Climate change has wreaked such havoc on the planet that it rained here on the first day of Summer.
The forecast is mucho street tacos.
My guess is this has a snowball’s chance in Gaza.
No food dates until they put out, or invite them over for dinner.
Mmmmm, meat.
“American are eating less red meat”
Fake news.
Also… bacon is cheap? That’s news to me.
Cheaper than fake meat.
And I’m glad you bought CV!
Yeah, long overdue really.
I haven’t calculated lately but when I price bacon I price cooked bacon, not raw. After it is cooked, last time I looked, it was about 25$ per pound.
Not cheap.
But worth it!
Same as crawfish as you know Suth.
Three dollars or so a pound but $30 or$40 for the meat.
I’ll stick with fresh blue crab I trap myself over crawdads and lobster.
And I actually like it better
H are simply a social fad for those who live off the bayou and swamps who catch their own like I do with crab.
I imagine crawfisk as something Pope Jimbo would come up with if he migrated to Louisiana.
I read this as “crackfish” and thought, man I gotta get a whole bunch of that stuff!
bacon is cheap?
The most expensive part of a well-rounded breakfast. But it’s worth it.
You don’t drink scotch at breakfast?
So sorry.
Guinness*, on occasion (weekend/vaca). So I guess that is a bit more expensive than bacon.
*But is there Guinness in my coffee or coffee in my Guinness?
Pound per pound, I’d say Guinness is less expensive than cooked bacon.
Wait, where did you get that pic of me pointing at your glass?
That’s the model for Zippy the Pinhead.
I actually had a microcephalic patient in the ER once, many years ago. Looked exactly like that. All that was missing was the ribbon on the top of the head.
So you are saying you added the ribbon?
One of Us!!
One of Us
Prostitution is illeagal but in reality, guys spend more money on drinks or food just to get laid using a middleman (bartender/server) for sex.
Pimps preform a valuable service.
But not an easy one.
But a fun one.
You guys are going to too nice of a restaurant or waiting too long to seal the deal.
Alternatively, prostitutes are far cheaper than I’ve been led to believe.
Two words: Dollar. Menu.
Tom Leykis would approve.
“The pride of the tartan!”
Fucking right.
“tartan teen sensations”
I had no idea where they were from. I would have guessed Boston or San Fran.
Sup Tres!
GAAH!!! I just ear-wormed myself with my own song.
Me too. Thanks. I hadn’t heard that in….decades. Now it is stuck in my head after listening for ten seconds.
The only cure for an ear worm is another ear worm.
Y’all are killing me.
*Ever notice that all zydeco music sounds exactly the same?
But when its good…
This was a favorite of my daughter when she was in 1st grade.
Now I played it for her 5yo daughter while dancing with her, and she is hooked on “Mama’s song”.
“Saturday Bride” by Quilt
It’s the band explaining the musical parts to the song. They’re cute and the song is good.
Saturday Night:
Allow me to get a little more specific.
Bunch of old people around this joint.
Saturday night.
Needz more la-la-la’s.
Actually, that wasn’t terrible.
More la-la-las
Was expecting this.
I was expecting this:
Old people? Well, I guess..
If I was really old.
I think it’s almost 4th of july.
Nice, I saw them at the Hotel Utah last November. My buddy’s band opened for them. Fun show.
I’m listening to this guy on vinyl cause he is my favorite Brazilian artist of all time. One of his classics.
I would have thought this was your favorite Brazilian artist.
Heh, heh Ted. He’s my second.
I guessed correctly. Great song!
Just because I want to push some buttons: It is better than the original.
Fight me. Again.
*can’t manage to fight due to excessive bursts of laughter*
I will defend Nickback’s first two albums, nothing beyond.
I don’t give a shit what album that came off of, it’s a good cover. And I don’t even really like them a whole lot.
Yeah, no. It’s rare for a cover to be better than the first. This one is, however.
Are you fucking kidding me? Frampton using a 40+ year old guitar gimmick in place of one of the best ever voices in R&R? Hard pass.
Now I really do want to fight.
Is it still a cover when the original artist says the new one now owns the song?
Johnny Cash can do no wrong ( well, except that one time he burnt down the whole forest while tripping.)
OK. Now I don’t want to fight anymore.
And honestly, I think that forest had it coming. Did you see all the flammable things it just left laying round?
This is a better Black Hole Sun cover than Frampton.
