And coincidentally, I’m wearing my briefs. And aching mightily from hauling heavy objects yesterday in preparation for an onslaught of visitors. And there will be many more today, so this will be a bit leaner and more terse than is my usual. Sorry.
Birthdays: a guy I find interesting and often infuriating; one of the greatest men in NFL history; and a guy without whom we’d all be talking with tin cans and taut strings.
Here’s a riddle: What do immigrants and Iran have in common?
It’s amazing the shit politicians can say with a straight face. Do they crack up later when no-one is watching?
There are people I want to punch.
Here’s a shock: Biden is a mendacious asshole.
Old Guy Music. Little commentary, great song.
one of the greatest men in NFL history
That’s how you troll.
I was expecting OJ.
“tin cans and taught string”
Nice riff on “stone knives and bearskins.”
Yeah, they really fucked Turing over for the crime of merely being homosexual. Wonder what he could have accomplished had they simply left him alone.
I would argue that Turing may have been the most important person of the 20th century.
A Turing point in history?
Yeah — it is NP, he was a complete machine.
“I would argue that Turing may have been the most important person of the 20th century.”
Go ahead and argue. I have a problem with “the.” It is hard to overestimate the impact of Norman Borlaug, the ideas of optimizing inputs with regard to outputs as return on investment when it comes to growing crops and raising livestock (including but not limited to reducing pesticide use in the First World), and the idea that the experts were wrong about the maximum agricultural potential of Third World land.
I can’t agree more. Not to belittle Alan, he’s high on my list along with W. Edwards Deming. But Borlaug and his Green Revolution really, I mean really, drove down the cost of food. We’ve reaped the benefits of it both literally and figuratively.
Does Tesla still count as mostly 20th century? I’d put him there also in the sci/tech category.
Churchill for prolonged military/statesman importance?
Culturally…That’s tough. Auguste Lumière? Pretty hard to pioneer an entire field.
Lenin for politically evil influence.
Old Man is Neal Stephenson?
I have sympathy for Florida woman. If he had already tried to kill her, I don’t blame her for not wanting him to have guns.
So Tulip is actually Brooks? Hmmmm, explains much.
I have no problem with her stealing his guns or even making him disappear. Going to the cops though, sheesh.
Her biggest problem was assuming the police are there to help.
Valuable lesson learned the hard way.
Maybe too “brief.” Let me help:
How to behave in court: Florida Man edition h/t westernsloper
Rachael Ray would rather sue the owners of neighboring buildings than move
I hate everyone except the builder.
That Florida woman link seems awfully familiar…
Good morning Glibs.
Rogue slug blamed for Japanese Railway Chaos.
“Rogue Slug”
Band name ?
No way. I usually miss the train.
Which is why you messed with the junction box. So you could catch up to it. It was only after you boarded the stalled train that the flaw in your plan revealed itself.
The celebrity chef claims the oversized monstrosities would loom over her residence, creating a “major” security risk where people “could conceivably walk from that rooftop directly to our deck and enter our apartment or peer directly into our windows.”
Ray, 50, called the project “a crime against the neighborhood,” in court papers, noting the new structures will “transform our home into a fish bowl.”
She’d be forced to stop using her deck and to keep the shades drawn, transforming her $1.4 million, 1,800-square-foot pad with a private deck into a “dark, totally claustrophobic” space.
You live in New York City, you stupid bitch. Move to Connecticut.
Yeah, nobody lives there anymore because it’s too crowded!
Sell the home to an exhibitionist for a premium.
Fixed to introduce the real issue.
Some of the country’s leaders now want to toughen a copyright law that already protects traditional patterns to punish “plagiarism that different indigenous peoples have suffered”.
Worse than slavery.
And of course there will need to be NGOs or government bureaucracies to extract payments and share a few crumbs with the indigenous people.
To my fellow low carb enthusiasts –
If you see these, be warned that we tried the chocolate maca and it was way too sweet and a touch chalky. Will not buy again.
Jugsy went to McD’s this morning, and came home with a couple AIG McMuffins. Since they dont deconstruct very well, I had 1/2 of a english muffin.
Hear my confession.
Same thing when I was married to my ex- wife. I had to go to McD’s often, just to survive.
Rising young Spanish star Alejandro Gomez Palomo was more dismissive.
“Cultural appropriation is something we should all forget,” said the designer, who refuses to leave his own Andalusian village where his Palomo Spain label is based.
– ‘It belongs to everyone’ –
“Culture belongs to everyone. Rather than harming us, (referencing indigenous styles) brings us all a little closer and Mexico to the world,” he added, stoutly defending Gordon and the veteran Herrera, who stepped back from designing last year.
“It’s like people accused me of cultural appropriation for having a frilly (gypsy) dress,” he declared.
British designer Kim Jones, who took over last year from Van Assche at Dior Homme, has a more nuanced view, insisting “a huge amount of sensitivity … has to be put into place.
“You have to treat everyone with a great deal of respect. I grew up all over the world so you see how things are very particular. In Africa if you go even from village to village you see a different styling.
