I like to start these things out with minor anecdotes so that people can think that we’re human. I have no anecdotes. But I have a picture of Wonder Dog with an inflatable collar, doing her impression of Swiss Servator.
Birthdays today include Nina’s dad; a chick who banged Spock; a vastly overrated guitarist; a vastly overrated cartoonist; one of Obama’s targets who managed to survive; and a punchline in search of a joke.
News coming up next.
Will he or won’t he? Only The Mustache knows for sure.
“…but names will never hurt me.” They might fuck YOU up, though.
Another attack by a white supremacist.
I swear, when we moved here, I had no idea. /looks nervously at SP’s rusty tin can lids.
I’d vote to acquit, then give him a medal.
And for Old Guy Music, here’s one for the Very Young Lady, one of SP’s favorite songs. There’s a wonderful story behind it involving a large bag of weed, cannabutter, and a squirrel, but no time for it now. It mourns a dead friend, and with marvelous lyric poetry.
Morning (Glibs time), OMWC!
I’m only on my second cup of coffee, so type more softly, please.
Be wewee wewee quiet. The Old Man is hunting using Candy as bait…
I larfed.
Thank you.
Exactly what Tulpa would say.
I did not include anything about making money without leaving home or about enlarging or reducing any body parts, see some URL for details.
Is wewee wewee quiet where you piss on the side of the toilet bowl instead of the water so you don’t wake up your wife?
I think he meant to say ‘vehwee, vehwee’ quiet, but used a w in place of the v. Fudd clearly use the V.
One e in the first syllable for the short e soud. No h necessary.
Not sure what to comment on. I’m just waiting around for the car to get fixed (Same USB port issue I was bitching about a while back)
Gah! Still? I hate superfluous new tech in vehicles.
I didn’t have a chance to get the issue resolved while on my road trip Something about needing my car during that time.
Should have dropped the care off for service and taken that road trip with the loaner.
One recent time when the car was in the shop, the service techs were aghast at the idea that I would take the loaner car on a road trip to Columbus (~200 miles away) for a weekend. Meanwhile, my commute is about 100 miles round trip daily.
Yeah, I had to reread that before it dawned on me that I still drive a piece of shit.
Is it superfluous if he actually uses it?
Damn Teslas, how are you supposed to charge it if the USB port doesn’t work?
“I like to start these things out with minor anecdotes so that people can think that we’re human”
I thought the science was settled that we’re all Tulpae/Russian bots?
That is why he said “can think we are human”!
C’mon fellow Tulpa, get with the program.
Fuck that! I’m Poppy!
Replace that image with one of a balding gargoyle holding a beer and it would be nearer the mark but I identify as a Poppy so that’s what’s important!
Finally just saw Kingsmen 2. Did you know there’s a scene in the movie where you follow the hero’s finger as it goes under Poppy’s panties? At least I think it’s the same Poppy.
*furiously starts Googling*
One of us
One of us
One of us
Who’s gonna do the shooting?
“I like to start these things out with minor anecdotes”
Trolling for a narrowed gaze?
The dog already gave it to him.
Wonder Dog filled in for me.
Wonder Dog looks to be part boar.
Polar Bear.
Polar Boar, more like. Looks like an awesome Doggo!
She is.
She really, really misses her fren Swiss. She is joyful when her fren Kibby is here, but it’s not the same.
Kibby does have a better rack than you do, but I suspect that’s lost on Wonder Dog.
Give her pizza.
I thought she was a Tiger
TWD is adorbs, BTW.
“The National Institute on Drug Abuse provided $120,000 for the three-year study.”
I wonder if they could have raised the money i they tried to get people to voluntarily pay to look in Washington state wastewater for what MJ turns into.
Fun Fact – The head of NIDA is a Mexican psychologist named Nora Volkow. Her great-grandfather was Leon Trotsky.
+1 Ice Axe
Mornin’ OMWC-
Last night, the temperature on the bank sign was 36 degrees. There’s snow in the trees above me (~6000ft).
Have a wonderful day.
Here it’s 63, with a forecast high of 75, and rain for half a day or more.
High of 79F, started at 55 though. It will be good to go swimming tonight.
No rain predicted until Monday, so we’ve got that going for us at least.
100 degree temps here in San Antonio with a chill factor of 110.
Same in Austin, but a nice breeze…
This, from a guy who idolizes Crumb?
*balls up fists*
I happen to agree…
*flares nostrils*
Wait…what would a Glibertarian “threat display” be?
Flaring out of tinfoil?
I think you might have it!
Reaching to grab a cat?
More on topic, how can BB be overrated? Heck, has there ever been a newspaper comic strip artist that was overrated? Comic books, yes *KoffFrankChoKoff* But those people that crank out daily work seem to give you a really good amount of work to judge.
Yes, a really good amount of “meh”, for BB’s part.
De Gustibus.
However, I think it’s easier to make the case that Far Side is more overrated than Bloom County. And certainly Doonesbury.
Doonesbury was just awful. I mean really, really awful. And Bloom County was a worse version of Doonesbury.
Doonesbury, yes. Far Side… *Flares tinfoil*
Again, I’m talking overrated.
Far Side was legitimately funny. But people who treat it as a super-insightful unique outlook on humanity and the sciences are as insufferable as people who think Dilbert is the analogue to the office workplace.
is hilarious and always cracks me up. It’s also cheap absurdism. I loves me some absurdism. Which is probably why I also like Bloom county more than others might.
Far Side and Bizarro are good.
More my kind of panel cartoon.
This one from Far Side always tickles me for some reason.
Heh. New Glib meme. “Flares Tinfoil” Nice work,Tonio!
As long as none of you start talking shit about Watterson, I can roll with it.
Far Side is the shit. Definitely not overrated.
Crumb, Herriman, Watterson, McCay… those were real cartoonists. Breathed is a hack.
Agreed in full, Old Man.
First of all your exclusion of Walt Kelly proves you’re philistine.
And second, Watterson over Breathed? Lay off the kosher crack. Breathed has legitimate drawing chops is (was?) willing to punch in every direction, knew how to make 3D characters (Steve Fucking Dallas in one year has more depth and nuance than the entire print run of Calvin) and kept on drawing despite breaking his back. Oh yeah, and he flew ultralights.
Watterson was what Kelly would have been if Kelly were actually funny. Kelly was a good draftsman, but lousy writer. His strips have not held up well.
C&H had a tiny cast of half-assed drawn characters that all were one-note jokes. Peanuts had more artistic and literary skill.
As for Pogo not aging well, that’s the peril of doing topical humor. When nobody knows who Spiro Agnew and Tammany Hall are it makes it difficult to get the jokes.
I should probably mention that I own every bound edition of C&H that have ever been printed. I love it, but I’m not blind to the limits.
My sister used to assure me that Bobby Sherman was the finest musician of the 20th century. The look I’m giving you right now is exactly the same look I used to give her.
I don’t blame her, because it’s hard to get a recording of Artur Schnabel.
But seriously, everything I wrote is 100% true.
Tiny cast? Check.
Half-assed drawing? Check. Calvin is Charlie Brown+Squigglevision (then again, you’re probably a big fan of Squigglevision)
One note jokes? Checkitty-check-check-check. The cast of C&H might as well have been the cast of Seinfeld. Every strip starts with them being reset to their default states. Watterson’s talent was putting these predictable pieces in situations where their NPC routines resulted in something funny happening.
C&H is one of the all-time greats.
I also loved B.C. and Wizard of Id.
I have to agree.
Walt Kelly.
I like Breathed, but agree he’s not top five. Yeah, he cashed in big time on Opus.
BTW, I should make a disclaimer: many years ago, I adopted a cat. Snaggletoothed, broken and mutated tail, pronounced limp. So of course he was named Bill.
Tonio bares his soul: Lynn Johnston. Humane without being preachy.
Related: Not top ten but Tim Barela who is like a gay Lynn Johnston. “Leonard and Larry” helped me through some dark times and he refuses to demonize socons.
Johnston did the same unusual thing that Frank King used to do with Gasoline Alley- actually had the characters age.
Same with Barela. You are a connoisseur of many things.
My dad was a cartoonist, so as kids, we lived and breathed this stuff. I remember when I was a 12 year old, Dad dropped a copy of Zap Comix in front of me and said, “Look at this, it is really, really great art.”
Rod Stewart agrees with you about Gasoline Alley.
And also, how about some love for Moon Mullins? His boy slept in a drawer.
Kliban, I would add Kliban to the list.
Breathed’s strips almost always parroted the conventional MSM narrative. He never went against the grain and never had anything insightful or really funny to say. I’m going with OMWC on this one.
I can’t agree. Yes, he’s a lefty, but he has a much more libertarian streak than the MSM ever has ESPECIALLY when it comes to worshipping the political caste:
And he’s done innumerable strips mocking entitlement culture (because of ink limitations, the ones where Opus is learning to be a farmer, and the one where he’s at the benefit office to pick up his check for Bill the Cat are omitted) and also calling out PC culture decades ago (look up “offensensitivity”)
And he’s vastly more even-handed in mocking/caricaturing both sides:
I think the MSM of the time would be happy with how Maj. Bloom is drawn, less so with the American Liberal.
I’m glad somebody said it.
Never got the jokes. Just shared it around and laughed at people who didn’t get it.
Guess the joke was on them??
You guys have No Mercy.
From the TSA article…
One TSA officer was taken to the hospital to be treated for his injuries. Four other officers were taken to an urgent care. Their conditions are not known.
Conditions? I bet it is “how long can I stay out on short term dis + worker’s comp?”
The police report states that Garner may be mentally disturbed, and may have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs
That is some mighty fine speculatin’ there, Lou.
>>“But it’s really great shit!”
The last stuff I got is mellow enough – but lasts and lasts. Three hours later I’m thinking: “I’m still high!!” And it also had a random spike effect with bursts of “super high” feelings.
Previous batch – the high was only ~45 minutes long; with a real mellow bring down. Perfect for weeknight smoking.
You have my address?
