Do you know what day it is? Do you know WHAT DAY IT IS? OK, I’ll admit that I miss that commercial. But I will not miss links.
Birthdays today include the guy who allegedly gave us the joys of Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Frank Robinson; the best-named general ever; the guy who made “creepy” a fine art; a guy who died before he could do for Chile what his pal Castro did for Cuba; a fantastic fiddler; a long dick dong; and the guy who got SP to turn her back on her lifelong favorite football team, the Steelers.
And now the news.
So far, Gorsuch has looked like the best Supreme Court justice we could practically hope for.
San Francisco to smokers: get cancer and die.
A principled stand for the constitution. Trust Team Red to kill this in the Senate.
They should have stuck with the Baby Trump balloon.
Deterrence, how does that work? “Go shoot up a progressive congregation.”
Huh. Nut ball AND plagiarist. Let’s splash her across the news!
For Old Guy Music, I thought, huh, what genre have I not done? I know! Japanese Heavy Metal. So without further ado…
“I like the sound of that”
–Union cop
“Officials on Tuesday voted to ban stores selling the vaporisers and made it illegal for online retailers to deliver to addresses in the city.”
When I first heard about this, I thought people would just buy it online.
“San Francisco’s City Attorney, Dennis Herrera, who campaigned for a ban, praised the move and said it was necessary because of an “abdication of responsibility” by the FDA in regulating e-cigarettes.”
Christ, what an asshole.
Are regular cigarettes illegal there? I’m curious if they’re consistently evil.
Not entirely.
“San Francisco Tobacco Control Laws
Tobacco control and prevention laws exist to protect communities, especially young people and communities of color, from tobacco products by reducing the harmful effects of second-hand smoke; limiting the availability and use of tobacco products; and reducing the pervasive influence of Tobacco promotion and sponsorship. Federal, State and local tobacco control laws exist and ensure the health and well-being of San Franciscans.”
“Smoke-free Cars: CA Health & Safety Code, Sec. 118947-118949 (2008). This state law bans smoking or possessing a lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette containing tobacco in any motor vehicle in which there is a minor under 18 years old, regardless of whether the vehicle is in motion or at rest.”
“Smoke-free Tobacco Shops: SF Health Code Article 19F, Sec. 1009.22 (2010). No smoking in tobacco shops other than a handful that were exempted in writing by the Department of Public Health prior to 2010. For more information call (628) 206-7668. Enforcement: Department of Public Health, San Francisco. (415) 252-3800.”
“Smoke-free Piers, Wharfs, Dock, Bulkhead, or Marine Facility: SF Police Code Article 1, Sec. 55 (1944). It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke, carry or possess a lighted cigar, cigarette, or pipe, or to smoke tobacco or any other similar substance in any form, or to ignite any match or mechanical lighter on or in any wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead, or marine facility. Enforcement: San Francisco Police Department, dial 311 (the City hotline) to report the issue.”
So communities of non-color don’t need protection from evil tobacco.
Wow. That’s some might patronizing racist claptrap.
Probably standard boilerplate opening clause for CA legislation.
I just don’t see a cop walking up to a bunch of dockworkers and snatching their cigs.
Especially since they’re all part of that union brotherhood. Professional courtesy and all.
Can a city have any authorization over the USPS?
NY started stealing cigarettes out of mail stream almost two decades ago.
Legal question: if a company doesn’t have a physical presence in SF, how can that law be enforced against them? Seems like they could only prosecute the recipient.
I suppose the law says it’s illegal to receive or posses e-cigarettes? Seems like that would be the only way. Like Not Adahn says, I wouldn’t think a city can tell the USPS what to do.
I don’t know, but it could be enough to scare them off.
Isn’t that how they got Tommy Chong? he sent pipes to Tennessee from California or something.
That was it: paraphanelia through the US mail.
But that was a federal law violation, under the jurisdiction of a federal court. That’s not the case here.
I thought it was Tennessee that got him, and that he cold ship to some states and not others. To busy to look it up now. (Shruggy thing)
US vs Chong.
Wasn’t that a federal crime though, not a state one?
Pretty sure that was a Federal crime.
Have we considered the possibility that it was a federal crime?
“In 2003 Chong became caught up in two American investigations, code-named Operation Pipe Dreams and Operation Headhunter, which tried to trace drug traffic and users through businesses selling drug paraphernalia, mostly bongs. Operation Pipe Dreams was run from Pittsburgh. US Attorney for Western Pennsylvania Mary Beth Buchanan oversaw the case. The estimated cost of Operation Pipe Dreams was over $12 million and included the resources of 2,000 law enforcement officers.[22] Fifty-five companies that sold drug paraphernalia over the Internet were the subject of the investigation, and Nice Dreams was one of them.
Chong was charged for his part in financing and promoting Chong Glass/Nice Dreams, a company started by his son Paris. His case never went to trial, as his attorney negotiated a plea agreement with the US Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania’s Office. He admitted to distributing 7,500 bongs and water pipes on the Internet through Nice Dreams, a family company. Chong agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute drug paraphernalia in exchange for non-prosecution of his wife, Shelby, and his son, Paris. Chong cooperated with the government and was the first of the Operation Pipe Dreams defendants to plead guilty.[22]
At Chong’s sentencing, Assistant U.S. Attorney for Western Pennsylvania Mary McKeen Houghton said in her arguments that Tommy Chong “used his public image to promote this crime” and marketed his products to children.[23] U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan also was present at the sentencing in Pittsburgh and released a statement to the press stating, “there are consequences for violating the law, even if the violator is a well-known entertainer like Thomas Chong.”[22]
While Chong argued for community service and home detention at his sentencing, the district judge, Arthur J. Schwab, denied his requests and sentenced him to 9 months in federal prison, a fine of $20,000, forfeiture of $103,514, and the loss of all merchandise seized during the raid of his business.[23] Chong served his sentence at the Taft Correctional Institution from October 8, 2003 to July 7, 2004. He was a cellmate—or “cubie”—with “The Wolf of Wall Street” Jordan Belfort, and is given credit for encouraging Belfort to write his memoirs. They have remained friends ever since.”
Maybe it was a federal crime?
Poor Chong, he got screwed. At least he did the right thing and protected his wife and kid.
I think I figured it out. It was a Federal crime, in his case.
Talk about low hanging fruit. The judge should have thrown it out on principle – “Dafuq? ? Aren’t there some REAL criminals out there you can find?”
They managed to make out-of-state companies enforce state sales taxes for online sales.
AFAIK, that really only worked for companies like Amazon that have a business presence in the state. For taxes, there might be a federal law involved as well, but I plead utter ignorance.
I’m not seeing how a municipality can enforce this for companies entirely outside their jurisdiction.
That was the rule until the stupid SoDaks won in South Dakota vs. Wayfair
Now you need to fork over sales tax to any state that you sell in. No matter where you are located.
Let’s see what Gorsuch says.
I was looking at some ECU tuners for the Mustang. Company in Florida – won’t sell their tuners to California residents due to CARB.
Same with Michigan and wine sales: sellers in Bumfuckistan State can’t ship to the Mitten State.
Alcohol is a different matter because constitutionally (21A, section 2), the Feds can get involved.
Trying to get a particular whiskey as a gift to my boss has been super problematic.
And stupid.
They should at least allow online sales and deliveries in low quantities.
It’s not a Fed isssue IIRC – just Michigan.
an article on the 2017 law change.
What the laws should say:
“San Francisco Tobacco Control Laws
Tobacco control and prevention laws exist to protect communities, especially young people and communities of color, from tobacco products by reducing the harmful effects of second-hand smoke; limiting the availability and use of tobacco products; and reducing the pervasive influence of Tobacco promotion and sponsorship. Federal, State and local tobacco control laws exist and ensure the health and well-being of San Franciscans.”
“Shit-free Cars: CA Health & Safety Code, Sec. 118947-118949 (2008). This state law bans shitting or pissing in any motor vehicle in which there is a minor under 18 years old, regardless of whether the vehicle is in motion or at rest.”