Horatio Nelson haz a sad.
Florida Man
A picture of the Kingpin was marked as sensitive material. SMDH
It is the making fun of fat people with mobility issues or the cigar? Either way *faints*
Fuck! He’s smoking! AHHHAHAHAHHHHH!
The Amazing Florida Man
I’m sure he went on to also say that he’d fully restore the SALT deduction for high earners in order to help the middle class.
Um, wouldn’t he need legislation to do that? Or would Obama give him his super pen and phone?
Well, everyone knows the senate and house will sweep on his coattails, then immediately do his bidding.
I think you meant “do his Bidening”
*golf clap*
If elected, I promise to take back the money my predecessor allowed you to keep. Winning strategy right there!
All he needs is a majority of the people who paid less to believe the lies the MSM spread when telling them they didn’t. That’s how they get away with this shit.
The only way he wins is if the economy tanks. You really want to talk tax increases if the economy hits the skids next summer?
I look forward to the fact checkers calling this a lie because he would need legislation to make it happen.
According to snopes and politifact anything a Democrat says is 100% true (unless it isn’t politically expedient, of course).
Police contacted Irby’s husband, who was being held at the Polk County Jail for the previous day’s incident, and he informed officers that he wanted to file charges against his wife, WKMG reported.
Wish I could’ve seen that.
Wrong! Stick to waffles mutherfucker.
LOL, wut?
Shame on the media for putting these crackpots on the air.
That clip and OMWC’s link to Turing got me thinking. It is more likely that a computer will soon be able to pass a Turing test, not because of any advancement in AI, but because of the MSM has made crazy disjointed crap like this more common place.
As long as a computer is programmed to say “Trump” and follow it up with any randomized slur, a lot of people will believe it and proclaim it as a real human.
“Here’s a riddle: What do immigrants and Iran have in common?”
If it is true, why did the Trump Administration ask Oman to tell Iran the US government (dk if military or CIA drone) was going to attack? Relevant: “The many times Trump promised not to reveal his military plans” @ (TW: WaPo YouTube channel)
If it is true, why did the Trump Administration pre-announce the crackdown? AFAIK, when local governments do ‘sweeps’ of arresting people with outstanding warrants, they, to quote Nike, “JUST DO IT.” The announcement to the press comes after.
What do immigrants and Iran have in common?
Both situations were worse after the Obama administration? Obama did an unconstitutional act concerning both? Nobody wants to emigrate to Iran?
Former Vice President and current presidential candidate Joe Biden promised Saturday that on “Day One” of a Biden presidency he would repeal President Trump’s 2017 tax cuts and close $500 billion on tax loopholes.
An 8% flat tax, with a $100,000 standard deduction? I’d vote for that.
Good luck with getting the geezer vote….
/pulls handle at the casino
Outlining his policy proposals in this visit to the early primary state, Biden said the GOP-backed tax cuts, which have been heavily criticized in some quarters as beneficial only to the rich, have no socially redeeming value. He vowed to “put that money to good use.”
Biden promised that, among other things, residual funds from the tax break would be put toward initiatives such as green energy research and development, two-year college tuition grants and a public-option health insurance plan.
The 2020 hopeful also proposed an $8,000-per-child credit for child care. In addition, he promised to increase Title I funding for schools with high numbers of low-income students, and to allocate between $15 billion and $45 billion to expand universal pre-K, raise teachers’ pay, fully fund special education and double the number of school psychologists, guidance counselors and nurses to support public school systems.
Biden also reiterated his plan to implement a public health care option like Medicare, which would guarantee that low-income individuals have health coverage.
Pander Bear!
He’s going to have to work those racists again if wants all that.
You know what? I’m tired of being fleeced “for the children.”. Fuck kids, they’re the worst. Stop taking my goddamn money.
It’s particularly annoying because K-12 funding has gone nowhere but up since the ’70s. I’m just not open to this idea that more money will fix the problems in the education system.
Warren literally said she wants to double (or something) the number of administrators and guidance counselors. You can tell people exactly what is wrong to their face and they don’t care, in fact, they ask for more.
There are more administrators than teachers at most schools. That IS the problem. Everyone wants to move up; and public unions make it happen. Leeches all the way down.
“Biden said the GOP-backed tax cuts, which have been heavily criticized in some quarters as beneficial only to the rich, have no socially redeeming value”
There you have it, Keeping your own money is socially degrading.
Your fat friends need you as an ally. This is how you can be one
“I’m being good.”
“Just two chips.”
“Cheat day.”
“I feel fat.”
“Make good choices.”
“Counting calories.”
“I ate so badly on the weekend, need to go to the gym, lose 10 kilos, feel so fat, doing a cleanse.”
Chances are, you’ve heard these phrases before. You’ve probably said a few of them too, no matter what your size or relationship with your body.
They may seem harmless, but what you are saying to your fat friend, colleague or family member is: I am doing my very best to not be like you.
I am doing my very best to not be like you. – well like him and anyone that is way to fat…
Yup and when you love someone you tell them they have shit on their face.
