OMWC is spiking his Geritol with alky-hall this weekend, so he needed to get some more old man sleep.
Scientists develop an endless source of future proggy voters.
This couldn’t possibly go horribly wrong when it comes to censorship in social media.
“W” has a lot to atone for, and John Roberts is high on that list.
A room temperature super conductor would go a long ways in this industry.
Peace out, Glibs. It’s Friday, maybe take the train somewhere for the weekend.
Morning, erm Spud!
The most important vote United States Senator Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand (D-New York) is scheduled to make this week is on the border bill. One of the differences between the House and Senate versions of the border bill is whether or not to appropriate money to hire more immigration judges. In theory, the leadership is attempting to negotiate a compromise to get both Houses to vote on before the July 4 recess. In the debate, she blamed President Donald J. Trump for immigration judges being Department of Justice employees. She is so pro-abortion it is unclear whether or not xe wants to make it illegal for a pregnant woman not to get a taxpayer-funded abortion. She wants to take away your firearms, make it illegal to donate to political candidates (but her website is still accepting donations), and wants the Parkland kids (presumably only the ones that agree with her) to have more “voice” than the Kochs and the NRA.
United States Senator Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) wants to rotate federal judges on and off the Supreme Court of the United States. He also wants single payer except leaving cosmetic surgery to be uncovered, co-sponsored the Green New Deal, and wants to declare war on Big for-profit fil-in-the-blank.
United States Senator Kamala Devi Harris (D-California) is either lying or does not understand what happens when people call 911, paints firefighters as victim forced to let their homes burn, appeared to be auditioning to be a drag queen, wants to be a gun grabber, and co-sponsored the Green New Deal.
Former Vice President Joe Biden passed legislation for decades, no other Senators required.
I didn’t watch, but I got enough of the recap to see pretty much what I suspected I would have seen. It’s the same Democratic populism shit they do every campaign season, with a little more Socialism each time. I don’t know if they’re crazy, stupid, evil, or just wrong, but there’s nobody on that stage I’d pull out of a burning building, I’ll tell you that.
Now vote for me.
there’s nobody on that stage I’d pull out of a burning building, I’ll tell you that.
The only way I wouldn’t piss on any of them would be if they were on fire.
Or, as Jim Webb once said about Jane Fonda, “I wouldn’t cross the street to watch her slit her wrists.”
The fact that the DNC and its propaganda arm (the MSM) treated Webb the way they did in ’16 and gave voters The Hag instead is sufficient reason to never vote (D) again. Webb is a bona fide American hero – and not based upon his war credentials – but based upon what he did as a law student to clear the name of one of his Marines from Vietnam (Greene was the kid’s name, IIRC).
I’d have voted for Jim Webb if he’d gotten the nomination in a heart beat. Shit, I’d vote for him now. It’s a shame that the Democrats purged those guys from their ranks.
Mini-brains grown from stem cells don’t think, but they do show ‘complex’ neural activity
Now they are growing NPC’s in a lab?
They were able to learn and repeat “ORANGE MAN BAD!”
Cloning is a success!
That is just reproductive justice for the transgendered you shitlord!
The social-media giant said there has been little consensus of how it should govern speech on its platform or how it should be held accountable
Threats of violence and calls for violence should be moderated. Easy peasy.
The problem is that they think words are violence.
Well, to Depeche Mode they are.
They were speaking metaphorically.
Nancy needs some rest time back home. It wasn’t what was in the bill, it was the need to get away. Biden, too, is happy that he can rest up after that late night (for him) take down.
Apparently, Trump asked Putin not to interfere in the election next year. Then, they had a good laugh.
The Bloombergers are scandalized. “Hey, this is serious!”
“Trump asked Putin not to interfere”
Sounds like my barber if I complain about the haircut.
So I”m hearing GNR and Van Halen as NPR bumper music now. Can anyone confirm if this is coming from the national NPR or just my local station?
Mr Brownstone, I’m guessing?
I think the bigger issue here is that you listen to NPR.
I still listen to KERA instead of my local station
NPR doesn’t piss me off; they can be really ignorant, but it’s still a calm, detailed way to figure out what’s going on. The proggy SJW does make me turn it off often, but I hate pretty much every outlet. No idea where to go.
I keep seeing this. What does this even mean? If you look at it objectively, it doesn’t even make sense.
Pieces out for Harambe!
It was a thing people said in the 90s. I think it started with the whole “consciousness rap” deal in the late 80s, where Afrocentrism kind of meshed with Peacenik culture. People started saying “peace” as a farewell, like “bye”. People also would say “I’m out” or “we out” to say that they were leaving. The two just kind of blended together to give you “peace out”.
It can also act as a verb phrase, e.g. “I’mma peace out, I gotta work tomorrow.”
see also Deuces.
So, it’s a meaningless phrase, resulting from a silly pop culture fad. That’s what I thought.
Audi 5000 had it’s moment in the sun
Oh man! I forgot about that one!
I had one of those. It was a great car.
It was. A shame that 60 minutes fucked Audi
You seem to know a tad too much about this.
A Gunney (Gunnery Sergeant) in one of the platoons I was in used to say “People who say ‘war isn’t the answer’ really didn’t understand the question.”
I have always laughed at idiots that say violence never solved or solve anything. How ignorant about history do you have to be to think some idiotic trope like that actually makes any kind of sense?
Its a corrupted version of a good thought. Violence never solves anything if you want to stay on good terms with the person. If you don’t mind burning bridges, violence can solve just about anything.
Sometimes it is the only way to solve irreconcilable differences. Ask the Carthaginians.
It’s really funny because if you answer that “violence never solved anything” with a right hook across his jowls, promising more until he agrees – either he has to agree that he’s had enough (proving that violence did solve that query) or he has to counter with violence.
Violence has solved a lot of problems. It may also create new ones. Make no mistake, if, for example, someone owes you money and refuses to pay, and you beat them down until they pay, you have most definitely solved the problem of them not paying you.
I always like to respond that violence solved Hitler and ended the Holocaust.
I’ve always found people saying “peace” and flashing the hand sign and the stupid symbol very jarring. I’m not saying I’m pro-violence, per se, I’m just saying I look at peace as a pleasant side-effect rather than an end goal. I’d rather have rampant violence and liberty than peace and subjugation.
To paraphrase my mother, solitary confinement is a very peaceful, safe place.
Something from my youth in the 90s.
Shortened version of “Peace, I’m outta here” then it was “Peace, I’m out.”
“W” has a lot to atone for, and John Roberts is high on that list.
Maybe I’m an idiot, but isn’t it the Supreme Court’s job to decide whether something is Constitutional or not? Not whether the reason for the thing is good or bad or sufficient or insufficent
You are correct, but that horse left the barn a long time ago.
Yeah, that’s been a memory for, oh, at least a hundred years.
And the majority didn’t even say the reason for the question was bad, they actually imputed that the reason given wasn’t the real reason so they ruled based only on their own assumptions and not any fact of the case.
And they admitted that everything they did was legal and complied with the law as it is currently written. But their motives were bad, so it will not be allowed.
I guess this is the end of loopholes? “Sure we wrote sloppy legislation, but you smart alecs who took advantage of the situation will be punished anyhow.”
But their motives were bad, so it will not be allowed.
“Muslim ban”.
That’s the pre-Roberts standard. Now it’s whatever he feels.
It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry gets rejected while returning a sport coat to a store because, when they ask him why he’s returning it, he says “For spite”. “I’m sorry, that’s not an acceptable reason”
What fucking business of the court’s is it what the reason for asking the question is? It either is legal or it isn’t. Roberts is a regular Miss Cleo – he read the Dems’ minds on health care and decided that their argument wasn’t what they said it was, and now he shits out this bilge because “Well, you didn’t give me a good enough reason”
It’s even worse than that – they admitted that they gave him a good reason, but they decided they didn’t believe that reason and assumed they were lying about the real reason. So they then decided that the assumed reason that the court imputed Miss Cleo-style was grounds to decide against. It is really quite insane.
The Department of Commerce fell down on the job and waited until after opponents went to court to get their lawyers to draft a legal memo about it. Maybe 20/20 hindsight, but if you think the odds of going to court over the question are ~100%, why didn’t they? That applies to for-profit, not just government. I look forward to seeing SCOTUS using this interpretation of the APA in future cases involving orders signed off on by unelected persons in the Deep State.
If they can’t ask the citizenship question, they shouldn’t be able to ask all the other long form questions either.
Go ahead and start raising funds to bring that case to them, you know what the answer will be…
“Well that is different!”
I came here to say this
John Roberts. The gift that keeps on taking.
Its is unconstitutional for to take otherwise constitutional actions if they are motivated by animus. said “we aren’t animated by animus, its so we can… *hastily shuffles papers* do VRE stuff *aide whispers in ear* VRA stuff. I said VRA stuff.”
