Another lovely day here in Satan’s idea of Paradise. But on the bright side, it’s Friday. And we’re not snowed in. And I’m not going to link any stories about a guy who had drugs fall out of his ass, then shot himself in the nuts. And no depressing Holocaust posts. See, you should be feeling better already!
Birthdays today include a guy I keep forgetting about; someone who always gets me charged up; a racist, homophobic murdering piece of shit who is a Leftist icon; and a guy I would have loved to have had a few beers with.
Here’s a petition from we can all get behind. And I’d suggest starting another one calling for the prosecutor (someone name Preet Bharara) to get stuffed into a woodchipper.
“But we were just helping you by removing those mines! How can you be so suspicious?”
Well, that settles it, then. Biden’s the guy.
What do you get when you take a well-past-the-use-by-date director and hand him a series that ran out of steam about 30 years ago? This. God help us, this will be even worse than Jaws.
“A new excuse to shred the First Amendment? OH JOY!”
If this reporting were from a more credible source, it might be worth paying attention to.
Computers are clearly not libertarian.
Global Warming- more effective than clubbing.
Old Guy Music features one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums. No Cream today, we’re dieting.
“So this seal walks into a club….”
And Murray Saul says it’s Friday.
(from the days when WMMS was decent)
Try a better URL.
It doesn’t matter to my work proxy if you’re SSL or non SSL as to whether it’ll block you.
Huh. OK, it’s just a picture of a cute baby seal with the headline “I ♣️ YOU”.
I probably would have chuckled.
For a moment I thought the link was going to be to this story.
The easy CUK jokes are going away. Change UK is being forced to Change (their name)
In a more self-serving link…
As I mentioned in a sneak preview announcement last night, Beyond the Edge of the Map is now available to preorder, with a release date of June 30th.
Back cover reads:
You plan to have an audio version? I am too lazy to read…
I’d need someone to read it to make the audio version. And voice actors tend to want to be paid.
I am sure SF or HM can do it for ya…..
What about ?
sell-swords or sells-words?
Both, they’re swashbuckling editors.
[golf clap]
Helen FitzDug I assume will be his doppelganger?
Along with her cousin Helen HighWater.
I share that Free Ross petition on social media from time to time, to deafening silence.
They’re just going to disappear the signatories as enemies of freedom.
Tweet that shit to Kim Kardashian.
The attack comes at a time of high tensions between the US and Iran, and could provide more fodder for Iran hawks within the administration, whose recent Iran saber-rattling has frustrated President Donald Trump.
CNN is against foreign intervention now?
The right guy is not in the WH, soooooo…
War porn sells. Not like 1990 but it still sells.
Up until the moment where Trump refuses to have a war with Iran.
The pressure’s going to be on. At a conservative site I sometimes go to, Ace of Spades HQ, they’re champing at the bit for war. Sometimes they’re OK but they loves them some killing and they never seem to learn a lesson when it comes to foreign policy.
Ace is a funny guy and I agree with him maybe 75% of the time. His commenters, however, are largely jackasses and they are uniformly big fans of a)war b)prohibition.
“Employees from two Department of Agriculture research agencies stood and turned their backs to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue at an all-hands meeting Thursday to silently protest a decision to relocate the agencies halfway across the country.”
And they are still on the payroll, paid by taxes. What if the agribusinesses voluntarily paid for the research instead of people involuntarily subsidizing them? Buying the agribussiness’ food should be enough payment.
How could you possibly tell it was supposed to be a protest? Nonattendance, and inattentive attendance of “All agency” meetings is the norm.
Working for the fedgov should come with a requirement that those that shame themselves commit televised Sepuku. We should also chop off fingers when these unelected and unaccountable fuckall agencies fuck over the tax payer. What do our Nippon Glibs think of that?
I’d be OK with pulling a Budd Dwyer instead of seppuku.
Less mess, that’s for sure. Think of the flunkies that have to clean that godawful scene.
I’m pretty sure that OHSA requires you to be inside secondary containment before you auto-exsanguinate.
So we have to set up seppuku stalls?
Ho many different genders will we need to cover for?
Just one gender as only Real Men will ever utilize the facilities.
Remember the episode on Magnum PI when Thomas talked a samurai friend out of Sepuku?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Oh, he did have a first name. Not that anyone used it that often.
As a result of this move, no ERS or NIFA employees will be involuntarily separated. Every employee who wants to continue working will have an opportunity to do so, although that will mean moving to a new location for most. Employees will be offered relocation assistance and will receive the same base pay as before, and the locality pay for the new location.
Same base pay, DC to KC? Not bad at all.
A swamp creature can’t survive for long removed from its natural environment.
They’ll wither and die!
Yeah, unable to see a downside here.
Putting insufferable DC pricks in the midst of “normal” people?
They’d basically be getting about a %27.5 increase in pay:
Some interesting cost comparisons on this list, especially the cost of rent/housing.
But they’re cut off from the networking and social circles to get the really juicy appointments worth more than a measly 27.5%…
“Global Warming- more effective than clubbing.”
Isn’t there anything that these people can’t blame on this nonsense? Maybe Dershowitz threw his towel behind Biden because of this global warming shit too?…
I’d like to talk to someone about global warming or at least Fourscore Warming. My tomato plants all (45 of ’em) froze yesterday morning, June 13th. First time ever for me, this late. I’m not moving to AZ to make up the difference, I’ll settle for a couple degrees (F) here. Can’t someone help?
I have a fire going this morning, to take the chill off, cold, rainy. OTOH, I expect a ho-hum from the Canadian folks. Woe is me…
It’s been in the 40’s two mornings so far this week, and raining 5 days a week for the last 6 weeks. This is bullshit.
Are you in MI too? It’s been horrible this year. Camping this weekend and packing like it’s late fall.
Yes I am and yes it has. Good luck with the camping this weekend but I fear that the odds are not in your favor.
“My tomato plants all (45 of ’em) froze yesterday morning, June 13th. First time ever for me, this late.”
My kid, whom asked me if we could turn the freaking heat back on last night, pointed out that last year by this time our AC had already been on for a full month and we had yet to turn it on this year (after I asked him if he thought I was made out of money and was going to turn the heat on simply because it was 50 degrees outside). I heard the Indian sub continent was getting broiled or something the other day, and that this was proof we were all going to be living in Waterworld in a couple of years. None of the people peddling that shit liked my commentary that it sure as hell was not reflected up here in new England nor that I thought we had 12 years till this apocalypse finally hit us.
Weather is not climate (unless it supports the AGW story).
My Grandma used to swear by Wall o water season extenders for her tomato plants. The red ones also purportedly promote growth.
There are tomato cultivars that can withstand frost.
Gonna guess they have even less flavor or they’d have taken over the market north of Mexico.
There are plenty of places north of the border that don’t get frost this time of year, including New Jersey. Anyway, I was thinking of home garden tomatoes. Most commercial cultivars are picked green then gassed.
Birthdays today include
You forgot Oscar-winning actor Burl Ives, the German tennis player who actually had a sense of humor, and everybody’s favorite commenter here.
SP? Banjos? Mojeaux?
Everybody Love’s Ted!
Winston’s Mom?
Whose that?
Oh wait, I know, it must be Winston’s Mom’s birthday.
OK, guess someone should say it. Happy Birthday.
Poor Ted, having his birthday overshadowed by everyone’s favorite commenter. We’ll figure out who it is sooner or later.
Probably someone with gooder grammar.
Happy Birthday
You’re right, he’s suffered enough. Happy Birthday, TedS!
You’re numbah one in my book, TedS. along with several hundred more. A big Ol’ Fashioned Happy Birthday, Teddy, may the Ice Creams gods shed their grace on you, today and every day.
We’re all singing this song’s with all the apostrophe’s in the right place’s for Ted’S
Happy Birthday!
Happy Bitrhday!
That was gloriously horrible. Perfect for Ted.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Ted’s!
“a guy I keep forgetting about”
What was that you were saying? Sorry, slipped my mind…
They didn’t bring me Jello.
Jack Bruce. The least assholish and probably the most talented member of Cream.
Did you ever see “Beware of Mr. Baker”? No question, Bruce was the most talented of the three, by a large margin, but in the interviews, he was a consummate asshole.
Love his music, though. Love it.
They were all cunts, OMWC. Disreali Gears is a great album, though.
Tales of Brave Ulysses.
Oh I saw that movie. Ginger came off as the asshole of all assholes. And his digs against Bonham and Moon.
Personally, when it comes to rock drumming, I’ll always be a Keith Moon (in his prime) fan.
I’ve always been a Bonham guy. My buddy (a drummer) fell to pieces when he died. Mind you we were all fucked up on some microdot acid at the time, but still… Put his head through the drywall if I remember correctly.
They are both great, but Shelia is my favorite.
For obvious reasons.
I never fall the pieces over people I don’t know.
Want a hero? Look in the mirror as a buddy used to say. lol.
#metoo although I have a deep love for Clive Bunker’s playing.
Ginger was a great drummer, but my god did that man think highly of himself.
My two favorite drummers of all time are Dave Lombardo (Slayer) and John Stanier (Helmet, Battles).
The Reverend Glenn Beck’s yesterday’s pick for what Glibs would call Derp of the Day. You may disagree with his politics, but he is right about this being premium derp. If you choose to read this, remember, you have been warned.
Fuck you for posting that, and fuck me for being stoopid enough to click through to a Huffpost article and actually trying to read it. I am certain I am now down between 20-40 IQ points for the fucking day. Great!
“If you choose to read this, remember, you have been warned.”
“black Native Americans”?! Seriously?
I hate to ask, but what animal spirit would that entity align to?
Intermarriage is not unknown.
That doesn’t seem to be the claim here.
WTF, indeed.
Look at me I’m special!
Puppy mom is the worst identity
“black Native Americans”?! Seriously?
Runaway African slaves were often accepted by nearby Native tribes. Hence the expression amongst the black community, when someone has unusually straight hair, “they’ve got Indian in them”.