I do not and you should see the last one…looked like someone sprinkled it with edit fairy dust.
We’re a bit longer drive for you these days, alas.
Yeah and nobody likes burnt bacon. I’m built for cold climates.
I used to love me some weed but even with the advent of “boutique” strains I’d still be leery about the effects what with my mood swings and wonky brain chemistry swirled into the mix. Same reason that I avoid hallucinogens, I don’t want to look behind the curtain no mo.
Weed is a minor hallucinogen, but not an alkaloid poison like psilocybin, etc.
I ate mushrooms, LSD and most of the others like candy from 15 to 25. Only a few bad trips but I didn’t have decades of regret to bring on the willies. Of course I also wouldn’t ride on the roof of a car speeding down the highway anymore, either.
Whelp, I guess you won’t be the turret gunner on my Killdozer.
I said car. There was no mention of Killdozer.
“Of course I also wouldn’t ride on the roof of a car speeding down the highway anymore, either.”
I did that too. Except it was a manual transmission Ford Pinto that I had just taught my buddy how to drive. And no drugs where involved except for testosterone.
Hey, we both lived to tell the tale so it’s alright.
Anyone want to comment on the reports (don’t know if the story is true) that President Donald J. Trump told Oman to tell the Iranians the US was attacking, US military aircraft were sent, and the aircraft turned back instead of dropping bombs, firing missiles, etc.?
He’s an Iranian plant! We need a special investigator!!!
NPR had an ex-CIA specialist on Iran this morning. The entirety of the interview was leading questions on how bad Trump is fucking up.
Granted, I don’t want to go to war with Iran, but NPR can’t seem to do anything without their bias showing through anymore.
Have they ever? I can’t recall a time when they weren’t the go-to source for faux-intellectual, high-brow progressivism.
Whenever someone at work mentions NPR, I always ask “Yeah, but that’s just Fox News with classical music, you don’t actually trust them, do you?”
The reactions are well worth it.
I am going to deploy this.
They also had a former BATFE guy on to claim that suppressors are absolutely not for hearing protection but exist solely so that an aggressor can maintain the element of surprise longer. You could hear the hysteria building in his voice.
I heard that the whole “planes were in the air” thing is bullshit. There was plans for a response with assets in place/play. The attacks where scheduled for early local hours in the AM (to minimize civilian casualties) and was called off when some kind of dialog began.
What is is with Arkie women and politicians?
If ya like ’em kinda of Daisy Mae meets Trailer Park Tawny…
Florida Man meets his soul mate, Arkansas Woman!
I like my women just a little on the trashy side
That guy is something. Seriously wasn’t he boning his dieing brothers wife while he was married?
Arkansas Woman is profoundly impressed with any man with a full set of teeth who tells her he’ll get her a new set, too?
Poor poor Lachowsky.
“I’d vote to acquit, then give him a medal.”
High powered bath salts, turns ordinary teenagers into raging assault weapons
Bath Salts?! I thought this was an Arizona airport, not Florida!!! Must have been meth.
June.20.2019 at 10:17 am
Do you know where communism came from? Why it took root? It was a response to an oligarchic monarchical system that had raped and pillaged European societies for a thousand years. The income inequality and inequity we see today rivals anything that has ever existed. The stock market is rigged. The banking system is corrupt. Politicians like Trump use public office to make millions. People can only take so much of this shit. I’m not in favor of radical changes but that’s where we’re headed if modest reforms are not taken.
Holy shit, me from high school is posting at H&R!
Wind-up monkeys beat tin drums
Still, Pelosi’s comments nodded to the Democratic suspicion that Trump will put up a fight. She argued the Democrats’ must win by a margin so “big” that Trump can’t challenge the results.
The sentiment, Democrats say, is fueled by Trump’s cavalier attitude toward presidential term lengths.
Trump continues to talk up the prospect that he could serve past the constitutionally mandated period. On Twitter last weekend, Trump pondered, “do you think the people would demand that I stay longer?” The line mirrored language he used at a rally in Pennsylvania last month where he talked about living in the White House for 20 years.
The president has long casually toyed with the idea that he could stay in office beyond the constitutionally set maximum.
In March 2018, Trump praised the ruling Communist Party of China for abolishing presidential term limits. Then, a month later, he publicly pondered why he couldn’t be in office for 16 years, an apparent reference to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who died during his fourth term. The 22nd Amendment, ratified a few years after Roosevelt’s death, prohibited future presidents from serving more than two consecutive elected terms.
It’s not just talk of extending term limits that have raised questions about the president’s respect for the next cycle. During the 2016 campaign, Trump stoked fears among his supporters that the election would be “rigged” and he refused to state during his final debate with Hillary Clinton that he’d concede to his Democratic opponent if she won.
Yes, yes, of course. It’s Republicans who cannot be relied upon to gracefully accept the results of an election. To be sure.
The prospect of Trump spending twenty years in the White House got a good laugh out of me.
Wasn’t this a common trope during W’s reign? Heck even during Obama’s two-term, I remember was paranoid comments (articles?) about the same thing.
Yes, this is a minor piece of Kabuki theatre that is ritually performed during some, but not all, administrations.
While I’m sure that some of his base would like this, I think it’s more about trolling the left.
The ritual freak-out is about firing up the base and generating clicks. It’s ridiculous.
I think it’s more about trolling the left.
Yes, and like you say during Obama as well (though not by the media, of course, unlike with the Republicans).
Some documentation for your point: Reports that then-President Obama may cancel 2012 elections.
therightscoop.com/ladies-of-the-view-cancel-2012-election/ (The View, not right wing, discussing this)
“do you think the people would demand that I stay longer?”
The gf’s family opined about Barry staying longer. Interestingly, it was leftist hero FDR that was the only one to not abide by Washington’s example. (TBF I think that Dishonest Abe would also have run as many times as he could, given the opportunity.)
The president has long casually toyed with the idea that he could stay in office beyond the constitutionally set maximum.
Yea, sure. But either way, he can’t. If he loses the election he stops being president and the winner starts being president at a predetermined time and date.
Well, folks, drink up! That’s right, start right now, because the end of the world is surely nigh. One Nick dude with a jacket has prognosticated that one orange nazi dude will be re-elected in 2020, much to the horror of Shikha Dalmia, and well, the entire world.
*posts illicit link to site which shall not be spoken of*
The Horror!
So Hihn’s new handle is ‘TheFOURTHReich” huh? Glad to see he’s as batshit as ever.
Nice to see Tony hasn’t changed a lick.
I find Rufus’s lack of faithfulness……disturbing.
Depends which hand is up his fundament, apparently. (pace, Rufus. I keed, I keed)
I support an individual’s right to be polycommentarious.
But he might spread the cosmo to us!!1!!!11
Just turn down the cocktail invites, you’ll be OK.
I delved briefly into the comments. Can’t remember who the insane commenter was who compared Trump’s America with Czarist Russia. It takes a special kind of stupid to say something like that.
Well Hihn’s sock was saying its because of Trump that we’ll get socialism. Must be those democrats were total centrists who loved small government and fiscal responsibility before OragneManBad forced them to take a hard left turn.
Too late.
What hump?
Don’t drink the water in Seattle, you’ll never pass a drug test. OTOH looks like an opportunity to bottle and sell
‘The President’s tempered response stands in stark contrast to harsh public warnings from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and particularly the views of Bolton, who has publicly and repeatedly called for regime change in Tehran in the past.’
Perpetual war-boner’s gonna perpetually war-bone.
‘Perpetual War Boner’s’ is a decent band name
Hopefully the Hat and the Hair can keep the Porn ‘Stache of War in check.
Why don’t he fire Bolton’s ass?
Because Bolton will work for free.
Seriously, the guy is obsessed.
Huh, don’t know how that ended up here. Sorry, 4×20.
Good thing I never plan on going to Seattle.
I was there a couple of times about 20 years ago. Don’t plan on ever going back. Even back then, it was getting bad. Hobos, druggies, and beggars everywhere on the streets downtown. I went into a little liquor store and the high as a kite guy ringing up sales asked me if I wanted a bag. I said no and started walking out with my 6 beers and he starts yelling ‘Hey, I will put it in a bag for you, come back, I will put it in the bag!’ The dumb fucks follows me out of the store and starts yelling ‘I will put it in the bag!’. Then 2 of his co-workers grabbed him and hauled his dumbass back inside. Freaks every fucking where in that town.
What the absolute hell? Blergh, it just sucks that almost all my friends back in the States ended up moving to Seattle. I’ll just have to cut my losses and enjoy what I got left.
I, too, was there for work 20 yrs ago. There was hard-core porn on the public access cable TV channel. One time we caught two people doing the nasty in the poison ivy on the hill of the jobsite. I still remember the seafood restaurant down on the pier that put butcher paper on your table, gave you a hammer and a bib, and then dumped a whole pot of seafood on the table.
What a city!
“I still remember the seafood restaurant down on the pier that put butcher paper on your table, gave you a hammer and a bib, and then dumped a whole pot of seafood on the table.”
I did that also, a few times. King Crabs the size of camels.
Not even a fork and some extra butter?
My friend Russ, says that he was panhandled over 60 years ago in Seattle. He left and moved to the desert of AZ. Apparently nothing has changed.
I agree. Bloom County. Never got the love hurled upon it.
Sensible Chuckles abound.
That’s because muppets don’t have souls.
This coming from a guy who thinks Peanuts is better than C/H. /aggressively spreads Duo Penotti on bread shredding it.
…I don’t know that I necessarily believe that. “Better?” I do think Charles Schultz is a better cartoonist than Bill Watterson — Schultz drew a strip every goddamn day for FIFTY YEARS. And obviously Peanuts had a lot more development than C&H. If you were able to quantify “funny” the mean Peanuts strip would probably fall below the mean for C&H. Though like Pogo, who knows how C&H is going to age?
I think “Peanuts” was drawn by others during the last couple of decades it ran. But agree that daily strip form is grueling.