The court decided that, based on the actual actions taken by the, they behaved in a way that makes their pretext too clear, and when you combine that with The Don’s other behavior, *could* be due to animus. So they sent the case down for further fact finding.
What is the animus in this case and who is the injured party?
The court didn’t decide there was animus. They decided that the gov’s objective actions didn’t match their explanation, thus showing that the explanation was pretextual. Under the APA, an agency can not act arbitrarily and capriciously, which is one of the reasons that the APA was held constitutional.
It explicitly means that an agency can not make decisions based on animus (or random chance, etc.)
An administrative act can be challenged by anyone subject to (or about to be subject to) an agency action.
They don’t have to justify the questions “why don’t you wan to answer the question.” They have to show that the agency acted arbitrarily or capriciously. Then the gov has to show that they aren’t acting arbitrarily or capriciously. The best way for the to show this is to show that they are abiding by long-standing, public, and neutral rules. When the administration has a history of making public remarks that show animus (can anyone deny that about Donnie?) & changes a long-standing, public, neutral rule in line with that animus, they’ve got a much harder job. And should. Its probably pretext.
If you take off your culture war helmet for a second, you’d see that this is a very important protection. This is the same foundation that Masterpiece was build on.
But people would rather engage in the culture war than learn about confusing protections on liberty. Its too easy to “Get dem dirty Christian bakers” or “Get dem stupid Messicans” or, in the case of this website “Get dem stupid Progtards.”
Leviathan is dangerous enough when it can only accidentally fuck up your life. A Leviathan that can hate you is much, much worse.
I’m aware of the administration’s comments regarding the political outcomes of including a citizenship question, which should be obvious to anyone. I’m having some difficulty parsing out how this shows a particular animus towards Mexicans et al. If anything, it shows an animus towards counting on-citizens towards Congressional representation. This is not an enforcement operation, nor is it punishment of a specific party per se.
This is as opposed to Masterpiece which was a direct action and punishment of a party.
There is some differentiation between the cases in this respect. Admittedly, I have not reviewed the details of the comments made, but if they consist of a general objection to non-citizens being counted for political purposes, I don’t see how that can be considered animus without making gerrymandering animus as well.
You have it exactly correct. It (arguably) shows animus toward non-citizens for the purpose of Congressional representation. Please read your Constitution closely. The Constitution calls for representation apportioned to *PEOPLE* not *CITIZENS*. isn’t arguing that the People listed here is limited to citizens.
And also see the 14th, which clarifies this even further.
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States,
If people is read to include non-citizens, that means non-citizens are Constitutionally required to have the vote, doesn’t it? That Section doesn’t talk about apportionment, but about who chooses (presumably, votes for) Representatives.
The reference to “Electors” in the second clause is somewhat opaque to me. What does it refer to?
Once again, though, it appears that the Court applies one standard to some agency actions, and a different standard to others. This deep pondering about possible animus is pretty much completely absent from any review of action taken before Trump, as far as I know. If animus is displayed by agency action that disfavors one group, then every regulation displays animus. You are absolutely correct that partisans always apply double standards based on their team, so that people opposed to the progtards will cheer any decision that gets dem stupid progtards, but the same thought process applies to agency personnel and judges. They, too, apply double standards based on their team.
I am also troubled by the idea, to tell you the truth, that we vet action based on “animus”. I fail to see the Constitutionality of a rule depends on whether somebody said something that offends a judge, rather than on what the rule actually says and (perhaps) its foreseeable effects. And there is a difference between Masterpiece and the census question. The census question is, essentially, a rule. Masterpiece was the application of a rule to an person, where it might be appropriate to look at whether the enforcers are motivated by animus in going after that person.
RTM. Amendment 14 says:
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
I agree. We should demand that the courts act with more vigor to implement this constitutionally mandated, liberty enhancing limitation in places they have traditionally been too pussy to do so.
This is mathematically isomorphic to the statement that a class of constitutional violations are bad when applied to fewer than N people, but ok when applied to more than N people. That’s not something I can really get behind.
Sure, the 14th amendment requires apportionment by “persons”. I’m still wondering why the reference to being elected by the “People” doesn’t require allowing non-citizens to vote, though. If “People” means citizens when it comes to voting, why coudn’t “persons” also mean citizens when it comes to apportionment.
In fact, the reference to reducing representation if a class of citizens isn’t allowed to vote seems to be more consistent with saying “persons” means citizens. It makes a direct link between citizenship, voting rights, and apportionment. Otherwise, you are stripping non-citizens of their right to be proportionally represented based on a state’s voting laws?
This is mathematically isomorphic to the statement that a class of constitutional violations are bad when applied to fewer than N people, but ok when applied to more than N people. That’s not something I can really get behind.
I’m distinguishing between animus in writing laws, and animus in enforcing laws. The latter can be a violation without the former being a violation.
Hmm, good point about that. I know that there is a federal law outlawing voting by illegal aliens. If I had to guess, that has to have been changed at some point, but I don’t know about any such challenge. Don’t know.
Still can’t get on board with your apparent comfort at legislation or administrative rules passed/promulgated in animus. That seems like such a clear violation of the equal protection clause, i’m not sure what else to say about it (unless the were passed under sheer misanthropy by someone who hates all people equally.)
OK, so in reading a little more closely, the Constitution is clear. Non-citizens (excluding Indians) are counted towards apportionment, but cannot vote. The authors probably couldn’t have foreseen our current predicament, and the Democrats are certainly not inclined to fix the hole, if anything they’re intent on exploiting it.
I think the confounding part is the exclusion of Indians since it obviously implies those with a foreign allegiance are not to be counted and illegals/guests obviously have a foreign allegiance.
Still can’t get on board with your apparent comfort at legislation or administrative rules passed/promulgated in animus. That seems like such a clear violation of the equal protection clause,
Whether you have equal protection or not seems to me to depend on what the law says (and how it is enforced), not what some legislator or member of the executive branch said about a given law or rule. W\hy should facially neutral laws, applied neutrally, be overturned?
Consider: if judges are allowed to overturn laws based not on what they say or how they are enforced, but based on the subjective motivations of (some of) the people who created the law, that’s a massive expansion of an already overweening judicial branch.
At the founding, was there a straightforward notion of a likely process for naturalization? Buy a farm, improve it, and pay taxes? More than a few guys in the room were born outside these colonies.
Even by 1866, was naturalization easy?
I’m just saying that any useful grownup who hadn’t murdered anyone probably got naturalized rather quickly. I can’t imagine a huge bureaucracy or set of forms were needed until recently.
Oh for sure. That’s the unwritten story of the US of A. Strange constitutional band-aides due to slavery in-inadvertently produced the most-free nation in the world, because it turned the entire continent into a free-trade zone when everyone else was elbow-deep into mercantilism.
The caveat, obviously, is that its only “most-free” if you ignore the fact that human beings were being treated like chattel. And the boots-on-the-ground reality is that the economic trade *could* hum along just fine while ignoring that moral stain.
Dean – come on, use your imagination. How could a facially-neutral law be tailored to target a particular minority population? Really? How about this: “No personal upholstery or kneeling on such upholstery in public schools.” That’s facially neutral right? Or is that targeted at people who bring prayer rugs to schools to pray on a few times a day?
Don – Land ownership wasn’t needed. Before 1790 you just basically show up and announce you are a citizen and renounce your previous citizenship and you were a citizen. After that, there were more stringent rules. Hamilton (you know the guy that revisionist historians have singing Immigrants Get the Job Done) hated how easy it was.
they got after it soon, it seems
those rules seem lax but fitting to the times to me (and would allow a large majority of today’s illegal aliens to qualify)
How could a facially-neutral law be tailored to target a particular minority population? Really? How about this: “No personal upholstery or kneeling on such upholstery in public schools.” That’s facially neutral right?
Sure, but any defect would arise on the foreseeable effects of the law. Not on any expressed (or unexpressed but imputed) animus toward religion.
Also, I think such a law, if written explicitly to prohibit prayer in public schools, would be allowed by current application of the 1A, so even that law if as applied is “discriminatory” against religion, it would probably be Constitutional.
the main problem with this administration is that the president is too ignorant of anything outside of the NYC commercial real estate game to manage his goals, whether you like those or not; it would have been the easiest thing in the world to have thought, boy, this is a hot potato, we need some advice, and then go get an off-campus consultant to dream up an arguable rationale for The Question and then coach the administration in how to lay down a bed of correspondence that would create the correct picture at court
there is certainly no 5D hungry hungry hippos being played at 1600 Pennsylvania
having your ducks in a row before you start lying is just good politics
Basically this., and especially administrative agencies, gets first-actor advantage, if they know to take it.
Roberts is Kennedy redux.
He’s more concerned with the image of the court as a non-partisan entity than the court’s actual responsibility to enforce the Constitution as written.