>>mental wellness navigator
The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed.
If not for the courage of the
fearless crewmental wellness navigatorThe Minnow would be lost.
mental wellness
Finding Neno
Good Lord that is a big ‘ol steamin’ pile of gibberish.
Beck has been moving steadily toward libertarian for years. His personal morality may match socons but it has been years since he advocated any government enforcement of it.
I think this is correct.
Due to improved medication?
I’m gonna need a few more dials.
Like Reason seems to have a new found fetish for David French, the CBC is obsessed over Indigenous affairs. Every time I’m around the CBC (which is preciously rare), they seem to be interviewing or about to discuss Native issues and covering award shows or ceremonies I never heard of.
Yes. It became tiresome a decade ago but now it is non-stop. Whoever thought that 4% of the population would gain such a stranglehold on the “People’s Network”?
So you’ve been to Mpls?
In the links below that.
I’ve got the perfect partner for them.
RVA Glibs meetup at lunch today. So far it’s me, Scruffy and Chipwooder. If anyone else is interested, email me at tonio (numeral four) liberty (at) protonmail.
A lot of June bdays for Glibs. Mine was yesterday
Happy birthday, belatedly.
Happy Birthday!
Me Too, T&T!
Damn quite a Brooks this goes up with Ted’s post
Although a RVA meet up sounds good just a bit too many hours up 85 for me
Resistance is futile
A few months ago, Google announced changes were coming to improve privacy, security, and performance with regard to Chrome extensions. In particular, one change didn’t sit well with ad blocker developers, who claimed Google was looking to diminish their efficacy. At the time, at least one company threatened to pursue filing an antitrust complaint.
Yesterday, Google hit back with a blog that basically says, “Nuh uh. We’re not trying to kill ad blockers, we just want to make them safer.” At the core of the issue is the Web Request API. Google announced it was replacing some parts of that particular API with what it calls the Declarative Net Request API. In Google’s words, the change means an extension “does not need access to all a user’s sensitive data in order to block content.” It goes on to explain the current Web Request API requires users to grant permission for Chrome to pass along all information in a network request, and that can include private data such as emails and photos. However, the company claims the new API will allow extensions to block content without requiring users to give access to private data.
In a statement to Wired, Ghostery President Jeremy Tillman said, “I think they’ve been trying to give the impression that they’re working with the developer community, when in fact they’re pretty entrenched with what they want to do. The new API is not in itself a bad thing, but it becomes a bad thing when it’s the only option because it lacks the flexibility that the Web Requests API provides.”
Ultimately, it boils down to whether you believe Google isn’t trying to slowly squeeze the life out of ad blockers and create its own version. Google makes a big chunk of moolah off its ad business, so cynically speaking, it doesn’t have a huge incentive to make things easy for third-party ad blockers.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t know what most of that means, but it doesn’t require a particularly vivid imagination to assume Google wants to do everything in its power to keep the
spicead revenue flowing.And to be able to track your every fucking move on their browser too, whether you want that or not…
Avoiding the google ecosystem continues to look like a good call. I’m glad that I personally never got into it, although I do still use Maps on my phone because the routing in Apple maps never seems quite as smart. It’s really not that inconvenient to live google-free.
Until you actually blacklist google related URLs (googleapis, etc.), you are likely in their ecosystem.
Fair point.
Thank you.
Waze is much better than google maps. Plus you can have a British lady do the voice.
“I’m a strong supporter of Joe Biden,” Dershowitz said. “I like Joe Biden. I’ve liked him for a long time and I could enthusiastically support Joe Biden.”
Make America Grope Again!
I like him because he’s a constitutionalist but his Lefty politics give me pause. Who the fuck likes Joe fucking Biden?
I don’t think Joe Biden likes Joe Biden.
Joe Biden loves Joe Biden.
When he can remember who that is.
Can he really be a constitutionalist if he has lefty politics?
Depends on who’s ox is getting gored. Or Gore’d.
Anybody who hates cancer.
>> Quentin Tarantino
I just don’t get the love (from some quarters) for this guy. He’s a hack. And blatantly rips off other directors and movies, usually Asian cinema.
But to each his own.
If you are not aware that he is ripping off his betters, you might actually think he produces original content.
I met him some years back at an event with John Waters. Waters was, of course, brilliant and engaging. Tarantino came across as a box of rocks.
Damn, you lead an interesting life.
I’m married to SP.
OK, OK, I won’t delete your account! Sheesh.
Chinese curse: “May you lead an interesting life.”
OMWC: “I lead an interesting life because I’m married to SP.”
Hmm. . . . Nice knowin’ ya, Old Man.
>>John Waters
I remember the first time I saw Desperate Living – back when I was a teenager – an eye opener fer sure.
Not surprised and your “Brushes With Greatness” quotient is off the charts.
Qanon has a possible explanation for OMWC’s brushes with celebrities… Birds of a feather and all that.
Well, I have also been able to spend considerable time with the greatest political writer of our era.
Kevin D. Williamson? William Safire? Then again, your so old it could be John Locke.
You needn’t go so far afield.
Locke was a prig. I remember having a beer with him and him saying to me, “Listen, Old Man, pay attention to me and not to that admittedly fetching barmaid.”
How did a girl in your age of attraction manage to carry kegs?
I think i saw that twilight zone episode….
Practice makes perfect.
Ive only seen a few of his movies. I found Inglorious Basterds entertaining. Pulp Fiction wasn’t my cup of tea.
Usually when somebody is nearly universally loved by our culture, it means they’re either providing sex, violence, or over-the-top profanity to the audience.
My personal fave – “Jackie Brown.” A loving homage to the under-appreciated blacksploitation films of the seventies. Finally gave Pam Greer the role and recognition she deserved. “Chicks Who Love Guns.”
I enjoyed Grindhouse, but I’m a pushover for zombie flicks. Can’t wait to see The Dead Don’t Die.
It was stupid but Rose Mcgowan in her prime was alright.
AK 47 when you absolutely positively have to kill every motherfucker in the room
Accept no substitutes.
I found Inglorious Basterds entertaining.
He’s a good film-maker and storyteller. While acknowledging that he rips off the work of others, honestly so does everyone else. Shakespeare. Sergio Leone whose movie “A Fistful Of Dollars” was a remake (as in, shot-by-shot, not just a plot ripoff) of Akira Kurosawa’s film “Yojimbo.” That having been said, I don’t get the culty following he has.
Homer and the Bible covered everything.
So… what’s the chapter and verse for the plot of Yojimbo, because it ain’t in Homer.
You forgot Edmund Spenser.
Ba fangul! What’s a matter you? Ever read The Decameron? Fuggetaboutit!
Yes I did! LOVE that book.
Star Trek was and exact copy of the real life exploits of one Captian James Cook in a different setting.
Cook had his first officer’s brain stolen and managed to get it back?
twice, as a matter of fact.
He made two superb movies nearly thirty years ago and everyone’s been lapping at his sack since then. I find his output unwatchable since Jackie Brown and that was a mess.
Pretty much this. I really like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Jackie Brown. Death Proof has many flaws, but it’s still a fun watch, and Django Unchained was worthwhile for Christoph Walz’s performance. Aside from that, I haven’t enjoyed any of his other movies much, His formula is pretty by-the-numbers at this point. The last movie he did that didn’t follow the same formula was Jackie Brown, which is probably why I like it so much. It’s very low key for Tarantino.
I’ve always enjoyed Pam Grier
Too old, too tall, for you. OTOH…
“Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal.”
I was always quite entertained by his movies and I enjoy the way they are filmed. I do no care much about ripping off especially since he acknowledges influences.
Yeah, they seem more like homages than rip-offs.
Sounds about right. I like some of his stuff, esp. Reservoir Dogs. I would check this out if not in a theater.
Death Proof was a fun ride.
It stopped too suddenly for my tastes.
I’m not a connoisseur of the cinematic arts, I mostly just like lots of boobs and gunfire. I want to like Tarantino’s stuff but the violence is just way too over the top graphic for me. I actually walked out of Kill Bill at the theater.
Maybe I need to find the sanitized versions on cable.
Kill Bill was supposed to be way over the top. To the point that it makes you laugh.
I understood that and unfortunately that wasn’t the effect for me. Which is too bad because except for that aspect I would have enjoyed it.
The gun hidden in the box of Kaboom! cereal was tremendous.
Well, Lucy Liu’s Japanese accent was hysterically bad…
OTH, Uma Thurman actually did OK speaking Japanese.
I’m ok with paying tribute to other artists, I just can’t stand how horribly, almost cynically corny most of his newer stuff is. He’s the Kenny Rogers of movies.
Nice. I think of him as the Rich Little of auteurs. Not that great at the craft of homage but sort of name-brand.
All of his movies are the same movie. He is like the Nicolas Cage of directors.
Have the Hat, the Hair, or the Red hat been reached for commentary on Trump’s reaction to Pie resigning?
*insert SF’s unspeakable photoshop here*
It’s Brown Hat now.
He’s living with the “wannafuds”, plotting.
Oh Jeebus!
If this is the full context of what was said here – this is ridiculous.
UBS Economist’s ‘Chinese Pig’ Comment Hits a Nerve
Chief economist Paul Donovan made a reference to Chinese pigs in a discussion about rising consumer prices in the country
Paywalled WSJ
I don’t know about China, but in Japan the pig quote is also an insult. But at least to my understanding not to the firing offense level.
What year is it according to their calendar, anyway?
Oh hell, I forgot that. That’s awesome!
Yes, 2019 is the year of the pig.
Your Asian trivia is that China celebrates lunar new year while Japan does calendar. However, both use the same Chinese zodiac in their celebrations.
He didn’t call anybody a Chinese pig. Not in the quote you posted, anyway.
I saw a reference to sick swine, but not any namecalling.
Not as far as I can tell from the full WSJ article either. But the Chinese speaking internet is calling for his head on a pike.
Probably government directed in order to draw attention away from other things.
Like the food shortages from all the sick pigs and crop failures?
