Man, I had an epic nap this afternoon. I’ll, err, totally be making up the time this evening. It’s amazing when your body just goes “okay, we’re taking the server down for emergency maintenance, find a comfy place”. An hour and a half later, all processes are running better.
Willie Brown stabs his old side-piece in the back, and speaks truth
Republicans “lie in wait” to POUNCE
Syria to Cyprus: My bad, we were shooting at (((them)))
Let’s move that victory parade to the 4th of July and go home. Whatever good we have done for Afghanistan is in the past. Let us leave the future of Afghanistan to the Afghans.
From a different channel on which some Glibs put this in my head: War(ren), what is she good for?
One of the worst business decisions I ever made was to take a couch from home and put it in my office.
And that ish…..go ahead and HIT IT!
You wanna buy a couch off Craigslist?
Because, why not:
In the last post, we were discussing better protagonists for the story about eradicating feral hippos from Louisiana (Lord Cockswain from the wonderful Dr. Grordbort thing was my vote), and I noted that I have a couple of Weta/Grordbort rayguns in my office.
the unwashed masses may require more backstory.. which i will now not deliver.
take THAT, natural selection!
I like the flying, screaming monkey too.
Yes, we know you do, you freak.
I also have an Unnatural Selector hanging on the wall at home. Right under a skull mount of the best buck deer I have taken to date.
The pride of my collection.
What? why…. I am looking for a sofa for the office. I’m self employed, you know?
Uhhh…..lunches with heavy, greasy, food, and noticing I had 20 minutes or so left on my “lunch hour”.
If I was alone and the employees were out, a few times I said “I can just lay there for a couple minutes”, only to wake up 2 hours later, with the phone ringing and slobber on my face.
Cite Needed
You know who else?
Swiss Servator oversaw the construction of at least one school.
Was it a government school?
I can attest I took down two runways worth of programmable, solar powered airfield fixtures from an airfield in Iraq, and sent them to Afghanistan.
“California Sen. Kamala Harris got all the attention for playing prosecutor in chief, but her case against former Vice President Joe Biden boiled down in some ways to a ringing call for forced school busing. It won’t be too hard for Trump to knock that one out of the park in 2020. But let me tell you, she was a hot piece of ass back in the day.”
It’s all true.
Willie Brown stabs his old side-piece in the back
And this is probably more satisfying than the last time he poked her.
If Willie Brown ends up dead, we’ll see that the DNC has found HRC’s spiritual successor
I assert, therefor I am
To be sure, the liberal tradition that affirms human freedom and dignity against the forces of autocracy, reactionary conservatism and social conformism is profoundly honorable, and ought to be always defended. But there is another liberalism that has been bound up since the 19th century with the fate of capitalist expansion, concerned with advancing the individual interests of the propertied and the shareholder. This is the liberalism, unconcerned with the common good, popularly denounced today as “neo-liberalism.”
In fact, the two liberalisms — one offering genuine human freedom, the other entrapping humans in impersonal and often ruthless market mechanisms — were always fundamentally in conflict. Still, they managed for a long time to coexist uneasily because the West’s expanding capitalist societies seemed capable of gradually extending social rights and economic benefits to all their citizens.
That unique capacity is today endangered by grotesque levels of oligarchic power and domestic inequality, as well as formidable challenges from economic powers such as China that the capitalist West had once dominated and exploited. In other words, modern history is no longer on the side of Western liberalism.
To be sure, Communism has its flaws, but in the long run we’re better off being equally poor than allowing any of those other crabs to escape from the bucket.
Also, Margaret Thatcher was a witch.
“Also, Margaret Thatcher was a witch.”
You mean the least anti-freedom UK PM since Winston Churchill?
“To be sure”
Anyway, that linked column is a jumbled mess. I’m not sure what the message is supposed to be other than “CAPITALISM BAD!”
I think you got the full message
ruthless market mechanisms
Or, what you might call ” voluntary exchange of goods and services”. I can never understand why people think that’s such a bad thing…. or even ruthless.
Likewise to communism and “equalizing” incomes : why don’t we just pass every student into graduate school, automatically, that way all educations are equal ?
Kissinger would know what to do in Afghanistan. It’s been time to leave for 15 years or more.
This. He’s an asshole of the nth order, but at least he’s a realist.
Kissinger would depart and leave a Jewish transgender in charge of the country, just for laffs.
That would be funny.
Brett L, are you enjoying Florida’s new laws that took effect today?
Which law?
They can’t be worse than California’s new laws. Gas taxes rose and we now have background checks to buy ammo.
I predict an uptick in ammo sales in Nevada.
I’m sure the Cabela’s in Reno has loaded up.
A back ground check for ammo? Is there a maximum amount you can buy? Otherwise I’d just buy a few thousand rounds at a time. Or roll my own.
