Today’s focus of ire is this piece originally published in NY Times but thankfully republished on elsewhere (so no paywall.) The author is arguing that we need fully automated…luxury communism?
This is my review of Council Brewing Beattitude Guava Tart Saison
He starts in an odd place and seems to forget how economies of scale are a tenet of capitalism:
It starts with a burger.
In 2008 a Dutch professor named Mark Post presented the proof of concept for what he called “cultured meat.” Five years later, in a London TV studio, Mr. Post and his colleagues ate a burger they had grown from animal cells in a laboratory. Secretly funded by Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, the journey from petri dish to plate had cost $325,000 — making theirs the most expensive meal in history. Fortunately, the results were promising: Hanni Rützler, a nutrition scientist, concluded that the patty was “close to meat but not as juicy.” The next question was whether this breakthrough could be made cheaper. Much cheaper.
The first “cultured beef” burgers are likely to enter the market next year, at approximately $50 each. But that won’t last long. Within a decade they will probably be more affordable than even the cheapest barbecue staples of today — all for a product that uses fewer resources, produces negligible greenhouse gases and, remarkably, requires no animals to die.
It’s not just barbecues and burgers. Last year Just, a leader in cellular agriculture, cut a deal to start producing one of the world’s tastiest steaks, Wagyu. A company called Endless West, which also makes grapeless wine, has started to produce Glyph, the world’s first “molecular whiskey.” Luxury could be coming to all.
The case of cultured food and drink, far from a curiosity, is a template for a better, freer and more affluent world, a world where we provide for the needs of everyone — in style.
But how do we get there?
Thus far, each example he gave was capitalism. Somebody identified a need or a niche in the market that was currently missing: meat products for people that for whatever reason cannot eat meat (personal ethics, religion, medical issues). Whether or not other examples such as “molecular whiskey” may or may not have market demand, remains to be seen. There is however, demand for lab grown meat, give the existence of Beyond Burgers, and the Impossible Burger, but both of these are plant based, therefore not really meat. One thing to point out, these alternatives were also developed for the same reasons, a market niche was unfilled, so each company produced a product to fill it. Beyond in particular uses pea protein but is put through a few processes that mimic the protein structures of meat. It is an elegant solution really, because most meatless meats fail at tasting like meat. More on this later.
The problem of course, is even if they do manage to make something to replace meat, there is still going to be markets for actual meat. Unless of course this guy somehow gets elected dictator and forces his worldview on everyone, which is thankfully unlikely.
Later in the article he goes on to say that resource scarcity and how it will become a thing of the past once we are able to mine all the resources we would ever need from the heavens. Of course, he goes on to describe his misunderstanding of thermodynamics:
What’s more, renewable energy, which has been experiencing steep annual falls in cost for half a century, could meet global energy needs and make possible the vital shift away from fossil fuels. More speculatively, asteroid mining — whose technical barriers are presently being surmounted — could provide us with not only more energy than we can ever imagine but also more iron, gold, platinum and nickel. Resource scarcity would be a thing of the past.
The consequences are far-reaching and potentially transformative. For the crises that confront our world today — technological unemployment, global poverty, societal aging, climate change, resource scarcity — we can already glimpse the remedy.
But there’s a catch. It’s called capitalism. It has created the newly emerging abundance, but it is unable to share round the fruits of technological development. A system where things are produced only for profit, capitalism seeks to ration resources to ensure returns. Just like today’s, companies of the future will form monopolies and seek rents. The result will be imposed scarcity — where there’s not enough food, health care or energy to go around.
Well, I guess that’s one point of view. I kind of doubt we can run our spaceships on wind turbines, and last I checked rationing for healthcare occurs in socialized systems. I would know, I used to work for one of them. You know what, screw it. I’m hungry and I am not paid enough to argue against crazy. I’m getting a burger…
I have tried Beyond products before, due to weird religious rules that I still follow and really don’t care what others here think of that regard. I also considered investing when they went public but instead thought a robotics ETF was a better long term investment (thus far I am wrong…so very wrong). I am unaware of anybody discussing this here, so I am going to find out if somebody else can make a better fake burger than I. But where to find one?
Upfront, I will say it doesn’t really look or smell any different. The one time I tried it at home, it smelled awful out of the package, but that goes away immediately after cooking. I am definitely not happy with how it was prepared, they seem to have burned one side of it, but its fast food. They added mayo, which I am okay with. Just a basic burger thus far.
The fries suck.
My overall opinion is it works well as a hamburger patty. A feature of hamburgers are the toppings you put on it, as such it works in combination with everything on it. Other Beyond products I find have the texture right, but don’t quite taste like chicken. This made perfect sense to me, as it is processed legumes and not chicken. About an hour or two later, I was hungry again. The sausage is slightly better and all of these products are expensive; Carl’s Jr. charged $2 extra for it. But then again, economies of scale will likely drop the price down in the next few years, and it will only come down to personal preference whether or not people will want to eat meat. For now, I will take that over waxing poetic over a show better described as “communists in space” (TW TOS).
