After blood sacrifices and many vile oaths, the Expedition is shifting again. The ultimate culprit? A 5 amp fuse. I guess I just misread the fuse box instructions, because I checked about six of them before ordering parts. However, both my sons thought the old shifter, taken apart was pretty bitchin’, and they don’t know dad blew $250 to fix a $.25 problem. Lemme tell you, I know a fuckton more about all the safety electronics surrounding the brake systems of modern cars though.

UN reports record cocaine production. And here I thought the blue hats just pimped kids.

Good lord, this is not for the weak of stomach. A man was found alive after a bear broke his spine and dragged him back to a den. Holy fuck.

EU vows to rip off SpaceX Falcon 9.

People who don’t understand how commodities work, part 100,404,845. Although, I’d totally go be an asteroid miner once my kids are raised.


Mexican Sharpshooter wanted me to play this for you