Hrmm… terrible time to get into a tariff war with the biggest food exporter on the planet.
You think internet retardation is limited to the English speaking internet?
Wait, are you saying that the Chinaman now has access to our internet? Who in the hell let that happen?
This. WTH is wrong with people?
Chinese nationalism online makes Youtube comments geniuses by comparison.
If we’re talking about China Chinese, oh yes. The commies have been stirring that shit up since 1989. I didn’t count on it turning them willfully stupid, though.
Wait until he talks about formerly distressed companies that are now “in the black.”
How do the pigs feel about being called Chinese?
Ive only seen a few of his movies. I found Inglorious Basterds entertaining. Pulp Fiction wasn’t my cup of tea.
Pulp Fiction was mostly okay. I swore off watching Tarantino’s crap somewhere around Kill Bill, but I got conned into trying to watch Inglorious Bastards. I tapped out after about five minutes.
Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown were the shit. His newer stuff is too cartoonish.
I like me some kung-fu, but Kill Bill did nothing for me.
My life in sex: ‘I have always loved spanking women’s bottoms’
“I visited my next-door neighbour and spanked her.”
Bad move. Never shit where you eat.
I learned that lesson too late man….
have several ladies at work that now want my head on a spike…
Probably nothing a little copy room spanking wouldn’t smooth over.
Yeah, only if I want to then be murdered by the other jealous ones…
Dear Penthouse Foru….er, the Guardian. I never thought this would happen to me, but….
I thought that Englishmen were incapable of achieving orgasm if spanking wasn’t involved. Why is this news?
Wait…isn’t that rum or lashing first?
Because this time the male is doing the spanking?
Reminds me what one of the kids I used to coach baseball – 13 at the time – once asked me:
What is the difference between anal sex and microwave cooking?….
The microwave does not brown your meat….
Eww! /13 year old me.
Well, I had to really work hard not to burst out laughing cause I didn’t want to encourage more of that, but then again. I did teach them to ask the catcher if he had any naked pictures of his mom, and then offer to sell him some…
“What do you get when you take a well-past-the-use-by-date director and hand him a series that ran out of steam about 30 years ago? This.”
“We in some shit, Scotty, four to beam up.”
“Ensign Tuvok, there are five in the away team.”
“Chekov accidentally one those red shirt motherfuckers in the face.”
“You see a sign in the transporter bay that says ‘dead nigger storage’?”
“You see a sign in the transporter bay that says ‘dead nigger storage’?”
“Do they speak English on Vulcan?”
“Hell, everybody in the universe speak English!”
“Then did you see a sign in the transporter bay that says ‘dead nigger storage’?”
“You know know I ain’t see so shit like that, we don’t want to store the motherfucker, we just want to beam him up.”
“Well, I’m beaming down Commander Sisko, who will be coming to you directly.”
“Sisko? Shit negro, that’s all you had to say!”
The return of Yeoman Rand.
As if people didn’t already refer to USS Defiant as “Sisko’s Pimp Hand”…
That’s a little shorter than the version I hear most.
* lackadaisical clapping from the back of the room*
Where does calling in some pipe hitting niggars to go medieval on someone come in?
Post sodomy.
I can’t wait for that debating AI to get into the racist stuff. *IBM guy casually kicks cord out of socket*
Birthdays today include a guy I keep forgetting about; someone who always gets me charged up
*narrows gaze*
Is there some resistance to his reference, Swiss? Or just a bit of friction between y’all this morn?
Swissy’s just all amped up this morning.
Say it with me “ohmmmm, ohmmmm”
Watt are you all talking about?
Joule see.
You are going to spark resistance if the current path is followed.
nothing to get amped up about
Swiss you should just have a whole image library of various cropped Eastwood gaze pics at your disposal.
And no, I am not enacting that labor. I’m strictly an idea-man.
Here is a great article on the 70th anniversary of book 1984. Specifically how it is used in each generation to critique the current boogyman.
“Newspeak – a made-up word that turns the concept of freedom into a real denial of the freedom to smoke. A ban on public smoking might be good for public health, I noted then, but the twisting of language being used to justify it would prove unhealthy for public debate.
Now we can see that problem writ large in the campaigns by student activists and other radicals to restrict the right of others to express opinions they find offensive, justified in the name of safety. Instead of demanding and defending free speech, as previous generations of young campaigners did, the demand of these zealots is for freedom from speech. Newspeak has become the language of the university campus.”
I think our modern left doesn’t use it to “critique” anyone, but as a “how to” manual…
Irony is lost on them, ironically.
Big words little mind:
Mainstream 101: Supporting Imperialism, Suppressing Socialism
“self-absorbed Kathleen Harris, who giggles at jailing truants”
I can’t believe I actually made it through that pile of steaming gibberish.
When I hear socialism, I think of the 120 million murdered by the communists in a short 100 years, and the 60 million that died because of the war the fascist brought us. The fact that they also made some 3 billion people live in misery stands out to me. But maybe that is because I lived and actually saw first hand how some of this shit went down and managed to avoid being fed a whole bunch of lies by fans of tyrannical systems like too many of those that are too young to actually have experienced the “wonders” of socialism….
And maybe someone should point out to the marixst that fascism already won. Albeit a kinder form of fascism where instead of killing you or sending you to camps, they simply destroy your ability to make a living.
And you notice how the critique is entirely that people opposing socialism do so because they lack vision. Not one word about principled opposition to collectivism. Because the narrative is inerrant.
You called it sir. I can almost feel sorry for the people too young to have actually seen this shit in action actually believing or peddling it if it was not for the evil it always leads to, but that we still have people that lived through the horrors collectivism/socialism produced trying to sell it really is frightening to me. I know a lot of people see Bernie as just that cookie old guy you should just laugh at, but I see a real scary and dangerous guy that is but one bad election away from really fucking over the life of not the 330 million plus living in the US, but all 7 billion people on this planet.
Good lord, even if you ignore the content, that’s some awful writing
That reads like someone with nothing to say swallowed a thesaurus.
That’s a lot of words to say “It’ll work this time if we can just get people to stop behaving like people.”
Love the new avatar
Did anyone else catch the media uproar about Trump’s responses in an interview with a Clinton acolyte’s question about oppo research being offered by foreign sources? From what I have seen these people went batshit crazy because he answered that he would first see what it was and only bring in the feds if that was warranted, which to me sounded reasonable.
But I think what the entire dnc operative with byline establishment has missed in his response was the setup job he did. Bear with me here. I don’t know if it was 5-D chess or not on Trump’s part, especially with the answer he provided, and to a Clinton acolyte of all people, invoking the reaction he got from these morons. But I am thinking he set these people up bigtime. What will happen when he declassifies documents later that show the whole Steele dossier was not only not Steel’s work – it was Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS notoriety’s product, and sold as if it came from Steele so the FBI could lie to the FISA court about the info being legit – but paid for propaganda the Clintons sourced out to Russians?
Are all the people that basically demanded the book be thrown at Trump for a hypothetical he answered correctly going to do the same to Hillary? We all know they will defend her doing this and claim there was nothing wrong with the Clintons taking millions from Russians in some of the shadiest deals possible with real national security implications. And that defense will again make it blatant that these dnc mouthpieces are nothing but fucking stupid hacks.
So, you already know exactly what will happen. They will be exposed, for the billionth time, as complete fucking liars and hypocrites and their loyal base will gobble up their excuses and demand more of the same because abortion and income inequality and must own cons.
Maybe the problem is with me, but if I was constantly proven wrong about practically everything I believed, especially since my reaction when called out was to shamelessly doubling down on the stupid, at some point, I would end up breaking down mentally. It must really be horrible to be invested in the crazy nonsense these people believe in at this time. I can see why so many of them need safe spaces to allow them to cope with the mind-rending effects of their cognitive dissonance.
That’s the thing – I honestly think they have manged to completely excise cognitive dissonance from their little washed brains. It’s just not even a thing any more.
“What I’m saying now complete contradicts what I was just saying 2 minutes ago? Whatever — #Resist Motherfucker!”
“,em>That’s the thing – I honestly think they have manged to completely excise cognitive dissonance from their little washed brains. It’s just not even a thing any more.”
How do you do such a thing? Is this ability driven by that special something that allows people for example to fall prey to cultism? Because there are so many of these people out there that it leaves me wondering if humanity is not doomed. I can understand not wanting to publicly admit you are wrong and thus doubling down, or being so wedded to a belief system that it would have a soul shattering effect to have to admit you fell for bullshit, but how can you internally simply do away with a conscience?
I think because as a society we have elevated the culture wars far, far above basic morality, intellectual honesty, shame, etc. I’ve never been one to preach values (until now I guess) but I sincerely believe that as a society our values have gone to shit and this is one of the ways it manifests.
“How do you do such a thing?”
By being taught that things such as the trinity are *real*. By being bombarded with ideology so much so that you believe it’s logical to be pro-infanticide and anti death penalty, or vice versa. …that you believe in personal freedom and the war on drugs. That you believe in the scientific method and scientific consensus. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Etc.
Ever argue religion with a true believer? That will give you some idea.
Good morning, Old Man!
Sonny Perdue should get a medal. I can’t think of a better way to drain the swamp than to scatter the agencies to the four winds.
Fantastic song choice. Jack was the shit.
Indeed he was.
Danielle Citron, a University of Maryland Law professor, told lawmakers that many of the laws regulating online video date back decades and need to be overhauled to keep pace with the growing threat.
“We have an audience primed to believe things like manipulated video of lawmakers,” Citron said. “I would hate to see the deepfake where a prominent lawmaker is purported to … (be) seen taking a bribe that you never took.”
That’s silly. Nobody “takes bribes” anymore. A Bernie Sanders sheep-fucking video might get some traction.
Speaking of Bernie-
I woke up early, for some reason. Jumping around channels, I landed on the Young Turks. They were spluttering about that Atlantic article I linked to yesterday. The SMEARJOB one, about how Bernie’s totally serious and workable Democratic Socialist vision of America won’t work. It’s 2016, all over again. Big Mean Media is doing everything they can to protect their kkkorporate masters by undermining Saint Bernie’s campaign to wrest the nation from the clutches of oligarchic kkkleptocracy.
