Oh hey, everyone but me is on vacation — switching to monitoring work email on my phone. Unfortunately, my car is down due to either a brake pedal switch or brake solenoid failure. Now in most vehicles, you can just stick a key in the override and go on your way. In the 2013 Ford Expedition, you need a long, very thin object approximately six inches long. Or else mine is just fuxored right there, too. Anyhoo, replacing the solenoid is done through… replacing the entire shifter assembly. Which shipped out of the warehouse today, which means I’m down this weekend. So it looks like its time to investigate home-delivery options for alcohol…
I resisted making this joke yesterday, but can’t today: Friends say there’s something funny about comedian’s suicide. I’ll just go over here to the mirror and narrow my own gaze.
Happy Solstice, and good luck finding virgins to sacrifice!
I know this will piss off FdA (tw: link to WSJ), but here’s an article about State Capitalism succeeding in Cuba. And by succeeding, I mean rationing food due to shortages.
Oh boy, here comes prog-jection again. Politico wonders “what if Trump won’t accept defeat in 2020?” This person who won’t be voting for Trump in 2020 wonders if there is anyway without massive cheating that could possibly happen.
Here’s what my kids call “the Planes song” when it comes on the radio. Playa Manhattan knows what I’m talking about.
“In the 2013 Ford Expedition, you need a long, very thin object approximately six inches long”
I was an inch short after all that. 🙁
Paging Creosote Achilles. Mr. Achilles to the courtesy phone.
“Happy Solstice, and good luck finding virgins to sacrifice!”
Not one picture of a scantily clad hippy chick?
“I know this will piss off FdA (tw: link to WSJ), but here’s an article about State Capitalism succeeding in Cuba. And by succeeding, I mean rationing food due to shortages.”
For those who cannot be bothered to read the article: Cuban government official publicly touts “the meat of the hutia, a giant rodent endemic to the island, as better than beef.” Also from the article, the “government plans to breed ostriches to help feed the masses.”
(TW: Wall Street Journal) wsj.com/articles/cuba-ration-lines-grow-tense-as-economy-flails-11561109406
I’ve also heard nutria are tasty if prepared correctly, but only the occasional Boudreaux eats one.
I’ve heard they’re really greasy. Every time I’ve mentioned the idea of eating nutria around people I know who live where you might conceivably do that I’ve gotten looks of astonishment and horror.
I used to trap muskrats. I tried eating muskrat once; it was gamy and greasy. And a nutria is basically a giant muskrat. After the one experiment with stewed ‘rat, I went back to using their carcasses to bait raccoon and fox sets.
They are sufficiently not-good that the Catholic Church said (says?) you can eat them during Lent.
I’m pretty sure that only applies to capybara.
Still a valid dispensation, but only in Detroit.
I have no idea who this is.
Damn it, count!
I don’t think that is the virgin Brett is looking for.
Le’Veon Bell’s 911 call: ‘Girlfriends’ stole jewelry, now ‘they’re ignoring me’
“The description for the sixth item, worth $5,000, was redacted in the report.”
Diamond encrusted dildo?
“Jussie Smollett could face prosecution AGAIN for ‘staging hoax attack’ after judge appoints special prosecutor to examine handling of the case”
That shit has to be fixed. It was outrageous what the corrupt fuckers did.
Hasn’t he suffered enough?!
That was where they screwed up in just dismissing charges vs getting him to plea no contest to some BS misdemeanor. Since he was never tried he isn’t protected by double jeopardy
“Happy Solstice, and good luck finding virgins to sacrifice!”
Unless the sun passing through Stonehenge revealed the location of a secret treasure, I’m not interested.
“A lot of our students feel oppressed by this statue. I know when I walk under it I feel very inferior, said Gilbert. I don’t feel that way when I’m at other places on campus. I don’t think that’s what the university community wants us to feel like when we’re here. Why, I just feel so small and insignificant, inferior when I walk by the statue of the pioneer.”
So he wants statues of people who are his peers instead of significant?
“And it’s that rifle. The rifle slung over the pioneer’s shoulder, oh, that makes me so uncomfortable.”
It’s a depiction of an antiquated rifle. Imagine this person (I don’t want to say “guy” or “man” in this context) in the same room with a real and modern rifle.
I await the commentariat’s snark.
Maybe I should make it explicit that he is organizing students to have the statue removed even though the person depicted was not in the 1861-1865 conflict in the region south of Canada and north of Mexico.
This is ostensibly to salve the sensibilities of the Native Americans. You know, because all that land was stolen from them.
I find it interesting that Natives hate whites and our history but feel perfectly fine in attending institutions like colleges invented by white Christian Europeans.
ONE asshole succeeded in changing the name of the McGill Redman. ONE.
If that punk fears inferior to a generic statue of man with a rifle, then he should never visit Gettysburg, Ft Leavenworth, Antietam etc. Being confronted with statues of soldiers with weapons will cause him to shit himself. If this dipshit was an Apache prior to 1873 he would be ridiculed, whipped and relegated to being treated as a woman by members of his own family before they went out with rifles to kill whites, Mexicans and other indians.
“The school is convening a group to discuss whether any actions need to be taken.”
What’s the over/under on when they’ll take it down? My money says five days after the meeting.
If they can take down Washington and Kate Smith – IT’S OPEN SEASON on ducks AND rabbits.
I was unaware acting like a little bitch was part of native American culture.
The reason you feel inferior walking under a statue of a pioneer is because that statue represents a group of men and women with more courage and ambition than you could possibly imagine. These are people who walked away from everyone and everything they’d ever known into the actual wilderness, away from the protection of their own society, into a world where they could be killed by wild animals or, frankly, your ancestors, with no warning, and they managed to bring modern civilization, for better or worse, to those places. While you, you sorry sonofabitch, are made uncomfortable by statuary.