There is a Zippy strip where Griffith is at a cartoonists’ convention attending a panel on “oversensitivity and elitism in daily strip form.” Griffith is the only underground cartoonist to have gone truly mainstream.
wikipedia, so probably not entirely true:
You can definitely see where his lines started getting more erratic.
50 years is pretty damn impressive for sure. He’s the Gordie Howe of comic strips!
And Peanuts may be the only strip that mentions Gordie Howe in it.
Republicans to date have often given Trump the benefit of the doubt on controversial statements and actions. But Rep. Ro Khanna, a California Democrat, said he is confident that even a GOP that has embraced all-things Trump would rebuke a lame duck Trump if he refused to respect the election results.
“Even my Republican colleagues, who are not willing to impeach, have said to me that they would not stand for a president defying a court-certified election result, nor would they stand for a president running for more than two terms,” he said.
Khanna added that he was more concerned with the integrity of the election itself, and “the shenanigans that could happen in the counting of the votes in these states.”
Shenanigans are bad when the wrong people are pulling them.
Worse than Monkey Shines?
The chart that defines our warming world
“Conversations.” We all know what that means.
“We will tell you how much of your money and freedoms to pony up, and you will bend over, grab your ankles, and moan in pleasure”?
*Lube not available in CA, OR, WA, NY, NJ or IL.
Don’t forget TPRoC (The People’s Republic of Connecticut).
“and to start conversations that might lead to solutions.”
What’s he smoking? Where has he been? On what planet is he on?
Shut up, Dad! You don’t know me!
Yeah, but you aren’t listening. You have to agree with all their bullshit.
“On what planet is he on?”
The one you continue to rape, pillage, and plunder.
“The entire planet has got hotter, increasingly so in recent decades.”
What about the ‘pause’ or ‘hiatus’?
“who has sought clearer ways to communicate the issues around climate change”
Unless “climate change” = global warming, then “climate change” is a substantively meaningless concept. If there is less, the same, or more than average named storms this Atlantic Hurricane season, for example, all three outcomes are proof of “climate change.” If “climate change” = “global warming,” then the central premise is that CO2 causes “the entire planet has got hotter,” but the statistical correlation on that (ppm in atmosphere vs. temperature) has been debunked.
“and to start conversations that might lead to solutions.”
This is the part most interesting to me. The part where someone insists we have to solve climate change, but even when you get the prog/snowflake/whatever to agree that it is an extinction level threat, will still be opposed to fracking and nuclear.
clearer ways to communicate the issues around climate change
So he flung paint at the wall in some progressive art venture? It would be about as accurate as any data.
1) is the global climate warming? Probably
2) is the warming unprecedented in rate or temperature? Unknown – sources that could determine this are corrupt and biased
3)are CO2 levels rising? Probably
4) is the unprecedented warming being caused by rising CO2 levels? Unlikely – sources that say otherwise are corrupt and biased
5) are CO2 levels rising because of human factors? Probably not, given that human sources account for 4% of annual CO2 emissions and the variability of natural sources on a non-volcano year is 3-5%
6)is this warming trend bad? Unknown
7) is there anything we can do to reverse or slow the warming trend? Unknown and unlikely
8) is there anything we can do that will be less destructive to life and liberty than the warming itself? Unknown and highly unlikely.
They’ve sort of reached likely answers on questions 1 and 3. Get back to me when they answer the other 5 questions with anything except for fear mongering.
It’s a rain day! Yippie! Wait, that just means I work tomorrow, fuck me.
Ugh. I have a morning shift on Saturday that starts when I’m usually going to bed. Fun!
Day drink, now.
On it!
Before noon?! Good sir, some of us posses a modicum of restraint.
*hits the bowl*
You potheads!
*stirs Irish Coffee*
You shall not be appropriating the Irish culture me boyo.
*sips hot chocolate*
It’s been raining every night/early morning here for about a week. Humid as hell. Yesterday was 84 with 74% humidity.
Just got a flash flood alert on my tablet. No worries, living at the tip of a large hill has it’s advantages. Floods and tornadoes tend to pass right by.
Same here. The creek, which is about 300-400 ft below us, wiped out a section of the road by the bridge a few weeks ago. Safe up here.
My life in sex: ‘I think about the musician even when I’m in bed with my boyfriend’
The woman with an all-consuming crush
Tulip and Billy Idol?
* applause *
I am not a big IQ genius here, but I’d say this would be a pretty stupid idea. Also, jeez, poor sap.
Yeah, this is a grown woman with a 13 year old’s crush. I was in love with Penelope Cruz as a teenager and was convinced there was no woman I’d ever find as attractive as her. Luckily I have a rational brain and decided to allow myself to actually enjoy other women unlike this misanthrope who is going to waste her life and boyfriends time pining for something she’ll never have.
Damn, good taste. Mine was ScarJo, but I too accepted reality and moved on to squishier chicas.
My 90’s teenage crushes were Shirley Manson, Jewell, and Jennifer Love Hewitt…I can’t remember the last time I rubbed one out to any of them.
Also, is she obsessed with Moby?! If so, weak sauce, lady.
One of my fraternity brothers had a girlfriend who looked exactly like Shirley Manson. I was outrageously jealous until she got fat after graduation.
And don’t forget about Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Girl from high school named Fern was the spitting image of Shirley. We called her Fernace.
Moby was my guess.
That guy needs to head for the hills.
Run for your life?
+1 Evil Eddie
This is why rock stars will always get laid
I used to be good friends with a local punk rock guitarist. He always had a rotating girlfriend, ended up marring a 19yo when was 30, and before that, banged a large portion of the gals in the “scene”. Now he’s divorced, fat, 40-something – but recently was dating a 20-something.
“My, My, Hey, Hey….”
Moby tho?
Also, “You’re not half the man Moby is!” I think at that point it’s God telling you that this person is a total fuckin’ lunatic and you’re getting one mulligan if you use it right now.
Bald and nearly 40 eh? Sorry lady but Moby has a crush on Natalie Portman
Ahhhh, you fucker. Beat me to it.
Tell him to get in line. Also, Danica McKellar.
Also, “nearing”? Just stop, lady. He’s been 40.
Yeah, Danica McKellar still looks fantastic.
I saw her at a science conference in DC my wife dragged me to a few years back. She was opposite that hack Bill Nye. I just stood around Danica’s stage. She was saying something about math, but all I heard was, “Hi Bill. Math and stuff. For some bizarre reason I find you incredibly attractive and absolutely fascinating. Please, oh please, rescue me from the drudgery of public speaking! I, too, enjoy beer!”
Moby is mid 50s though.
“My boyfriend and I are about to buy a house together, but I find myself dreaming of running away and finding a job in the same city as the musician, on the off-chance that we should meet.”
Well, hopefully, for musician guy’s sake, she’s hot, so the stalking won’t be quite as bad.
“Why is there such a fear? Why is there such anger? Why such a hatred and opposition to somebody running?”
Too much baggage.
“I like to start these things out with minor anecdotes so that people can think that we’re human”
At least it was Wonder Dog and not a pic of SP cruising around on my bike.
She could never reach the peddles, you Silly!
“pedals” before TedS reams me a new one.
I thought that was some backhanded anti-semitism aimed at OMWC.
Should have left it.
Retail politics
Mylavarapu sees parallels everywhere. You have a “killer” product—in this case, a candidate and his message—and you want to generate organic, word-of-mouth buzz. And when people are checking this product out—maybe on the website, maybe at a campaign event—you want to keep following up with them about it. Here’s Mayor Pete on an issue you cared about. Mayor Pete is coming to your area! Mylavarapu calls it a conversation, but it also sounds like a sales funnel. We noticed Mayor Pete is in your shopping cart, would you like to complete your order?
Mylavarapu points to what her team calls “grassroots events.” Rather than just wooing political high-rollers and throwing dinners at $2,800 a head—although the campaign hosts those too—these are more like fund-raising rallies, where thousands of Mayor Pete fans, or just the Mayor Pete-curious, can see the candidate speak for donations starting at $25. The campaign is also distributing free tickets to targeted demographics, like young voters. “The idea is to make it super-open and accessible for folks at different price points,” she adds.
Wired goes all moist and gooey for Mayor Pete. So dreamy. He understands them. He knows what they want, in Silicon Valley.
One of us! One of us!
These people sound like a gaggle of 12-year-old girls. “it’s going to be super-open! Killer!”
You wanted 90 minutes of 70s Italian Horror movie soundtrack music – well you got it!
For one thing, Kilmer said, surveys can be inaccurate because people asked about their drug use don’t always tell the truth.
I know. It’s almost like he’s implying the number of illegal immigrants in this country hasn’t stayed static for 30 years
Get some popcorn! The muslims and the gays are duking it out in St. Paul!
The background: St. Paul city council passed a resolution with 6 of the 7 councilmen voting to make June Gay Pride month. Gay activists started looking into the social media history of the holdout and found a lot of anti-gay (and some that really isn’t anti-gay but is being used anyway) comments.
The plot twist: The councilman is muslim and isn’t backing down.
For once I think intersectionality is going to pay off. Gay vs. Muslim vs. Black vs. Religious Freedom
BTW, one of the social media quotes that is being used as evidence against him is one we are all guilty of here:
Speak for yourself, PJ.
Didn’t he basically say NO HOMO (which I remember a lot of us using at TOS for a period of time)?
Shit, I used it last thread.
People are weird.

Srsly? Way to play into the charges of hysteria and over-sensitivity.
I say that every time after I look in the mirror.
That one way mirror you secretly installed in one of the rooms of the creepy motel you run?
This guy gets it.
Because you don’t belong to the genus Homo?
Joco Homo
Guess we’ll see which side is more devout.
Socons have long, and justifiably, called out the LGBTetc Movement on going soft on Islam, ie “you’d never try that with an Islamic baker.” Well, looks like that moment is finally here, just not quite what anyone would have expected.
It’s amazing how fast it’s gone from “if you have a problem with gay people you are a bigot” to “if you don’t support gay marriage you are a bigot” to “if you don’t celebrate Pride Month you are a bigot”. This is a game that seems to be purposely played to recast certain groups as “bigots” by default.
