I’m still a little bilious from SF’s Subaru House of Horrors. Male self-neutering… Too far, bro.
Lol. This guy isn’t Canada nice, eh? When the Rockets won their first title in ’95, my friends and I were waiting outside the Summit, and they opened the doors at the end of the game. I made it to the court in time to see the trophy handoff. Then sat in traffic for 2+ hours.
America morphs into Australia.
You have one shitty fecal transplant…
Look at these heroes, going home safe.
Because I hate you all, and this was on in a store.
Is Canada nice a thing?
Yes. It is a brand name. alibaba.com/showroom/canada-nice.html
Next to that was a link to an article claiming that this Russian chick electrocuted herself.
Ms Novikova was a design engineer and had graduated from the prestigious Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
I suppose you can CAD out pretty pictures and still know nothing of electricity, but this is a bit Boris and Natasha to me.
Fecal transplant goes wrong. So, how exactly does a fecal transplant go ‘right’?
FTA: Also experimental is the way to go about an FMT. Researchers have used HAND-MIXED fresh stool, freeze-dried nuggets, microbe-enriched excrement, and completely synthetic slurries. Delivery methods have included simple enemas, colonoscopies, POOP-FILLED CAPSULES THAT ARE SWALLOWED, and tubes threaded through the nose down to the stomach.
This is joke right?
If you are averse to having a instrument going through your ass, do you have a better method of delivery?
I don’t know, maybe just follow my ‘poop goes out not in’ rule?
“HAND-MIXED fresh stool, freeze-dried nuggets, microbe-enriched excrement, and completely synthetic slurries”
Can I get that in a vanilla double-pump half-caf?
You probably already did.
“Transplant ready for …Sad ….Myceanitis?”
Freeze-dried stool nuggets were the inspiration for Denver getting a basketball team.
“HAND-MIXED fresh stool, freeze-dried nuggets, microbe-enriched excrement, and completely synthetic slurries”
Artisinal stool! None of that manufactured shit for me.
>>This is joke right?
Is joke, comrade.
I hope.
You know it went right when everything comes out OK.
Its still pretty new, I think, but I have heard that it gets good results treating C. Diff.
Paging Playa Manhattan
Seems especially retarded because if the desired beneficial organisms could survive the trip through the stomach then it’d be possible to just swallow a culture, like yogurt or kefir, or something ‘entirely synthetic’ harboring the right microbes. The whole point of transplanting fecal matter is that cramming the microbes up your pooper, they can actually get established and restore normal gut flora. Using stool from a healthy donor colon is just a (sort of) shortcut (still undergoes testing, but easier than producing a mixed-culture from scratch).
Can’t help but feel like they fed people shit just because they could.
Doctor A: Patients are so gullible. I think I could get them to do anything. Even eat shit.
Doctor B: I’ll bet a dollar you can’t.
Doctor A: You’re on!
They use an EGD scope to place a capsule in the duodenum. I’ve only done a couple of these cases. It’s not as gross as it sounds. Basically, the stool from a healthy individual is sanitized, packed in a pill and placed in the small intestine to introduce “healthy” flora.
I always thought sanitized meant killing bacteria. What does it mean here?
Sanitized may not be the correct word, but they harvest the good bacteria from the stool. It’s not like they are packing literal stool into a pill and introducing it whole.
I think the word you’re looking for is cultured. The good bacteria would be selected and allowed to reproduce.
Nothing says culture like poop pills
Swiss is gonna pull an eye muscle reading that shit article.
Why? It isn’t in German,
‘Prey caught inside the plant’s specialised leaves are broken down by digestive enzymes.
Heat, starvation or infection by pathogens, may also kill salamanders trapped, according to lead researcher Dr Alex Smith.’
Forget the meek, the animals and plants from the house of horrors known as Australia will be the ones to inherit the Earth.
Also, it’s nice to see Alex Smith has moved on from his career-ending leg injury to find a successful career outside of football.
Please, Brett. That’s not even close to as offensive as Teds’ music choices.
Like this.
Just for that, you get this.
You are truly gifted.
