I don’t care if it is this, just get me some relief!
Seven @#$% weeks of pain, discomfort and it takes a week at a time to see a doc (sorry Rufus). But tonight I start PT and get a home traction unit for my base betrayer cervical discs (up yours C6 and C7!). So I am a bit grouchy this morning. The links will hopefully NOT reflect this. It is not your fault I am in this condition. If it was, we at Glibs would have passed along your address to STEVE SMITH for a little visit. That is one Welcome Wagon you do not want pulling up in your driveway…
Anyways, here are your links for the morning:
- It is like Washington State authorities have never heard of SEA SMITH. But if these folks want SuperUltraMega composting on their property, voluntarily….good on them.
- The Hat and The Hair – Expanded Universe, has a chance to take the UK! Pleasepleaseplease let this happen. Can you imagine the summit between him and our Hat and Hair? SugarFree would almost have too much material to work with.
- Sorry NYC Glibs. Looks like you might see the ol’ taxes and fees go up a wee bit, if this happens.
- Looks like you don’t have to die on Mount Everest to be a Himalayas casualty.
As is often the case, I leave the musical selections to you, the Glibertariat.
Well….that is one way of dealing with it.
I was working in the Charlottes in the 80’s and there was a dead orca washed up on one of the nearby beaches. Jesus Christ you could whiff that thing from a mile away if the breeze was right. Didn’t stop our crew from going out for a look-see. Some of the guys even climbed up on it and posed for pictures. That was a rough bunch of saw-hands.
“In response, the agency has asked landowners to volunteer property as a disposal site for the carcasses. By doing so, landowners can support the natural process of the marine environment, and skeletons left behind can be used for educational purposes, officials said.
But the carcasses can be up to 40 feet (12 meters) long. That’s a lot to decay, and it could take months. Landowner Mario Rivera of Port Hadlock, Washington, told KING5-TV that the smell is intermittent and “isn’t that bad.”
“It is really a unique opportunity to have this here on the beach and monitor it and see how fast it goes,” said his wife, Stefanie Worwag.”
Because that would be useful knowledge?
Isn’t there a forensics place in Tennessee that takes donated bodies and lets them decompose to teach forensics students how to determine when a person died (among other things)?
There should be a couple of corpse farms out there for that purpose.
I think there’s one in Texas, too.
I don’t know, but that whale knew something about the Clintons.
Yes. It’s part of the university in Knoxville IIRC. We drove by some of the sites when I had a forestry training down there. I believe most of the bodies are John and Jane Does, such as homeless people.
There’s a whole book on it
Death’s Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales
Ozzy and Jack went there on their show. It was too much for the Prince of Darkness to handle.
Curse your nimble fingers!
Is there anything enough dynamite can’t fix?
Swiss posting gifs?
*Heads off to server-farm with a ton of dynamite*
“the blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds”
Fix that whale problem I bet.
You still talking about the whale in the story and not one of John’s potential paramours, right?
“The blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds.”
I blame John McAfee.
Boris Johnson – the bad teeth, bad hair, and Rosacea – is the man to make the English great again.
Oh, that sceptered isle…
Best timeline, folks.
OT – Watching baseball highlights this morning. When did they replace the baseballs with flubber-filled superballs? Balls are flying out of parks on opposite field half swings.
I thought they just legalized steoid use.
You’re asking the homo about a team sportsball thing? #itstrue
You’re not turned on by athletic men in tight uniforms?
Ha! Very much so. Let’s just say I have oppos to meet fellow athletes doing non sportsball thingies, hotly and sweatily.
Some of it is philosophy. When I was growing up, most players were taught to aim at making contact first and foremost, with a level swing. Striking out was the ultimate failure. Now? Not a big deal. Players sell out for power. The “flyball revolution” has them swinging up and getting the ball in the air.
Also, MLB still pretends that they don’t monkey with the ball. Testing has proved otherwise. It doesn’t have to be much – very subtle changes in the composition results in a ball that flies fairly significantly further.
Ted Williams disagreed with the level swing idea decades ago. He suggested a slight upward swing. He hit plenty of line drives and hit for average. I think you are right about philosophy though, they sell out for power.
Key word in Williams’ hitting philosophy, though: swing slightly up. His theory was that a slightly upward swing path was necessary to counteract the downward plane of the pitch from the mound.
Agreed. I only mentioned it because I think the level swing thing was an over reaction to a kids natural tendency to swing upward (watch a tee ball game). It was well intentioned, but we all know how that tends to work out.
Two things, both metrics based:
1) flyballs on balance have better outcomes than groundballs. Hitting 20 extra flyballs a year results in something like 5-6 hits — 2-3%
2) launch angle makes a huge difference in what gets out of the park
But I don’t disagree that the difference should be like, 3-5%, not 10%+
Makes for a duller brand of baseball, though.
Very Churchillian. Does he have Churchill’s balls?
Everyone knows the proper way to dispose of a dead whale.
Still, it never gets old.
It just did.
Womp womp.
Sorry you’re going through the neck disc pain. May your PT folks be merciful.
No! Good PT MUST be indistinguishable from torture!!!!
Too bad you’re so far away. I know some good massage parlors.
“One Robert Kraft Special!”
something happy something ending
Is your avatar the STEVE SMITH O FACE?
I’m just glad that isn’t a full body pic.
I’ll be changing it soon – just that kind of morning (A VERY HAPPY STEVE SMITH MORNING)
It is very disturbing.
That movement it is doing would worry me if it was full sized.. We might end up losing our family friendly creds…
Working as designed.
PT. Good for you, good for me.
Mmmm good!
Is good!
How good?
Real good!
Up in the morning with the Okinawa sun
Gonna run all day, till the running’s done
Ouch. Just think of all that weakness leaving your body.