This beer is terrible due to the use of guava. Depending on the type of guava you have it can be sweet or sour. This is sour, much more than a garden variety saison. If you are into sour you will probably like this. I however did not, but will give them points for trying. Council Brewing Beattitude Guava Tart Saison 2.0/5
thats some hazy beer, nice write up as usual, thanks MS!
Thanks Yusef, you’d certainly like this one.
My wife bought a pack of Beyond Burgers to try. Neither of us are vegetarian but we both like veggie burgers from time to time, and since she doesn’t eat…well, some meats, due to a whackadoo mom who read a book about nutrition in the early 90s and fucked her kids up with it, she’s often on the lookout for a beef-tasting thing that won’t send her into the bathroom for an hour. Neither of us were impressed, honestly. The texture was similar to the formed patties you buy where the meat has been pressed into shape, so it lacked the texture of a patty made from coarsely-ground meat. That wasn’t a big deal, though, because you get the same thing from most fast food burgers. For me it was the taste. It reminded me of the salisbury steaks in the tv dinners I used to eat as a kid. It was just kind of ok. I’ve been through a couple of releases of meatless burgers that people swear up and down taste just like meat or better, and in every case it hasn’t come close. With the Beyond Burger, I feel like it tastes more as if you were taking ground turkey and seasoning it to make it taste like a soy burger rather than vegetable protein that tastes like meat. I will say that in terms of texture it comes closer to a processed meat patty than anything else I can think of, so for vegetarians who want the sensation of eating a fast food burger this is probably as close as you can come right now.
I haven’t had Banquet Salisbury Steak in years!. Something tells me it won’t be as delicious as I remember it.
they still rock, mashies, corn and bread and butter, classic!
due to a whackadoo mom who read a book about nutrition in the early 90s and fucked her kids up with it
My mom is the same. She called herself a nutritionist, but never worked a day in her as one if she truly was. Only diet, lite, or fat-free groceries in the house and condemnation if one of us kids ordered a regular soda, large fry, or something like that a restaurant. We were always free to order what we wanted in the end, but damn if she didn’t lay on this guilty nagging worthy of Bloomberg about calories and fat. All of us were athletic and fit.
I shrugged it off, but it affected my adult sisters to this day. The youngest (mid twenties and married) will still ask my mother if something is okay to eat diet-wise when we’re all out at a restaurant. The other is hypersensitive and will scream at my mother to backoff if she touches a single takeout box to distribute.
Mrs. Tree is a nutritionist. Was in hospice/cancer/HIV/etc. care before all the saplings came along 18 years ago, and has since stayed home but keeps up some professional certs. She won’t do any “diet” anything – ever. Eat real food that you enjoy in moderation, and be active, and you’ve got 90% of the battle won. It’s the “moderation” and “active” things that most folks won’t do.
Anyhoo, she says that half of the nutritionists out there are there because they like cooking/eating (like her), and the other have have deep-down eating disorders and have career-ified their pathologies.
Anyhoo, she says that half of the nutritionists out there are there because they like cooking/eating (like her), and the other have have deep-down eating disorders and have career-ified their pathologies.
Makes total sense.
My mom got Diet Coke for herself, and store-brand cola for us kids (well, the other three since I didn’t even drink carbonated beverages then).
Same with mine except it was Diet Pepsi and all 4 of us kids were fine with Wegman’s pop.
I’ll take beef, thank you.
Me too. My Dad raised Black Angus cattle for years, so my standards are high. Beef, venison or GTFO.
I need a better source of good beef. Grocery store beef has gone downhill. Costco/local meat markets are getting too expensive. I want split a side of beef with my parents, but they are concerned about all the cuts they don’t typically care for. I’ll eat any beef cut and almost enjoy learning the best way to prepare each. I do wish that we could genetically engineer a cow to be all rib eye.
Stater Bros. has the good meats around here, there should be one near you
Talk to the meat counter guys at the regular old grocery store and they’ll grind the old-ish-but-still-perfectly-fine cuts from the counter or cooler for you. Better than what normally gets out as ground.
We had smoked brisket for lunch and dinner will be strip steaks.
Lunch was a bowl of cereal… 🙁
But dinner will be Beef Stroganoff. ??
Sounds delicious. Fruity Pebbles or Cap’n Crunch Berries?
Golden Grahams. On sale for like half-price.
I had leftover chicken and noodles.
Dinner is going to be salmon and rice.
Last night, I made a pan-seared NY strip steak, twice-baked potatoes, and an iceberg wedge salad with blue cheese dressing (the Basics with Babish recipe). I’m gonna say it was the best meal I have ever made.