I think there is, and it’s stupid low.
20 new laws took effect today. It’s a mixed bag as usual. We can grow hemp and have fruit trees in our front yard. Yay! Texting is now a primary offense & vaping at work is banned. Boo!
“Texting is now a primary offense”
Mar. 22, 2013, 3:45 PM
“According to Experian, U.S. smartphone owners aged 18 to 24 send 2,022 texts per month on average — 67 texts on a daily basis — and receive another 1,831. That’s nearly double their slightly older peers, smartphone users aged 25 to 34. That corroborates a Pew study from last year, which found that the median number of texts sent by teens was 60 per day.”
Minnesoda has a bunch of new ones starting today.
You now must see an eye doc to get a prescription for glasses or contacts.
You can no longer rape your wife with impunity.
You don’t have to go to school to braid hair
Evil opioid manufacturers will now have to pay into a special fund to address the opioid epidemic
Employers who engage in wage theft can now be charged with a felony.
Evil opioid manufacturers will now have to pay into a special fund to address the opioid epidemic
And those funds will disappear into the sands of the general ledger, just as the tobacco settlement funds did.
Sigh. This humidity is going to drive up my water bill from all the additional showers.
Cheetos crumbs are turning your nipples orange again?
Who eats cheetos?
It’s just sweaty weather.
I. eat. Cheetos. Stop othering me!!!
Are your nipples orange?
Glow like vacuum tubes?
Wouldn’t you wash your hands before rubbing your nipples?
The cable company guys don’t.
Have you considered air conditioning?
For whatever reason, it’s not cooling the house. I’m not sure if the window unit isn’t strong enough, the one window suitable for holding it is in a poor spot, or if I’m not moving the cool air around the house properly.
Besides, even I have to go outside sometimes.
I’m guessing that if it’s a window unit, it simply isn’t large enough. Window units work for small spaces, but they are terribly inefficient and expensive to run vs central air.
You didn’t make it to the second sentence. I have to punch up my intros.
Clean the filter.
I did.
Coolant level checked? Is cold air coming out? Just not enough?
The air coming out is cold enough. It can cool the living room if on ‘on’ with a fan in front of it to help distribute the air.
OMG if it isn’t the plumbing, it’s the A/C. Our 35-year-old A/C crapped out and it would’ve been fixed 3 weeks ago if the A/C company our warranty company sent out hadn’t been trying to jack us on services. 100F + here and we’re on 3 window units for the whole house.
I wish I could put a second window unit in. But there’s only one window that isn’t an odd lot. 🙁
You’re welcome
Won’t work with the windows I’ve got, unless I take the window unit out of the window it’s in and replace it with that one.
One with a smaller window component might fit in some of them.
What brands are reliable?
What kind of windows do you have? jalousie? I think with some plexiglass and duct tape you could make something like that work with any window.
What brands are reliable?
No idea, you’ll have to ask Yusef.
Tiny. with horizontal sliding panes on overly complicated tracks.
One with a smaller window component might fit in some of them
You can cut those down, if you have a 4″x 4″ opening you should be able to MacGyver it.
But… but… the instructions!
/crumples into OCD seizure
I have a Whynter – best of the three that I’ve bought over the years.
Hrmm This one will fit my window without cuttind down the faceplate.
You want one with two hoses if you can find it. Intake and outtake. That’s the key to get the thing to really work.
Whynter reviews seem to be very bipolar.
unless I take the window unit out of the window it’s in and replace it with that one.
That’s what I’d do. You can buy portables that are significantly better than window units.
No idea. I’ve had mine for 3 or 4 years and no complaints.
I don’t put much stock in Amazon reviews anymore, TBH.
The only reason I use a portable is because the landlord informed me – two years after I moved in – that a window unit is not allowed in that window due to fire safety.
Otherwise I would go with a window unit every time. IMHO you get more bang for your buck.
I suspect I might get better performance for one simple reason – the window in the living room which can fit a window unit gets full sunlight all day.
The window in the bedroom faces an alley that never gets sunlight. I’ll get better cooling if I can use the alley instead of the sunlit face of the house.
Are you trying to cool both rooms with one AC?
I can’t do that. So I have the portable in the LR and a window unit in the bedroom.
I do have the same problem with sunlight in the LR but I would still prefer a window unit.
“35-year-old A/C ”
I think I found the problem. Ours lasted 16 years before crapping out.
The diagnostic techs were very, very impressed.
Our 35-year-old A/C crapped out
Past its useful life, sounds like.
Ours are 11 years old and “in good shape for their age”. The tech said they should be good for another five years, at least, if we keep up the maintenance.
Of course, A/C in Tucson has to work pretty hard.
20 years past its useful life…
I’m not complaining about the A/C. I’m really rather impressed.