Preach it, Nap!
I resisted making this joke yesterday, but can’t today: Friends say there’s something funny about comedian’s suicide. I’ll just go over here to the mirror and narrow my own gaze.
I posted this story when it happened back in April, but it bears repeating.
That already happened to Molière in 1673.
I wasn’t on Glibertarians when that happened.
Here is a fun solstice picture from Sicily.
Whats an alema? /Gary Johnson
If it pleases the Commentariat, I’d like to remember the good ol’ days.
Spot the Not: Nathan J Robinson facts and quotes
1. He has $140,000 of student loan debt.
2. He majored in Black Studies.
3. “I buy as many bananas as I damn well please.”
4. His vision of utopia is a border-less world of immortal, socialist, vegetarians.
5. “Once, when I went to a steak restaurant with some friends and asked for something vegetarian, I was brought nothing but an entire plate of almost-raw broccoli, stalks and all. Here I am looking at it. Many chefs hate vegetarians.”
6. “A clown can get away with murder.”
Welcome back!
Pimpin’ ain’t easy.
That’s also the working title of my autobiography.
Welcome back, Derp! Or have you been back for a while & I missed your triumphant return? We missed you while you were gone.
Oh – and for the hell of it, I’ll guess that #3’s the Not.
My return post may been seen here: https://glibertarians.com/2019/06/tuesday-morning-links-95/#comments
crtl + f is your friend
Thanks! No ctrl key on my only-slightly-above-average-intelligence phone.
it’s comment #48
Seconded. “Welcome back. To the same old place that you laughed about.”
I’m going with #1. I’m guessing he has at least double that debt.
3. It sounds racist.
Glad to see ya derp!
I serve the people of the United States and live the Army values.
[Benny Hill salute]
Happy early ‘Murica Day.
I like the tune and the visuals. The lyrics are yokel-rific.
Gruss Gott Derp! Good to see ya back.
#5 – with the reservation that if it really did happen, it was probably because he was an asshole to every member of the staff first
Behold: https://images.currentaffairs.org/2018/11/1016523_10201358903402580_592700998_n.jpg
OK, no more bets. #6 is the Not. That is quote from John Wayne Gacy. NJR gave me a real serial killer vibe when he mused about the govt confiscating kidneys at random.
Forgive me if I messed up the html tags.
No winners. You know what that means.
DESTRUCTOR #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oliCVn7Ic68&list=RDoliCVn7Ic68
DESTRUCTOR #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpTZ-tC81yA
“what if Trump won’t accept defeat in 2020?”
Has Politico already covered what happened when Obama, Clinton, the Democratic Party, a significant chunk of the Republican Party, most of the federal bureaucracy didn’t accept defeat in 2016?
That’s what gets me.
In their actions since the election, they haven’t accepted defeat.
Will Trump get Jill Stein to be his cat’s paw and file recount campaigns in states he lost? That would be terrible.
Especially Wayne County, which includes Detroit?
they took my money, they took my watch, my jewelry, a couple more of my things of value out of my house. In the call, Bell estimates that the total value of all of the stolen items was approximately $1 million.
Did they steal his pickup truck, too, to haul all that loot away?
If you play a country song backwards, the guy gets back his truck, wife, and dignity.
Actual country song title: I went back to my 4rth wife for the 3rd time to give her a 2nd chance to make a 1st class fool out of me
My favorite fake (I think) country song title: “You Can Lock Me Up and Throw Away the Key, But You Can’t Keep my Face From Breaking Out.”
You’re the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly
David Allen Coe already did this.
Steve Goodman
I can play and sing better than Coe and a million others can
but only a few people can write a good song.
RIP Steve, even if you were a Cubs fan
Can’t sacrifice any virgins this solstice because the fucking Feds took over the volcano.
Imagine being this guy:
And all the idiots agreeing with him.
Imagine being that guy’s dad.
University of Oregon students and faculty are demanding the removal of an American pioneer statue on its 100-year anniversary.
The statue depicts a pioneer standing on a rock with a rifle slung over its shoulder and a whip in its right hand. Although no suspects were identified, the statue was vandalized in April with red spray paint on its crotch and whip, according to the Daily Emerald.
Brave people suffered and died on the Oregon Trail, and for what? So mewling and puking nonentities, humbled and intimidated by their mere memory, could attempt to erase them from the history books.
Playing Oregon Trail is one of the few pleasant memories I have of grade school. The hunting mini game was hella fun.
Another planes song.
M.I.A.- absolutely wood.
She’s a stinky commie.
We’ve got Airplanes
More airplanes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ_M4pV_eOQ
My 15 y/o daughter had her first breakup today. She cried for about 15 minutes, then grabbed her cleats and a bag of balls and went to the soccer field to kick the hell out of them. I can hear her back now and laughing with my wife and son.
Tough but necessary. As a dad, though, I hate it.
That’s about the age when fathers of daughters start making sure the shotgun is well oiled and loaded with shells.
ABC- always be cleanin’
My daughter is divorcing her husband of 30 years
I can hear her back now and laughing with my wife and son and me.
Actual country song title: I went back to my 4rth wife for the 3rd time to give her a 2nd chance to make a 1st class fool out of me
She took it like a man
Stupid story about UFO’s over KC (like real UFO’s wouldn’t go to Memphis for the best BBQ) got me thinking.
What would the freakout be if an actual extraterrestrial craft landed on the White House lawn and aliens demanded to talk with Trump?
I can only imagine the reaction of the ruling class to the idea that Trump would be talking to the aliens and not them.