Or twisted.
Both, maybe…
Here you go, Ted’s.
Love the apostrophe. That’s class A trolling.
it’s not the only one today: their have been others
Its Teds’ party, you can cry if you want to.
Happy Birthday, Buddy, I don’t care what the other’s may say, your alright in my book.
I guess the NBA playoffs are over? I really wasn’t paying attention.
so is the NHL – gawd I hate the Blues
…..they couldn’t both lose, unfortunately.
“The Phoenix Police Department takes all allegations of
misconductcriminal action seriously and for this reason,this incident is currently being investigated by the Professional Standards Bureauofficers of PPD immediately proceeded to arrest these officers on attempted murder and lesser charges. There is a parallel administrative investigation that has concluded that they credibly violated both the law and department policy. Both officers have been terminated as of yesterday. ,” a police statement said.Fantasy is always nice.
Reality, they get a few months paid vacation. Eventually they’re suspended for a few days, but that’s overturned by an arbitrator and they get back pay (with overtime!) for the entire time they were off the force. Their fellow officers buy them drinks and lament that they couldn’t have done that too, as it’s the only way they can get it up when they fuck their wife Morgan Fairchild after they go surfing.
+1 totality of circs.
The first 2020 Democratic Primary Debate, aired on NBC and MSNBC, will be held over two nights on June 26 and June 27, 2019. The debate will feature back-to-back primetime broadcasts on consecutive nights to ensure each candidate gets access to a primetime audience.
Night 1 – June 26
Booker, Castro, de Blasio, Delaney, Gabbard, Inslee, Klobuchar, O’Rourke, Ryan, Warren
Night 2 – June 27
Bennet, Biden, Buttigieg, Gillibrand, Harris, Hickenlooper, Sanders, Swalwell, Williamson, Yang
Of the top 5 candidates (Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, and Harris), only Warren will be during the first night.
Lieawatha has also been pulling up ahead of Comrade Bernie in the polls. Big opportunity for her.
Trade ’em beads for blanket
My money is still riding on a Biden/Harris ticket.
Mine too *shudder*
I just can’t honestly believe that Joe Biden isn’t going to self-immolate at some point. How many times did he try to run for president before and get absolutely nowhere? Is lounging around as VP for a while really enough to overcome that?
Probably a little early for her primary opponents to go for the kill shot: “Why did you lie about being Native American? Was it to take advantage of affirmative action at Harvard Law School?”
We have to wait until she debates Trump.
Kamala is probably the only one who could get away with asking that, but she won’t.
Warren has already gonna over that. Claiming you are Native American gets you absolutely no privileges or preferential hiring in any way, shape or form.
She’s gonna be pissed to be seated at the kids’ table.
Which one is the kids’ table. Looking at the list I can’t figure it out. BTW who’s getting left out completely?
Looks like…Gravel, Messam, Bullock, and Moulton. A veritable Who’s Who of Who the fuck is that?
Gravel, Messam, Bullock, and Moulton
Also sounds like a competing company to Mr. Slate on The Flintstones.
ALOL. Yes it does!
Odds on DJT tweeting something about this?
Gabbard is the only one with anything of interest to say.
But only on a single subject.
Her economics are standard prog/dem idiocity, but at least she gets the war thing right.
As far as I know, she’s the only R or D who knows their ass from a whole in the ground on the subject of foreign policy.
I know the cutoff was really low. How low was it the DeBlasio qualified?
Supposedly he passed 1% in three polls.
It could have been worse: they could have been playing this at the store.
You see right here waiting for my music links.
It would have been awesome if they were playing this:
Are those sonic booms?
Btw, excellent response. ?
Not cool, dude. There’s a reason that doesn’t even get played at the store.
I was going to accuse you of Ted S level hate but I was wrong.
The Swedish government really really hates Swedes.
Swedish Government wants to ban ancient Viking symbols, claiming they “constitute incitement to hatred”. Even though they are religious symbols – which cannot be oppressed in Sweden.
So what’s *really* behind this?