I think that guys was confusing his excretions.
Every year or so, we have a “Biggest Loser” contest at my office. (I won the chick division of the most recent one! Woot woot!) I imagine if we still had our internal HR harpy instead of an outsourced professional employer org, that sort of thing would be banned outright. How dare anyone suggest that anyone may have the desire to lose weight!
A previous job had a “biggest loser” contest as well, and it was headed up by the safety nurse (it was a factory) who was massively overweight. She would always get a salad from the cafeteria, but then squelch two packets of ranch dressing on it.
They also handed out pedometers one year and gave some prizes for whoever got the most steps. But people figured out that you can just shake the thing and increase the number of steps. So at break time, the smoking hut would be full of people vigorously shaking pedometers with one hand and smoking a cigarette with the other.
I had a large co-worker ask me about keto. I was happy to talk to her about it, but would have never brought it up unsolicited.
They may seem harmless, but what you are saying to your fat friend, colleague or family member is: I am doing my very best to not be like you.
Yes, that actually is what I’m saying. I don’t want to be a gargantuan mass of fat that my skeletal system wasn’t designed to support. I’m willing to forego an extra dozen donuts a day in order to be able to get out of bed in the morning without immediately needing to pause to catch my breath. I don’t want to have to go from my couch to a motorized scooter, to my car, to my scooter, to my car, to my scooter, and back to my couch just to go pick up something at the store. I prefer breathing normally instead of wheezing because a hundred pounds of flesh are pressing down and inwards against my lungs all the time.
Wait, an EXTRA dozen?
Also don’t say stuff like I wanna cut down on my drinking to your alcoholic friend
If he’s a good alcoholic, he won’t remember anyway.
Some of those come across as virtue signaling, particularly 1 and 2.
Number 4 is definitely a douche thing to say around someone with a weight problem.
Number 5 is smug and insufferable and need not be said.
Number 7 deserves it’s own special category of smug douchiness.
I am always considerate of others and sometimes that means not going into detail or length about training and fitness goals achieved. Having said that I will not stop being proud about my accomplishments in this regard. If you’re allowed to be proud about being fat then I’m allowed to be proud about being not so. I will not fat shame you, but don’t you dare fit shame me.
meh. I said 4 in the presence of fatter people. Actually worse I said “i am fat as a pig”. Because by my standards I am. I grew 2 numbers in my pants waist and I can no longer fit in my suits. The fact that the others were 20 kg heavier while shorter and with less muscle then me aka fatter is irrelevant
I mean I regretted saying but but still
How about what I say about my body only is about my body and not yours? Youth, health, money, weight, education…you could offend anyone in any conversation if the listener assumes you’re secretly talking about them. I’m like Tonio when it comes to weight and just don’t ever mention it, but Japanese DGAF about asking if I’ve put on a couple kilos.
I try to be considerate, but, I’ll tell you this, I’ve gotten more shade thrown at me for being thin in the last few years than the whole rest of my life. I’m 5’9″ and 140 and everyone seems to think I need to join the obesity race.
I went to my work’s doctor for my dl51 and he asked me if I’ve always been under weight. I said no. He asked how long have I been thin? I said ” no, I’ve always weighed the same, they just used to call it normal.”
This is the reason why I don’t link my running app to my fb account. Basically nobody in my family is even close to ideal weight – none of them exercise in any way. Even the people from my last Army reserve unit don’t perform near my level so they wouldn’t be too interested either.
This is the reason why I don’t link my running app to my fb account. Basically nobody in my family is even close to ideal weight – none of them exercise in any way. Even the people from my last Army reserve unit don’t perform near my level so they wouldn’t be too interested either.
“I hope you die of a stroke, fat-ass” is my usual go-to in these situations.
it feels to damn hot and I don’t understand why. 31 degrees is not that much and relative humidity 55% is high but not huge…
It’s a cool day here, down to 39.
Stop the presses!
University of Michigan police are investigating after a noose was found on an employee’s desk at a university hospital.
The university has “taken immediate action” to investigate the incident that occurred Thursday as an act of discrimination and criminal ethnic intimidation, said Dr. Marschall S. Runge, the dean of the University of Michigan Medical School.
“This act of hate violates all of the values that we hold dear and will not be tolerated,” Runge said in a statement, calling the noose a “symbol of hate and discrimination.”
University police are attempting to verify President Trump’s alibi. They have asked anyone who may have seen him on campus to come forward.
Good grief. “Oh, look, there’s some trash on my desk.”
*sweeps piece of string into waste basket*
Is that where Jussie works now?
No picture of said “noose”. ?
What are the odds that this time it is real?
is there anyone who is actually a member of the “racist community” who goes around leaving nooses on people’s desks? It just doesn’t sound plausible.
Is it was actually an incident motivated by racism, wouldn’t the racism take a different form? And if it was actually personal animus, wouldn’t see insult or assault take a different form?
