter was for the enlisted, the IPA for the officers.
When the IPA got to India, it was then bottled on site for sale to the officers. The porter was cask.
Wouldn’t it have just been better to set up a brewery in India?
No, the ingredients were in Britain.
Cheaper to ship the finished product than crazy amounts of grain, which would have spoiled on the trip.
Last I knew, India was not lacking in arable land.
The British did buy grain from all over the world, they couldn’t grow enough themselves, so they had to import it. However, they didnt trust anyone else to malt it, they bought grain, not malt, and used the British maltsters.
Indian is wrong climate for Barley production.
Even in the US, if your state doesn’t border Canada, you probably aren’t growing much Barley.
Well they did convince an entire island that tea was good.
They fooled the entire India sub-continent with that terrible joke. Nothing worse than being offered boiling hot black tea on a blazing hot afternoon in the tropics.
*takes another swig from tea bottle*
More likely to buy / order the Amber Ale. I prefer smoother beer. If Brown Ale was an option that would be my first choice.
Okay, this is basically why I asked.
A few brewers who made a bitter/ESB changed the name to amber ale and their sales boomed. Exact same beer.
In england, ESB is really only a Fuller’s brand name for a specific one of their bitters. It has been adopted by other brewers too, moreso in the US.
In my mind, ESB is a higher alcohol version of a bitter, bitter around 4% or so and ESB around 5%. Realistically, they are the same damn thing. And in England, historically, the bottled version of the same beer is called Pale Ale. Amber Ale has no meaning there.
Here in the US, of course, pale ale is more associated with American Pale Ale, so that is something different, although we also refer to English Pale Ale, for things like bottled Bass. Which goes back around to be item d on the list above, same thing.
so basically Bitter=ESB=Amber Ale=EPA.
But Amber Ale sells better.
My theory is the word bitter makes anti-IPA folks think it is going to be really hoppy. While amber ale means “not an IPA”.
This was my first foray into craft beer
They call it an EPA, but it sure seems different than the amber ales I have tried.
Good beer, still.
No, EPA meaning English Pale Ale, not Extra Pale Ale. Although maybe that is both.
Right, that’s what I’m getting at. What they call it becomes almost meaningless.
Agreed, which was sort of my point too, in that it is weird to me that amber ale caused a dramatic increase in sales over the other names for the same beer.
Especially since no one has any idea what that term means, while the others are pretty clear.
It’s because “ale” sounds all hobbit-y.
that was supposed to be a reply to robc
And none of it is actual ale, because it all has hops.
your dictionary is about 300 years out of date.
I am okay with that, but just wanted you to know.
I will not take thoust chatter.
*rolls eyes at self* Now, Ted will be along to tell me it was supposed to be ‘thine chatter’
/in before Ted
Most Likely: ESB as I like a balanced malt to hops ratio
Least Likely: Amber Ale: This could be anything from hoppy as shit to nearly lager like
This is me, but I default to amber ale meaning “bland beer for mass sales”
This is actually why I’ve gone away from craft beers. The names and the IBU rating give me no indication of whether my palate will accept or reject it. I used to drink Bass Ale regularly – until inBev started brewing it in New Hampshire – , which used to be labeled an IPA and is rated at 49 IBU. Guinness is a stout is 45 IBU and I drink that more than anything else. Sam Adams Boston Lager is 30 IBU and I can’t stand it. Sam Adams Light is 10 IBU and I drink it when I can find it.
I dislike IPAs, but I love all of those styles.
One of my great regrets is not being able to find Thames Welsh ESB anymore. If I could pick one beer to have constantly on tap, it would be that one. Not because it’s the most profound or enlightening beer-drinking experience, but just that it’s so good and versatile.
The Amber Ale is the most different of the three and closer to an IPA IMO.
One I haven’t seen in a long time is Bellhaven Scottish Ale. Creamy, a little bit of a nutty finish.
B bitters are awesome
I would choose Amber Ale because “bitter” is a turn-off. No idea what any of them taste like.
I miss the original Pete’s Wicked Ale.
Amber Ale.
Not that I’d be excited about it.
There’s a lesbian flag?
It’s pink with two pairs of scissors on it.
Shrug gifs
Here it is
It’s Poland on the inside.
But they did include seventeen other flags. Seventeen. SMDH.