Therefore he’s going to swing from one side to the other. I think his actual legal leanings are to the conservative side but he feels compelled to throw the Democrats a bone in order to “maintain public trust in the Court”, which is a fool’s errand.
Yeah, he’s less a “conservative” and more a “bitch” (see comment below)
Kamala Harris scored a big win with her “scoldy mama” moment, they say.
“Y’all just shut up and I’ll tell you what to think.”
That actually appeals to voters? I guess maybe it works for the proggies.
It’s person and political poison to me.
You, but that is why you are not a woke proggie. They love that sort of shit.
As opposed to woke pierogies, which are gluten-free and filled with tofu. Nobody loves them.
Yuck. I would rather eat one of those trick pierogies filled with peppers they put in the batch as part of some old country ritual I still never understood. Now that my ex is my ex, I can’t say i miss being the one that usually ended up with that trick pierogy.
My tame Progressive did not like it one bit.
Funnily enough, the same women who told me that reports of Klobuchar being a raging sociopath are likely gender bias actually said, “Gillibrand is coming off as kind of a b”, which was like seeing a gazelle limping across the savanna for me. I got a good twenty minutes of solid piss-taking out of that. It was beautiful.
Highlights include:
Her: “Well, Sanders kind of seems like a bitch, too. You can’t really say that about men, though, because it doesn’t mean the same thing.”
Me: “That’s sexist.” *hee hee hee*
Damn, man… you lead a charmed life.
Imagine having contextual language. Imagine how weird that would be. But imagine both genders having distinct contexts, too. How weird is that?
I call men bitches too, whey they are actin a bitch. What’s wrong with that.
Check out Salena Zito. She was with voters in Pennsylvania. They were angry there was little discussion of job growth, etc.
Speaking of what was not said. Did anyone else notice that every single one of these democrat candidates was basically angry and bitter about everything? It has GOT to suck to be a prog and see these people are offering nothing new (I suspect that while some people are stupid enough to think they can ever get any of the free shit promised, most know better) and are all driven by angst and anger.
Maybe former Vice President Joe Biden remembers watching President Calvin Coolidge on television saying “Y’all just shut up and I’ll tell you what to think.” / joke
“This conclusion is extraordinary,” he wrote. “The court engages in an unauthorized inquiry into evidence not properly before us to reach an unsupported conclusion.”
I don’t think this is the first time this has happened.
The move is a surprise win for advocates who opposed the question’s addition, arguing it will lead to an inaccurate population count.
I am kindof ambivalent on this issue, but it does seem that given only citizens can legally vote (as it should be), and we have proportional representation, the actual inaccuracy stems from not having a count of citizens.
That’s exactly the issue. A district with huge numbers of non-citizens, including illegal aliens, gets the same representation as a district with a similar number of actual citizens. Which diminishes the representation of the actual citizens.
And to these people that want that distinction to not count, it is a good thing, it looks like.
The 14th Amendment says “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” It doesn’t say that you can exclude illegals. I don’t particularly like it, but the text seems clear to me. That said, I don’t have a problem with the citizenship question.
The theory was that both citizens and illegals get counted, but citizens only go toward congressional apportionment and EC votes (as it should be).
The counterargument was that you have a household in which Granny is illegal and everyone else is a citizen. Three options:
1) Everyone marks citizen, except Granny who counts in the household but not as a citizen; as it was designed.
2) Everyone marks citizen, but they leave Granny off completely because they’re worried about revealing her address and the fact she’s illegal. This argument at least makes some sense, but it’s immaterial because, who give’s a shit if we undercount illegals when it comes to the Census?
Of course the progs went with argument three and the retards in black robes bought it.
Isn’t this sort of what the Evenwel SCOTUS case was about a few years ago? Specifically, whether congressional districts could be based on voting eligible (i.e citizens over 18) or total population, which necessarily includes people in the country illegally. I think that case was 9-0
If you ask about citizenship, nasty old ICE will use the answers to round up illegals!
Firearm registration will never be used by the government to confiscate people’s weapons. You are so paranoid.
Slippery slopes are only slippery when it hurts the leftist cause.
Properly Lubricated Slopes are properly lubricated.
I approve this comment.
House approves bipartisan border funding bill, after Pelosi reverses course under GOP pressure
She Guevara voted against it. Let it be known that she cares not for the plight on immigrant children.
She hates the “concentration camps”, but #resisted when the powers that be tried to get beds for the kids to make it more comfortable. I guess it is not as much about the kids as she pretends, as it is about her ability to say that orange man is bad.
You mean the empty parking lot she visited last year and made a complete asshole of herself?
Of course she cares. She cares about the power she can derive from using them as pawns.
John Roberts new name is Cunty von Dickcheese.
“Hurrrr Durrrr, it’s konstatooshunull but you’s been thinking BAD THOUGHTZ when you’s wrote it!”
SCOTUS has devolved to mind reading the intent rather than just weighing the constitutionality. What a fucking joke. I wonder if that works both ways?
“Well, this law that nullifies the Second Amendment is clearly an affront the Constitution, but we sense that you are just so sincere and brimming with good intentions when you wrote it, so we’re gonna let it slide.”
“Well, this law that nullifies the Second Amendment is clearly an affront the Constitution, but we sense that you are just so sincere and brimming with good intentions when you wrote it, so we’re gonna let it slide.”
We’ve been there for quite some time. They allow to stand clear violations of the second amendment in states like New Jersey and New York.
But Q, now he’ll continue to be warmly received at DC area social events for his wise leadership. Doesn’t that warm your heart?
I can think of few things scarier than a Chief Justice who repeatedly allows the press to dictate his opinions.
I still stand by my original comments that the Obama administration, when they were trying to fuck everyone over with Obamacare, sicked the weaponized three letter agencies on Roberts. They found something horribly incriminating on him to have him basically rule in favor of the Obamacare apocalypse, and ever since then, they have kept him on a short leash. That or the guy really desperately wants to be one of the cool kids at the D.C. cocktail parties.
Occam’s Razor says he is just another TEAM RED whiff on appointments. Another utter deference squish. No blackmail or such needed.
The Greenhouse Effect is real.
Earl Warren, David Souter, Sandra O’Conner, John Roberts, early signs may indicate Kavanaugh… How come the left appoints leftists who stay leftists but the right appoints “Politically motivated Ideologues” who immediately turn into fellow travelers on the Court? Oh wait, it is because the Republicans are not Conservatives. They are just the branch of the “Big Government/Big Business” fascist party that plays golf.
Yeah, the problem is that team red conservativism seem to just be the big government opposite of team blue. Not very conservative to me….
Team Red and Team Blue are both Progressive. Team Red just drives the speed limit on the way to the cliff.
the secretary’s decision to add a citizenship question created a severe risk of harmful consequences
What the everlasting fuck would that be?
And that’s ignoring the intrusive, and unnecessary questions on the long form
It endangers their inflated numbers and might shift power back to areas inhabited by citizens.
heh….your answer reminds me of the courtroom scene in Liar, Liar:
Jim Carrey: I object, Your Honor!
Judge: On what grounds?
Jim Carrey: On the grounds that her testimony is very damaging to my case!
“This couldn’t possibly go horribly wrong when it comes to censorship in social media.”
What’s the difficulty? Finding a way to pretend that they are not censoring anyone but the left?
They just flat out lie about it, and get away with it.
They apparently have been bragging about how they do it to whomever they can, and when someone taped one of the leaders admitting they do it, and posted it online, their response was to work with all the other corruptocratic tech companies to remove the content in the hopes the whole thing would end up memory holed.
“Scientists develop an endless source of future proggy voters.” I thought they say unless xe is born, xe is an ‘it’ and ‘just tissue.’ Not sure the proggy view on C-section.
“This couldn’t possibly go horribly wrong when it comes to censorship in social media.” An “independent content oversight board” consisting of Facebook employees? Immigration judges that are DOJ employees is supposed to be bad, but Facebook employees judging Facebook good?
“’W’ has a lot to atone for, and John Roberts is high on that list.” Roberts claims that restoring a question that was on the census for most of the country’s history requires a sufficient reason because of the Administrative Procedures Act. You might snark about what someone in a black robe might think meets the hurdle, and argue that the APA is unconstitutional, but the Department of Commerce fell down on the job and waited until after opponents went to court to get their lawyers to draft a legal memo about it. The excuse the majority used to punt this to a lower court would not be an issue if the same memo had been done before the question was signed off by the Secretary of Commerce. (Although SCOTUS might have rationalized the opinion with a different excuse.)
FTA: “Weighing just 259 milligrams, the insect-inspired RoboBee X-Wing has four wings that flap 170 times per second. It has a wingspan of 3.5 centimetres and stands 6.5 centimetres high.” “The robot currently requires the equivalent of three times the intensity of natural sunlight,”
I think we saw how dangerous robot insects can be on Stargate Atlantis.
