Howdy, Glibs. I hope the fathers among you were properly respected by your spawn yesterday, and that no new discoveries of extant children were in the offering. Its the dog days of summer here, and I wish I were anywhere but at this computer.
Here’s some really cool-looking Soviet-era tech that I would not be brave enough to ride in.
Ernst & Young’s UK branch scrapped degree-requirements for entry-level jobs. More like this in the US, please.
OMWC shared the opinion from Gamble v. US which is rage-inducing, except for Justice Gorsuch’s stellar dissent. An excerpt:
Viewed from the perspective of an ordinary reader of the Fifth Amendment, whether at the time of its adoption or in our own time, none of this can come as a surprise. Imagine trying to explain the Court’s separate sovereigns rule to a criminal defendant, then or now. Yes, you were sentenced to state prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm. And don’t worry—the State can’t prosecute you again. But a federal prosecutor can send you to prison again for exactly the same thing. What’s more, that federal prosecutor may work hand-in-hand with the same state prosecutor who already went after you. They can share evidence and discuss what worked and what didn’t the first time around. And the federal prosecutor can pursue you even if you were acquitted in the state case. None of that offends the Constitution’s plain words protecting a person from being placed “twice . . . in jeopardy of life or limb” for “the same offence.” Really?
Manic Neo-Nazi Dreamgirl pilloried for cashing in on queer bandwagon. Oh wait, it wasn’t her white supremacist fans who are doing the hating…

Best of Taylor Swift hailed as Aryan goddess by neo Nazis
Oh shit, Lenny got shot by an off-duty cop. George is gonna be sad he didn’t get to send him to the farm with the rabbits.
Going old-school today, but not older-than-me school
rope roads are for squirrels….
But why no first?
Good, I’ve been waiting for the sequel to Fury Road.
I’ve been studiously avoiding reading about that shooting. Nice that the parents got shot too.
Reminds me of the caretaker that got shot because a severely autistic adult was holding his favorite toy truck in such a manner that the cops thought it was a gun (?!). At least no one died in that exchange.
And the cop made it home safely.
“Pride in one’s own race is a normal and healthy sentiment.”
Sure, for a collectivist.
There are disadvantages to multi layered government.
And advantages. Dual sovereignty keeps CA from dictating how the people in MO should live
Unless a state decides to join that stupid National Popular Vote Compact thingy.
Christ, that thing is cancer.
But, still, dual sovereignty is what allows MO to have lax gun laws, while CA has strict gun laws. There are more advantages to a federal system than disadvantages, I think, on the whole.
Also, it’s a totally safe bet for CA and NY – they aren’t going to get outvoted. The squarey, empty, flyovery states not so much.
I wonder if the citizens of those Compact states could sue on the grounds of disenfranchisement?
Haven’t read NY insurance regulations? If you want to do business in NY, you have to follow their rules everywhere. Most companies form subsidiaries that only operate in NY.
Why do we need a federal Department of Education when each of the several states has its own DoEd, AND all the counties and cities have school boards as well? Not to mention that there is nothing in the constitution which requires, or even allows, congress to meddle in the education of schoolchildren.
We can thank Teachers Unions and Jimmy Carter.
Are you serious?
We can really thank Reagan who campaigned on the issue and then promptly forgot about it once in office.
We can thank Teachers Unions and Jimmy Carter
While Jimmy did split off education into its own Department, It was part of another before and was doing al the same shit, all Jimmy did was change the name, probably grew it but I’d wager it was going to grow under the old department as well.
If you want to get technical you can blame it on FDR, Eisenhower and the Radical Republicans as well.
Once upon a time there was the Department of Health, Education and Welfare–the Progressive’s trifecta. At the same time was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms–the rednecks’ Holy Trinity.
The latter has added “Explosives” to its scope and name, so now it’s the Department of Hold My Beer.
Didn’t Nixon have a hand in it, too? Or am I thinking something else. NEA maybe?
There are disadvantages to multi layered government.
My social studies teacher explicitly said it was more like a marble cake.
Pride in one’s own race is a normal and healthy sentiment.*
*Some restrictions apply. Not valid in all states.
Sorry, Tennessee.
“Manic Neo-Nazi Dreamgirl”
Worst chatroom, ever.
To celebrate Father’s Day, I spent some of my weekend at hockey camp. I’m happy to report that at 47, I can still keep up with those high school and college whipper snappers.
Geezer strong! Srsly, go TOK.
No, Zillenials are that weak.
Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.
I believe it’s “Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence and a Bad Haircut”.
I got the bad haircut like PJ said. Oh, wait, he meant…
RE: Dubble Jepurrdee.
Well now, I guess we’ll just have to create separated jurisdictions for city, county, zip code, census block, lat/long sector…
Think of how much we can fuck with someone!
*pops massive erection*
The same people who once yelled “bake the cake” to a private baker and now yell “freedom of association” about multinational companies that do the bidding of the Chinese and EU governments, are now yelling “freedom of association” for colleges. I mean, does no one else find it hilarious that “freedom of association” only seems to ever apply to large quasi-government institutions and never to small private businesses?
My dream is that these confused people soon start screaming “freedom of association” about banks who refuse to do business with gun manufacturers and individual baddies. Please do it. I need the laughs.
