Q. My friends and family constantly ask me when I plan to get a new phone. I have a slide phone. I used to have a flip phone, which also drew the same questions. I am not a phone person. I have a land line at home with answering/messaging in place.
I am sick of the questions about my phone. I don’t want a smartphone. I have my little phone for emergencies, not so everyone I know can reach me immediately. I wouldn’t dream of asking people when they are going to get a better TV, newer shoes, a more expensive car, a bigger house, a more expensive handbag. Why is it that people feel the need to shame me about my phone?
It is to the point now that I may turn it off and turn it on only when I want to use it. It is becoming difficult for me to remain civil about this subject. I envision myself throwing it in the trash can next time someone asks. — LIKE THE OLD DAYS

“Tabernacle, may I get an upgrade?”

“You should try an iPhone.”

Q. When my wife and I first got together over four years ago, one of the things that we bonded over was our mutual enjoyment of pot. We were daily smokers, and I always thought of this shared interest as being a foundational part of our relationship. She began having some mental health issues and decided to stop smoking altogether. I had no interest in stopping, so I continued, but would just do it in the backyard at the end of the day. She was fine with this. When we started talking about having kids, she told me she did not think that pot had a place in the parenting of young children and that she would like me to cut back significantly when we became parents. Her ideal was none at all, but she agreed that it could be more like drinking alcohol—occasionally, not to excess, and not around the kids when they’re very small.
Now my wife is pregnant, and she wants me to quit smoking pot yesterday. She constantly brings up that I agreed to stop smoking when we became parents and that I’d better start cutting back now that she’s pregnant so that I won’t have to go cold turkey once the baby is born. I still don’t want to quit. It enriches my life, it makes me more even-keeled and laid-back (I used to be quite anxious and prone to anger before I started smoking), and I don’t see how these qualities could be bad for raising a child. I wouldn’t ever smoke around the kid, but she’s acting like taking pot every day is equivalent to parenting as an active alcoholic. I just don’t see it this way. Can I parent while also smoking pot? —Pregnant Minus Pot
A. STEVE SMITH WORRIED. HIM WORRIED THAT HOOMAN WHO “I always thought of this shared interest as being a foundational part of our relationship” NOW GOING HAVE KID. SHE CRAZY, YOU NOT SMART. ONLY ANSWER – STEVE SMITH ADOPT KID.

I used to quit smoking like 20 times a day.
Ooops, missed it.
I used to quit smoking 20 times per pack.
I have a flip phone and people ask me about it all the time.
I used to waste time explaining the philosophical underpinning of why I refuse to get a smartphone.
Now I just tell them to fuck off (actual words may vary depending on my relationship with the asker).
Flip phones are great. You can answer and hang up a call with one hand.
Or drugs…
But it’s not unreasonable that people notice or poke fun at you for it. It’s a thing we all share nearly universally. Smart phones are by far the majority model. Flip phones are relics, but recent enough that we all remember them.
I remember when I bought a slide phone. It was so cool. I could play brick breaker on it and not ever receive texts. Those were the days.
I clung to my flip phone for as long as I could. But it was a 3G phone, and Verizon’s 3G network was developing largish holes along roads I drive everyday; I had to get a 4G phone, and the options for 4G “feature phones” are pretty stinky.
Less stinky.
I had a flip phone and laptop for work, smart phones cut my need for the laptop out. When I get home from work though, that phone goes on my desk and stays till work the next day. I wouldn’t have a phone if I wasn’t self employed and didn’t need it for my job.
*sigh* GF got home early and got way drunk before I got drunk. It’s annoying.
She’s just drunk rambling, and I’m still (sorta) lucid.
“The power of your mind is greater than the power of nuclear radiation. Visualize angels dispersing it into nothingness.”
She’d have my vote, if, well, she wasn’t a Democrat.
Some of my fondest memories of my exes were when they were sodden drunk and didn’t make me go out.
She got drunk by herself?
Technically, no. The turtle ? was here too.
She’s Irish ☘️ decent.
I’m catching up!
Are you a turtle?
“Irish-decent” is the best phrase ever.
And it’s wide open too, Sean gets comlete credit for coining it.
I’d think “Irish decent” means drunk but capable of interacting with the public.
I was thinking that after you fight he buys you a Jameson and a pint.
i Drink alone most of the time. I don’t get the stigma.
No problem with drinking alone. Get drunk alone is not my idea of a fun time, though.
Fair point. I rarely get drunk anymore.
Ditto, of course I rarely get drunk any less.
Get a ?
This should become a meme.
Does it still count if you’re turtling?
Does it count as drinking alone if you post here?
Also, WTS turtle.
Good rule.
By God, I should hope not!
*tosses empty into bin*
Correlation is not causation, but what about the work by libertarian economist Ed Stringham that drinking with others is correlated with higher life expectancy than either never drinking or drinking alone?
Statistics is fine for groups, but useless for individuals.
No stigma in this house ?
