Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always is!
This is a classic case of she said/reality said.
Border crossing shutdown between El Paso and Mexico.
Oklahoma Woman caught on camera shooting a gun at a neighbor’s house and then firebombing it.
Job recruiter accidentally sends racist email to Asian applicant.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Good morning! Just finished a 12 hour, so,
Tall Cans!
I dont get by morning links usually, but get ready for Yusef! I get off at 430am my time heh
I get off at whatever time my wife is in the mood. KA-POW!
Oh you!
You have to wait till she’s in the mood? I thought we were discussing when you got off not her
New job, or just new shift?
Same shop, running a lighting crew instead of the usual HVAC thing, its ok
Colin kapetwhatever can fuck right off, Nike already sucks
I thought his 15 minutes were up
He wants more.
He’s on reparation minutes now.
No he’s gonna be around for a long time. Kneeling was a smart business move for him. The career earnings of a big time race baiter and grievance monger are way higher than those of a mediocre QB whose entire value stems from his ability to run with the ball
Don’t be such a bragger.
He’s inflating the employment figures like AOC warned us.
Rolling the dice and seeing which edit faerie shows up? Risky move.
You can’t win if you don’t play!
HEPL edit faerie!
Now THAT’S an edit faerie!
She can “EDIT” me all day long, if ya know what I mean…
I’ve missed that edit fairy.
Same. Definitely the best edit faerie.
Definitely the best edit faerie.
“A second official said she went in and out of the cell during the group’s briefing nearby and returned to the group several times to share information she had learned from detainees, including that one person had drunk from a toilet.”
The career highlight of “a second official”?
Life imitates Veep
I plead number two. Sorry about that.
Of course when she was asked if she actually witnessed someone drinking out of a toilet, she refused to answer and rolled up her car window and left.
“And that immigrant that drank out of the toilets name? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And now you know… the rest of the story.”
Portugese Water Spaniel or German Shepherd?
You mean the recruiter wasn’t propositioning the applicant?
He rubbed her wrong time.
*narrows gaze*
>>Connie Cheung
That’s no Connie Chung
There was a girl in my high school class with the last name of Ling. Pale skinned, Irish red head.
I went to school with two sisters named “Wong”. Definitely not Asian.
Hah hah hah.. I dated a lady called Rong Wang… She sure was the wrong one…
So… was it really shaped like a harmonica?
A gentleman should never kiss and tell..
Thank god I am not a gentleman.
Two wongs
don’tmake a white?I worked with Ashley Fuji. (not Japanese) I kept wanting to ask her how “Mr. Fuji” was, but could never summon the courage.
Actually reading the article.
My guess is this fool meant to hit “forward” with the email to his boss and co-worker and instead hit reply to the applicant.
The fact that you’d actually do this on a work email system is amazing.
I’m guessing she’s not the only one.
Seriously. Who cares whether he’s a racist, he’s a moron.
Oklahoma Woman gives Florida Man a run for his money in the Stupid Sweepstakes.
“Check out my panhandle!” *unzips.
*increasing speed 80’s clap*
“Something under her breath, ‘Oh, all these guys in here are gonna f–k me.’ The agents are standing there behind the computers. One of the agents laughed at something he was saying to another agent, and she got irate and flipped out,” the second Border Patrol official said. “Now they’re under investigation for it. She took it as they were laughing at her and screams at them and says, ‘What’s so funny?’”
The congresswoman, who led a charge in 2018 to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement, recounted the scene differently in a social media post afterward and did not mention yelling at agents.
They just dont get blowback/pay back do they?
Projection. What she really craves is a 6’3″ blond hair, blue-eyed All American Man in uniform bending her over a prison toilet doggy style and banging the living shit out of her
‘Dear Congressional Record,
I never thought this would happen to me..’
Literally the correct response to here was…
“we were just discussing which was higher, your IQ or your Bra size”
Thanks to civil service rules the worst it would get you is a couple of days paid vacation.
“Nike has made its decision, and now we’re making ours. I’ve ordered the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw all financial incentive dollars under their discretion that the State was providing for the company to locate here. Arizona’s economy is doing just fine without Nike. We don’t need to suck up to companies
that consciously denigrate our nation’s history.Fixed.
The problem is that every other state sucks up to companies. No one wants to be the state that doesn’t suck up to companies.
IL sucks up to big companies….while still losing people and businesses.
I think TX has it right – “prefer favorable legislative and regulatory and tax outcomes?” vs. “we will give a temporary pass or bribe!”
WI says Herroh!, Foxconn seems to be a total bomb here.
the kick in the pants shot.
My niece recently bailed on her job with Foxconn Wisconsin. She said it’s an absolute shitstorm there, and she’s glad she got out while she could get another job and not have Foxconn held against her.
What is the benefit to the political class in favoring less regulation and taxation? I mean the real power comes form the big players jockeying for their monopolies and giving you huge sums of money to create regulation and tax schemes that hurt their competition more than it does them.
Texas tends to be more city-based. SAT flung tons at Toyota; Arlington continues to pay for sports palaces. Your neighbors can be even more dangerous than Austin some days.
But….football is the Civic Religion!
My son played a tiny bit of 5A when that was top tier in a stadium that only seated 9,000. They shared it with the other HS in the district.
And city streets and roads had few bridges: if a run flooded to where you couldn’t get across, you just wait or go around. It was one of the richest zip codes in the nation, and they were hanging onto their money.
Nike planned to build a massive manufacturing plant in Goodyear, investing $184.5 million, according to ABC 15. The plant reportedly was going to create more than 500 jobs.
Goodyear agreed to waive nearly $1 million in plan review and permit fees to bring the plant into the city, The Arizona Republic reported. The city also planned to reimburse Nike $1 million for the jobs the company was set on creating.
The American way.
Correct outcome, wrong reasons
I’m listening to KOA denver, OMG RAIN TRAFFIC,its so cute to see a City like Denver act all big, they even have a traffic copter yippee!
I worked at a KOA Kampground as a teen. Sad gig, that was.
“Asian females have always been sexualized because of their history with Western males,” Cheung told Block Club Chicago.
Doing my part, Cheung.
I’ll pretend I’m Q today
*gives a respectful bow*
I don’t usually says this, but ALL OF THEM! Yowza!
*has a heart attack*
Strike through “Asian”and “Western”.
Unfortunately I must have gotten a defective. I was told that Asian wives were all demure and deferential. Mine came with lots of her own opinions and ideas. And she doesn’t worship me like I was promised.
On the other hand she’s been loving me (for the most part) for over 27 years so I guess she did love me long time.
“I was told that Asian wives were all demure and deferential.”
My experience has been that while that may be so in public these women all are freaking tiger mom wannabes, and they will ride any guy in their lives until he collapses from fatigue. Asians are about status, and Asian women are the enforcers.
they will ride any guy in their lives until he collapses from fatigue
Exactly why I had to go get snipped. We already had three kids as a result of our home hobby, and I was only getting better looking as I got older.