Well, now that I read some of his posts, they do seem pretty bigoted. What is wrong with this dude
I think my problem is actually the opposite. I tend to give American Muslims the benefit of the doubt more often than not. With the obvious exception being Nation of Islam types.
Somali’s in MN get an absolute free pass on *ANYTHING*. I don’t mean “anything that would raise eyebrows”. I mean that on public transit, you can hear discussions about stoning jews and gays spoken openly, Somali men telling at non-Somali black women they dress like a whore in front of their boyfriends, etc.
Not all Somalis are like that, obvioulsy, but there is no resistance from our progressive, inclusive city to the ones that are. Because islamophobia.
In this case, the fact he didn’t support the resolution led them to look into his past where they discovered he is a muslim version of Roy Moore.
I think the bigotry charge comes from his actual beliefs as a muslim, not that he wouldn’t support the resolution.
There is some there there to the accusation.
The question is really will the gays let him skate because his religion is islam. Like I said, no way they would excuse Roy Moore for his bigotry because his christianity.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt before reading his posts.
Unfortunately for the LGBT crowd, the proggy elites put Muslim higher on the diversity totem poll. Only way to get even higher on the totem is muslim tranny.
I don’t suspect that Muslims will win out in the end. And I think Muslims largely realize this and that’s why these conflicts keep occurring (such as in the UK where Muslim communities don’t want gender theory taught in their schools).
The obvious answer is to allow everyone to go their own way, but progressivism fetishizes centralization and uniformity so they would never allow that. And I just can’t imagine white progressives siding with one of the more orthodox and stringent faiths over their own brand of sexual ethics.
Who doesn’t want to wear the pin?
“if you don’t celebrate Pride Month you are a bigot”
Who?, who refuses to wear the ribbon!?
Busuri, in his social media post, noted he is the only black person on the council and the only Muslim.
The butter churn dancing GIF was a bit much.
People do realize pride is one of the seven deadly sins right?
I thought they just wanted to be equal. But they get a month to flaunt their existence? ‘We’re here and we’re queer, hear our cheers!’ You can’t have it both ways.
What happens if we discover that some of the white men so hated in history for allegedly doing bad things on purpose are discovered to have been gay? Do they get unreasoned in the the intersectionality matrix?
If they say Da Vinci was gay then what happens if Genghis Khan is gay? EH? HM?
Even worse, what if they find out that Hitler and Donald Trump were/are secret muslim trannies?
“Who doesn’t want to wear the ribbon?”
The Millennial Left Takes on American Exceptionalism
Ocasio-Cortez’s “concentration camps” comment questions an old orthodoxy: that only other countries—and not the U.S.—are capable of evil.
What do you call detention centers under a Democratic administration? Nothing. It’s never mention in the news.
What do you call those same detention centers under a Republican administration? Concentration camps. Literally Hitler!
Yup. And when you point this out they accuse you of being racist.
No, the reason that there was a debate was due to the fact that AOC has no idea about history at all and she has the media white-knighting for her harder than a camgirl thot’s followers.
Also, she used the term NEVER AGAIN, which last I recalled was a HOLOCAUST aka NAZI main point.
she used the term NEVER AGAIN
Which destroys the argument that she was not making a Nazi reference.
Her being a cam-girl and the media being her drooling fans is a pretty apt analogy.
^Seconded. The media is infatuated with her. It’s like a bunch of adolescent boys crowding around the new girl trying to impress her by doing handstands and shit.
Until this shit comes crashing down around us I see her as the future of politics. Our fame obsessed culture and media will continue to gravitate toward increasingly attractive, and increasingly witless politicians (demagogues) , most of whom started out in film, television or social media fame. A confluence of Brave New World and Idiocracy as it were.
She’s an idiot beyond what is accepted to be one.
Fuck that illiterate illiberal twat.
And fuck Beinart too while we’re at it.
Bend over Paul. I’ll show you exceptionalism.
Why can’t AOC and Justin run off together on a failed Space-X launch?
Says the face of the party that won’t approve a bill to send resources down there to bring relief, in favor of holding the migrants hostage because Orange.
Which is a good definition, and one that totally disqualifies AoC applying it to the detention centers, as the people being held there are being held until they can be tried, which is a normal procedure for which such detention centers are called “jails”.
The term “he” predates SJWLGBTQWERTTY, so trans women shouldn’t be offended when it’s applied to them?
Orange Man pulls back from the brink and so naturally the respectable people will criticize him for that. I hope Bolton resigns in protest.
Jim Sciutto
Verified account
When President Trump and his advisors again claim “no one has been tougher on Russia than Trump”, remind them that Trump admin has now conceded both Syria and Venezuela to Russian control and Russia has not withdrawn from an inch of territory in Ukraine.
^ This is why the corporate press is the enemy of the people. Their endless blood lust is unceasing
If you are a newsie, what sounds better? Going to a foreign country and covering a war or covering the local county commissioner meeting?
Sure, the way the county intends to spend their budget probably has more of an impact on the lives of your viewers, but BORING!
You can’t be a hero war correspondent if there is no war. Remember the intense circle jerk that occurred at the beginning of the Iraq war?
They get to hold their ear piece as they duck bombs like Hilary did so they can pretend to be heroes.
Just like Brian Williams.
Who still has a job.
That’s all you need to know about modern corporate media.
Cue Bowie.
Russia has not withdrawn from an inch of territory in Ukraine.
Perhaps some trenches, razor wire and gas would make that guy happy.
Trump is now arming Ukraine and sending “advisers”. An escalation that Obama rightfully refused to do. This Russia Fever Dream nonsense has already set the stage for a proxy war in Ukraine. But, the corporate press demands blood now!
“now conceded both Syria and Venezuela to Russian control”
“Conceded”, as if we have ownership over these countries. There is no better way to upset the corporate press than to not engage in war or, even worse, end a conflict. The horror!
As if Syria hasn’t been under the Russian/Soviet sphere of influence for the last 6 decades.
They don’t seem to teach history before 9/11 in j-school
Those certainly weren’t Sherman tanks swarming over the Golan Heights in 1948, 1967 or 1973. Imbeciles.
Maybe 1948 as Syria was a French possession recently. I know they German tanks.
Half the rationale for the US endorsement of Israel was to act as a counterweight to Soviet influence in the area.
That would be former Obama advisor Jim Sciutto, for the record.
conceded both Syria and Venezuela to Russian control
Why should we be at odds with Russia over a couple of shitholes?
Bolton is not going to resign. I’m firmly convinced he would completely debase himself for any opportunity to implement his worldview.
His instincts seem good, hopefully he doesn’t get talked into anything stupid.
Sure seems like Iran is trying to goad us into doing something, doesn’t it? Makes me wonder how shaky the regime’s hold on power is right now. Maybe they want a fight to get the Iranian people to rally behind them.
I don’t think Iran is goading us. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from a strategic perspective. I think Iran is just as aggressive toward us as they have always been, but I really think that the drone was in their airspace. I just cannot imagine Iran risking a conflict with the US by shooting down a drone in international waters. They must realize that any conflict with America would draw-in all the regional powers and devastate their country worse than Syria.
Or, maybe Iran doesn’t understand that different presidents will react differently to provocations, and that what would be safe with president ‘A’ might not be so safe with president ‘B’. And they may just want to restrict oil flow through the straits of Hormuz for everyone but themselves in order to raise the price of their oil.
I don’t doubt that may be a possibility too, but I also don’t trust Bolton.
Bolton definitely can not be trusted.
It doesn’t make sense for Iran. It could make perfect sense for the current regime.
Exactly. I wouldn’t assume that the current mullahocracy thinks in a way that western politicians and diplomats would consider rational.
I don’t think it is Iran either.
*adjusts tin foil hat*
It’s the globalist deep state trying to start a war because of the declass and reports coming out that will expose them.
Fight me
*flares tinfoil
“Orange Man pulls back from the brink”
One almost has to believe that Trump is trolling Iran and the Stache of War at the same time. Master Troller in Chief, lol.
I am considering that as well. Sure, launch the strike to satiate Bolton’s warboner and provide a show of force displaying that we can do what we want *if* we want to and call it off at the last second to troll Bolton.
It takes an Team R or D indoctrination to write an article saying someone hitting TSA agents was “unprovoked”. Like civil rights ain’t a thing any more.
Not to mention, who hasn’t witnessed TSA agents being unnecessarily rude, loud, bossy, etc. Granted, people act really dumb and hold the line up but that doesn’t change the fact that the line shouldn’t exist to begin with. Every time one of these turds rolls their eyes and talks down to grandma because she didn’t understand why she can’t bring her water bottle with her I feel the urge to start swinging.
Last time I was at the airport the retard illegally searching my stuff decided to create a backlog and then send it all flying out of the x-ray scanner crashing together with 5 other peoples stuff.
Last week they were allowing water bottles, but asking people to take their snacks out of their carry on. FFS, if we’re going to have security theater can it at least be predictable?
LOL, and miss an opportunity to fuck with people?
Yelling at people like recruits in Basic doesn’t help with the line holdup either.
President Donald Trump and his national security adviser, John Bolton, are engaged in an ongoing debate about how to handle Iran, a senior White House official told CNN.
I suppose this could be why the air strike was called off. Trump needs to refrain from listening to Bolton if he wants to avoid a war with Iran.
If we can get that clip of John McCain singing, “Bomb bomb Iran” Trump might refuse, just out of spite. It’s worth a try.
That would probably work. Get this guy security clearance.
Why So Many People (Mistakenly) Believe Social Security Adds To The Deficit
No mention about the fact that it is a Ponzi scheme with a serious problem because a lot of the money that is supposed to be there is really nothing but “IOU” notes from when the government “borrowed” SS money to hide the fact they were deficit spending? The ONLY way they get that IOU money back is to tax citizens elsewhere and on top of the SS tax. But yeah, collectivists want you to believe that is not a problem.