Man, those guys (and the girl, too) would be only too willing to play the role of the sheep, for Bernie.
Fear not, she’s aging into shrewish Mother-In-Law territory and Cenk is dissolving into a pile of goo as we speak. That’s why I watch the Fox newsbabes. New talent rolled over for His pleasure! Lisa Bloom. Rawr…
If only there were laws against libel and slander.
I’ve noticed NPR freaking the fuck out over “deepfakes.”
To me, that means there’s a video out there that they are pre-emptively trying to discredit.
[rustles tinfoil]
Hey!? Don’t use it all up. You know you are my supply…
To me, that means there’s a video out there that they are pre-emptively trying to discredit.
Most likely, and when it hits they will run with the “deepfake” narrative, and when it is later confirmed to be real, they will ignore that and the vast majority of people will assume the original narrative was correct.
There is far more than a video they want to discredit… There is a lot of this going on because they are trying to minimize the impact of declassified documents showing how corrupt the Obama administration and the Clinton machine were/are…
I hope it’s Hillary handing some money sacks to a Russian.
“Home Videos” from trips to Pedophile Island?
It wuld be the other way around. The Clintons don’t give away money: they trade favors for it.
“1 of 5
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., left, greets witness Clint Watts, a cybersecurity and intelligence expert with the Foreign Policy Research Institute, at a hearing on politically motivated fake videos and manipulated media, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June 13, 2019. The Intelligence Committee has subpoenaed former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates as part of its investigation into Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
“WASHINGTON (AP) — “Deepfake” videos pose a clear and growing threat to America’s national security, lawmakers and experts say. The question is what to do about it, and that’s not easily answered.
A House Intelligence Committee hearing Thursday served up a public warning about the deceptive powers of artificial intelligence software and offered a sobering assessment of how fast the technology is outpacing efforts to stop it.
With a crudely altered video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., fresh on everyone’s minds, lawmakers heard from experts how difficult it will be to combat these fakes and prevent them from being used to interfere in the 2020 election.”
That wasn’t a deepfake, nor on my mind. The solution is to have a massive communications network open to nearly everyone that can correct false information. We would have one of those if government regulations and massive cronyism didn’t stifle it.
Woops, didn’t mean to paste the photo caption.
You win, Democrats. I am convinced that no matter what we do, there is just no possible way to ensure that the 2020 election won’t be sabotaged. I guess we just cancel it and leave Trump in place until y’all get something figured out.
If they don’t win it was definitely sabotaged. If they do win, then there was no chance ANYTHING untoward could have happened at all….
You can see why they support Palestine. Using the same playbook as Arafat and Hamas.
If they do win, it’s proof that all their hearings put a stop to election interference.
All they did was edit the video and slow it down, to make a preexisting slurring seem worse, no deep fake required.
The funny thing is that it was like kicking a cripple. All that they had to do was show her in real time over the last few years and it would be the same. It’s Hilliry’s exit from the 9/11 memorial in slo-mo.
Teaching people to think critically and independently might be a useful defense.
Sonny Perdue should get a medal. I can’t think of a better way to drain the swamp than to scatter the agencies to the four winds.
Zinke wanted to decentralize the Dept of the Interior, and look what happened to him.
“This all comes down to his level of authority … but for his position of authority we would not be here.”
Volleyball coaches have “authority”? Guy is a scumbag, but are they using conscription to field a team?
Repy to v not ^.
I figured maybe Perdue forced those workers to be at the event where they turned their backs.
I think the term you are looking for is ‘chickenhawk’
My response was supposed to be to LH below. Kind of works where it is.
Email Volleyball coach ‘had no idea’ sex with 16-year-old girl was against the law, Perth court hears
“Was that wrong? Should I have not done that?’
I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this one. Where I used to work, this sort of thing happened all the time!
That’s what I love about these high school girls…
I love that movie.
+1. It was a different and really fun time.
Killroy was there!
Alright, alright, alright.
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.”
Chapelles friend strikes again.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
What he did was wrong, but I kinda get it and have a Mike Pence policy wrt young female volleyball players.
he also had individual sessions with her, for which he was paid by her family.
The offences occurred over a four-day period late last year, and some of them were committed at the home the man shared with his partner and two children
And he got paid to spend time with her. It reminds me of the time my aunt asked me to walk her babysitter home, ostensibly for her protection.
“If this reporting were from a more credible source, it might be worth paying attention to.”
How is NR linking to a pdf of the bill, not credible?
Iran basically tells Japan how it feels.
Abe is there having an official visit ahead of election and trying to smooth things over between the US and Iran.
While he is there the US alleges two oil tankers were attacked by Iran. It wasn’t until this morning that I read this bit of trivia.
Khamenei to Abe, “What are you going to do Abe? Send the ‘police’ after me? What about Article 9? Don’t you believe in the law?”
You have to wonder what the end goal is here beyond chaos and destruction. Maybe these fucks are still trying their best to get that Madhi guy to show up…
WSJ editorial hypothesizes the idea is for Japan and Europe to pressure the US to back off or Iran will wreck havoc on their supplies.
Juicy theory. Too bad there are about a dozen that fit all the puzzle pieces into place. Stay the fuck away from that viper’s nest!
Do they not know that Trump is the President? Interfering in the trade of our competitors/allies would seem like a benefit to him, not a drawback. They are just opening up the opportunity for him to start a shipping protection racket. Hell, this is looking like the tanker wars of the 80’s all over again.
A firm, dispassionate reply sinking a few Iranian assets (destroyers or whatever they might have in the zone) for the expressed purpose of defending free American/allied shipping in the area is one of the few things I can think of that us never-Trumpers would be forced to respect. He’d need an adult like Pence (don’t worry, I still hate him as well) to do the presser so it didn’t turn into a reality television event complete with third grade discourse, of course.
Today it’s fair to observe that Trump continues as the unprincipled clod we elected. But, if he acts fairly in clear American interests, that could be sane, reasonable, and judicious, new highs in each category for the Clown in Chief and might even play the part that no Democrat contender could play much less criticize successfully.
One theory is that this limited response of the US sinking a few Iranian ships is exactly what the mullahs are trying to provoke, since they are reportedly facing massive popular unrest and believe this will serve to unite unite the country against “the great Satan” .
One theory
I don’t object to a bunch of nobodies having a four-decade-long self-congratulatory party in a desert on the other side of the planet.
Our foreign policy shouldn’t be some unpredictable, unprincipled, soap opera 5D hungry hungry hippos tournament. It should be 1970s Israel: fuck with us, die promptly.
People aware of the reason they are facing their popular unrest (Iran is a country that has one of the youngest populations, and they have nothing but disdain and scorn for the mullocracy and what it has done to them and Iran) would also see that if the mullahs are hoping an attack will bring the people together, it will backfire. The youth of Iran despises them and blames them for all Iran’s problems (rightly so) and nothing will make them suddenly become patriotic, because Iranian malfeasance perpetrated by the very evil entities repressing them resulted on attacks against the institutions that prop up the mullocracy. The mullahs are going to lose that chess move.
Note that I am not condoning any such action at this time against Iran. I am just pointing out that the mullahs are far more likely to use any attack on the country as a means to crack down on the young and their freedoms in the name of saving the nation or some such shit. IMO this will make the youth even more resistant.
I think that (if anything) a US response should be aimed specifically at the IRGC forces, not the “normal” Iranian military. Something that would be properly focused and provide a wedge between the nuts and the others there.
*wishes for the day they repeal Article 9*
Holding a lot of stock in Japanese war robot manufacturers?
Me too!
And a few of our Glibs who did duty in Okinawa likely feel the same.
Iran better chill the fuck out. You want one of Abe’s ninja’s to pay some of you a visit? Because this is how you get ninjas.
“The artificial intelligence-based Project Debater technology, conceived at IBM’s Haifa research laboratory, has previously debated with individual humans, taking on and narrowly losing to world champion debater Harish Natarajan in February in an argument over subsidizing preschools.”
He’s a master debater.
Is that like anti-fluffing?
How do you define a “Narrow win”? It’s a binary condition based upon whether you manage to shift the opinion of your opponant. Virtually all debates are untrammelled losses on both sides these days.
Debates don’t exist anymore. It’s just haranguing now.
I was somewhat flabbergasted by the videos of so-called college debates which were nothing more than spewing buzzwords at speeds approaching that of the micromachines man and not even addressing the issue, let alone anything spewed by the other side in a similar format response.
This sounds like the occasional management meetings those of us that actually do work are made to attend. These college kids must be doing the debate thing with an eye on moving into a management track.
I like it when they add an interpretive dance during their rebuttal time.
Or a dude in a speedo dry humping the lecterrn.
Since a legitimate winning tactic is to claim progressive stack hierarchy, it should be obvious that the AI would have won against James Miller, but would have lost even more bigly against Shaniqua Washington.
Does accusing your opponent of fucking four legged animals and giant birds fall under the scope of “haranguing” or is that something else?
Ewe and your emu poetry.
How do you define a “Narrow win”? It’s a binary condition based upon whether you manage to shift the opinion of your
opponantaudience. Virtually all debates are untrammelled losses on both sides these days.Debate is not about persuading the opponent. It is about persuading the audience. If you are trying to persuade the person you are speaking to debate is not a viable tool for doing so.
Failure to understand this is much of team L’s problem.
Audience? There’s never any audience.
Sure there is. It is made up of all the people waiting their turn to spew invective.
Is it like what the US debate championships have fallen to because I can deliver gibberish at lightning speed with the best of them!
My food scientist friend, when working for a pretzel manufacturer, earned his Master Baker cert.
Does it do “slam” debating? I.e. wear you out with meaningless stuttering drivel?
Debates don’t exist anymore. It’s just haranguing now.
Well, that’s just wrong. You’re stupid.
Boom Box optional.