I’m complaining about the A/C company who tried to swindle us out of more money, which has needlessly delayed the process by 3 weeks.
How has it been an hour and nobody has asked whether he checked the thermostat?
Because this is the same AC and the same problem that spawned the joke in the first place?
Or they’re getting lax.
Lazy. I was waiting for someone else to do it.
Maybe we are over this one? No?
Or, and here me out, some of else actually want to help our fellow man and not just make jokes all the time.
I’ll kill that one yet.
Get outta here with that bullshit!
Seriously though, we switched from a window unit to a portable unit in my basement and the results were very positive. The portable unit has enough oomph to condition the unfinished portion if we leave the door open.
That’s a good one!
The night before the final vote, they do the count and discover they’re one seat short of the required 80. That’s when Phil pulls out a map of San Francisco and adds a few more sailors to the population.
And for years after that, I represented San Francisco and all the ships at sea.-
He’s bragging about that? What a piece of shit.
Mueller’s intensely anticipated July 17 testimony will bring him face to face with the Republican lawmakers who have savaged his reputation and called him the ringleader of a “coup” against Trump. While Democrats attempt to squeeze morsels of new information out of the notoriously tight-lipped investigator, these Trump defenders are signaling that they’ll use the historic moment to try to undercut his credibility and paint him as a political pawn in Democrats’ efforts to undermine the president.
Inexplicably. Nobody knows how anyone could come to such a bizarre conclusion.
What kind of material did they use to make her face?
Corduroy, which is why they need all the spackle.
I’m just standing here, I’m not in line
Mueller also laid out damning evidence of Trump’s attempts to interfere in the special counsel’s investigation.
Actually, he didn’t. This, of course, tweetstorms and bouncing ideas off of your advisers is “interfereing” or “obstructing”.
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome investigator?
Trump’s attempts to interfere in the special counsel’s investigation
I would ask Mueller if his investigation was affected or interfered with in any way by Trump’s Twitter feed.
He can’t say “yes” without looking like a total knob.
I’m not sure it would matter. If he says yes it affected the investigation and avoided any specifics, the left wing would eat it up.
You think there wouldn’t be follow up?
“Which tweets, Mr. Mueller, and how specifically did they interfere with your investigation?”
assumes* tweetstorms…is not*…
This strikes me as Banana Republic shit. Claim an overly broad definition of “interference” for someone you hate but ignore any interference for someone you like.
To the FBI, not rolling over and showing your belly has always been obstruction.
Trump tried to act as if he was President during the investigation! How dare he!
Obviously asking his lawyer if he can fire somebody he absolutely has the right to fire, and then deciding not to do it anyway, is evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors.
Gang of masked white Americans assaults openly gay journalist of color.
To be fair, Asians are the wypipo of POCs.
“right-wing writer”
Short skirt, had it coming, etc. etc.
“An article he published in the New York Post questioned the veracity of reports of hate crimes against gay and transgender people that spread in Portland earlier this year. Ngo called the alleged hate crimes “hoaxes,” a move his critics say put An article he published in the New York Post questioned the veracity of reports of hate crimes against gay and transgender people that spread in Portland earlier this year. Ngo called the alleged hate crimes “hoaxes,” a move his critics say put vulnerable people in danger.”
Never mind Ngo is gay, perpetrating hoaxes puts “vulnerable people in danger”.
I like how they insinuate that claiming something is a hoax is inherently bigoted.
Woops, I pasted that twice somehow
Blame the squirrels.
I’ve read that article.
Basically, he went through every trans person who was murdered last year and showed that almost universally their deaths had nothing to do with their transgender status. The deaths tended to be the sorts of deaths people who engage in high risk behaviors tend to die of (eg getting killed in a fight with a relative; getting into a drunken brawl, etc).
So he showed that contrary to the claims that there was this huge crime wave of murders fueled by trans-hate, most (but not all(!)) of the deaths were pretty ordinary.
Since a critical plank of the left’s profession of faith is that they are victims of violent oppression and justified in hurting other people in ‘self-defense’. Mr Ngo blasphemed. It’s as if he ran into a catholic church and threw the host on the ground shouting that it’s just a bunch of crackers, or maybe something equally as offensive.
“just a bunch of crackers” heh-heh
I thought it was just a bunch of honkies.
Ahem! Jive turkeys is the correct term.
That was a different article.
This was an earlier one where he examined a series of “hate crimes” in Portland that all turned out to be hoaxes.
Oh man… So he’s like a repeat blasphemer?!? Dang!
“But was he wrong about any of them…?”
“The obvious question is the one that everyone in the country wants to know: when did you first know there was no conspiracy, coordination or collusion?” said Jordan, one of the Republicans’ fiercest investigators. “How much longer did it take Bob Mueller to figure that out? Did he intentionally wait until after 2018 midterms, or what?”