I drink alone quite a bit mostly because I like the taste of scotch or good Tequila and getting a little buzz feels good before bedtime.
Every night after work I pour 2 fingers of whiskey and unwind. Best part of the day.
I try to drink alone but my family keeps bugging me.
got way drunk before I got drunk
Story of my life. She usually tries to pace me, which is a fools errand. And I have been moderating lately. As such, she is now passed out, having consumed as much as me in half the time. It’s a marathon, not a race.
“He was unmemorable,” one cop who knew him said. “He was a rookie, so he just did his job — nothing good or bad to say about him.”
Nothing memorable about Gerardo Bugallo-Beret?
So get a cheapy smart phone and quit bitching. Crimony.
but she’s acting like taking pot every day is equivalent to parenting as an active alcoholic.
“Taking pot”? who says that, and fuck this stoner for trying to addiction shame us lushes, at least drunks like good music not that banal hippy shit most wastoids play.
“Stand on the rock of infinite possibility. Train your mind to never look down: rise up to thoughts of miracles and love, no matter what.”
What supercilious horseshit.
“Have you been taking the pot?” is a line in Better Off Dead. Of course, I cannot find a clip right now.
Re the MJ story. Men marry hoping the woman never changes while the woman marries expecting to change the man.
“Love IS the answer, and that is as relevant to public policy as to personal behavior. ”
This chick really brings me back. It like man, San Francisco North Beach 1967. Far Out.
you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark
It was sometime in May 1969. Preggers wife and I left and basically never went back.
“Just beneath the surface, this isn’t politics it’s black magic. Entirely a psychic battle. Use your shield of Virtue and your sword of Truth”
OK, I’m rooting for her now. The worst thing she’d make us do is use our tax money to build a giant pyramid shaped healing crystal or some shit.
She’s the dollar store McAfee.
Dad quit smoking pot when he started his business. Divorcing mom was inevitable after that, he tells me.
‘Taking pot’ you mean.
Ahem. Injecting marijuana.
Psst. Buttchugging the ganja.
I read that as “Buttigieg the ganga”
They make suppositories now? Doesn’t anyone just smoke it anymore?
CBD is the hot thing now. Maybe that’s what he means?
Or maybe he wrote toking and the editor changed it to taking. Do people still toke? Is that a thing anymore? I wasn’t ever big into pot. The last time I took pot I was happily chatting with a couple friends and when it hit I slid down the wall and had to concentrate on staying conscious.
“Imagine within you a pool of light, filled with love, greatness, creativity and joy. Now see yourself stepping into it. Now stay there.”
No, she’s the public library book giveaway table John McAfee.
I got some CBD oil and I have to say it does help with the minor aches and pains.
I tied some and think it does have some legit uses. However, I don’t think it’s the miracle cure for every ailment as its made out to be by some proponents.
Completely agree. I don’t think it’s fighting off hidden cancer or anything like that.
It sure does although it’s still a bit expensive. With the supply becoming more secure the price is bound to drop though.
I decided to try it because NSAIDS do nothing for me. Luckily I just have the minor wear and tear you get in middle age, so just need a little something now and then.
Tumeric works well for that too. You can’t take it on demand though.
I bought some and it had a noticeable affect on my hands. Damned expensive at this point, though.
Yup. I use pure kana. $53 bones. Ouch
Mine was $90.
Seems to work though.
I never got the idea that being drunk or high in front of children is a bad thing. As long as you have enough control to not do something really stupid what’s the big deal? When I hear people say this it makes me believe they have a lot of latent puritan in their upbringing and current mindset.
Last night the kid said that she’s never seen me drunk. “How about Mama?” “Puhleeeze”.
I was out a bunch of times with the work group plus their families while we were on the Fiji project. At one point the boss’s wife mentioned that I never seem to get drunk. She had seen me with the group downing beers and mixed drinks for hours at the pool but couldn’t tell if it was affecting me at all.
I guess I have an auto-pilot mode once the booze hits me.
When other people are getting their fool on, you look good in comparison, right?
Maybe that too – but she was the “designated adult” watching the kids so her perspective was clear. And nobody really got stooped. Just the general lack of concentration/coordination.
“Peacock feathers are created by peacocks eating thorns. Every thorn you have eaten can become a peacock feather too.”
Can we go back to Ms Rose now?
“The most important things in life are not visible to the physical eye. It’s only when we soul-explode beyond the confines of the mortal self, expanding the boundaries of what we think is real, that we begin to glimpse the truth of who we are and why we’re here.”
I’ll have what she’s having.
That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about peacocks to dispute it.
*sips bourbon* ^ Yes, this. It’s nice to have a drink again. I enjoy drinking but haven’t been drunk in probably a decade. Alcohol isn’t something we hide from the kids like it’s some sort of evil talisman. Our kids’ parties feature large quantities of alcohol for the parents and at least two types of grilled meat.
When you have that many children around, you absolutely need a drink or ten.