I mean, sure, it is possible. But it really doesn’t seem very plausible. So why do these incidents keep getting covered with great credulity? I mean, best-case scenario for the race-baiters is that this is a loan whack-job who is not really racist but is mentally ill. most common scenario is going to be a victim that is mentally ill and did it to themselves. So why cover it is if it is the greatest travesty of all time?
All narrative, all the time.
♪♫♬ Sunday, Slutty Sunday ♪♫♬
You know what? I’m tired of being fleeced “for the children.”. Fuck kids, they’re the worst. Stop taking my goddamn money.
No shit.
“You had ’em, you pay for ’em.”
I think it’s the “it takes a village” mentality.
So Pie’s kitchen is finally ready. I can now go back to making omelettes and stuff. I finally got a good oven which I won’t use much and a dishwasher which I might use.
The previous furniture was like 35 years old (took from my parents when they did the kitchen in their house) and made on the cheap in commie times from cheap paneling and a countertop of “whatever could be scavenged for the purpose”, which in this case was thin sheets of stainless steel.
Wow, big improvement!
Noice! Very noice!
Holy crap, from Soviet to sweet!
Soviet to Sweet. That should be the name of the next show on Ostblok HGTV.
Nice work Pie!
Looking good, man. Gotta say that I love that old stove though.
Yeah, that original stove was really cool.
The work is amazing…. And thanks for reminding me that I gotta get moving on my kitchen. Just don’t let my wife see these pics…
the thermal power of the new one is much higher than the old one. Also i wanted to put the oven higher so i don’t have to bend down to look inside it
We’re moving in.
Wow, will you come redesign my kitchen?
Really nice. We put our oven at eye level in our remodel. Good call.
Love the design, especially the floor. You whacky Romanians and your multiple, clustered outlets, though…
Nice work!
I should have removed one of the outlets but failed to do so
No way. The more, the merrier.
I particularly like how they are now directly over the sink. Take that, codes and regulation assholes, way to go Pie.
Very nice, Pie! I like the clean, modern look. Is the oven a conventional, microwave, or one of those new fancy convection things?
It is a conventional electric oven . 2780 W power 72 litre max volume 290 degrees max temp
These numbers mean nothing and are crazy talk.
550 silly degrees, i don’t know what you Americans measure oven volume in so I will say 150 US liquid pints
0.35 hogsheads
Oven volume has always been measured in turkeys. One bird or two bird. In Trump’s america oven volume is now measured in migrant capacity.
what volume is a Turkey?
Depends how pissed off it is.
Reminds me of the old joke: did you hear the Germans invented a new microwave? It seats a hundred.
also bathroom old
I’m looking for an upgrade, did you get to keep your old bathroom fixtures?
/checking shipping costs from Romania
Nice but where is the icebox for keeping your bloo…beer cold?
the icebox is in the … pantry I guess? like a storage room near the kitchen
it is a mess right now cause there is stuff i did not get around to throwing away but this
fridge shelves and wine cooler.
Prosecutors and police really can be evil. This whole idea of finding the most creative way to amp up the charges has to be expunged. I get the incentive that prosecutors have, but turning a minor incident into a 40-year mandatory minimum sentence is inexcusable.
This Florida woman link is a great case in point. Crazy soon-to-be ex-wife takes her crazy soon-to-be ex-husband’s guns and turns them into police and they call it armed robbery. Because obviously, since she stole guns she was armed!
They have absolutely lost their minds. And this is just a minor example.
I think the worst part of this is that there are only a few of us wackjobs on libertarian sites who would even notice that this is an issue.
Are you saying only a few of os on the libertarian site or only a few of us, all of whom are on libertarian sites?
Even worse…. Both!
Well, they’re his guns, she took them. I’d be pissed. He isn’t convicted of anything yet. The armed part is stupid, but she broke in and took his stuff, regardless of her motivation.
I’d like to see her get a year or so for that. I see your point about over charging, but this should absolutely be crime.
Still married? Community property?
Will the cops give the guy his guns back?
Estranged. She broke in and searched for the guns. Dude’s a dick for ramming the car. But she’s right there with him, and now they’re both in jail where they belong.
Nice kitchen, Pie.
This is Worlds Best PORK BELLY BURNT ENDS recipe
it is always risky to claim something is the worlds best
Especially without the apostrophe .
It’s never risky. Disprove it.
NPR is interviewing the latest Trump rape victim. Seems she just wrote a book. Coincidence? Although she claims she won’t use the “rape” word because women around the world are raped constantly and she was 53 when she was raped and could get over it.
This is the department store woman? Talk about straining credulity!
Even if it happens to be true oh, I still don’t understand why the press would treat it as if it is a serious allegation. Entirely implausible scenarios decades after the fact?
…thus chipping away one more little bit of the foundation of credibility for actual rape victims.
I saw an interview where she said she won’t be pressing charges because it would be disrespectful to the women on the border who are getting raped. The woman’s full of shit.
won’t be pressing charges
How considerate of her. Individuals don’t “press [criminal] charges,” the state does, when there is credible* evidence of a crime. Her saying she’s “not going to press charges” can be accurately translated as “I don’t have any evidence, just want to slander someone I don’t like.”