Politics influencing an investigation?
*splutters indignantly*
“Border patrol agents shared Photoshopped images of AOC performing oral sex on Trump and a migrant man and suggested father-daughter drowning photo was STAGED in secret Facebook group with thousands of members
A private Facebook group frequented by current and former U.S. Border Patrol agents has become a hotbed of controversy after leaked images showed members sharing lewd pictures Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and suggesting a heart-rending photo of a drowned migrant and his toddler daughter was staged.
Screen captures of some postings include a Photoshopped image depicting the New York Democratic socialist congresswoman performing oral sex on a migrant man, and another portraying President Donald Trump forcing her head into his lap for another sex act.
The group, first noted by the center-left news website Pro Publica, has 9,500 members.”
suggesting a heart-rending photo of a drowned migrant and his toddler daughter was staged.
I wouldn’t be shocked, especially since the image shows the dead guy with his arm around his dead daughter. Seems highly unlikely that’s how two drowning victims would wind up.
*adjusts tin foil beanie*
I concur.
Another false flag? Geez this gets tiresome.
By that I mean the sooper seekret facebook group.
Akshually, that part I believe.
I want to see a list of names posting there and verify them as real people through their personal pages.
Isn’t that doxing?
We can make that sexier…doxxxing.
The free market at work.
Theere are not enough hate crimes to meet the demand so the market responds by increasing the supply.
To all of which I ask, “So what?”.
They participated in an off-color Facebook group. Maybe that makes them less than wonderful people. That’s not illegal. Is there any evidence that their participation in the Facebook group affected their ability to do their job properly?
Just wait till they find out about us.
A private Facebook group
Oh, ha ha ha ha. When will people learn privacy is dead?
I have some work from home to get done, but this damn wireless keyboard is too damn frustrating, even when I’m only using it for shortcut keys. New wired keyboard on the way. And of course now it’s typing just fine, when I was trying to be productive I had to hit each key 3 times.
When you absolutely positively need the data to come across clearly – dying batteries and RF interference are a wonderful thing.
I don’t use wireless input devices.
Me neither. They aren’t as good and cost more money.
Anyway, that linked column is a jumbled mess. I’m not sure what the message is supposed to be other than “CAPITALISM BAD!”
That’s as much as you need to know.
The attack may scuttle US-Taliban peace talks
*Warstache Bolton perks up*
So Trump should be a protectionist who throws journalists in jail?
the center-left news website Pro Publica
“So far as we are aware, Pro Publica has never actually machine-gunned any large groups of people into mass graves, so we deem them “center-left.”
Fact based
As monopolies and oligopolies rule most sectors of the economy, they are extracting wealth from everyone else. Chicken monopolies are extracting wealth from chicken farmers. Hospital mergers are depressing nurse’s wages. Small and big businesses, workers and creators are being squeezed by monopolists who use their market power to extract the fruits of everyone else’s labor. It’s no surprise we are experiencing economic inequality that amounts to a New Gilded Age, with the richest 0.1% of all American families owning as much wealth as the lower 90% of all American families combined.
Monopolies are destroying the American Dream.
Where do monopolies come from, Mommy?
She worked for the NY AG’s Office. ’nuff said.
monopolists who use their market power
Someone misspelled “government cronies”. There has not been a monopoly in the US that has not been facilitated by the government.
Where are these monopolies? Name me some names? The closest I can think of is Intel. But they aren’t usually named as culprits
As monopolies and oligopolies rule most sectors of the economy,
The economy is more than Google, FaceBook, Twitter, and Amazon.
Hard to believe, I know. Try leaving your basement sometime.
Hilarious if true.
Also might explain why Iran made some moves including shooting down the drone.
Maybe we should ask them how they got them to work? Our F35s can barely fly.
Free the economy so people can afford air conditioning for the occasional heat waves they get in Europe which has a milder climate than my mid-west home with Arctic winters and death valley summers.
it is time for a Europe-wide response to fight the climate crisis.
Subsidize a/c?
No, no. The idea is to force people to live in feudal mud huts with no modernity so they return to the earth from which they came at a quicker rate.
the original Planned Obsolecense
Bullshit. Let me guess – a better plan involves more money in govt coffers and quality of life for the plebes to plummet.
Huh. We’re entering a solar minimum. Expect decades of colder weather.
*Looks at forecast for Tucson*
From your lips to Allah’s ears.
One of the strongest minimums* in a century. Last I checked (a few days ago) it was 33 days without a sunspot which was some sort of record.
*I know that doesn’t sound right but can’t think of another descriptor.
Try “minima”.
The 2003 heatwave could have been a European trigger for
global action against the climate crisisinstalling air conditioning.Nope nope nope.