Japanese definitely have no ideas about anything negative concerning drinking around the kids. We’ve had some parties at our house with 5 families & kids over and the mommies more than hold their own. One time it was past midnight and one mother was still there talking with us after everybody had left. Big head knew she was just social and probably a night owl – but little head wanted to believe she was trying to talk my wife into something *interesting*.
… go on.
Yeah, I kept pouring drinks for her and my wife, hoping…
…forgetting that she was “Okasan” (mommy) which is – as far as sex is concerned – neither male nor female.
Kinda like Ooloi but instead of interceding between males and females they focus all their energy on raising the young and the libido is erased. If the daddy still has a libido that’s his problem.
I’m glad Hollywood hasn’t tried and failed to film that.
Yeah, Lilith is a strong female character, and at least for the last decade Hollywood has run screaming from those characters. They prefer one dimensional author-insert morality play female characters.
I was thinking more the tentacles but yeah you’re right about Lilith’s character. Is Angela Bassett still around…?
As long as you have enough control to not do something really stupid what’s the big deal?
Trying to educate your 15 year old sister on Constitutionalism and individual liberty while your grasp of vocabulary, diction and annunciation is temporarily, but significantly lacking is…well…challenging…
Don’t do it while canoeing in Canada was the lesson I gleaned from earlier links.
OT: For those with TCM, The Ritz is coming up at 10:00 PM ET tonight.
Soopah doopah!
Great, maybe I’ll put it on.
Ok, Gary Cooper.
Well this is surreal.
Why oh why do we continue to kiss Saudi ass?
He tells us. Look at all the jobs our weapon sales to Saudi Arabia create!
Well, Yemen ain’t gonna bomb itself.
Certainly not as efficiently, that’s for sure.
I dunno. They seem to have been doing a good job of it so far.
Assuming American made weapons are better than Saudi weapons at blowing shit up.
Murika, fuck yeah!
*fist bump*
Some cats leave a mouse or rabbit on the porch as a gift for their master. My dogs just dropped off a fawn.
I’m still trying to figure out where it came from. Way too small to jump the fences. I’m guessing the doe jumped the outer fence, had the fawn, and jumped back over leaving it stranded. The dogs must have slipped out somehow, grabbed it, and dragged it back through the inner fence. So bizarre.
Aren’t fawns born earlier in the season?
It’s probably a little late, but I’ve been seeing some just barely able to jump the fence running around over the past month or so.
Turn that fawn upside dawn.
Oh deer, not sure if this is the time for jokes.
I’ve got a buck says it is.
We’re really racking up the puns lately.
That’s at least an eight point pun there.
You guys had better cut this out or elk!
We’ll have a rut of puns soon
Switzy is gonna tan some hides.
*narrows gaze*
Will he be wearing a field dress?
A suit with white tails
No deer. Butt too high. Run too fast.
Interesting. My cats are indoor only. They are limited to “hunting” things that happen to get into the house, which is mostly insects and arachnids. They eat both. I still don’t know if I should be concerned about that. But they seem healthy thus far and I don’t have to chase flies because they do it for me.
I don’t understand how something that is venomous isn’t poisonous if you eat it. I get that tummies are filled with acid, but…
It must be something else about their biology. I think that various bugs are well within the natural diets of felines that we have domesticated as housecats, especially considering they have long been kept around farms to deal with mice, and mice are exactly “clean”.
are not*
Insects and arachnids are a significant food source for feral and wild small felines. Mine also eat a large number of amphibians and reptiles along with the rodents and birds. But the bugs are like a snack to them. The feline equivalent to potato chips.
I know an old lady who swallowed and arachnid. She gave me head to kill it.
Mine are also indoor only and they only play with the occasional bug – never eat them. I would be curious the find out bugs would agree with them more than the dedicated food I give them which they throw up at regular intervals.
I’d like to revoke her diplomatic immunity(*), IYKWIM
*only applies to 80’s Patsy. She hasn’t aged well.
I thought her only claim to fame was her golden yabos.
Democratic Debate (The Rap)
National Treaure
Oh yeah
The Stagnant Working Class
We just have to have the courage to (further…)
fascistically disarm the massesviolate the Constitution.Ugh…I meant to add: “
violate the constitutionenact commonsense gun regulation.”But I have been drinking. What’s your excuse?
Dilemma: One side says “By any means necessary!” and the other says “By any means constitutional!”.
I love Colion Noir as an NRA spokesman. Anti-gunners have to ignore him as far as possible – because he represents an urban, African-American who eloquently speaks his mind in opposition to their ideas and his rhetoric is bullet-proof (yeah, I went there).
He’s great.
I remember the vile racist comments that anti-gunners made about him when he first signed on with the NRA and started getting more exposure:
“Oh look, the NRA bought themselves an obedient little negro!”
“What a pathetic little sambo, shilling for the NRA’s radical gun agenda!”
“He’s an Uncle Tom who sold out to the radical Right!!”
… Despite the fact that he had been making videos independently for about two years before the NRA hired him.