“Shit Free Streets and Shops: SF Health Code Article 19F, Sec. 1009.22 (2010). No shitting or pissing other than in public restrooms designed for such purpose, other than a handful that were exempted in writing by the Department of Public Health prior to 2010. For more information call (628) 206-7668. Enforcement: Department of Public Health, San Francisco. (415) 252-3800.”
“Shit-free Piers, Wharfs, Dock, Bulkhead, or Marine Facility: SF Police Code Article 1, Sec. 55 (1944). It shall be unlawful for any person to shit, piss or emit or any other similar substance in any form, on or in any wharf, pier, dock, bulkhead, or marine facility. Enforcement: San Francisco Police Department, dial 311 (the City hotline) to report the issue.”
Also, their “what about the children!” is pure bullshit, as that’s already illegal.
“Tobacco Products: Minimum Legal Age (2016) Existing law, the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) Act, establishes various requirements for distributors and retailers relating to tobacco sales to minors. This law (SB 7) extends the applicability of those provisions to persons under 21 years of age. This law also applies to selling, advertising, or furnishing an electronic device that delivers nicotine or other vaporized liquids to persons under 21 years of age. Enforcement: San Francisco Police Department, dial 311 (the City hotline) to report the issue. To report sales to minors call: 1-800-527-5443.”
Persons 18-20 aren’t minors, but thirty years of alcohol restrictions via highway funds have erased that distinction.
If you see something, say something. Eh, comrade?
When the Minnesoda ban on smoking in bars went into effect, my local bartender told me a story about someone trying to report the dive bar just down the street from him.
The rat called the police and said people were still smoking in Irv’s. The cops laughed, told the guy to get off the line so people with real crimes could call in and then hung up.
I almost stood trial for smoking in burbank, CA. I had walked from my car after parking and put a cig out in the trash can on the sidewalk. It was raining and I didn’t throw the button down because the cop was following me. I went to three court dates, had the charges dropped and refined, first as a Misdo’s and then as an infraction. Finally, they dropped the charges because I insisted on a trial. Good times.
“Leave It To Beaver.”
Stupid adblock detector.
There oughta be a law.
Or adblock could write better code.
You could just use NoScript and create your own adblock by creating a hosts file with the ad domains pointing to But then you would have to maintain and update that.
1. Install NoScript; ✔
2. Ummm…. ?
How is this not money laundering?
Because FYTW.
I suppose it would be laundering if the assets go to the Fed and then the Fed sends money to the State/Local. Otherwise it would just be theft.
Government is just popularly elected Mafia, so…
My “favorite” part of the Humpday commercial?
“Mikemikemikemikemike” *sighs wistfully* I only heard that from people maybe 30,000times.
So that means that the other 3 NoDaks who live near you each said it 10,0000 times?
Yeah, it is a bit crowded where I live.
Seriously though, in addition to my wife and I, there are only 4 other people living within a 1 mile radius of my house.
So you live in town?
NoDak Bowery
Includes the folks “staying” in his basement.
You misplaced that comma there your holiness…
Akshuly, it’s an extra zero…just like Jimbo.
Don’t try to force you cis-normative Patriarchy branded math on me!
Comma me outside MF-er!
*Notice that Mike didn’t catch on until you tipped him off. We’re pretty loose with commas on the prairie.
Heh,heh, ” Raped from the headlines!”
There has GOT to be a STEVE SMITH punch line in here somewhere…
something something STEVE SMIth RAPE first!
“In January 2015, then-U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder sharply curtailed adoptive forfeitures. Unfortunately, those limits were later repealed by former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as part of a new policy directive to “increase forfeitures” in July 2017.”
Christ, what an asshole.
I’m noticing a trend here.
It’s assholes all the way down.
Assholes in Government?
That would explain all the stupid shit that gets done there.
Water is wet…
Jeff Damer. Heh
So you ate that article up, eh?
*runs from room*
Wait until Swiss see….
*hands Swiss a mirror*
See, it’s a bit fun…
“Let’s splash her across the news!”
I heard CNN is looking for a reputable contributor to fill Avenatti’s slot.
I think OJ’s available and he seems more trustworthy than that broad.
America is a dangerous shithole with bodies piling up from all the massacres committed with sem-fully automatic death machines with the things that go up.
I’m stealing that.
the source for that statistic is from John Lott who will be dismissed outright by any prog/Dem you show this to. but even if that asshole didn’t have that ethical breach where he posed as a female student to give himself good reviews, then the Left would just find something else in his past to discredit his research. the 2A community needs a pristine researcher.
the 2A community needs a pristine researcher
I’ll say it again: the notion that statistics have anything to do with freedom is a lure to which we should not rise. Your rights have zero to do with the numbers; they are not predicated on outcomes, figures, or how well your neighbors behave.
This this this this
Your rights have zero to do with the numbers
Which is why I argue constitutionality and refrain from arguing statistics. It comes down to what the gov’t is actually allowed to do, regardless of any particular statistic.
It’s a statistic that anyone with elementary math skills could compile.
“the guy who allegedly gave us the joys of Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Frank Robinson”
After this let down I may as well move to Cleveland. It can’t be any worse. The old days of being a kid and going to Nicollet Park and watching a Knot Hole Game with The Mpls Millers. A Campbell Soup label and a dime could buy a seat for a Saturday day game. I saw Willie Mays play in his first Miller game, a couple days later he was hitting AA pitching like he owned them.
Being a bit younger than you, my childhood memories were watching Frank, Brooks, and Boog terrorize pitchers. And in Brooks’s case, terrorize anyone who dared hit a grounder or line drive on the left hand side of the diamond. Memorial Stadium was not exactly luxurious, but oh man, what a great place to see a game.
Join us Fourscore. Start cheering for the Browns this year. Jump on our bandwagon just to see in what insane way the wheels are going to go flying off as it bursts into flames.
I am so going to enjoy watching Earl Thomas jump Beckham’s routes, then Beckham screaming at poor Mayfield.
Based on Brown’s QB history, Mayfield will either:
1. Have a career ending injury while playing late in a pre-season game that there is no reason for him to play in at all
2. Develop a serious alcohol problem to the extent that he fails to show up for games and is found nude in a pool of hooker vomit in Vegas
3. Suddenly become unable to distinguish his receivers from opposing DBs
4. Be traded for a 37 year old place kicker and a bag of jockstraps
Since Mayfield seems like a decent kid I am hoping for 4.
The Twinks lead is 7.5 games in the division and people are freaking out. Uffda. We really are the worse fans in the world.
Still have get past the Yankees to make it to the WS, and that ain’t happening.
New team. You don’t have Joe Mauer to kick around anymore.
The Pohlads made us this way.
Them and the Vikes.
We know deep in our soul that somehow our team will fuck up and snatch defeat from the very jaws of victory.
And the North Stars. 81 and 91. Islanders and fucking Pens.
I had a buddy (SDSU) who in dealer-calls had a Tommy Kramer rule for stud: if you get a nine up, you had to match the big blind. Talk about bitter.
Did Touchdown Tommy run over his mail box or something?
Jeff was mostly German, the funniest guy ever. He gets caught bluffing one night and lays ’em down announcing: “Royal Sampling”
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to defund a notorious federal forfeiture program when it passed a “minibus” appropriations bill (H.R. 3055) to finance the Justice Department and other federal agencies.
There is already a provision in the founding charter of the federal government that forbids this. (stop laughing…)
General welfare clause, biatch
“Experts have examined the way technology will affect the human form, suggesting the body may change dramatically.
Creating a 3D model of a future human called “Mindy”, scientists said people living in 2100 may have hunched backs from hours of sitting over computers and looking at smartphones.
Mindy also has bigger neck muscles to compensate for her poor posture, a thicker skull to protect from radiation and a smaller brain that has shrunk from leading a largely sedentary lifestyle.
Humans in fewer than 100 years may also have claw-like hands from gripping their phones.”
That’s developmentally disabled.
Comrade Lysenko applauds.
Look at the ayatollah over here!
The video games have already created thousands of 3d models of future humans. I think the video games will be closer to the mark then this “study”.
Between that and CRISPR, my grandsons will look like a 7-foot-tall Idris Elba with green eyes, curly blond hair and a myostatin mutation.
And big tits!
Watching porn will result in sexual selection such that all penises will be >10″ long and conception will occur through the anus.