NPR ran a story about the ABSOLUTE HORROR of Indians getting air conditioning. Only 6% of them currently have it, but they’re becoming wealthy enough to afford it. They had someone on who actually said (I shit you not) “Air conditioning works by making life comfortable for a few selfish people but the climate miserable for everyone else.”
If A/C becomes widespread on the subcontinent, they are going to need a shitload more generating capacity than they have.
I worked with a woman from rural India at a previous job. She used to tell stories about it getting so hot there on some days that people would die if they attempted to walk the few miles to the market. The only option was to stay inside your hut and wear as little clothing as possible. Even light domestic labor was unbearable.
I guess Lefties want them to keep living like that.
Every Indian I worked with professed to just love the hot weather.
I always suspected they were pulling my leg.
Today’s high in Phoenix is 111….you’ll forgive me if I can’t hear the screams of millions of Europeans in their heat wave.
Reason number 5063 I do not miss that place (except for the monsoons.)
Even the horrific abuses at the border are inseparable from the problem of our rigged economy. Widespread inequality has made so many Americans powerless that they rebuke America’s historic role as a haven for the powerless. The politics of hate have made immigrants the scapegoats for Americans’ powerlessness, while providing cover for the already powerful to amass even more power.
“For all the American citizens out there who feel you are falling behind or feel the American dream is not working for you, the immigrants didn’t do that to you,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said during the debate. “The big corporations did that to you.”
Let’s not mention the Fed in all of this.
I thought America was a land of Cis hey racist privileged slaver white men?
We’re doing the brown people a favor by keeping them out.
de Blasio was the most unlikable motherfucker on that debate stage and that includes both nights. What a jackass the guy is.
Its especially impressive given his competition.
“For all the American citizens out there who feel you are falling behind or feel the American dream is not working for you“, shut the fuck up, it’s no one else’s responsibility to ensure you have a highly prosperous life. The fact you live in America means you are already better off than most people on earth or in history
“The corporations did that to you”
I just don’t even get this perspective and how supposedly intelligent people could believe it. Its straight-up conspiracy asshatery. Substitute the word “Jews” and it could have been printed on the page of Der Sturmer.
As if there is a global cabal of ((corporations)) who all meet up and plan to screw the people that a) work for them or b) they want to buy their products. Truly bizarre.
You know what big corporations do to me? They send me stuff when I order it or provide services I pay for. The horror.
How do you know it’s you that wants it? How do you know that they’re not manipulating you with subliminal messages?
Something something (SMOKE!) something something
The voices in my head assure me that’s not the case.
Here, try these sunglasses on…
I’ve never had a corporation point a gun at me and take 40 percent of my income.
I will say that if robots give us WaPo (owned by Bezos) and drive us to areas run by DemSocs then that is a problem
You know I’m sick and tired of being told we need to hinder others to protect people who are unwilling to make the slightest effort to improve themselves. I’m sorry but if you want to rest on your laurels don’t be surprised if you feel left behind in 20 years because you didn’t invest in yourself. If you want to party through college and travel the world then fuck you you can have the Starbucks barista job for the rest of your life. But there are plenty of people who work their asses off to better themselves and you are owed none of theirs.
2018, for example, Amazon paid nothing in US federal income tax on more than $11bn in profits before taxes.
11 is photoshopped, has to be.
I just found out Don Rickles is doing a youtube show for AARP. The world is fucking weird.
Well, WAS doing a YouTube show.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
Hopefully this is wrong. Nobody deserves that.
They catch them
I’m sure it came from the guy down by the river with the anime stickers all over his van.
Sarin? Jesus, who the hell can get their hands on sarin?
Says it could have been a false positive. Let’s hope this is the case.
It’s not like you can just buy it on Ebay, either.
McCain isn’t napping, he’s dead.
He’s pining for the fjords.
He’s just resting.
He’s burning in hell.
The lowest circle, reserved for traitors.
Time for the peasants to boil in the summer.
When I was a kid, there was a big heat wave in the Midwest, and a bunch of elderly people died in their apartments. But hey, omelettes, eggs,
Well, with socialized medicine those old, sick people will cost way too much. So, two birds with one stone!
Paul Erlich approves
Nuclear power. Problem solved.
If somebody says they believe AGW is a real threat and still refuses to support nuclear, they’re full of shit.
Well, killing AC would definitely cut life expectancy.
I completely agree.
I recommend donating money to her campaign to ensure she remains on the debate stage.
She needs an AMSR channel.
I don’t get how this isn’t seen as 1) a complete attempt to wave money for votes. And 2) an abject failure of government who took over student loans.
1) It is.
2) It is.
However most people love #1 and refuse to acknowledge #2.
So… win/win.
I’m not sure ‘most people’ love #1. Only about a third of adults have bachelors degrees, and of those people far less than 100% have student loan debt. Only adults with student loan debt will love #1 while everyone else should be vehemently opposed to bailing out irresponsible kidults.