LOL. I’m with you on the “vocoder” or whatever it is, but at 70 y/o, Frampton rips up that Les Paul way harder than the original.
It’s a talk box, a vocoder is what you hear from Kraftwerk, Newcleus, etc.
A talk box is mechanical. A vocoder is electronic.
Brian Blessed is gold.
Mornin’ Doncaster.
The obnoxious page is great.
So if a certain percentage of heterosexual women go on dates to get a free meal, what percentage of lesbians go on dates to get a place to move into on Date #2?
+1 Eat At Jo’s
Are you saying they just want to eat out?
Uhaul approves.
All of them.
They just go for the all you can eat taco bar.
OMC, did you live in RR or ATX proper? Either way, getting toasty at the Express game was good stuff.
We lived in far north ATX. The Dell Diamond was a short and pleasant drive.
Ah. I lived between campus and south of 38th and Guadeloupe.
Hyde Park? Nice area! We were off Parmer, in a solidly Vietnamese neighborhood.
Yeah more or less, but a very very short stroll to Wheatsville.
Speaking of ear bugs, welcome to my nightmare:
My buddy and I tried to get our French prof in college to explain what the title means. I don’t remember her answer but she struggled with it.
Well, it’s Belgian, so its bastardized
There is a vid…oh, here it go-Ça-Plane-Pour-Moi-by-Plastic-Bertrand
I meant this too
Much better
“The song’s name is a French idiomatic expression which is best translated as “everything’s going well for me” (literally: “it is gliding for me”).”
That is a nightmare. The lip synching is bad even by TV standards.
I was expecting this:
This is my earworm. I hear it once and I’m humming it all week.
I just lost 25 lbs by not eating the damn bread. My wife took me to an Oktoberfest in June. Two beers and a Reisling my wife rejected and I’m a wreck. I guess it’s call tradeoffs.
My wife took me to an Oktoberfest in June.
Oktoberfest in June does not compute but is probably a lot of fun.
It was a really nice day and a lot of fun. The wurst was excellent.
Does anyone else listen to the Mad Dogs and English men podcast? I really enjoy it. I want to know why it ends abruptly every episode. Some times it happens mid sentence. Is there a paid version I don’t know about or is it just bad editing?
It’s a joke. It used to be they’d introduce a topic they have no intention of discussing, like “Here’s what I like about Elizabeth Warren’s healthcare plan.”
Speaking of
I had no idea. Thanks.
Brooksed it.
“Report: Internet Users Who Call For Attacking Other Countries Will Now Be Enlisted In The Military Automatically
U.S.—A new policy issued by the United States Department of Defense, in conjunction with online platforms like Twitter and Facebook, will automatically enlist you to fight in a foreign war if you post your support for attacking another country.
People who bravely post about how the U.S. needs to invade some country in the Middle East or Asia or outer space will get a pop-up notice indicating they’ve been enlisted in the military. A recruiter will then show up at their house and whisk them away to fight in the foreign war they wanted to happen so badly.
“Frankly, recruitment numbers are down, and we needed some way to find people who are really enthusiastic about fighting wars,” said a DOD official. “Then it hit us like a drone strike: there are plenty of people who argue vehemently for foreign intervention. It doesn’t matter what war we’re trying to create: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, China—these people are always reliable supporters of any invasion abroad. So why not get them there on the frontlines?”
“After all, we want people who are passionate about occupying foreign lands, not grunts who are just there for the paycheck,” he added.
Strangely, as soon as the policy was implemented, 99% of saber-rattling suddenly ceased.”
*applause *
Right-wingers suspicious of war with a Republican in the White House. What happened?
I want to be the Drill Instructor who gets Bill Kristol.
Unsurprisingly, support for the Vietnam war among college conservatives started to drop when the anti-war protesters started chanting “You dig it, you go!” Like getting a 2×4 between the eyes when I realized moi would be graduating before LBJ got us out of that hell hole.
Imagine being this guy
“If you’re Hispanic, there’s nothing @realDonaldTrump wont do to break up your family, cage your children, or erase your existence with a weaponized census. And there’s nothing we won’t do in the streets, courts, and at the ballot box to stop him.”
JFC that guy is some kind of piece of cheese.
Trump: 150 people would lose their lives so he calls off an air strike over a machine lost but no lives lost. He is worse than Hitler.
Swalwell: Passionatly wants to disarm law abiding American citizens and if they resist throw them in jail or kill them. Yay! California for electing this waste of skin.