Yeah, I was talking about riding the guy to do more so they could have more status cache, but some of them also ride you in the way you mentioned. I guess if the later’s curve dissects the earlier’s curve a certain way, making it worth the pain, one goes along.
I too love the Ballad of Alex Jones.
Go Floridaman, it’s your birthday!
Yard Tuesday: Water Carrying Time
“The Moochers of Middle America
The Democrats aren’t radical, but Republicans are.”
Don’t be so hard on yourself!
*pffft* heh-heh
Gahh! A heads up on Krugman next time.
Ughhh. Let me guess he said “Top Economists think [extreemely controversial idea about taxes that two economists wrote about in one paper]”
His MO is to discount any evidence to the contrary of the point he is making at that time.
That’s the key part right there. Moments later contrary evidence will be presented to make some other point with no regard to the last paragraph.
Fortunately the economy was saved by Obama’s economic policies finally taking effect!
(This is what the left actually believes)
We’re not crazy, you are!
“I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I….”
So, a federal tax cut?
Does he even read what he writes?
Every voter I know that favors higher taxes is either not expecting to pay any of those higher taxes (cause they make too little or are stupid enough to think the taxation will only happen to others) or going along because they hope it hurts others more than it hurts them (the whole idea that you are doing fine as long as you are not getting ass fucked as often/hard as other people). The other people, the sane ones with some idea of the laws of economics, all want less taxation. Especially when they can clearly see that despite the credentialed elite political class continuing to collect record amounts of money, the piss that money, and a large chunk of additional money they borrow, away on stupid shit.
The same people incessantly bitching that they can no longer deduct more than $10k of their state and local taxes? Without noticing they are demanding the feds subsidize their shitty high-tax state and cities?
Trump did what they always threaten but never intended to do.
Horowitz has been investigating whether the FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in its applications for spy warrants against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser.
His investigation is basically toothless, right?
Well considering the fact that it is obvious several people lied, not just once but at least on five occasions, and did so knowingly and willingly using real shady maneuvers to hide the shit they were up to, unless people end up going to jail this investigation is not just toothless, but our republic is toast.
I mean that he will simply report if department protocols weren’t followed as far as I know. That Page is still walking around a free man pretty blows the entire dossier out of the water.
our republic is toast
It has been for some time.
It certainly had been pushed into banana republic territory by the people that promised us “fundamental change”, but punishing these people for doing this might at least offer us some kind of respite. If our choices are to follow team red asshats off the cliff at the speed limit, or follow team blue douchebags off the cliff at hyopersonic speeds, I guess I would go with the first.
None of them will be punished.
I think they might have gone with the mushroom strategy. The guys who have to go before the FISA court are kept in the dark and fed a lot of shit so THEY aren’t actually perjuring themselves. Just repeating things that aren’t true which they have been told.
But they can name who told them the obvious BS…. suborning perjury is still a crime. Supposedly.
The bureaucrats run the government now. Even a hostile President like Trump is powerless to control them. If a truly conservative Congress revoked all civil service legislation and helped the President purge the ranks it might help. Or else somebody goes Pinochet on them and starts giving them helicopter rides.
Otherwise… yep, we’ve totally lost control.
Even a hostile President like Trump is powerless to control them.
Could be wishful thinking on my part, but I have a fantasy that he begins mass firings at the beginning of or at some point during his second term.
Many years ago I read a quote attributed to a Russian czar. I don’t remember which one and sort of remembering/attributing it was on the order of, “I thought I ran this country until I realized/learned it was really 10K bureaucrats in charge”
That’s where we’re at now. Nothing can be built before the site inspector evaluates the site and he’s on vacation ’til the end of the month. Then the permit issuing person goes on vacation, then you can’t start until a utilities review has been done but…
“Now I’ve seen the inside of these facilities. It’s not just the kids. It’s everyone. People drinking out of toilets, officers laughing in front of members Congress. I brought it up to their superiors. They said ‘officers are under stress & act out sometimes.’ No accountability,” she tweeted. “Just left the 1st CBP facility. I see why CBP officers were being so physically &sexually threatening towards me. Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets. This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”
Yes, yes, of course. It is the duty of every American to bow down and kiss the hem of your robe. That’s what democracy means.
I saw that, what a brain dead cunt….
True power lies in having the offender canned without any fanfare or concern. She obviously has none or is lying.
The truth has never passed her lips so….I’ll take both.
Realistically civil service and public employee union rules likely prevent her from having anyone fired
Well they literally laughed in front of a congresswoman. You see they have to stop everything and not make them feel uncomfortable at all. Sure doesn’t contribute to the idea that they are all harpies
Members of the Politburo deserve and demand respect, comrade!
I hope the CBP employee response to this is to immediately shut up and stare intensely at any D congress critter when they enter the room from now on. Just silent staring.
No, that’s INTIMIDATION!! They must respectfully bow their heads and avert their eyes while remaining silent unless spoken to.
+1 Barbara Streisand
That sounds like cultural appropriation…
Off to the the camps with you!
.– …. .- – ..–..
-. . …- . .-. — .. -. -..
Slow down, I’m trying to transcribe…
Would it be cultural appropriation if the D’s in Congress passed a law based on the ancient Hawaiian kapu laws that called for death if “A commoner would be put to death if his shadow fell on an ali’i’s house or anything that belonged to the ali’i.” (an ali’i was a priest)
I think it is only fit if those dastardly CPB agents were strung up for daring to look at AOC’s shadow (or doG forbid having their shadow touch hers)
Never heard of that. Pretty harsh stuff…
Every time we vacation in Hawaii, I try to re-institute those rules. I’m never successful though.
It also helps me explain to my kids why the natives who run around Hawaii talking about how the haoles stole their culture and land from them are full of shit. Sure a few of the natives would have been high enough up that the old ways would be good, but a lot of them would have been slaves and peasants who had all sorts of shit rules to follow.
It cracks me up how so many people have this totally romanticized idea of how free and wonderful tribal societies were. If you lived in the usual tribe of 100-400 people just about every aspect of your life was run by rules, religion, and the opinions of others. “Social order” was arbitrary, swift, and ruthless.
The “true believers” will eat it up, most of America will just shrug, some believing, some not caring… it’s just agitprop.
I don’t believe a word of that. And I am particularly skeptical of law enforcement, as a rule. But she is over the top dishonest, especially considering the total farce that those border facility photos were.
“Jussie Smollett’s team claims text he sent to alleged attacker days before ‘staged assault’ saying ‘need your help on the low’ was actually a request for an illegal herbal steroid”
Are we sure he is even gay? He’s lied about everything else.
Wait, so Jussie is a straight white female?
He’s obviously a black guy, but why should I believe he’s gay?
Jussie Smollett, what a piece of shit
If you’re procuring illegal substances, wouldn’t you at least want the version that works?
speaking of Nike:
Plus-Size Mannequins Are More Than Just a Viral Moment—They’re the Future
A sheet or towel to cover a mountain? Sounds right
I stopped going to brick and mortar clothing stores because their selection was miniscule, and the prices high.