I could’ve sworn that companies aren’t supposed to have first amendment rights all.
If they are large multinational companies that are promoting “right thought” they have “freedom of association”. Thems the rules or something.
I honestly want to know when left-wing protesters held these seminars where they introduced their ill-educated rabbles about the concept of “freedom of association”. It’s like they all discovered a new word and they want to use it incorrectly constantly
No, YOURE a freedomofassociation!
Reminds of how Lenin defended freedom of association as long as it allowed him to purge his opponents in the days before Red October
“Corona police said the officer was holding his child while shopping Friday when he was assaulted ‘without provocation’ by Kenneth French, 32. The officer, whose name was not released, fired, killing French and wounding French’s parents, Russell and Paola.”
Well, as long as the police could concluded so quickly that one of their own was blameless. Is it just me or does it seem to take more time when the shooter is not a government employee?
No, I think they declare such people guilty just as quickly.
Giving your comment some thought, I think you might be right, but I am not sure, about cases where the video stays non-public. I am not so sure whether I agree or disagree about cases when the video gets out while the case is still considered news.
I think you may have it the other way around. If the cop clearly committed manslaughter (I’m being generous) the tactic might be to draw on the internal investigation so as to let it get forgotten in the news cycle. Once they are certain nobody will notice, they will put out a statement on their press release website stating they found no evidence of wrongdoing.
Another added: ‘Swift jumped on the bandwagon of commercializing Pride only when it was safe to do so. Where was she five years ago? Ten? No Taylor Swift fan owns an album by an LGBT artist or even knows what GLAAD is’.
It’s hater’s gonna hate all the way down.
I agree with what Bill said a couple of days ago: the only way to win the social media outrage world is not to play. The instant you engage with these lunatics, you’re admitting that their points are worth responding to. They need to be treated as “not even wrong” and not worthy of acknowledgment in any way.
^ This. You’re not signalling strong enough, your timing was off, you’re not doing it the right way… there are 1000 ways to do it wrong and no clear way to do it right.
It only works if you have fuck you money.
For the rest of us — this:
Sickening. They don’t realize or care what they’ve done to journalism.
It’s in its death throes.
Online journalism will never be respected.
Dead tree journalism is in hospice care right now (do you know a single person under the age of 40 who gets a paper? I don’t.)
Network news is almost as bad off as the dead trees.
Cable news will turn into more and more of an echo chamber and will lose influence over anyone who doesn’t already agree.
Until the end game though, it’ll be ugly.
I get the little weekly 16-page dead tree newspaper from my hometown so I can keep up with what’s happening back there.
sounds like a newsletter
Our little local is about the same, bi-monthly. I always skip over the opinion pages.
Semi monthly.
She’s definitely not Out of the Woods yet.
I’m sure she’ll be able to shake it off.
Why you gotta be so mean?
Well crap — guess I have to delete either Red or all the PSB albums off my NAS now. Dangnabbit.
Mentioned by me upthread, here’s a wonderful nut punch related to the Costco shooting.
Fortunately no one died in this exchange.
Government-sanctioned mobsters, that’s all they are.
Also happened 3 years ago.
The most recent nutpunch is when the officer was found not guilty.
So Aledda shot Mr. Kinsey to get the process going.
The real problem here are the cop-sucking juries that never hold these assholes accountable; assuming they even get charged with anything. Short of a cop running up the street indiscriminately shooting everything that moves while screaming “I’m gonna murder all you motherfuckers!” they *always* get the benefit of about a billion doubts.
You act like they wouldn’t be given the benefit of the doubt if they did that.
“A police union official was quoted as saying ‘The officer’s statement was irrelevant and was made during the stress of the situation. The officer reasonably feared for his life, and therefore the shootings of the 18 month old individual and his chihuahua puppy were justified'”
I laid this egg in the dead corpse of the AM lynx. I’ll try again.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
“Abridging the freedom of speech.”
It seems to me this would prohibit Congress from making it illegal to say, “NO.”
You forgot about Article F, Section Y, Paragraph T, Clause W.
[golf clap]
That’s that how they write those subheadings…
Wait a second, I see it.
I have recently become fascinated by the “redress of grievances” clause. There might be a back door to automatic standing of citizens and taxpayers to sue the government for any action the government takes which affects them.
[takes breath]
Sorry, can’t stop laughing.
Go ahead, dash my hopes and dreams.
That has historically been interpreted as a right to petition, to criticize and to seek the help of government officials without reprisal. I don’t think it will do an end run around sovereign immunity, since the first amendment limits what laws Congress can pass, and sovereign immunity wasn’t passed by Congress but is a hold over from English common law, and is an invention of the courts. Congress can limit the extent of sovereign immunity by passing laws that waive it, and they have done so on several occasions, but to get rid of sovereign immunity as a concept entirely would require the courts to jettison it. Congress could theoretically abandon the protection entirely, but that seems unlikely, but more probable than the courts rejecting the doctrine after several centuries of reaffirming it.
The right to redress does pe some very large hurdles to lobbying reform though, and it isn’t often addressed when people talk about putting limits on lobbyists.
So you risk your life in that tram and then you can’t even ski?!
Hard pass.
But you’ll get in an elevator without though, right?