Accommodation of Muslim immigrants, would be my guess. I believe some of the anti-immigration forces in Sweden, being nativists, are adopting Viking symbolism.
Because there are are a very small number of Nazi Odinists — very small relative to the total number of Odinists who are generally unhappy about the presence of Nazis. And the historical SS used the Viking runes “SS” as their official symbol – those twin lightning bold thingies.
Neither of which explains why they would push to ban them now. WWII ended almost 75 years ago, but suddenly it’s an issue?
Why look at these racists: Wardruna
Faggotkor? How do they not get called out on that?
Worst He-Man character ever.
Lickcumokur was pretty bad.
As silly as I find symbolism on a rational level I can’t deny that it’s deeply ingrained into the human psyche and holds a lot of meaning to people regardless their background. When you try to strip a people of their very identity you play a very dangerous game. You want a massive civil revolt? Because this is how you get civil revolts.
but can they ban…the Technoviking?
…just never gets old
Not that I’m excusing this, cuz I’m not. But white nationalists *really* latch onto norse mythology as a religion.
I think in Sweden you can just call them Nationalists.
So, if a religion is closely associated with a vicious hate movement, even if that hate movement only accounts for a large minority of the religion, they can ban or restrict the religion?
Hmmm… will be an interesting precedent for the right to exploit when/if they regain power.
It’s insane. Just crazy.
The people that run that country, most of them, need to be given the blood eagle. Any respect I had for that country evaporated instantly years ago when I read that the Swedish minister to the EU, I think, said that Swedish women needed to get used to being raped. I was going to link to the story but it seems to be scrubbed from the net now. Right to be forgotten an all I guess.
Also scrubbed, I think, is John Kerry in an interview saying something bad about having a Global War on Terror, that America would be better off to get used to the idea of more 9/11s and not get so worked up about it.
Afternoon folks.
Some more shilling from me.
Beyond the Edge of the Map is available to pre-order. Will release on June 30th, with a paperback along too,
The back cover reads:
And I’ve been slipping in the rankings since I got on the chart this morning…
When my Kindle version arrives on the 30th, will it be autographed?
If you mail me your kindle, I’ll scribble on the screen with a sharpie.
Try promoting it with this little tune from Dora the Explorer:
If there’s a place you got to go
I’m the one you need to know
Just go Beyond,
Beyond the Edge,
Of the Map.
If there’s a place you got to get
I can get you there I bet
Just go Beyond,
Beyond the Edge,
Of the Map.
Ten. Fucking. Grand.
Oh man, hadn’t thought about that one in a while. Time for it to make a comeback.
Too bad you couldn’t make it the other day. I was curious what kind of person would drop ten large for that!
Before I pre-order this. Is this part one of god knows how many in a multi-book series? If so are you going to finish them in a timely manner and if not how come?
In terms of overarching plot, one of two.
In terms of books in the universe, who knows, but no overarching plot.
I notice you didn’t answer the timely manner question there, Rothfuss.
I don’t get the reference.
Patrick Rothfuss is an author who took writing trilogy lessons from George Martin.
His Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy consists of two books and one to be completed sometime in an alternate universe.
Well, I’m only 25K words into “On Unknown Shores” (Book 2). I don’t know how long it will take. I’ve written books in anything from a week to several years.
The main character is a compete Marty Stu pile of fantasy cliches and the books are just an extended flashback, so he’s written two books without beginning the nominal plot.
And yet, a fun read.
Makes me wonder whether Kvothe is lying, or at least embellishing, the whole time.
Or it would make me wonder if I still thought Rothfuss has something clever up his sleeve and isn’t, in fact, stumped by the books’ success.
Linky no worky. Any chance it’ll be available in a Nook book from B&N? I’m apparently the proud owner of the last surviving Nook.
I’m afraid not.
I’m still a little bilious from SF’s Subaru House of Horrors.
Check out the big brain on Brett!
Those fancy 50 cent words going to buy him a beatin’
He’s a smart m*****f*****
Yeah, but his humors are apparently all messed up. Probably just needs a good bleeding.