“But we need to do better.”
Three Hail Mary’s and two snaps in a circle, my son.
These are the exceptionally stupid things people get agitated about in a time of abundance, when no one is in danger of starving.
Thermonuclear Thot Thursday
aka Ionizing Instagram
“I’m surprisingly okay with Instagram “influencers” dying from radiation poisoning.”
Aside from my initial shock at the sexism and assumptions made about my preferences, I was disappointed to find that this is a problem in Minnesota breweries. It could be that I am sheltered from industry sexism because I work at a women-owned brewery
Go drown yourself in a vat of fruity beer.
Hi Banjos!
A happy song to go with the Blues victory and a picture perfect day here in sunny Minnesota!
Have a great day!
Youtube censors… Anyone else nostalgic for the early days of the internet when it was going to be the Wild West of unregulated free speech on platforms created by small start-ups? Who thought it would devolve into virtual monopolies run by left-wing censors?
Well since the US is heading more in the direction of totalitarian states like China and UK, these people are just providing the same services they do for such totalitarian entities in the US early….
It is a disappointing trajectory to be sure.
My Little Pony Introduces Its First Lesbian Characters with Same-Sex Couple Making Cartoon Debut
Will this now make all the little girls pine for a lesbian pony? Cause I am not sure what they hope to gain from this shit.
Let me see if my eyes could possibly roll back into my head any further
Two ponies scissoring would require some fancy moves, and maybe a hoist of some sort.
You could always borrow one from Catherine the Great
I have this animation running in my head of two ponies in zero gravity colliding to smush and separating again and again as they ping-pong around, the the nasty clashing of the metal walls in the small spacecraft turning neighs of pleasure into horrific screams.
Ah, youve seen Sailing Over Lesbos 2: From the Horse’s Mouth too!
Chipwooder, Tonio and I are trying to get together for lunch tomorrow. You in?
Who is bringing the hoist?
Where at? I’ll do what I can if the time and place are accessible during my hour away from the salt mines
I work right by the Science Museum. Lots of tasty places nearby.
What are your time limitations?
I usually do 11:30 to 12:30, but I can make it later. Gotta be back before 1:30, though.
send me an email –
W00t! Par-tay!
But of course…
Just when you thought My Little Pony couldn’t get any gayer.
Why should sexual orientation matter in a child’s toy? It shouldn’t even be a consideration.
Because lesbian toddlers need representation too.
For Straffinrun
Those lyrics are not what I expected.
“WW2 wasn’t just won by glamor machinery like B-17s and Mustangs. Here’s a Diamond T tow truck that served on the beaches of Normandy during D-Day”
Dang, that is awesome.
Meh, Fighter plane porn.
For anyone interested, Styxhexenhammer is going to be livestreaming a conversation with the CEO of BitChute today at 1000 EST. Should be an interesting interview or whatever.
Excellent, hopefully he’ll have a recording of it on his channel later too.
Ever watch Black Pigeon Speaks? His whole channel has been disappeared as of today.
Nah, I didn’t check out the channel, but they used to pop up on my feed every now and then. Ouch, way to go Youtube.
Meanwhile lefties are screaming how YouTube is so right-wing.
Of course they are.
He’s a fellow expat in Japan, so I have noticed him. He’s flirting somewhere between ethnoish statism and Sargon. He puts out high quality videos and I wonder who is bankrolling him. He still shouldn’t have been deplatformed.
BTW, I’m pretty sure this is Black Pigeon. Wonder if they boot this channel too even though it’s not political at all.
Voter fraud never happens in the UK too.
Police Investigating Labour Supporter Who Claimed He Burned a Thousand Brexit Party Votes
Labour went on to win election by less than a thousand votes.
The first rule of committing voter fraud is to not talk about committing voter fraud.
They’re so confident the media is on their side – for good reason – they can’t help themselves.
in that link: Trump is More Popular Amongst Blacks & Hispanics Than He Was in 2016
The left going full retard on the economy and abortion probably helped with that.
That should be reasonably verifiable. I don’t know how British elections work, but I assume they have something similar to the voter book we have where you have to sign in to get a ballot.
If the number of signatures is about 1000 more than the number of ballots, you throw his ass in jail and schedule a new election in Pboro.