Swiss women strike to demand equal pay
Statutory maternity leave was introduced only in in 2005, while professional women earn on average nearly 19% less than men – and 8% less with the same qualifications. According to a recent Amnesty International survey, 59% of Swiss women say they have experienced sexual harassment.
What mission creep?
All the Right wing dictators are gone, and AI understands that when Left wing dictators torture people it is just a necessary, but unfortunate step in the creation of the glorious future filled with New Soviet Man.
Is sexual harassment per that Amnesty Intl survey got chased around the desk by the boss while Yakety Sax played in the background sexual harassment or was it a guy I didn’t like asked me out sexual harassment?
They should instead do some thing where they all go nude to really make their point. Erm, but only if they are nice looking. If they are scary fucks with their tits hanging down to their waist, they should ignore my suggestion.
My research indicates that all Swiss (Swedish, same thing obvs) women are blondes with banging bikini bodies and a fondness for American swill beer.
“sexual harassment”
Their definition includes receiving a narrow gaze.
Does waggling your eyebrows count? If it does then I am in deep, deep dish territory here.
For some reason, seven days won’t let me copy comment text on my phone.
There’s one in the comments that should stand out.
Which one?
The one who says she worked with racism and sexism.
All of em?
FFS when is this crap going to end??
Guardian. Don’t even bother, it’s all lies.
But they protect us from the Truth!
Amash Or Paul: Where Does The Liberty Movement Stand On Impeachment?
Amash’s stance amounts to supporting an attempted deep state coup and is neither principled nor intelligent.
Id be ok with an impeachment argument, if it was over something real. His is pretty stupid.
It was never going to be about anything real. Otherwise he would have called for impeaching The One.
Well yeah, I didn’t mean for Trump. I just meant impeachment in general. There’s stuff every president does that *could* be impeachable.
But it’s all teams.
How do you read this article? The Daily Caller keeps demanding that I become a “Patriot Member” or something and won’t let me read it unless I become one
NoScript add-on.
My ad-blocker lets it fully display.
Another alternative is disable JavaScript. I’ve got a toggle that will let me do that just on a troublesome page.
“unwelcome, sex based” words constitute harassment if they are “sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive”
That reminds me I have to get debriefed for an oral exam.
Better than being debriefed for an anal exam.
Uncomfortable questions, unhallowed answers.
Worst case: the latter, then the former.
First they came for the pants, then they came for the briefs…
“unwelcome, sex based” words constitute harassment if they are “sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive”
This cake is moist.
*Intercom crackles on*
“P Brooks, report to H.R. P Brooks, to H.R.”
He’ll be a little late.
If you are talking to Brooks in a pub does he walk outside to reply?
No, he waits until you do.
“Report to your nearest disintegration chamber!”
Mrs. Slocombe hardest hit.
Best timeline ever.
He polls at 0%. How? Why? Where the fuck is Tulsi? If someone is gonna fuck me with their agenda then the least I can ask is that I’d want to fuck them back. It’s only fair.
There’s no room for Rooskie loving peacenicks in the modern Democratic Party.
We are sorry to inform you but as Tulsi is the only one out of that whole lot who is against our foreign misadventures, her presence is verbotem and cannot appear that night. /DNC
Tulsi is on the list.
just give em some pointed sticks and have em fight for it n
Heath Ledger as the Joker moderating the Democratic debates would be AWESOME!
This may be SF toughest challenge yet.
So, it’s…
Gropey Joe
Joke name accidentally on the ballot
Ruiner of cities taxer of large drinks
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Little Chuck
Moonbeam’s side fling
Another joke name on the ballot
I don’t know.
Beta Bobby
Guy who got kicked out of a commune for being too communist
Armed Citizens? Nuke’m
1/1024th American
An Inflation Advocate.
That was Bloomberg and it never passed.
Oh, Blasio went right to trying to ban them, didn’t he.
Mea Culpa.
Mea Gulpa?
I laughed but still, shame on you.
Fie – now I don’t remember. It’s so small potatoes compared to the avalanche of other atrocities he’s committed since.
I thought it briefly passed and got tossed.
My favorite was that the company cafeteria removed large size coffee cups because fountain soda could be placed within said cups.
Once the madness stopped I was able to once again purchase a large black coffee.
May I propose to SF -Hillary as Shub-Niggurath the goat with a thousand young…
The full list of the candidates who will be on the debate stage
Sen. Michael Bennet
Vice President Joe Biden
Sen. Cory Booker
Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Sec. Julian Castro
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Rep. John Delaney
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Sen. Kamala Harris
Gov. John Hickenlooper
Gov. Jay Inslee
Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Rep. Beto O’Rourke
Rep. Tim Ryan
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Marianne Williamson
Andrew Yang
Swalwell’s going to get one chance to speak and he’s going to talk gun control and the crowd will go nuts and then nobody will ever ask him another question for the rest of the debate.
It’d be even nicer if nobody asked him another question the rest of his life.
How about “did you mop out both restrooms before you clocked out?”
Hell yeah, Tusli made the cut.
Shiet, I’m actually surprised they let her in.
Well, if they let Swalwell and DeBolshevik in, under what grounds would they keep anyone out?
Where my White Hitler?
Eh, I don’t have any dog in this fight and won’t watch OR care about the results, but I don’t see how you have a “debate” with 20 participants, even if you do break it into two groups of 10. Seems more like speed-dating.
Political “Debates” are not even debates.
Any time Ross Ulbricht comes up, you can count on some asshole to say, “Uh, isn’t that the guy who hired hitmen on the Dark Web?”
Remember, most people love their chains.
I mean really who gets caught hiring hitmen on the Dark Web? What a looser
Most people just believe whatever the government tells them.
Michael Malice interviewed his mom last week.
The master hacker 4Chan is also a hit man?
Viral high school valedictorian speech calls out teachers, staff for ‘alcoholism’ and ‘negligence’
“To my counselor, thank you for letting me fend for myself,” Nataly said in front of friends, family, teachers and staff. “You were always unavailable to my parents and I, despite appointments.”
She added, “You expressed to me your joy in having one of your students be valedictorian when you had absolutely no role in my achievements.”
Nataly went on to blast staff in the main office, for “teaching me how to be resourceful.” She says they failed to inform her of scholarships in a timely manner and gave her troubles with her work permits, causing her to potentially miss out on thousands of dollars.
In maybe the most startling criticism, Nataly mentions a San Ysidro teacher who she claims “regularly” showed up drunk to class. She goes on to thank the teacher for being an example to warn students about “the dangers of alcoholism.”
“Being escorted out of school by police left a lasting impression,” she said sarcastically as her fellow graduates shouted in disbelief.
Future shitlord?
I saw her speech. Apparently she was also neglected by her grammar teacher.
I’d say maybe it was the alcoholic, but it really could have been anyone.
Sound like that school system might have had issues…
Sounds like a current shitlord.
woah, how did that mic not get cut?
A/V club managed the audio?
“We understand that she had some concerns, but it would have been nice if she had expressed those prior to her speech.”
What part of ‘unavailable despite appointments’ did you not understand?
A valedictorian is typically the kind of person who is smart, but not dangerously so, and is good at following orders and doing what’s expected. It’s nice to see one who I could imagine being friends with.
I refuse to watch anything on Yahoo but that sounds pretty great.
What a cunt.
“You were always unavailable to my parents and I, despite appointments.”
Count yourself lucky. The only reason to see a counselor is to get a signature on an add/drop form, if required. They aren’t your friends. They don’t give an individual shit about you, despite what they say. Whatever “guidance” they might offer is worse than useless and irrelevant in the long run.
Office staff didn’t spoon feed you scholarship information. Wah wah. Grow the fuck up. And she can blame Sacramento for the work permit dumpster fire.
“They don’t give an individual shit about you, despite what they say. Whatever “guidance” they might offer is worse than useless and irrelevant in the long run.”
I see nothing has changed in 65 years.
“You were always unavailable to my parents and I.” Apparently, so was her grammar teacher.
Yeah, nobody will be able to figure out who she is now.
Tory Muslim group chief compares Boris Johnson to HITLER and vows to quit party if ‘insufficiently moral buffoon’ becomes leader
how is Boris Johnson immoral?
He’s pissed because Johnson said women who wear burkas look like letterboxes and Boris refused to apologize.
Let Mohammed ride his winged horse off into the political sunset then.
Mr Amin added: ‘A lot of Germans thought that Hitler was the right man for them.’
How about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem?
*runs away cackling*
Friday Funbags display estrogen-driven distribution of adipose tissue.
1, 7, 17, 21, 24, 56. Absolutely beautiful chicas, Q. Many thanks!
Great change of pace from the usual skinny Chive-ettes.
31 was stunning.
Shorter: moar “squishy” posts, plz!
It’s Flag Day. Time to get shitfaced.
Thanks, I needed something stomach churning to complete my morning and you delivered in spades.
“I love the guy who sang ‘Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran’ and was still defending the Iraq War until one week before he died. Where are statesman who are oblivious to human life like him?”
– #Resist
But, but he hated Trump and Trump hated him, so he was de facto a noble soul!
*takes bow*
Huh, the Google doodle did not inform me ask such. Soooo strange.
So no mail today then?
And Army Birthday, so make it a double.
*resolves to go drink at favorite taproom tonight*
Prolly a different Flag Day…
DAE notice that google (the search engine) is becoming progressively more useless?
I’m gathering images for a training presentation and GISing for an EMO button brought up nothing but hundreds of dyed-hair white kids.
“vibrating water in cup” results are so NSFW I’m amazed that I’m getting them at work. I am wondering what the “dual use” is of the “MissZee Oral Vagina Dual Use” though. Or what makes the “360 Rotating Auto Sucking Aircraft Vibrating Masturbator” so suitable for aircraft use.
I stopped using it, so I haven’t noticed.
And if you search for ’emo button’ you’re going to get emos. What does the TLA stand for?
emergency motor override
You see this is the problem with acronyms. I was trying to figure out why you were “Geographic Inofmation System-ing” too.