Why would the Guardian have an issue with either of those?
CORRECTION: Cost forgiving all student loan debt = $1.6 trillion + encouraging future generations to continue making the same bad financial decisions that will guarantee the need for the same measures in the future
Don’t forget the usual “Tax cuts cost money.”
All politicians need to have words tattooed on them. “It’s not your fucking money.” Of course followed but “No, Fuck you, cut spending”
You mean people like having more space and paying less per square foot?
TW: May be paywalled depending on your situation.
Inconcievable, people like being in apartments stacked like sardine cans and limited to walking distance or the whim of a transit bureaucracy.
Suburbs need more zoning laws, multiple story apartments and affordable housing. Need a nice name, like Cabrini Greens, sounds European and environmentally sound, managed by the government. What could go wrong?
“Today is not a great day to be an ‘Andy Ngo’ on Twitter. RIP @mentions. ? …”
“Often mistaken for some other racist dude.”
Christ, what an asshole.
“I’m a lunatic and it’s all your fault”
I love how “racist” doesn’t mean anything anymore. It’s very freeing.
It’s a terrible weekend for me, i mean yeah the other guy was hospitalized, but he totally deserved it.
“he totally deserved it”
Like DUH. He’s not a person, he’s a Nazi. Ergo, violence is totes ok.
He’s in Malaysia, where no racism exists!
Victorians had acrylic?
“So, I know some of y’all think llamas are intrinsically funny, but I’m asking you to stop treating sacred animals as a source of comedy. ???
Denigration of llamas and their kin is actually part of a long history of colonialism and genocide. Please don’t take part. 1/
Colonizer science classifies llamas as “camelids,” in the same family as alpacas, vicuñas, guanacos and hueques. I wish I knew the #Quechua term for “camelid,” but I don’t—thanks to colonialism. So I’ll just use “camelid.” 2/”
Alpaca lunch.
“Alpaca lunch”, no ‘You packa lunch’
Fuck off. Llamas are great! Strong and occasionally ill tempered.
And funny as hell.
Calculating Llama Expectoration Trajectory…
Dalai approves of this message
Big hitter, the Llama.
Gunga, gunga lunga.
I was served alpaca for lunch in Peru. Evidently they aren’t that sacred.
It’s a pack animal. Ox, horse, camel, llama, pack animals until they’re dinner.
If the Quechua had invented taxonomy, then I’d guess the term woulda been “llamelid”. Which is lame.
A 1-l lama, he’s a priest
A 2-l llama, he’s a beast
But I’ll bet my silk pajama
That you won’t find a 3-l lllama!
Probably already covered, but in case I’m wrong: Owner of Red Hen restaurante (one that effectively booted Huckabee Sanders) writes “And it’s not okay to ask employees, partners or management to clock out of their consciences when they clock in to work.” Wasn’t that the entire argument against businesses refusing to bake cakes for gay weddings, that employees are supposed to leave their personal beliefs outside and serve everyone because all businesses are effectively public accommodations?
Iron law.
But that’s different. How is it different? It just is.
That’s easy. ? is a Nazi.
Nazis have no rights.
Red Hen will be out of business by 2021.
If this has been posted before, I apologize. I have not been keeping up with you reprobates as I should have been.
Let’s hope they follow all suggestions.
Hey Mojeaux
Hi UnCiv! I had another great idea and wrote 30k words in 4 days.
Were they engrossing words?
Yep. I hit all the story milestone scenes, hook, beginning, middle, black moment, end. Now I just have to fill it in.
I’ve only ever written one backfill scene. It was the first swordfight in “Beyond the Edge of the Map” (Did I tell you it’s out?)
No you did not! Linky!
I hope you enjoy the read.
Your summary vaguely reminds me of Eco’s Island of the Day Before. I don’t know why.
+1 denouement
“Be yourself.”
That’s what I heard, too.
Moj is back.
I thought I’d make an appearance lest I get un-glibbed.
You get a vagina! And YOU get a vagina! And YOU get a vagina!…
Disappointing. Not what I wanted it to be.
Look on the upside Q. It probably covers boob jobs.
Silver lining.
Every tenth of one percent counts.
Let’s say I wanna keep my dick though, I assume I still get one of these vaginas pre-installed on the surrogate of my choosing, yes?
His definition of medical need and mine differ slightly.
I remain as confused as always. If gender does not equal sex, why would anyone need gender reassignment surgery?
The language is officially fubared, that’s why.
Sex = biological/objective reality, which is out of favor.
Gender = subjective perception and/or societal expectation.
So, yes, you don’t change “gender” by surgery, but nobody says “sex” anymore, and we just all go along with our new language, Wokish.
Maybe they do a brain transplant?
Objective reality is too constraining. Also, it’s more fun if words mean something different each time you use them.