Theresa May wants 0 carbon by 2050 enshrined in law, but even the backers are split on whether to count carbon credits or not. Here’s the wet dreams of how to get there: Notice nothing in there for or against nuclear power. What’s the carbon dioxide output of a 440 MW fission reactor?
A lot, if you factor in the added screeching of watermelons
Tell them it is a sacrifice needed to save the planet from the extinction-level threat of apocalyptic climate emergency (it’s the Guardian, which does not use “global warming” or “climate change” any more)?
What’s the carbon output of 67 million people?
That depends on the stack scrubbers on your ovens.
Follow the money.
Does this hatch lead to Hitler’s lost riches? Treasure hunters discover entrance hidden beneath a tree that they believe leads to bunker where £250million Amber Room is stashed
It would be cool if it were true, but I get the feeling it’s going to turn out like one of those Discovery channel, “Lost Gold of ____” shows where they get “so close” but discover jack shit.
/Geraldo nods knowingly
That doesn’t sound like something you’d announce.
Not until AFTER you are sure you are the new legal owner, at least…
While interesting, that story is half click-bait. There is absolutely no reason to think the Amber Room is in there. There could be, but there could also just be dirt and several empty bottles.
It’ll contain Al Capone’s tax returns.
Or it’s a valve pit for utility lines that were put in to service some long-obsolete part of the site, if it’s really in the Wolf’s Lair.
Armchair Treasure Hunts have long been a hobby, and I’ve done some boots-on-the-ground searching for some of them. And I’m a history geek, so stuff like this is hard for me to resist. So I hope it’s something cool, but probably not.
*seal on hidden door breaks, door opens*
*Flashlight beams sweep into the darkness*
Noooo! Not the spawn of Potsdam!
VDH absolutely hits it all on the head.
Why Are the Western Middle Classes So Angry?
Good article…
He’s a brilliant guy, but I just can’t get over how he was such a gung ho salesman for Iraq part 2. It makes it tough to take him seriously when he ‘s never done a mea culpa.
I read every article and evaluate it on its individual merits. This one looks spot on to me, but that’s just my biases being stroked.
This is a very good point.
Its not hard to be very good on domestic issues, and suck on foreign affairs (and vice versa). I find him generally on point on domestic issues, and can’t recall ever reading anything from him on foreign affairs.
Hypothetically speaking, we’re all going to be herded into forced labor camps
What’s stunning about President Trump’s admission that he’d accept dirt from a foreign government to help him win an election is not that he said it.
After all, we already know that he and those around him asked for — and accepted — that help in 2016. (“If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”… “If it’s what you say, I love it.”)
What’s stunning is that everyone should now know that the sitting president of the United States cannot ensure a fair election in 2020.
Do Democrats, who have passed and worked on legislation to curb election interference by foreign governments, finally try to put real pressure on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to take it up?
Do they step up their impeachment rhetoric? (How credible now is the argument to simply defeat Trump at the ballot box?)
And if you’re a Democratic presidential candidate like Joe Biden — who’s already seen Team Trump meddle around with Ukraine — do you have to respond with your own help from other foreign governments?
It’s a real dilemma.
Play by the rules and possibly lose? Or play the same game your opponent is playing?
I love how they still have their panties all twisted up over that throwaway crack about Hillary’s e-mails.
Democrats are as pure as the driven snow. They would never look for an edge. They’d rather lose honestly, and accept the results gracefully. Trump, however…
>>What’s stunning is that everyone should now know that the sitting president of the United States cannot ensure a fair election in 2020.
something something 2016
It’s the state and local governments that control the elections.
yah – just pointing out that 2016 – the year of ZOMG THE RUSSIANS! – was when Obama was prez.
who’s already seen Team Trump meddle around with Ukraine
Who was that meddling with Ukraine, again?
So the question becomes, especially for Democrats: What do you do now?
Notice that the answer isn’t, “Have less dirty candidates”.
It’s always “Start getting serious and fight fire with fire!” As if they haven’t been doing that all along.
I thought they were fighting fire with gasoline.
And squirrels.
What’s stunning is that the author thinks the president has anything to do with running the election.
Just kidding, that’s not at all stunning.
Hillary Clinton paid a foreign citizen and ex-foreign intelligence officer to create a document alleging “dirt” sourced from foreign intelligence agencies for use by the FBI as an excuse to launch an investigation against a political opponent running against her for the presidential election. Something something mote, something something beam.