Google used to claim that it learned context to improve searches, and I’m sure its using the data it’s generating by offering lo-cost Microsoft substitutes for something. But making better/more appropriate searches ain’t it.
When you politicize something, it’s bound to get shittier. I don’t believe for a second that they’re not modifying their algorithm for political purposes and it probably affects the overall results in unanticipated ways.
But, yes, I have noticed. DuckDuckGo keeps getting better and if I need a backup, I use Bing. People like to shit on Bing but IMO it’s become legitimately better than Goolag.
DDG still has some room to grow, but I agree, it’s good enough for most searches in my experience. I’ve been a low-key fan of Bing for a while now. It does a pretty decent job. I think the major flaw of Google from my perspective is that it tries to anticipate what I mean instead of just doing what I say. I’m having trouble thinking of specific examples right now but I’ve found generally that when it returns search results that are useless to me it’s usually because it has taken something I’ve searched for and chosen either a popular meaning or a “local” meaning.
How about giving results with “include ‘xxx”?”, where xxx is one of the words used in the search box. I’m not talking about misspellings, but outright excluding search terms from the search results because Google “knows” better.
Especially when the excluded search term was in quotes to begin with.
Oh, you mean when it drops the Single most relevant term in the search?!?!!?
I’ve been seeing a LOT more of that recently. Put it in quotes, use the plus sign – doesn’t matter. They routinely exclude words that I require in my searches.
This discussion on search engines reminds me.
I’ve been trying to find a chocolate moose. (Not mousse) As in like a chocolate bunny, but moose-shaped.
I have this feeling they’re sold somewhere, but the search engines just don’t seem to want to give me what I’m asking for.
I filmed myself dead-lifting and see some back rounding. I need to lower weights… I should also film other stuff I haven’t in a while now.
go on…
other gym lifts.
self-video is an underrated training tool. and back rounding could indicate weak hamstrings. this guy says do Romanian deadlifts to improve regular deadlift form.
ehm hello… every deadlift I do is a Romanian deadlift
Do you deadlift Romanians?
He used to measure them by the coffinweight, but now he uses metric coffinweight, which isn’t all that helpful.
Oh you prefer the old system where 13 coffinweights equaled one sarcophagus? And you had to keep track of Headstone (7 to the coffin)weights and stakes (14 to the headstone)?
At least I knew what those values were!
I actually only do Romanian deadlifts… Although they are sort of touch and go – romanian deadlift hybrid. I start at the top go down till the plates touch and go up again.
Romanian deadlifts are an accessory exercise that is used to train the low back and hamstrings. If you do them, do them after you do real deadlifts, and do them in sets of 10 or so. Feel free to use straps, because the point of them is not to train the grip, and you’ll be doing lighter weights anyway. Keep the legs straight, with your knees not quite locked out.
But do the real deadlifts too. They’re the more important exercise.
I do RDLs after squats. Acceptable?
Sure, that works.
I generally prefer good mornings to RDLs because there’s less stuff I have to move around in order to do them. But 6 is half a dozen.
i watched that video a while back and dozens other. it does not seem to help i usually try to hav good form but it sometimes slips. I never get back pain so I don’t worry an forget to film periodically
You need to stop rounding your back. Lower the weight until you’re at a weight where you can keep your back flat, then resume going back up.
Also another stupid server farm reset… I will loose all my workspaces
Work or pleasure?
oh come on this makes no sense
What do you mean?
what do you mean?
I mean, is the reset affecting you at work, or is this impacting your leisure time (your porn stash at home).
i thought it was obviously about work. hence workspace. and server farm.
You don’t have one of those at home? I do….
i doubt we are talking of the same scale though… how many servers do you have? how much ram on a machine?
I have 4 big boxes each with about 1/2 terrabyte of ram and insane storage. Russian botting requires big hardware…
Just a note to say I am so proud of all the Glibs here. 90 minutes and not one comment or link about the National Boredom Association finals.
ehm we talked about it in the night thread
Deadspin article on the ‘Raptors’ nickname: Most Of These Team Names Would’ve Been Way Better Than “Raptors”
The second-most ’90s thing in professional sports is the Hornets still using teal as a primary color. (And, considering it’s the second edition of that franchise, it can be viewed in a more forgiving throwback/nostalgic light.) The single most ’90s thing in professional sports is, obviously, that there is a team called the Raptors. It didn’t have to be this way.
Toronto had ideas. Lots of ‘em. It’s a mixture of serious, good ideas (Toronto Arrows, Toronto Whiskeyjacks, Toronto Yorks)…
I’m here to say the Raptors are not a bad team name.
in the NBA i think bad team names are magic pelicans and cavaliers… maybe clippers. nuggets…
I get a chuckle out of the Utah Jazz.
Soon it was commonplace for entire teams to change cities in search of greater profits. The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes. The Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil. The Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don’t allow music.
Yeah, they should have changed their name and left it to New Orleans like how the Browns left their name in Cleveland.
Worst name: Wizards
Other honorable mentions: Nets, Heat, Warriors, Thunder, Kings, Suns
Basically, the NBA is full of dumb names.
I see no problem with Heat, Warriors, Thunder, Kings, Suns
Ahem. Wolves.
Warriors, Kings, Thunder all sound like high school team. Heat and Sun are very meh.
Yeah, the Bullets was a perfectly good name. They shouldn’t have changed it.
I’d be in favor or “Raptor” as a raptor. “‘Raptor” as short for velociraptor is teh dum.
It’s especially bad because it was influenced by a movie that was popular at the time.
The stupidest marketing glitch for the only Canadian NBA team is “We da North”! That just cements ghettoball as the fifth sport.
with the risk of being attacked for saying good things of the Bucks, Fear the Deer is the bet motto in the NBA
Yeah I watched most of the game last night before falling asleep with 3 minutes left (not a basketball fan). The North jerseys were incredibly stupid. I don’t see how that is any worse than the old purple and red jerseys with a Jurassic Park raptor dribbling a basketball.
Do you know how miniscule the Black population is up here aside from Toronto? I’m guessing 1%? People don’t take kindly to this stuff as the CBC’s ratings have shown.
Not only that, but Minneapolis is further north than Toronto. They should have shirts that say “We the Norther”.
Angry jury spanks Oberlin, boo hoo hoo
Oberlin did not cover itself with glory in this case. Emails and texts from high-level administrators used language like “[expletive] ‘em” to refer to critics of Oberlin and at least one of the signs the protestors waved outside of the store read “F-ck Gibson’s”. Oberlin failed to show the world that it was elevating students rather than indulging its students’ least mature and thoughtful tendencies.
Nonetheless, the verdict is a threat to freedom of speech and to the future of universities. Oberlin College’s connections to the libelous speech are too tenuous for this sort of verdict. Gibson’s legal complaint mentions a student senate resolution and makes much of the fact that the college allowed them to display it on college property. If that is enough to subject colleges to tens of millions of dollars in liability, they will have no choice but to much more aggressively censor their students.
It would really suck if institutions of learning and (supposed) truth stopped promoting egregious falsehoods as part of their culture.
Those dumb hicks on that jury just hate their intellectual betters.
I hope Oberlin takes this to a higher court, and the jury there finds a reason to not only force them to pay these people they fucked over the 33 million, but adds even more pain to them. The only way we make sure these campus SJW stop fucking with people is to hurt them where it counts.
Or treat college loans like all other loans and the system self corrects within 5 years to serious students studying serious shit and a handful of trustfund babies looking for art history degrees.
But the people like the tax payer subsidized indoctrination will fight this tooth and nail…
Appellate courts do not have juries.
“Nonetheless, the verdict is a threat to freedom of speech and to the future of universities.”
Fuck off, asshole.
“Our rent-seeking enterprise is under attack!”
“Gentlemen, this is terrible! We must protect our phony-baloney jobs! Harrumph, harrumph.”
You will say “s’il vous plaît” and you’ll like it.
Damn, wrong place.
I seriously hope we see a lot more of this shit. Nothing will finally kill the massive growth of the unholy alliance between the useless academic bureaucracy and government that has rendered these higher learning institutions the shitholes they are and created a system that encourages people to hock their future for what passes for an education.
FIRE gives Oberlin College a “yellow” rating for freedom of speech on their website.
Freedom of speech for me, but not for thee.
I attended Oberlin College in the 1980s
Glad that Forbes found a nice, impartial author to write about this case.
I attend
Oberlin Collegea small, midwestern college, and, since I’m just a regular guy, I never thought the two hot girls in marketing 201 would ever give me the time of day . . .Pfft, like Oberlin has 2 hot girls.
I’m sure there’s at least 3 or 4 that choose to identify as hot.
You and your exclusionary cisheteropatriarchicalnormative eurocolonialist beauty standards! Real women have gravity wells!
Is it gravity that attracts the long hair to their legs? and is it a doppler effect that makes their hair those odd colors?
Isn’t Lena Dunham an Oberlin Grad?
Remember when Hillary Clinton did a big get out the vote event with Lena Dunham in Ohio right before the election?
That’s when I knew that Clinton would not be winning Ohio
Why yes, yes she is, and it’s hard to imagine a more perfect exemplar of the Oberlin woman
Ugly inside and out with a hair-trigger temper? What’s not to love?
I was thrilled yesterday when I read they got maximum punitive damages.
Then I almost had a schadenfreudegasm when I read that their snooty letter to alumni about the compensatory verdict was used against them in the punitive phase.
It wasn’t admitted in of itself, but the Gibsons’ lawyers got the witnesses to testify to the contents anyway.
Love the “illegal” bit in the headline. As if extraordinary punishments aren’t routinely reduced.
Forbes has sunk to Guardian levels of mendacity.
So shit-headed coeds walk into a bakery and try to buy alcohol, get rebuffed and then steal. When the owner tries to stop them they beat his ass. Oberlin goes on the offensive. Good. Burn it, root and twig.
Too morally superior to debate.