“Nancy blinks.” The House and Senate still have to reconcile their bills to get one to put on an Oval Office desk. We’ll see if they can in the time remaining before they leave.
I hear there was another o them debates last night. Any good bits? The internet seems amused by the old tweets of a candidate with more spiritual side…
Afternoon glibbies.
Well, all ten candidates said that they will provide free health care to illegal aliens, so there was that.
So they’re basically begging for more immigrants to enter illegally.
It’s now the quickest way to change America fundamentally and guarantee they will win elections with a higher frequency so they never again have to worry about the plebes finding out how corrupt their deep state has become.
Oh, and Joe Biden said that the first thing he’d do as president would be to defeat Donald Trump……which is something he would have had to already have done to become the president in the first place.
He is gonna do it TWICE cause he is just that sort of bad ass…
And he will demand the people call him Joe Biden,
Texas rangerorange man double deucer (or is it doucher).Biden is planning on meeting Trump at the flagpole at 3:00 PM on election day. They’ll settle this once and for all!
The Hat & The Hair will take Biden down, and Trump will shove a Big Mac and a Diet Coke can up his ass while all the viewers continue to yell “Wannafud?”
Just remember – It’s Not A Bribe When You Use Other People’s Money
That’s spot on.
Just beneath the surface, this isn’t politics it’s black magic. Entirely a psychic battle. Use your shield of Virtue and your sword of Truth
The real you is not a body. Your body is merely a suit of clothes. Physical birth was not your beginning and physical death is not your end.
Your body is merely your space station from whence you beam your love to the universe.Don’t just relate to the station; relate to the beams.
So much hatred is in the air. Dear God, Please help me love the haters. Amen
Imagine within you a pool of light, filled with love, greatness, creativity and joy. Now see yourself stepping into it. Now stay there.
God is BIG, swine flu SMALL. See every cell of your body filled with divine light. Pour God’s love on our immune systems. Truth protects.
anyhoo full thread
LOL knew who it was before I clicked
I’m so sorry.
Though I do have to share a pointless anecdote from one of the games. After getting the 3DS, I decided to try out the series, as it appealed to certain compulsive collecting habits. Anyway, there was a way to get an electric rat heavily implied to be the one from the TV show. After acquiring it, I had to see how well it worked and what the special move looked like. The first random encounter was a cartoonish donkey. So I unleashed the “Ten Million Volt Thunderbolt” move, with its lengthy animation, only to get the message “It had no effect”. The donkey then kicked mud on the electric rat.
I was laughing so hard as I swapped out for something that could injure ground-types.
Yeah, my kid was into that shit too, but I never got the appeal. Not enough tentacles or something…
Yu-Gi-Oh is what all my kids were into. My daughter was also into Picachu, but they all played with those silly Yu-Gi-Oh.
One of the boys even had one of these. I’m not sure if we have a pic of him wearing that, to embarrass him now.
Well yeah, you do have to account for the type it is. You trying fire type on water type too?*.
*Ashamed of myself, but was also 10 when the first games came out*
Funny thing is, I’m actually very good at picking the right match-ups most of the time. I hadn’t identified the Mudbray yet, so I didn’t know better in that fight. But it was funny to see the TV rat humiliated.
So just as I was done with the detail of my whiskey trip someone I know posted about a cruise organized by a Romanian travel agency in the same area, same period ish with a sail catamaran and now I am thinking of canceling my stuff and doing that as I was never on a 7 day catamaran cruise. It is more expensive though and I am not sure I will get to see so many distilleries. I asked for details and the organizers said it is the first time they do something like that and are not sure about times. There is a full day on Islay but other than that we may not be in time for any distillery visits.
At this point I would loose about 100 dollars by canceling booking, I would have to pay an extra 100 to slightly change flights and overall it would cost 400 to 500 dollars more which is a lot for me… But it is tempting as an experience..
Catamaran….on the North Sea?! There are easier ways to kill ones self (or wish they were dead).
I would say if his constitution is strong and his stomach not easily jostled, he should sign up if this catamaran ride is a fishing trip. Everyone would be chumming hard, and despite the North Sea now being a dead sea, he should be able to catch something other than a cold.
I never got sea sick and I have heard in July the see is generally ok, and catamarans should be more stable than standard boats right?
That’s a myth. A catamaran can actually end up being far worse depending on how it is crossing the direction of the waves.
I have never boated for more than a 4-5 hours at a time no idea how I would handle a week.
Don’t end up as someone’s cabin boy is my first piece of advice.
I would avoid any “first time” trips….
You want them to iron out the kinks without you paying (literally) for them.
I will stick to my plan. I talked to the organizer and he could can’t guarantee any timings as he never went and we will talk with the skipper the first day.
I don’t think he know much about distillery visits as he said he is not sure if we can visit all 9 in one day. given the limited tour schedule I say lucky to visit 3 in one day. If you don’t want the special tours which I do.
“This couldn’t possibly go horribly wrong when it comes to censorship in social media.”
Maybe they can get Roberts to transfer to that court?
AOC crying at the concentration camp – was staged in an empty parking lot.
Potemkin villages all the way down
If immigration detention camps fall under the heading of concentration camps due to an overly literal application of the definition, then aren’t all prisons also concentration camps? And if so, isn’t Kamala Harris, as the former AG of Cal, basically Hitler?
And public schools, right?
Using the current absurdly broad def of “concentration camp”, yeah
Kamala harris will arrest you and your family if you do not report to the Public School camp. They indoctrinate you there. They inflict serious emotional, mental, and sometimes physical distress. There is no edible food provided. Yeah I can make this argument.
I am becoming convinced that AOC is a performance artist, and this is all one giant Andy Kaufman-type gag. Because nobody can be that ridiculous in real life.
I think everything that gets reported in DC is performance art and kabuki theater. The Democrats have taken off their masks and are now out there as full-blown commies. Trump has ripped the masks off the Congressional Republicans – they are now fully revealed as nothing more than the pretend opposition who act like they hate big government while doing everything possible to protect it.
We have two political parties in this country: one constantly advocates shitloads of new taxes and only a handful of new victimless crimes, while the other advocates shitloads of new victimless crimes and only a handful of new taxes.
I posted this link yesterday, but Gurri is always worth a recycled link:
She’s been fairly stupid at times, but this is quite the own-goal.
She probably thought she was witnessing the transformation into a death camp.
Or she forgot where she parked.
Donald Duck 19!
Tell me again, what portion of the American population is black, and how a candidate can win a national election by “courting the black vote” while alienating everybody else?
People never change their vote from being insulted, Brooksie. What are they going to do vote $OTHER_TEAM?
Re Facebook. Internal courts. Govern speech.
And they think Trump is the fascist?
Are these evil illiberal fucktwits for real?
A room temperature super conductor would go a long ways in this industry.
So rape porn then.
Kavanaugh Express Flyer
Did the Supreme Court really rule against Trump though or did they just ask for further clarification on why the question should be included? If all they they have to do is come up with some kind of plausible reasoning and they do that the question will go in, right?
Essentially yes, but in practice they kicked it back to the lower court who we know will rule against him no matter what because ORANGEMANBAD, so even if it gets appealed back up to the Supremes again it’ll be too late to put the question on.
It was a typical Cunty von Dickcheese cowardice special. “Hurrr durrr, peeple might get MAD at me if I akshully take a stand on a kontravershull issue! I’s gotta find some slimy way around the question!”
A Chief Justice afraid to make judgements. What a world.
How else can he become Solomon if he doesn’t keep slicing babies in half?
What is amazing is that I heard several commentators trying to explain Robert’s actions as an attempt to save the Court as an institution. The theory is that if they always split ideologically it would be seen as just another hack political institution. But by splitting every so often the Court will seem apolitical.
Made no sense to me either.
Yeah, cravenly abandoning principles is a sure way to raise the esteem of your institution.
Trump should just direct the Commerce Dept. to put the question on anyway.
Funbags Friday sez “toxic hetero maleness makes our undercarriages so humid!”
What the hell is #3 cooking? It’s hard to get a picture more strategically placed than #6. Looks to me like 17’s got some (((titties))).
New Godzilla is pretty meh. But at least the eco Nazis are the baddies. Oh, and Godilla’s nemisis is an illegal alien.
One that raped Gaia!
Way to take a cool monster and turn em into a bitchass ho.
Take the train? You mean pack all my shit into another uhaul and drive all weekend, right?
Stupid thought experiment time:
Let’s say there was a Stargate like device that would lead to planets just like earth, gravity climate same flora and fauna – I mean exactly earth plants and animals, not analogs – just no humans, and nothing human made. You can transport for each opening of the gate, maximum 50 thousand people of the same ideology with a standard shipping container of stuff per person. Everything needs to be built and everything not brought from earth needs to be made. . The stargate opens every 10 years for a trip each way, so if you stay on the planet you need to stay there 10 years. If you go back to earth it takes 10 years to return to ther planet. People could talk in advance to form groups among people willing to go have a mix of doctor engineers farmers men women etc. You have many such planets for various groups. How many people would do it? I assume various religious sects would take the opportunity. Would any libertarians? Would 50k libertarians be willing to be isolated from earth in this way to attempt libertopia? Would they get enough women to come with? Would after 10 years another 50k be willing to go if the first built some stuff? Would the first 50k expect special privilege for pioneering, thus no longer being libertopia? Or would they selflessly trailblaze.