So, wifey and I still in debate mode …
I want to buy an Alfa Romea 4C spider. I mean, come on, it’s not like I’m asking for a BMW i8. And I still think we can afford the house we want. Can you guys help me convince her?
No, She’s right
Yeah, I know, you are not helping,…
Me: Dad, I can’t afford to buy an airplane.
Dad: You can’t afford *not* to buy an airplane. Every plane that I’ve bought has appreciated in value.*
*Note: Dad managed to make money on every wheeler-dealer deal he ever dealt with. My history is generally the opposite.
You can’t afford to *not* buy it. Have her argue otherwise.
*considers the frankly misogynistic crap I post here*
Perhaps Q’s your man for the job.
Buy a used Lotus Elise AND the house.
Nailed it.
For the price, I’d get a Lotus instead, Toyota motors being what they are.
What a great idea!
Like anyone reads all replies and/or refreshes appropriately. . .
I still thinks it’s funny we came to the same conclusion.
It only confirms that you’re both tulpa.
But anyway, I like the Evora. It is a bit bigger and more suited to someone who is about 6′.
Yeah, I know, you are not helping.
I’m sure it’s a fun car. Lease don’t buy.
+ 1 Maserati.
+1 Joe Walsh
Nissan 350Z
*ahem*, 370Z
I did buy a 350Z. Still have it. Runs great. No need for a newer 370Z.
Ah, nice! Assumed you were suggesting a today purchase. I’ve always loved the Z cars since I was a kid. If I had enough f u money, I’d
probablydefinitely one in my garage.Fairlady.
Yes, replacing the rear badge would be the first thing I did.
Baseline 370Z with 6-speed manual costs about the same as a fully-loaded Altima.
Same story as 13 years ago when I bought mine.
If you can afford a late model car, you can afford a late model Z.
I guess at that price I’d still lean into an sti.
Fair enough.
But the Z is a great car at a great price.
It’s crazy they are getting more gears in autos than manual now. The tech marches on.
Autos are clearly superior.
So fucking what? I like to row.
The price is right but It’s only two seats and not much cabin, so not enough for the family and not practical as a sole vehicle. Which means it would be that plus another car(truck).
Oh I have no issue with a z. I just have a soft spot for the ej motor.
And it is crazy seeing the 7 and 8 speeds.
Don’t think of J. Edgar Hoover.
Unless you are Hindu or Buddhist you get one life. Might as well have fun with it.
They only make this 4c for a few years.
The window is closing!
Yeah but, paddle shift.
*points & hisses*
It’s why I love vintage cars.
If you want an Alfa, buy a real fucking Alfa.
A proper vintage Alfa should be on a hydraulic lift.
You spelled track wrong.
If it doesn’t leak oil, it’s out of oil.
Jun 27 at 10:33 AM
$135,000 bid placed by psmiekel
Jun 27 at 10:32 AM
$130,000 bid placed by alfaman1900
Jun 27 at 10:30 AM
$125,000 bid placed by psmiekel
Jun 27 at 9:45 AM
$115,000 bid placed by alfaman1900
Now that… that is a quality website.
You have no idea.
It is incredibly addicting and the people that frequent it are real car people. You can watch an amazing variety of cars and the last few minutes are way more interesting than watching the sunburned fat guys on TV pay stupid money for muscle cars.
Highly recommended.
I don’t smoke compulsively, but smoking is delicious when I see it. I’m not saying it’s a good look, but it does look good.
I miss AC. I miss that madness. Those were good times.
My GTI came with the dsg.
It’s not as fun as the 5 speed WRX, but it does shift a lot faster than I could.
But a sports car is about fun, a race car is about performance.
Exactly. Once I’m out of school in May, the new car will have a manual. I don’t care that the autos shift faster than I do, the manuals are more damn fun.
…having one car between me and Mrs. RegicidalManiac is slowly killing me.
It’s the only reason I was ok with the auto in the GTI.
It’s the main car for us.
Congratulations on your soon to be graduation.
You can’t go wrong with a 1996 Olds (Supercharged). And I know just where you can get one!
I kept my first Harley, a 1966 xlch that I bought in 1984 ( I should mention I have about 10 Harleys right now). I’m presently building into the baddest assed “digger style ” custom I could have dreamed of back then. It will be worth ten of the new Alfa Spyders to me. Old stuff matters way more than paddle shifters and traction control. It endures.
Preserving history is important I guarantee my stupid little Triumph gets more attention than the vast majority of modern cars.
My very first bike was a Harley. Harley 125cc two-stroke. I put it together from parts when I was 12 and rode it all over the mountains for about two years. Then I sold it for $40. I recently saw one in the Harley shop that had a $12k price tag on it.
Always kind of wanted one with a tank shift and suicide clutch. Probably best “be careful what you wish for”. They weren’t called “suicide” for nothing.
I changed my mind. Buy that new tremor f350 and put 2 mt Denali tents from cvt on it.