This is pure propaganda. How can anyone look at this and not see that NBC News is just an arm of the Democrat Party at this point?
What’s stunning about President Trump’s admission that he’d accept dirt from a foreign government to help him win an election is not that he said it.
What, exactly, did he say? Keep in mind, his campaign was repeatedly offered exactly that in the pre-election entrapment ops by our government, and never took the bait.
Oppo research is unfair?
Inside the black (cherry) market of vintage Kool-Aid packet collectors
the vintage Kool-Aid packet collector community is a microcosm of broader dynamics of fan culture
Nobody ever collected old things and sold them for large amounts of money in the past.
I think you could rewrite this article every year, cutting and pasting “Kool Aid” for “Beanie Babies”, “Action Figures”, “Baseball Cards” …
The wife unbolted the door after my pleading threatened to wake up the neighbors. I’m Back! How about a caption contest?
Seems unnecessary.
“80% off – what kidders.”
“To Donald, thank you for reviving my lousy career”
Also, got not caption in mind, I’m busy still laughing he had a talk about “True Journalism” with a known hack.
She had to go to my kid’s elementary school to get her key this morning because I never answer phone calls from her in the morning. It’s always bitching about something. Guess she had a point on this particular morning.
Now I know you’re a sitcom character.
Wait a sec.. she doesn’t take her key but does take her cell phone with her to take out the trash?
Japanese women and their phone. Never out of reach.
*flashes “V” signs*
You know straff went straight to – 申し訳ありませんでした .
Any thoughts on his dogeza style? I’m rather partial to the jumping variety.
OK. The jumping dogeza got a chuckle.
I hope this works out better for me than it did for Catherine Pugh children’s books.
My personal go-to is the km-long slide.
does the sliding dogeza for brooksing
I knew where you meant to slide it…
The arbitrary precision of the length of the slide, starting and stopping points makes it accurately amusing.
“It’s a dangerous time to go on a publicity tour for your book, which literally no one stopped you from Writing, and with a professional photographer, in America.”
Wait, you had to plead to get into your own house?
Someone should ask you if you wannafund or something…
This is my current ear worm. You didn’t know you want this, but you want this.
Space submarines??
Could be worse. My son has listened to this every morning for about a month now.
You gotta teach them to listen to your music early. My son is really into Gloryhammer and Devin Townsend. My daughter and I listen to Cattle Decapitation while playing barbies.
I did. Sadly, they’ve strayed. They still like some of my stuff, mainly old Metallica, but peer pressure is a helluva thing.
By old I mean Kill Em All
High of 60F today – muh summer!
I’m sort of OK with the middling temps, but the rain 5 days a week is starting to make me grumpy.
The rain is good for my fruit trees and prevents forest fires. Why do you love arson and hate the fruits? Oh, Hitler. I see.
My brother is camping near Boyne. He called bitching last night that he could have stayed home and sat on the couch to watch hockey instead of no signal in his camper.
What’s the point of being President if you can’t have your political enemies thrown in prison?
While Democrats in Congress are at loggerheads over whether to begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump, Democrats on the campaign trail have been less constrained in their opinion that the president has committed crimes—and should be charged as soon as he is out of office. Jumping on the Lock Him Up bandwagon is California senator Kamala Harris, who told the NPR Politics Podcast in an interview that aired Wednesday that the Department of Justice would have “no choice” but to prosecute Trump once he is no longer president.
“I believe that they would have no choice and that they should, yes,” the former California attorney general said, outlining episodes of apparent obstruction of justice described in the Mueller report. The special counsel declined to recommend charges against Trump, citing Justice Department guidelines. But, Harris said, the Justice Department should not hesitate to charge a former president. “The facts and the evidence will take the process where it leads,” she said. “I do believe that we should believe Bob Mueller when he tells us essentially that the only reason an indictment was not returned is because of a memo in the Department of Justice that suggests you cannot indict a sitting president. But I’ve seen prosecution of cases on much less evidence.”
I’ll bet you have, Kamala. I’ll bet you have.
People run around with their hair on fire shrieking about Trump’s authoritarianism. What a monstrous fraud.
Harris truly frightens me.
Doesn’t surprise me a bit considering she was having people tossed in the clink over their child’s truancy. She’s a classic authoritarian POS.