I can extrapolate from current fashion too!
Sometimes I get the feeling that some people don’t understand evolution.
When your having sex you think really hard about what you want your offspring to be like and that’s what they becomes, right?
Tie that to global climate disruption and get some grant money.
That’s a huge nut!
Somewhere M. Lamarck is wearing a contented grin.
This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read.
Cell phones have existed for all of 12 years. So we have a dozen year old technology that is totally not ever going to change and adapt to be more ergonomically designed for the users of the technology, no instead the humans will change and adapt to the specifics of that tech.
You know cause like a couple of thousand years of humans writing with quills and eventually pens and pencils have totally started to deform our right hands to be able to more ergonomically use those technologies.
“In our constitutional order, a vague law is no law at all,” he said in announcing the verdict from the bench.
You had me at constitutional.
Gorsuch has been impressing me more and more. Kavanaugh seems to be a standard bootlicker in the Clarence Thomas mold when it comes to reining in law enforcement.
I’ll be lurking for a couple of days. My WiFi card is fried and phone posting just ain’t gonna happen. Thanks to all of you for your help yesterday As I suspected it’s a hardware glitch. See you soon
You can lurk but you can’t post? That’s either heaven or hell. We’re gonna have to do a “What Would Festus Say” thread.
Festus say RELAX
“That’s either heaven or hell”
Waylon and SP approve…Sometimes
Can you tether your PC to your phone via USB? It’s gotten me through hard times*
*usually when Century Link’s shitty, shitty DSL goes down
So no porn for days? Dang…
That’s harsh.
Wanton Wednesday reminds you that the Ludic fallacy applies.
5, 8, 9 (I don’t think it’s her, but she looks a lot like Kaho Shibuya), 10, 21 (she looks like a dangerous cougar). Thanks, Q. I’m glad I got through hump day already, but hope it goes well for you and the other glibs here.
Oooh, #1, paradoxically #18, #31 because I think she’s not actually pursing her lips on purpose, unlike half those other broads, #35, and #42.
I always find it interesting how relatively unusual it is for people to pick the same pics in these replies. Some day someone should do a personality quiz based on that.
If humans could develop thicker, radiation-proof skulls and multiple sets of eyelids in 3 generations, I’d at least have hairy palms by now.
You don’t?
Pro tip: Nair is a lubricant AND an exfoliant.
Pffft. Warty is already radiation proof.
the guy who made “creepy” a fine art
It’s Joe Biden’s birthday?
I said “a fine art,” not “a way of life.” Lorre was by all accounts a pretty decent guy. As a supporter of the Committee for the First Amendment, at significant professional cost to him, I can only admire the guy.
Biden… not so much. I’ve scraped better stuff off the bottom of my shoe.
I had a clingy dingle-berry I named Biden…
Virgin to orgy in three days? Impressive.
You know what’s more impressive? I saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO.
Was it because of the humpday camel or the gecko? I hope it was not because of the caveman…
I knew a girl in college who lost her virginity, and within a month had racked up 21 guys.
I know because number one she advertised it and number two, my friend participated in a 5 vs. 1 gangbang on her.
“your friend”
Err I lost my virginity in a 3some.
So it can happen
“‘You made me famous Monkey’: Racist Miami Beach condo owner hurls MORE fury at British guest and makes vile comment about her young DAUGHTER after she’s kicked off AirBnB and”
Gorsuch’s take was fantastic. I’m hella glad he’s on the Court.
Virtue. Signaled.
Employees of the online housewares giant Wayfair announced Tuesday that they would stage a walkout at the company’s Back Bay headquarters on Wednesday to protest its decision to sell furniture to the operators of facilities for migrant children detained at the southern US border.
Last Wednesday, they learned that a $200,000 order of bedroom furniture had been placed by BCFS, a government contractor that has been managing camps at the border. More than 500 employees signed a letter of protest sent to company executives. When the company refused to change course, employees organized the walkout.
“Knowing what’s going on at the southern border and knowing that Wayfair has the potential to profit from it is pretty scary,” said Elizabeth Good, a manager on the engineering team at the company and one of the walkout’s two dozen organizers. “I want to work at a company where the standards we hold ourselves to are the same standards that we hold our customers and our partners to.”
So you’re saying that you don’t want the children to have the comfort of furniture?
Looks like it’s back to secondhand army cots for everyone then.
Learned how? Via a public disclosure by the agency? Or by viewing internal customer records and likely violating Wayfair’s internal policies?
Refusing beds for kids to OWN THE CONS.
You implying these morons thought this through beyond the usual virtue signaling value of their stunt?
Of course not. I think I’m pretty generally pretty generous, but it sadly runs very short on those types.
*clicks link, looks at picture of office*
The horror, the horrrorrr!!
Could I get a three ring binder to setup a divider?
They should be protesting their open office.
I protest mine from home 2-3 days a week.
“So you’re saying that you don’t want the children to have the comfort of furniture?”
In their defense, Wayfair’s furniture isn’t comfortable nor of any use for an extended period.
Objection. Wayfair sells nothing but the highest quality Chinese pottery barn knock-offs.
Everyday Obama must laugh his ass off.
“Argentinian teenage girl, 15, falls into a coma in the Dominican Republic as yet another holidaymaker suffers mysterious illness on the island”
It’s witchcraft, wicked witchcraffffffft
I blame Morrissey.
This does sound correct.
I know, I know it’s serious.
Stick to your day job of writing frightening verse to a buck-toothed girl in Luxembourg.
*Deletes latest submission to glibs*
That album almost put me in a coma.
someonea vacationer so much as sneezes on that island now it’s news.It’s a British tabloid. Any story with a teenager in a bikini is news.
I brought this up yesterday. Is this unusual, or is this just what happens in a typical year, and the press is taking interest in it?
Dude, they’re chasing UFO’s in the parallel timeline. This after chasing muh Russians, Indian hating Catholic boys, Bleached Black Boy with rope, Run-a-train Kavman. Fuck everything the press is pushing these days.
It’s the Curse of Cristobal Colon!!
Are these resorts publicly traded? Now would be a good time to short them.
Just don’t go.
There are plenty of shit holes with beaches in the Caribbean.
Personally, having been to a few, I don’t get the fascination.
Shitty food too.
What’s the over/under on how many times the word “free” will be used in the Democrat debates!
Infinity minus 1?
Drinking game material? Drinking game material.
I think you’d die of alcohol poisoning if you drank every time a Democrat said “free”.
That was supposed to be question (?), not an exclamation.
Oh was it now!
Zero times when referring to the freedoms the Founding Fathers fought to establish and wrote a Constitution to preserve.
Many thousands when it comes to buying votes with confiscatory taxes.
I was going to say 35. Then I thought no that’s way too low.
The BB has a good preview.
Yang literally did that the other day.
He’s going to give one person $1000/mo
Sign on to his campaign and it’s a lotto.
Is that not literally trying to buy votes?
I don’t know. It sure feels like it.
Or “I’ll make the rich pay their fair share.”
TDS rots your brain.
Near the end of the show, Cohen helped promote a planned nationwide liberal protest of the Trump administration’s immigration policy, teeing up O’Donnell: “Rosie, you’re going to be doing a vigil called Lights for Liberty, July 12th, demanding an end to the detention camps.” O’Donnell launched into a fact-free rant:
Yeah, the concentration camps, even though there’s lots of controversy about the word. But actually, legitimate scholars who study genocide say, yes, these are, in fact, the criteria for concentration camps, they meet them. There are over 100,000 camps in nearly every state. There’s between 10,000 and 13,000 children, that could fill Radio City Music Hall twice. That’s how many children unaccompanied alone in these camps.
Um…ok… *backs away slowly*
What? You don’t drive by three or four concentration camps on your way to Starbucks?
Are we counting our orphan mines as concentration camps? That’s gonna make a big difference in my total.
*Quietly texts mine foreman*
If every Glib had an orphan concentration camp that would still only be one Tulpa!
Yeah, this is just like when millions of Jews illegally crossed into Germany to get into the concentration camps.
These people are dangerously stupid and irrational.
Just to keep the math easy enough for a Memphis State grad like me, let’s assume that their facts are correct and go with 10K kids in custody. How does that square with 100K+ concentration camps?