If you plan on just parking it in the garage and looking at it, I’m on your side. If it’s a Sunday car and you can afford the constant repairs, I’m on your side. If it’s your sole transportation to and from work, uh, she wins this round. They are beautiful cars, but not reliable. At all.
Buy the car, buy the house, demand a bailout from President Warren.
I worry about the future of the human race.
“Will someone think less of me because I don’t want a smartphone?”
I think less of you for asking the fucking question.
Is everything in the world now based upon the popular opinion?
Example #1: I’m going to get a tattoo just like everyone else to show that I’m not just like everyone else.”
/get off my lawn
That’s why I branded myself with a cigarette.
Bro! **fist bumps**
That’s why I keep seeing people with cigarette burns. Apparently, it’s a new trend.
Everyone wants to fit in, even those who don’t.
I gave up on that crap when I graduated high school 48 years ago. I really, truly, do not give a fart in a hurricane what other people think, either about me or about anything else.
I like to think the same thing about myself and then I get a little thrill when I meet someone who thinks like I do. If what you’re saying about yourself is really the case then more power to you and I mean that in a good way.
But we care what YOU think. Unfair!
Hell, I started giving that up while I was still in high school. I suppose being *the* white kid in a Hispanic neighborhood kinda influenced me in that direction anyway.
Sometimes I feel like I’m a minority in being a completely un-tattooed person.
There was an episode of Saved By The Bell The College Years where Bob Golic’s character revealed he had gotten a tattoo of Tweety Bird on his ass, and it now looked like Big Bird. That was the logic got me to Just Say No to tattoos.
I don’t mind the tattoos that people get. I just mind this phony idea that they’re still badass and rebellious.
They’ve gone the way of leather jackets and blue jeans – perfectly acceptable in mainstream society.
My personality kind of revolves around “don’t notice me”.
Tatts tend to be the opposite of that.
I don’t have any., nor does my wife, so there’s 2.
I am a strictly stock model as well. No tatts or piercings on my body as well.
The only body modification I ever intend to do happens in the gym.
A shower is body modification?
Depends who you shower with.
Hell yea, just did bench press today.
The difference is even more stark in the world of weight lifting – I’ve almost never met another person who works out who doesn’t have “tribal” shit all over their arms.
Now that I have the retired military ID and I am working a job where I set my own hours I have been using the gym for free at a small US Army installation in Tokyo. I had gotten out of lifting heavy for about 15 years – just doing body weight stuff and kettlebells at home.
Funny how quick the size is coming back. Shirts that recently just kinda hung on my frame are now tight on the arms and chest. I’m not ever close to lifting the weight I used to but lifting a couple times a week and following up with protein is really showing.
Florida Man’s coconut drink recipe:
1. Poke hole in coconut and drain water into cup
2. Saw top off coconut
3. Carve out coconut meat
4. Pour water back in coconut
5. add white & dark rum
6. top off with pineapple juice
7. enjoy
First of all, Florida man would just chug the rum and then chase with four loko and bath salts.
I traded my bath salts for magic coconuts. I’m starting to think I got hustled.
And then fuck the coconut.
Correct. On a related note, both my dogs love coconut meat. Who knew?
Flesh of a fruit, but we say “coconut meat”? Where’s Q to give us a link?
If it’s coconut “meat” will Arby’s sell it? Discuss.
Meat is correct. Coconuts have hair and provide milk and are therefore mammals, and mammals are made of meat. QED.
Why would you carve out the coconut meat? You’re not going to actually use it for something, are you?
I’m eating it and it makes more room for booze
Fair point.
GOOD NEWS! The cup holder on my sofa is the perfect size to hold my coconut cup.
The cup holder on my sofa…
You live in a theater?
It’s my home theatre so…yeah…?
It’s his jockstrap.
In an alternate timeline, Rob and Fab work with a vocal coach before going big, eventually become multi Grammy winning artists over a long career, and still sound better than Autotune “singers”. RIP Rob.
Damn, he looks impressively young.
Huh. Even in the alternate timeline that is still unlistenable.
Figured that I was missing out on some inside joke. Awful.
And that’s pretty impressive given that I was a fan of at least one other German pop act fronted by a dark-completed man.
LOL eek
Decades of exposure to J Pop and still was horrified by that.
Speaking of IP violations, Dead or Alive should make that guy dead.
At this point Dead or Alive is more dead.
Now that I think about, it may be more New Order. Either way, you guys suck for posting that shit. *Goes back to Alice in Chains*
You are dead to me.
Tell me New Order doesn’t still hold up.
New order is great. Talking about the linked stuff.
Heh it does remind of their worst song. Not gonna link Blue Monday cuz it’s garbage.
Shortly after moving into my first apartment after moving out, the upstairs neighbors woke me up to the sounds of fucking to Blue Monday. I was traumatized for years.
I’ve noticed a large number of Cyrillic comments on 80’s Euro pop videos.
ugh *complected
I’m having the weirdest, most heated argument about IP law right now. Ballet is involved.