Use nukes if a community resists.
I almost included that. I don’t understand how this guy remembers to breathe.
When in trouble,
When in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout,
Anyone in the mood for some smooth jazz tonight?
I just watched Paris Blues yesterday; I’ve had enough smooth jazz for a while.
Many of these links seem somehow familiar.
Isn’t that the purpose of consistant stylesheets?
/deliberately obtuse
Nuh uh. I even changed the ones OMWC ripped off this morning.
“I understand ur frustration.More teams coming in 2help. Please let me know what I can do 2help in the meantime u can DM me @BIG_BOOBS_CARLY”
He said Weiner, hehe,
Time for the motel rats to arrive, I’m chilling next to my van in a lounge chair with popcorn and Beer, does that make me a motel rat? I have a good job…
Well, I would need a definition for the term “Motel Rat” to make a determination.
Yeah, it sounds like he might want to find another motel.
As usual Rats is a relative definition,
The people who have no home, and deal drugs, hookers, hustlers etc.
I don’t care, our room is nice, and no one fucks with us, let people live, even motel rats….
I love watching them though, they think they are clever,
There goes one now,
Heh I’ve worked 4 different hotels on two coasts. I know all about it…
Actually 3 coasts if you include the north coast
Like Alaska?
Like Lake Erie.
That makes more sense. Never thought of it that way. Hm.
The HS radio station I mentioned in a previous thread today used “From the North Coast of America!” in their whatever-you-call-it in between some songs in the 80s.
Why? That one has flavor.
Back in the day I had a “no lot lizards” sticker on my van.
From last thread: Too bad about the “bogus” part. Maybe your “adventure” will be more bodacious tomorrow. “and… well… San Dimas high school football rules!”
Party at Yusefs,
That bottlecap has too much space, kick it out of the chair.
It’s been there for weeks, I think it likes it there…
When are you going to finish you’re kitbash?someone needs to fill in on the building stuff, and you’re it..
I just have to finish painting the animals and making chains.
But I need to unbury the workbench.
Can’t wait, really
“making chains.”
Fuck off slaver!
“The food sector has a huge potential for emission reduction and a shift to healthier and more sustainable diets can help protect the planet and achieve the goals of the #ParisAgreement. Take a look at some of the food alternatives participants tasted at the #SB50Bonn.”
New ways to serve Bacon? I’m in…
Jesus, I’m cooking here. ?
Repost from last article, but it seems really relevant. And I’m drinking.
If I’m forced to eat bugs…
*cue ominous musc*
How about we agree that any country stupid enough to sign the #ParisAgreement gets to eat that shit from now on? Put your money where your mouth is, all you virtue-signallers who never had any intention to follow the agreement in the first place.
Last glibertarians meet up?
Stop I can only get so hard.
Paging HM:
Nigerian video vixen and actress, Kelechi Chikata popularly known as Kelzchikata got people scared with the way she turned upside down while twerking to promote a song.
Between you and count I think he’ll be here soon.
Mutant babies secretly born in China
If true, then why not? Although I don’t think that being immune to HIV is up to the standards of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.
“The gap between Texas’ Hispanic and white populations continued to narrow last year when the state gained almost nine Hispanic residents for every additional white resident.”
Notice that the writer assumes “the demographics of the state continue to shift against the Republican Party.” I will also comment on “the last go-around” of “redraw[ing] the state’s congressional and legislative maps” “still being litigated in federal court.” I thought the Constitution of the United States of America said that the job belonged to the state legislature. Period.
“The White House on Saturday outlined a $50 billion Middle East economic plan that would create a global investment fund to lift the Palestinian and neighboring Arab state economies, and fund a $5 billion transportation corridor to connect the West Bank and Gaza.” I must have missed the tweet asking for $55,000,000,000 in donations to pay for this. /sarc
“foodie call”
This is supposed to be new? There were jokes about Shirley Brahms relying on dating for her food back in the 1970s on Are You Being Served?
“That’s where we should be heading, and this should be a part of it.”
I think I know the Glibs’ answer to requiring something along the lines of “The Surgeon General has determined that this product, when used as directed, will kill you.”
As posted yesterday:
““the sun doesn’t set from 18 May until 26 July” on the island of Sommarøy according to They “presented a Norwegian member of parliament with a petition, signed by the island’s residents, asking for Sommarøy to become the world’s first time-free zone” according to’s-first-time-free-zone/ That means Norway would legally recognize the place as not being in any time zone.