*how it’s supposed to work, at least.
I hope they’re using that trendy phrase “without evidence” whenever they mention her accusations. I mean, they do that every time a Republican says something that is unsubstantiated by facts, so why wouldn’t they do it in every case? Unless you’re gonna tell me that NPR is nothing more than government-funded DNC propaganda… Pure insanity.
Just, wow.
Another school shooting by an Angry White Man!
Ya, I got nothing on that one.
That link is well worth the read…
I will be interested to follow this as the media tries to figure out how to cover this.
Do they just drop it? Do they play up the role of a repressive, intolerant society in creating this kind of justifiable reaction? Do they go all in and cover it as a bias incident against transgender people?
I’m going to put my nickel down on all of the above!
Is it a new cure for headaches?
Spanish Fly-V
Is it cheaper than tequila?
$800 a month? One would think a woman could import a swarthy fit pool boy for that price.
is it related to the previous one which barely worked and had side effects severe enough with alcohol that it was practically a roofie?
Just, wow.
What do we want? Pronoun justice When do we want it? NOW!
Starts tomorrow.
Every week is Negroni week.
Hell yeah. ???
Re; In a video I saw about Buttegeig, a woman asked, ‘are you racist?’
This is where we’re at.
Anyone asking that is most likely a racist.
He’s done.
We’re fucked
Investment banker Christopher Whalen, who runs his own Wall Street boutique, thinks the Fed’s bloated balance sheet is here to stay, despite Powell’s recent efforts to shrink it slightly. “Ultimately the Bernanke–Yellen inflation of the Fed [balance sheet] and asset prices is permanent,” he said. “We can’t get out. Indeed, eventually the Fed must grow its balance sheet to keep up with Treasury debt issuance.”
That’s not good news. In the past decade investors went wild looking for higher yields than they could find by owning Treasury securities and other safer securities, starting nothing less than the yield Hunger Games. Wherever investors could find higher-yielding securities, they gobbled them up—and are still gobbling them up. Junk bonds that normally should yield more than 10% annually, to reflect the risk of owning them, now yield around 6.1%. Investors are devouring risky loans and risky debt of all kinds. There is a growing consensus that risk is being mispriced across the spectrum. And that it all will not end well.
Which is why, in part, Powell raised interest rates four times in 2018. He was trying to get out from under the yoke of low interest rates that had ended up injecting so much risk into the bond market as investors searched for higher yields. He was trying to break the cycle. He was doing the right thing. But then, thanks to Trump, Powell hit the pause button on his efforts to normalize the price of money, and now he is thinking of pivoting to lowering interest rates again, which will reignite investor frenzy for higher yields and hasten the day of reckoning for the next financial crisis, as all that mispricing of risk comes home to roost. Powell said as much Wednesday after the conclusion of the Fed’s June meeting.
Yeah, Trump is the only person in America saying the Fed should lower rates (or at minimum, stop raising them). I don’t agree with a lot of what Cohan says, but at least there’s a discernible thought process, and he can make a more substantial argument than Bad Orange Man Is Bad. The whole thing is worth reading. And he’s right, here. Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen built this house of cards, and when it collapses, there will be a big mess.
But it won’t be Trump’s fault.
It’s a giant game of musical chairs. The view will be whoever is seated as president at the time’s fault.
But I agree with you it really is helicopter Ben and Yellen’s fault.
The Palestinians are something else.
*If* they were to become a nation-state – and I don’t see how they can be one the way they behave – could you imagine the (more) ball busting they’d do in the region?
if Israel disappeared it would be paradise there. Wakanda in the middle east
Yeh I bet.
Let’s throw Israel into the sea and find out!
Sigh. You throw Jews in the WELL, not in the sea.
Deodorants were created to solve a fake problem and thrived thanks to the patriarchy.
i don’t subscribe to the ‘Peak Derp’ theory (I didn’t think there was peak oil) but Lord me sometimes my belief is challenged.
But dudes also use deodorant? Did they forget guys may want to smell good to their lady friends too?
This explains the survey from the other day about millennials not using deodorant. The MSM is telling them not to. Surprise!
I’ve spent substantial time around Indians during my career. If deodorant is a tool of the patriarchy, then I embrace Big Father.
I lived in Eastern Europe for 6 years. Deodorant is a godsend.
Doesn’t pass the smell test.
Seems Slate went on a de-odor rant against the patriarchy.
These puns are the pits
Slate is taking an axe to the patriarchy.
I think the article could be seen as anti-mennen
Um, no. Humans (both women and men) have been trying to mask the sweaty underarm stench since ancient times. There’s plenty of evidence that the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans made various concoctions that attempted to stop the sweating or at least mask the smell.
It gets tiresome refuting this idea that this thing or that thing was just invented by evil KKKorporations to oppress wahmin.
But walking around in a cloud of stink is natural and you are one with nature. You don’t hate nature, do you?
Fashion is BUT an appropriation of cultures.