“It’s a joke!” Bercow told French newspaper Le Figaro. “The idea that the British parliament can be pushed aside when such a crucial decision is to be made is fantasy.”
Pushing the voters aside is totes cool, though.
Boris Johnson needs to work on his Trump coif if he really wants to shit-lord.
>> Looks like you might see the ol’ taxes and fees go up a wee bit, if this happens.
>>Grief-stricken kin of the Harlem mom who died along with five of her children when fire tore through their death-trap public-housing apartment last month plan to sue the city
Death-traps are just things we do together.
The city snags billions from the people to erect death traps put up by their cronies and the people get on the hook for billions in settlements. It’s like the Lion King.
+1 Grenville Towers.
But if these folks
Anybody else hate the AP links don’t give a sense of what the story is in the URL?
(And nice teeth, BoJo.)
wait a minute, I didn’t have an Heroic Mulatto worthy clip at the end of that link.
*raises hand*
“the agency has asked landowners to volunteer property ”
DONATE the use of non-government-owned land for government purpose
Sometimes I make the mistake and “ask” my kids to do something to be polite. Sometimes I need to re-phrase my statement.
“What I meant to say was, ‘Empty the dishwasher’ no please about it.”
Yeah, I got “volunteered” several years to help sweep the sand off my grandparents’ driveway from winter plowing/sanding.
I did that initially as a way to let my daughter save face but it became apparent that face is not an important concept to a three-year-old (four as of yesterday!). So now I’ll start with, “Would you mind letting the dogs in?” which usually works, but if it doesn’t, and it’s really a thing, I’ll say, “Let me rephrase: I need you to let the dogs in.” Usually that’s enough, although sometimes that’s when the bargaining begins. I don’t usually take the nuclear option, but when I do it’s usually, “You know how you had dinner in a house with a door and television and stuff? You’re welcome. Go let the dogs in before I start giving your toys away.”
Re the Himalayas. Nice. Just when I’m planning a one day visit to Mount Washington.
Which Mount Washington? There are apparently several.
I love that area and think you’ll probably escape with your life.
Mt. Washington isn’t 10,000 feet above sea level.
In New Ham-sher.
Drake….phew! Lol.
My son declined Plymouth State’s invitation to attend and play linebacker so I need to find another excuse to get back up there soon. I love the hiking, the scenery, all of it. I tell my wife that’s where I’m retiring – maybe to a small farm or compound. She swears she won’t be wintering there.
Take a ride down the Kancamagus Highway to Polly’s Pancakes. Great view of Cannon and Lafayette Mountains while you wait for a table.
Will definitely aim for it. Thanks.
George or Martha?
“The Brexit crisis could deepen under a new British leader as Johnson, the face of the official campaign to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum, has promised to lead the United Kingdom out of the EU with or without a deal.
The British parliament has indicated it will try to stop a no-deal Brexit, which investors warn could roil markets and shock the world economy, while the EU has said it will not renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement that May agreed.”
The EU sounds like some psycho gf that won’t let you break up with her.
The various legal authorities have already quetly said it’s well within the Prime Minister’s power to send Parliment home without their supper and wait out the clock so they can’t muck things up with additional votes.
“You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately… Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!”
Oliver Cromwell
Fun fact, the current Parlimentary session has sat longer than the “Long Parliment” Cromwell was dismissing.
It would certainly “deepen” the crisis to actually resolve it after only 3 years of accomplishing nothing.
It’s going on 3 years in America and half the country still won’t accept an election result so you’ve got that going for you.
That can’t be correct. I was assured they would all have relocated to Canada by now.
Canada doesn’t want ’em either.
They use ‘shock the markets’ as a kind of fear tactic. Yeh maybe the markets will get shocked temporarily – that’s what a shock usually is – temporary – but in the long run….the markets always rights itself regardless of political events.
‘Hey, you can’t shut down CNN. YOU’LL SHOCK THE MARKETS!’
I wouldn’t worry. If he UK leaves, everyone will adjust.
“It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? A first-pass answer is never… So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight.”
Paul Krugman…is that you?
/face washes Krugman.
‘Member when all the nodding heads agreed that Trump’s victory would tank the markets? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Tank the markets… FOREVER
muh, 401K!!!
Seriously though, so many people are neck deep in the markets through retirement accounts that everyone is scared shitless of market fluctuations.
Fluctuations are a normal reality of markets.
What they’re scared shitless of is the fear mongering pimped by fear mongering assholes like Krugman. He knows even the slightest piece of scary news will naturally scare people and their savings.
That’s what makes him an irresponsible, partisan jerk for doing that.
Krugman and people like him that is.
My musical contribution: The Lafayette Afro Rock Band
Mr. Mom
And how many articles have we seen saying the reason women are not more into sex is the housework gender disparity? I wonder why would he think that doing all that stuff would lead to him getting laid more often.
Also I love how everyone just assumes that an imbalance in the libido’s is the responsibility of the higher libido member of the relationship to solve, your options are to leave, in which case you are condemned for being a sex obsessed loser or suck it up . I think the only person I have ever seen say that sometimes the lower libido member of the couple needs to suck it up and take one for the team is Betina Arndt
St. Paul says hello.
Donald J. Trump
Only Fake Polls show us behind the Motley Crew. We are looking really good, but it is far too early to be focused on that. Much work to do! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Cue the fact checkers in 3, 2, 1…
Make America Great Again?
You mean it’s not great yet?
This is taking long.
Excuse me, but America was never great, m’kay? /s
Make America Superb Again!
Motley Crue wasn’t that bad, especially their first album.
Never got into 80s glam rock. 70s is better. Mott the Hoople and Ian Hunter!
Trump should’ve spelled it Mötley Crüe for kicks and giggles.
Those umlauts are too triggering.