IP is one of the more interesting gray areas in libertarianism in my opinion.
The arguments are not deep, but very shouty
You can’t own ideas, man.
Just repeat what they say and then go “what are you going to do about it”
Troll it up.
I think both sides have some very valid points. I’m loathe to pick a side because it’s very doubtful I’ll ever have an IP worth worrying about.
I agree.
I actually have a patent that I wish someone would build because it is actually a safer way to do something.
That’s pretty cool. I actually had a patent for a wireless precordial stethoscope, but the market rejected it.
A bonding hot stick? Nice work.
Meh, If it can’t be physically taken from you, you don’t own it, thus not property, see also reputation and expected value. Pretty simple really.
Then you’ll be happy to know I’ll be using your name, social security number and bank accounts from now on.
You are going to be sorely disappointed.
Heh, says a man with no idea how destitute I am.
The hypothetical I have in my head is if you discover a simple engine tweak that results in increase HP or MPG. You’ve put the time and research in, but any other manufacturers can copy it easily. That doesn’t seem “fair”. On the other hand, there is no limit to the number of films and stories that can be produced from Mickey Mouse. Hell you can even put a disclaimer on your story “not affiliated with Disney” and you haven’t really harmed the mouse.
How about if you are a broke college kid who is set to pitch a cartoon to conglomerate owned by Ted Turner? That’s the only time so far I’ve filed any IP. Of course I didn’t get a bite, but they also didn’t rip me off. Without the IP, what protection would I have had if they did?
This is why I find IP interesting. Why would you pitch if they can hear your idea, say no deal, then make it anyway.
Yes, this is why I’m for IP, sure it helps the TITANS hang on to properties, which I also think is fine in most capacities, but it protects the little guy trying to sell an idea from it being outright stolen by THE BIG BADS.
The “idea” isn’t the thing, Its the creativity behind the idea, and most “Big Bad Guys” know this, Yes you could pitch a pilot episode and they could steal it, but what then? What’s an example that has come out of protection and everyone that touches it makes bank? They may make cheap imitation but the original is still where the value is. Peckinpah, Kubrick, Spielberg, Leone, Tarantino, Scorsese, etc cold have told me exactly what they wanted to do, and I still wouldn’t have been able to replicate their success.
You seem to think IP is just ‘An Idea’ When you pitch you have spec scripts written, character designs done. The whole property is laid bare to get them to invest.
No I get it, but you are giving them one episode, given the first episode of ‘Breaking Bad” or “The Wire” or “Trapper John Md” do you think you could continue the success of those franchises with out the original creator’s input. Now to counter my own argument an author that I have been reading for years just had his latest novel picked up by paramount for a 7 figure payday, I had figured that since he was churning out a book or two a year and had a publisher that he was doing alright, after the news of this broke I learned that he was driving an Uber to make rent, So under my policy he might well have never got his life changing payday but, I’d hope that if he wrote one book that some ‘Big Bads’ Stole and made a mint off of, he would at least have the marketing position to pimp his next work, Not ideal for the starving artist I know but without curtailing others freedom of expression, even if it aint your original thought I don’t see a libertarian solution, sometime the answer is ‘tough shit’ (shruggy thing)
Like I said, you’re misunderstanding how much info you have to to give in a pitch. You’re not giving the ‘first episode’ you’re giving them everything to get them to pay. Just look at how many shows (or movies) jettisoned even a ‘protected’ creator because the producer thought they could do better. This is the root of the current problem in Hollywood, where the progenitor, even protected by IP is cast off as soon as possible, because the producers are the ones who ‘know how to make money’. Sure, under the current model they’re losing money, but it still isn’t stopping them. But still, they are the one’s who have the funds available to throw around, and the one’s that control the gateway. Sure, one day it might end, but without IP You have no protection going into negotiations as they stand, and even with IP you have the bare minimum of protection. At least with IP they have to compensate you, without it Hollywood would be even worse than the putrid Transformers movies (said as someone that owns and has watched every G1 Transformers episode). If that’s how shittily they treat a multi-billion dollar IP that’s been around for 30 years, do you really think they are the same people seeking autours as you propose?
Big oil would have you put down, it is known – RIP 100 MPG carburetor.
I’m not an engineer, but wasn’t the hemi a fairly simple design modification that made significant improvements?
No, the hemi was a passing phase that was THOUGHT to have brought significant improvements. Modenr iterations are not true hemis and the basic concept as been proven inferior. A compact chamber with ample squish band is far superior. Optimum might, MIGHT, be a close to hemi design with a precise angled squish band, ala two strokes. High flow from the valves and ample squish. Only downside is the time it’ll take to burn the mixture in such a large chamber. Well, that and the dome shrouding some of the mixture from the flame front. You can see that it gets quite complicated quite fast. A true hemi is a bad idea, basically.
I HAD IM NOT AN ENGINEER DISCLAIMER. Seriously, thanks for the explanation.
Every thief is a poet.
I’m stealing this line.
I’m still trying to parse what the hell happened.
