I don’t care if it is this, just get me some relief!


Seven @#$% weeks of pain, discomfort and it takes a week at a time to see a doc (sorry Rufus). But tonight I start PT and get a home traction unit for my base betrayer cervical discs (up yours C6 and C7!). So I am a bit grouchy this morning. The links will hopefully NOT reflect this. It is not your fault I am in this condition.  If it was, we at Glibs would have passed along your address to STEVE SMITH for a little visit. That is one Welcome Wagon you do not want pulling up in your driveway…

Anyways, here are your links for the morning:

  • It is like Washington State authorities have never heard of SEA SMITH. But if these folks want SuperUltraMega composting on their property, voluntarily….good on them.
  • The Hat and The Hair – Expanded Universe, has a chance to take the UK! Pleasepleaseplease let this happen. Can you imagine the summit between him and our Hat and Hair? SugarFree would almost have too much material to work with.
  • Sorry NYC Glibs. Looks like you might see the ol’ taxes and fees go up a wee bit, if this happens.
  • Looks like you don’t have to die on Mount Everest to be a Himalayas casualty.

As is often the case, I leave the musical selections to you, the Glibertariat.