I don’t mind the veggie chicken stuff, but when it comes to beef, I do prefer the real thang.
No, luxury won’t be coming to all. Even in the socialist utopia he dreams of, where all the commoners eat fake meat that is indistinguishable* from the real thing, the party elites will still eat real meat.
* and how long will it remain indistinguishable from the real thing once the commoners all forget what real meat tastes like?
People will remember what meat tastes like in the socialist utopia, at least when they start eating each other.
It has created the newly emerging abundance, but it is unable to share round the fruits of technological development.
Maybe because a company that creates abundance will go out of business and create no more abundance if it just gives shit away? Just a thought.
I’m not into tart, vinegary, or sour beers either. I wouldn’t order a gose. You’re beer review does inspire me to want to actually shower and leave the house and hit the local pub today though.
I am happy to inspire you to wash your own ass.
It’s not rape, it’s regret.
That commie fuck writer reminded me of a quote by Uncle Milt:
“Industrial progress, mechanical improvement, all of the great wonders of the modern era have meant relatively little to the wealthy. The rich in Ancient Greece would have benefited hardly at all from modern plumbing: running servants replaced running water. Television and radio? The patricians of Rome could enjoy the leading musicians and actors in their home, could have the leading actors as domestic retainers. Ready-to-wear clothing, supermarkets — all these and many other modern developments would have added little to their life. The great achievements of Western capitalism have redounded primarily to the benefit of the ordinary person. These achievements have made available to the masses conveniences and amenities that were previously the exclusive prerogative of the rich and powerful.”
Great quote! I dig watching Uncle Milt on YouTube. It’s funny watching him talk the college students back in the 70’s. There were certainly a lot of lefties challenging him, but the atmosphere was night and day over today’s insufferable, sanctimonious derptards.
Indeed. I find it amusing that PBS produced his Free To Choose and, maybe a decade ago, Niall Ferguson’s The Ascent Of Money. I don’t know if they would provide fare like that today.
This program was made possible by: The Charles and David Koch Foundation…..
Yep, I can’t imagine they would allow anything like that on PBS today. Free to Choose was what finally brought me completely over to the Dark Side. I love the episode with a young and fired up Tom Sowell.
Sowell is awesome.
Joesph Schumpter had a similar and even better quote that I also thought of:
“Queen Elizabeth [the first] owned silk stockings. The capitalist achievement does not typically consist in providing more silk stockings for queens but in bringing them within the reach of factory girls in return for steadily decreasing amounts of effort.”
One of my favorite quotes from Andy Warhol:
“You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.”
“forces his worldview on everyone”
He doesn’t need to get elected dictator, he just needs to convert enough of the right people to his worldview. I have no doubt that at some point (probably by 2024 if not sooner), there will be Democrat presidential candidates proposing outlawing or highly taxing meat products. Climate change will be the main excuse they give but it’s really about making other people live the way they want them to live.
OT: Have some more opioid panic.
I have no idea regarding the validity of the various villainous claims made therein, but this bit stuck out at me:
Oh FFS… bonus turgid prose:
As a result, doctors in this country stopped treating patients for pain altogether, Nelson argues.
Seems like a reasonable claim to me. My experience has been that doctors very rarely prescribe pain killers anymore except for things like immediately following a surgery. Even just getting codeine syrup for a killer sore throat is non-existent.
They all refer patients to pain clinics, which tend to have dehumanizing and time consuming restrictions (such as requiring regular visits for piss tests).
Paging Dr. Chet to the white courtesy phone.
If you’ve got a sore throat, it’s probably better to treat you with something else. Codeine is a pretty lousy opioid for pain in any event. In blind comparison testing it hasn’t been much better than Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or other over the counter medications (which are generally quite effective medications, by the way). Plus it produces serious constipation.
Doctors get very little training in pain management, which is odd because it’s one of the primary reasons patients come to us. I had to do all my own research into pain and various methods of addressing it. Most community family doctors or internists really have very little to no experience with pain management. They’re also being pushed on very aggressively by government and administrators to not prescribe opiates.
That being said, if you’re getting referred to a pain clinic for a sore throat, there’s some sort of serious problem, either on your end or your physician’s.
The pain clinics comment was more for general pain killer requests. Even specialists treating chronic conditions known for pain, such as cancer and autoimmune conditions, are pushing these patients off on pain clinics. It wasn’t this bad even 5 years ago in terms of being able to get pain relief. I agree the government pressure is a large factor. I think the full court press hysteria around it is another.
Of course, the real issue here is making doctors the gatekeepers for pain relief. Same logic would require scrips for a six-pack of beer since some people abuse alcohol.