I dunno.
That’s an easy one. Dancers are like instruments. The IP of a piece belongs to the choreographer.
This morning heading into work the CBS Radio News host said Drumpf, then corrected herself. Best fucking timeline.
The masks are off
And have been off for a while.
The local cable news channel was going to break this morning and just as they were cutting the anchor off you could hear him muttering something under his breath about Trump’s fake news. This is the jokey morning news so the masks are probably optional anyway.
Cars, guns and puns. *SMDH* Can we get back to talking about Swalwell?
Wait. Where is the gun talk?
I don’t want to make a guy whos cool nuking us mad from our mocking.
In Swalwell’s Russia, Swalwell mocks himself by posting pictures of himself as a mouth breather.
Fuck that guy. Nuke us bitch. I double dog dare you!
What’s the biggest gun I could mount on the fj without throwing the suspension or really changing the rollover angle?
Ma Deuce.
Something like this?
Or would you trade firing rate for caliber? Used to have TOWs on M151. Pretty sure those are lighter weight than a FJ.
Doom, this place is hiring. How have you been?
My brother has been flipping 4Runners and making a fair amount of cash.
Those things hold value.
His was totaled and he bought it back for parts, so now he finds other 4Runners that aren’t running and robs his old one for parts and resells them. His latest he bought for $200 and sold it for $2400.
Busy and good!
A year ago that place I linked had two or three old fj’s in there shop lot, now the place is packed with them. They are doing crazy business now. Good to hear all is good.
So, tomorrow I’m driving up north to meet C. Anacreon. Keep this in mind if you here a story of a brutally murdered fat man from Wisconsin. But I couldn’t say no, he’s buying.
I’d be more worried about the fact that he’s a world renowned shrink.
Good luck dude.
Up north? Everywhere is south from you.
What straff said
The cabin is always up nort.
You’re meeting a doctor in a cabin?
A bar, I made sure to pick a public place, I’ve written Horror movies before.
I figured we were talking A Simple Plan, not Cabin in the Woods.
Now, you give me Fargo vibes.
A Simple Plan was about money, there’s none of that on my end.
Well, that doesn’t mean $ would never be involved…
Oh, Digby, I wrote out a whole essat thing about Sam Raimi and A Simple Plan and Bill Paxton making Frailty, but it got et by suqirlz.
Are the two connected, other than by Paxton? Or, were you expounding on both separately?
Honestly, I don’t remember, brilliance is fleeting when one is drunk after being up this long.
Nice knowing ya. My guess is you’ll be parted out before cocktail hour. And that’s not a slam. That’s a nod to C. Anacreon’s butchering skills.
Just know then, if he offers you an organ, it is not in top condition.
But, its pickled…er, preserved. Right?
Now my wife is pregnant, and she wants me to quit smoking pot yesterday.
Tell her you did dumb ass, and then smoke in the shed like a normal married man.
RE the comments above about CBD, it seems half the farmers around here have planted hemp. I exaggerate of course, but there are hemp fields all over now. Many people are trying to cash in. I had to drive by my green chili dealer to make sure he planted chili plants and not hemp.
Wow. Good advice. Keep hearing how openness is so vital to a healthy marriage. As long as you aren’t fucking her friends, a little mystery is good.
I am a two time loser in the marriage game and never had a shed but still. I also pretty much stopped smoking pot in the eighties so my perspective is useless but that has never stopped me from voicing it.
I’ve mentioned it before, but 反面教師.
And I screwed it up before, too.
It sucks when you’re open minded/nonjudgmental but your partner isn’t. Makes it hard to be open.
Pot I don’t care about, but I’m Jealous you have a green chile dealer….
His name is Leon.
Swinging by to share the fact that I’m watching Patriot Season 2 and I’m in the middle of episode 4… wow. That scene. I was really not expecting that.
That is all. For now.
Why did I think it was good idea to throw something in the oven for over an hour when it was already 95 degrees in my kitchen?! Oh and slave over the stove too.
You may be a teh ghey, but but ur not wiminz, you don’t get to appropriate that!
Take your shirt off, that should help.
Um… I live alone. Make of that what you will.
I think it’s an invitation to dinner…
That’s what the webcams are for, silly.
Because there are other rooms in your apartment?
No way. Rhywun lives in NYC, there’s no way he can afford a second room.
Yeah I have to run into the AC’ed goodness of my living room every so often.
*remembers first apartment with combo LR and kitchen and the wiring blew up when you ran a coffee maker let alone an AC*
Bizarre times. Andrew Sullivan is making sense once again. On immigration and the difference between gay and trans.
His swing back to reason (drink!) was unexpected. He got really frothy for a while there.
I haven’t read past this line but… holy hell it’s bullshit – and usually an excuse to avoid talking about actual “roots”. OK, I will carry on now.
Okay, I was grading on the scale.
OK, it’s a pretty good article, actually. The bit about rendering “asylum” all-but-meaningless especially.