Are they shuffling kids between camps? I hope they aren’t chopping them up into pieces!
I thought it was 100,000 camps in 51 states for a total of 5.1 million camps. That is the true horror of Donny Two Scoops
Not 100k. 50 million camps. 100k in every state.
Every refugee gets a personal camp and a summer camp and a winter camp and…
You forgot a state
Every free-standing house in America is a concentration camp.
Is this a pro or anti land tax statement?
I did state right out that I was a Memphis State grad. Anything over 20 is pure guesswork.
*fuck, two basic math mistakes in the same morning links.
A concentration camp in every pot.
Numbers are off by a bit. People in camps are only 3/5 of a person to undercount the numbers.
I think my house may be a camp …
Not sure.
C’mon Trump – close the camps and ship them to Rosie’s house.
O’Donnell’s brain rotted away long before Trump
What’s worse than 100 illegal immigrant babies in a concentration camp? 1 illegal immigrant baby in 100 concentration camps.
I had to think about it with the mask of Obama, coming out as racist,”
Literally any criticism of Obama will be cast as racist
Remember that rodeo clown?
Ex-rodeo clown.
Now this one should have been an exclamation. Remember that rodeo clown!
Yay debates!
In a free-scroll, that looked like you were cheering diabeetus.
I had to reread my own comment to make sure it didn’t autocorrect.
Computers in cahoots with Big Disease.
They are out to get SugarFree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it.
I love a story with a happy ending.
So Fidel did one good thing in his life, at least?
If only Chile had an assault weapons ban…..
The crazy part was, he managed to empty the whole magazine
Into the back of his skull, no less.
On Semi-Auto!
Ready for tonight’s #DemDebate?
Educate yourself on each of the 2020 campaign tax proposals and the economics behind them
Spoiler, all bad ideas.
I’m ready to get absolutely plastered and see Trump’s livetweets.
Safety Tip: Do Not Drink every time they mention the 1% or the rich paying their fair share
Alcohol poisoning is no joke
I would watch but I decided to pour bleach into my eyes instead.
My son graduates High School this evening. I want to hold on to the belief there is a future for those kids for at least a day – so no.
It’s the middle of June, school is still going on in some places?
Year-round school schedule is a thing in some places. Summer break is like 3 weeks.
That’s just wrong.
::checks calendar::
Umm, LJW….you seem to have a very different view of when the middle of the month occurs.
Whoops end of month had my head buried in work didn’t even realize what day it is.
Well, if you had it reversed, I’d have better news for you. As it is….well 7/4 is next week, so you got that to look forward to*
*Presuming your state-sided-ness
Yup and I just remembered I have the whole week off!
Glad that worked out, then.
My next door neighbor bought $1000 of fireworks from PA. What the fuck is he gonna do with $1000 worth of fireworks? Well, besides keep toddler trshmnstr up in fear all night…
They are remarkably late this year for some reason. And he goes to college in mid-August so it’s a very short summer.
My kids (in Japan) will be in school until sometime towards the end of July.
The graduation won’t be the most boring thing going on, that’s nice.
Who said you can’t run on a policy of raising everyone’s taxes?
Wait, what? I was told that The Rich(tm) would be paying for everything.
Last presidential election, one of my wife’s cousins (and her husband) watched all the debates from both parties. I hope for the sake of their sanity they don’t do that again.
Reminds self: Stop at store, get popcorn.
‘Want to Break Taboos’: First Sex Shop Opens in Cuba, Fuels Legalisation Calls
“Bay of Pigs Sex Toys”
Sometimes, a Cuban Cigar is just a Cuban Cigar.
“men in particular assuming dildos or vibrators are only for homosexuals”
So many jokes there….
Quite a few good opportunities for inyourendos.
Oh, Raph…Not the Cubans!
I understand why the locals would be confused. Sex in communist countries is so prolific and great, why would anyone need toys?
Yeah, the fucking never ends.
The government bureaucrats prefer to call it servicing the people….
You know. Like a bull “services” the cows…
*nods vigorously*
Nodding the head? Is that what kids call it these days?
They call it assault these days.
Goodyear teacher sex scandal: Principal didn’t report allegations, school district says not liable
Well I hope they punish all those nosy tattle tales. Why didn’t they mind their own business?
The government has no business in the sex lives of two consenting… oh yeah.
” Three students in Zamora’s class wrote statements about it”
Sore losers…
Shiz, if I ain’t gettin’ me some-some, then I will cock-block your ass.
The statements were returned with corrections and suggests for revisions. No statements will be accepted without at least two substantive drafts attached.
/memories of composition class
Iran leadership doesn’t understand the words “nice” or “compassion,” they never have. Sadly, the thing they do understand is Strength and Power, and the USA is by far the most powerful Military Force in the world, with 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested over the last two years alone..
….The wonderful Iranian people are suffering, and for no reason at all. Their leadership spends all of its money on Terror, and little on anything else. The U.S. has not forgotten Iran’s use of IED’s & EFP’s (bombs), which killed 2000 Americans, and wounded many more…
….Iran’s very ignorant and insulting statement, put out today, only shows that they do not understand reality. Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!
This timeline in which we live is, well, entertaining at least.
As long as he talks shit but doesn’t actually do shit I’m OK with it.
the thing they do understand is Strength and Power, and the USA is by far the most powerful Military Force in the world, with 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested over the last two years alone..
Iran’s use of IED’s & EFP’s (bombs), which killed 2000 Americans, and wounded many more…
Cognitive dissonance, the breakfast of champions
“Cognitive dissonance”
No shit…
Letter: Libertarian parody
I suspect Chuck Annal isn’t terribly smart.
Well, a rose, by any other name…
It’s a pseudonym for Chuck Anal.
““We’re training our algorithms, if 2016 happened again, would the outcome be different?…What’s fair and what’s equitable, we’re a big company, we’re going to say it…The people who voted for the current President do not agree with our definition of fairness.” – Jen Gennai”
Dont’tbe evil.”Our definition of fairness being we get what we want or it’s not democratic.
Robby gets his ass handed to him..
Robby just doesn’t want to mess up his coif.
Ouch, that’s going to leave a mark.
SO I have been wondering something about this.
By what logic is what that Google Exec chick and by extension Google itself as a company not guilty of conspiracy to commit election fraud?
She explicitly stated that she was engaged in a plan to ensure another candidate like Donald Trump gets elected. If what the Russians were alleged to have done was actually illegal and it would have been illegal for Trump officials to have cooperated with those activities then how is what google is doing not patently illegal?
It meets the minimal definition of a political contribution, which should mean Google has to conform to all other electoral laws.
For a company so full of intelligent people, they really are dumb as shit.
Say what you will about Moorhead, Minnesoda but their homeless people know how to party. Also this is why Moorhead can’t have nice homeless shelters.
How are you gonna keep them on the farm after they’ve seen Karl Hungus?
Don’t be fatuous, Chipwooder.
Uffa. This story was suggested in the story above. One hell of a birthday party (ok, it just said candle, but I’m going with b-day candle)
“Yep—I done sar it. Pert near 4 inch that roof lifted up.”
You didn’t watch the video. The stoicism of Norwegians is why local news will in the Red River Valley will never win any awards.
Your house just exploded and the interview makes you look totally disinterested.
*Also Barnesville holds a place near and dear to my heart. When I was 17, I met a girl of questionable taste and morals who enticed me to drive all the way over to her place several times during the summer.
“Questionable” taste? Like, you couldn’t quite place it, or…?
Also, no, I didn’t. But I have now.
Her pussy tasted like shit. That is when I realized I needed to get to an orthodontist to correct my overbite.
There’s an odd symmetry of your avatar and the description of her genitals.
the roof was lifted about 4 inches off the house before falling back down.
It’s a Tom and Jerry cartoon come to life.
The pic is pretty impressive.
I once had something similar happen to me in high school with my father’s fish house. I had forgotten to turn the stove pipe away from the wind, so the gas was all getting blown back into the fish house. Then my buddy and I horsed around for a couple minutes while the fish house was filled with gas. When I finally leaned in to start the stove, a small explosion occurred and I ended up on my ass on the ice. Luckily nothing else was damaged.