This Is What It’s Like to Have Sex With Hearing Loss
“I won’t be able to hear if you consent or not, so I’ll just assume you are good with everything.”
“This Is What It’s Like to Have Sex With Hearing Loss”
I stopped at “What its like to have sex”
RBI man.
Nice swing.
I’m proud of him. We went from him not being able to get close to a pitched ball at the start of the season, to getting a hit every game. It took quite a bit of work, vut we got there.
How’d you do it? My 10-year-old gets nervous at the plate. He’s okay in a cage, but gets a little jumpy in the game.
Mostly just a bunch of time in the back yard with me throwing hundreds of balls to him.
I started out underhanded lobbing until he could get that timed up right and then moved to overhand and slowly increased the speed until he got it.
*deserves “World’s Greatest Dad” shirt on Sunday*
Next season you start with the brushback pitches.
What worked for mine was throwing fast pitches in the cage. The coaches would basically just lob the ball at them. I pitched hard, and he lost any fear, and got much better hitting regular pitches from kids during game time. What was funny was that the other kids saw me throwing fast pitches and begged me to throw to them, too.
Which is he worried about: performance or getting beaned?
A little bit of both I think, but getting hit probably moreso. He’s pretty pain-averse.
I think slumbrew has the cure for that.
NIMBY says rare bird
. . . the National Park Service announced that all outdoor concerts at Sandy Hook/Gateway National Recreation Area have been canceled for the entire summer 2019 season, due to the discovery of a single piping plover nest near where the concerts are held.
footage of the Lachowsky household
My son got drilled a few times last year and it’s a big reason why he chose not to play this year. I thought he was giving up for good, but just the other day he asked me to go down to the schoolyard and throw some BP for him, so we’ll see. Maybe he goes back to baseball next year. I can always dream. My daughter’s hooked on softball already.
He’s pretty pain-averse.
I take it he lacks a sparring partner (aka “brother”)?
He does lack a brother. He wrestles around with the neighbor kid a little bit, but rough-housing ain’t what it used to be.
… rough-housing ain’t what it used to be
Which in a way is too bad, because nothing builds pain tolerance like getting hit by your best friend (receiving pain without hatred or danger).
You keep him in a cage?
I thought it might cure him of being afraid of being hit by a baseball.
Hey man, there’s no parenting manual!
Teach him to bat left-handed and have him play catcher. He’ll get hit so many times it will soon become a big nothingburger.
That may solve the pain aversion, but not concussion aversion.
Hey, it didn’t hurt me long-term!
*falls down stairs*
Same issue with my daughter at age 11 or 12. Sat her down and had a frank discussion with her: Told her she had to decide if she wanted to play the game (it was fine with me if she chose not), and if she did, play, she was going to get hit by a few pitches every summer. Showed her how to tuck her head behind her shoulder, bought her a mask for when she pitched, and she terrorized pitchers and batters for the next 5 years.
Cool. Good plan.
And so, so many beatings.
(j/k – good job!)
“I learned it from you, Dad! I learned it from you!”
I love the kid on 3rd base bolting for home plate. Too funny. DAMN THE TORPEDOES!
and rain is wet:
Madonna reveals she ‘lost count of the number of men who offered her record deals in exchange for sex’ in the early years of her career
And only one of the bastards actually made good on the offer.
She’s just reminiscing about a time when someone wanted to bang her.
Madonna just reinvented herself as victim after building her entire early career around empowerment for sleeping around.
I bet she doesn’t have that problem any more.
* pewking * never got what that was about
related: 15 Freaky Reports Of Sasquatch Abductions
The Hildebeast has been suspiciously quiet lately. I still think they will trot her out after the current gaggle of fuckwits finish shooting themselves in the dick.
Maybe she’s dead.
Wasn’t she out doing speeches at commencements recently?
They have her in a freezer with RBG.
It didn’t stop her last time.
Will a bag of weed fall out of them?
Probably, I’m sure Bernie still tokes.
Based on his speeches, I’d guess constantly.
Hillary surprising the crowd at the debates
I larfed.