^^^This 100%. It’s only the biggest Ponzi Scheme in American history.
But there’s a LOCKBOX!
“There ain’t no chastity belt I can’t get past.”
/William Jefferson Clinton
Social Security is similar to a Ponzi scheme, but with an important difference. Americans have to participate in Social Security regardless of what they think of it. Ponzi con artists care what their marks think of the Ponzi scheme.
Also this:
“It also can’t be sequestered, and it is insulated from government shutdowns.”
I’m thei world that doesn’t make it part of the deficit. Ignore that it is a bigger part of the budget than anything they complain about.
Counterpoint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flemming_v._Nestor
She only lost because of the shitlords.
These asshats always have an excuse. It’s not that I am an idiot, with idiotic ideas: it is that the undermined me!
Jesus titty-fucking Christ, there is no “trust fund”! All of the SS taxes are spent by fedgov, and they maintain the trust fund fiction by replacing the spent funds with treasury bonds, which are nothing more than I.O.U.s from fedgov, but the money isn’t there. If I write myself an I.O.U. for a million dollars, that doesn’t mean I’m a millionaire. I should think Forbes should know better.
Forbes is a useless rag like the rest of them anymore.
On a related note, I posted a comment to the column written by local lefty columnist saying we need to spend even more, saying that we are already the most broke nation in history. I was stunned by this response
I think this guy must be a trillion dollar coin enthusiast?
We can’t be broke, we have plenty of checks left!
If you start with this absolutely false premise, then you can advocate for any and all economically unsound policies, because your misguided and false premise allows you to wave the real economic problems away with a magic wand.
Yeh, eventually the checks run out. Plus to refill the savings account may not be so easy moving forward.
We can’t be broke as long as we can destroy our currency. This is the same thing as saying we aren’t broke until we default on our debt and people won’t lend us money denominated in our own currency. It’s neither revelatory nor clever. It is rhetorical trick that first year Econ students are shown and then shown to be a stupid option, uttered only by the incompetent posing as great beards of hidden knowledge.
“Though I was totally right, the intelligent audience didn’t think I was. I lost the debate—big time.”
I just started but she’d better impress the rest of the way.
“First, I might have lost because I ran out of gas in the closing. It was a well-structured debate that added space for 45 minutes of questions (odd, though, that it seemed about 95 of the 100 or so people were white men)….”
/narrows gaze muttering and growing under breath.
She’s sinking…
“…Congress to raise taxes above what was needed to pay current benefits and build up the trust fund—in other words, to invest now to pay for boomer retirements later. ”
I really wish they’d stop using the word ‘investment’ in describing programs funded through taxes.
“Unlike the federal budget, Social Security can’t spend more than it takes in. Congress built it that way to create “discipline” in the program. ”
You guys would know the intricacies of all this better than idiot me.
“Incidentally, I would think all conservatives would like all government to run like Social Security: Anticipate the liabilities, plan for the revenues, save for the future, hem in the program with rules that say it can’t pay more than it spends.”
Wait. Isn’t it drowning in ‘unfunded liabilities?’
“Why do smart people think wrong things, like Social Security causes budget deficits and more debt?”
I think she did a fairly good job explaining her position. Maybe technically it can’t be added to the debt….but it’s still a public debt owed to the society. It’s a promise, essentially, to pay people during their retirement. The money has to come from somewhere so at worst, it’s just another entry on the ‘accounts payable’ side of the ledger.
And this, we all know, is where they can play tricks with the numbers. I think. I leave it to better minds to break down.
She’s wrong. It’s an unfunded liability. In other words, a debt.
I don’t know if this is a good example but I’ll try.
My accountant tells me when examining payroll costs don’t include my salary. Whatever the % of revenues that is represents my cost of labor.
But it doesn’t detract from the fact I draw my salary from the same revenue stream. So I have to be conscious of this. So, technically, like the lady in the article, you don’t add owner’s salary to such a metric but in the end, it still comes off your bottom line.
A person not paying attention and keeping it separate may over pay themselves and next thing you know…..you need more money. Hence, all the mess that follows.
It’s more like if you promised all of your employees they would get a pension, and they contributed a portion of their pay to it, but then you just included that money in your annual revenue instead of a pension fund.
Now you have a debt to the employees, but no way to pay for it except out of general revenues. And the current employees aren’t paying enough to cover their own future benefits, let alone your ever growing cohort of retirees.
I think she’s wrong by the way.
If it is such a great investment, get people to voluntarily invest in it.
Uffda. Sometimes you have to feel bad for the hard core bicyclists.
Bicyclist hit by commuter rail train and dragged 7 miles.
>>Coon Rapids
They have had problems with that for many, many years.
I once listened to a radio talk show where a black teacher from Coon Rapids Senior High called in and told a story about how he had won the prestigious award of “Coon of the Month”. It was pretty funny, the best part was him calling his mother who still lived in Mississippi and trying to convince her that it was a good thing.
Now that’s funny/
People used to have a sense of humor.
A sense of humor doesn’t allow you to virtue signal….
Nope, just helps us get along with each other in a healthy society.
That ship has sailed and it’s about halfway to Alpha Centauri now.
I wish I was on that ship.
Is it really that hard to look both ways before crossing the tracks?
Maybe it was a limey or jap bicyclist?
Every time I visit japan it takes me a few days of nearly being run over before I remember that it is Look Right, Left, Right before crossing the street.
Ear buds and blinders.
Or maybe pay attention to the flashing lights, ringing bells, and gate thingie that’s telling you something.
No description of the cyclist. Could’ve been hard-core lycra dude or most likely drunk guy with too many DUI’s wobbling home from the tavern.
Does it matter? They’re all the same.
After being drug behind a train for seven miles, its hard to tell
See? We did you a service.
How is that? I’m way slower moving across the tracks on my feet than I would have been on my bike.
My post got eaten, so will try again:
This is too short for a Standard Libertarian Disclaimer article, so I will do it in post form:
Start SLD:
Eliminate the corporate income tax and replace it with a 22% of net profit required dividend payment.
End SLD:
“Eliminate the corporate income tax”
Best article I’ve read in years. Couldn’t have put it better myself. Well done
Still too long. “Eliminiate tax” FIFY
“Eliminate the
corporateincome tax”Better
Another attack by a white supremacist.
A thug is a thug regardless of skin pigment. But I suspect there is a reason that this is not plastered all over CNN.
Damn Amish think they can commit crimes with impunity.
Beard Cutters, the lot of them!
In Phoenix, the head of a union that represents TSA agents said the incident highlights a troubling trend.
I wish. And if it were, maybe your nut grabbing and tit squeezing had something to do with it.
Will the CO trans-man shooter go to a male prison?
Releasing a vagina of any variety into a “land of deprived and often depraved men isn’t something any humane or reasonable warden would allow.”
Why not? There’s no difference.
It would be cruel and unusual punishment to put an anatomical female in a prison with anatomical males. There was an article a while ago about a woman who was born a man, but had undergone surgery and had all the female sex organs, but was still sent to a male prison, because his legal sex was “male”. That’s cruel and shouldn’t be allowed. We all know what goes on in prisons
I hate to say it but it might be the only way to nip this nonsense in the bud.
But, it’s not nonsense to say that people should be housed with those who share the same anatomical genitalia. Anyone with female genitalia in a male prison is going to be a prime target for assault. I think this clearly meets, at least, the standard of “cruelty”. It would be different if the defendant requested to be housed with the sex that their gender corresponds with, but even then I’m not sure if it should be allowed.
This really should be the standard applied to people who claim to be another sex, especially F to M. If you’re not willing to be housed in a penitentiary based on your stated sex, you’re not really serious.
I was agreeing with you.
People patting themselves on the back for being so “tolerant” are going to have to think twice when this is the inevitable result.
Sorry. My mistake. I no read good.
*narrows gaze*
Freaky Friday: Sometimes Life Is Just
If the fact are right, I give that dog extra scooby snacks.
Who’s a good boy?! You are, oh yes you are!!
No, I’m not. Nobody’s a good boy
/Calvinist Dog
Heartwarming story.
Warms the cockles of my heart.
The Green New Deal Might Be More Popular Than a Carbon Tax
The politics of moderate climate policy have shifted quickly.
In other news, genital warts might be more popular than AIDS.
I’m sure that poll is totally legit and not designed to elicit the “correct” answer in any way.
What, you don’t have faith in an outfit called “Data for Progress”?
“Data for Progress.” That’s hilarious.
How about we do nothing? I vote for nothing
My favorite gun-grabbing Limey is sane when not talking guns.
When I interviewed Trump in London during his UK state visit several weeks ago, I remarked to people afterwards that I had never seen him so relaxed, or indeed presidential.
It seemed as if the lifting of the toxic, draining Russia collusion and Mueller report millstone had not just reinvigorated him, but newly empowered him.
I think the whole bitter experience – based on what turned out to be a falsehood that he colluded with Russia to fix the 2016 election – made him realize it’s pointless trying to persuade those who hate him to like him.
Instead, he’s refocused on ensuring all those who like him vote him in again.
Though the truth is Trump’s never really stopped campaigning.
He’s spent two-and-a-half years bombarding Americans with relentless self-aggrandizing tweets, speeches, rallies and media interviews – all designed to keep his base pot boiling.
And his strategy has clearly worked.
Everyone seems to forget that Trump won with just 46.1% of the national vote in 2016. His current approval rating is around 45%.
And as the New Yorker reminds us today, the day before the 2016 election, just 37.5% of American voters – according to Real Clear Politics poll average – had a ‘favorable’ opinion of Trump.
So, either the polls were wrong or a lot of people voted for Trump despite not liking him.
Nice love letter, Piers.
“…a lot of people voted for Trump despite not liking him.”
This right here is what Trump’s foes don’t seem to get.
What’s strange though is the way people have to contort themselves after the fact. SoCon Dad (who’s ideal candidate is Rick Santorum) was all in for Ted Cruz. Until Cruz dropped out, Trump was a pompous blow-hard adulterer who’s slut wife had posed naked in front of the camera. Now Trump is our last hope, moral, Christian defender of small government and all else good and holy.