I do most of the cloth shopping online – closeout and end of season sales means a big price reduction. Heck I used to buy from a UK store since they had 99 cent shipping and incredibly low prices (pound to dollar). Too bad they dropped the low shipping costs! 🙁
Given that most of America is fat, it’s only smart marketing. The other reasons are bullshit.
You don’t find joggers sexy?
Gah! Samurai Smith sighting!
More like SUMO SMITH.
Long time?
They’re mesmerizing.
That’s awesome. Saved for future usage.
Odd thought. There comes a time in a chunky Asian woman’s life (about 60 when) she starts drying up due to the aging process. It’s right about that time they look hot in jeans from behind. Can’t count how many times that from behind I’m thinking “How you doin`?” only to catch up and see the face. “Oh, you’re doin’ Geritol.”
Lotsa monied Gilfs up here. Their kids are grown and gone so they hit the gym and the yoga studio. Look great from behind but sorta leathery from the front. I’m not complaining overmuch seeing as I’ve aged into weathered gargoyle territory, myself.
I’m only looking so it don’t really matter. No chick is speeding up to check out the face on this oyaji in the Garanimals. And I walk extra slow just in case.
I was waiting for the light to change, talking with a buddy when this 20-something girl was checking me out so blatantly that my buddy commented on it, She just about jumped when I spoke to her in Japanese.
(I’m pretty certain she just thought I was somebody semi-famous she should recognize – I doubt she was fantasizing about anything lurid)
Did she give you that special moan?
I’m guessing you were speaking to buddy in English.
Yeah, my buddy was visiting from somewhere else so English was the common language.
“Hey, is that Keith Richards?”
David Lee Roth has been spending a lot of time in my side of town and for people who are not that familiar with western facial characteristics we could be viewed as similar in ways.
I’ve gotten the “Are you Atsugiri Jason?” question more than once. Eh. He’s about 20 years younger than me so I’m cool with that.
My girlfriend laughed at me when someone’s grandmother came up behind me at a brewery, commented on my butt, and then grabbed it with both hands.
I’ve actually had a few Japanese (and one Gaijin) stop and comment that I look like Daniel Craig.
That’s assault brother! take that to the Board of Grievances.
I can’t tell you the number of older men who think I’m a teenage Korean girl. Mostly because that’s who I catfish as.
My wife tells me people look at me all the time when we’re over there. I’m sure it’s ‘Another fat gaijin’. She also busted me for staring on the subway. Except that time I wasn’t!
I had a strange situation at Kroger recently when the probably 17 year-old bagging girl (name badge: Skyler) was giving me serious bedroom eyes at the checkout. I was with my wife at the time. We had some anodyne conversation (hi, thanks, your’e welcome, etc.) but the entire dialog was fraught with weird sexual tension.
I went back to that store, saw her again, and it was like nothing happened.
So weird.
I hear and understand, Master.
“There’s no yoga pose for the face.”
-Gary Gulman
I cannot for the life of me track down this brilliant comedy bit (I heard it on SiriusXM)
Wait for the movie starring Andy McCarthy and Lena Dunham.
“ their treatment at the hands of officers as “psychological warfare” – waking them at odd hours for no reason, calling them wh*res, etc. Tell me what about that is due to a ‘lack of funding?’”
Cool. Now do [ever single government program]
AOCwill collapse, and soon, but her replacements will be worse, powder dry, eyes up,
I don’t know man, if nutjobs like Maxine, Feinstein, Sanders, and co. can still be in office after all these years, I think we’ll be stuck with her in some political office for good.
Good point though, if/when I got back stateside, I’ll be keeping myself strapped.
Even when I’m just visiting the US I am packing as often as possible. As long as I’m in my home of record I have access and a working CCW permit.
I’m not sure how I feel about a fuhampster computer mouse. It might be more comfortable but the legs would probably get in the wsy.
I guess reality TV has finally reached the upper levels of government. Now I’m sure there have been plenty of assholes (All of them?) elected but the drama seemed to contained better in the past.
You can build your own computer mouse if you want. If you don’t like the legs, feel free to mod the process.
Just when I think humanity can’t slide further down hill I go on Morning Lynx and get proven wrong and its a daily occurrence. In the words of the Great Philosopher, Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along”? Apparently the answer is “No”.
I dont get it, we are hanging out cool like normal, what’s up?
(Psssst! Fourscore actually reads the links…)
Pretty sure he meant the links and not the comments.
It ain’t the Glibs, its the “others”.
How can you gain more power if everyone is getting along?
You got us miscreants here, so at least you got some camaraderie here.
Cheers good sir, and I hope you have a great and blessed day.
The day Rodney said that, I went into the financial office at my school and said ” Can’t we all just get a loan?”
Connie Cheung told Block Club Chicago she had applied to work as an office management assistant for the recruiting firm Chicago Search Group.
Office management assistant? That would be a tragic waste of her obvious talents. Make this woman Executive VP for Diversity and Inclusion.
Let the purges begin.
Steve Smith spends time on kissing and foreplay? Is that some evolved cousin?
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., screamed at federal law enforcement agents “in a threatening manner” during a visit to a Border Patrol facility in El Paso, Texas, and refused to tour the facility, according to two people who witnessed the incident.
I remain unconvinced that she is not a Trump plant taking part in an elaborate troll.
Andy Kaufman-esque performance art.
There’s no question that if she’d have real power she’d starve the people while eating filet mignon.
I have no doubt.
Oh absolutely. She doesn’t dress in Ma Chic by coincidence.
eh, make that Mao Chic.
I’m still trying to make a line on the over and under on how long it takes before she is a millionaire on her Congressional salary.
We know she couldn’t afford a DC apartment when first elected but then went into a luxury protect.
I think I see the issue. This was in El Paso – so there’s a safe bet that a huge percentage of the people working there are very obviously Hispanic which means she can’t lord her minority status over anybody there. Most probably they were talking amongst themselves in Spanish which may have confused her.
New game idea for Derpy (or the other linguisticy types here): Guess their native language. I’ll start.
I just look at the pictures.
Authentic Frontier Gibberish?
Google translate is my guess…
It’s Polish.
I assume that none of you got it because you’re a bunch of racists and were confused by the lack of plumbing terminology.
was gonna guess chinglish.
I knew it wasn’t them because they never call inanimate objects “him” or “her”. So I suspected a European language but I couldn’t make any guesses beyond that.
Gahh! A heads up on Krugman next time.
Haha, I looked at that link and said, “It’s gotta be Krugabe.”
“Every time I plan a visit to the park it’s closed! ? Can everyone see how sad this makes me?! ☹️ #sad #MALA #MINIAOC”
Big mistake putting her on Twitter.
Stay away from that shit.
It was a joke that was mildly funny. Once.
Now she’s doing “bookings”?
Really? At first, I thought that’s not good but then I wondered how is this any different than child star actors?
Hm, good point I guess. Though there’s something gross about that too.
it’s so weird to make your kid do this
Leftists never use children for their political ends. It is known.