The people screaming this shit better be prepared to not be hypocritical because if any of them are wearing European brands…..OOO NELLY WATCH OUT!
No, silly, it’s only appropriation when the culture you’re stealing from is authentic. Not icky.
I’ll assume a link to the bestest song about hernias ever has been linked somewhere above but here it is again just in case it wasn’t:
Cop shot in Sacramento
Community shows up to show support
A civilian-involved shooting.
(Yes, I know the cops are civilians too.)
Is anyone aware of the fringe science notion that the sun is not actually the result of nuclear reactions? I lost my pot dealer (great kid. Total professional. No dumb chit chat, just great product and perfect customer service with detailed menus of his wares.) So I had to go to someone new. I like the guy well enough, but I had to go through the routine of hanging out with him before the purchase.
We started talking, and it soon went down conspiracy alley. Hitler working for the Rothschilds, blood for oil, etc etc. Fair enough. I have nutty ideas too. Plenty of room for everyone, you know. Then it turned to AGW and solar power. Good. This can be done with numbers and math. Just need to get some.common ground. In passing I mentioned nuclear power, and the conversion of hydrogen and helium at the heart of our sun. He became agitated. “Dude. You dont honestly believe that somehow the sun just naturally formed like that, do you?”
I was…surprised and tried to press for details of what he thought the sun was (is he a flat earther? Something new?) He then proceeded to show me videos (ugh) of some look who posts videos about the sun and the problems with current cosmology.
For the life of me, I couldn’t get out of him what he thought the sun was. He had jumped on to ancient aliens, holistic medicine and a host of other topics.
Does this ring any bells to any of you who deal with kooks? Couldn’t find out any more about the topic.
Sigh. Like the guy, but I’m going to have to find a new dealer. Pot was lousy anyways.
The Electric Universe Theory?
Damn it. Another rabbit hole to go down.
No way. Keep him. He’s from the old school of dealers where the song and dance was as important as the product.
As an addendum to my rejoinder below – never put up with bad product. Always keep at least two backup channels active and buy through each at least twice a year.
I view the “song and dance” as a time filler. Often wondered if they choose something so completely off the wall that nobody will actually agree with them, argue with them, or try to use that topic as the basis for forming a friendship.
Boogie Nights, Jessie’s Girl. Worth the show.
That go through the motions of hanging out thing is annoying, but is also for everyone’s protection. Always assume you have busybody/snitch neighbors who are on the lookout for “that guy who visits your neighbor every couple of weeks but never for more than fifteen minutes.” They get taught that shit by Officer Friendly at the Neighborhood Watch meetings.
California is screwed so many different ways, but at least I can walk three blocks to the clean, efficient, well-stocked rec shop and pay less than five years ago for any and all varieties.
Jan 22
Donald Trump will go down in history as the first American president to have willingly betrayed his own country in service to a foreign enemy. His acts of treason will be taught in history books for generations to come, and the name “Trump” will become synonymous with treachery.
Get a load of this douche.
Love how these people just KNOW how things will turn out. What the fuck is it with the hubris and arrogance? Sounds like my idiot neighbour.
“Chairman of @TheDemCoalition; formerly LI Campaign Chair for @BarackObama. Any endorsements here reflect my personal opinions. ”
People like that are either crazy or stupid or lying or ignorant or some combination of the four and their political opinions should be summarily disregarded.
Jon Cooper
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Congrats, @realDonaldTrump! For the first time EVER, a star will be REMOVED from Hollywood’s Walk of Fame!!!⭐️
Next up: Removing YOU from the Oval Office!!
They swear they’re on the right side of history. Asshat’s gonna asshat, my man.
I’m reading De Chateubriand’s ‘The Genius of Christianity’. It’s one of them ‘forgotten books’ I found in a bibliography of another book I read. I tend to do that from time time.
It’s a book written in reaction to the horrors of the French revolution. If anything, it shows the foolishness of people who think this.
His attack of Voltaire is fascinating.
Oh, that sounds like something up my alley. Thanks for bringing it up, I’ll have to check that book out for myself.
Of course they know how it will turn out. Who do you think writes the history books?
Goddamnit I knew it sneaky fuckin Americans destorying our crops to force your GMO onto us
US military gets lost, ‘invades’ small Romanian village, blames the weather
Farmers in idyllic rural Romania got a rather unwelcome surprise when they were suddenly swarmed by US soldiers, while armored combat support vehicles ran roughshod through their fields, destroying hectares of crops. –
Hunting vampires is absolutely the job of the military. One of the few uses of overseas forces I can support.
Apparently channeling former British PM Theresa May, US troops ran a tank, a Humvee and a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle through defenseless fields of wheat, sunflower and corn in Stelnica
How is that channeling May?
To be fair they heard there was oil in those fields. And you know how we get when we smell oil.
False flag. Those were Russians practicing their re-annexation of Romania.
“hectares of crops. –”
Not this shit again. ; )
Wish me luck. Today’s father son project is putting a replacement rear window in my son’s 1998 BMW Z3 convertible.