There are a lot of reasons for the increase in pain clinic referrals which would require a very long form discussion to break down, but I’d say it boils down to the following:
1. Physicians are generally terrified of the specter of the DEA as well as other federal/state/local agencies. Those guys have virtually unlimited power and can not only throw you in jail, but essentially take away your ability to earn a living.
2. Chronic pain patients are a pain in the ass. That might sound callous, but it’s true. I know doctors who tried prescribing pain meds and before too long everyone else got crowded out by pain patients seeking drug refills. They didn’t have a medical practice at that point, they had a pill mill. If you’re going to prescribe a lot of opioids, the government then starts to look at you as a pain practice and unless you have really good records (which requires a huge amount of time and expense), you run the risk of what was described in #1.
3. Rheumatologists and oncologists (and many other physicians) generally want to be treating the underlying disease. They want to try to control the auto-immune disorder or the cancer. They’d like to see the tumor shrinking or the inflammatory markers going down. Constantly prescribing narcotics is not why they got into practice and they don’t want to do it.
4. As I said above, most physicians get very little training in how to actually deal with pain and would rather someone who has some training manage it.
5. Doctors are genuinely afraid of hurting people. We get into this business in general because we want to help people get better. Opioids have real harmful effects. They are not benign substances in any way, shape, or form. When you have someone overdose on opioids that you prescribed, you feel responsible. I know of doctors this happened to, and some of them considered suicide.
6. Referral to pain management is a polite way of saying “no”.
These are all very strong arguments for dissolving prescriptions for anything but administrative purposes (e.g., insurance coverage).
Not going to happen. In libertopia, maybe, but the real world will not go that way. There are consequences to making everything over the counter and many of them aren’t positive. Because of that, there will never be public support for such a policy. Sure, on a libertarian forum such ideas will be quite popular, but most people (i.e. voters) are not die-hard libertarians or anarchists. I’d like to see a lot of things over the counter, for sure, and I think we can make some headway in that direction (birth control would be one great example), but as to the abolition of prescriptions? I don’t see it as a practical policy position.
Oh, I completely agree we’re too far gone for that to happen.
Good example of why I don’t want The Public democratically making my decisions for me.
Opioids are a very tough problem from where I’m sitting. On the one hand, they’re quite effective as pain medications, particularly for acute pain, less so for some forms of chronic pain. They’re even very effective cough medications. They also have been used recreationally since the dawn of time. Many people are able to function on them quite capably and suffer no adverse events. Others do not function well on them at all and become unrecognizable to their families and friends.
There are many root causes to the current problem with opioid overdose. Unfortunately people look to blame one or two causes, typically to advance their own agendas, as is the case here. This particular writer is correct that many people use drugs to cope with mental problems, but that isn’t a new thing. It has been going on ever since humans discovered these substances probably tens of thousands of years ago. People were abusing drugs a hundred years ago, two thousand years ago, and likely long before that. In addition, plenty of well connected people with purpose in their lives become dependent on medications or other substances. It’s a flaccid argument to make and he should be ashamed of himself for making it.
We would be so make much better off if we legalized all drugs and let those who develope dependencies seek help without fear of police involvement. Of course, most people look at you like you have 3 heads when you say that. The brainwashing is strong.
Maybe. Drug legalization would make some problems better and some worse. Personally I think the trade-off would be worth it, but I can understand why some people would feel otherwise.
I understand people know people who’s lives were destroyed by their drug use. But people only seem to be capable of one possible solution to everything they don’t like, even if it’s been proven over decades or even all of human history to not work. That is make it illegal and have the government punish them. If that solution continues to be an abysmal failure and has created more problems and solved none and they still can’t even entertain any alternative solution, that’s what I don’t understand.
I agree with you. I’d say the same thing is true of a lot of government “assistance” programs. We’ve had fifty years of Great Society and the war on poverty and yet we are constantly being told that there’s a tremendous poverty problem. Nobody seems capable of considering that those programs have done nothing like what they were supposed to do and it’s time to do something else. Same thing with public schools. Abject failure by any standard and yet if you suggest doing something else people recoil in horror.
Or as I like to call them, the Great Poverty and War on Society.
“Abject failure by any standard”
Wrong. They’ve been a rousing success, just not at what their stated goals are. They’ve grown incredible amounts of bureaucracy and created countless opportunities for graft and rent-seeking; their true goals. Therefore, those programs have been an unparalleled success.
something something about voting for us for 200 years
Lyndon Johnson was a malevolent sociopathic bastard, but I think most of the people who promoted and voted for these programs really thought they would help.
I know some die-hard progressives and they believe deep down inside that the government pulls people out of poverty and if not for these programs we’d have folks dying in the streets. They really are trying to help.
It’s a mistake to paint everyone with whom you disagree with such a broad brush. Sure, there are some libertarians who don’t give a damn about anyone else, but that’s very few of us.
Oh I don’t doubt that there are still droves of people with the best of intentions; just not our political leadership.