(like real UFO’s wouldn’t go to Memphis for the best BBQ)
Vinegar and way too much dry rub, gag.
Sorry to hear about the truck, Brett.
Fucking Ford. I’ve had a bunch of nuisance recalls on my truck already. Also I have an intermittent grinding noise that the fucking service department claimed was a mystery, couldn’t replicate, blah blah blah. Two seconds of searching led me to this Technical Service Bulletin.
I get it, you don’t want warranty costs to go crazy, but c’mon.
Four recalls in 18 months for our 2018 VW Tiguan.
Yeah, but that’s a metric based VW.
So, like 2.2 recalls, then?
Canadian. .42 recalls.
Do you toboggan it back to civilization?
Effeminate men kept jumping in the passenger seat when you were stopped at red lights?
So I tried the Death in the Afternoon a couple of weeks ago, and thought that you degenerates might enjoy it. For those who don’t want to click through, it’s basically:
Pour a shot of Absinthe into a coupe or flute
Top with chilled sparkling wine
I enjoy it on a warm summer day, but I’m not allowed to have them anymore. Mrs. Shpip has put up with my nocturnal flatulence for 29 years, but apparently Absinthe makes my farts grow stronger.
Absinthe makes my farts grow stronger
I hope that was intentional.
Swiss to aisle five.
Since we’re on the subject, I’d like to ask a quick question:
Do any of you find something different about being drunk on absinthe versus being drunk on any other alcoholic beverage? I’ve read about all the studies saying that the amount of thujone is nowhere near high enough to have any effect, but I swear when I drink absinthe I get a more calm, introspective, and creative buzz than when I drink anything else. It could be a placebo, but it’s a pretty stark placebo, plus there’s the fact that I’m aware of all the science saying that it’s the same as any other alcoholic drink.
From what I gather, it depends on the source of the absinthe. American absinthe is made from a wormwood that does not have the psychoactive component. European versions supposedly do. I would wonder if alcohol somehow impacts to effects and impact of thujone?
Dunno. I usually get Lucid brand (because it’s the only kind available within a 30 minute drive) but I did bring back some St. George and one other brand from Kentucky. All of these have given me that “different kind of drunk” effect.
Never had that effect on me. I’ve heard the same thing about rum, gin, and especially tequila.
She cried for about 15 minutes, then grabbed her cleats and a bag of balls and went to the soccer field to kick the hell out of them
“Remember the @Quillette article examining how pro-antifa journalists white-wash & mainstream the extremist movement? Its author Dr Eoin Lenihan now details what happened to him after it was published. He was targeted in a campaign by those exposed writers.”
Of course, he was.
Oh, thanks for that. Also, Lenihan’s Prog Dad thing looks hilarious. Also, also would (Lenihan or Ngo).
Solid would.
did that Lenihan researcher claim he worked for CARR? b/c they’re issuing a full denial.
okay, i see what’s happening. Holt is exaggerating Lenihan’s statements and then getting these other groups to refute the exaggerated statements that Lenihan never made.
Lenihan also provided the Caller with documents confirming he was working on a platform for developing curriculum documents and webinars with the Center for Analysis of the Radical Right. “We very much look forward to working with you on this,” a CARR employee wrote to Lenihan in an email dated June 5, 2019, about the logistics of the ongoing work. CARR Director Matthew Feldman was copied on the email.
They’re some very shady assholes.
I think it’s well established by now that the prog left views media as a zero sum game and they are willing to lie profusely in order to maintain their illusion.
“here’s an article about State Capitalism succeeding in Cuba. And by succeeding, I mean rationing food due to shortages.” Here is a similar story about the same “roundtable discussion broadcast on state TV” as the WSJ story for those who don’t have access to cross the WSJ’s paywall: http://vifreepress.com/2019/04/ostrich-rodent-on-the-menu-as-cuba-seeks-food-miracle/
“What if Trump won’t accept defeat in 2020?”
My guess is he’ll use US intelligence agencies to launch an investigation into his opponent’s collusion with a foreign government to steal the election.
Now you’re just being silly.
Simpsons did it!
Hi, Yufus!
Howdy T!
Hit the brake pedal, if the brake lights don’t come on it’s a bad brake switch. If they do and it still doesn’t engage a gear it’s probably the solenoid.
Fucking Ford.
No kidding. I thought I’d do some “preventive maintenance” and flush some fresh fluid through the hydraulic clutch linkage. The slave cylinder for the clutch is inside the bell housing, with the input shaft running through it. The bleeder is basically inaccessible.
That’s quite the “better idea”.
“You know who else drew big crowds?”
George Seurat?
^ Mr. Culture
Freddy Mercury?
Which brought me to Bill Kristol’s Twitter:
And his retard fans:
“Wayne J. Jung
Replying to @BillKristol
Anyone not terrified by this week’s Iran developments and this president’s related comments/actions is a fool.”
Wayne’s (Clown) World.
Replying to @BillKristol
Bill, thanks to your conservative stances over the years, you have helped contribute to what we now have.
Yes, lots of shade. It must feel delightful.”
Kristol is conservative? You mean, like David Brooks?
Lotta ‘he doesn’t know how to be a human being’.
And here I thought that’s the easiest part. Since you just have to exist.
Try being a Muppet though.
Anyone to the right of Mao, Rufus.
On May 26, 2016, Bill Kristol was “A Neoconservative, Not a Conservative.” townhall.com/columnists/jackkerwick/2016/05/26/bill-kristol-a-neoconservative-not-a-conservative-n2168923 There is also this piece posted December 18, 2018 about the damage Bill Kristol did to the label “conservative” theamericanconservative.com/articles/how-bill-kristol-closed-the-conservative-mind/ “He established himself as the GOP’s hawkish gatekeeper and waged war on the antiwar right.”