Instructions claim that is about a 1 hour job. I’ll believe it when it happens.
And for our otaku glibs:
Seiyuu Yuki Kaji and Ayana Taketatsu Announce Marriage
Good luck on the project. And huh, looks like Issei and Koneko were the OTP of Highschool DxD after all.
/runs away in weeb shame
Ayacchi is cute as button, but should never be allowed to sing. However, the Japanese “idol production factory” requires singing.
OTH, I’ve heard he try to speak English and it’s hysterical! All her fellow voice actors were busting her chops.
She had an absolutely awful incident with a stalker that made the national news last year, so she deserves some happiness.
Her English is absolutely perfect. And yeah, glad she found some happiness and seems like Yuuki Kaji is a cool dude so that’ll be great.
Did you have that bookmarked?
N-no. It’s not like I think she’s adorable or anything.
Raphael goes tsundere….
That shouldn’t be too bad!
Good luck
Fingers crossed. Hardest point will be aligning the zipper so it isn’t twisted. That part is essentially trial and error.
Used to do convertible tops on British cars regularly. Key was two hours in the hot sun. Almost impossible without that.
^This is the world passing me by.
The handwriting part is partly cultural. The physical writing is done to show personal appreciation for the reader.
So I get that, but the Twitter posting part is also making a whooshing sound as it goes by me too.
Instructions with a time estimate usually assume the person(s) doing the job are experts in the field and have done hundreds of similar projects. So I would think 4 hours minimum.
Also your son’s car is cool.
Real world experiences based on some internet searching have gone from 15 minutes to two hours. Book time for auto upholstery and top places is one hour.
I’ve done a fair bit of auto work, but never auto upholstery so I’m figuring at least an hour, but hoping for under two.
You know what else was a 1-hour job?
I get it.
If Trump gets big crowds it’s totes like Hitler when he got big crowds.
Chuck Todd is practically WEEPING in outrage over those poor children in the concentration camps.
I’d bet those “concentration camps” are better than where they came from.
Concentration camps > shit holes.
Radley Balko is too:
It was sad to see him go off the deep end.
Which adds to the theory Reason writers, when pushed to choose at the fork in the road, choose left.
berry season has started. raspberries and blueberries are starting to ripe, the red currants and gooseberries and blackberries not yet.
My harvest today
Now Chuckie’s badgering Trump about teh Collooshunz.
“Prove your innocence, Trumphitler!”
Yet another reason I’m not a Republican:
Seventy seven percent of Republicans support military action against Iran. They really are a bunch of fucking retards who are absolutely incapable of learning a practical lesson.
What I’m mainly concerned about these days is boots on the ground.
If we decide to completely eliminate their navy over a weekend, I’m not happy but I’ll deal with it.
So as it is hot out there I am drinking white wine
not bad not great, somewhat off dry which is not my thing.
Dunno if you ever saw my comment but Legend of Dracula was enjoyable.
that is surprising
The Germans can do a great job balancing sweet and acid. Kabinett is my go-to sweetness level, but sipping a Mosel Spaetlese on a hot day like today is a pretty fine experience.
RE the hernia pic. How does one get those because I think I have four on the graphic and a few not pictured.
1. Put a tiller in the trunk of your car by your self. Make sure the tiller weighs more than you do.
2. A couple years later follow up with a similar item to get a balanced scar pattern.
Fortunately surgery was my friend.
I read that as, “put a tiller on the trunk of your car” and wondered if you had an amphibious car which would be cool.
We now return to our regularly scheduled shrieking
In the 476 months that he’s been in office, Donald Trump has made it abundantly clear that he would like the earth to die in a fire—literally. In that time he has abandoned the Paris climate agreement; unveiled a proposal to freeze rules on planet-warming pollution from cars and trucks; claimed wind turbines aren’t a viable source of energy because the sound they make “causes cancer”; and hired a guy who believes carbon dioxide has been demonized like “Jews under Hitler” to discredit the findings of 13 federal agencies that increased levels of CO2 pose a national emergency. But it was only today that his pièce de résistance, when it comes to letting climate change really rip, was officially put into place.
On Wednesday, the administration officially replaced Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan with an alternative it cooked up called the Affordable Clean Energy rule. How do the regulations differ?
[insert catalog of horrors]
Bad Orange Man Is Bad.
He’s killing Gaia!!!!!111!
Rolling back the clock to 2008 means we’ll have to subtract 11 years from the 12 years we have left. Do you even math, bruh?
Completely false. Trump would like the world to die in a fire figuratively.
Btw, where did trump get the windmills cause cancer thing? That came out of left field.
The president said something stupid. You know what else is stupid? Relentlessly pushing the ludicrous narrative that you can run the planet on rainbows and unicorn farts.
It’s ridiculous. You me how many unicorn farts it takes to start my lawnmower? A lot.
I say we kill Gaia before it kills us.
476 months?
Shhhh… she’s snarking. Embrace the humor.
She means it feels like 476 months.
He was Secret Nazi President all along! They just made it official in 2017.