I’m sure he has no clue what keys wöuld pröduce thöse.
I listened to some 80’s glam rock in its day, but it didn’t age particularly well.
*cranks up some Dokken*
I got into Metallica as a reaction to the glam-rock.
I think their last album with Vince Neil was their best.
At least one of them seems to be doing well.
Not bad…
I’m jealous.
She needs to keep the shades on. Something about that face isn’t right.
“Paul Connell, 33, was found dead at the bottom of cliffs near his home in Ramsgate, Kent, after struggling with anxiety following the incident, leaving his family a note reading ‘Voices in my head. I’m sorry. Love you all x’. ”
I’m not a doctor, but I think that schizophrenia not anxiety.
“The inquest was told he was in and out of hospital between February and March and had tried to contact his GP 21 times the day before he died on March 26.
Although he tried to get treatment for anxiety and depression, he was unable to get a bed at a private treatment facility and was not recommended for specialist NHS services after an initial assessment”
Free healthcare for all!
No… That does not count as a failure of socialized medicine…
It just means they weren’t given enough resources. So you should blame the wealthy….
Plus he probably did something to deserve it like eating unhealthy or engaging in crimethink.
Headline should read: “Man jumps off cliff after visiting NHS”
Hearing voices in your head isn’t enough? FFS.
Another success for the NHS!
NHS. We’re saving money. One Brit at a time.
I just ate, but now I’m hungry again. Thanks, Count.
MikeS posted a photo of a girl with a perfect bottom in the Saturday Night links. You should go study that one for awhile.
That’s a nice booty.
Enacting your labor
This is a link to Mike’s post. His link goes to a NSFW pic (but a great pic)
That’ll work.
Actually that will not… That should have been labeled as NSFW..
Ummm…it was.
Twice. In my link to Mike’s post. And Mike said it was NSFW.
Ooops. Is that like a double negative? Two NSFW labels means it really is SFW?
Ahh…good call Jimbo. That’s where we messed up.
I’m sure the local media is perplexed about this poll showing Klobuchar in 4th place in Minnesoda. They’ve spent years telling us how she is totes the bestest ever candidate ever. They always point out how she has dominated her GOP opponents as evidence of what a juggernaut she is.
Then she can’t beat out Warren, Biden and Sanders in her home state.
Would hate to be on her office staff this week. There is gonna be some serious ass chewing (and not in the HM way).
Some poor intern is gonna end up with the “Swingline” logo tattooed on their forehead just at the start of beach season.
You mean a mirror image of the logo…
I stand corrected.
Beach season? In Minnesota?
I think – like STEVE SMITH – it lasts 2-3 days.
We sure went in different directions didn’t we?
Christ. I’ll say.
That was kind of mean, Holiness.
We got all sorts of hotties in swim suits here in Minnesoda
I needed that after Tundra’s picture.
Related, the articles about the Lake Erie beaches have begun.
“HBO’s provocative new teen drama Euphoria kicks off with a graphic first episode featuring a drug overdose, revenge porn and a statutory rape scene between a trans character and a married father-of-three and sets social media alight”
Of course it does.
I’m far from a tradcon but fuck that Sodom and Gomorrah BS. It’s not even shocking anymore and it sure isn’t interesting.
What? You expect them to come up with a good story, compelling characters, and competent acting?
Much harder to do that than to produce shock content just for the sake of doing so. And these days shock content tends to be shocking more because it is just there just to do so than it is to actually help advance a good story, grow some compelling characters, or show the breath of acting ability of the actors.
Yep. It’s just tired and by the numbers now.
>>featuring a drug overdose, revenge porn and a
statutoryrapeSo every Friday night at Chez Humungus…
Wait, what? did I miss something 😉
Well you said something about that drink tasting funny. ::whistles innocently::
You two sure know how to party homey..
We need to revive Christianity….fast.
Unfortunately, the Pope doesn’t seem to be helping.
I honestly don’t think this ‘Pope’ believes the faith he is officially supposed to represent.
Can we send Frank back and have Benedict take over again?
You want another resurrection?
It’s not dead yet. In fact, it’s growing in the third world and underground in china.
Christianity’s greatest appeal is to the sufferers and the downtrodden, which is why it lags in first world nations where there isn’t real suffering for most of the populace.
Another factor in the first world is that progressive anti-theists tend to have 0 or 1 kids. Agnostics and nominally religious tend to have 2 or 3. Most devout Christians I know have 3+ kids. We’re an outlier because we only want 2.
There are people being LITERALLY ERASED because they were misgendered and microaggressed.
Why don’t people sing with accents?
Some do.
Good point, but I bet I couldn’t understand him at all if he was talking.
Funny. Just heard that song last night.
I was expecting something by Falco.
They definitely do when the languages have very different sounds. Norway, England, both Northern Europe.
Shonen Knife? They are from the other side of the world.
I have recently become fascinated by non-Jamaicans who sing with Jamaican accents…
Some others do, too.
AOC Fundraising Off Koch Brothers Pledge to Support Democrats
She’s on drugs.
oh I forgot: Libertarian Moment ™
“free expression” covers the pot and buttsex, and the amnesty covers the Mexicans for the trifecta.
I can’t stand the Kochs for different reasons. If they’re neutered to the point of political irrelevancy that’s fine with me.
The Kochs are teaming up with Soros, Facebook and and bunch of other miscreants to police the internet against bad actors. You can’t make this shit up.
Clown World it be, my bois.
“Honk, honk.”
So the Kochs have decided what priorities truly matter to them. Good for them. It’s nice when everything is all up front and transparent.
Other ads accuse the Kochs of trying to protect Democrat incumbents from primaries “because they know we are closer than ever to passing Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and higher taxes on the rich.”
Each of the ads link to a donation page where supporters can help with “building the movement.”