That said, I’d still rather have people doing the right thing for the wrong reasons than vice versa.
Putting pseudoephedrine behind the counter didn’t do anything to slow down meth production, but that hasn’t brought back out to OTC status.
Because the way you show you care about the children is to continue to do stuff proven not to work.
No, it didn’t slow the production down, but it did move a lot of it to Mexico. #MAGA by bringing meth production back to the US. Think of all of the small producers they put out of business.
That one really annoys me. I see patients in the emergency department all the time who are there for runny nose and congestion that could easily be addressed with the old Sudafed. In some states you can buy it by showing your ID. There are a few that require a prescription.
Drives me nuts. The guy buying one box of Sudafed who has a red nose and a hoarse voice? He’s not a damn drug manufacturer. The guy buying three cases of the stuff? Yeah, maybe we should look into him.
But all the politicians got to go on TV and describe how they’ve DONE SOMETHING about the crisis. Never mind that it screws the guy with the cold who now has to go to the doctor, take time off work, and pay a co-pay so he can get the same damn medicine he used to be able to just buy.
I buy pseudoephedrine 3 boxes at a time, then my wife does the same. We basically buy them 6 boxes at a time (for only $10, love Costco’s prices on the stuff). We stock up throughout the year because when the season hits, we go through the stuff like Halloween candy. Somehow we’ve managed to avoid turning it into meth, or smurfing it to meth manufacturers.
We wouldn’t do this if it went back to being OTC, but because of government imposed artificial restrictions we feel a need to stockpile the stuff.
Please don’t investigate us (cause Preet v2.0 is watching)
There was at least one valid claim I liked in there about the DEA basically making it impossible to research alternatives.
The DEA can eat a bag of dicks.
I used to be for opioids OTC. But, recently I heard that someone was using them to feel good and have fun! Can you imagine the horror I felt when I heard this!!! WTF, how can we still let those damn things be prescribed by anyone!!!!!
Ban all opioids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do want to know, though, why so many white wealthy women suffer anxiety and depression. It’s weird. I know so many of them — they live these amazingly prosperous and safe lives and have these crazy fears about everything.
Much the same question as to why suicide is almost completely a first-world problem. I think there is some truth to the idea that once Maslow’s needs are all satisfied, a person if more likely to suffer existential despair. Church and community used to help with that (opiate of the masses, ironic turn of phrase isn’t it?). But now that those connections are being severed, people are not as well equipped to handle the horrors of the Void.
I’m starting to think that society would be much worse off without a majority of people belonging to some religion. I think you can get the same benefits of religion through a great deal of philosophical study, but that takes incredible effort.
And I don’t know how exactly I can square that with the fact that I don’t believe in a supreme being myself and don’t see that changing.
In the same place myself. The societies that have tried to stamp it out aren’t exactly worth emulating.
I also support guns and family and a few other things I preach but don’t practice. ??♂️
That’s a question that requires an extremely long form response. If I ever get around to writing an article for the website it might be a good one to consider. Hopefully I’ll have some time to devote to it.
I think what Q said has something to do with it. Many of the traditional social supports are now gone. In addition I’d add that children have very little opportunity to struggle through any sort of real adversity in the West. Guys (who are generally less neurotic than women anyway) get some of that through sports, but in general children grow up in a (relative) cocoon. Once released into the wild, they have no skills with which to cope with what really is a scary existence. In addition, we live in a society that does not promote any sort of contentment, where you are constantly told you aren’t good enough.
Crime and social pathology is completely irrelevant to self ownership. Just like violence statistics are completely irrelevant to gun ownership. I don’t give a shit if the consequences are horrific and the streets are filled with mountains of corpses, it’s immoral to prohibit people from ingesting substances of their own free will.
It just so happens that most of these pathologies would likely go away if the substances were legalized (see: Amendment, 18th), but that’s a side bonus.
You say that, but what about muh first responders?!
MS is triggered by Del Taco, but I will declare their Beyond Tacos quite edible.
My son works at a Carl’s Jr and has warned me off of trying their Beyond Burger.
Del Taco
Judas Priest. There is a Mexican food joint in every damn corner, and you eat that?
The Mexican joints are not vegetarian-friendly to say the least.
I told you where to find tamales…
Besides, I just cracked open a bag of these!
Well, at least you’ve slowed down on the paint chips.
Yeah, the tamale place looks great and we will definitely hit it up, but it’s definitely not on the corner, it’s a haul up there.
But you reminded me- SP makes awesome tamales, and I may need to chain her up in the kitchen since it’s been a while…
What are you talking about? Its right next to my house?
You must miss Juan in a Million.
Their sunflower seed tamales were legitimately good food, not just good vegetarian food.
Hard pass on bug-food.
You don’t like shrimp?
Hell no. Sea bugs above all. Disgusting.