It’s an astonishing level of Cognitive dissonance really.
…who’s slut wife had posed naked in front of the camera.
And thank God for that.
>> slut wife had posed naked in front of the camera
yes! yes!! /runs to bunk
You Satyr, you! Us mere mortals would find running with an engorged member (ahem) “problematic”…
Some of us might trip over it. *dusts shoulder off*
Great minds etc.
People want to feel good about their choices, that’s all.
Well yeah. Once Rand dropped out, I didn’t really give a crap but I sure as hell wasn’t voting for Her.
Same, after Cruz. And Cruz only because I thought Trump would usher in a hundred years of progressivism.
“He’s spent two-and-a-half years bombarding Americans with relentless self-aggrandizing tweets, speeches, rallies and media interviews – all designed to keep his base pot boiling.”
Yeah, so how did that work out? Lost the House in the 2018 elections and that has kept the nonsense going full time and completely damned up any other Trump initiatives for the remainder of his term.
Ugh, I hate when I find myself agreeing with an asshat of piers quality it really makes me want to rethink all of my positions. Maybe I should vote Warren 2020.
Mobocracy in action
“After many hours of well-intentioned, respectful negotiations on Wednesday, the Senate has come to an impasse. The Senate Republicans have decided to abandon their duty to serve their constituents and walk out,” Brown said. “The Senate Democrats have requested the assistance of the Oregon State Police to bring back their colleagues to finish the work they committed to push forward for Oregonians. As the executive of the agency, I am authorizing the State Police to fulfill the Senate Democrats’ request.
“It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents who they are honor-bound to represent here in this building. They need to return and do the jobs they were elected to do.”
Republican representatives pushed back on the governor’s reprimand.
“Protesting cap-and-trade by walking out today represents our constituency and exactly how we should be doing our job,” Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger Jr., of Grants Pass, said in a statement Thursday morning. “We have endured threats of arrest, fines and pulling community project funds from the governor, Senate president and majority leader. We will not stand by and be bullied by the majority party any longer.”
“Do your job.”
And your job is to do what we tell you.
“climate vote”
So, either the polls were wrong or a lot of people voted for Trump despite not liking him.
So insight.
Fresh take on the events of nearly 3 years ago. Much impress, so sagacity.
can you even imagine the squawking if a rethuglican did something like this? I mean I’m fine with it hardball is hardball and I don’t really have high expectations for are betters but I honestly can’t even the kakafane if for example Valerie Jarret was called Mrs. Obama 3 times as a joke in congressional hearing by some asshat from Missouri.
Wasn’t there some media storm when a female general was referred to as “Ma’m?”
That was Her Majesty Senator Feinstein.
Boxer, not Feinstein
It was Babs Boxer demanding a general call her Senator, not Maam
Gah, you’re right. Boxer is a moron.
damn your quick fingers!
The cheeto dust on them makes them fly across the keys!
Although it does make me end up with an orange dick.
Eh, it’s the price one pays.
So Nadless bullied a woman. It’s fine if you have a ‘D’ next to your name.
“with who”?
Meanwhile, Democratic interest in a carbon-tax scheme has also faded. The party’s young progressive leaders have become more interested in an investment-involved Green New Deal package. Only one Democratic presidential candidate’s climate proposal includes a carbon tax, while others—including Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden—have endorsed investment plans.
A standalone carbon tax would be too easy to undo. You’ve got to get in there and sink some really deep roots.
Carbon taxes don’t directly allow for control of the redistribution, which is where the real power lies.
PPACA would like to say hello.
Carbon taxes just get folded into general revenue. We’ve been paying ours for nearly ten years now and absolutely nothing has come of it except that the Government gets to preen and everyone’s wallet is lighter. We were the first jurisdiction in the world (I might be wrong) that instituted the tax and this by a right of center party.
“investment plans”
I mean, who doesn’t want to invest in a plan that leaves you starving on the street? Yokels.
And- tell me again how the college debt Jubilee will reduce carbon emissions, please.
All those young people walking to class for 4 years, then straight to unemployment in Mom’s basement? Far less fuel burned than people commuting to useful jobs.
They should make those mortar boards big enough that one could add a few casters and they’d become push pallets for beggars. (Tin cup optional)
“French Frye Fest” is “An immersive fried potato festival spanning three restaurants in a not so secluded area of Tallahassee. The best in straight fries, curly fires, waffle fries and adventure.”
“Sat, Jul 13, 2019” Details @ eventbrite.com/e/french-frye-fest-tickets-63663879377
When I was a teenager and working in fast food, I got to see what an immersive french fry experience was. Some teenage girl had her engagement ring slip off into the fryer. She reached in after it.
My Grandma was a cook for nearly fifty years and she used to poke at things in the fryer with her fingers to make sure that they’d cook evenly. Kinda like old seamstresses and thimble finger.
When the university AND legislature are both closed, Tallahassee is a little slow.
Shogun immersive?
Straight fries, curly fries, waffle fries…..no ribbon fries???
Forget ribbon fries, where are my antiprism fries?
It’s a nice song, Old Man, but now I’m sad and just want to go back to bed.
We are not “broke”. In fact we can never go broke as long as our debt is sold in the currency we control.
Same-Sex Penguin Couple At San Francisco Zoo Hailed As Model Foster Parents
“The zoo staff says penguins have relationships that are just as varied and complicated as those of humans. The only difference is they’re willing to live and let live.”
So what you’re saying as Edward and Rio are living a life devoid of wedding cake?
or Leonard Pitts to tell us how he won’t shed a tear….
Damn it……that was supposed to be under Rebel Scum’s post.
Anthropomorphism is fine when we do it.
“Awww, they think they’s People!”
*Finger kiss*
“We are so woke we can’t even.”
But who is the real victim?
A black parolee arrested for raping and bashing a white woman on the roof of his Bronx apartment building allegedly told a witness that she “deserved” the brutal attack because of slavery, according to court papers.
“She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery,” Temar Bishop, 23, allegedly said to someone who witnessed the bloodied 20-year-old woman after the assaults, according to a criminal complaint.
“This is what they used to do to us. This is what they did to us during slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.”
Temar Bishop, 23, was arrested by authorities on Friday in Virginia on a slew of charges connected to the early morning June 1 assault, which officials have deemed a hate crime, according to authorities.
The 20-year-old met Bishop — who was on parole after serving just over a year behind bars for robbery — around 5 a.m. and joined him on the rooftop of the public housing building on Alexander Avenue near East 137th Street in Mott Haven, police said.
Bishop allegedly punched her repeatedly before raping her, then continued his assault — kicking and punching her in the head and body until she fell unconscious, cops said.
He then fled, but returned with the unnamed witness — who saw the woman “laying on the roof landing with blood covering her face” — and then allegedly made the remarks about slavery, court documents say.
The woman was treated at an area hospital for several injuries, including a broken nose and broken teeth. She was also “vomiting blood,” the complaint states.
Now we just need Ta-nehisi Coates to explain to us how brave and justified this was…..
So, I guess my Irish and Scottish ancestry allows me to slaughter Englishmen? Because that’s “what they used to do to us”?
I seem to recall that history being one of mutual combat, since the scots and irish of the time did the same in turn.
you don’t already? you must be more Scottish than Irish.
The drinking gets in the way…
He knows that it doesn’t serve American interests.
American interests are most remote from Trump’s consideration. His first and automatic thought is his own preeminence advanced by shock because that is how he has always managed: create havoc and then wade through the noise. If he has ever pursued an American interest, it was serendipitous.
Don’t forget Scandinavians for a few hundred years of raping, pillaging and enslaving…..
except by virtue of being celtic you carry a health dose of Viking DNA……so now I’m not sure who you get to slaughter…..
I’m torn on this issue…
/Irish/English mix
Well, I also carry German genes, so I’m not really sure where that puts me on the grievance scale….
Add some Swiss and some Eastern European and we could be related.
I don’t think that word means what he thinks it does.
Dude, this means (((I))) get to kick the shit out of practically everyone!
Oh, no. No, you’re at the bottom of the stack.
Frankly, I hope the authorities find the prison in NY with the largest concentration of white supremacists and throw the bastard in there. I don’t care for extra-judicial punishment, but some people deserve it.
Multiple discussions of cartoonist here and nobody has mentioned the GOAT- Jim Davis, for shame.
I kid, I kid, everyone knows it’s Reg Smythe.
Sometimes I think you just want to see the world burn.
You may be correct.
I prefer the ones where garfield is still there but has no thought bubbles, so it is just Jon talking to his cat.
What our Facebook overlords are up to.
They bullshit their paying advertisers, lie about your privacy, and actively support socialists – and people are going to trust them with their money.
Dumb people, but yes they will.
In Comic Earth, there is One Agnes to rule them all.
“President Trump on Friday said the US was “cocked & loaded” to launch a retaliatory strike against Iran for shooting down a drone — but he called it off when he was told 150 people would die, saying it was not “proportionate” and he was in no hurry.
“On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die,” the president said in a tweet.
“150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone,” he continued.”
Does anyone believe that would have been of any concern whatsoever to a President Hillbot?
no. Trumps instincts are good on this topic. Even if his choice of advisers are terrible, I don’t like to assume competence in commander tangs decisions with regards to policy but this almost has to be a deal with the devil he made so he has any republican backing in congress.
At the risk of making this sound like 7D chess, he’s playing this pretty well. “My guys were all ready to attack you but I stopped them at the last minute.” Makes him sound like the reasonable one, and it opens up the possibility for negotiation.
Yup, he’s basically letting them know, we can talk, or we can end you, which way do you want to go?
I can’t wait for the left to start wailing about how awful Trump is for taking into account the loss of 150 Iranian lives.
The left is not, how would you put it… well acquainted with reality.
I would expect a “Yemen” riposte.