IMO, “conservative” in the sense of the movement that was politically significant in the United States since the 1968 election cycle stopped being politically significant in the United States, at the latest, on June 16, 2015. IMO, except for David Brooks, “conservative” is now a boogieman for the American Left.
Everybody Wayne Jung tonight.
Dang it, Dale.
/long sigh.
If I say that three times will I conjure a ghost?
Worse, PC. Far worse.
Martin Handford?
Trump for his 2016 inauguration?
Oregon governor his sicced the state police on state GOP to round them up and put them in the concentration camp that is the state congress.
Militia groups in the Pacific Northwest—a hotbed of far-right extremist activist—claim they’ve mobilized to protect those state senators.
“We’re doing what we can to make sure that they’re safe and comfortable,” said Eric Parker, the president of militia group Real Three Percenters Idaho, said the Idaho militias are in touch with their Oregon counterparts about the senators.
In a Facebook post, Paul Luhrs, a member of the Oregon III%er militia, said the militia had “vowed to provide security, transportation and refuge for those Senators in need.”
“We will stand together with unwavering resolve, doing whatever it takes to keep these Senators safe,” Luhrs wrote.
Their own, private Idaho?
I meant to distribute presents during my triumphant return, but got sidetracked.
[in the manner of the Wizard of Oz]
For Uncivil Servant, I give you this marvelous channel: Terrible Writing Advice
For SugarFree and other lovers of sci-fi, I give you this marvelous channel: DUST (short sci-fi films)
My fav: The Terrible Thing of Alpha 9
Oooooooohhhh neato! Welcome back Derpy!
Wait, there’s no little girl for me?
Patience, my pet.
Wow, that channel looks really cool. Thanks!
When I was in Moscow in the 90s, there were no fences and you could walk around Red Square pretty much anywhere you liked. But no one would go close to Lobnoye mesto.
If you asked a Russian to explain what it was, they would get queasy looking and change the subject.
And yet it’s still there. I didn’t talk with anyone that wanted it to go away. It was important to remember history.
Its name is derived from the Russian words for “forehead” (lob) and “place” (Mesto). In old Russian lob meant a steep river bank. The platform, believed to have been constructed in brick in the 1530s, was first mentioned in 1547, when Ivan the Terrible addressed the Muscovites from there. Subsequently, it was primarily used for announcing the tsar’s ukazes and for religious ceremonies. Despite a common misconception, the circular platform itself was never a place for executions. Sometimes scaffolds were placed by it, but usually public executions were carried out at Vasilevsky Spusk behind St. Basil’s Cathedral.
U.S. Olympic Committee Changes Name To U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee
Sounds like a small change, but it’s cool to see the Paralympics being treated equally.
Now you have to come through with cash for bribes.
See, that’s the beauty of it. Because they’re under one committee, all the bribes are handled in one place. It’s much more efficient.
Where’s the picture of the sled hockey player?
This is bullshit!!
I just want to see more of it on TV, and hopefully this is another step in that direction.
And for everyone else, some of the worst derp I’ve ever seen:
The comments and like/dislike ratio are a faint ray of hope in my dreary world.
Welcome back Derpy. I’ve missed you.
Awww. Here’s a nice song.
Bonus: it’s by a hottie!
At the risk of being an attention, my return message is comment #48 here:
I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying it: thank you, tax payers.
I finally have a job that I enjoy and find meaningful.
You became a stripper?
Hoping it’s like this…
Mmmm. Sean Young…
Dammit, Derpy. Yes, you are being an Attention Ho of the worst sort. The very worst. But we’re going to give you a pass because… [notices chevrons, starts crying into gingham apron]
I work with a lot of ex military, they loved their jobs
Best job I ever had.
I’m happy to see you again Derpy, but do you have to bring tripe like that video along with you?
Uffda. The worst part about it is that I’m sure those two singing asses think that they are so clever for putting that together.
He’s the Derpetologist. You know he’s in fine spirits and good health if he is bringing you top-quality Derp.
“Happy Solstice, and good luck finding virgins to sacrifice!” Ralph Northam wanted to solve this problem, but those Republican obstructionists got in the way. “So in this particular example, if the mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if this is what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.” How much do you suppose Planned Parenthood would have charged for a sacrificial virgin that is “kept comfortable” until it is aborted inside a stone circle? “Beware the raven and the crow.”
Beware Tulpa, it is Legion…….
A very good example of women wanting to have their cake and eating it too.
A long screed about how hard the world is on women coaches in the NCAA. The two authors go on and on about how unfair it is that women are fired because their players bitch about them.
The authors never seem to grasp that the problem isn’t the Patriarchy as much as the fact that the players are crazy.
What happens if they all get their periods at the same time?
Must be hell for the coach.
What happens if they all get their periods at the same time
You get a bunch of lame jokes about the Texas Tech Red Raiders coming to town for a game.
Another problem is that female college athletes seem to value coaches who act in dominant, sometimes authoritarian ways. When female athletes are asked what they want in a coach, they’ll say they want someone who is commanding, confident, assertive and knowledgeable.
I’d say feature, not problem.
“There is no cannibalism in the Royal Navy.”
“Why won’t those stupid female coaches conform to whichever stereotype we’re assigning to them today?!”
Sorry, I’m sure many of you are getting tired of these, but this one is too good:
Ocasio-Cortez Gets Head Stuck In Bucket, Journalists Rush To Explain Why It Was Actually A Genius Move
Coal miners man-splain to AOC:
Oh, how I laughed.
I liked this:
That is up there with the Hugh Hewitt eats shit sandwich spoof
AOC: Jesus sucked dick to make a point about homosexuality being real. Deal with it. I’m, like, the boss.