*one beep*
Beep or honk? Honk! * banned from Facebook *
I will accept honks for beeps at 1:1 but my palanquin is only capable of producing beeps.
These euphemisms have gotten really obscure.
Not accepting losing for three years is exhausting and probably ate her up from inside out.
Obama has been somewhat quiet too.
Funny how things tone down a bit whenever these two keep quiet.
He’s probably desperately trying to get ahold of Kamala Harris to tell her to stop trying to normalize the idea of prosecuting past presidents for high crimes committed in office.
I hate cops; it is known, but when the folks realized the kid stole a doll, why didn’t they return it instead of continuing on to the babysitter’s?
HTML tags suck around here.
Maybe she had to get to work. Maybe they were late for something. Maybe 100 other reasons.
Unless the 4 year old robbed the place with a pistol, what the police did was … more than a little excessive.
Those two cops are a menace and belong in prison, but yeah, as soon as they realized what had happened they should have brought it back. They are petty thieves. There are no good guys in this story but there is a spectrum of bad and the cops are bit further down it than the family that stole a doll from the dollar store.
They absolutely shouldn’t have brought it back. Many store have a policy to prosecute even on returned items. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, throw it out the window and pretend it never happened.
I’d like to know the thought process behind a store employee seeing a toddler walk out with a doll leading to calling the cops on her. I mean, sometimes the “right” thing to do isn’t necessarily the right thing to do.
The cops said it was an anonymous tip. Which is even weirder. But it gets the store off the hook for a lawsuit, at least.
I read about a case where the person did just that, and the store called the cops and had them arrested.
A judge called his mandatory sentence “excessive and wrong.” Less than a year later, he died in federal prison (TW: TOS)
tl;dr: Man goes up for 40 years for being part of a meth ring, mandatory sentence. Judge calls the sentence BS but says he has no control. He’s sent to a federal prison (seemingly USP Florence High). He didn’t want to hook up with the white supremacist gang. He’s now dead. Yay drug war.
Yeah, actually he does have a choice. He’s an Article III Judge. Lifetime appointment. He could also have chosen to have quit rather than been part of a travesty of justice.
But good to see TOS rediscovering that it has a pair, however small and vestigial.
“One of the officers told Harper, “I could have shot you in front of your f—— kids,” according to the claim filed by the family’s lawyer, Thomas Horne, a former attorney general for the state.”
Nice. Awesome. Classy. /face palm.
I will admit that, because I have family members I like who are cops, I try to see their side of the story…..but goddamn there are just so many of this bastards who need to be shitcanned immediately.
cops don’t mow down idiot rioters
A man who was killed by U.S. Marshals in Tennessee on Wednesday night, which sparked protests that injured dozens of police officers and sheriff’s deputies . . .
After the suspect was (rightfully) gunned down by the federales, the (mis-informed?) crowd pelted the local yokels with bricks and such, but no one (else) got capped.
Justin. Goof ball extraordinaire strikes again.
/face palm.
Oy, Brett, why are you posting pics of sad UNC basketball fans on the front page.
Can’t we UNC and FSU fans agree that Dook is the true villain?
It is known.
When my brother moved to NC, he was told he needed to pick a team – UNC or NC State; “everybody hates Duke”.
Some of the older (read – Sampson era and prior) UVA fans still consider UNC our biggest rival and hate them, but I think most of the under-50 crowd hates Duke a whole lot more than Carolina. I know I do.
Milo was the Nazi yesterday, Gavin Mcinnes was the Nazi this morning, and Stephen Crowder is the Nazi of the moment.
Who is the Nazi of tomorrow? I’m putting my money on Ben Shapiro getting banned next.
MILO is still a NAZI. See the reaction to dave smith having him on legion of skanks a few weeks ago.
Watching Smith interview Soave really brought the two brands of libertarianism into perspective. One is radical and the other is controlled opposition, ever vigilant to never stray too far from the NYT editorial page narrative
Dave Smith argued that hate crime laws were thought crimes, while Robby disagreed with that assessment, instead arguing that the problem with hate crime laws was that it allows for double jeopardy since the federal and state governments have these laws. Dave Smith defended having Milo on LOS and said he wasn’t a Nazi, while Robby hedges saying that Milo was a Nazi because of some Buzzfeed article he read, while saying that LOS should be free to have Milo on if they wanted.