Re AOC: She’s a nut. Certifiable Grade A cunt.
Feel bad for the border agents. Democrats are making them the enemy. Democrats are really evil.
I really hope she never gets re-elected, but knowing how life loves cruel jokes, we’re stuck with that clown for good.
How would the press react if Trump came into a place and acted like that?
“He does not conduct himself in a way befitting the office, blah blah blah.”
Michigan Winter: walk around the house with a blanket over my shoulders.
Michigan Summer: turn on A/C to get rid of humidity; walk around the house with a blanket over my shoulders.
Who wears a cape?
Someone who can survive a jet engine.
“Mixing Poisonous Pufferfish and Cocaine Is a Terrible Idea, Florida Man Learns”
Where are our Japanese based Glibs who need to extol the virtues of fugu?
I don’t care for sushi so it’s never been on my bucket list.
I also don’t really care for sushi so this Gaijintarian is also out of the running.
I’ve had it before. I’m not worried about the risk. It’s just that the flavor isn’t so special that I want to pay that kind of money to eat it.
I had it when I was in Japan. It’s okay.
I had it, but wasn’t my cup of tea. Ate it on a plane so closest I’ll get to the Mile High Club.
Fuck Nike.
And fuck Colin Shithead.
Wtf? Why are they letting that twit decide things?
Because they are marketing to people who think just like he does.
So normal people don’t buy Nike anymore?
Well, I know I haven’t bought Nike since all this began and never will again.
Was always more a NB guy anyway. They’d better not anger me.
As long as NB keeps making the extra wide trainers they’re my choice.
Someone did one of those twitter maps, and people in advertising/marketing were way over on the left.
It certainly appears that way. You would think that the most successful ad companies would take a more evenhanded approach. But then again, maybe it just says that lefties are more susceptible to marketing.
It’s infuriating that he didn’t stick with “Police brutality sucks!”, but he had to tell wypipo that it’s just a black thang. Hell, I’d have agreed with him.
He knows how to promote his brand. And you’re not Nike’s target demographic.
Conservatively dressed and fiscally responsible? Nope, I’m not their target demographic in the slightest.
Nor am I, despite being neither conservatively dressed nor fiscally responsible.
Wife beater and gray sweat pants?
Pretty much, yeah.
At that age it is a spanking not a beating.
Diadora man?
New Balance.
Always New Balance.
You spelled Adidas wrong.
The shoe of Aspies everywhere.
It bugged me the day I had to change my NB model number.
But, but, I wore this one for 3 straight pairs!!!
I want my 627s back.
Suede Pumas for life, homie
Doc Marten’s 1460. Especially for those of us who got the For Life models many years back.
Allen Edmonds, Sperry, or Reef, depending. But I was a NB guy for years.
Allen-Edmonds oxfords represent!
Meh. I only have one pair of Nike s but mostly because I find new balance much more comfortable, dunno why.
I don’t see a problem here. Everyone knows the only appropriate response from black Americans to patriotism is disdain.
Geez, he did go on, didn’t he.
Nope. No crisis at the border.
Mob: We’re gonna come in!
Reason/Open Borders officials: Well, come on in!
The protesters in Ciudad Juárez were chanting “vamos a cruzar” — “we are going to cross” — before Customs and Border Protection officials closed the bridge about 2 a.m., reported CNN.
The decision to close the bridge came as “a large and unruly group formed on the Mexican side,” according to CBP spokesman Roger Maier.
Fascinating mentality regarding entering a foreign country.
I was hoping that this happened at the same time Beta had gone across the bridge to make his political point and then found he couldn’t get back.
Argument by random anecdote
As David French sees it, the alt-right is a tiny group, and its ideology differs significantly from the mainstream of the Republican Party. Yet the alt-right has had a significant, negative influence on conservatives, he contends, through its tactics.
“The alt-right is a combination of ideology and tactics,” French said Friday at the Aspen Ideas Festival, co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic. “Ideologically, the alt-right is white nationalist. It is post-constitutionalist. And it is often quite pagan … Nobody knows how big it is … if it numbers in the thousands or the tens of thousands … It’s not a huge number of people.”
But tactically, he continued, “they punch way above their weight. So how are they doing it? Well, in 2015 and 2016 … they did it as a wave of targeted harassment directed primarily against Trump critics.” The conservative commentator Ben Shapiro was among them.
As he sees it, the alt-right’s core tactic is inflicting pain for political ends, “often in the way that is the most personal.” Is the Republican Party influenced by the alt-right? “Yes,” French said. “Cruelty as a tactic is now a part of the playbook on the right.”
For anyone who doubts that Trump, the Republican Party’s leader, has a cruel streak, read up on his past. If you doubt that Trumpism has that same streak, read Adam Serwer’s “The Cruelty Is the Point,”
Weird article by Friedersdorf on the unique unbearable cruelty of the alt-right.
tl;dr: They’re vicious inhuman monsters.
French is a useful idiot.
If it us not a huge number of people, they should be put into camps to keep their bad ideas from spreading. While in the camps they could do some productive work like digging canals or building railroads.
they did it as a wave of targeted harassment
But enough about
AntiProFa.Adam Serwer is a mendacious piece of rhino shit. That is all.
The “alt-right” is anybody who fights back against leftists, especially if they use their own tactics against them. You’re not supposed to do that.
As he sees it, the alt-right’s core tactic is inflicting pain for political ends, “often in the way that is the most personal.”
I think the people saying the woke left and the alt-right are mirror images of each other have an excellent point.
Re Cheung and the racist email. I don’t know if that’s racist (prejudicial perhaps) but definitely unprofessional and unacceptable. The guy apologized. Why do people have to broadcast their pain all the time? Why make a news case out of it? Accept the apology and move the damn on.
Everyone needs “muh victim” points. Get yer head in the game, Muppet!
Do they all start with “What are you wearing on your feet?” or “Whose hand is up your ass?”?
No, you should see the emails I get!!!! Slams laptop shut
:SOBS: nobody sends me emails
How many marriage proposals this week?
It’s a vicious circle. The media eats this shit up in order to demonstrate how horrible the US is and the victims are all-too happy to feed that need.
This. At the end of a NYT article about some racist incident the reader is asked if they want to get racist stories in their email box. And they write several a day. That’s really fucked up.
A suspected stowaway who is believed to have fallen from the landing gear of a flight into Heathrow Airport has been found dead in a London garden.
The body – believed to be that of a man – was found in Offerton Road, Clapham just before 15:40 BST on Sunday.
Police said it was thought the individual fell from a Kenya Airways flight from Nairobi.
How bad is Kenya that people are dying to get into airstrip one?
Or Airforce One.
“His head didn’t look so good.”
This shit is far more frequent that people know… I remember reading about maintenance crews trying to figure out the best way to deal with all the corpses tied to the wheels of numerous aircraft leaving third world shitholes.
His Multipass got stolen.
What an odd film… Although, surprisingly I didn’t hate it.