The hobgoblins are coming! Send money!
Isn’t she already in trouble over her PAC’s finances and activities?
She’ll waft that away like a stinky fart while she watches “Woke Charmed” and blame the dog.
I think they’re keeping that on her to keep her mostly inline with the others.
I’m “building a movement”…
by eating a lot of cheese.
Sorry about your neck, Swissy. That’s no fun. I hope your PT is a hot chick with strong hands.
Regarding the supposed “teacher”, 10,000 feet isn’t that high, even for us flat-landers. Judging from the story, though, altitude sickness was the least of his problems.
As is often the case, I leave the musical selections to you, the Glibertariat.
This is all I can think of.
I heard his PT is Tomas Torquemada.
My PT 20 years ago was a smoke-show. Tough to get through a session without involuntary 13 year-olditis.
Florida man steals pool toys for sex ‘instead of raping women’
Let’s start a go-fundme for this guy and send him a new one every week!
M kay, for what it is worth I have heard, through other sources, that a beach ball makes a good substitute sex toy.
I think no matter what it’s original intent/purpose, once certain fluids become involved it IS a sex toy.
Two cheers for self-restraint?
“petit” theft? Is Florida part of Quebec now?
The Kochs are teaming up with Soros, Facebook and and bunch of other miscreants to police the internet against bad actors. You can’t make this shit up.
Are they lobbying to get Jane Meyer kicked off Farcebook?
On a long enough time line, everyone becomes woke.
*Eyes Glibertariat suspiciously*
Virginia AG Mark Herring calls for “decriminalization…eventual legalization” of marijuana. Surprised at this, but not surprised at the tepid approach. However, something is better than nothing.
As you know, even VA Dems are traditionally very gung ho about WOD. We’ll see if that changes.
In good news, at least the change over the weekend appears to have resolved the issue. Just two more conference calls today to confirm.
A musical selection for you
Back at you.
I still think it’s odd The Clash would have Sandy Pearlman produce an album.
Maybe if the Mt. Everest guy had spent more time hanging out here on Mammary Monday, he would have found a reason to live.
Now one of you Glibs can swoop in to comfort the grieving widow.
16, 20, 22, 29. Thank you for giving me more reasons to live.
Game over, man! Game over!
Temperatures leap 40 degrees above normal as the Arctic Ocean and Greenland ice sheet see record June melting
and the kicker further on in the article:
“record-challenging” is not exactly the same as “record-breaking”
Another one to lively the place up
Looks like you might see the ol’ taxes and fees go up a wee bit, if this happens.
One of the things that puzzled me in that story was that people in public housing spent $40,000 on a deluxe funeral.
Sharpton et al have deep pockets.
If you couldn’t get a de-luxe apartment in the sky, you are entitled to a de-luxe one in the ground.
I’d have piles of cash if I didn’t pay a mortgage.
I saw that too. It’s incredible how people with very little will exorbitantly spend on a funeral.
The thing that puzzled me was expecting to get forty grand out of her sister’s estate.
Trans “activists” ask Minnesota to help them destroy women’s sports.
What a fucking fiasco.
I am fine with them pushing this stupidity. When even my proggies won’t defend it, it is ultimately doomed.
Someday soon this may come to a head but more likely it’s gonna slump over like an October snowman. There’ll be some hand-wringing and then everyone retreats to their designated corners to plot their next move.
You wanted the government involved in all aspects of life? You got it bother (or Xiser) good and hard.
What is stopping them from starting their own power lifting league that lets in anyone?
Then everyone could decide which one they wanted to compete in.
The point is not to have their own space, it is to destroy that which already exists.
Compete? They’re not interested in competing. They’re interested in having the spotlight, and what UCS said.
I dont see why they can’t just say “all genders can compete in any sport, but we will divide them based on biological sex.”
All 57000 genders that are biologically male can compete in the male division.
All 59000 genders that are biologically female can compete in the female division.
Gender has not a damn thing to do with the division.
Because MTF have way more testosterone than XX?
Another factor is bone structure — I’m guessing that a woman’s hip shape is less optimal for any sport that involves running.
Have three competitions – XX, XY, and open.
The federation’s president told The Daily Caller it’s prepared to go to court to keep the policy in place, and framed the policy as protecting the federal rights of women.
“At some point, we are going to have to defend the biology and stand on women being a protected class, and it might as well start in Minnesota,” Larry Maile, USA Powerlifting president.
good on USA Powerlifting.
One of the things that puzzled me in that story was that people in public housing spent $40,000 on a deluxe funeral.
Wut? Did they shoot the dearly departed into space?
I need to watch that again.
A Minnesota legal nonprofit, Gender Justice, filed the complaint with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights last week on behalf of Cooper, asserting the policy illegally discriminates against people on the basis of gender identity. Sexual orientation is a protected class in Minnesota.
Something something more of what you reward…
Married teacher who romped with and performed oral sex on pupil, 15, jailed
“Teacher who romped with boy, 13, after sending x-rated messages pleads guilty”
If the sexes were reversed the headline would scream rape.
With those chompers? Kid needs to learn risk management.
He loves the ladies.
xThe Forgotten Bargain that Made America
Possibly the worst of all amendments. The progessive era had a really bad run of them, so its a tough call.
Is it just me or did America go completely stupid at the turn of the century?
You mean 19 years ago?
That one too.
While technically true, I think that is better referred to as turn of the millennia.
Lively tune
Anyone seen Lachowsky lately?
“Johnson told police he was walking down 11th St. listening to his headphones when he heard a pop, felt a burning sensation and realized he had been shot.”
I hate when that happens.
Wait, wait.
Mr. Johnson got shot in the dick?
Uffda. This is getting ridiculous. Glibsters need to tone Father’s Day celebrations down a bit.
But has anyone seen Leap or his home made knife around lately?