What time is it? Not applicable.”
Thank you for discovering paragraph separation. I read your posts but they tend to run-on and are hard to parse.
You also might look into converting your links. There are browser add-ons that make formatting easy. Even so, you might want to thing about putting carriage returns before and after your links to highlight them.
Hope this helps. Hobbit
The “peace to prosperity” plan
Doesn’t seem to include a provision to turn the middle-east into a sea of glass. War-Stache Bolton has a sad.
How the hell are we still unable to score against T&T?? I know, it’s because we suck.
Third Of Women Admit To Dating For Free Meal
I thought men being expected to pay for the date was old fashioned and patriarchal.
Go Dutch so we can go Dutch.
If you want to cut the lawn at 4am, then you can do it.
I could but it would be dark.
We will be a time-free zone where everyone can live their lives to the fullest
But how are you going to schedule anything? Will the trains be on time every time and no time?
There will be no trains. And nothing will actually get done.
As to your 2nd point, don’t know. As to your first point, for them “the sun doesn’t set from 18 May until 26 July”
The White House on Saturday outlined a $50 billion Middle East economic plan that would create a global investment fund to lift the Palestinian and neighboring Arab state economies, and fund a $5 billion transportation corridor to connect the West Bank and Gaza.
That’s a hell of a lot of graft opportunities.
Maybe we can airlift the California HSR stub and plop it down there.
Yea, just throw money at the problem. That’ll do the trick (I mean, it virtually eradicated poverty in American inner cities, right? Right?)
I only glanced at a story covering that and it seemed like at least it’s not our money (for once). *shrugs*
“The Cuban American people understand first hand that socialism KILLS.”
In other news, fuck this guy:
Ya know, I’m not a die-hard Trump supporter, and I would never wear political apparel… But these assholes are making me want to buy a MAGA hat and just wear it everywhere as a big F U.
I make the damn Hat and The Hair cartoon, and these assholes have made me think of voting for that bag of dicks.
FWIW, I don’t understand either the written or visual versions of H&H as being either pro- or anti-Trump.
Which is why I like them.
Yeah, I know I try not to be specifically pro or con, just funny. And SF just interprets the dreams the Elder Gods give him.
as being either pro- or anti-Trump
I like them for that as well. It’s parody that makes fun of the situation without being biased, which I believe is difficult for most people to do.
Back in the late 2000s when I first became politically active and developed something of an ideology, I swore off the two major parties.
But as long as Trump doesn’t start some stupid war or enact some extreme economic intervention, I’m thinking I’m going to vote for him in 2020. I know it sucks to perpetuate the Republican/Democrat duopoly, but I just can’t stomach the thought of a Democratic victory after all the banana republic shit they’ve pulled. The things they’ve done (and the things they want to do) are much worse than anything Trump has done thus far. They must not be validated and encouraged to do that shit any more.
You’re in Ohio, right? Your vote might actually matter.
MY Vote is the only one that matters, that’s why President Gary Joh…wait…what, he didn’t win? I blame Al Leppo!
I certainly am in Ohio – and I take the “swing state” status into consideration.
… It also means we get hammered with political ads more than non-swing states. Fortunately, I never watch TV and I only listen to the local classical station (which has a strict “no politics” rule).
I live in NY – I get zero national political ads.
I live in CA, so it don’t matter what I do, but I don’t think I could pull a lever for the guy despite knowing he’s been the closest to my political leanings thus far. I sometimes vote team red on local stuff, just to lessen the margin for the eventual whackjob blue team schill who wins anyway. I might just abstain in 2020, seeing as how the “L” party looks dead to me.
1 vote never matters in a Pres race. SEE Bush v Gore.
The Mises guys (Woods, Dave Smith, Stapleton etc) joined the LP in order to swing it from the identity politics courting wing. Let’s hope they have some influence and the LP chooses someone worth voting for.
I’m voting for Trump in 2020 because fuck these people.
I, too, am a contrarian of sorts. Dishonest and/or ignorant people like that make me want to don MAGA gear as well. In fact, they are why I voted for the man in the first place, and likely will again. For all his faults, I think his presidency has been a net benefit so far and a step in the right direction with consideration of lower taxes and regulation.
I think the best thing has been how much the Dems have dropped the mask out of sheer outrage. We now have ironclad evidence (backed up by countless videos and articles) that the Left is essentially totalitarian.