Yes silly but for some reason it came to me I do think up shit like this for no reason.
… Because I was thinking would I go? or what political changes to the world would drive me to go?
How many hot girls are going?
however many you can convince to come
So, none.
Is the use of roofies allowed?
I mean once she is stuck on a wild planet for 10 years… Then again it breaks the NAP so you may not get to go to planet Libertopia.
Planet Libertopia
That a link to some image of a place without roads?
You could say that.
Yes, maybe.
Important to note: you are gonna be poor.
Even 50k is not enough to build a high tech society. But it is okay, if you are willing to accept a lower standard of living in exchange for liberty (or whatever your group wants). Assuming you can keep it.
Maybe not in a true libertarian society, but I could see in some a modified “A Gift From Earth” situation developing, where the 2nd group of 50k who comes in 10 years later are a 2nd class of citizens.
For those unfamiliar with the novel, the setting is a world settled from Earth with a very small (CA size) habitable land mass, so there is no ability to move off on your own. The crew of the interstellar ship decides that they had to spend some years awake, they deserve a reward, so when they awake the colonists, they have them sign, at gun point, a document agreeing to the status split.
So there are 2 classes of society, crew and colonist, and their descendants generations later are still split that way. There is an isolated crew plateau where they live that the colonists can’t get to, except under limited work conditions. The hospital is located on the crew plateau and is primarily used for organ transplants for crew from colonist “criminals”.
You can see how it goes from there. It would make a good movie.
Your knowledge of Niven Novels is giving me some Plateau eyes.
The crew of the interstellar ship decides that they had to spend some years awake, they deserve a reward, so when they awake the colonists, they have them sign, at gun point, a document agreeing to the status split.
So that’s how the Social Contract happened.
The More You Know(TM).
Could we use the shipping containers to build a concentration camp for all the illegals who will try to bumrush Libertopia in Year 10?
You sir have what it takes to be a leader…..
just no humans, and nothing human made
So we have to start over domesticating and genetically modifying our livestock and fruits and vegetable, because if there are no Brussels sprouts, fuck that shit.
Well you get a container per person. You can bring seeds saplings baby cows whatever. The group decides what to put in the 50 thousand shipping containers they bring along
BItchez, blow, and booze!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone be so passionately in favor of Brussel sprouts.
However, game animals would have no fear of humans, so they’d be easier to hunt.
There’s a sci-fi series that has a similar hook. Mankind figured out a way to do near instant travel, but only between places with a device built. So, they sent out unmanned ships to build these platforms throughout the galaxy. Then, cultures could apply (or purchase) for their own planet (or portion of a planet).
I would strongly consider joining the Mormon church…
Wouldn’t each of the people get their own planet then?
Hard pass. Sounds like camping. I like indoor plumbing, roads, and stuff.
I’d be in. It’s Frontier living. I’m also a bit more communitarian than the average libertarian, so I wouldn’t be opposed to saying “I’ll bring extra rations for you if you use your container space for a bunch of solar panels and power tools.
Pregnant woman shot in stomach loses baby, everyone loses their goddamn minds because she’s charged with manslaughter and not the shooter
So this is a fun case where everyone involved is an asshole.
Ms. Preggers gets into a fight in a Dollar General parking lot with another woman. Apparently she started the fight as well. She escalates up to the point where the woman she’s fighting with defends herself and shoots Ms. Preggers.
Now everyone is losing their shit because Ms. Preggers is being charged with manslaughter while the shooter gets off scot-free.
Naturally, most people just read the headline and are shocked and appalled. How can this be so? They’re criminalizing losing a baby! Those monsters!
So, killing an unborn baby is a crime?
“Well that is different!”
–Swiss Servator
These abortion politics are getting harder to understand.
Does that make it easier?
Shouldn’t this be a civil case, when the woman with the gun deserves to be paid for the abortion service she performed?
Hi, commie. Sit down and shut up.
“Trump le indica a Sánchez donde sentarse en la cumbre del G20”
Fucking Trump, man
This is not news.
Pravda-media has just refused to acknowledge it and chose to rewrite history instead.
This is what makes my brain want to explode – NONE OF THIS IS NEW! All of this was going on under Chocolate Jesus and absolutely no one gave a damn, so they can stick their current weepy fake outrage up their asses.
You can tell how little they think about their audience by the fact not a single one of these people has even worried about what doing a complete 180 on a plethora of subjects just cause orange man would imply to people actually paying attention.
So. Party of war, slavery, the KKK AND cages now.
How they get away with looking smooooooth in the public eye is beyond me.
Well, when virtually the entirety of the media acts as their public relations department, it helps.
“They looked at surveillance footage of violent situations in the UK, South Africa and the Netherlands, and found that, in 90 per cent of cases, at least one person (but typically several) intervened and tried to help. In addition, they found that the likelihood of intervention increased in accordance with the number of bystanders – which directly contradicts the bystander effect.”
“It is now known that some people have what is called ‘covert consciousness’, in which they have awareness that comes and goes, but can’t move any of their body. … Now, results from a 10-year investigation suggest that many people could be trapped in this way. Their bodies lie still, but their minds are active.”
This guy grew some ballz.
She resisted
“We are going through a formal HR process as we do for every employee in accordance with best practices, our employee handbook and the law, where applicable,” Kokonas said in an email.
The Trump Organization in an email said Eric Trump declined to press charges against the waitress.
Kokonas said he understands if the process may seem slow, but it is necessary to allow the investigation time to play out.
“I agree with Mayor Lightfoot’s comments and the tenor of her assessment. We pride ourselves on hospitality to our guests,” but don’t talk about personnel matters, he wrote in an email.
Waitress spits on one of my customers, famous or otherwise, and the “HR process” involve shoving her dumb ass out the door, and telling her to come back in the morning to pick up her check.
Big talk from a guy who hasn’t seen how big the waitresses’ boobs were.
Also, might be a bad move to fire a future Congresswoman. This waitress sounds like she might be the new improved AOC.
I’ll bet Eric stiffed her on a tip too. Is there no end to the criminal behavior of Trump and his kids?
Maybe this will be like the process for cops where the HR process will take 2 years, during which time she’ll be on paid leave, after which she’ll quietly get her job back.
Firearm registration will never be used by the government to confiscate people’s weapons. You are so paranoid.
Your Social Security number will never be used as a government identification number.
Everyone ive brought that up just shrugs.
Is putin a Pinocchio nose on Bernie antisemitism? Discuss
No, it’s Twitter doing what Twitter does so well – amplifying the voices of stupid and evil people.
That sounds like a very healthy, strong marriage.
The most entertaining part of the debate aftermath was the bewilderment that Biden seems to have done poorly, as if no one’s memory extends further back than 2008. This guy has been in Washington since 1972 and attempted to run for President at least three times. Until his name got attached to Obama, he was a complete joke, a bumbling dolt who constantly said stupid things. He didn’t just morph, in his seventies, into a smooth, skillful politician by virtue of having lived in the Naval Observatory for a while. This is who this dunce has always been.
Yeah, he was terrible. And his face is so fake I’m surprised his mouth even opens and closes any more.
In honor of Pikachu !
Vapid nitwit, busted
De Blasio, who appeared in the Democratic presidential debate in Miami on Wednesday and is seeking to position himself as a champion of “working people,” ended a speech to a crowd of striking airport workers by chanting Guevara’s slogan, “Hasta la victoria, siempre,” or “Until victory, always.”
“I did not know the phrase I used in Miami today was associated with Che Guevara & I did not mean to offend anyone who heard it that way,” de Blasio tweeted Thursday. “I certainly apologize for not understanding that history. I only meant it as a literal message to the striking airport workers that I believed they would be victorious in their strike.”
I had not heard exactly what the quote was.
Yeah, what we need in this country is more unions and more work stoppages. President de Blasio won’t have to fly commercial, so what does he care?
A Marxist who was closely associated with the Sandinistas unknowingly, accidentally stumbled onto Che Guevara’s slogan. That sounds extremely believable.
It doesn’t make sense that “he didn’t know the slogan”. It’s not like “Until victory, always” is something that makes sense to say in that situation. He knew.
Plausible deniability.
“I did not know that JB has never formally been accused of unspeakable acts.”
I just can’t figure out how he thought it was good thing given Miami’s demographics.
Of course he knew. It’s not a common phrase and he’s well versed in Latin American communism. He was just too fucking stupid to realize how poorly it would be received in a metro area loaded with people who fled Che Guevara’s murders, and their descendants.