A blast from the past, but Spawn 2 just sent it to me so I’ll repost:
1999 Toyota Corolla – Fine AF
Best car ad of all time.
Will eat.
Nope. I’m a Wendy’s Bacon Mushroom Melt kinda guy when I want my gut bomb with a side of shame. That just looks disgusting.
That’s nasty.
My diner has the “college breakfast sandwich”
It’s eggs, sausage, cheese, cream cheese and Doritos on a bagel.
That does not sound appealing.
Happy Friday, enjoy your Funbags!
Thank God, the electricity is back on.
We had one hell of a storm come through night before last. I think half of the state lost power. Yesterday was miserable. The heat index was 105 and no, it was not a dry heat. It was too miserable to do anything so we just sat around naked all day talking and drinking. Now I am hung over but at least we finally have air.
“so we just sat around naked all day talking and drinking”
You don’t need any excuse for that, Suthen… just sayin…
I can’t even imagine. A few weeks ago our air conditioning went out, and we went without for about a week until they put in a replacement. It was about 85 in the house during the day, cooler at night but it was still hard to sleep. But 105? Holy hell.
For some reason working outdoors in that kind of heat used to be no big deal to me. I am getting older and can’t hack that shit any more. It was miserable.
We haven’t even needed to turn on the A/C this year so far. We had one day were the temps reached 90, but that was it. It’s always nice when both the electric and the natural gas bill are low.
Same in NYC which is even more remarkable.
AC is currently off and the windows are open on the main floor. We run a portable AC unit in the basement 24/7 from late April to late September to knock down the humidity. Otherwise there’s a coating of mildew on everything.
The issue we have here is that the tree canopy traps the humidity, so it’ll only be 82*, but the windows will be dripping wet with the humidity. We run the A/C just to avoid the stagnant humid air from ruining everything in the house (and because my wife has a much lower tolerance for environmental discomfort than I do)
So you’re triple dehydrated by this point. You crazy kids.
“So we just sat around naked all day and drinking”
Like your ancestors did, as God intended
just sat around naked all day talking and drinking
Sounds like my average Sunday. //jk
If that didn’t lead to sweaty, nasty sex I will be very disappointed in you.
Adviser War-Stache has a sad.
“I don’t want to be paranoid but I have watched this before,” said Fox News host Tucker Carlson as he introduced the topic. “It does seem as if the president is strongly opposed to conflict with Iran. He knows it will define his administration. He knows that it doesn’t serve American interests. But the people who work for him are pushing the United States into a position where war is likely if not inevitable. Am I imagining this?”
“No,” said Macgregor. “I don’t think you are. The president has had his first Vietnam moment. He walked up to the abyss and looked over the edge and said ‘no thank you.’ He followed his instincts, thank goodness, and walked back. He has no interest in going to war, but you are right. He is surrounded by people in the Defense Department, chain of demand, his own national security staff and the State Department who are absolutely committed to finding ways to attack Iran. I think the president understands that an attack on Iran would result in an all-out war.”
Describing the concept of “limited strikes” as “absurd,” Macgregor contended that the Iranians, with nothing to lose, would respond “with everything they have.”
He then used examples from history to argue that “wars destroy presidencies.”
Responding from a question from Tucker about sanctions helping, Macgregor argued for a “new approach” that could “deescalate” and “produce a positive outcome.”
“Look, this will ruin our economy if we engage Iran in a war. Iran will instantly have support from around the world. They will be the victims of this limited strike that is being discussed. The limited strike idea is sheer insanity. It will provoke a war. Everyone, China, Russia, India, many European states will come to the aid of Iran. We’ll end up with a larger coalition of the willing against us than we have seen in decades. I think the president has figured this out. He’s got good instincts. But he needs to get rid of the war mongers. He needs to throw these geniuses that wanted limited strikes out of the Oval Office.“
I don’t understand how Tucker Carlson can be so good on this issue and so totally wrong on economics
Have you seen this video?
It’s pretty long. I watched it in bits, but found it worthwhile. It’s from when he put out his book – A ship of fools,
It mystifies me how he seems to be either spot-on or totally off the mark from issue to issue.
War- Spot on
Economics- National Socialist
Guns- Spot on
Marijuana- total drug warrior
Immigration- depends on your perspective
Elitism in the DNC- Spot on
Elitism in the Republican Party- KKKochs!!!
Have you ever met Pat Buchanan or Russel Kirk? These are paleos. They get you all revved-up when they are talking about foreign policy and then completely lose you when they start talking about expanding government everywhere else. They make no sense half of the time
“No government is good government unless it’s our government”?
No one is right about everything…..except me of course.
Well, you are wrong about the proper temp to cook a steak to.
Wednesday I had the best steak I have ever had. It was tender as butter and had just the right amount of char on it….yes, it was well done but not dry.
That’s the cut, not the cookin’.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
He is also good on 1A and 2A. But I don’t get how he can be so off the rail on some things either. If I recall correctly he is also against marijuana legalization. Very inconsistent as a matter of principles.
It’s a weird form of right-wing populism that is on the rise……much like the manifesto the editor of the NY Post just put out
No. Sohrab Ahmari, who wrote that article, is a weird Christian/neocon guy. He makes even less sense. I think his criticisms of liberalism here are fair, but he’s worse than Tucker. At least Tucker is good on foreign policy. Ahmari is terrible on foreign policy.
Interesting history, First Things was founded by the Rockford Institute which publishes “Chronicles” magazine (which is the grand daddy of all paleoconservatism), but then broke away from them. After their break, First Things became very militaristic. As if espousing Christian beliefs with militarism is compatible.
That one always galls me. Especially because I used to be one of the War-vangelicals. American Christianities failure to meaningfully oppose was will go down as black stain on church history. That will be true for both Catholics and Protestants.
Agreed that Christians who support war should abide by Just War Theory or explain why their faith is so superficial as to support meaningless wars
He’s doubled down on his War On Drugs boner, too.
Trump needs to fire Bolton.
Out of a cannon.
Into the sun.
who would do his fox news spots than bluster?
A parrot that’s been taught the words “war” and “bomb” would suffice I’d think. Most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
demote him to the UN. put him to good use.
i didn’t know we were that close to bombing Iran over the tankers. this is about the tankers, right?
The drone, which is even dumber.
More about them shooting down a US drone.
Tucker won me over when he let it slip that he had taken his two daughters to a skeet shooting camp for a vacation. That is my kind of guy. He is dead wrong about a few issues but I respect the guy.
I do thing he’s sincere……but sincerely wrong on some stuff. I found his praise of Fauxahawntus a bit concerning.
Yeah, that’s a head scratcher for me. WTH? She is a straight up fascist.
He thinks that manufacturing jobs can come back. Tucker has never worked a straight job in his life and it shows, sometimes. That being said, I watch his show nearly every night.
He knows that it doesn’t serve American interests.
American interests are most remote from Trump’s consideration. His first and automatic thought is his own preeminence advanced by shock because that is how he has always managed: create havoc and then wade through the noise. If he has ever pursued an American interest, it was serendipitous.
apologies for posting this in the wrong place above
something something right thing for the wrong reasons
Tucker is correct on this issue, but the idea that a bunch of countries are going to jump up to oppose the US militarily is just idiotic.
I can see China and Russia. But Europe?! That’s looney tunes.
Honestly I don’t believe either China or Russia present a serious threat to us.
To be fair, it was his guest that intimated that the “world” would turn against America. I can see it diplomatically but not in a military sense and if so, who fucking cares? “America First” right? (Not that I condone an attack on Iran, that’s just wanton stupidity).
No, and they won’t oppose us directly. Just “help” Iran.
“chain of demand” is FTA
Babylon Bee:
“Republicans Drop Support For War With Iran After Learning Unborn Babies Would Be Killed”
“Oh man, there are unborn babies who would be killed in a war that’s bound to have tons of civilian casualties? We can’t have that,” one conservative in Texas said. “I was OK with our troops occupying yet another nation in the Middle East, with catastrophic consequences for the civilians there, but I hadn’t considered that some unborn lives would be lost. That would be a real tragedy.”
Republicans have considered a few ways around this problem. One proposal would have all pregnant Iranians evacuated so the US military would be free to kill anyone else who gets in the way. Another idea is to equip US drones with pregnancy-detecting missiles, who could only kill other innocent life and not the unborn.
A final proposal would just have the US not get involved in another endless war in the Middle East, but this did not get much traction.”
I’m rolling.
I like how the Babylon Bee is an equal opportunity offender
They are hilarious. From last week:
Chick-Fil-A Celebrates Pride Month By Serving Delicious Chicken Sandwiches To Everyone Just Like All The Other Months
I saw that one too. They produce the best satire right now.
“Some babies just need killin'”
4 SCOTUS decisions down today. 14 to go next week (biggest of which are the gerrymandering cases).
Biggest case today was Knick v. Township of Scott, wherein you had an interesting Catch 22. So, the Township of Scott, Pennsylvania, passed a law stating that al cemeteries had to be open and accessible during daylight hours. All – including Mary Rose Knick’s small family cemetery on her 90-acre property. She was issued a violation notice. So, she sued, claiming that this was an effective taking of her property in violation of the 5th amendment.
Under a 1985 case (Williamson County v. Hamilton Bank), any case like this has to be brought in state court first, and then in federal court. In Ms. Knick’s case, once she brought the claim, the township rescinded the violation notice. The state court stated that without an ongoing enforcement action, she could not demonstrate the irreparable harm necessary to get equitable relief, so it declined to rule on her case. So we had a situation where she couldn’t bring a federal court enforcement until the state court had ruled, but the state court was refusing to rule.
In a 5-4 decision (along the lines you’d think), SCOTUS ruled in favor of Ms. Knick and overruled the 1985 case. This isn’t so much about her case as it opens the door to a lot of similar catch 22-type cases.
On an emotional level, I don’t like the ability of a government to avoid review of bad law by mooting a particular individual instance. If one violation notice has been filed, it should be sufficient to continue the challenge, because nothing would prevent the issuance of a new one.