Normal human: Are you insane?
Actual AOC: “Republicans stalking my Twitter”
How can you stalk a public media account?
“She is making a bold statement,” said CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “The bucket on her head is from Walmart, and she is saying loud and clear that corporations have blinded us all.”
Miss y’all….my routine is still shitfucked.
Hi, KK.
Greetings & salutations!
Hi Kristen, glad to see you. I am trying online dating. If you have any advice, I’d love to hear it.
don’t adjust your set, but:
guys suck; re-bait, re-cast often until you snag a keeper
Don’t date LOL
I’d say contact people who interest you. Direct approach.
I’ve been doing online dating for almost 10 years, which means I am now qualified to be a tour guide in hell.
Dating in your 30s is sort of like trying to find a parking spot at a crowded store: most of the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped.
“Better alone than with bad company.”
Proverbs 21:19
Better to live alone in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.
I’ve just started developing fantasy crushes on Youtubers, because I realize how fucking miserable I am in a standard-format relationship.
Yes, well, I read Bruce Dickinson’s autobiography and now have a serious crush on him, but that doesn’t do me any good. I’d like a real guy these days.
My wife of 43 years is the daughter of my dad’s best friend.
Nice to have you back, if only for the moment!
Unshitfuck your routine and come back to us!
Will be shitfucked all summer, sadly. Thanks, Metro! The delicious thing is, the COB of Metro had his house raided by the FBI this week. Lulz.
Arapahoe Basin is still open for business… and expecting snow this evening.
I want to roll around in that snow, so obad.
Well, at least I see you on the Twatters now and then.
Just a little bit 😉
But many of the behaviors expected of coaches also align with stereotypical male behaviors.
Something something they expect results?
I have a buddy who played for the Gopher hockey team and was a high school coach for years. When Minnesoda started girl’s high school hockey he was drafted to be the coach. He lasted one year and quit.
My buddy is a super laid back, kindly, funny guy in his 60’s and he still gets worked up if you bring up that year of coaching.
He said that parents were worse because the mom and daughter would scheme together whenever they thought the kid wasn’t getting enough playing time. At least with boys hockey it was just the parents bitching. The boy would never pitch in.
The other thing that drove him nuts was how careful he had to be with what he said. He said one time a girl broke down and cried because he said “great job” when another girl had done something and only said “super” when she did the same thing and it just wasn’t fair.
*grumble, grumble, kicks can*
Fucking paywall!
Just ctrl+A, and ctrl+C real fast. Then ctrl-V into notepad. It’s what I do.
IP theft!
*Initiate libertarian thunderdome to finally settle the issue*
Please rise for the Pointless Deathmatch Anthem:
“here’s an article about State Capitalism succeeding in Cuba. And by succeeding, I mean rationing food due to shortages.” Here is a similar story about the same “roundtable discussion broadcast on state TV” as the WSJ story for those who don’t have access to cross the WSJ’s paywall: http://vifreepress.com/2019/04/ostrich-rodent-on-the-menu-as-cuba-seeks-food-miracle/
Great title. I’m going to have use this phrase.
Matthew Sweet started the ball rolling on his Radio 3 Free Thinking programme, when he told her that she was quite wrong to say that the number of executions for sodomy increased in the latter half of the l9th century. She had misunderstood a term — ‘death recorded’ — in the Old Bailey records which did not mean that the defendant had actually been executed but that the judge had set aside the death sentence and shown leniency. And that she was therefore wrong to dispute the generally accepted fact that the last execution for sodomy was in 1835.
Good grief, how many howlers is she going to get away with and still find people to publish her crap.
Here’s what my kids call “the Planes song” when it comes on the radio. Playa Manhattan knows what I’m talking about.
When your grandparents rock harder than you do.
Got my biometric gun safe the other day. Gotta set it up.
I am experiencing bad limp wrist – had a bad day at the range a couple weeks ago. Gotta remedy my grip. Watched some Jerry Miculek and Chris Cheng videos, so I’ll be trying out their advice tomorrow.
“I am experiencing bad limp wrist…”
That’s every day for some of us, hon.
Rob’s another good one to watch
That’s good stuff, as I’ve been shooting low & to the left (like testicles)
Yeah, that’s typical for anticipating the recoil or jerking the trigger. Most common shooting issue even for people who’ve been doing it for a long time. Focus on letting the shot surprise you. There’s another video I’ll look for from John Lovell where he specifically addresses that.
I managed to remedy the jerky trigger a while back – it’s definitely anticipation and control. THe best shots I’ve taken have been kind of “off the cuff”. I need to figure out how to stay in that head space, and improve my grip.
Yeah, those off the cuff shots are you just letting the shot happen which is what you want to happen. Anticipation is something that all shooters deal with. Just keep practicing:). Dry firing is a good thing to do because you can spot the flinch and also because it doesn’t cost anything:)
Also keeping a hand grip next to your TV chair will help with grip strength.
Here’s the Lovell video where he specifically addresses the low left phenomenon caused by anticipation. Note there’s a difference between pushing the gun down in anticipation and keeping your shoulders forward that Rob goes through in that second video I posted. The shoulders forward is what assist in shooting multiple shots.
Yeah, this one was SUPER helpful
Here’s were he left off from the first one
Mush. Get it while it’s hot.
Perhaps a way to cut through the murk would be to change the question: Once we’ve made the changes necessary to create a truly just society, would billionaires still exist? If we made a world where opportunity is abundant and prosperity is shared, would the rejiggering of resources and money flows still leave room for billionaires to become billionaires?
