Do you know what day it is? Do you know WHAT DAY IT IS? OK, I’ll admit that I miss that commercial. But I will not miss links.

Birthdays today include the guy who allegedly gave us the joys of Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Frank Robinson; the best-named general ever; the guy who made “creepy” a fine art; a guy who died before he could do for Chile what his pal Castro did for Cuba; a fantastic fiddler; a long dick dong; and the guy who got SP to turn her back on her lifelong favorite football team, the Steelers.

And now the news.


So far, Gorsuch has looked like the best Supreme Court justice we could practically hope for.


Leave It To Beaver.


San Francisco to smokers: get cancer and die. 


A principled stand for the constitution. Trust Team Red to kill this in the Senate.


I dunno, she seems hot.


They should have stuck with the Baby Trump balloon.


Deterrence, how does that work? “Go shoot up a progressive congregation.”


Huh. Nut ball AND plagiarist. Let’s splash her across the news!


For Old Guy Music, I thought, huh, what genre have I not done? I know! Japanese Heavy Metal. So without further ado…

