The Great Glibertarian Cleansing of 2019 has started.
Being a merciful Ditka dictator, my first step in securing and degrading inactive accounts is to change the passwords. If you have received a notice from WordPress that your Glib site password has been changed, it was (most likely) me. If you would still like to keep your account active, you should be able to easily change your password again yourself from the login screen. For now.
FYI, the way I am checking if an account is active or inactive is to check when last a comment was publicly posted by that account. Because we are a wee bit paranoid around here, my policy is to delete server logs; I can’t turn over what I don’t have. So, if you haven’t commented “recently” chances are good your password will be re-set.
If you have any questions about the process, the reasons, want to pipe up and let me know you’re still alive, or wonder if in fact I am the one who changed your password, please fuck off, slaver get in touch through the website issues contact form.
Have a great weekend.
(Yes, I am the boss of you.)
Iif I change my password I won’t be able to remember it. Also, first!
Where the white women at?
I don’t know why that was funny, but I larfed.
We need passwords? When did this start?
The password is P0de$ta
That is incorrect.
Password is Taco
Good ref
Right after crayon started posting.
These numbered things are comments? Huh. I thought they were the links.
Just wipe the server
Don’t tempt me!
With a cloth. (got to keep those comments recent)
I rode my motorcycle 2 hours north to attend a wooden boat festival. I had the fuel selector switch in the wrong position (reserve) so I ran out of fuel. Luckily an angel on a Fatboy stopped to help me. A 12 ounce Gatorade bottle holds 78 cents worth of premium fuel. It was just enough to get me back to the fueling station. The fuel selector switch is in the correct position now. And anytime I get close to 150 miles, I know I should fill up my 3 gallon tank.
Lesson learned.
So, Gatorade is more expensive than premium gas?
Yes, but it’s what plants crave.
Testing 123…
Woot! I made the cut! At least for now.
I have around 40-50 passwords I have to remember. A lot of them for work. I also have a Keepass database just in case I forget one.
All my passwords are a variation of “bitch set me up”…
Password protip. To keep track of passwords, tattoo them on your penis. That way if somebody steals your password, you at least get something out of it.
A stolen penis?
Don’t purge me bro!