“Them people needed shootin’.”
-The Thin Blue Line
The other day, I bought a new gas can. Not only did it come equipped with the “pour spout” nothing comes out of, it featured an insert in the neck which renders it impossible to fill from a gas pump without drenching yourself and everyone in the vicinity with backsplash. Thanks a lot, nannytarians!
*now banging around on the bottom of the can, because it has the one-way tabs for easy installation.
And I just ordered an adapter for my 30-something year old Chilton can. Old cans are easy to find, then visit these wonderful people for the appropriate adapter and spout.
No more spilled gas. Sometimes simple is best.
Install one of these. Easy on, easy off, easy to pour. Your “water” can will thank you.
I still have a fatwa against Stihl for the gas cap on the BR550 blower. That thing is a travesty.
All of their toolless caps are a travesty. I wish they went back to the old ones.
I bought one of those things several years ago. It had no vent, but that was compensated for by a non-pouring spout. I went through my stock of expletives real quick on that deal.
First gas can this year. The dumbass neck insert took one try to not-spray-everywhere, just make sure the nozzle is flush with the insert and the gas will go just into the can. Only the 4-5th time I’ve pumped gas.
Now, getting the gas back out of the can took a few more tries. I thought that push-top thing was meant to rotate, not push straight-in. I read the side of the can eventually.
Good Times.
You’re welcome
If I’m paying 5x the price of the lame plastic can, I want those rectangular, strap-all-over-your-landrover-in-the-desert cans.
Yeah, I didn’t pay near that for my pair. I maybe paid $15 apiece on Woot.
So Aledda shot Mr. Kinsey to get the process going.
“I can’t wait around all day. Let’s get this show on the road.”
What in the ever living fuck, Alabama?
he was never convicted means he is not a rapist.
Apparently, 12 years old is not statutory rape in Alabama.
if the girl is 12-16 years old, then it’s statutory rape if the guy is 2+ years older.
Technically, no, it isn’t statutory rape in Alabama. It is second degree rape:
We don’t know the guy’s age. He could be of the same age as the woman.
True. I was just being snarky and pedantic pointing out that statutory rape isn’t a crime in Alabama’s penal code, instead having different degrees of rape that cover the concept.
she was 12 or 13 when it started? that’s statutory rape. what kind of fucked up family let this go on?
simple solution: kill him during a visit and claim he tried to rape her again
what if he was only 16 at the time? You will not that his age never appears in the story, only the fact that he was related to her is mentioned.
As horrific as this is, the connection the article is trying to draw between this situation and the new abortion law is pretty tenuous.
That said, fuck this guy.
This – but it’s what makes it newsworthy. Do you even journalism, bruh?
she was continually raped years ago by her uncle, her mother’s half-brother and He later died due to a disease common in cases of incest.
Her mother’s half-brother? That shouldn’t put you in line for major inbreeding shenanigans on the first generation, should it?
(obvious joke)
This is Alabama, so their family tree might not have had many branches in the first place.
(/obvious joke)
Odds that the family court is legally barred from considering the rape claim since there is no conviction?
The reality is cases like this are hard, she was married to him, the kids see him not as their mothers rapist but their father. While the reality is he should be in jail for the rape there is also the reality that the KIDS deserve a relationship with their biological father should they want one and her discomfort with him is not a factor the courts really care about.
She’s 32 her kids are 16 and 14. You will note that this is not an example of journalism this is a pure case of political advocacy masquerading as journalism. Had it been actual journalism it would have detailed facts such as…
When was the marriage annulled?
How many years did they live together as husband and wife before they separated?
What is the relationship between the kids and the father?
On what grounds is the father winning the visitation cases?
Answers to those questions could very easily turn it from rage inducing advocacy for a law that bans rapists, even unconvicted ones from having visitation with their kids (still gonna have to pay that child support though) to a shitshow where there are no good guys and everyone sucks. The fact that there is no mention of those issues whatsoever leads me to believe that the “couple” were together for quite a few years after the youngest and that when she did separate from him it had little to do with her being a rape victim and everything to do with her being sick of her husband. In fact I doubt that the idea that she is a rape victim ever entered into her head until the last 3 or 4 years when she likely started trying to use it as a weapon against him in the child custody battle.
At the end of the day the guy should have served hard time for the statutory rape he committed but either way he’d be out of jail by now and I am sorry but the fact is he is the father to those 2 children and as long as they want it they have every right to have a relationship with their father.
Oh shit I didn’t even catch this the first time through cause I didn’t listen to the audio.
So the father is her STEP uncle. That makes him her STEP Father’s brother and therefore not even related to her by blood, yet they threw in the fact that the child who died died from a disease common in cases of incest. I’m sorry what the hell has that got to do with this case, there is no blood relation between the father and mother of the child. They just had to throw that into the article to ensure the framing is correct.
I don’t know how you can legally establish that the guy is the father of the children, without also legally establishing that he is guilty of rape. Unless he actually is less than two years older.
Also, how much is he paying in child support?
Would have been helpful to know those facts in the article wouldn’t it?
It does say that there was a DNA test proving he was the father but then just handwaves it away saying despite the evidence he was never convicted.