Is it true if you remove the knife you are proclaimed king of Texas?
I’m out. Good night, friends!
Nothing “sends a message” like teaming up with Dewey, Cheatham, & Howe to raid the slumlord’s fixer-upper fund.
I think airpod wearers are dumb, so I totes agree with this screed against them.
Wait, no I don’t. That guy is a total asshole.
Wahhhh rich people!
*proceeds to list a range of far-more expensive competitors*
I’ve got a bigger WAAAH for you
I can’t read communist screeds like that even for the humor any more.
Well, at least he talks about the costs of technology. A gaggle of chicks at the office were talking about switching to glass or metal straws to save the environment or some such shit. All while clutching their iphones. I started to engage and bailed out. I can’t be bothered to argue about this shit anymore.
Also, for the same money, I recommend the Jaybird Tarah Pro.
A restaurant gave me a paper straw on Saturday. My water tasted like I was chewing cardboard.
“OMG, he’s actually using it, shh shh, he’s wondering what we’re laughing about, back to work!”
I’m not your friend, buddy.
Can we be
swimthread buddies?We’ll promise to always reply to each other’s posts from now until the end of indenting.
I’m not your buddy, pal.
“Minnesota is increasing spending to hire and retain teachers of color as the state struggles to close a persistent achievement gap between whites and students of color.”
Why would they want more teachers of color if people of color are worse at school?
“What if the Asian-white achievement gap were treated the same as the white-black gap?”
Everyone would lose their mind?
Good pwn.
Our new Gov is an ex-teacher. It was funny how he gave up on his proposed twenty cent gas tax for infrastructure, but went to the mat for a 3% increase in school funding.
Which will have no effect on pretty much anything. I guarantee I’ll still get ‘asked’ for more money and be given a list of items the classroom needs since funding is woefully inadequate… Go piss up a rope.
Don’t forget the trail of sob stories about how teachers have to buy all their kids’ school supplies!
June 16 Letters to the Editor, Part 2
Precisely what
Trump does todayall politicians have always done.They say its not fair, inappropriate or untrue.
Well… yes. And the autistic screeching of historically illiterate ragemonkeys.
I guess the Kiwis need common sense chainsaw laws now too.
I won’t quote the eye rolling denunciations from Maori scholars on the damage to their psyche that this vandalism did. It is just as idiotic as the Christian dude’s belief that a dick is beyond the pale.
It’s still a dick move.
Dicks off for Maori
a dick is beyond the pale
He be fine with it if it’d been a white penis?
This was in this morning’s Japan headlines.
‘You’re empathetic, but there’s that distance’: A German undertaker in Japan
Working with the dead in Japan still has a stigma attached to it. But, I’m willing to bet he may be the only foreigner taking a lead in the services.
Related for the Glibs with an interest in a Japanese film I can highly recommend – Departures (2008 English Title)
I saw that one and liked it.
If Hitler had a propaganda machine as effective as Fox News, you would be reading this in German.
Hitler was a wealthy successful businessman who didn’t need the money, before he turned to politics? I guess I had forgotten that part.
Did you miss Trump’s first book, My Bigly Struggle?
How about a bigly snuggle?
It is known that Hitler didn’t have a propaganda machine. Fact.
Since you are around. The problem referenced in your email should be safe, although UPS ground tends to go thru Lexington and I am not sure how far SugarFree’s influence extends.
I don’t know if his powers can alter a hat in a box. We shall see.
I’m visiting the family next weekend. I’ll let you know if they were turned out by the Hat or not.
Are they completely unaware it is arriving? Supposed to get their tomorrow, but I havent checked tracking.
Yup. They have no idea it is coming. Hopefully a box of beer and a (non-sentient) hat will show up and add surreal joy to their life.
If it really works, maybe they will build a sham big brown truck and be part of a cargo cult.
Hopefully they aren’t offended by very mild bad language, as I sent them a can of Citra Ass Down.
Hope your new contraption gives you relief Swiss. That sucks man.
Finalists on cities I am moving to:
Ft Collins
Things they have in common: high altitude, New Belgium.
Things different: Everything else.
Man I love Asheville – to visit – but housing is going up, up, up in price – they are building there everywhere now.
Also the city can’t handle the amount of traffic.
I would def live out in the mountains near Asheville but not in the city proper.
Ft Collins housing aint cheap either.
Also, it’s full of commie hippie motherfuckers.
Didn’t know Winston’s Mom lived in Asheville.
Reconsider LA. Anthony Davis is there
I never considered it in the first place. And won’t now.
If they sign kawhi you definitly need to move to LA.
So you want to move to a socialist hive?
Someone has to start turning the tide!
Live in South Carolina — short drive to party and LOWER cost of living
Canucks, you should elect this guy as your President (or whatever) even if he is a Limey.
Can we be
swimthread buddies?Only if you buy me this
You need this.
The “Swedish Unimog”
That would make an awesome camper.
That and the c303. Would love to find a 303 that got the upgraded aluminum body.
It’s a C306
But sometimes 6 wheels is too many!
Wait, a second. You’ll re-use a car, but not a post?
I thought you bought/stole a car any time you needed to drive somewhere. Drove it one time and that was it.
Harvard rescinded their acceptance of Kyle kashuv
I always said no one my age could run for office. Since all the shitty things kids say is now online everything is on record.
Hence why I don’t let my stupid kids do social media
Eh. I’m convinced it’s even going to get stuff from Xbox live and random video games.
I really think they shouldn’t take it back. Once you’re there, I can see kicking you out for shit you do.
But then Harvard wouldn’t get to virtue signal
They should comb through all their student’s social media and cloud shit and kick out everyone who’s ever used that word. Something tells me the result wouldn’t be what they were looking for.