You can really taste the cricket.
Arizona Mexican food is disappointing.
Find the one that looks most like a hole in a wall and that probably has the best food.
Your dissapointing
Ted’s disappointed.
If the guy who made the table your sitting at also made the tacos, it’s probably going to be good.
Once you’ve been spoiled by New Mexican food all else is disappointing.
^^^This guy gets it.
I find it funny a group of people have to refer to themselves as “New Mexican.”
New and Improved.
We left “Old Mexican” at TOS.
Sour beers, sour things in general, do not hold much appeal for me. Limes are beloved, lemons slightly less so but anything beyond that… shudder.
I’ve enjoyed dishes employing TVP to simulate meat. I found it a perfect match for overcooked ground chuck in texture and a great option for baked dishes, pasta filling, etc.; the seasoning is key.
The consequences are far-reaching and potentially transformative. For the crises that confront our world today — technological unemployment, global poverty, societal aging, climate change, resource scarcity — we can already glimpse the remedy.
But there’s a catch. It’s called capitalism. It has created the newly emerging abundance, but it is unable to share round the fruits of technological development. A system where things are produced only for profit, capitalism seeks to ration resources to ensure returns. Just like today’s, companies of the future will form monopolies and seek rents. The result will be imposed scarcity — where there’s not enough food, health care or energy to go around.
I mean, look what unfettered capitalism has done to Venezuela.
That might be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.
Where did this idea come from that capitalism is only concerned with profit? People start and run companies for all kinds of reasons. Most people don’t start businesses, at least not the successful ones, just to make a profit. They believe in what they’re doing and that they’re making a difference.
Or they want to be their own boss.
It’s the profit part that makes it all work. Without it, there is no incentive to compete and competition makes shit better.
Show me one monopoly that didn’t owe its very existence to government force.
Here’s one.
I agree with you, it was the “only” for profit that I found objectionable. No question the profit motive is what primarily drives innovation and competition, but it’s not the only reason people engage in business.
“A system where things are produced only for profit”
And what exactly should we be producing them for eh? Our health? The “common good”? Yeah, that’s been a rousing success every time it’s been tried. I’d work for an endless supply of willing young hotties, but that’s still compensation and it’s profitable to me.
I just can’t even…
“A system where things are produced only for profit”
This guy has never made anything in his whole fucking life. There is immense joy in the accomplishment of making, building or creating.
He just throws words around.
I told my kids if they wanted to be happy in life, they should learn to make or fix things.
Pretty amazing how capitalism can create abundance and the result of that abundance is scarcity.
“The opioid epidemic is a symptom of the severe depression, anxiety and isolation Americans struggle within an era of digital communication, rampant consumerism, a profound loss of connection with ourselves and each other, economic insecurity and a lack of purpose in a materialist society,” he claims in his book.
It was Capitalism what done it!
I thought people just liked to get high.
“What’s more, renewable energy, which has been experiencing steep annual falls in cost for half a century, could meet global energy needs and make possible the vital shift away from fossil fuels.”
From the linked article:
“A movement has been growing for decades to replace hydrocarbons, which collectively supply 84% of the world’s energy[…]wind, solar, and batteries—the favored alternatives to hydrocarbons—provide about 2% of the world’s energy and 3% of America’s. Nonetheless, a bold new claim has gained popularity: that we’re on the cusp of a tech-driven energy revolution that not only can, but inevitably will, rapidly replace all hydrocarbons[…]This paper highlights the physics of energy to illustrate why there is no possibility that the world is undergoing—or can undergo—a near-term transition to a ‘new energy economy.'”
The linked article is heavy on primary sources and science. I believe it a lot more than some schmuck at the NYT.
Money shot:
“The energy needed to move a ton of people, heat a ton of steel or silicon, or grow a ton of food is determined by properties of nature whose boundaries are set by laws of gravity, inertia, friction, mass, and thermodynamics—not clever software.”
UNPOSSIBLE. Appglebookmazon is capable of anything! The laws of physics don’t apply!
The laws of physics are a cisheteropatriarchical white eurocolonialist construct. We need to embrace alternative ways of understanding if we are going to solve the mess that racist capitalism has gotten us into.
The NYT just called up to offer you a job.
That ton of steel is racist for not being heated more quickly by Energy of Color.
Most people don’t start businesses, at least not the successful ones, just to make a profit. They believe in what they’re doing and that they’re making a difference.
Like that Bezos guy. He just wanted to destroy America.
Insidious plan, that was.
Yes…sell books.
On the Amazon Treasure Truck today:
A pressurized growler
Thanks for the Kefir recommendation the other day. I started having a glass every morning. It wasn’t nearly as bad as you guys made it out… I actually enjoy it.
It’s not bad…. as long as you don’t drink it plain. That’s hardcore.