So why was he never convicted? Was he arrested? Was he charged? Were the charges dropped for some reason? Was he acquitted at trial?
Had this actually been an example of journalism they would have provided answers to questions like that, however since the only purpose of the article is to push a narrative and advance an agenda they are irrelevant at best and depending on the answers possibly counter productive and almost no one will catch on because they will all respond emotionally to the image of a 12 year old girl being raped by an adult uncle and then forced to see her rapist all the time with his visitation of the kids she was forced to bear.
The facts may well indeed be as outrageous as the article implies but they never gave us the facts to judge
Wasn’t the endrun around Double Jeopardy started to stop lynchers and racist cops? So complaining about Double Jeopardy is White Supremacy…
The current narrative was Trump nominated the SCOTUS justices he did because he’s scared that with dual sovereigns NY will be able to indict him.
(that’s what was said about Kavanaugh, at least.)
(Criminal justice, always 7-2 in favor of the government. If it’s 4th amendment it’s Gorsuch and Sotomayor, if it’s anything else it’s Gorsuch and RBG)
i already knew about the pour spouts. My other gas can already has one on it. The “protective” screen insert took me by surprise.
I took one look and said, “That thing has gotta go.”
I took one look and said, “That thing has gotta go.”
Enough with the Father’s Day stories.
Mammary Monday will be rendered obsolete by sexbots.
I wonder if 1,3, or 8 (or all three) would like to accompany me on a tour of Tuscany?
At what point is the silicone content too high to qualify?
Do not blaspheme FLBP!
So complaining about the Department of Education makes uses slavers…
*Makes us slavers*
Re Costco. Now that was a nut punch.
If they were black….just saying.
Why are people in the comments saying the off-duty cop was attacked? I sped read the article but unless I missed it, it doesn’t he was attacked.
The cop says he was attacked. We know how much that’s worth, obviously.
Confronted, maybe, by a confused person with the IQ of a child.
Mentally challenged guy comes over for unknown reason = imminent threat of death = good shoot.
They hid it in the second paragraph.
Corona police said the officer was holding his child while shopping Friday when he was assaulted “without provocation”
Maybe the poor guy saw the cop and “feared for his life” given the history of police violence?
Isn’t fearing for your life provocation?
To be clear I don’t believe a word of it, merely answering Rufus’s question as to why people might think he was attacked.
Got it.
Still lame and still if they were the right victim class this goes to Def Con eleventy.
[pedantic bastardry]
Defcon is inverse in that the most extreme level is DEFCON 1, so Defcon eleventy would be nothing to look at.
[/pedantic bastardry]
Yah whatever.
Yup. I got you Hyperbole. I was just trying to joke about how it is getting to the point where seeing a cop is reason to “fear for your life” but no way us plebes could get away using that as an excuse for why we popped one of them.
I would be surprised if CostCo didn’t have video of some kind. I wonder what it shows?
Yeah good point. There are cameras everywhere. This stinks. Did the coo get punched? If not, bad shoot.
Peak Guardian?
There is no such thing as peak Guardian.
There was no rat race.
Bull. Shit.
They had a rat race, alright. Not an economic one, maybe. But I have no doubt the infighting and competition among party members was vicious and constant.
Also The time period he is talking about was one of Martial law which is not what I would think of as “stress-free”.
This Taylor Swift person, she is quite attractive but I don’t think I have ever heard one seconds worth of her music. I am pretty sure I want to keep it that way. I am gonna stick with occasionally seeing her photo and thinking ‘would’.
It’s funny she avoided politics for a long time, until Trump was elected and her fans demanded she take side. She folded to the SJW mob and thought since she plead fealty she was entitled to cash in on the Pride bandwagon. Only now does she see the error in her ways.
I doubt it was her fans that were demanding that she take a side, at least not a large portion of her fans.
Do you want country Swift or pop Swift? Because I’m sure someone will be happy to introduce you to her saccharin music.
Google “look what you made me do”. There’s a good start/end.
…She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers…
No, you don’t.
Not that hot. I used to live two floors down and saw her often. Don’t love the valgus knees and inbred face but each to his own.
So what are they the Bulwark against exactly?
And we think the government is capable of achieving any of those goals because….?
TOP MEN and Free shit?
“Instituting a more progressive tax system.” Keep tax rates on everyone else the same but raise taxes on the rich, or maybe they mean just the icky rich and somehow leave the same tax rates for Hollywood and Silicon Valley rich while going after Kochs, Trump, etc.
THAT part of their agenda a hypothetical government might be able to pull off…
A bulwark against ideologically consistent thought apparantly.
Considering the neocons were originally disgruntled Cold War Democrats this take shouldn’t be all that surprising…
It’s not surprising at all but they were happy to pretend to be against all of that stuff if the conservatives would grant them a free hand on the war machine. All it took was a presidential candidate who seemed to be less pro war than the neocon psychos to lift the veil off of their lies.
It is crazy to think their Never Trumpism is based almost entirely on his “Why Can’t We Get Along with Russia?” spiel.
So what are they the Bulwark against exactly?
Couple of things:
(1) Their writers and editors not getting paid.
(2) Trump.
Get the fuck out of my face with that shit. K-12 spending has gone nowhere but up since the ’70s, so I’m not sure what more they want… Oh right, more money and power.