No I’m sure only icky people said that. No one good thinking ever said it as a quote or a joke or just randomly in a mw2 lobby
Hah, this from the school that fell all over themselves to accept Piglet despite his mediocre grades and test scores.
Elite, my ass.
Eh, it might slow it down for a cycle or two, but eventually the electorate will go meh and ignore it. See how fast it went from Douglas Ginsburg pulling his nomination to didn’t inhale dope smoker Bill to drug addict Obama.
The historical argument for impeaching Trump
Occupy Big Tech
There’s so much wrong here I don’t know where to begin. Yeah, big tech sucks, but have you tried not relying on them? Jumping straight to “death penalty trials” for big tech staffers isn’t a winning proposition.
Yeah but maybe that website caters to the nutjob demographic
In other news, Mike Adams is a lunatic.
I’d settle for this BMW
Looks likea death trap. How many airbags?
+1 fia roll cage
The Coming Software Apocalypse
A small group of programmers wants to change how we code—before catastrophe strikes.
I didn’t know they ran Camry’s with iTunes.
They should read the coding section of “Deepness in the Sky”. Vinge thinks this will still be a problem many, many millennia from now. Also, we will still be using UNIX time.
Spaghetti code will always exist until the short-term economics works to its disadvantage for both buyer and seller.
Why do I not believe this?
Do you not work with computers? I find it fully believable.
Spaghetti code, yes. Leading to sudden acceleration, I’m not so sure.
Article by the guy who pretty much wrote the book on software testing
Basically boils down to the fact that even on a very simple program you very rapidly reach the point where the number of possible test scenarios which could produce a difference in outcome becomes larger than the age of the universe in seconds. Once I tested an insurance rating engine, basically the software that calculates what the premium for any given policy will be and I calculated that there were 21.7 trillion meaningfully different testcases which could be run. Meaningfully different does not mean different, so it is not enter every letter of the alphabet into the text field and see if the behavior is different but rather enter one of every type of character (alpha, number, symbol, etc.).
Note, this is the simplest kind of program you can have as there is nothing dynamic about it so you don’t need to worry about state transitions and things of the sort, just set a collection of parameters to specified values and run the calculation and there were still 21.7 trillion possible test cases
Absolutely believable.
I’ve had to blackbox many ERPs because nobody can tell me how the code works as they lost the original uncompiled modules.
I work with computers and even spent some time working in the automotive industry and don’t think this particular accusation is credible.
Sure there might be some future defect that could be blamed on bad code, but this one would have been found if it existed. Too many eyes on it and too many simulations for it to not be tracked down.
Unintended acceleration is almost always a floor mat interfering with the pedal or someone accidently stomping on the gas instead of the brake.
Probably true for this case.
That said, I’ll bet the code still sucks. I just reset my parents’ Land Cruiser to defaults because the CPU was freaking out.
That’s something nobody thinks of. You have so many things than can be set by the user – my car probably has over a hundred – that there is no way every permutation can be tested in live conditions. But that is true with new code just as much as maintained code.
In some cars, you’ve got the “Eco” button and the “Power” button which directly affect the acceleration, so the likelihood the user pressed the wrong button is also a good probability.
“Survey finds women prefer a ‘dad bod’ over six-pack abs”
“According to a new study commissioned by Planet Fitness, women prefer the ‘dad bod’ silhouette over a man who has rock hard abs.
Their website describes the physique as somewhere in between buff and Pillsbury Doughboy.
Seven out of ten women say an extra 20 or so pounds are attractive.
“Our survey results show the majority of people think positively about dad bods, and men who identify as having them are proud of who they are,” said senior vice president of marketing at Planet Fitness, Jessica Correa.
“That’s exactly how we want all of our members to feel when they come to Planet Fitness.””
So it’s just a bullshit ad for Planet Fitness.
In other news, Planet Fitness sucks ass.
Yes. As someone with no abs, abs are a worthy goal
Muscles are developed in the gym, abs in the kitchen.
Why bother going to Planet Fitness if we can all just be happy and doughy?
Good point! Time for some Kilwin’s!!
just in time for summer..
Capitalism is quite literally going to destroy the planet in order to make more money for the small percentage of people who own production, so no, I don’t think it is “not perfect, but the best system we can have.”
Guess who said that. Hint i occasionally link xer twitter
Nick Gillespie?
Demi Rose?
I don’t remember who you link, but I’m guessing sweet Alyssa M.
Some dumbass.
Shoe on head?
New poll shows Trump trailing Biden and four other Democrats
Ugh – can’t even.
I’m not convinced.
The election is 17 months away. Polls are pretty much pointless right now.
Pretty weak for “Trump’s propaganda machine”.
I can’t wait until Trump debates the eventual nominee.
“Obama Admin Spent $4.1 Million to Link Pollution to Eating Fast Food
Researchers aimed to link air pollution exposure to childhood obesity, failed”
Nothing left to cut.
Speaking of Trump’s “business acumen” and all the dopey whining people do about it:
There is a weird phenomenon in effect, in society, in which people are so horrified of “failing” they would rather not attempt anything than to be seen to have failed. People have always been risk averse, but it seems worse, now. Not everybody would be willing to set sail into the unknown from England; not everybody would be willing to walk into the wilderness from St Louis, not everybody would be willing to drop out of college and walk away from a “sure thing” career to solder motherboards.
But there seems to be a pervasive debilitating risk aversion now, and some of the most risk averse people (journalists) are compelled to point and shriek at anybody whose gambles don’t pay off. They gleefully point to every false start and blind alley Trump ever went down, and say, “See? Toldja so!” Somebody linked to a piece from that blabbering ninny McArdle recently, in which she tried to make it sound as if Trump (or any real estate entrepreneur) just throws millions at a project on a whim, with no attempt to determine its likelihood of success. All so she could say, “And that’s where he’s taking the country. Straight to Hell!”