A better thing to ask ourselves is: Does anyone need to be CEO of Apple? That company is staffed by thousands of workers and software engineers and more. They’re all perfectly intelligent people. Under a different arrangement, a form of worker-elected committee could run the company just fine.
But the most fundamental problem, the problem that drives all of these other problems, is that money — or, more precisely, wealth — is power. A billionaire has gobs of capital to invest in new enterprises, dictating to the rest of us what jobs will be created, for whom, to do what, and paying how much. More than that, it’s billionaires who, by virtue of the power that makes them billionaires, control the financial system and the corporate governance that shapes all the economic activity in the country. What jobs we do and can or can’t get, what we’re paid and under what conditions we work; these are all huge aspects of Americans’ everyday lives. And billionaires run all of it like feudal lords.
Kill the rich. Kill them all. Then, eat them.
“Does anyone need to be CEO of Apple?”
Great point. We would have gotten the Mac, iPod, and iPhone without Steve Jobs. I’m sure that a collective of workers would have come up with those things on their own.
Obviously anyone could have been Steve Jobs
And only Steve Jobs could have forced me to buy one.
The prog rags have been on an eat the rich tear lately.
“virtue of the power that makes them billionaires,”
If they didn’t get their billions by force or fraud then their wealth is democracy in action: millions of consumers deemed them worthy of their “votes” (dollars).
Sorry to hear about your car. Mine still drives at least. Diagnostics show that while the USB port can provide power, no data is going through. So first step is to try a new ribbon cable… but they had to order one.
car trouble humor
“I checked the engine – it’s still there. What more do you want??!”
And then-
Yes, some billionaires also donate immense sums to charity. But in many ways this just recapitulates the problem: The small population of billionaires gets to decide the goals and priorities and organizational values of so much of the philanthropic work across both the U.S. and the globe.
Those bastards! Damn them all God damn them to Hell!
That sentiment is actually more moderate than hardcore socialist. Clement Attlee said in 1920: “Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim.” Charities are competition for governmet programs to “help the poor.”
“Politico wonders ‘what if Trump won’t accept defeat in 2020?’”
Reports that then-President Obama may cancel 2012 elections (and not just for voting for his job):
therightscoop.com/ladies-of-the-view-cancel-2012-election/ (The View, not right wing, discussing this)
The problem, at its most basic, is that in a society with billionaires, genuine democracy is not actually possible.
Psssst- I’ve got some bad news for you, Shirley. You might want to sit down.
The key is the word “genuine.” I’m guessing that a “genuine democracy” is one in which people who vote the wrong way get “reeducated.”
A gang rape is genuine democracy in action. The majority gets what they want and the minority has to deal with the consequences.
I don’t want to sit down. And quit calling me Shirley.
I’ve been pretty absent lately owing to numerous developments requiring my attention, but wanted to mention that BTC is knocking on $10k again.
The next parabolic rise has begun. We’re halfway to the all time high and based on past experience, once this happens it only takes a few weeks to reach new peaks before then exploding 20x higher than that.
Note that there are currently only about 30 days in bitcoin’s 10 year history where you could have bought in higher than today’s prices. These could be the last days anyone ever pays under 5 figures for bitcoin.
Personally I’m predicting over $200k by the 2020 election. McAfee thinks it’ll be over a million by then. Check out this (albeit long at 45min) video detailing how its pretty realistic that BTC will hit $10 million in a few short years if you’re so inclined.
You’ll be hearing a lot about it in the very near future. FOMO is about to kick in and it’ll be all over the media.
That is all.
I’m not seeing those price gains. I do think it will go up significantly, but once bit coins are main stream and accepted, the zone will be flooded with new coins.
There’s already a flood of altcoins. Bitcoin is king, though alt seasons do occur and we’re due for another.
You’ll be shocked by bitcoin’s growth. Facebook launching a stablecoin will bring billions of people into the fold.
Buy 1 bitcoin. It will be entree most valuable thing in your portfolio in fire time, guaranteed. Theres not enough for every millionaire in the world to own 1.
I tried to get my wife to invest $1,000 in bitcoin eight years ago. Yeah, I have plenty of other investment sob stories as well.
Yup, I was thinking of investing into Bitcoin about that long ago. I hate to even think about it. Good video.
Local news: A Queensbury man was charged with felony assault Wednesday night for allegedly bludgeoning another man with a tape measure, according to State Police.
So many questions: You want hurt a man at, I’m assuming, a construction site, and the best weapon you have is a tape measure? Hell, if I wanted to bring the pain to someone at work with a measuring device, I going with an Aluminum 24″ triangular scale stick. Hypothetical, of course.
You’re up near Not Adahn too?
Question for plumbing Glibs: I’ve just bought an ice maker to stick in the fridge. Here’s the problem. The refrigerator does not have a water line, nor is it adjacent to one. It’s catty-corner from the sink and dishwasher and in a small laundry room. Of these options, which is the least worst?
1. Saddle valve on water in to hot water heater (across from fridge)
1a. Run line under house (crawlspace) and up behind fridge
1b. Run line up and over doorway and then behind fridge
1c. Run line up into attic, then down behind fridge
2. Tee at cold water to sink in kitchen, then under house to come up behind fridge
Just so I’m clear, there’s no path from the sink to the refrigerator that isn’t interrupted by a doorway, so it would have to go under the house. There’s no water source on the wall nearest the refrigerator. The closest source of water would be the line to the hot water heater, which is directly across from the refrigerator. I’m not going to run real pipe down to the main, either, because I’m not 100% sure the refrigerator will stay there, and because it’s overkill.
If it matters, the attic is insulated; the crawlspace is not. Unless you count the spiders and dead mice.
Functionally won’t matter so really up to you to weigh asthetics vs pita factor.