It’s a hot, glorious mess is what it is. A true cult classic.
I believe it is the highest point of summer blockbuster. It’s pretty, it has action, it has comedy, it has a plot that holds up while watching, but if you stop to think about it for a couple of minutes, it all just falls apart.
It doesn’t hurt that it has Mia running around in Ace bandages for a good portion of the movie either.
Jovovich is truly the superior being.
Far and away Chris Tucker’s best performance. Not even joking.
I’m guessing the national anthem is triggering and either will have to be rewritten or only hummed. 1984 was the instruction book apparently. I can see a new college major,
“Rewriting American History”. Maybe just an optional add on to Grievance Studies.
Memory Hole 101
They change ours every thirty years or so. Just think how wonderful it will be when The Star Spangled Banner is sung in half Espanol! Later you can remove all reference to gender just like we did.
That is sad. Our current national anthem is so welcoming to our Mexican immigrants. Every time they go to a sporting event, everyone in the stadium stands up and asks “Jose can you see?”
*points at Pope*
*thumbs down signal*
*looks around innocently*
What? What did I do?
I’d throw a banana at you, but I don’t know your race.
I don’t know your race
At my age, a 5K is about the longest race I run anymore. But I’ll still take that banana for the potassium.
“Jose can you see?”
*Narrows gaze*
Thank you.
If this were The Best Timeline, there’d be a ring of truth to that joke.
Two Mexicans waiting for the game to start, one nudges the other, “hey, Jose, wake up they just called you on the PA”, and that spreads and becames a sort of meme to the point that people really started standing up at games and singing along with a new set of lyrics about this mythical Jose who was there with FSK watching the battle.
Frederick Strauss-Kahn? WTF does that old whoremonger have to do with anything?
Jose, can you see?
Francis Scott Key owned slaves, opposed abolition, and thought blacks were “an inferior race.” A monument to him has already been defaced in Baltimore and various black grievance groups have called for a new anthem. Why do all those white supremacist sports owners keep playing this poem from a hater before every ball game? Time to replace the national anthem with something from Sesame Street or Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood.
various black grievance groups have called for a new anthem
I’d vote for Baby Got Back.
James Brown’s “Living in America”.
“National Anthem to be replaced at sporting events with a clip of Bert and Ernie copulating without prophylactics.”
And tell me Mr. Rodgers wasn’t a Nazzie, I dare ya.
“Rewriting American History”. Maybe just an optional add on to Grievance Studies.
The truth hurts. Make it go away!
That there pretty much sums up how a lot of people think these days.. If I am not confronted by reality or facts, I can keep living in my fantasy bubble is not a good way to go through life….
Nike has made its decision, and now we’re making ours. I’ve ordered the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw all financial incentive dollars under their discretion that the State was providing for the company to locate here.
This sort of favoritism should not be provided in the first place.
Ducey made the announcement in a series of tweets after The Wall Street Journal reported that former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick urged Nike to nix a USA-themed sneaker, which featured a Betsy Ross flag on the heel, over slavery connotations.
Not everything historical is associated with slavery*, ffs. The flag literally represents the 13 Colonies that became the 13 States as political entities.
*And slavery existed everywhere, in every culture, all over the world all through human history. Stop treating it as something unique in the US.
I still find it hilarious they chose to do this right before the 4th of July.
Here’s hoping that the project is so advanced that it doesn’t make sense for Nike to cancel even though they aren’t getting their payoff.
I don’t get chemistry jokes
I know enough to read it… but not enough to get the joke.
The by-products are some real seriously nasty/caustic shit…
You mean the joke’s not in the reaction but in the reaction to the reaction?
There are several interesting ways to poison yourself before you end up with something that will catch fire and burn… energetically if you look at it wrong. Usually when you see “highly pyrophoric” in a chemistry journal it means the reagent burned down the hood, and quite possibly the lab.
“Sample self-ignited, and burned a hole through to the mantle. Lab is now erupting with lava.”
Let’s put it this way, Read this article, and imagine that the end product is possibly more reactive. (More reactive == bigger boom)
I have worked with some very nasty shit. Made Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Routinely used NaK alloy.
I wouldn’t even be in the same county as this.
I waiting to see if you were going to comment!
Simply because of reactivity or toxicity as well?
The explosion will not give you time to be poisoned.
So how do they verify that they actually managed to make CLi4?
Trace analysis of the wreckage showed 4 LiOs per CO2
Spectroscopically. You shoot the electromagnetic waves through quartz or something similar. And for transient species, you need pulsed lasers to detect them.
Sounds like fun!
I knew a chem prof that worked with thiol compounds. It got to the point where he couldn’t smell himself anymore, but everyone else definitely could.
Sidebar on him: When the dementia kicked in after retirement, he decided to win the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes. His son, who was in Italy, asked my friend to check in on him. My friend found magazines stacked from floor to ceiling throughout the house and he was receiving on average twenty new mags a day.
whether the FBI abused the surveillance court system during its investigation of the Trump campaign.
They probably abuse it on a daily basis on plenty of other people. Of course, it should not exist in the first place.
Proving your opponent’s point: Local prosecutor sues state legislator for defamation because he wrote a letter to St. Paul’s mayor saying she shouldn’t be hired.
The state legislator said the prosecutor was “a prosecutor who would sacrifice justice in pursuit of a political win — even going so far as to commit misconduct to do so.”
Lyndsey Olson, clearly on the wrong side of the crazy-hot matrix.
Well, if what he said isn’t true, then….
But if accurate, she’s trouble.
And cute.
She’s a public figure, I believe.
And cute.
Is that the aroma of boiled rabbit I smell?
Gamer girl bath water for sale
There be a lot of weird people ion this planet
One of my favorite comments: Bet that shit taste like fish waterBet that shit taste like fish water
Did she “carbonate” (is it still considered carbonation when your gas is H2SO4?) the water before bottling it up for sale?
“My God. Here are the examples BuzzFeed uses to support its claim that the “Betsy Ross” flag has been adopted by white nationalists. ”
“In recent years the flag has also been used for political purposes, including by some white nationalists.
A 2018 story by The Outline noted the flag was on display in the home of a member of white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
In 2016, students at a high school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, displayed the Betsy Ross flag along with a Trump campaign flag. The students’ school superintendent later apologized to parents.”
Lemme see if I get all this madness.
If you create or invent something and it ends up being used or appropriated by a person or groups deemed to be ‘wrong think’ or ‘evil’ or whatever, then because they selected your creation this makes you guilty and will be asked to explain yourself?
Guilt by association fused with guilty until proven innocent is the new pink.
And no one sees this will end very ugly?
If that is true, it might be worth founding my own White Supremacist group just to shake down big corporations. A reverse Jesse Jackson if you will.
“Nice automobile you have there. It would be a shame if Pope Whitey came out and publicly endorsed it as the only car any self-respecting cracker would drive.”
“Hey Pepsi, how happy would you be to hear that I’ll announce ex cathedra that the only soda a white man’s lips should touch is Coke?”