Darwin Award candidate
Anyone speak Limey? I need help on that Ernst & Young story:
I can’t believe that hiring 200 college graduates in a year makes you #5. Does “graduate-level jobs” mean something different over there?
No, I don’t either.
I’d like an answer to that too.
The Ernst and Young thing is old as well, they got rid of the college requirements ~4 years ago.
This is a great song from 1987 when Rap was pretty good.
This whole story is messed up, but telling his girlfriend he wouldn’t kill because she’s too big to get rid of is a new one. FTA: “he can be heard telling his girlfriend that she isn’t in danger of becoming his next victim, explaining that she is too big. “It’s about getting rid of 100 pounds versus 150 pounds,” he said. “That’s too much … to get rid of.”’
I guess “healthy at any size” really is a lie.
Head of the Democratic Socialists of America in the Guardian
Interesting that she doesn’t get into any specifics except to mention France…
And when did Mass Migration become a bad thing for the left? Besides migration from communist regimes obviously…
War never happened before capitalism. Nor did mass migration or widespread poverty. Or authoritarianism for that matter.
Socialism! Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again!
Runaway climate change, – not happening.
war, – actually, armed conflict is at an unusually low level, and has been for decades
mass migration, – seems to be leaving countries that aren’t notably capitalistic, and heading toward countries that are. So capitalism may be causing this, but not in the way the commie thinks.
widespread poverty – at historically low levels.
ever-increasing authoritarianism
You forgot to respond to “ever-increasing authoritarianism”
Well, that’s the one thing on the list that actually is happening in capitalist countries.
The daughters texted me a greeting late in the day. At least they made the minimal effort. Teenagers suck.
Luckily I called my dad yesterday or I wouldn’t know they were coming to stay at my house this week. I guess both of them thought the other asked/told me. Lol, parents. Also they’re bring their new Pyrenees dog with them. *sigh*
When we moved into this house, we immediately made the spare bedroom an office.
Hotels are good things.
I don’t mind my parents coming to stay anytime they want, I would just like to know about it. Hopefully their dog will get along with my dogs. *fingers crossed*
You are lucky. I hope my kids feel the same!
Not really anything new here other than the stuff about loosely and tightly-coupled systems. That’s pretty interesting.
It may be a virus of the mind, but I maintain that social media is the new smoking. 50-60 years ago, *everyone* smoked, largely before anyone realized how bad it is for you. Now some people still smoke, but with explicit knowledge of how damaging it is.
So how long until the social media bans?
Language is a Virus
Grrrr office 365. Setting up an automatic mailer script is a pain in the ass.
Sometimes automatic mails are more of a pain in the ass to receive than they are to send.
A group I regularly deal with turns it on with the only message being:
“I am out of the office.”
Well thanks. Are you out for lunch, vacation, jury duty, PTO, retirement? Should we reach out to anyone else or just wait until the indeterminate time that you will return?
Heh when I see that I know I’m dealing with someone who really DGAF any more.
My first crowdsourcing attempt on this here website. (I learned it from you, Glibs!)
I’m headed to Brussels soon for about 10 days. I have done zero planning, but thought I’d visit a bunch of battlefields with my 10-year-old boy. I figure a day at Normandy and thereabouts, Waterloo, probably two WW I battle sites, maybe Bastogne.
Is there anything I should be seeing while I’m there, oh gentle readers of Gliblandia? I don’t mind going a little off the beaten path if I can figure out how.
I went to Verdun last summer inspired by the Hardcore History podcast. It was pretty fascinating. Even got to climb on a French tank before they ran away. There might be some battlefields closer to Brussels though.
Verdun was very memorable. The land is still scarred with the artillery shell craters even a hundred years later, and the ossuary was quite sobering (and fascinating in a macabre sort of way) with its piles of bones. They also had a good museum and some bunkers, but those two things are more common and less memorable.
The craters are what really stuck in my mind. It’s sobering that they are still there 100 years later.
We also drove out to an American cemetery to locate the name of the father of a family friend. He got his name on the wall instead of a grave because there was nothing left of him to bury. Because of the personal connection the kids were surprisingly into it.
Maginot Line
I like the idea of heading to Verdun; I may stick with the scores of WW I battlefields that will be in my back yard (Mons, Ypres, etc.).
Carlin did a great job with that Hardcore History podcast.
Normandy is a bit too far away from Brussels for a day trip.
I was assured that all of Western Europe could fit in a reasonably-sized American state park. Perhaps I’ll spring for the overnight, although I’ve got a place in Brussels for the whole time. I thought of doing a 75-years-to-the-day visit to a town that had been liberated during the Normandy breakout, but there was precious little liberating taking place during the parameters of my visit.
Dunkirk’s not far, either. But a co-worker who’s tried a week ago said he didn’t find much of historical interest. Haven’t tried myself. I end up in Belgium reasonably often and Brussels itself is pretty blah if you ask me – what’s bringing you there?
My sister chose the location, so all of the siblings (six of us) along with husbands/wives are going. I don’t know why the location was chosen, and I’m the only one with a school-aged kid still around. I figured Brussels itself is probably fairly vanilla, but the whole region is a battlefield, and I’m a military history nut. My brother in law is a DoD weapons acquisition muckety-muck, so he wants me to go to the FN manufacturing facility with him.
thought I’d visit a bunch of battlefields with my 10-year-old boy
Bringing the sprout to Brussels?