I agree. Say, where is Mr. Obama today? We have a few questions for him.
Banana republic monkeys slinging shit. Just because the Obama crowd is out of power doesn’t mean their behavior and mindset have changed.
I do believe that we should believe Bob Mueller when he tells us essentially that the only reason an indictment was not returned is because of a memo in the Department of Justice that suggests you cannot indict a sitting president.
I recall Mueller not saying that, at all, in his report, denying it when asked by Barr, and not saying it in his press conference.
No special prosecutor has ever reached the conclusion that they cannot indict a sitting President. Not the one investigating Nixon, not the one investigating Clinton, and not the one investigating Trump. Th first two are explicitly on record that they can indict a sitting President (although it should not be one lightly). Mueller, weasel that he is, never actually said one way or the other. And yes, I have read that part of his report.
But then we get this-
Harris is almost surely bluffing, trying to gin up media attention, by threatening to sic the DOJ on Citizen Trump. In reality, it’s hard to imagine any Democratic president pushing for the prosecution of a political enemy, no matter how deserved. Democrats—even Democrats who have been radicalized in opposition to Trump—just don’t roll like that. But federal district courts such as SDNY or state prosecutors like New York Attorney General Letitia James are another matter.
Democrats are good and kind and just. Not like Republicans, who are evil.
As for Letitia James- she just seeks the truth, no matter where it leads.
Democrats—even Democrats who have been radicalized in opposition to Trump—just don’t roll like that
Dinesh D’Souza unavailable for comment from the halfway house
In reality, it’s hard to imagine any Democratic president pushing for the prosecution of a political enemy, no matter how deserved.
Yeah, that’s what underlings are for.
Democrats—even Democrats who have been radicalized in opposition to Trump—just don’t roll like that. But federal district courts such as SDNY or state prosecutors like New York Attorney General Letitia James are another matter.
AG James is a Democrat. Next time see if you can make it more than two sentences without contradicting yourself (directed at the author of course, not Brooks).
“Hong Kong demonstrators returned to the streets to clean up rubbish following protest”
Hong Kong protesters are the most Canadian of protesters.
“Sooorry boot the mess eh.”
“Even though these body parts are designed to encourage procreation, the science says the subconscious reason they’re desirable isn’t because of the pleasure they bring DURING sex, but because of the vital purpose they serve AFTER in the nurturing of what sex brings – new life.”
“Prince of Whales”
He meant that, trollyastic it is!
So you are saying he did it on porpoise?
oh, I can totally see an H&H angle here
I’m not just going to write your whale porn for you for free.
It’s not for me, it’s for McAfee
Best reply:
I’m not crazy. You’re crazy.
Making Elizabeth Warren laugh can be tricky. Throwing her off her talking points is almost impossible. Both happened when she heard that her 2020 opponent Bernie Sanders is scheduled to deliver a “major address” today titled, according to his campaign, “How Democratic Socialism Is the Only Way to Defeat Oligarchy and Authoritarianism.”
The Massachusetts senator shook her head. It was Sunday evening, and we were standing in the backyard of a house on the poorer side of town here. Warren had just explained how her proposed 2 percent tax on every dollar over $50 million—“Two cents!” she likes to shout—would provide enough cash to fund universal child care for every child up to age 5 and universal pre-K for every child over 3. The plan, Warren said, as she has many times, will also raise wages for teachers and child-care workers, with enough money left over to wipe out almost all existing student debt. Warren refers to her agenda as “broad structural change.” It includes proposals such as securing voting rights for people of color and students, ending partisan gerrymandering, and amending the Constitution to stop the free flow of money in politics enabled by the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision. Warren believes the “bold structural change” she’s calling for is what’s needed, and that there’s a difference between that and Sanders’s vision of democratic socialism.
Magical thinking. It’s what’s for dinner. And gruel.
Bold structural change will be opposed by the kulaks and wreckers.
She went on to say, “If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.”
“I think it’s important for the American people to understand what my definition is of democratic socialism. And it’s certainly not how Donald Trump defines it,” Sanders said, adding, “When I talk about democratic socialism, it means a vibrant democracy and an economy that works for all, not just the people on top.”
Oh. That sounds pretty innocuous. I was afraid you meant mob rule, and confiscatory tax rates, and economy-strangling regulations.