My buddy’s eyes were the size of dinner plates and once he realized I was OK (some singed hair and eye brows) he laughed for an hour and I never ever lived it down.
Good thing it wasn’t already going and the carbon monoxide visiting Ol’ Jimbo. Need to watch the wind in a fish house.
/Needs more MN glibs as it is
Did someone say Japanese Heavy Metal?
No. I said Mongolian Heavy Metal.
Is Fukushima leaking again?
Stark partisan divisions in Americans’ views of ‘socialism,’ ‘capitalism’
They like us, they really like us!
Too bad it’s because we’re (mostly) politically irrelevant.
Plus, we’re just a bunch of Paulista goobers and bullies so there’s no way they’ll adopt the label.
Careful, Tulpas can be summoned just by mentioning their shticks
Go into your bathroom, face the mirror and turn off the light. Say “LAOL, LAOL, LAOL, LAOL, LAOL.” If you can manage to say such an idiotic phrase five times without laughing, when you turn on the light, Tulpa will be licking your toilet bowl.
Okay, what’s the A stand for?
“Law and Order Libertarian” was his catchphrase for a while. Because nothing says maximal personal freedom like getting murdered by a cop that will never be punished for it.
Wouldn’t L&OL be a better slogan, then? Instead of Laughing Ass Out Loud, which is what it looks like.
Of many things said about Tulpa, “brilliant” was never among them.
Sasha Grey is Tulpa?
Fuck Tulpa?
Needs more Caps you BULLY!
You two are a pair of Jabronis.
Wait, what are we doing here?
IT is RIGHT here in BLACK and WHITE
Sean on June 26, 2019 at 9:17 am
You two are a pair of Jabronis.
You have no argument about the 97.328% Niskanen cato public so you resort to VILE ASSAULTS and BULLYING!!!!
Tulpa is/was Hihn?
Everybody likes the lovable loser.
The problem is that they love us for different reasons. The right likes us because we are for low taxes and low regulations. The left loves us because we are for letting people get their freak flag on.
As soon as an actual libertarian shows up, they all hate on them for not completely towing their lion. The right dismisses us because of the Drug War. The left hates us because we won’t use taxes to punish wrong think.
TBF, I don’t even really like libertarians.
You know who else didn’t really like libertarians….
You’re not a true American unless your kid recites this prayer I wrote for the school.
/most of my red-blooded cousins
Libertarians get shit on from both left and right at another blog I frequent.
“They’re really doing this. They’re really pretending we don’t have memories beyond six months. It’s astounding.
Trump can shove his dumb wall. It’s completely beside the point. In January we were told by every single one of these guys there was no crisis at the border. Now unhinged Marx BAE screams Holocaust! & suddenly they all jump. It’s all so predictable, and they think you’re stupid.
Jake Tapper called it a crisis tonight in a tweet with that picture. 90% of his own network scoffed at that idea so maybe Jake needs to knock on some doors of his coworkers tomorrow or ask his Democrat guests who control funding in the House. Hold your breaths everyone.”
It’s a crisis that can only be solved one way, which just happens to comport with what they were pushing when they pretended it wasn’t a crisis: stop detaining illegals at the border.
If that’s what Congress wants to push, they’re free to pass a law saying so. Cuz current law disagrees.
I’m awfully curious to hear what they want spelled out with any specificity. They won’t come out and say amnesty, open borders, and instant citizenship, but they oppose even the meagerest enforcement efforts.
“It’s a crisis that can only be solved one way, which just happens to comport with what they were pushing when they pretended it wasn’t a crisis:”
Are we still talking about the wall, or did we move on to discussing AGW or the war on poverty?
We should totally trust and believe in our MSM betters. Yep, they ain’t full of crap, no sirree.
– The Z-Man
We’re always ruled by sociopaths. Democracy is just a deal with the sociopaths, and a pretty good one at that. They still get power and glory, names in the history books, and all that. But they don’t have to risk their lives for it. They can live and eventually retire without constantly worrying about the other sociopaths trying to take them out. In exchange, we get some small say in matters, and no one sociopath can rule absolutely.
OT: I got the top plate and chassis for the first E130L monoblock put together: Pic
Now I just have to do some soldering.
Which one of you is this?
Tried to stop once. White Knuckled it.
I wouldn’t think jerking off is an activity that would require hours. If you don’t know what you yourself like, then there’s no hope for you.
It’s called edging, sir.
I thought edging was something you only did to trimmed lawns.
So you’re the guy who needs the 55 gallon drum of lube.
Someone should make it an Olympic sport.
I don’t masturbate often, but when I do, I …
The stoicism of Norwegians is why local news will in the Red River Valley will never win any awards.
*falsetto voice*
“I christen thee, good ship ‘Stoicism of the Norwegians’. Bless you, and all who sail on you.”
*smashes champagne bottle on prow*
Stoicism of the Norwegians will patrol the Red River from Fargo all the way to Hudson Bay. Gunboat diplomacy for the Canucks.
The grips arrived!
Absolutely beautiful, Not Adahn.
And beautifully grippy. I really like LOK grips, even if I’m never completely sure how it’s supposed to be capitalized.
I missed this. Those are awesome.
How’d you do this?
Nice. Thanks for the link!
OK, they don’t do Para-Ords so I may have to get a pair for my 10mm EAA Witness. ..or maybe the Hi-power when I finally convert it to 357 SIG.
Holy Fuck is that ever nice. What model CZ is that? I was fondling a 75b-omega recently and swore that it would be my next pistol purchase.
Porn addiction? What porn addiction?
Man oh man I love those old 6-series.
I told you. That site is insanely addicting.
Wow, that’s in great shape.
I hope Tundra doesn’t see this.
Lol. It’s on my watch list.
Too late, I’m buying it.
Really, the next fj I buy will be a troopy.
I forgot to share this with you guys the other day.
It’s probably a good thing I don’t have fuck you money.
Probably for the best.
That much money would just lead to our yards looking like a vintage sports car lot mixed with army surplus
I lean more towards the compound built from shipping containers and fortified by earthen breastworks but I do see the appeal of the militaristic U-Pull-‘Em lot.
How can you read my mind?
/tried to block dreamy thoughts of M35 & Z in driveway
Stupid low-sulfur diesel laws.
Oh that is a fun site, thank you.
Breaking The Booze Habit, Even Briefly, Has Its Benefits
something living envy something the dead
Media’s been flogging this angle hard lately. Tedious. “Handcrafted mocktails”….seriously, fuck off.
And at the same time the same generation is buying alcoholic seltzer water (and even worse, alcoholic flavored still water).
Canned wine. Canned wine is HUGE on the NYC beach this Summer. Local jobbers are having trouble keeping it in stock.
For a libertarian, you sure don’t have much of a live-and-let-live attitude.
a)I’m only libertarianISH, to be honest
b)Live and let live does NOT preclude mockery.
Ooooh goody!
I haven’t seen a flamewar over what it means to be a True Libertarian in a while.
Or cockery, I guess.
(I don’t know if that is actually a word, I was just doing wordplay.)
If you’re mocking their pretentiousness, mock away — I will gladly join you. But don’t mock them just because they don’t want to drink alcohol.
Of course it’s their pretentiousness and their navel-gazing that annoys me. I don’t care whether anyone drinks or not. I do snicker at the notion that a)this is anything particularly novel. My father has liver issues and thus has chosen not to drink for at least 15 years, but he doesn’t make a big fuss about it. He just orders Arnold Palmers when he’s in a drinking type situation, and goes about his business.
I myself I drink frequently but rather lightly because I do value sobriety. When I was a young man I generally made an ass out of myself (or worse) when I was drunk, so I eventually stopped drinking to excess. Haven’t been more than slightly tipsy in well over a decade.
I guess that’s another thing I find silly, the outdated notion that just one sip of the demon alcohol will sully you. You can’t just be an adult and limit yourself to just a few drinks to practice sobriety – you have to drink “mocktails” and impress everyone with your originality.
For some people (true alcoholics), drinking just a little is problematic. But for most people, it’s not that hard to drink in moderation.
>>club work out, have demanding jobs and simply don’t want to feel foggy or hungover
You know I work out 6x a week, have a demanding job, but – self-control! – only drink heavily when I want to.