Neither does SCOTUS.
It doesn’t sound like this case even got to this question – merely saying it can go to federal court when the state court refuses to rule.
I’m curious as to why all cemeteries have to be open and accessible. What possible reason could there be for that?
We have a similar law here in Louisiana.
People want to visit family graves and some family history research. I have done it myself, however if a cemetery is on private land I would just ask permission, I wouldn’t just waltz across someone’s private land without asking.
Same. You have to be awfully full of yourself to think you deserve an absolute right to access someone else’s property.
Or, you know, have been educated in the US in the last 20 years or so hearing contempt for the idea of private property.
I was pretty bad about trespassing as a kid. I never stole or vandalized anything, I just hated posted signs and if I wanted to cross a neighbors property to hike, hunt, whatever…..I did. Now I think differently but there is something about absentee land owners disconnected from the community that makes people contemptuous of property rights.
/not making a particular point just pontificating
Its an old British common law right to visit cemetaries, especially cemetaries of your own family even if they are not on your own land. It predates the founding of the US, and is part of the backdrop of law (and, as a power not explicitly called out as under Federal under the Constituion, its reserved to the states.)
Basically, the idea is that any sale of a land by family A to B includes an easement to visit dead family members of A. The particulars of the easement change from case to case because its an implied easement under common law – sometimes its an easement only for family A, sometimes for the public. sometimes only to visit dead members of family A, sometime to visit any graves there.
Anyway, since its a State power, the States can and do pass explicit legislature that takes it out of the realm of common law and into the form of state law. States have a ton of power in this area, and they can do basically whatever they want that doesn’t violate the bill of rights and the State’s constitution.
So PA has picked the option that everyone can access a cemetary to visit any grave (and done other things like prevent you from building a private road over a grave…)
Knick said that, in this case, where its a small family cemetery populated with members of the Knick family, this violates the taking clause and thus the state can’t do it because they are prohibited from enforcing this law in this way to this property owner (as opposed to any possible application of the law as written to any possible property owner).
Fun fact – given that grave access was more important to the upper crust, you see it more strongly protected in the South, which is more influenced by British (and French, Suthen) upper crust culture. PA, which is lovingly refered to as Pennsyltucky by people from the T, has picked up on this I guess. New England, with its lower-class British founding effects, doesn’t protect cemetery access as much.
Fun fact 2 – grave access is likely the origin of the Hatfield and McCoy feud.
I live near there and have visited Devil Anse’s tombstone. It’s sad to see how the graves went from italian marble to (not joking) homemade out of quick-crete in two generations. Poplar myth is the feud started over a pig. The reality is it started over pent up animosity from the civil war as in that part of WV served as a pretext for stealing your neighbors shit.
Ak, meant to say the Second Hatfiled and McCoy feud – they ended up in court a while back over this issue. I was trying to make a little joke that fell flat because I suck.
Ah, that one. My visit to the Hatfield family cemetery was sort of surreal. Remote, poor and, even though the law says I can visit, I kinda felt like I might get shot. Several cars slow-rolled my truck on the side of the road.
And actually “The Feud” is a great book on the topic that explains the entire history in detail and explores it’s myriad causes. Highly recommended.
Sweet. Just borrowed it from the library. Thanks!
I’m somewhat surprised Sotomayor dissented.
Meanwhile, Mariette Hartley’s got me feelin’ some kinda way.
Rockford files era or nursing home?
All – including Mary Rose Knick’s small family cemetery on her 90-acre property. She was issued a violation notice. So, she sued, claiming that this was an effective taking of her property in violation of the 5th amendment.
Shit like this is so infuriating. “Property is theft, when you have it and we want it.”
“Tucker Carlson Tells Trump in Private: No War With Iran
As tensions with Iran escalate and his advisers clamor for a hawkish approach, the president has been taking foreign-policy advice from a Fox News host.”
“Some Trump allies responded to the tanker attacks with calls for military action. Sen. Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, told CBS’ Margaret Brennan that the moves justify military retaliation.
The president, meanwhile, took a vastly different tone—less Cotton, more Carlson. In a Time interview published Monday evening, he dismissed the oil tanker attacks, saying, “So far, it’s been very minor.”
The president has made no secret of his affinity for Carlson.
Since taking office, Trump has live-tweeted episodes of Tucker Carlson Tonight on at least 20 separate occasions, often promoting or directly quoting the eponymous host or his guests.”
If Carlson is a “Nazi” then he is a “Nazi” that has saved thousands of lives. I’ll take a “Nazi” like that over a “respectable Republican” like Graham or McCain any day.
Cotton is a douchebag.
Seems like a lot of douchebag politicians come out of Arkansas
(no offense to the good people of Arkansas)
Seems like a lot of douchebag politicians come out of {insert state}.
Tom Cotton can kiss my ass. That SOB would have us militarily engaged in an inordinate number of shitholes across the globe.
I would like to see a list of war mongers and a list of owners of companies that contract with the military and check to see if there is any overlap.
That or sons or grandsons of same eligible for the draft.
“Joe Scarborough Hits Trump Over Scuttled Iran Attack: ‘Loves To Insult, Loves To Bully, and Then Pulls Back'”
Joe Scarborough too. The only thing you have to do as a Republican to win plaudits from the corporate press is to advocate for war and take the opposite position of orange man even when he’s right.
Joe Scarborough is one of the biggest pieces of shit on earth.
The white hot fury over 2016 will never abate even after Trump is long in his gaudy Pyramid on the Mall.
This man gets paid to be a university professor. Seriously.
So edge. Much cringe. Wow.
“take credit for national economic gains resulting from the efforts of the Obama administration,”
Not only absurd, that’s petty to be so pissy about.
The sky is falling. No, seriously!
Psychiatrist John Gartner: “Two years ago I compared Trump to Hitler. People didn’t believe me”
Trump’s presidency is a “coup in process,” says Gartner. There may not be “another free and fair election”
“I told you all the truth, and now, here I sit, naked battered and bleeding, in a tiny cage, awaiting execution.”
That Trump, what a monster. Rounding up all his critics and putting them to the sword.
Trump even broke your link!
A coup in process? Like trying to use the three-letter agencies to overturn the results of a free and fair election?
One cannot be a good person and continue to support Donald Trump. This is especially true of Trump’s most devoted acolytes.
Tuesday’s rally, and the Trump presidency more generally, are teachable moments about history in real time, especially for those who wonder how millions of people in Germany and elsewhere were beguiled to their own mass destruction by the rise of a charismatic authoritarian leader. It can happen here; In the form of Trumpism it is happening now.
Where is the mass resistance to Trump’s movement and his assault on American democracy and freedom? Why have some Americans chosen to surrender? How can psychology help to explain Trump’s assault on reality? How has the Mueller Report fueled Donald Trump’s apparent mental illness and other abhorrent and dangerous behavior? Can Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives be compelled to impeach Donald Trump? Will there be violence from Trump’s supporters if he is forced to leave office?
Comic book dystopia.
Yep… Trump is Hilter, detaining illegals is a holocaust and, sans a single solitary shred of evidence, Trump wants to round up all the ________(insert aggrieved group) and genocide them.
But please, tell me more about how I’m insane for the things I beleive.
^^Nazi confirmed.
Since Brooks Gilmored the link:
This is worth reading if you want to gaze inside the mind of a delusional.
Further evidence that people become psychiatrists and psychologists because they are crazy themselves.
This is where it gets scary. Its not trump who is terrible it’s everyone who disagrees with you.
I dunno about anyone else, but this would have just pissed me off and driven me to join the clubs just a fuck you.
Then again, I don’t know if everyone else is as contrarian and grouchy of a bastard as I am.
How would that even hurt the members of those clubs?
Violent mobs of left-wing assholes targeting you and your property/residence?
Prediction: record numbers of recruits for the clubs.
Things have changed a lot since I started college. That kind of threat would have earned a for-real beating when I was a Freshmen.
To me, that’s worthy of an ass-kicking.
The doxxing of those kids is an attempt to scare them for fear of actual physical action against them. The doxxers are hiding behind the intimation of violence committed by someone else.
I would be doing everything I could to dox those punks in return and make certain people showed up on their front lawn.
Combine all this woke crap with the cost of tuition and ballooning debt, and I wonder if we will soon see (or are seeing?) some sort of backlash, where the middle/working class and conservatives send their kids to community college and trade school, and major universities are only for an increasingly small number of liberal elites. I wouldn’t be surprised to see enrollment numbers at big name schools drop like a rock in the next few years.
“Anarchists,” huh? Is that what they’re calling brown shirt leftists these days?
An example of their “lists”
That website blew up my browser. Thanks, “anarchists”.
“Her liked pages include a fascist meme page”
Earlier this month an anarchist group that consists of UT Austin students called the Autonomous Student Network shared a tweet threatening to dox students who considered joining the Young Conservatives of Texas and Turning Point USA during freshman orientation.
Who are the fascists again?
Punching back?
Ok, I’ll make you a deal. We ban guns that metal detectors cant detect, and we un soft-ban safety barrel-extensions which have been shown to reduce the terminal balistics of bullets that are fired so they are less lethal.
I like the “no hollow points”.
For safety. Because the last thing we’d want is a bullet slowing down too fast.
Overpenetration – Wrong for 2nd wave feminism, Right for urban environments!
The deal with these types is always “Heads I win, Tails you lose”.
*pssst* guns that can’t be detected with metal detectors are already banned.
That guy is a certifiable moron.
Re: the argument over “good” cartoonists and comic strip writers: for all of you Glibs who appreciate the medium, I can’t recommend strongly enough the work of Scott McCloud. The one I’m thinking of specifically is “Understanding Comics.” If you can abstract a bit, his points apply to all visual art, really. Some truly brilliant observations about how comics work and why. What happens in between panels is another brilliant section.
It might change your analyses of who is “great” or a “hack.”
And I hope to hell my html link attempt works.
Sort of. I guess I forgot to close a paren somewhere. Oh well.
Thanks, Mister Boberson!