Particularly useful was the exposure of the corporate media as nothing more than DNC mouthpieces. A lot of people knew this for decades, but the hacked emails revealed that they are literally colluding behind the scenes to control what information the public receives.
That guy’s face is the definition of vacuous.
Currently enjoying a Dubonnet Manhattan, also called a Lafayette. Nice, slightly less sweet than a regular manhattan. Mine is 2 oz Bulleit Rye, 3/4 oz Dubonnet and a healthy dash of Fee Bros. Bitters. Shaken over ice and strained into coupe glass.
Jim Beam on a big ice cube with a splash of Perrier. * Cheers!*
Wife is going to fry a giant pork chop, and make a nice fresh chopped salad. I’m gonna sit on the sofa and get buzzed and wail away on my new Epiphone Hummingbird.
That’s what I’m talking about!
Cheers to both you guys. It was so good I’m gonna have another.
Speaking of pork chops, these guys sell and ship the best frigging pork chops I have ever eaten. Top end restaurant quality pork goodness. Not cheap, but worth it for a treat.
What are their shipping charges like? I find that online meat outfits really nail you there (probably not their fault, but it needs to be considered).
These guys you need to have a 75 buck minimum and then the shipping is 9.50. No sales tax. Their 6oz bone in pork chops also rock. I usually get 150 bucks worth of pork from them at a time. I like to have my freezer full and just pull out meat a day or two ahead of time.
That’s considerably less than other outfits. I’m not a big pork person (except bacon), I assume they have a good beef selection?
Gah their website is a shit-show. I can’t select anything.
Really? I’ve never had a problem with their website. I can’t vouch for their beef as I get mine from Costco. Their pork frigging rocks tho.
Yeah I click the menu icon and it goes into epilepsy mode. Someone hasn’t properly tested a variety of browsers.
My 17 year old…after some um..kool aid…pontificated on the views of Goldwater. He said in the end we are all people, we should let people do what they have always done.
He is still an asshole though.
Grandpa [dad] still writes in on his vote Barry Goldwater. Some background anc I am drinking
I’ve had a “Don ‘t Blame Me, I voted for Goldwater” sticker on my car since Jan. 2017. Every once in a while, I’ll get a honk and a thumbs up.
Your son, or Goldwater?
I’m confused too. And whoever it is, why is he an asshole?
electric kool aid?
“If today’s articles existed in the 1950s”
Everyone likes it wet.
Aaaah, the Hamas tours. Ending in beheading if you don’t pray to the correct god. That won’t be on my bucket list.
I can think of several Congresscritters who should go.
Really, though, who wouldn’t want to go to an unpleasant shithole where you can’t drink, be Jewish, or be a woman with a bare head. Or ankle. Sounds like a blast.
But they love the gays… to death.
Because they all work in restaurants and convenience stores, amirite?
Sorry, Asians – the numbers don’t lie. And you’re the sacrifice.
JFC. Are Carranza and company incredibly tone deaf or are they actively provoking the local Asian community?
Why not? They’re only like 12% of the population. And like (((those guys))), they’re pretty reflexively D anyway.
Richmond soccer is embarrassingly bad these days. I guess I’ll watch the Colorado/Vancouver game and root for CO because ‘Murica.
MLS is playing during the Gold Cup?
Some teams have taken 2 weeks off. I guess not all.
In previous years, they didn’t even do that. So this is an improvement.
Now that I guess the USMNT decided not to suck as much as I expected, I’m looking at something USL next. Probably P’bgh v Jersey Red Bulls II.
Anyone else find it weird when Trump’s kids refer to him as “Trump”?
I’ve never paid the slightest attention to a Trump kid.
Even Ivanka? Oh, yeah. Forgot. 😉
Promoting the brand.
Yes. It reminds me of the royal we.
Mike agrees.
Why are you reading Baron’s Journal?
I will just leave this here.
“That’s what he said”
Philidor was sitting in a wheelchair near Judge Walsh, who scrambled away as her bailiff yelled for her to run. He also ate some of the feces, witnesses said.
“It was intense. The corrections officers and police officers were swarming. Like 60 of them,” said witness Allen Rios
Wheelchair. 60 officers. Does not compute.
Somebody didn’t see Batman V Superman: Not The CPRM Cut
Hur Dur.
So glad I read that right before dinner.
That link is to a Florida Man story worthy of being in the links above the comments.
It’s late. So lets rock out.