He ‘apologized’ in the sense that Democrat and Republican politicians do, in this case, claiming that among the Hispanics he knows the phrase is common, and he did not know it was Che.
Can we stop calling him “Che”? That was the nom de guerre he invented to sound more Hispanic than he was (remind you of anything current?). His real name was Ernesto Lynch. We – everybody who wants truth to win – should be pushing his real name to the front. Hell, I even call him “Ernie Lynch” because he would probably have been known that way had he gone further in his medical studies and been around English speaking people.
“Justin Raimondo, RIP (1951-2019)”
“Justin co-founded with Eric Garris in 1995. Under their leadership, became a leading force against U.S. wars and foreign intervention, providing daily and often hourly updates and comprehensive news, analysis, and opinion on war and peace. Inspired by Justin’s spirit, vision, and energy, will go on.
Justin (born Dennis Raimondo, November 18, 1951) grew up in Yorktown Heights, New York and, as a teenager, became a libertarian. He was a fierce advocate of peace who hated war, and an early advocate of gay liberation. He wrote frequently for many different publications and authored several books. He was also politically active in both the Libertarian and Republican parties.”
Possibly the only person to have worked on every one of Pat Buchanan’s campaigns who also wrote tracts on gay liberation back in the 80’s when the topic was still considered taboo.
There were more than a few things I disagreed about Raimondo about, but he was a very interesting guy.
He was cantankerous. But, yeah, he was a fascinating character.
Indeed. RIP, Justin Raimondo.
He came under fire from Cuban Floridians, many of whom fled the nation after the communist revolution there. On Thursday afternoon, the remarks were the lead story on The Miami Herald’s website. According to the newspaper, many Cuban exiles consider Guevara a murderous sociopath.
“without evidence”
“According to the newspaper, many Cuban exiles consider Guevara a murderous sociopath.”
And they would know.
Pat Buchanan raining down fire!
H&H would be 100x better
100x hotter*
Its already the best parody out there, but the plot line would be epic if this happened.
That would be great. Fuck Bolton with a rusty mustache comb.
The Miami Herald article on Bill de Blasio’s … goof ….
1. He used the Che quote in his mayoral election and was called out for it then, yet he “didn’t know it was associated with Che”
2. Good pic of the
white supremacistsVenezuelan and Cuban ex-pats calling out Democrats’ calls for socialism.3. I had forgotten about Romney’s goof when he used a Castro quote in Miami in 2012.
Me too!
JB, on #1, which election, 2013 or 2017? I poked around on the internet but couldn’t find a reference to that.
I’ve determined that the Dems *want* Trump to win next year. It’s the only explanation for their idiocy.
Something like 25% of registered Democrats want this “bold new agenda” of the far-left wing. They’re going to stay home in bigger numbers than they did in 2016. If this shit keeps up Trump’s going to win on a Reagan 1984 level.
Raise your hand if you want to give other people your electorate’s tax money.
It’s possible the Dems have Palestinian Syndrome. They enjoy their current position so much that winning the White House might be a buzzkill for them.
“I’ve determined that the Dems *want* Trump to win next year. It’s the only explanation for their idiocy.”
I think the problem is that they are all a bunch of angry cunts, desperate to get back in power, scared to death Trump will dismantle the credentialed oligarchy (deep state) they spent so long putting together because they lacked any skills to function under a meritocracy of any kind, and have nothing new to offer other than promising free shit they have no real plans of delivering. That this all plays into Trump’s hands is coincidental..
It’s reminiscent of the Republican primary and I’m pretty sure the Republicans wanted Hillary to win in 2016 with how successful they were downballot and fundraising during the Obama years.
The Dems always lunge left in the primaries (as the Repubs do to the right), and then moderate for the general. They have been proven 100% correct that voters are by and large too stupid to remember what they said last year.
What may, may, be a different dynamic this election is how fanatical the hard left is – whether they will do what they usually do and vote for a “moderate” Dem in the general, or whether they will disrupt the general election campaign and/or stay home on election day.
I’m curious if social media will change this dynamic. We kind of saw the beginning of it last cycle, when people started recycling Clinton’s Superpreditor BS…
Social media? Rapid-cycle information actually increasing people’s time horizons? I doubt it. It will be good, at best, for motivating your own base, not for demotivating the other candidate’s base.
Joe sixpack will have a shorter time horizon. But everything online lives for ever.
I expect it to be internecine – a tool used between moderates and extremists for the voters within their own wings. Maybe there’s some application for R’s to pick off D’s and vice versa (I could see Trump playing clips of his Dem opponent talking about gender fluidity in PA, MI, and WI, for example) but I would expect that to be the exception not the rule.
Jon Stewart was one of the first to convict politicians of abject hypocrisy simply by showing footage of their routinely making opposite arguments depending on whose ox was being gored. I don’t recall a well-balanced use of this tactic, but it was effective: at preaching to his choir.
And it became easy and commonplace. Today, Biden is particularly vulnerable to the extent that he may not be suitably left in the eyes of the SJW he needs in the primaries; he has flipped more than Herself.
Trump swept forward despite a library of well-documented inconsistencies. His Republican challengers were impotent or just didn’t try to take him down for a history that is at best not very Republican and at worst is schizoid.
And the proper role of government is…
Harris ended the episode with a line that found loud applause from the audience, though it shouldn’t sit well with Americans. “You know what, folks, Americans don’t want to witness a food fight. They want to hear how we’re going to put food on their table,” she said, shaming all her squabbling competition.
I’ll say it again: I will vote for Trump if Kamala Harris is the nominee. Nothing could get me to do that, but that could.
I’ll get your MAGA hat ready…..
The first debate round featured more pandering to Hispanics in the form of candidates randomly breaking out their Spanish. This did not come across as genuine.
Because it is shameless, retarded pandering. The overwhelming majority of people whose votes you need cannot understand what you are saying.
We’re down here in Miami and everyone speaks Spanish down here. I’ll show that I’m hip to the new way that things are going and throw out some of my sweet Espanol.
— Steve Martin
Imagine the REEEEing if he told that joke today.
It’s the cheesiest of cheese. It’s no different than O’Rourke trying to skateboard.
Sen. Bernie Sanders dodged questions, merely repeated his old lines, and proved rather forgettable.
I was shocked that someone got him to admit that taxes on the middle class would necessarily increase to attempt to fund his grandiose programs. Of course the extent to which they would need to be was not discussed. He just said they would pay more but get better care, as if putting the government in charge results in 1) lower cost and 2) better care when there are countless examples demonstrating the opposite.
Yeah that might have been the most cringeworthy moment of the night.
When I want somebody else to put food on the table, I’ll go to a restaurant.
“Here’s the food we’re putting on your table. Eat it or get ass raped.”
Go away and let me put food on the table. It’s part of my job.
Usually governments that devolve to the point of being responsible for putting food on the table fuck that up too. But good news everybody! The chocolate ration is being increased…
Yeah, what Americans need most is more government cheese.
I will vote for Trump if Kamala Harris is the nominee.
Kamala Harris could very well be more evil than Martha Coakley.
Her and Warren on a ticket is the most evil prospect I can think of.
She is. Coakley had the Amirault case, which was terrible.
Harris defended prosecutors who outright lied. She fought against prison reform because it would rob the state of slave labor. She fought against putting body cams on police. She fought for arresting parents for their kids’ truancy. And more. And now she outright lies about all that and says she was a “progressive prosecutor”. Fuck that shit.
What? Putting badthink people in prison is progressive.
Pikers next to Janet Reno, though.
I dunno. With Kamala’s record her body count is probably at least close to Reno’s.
Harris/Warren 2020?
Just thinking about that makes my ass hurt.
Just like last election, the only possible reason anyone would not vote for that ticket is that they are sexist and racist.
Did anybody drag out that idiotic claim about how, “We’ll fund universal free health care with all the money you’ll save by not having to pay for private insurance!”?
I believe Gillibrand said that government would “out-compete” private insurers.
Holy shit, that’s funny.
It’s amazing what you can do with a nearly endless flow of cash.
And yet see how they had to make it illegal to complete with USPS in letter delivery
Idle thought – Fortune 500 companies are going woke for the same reason the Saudi royal family funds Islamists – distraction.
I understand why the Saudis want to distract the slaves from the obvious, but what are the companies trying to cover up?
The Saudis pay the jihadis in order to keep their activities out of their kingdom. These major corporations are going woke identitarian to try to keep the focus of leftists on that kind of culture war stuff rather than Marxist economics, which would be bad for their businesses.
It’s not really a fleshed out theory, just something that popped into my mediocre brain.
Ah, gotcha. Extortion payments.
I think you may be on to something. I sure as hell wouldn’t want the wokesters targeting my business.