Is Swiss off duty at this point?
He is on the IR list, so he can’t help you.
Been to Dieppe. If you like the Canadian flag there’s a plenty there.
My parents took us to Verdun when I was about that age, and it was absolutely unforgettable. I can still remember it like it was just a couple of years ago. Back then you could walk all over through the fort tunnels that were opened up pretty freely. They were doing excavations, and they had helmets, bottles, canteens and stuff like that just sitting around where you could pick them up if you wanted to. There’s also the Douaumont Ossuary – my little brother and I thought it was a church, until we walked up and saw all the bones, which was pretty mind blowing. I also remember the caved in trench where a row of soldiers were found buried alive, with their bayonets still sticking up out of the ground in a line where they stood.
I also remember the caved in trench where a row of soldiers were found buried alive, with their bayonets still sticking up out of the ground in a line where they stood.
The bayonets were no longer there when I visited a decade ago. Whether removed for preservation or stolen, I don’t know, but there was just a plaque and a slight indentation of soil in a trench line.
I went in the late 70’s and I remember them still being there at the time. But the entire site was very poorly secured, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were stolen. There were a lot of artifacts at the forts just sitting around from excavations that were probably often stolen, too. Nothing could really stop you from doing it if you wanted to. They didn’t even have ropes up, stuff was just sitting there where the visitors walked through.
The ossuary might be the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen.
I’d recommend trying to get to Wesvleteren, and picking up some of their beers. But that’s just me.
I’m more of a whiskey drinker, but I’ll take this under consideration.
I was going to suggest Spa-Francorchamps, but apparently it’s no longer a road course but a dedicated track.
Absolutely Waterloo. I recall reading that it was one of the last major battles where the entire battlefield could be seen from one place. Of course, Wellington rode all over, and once the fighting started nobody could see shit because of the powder smoke.
Gloria played to Marchand meme.
That’s the fanciest version of “Scrooge McDuck needs to empty his money vault” that I’ve ever read.
Ah, the famed Scrooge McDuck School of Economics.
“Until we overcome our obsession with fiscal discipline”
This guy must have a mouse in his pocket.
Considering that the USG is the most indebt entity in the history of humanity I would really like to see what fiscal indiscipline looks like.
African-Americans are pro-theft? That’s not at all racist.
How many more studies need to be conducted before college educated whites realize that minorities are not that into their hissy fits?
Even the upper middle class’s bible wrote about this
Most liberals especially white ones have the faintest idea about black culture or even hang around any black people.
“How the Woke Upper Middle Class Still Doesn’t Understand that the Working Class Universally Hates Them (Across Races, Too)”
The students’ narrative wasn’t based on reality and was bullshit so screw their narrative.
Look at it this way, black Oberlin shoplifters and their college enablers will never ruin the business of any Forbes 2000 company, so the magazine is safe in publishing that.
“I understand how these students might feel that way. Whether or not I can prove it, I’ve often had the painful experience of feeling watched or treated dismissively or rudely when I’m in a store because I’m black.”
Except the student who started this whole kerfuffle wasn’t watched or treated dismissively because he was black. He tried to buy wine when he was underage, then shoplifted the wine when they wouldn’t sell to him. When the owner chased the kid for theft, the student and two of his friends assaulted the owner.
Can they find a juror who has a similar experience? That would be so helpful.
Are there any blacks in Oberlin other than people related to the college?
“This isn’t to say that white judges or jurors are inherently biased or that whites are more prejudiced than anyone else. But….”
But it is.
The ‘but rule’ applies.
What a bunch of horseshit. They are thieves. They stole, then the little shitweasels tried to shift the blame to the people that caught them stealing.
And Oberlin helped since it fit their political leanings.
Shopowners be damned, they’re just dirty capitalists anyway
I had never really thought of it that way, but shoplifting is quite socialist.
It is what leads to localities (was it Seattle in the news recently?) decriminalizing petty theft. And with BS excuses like “they’re poor, they need to steal to survive”.
Could they possibly miss the point any harder?
This wasn’t about whether the black students felt victimized. This was about Oberlin College fucking over a bakery. It doesn’t matter what the students felt. What matters is what Oberlin College did.
Oberlin was simply exercising its free speech rights.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of speech.
Consequences such as people thinking you’re an asshole or boycotting your business or organizing against you …sure. Hell, I’ve even argued that one might even be justified in putting some loudmouth on his ass if his speech is egregious enough. The government extracting punitive damages not so much. The Government punishing you for bad speech is pretty much the antithesis of free speech.
They’re not punishing them for bad speech, they’re punishing them for destroying their business.
Did they burn the store down, or sabotage their Baguettes? If all they did was incite protests against a business that is entirely in the realm of free speech.
And if I ruin your business by defaming you? You would consider that legally acceptable?
Yep, you can defame me all you want, freedom isn’t pretty, property rights mean people get to have dog fights, freedom of speech means people get to lie. Freedom of association means bars can put up “No Spics/Niggers/Hymies/Micks/Dagos/Honkies/Gingers/Bull-Dikes/Etc/Etc allowed” signs. That’s the price one pays for liberty.
freedom of speech means people get to lie.