Its 7:35 in Gods country…but I will allow
“God’s country“, OMG, I now have PTSD! Fuck you Top 40 country!
How about this top 40 country?
It’s not late. No. It’s early…early.
Really? For shame.
They are a guilty pleasure of mine. Here’s one for your room mates.
They are fucking heinous.
Fine. How’s this?
I’ve heard of them – doesn’t scratch my itch TBH. But I could post harsh Teutonic all day.
A little too “dance” for my liking, but I don’t hate it. I’ve learned I like most of the Neue Deutsche Härte (kein Euphemismus) bands.
This one is a little more ballad-y.
I like that one considerably more – good stuff.
But yeah, I’m more on the dance/synth side.
Are you MikeS or Ted S?
I’m going to be in Ogden,UT from Monday to Friday this week. Any Glibs have any recommendations or want to meet for a brew? Ogden, Utah.
Dunno about bars out in Ogden, but you should try to make it to the Browning Museum if you have time.
And that is why you should vote for me for Junior class president. Thank you.
There’s over 20 of them, and no one better than Trump, fucking horrid.
Tulsi at least has a decent foreign policy. Other than that? *Shudders*
Continue Rocking out.
Naturally, Seether was better before you knew them.
Excellent. One of my favorite bands.
Here’s something from one of my new (to me) favorite bands.
Na so was!
And rock out some more.
As long as we’re rocking out: the new Death Angel album is out.
Maybe this has been posted already but whatever:
FreedomToons: Dr. Mac and AOC Fix the Weather
And learn something about the new F-15X
That is awesome. I thought the Eagle was getting retired. What a kick-ass aircraft.
Hm. Interesting tactic to convert the F-15 into a mobile missile platform while the lesser-armed stealth fighters pick out targets for it on the front lines.
Well, shit. My plans to get day drunk were cut short due to a work emergency. Nothing like a 6p email with lawyers. Shit.
I’ll drink for you.
My condolences.
Hot take: ham is superior to bacon or sausage when paired with eggs. The latter overwhelm the taste of the eggs, ham is more subtle.
Fight me.
Ham is easier to prepare. But the 1 in 3 or so chance of me getting bacon just right… can’t be beat.
400 degree oven, cold start, start checking around 16 minutes or so.
Yup, I never even bother frying bacon much anymore. It’s all about the bake on 400 on a metal sheet. Check a few times.
I do get the best results in the oven. That’s when brand comes into play. My favorite – which got consistently perfect results – disappeared from my supermarket shelves. ?
I’ve had that ? it’s really good. Thin slice. I like the thick slice Kirkland that you get at Costco as well.
Via that website I found it at a supermarket about 2 subway stops or a lonnnng walk from me. ?
Road trip!
How ’bout a compromise: Canadian bacon, which is cured like bacon but ends up with a texture and ease of preparation like ham.
I frequently do the Canadian bacon recipe from the excellent book Charcuterie, and it’s by far my favorite breakfast meat (besides maybe a ribeye from the local butcher).
There is no need to fight. Irish sausages are the best breakfast meat. There is no other close, although it’s good to also have Irish black pudding and white pudding sausage. You can’t get the real ones in this country, or should I say it is very hard. Italian sausage is the best if you are not in Ireland.
The first picture and, really, the second, makes me think We’re not going to fall for a banana in the tailpipe
Hilarious. Eddie, before he got caught with the trannie hooker, was one of the best comedians of all time. My cousin’s drunk Irish uncle took us to see that movie at the drive ins the nite after my grand aunt’s funeral. We were about 10 years old if that, totally inappropriate, but it was the 80’s. I think he swore more on the ride over than Eddie did in the first couple scenes, which is not an easy feat.
Jeez, dude… what a gamma cuck.
Built a display stand for Wifey’s side gig. One down, three to go. Pretty buzzed or I’d keep at it. Immensely happy with the final product so best to quit while I still have both thumbs.
That’s always good advice.
Help the planet – off yourself.
They’re zealots who are determined to make everyone else conform. More than they actually care about the purported goal.
Racist, statist, warmonger, free-trader. Hmm…
I bring this up because the libertarian obsession with Free-Trade seems rather Victorian. I speak of the assumption that it was the panacea for all political, economic and social issues and will stop war. Never mind that the rise of Labour, the decline of classical liberalism and WWI happened decades after the Corn Laws were repealed and that plenty of free-traders have been statist warmongers and plenty of pacifists have been statist protectionists.