/slams down cash to invest.
Um, I need white people to join my group. Muppets, Canucks and Canuck Muppets are right out.
Well that ended quick for me.
Reclaim the rainbow flag for the white man!
Paging 4-chan…
“A place for every color, and every color in its place.”
“All colors are separate and beautiful.”
Honk, honk!
My brain hurts after reading that. So I’m assuming that anything that was created prior to the Emancipation proclamation is unusable?
How do you even engage with people who are so ignorant?
Look – racists wear athletic shoes therefore athletic shoes are racist.
How is BuzzFeed still around?
Someone has to be pouring cash into that dumpster fire.
*Tightens tin foil hat*
Meh…..I always preferred the Bennington flag anyway
That’s the one with all the different hotties, right?
The KKK used to march carrying the Stars and Stripes. Can we not fly that anymore?
An Oklahoma woman was caught on camera shooting a gun at a neighbor’s house and then firebombing it.
Florida woman moved?
Annie Durham was filmed by her own security cameras at her home in Del City on June 10 as she shot a gun through the fence, then proceeded to throw a burning towel in the same direction. Reports state that firefighters were called to the scene, where they extinguished the blaze.
That’s the hilarious part – she gave the cops the cameras.
If I read the article correctly it was a vacant house possibly full of shitheads. I’m slightly sympathetic.
OK, thanks, Chief!
Seemed to work for the US army on Iwo Jima
And for the Allies at Dresden, but still probably a little much for the suburbs.
Yes. I’m just saying never say never
Mayor Goode disagrees
US Army? On Iwo Jima? US ARMY????? Iwo Jima was all Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children.
Pffft, fine, there was one little regiment of Army as opposed to three Marine divisions.
The Army was at Guadacanal too, including the 147th Infantry above. But the EGA publicists would have you think the Pacific War was an all Marine affair.
Civilians. [keeps right foot in place, steps back, spits dip juice outside of formation]
Dresden agrees.
In 2016, students at a high school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, displayed the Betsy Ross flag along with a Trump campaign flag. The students’ school superintendent later apologized to parents.”
I’d say that superintendent has plenty to apologize for, but a historical American flag shouldn’t be on the list.
Blue Bell responds to viral video of woman licking ice cream, returning it to freezer
Not saying it’s Florida woman, but it’s probably Florida woman.
Aw man, we JUST started getting Blue Bell again for the first time since their listeria problems, and now this?
Voltaire: I think, therefor I am.
SJW: He thinks! Get him!
I wanted to laugh, but then it hit me that is exactly the problem: if you don’t believe what they do, you are to be destroyed.
I thought that was descartes
Yes. Descartes.
My mistake.
Was reading another passage from Voltaire in a book I’m reading.
therefore you are
therefore you is
Nu Dickionary
Therefore I know you are but what am I?
Banzai: Wherever you go, there you are.
Descartes, but whatever
From a really good piece about the Golden Girls:
“Maria Claver, a gerontology professor who created the CSU Long Beach class with colleague Long Wang in spring 2018, thinks nostalgia is one reason “The Golden Girls” endures. Many fans who watched when it originally aired are now in or facing their golden years. And the episodes have been helpful illustrations for her students.”
I will voluntarily off myself if GG starts to appeal to me.
Golden Girls or Granny Gash?
Thank you for being a friend, Rufus.
Thanks for making me laugh in the office in front of people.
Wouldn’t know. Never watched it – and I was fully into my adult years when that was broadcast.
It’s a very solid 1980s sit-com; well written, with an astounding ensemble cast. Apart from the wardrobe/set-dressing and a couple of plot lines involving POTS mishaps, it aged remarkably well.
I’ve sat through it a few times when there was nothing else on. It’s not horrible.
But yeah, it seems like it will be in heavy rotation forever.
It’s better than most ’80s sitcoms. My grandma always reminded me of Betty White, only a Southern version.
Very true.
That is a low bar though.
I posted this because there is a dude out there named Long Wang.
That’s damning by faint praise.
“ My grandma always reminded me of Betty White, only a Southern version.”
So… Betty Whie-Nationalist?
Well….Grandma was a total sweetheart and I miss her terribly, but I’m not naive enough to think that a lady who was born in rural Georgia in 1921 probably held some racial views that would be a bit out of step today.
I don’t know, a lot of 1920’s ideas seem to be in vogue on college campuses again.
Absolutely. It’s weird and you’d think it would suck, but GGs is great.
Guilt by association fused with guilty until proven innocent is the new pink.
And no one sees this will end very ugly?
Collective guilt, collective punishment.
Buttigieg knows how to stop mass shootings – with better “gun-free zone” signs!
I was going to come in a snark that they should make a better sign, and there it is. He said it. A SIGN!?!
*squints at site looking for satire tag*
I was half way through before it dawned on me.
Some good ones there:
oh good, tagged as parody.
The only way the signs would help were if they were printed on bullet-resistant shields carried by armed responders on-site.
When I was a kid we used to drive between MA and NH regularly. Just over the MA border there were always big signs about the gun laws. The signs were always full of bullet holes.
I’ll bet Poland had some great signs along its border with Nazi Germany. “But mein general, the sign says ‘no panzers allowed.'”
There was a mass shooting awhile back where the shooter actually shot through the gun free sign on the door. Great pic, can’t find it now.
I just don’t see how either this dweeb who is proposing this, or the audience he is braying to, could even pretend that a “better sign” is what they need to deter mentally unbalanced psychopaths. Really?
<a href="" title="Challenge to NJ’s
May IssueWill Never Issue Handgun Rule Filed with Supreme Court” target=”_blank” >Challenge to NJ’sMay IssueWill Never Issue Handgun Rule Filed with Supreme CourtI guess strikethrough and link don’t work together.
You’re putting HTML tags inside your HTML tags. the brackets confuse the interpretor.
And ammoland is blocked by my work proxy, is the article covered elsewhere?
Mark Cheeseman v John Pollillo
Don’t see it on a non-gun-related site.
Are you ok?
I’m Pretty Fuckin’ Far From Okay
Call them pipe hitting…
Erm, never mind.
I refer to one of the law firms we have on retainer as my pipe-hitting lawyers,
NJ broke his brain.
This NJ resident has given up hope on this issue.
Especially since SCOTUS previously refused to take up Drake v. Jerejian and let stand the lower court ruling that prohibiting the bearing of arms does not burden the right to bear arms.
Justice Dean’s opinion, in its entirety:
“It seems transparently obvious that a prohibition on bearing arms is an infringement on the right to bear arms. When a law is obviously and completely contrary to the plain language of the Bill of Rights, there is no need to consult or cite any precedent; the law is struck down, ab initio. Any persons imprisoned for violations of the law are ordered immediately released, and all fines collected for violations of the law are ordered immediately refunded.”
I really don’t trust Roberts on this.
Hi Banjos!
The Alex Jones song is funny, but I think this conspiracy song is more your speed.
Have a great day!
Regardless of the extent of a conflict, arson is never a solution to resolve a conflict.