My bad.
Anyone need an ear bug this morning?
It’s hilarious how conservative sites just take the default opposite position of what progressives say, even when it doesn’t really matter. So progressives love the USWNT, especially since they sued the governing body for not paying the female players as much as the male players (being paid according to the revenue you generate is a bitch), so naturally conservatives aren’t just going to say the USWNT is wrong. No. They have to say the USWNT is absolute garbage.
I present: “I’m Sorry, But The Women’s World Cup Is Basically Unwatchable”
That’s actually something to think about.
Nah. Then it always leads to “we don’t need off-sides”. How can you justify it if the field is half the size or something? And then you just invented a new sport.
I wouldn’t go half-sized. Maybe 85% or something.
Unlike that putz, I don’t require a team full of Messis to enjoy the game. But I do think there’s way more room for skills improvement before I would try anything radical.
Agreed. There is room for improvement. I think men and women’s soccer need to revisit the “direct” and “indirect” free kicks. You can probably just get rid of the “indirect” free kicks, especially since the initial kick-off has been changed to “direct” free kicks.
I don’t want to be a mouth breather, but I kinda agree. MLS is a poor soccer product, but it’s still a better game compared to women’s.
I’m with you. I’m not a soccer mark, but I’ll watch a game here and there. Women’s soccer does nothing for me. In fairness, MLS doesn’t, either, but it does seem a little more interesting.
Women’s sports kinda suck. Sorry. Tennis is alright, same with golf, but WNBA? Women’s soccer? I’d rather watch high school football.
What about Foxy Boxing or Volleyball?
Honestly, until the LFL players are paid as much as the NFL, how can we call ourselves a free country?
Ok, well, volleyball, sure. Billiards.
Don’t forget Booty Slapping.
Soccer itself is absolute garbage. All true Americans know that.
Being a Russian bot, myself, I don’t understand what you are saying?
Bitched about this last night. Does anyone else see something wrong with reverting to flammable refrigerants in air conditioners, fridges, etc?
How long before asbestos is preferred as a natural material? Or lead paint because it “blocks” the EMI from cell towers?
I had no idea this was coming. Unreal.
I didn’t either until I noticed a big warning sticker on the side of a new window AC unit.
Lead paint blocks the voices from my head that are caused by ingesting lead paint.
From ASHRAE Journal Newsletter, December 12, 2107
So we have time.
The big refrigerant changeover push these days is to things like Honeywell 1234YF. That’s pretty noninflammable.
My new AC uses R32.
I just did a flammability study with it. It takes a lot of work to make it burn. Mostly, it just extinguished the source. When used as an aerosol propellant, it can be shipped as non-inflammable compressed gas.
That’s more reassuring that the omg death sticker on the side of the unit.
Jesus fucking christ! The death toll from this is going to be pretty significant.
Not as large as the victims of Net Neutrality, though
My college thermo book had tables in the back for water and R-12*.
I don’t want to use anything else.
*The class was a good 6-7 years before its ban went into place.
Does anyone else see something wrong with reverting to flammable refrigerants in air conditioners, fridges, etc?
Let’s go back to ammonia.
Yufus would be the one to address this, but in most large, commercial, applications I believe ammonia is still the preferred refrigerant.
Miller Brewing Co. in Trenton, OH was once a client of mine, and I know they were considered a source with an enormous potential to emit ammonia, if there was a malfunction in the units that handle their cold storage.
“Youtube censors Project Veritas’ Pinterest story.”
From attending Catholic school I’ve met a lot of pro-life activists and whatnot. Despite your position on their argument, it’s hard to say that they are not a frequent target of speech censors, although when it happens the people who are supposedly in favor of free speech usually clam up (because it’s all about principal with those people and has virtually nothing to do with principle).
The ACLU literally sues them now trying to prevent them from protesting and just last year CA tried to argue that they had a right to force pro-life pregnancy centers to post information about abortion.
I mean, they literally used the state to silence a guy who did undercover work at Planned Parenthood. Maybe, I don’t get this, because I don’t view Planned Parenthood as some kind of celestial god, but, like it or not, pro-life activists are the biggest free speech martyrs today.
Did you all miss this?
Ask Amy: I can’t believe she’s a gun owner!