As someone else pointed out, they’re religious zealots. Impossible to appease or dissuade. Plus, they’re infecting companies through and through. Hundreds of Wayfair employees signing onto a letter and publicly shaming their employer? I wouldn’t do that for a casual dress policy, let alone trying to derail sales to a customer. Insanity.
I didn’t say it was a GOOD strategy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if their thinking was in that ballpark.
Oh yeah, they are fucked if that’s the plan. It will work for awhile, but then the wokebombs will start going off.
I think you may be right that that’s part of the motive (although I wouldn’t personally discount the idea that some of the high level execs might be personally sympathetic to the expressed aims of the social justice cadres). But, I think it’s an incredibly stupid and short-sighted response. It presumes they can perpetually distract them while supporting the cadres in their aims. It doesn’t work that way. You let the cadres in the gates, you’ll only find they bring in more and become entrenched. And they will start imposing their demands on your company.
That’s why I applauded the response by the HR exec from Wayfair yesterday. She made clear that there will be consequences if the petitioners walk out.
She did? I thought she said nothing will happen to those people.
Yes, that is what I read too. There will be NO consequences.
UGH! I’d misread the comment! Stupid reading comprehension!
The Saudis pay the jihadis in order to keep their activities out of their kingdom.
The Fortune 500 companies are going woke by hiring SJWs and embedding SJW doctrine in their companies. The Saudis are pretty much doing the opposite.
Those evil things called “profits”.
Yep – “The CEO marched in a Pride parade, the CFO is a chic, and we all raised money for an AIDs thing – pay no attention to those record profits and sweet government deals.”
Appease the chattering class. Come across as a good guy in the culture wars, and all other sins will be overlooked. I can buy that.
and all other sins will be overlooked.
Only until such time as it’s no longer convenient to overlook them.
Once again, Roberts votes the way you would expect if somebody had the goods on him and was pulling his strings.
Buzzfeed sez-
Only rightwingers and libertarians like Tulsi Gabbard.
Odd that no leftists were impressed with a candidate that has all the same social and economic programs as Bernie and Warren and only differs on one issue. Odd indeed.
That all sounds great if her domestic agenda wasn’t pure communism.
She’s the least bad of a terrible bunch, that’s all. Hell, I miss fucking Al Gore after seeing the current candidates trying to out socialism each other.
I mean, Buzzfeed, so take it with a pound of salt. But yeah, as I’ve said before, I love her stance on foreign policy. The rest, not so much. And don’t get me started on her position on guns.
It’s kind of funny to see Ann “Invade their countries and convert them to Christianity” Coulter mentioned as a hardcore non-interventionist now.
Gabbard is all the proof that anyone needs to show that the Democrats are not anti-war at all. In fact, they’re rabid warmongers.
If only right-wingers and libertarians care about war then what the fuck does that say about Leftists? Rage in favor of the machine. Pussies
Lefties love the state.
Count War on People Who Use Drugs as liberal and conservative agreement back in the 1970s. Leave aside border/immigration, defense, and foreign. President Richard M. Nixon should have counted as domestically a good liberal. Look how Nixon is remembered in the prog version of history.
Morning, Glibs. It’s been a while, so I thought I’d drop in to let y’all know I’m still alive. Wait…
(breathes on mirror)
Yep, still alive. How are youze?
Dead and loving it.
I miss Leslie Nielsen.
Surely I do too.
Don’t call me Surely…
Dutch Gunderson: Who are you and how did you get in here?
Det. Frank Drebin: I’m a locksmith. And, I’m a locksmith.
Hey Michael.
Things are groovy, although it’s starting to feel like Louisiana around here.
What’s new?
Seriously. Went directly from chilly spring to “oh fuck a heat wave already?”
Oh, man, it’s perfect here. We’re in the sweet spot where it’s hitting the low 90s but there’s a nice breeze and the humidity hasn’t kicked in yet. Just walking from the truck to the office I knew nobody would be here today. Sure enough, it’s a ghost town. I’m pretty sure a few of the people I see as active on Slack are on a laptop at the patio of the bar across the street.
I’m north of you and my sweet spot is considerably lower than that.
Job is new. That’s why I haven’t been posting the past few weeks. It wasn’t a big advancement in terms of title or compensation, but I did manage to get out of a mildly toxic environment.
And we’re finally feeling that heat down here too. I’m digging it.
Nice to have a better environment. Working sucks enough without being around shitheads!
It feels like summer in arkansas here, oddly enough.
Climate Change, I blame Climate Change.
Which is probably going to be all over the news today with record temps in Europe:
From the story, ” Linking a single event to global warming is complicated.” BUT, we’re going to try:
“While extreme weather events like heatwaves occur naturally, experts say these will happen more often because of climate change.”
The BBC has sunk to Guardian levels of manipulation and mendacity.
It’s actually a little cooler than normal for this time of year.
But, that’s why its climate change now instead of global warming.
Meh – company EDI Server died this morning so I’m busy resurrecting the old girl. Carry on, glibs.
I’m going on vacation next week – weed, (non-) Mexicans, and (wifely) ass will be on my daily agenda.
Have fun, brother.
Are we sure it’s really LH posting this time?
Not sure it matters, really…
Well I’m sure.
So you did enroll in the HM marital seminar.
And is it…well, you know…
Half-Irish and Half-Finnish? Thank goodness she squats and deadlifts.
and (wifely) ass
So while you are on vacation the wife has to go to twerk every day?
Shitlord status confirmed!
Ok, that made me Lol literally. 1. I don’t twerk, never learned how, never want to ;2. I do have some work scheduled (Tuesday only) in court (boo!) 3. that’s the glory (or not) of self-employment.
So how goes the de-criminalization over there in Michigan? As someone only a couple hours away, I have some interest in that.
So far, so good. I keep seeing police reports that blow my mind because it mention: the suspect’s car contained a baggy of marijuana. But no MJ charges (because possession for personal use is legal now), or driving while using controlled substances . . . which begs the question: why mention it?
driving while using controlled substances . . . which begs the question: why mention it
Because they’ve been inaccurately using “controlled substance” as a synonym for “intoxicating substance”.
Don’t forget fine dining at the local food trucks.
830: I plan on dying right before your vacation
856: I died
/ server
Servers usually wait until you have left and made your way to some place that has a 5600 baud modem you can rent for $100/hr before it craps out.
So you have to try to talk your coworker (who normally is the company accountant) through the proper process to reboot the server over the phone.
You dream of it crapping out just before you leave.
more of an EDI joke; made myself giggle without booze, so it’s Friday; sorry that didn’t work
Sorry, your EDI messages were waaay to readable for me to get the joke
*cringes at memories of creating edi messages for a client in the transportation industry*
That’s why you lock yourself into an expensive contract with a third party to translate them for you, duh.
It does seem to be psychic: “Hey now I’ve been running perfectly for months and months. Oh wait, LH is on vacation? SUICIDE TIME!”
You should have walked away…
Absolutely. Back in my startup days, it was like the servers laid awake at nights just waiting for me to try to go on vacation.
And this was way back before cloud shit. So trying to get remote access to even development environments was nearly impossible.
If you were a comedy writer and you were trying to create a pompous, slow-witted dullard of a candidate, you couldn’t possibly do a better job than simply describing <a href="
well, shit
close enough, link works.
He just doesn’t feel any shame, does he?
That was the second-most cringeworthy line after Kamala’s government-cheese line.
but he lost his genitals in a fire so he’ll never let us down.
I believe Gillibrand said that government would “out-compete” private insurers.
Holy shit, that’s funny.
Gillibrand/Glampers, FTW!
Here’s an idea then.
Completely deregulate the health insurance and health care industry, remove all tax penalties/benefits related to insurance and health care.
Then set up a completely government owned competing system and see where people take there business.
It’s a win for everyone.
Govt Utopia!
One stop for banking, mail and now health care! Could we dare dream that they will also begin offering broadband access and cell phones?
Have no fear
In many ways, this is actually a very conservative forecast. The CBO assumes that the U.S. will raise taxes, instead of cutting them as it has done repeatedly. It assumes no future recessions requiring large increases in the level of federal debt for stimulus purposes. And most importantly, it assumes no big future increases in discretionary spending and no new big entitlements. If Medicare For All or the Green New Deal ever make it through Congress, the projected federal debt will be much, much higher.
Why is this a problem? If the government decides to cut deficits by raising taxes even more than the CBO predicts, it could slow the economy. If it decides to let the debt grow, it will have to borrow more and more in order to cover its increasing interest, and both borrowing and interest costs will snowball. That could provoke what the CBO calls a fiscal crisis — a private investor panic about the government’s ability to repay its debt, causing a drop in bond prices that render financial institutions insolvent and causing an economic crisis.
The government thus has a good reason not to let debt spiral out of control. And the easiest way to keep that from happening is for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates to zero and keep them there. As the government replaces its old, higher-interest debt with new, lower-interest debt, its yearly interest payments would go down, until finally they dwindle to nothing at all. Doing this would stabilize the deficit, and even open up fiscal space for big new spending initiatives on issues like climate change.