*puts gas can away*
Hold on there Brooksie. I think the chief said it was never a way to resolve a conflict, not that arson couldn’t be used to instigate or escalate a conflict.
Mork calling Arson!
Come in Arson!
The Glibs site survives another near miss with arson!
But the natives are still fired up
They’re all burnin’ up.
You and your avatar are a good match.
I’m glad you approve NoDak breath.
I was worried you would accuse me of using your likeness without your permission.
You dim witted stump humper! I was punning!
You think Jimbo is the cat’s ass?
But are you Fired Up?
arson is never a solution to resolve a conflict.
If you have a conflict with a bunch of squatters in a house, how is burning the house down not resolving the conflict?
Apparently Canadians are occasionally useful:
Apollo 13 may have been the “Uh, Houston, we’ve had a problem” mission, but a little-known group of Canadians helped save the day in the last moments of the flight.
How could Canadians do complicated math? They use the wrong types of measurements and would probably come back with some gobbledy-gook about reducing acceleration by some amount of kilometers per second. How is that helpful?
And they have the fingers and toes covered with mittens and thick wool socks.
With all their beady little eyes and flapping heads so full of lies.
Hey, my grandpa worked at the Grumman lunar module factory on Long Island!
That’s really cool! Did he tell you any good stories?
Unfortunately, he died when I was 7. All I remember is that he had a big plastic model of the LEM on his shelf, and when I asked him what it was he told me and said that he was one of the workmen who built it.
Sorry you lost him so early. I can kind of relate; all my grandparent were gone by my late teens.
Three of four by the time I was 14. My other grandpa, on the other hand, still kicking all these years later at 95.
It’s weird sometimes to think that my mother has outlived both of her parents by more than a decade. I think of them as being so much older than her.
Also, I’m glad I got to know him at all. He has eleven grandchildren but died before eight of them were born.
Who will save our precious small liberal arts colleges?
These days, seemingly everyone wants to fix higher education—particularly the Democratic candidates vying for the 2020 nomination. They have offered a slate of proposals, from debt cancellation to tuition- or debt-free college, that could fundamentally change the landscape of student debt. But typically left out of these free-college proposals are private colleges—the small schools with low enrollments, high tuition, and little endowments to fall back on.
Both Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have built support for private historically black colleges and other minority-serving institutions into their free-college plans because of the missions these institutions have carried out. But other institutions will likely struggle to compensate if such a free-college model becomes law. As my colleague Alia Wong wrote of Newbury College, which wobbled, trying to find steady footing, before closing, “Institutions like Newbury simply struggled, then failed, to adjust—or just didn’t want to adjust in the first place.”
The question posed from the audience was elucidating: People are doubtful whether the full-freight cost of private college can be justified. Costing tens of thousands of dollars a year, the schools have a tough sell to make, especially when public universities and community colleges can offer so much—for so much less.
Don’t worry. There will always be a market for pretentious bullshit.
Maybe stop blowing so much money on do-nothing administrators, particularly diversity departments? Just an idea.
Yep. When I started at a small private college, tuition (including room and board) was $13k. The difference is they didn’t have an army of SJWs on the payroll to constantly harangue us about their bullshit.
There was still some of that but it was generally ignored in favor of studying enough to pass and partying.
You see letting colleges foul out of business is a Market Failure
Because of course they did. And then they will wonder why telling wypipo to go fuck themselves didn’t work again.
That whooshing sound is the idea that minority-serving institutions are too expensive for typical minority students, going right over the author’s head.
A Homecumming Party.
Not in Alabama?
Cmon, really?
Everyone knows it’s Mississippi where these stories happen.
I had a girlfriend from Alabama who used to say “God made Mississippi so we could at least have somewhere that Alabama was better than”
I didn’t notice a whole lot of difference between the two states when I visited them.
I’m guessing it’s like New York and New Jersey – so much vitriol because they’re too similar, and adjacent.
As someone who lived in Alabama for a few years and frequently had to go over to Mississippi for work, there’s no actual difference between them.
I loved the Alabama gulf coast, though. If I could find a decent job down there, I’d move back to Baldwin County in a heartbeat.
False. There is the Delta. And there is the rest of the world.
yeah, I didn’t want to get into it, but that’s right
The craggiest part of MS (Tishomingo Co) is basically AL, but the rest of the state is head and shoulders more arable. AL is east TN with a port.
And in AL most white folk go to the right church: GOP. More white Dems left in MS. This based only on my sniffer and a half century of watching, but maybe a does of confirmation bias.
/ born in the same town at Muddy Waters, Ike Turner, Sam Cooke, and John Lee Hooker
Fair enough, my experiences are limited to the coastal parts of the two states. Never noticed any daylight between Gulfport and Biloxi on one hand and Mobile on the other, other than Gulfport being more industrial.
I noticed. I motorcycled through both. People in Mississippi were both friendly and helpful. The people in Alabama were redneck assholes.
Mississippi does have the best rest stops in the nation, hands down.
TX is really catching up
C’mon man, if you’re going out to do some rapin’ at least find someone other than your mom.
‘I cannot treat him as my son anymore.’
Yup. Now she has to treat him like a MAN! He’s finally grown up and cut those apron strings.
Titty Tuesday provides mountains of fun for your holiday week!
OK – Our long nightmare is over!
After backlash, Kim Kardashian West to drop Kimono name from underwear line
Is she also changing her first name? I see Kim right there in kimono. And I bet you could find some Koreans who are pissed about her culturally appropriating their name
Cloudflare being down is really messing with my morning (both web browsing and work web browsing)
Tard Tuesday: So What You’re Saying Is
“We’ve got fucking dickheads in Border Patrol making sick fucking blowjob jokes about a member of Congress!!!”
It was ok before, but a member of Congress!!! That is too far
Remember the outrage from the Left when people mocked Michele Bachmann eating a corn dog?
Pepperidge Farm
remembersnever heard any shit like that.Also, the fact that people can make any joke about a Congressperson and get away with it makes me love America more than just about anything else.
Why don’t these people who want an explicit ruling class to lord over them move back to Europe? They could bow and tug their forelock when any count or earl walked by and feel so happy.
They don’t want to be the ones bowing, they assume they’ll get promoted to the aristocracy somehow.
“On another note, Michele Bachmann should be grateful for the infamous picture. Now her name is an international trend. Perhaps not for the reasons she was hoping for, but she can pick things up from here. First comes the brand, after all.”
See. AOC should be happy. She’d be a nobody congresswoman if not for the republicans who mock her
You know even though she’s been out of office for years, City Pages still writes about her. That paper really went down hill about a dozen or so years ago.
When First Ave and the Turf Club got websites City Pages became irrelevant.
Delicious. What a toddler.
It’s always great when Democrats rediscover their love of the Tenth Amendment, derogation, reigning in bureaucracy, reasserting Congressional power over the executive, etc.
derogationdevolutionBut strange how it doesn’t come up when Warren or Harris go on about their string of unconstitutional ideas
They’re never encumbered by principles.