Toward the end, I imagine Smith was thinking “oh yeah, I forgot this is why I don’t have Reason/ Cato people on my podcast”
“This word you keep using. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
Soave is a libertarian squish but I thought he did fairly well on POTP. I’m much closer to Smith and the other Mises guys’ politics but Soave is a breath of fresh air compared to most of the other political pundits out there.
I agree. My little rant was unnecessarily hyperbolic. His quibble on hate crimes just really irked me. I give Soave a lot of credit for calling out journalists for the Covington smear, even though people at his own publication felt the need to distance themselves from his article. That took balls.
Robby can be exasperating, but he’s a damned sight better than most Reason writers. 2 Chili and Stossel are the only ones I would put ahead of him.
What about Charles Oliver and Baylen Linnekin?
I’m not familiar with Charles Oliver (note: I have barely read TOS, other than Froot Sushi, in the last two years). Linnekin is pretty good, but his bailiwick is so limited, and not one I’m terribly interested in, so I can’t say I’ve read him too closely.
Robby has his moments. I think his problem is he is completely surrounded all day everyday by leftists and it taints some of his thinking. Also, I don’t think he is a very good writer. His phrasing and such always bothers me.
OTOH, I find ENB to be a good writer who’s opinions are
oftenusually idiotic. If she wasn’t all in for the leftist claptrap, I think she’d be an enjoyable read.That’s an odd way to spell bang.
Just call me Nazi of the morning,
Just stomp your boots before you leave,
Just call me Nazi of the morning,
And briskly goose step away.
I’m putting my money on Ben Shapiro getting banned next.
Too Jewish.
When has that ever stopped them?
The history is complicated enough.
Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military
Ordered. Thanks.
I’m putting my money on Ben Shapiro getting banned next.
The Babylon Bee is way ahead of you.
The Bee is a treasure.
Relevant: Man Identifying As 6-Year-Old Crushes Game-Winning Homer In Tee-Ball Championship
“It’s well-known that Ben Shapiro is a Nazi since he’s not a leftist. He probably attends Nazi meetings and does Nazi things like the funny march and salute. It’s a given that he has a swastika tattoo somewhere on his person.”
I dunno about Nazi, but I see razorfist getting his channel “accidentally” deleted soon.
RVA lunchtime Glibs meetup went very well. Nobody was ejected from either the table or the restaurant. Government plant easily spotted. Waitress was a bit puzzled by the request for sheets of foil and the use to which they were put, but good tipping solved that.
Really Vulgar Assholes?
Ha! Good one, Mikey.
Our conversation was very classy. The best conversation!
And the pie, as always is the case at Garnett’s, was delightful.
Thanks for meeting up! I enjoyed it.
Finally arrived at my destination. Off to the bar
Woo, wine club shipment has arrived.
I have to step up my game – it’s starting to pile up.
*Raises hand*
I can help.
Male self-neutering… Too far, bro.
SF was just trying to expand your cultural horizons. Such practice has precedence in ancient cults:
Can’t help but involuntarily wince at that one.
For those that are so inclined; machining porn.
What do they do with the shavings?
Off to the scrap/recycling yard. They don’t do their own casting.
No kidding. They knocked 50% of the material off that slug.
If you mean how do they keep them from building up, there is a conveyor at the bottom that takes them to a bin outside the machine.
Nope. 120 lbs from the raw slug. Just curious what they do with that much scrap.
Typically they get sent for recycling
There is a guy who makes really cool rings but he does it by cutting them on a lathe. The amount of waste when he’s using something irreplacable like meteorite breaks my heart.
I don’t think the average person realizes how much recycling is done by manufacturing shops. Every single bit of unused metal is recycled.