Sure. And if their lies cause compensable damages, they get to pay those. That doesn’t restrict their right to lie, at all.
Yep, you can defame me all you want, freedom isn’t pretty, property rights mean people get to have dog fights, freedom of speech means people get to lie. Freedom of association means bars can put up “No Spics/Niggers/Hymies/Micks/Dagos/Honkies/Gingers/Bull-Dikes/Etc/Etc allowed” signs. That’s the price one pays for liberty.
I have never heard a defense of the 1st put so well. Thank you.
Sure. And if their lies cause compensable damages, they get to pay those. That doesn’t restrict their right to lie, at all.
This. Criminal law =/= tort law.
they get to pay those
And if you can’t pay, does the Gov’t throw you in a rape cage? If you refuse to go to the rape cage does the gov’t send men with guns to kill you? Sounds like a restriction to me. Also if you lie about my business and it influences possible customers to go elsewhere, you haven’t actually taken anything form me, because I never had those customers or their continued business in the first place. And lastly has anyone else lost the Monocle thing, I no longer am getting the bar at the bottom which lets me skip to unread comments, and etc.
And if you can’t pay
Then you’re judgmentproof, and the plaintiff gets nothing from you.
And lastly has anyone else lost the Monocle thing
Sometimes updates to browsers or to certain add-ons mess things up for unknown reasons. The fix most likely to be successful is to uninstall tampermonkey/greasemonkey and then follow the instructions to install Monocle again. If that doesn’t work, throwing your computer out a window usually helps with the frustration.
Since this was a civil case, I agree that punitive damages are unwarranted.
That said, the college Dean actively took a role in organizing a boycott if the bakery and used college resources to defame them. They’re on the hook for libel.
Libel should not be a crime in a free speech loving society.
This wasn’t a criminal case. There was no prosecution for criminal defamation. I believe some states have criminal defamation laws on the books, but I don’t think its enforced. I agree those laws should be removed or struck down.
The Dean continued to actively organize a boycott, even after the truth had come out.
Libel should not be a crime in a free speech loving society.
Maybe. But that position seems to warrant more discussion than what you’ve given it. Libel is a very old offense; one of the actual achievements of American jurisprudence, older indeed than the country itself, is that libel requires printing falsehoods which are defamatory. To cast this standard aside may just as well open us back up to banning any defamation rather than banning none.
Libel should not be a crime in a free speech loving society.
What about SWATting someone? All I’m doing is telling lies, perhaps even maliciously.
Civil cases should not award punitive damages.
The regular damages? Why not? Reputation is universally recognized as a business asset that has value attached to it. if you wrongfully damage one of my business assets, why shouldn’t you pay?
They are paying. The 11 million was compensation. The punitive damages in excess should be reserved for criminal cases.
And correct me if I’m wrong, don’t punitive damages go took the state and not the injured party?
I’m OK with that.
Especially if this is accurate.
Punitives go to the injured party, not the state.
Puppy-dog eyes are, unsurprisingly, a competitive advantage:
It’s kind of cool that humans were unintentionally shaping dogs to their preference long before breeding programs became a thing. On the other hand, I feel a bit bad for all the non-cute dogs that must have necessarily lost out in the genetic race for this to become a thing.
Please. Even ugly dogs have fans. Look at Chihuahuas!
I prefer not to.
The world’s most successful parasite.
*nods knowingly while scratching the ear of said parasite*
Not rats? What plagues have dogs spread, huh, Smart Guy?
*Pedant alert*
The human/canine relationship (IMO) would be classified as mutualistic. Commensalistic at the worst. Not parasitic.
But yeah; dogs have done pretty well for themselves.
Small town in Tennessee has their police dept disbanded when the chief of police refuses to fill an illegal ticket quota imposed by town officials:
It looks like the only thing you can summarily fire cops for is for refusing to collect ill gotten revenue.
Similar to how police departments fire cops who fail to kill people indiscriminately.–lawsuit/index.html
Lordy, I had forgotten about that one.
The state needs to disband the city
You Know Which other state disbanded a city?
I’m not sure it it was the state or the county, but one of them disbanded a city/township near where I grew up due to corruption involving the mayor and police force. New Rome was very small but notorious for their cops.
It was the County that dissolved them.,_Ohio
The Guardian is really upset about the NYT ending cartoons in its international edition. The domestic ended using them (I didn’t know that) but the guardianistas don’t read that version.
Calling it a ban and mentioning jailed cartoonists is a bit excessive.
would you have written that about a cartoon whose contents offends you? I have my doubts.
That’s a good start.
Just turned on the TV…then turned it off. First thing I saw was that the polls are starting the ‘Hillary has a 97% chance of winning’ propaganda again. Apparently Biden is ahead of Trump my a zillionty points. There is just no way that Gropey Joe can lose.
Most importantly, Drumpf is retarded for expressing doubt in said polls. WHAT A DUMASS!
/invests in another case of popcorn for Trump’s 2020 victory
Popcorn? Hell, I’m building an ark to ride out the flood of tears.
This is why I pop the corn in advance and put it in big plastic bags so it doubles as a flotation device.