I can see that. My store only stocked plain and some sort of berry flavor that wasn’t lowfat. I went with the berry.
So you’re the fucker that made whole milk yogurt products disappear.
/pours more heavy whipping cream into coffee
Full-fat yogurt showed up at my supermarket recently. I didn’t even know it existed.
I didn’t phrase that well. Plenty of lowfat versions, but not much full-fat selection that I’d prefer.
/uses heavy whipping cream for coffee too
That looks super cool!
Next step; fill it.
Typically I’m loath to make connections between current events and fiction, however reading this kind of shit always takes me back to one idea: Leftism (progressivism, socialism, communism, whatever you wanna call it) is the Dark Side.
It’s not more powerful, but it is easier and seductive. These parochial eggheads just get seduced by it over and over because it would just be so damn *nice* if it worked. We want it to work so, so, so much that it just has to this time! These clowns are objectively intelligent; ie, if you gave them an IQ test they would probably score above average. They are capable of basic comprehension of abstract concepts. However, their higher reasoning, when it comes to political matters, has been hijacked by an evil ideology. Once you start down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
It’s because they’re sociopaths and have no understanding of human nature.
Hey ya’ll.
I’m enjoying a sunny any mild sat afternoon.
I have 2 grass fed chuck roasts on the smoker, cold beers on the cooler, and some martinis and scotch on the agenda.
Mrs. Time just put a cinnamon roll apple pie in the oven.
I’m not bragging, just happy to have a nice day off.
I’ve been experimenting a lot with chuck roasts lately. I love the beefy flavor.
They are much harder to Fock up than brisket. I started to bbq them after making boneless beef ribs a few times and enjoyed them. They are essentially chuck.
I have one I’m going to slice like brisket and another I’m going to cube into burnt ends.
Even if you do mess it up….
Last time I severely over cooked one, I ran it through the blender and simmered it with ranchera sauce. Perfect taco/burrito filling.
God bless America!
Ive gotten sucked into watching vintage Dr Who today, and its all Tom Baker episodes.
Naturally, I thought of you
I just started reading Doctor Who – The Krikketmen. It’s a fourth Doctor story by Douglas Adams. One of those “lost” episodes.
That sounds good. Working in the trailer which is going through final touches, ribs smoked, beer dwindling. A nice day to live in the USA
These clowns are objectively intelligent; ie, if you gave them an IQ test they would probably score above average. They are capable of basic comprehension of abstract concepts.
They’re too fucking dumb to distinguish between the guy who sits on his ass and says, “Somebody oughtta do something about [X]” and the guy who identifies an opportunity and actually satisfies an unmet need. And, of course, the single best way to determine whether you are meeting a genuine need (want) is if people will pay you for it.
“These clowns are objectively intelligent…IQ test…”
I am going to dispute that. It says more about the IQ test than about their intelligence.
Socialist = booger eating moron.
Can I get a “fuck off, Tulpa!” over here?
I’m not going to enact your labor.
Her poor back
I am Spartacus.
You’re Cory Booker?
Fuck off, Pretender-to-Tulpa.
Titties and a fuck off! I’m one of you!
Well, you still don’t know the secret handshake.
Hint: it doesn’t involve a hand.
It does if you have common courtesy.
*slow clap*
This is amazing, when he LITERALLY JUST DESCRIBED HOW IT DOES IN FACT SHARE IT AROUND. Meatless burgers for everybody, remember? They’re not being made for and sold to the rich. People making minimum wage and even just on welfare will be able to buy them.
Like I said, booger eating moron.
“People making minimum wage and even just on welfare will be able to buy them.”
But….why would they? Why eat fake beef when. you can have seared cow?
I don’t know, but that’s the beauty of capitalism. We don’t have to know or care why. If they want them, somebody will make and sell them.
I make a silly argument about the subjective being objective and you have to go and say something correct.
This, why would They? because they want to, fuck off slaver, BTB Fatty that’s the way to GIF an avatar, good job.
+1 Great Noneyesore Gif, Fatty
I had a BurgerFi Conflicted burger once. One beef patty and one Beyond patty. It was okay, probably would not be as good if it was just the fake meat.
not a “BiBurger: It Goes Both Ways”?
A unicorn farts, and a hurricane of free shit ensues.
Imagine waking up in a warm bed. Your wife is still asleep. She is warm and soft and snuggly if you put your arms around her. Instead you drag your ass out of bed, splash some water on. your face, drink some shitty coffee in a hurry and drive to a job you may hate. Then you bust your ass all day for a paycheck.
Countless thousands of Americans do that every day. That is where stuff comes from. It doesn’t come from some moron eating their own boogers and smelling their own farts in a faculty lounge.