I go on the water wagon every once in a while when I think my poor liver needs a break. You know what isn’t hard? Asking for a regular water or pop at the bar.
I might get some gentle ribbing from my buddies about being a quitter, but none of the stupid peer pressure bs you see in the media. Likewise when a buddy orders a water at the bar, I don’t give him a hard time.
This bullshit about needing to buy “mocktails” makes me crazy.
I think it was in Penn Jillette’s book about losing weight where he talked about some study that showed that the worse thing you can do is talk about your diet/sobriety/etc. The reasoning being that when you broadcast to all your peers about the good thing you are doing, you immediately get the benefits of that good work. So you get props for stopping drinking before you have actually stopped drinking for any real length of time.
If you were serious about not drinking, you would just stop drinking and keep it to yourself.
^ This x about a million.
Close to 35 years now. Too many Sunday mornins’ comin’ down.
Honestly, taking a booze break is not a bad idea at all. Pater Dean does so periodically. Its probably been too long since I did so.
And, I might even make mocktails, just for the entertainment of it.
Critic Slams ‘Toy Story 4’ For Sexism, Disableism, And Having ‘No Black Leads’
1. Correct me if I’m wrong but Key and Peele are in the movie with significant roles.
2. They could have caved to your demands and I’m surprised they didn’t, given it is Disney. However, they would like to make money.
Black Toys Matter!
Ugh, go fuck yourself, ma’am.
*cups hands around mouth*
CriticSlams ‘Toy Story 4’ For Sexism, Disableism, And Having ‘No Black Leads’FTFY
“Okay, let’s talk about the white feminism on display here. Oh look! Bo-Peep’s a feminist. No she’s not! She’s still going to fall in love, she’s still going to have the happily ever after, that’s not feminism!,” Duffy exclaimed. “It’s a woman who kicks off her skirt to reveal bloomers. Had a couple of thoughts… and does some high wire acts.
Feminism is being a miserable shrew of course.
Pretty much what she admitted isn’t it? Feminists to not fall in love. Feminists do not live happy.
Does no one remember Libertarian Barbie from TS3?
There’s nothing feminine about being a feminist!
I love when Key and Peele try to act authentically black. It’s the most unbelievable stuff in their oeuvre.
Flip Wilson would have a shtick doing Key and Peele doing stereotypes
Apparently the Jacket uses Google maps to get directions to his cocktail parties.
Jerry Miculek On Recoil Control With A Pistol
Okay Jerry, I’ll keep that in mind.
I take his point. I was raised one shot one kill, but cans and turtles don’t shoot back. The relaxed follow-through from that school left me unprepared for rapid short-arms work, so I had some serious catching up to do when I realized that the only way for me to double-tap center mass was to put the first one in his belt buckle. I could acquire a workable second target in less than six seconds, you’re right, but it was several hundred rounds before I could run a clip in a useful way.
He’s got a good grip on that stick though.
I’ve said it here before; while not in SF proper, Silicon Valley had more homeless people than anywhere I’ve seen in the US.
Not up to Delhi standards though, so this may be overstating it.
“Deaths have jumped 76% in the past five years, outpacing the growth of the homeless population, according to a Kaiser Health News analysis of the coroner’s data.”
Sounds like the problem is solving itself.
The wife has been in Filthadelphia for three days and has already seen:
– Multiple heroin addicts passed out on the street
– Sidewalk turds
– Fat women in clothes three sizes too small taking selfies in the middle of the street
– A purse snatching
– A homeless crazy guy accosting a teenage girl in their group
– A fight between two women in Central City involving a 2 by 4
-Sidewalk turds
As long as they stayed out of the road. Helluva mess on someone’s tires, you know.
I’d like to see video of that.
Apparently there was one guy trying to mediate. I can only assume he was the reason they were fighting.
Pimp’n ain’t easy but it is necessary..
Oh, I forgot the 300lb man/woman/thing with blubber hanging out from under their too-small shirt.
Uffda, I remember an incident a few years ago when I was out jogging at lunch. I was approaching a couple from behind and swore the woman wasn’t wearing any shirt.
As I got closer, I realized her back fat had completely covered up the tiny sports bra she was wearing.
Her boy friend was maybe 125 lb soaking wet.
Everyday I go out and see slobby fat women at the local supermarket, etc. I thank God my wife is still pretty damn hot for a 43-year-old.
Hahaha, she didn’t see any row houses being bombed, did she? ‘Cause Philly has brotherly love and stuff.
No Phillies fans jumping off high buildings? How about conservatively dressed businesswomen walking down the street screaming vulgarities into their cellphones?
One thing she won’t see: a registered Republican.
Trump got 15% of the vote. Toss in those who didn’t vote and I bet you can spot a few.
Philly did have a bunch of precincts that had zero Trump votes, though, if I remember correctly.
The same precincts that have more votes than voters.
No shit. One of the elections commissioners lives down the street from her mother. She (the commissioner) is a god among mere mortals in Philly.
That’s the latest Grand Theft Auto right there.
Someone should tell them to incorporate the sidewalk turd theme…
Not so sure about that one. But I’ll look past that and continue with the article.
The San Fernando valley probably produces more volume.
Florida Man scoffs.
LA is worse than when I lived there in the late 90s.
Oh look, Riordan was mayor.
If you’re in the market for Limey shitbox, you could do worse than this.
Oooooooh, now you done did it.
That is Tundra’s car. He drives it all around and is so proud of it.
You don’t get it. Limey shitbox isn’t a pejorative, it’s a dare.
Mine’s a Spitfire, though.
Speaking of Limey shitboxes, I’ve always had an irrational love for the Jensen Interceptor
The science is settled.
Muh ConsensusSS!!!
They’re part of a sober social club, made up mostly of women in their 30s who want to have fun and make friends without alcohol.
Bless their hearts.
Then how do they shed their inhibitions enough to go a little lesbo?
Kiss, but no tongue.
Clickbait title ignores basic economics
Article itself suffers less completely from the idiocy.
Would a humongous influx of gold do much else besides crash the value of gold? Are there a lot of things we do with inferior substitutes that we could be doing with gold if not for the price? Would it be a big electronics boom?
Everyone’s stereo equipment would sound SWEET!
Suddenly all our coinage is minted in gold because zinc, copper, and nickle are more expensive.
Obligatory Amazon review for $16,000 speaker cables
Had no idea SugarFree wrote for Stereophile.
Don’t disregard the solid-gold house market.
Or the gold on the ceiling.
Wait until they haul this sucker in and mine that!
For anybody following Venezuelan inflation.
Problem solved. Old Simón must be proud.
Printing press operators are running at full capacity.
Socialism Success!
For anybody following Venezuelan inflation.
Oh, just draw some zeros on your old banknotes.
The government has a plan to roll out stickers to do that and make it all official like, yo!
In Supreme Court news, it’s looking like the progs are expecting to lose the decision about the citizenship question on the census. Headline from Slate that popped up in my newsfeed today:
In other news, if anyone wants a brewery, the Celis Brewery is going up for auction on July 2nd.
Well I hope it doesn’t get shut down. I like their stuff
Yeah, they prefer the old days of pulling the count of illegals out of their ass and getting the census to “adjust” their counts.
Attempting an actual, accurate count is literally worse than H—-r.
Worse than H&R?
Does that even still exist? Last time I looked in it was just “Latest”.
It seems like they folded it into the regular article feed. You could still read the comments if you wanted.
Good one!
I would be fine with them striking the citizenship question if they struck every other bullshit question as well. And just left it to:
“How many people live here?”
One and done.
But but but how will governments know how many schools to build or roads to pave without that long form?
Yep. Once you start asking a bunch of other intrusive crap, why would you stop at citizenship?
I mean, of course you and I know why, but you get my drift.
I thought they used to ask about citizenship, and then stopped, for some reason.
Once you let the Census ask anything beyond what the Constitution specifies, I can’t imagine a credible Constitutional argument against asking about citizenship. In fact, if you were going to shorten the list of questions, I would think citizenship would be on the short list. I mean, “are you a citizen or not” is at least a question the federal government has some reason to know.
Black Toys Matter!
said Winston’s mom.