“I think there’s some issues that have such moral clarity that we have as a society decided that the other side is not acceptable,” said Gillibrand. “Imagine saying that it’s OK to appoint a judge who’s racist or anti-Semitic or homophobic … asking someone to appoint someone who takes away basic human rights of any group of people in America. … I don’t think those are political issues anymore.”
“And we believe in this country in the separation of church and state, and I respect the rights of every American to hold their religious beliefs true to themselves, but our country and our Constitution has always demanded that we have a separation of church and state,” she continued. “And all these efforts by President Trump and other ultra-radical conservative judges and justices to impose their faith on Americans is contrary to our Constitution, and that’s what this is. And so, I believe that for all of these issues, they are not issues that there is a fair other side. There is no moral equivalency when you come to racism, and I do not believe there is a moral equivalency when it comes to changing laws that deny women reproductive freedom.”
So we can agree that 2A means what it says and that the vast majority of existing gun control legislation is illegal as are the policies that gun-grabbers want to add, right?
Considering NY just passed a law yesterday removing the religious exemption for vaccination, maybe she needs to be more explicit about what “basic human rights” are.
By remove, mean don’t need to articulate any reason to refuse government mandated vaccination?
/not hopeful
“My Body My…” sorry, couldn’t make it all the way through that without spraining my lying ability.
I admire politicians saying this shit with a straight face. I really do. It would be beyond me.
Gillibrand’s face doesn’t move any more thanks to all plastic surgery. Probably an unfair advantage.
Gilibrand can go and REEEE all she wants, if she ever somehow gets the nomination, she sure as hell ain’t ever getting my vote. What a sad and pathetic human being.
“And all these efforts by President Trump and other ultra-radical conservative judges and justices to impose their faith on Americans is contrary to our Constitution, and that’s what this is.”
Remember, it is against the US Constitution and American tradition to tell someone “leave the guy alone and find another fucking place to make you a cake”. But, it is perfectly within the US Constitution and an American tradition to ask someone about their religion when being appointed to a federal job.
We’re slowly becoming France more and more everyday
Just Sayin’; I thought of you when I saw this one:
Haha. What makes the Babylon Bee so funny is how close to reality their articles are
“Barnes said he may attempt to do a service made up entirely of Chesterton quotes some day. “He’s just great. You can really tell C.S. Lewis had a huge impact on him.”
What a glorious line to end the article with.
C.S. Lewis was, obviously, influenced to convert to Christianity after reading Chesterton’s “Everlasting Man” and talking with his friend J. R. R. Tolkien
Their ongoing church bassist stories are glorious:
Church Bassist Dies During Worship Set, No One Notices For Three Weeks
Church Bassist Of Ten Years Just Random Guy Who Wandered Up On Stage
As somebody who occasionally runs audio at church and who is good friends with one of our bassists, they crack me up.
They really do have a thing for hammering the bass player. As a friend of the bass player, I find it hilarious.
The new “church bass” story was great, too.
And I love the way they unmercifully go after Hinn, Osteen, Copeland, etc. When the Copeland 3 private jets story broke they hit him pretty good.
I like the fact that they’re equal opportunity offenders.
They are. This was a good one picking on “their own”.
Christian Rushes To Get HIV Test After Brief Eye Contact With Gay Person
They sure know how to close.
Here’s another of their recent items that’s so close to real that you have to stop and think about it for a minute
How can that not be a real quote?
Important issues that can’t be debated eventually get decided with gunfire.
Fuck this enough work for today…
ah that’s better
First glass of wine?
second really… I had the first during a boring telcon
The U-Haul Indicator has come up here, a few times. Yesterday, I was in Bozeman, and I went by the U-Haul place. It’s so full of trucks and trailers there isn’t enough room in the parking lot for them all. They’ve got trucks parked out on the street.
Drat and double drat.
Good morning to al of you.
How’s the head, Al?
It’s a little tender, but starting to clear up.
Morning, good sir!
Still drunk?
You want to know how drunk I was last night? I per-ordered your book. SMDH
On the plus side, it put the book on the charts:
Excellent! NYT Bestseller list, here you come!
Well, you see, MikeS, the NYT List isn’t really about the best selling books, it should more accurately be titled “Books the Editors like or were forced to list”
So…you’re saying there’s a chance?
Pace any major award for the last 15 years.
Then I almost had a schadenfreudegasm when I read that their snooty letter to alumni about the compensatory verdict was used against them in the punitive phase.
Excellent. I had not heard that.
Stop. I can only get so hard
If journalists end-up getting laid-off today too, I may have to go home early
Al’s not here.
That’s ok, you can call me Al.
Pay no attention to that mountain of corpses behind the curtain
As Donald Trump declares that “America will never be a socialist country” and Democratic Presidential candidates struggle to put a name to their progressive policies, the historian John Gurda would like to add some perspective to how we think about socialism. The term has been “ground into the dust over the years,” he told me, when we met in his home town of Milwaukee, and his aim is to rehabilitate it. “Part of my self-assigned role is to provide some of the context, the nuance, where it makes sense again. Because it’s the straw man, it’s the boogeyman for an awful lot of people.”
For decades, many Americans defined it in terms of the Cold War, equating the term with state control of the economy and, more often than not, authoritarian rule. Sanders, who first ran for Vermont governor forty-seven years ago, has found a following among a new generation that is not steeped in Cold War ideology. The movement, personified by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is trying to chart a path away from a new Gilded Age of garish inequality and rising economic anxiety.
When Gurda compares the present-day reformers who call themselves Democratic Socialists to the Milwaukee socialists of generations past, he sees different issues, but “the same impulse: the glaring disparities of American life.” These are the origins of his own mission, too, as he watches what he calls “the drift of society.” Gurda says he is not a socialist nor a Sanders supporter, and yet it bothers him that Republican critics “identify socialism as whatever they care to, while the reality of what it was, especially at the municipal level, is not even forgotten, just completely ignored.” Meanwhile, as G.O.P. spitballs rain down, Democrats who favor such policies as Medicare for All, free college tuition and an ambitious, government-powered climate-change agenda called the Green New Deal, are laboring to figure out how to deal with the term.
“It’s not that kind of socialism. Sheesh. Trust us.”
Fuck off, slaver
This is true. Those for forget the past….
Keep in mind that this is a man who has never been gainfully employed for his entire working life. Sixty years of railing at the “MAN”‘ has paid bigly for our tousle-haired friend. So lazy that he was kicked out of a commune. “And you want to be my latex salesman”?
Now do fascism.
“Taylor Swift drops new single Calm Down that takes aim at haters, trolls and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric: ‘Cause shade never made anybody less gay'”
That back tattoo is just weird.
Is that an actual tattoo or just cover art?
It gives you something to *aim at?
*penis reference
Just a temporary, but still bad.
I’m just surprised it’s not kanji!
Maybe her handlers learned something from Ariana Fax Machine.
In the broader culture what is defined as anti-LGBTQ rhetoric kind of reminds of this Seinfeld episode:
Buzzword overload.
Meh. Still wood. I’ve got a thing for leggy chicks.
I’m a leg man as well but Swift just doesn’t really do it for me. Said it before and I’ll say it again: Take away the fame and money and she’s just the prettiest waitress at Denny’s, that’s all.
Well what do you know, Black Pigeon Speaks is restored on YouTube. I’m sure it was a mistake and not a “moderate your message or the next time it won’t ever come back” warning.
well National Pigeon Day is over so obviously he is restored
Nice little web-site ya got here. Sure would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
London Metal Exchange calls time on drinking during work hours
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The world’s biggest marketplace for industrial metals is introducing a policy that will ban floor traders and their support staff from consuming alcohol during working hours.
Members of the “Ring” — the circular trading floor where brokers sitting on red sofas help set global prices for copper, nickel and aluminium — were informed of the decision on Thursday evening.
The rule change, which will apply to around 120 people who frequent the LME offices in Finsbury Square in the City of London, is the latest step to formalise standards of behaviour at the 142-year-old exchange, whose traders used to have a reputation for long boozy lunches.
western civilization is ending
Members of the “Ring” — the circular trading floor where brokers sitting on red sofas help set global prices for copper, nickel and aluminium
That’s just straight-up comic book supervillain stuff.
*Throws horns, waggle tongue*
Some of you drag the most ridiculous derp in to here…
Have some anti-derp:
Watch the video. I found it very touching, and I usually don’t go for that type of thing.
And Geoffrey Palmer turned 92 ten days ago.
That was terrific. I don’t blame the guy – she was gorgeous.
Fuck off with your pocket sand!
goddamnit i hate stupid websites which introduce links in copy paste. now i have a comment in moderation
London Metal Exchange calls time on drinking during work hours
hope the moderators delete the in moderation comment
Pay walled
It’s better than a comment in excess.
Haha. Excellent trolling:
Strong Link Found Between Watching Soccer, Being Incredibly Bored
LOL. But I imagine a lot of people in Europe would say the same thing about baseball.
and they would be right.
Them’s fightin’ words! (I knew someone would say that…)
Attendance says everyone thinks baseball is boring.
If you’re a Communist, sure
While it is going in the wrong direction YoY, I’d say 70 million attendance last year still isn’t too shabby.
The rule change, which will apply to around 120 people who frequent the LME offices in Finsbury Square in the City of London, is the latest step to formalise standards of behaviour at the 142-year-old exchange, whose traders used to have a reputation for long boozy lunches.
California moves to let felons serve on juries
I had to check to make sure it wasn’t the Babylon Bee. I guess that really would be a jury of peers.
Gobbledy-gook ad-blocked.
umm hello? “jury of your piers” if your on trial you did something wrong.
And restored their gun rights, right?
They’re not talking about currently incarcerated felons, they’re talking about people who have done their time, and may have been incarcerated for using drugs. And the rationale against letting former felons on juries reads like a description of the median glibertarian – people who are suspicious of authority and law enforcement officers.
Haven’t they been punished enough?