And they neglect to mention that Trump’s “failures” are still standing (presumably). There’s is a big difference between accounting losses and structural failures. Somebody else owns those buildings, and they are still filled with people living and working in them. But never mind.
Meh, doesn’t matter. if he had never failed, he would be a raider, an unfeeling robber baron who had never felt the plight of the little person.
Even people in this country who aren’t well off have a lot to lose now and taking risks jeopardizes a relatively comfortable position. Let the U.S. go to complete shit and you’ll see people regrow a backbone.
Regarding the first (generalized) part of your observation, I think that a very large (maybe the dominant) driver for this in the US is the entanglement of medical insurance with one’s employer.
We all know what originally incentivized it, and all of the market/industry perversity it drives, but I think it also builds (even for people who don’t understand) an underlying psychological deadweight since it gets to the very bottom of the Maslovian hierarchy.
Trump has, I believe, hundreds of separate business ventures. I’d be interested to see the percentage of them, even a weighted percentage based on investment, that failed.
I have no idea what his “real” net worth is, and I suspect there are so many complications in his business arrangements that it would be hard to get the accountants to agree. I’d be shocked if its what he claims, but I’d also be surprised if he hadn’t done more with the seed money from his family than it would have made in a balanced investment portfolio.
When you have that many business ventures, you can only have more than a passing in a few of them. The rest have to be managed by underlings, with little to no oversight from the very top.
Ft Collins
Not as infested with commies (or hipsters) as Boulder.
*this information may be out of date
Because I love ER stories…
David Ortiz wonders, “why didn’t I think of that excuse??”
That’s about as believable as those surprisingly frequent million to one shots where people end up with foreign objects up their ass.
“It was a Fusilli Jerry”
“You ARE the ass man.”
“Pete Buttigieg calls Israel a “strong ally” and says he’d keep the US embassy in Jerusalem”
Don’t read the comments.
You’re not my supervisor!
*Puts on eye pro*
Look, they don’t hate Jews, just those filthy, sinister, shekel-grubbing Israeli hebes. It’s not the same thing.
“As a friend points out, the same people who have said for years that it’s intolerable for Trump to doubt U.S. intelligence now say we must doubt what U.S intelligence is saying re the attacks in the Strait of Hormuz.”
The “friend” is his weed guy.
I feel more than comfortable doubting them in both cases.
Meh, doesn’t matter. if he had never failed, he would be a raider, an unfeeling robber baron who had never felt the plight of the little person.
That’s certainly true. There’s plenty of outrage about how successful the Trump International in D C is. But that’s just because Trump used his position as President to award that lease to himself for a dollar, and used government money to remodel it. And he issued an executive order commanding the State Department to make all visiting foreign dignitaries stay there.
“But tonight I start PT and get a home traction unit for my base betrayer cervical discs (up yours C6 and C7!)”
I broke C3 and C4, so I can relate. Hang in there.
Sorry 🙁
BTY, I just realized that AOC stands for asshat of color.
In alcohol related news, the Scotch have decided that all grains should be made into whisky: Innovative distillery creating whisky from oats. I don’t even want to think about how slow any runoff was with a minimum 51% oat bill.
Wilford Brimley approves!
+1 diabeetus
First off, the Scots don’t rule the grain. They don’t rule it. Nobody does. And they don’t run in packs. And while they may not be as strong as apes, don’t lock eyes with ’em, don’t do it. Puts ’em on edge. They might go into highlander mode, come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and argyle.
BTY, I just realized that AOC stands for asshat of color.
Phew. At least it’s not “Angry Old Coot”.
Some see a heart warming story. I see someone who would be all for full on Big Brother it could Save Just One Life™
A teenager didn’t come home. An iPhone app led her mother to a ravine
I’m not sure that most teenagers would agree with that value assessment.
The lying in a ditch somewhere was one of my folks’ favorites when I came home later without calling.
In my family my teenage son voluntarily uses location sharing. The key word being voluntary.
We explained the benefits to him he agreed as he found it useful to know where Mom and Dad are as well.
Both my wife and I thought it really creepy to force him to do so or put some kind of tracking software on his phone.
Don’t get me wrong; for parents of minor children, I’m not completely against this. I just see the slope that too many people don’t even need lubed up before they go sliding down.
My wife wants to use Life360 for our son when he gets his license (which could happen tomorrow.) I’m okay with it until he’s 18.
And- re: risk aversion
“You’ll never hit a home run if you don’t swing the bat.”
Struck out? Big deal. You’ll get ’em next time.
People actually used to think like that.
“1/ THREAD: Harvard rescinded my acceptance. ”
“Why did Harvard rescind Kyle Kashuv’s admission? Did they discover he was Asian?”
Where’s piggy going to schools this fall again?
Rescinded after the deadline for enrolling at other schools. That will be a notable item in the lawsuit.
I hope so
Yeah, that was a pure cunt move.
SCOTUS ruled 7-2 that the separate sovereigns doctrine (the one that’s used as an excuse to get around double jeopardy) does not violate the constitution. Dissent was Gorsuch and Ginsberg.
Neil Gorsuch continues to be my favorite member of SCOTUS.
I dum.
Just another de facto amendment of the Constitution by judges. Not the first, won’t be the last.
I can’t think of any that haven’t increased the power of the government. Even Roe v Wade increased the power of the federal judiciary by giving them the authority to amend or veto state laws on abortion.
I’m not sure he has a lawsuit here. I hope so, because I have no doubt that discovery will uncover some horrifying/entertaining email traffic.
TBF, Harvard probably just saved their campus from four years of non-stop Outrage! theater.
Well, probably not.
True. So many things to Outrage! against.
he repeatedly apologized in writing and asked how he could atone?? oh that poor sucker. well, the Left took his scalp.