Don’t tell the Cubans.
if anyone wants a brewery, the Celis Brewery is going up for auction on July 2nd.
The only thing I can think of dumber than buying a brewery would be buying a race team.
Horses, the answer to worst purchase ever is always horses
Race horses vs Boats:
Which will get you to BK fastest?
Not even for a glue investment?
One of the few things with higher upkeep costs and a worse ROI than boats.
a girlfriend I refer to as Lawyer 1 taught me that boat stands for “break out another thousand”
and boats don’t smell all yummy like horses
Boats don’t bite you.
*drifts off to horrific childhood memory of being bitten and shaken by horse*
I was bucked off a horse when I was seven or eight. All I remember is suddenly I was sitting up against the side of the barn several feet away.
Boats don’t injure themselves, catch diseases or need to be fed even if you aren’t using them.
Barnacles are boat herpes.
If only humans could scrape their herpes off every year.
My daughter and I have this ongoing rivalry. She really likes horses. I really like sailboats.
I’m allergic to horses
I got kicked in the head by a horse when I was 12.
I’ve been bucked off of a horse more times than I can count. Many boats have also bucked me off, but the landing was softer.
I’ve had my toes stepped on more times than I can count.
You can ask a horse to turn right and it might. A sailboat will go where you tell it to go.
Sailboats are better than horses.
Funny, I know I’ve been thrown, but I have no recollection of it ever happening. How could I not remember.
Lawyer 1’s Order to Vacate was delivered at close quarter; I remember that one well.
“How could I not remember?”
Maybe you landed on your head?
I specifically remember once flying through the air towards the top rung of the fence thinking “this is gonna hurt”. I hit the board with my ankle and then belly flopped into the dirt.
I had to hobble after the damn horse because it had run off and was trying to remove its saddle by rolling.
Wife and kids.
Those don’t count?
No boats?
I have a boat. It’s sitting in a container costing me nothing right now.
I could do that with a horse, but I probably have to call a taxidermist first.
“Before @AOC hit the national stage & was just a fairly unknown House candidate frm NYC,she took time awy frm her campaign & came dwn to #Tornillo to protest the #tentcity housing migrant children.I made these previously unpublished fotos a yr ago today. #elpaso #aoc #onassignment”
Look how emotional she is! She cares! That’s what we need!
I want a doctor that can properly diagnose me, I don’t really need him/her to emote with me.
Alright, pout for the camera. Give me the look you’d give if you saw the dog you’ve raised from a pup getting hit by a cement truck. Perfect!
A chain link fence! You monsters.
What a brave move! She risked everything by taking time away from her hard fought campaign against the NYC GOP machine! It is amazing that it didn’t cost her the election.
You’re a photographer, you take photographs. Don’t worry though photographers can lie just as well as writers.
Was that when Obama was still president?
Based on that performance, can we now agree that her shtick is not an act?
Loved the person who doxxed her $1,000 watch. How the fuck did she afford that before she started pulling in her six figure Congressional salary?
And it’s a watch a hooker would buy to look classy.
sensible chuckle
“Jussie Smollett’s internet search record shows that in the days after his alleged attack, he google searched himself over 50 times. Soon after, his family got in contact with the prosecutor over concerns at how investigation was being covered in media.”
I mean, I knew actors were narcissistic, but damn.
In the body cam video released, the cops are greeted at his apartment by a guy who calls himself, “a creative director”.
How, AND WHY, do they know Jussie Smollett’s internet search record?
He didn’t wipe the server
Took his phone and computer as evidence during their first criminal investigation, would be my guess.
and boats don’t smell all yummy like horses
I never pegged you for a Frenchman.
*sits back, waits for “pegging” jokes*
I’m on record as loving the smell of horse shit, but a horse per se smells pretty yummy as well.
I’m also on record as missing Lawyer 1’s horses but not missing herself all that much.
You have an unusual olfactory system, that’s for sure. What’s your opinion of Limburger cheese and the durian fruit?
Don is correct. Except about the horse shit.
I was wrong about SMU chicks, too, but I learned
‘Stang tang tastes as good?
Well, they certainly look tempting enough.
I have a boat. It’s sitting in a container costing me nothing right now.
I could do that with a horse, but I probably have to call a taxidermist first.
My father, who was born and raised on a farm, has a hard and fast rule:
Never own anything that eats
That’s why all my orphans are leased from Jesse’s Orphanarium.
Buy Two, get the Third for free!
“”The people crying loudest for censorship have long lists of enemies. Once they deplatform the alt-right, they’ll certainly be coming for gender critical feminists, immigration and security hawks, Tucker Carlson, and probably Ben Shapiro.””
The comments are disappointing.
LP thinks miniskirts justify rape.
The Libertarian Party delenda est.
I’ve said it before:
The Libertarian Party is a joke, played by grifters, on idiots.
Christ, what a dumpster fire. I miss Harry Browne.
At least they got ratioed.
Jesus. I had forgotten how idiotic they are.
Sarwark is the actual worst.
Sarwark is the actual worst.
In September, the Soho Forum has a debate scheduled on the topic “The Libertarian Party should never again put up national candidates whose views are similar to those of Gary Johnson and Bill Weld.”. The debate is going to be between Dave Smith (Affirmative) and Nicholas Sarwark (Negative).
I plan to go. But, I may just ask Smith the question “Doesn’t Johnson and Weld’s belief in the acceptability of Nicholas Sarwark to run the Libertarian Party resolve the matter in your favor by itself?”
It’s not even the libertarian lite, although that is something I don’t like. It might be a better decision for the party, but I don’t think so.
It’s the fact he’s a condescending prick and somehow that’s supposed to be good for growing a brand.
And a used car salesman. Ponder that on the tree of woe.
I think he waded into TOS a few times.
He’s just not good. I dislike him as a person.
I’m sure his used cars are just top notch. No way anyone finds him to be a sleazeball at his biz.
He actually retweeted an article saying that Ron Paul’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns were probably a Russian campaign interference.
Wait really??
An article by TOS, right?
Wait Really??
See the link in his 2nd tweet
Is he actually? That is just too perfect.
It’s the fact he’s a condescending prick and somehow that’s supposed to be good for growing a brand
To me, Sarwark is sort of the epitome of the “professional libertarian” I’ve complained about. I think libertarianism could have a much larger following than it does. But, where would that leave guys like Nicholas Sarwark? He’d be replaced by guys who could be good at things like bringing the party together or building bridges with audiences that might not be where you’re already at, but can at least be persuaded. So, a “small libertarianism” is actually better for Sarwark. So, he’s happy to throw libertarians or libertarianism under the bus so that he can establish his woke bona fides.
Maybe they could use a re-brand.
I often vote LP to send the message that it’s a legitimate option; the risk of the idiot I cast that ballot for actually being elected is remote, so it’s free signalling.
I didn’t know Neil Peart was running the LP now.
It’s funny that Chris Cuomo has a show called Losing Argument.
Oh, I didn’t see the C. That’s Closing Argument.
Wikipedia with the sugar coatage:
He is perhaps best known for voicing the character of Ling in the 1998 animated film Mulan and its 2004 sequel, Mulan II as well as playing Long Duk Dong in the 1984 film Sixteen Candles.
Nah. He’s best known for being The Donger and it’s not even close.
“No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food.”
He was also great in Volunteers.
It’s funny how that scene is permanently etched into my memory, as well as Anthony Michael Hall holding up Molly Ringwald’s panties over his head and this one (Chet is dead, Long live the Chet)
I love that movie.
And Gung Ho
Prediction of future intersectional conflict:
Carlos V candy bar
Popular Mexican candy bar named after Holy Roman Emperor & King of Spain up to his neck in the slave trade and the Spanish conquest of the Americas. Fight!
Now we’re talkin’.
No pics? Not even a name where I can google search her? I am disappoint.
“one of those disgusting ex girlfriend porno sites? Which one? There are so many!”
They make it sound as though she had a full production team in the school filming. More than likely she was caught making a solo snap chat in a bathroom stall.
Have y’all seen the Trump 4eva meme?
Say what you will, the man’s a master troll.
Is he really going to livetweet the debates?
The “Libertarian Party” is a sad, sick, cruel joke.