$1,000 says her daughter does not have hollow-point bullets. Unless her daughter’s name is El Chapo
Admittedly, I am not a huge gun connoisseur, but I was under the impression that hollow-point bullets are difficult to acquire.
nope. standard police round. very common for home defense ammo.
OK, once again, I am an idiot.
I’ll see myself out.
Who else is going to ask you out?
Tough audience, bro.
I’m sure NJ is listed as one of the states where they are forbidden. However, you can have them as home defense load there as well as shoot them at the range.
However, if you have one of the handful of actual concealed carry licenses you can’t carry with them. You need FMJ.
Essentially carrying with them is illegal.
Not at all. The opposite, really. Home defense rounds are typically hollow points. Because they expand more than they penetrate (that’s not quite right, but good enough) they have better stopping power and they are less likely to penetrate through residential walls, say.
that’s not quite right, but good enough
That’s what SHE said. . .
Not even vaguely.
No. Easy to acquire. The problem is that they don’t function the way most people think. They aren’t especially more effective. They aren’t magic. The most effective bullet is a hard lead flat point…the most innocuous looking of the bullet styles.
Almost everything you have heard about cop-killer, hollow points, claw-style bullets is complete bullshit.
Did it have the thing that goes up?
Depends on what the daughter looks like.
True. And that’s important to know now that the daughter is needing a new place to live…
Clearly the mom is a metric fan, and thinks 9mm is normal.
there are two types of countries on this planet: those that use the metric system and those that have been to the moon
I learned to shoot (pistols) using a .40 semi – Kimber? – and it was a fine shooting handgun. A lot easier for me to control vs a .45
This is about as normal a gun as gun’s get, genius.
Exactly. .40S&W is carried by many LEOs.
typical mother-daughter dynamic. mom tries to control and mold the daughter “to protect her”. the daughter is slowly crawling out from under her mom’s oppressive control.
I’ve given her three choices: She can either give her weapon to me, sell it, or move out in three weeks.
I love my daughter and would be so sad for her to move into a place that she would hardly be able to afford, but now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.
what happened to intelligent, hard-working, responsible?
Now she says that I don’t trust her,
gee, i wonder why.
and is barely speaking to me. How can I convince her to stop endangering us?
my guess is the daughter will shack up with some guy friend from work with a scary black rifle and her relationship with her mom will recover in a few years and that mom will stop asking about her firearm after the daughter responds that her firearm has a new family of its own now.
Actually signed “Dumbfounded Father”.
He’s a pantywaist. His daughter is the man of the house, apparently. Also, Amy is an idiot.
Ha. I revise my comment below to reflect that dad is the nut.
Oh, I get it. Mom’s insane.
Next question, how cool is the mom, you know, racially speaking?
upon further information strike mom and replace with “dad” (needs verification).
As so often is the case, I smell some underlying issue here that isn’t being addressed.
Projection? Is this guy just terrified of his child?
It’s tempting to jump into the comments and write:
“Obviously Dumbfounded molested his daughter when she was pre-pubescent. Now the daughter is afraid she might be pregnant and is taking steps to prevent the cycle from repeating.”
OH SHIT it was her father, not her mother.
somebody punch that beta in his gunt.
Right? He’s a father who wrings his hands over his adult daughter buying a pistol and then WRITES AN ADVICE COLUMNIST ABOUT IT! I feel like he’s shaming not only himself but men everywhere. There is absolutely no room for that in this gender. He deserves a third gender: little bitch.
you’re absolutely right. it’s much worse than i initially thought.
he has irreparably broken the code. there can be no salvation.
There is absolutely no room for that in this gender. He deserves a third gender: little bitch.
*standing ovation*
His daughter obviously feels like her father can’t protect her. Gee, I wonder why.
now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.
Good Lord. If she decides to off you, your locked bedroom door isn’t going to do squat.
now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what she’s going to do.
Because simply possessing the gun makes your daughter a murderer in waiting and locking your door (lol!) is going to stop her when she acts.
This woman is insane.
hard-working, responsible 24-year-old daughter (who lives with me)
I’m willing to revise on new information, but this is a non-sequitur on its face.
Meh, I’m assuming housing is expensive in San Jose.
And she was obviously responsible enough to save up for a gun — though I’ve heard those are easier to get than library books.