It could work.
So, you’re saying we have more money to spend?
It could work.
About as well as your tag closing abilities.
and even open up fiscal space for big new spending initiatives on issues
The debt must remain and grow ever larger.
Complete and utter horseshit. The notion that a country that is growing in population is immune to inflation is comprehensively disproved by history.
This is monetizing the debt, printing money to fund government operations, full stop. In the short-term, sure, it lets you spend absolutely as much as you possibly can, but it has always and everywhere led to hyperinflation and the collapse of the currency.
Comment Option #1: That can only have a positive impact on health care spending.
Comment Option #2: Nothing left to cut!
But are their abortions publicly funded? Otherwise, it’s the functional equivalent of the Third Reich.
WOMEN who identify as male are not being offered vital routine breast screenings and cervical cancer checks in case it offends them.
so this will be a short-lived controversy due to natural selection.
We spend all this time debating these issues, when in the end all our problems will just solve themselves.
*cracks open another beer*
What are we down to now? 11 years and 5 months?
I told you to bookmark it, dammit!!!
You’re not my supervisor!
The medical practitioner checks their asshole then? Seriously, what would be done in the exam room?
Shut up you transphobic, racist, toxic white cismale.
fuck, wait, don’t tell me.
In this country, you’d be doing that “cervical exam” for free. You can’t bill for something you didn’t actually do, you know.
I can’t fathom how a supposed doctor goes along with this crap. They know biology and they know men and women are opposite sexes.
Not if they want to keep their jobs.
Conform or forfeit the ability to make a living…
Wife was having a conversation with another mom who’s husband works as an admin at an area hospital system. One of our area providers (the one he works at) has pushed a “medical / gender / totally intrusive” survey on 12+ year old kids. My wife was not present when this was given to our son and she flipped when seeing the survey. The other mom says,” yeah they are pushing those hard and the quantity of those surveys that get filled out are used in doctor evaluations”. More surveys are a direct help to a better evaluation.
So to answer your question. Most / some doctors will go along with this stuff because their job could depend on it. Doctors are people just like us and can be scared to lose their job get lower raises, all that stuff.
I got nuthin’
If the monkeys follow a similar evolutionary process to humans, they will develop nuclear weapons at some point after the year 3,500,000.
Ape shall not kill ape!
I, for one, welcome our new capuchin overlords.
Wake me up when they form some sort of rudimentary lathe.
Caveman…this is a silly canard. Monkeys have been using primitive tools as long as there have been monkeys, that 3000 year period is bullshit. How did they arrive at the 3,500,000 year period?
The whole article is nonsense. They just pulled that straight out of their ass. And research on the aerodynamics of tits?
I want to believe someone out there is still doing actual science.
There are. They even have their own awards: The Ig Noble Prize. As an example of a previous winner:
Humans ARE the monkeys that developed nukes 3.5mil later.
Best to bomb the little shit-flinging beasts while we have the chance.
Someone get Bolton on the phone.
Who knew Mexicans were so racist?
PS: I know that’s not the point the article is trying to make, but you’ve not seen a racist until you’ve seen a Mexican talk about a Guatemalan.
Or a Cuban about Guatemalans AND Mexicans.
Or a Costa Rican about Nicaraguans
Is this like the fight between or resident Minnesodans and the NoDaks?
Not unless the Minnesodan police wait to gun NoDak criminals down in the streets until a television crew arrives.
Nicar, Please!
Why on earth would I think that?
A Mexican colleague of mine said the word they use for Central Amerians means “floating turd”. He must have learned his racism in the US or something.
For Q:
How do I get stuck with such boring research when there are people doing this?
Also, whycome no pics?
“Flat is justice”
The ones who came up with this are the first people exiled.
And by that, I mean without the stupid outfit.
That is awesome!
Somebody has a great sense of humor.
Did I miss a thread on warrantless blood draw okay 5-4 ?
Though the Supreme Court unreservedly backed the propriety of BAC testing today, calling the exigency especially acute in unconscious-driver cases, Alito emphasized that there still remains the possibility that “a defendant would be able to show that his blood would not have been drawn if police had not been seeking BAC information, and that police could not have reasonably judged that a warrant application would interfere with other pressing needs or duties.”
a/ why does it take any longer to get a warrant when the suspect is unconscious than conscious?
b/ why is Alito so happy to give cops logistical excuses to end-run 4A? When did convenience start trumping the BoR?
Police report excerpt….
Upon arrival driver was found unconscious. redacted
*redacted section*
after a large dense object struck him on the head.
“When did convenience start trumping the BoR?”
You are a funny guy. Hilarious.
my EDI joke got crickets . . . had to step up my game
I didn’t post it because Alito having a think blue line of semen on his robe is not news.
A/ because drunk drivers had
B/ because drunk drivers had
A&B/ because compelling government interest
They just greenlighted the most intrusive possible “search” (jamming a needle into your arm) without a warrant, if getting a warrant is inconvenient. But, really, this is just a straightforward application of the pre-existing “exigent circumstances” de facto amendment of the 4A.
“Wisconsin has not once, in any of its briefing before this court or the state courts, argued that exigent circumstances were present here,” Sotomayor wrote, joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.
I’m assuming that they can now use an unconscious person’s thumb to unlock their phone as well.
I would need to read the opinion, but I believe that the exigency is due to the suspect metabolizing the evidence while they sleep. Which only means that Alito come up with a new pretext.
evidence is always metabolizing, whether you get a warrant or not
No way, I keep all my ill gotten gains in gold bullion, which is chemically stable in most environments. Not like you fiat money sheeple.
ppptttthhhhh…. noble gases or GTFO
AU in an AR-purged locker FTW ?
There could be a super important appointment the citizen has and the police would want to make sure that the person the suspect was set to meet could be informed of the delay.
That came up in orals.
In more how-weird-is-Breyer news, he tipped the scales in this case for the conservative wing of the court. His man-on-the-street sympathies remain, and his questions from the bench were pragmatic: who is harmed, what is a cop supposed to do sort of thing.
Unless a “warrant application would interfere with other pressing needs or duties,” the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” – in Alito’s copy
calling the exigency especially acute in unconscious-driver cases,
This makes no sense at all to me. What difference does it make if the driver is conscious or not when the cop calls in for the warrant?
Maybe it’s a question of whether or not the judge is conscious.
exactly what I asked: a/ why does it take any longer to get a warrant when the suspect is unconscious than conscious?
Breyer threw the cops a bone: you gotta take the guy to the hospital. You don’t, he’s just drunk, but I will concede this point because there’d be hell to pay if he died in or near police custody. That said, again, Wisconsin never even presented exigency; Alito’s questions and tone assumed it.
Breyer threw the cops a bone: you gotta take the guy to the hospital.
For treatment only (because the cops don’t know why he’s unconscious – could be a stroke or a heart attack), as they should do with anyone they find unconscious on the road.
No hospital should ever do a forensic blood draw without the consent of the patient. I’ve had more than one confrontation with cops on this one.
Arizona + penetrating skin for medical without consent = assault and battery. Do I have that right?
Except in emergencies, yes.
Of course, forensic blood draws aren’t medical.
Maybe I crossed a line. Accredited medical person doing medical thing. Wouldn’t think that doing it for non-medical reason is supposed to make it not assault and battery. And even if LEO asks/orders, it is not LEO, so seems to me that case for excusing because of qualified immunity would be harder.
Then you just have cops training to phlebotomists so they can do the draw themselves. More BS like having “neutral” judges on scene or on call for DUI roadblocks.
oh: Alito was letting it go anyway because Christmas morning 2am; reducio ad absurdum
About as well as your tag closing abilities.
“House approves bipartisan border funding bill”
Now let’s see which useless GOP motherfucker in the senate will kill it.
I think that was the Senate bill they approved in the House. The House’s attempt to run out the clock backfired on them, since doing so would mean they would not be able to blame Trump for the ongoing clusterhump at the Southern border.
I didn’t RTFA. Busted.
Re the census thingy. Is there anything to stop the Trump admin from just printing out a census that asks one single question? Those things are bloody intrusive.
The only thing it should ask is: Address and # of people residing at that address. Anything else is unnecessary for the job.
I’m perfectly fine with that.
I figure we’ll start getting questions about our sexual inclinations soon.
The online pre-form asks if the other person in your household is your opposite-sex partner or your same-sex partner.
I agreed they had my address right, keyed in NewWife’s name, and skipped past every other question. The rest is bunk.
So hypothetically, you think this census is too intrusive? state, city or nearest city, the name of the white male householder if applicable, landowner or not, names and total number of free white male non-householders at least 16 years old, names and total number of free white male non-householders less than 16 years old, names and total number of free white females, names of all other free persons, and names and total number of slaves