Some years back I “got” to be the tour guide for a college class that toured the place I worked. We got over to the laser and the pile of sheet steel scrap left over after cutting parts from it. One future hipster looking kid asked kind of condescendingly, “what do you do with all that metal.” I told him we recycled it and he seemed surprised.
Mexico? Why would a drug cartel need an industrial lathe?
Good question…now that Holder isn’t sending them guns they have to make their own?
This has been a rough work week, and it’s not over. I’ve now been signed up for a change tomorrow that’s scheduled to go from 22:00 – 05:00 Sunday. If it lasts that long, I will be very, very, unhappy. At present, I think we’re up to three different companies, with 6 different teams involved for this change.
Someone critical will no show and the whole thing will be kicked down the road.
Does anybody have a killer rum punch recipe. I’m entertaining by the pool tomorrow and don’t feel like constantly mixing cocktails.
Pour 6 ounces of rum into a solo cup. Add a few ice cubes and imbibe. Drink a few and the punching will come later.
Elmore Leonard does. Check his site.
I’ve been making blue hawaiians for the Mrs. – Coconut Rum, Pineapple Juice and Blue Curacao. That would play nicely as a pool part type punch.
Thanks Dino
I make Electric Lemonade: vodka, lemonade, and blue curaçao.
That sounds good. I might have to try that.
It should have sour mix too, but as I understand it, you can make a facsimilie with simple syrup, lemon juice, and lime juice.
It’s a nice drink for the summer, and the electric blue color is a conversation starter.
That is what sour mix is.
You could always look up tiki drinks, and simplify them a bit.
I was thinking something with rum, fruit juice and spices. The tiki drink is not a bad idea
1. Put rum back in bainet
2. Grab Whiskey (anything but Canadian (oh screw it, even that’ll do)
3. Drink straight out of bottle while making a new Florida man story for the news.
I generally replace step 1 with “pour it down the drain” but the advice is solid.
Well, off to meet the girlfriend’s parents. Thoughts, prayers, etc.
Must resist temptation to give bad advice…
You’ll notice that I didn’t ask for *advice* from you lot. “Challenge the dad to a moonshine drinking contest and STEVE SMITH the mom!”
I see you’ve been here for at least a few minutes. Wise.
Also, that’s the advice that I would have given had one of you asked.
So, you’ve never met an Eastern European father have you? The dad will challenge you. And shots of slivovitz will be poured.
Is this a challenge to outdrink Pie?
My background (German, Irish, Swiss, Scottish, Slovenian) may give me a chance.
And what does the Eastern European mother do?
They get shunted off to talk to their mother and the rest of the family. Depending on your ethnicity and religion, the mother could be talking about your shortcomings and failures as a provider.
Of course, my knowledge of this is about 20 years out of date, I’m sure it’s changed a lot since then…
Stealing from FRIENDS:
Avoid the phrase “I’m the one doing your daughter” and you should be ok.
Do a couple of fat rails of meth first, then smoke a joint to take the edge off.
Good point. You don’t want to come off as low-energy.
Two chess masters attempt to hustle one another.
Last year, my one jalapeno plant was ok, and the other a sad little thing bearing virtually no fruit. The habanero was awesome and the ghost pepper was trashed.
This year the ghost is off to a strong start and looking good. The habanero is flowering and hopeful, and the jalapeno is looking strong.
*fingers crossed*
For the ghost pepper, if it gets too much water, too little water, or too cold, it’ll drop flowers like mad.
That’s exactly what happened last year…dropping flowers like mad.
For my plant, I found the best way to keep it going was to wait until the leaves just started to wilt, then water the hell out of it. Lots of direct sunlight, and temperatures above 70 F.
Also, if you’re planning on replanting seed from any of those peppers, be aware they can crossbreed and produce some very interesting outcomes. I once had peppers that looked like bells, with the heat of jalapenos.
My backup plan is a coworker. His bil grows all sorts of hot peppers. I get scorpions, chocolate habaneros, reapers, ghosts, & others from him.
I guess I shouldn’t follow my instructions so closely
dammit, I think it’s time to stop posting and focus on the drink.
You can do both. Come on man! You can do it!