Where’s my NEA grant?
The worst thing that could happen to the Pachyderms would be for this chick to get primaried.
Anyone have a link to the pics?
True. That’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Lemonade -infused vodka – there oughta be a law…. too bad I work in the morning.
How do you infuse lemonade into vodka? Couldn’t you just pour vodka in your lemonade?
True. . . . but this is . . . better.
If I may be so bold. Limoncello mixed with cranberry juice (the real, unsweetened stuff) and topped with ginger ale or ginger beer is quite yummy as well.
Electric Lemonade, no less.
Or put lemonade powder in vodka. Dumas.
I couldn’t resist sharing this with you:
Xavier Becerra
Verified account @XavierBecerra
We’ve seen what background checks can do to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Next week, California will close loopholes to make sure bullets don’t get into those hands, too.
I going to start drinking, now.
Yup. I’m going to stroll through Compton because it is gun violence free now.
Well, it would be if Indiana didn’t exist.
Hey, it worked with drugs!
Wasn’t it Dan Moynihan that wanted a 10K tax on ammo, per round or box or something. Its been a long time ago and I’ve forgotten the details.
Here we are:
Someone gets it. It’s interesting that the mask was already off in the early 90s.
We’ve seen what background checks can do to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
Umm, not a goddam thing?
Indeed. I get tired of trying to make anti-gunners realize that almost all of the mass shooters passed a background check. Even most of the ones who circumvented a background check would have passed it, so a “universal” background check bill would not have prevented it anyway.
I wish I had a shop in Yuma to sell bullets right now, but then I might have to be in Yuma more often.
Quartzsite beckons!
*sad trombone*
“Hm. You’re still using an ad blocker.”
Hm. You’re right.
*doesn’t read another dailybeast article*
Sell? Isn’t that something only a capitalist would do?
Later tonight, we will be setting up a kickstarter to purchase Think Progress. The intent is to translate snippets of Mein Kampf and post them as articles. This will likely raise ad revenue.
We’re still working on the pitch, but the idea is sound.
No mention of how Amy Klobuchar owned Trump?
It is so cute that she used “hot dish” in a tweet! It is almost like Garrison Keilor is back (without the icky #MeToo stuff)!
I’m sure someone could go through the archives and find a quote from Amy defending Obama and his opening of relations with Cuba (which I actually also agree with) telling the GOP that talking with your enemies is very important.
Poor thing, it’s hard when you’re polling at one percent and there aren’t enough binders to throw at your interns.
Is this the same Trump that was going to get us into a war when he called Kim Jong-un little rocket man?
Yea yea, and if Obama had been the one to join hands with Kim and walk across the DMZ, the Left would be furiously masturbating while singing Gregorian chants to his name.
Attention Rufus!
1973 Alfa Romeo GTV
You need this.
purely subjective, but what an unfortunate color.
Eggplant? Probably looks good in person.
Looks brown to me.
That’s the “you should get your stool checked” color
They call it maroon, but could be a little redder for my taste, I don’t mind dark but when it’s so dark you aren’t sure what color it’s suppose to be you’ve lost me.
I like those colors that often look black, such as very dark green.
It’s not eggplant; it’s aubergine.
A British Alfa Romeo?
I had a friend spend about 15k on his ten years ago and I thought he was nuts. His is red on tan and has all the period hotrod tricks. It’s prolly worth 50k or more now. You can see it in one of the mulholland videos, I’m not sure which one, but it’s the red GTV.
“‘We all suffer’: why San Francisco techies hate the city they transformed
It was a beautiful winter day in San Francisco, and Zoe was grooving to the soundtrack of the roller-skating musical Xanadu as she rode an e-scooter to work. The 29-year-old tech worker had just passed the Uber building when, without warning, a homeless man jumped into the bike lane with his dog, blocking her path.
She slammed on the brakes, flew four feet into the air and landed on the pavement, bleeding. “It was one of those hardening moments where I was like, ‘Even I am being affected,’” she recalled.”
“I don’t care until it affects ME!”
Yes, it’s the tech workers who are at fault for the homeless population.
“This guy needed services to help him,” she said of the man who caused her to fall, “and we all suffer because of the issues that are not being addressed.”
No, he needs people to stop subsidizing his bad behavior and to move his groty ass off the street.
Does Xanadu have some modern hipster cred that I don’t know about? Because that musical is garbage.
Shut your whore mouth, you Philistine!
*lights ONJ votive candle*
The movie is fun, even if it isn’t very good.
It showed that Gene Kelly still had it late in life.
It has ELO after they went disco, I thought. Ironically the album they went disco with was called ” discovery.” We pronounced it disco-very!
Am I a bad person for laughing at this?
You’re a bad person, but not because you laughed.
You’re a normie.