This. A friend who is a decade younger is moaning about how he will never be able to afford to retire. That’s because for most of the time I’ve known him he’s moaned on social media about how hard an unfair work is for him as a commercial video producer, the most egregious part of which was how it was unfair that the owners of one business he worked for got to come and go as they pleased and he had to punch the clock. Let me say that again, “the owners;” the ones who built the business and took the risks and provided him a job. He finally got fired and sucked up “unemployment insurance” for months.
Millennial? Tell him to ease up on beard care products, artisan cheese, and craft beer and put some of that into an index fund.
The risk is something they always conveniently forget about. Working crazy hours while you’re hemorrhaging cash. Enough flop sweat to fill a pool while you’re trying to make it work — and no guarantee that it will happen, either.
I think it was Tres Cool who suggested “air leak” when I was talking about my weed eater not wanting to run at WFO without a little choke. I was fiddling with it a little while ago, and I think one of the carb studs was loose at the case. I cleaned off the carb and gasket, cinched it down, and now it seems happier. Buy yourself a beer, dude.
Strip steaks, with protection.
Going to grill these up shortly. Keep your fake meat away from me.
Oh shit, is that a GP100? I have the same gun.
Yup. Solid piece of hardware.
I, too, would protect that vintage Corelle “Harvest Gold” plate.
I really should pick up more matching pieces.
Cornflower will always hold a special place in my heart.
Very sharp. I think my next toy is going to be a 357. Thinking 3″ S&W 686+ stainless.
I have the 2 5/8” Featured here,
Nice all around.
Sharp. Thanks for sharing the article. I’ll probably buy Houge grips but not sure about messing with the trigger group.
Its now an Altamont Boot Grip. The Hogues were too big for the Mrs.
Bookmarking that. Thanks! The Round Combat Super Rosewood Checkered Fleur-de-Lis grips are pretty sharp.
Have a cop and dog story that doesn’t end the way you might expect.
“Shih Tzu-Yorkie mix”
Oh sure, they DON’T shoot the abomination. jj
We had a which tzu mix that was most definitely not an abomination.
Er, shih tzu, fucking auto-correct.
I’m not so sure that autocorrect wasn’t on to something….
Tzuwhich, environmentally sustainable loose meat sandwich!
The jj was for just joking
Speaking of NYT, the local rag (best used as a fire starter for the BBQ, which is why I buy it) reprinted an article that ‘many Americans are deeply disappointed’ at the delay of the Tubman $20 bill. I think Pravda printed less propaganda back in the day than the MSM does now. ‘All but a few Americans really don’t give a shit about who is on the face of bills or when it happens’ is just as made up, but much more reasonable.
Of course, they didn’t go with an awesome design like this:
Looks like she’s trying to grab someone’s pussy. And a gun? Progs heads would explode.
That’s a Terminator “come with me if you want to live” pose.
I would. No pictures of Harriet I ever saw looked like that.
That would be awesome. And a fuck you to the gun grabbers and the rest of the world.
A darkie with a gun? The garmet rending would be epic.
That would be amazing. I would frame a new bill and hang it in my house.
OTOH, this will make it more difficult for them to get rid of paper currency.
“Why are you erasing Harriet Tubman???”
Oh wow, you’re right.
Unprinted brown paper bags. Who knows what that soy ink becomes when you apply heat and free radicals.
Epic meat run at Costco.
New product: spatchcocked Peruvian marinated chicken. Firing up the oven now, will finish on the grill.
I picked up ribs the other day and smoked them for a bbq down by the river.
I got 2 beef ribs, USDA prime, 1.25 lbs each. I have no idea what I’m doing with them yet, but I knew that they had to come home with me.
So I guess the folks downtown today for the Pride parade are in double ecstacy.
So MoveOn can’t move on from the special prosecutor. And why was MoveOn founded, anyway?
Another way to fleece the flock.
“Along with Congresswoman Tlaib, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Al Green are among Democratic lawmakers who have pushed for impeaching Trump are scheduled to speak at the teach-ins and other public actions.”
The pinnacle of arrogance. Not even a 1% chance that your opinion might be wrong? It’s definitely fact?
Any other opinion would be racist. Their moral certitude outweighs any facts.
Al Green
This guy?
He needs to listen to this.
Jesus………I made the mistake of reading some of the twitters linked in that link.
The parades around here were last weekend but I doubt you could tell them apart from this stuff anyway.
meat products for people that for whatever reason cannot eat meat (personal ethics, religion, medical issues)
1. ok
2. right up there with paying someone to flip your lightswitch on the sabbath. pretty sure if God cared about those restrictions, he’s not amused by that shit.
3. If you have a medical problem where you don’t eat meat, I don’t see cultured meat being much better for you. Is the problem in the gristle?
Yeah, looks like cultured meat would be just as much a problem for -onics.
Don’t grumble, give a whistle!
I’ve heard of jealous jilted lovers, but Florida Man takes it to the next level.