Is Trump paying these lunatics to discredit the media, or is he just blessed with really dumb enemies?
Conflict Looms Between Unstable, Warmongering, Rogue Nation And Iran
the Trump 4eva meme
Excellent. Good spittle-flecked outrage in the replies.
So last year I left my job where I was working for my friend. He got pretty angry at my departure and we didn’t talk for a year. So last night we both finally sat down and hashed everything out. His reasons for being angry at me where:
1. He found out that I sent some job applications on the work laptop (I know stupid and disrespectful) and felt like I should have told him that I wanted to leave and wasn’t happy with the job. I responded that he is right that me sending an application on the company’s laptop was disrespectful but no one in their right mind would tell their employer or boss even if they are a friend that they want to leave a job without having a job lined up. I’ve seen people do that at former jobs and they were pushed out because they knew that the person had plans to leave.
2. That he and the office paid for me to go to fancy dinners with them and took advantage of his generosity. Even though I told him that I wasn’t comfortable with him doing that and I didn’t at the time have the budget for doing that (was saving for a house). I did whatever I could or make excuses to not go but they insisted that I went and said that I would be insulting them if I didn’t go. Annnnnd when I tried paying them for me and my wife’s meal they rejected the money outright. But now he claims that my wife and I took advantage of them because we could afford those dinners because we bought a nice house in the suburbs and had the money to pay for our own dinners. I kid you not.
I’ll take responsibility for my actions and I could have done things differently, but what rubs me the wrong way was that he accused me and my wife of taking advantage of him. We basically both said that it was best to part ways and I told him he shouldn’t feel any obligation to invite me to his wedding nor be part of the wedding party. I told him that if he’s struggling to forgive and still hold anger towards me then it’s best that for now, we go our ways.
Part of me is sad at the end of a ten year friendship but another part of me after everything he told me feels sort of relieved. He felt like I lied and set out to deceive him but at the same time, he’s the sort that gets offended easily and hold grudges for even the tiniest infractions. But when I left his office yesterday I felt relieved that there was some sort of closure. I’m blessed with a lot of friends and even you guys on this site, and if he doesn’t want to be my friend, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
Never work for or hire your friends, it almost always ends in disaster.
Indeed and my wife told me that. When I got the job I expressed this fear and he said that if I didn’t want to do it anymore, just give him a two week notice.
The best way to avoid this is to not have friends!
/unconvincingly smiles
Never lend them money, either.
This. This. This. This. This.
Hiring of friends is the end of all the startups I have worked for (that failed).
You start with a core of people (who may be friends) who all realize the worth of the others. You kick ass and take names. Then you start growing. At some point, someone will say “I’ve got a friend who we could use”
The friend turns out to be unable to keep up with the pace/quality of work. The others start to feel taken advantage of and the guy who hired him gets defensive.
Sometimes you can fire the friend soon enough that it doesn’t become a big deal, but sometimes not.
That’s what I like about my current job. We all go out for drinks and hang out outside of work but there is still a line. My senior and I are super cool but if he tells me that I fucked up and to get my shit together, I’m not personally offended. Or if I decided to leave, while he may think, “Shit I have to now do all of his work,” he’s not going to take it personally.
The issue was that the line between friend and employee blended together and it rarely works out.
Is this like a business/corporate thing, I’ve done tons of construction/remodeling work for friends and have a good buddy who I’ve used as temp help for years, never had a problem. It could be that I’m just one hell of a nice guy to work for and do such great work that no one ever had reason to complain.
Crazy enough, I worked for my friend who owned a Jimmy Johns and we got along well. And for an internship, my friend recommended me and we at times worked together and it went well.
I’m not suggesting that you work with or for a friend but before this experience, I never had an issue. When I put in my two weeks at Jimmy Johns, my friend was sad to see me go but was happy that I was moving on.
Speaking of hyperbole…
“and even you guys on this site“
Ed…..! You’re gonna make me blush!
It sucks but sometimes you can’t really change how people react when you do things right.
Hope he comes around for you.
He won’t. He’s the type that hold grudges for a long time and after it got back to me about how he on a couple of occasions said some shitty things about my wife (who was nothing but nice to him), I’m kind of okay that we parted ways.
My best friend (at the time) and I started a business together. It ended poorly and we haven’t talked in 15 years.
You get used to it.
The odd part is that he hangs out with the some of the people I hang out with. I told him that I’ll always be courteous and respectful towards him despite the situation.
Like I said above, it sucks that our friendship is done but I’m not going to lose any sleep about it. Life goes on.
And with regards to grievance one I gave in the proper two week notice. Something he said was that if I would have told him before I gave him a two weeks notice that I wanted to leave, he would have took it in stride and even help me do my resume but then he later on admitted that he still would have been somewhat sour with my departure.
I worked for a buddy for two years and he treated me like gold.
I had to quit when their decisions resulted in their working seven days a week to dig out. I work 50 hours; that’s it; I’m leaving at 4:30 on Friday and don’t be in the door unless you want to be run smooth over. Any other place I would have made them fire me, but in this case I felt so bad the imbalance I just couldn’t bear going in on Mondays and seeing them.
Life is short; there is golf to be played. And next time listen to the good advice that you paid top dollar for.
You owned up to your fault. In hindsight, you realize you shouldn’t be doing that from the work laptop. Still, that isn’t the end of the world. Just makes it look like you didn’t give a shit about the job you were doing at the time and so he got pissed off. I do part time gigs for friends sometimes (doing one tomorrow), but never make it my full time job. If I walked in tomorrow and said that he didn’t need me anymore, I’d be, “Cool. You wanna go get a drink instead?”
Definitely. On my current job even though it’s about to be in-sourced, I never ever fill out applications on the work laptop or on company time. I’ve learned my lesson.
The funny part about him being mad was that he plenty of times had said, “If you don’t like the way things are ran or your pay, you’re always free to leave.”
Meh, sounds to me like he wanted to be offended. The dinner thing is a perfect example of that.
You can’t control how other people act. You can only control how you respond.
I think he had every right to be angry about the application issue at work. But with the accusation that my wife and I were trying to get a free dinner or two was bullshit.
The laptop grievance is minor at best. If it wasn’t detracting from your performance, it’s just slightly discourteous.
Think to yourself of how many countless people have used company time and resources to hunt for other jobs. As an employer, I expect it anymore.
However, the one thing I won’t tolerate is them interviewing on company time, that earns an immediate dismissal.
Interviewing on company time is shitty and insulting. I made sure that I took the day off when I had to interview for my current job.
Was it worth it?
Assaulting someone who has Secret Service protection seems exceptionally stupid.
She’s part of the Resistance. It was her duty to try and spit on a Trump.
Yep. She’s a hero now.
I loathe the likes of Bernie Sanders, but I’m not such a cretin that I would spit on him or throw things at him. These people are diseased.
You’re supposed to spit in his drink. Do I need to run a seminar for these idiots?
Spitting is an asshole move no matter how you slice it and should be left to cobras and people with speech impediments.
Are you othering llamas?
1000%. It makes the spitter look pathetic and is a complete justification for the spittee kicking the living shit out of the spitter.
If you only met the girl just before bar closing, I think that you shouldn’t hold it against her if she spits.
Holy shit.
Kathy Bates should play the bear in the movie.
I told you about SMU chicks !!!1!
even if they were born in Memphis
Damn. That dude is still breathing?
Assaulting someone who has Secret Service protection seems exceptionally stupid.
Self defense. He was coming right at her. Something something no reasonable prosecutor…
The best way to avoid this is to not have friends!
It works for me.
Hard to argue.
Horses are assholes, and most suited to be dog food.
Sir, Have You No Decency?
Signed – US Glue Makers Assn.
Nice, OMWC.
Embrace freedom. Come to the Dark Side. Leave the stultifying chains of threaded comments behind.
Who do I think is the biggest threat to liberty and prosperity?Difficult question….I’m gonna have to say it’s probably the average American voter
I am inspired by The Late P Brooks’s mustache. It rivals Mexican Sharpshooter’s hair for magnificence.
Don’t mind me, I’m just going to sit here in the corner, listen to some Cure, and scribble Mrs A Leap ath the Goresuch on my math folder for the next hour.