You will want to have a shut off in the water line near the fridge though.
The PITA factor might be the deciding factor. Also, it’s a thin plastic line and I’m not 100% confident it wouldn’t freeze if run under the house. I think I could run it through the wall without having to tear stuff up too badly.
I’m not a plumber, but I used to install restaurant equipment.
“1. Saddle valve on water in to hot water heater (across from fridge)”
That sounds like a bad idea.
Is it ever below freezing in your crawlspace?
It seems to stay above freezing most of the time, but I wouldn’t swear to it. It’s a small house and the floors aren’t insulated, so the crawlspace gets a decent amount of ambient heat. Then again, we let a faucet or two drip when it gets below freezing so I don’t know if enough water would routinely be passing through the ice maker line to have the same effect.
The main issue with the saddle valve is that if it leaks or you want to get rid of it you’ve got to cut out the section and replace it. That’s a significant downside.
2 is pretty much the standard.
What is the difference between 1A and 2? As the Count asked, “Freezing in the crawl space?” and Almighty ‘s shut off requirement
Crawl space 3’ high is not too bad to work in
1A would be using the saddle valve to tap into the 1/2″ water line into the water heater, then basically run the 1/4″ plastic line down where that comes in to the house from the crawl space and then back up into the room on the refrigerator side. 2 would be doing the same, but using the tee adapter from the sink’s line. The differences really are just whether or not I’m using a tee or a saddle valve, and how far under the house I’m going.
It’s not the height so much as the funk. But more than that, the refrigerator is in an addition. When it was put on, they punched a hole through the original foundation to join into the space under the addition. It’s a tight fit. Doable, just requires a lot of rolling around in shredded insulation and desiccated vermin. I think if I were smaller I would dread it less.
So, what I’d read was that if you get a plumber to do it, they’re gonna do a 1/2″ copper line down to the main with a hammer arrestor and a valve in a nicely finished box between the studs, then run steel braid to the fridge. If you get Best Buy or someone to do the install, they’re gonna find the closest exposed copper with water in it, stick a saddle valve on that sucker, then run as much 1/4″ copper or plastic as came in the kit through as many cabinets as necessary, and if the refrigerator isn’t next to a cabinet they’re gonna tell you to call a plumber and leave. The tee adapter off the sink seems to be the standard Harry Homeowner option since it’s still code (saddle valves aren’t in some places) but doesn’t require any cutting or sweating pipe.
Hey RC Dean,
There’s 1/2 tsp of erythritol in that small glass.
Couple of stirs and it dissolved.
Hey everyone. I normally am not one to advertise future articles, but I’m going to do it today. Tomorrow’s article is a review of a beer from Alaska, as well as a review of a book. This book:
Which if you look it up makes it kind of fun, since the only other sites that seem to have reviewed it aside from Rothbard.com, or Goodreads, are bunch of crackpot sites.
That makes us a bunch of crackpots! Tell your friends.
No; it only makes you a crackpot.
You just now figured that out?
“the sun doesn’t set from 18 May until 26 July” on the island of Sommarøy according to lonelyplanet.com/news/2019/06/19/sommaroy-to-become-time-free-zone/. They “presented a Norwegian member of parliament with a petition, signed by the island’s residents, asking for Sommarøy to become the world’s first time-free zone” according to nsaneforums.com/topic/346680-this-norwegian-island-wants-to-become-the-world’s-first-time-free-zone/ That means Norway would legally recognize the place as not being in any time zone.
What time is it? Not applicable.
“the sun doesn’t set from 18 May until 26 July”
Then in all likelihood it doesn’t rise from about Nov 18th ’til Jan 26th
“Watch this video with the sound turned up. This is how antifa reacted in Portland, my city, after the election results from 2016 were known. @GregoryMcKelvey’s protest turned riot caused over $1m in damages. They destroyed parts of the city w/impunity.”
First, thanks to all for indulging me. Many people would pay thousands of dollars for the relief this place has brought me.
another youtube channel y’all might like: Super Science Friends
It has a Rick and Morty vibe, if that’s your thing.
OBE household dinner tonight: Slow braised short ribs in a garlic red wine sauce, topped with fried pancetta and mushrooms. Sides are a vegetable medley and mashed potatoes.
Happy Friday glibs
That sounds like a very fine meal. Quality red on the side?
I should but probably not
Crab cakes cooked in the air-fryer, and they were amazing. [We bought the Cuisinart oven/air-fryer a few weeks back and have been working our way into it. So far, so very good.]
Great song choice Brett and I’m delighted you put up the version with Phil Rudd.
“My 5 year old son just played me a song he made up on the piano–very ambient & restrained–when I asked what it was called he replied “subtraction hides in reality””
“Let the Mystery Be?
Researchers may soon isolate the genetic roots of homosexuality. As a scientist, that excites me. But as a gay man, I worry about what might happen next.
Queer people have a complicated relationship with our genes. On the one hand, “born this way” is recognized as the argument that won same-sex relationships equal treatment under the law. On the other hand, actually thinking about what it means for same-sex orientation to have a genetic basis can get awkward, fast.”
Sorry, dude – I can’t take anything you have to say seriously.
Does it even matter whether there is or isn’t a gay gene?
It might if there is a test for it and abortion is legal.
Hahaha, you have found grounds the progresso-sphere would support the restriction of abortion. Where’s the popcorn?
We’re always just a few days away from Gattica.
Speaking of Eugenics, an interesting history.
“The thing that helps people quit smoking is banned but cigarettes are still fine. Is this why people hate the government?”