Idiot runs up 6 figure college debt and writes article to ask for loan forgiveness from the federal government (taxpayers).
Turns out his website has pictures of him traveling the world.
LO-fucking- L
And here I’m a sucker who is trying to pay off my student loans when all i had to do was beg the federal government to forgive my loans.
I think I’ve said this before but no one forced me to attend a private university in Chicago and turn down going to U of Illinois. I hate paying loans but a man but at the end of the day you racked up the debt and decided to pay an outrageous amount for college even though you had the options of going to a community college and state school.
Ugh, ignore the obvious grammatical errors above.
Ignored but point taken.
I’m pleased that nearly every comment is flaming the hell out of that POS.
I don’t see anything about his website. Did you mean to link some other article?
Anyway I love this:
Who admits this?! What a sack of shit.
It’s in the comment section.
Ah. I only read the “top reactions”. Didn’t feel like digging through the other 2,000+ comments.
All of that is one of the relevant comments repasted.
I can’t make or tails of what he actually does. Some word salad about “social justice” and “communicating”.
If you Google his name you will find it.
Wait, how the fuck do you burn through $30k a year at a state school with instate tuition?
Instate Tuition and Fees only averages $10k a year and maxes out at $16k a year in 2018 – 2019. As he lives in NJ now if we assume it was Nj state then that is about $15k a year right now and was probably under $12k a year when he was doing his undergrad.
So worst case scenario his actual tuition and fees for undergrad would have been ~$50 – $60k
What did he spend the other $60k on?
Room and board?
Maybe, but did he do ANYTHING to cover his own expenses during those 4 years and the 4 years leading up to it when he was in high school?
And cut into his craft beer and Whole Foods budget?
Holy shit.
So his parents are shelling out $600/month, and he’s paying less than $50. What a little piece of shit he is.
The comments are lighting him up like Rockefeller Plaza at Christmas.
I’m wonderfully relieved to see the complete lack of sympathy for this worm. His attitude is that everyone who went to school and paid off their own loans should now pay off his while he goes on vacation. Fuck off, slaver.
And Yahoo has their head so far up their ass they probably didn’t even see it coming.
In a way he’s not entirely stupid. Why pay anything for college loans that will be wiped clean by the socialists when they gain power?
Yeah, I don’t have that much sympathy for his parents. They fucked up raising him.
I can’t imagine… My $180k student loan is my single biggest regret, and it feels like a boat anchor on a lawyer salary. I can’t imagine what would possess somebody to spend $120k on a comm degree and another $70k on a masters that resulted in a $48k job. Weapons grade stupid.
From his CV:
Journalism and Media Studies, B.A
L O Fucking L
When is Turdeau Jr. going to apologize to this guy?
I should remind you that Montreal was Canada’s largest city at the time.
Fun fact. Camilien Houde was quite the character and friend of the Italian community having given land to the community that later became the landmark Casa d’Italia. Today only two are left standing – they were being built in the 40s because Mussolini was sending money for them – I think. One in Montreal and one in Scotland of all places.
Yeah, Climate Change is our biggest worry.
“How’d that one slip through?”
The gun was loaded with five bullets when it was stolen,
I’ve seen the flap holsters but I didn’t realize they’re still carrying wheelguns.
China also uses a revolver.
Actually makes sense if you consider the disarmed population. You don’t want the cops with much firepower either.
I suppose so.
Feast upon the gun mistakes in this article
The stupid is strong with the Brits.
Ruprecht has a sad.
China was never going to sit back and allow people in HK to freely criticize the CCP. Freedom of speech was dead the moment it was given back to China. Heartening to see the massive protests, but sad at the same time. HK will get swallowed up and become another corrupt mega city.
It certainly makes Taiwan’s positions on no reunification seem rational.
No kidding. Talk about killing the golden goose. China would gobble up any area that acts as a conduit for wealth into the country. Power over prosperity.
“Power over prosperity”
Good point. Poverty is a very useful tool in the totalitarian tool box.
Must be why our elites love global warming panic…
That is exactly why. Destroy people’s ability to create wealth, their ability to accumulate wealth and you destroy their options. Then you can make their choices for them.
Yeah, I would get the hell out while you still can. It’s too hot there anyway.
Yes. 2M is just under 1/3 of the total population. That’s astounding.
Probably inflated but still. I can understand why they’re getting antsy.
One of my clients from when I was in law school got a patent on a device that helps prevent people from forgetting their kids in the backseat of their car.
Anyway, he’s hustling hard trying to make it as an entrepreneur, and he posted an article about a kid who died in that situation, which noted that 800 kids have died of overheating in a car since 1998. Quick math says 40 kids per year across the US. Of course, most of those are the dreaded “thought I dropped them off at daycare before i went to work” situation. However, you can see how much the media drives the agenda of urgent emergency action whenever you see a kid left unattended in a car.
Personally, I hope this guy gets his idea licensed to every car seat company and he makes millions. It’s a much more elegant solution than overwrought soccer moms calling 911 because somebody didn’t want to wake the sleeping baby to buy a pack of Marlboros.
Good luck to him. Any free market answer to that is welcome.
And 40 per year? Damn. While statistically “insignificant”, that’s too many little angels dying a horrible death.
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