Um, wasn’t that thing pretty much a toothless feel-good piece of paper?
And was never ratified by the senate.
What’s your point? Obama signed it and that makes it more binding than the constitution.
+1 9th Circuit Judge
Symbolic gestures are the most important of all.
The Meet the Press gang all agree. Trump is too disruptive and unsettling. We need a break from boat-rockers. Bring on that nice sensible Biden man.
+2 sensible segregationists
Vegetarianism is like soccer. Hating on it is something that both sides of the spectrum love to engage in (just for different reasons)
Jazz Shaw and EcoWatch agree that Impossible Burgers are de debil
It seems the main problem with those soy burgers is that they use GMO!!!! And it wasn’t fully tested by the FDA!!!!!
The horrors!
Kraykray from TOS gets a nice one in on twitter.
Look, she wore the pantsuit of power for 4 years, shook some hands, and she told some people that gays were not bad. If that’s not foreign policy expertise, what is?
She made public slave markets possible again. If that doesn’t mean she deserves to be president I don’t know what will.
“The ‘base’ of the Democratic Party,” you say?
If you think of the Democratic Party as an inverted pyramid, that might make sense.
I seen Bruce Hornsby play a few years ago, and he never played one note on the piano.
He did That’s the Way it Is with a bluegrass band, then did a full set of Appalachian music playing his dulcimer. It was not what I was expecting, but was still very cool.
Wealth Derangement Syndrome- it’s real, and it’s here
Just for Suthen, TW: Krugabe
In a couple of days I’m going to be participating in an Economic Policy Institute conference on “excessive wealth disorder” — the problems and dangers created by extreme concentration of income and wealth at the top. I’ve been asked to give a short talk at the beginning of the conference, focusing on the political and policy distortions high inequality creates, and I’ve been trying to put my thoughts in order. So I thought I might as well write up those thoughts for broader dissemination.
blahblahblah something something rich peepul suxx
So what does this imply going forward? First, in the near term, both during the 2020 election and after, it’s going to be really important to ride herd on both centrist politicians and the media, and not let them pull another 2011, treating the policy preferences of the 0.1 percent as the Right Thing as opposed to, well, what a certain small class of people want. There’s a fairly long list of things progressives have recently advocated that the usual suspects will try to convince everyone are crazy ideas nobody serious would support, e.g.
A 70 percent top tax rate
A wealth tax on very large fortunes
Universal child care
Deficit-financed spending on infrastructure
You don’t have to support any or all of these policy ideas to recognize that they are anything but crazy. They are, in fact, backed by research from some of the world’s leading economic experts. Any journalist or centrist politician who treats them as self-evidently irresponsible is doing a 2011, internalizing the prejudices of the wealthy and treating them as if they were facts.
But while vigilance can mitigate the extent to which the wealthy get to define the policy agenda, in the end big money will find a way — unless there’s less big money to begin with. So reducing the extreme concentration of income and wealth isn’t just a desirable thing on social and economic grounds. It’s also a necessary step toward a healthier political system.
Krugabe hates him some rich folks. Not good, honest, kind hearted rich folks, like hmself, or the Obamas, or Tom Steyer.
Them other rich folks who cling bitterly to their Scrooge McDuck piles of loot, which would be put to better use by the government.
Extra points for the appeal to (undefined expert) authority.
Try harder.
Deficit-financed spending on infrastructure
What actual economist would say things are “deficit-financed”? Deficits are just the difference between revenues and expenses. Even “debt-financed” makes more sense, because debt implies an instrument of finance. You can’t “finance” anything with a lack of money.
Granted, it’s just shorthand, but still. The man won a Nobel in Economics for fuck’s sake, surely he can show it once in a while.
Universal child care
It’s such a hassle for the limousine liberals to hire a nanny.
Textbook economics offered very clear advice about what to do under these circumstances. This was exactly the kind of situation in which deficit spending helps the economy, by supplying the demand the private sector wasn’t. Unfortunately, the support provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — the Obama stimulus, which was inadequate but had at least cushioned the effects of the slump — peaked in mid-2010 and was in the process of falling off sharply. So the obvious, Economics 101 move would have been to implement another significant round of stimulus. After all, the federal government was still able to borrow long-term at near-zero real interest rates.
The sky was falling. We had to prop it up with giant stacks of money. We just didn’t pile the money high enough.
1. The recovery was already well under way by the time the “Obama stimulus” wound down, so even an idiot can see it served its purpose* and was no longer needed
2. The ratio of U.S. government debt to GDP continued to climb until 2015 and has been essentially flat since then, so the actual “stimulus” lasted longer than just the one bill
* = It was actually a total waste of money spent largely on frivolous things in order to give the appearance of work being done, but whatever
The article doesn’t mention any threat to the (Democratic) state senators who didn’t walk out. It looks like they’re trying to create (even more of) a spectacle. I don’t know much about Oregon’s constitution, but the governor sending the state police after the legislators seems like a violation of the separation of powers.
Yeah I’m fairly sure the police can’t do this.
They are actually allowed to do this.