#1 lesson learned after seeing this play out over the past decade: DO NOT APOLOGIZE to the screaming Leftist outrage mob
Using the same model as the Camry involved in the accident, Barr’s team demonstrated that there were more than 10 million ways for key tasks on the onboard computer to fail, potentially leading to unintended acceleration.
And this is why the throttle butterflies on my cars are controlled by a cable.
Why on Earth would anybody want to go to Harvard? Talk about a damaged brand…
“Yes, sex work is real work!”
*deletes internet*
“Ten Tips for Teens Looking to Break into Sex Work – Number 8 will shock you!”
Wow, since when is Teen Vogue so retrograde? That’s, like, borderline MRA manbaby talk. Are they going to publish TERFs next, or suggest body positivity isn’t an excuse for morbid obesity?
i am not sure what your objection is. Shouldn’t hot women know how the biz works when they get to 18 and need to pay for college?
Dr. Mofokeng.
“Mo’ fuck-ing?”
Get out of here.
Question for Glibs:
Can anyone think of a good reason to let a three year old bring a baseball bat to a hospital?
Someone was confused about BP?
I am a bit of an enigma.
euthanasia for that relative you really don’t like that much?
Could be. Although we make the plugs for life support equipment easily accessible for a reason.
Well, if you want your kid to be able to switch hit, you’ve got to get those reps in early.
Isn’t open carry the law in AZ?
It’s hollowed out and he’s sneaking in booze for grandpa?
Mike Schmidt is having his gall bladder removed?
It’s stuck up his ass and he’s in the ER to have it removed?
Can anyone think of a good reason to let a three year old bring a baseball bat to a hospital?
To practice bunting in the waiting room?
Bunting is evil and should be banned from the game.
Of all the things that one could say needs to be changed, bunting sure as hell isn’t one of them
Finally, something on Facebook that I approve of.
So I’m in the liquor store this weekend and I see this huge display for Surly Darkness 2017. It comes in a 750 ml bottle and sells for $24.99. Can any of the Twin Cities Glibs tel me why anyone would buy beer that’s two-years-old?
you can cellar beer like wine. Surly Darkness is 12% ABV and aged in oak barrels.
but should you?
For some beers, yes.
Like with wine, you have to open one every now and again and see where the sweet spot is.
A couple things I found interesting in the story about the family suing for 2.2 billion for the fire in the public housing unit they occupied. The woman who died had a “stepson” that also died that was 12 years younger than her. It looks like they actually started the fire by leaving something burn on the stove and no other residents were killed or injured by it.
I’ll reserve judgement on that until it’s more than just speculation. But my hunch is this whole thing is the opening salvo in a movement to spend “whatever it takes” to get poor people into new housing with sprinklers and current understandings of where emergency exits should be (there’s been a bit of chatter about the latter already).
Death Trap 2: Electric Bugaloo!
Now with sprinklers!
And municipal bankruptcy!
Nation Spends Day Acknowledging Existence Of Completely Unnecessary Parent
OMG…on more excelelnt one:
Elizabeth Warren Promises To Cure Smallpox
“Nice to meet you, Hungry.”
LOL, they know us so well.
Trump’s America- next stop, death camps for the gheys
The Supreme Court on Monday wiped away a ruling that went against a bakery in Oregon that refused to make a cake to celebrate the wedding for a same-sex couple.
The justices sent back the case pitting religious liberty concerns against LGBTQ rights to the lower courts for further consideration in light of last term’s ruling in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to make a cake for a same-sex couple.
The move puts off a major case that could have been heard next term during the heart of the presidential election and allows the issue to further percolate in the lower courts.
“Today’s move to send the case back to the Oregon state courts is something of a surprise, because this case had been pitched all along as raising the broader constitutional question that the Justices ducked last year in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case,” said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law.
“By asking the state courts to reconsider their ruling in light of Masterpiece Cakeshop, the justices are, in effect, asking the Oregon courts if a similarly narrow basis is available for resolving this case — even though the parties have framed the case as presenting a broader conflict between the constitutional rights to religious liberty and same-sex marriage.”
Fuck that “religious exception” bullshit.
“I don’t wanna” should be all you need. Freedom of association, bitchez.
What Constitutional right to same-sex marriage? Get married, don’t get married. Who gives a shit?
O M F G you HATEFUL BIGOT. It is P R I D E M O N T H and you’re coming here with this BULL SHIT??
This. OTOH, freedom of association is dead. It is an ex-principle.
The Hill has coverage
Monday’s order means that the justices avoid having to rule on a divisive case that pits claims of religious liberty against allegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
The Supreme Court’s order tosses out a 2017 Oregon Court of Appeals opinion that ruled against the baker, Sweetcakes by Melissa, and upheld a $135,000 fine against the business.
The justices last year had narrowly held in favor of the baker in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, finding in a 7-2 ruling that a Colorado state commission had violated the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution when it penalized the baker for breaking the state’s public accommodations law.
How is a 7-2 ruling “narrow”?
Seahawks narrowly beat broncos in Superbowl.
Maybe they mean the ruling was narrow, which it was. It hinged on the CO star chamber’s blatant religious intolerance rather than any broad conception of religious liberty.
The “narrow” refers to the grounds for the ruling, not the size of the majority. As I recall, the Masterpiece decision was based on a due process failure of some kind, not on the religious freedom argument.
probably narrow in the sense they didn’t say he had religious liberty to discriminate but he himself was discriminated against by the state review board during their appeal process.
based on a due process failure of some kind, not on the religious freedom argument.
These AM lynx may have breathed their last, but I’ll toss this in here:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]
“Abridging the freedom of speech.”
It seems to me this would prohibit Congress from making it illegal to say, “NO.”
I crack myself up.