I am not sure if that is, but combining that with telling the American people their taxes will be raised substantialy to provide all undocumented migrants with free health care sure the fuck is political suicide and I hope they continue to run on it. Because I have not seen one Democrat running that I don’t think is a greater threat to liberty than Orange Man Bad.
It’s always the same. If it takes one more step to explain your position, you’re a Nazi, racist, ~phobe. Step one: I believe in free speech because (step two)… Fuck you! I believe Nazis shouldn’t speak! conversation over. Or, step one: If you have a border, some people will be detained, because (step two)… Fuck you! I believe all humans deserve life.
I can’t wrap my head around the numbers.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I read him regularly before he acquired BDS. I’m glad to see he is sane again.
Heard a talk radio caller earlier today (and he claimed to be a Tulsi fan) lamenting that it wasn’t right that catastrophic medical expenses could drive someone into bankruptcy. Gee, I thought that was one of the prime reasons to have bankruptcy laws…to allow someone to get out from under huge debts incurred through no fault of their own? I guess people like these folks think that bankruptcy should only be properly used to pay off credit card debt for those “can’t avoid” trips to Cancun, the big screen tv for the theater room, and gambling debts after you’ve run through your home equity line of credit?
I think the idea is that the medical shit shouldn’t ruin credit, if it wasn’t a “fault” issue. The over-spending/non-savings people are the one who should have the consequences of ruined credit that they abused.
Until separation of healthcare and government is added on to the first amendment of the U.S. constitution and is incorporated to the states through the 14th, then healthcare will be forever affordable.
Unaffordable, God damm it
Better, but oily skin.
Best, but orange skin. I guess she is whatever species Trump is.
She doesn’t really seem to be enjoying the photo.
Also, green screen? What is the added in back ground?
Goodnight you princes of Maine, you Kings of New England!
You guessed my secret identity!
I believe here I’ve seen him referred to as Booty Juice. Let’s go one step further to make an incomprehensible meme. He’s now Booty Sweat.
Are you talking Pete Booty-gig? I’ll be on board, only if we can get a clip of the Asian merc, who finds the Booty Sweat can in the jungle, saying “boo tee sweat”right at that point.
One of my fave parts.
I’ve always called that swamp-ass, and it occurs every summer.
Rhy, nailed it with “Butts-his-name”. Everyone expects a gay joke, so the twist is perfect.
Booty Juice?
One of the finest mockumentaries. I have the soundtrack, and it’s a masterpiece.
Norm Macdonald and Adam Corolla riff on Kenny Rogers (and gang rape) for about 20 min:
Steve Smith would be proud.
As well as Zardoz. Ruby would have been cleansed if dude wasn’t a cripple.
I know what y’all up to.
Peace out Glibs. If you never hear from me again the good doctor hath murdered me! I will have been killed! And Died as well. So I need a good night’s sleep before that goes down.
Okay, have fun.
Good luck, if he murders you i think that’s actionable by your family if that’s any consolation.
I’m gonna try a different tack:
Do any of you wonderful people do website design for businesses? I may (hopefully) soon be in the need for that service.
It may just be us two here. What are you wearing?
There are at least three here. 😉
Underwear and a toothbrush. Thanks for asking.
Small business? No but I have a friend who does.
I kneed a new business website .
Don’t Webdom and SP?
It has been stated, but I haven’t seen any contact information for hiring them.
Rhywun since you are still up here is something to keep you up a little later.
I was one of those people who dropped out shortly after the beginning. But in my defense, my life was really complicated at the time. You know, with crazy work hours and drinking.
I thought you’ve seen the whole series and are pining for the digital redo TNG received. Was that all a fever dream?
Yes, I caught up a decade or two later and watched it straight through twice now. At the time, it didn’t really grab me.
Got it.
io9: There’s always been this sentiment shared when looking back at Deep Space Nine, that at the time, there was a bit of a frosty reception to some of the stuff that it was doing with Star Trek and the tone it was taking
io9: I would like to think I’d have been there from the start but I was like, four years old when it first aired
So you don’t know shit actually, about how it was received?
Michael Piller came and told me, he said, “Voyager’s the flagship show
Hahaha! That’s a good one.
It was. I remember.
What a bunch of grifters
I’m seeing a lot of “rights” there that don’t actually exist.
I mean, among the titanic pile of complete bullshit.
Are you picking out the corn?
“Climate change threatens to undo the last 50 years of progress in development, global health, and poverty reduction,”
Accurate, but not in the way they mean.
Climate Apartheid? Why not Climate Genocide? Or Climate Holocaust?
Let’s find the worst thing that actually happened in history and exploit that human suffering to attach it to climate.
Climate Nikki?
That’s likely coming. Note the use of climate crisis and climate chaos at the Dem debate. It stands to reason their fellow travelers will continue to ramp up the rhetoric.
This might present a mproblem for them.
Good thing they’ve moved on from global warming to climate change. Up, down, it’s all a crisis that requires power and money be thrown at TOP.MEN.