How about she ask the residents of the 3/4 of the city covered in single-family housing their opinion about putting up some more housing near them. I’ll wait.
TW: Not an Onion article.
First search result for “smug asshole”:
“After Andy Ngo was injured, the underlying issue ― that for years, extremist gangs like the Proud Boys have hosted the same bloody street brawl repeatedly ― got lost amid a media circus of pearl-clutching and punditry. They want this. They plan for it.”
Have the Proud Boys hospitalized anyone?
Have the Proud Boys actually initiated violence, ever?
That is 100% pure quill projection. Its antifa that hosts the bloody street brawls, that want them, and that plan for them.
Now, some alt-right groups plan for them, but I am not convinced that isn’t defensive. And I have no doubt that some of their members want them, also. But as far as I know, they haven’t started any.
Don’t overstate it, they almost certainly have at some point but the large balance of the violence is due to the leftist scum and the plain facts are damning enough.
To me, the question that matters is “have they started any”?
I’m not aware of any, but I could easily have missed it.
There were a couple of incidents in Charlottesville. The guy who just got sentenced to life for running over Heather Heyer. It is arguable whether he was triggered, but nobody credibly alleges that she had anything to do with the triggering. That black guy who got beaten up in the parking garage, apparently because black and in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Having said that, there is a seeming preponderance of incidents started or exacerbated by Antifa et als.
Sorry for replying so late, but I think RC Dean was referring to the Proud Boys and the “alt right” instigating violence, not any right wingers or white supremacist groups at all.
In the psyche ward, yes.
Just like claims that “islamophobia” causes Jihadism, the left is never responsible for their own violence, they’re always provoked and unable to hold back, somehow. The violence version of “conservatives pounce” I guess.
“For years”?
The whole thing is progjection of Profa’s desires.
“White women: a majority of you didn’t support Hillary, a fellow white woman. Many of you dedicated extensive time and energy to TRASH her. Please start loving and supporting each other. Until and unless you do, you will continue to commit violence against Brown and Black women.”
Sarah Palin hardest hit.
She’s nuts, Clinton’s hands are drenched in the blood of black and brown people some of whom I think we can safely assume were women. Slave markets in Libya, super predators, hard line prison sentences that disproportionally affected blacks, on and on.
This. Sad that it has to be said at all.
Please start loving and supporting each other, starting with Melania, Ivanka, DeVos . . . . Until and unless you do, you will continue to commit violence against Brown and Black women
She’s getting brutally ratioed.
She’s got a white knight feminist making the rounds
Isn’t it funny how if you take Lefty ramblings and reverse the demographics, it turns into something extremely bigoted?
America needs to be more like the Balkans.
Yea, that’s another thing… What fucking road do they think we’re on if people vote solely based on race and gender?
Perhaps the only thing more dangerous is the normalizing and encouragement of jealousy as a political force with the constant blabber about “income inequality”.
All race, all the time.
It’s so tedious.
a fellow white woman
At first glance I read that as “a felon white woman.”
At least the article doesn’t mention global warming.
The pictures of the aftermath are interesting….
So devastating it can’t even be found.
You’re not saying I SFed the link, are you? Because it works on my tablet.
Now its fixed.
Carry on.
Now its what is fixed?
penalty, -5yds, for TedS-ing off of a SF’d link.
Never before seen. They pull that crap all of the time. “Never = You’ve never heard of it”
Such fucking liars.
Too lazy/disinterested to check, but I’m going to guess there was an identical hail storm reported in 1873. And again in 1890. And again in 1899. And again in 1904. And so on, until 2002, when alarmists confidently predicted it would be the last time it would ever happen because of global warming.
Ack! I missed that!
I had to check because I didn’t believe you.
Devil Anse for tonight.
American exploitation is why poor countries are poor. Racism is the main driver of inequality. Sexism exists in the heart of every man. Moar stuff is a human right. How is any team blue candidate going to patch together that platform for the general? Can they pivot to the center for the general election? Looks impossible to me.
I know that when I finally pass from this world, my namesakes — be it the Willie L. Brown Jr. Bridge or Willie L. Brown Jr. Middle School — will be the first to be rebranded.
Let’s hope. Although the candid self awareness is quite striking from a politician these days.
I admit I enjoyed his gerrymandering tale. It’s not like we didn’t already know stuff like that was happening.
When it comes to ideology, I pretty much completely disagreed with Willie Brown. But damn, you had to admire his chutzpah and panache. Willie Brown would basically say, “screw you if you don’t like it, we’re still doing it”, and in your mind, you would see Cleavon Little riding past the Count Bassie Orchestra in Blazing Saddles.
He’s obviously at the IDGAF stage of life. I mean, even more so than he already was as Spud points out.
I ❤️ Eric
Help this picture of a
sandwich get more likes than Eric Swalwell. #RT