Another tidbit from that New Yorker article:
Representative Ron Kind, a centrist Democrat who has represented a largely rural western Wisconsin district since 1997, sounded a similar alarm when I asked what sort of Democrat can win Wisconsin following Trump’s 2016 victory. Kind favors a pragmatic, non-ideological nominee who “isn’t pressing buttons to polarize both sides.” As a matter of tactics, he told me, “it would be a mistake to fall into the socialism trap” set by Republicans. In fact, Kind said, Trump is the candidate who favors state intervention in the economy in ways most commonly associated with hard-line socialism. He described the President’s approach as “authoritarian socialism” and said that the President’s supporters “apparently don’t recognize it when they see it.”
*throws flag, blows whistle*
Argument by assertion. No specific example offered in support. Fifteen yards and loss of down. Also, a bags of dicks for you to eat.
Trump is the candidate who favors state intervention in the economy in ways most commonly associated with hard-line socialism.
Well, if tax cuts and regulatory reform are socialism, I may just have to join up.
How to build something that lasts 10,000 years?
Okay, but what are they going to do about dust getting into the bearing races? That will still clog up the system.
I don’t see why they can’t have some monks to take care of it.
Even Egypt only got three to five thousand years out of their religious orders. If you want something to last for ten, it has to run on its own. You need ragnarok proofing.
“There was only one problem: when I first heard of these bearings, they cost tens of thousands of dollars and were only used in aerospace. Over the course of our project, however, they have become more common and are now used in roller blades and fidget spinners and can cost as little as $10.”
Capitalism, FTW!
But nobody needs 23 different styles of bearings!
Tangentially related: Phillips head screws are all ford’s fault:
Cleaning house, vaping, and binge watching the Porky’s trilogy. I love you all. I posit one might turn a tidy profit with a Blaxploitation remake of the Angel Beach boy’s monkeyshines. It could be set in NOLA and Grand Isle to preserve the urban/rural conflict, or, NYC/The Oranges to make it thoroughly modern.
+1 young Kim Cattrall
Indeed! I think she must be in the top ten of Glib faves but young Jenny Agutter will always own our hearts.
Young Phoebe Cates at the pool is my fav.
This is correct.
+1 Moving in Stereo
Well, your work anyway…
The stranger things trailer is an excellent tribute to that scene.
Young Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science
The obviously correct choice.
ditto on Jenny Agutter – for sheer JA overload, the movie Walkabout is a must see. Plot? Acting? Who cares!! It has JA in the buff or in a very short skirt.
I’ve mentioned before that they showed that movie in our small farm town as a Saturday matinee. The theater owners must have been either warped or “artistic” because they played all manner of questionable stuff. All that I know is that Jenny made a man of me when I was about seven years old.
Take away the fame and money and she’s just the prettiest waitress at Denny’s, that’s all.
Still better than the Oberlin Homecoming queen.
That’s gotta be a guy.
On a whim, I Binged (not Googled) “Oberlin beauty queen” and got this. Why does this not surprise me?
without looking, dairy cow?
No, it’s a derp course syllabus.
LaoWhy86 on Tiananmen Square & Hong Kong
Didn’t realize exactly how massive the HK protests are. The ChiComs are not going to go peacefully.
I read the crowd was over one million. Then again, doesn’t Hong Kong have the highest population density?
7.4M. It’s #4 by density of countries/regions on Wiki, but it’s way down on the lists of metro area, city, or district by density.
I think that’s distorted due to the fact that HK is mostly mountains. It’s why they’re all packed into high-rises.
The density by district would take that into account and it’s still down compared to elsewhere. First HK one is something like #20 or 30 by eyeballing it
Huh, I’ll be damned. I see it’s mostly Kenya and India. I’m guessing slums and the like.
The ChiComs stole the link!
So I bought myself a Holzspalthämmer and it’s awesome and splits the shit out of all the firewood I need to split and all that is cool and shit. But now I find myself going through the entire Gedore and Oschenkopf and Wiha catalogs and lusting over awesome expensive overbuilt German tools. Plz help.
Don’t stop. Add lube?
Do you know who else lusted over awesome expensive overbuilt German tools?
*looks over at Festool saw*
Uh, me?
*looks at Felo screwdrivers to the left of the screen*
Also guilty.
Several Wera scewdrivers and pliers.
Must confess they are nicer than the Kleins. Although I have lots of Klein stuff and no complaints. Apparently once they immigrated from Germany they adopted our slovenly ways.
The Bund Deutscher Mädel?
Maria Shriver?
The is the correct answer
And her nanny too.
Jeremy Clarkson?
I interviewed at Krupp last week.
I read “The Arms Of Krupp” when I was a little kid. Also read “Inside The Third Reich”. I was a strange child.
You’ll get no help from me. I buy Festool stuff.
If awesome expensive overbuilt German tools is your thing, you’ll want to keep Trumpf in mind for your metal working needs.
*scrolls through page*
*spots windmill at bottom*
Fein drills are indestructible and probably the most expensive on the planet.
Y’all can keep your Bring a Trailer porn, my dream is a cherry Stihl with a “Made in West Germany” plate.
Plenty of German cars with that tag.
But I applaud your thinking.
My wife’s Jetta is made in Wolfsburg. She is less than impressed with German work. Calls it a rattle box. And drools over the luxury DE brands, including Audi. I just bite my tongue.
What year? Our 2007 is rock solid.
We also have a Passat and Beetle. The Beetle is the only one I would consider rattly.
05 TDI. To me it’s not any worse than other car, but any little vibration or rattle noise bothers her. And a diesel, even the small motor there, is going to rumble.
Gotcha. That diesel is a little rumbly, for sure.
Great car though. Pre-blue shit, too, isn’t it?
Yep, last year of that model generation. I think it’s been fantastic, great
gasfuel mileage and few repairs. It’s had a couple visits to the shop recently though, it sits relatively low to the ground (which pretty much all non-SUV/CUV vehicles seem to do these days), and it’s pretty spartan inside so wifey is ready to replace it.“Culture with Kat Timpf: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Wrong about Free Speech”
No fair! We wanted gams, Dammit!
I’m putting you into the peelerator for that one you cunt.
That’s a soothing balm.
Great, now I’m a creep.
It’s easier for my psyche if I can blame you, so just go along with it.
First they objected to the HM links and yet we said nothing…
“Announcing Thinkspot: a new online communication platform (as promised post-Patreon):”
There’s some scuttlebutt about it being set up to allow crowd sourced censorship. I don’t know much about it.
Zounds like Nazzzziiiis!
Yeah, critics are calling downvoting “censorship” and “shadowbanning.”
I’m on the beta waiting list. Need to have Stupendousman username everywhere!
*Lurker, used to comment a lot back in the day on TOS.
Fuck off, Tulpa! And welcome.
I’ve seen the joke but embarrassingly don’t really get it. Is it applied to all lurkers?
*adopts storyteller voice*
In days of yore, in lands that shall not be named, there existed a being famed for bearing many names at once and arguing with itself. It was annoying and oft told to leave when appearing in false guise. Thus all new arrivals were suspect, and presumed to be another of this being’s puppets. Over time, the invective became the standard greeting.
Oh fuck off, Tulpa.
Good news everyone! Wifey has restructured her side-line framing business and just earned 500 clams at a small pop-up bazaar. I might not die with a broom in my hand like the old Gypsy said.
Who’d she frame for what crime? Do the rates vary based on severity? Does she do international work?
I suppose that I have this coming…
There was an article in my local paper the other day…Rene Boucher sold his house, paid the proceeds to the court and still owes Rand Paul about 100k.
However, of the verdict $375k was punitive damages. I stand behind the idea that punitive damages should only be handed out in criminal court, not civil court. So, I would be fine with the verdict being reduced (the money was paid to the court, not to Paul, because appeals are still in process) by that amount.
So, you now live next door to Senator Paul?
Nope, but I am now checking zillow to see how much it went for, not sure if the sale is in the records yet.
If it is the house I think it is, it was listed for $649,900 and the listing was removed on 5/30. That aligns with recent events. Apparently the proceeds were over $400k, so he might have had some mortgage left on it or something.
This is the nice thing about BG. You can get a 7800 sq ft home on 1.3 acres in a gated community for $650k.
Agreed. Punitive punishment is not a civil restoration.
Is that the dude that blind-sided him?
Agreed on punitives. I could allow them in civil court if the actions that justified punitives had to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Which, in my gloating over Oberlin getting hammered with punitives, I had forgotten.
That is what sparked my posting this, I was gloated over the Paul thing and went…wait…punitive.
I can see the point of having punitive damages in civil court, thing is they should not be going to the plaintiff or any of the lawyers, nor should they be going to any government agency.
I think they are a very valuable tool in preventing seriously bad behavior in cases such as the Oberlin one and so Oberlin should absolutely be getting slapped down with them, the one thing I can’t figure out is where the money should be going
There’s so much to laugh at here, but I have to highlight this in particular:
To paraphrase Beetlejuice, I’ve read that tweet 167 times, and it keeps getting funnier every time I read it.
A Trump administration national security official has sought help from advisers to a think tank that disavows climate change to challenge widely accepted scientific findings on global warming, according to his emails.
The request from William Happer, a member of the National Security Council, is included in emails from 2018 and 2019 that were obtained by the Environmental Defense Fund under the federal Freedom of Information Act and provided to The Associated Press. That request was made this past March to policy advisers with the Heartland Institute, one of the most vocal challengers of mainstream scientific findings that emissions from burning coal, oil and gas are damaging the Earth’s atmosphere.
In a March 3 email exchange Happer and Heartland adviser Hal Doiron discuss Happer’s scientific arguments in a paper attempting to knock down climate change as well as ideas to make the work “more useful to a wider readership.” Happer writes he had already discussed the work with another Heartland adviser, Thomas Wysmuller.
Yeah, okay. I’m shocked and horrified by the very notion.
“This site needs less fighting and more titties.”
Q and Phetasy are the same person. It all makes sense now.
Oh damn, Q is hotttt
I too follow attractive YouTube commentators and feel no shame unless I get caught like just now. Thanks floor fan. Thanks a lot.
I agree, Bridget. I suggest you follow your own advice.