I mean if free-trade wasn’t a panacea for Victorian or Edwardian Britain then obviously NAFTA would be forever unchallenged, right?
The issue here is that government controlled and regulated trade, from either side, isn’t really free. It’s like people shitting themselves over Trump with China (the outcome of which remains to be seen) without acknowledging that China has been fucking with the market from their end since time immemorial.
Does that mean Trump is right? Not necessarily. But calling what we had before “free trade” is mendacious.
First of all I wasn’t trying to suggest that Trump’s trade views are “correct” just that our views of “free trade” are flawed. The Repeal of the Corn Laws didn’t stop socialism and David Lloyd-George and Woodrow Wilson hated tariffs yet were scumbags a fact that is often glossed over.
So that means a lot of mendacious people. Most critiques of modern tariffs seem to think we had “Free-trade” before Trump.
And do you think that anywhere has ever had real free-trade?
As for China one issue is that can anyone really trade with China without going through the Government and the party? Don’t they control the ports and the businesses being traded with?
“And do you think that anywhere has ever had real free-trade?”
Between individuals, yes; not between nations.
Socialism is due to irreparable flaws in the human mind and not related to free trade. If humans were actually rational, they’d see that liberty and free trade provided the best overall quality of life to everyone involved. They’re not and they don’t because they (we) are broken and can’t be fixed.
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Met my new trainee this morning. Smart, cute and snarky. Drives a Tacoma just like me. Why must you mock me, Satan?
What’s his name?
Paul Allen.
Why, Commodius Spittoon, natch! *winks*
I mentioned last week that there’s a high school girl sharing my cubicle. She’s turned out to be gratifyingly meek and quiet.
“Gratifyingly”. She doesn’t tattle?
I’m trying to get a job there. I can’t have Little Miss Tattletale crying #MeToo just because some creep Bidens her.
You share a cubicle but aren’t working there?
Interning. Hopefully not for much longer.
Got it. Good luck getting hired there.
Where’d errybody go??
Away from You! j/k
I’m here!! Just boiling the moros y cristianos to go with my Cuban beef (FoodWishes recipe; it’s on YouTube).
I’ve got the drunken munchies and I’m ready to chow down on this shit.
When you get triggered by a frigging bell.
The university has yet to decide what to do with the bell.
Make it into chains that you can place on your neck and feet.
Bog-standard destruction of history.
The link inside is way more fun:
That one was fun. They should drill a hole through the rock and make it a rainbow shitter? ?
Good grief… the whole thing is eminently quotable but… my God.
I love how the original article takes you though an endless vortex of similar “smash history!” articles.
Loud and Proud?
It’s Saturday night, boyos. You know what that means. That’s right. It’s Coast to Coast time.
2 hours of youtube? I’d rather watch that French chick break some eggs. Or Sophielien.
For some reason, I like listening to conspiracy/alien shit like that. 99 percent of that is completely unsubstantiated, but I like it for some reason. Maybe it’s a “comfort food” kind of thing; I used to spend a lot of time when I was in my early teens playing Rollercoaster Tycoon late into the night and listening to these kinds of shows.
I like it. It reminds me of X-Files. I don’t believe a word of any of it. But it’s fun listening to people who do.
That show is on 7 days a week in my area. It’s not my cup of tea but if you enjoy conspiracy theories and stories about alien anal probes then knock yourself out.
Back in the 90’s I played drums in a band and used to listen to Art Bell on the AM on the late nite rides home from practices and shows. Fun stuff. Almost 100% bullshit, but high quality and entertaining bullshit.
How do people like this make it through the day?
Good news for Rhywun, Tonio, and Jesse.
Does this mean I get to look up all my past boyfriends and pretend we would have “filed jointly”? ?
If someone proposed expunging all convictions for sodomy and any other gayness-specific charges and refunding all associated fines, I might be OK with that.
… But this sounds like a cash handout to all people who come forth and identify themselves as gay. What would stop any straight person from doing that? They could just say they were gay all these years but felt pressured to keep it a secret.
Cue any grifters claiming their roommates entitle them to a payout.
Bit of problem to expect the people creating these reparations programs to actually care about actual justice or healing.
Reparations for higher past taxes to be paid for higher future taxes? Got it.
I ❤️ Eric.
Hahaha, I love the fucking comments. Fuck Eric.
As long as we’re going to go full commie