“BREAKING: SF becomes first U.S. city to ban sale of e-cigarettes https://www.sfexaminer.com/the-city/sf-becomes-first-u-s-city-to-ban-sale-of-e-cigarettes/ … #JUUL @truthorange #vape”
“San Francisco became the first city in the U.S. to ban the sale of e-cigarettes Tuesday despite opposition from corner store owners and local vaping manufacturer Juul.
The Board of Supervisors voted 11-0 to approve the legislation introduced by Supervisor Shamann Walton, which is intended to prevent youth from vaping.
“We spent the ’90s battling Big Tobacco. And now we see its new form through e-cigarettes,” Walton said. “I am not going to put profits of Big Tobacco over the health of our children and our young people.””
But forcing your children to tip toe through human shit and dirty needles is totes, okay.
Big Government vs. Small Tobacco.
“Cleaners found an abandoned foetus [fetus to Americans] blocking the toilet of an [sic] plane in South Africa on Friday” https://www.yahoo.com/news/cleaners-abandoned-foetus-blocking-planes-toilet-africa-094911270.html h/t Q Continuum
Zombie Trump 2044!
Rep. Ilhan Omar on video defends AOC’s recent comment.
“’There are camps and people are being concentrated. This is very simple,’ Omar responded. ‘I don’t even know why this is a controversial thing for her to say,’ she added.”
Video @ therebel.media/ilhan-omar-concentration-camp-aoc-trump-bexte-politics-democrat-news
Quotation from article @ theblaze.com/news/ilhan-omar-defends-concentration-camp-comment
Ooooh, flawless logic right there.
Hey dumbfuck, it’s controversial because there’s a world of difference between deporting people who have entered the country illegally and wholesale execution of both immigrants and native-born citizens. And denying this is, frankly, a slap in the face to those people who died at the hands of the National Socialists.
I love the idea of Sandy and Illy flapping their gums as much as possible. Keep it coming, gals.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many thumbs down on a PragerU video. Well deserved. Send your own damn money.
I got to the part where we give billions to Israel but it will help our economy because they have to spend the money on our shit. I gave a homeless guy a sawbuck yesterday but it’s good because he had to use it to buy lemonade from my kids stand.
Yeah, why not just send the free stuff instead of the money to begin with? Ridiculous.
Well, there was a couple of guys, who were obviously Jewish, in front of one of our liquor stores today, who asked me if I’m Jewish. Really? Do I fucking look like I’m Jewish? I mean most of them here, it’s obvious. I’m wearing all black and long sleeves when it’s fucking 90F outside?
“all black and long sleeves when it’s fucking 90F outside”
Were you robbing the liquor store:)
If you mean increasing their profits, which is a crime in Leftistease, then yeah.
Enh, they do that to anyone who gets close enough. I’ve been mis-Jewed plenty of times. The good part you say “No” and they actually back off! Polite mf’ers.
Yeah, they were really nice. I said ‘No, I am not’, and they said ‘Have a nice day’. Yeah, sure, today, until I die and go to hell for not signing up for your religion…
I’m not sure exactly what they’re up to, but they don’t seem interested in new memberships.
Need I say it? Donation not taxation.
No, you don’t need to say it.
I’m not sure I grok your point would you care to elaborate?
*narrows gaze*
Cultural appropriation?
Enh, it needed doing and I was there.
Man, SGammo is really trying to get me to whip my credit card out.
I’ve been trying to hold out on firearm/ammo deals, but I only have so much willpower.
When you start complaining about a company’s product, you should probably make sure the company actually makes the product you’re complaining about.
So I’m a member off a Facebook group that is largely composed of Brits, and holy fuckballs – those people can’t English! And I don’t mean the typical American/British wrangling over colour/flavour, etc.
Things like using “decent” when you mean “descent”. And “no” when you mean “know”. WTF?
*of goddammit
Are they all teenagers?
Mostly middle age
How are they on apostrophes?
Fairly awful
It’s time for Battlebots
the box is locked, the lights are on – it’s robot fighting time!
(Farouq – WOULD)
Chase Strangio is an ACLU spokesman and a trans-man. Here, “he” speaks about gay wedding cakes.
Atttention wannabe trans-men:
Do you think being a scrawny, short “man” with patchy facial hair and a high-pitched voice will increase the amount of respect you get?
Hint: George Costanza was the butt of most of the jokes on Seinfeld.
And for the record, I’m short as hell, ugly as sin, and have a radioactive personality.
You don’t get no respect neither?
I get no respect! No respect at all! No regard or esteem either.*
15 quatloos to whomever knows this quote.
So, you are me?
Oh no. You’re humble, wise, polite, and kind.
Maybe someday I’ll get there too.
Oh. I have a “fun” bureaucracy story for you. Congress mandated that the agency I work for have a certain structure. The CIO needs to report directly to the head guy instead of the operations bureau. Fine. All they need to do is re-draw a dotted line on the org chart from one guy to another guy. This was tagged in our team meeting on Tuesday as URGENT, as someone was supposed to be testifying on the Hill about the restructuring.
Do you think we (the web team) got an updated org chart to upload to the website in the 3 days remaining in the week after our meeting?
I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.
Here, this applies to your situation:
Love me some Scott Adams
Seriously Kristen, we should have drinks. Contact me if you want to meet up in Alexandria. I would love to know another Libertarian Woman. If not that’s ok too.
Definitely!! YOu have any spots you like in Old Town?
Also, if you’d like to go to the range, my membership gives my guests a 50% discount on a lane. It’s in Manasshole, but it’s very nice (i.e. worth it)
Feel free to email me at my fake email and I’ll reply from my real email: ronswansonsbeyotch@gmail.com.
Some eye candy and a funny exchange on TV just now:
Cop: We clocked you at over 106 mph. Did you just open it up for fun?
Cute motorcycle chick: Well, yeah!