For sure. In fact, if you move to some states, the neighbors hand them out as housewarming gifts.
It’s a nationally syndicated column. I don’t think it mentioned where the letter writer lives.
Ah, I saw the work “Mercury.”
I’d debate ‘cuz I rent a room from dad, but it’s not an arrangement I’d maintain if I were trying to date seriously or further into my career.
That’s crazy! She should buy a shotgun and fire it indiscriminately into the backyard if she thinks a prowler is out there. I heard that from a reliable source.
And then what? Besides being potentially illegal, hoplophobe mom has demonstrated that she shouldn’t possess a firearm under any circumstances
There’s this place called a store…
And missing from the entire story- where’s the dad?
Crap. I assumed that level of pants shitting was a mother. It’s her dad. What a ballless wonder.
I thought mom as well, which would be bad enough. What a pussy.
According to my research, possessing hollow-point bullets is illegal in 11 states
Is that true?
They probably just did a 2 second google search and found this article
However, if you actually read the article….it says that armor-piercing bullets are illegal in 11 states……not hollow points, which I don’t believe are illegal in any state afaik
That she did research? Apparently not.
I plan to heavily arm Spawn 2.
All joking aside, it is completely within his (apparently) rights to not have guns on the property. Daughter should find a way to make it work if she wants to continue living there.
he’s still worthy of scorn.
oh yes, by the boatloads.
True, and that’s what “Amy” should have focused on. Instead she went full gun grabber retard.
This. But the dad is jerk for making those demands.
According to my research
You know, it would be perfectly reasonable and in fact responsible to hand over the question to an expert—say, a woman who trains other women to handle firearms for self defense. I’m sure they’re around, even as snotty as you and Dumbfounded and a generation of you pearl-clutching idiots have been toward gun owners.
a .40-caliber AND it’s a semi-automatic?!? What is the world coming to? where’s my fainting couch, I think I have the vapors
Where is ZARDOZ on this issue?!?
Dad = penis = evil.
Gun = good.
We are missing one critical piece of info, which I am disappoint nobody has sought out:
Is she hot?
And it’s not a normal gun either
Actually, it is quite normal.
Successful new superweapon test visible from Amarillo, Texas
Hayeksplosives’s involvement not yet confirmed.
now I have to lock my bedroom door at night because I don’t know what
she</strike the gun’s going to do.Autonomous firearms. They sneak down the hall and murder you in your sleep.
What kind of family is this? The daughter, who he acknowledges is a responsible adult, bought a pistol legally and now he thinks she’s going to, what, shoot him in his sleep? So he’s threatening to kick her out or steal her gun and then is aghast that she doesn’t trust him? Shit, not speaking to him is the best thing for her to do, and she ought to move out ASAP and never look back. Her father’s an unstable, disloyal lunatic who trusts a random advice columnist rather than his own daughter.
I didn’t know these were still for sale.
Autonomous strike tags- you never know when they will rise up against you.
And it’s not a normal gun either — it is a .40-caliber semi-automatic
No kidding. .45acp or GTFO.
My girlfriend is perfectly happy to shoot 9mm & .45, but she refuses to shoot .40. She tried and doesn’t like the recoil impulse.
The .40 always struck me as . . . unnecessary. I also am vigilant against caliber creep in my gun safe – 9mm and .45 is what we got, and I don’t see a need for anything else.
.40 cal police turn in pistols are usually a bargain. I have trouble resisting bargains.
.40 ammo was also routinely available during the “great ammo shortages.”
I find that too limiting. I like variety, but to each their own.
I’m not really a collector of guns – I don’t have anything that I don’t have a particular need for (except the battle rifle, at least, no need for it . . . yet). Total handgun collection is: one house handgun and one carry gun for each of Mrs. Dean and myself, one .410 derringer for snakes. No plans to buy any more. No plans to buy a rifle, and I could probably sell the 22-250 as I don’t see every shooting it again. The only gun I might buy is a home defense shotgun, and I just haven’t settled on one.
You’ll never be described as owning an arsenal after your arrest with a collection like that.
calibre creep is a concern of mine too. i have three now. may even sell my .300blk and get a 9mm carbine. knock it down to two for now. .300blk is $1/rd after all.
The CZ Scorpion carbine makes my heart flutter a little.
I know. You’ve taunted me with that before. 😉