What a toddler.
Leftists are basically children that do not develop adult capacities for critical thinking, and control of emotions.
Oh, NOW they remember that Congress is supposed to control the purse strings, eh?
Of course, when they say “defund” what they really mean is open the border to any and all asylum hopefuls, no questions asked and contrary to existing law.
Turn back the clock a few years and this could have been written by Alex Jones about Afghanistan.
I always scratch my head a bit when progtards work themselves into a furious lather about “MY COUNTRY!!11!”
As far as I can tell they stand against all the principles the country was founded on. Like, ALL of them. Their entire vision is to turn the country into another Euro-socialist hell-hole as fast as humanly possible. What exactly is it that they’re so attached to?
He/She should add some more exclamation points to help get the point across.
Oh, and I am pretty sure you need to pass legislation regarding funding. So you need more than just house committees.
The next time one of these fucking pricks sit in front of a Congressional Committee and refuse to answer questions ought to bring someone over the rail to beat the shit out of them with a two-by-four and have the Sargent At Arms lock them in a fucking closet…no soap…no toothbrush…a dirty toilet to drink out of…no change of clothes.
Let’s start with Mueller. I hear he’s going to be refusing answer questions from a Congressional Committee in a few weeks.
Because every warehouse needs one.
Fire whoever came up with that.
Last one in drives the pink one. Suddenly, everyone’s 15 minutes early and there are fist-fights to punch in.
Put a ribbon decal on it and you are good to go.
I’m guessing you can get these in other colors so they just added this to the options list.
I’m still a bit surprised there is a market for custom colored forklifts. I would have assumed that similar to if you buy a John Deere tractor the tractor you get will be green.
Why would that surprise you? Can’t you just see some middle manager going “If we replaced all the forklifts in the warehouse with ones in company colors, it would increase the feeling of belonging and company loyalty among hte staff, and reduce turnover!”
That I get.
It’s the expense versus expected profit of the forklift manufacturer for having to have multiple paint colors and distributing the SKUs.
I’ve seen companies put custom wraps on their equipment. It’s a marketing thing. Not sure why you would fuck around with forklifts, though.
The job market is so strained, companies are throwing ridiculous money at getting women into the employee pool. To them its cheaper to buy a pink fork-lift to replace the oldest one and recruit a woman on each shift than to train a new forklift guy every eight weeks, when he gets recruited away to drive a skid-steer on a construction site – which I’ve seen women do, too, but not as often.
It only does 80% of the work?
But it pays for its own maternity leave when the baby forklifts pop out 9months later.
Rich people suck, ch 6,714,702
“Philanthropy is an exercise in power, by definition by the wealthy,” because the rich have the most money to give, Reich said last week at the Aspen Ideas Festival, co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic. “It’s an attempt to have some public influence. And in that respect, it’s a plutocratic element in the democratic setting.”
Those policies have evolved over the past century to create, Reich said, “the most idiosyncratic organizational forms we have in the United States”: 501(c)(3) organizations. These charitable foundations, he explained, are “almost entirely unaccountable” to the public, directed by leaders who can’t be voted out of their positions, faced with “no real marketplace competition,” required to provide “almost zero transparency,” governed by donors’ whims in perpetuity, and “lavishly tax-advantaged.”
“You can get away, in the United States, with being a nonprofit organization and having almost any mission so long as you don’t enrich your shareholders or yourself in any egregious way,” Reich said in another conversation at the festival. In that sense, he noted, organizations that work to reduce social and economic inequality are treated the same way under the tax code as those that give to art museums and, until it dissolved last December, as the Trump Foundation.
Individual tax incentives also provide advantages to people who earn more money. Because donations are subtracted from taxable income, if people in two different income brackets give the same amount to charity, the person in the higher bracket receives a larger subsidy for the contribution.
And because people’s tax contributions are reduced when they donate, donations effectively redirect money that would have gone into state or federal treasuries toward private causes.
Blah blah blah unelected unaccountable plutocrats spend their money as they wish.
It’s disgusting. Reich and ilk are so obsessed with power and control they can’t stand good being done voluntarily by people that they have no control over. All money belongs to the state in their mind and everyone should have a say. He is truly an awful miserable person.
Rich and powerful business owners should not decide who receives charity, rich and powerful politicians should.
Every time I hear complaints about parochial schools. VE VILL MAKE ZEM COMPLY!!!
As if you needed more evidence to prove that they are fascistic socialists that want to nationalize everything.
“But in recent years, Americans of average means have started donating smaller portions of their paychecks, or not donating at all”
I wonder why that is? It probably has something to do with income inequality or racism.
almost entirely unaccountable…no real marketplace competition
If I think a charity is ineffective in some way, I don’t donate.
Facebook to give data on hate speech suspects to French courts
These are not people who committed a crime and might get the extra “hate crime” tacked on. The speech is the crime and Facebook is working with a government to punish the speech.
Social media is the debil
You see, when they say “private company” what they really mean is a company with “right thought” that works at the behest of the “good governments” (which for some reason also includes China more often than not).
Uh huh. Those companies will never be “broken up” when their size gives them an advantage when working with authoritarian governments.
Splinter thinks Bernie is not left enough:
The Best Way for Bernie Sanders to Go Is Left
But the most important case for Sanders to move to the left goes beyond the realm of presidential politics and speaks to the future of the movement that he’s helped to kickstart and lead for the past four years. Sanders obviously has a vested interest in seeing the socialist project succeed; otherwise, he wouldn’t have done a speech outlining what “democratic socialism” means to him. His 2016 campaign was a success because he pushed the envelope of what’s acceptable and palatable in American political discourse; if he fails to do that this time around and still doesn’t get the nomination, what was the point of making another run at all?
The best possible outcome is that Sanders, win or lose, lays the foundation for a viable socialist project that radically transforms American society into a fairer, more just place, a sort of left-wing answer to what Barry Goldwater did for the right. Anyone on the right would gladly sacrifice Goldwater again 100 times out of 100: a devastating loss in one cycle, in exchange for five decades and counting of reaction. Hopefully, it won’t come to that; if the left is able to replicate that model, however, Bernie Sanders’ contributions to the movement will last long after his presidential campaigns.
>>if the left is able to replicate that model
You know it isn’t the model but the philosophy
“a sort of left-wing answer to what Barry Goldwater did for the right”
All of Barry Goldwater’s best ideas and quotes were written by Karl Hess a man who ended his life a disillusioned anarchist living through barter since the IRS put a 100% permanent lien on all of his earnings. There is no way some pampered socialist is going to threaten the system to the extent that the IRS steals their livelihood in perpetuity. Bernie Sanders is raging in favor of the machine. There is no need to go farther Left when you’re a champagne socialist
Yes, please do that, and take the rest of the circus with you. And when America tells you – once again – that they are not, in fact, New Soviet Men in waiting, maybe you’ll get the message.
what “democratic socialism” means to him
Platitudes that are rife with logical fallacies that don’t actually describe socialism.
(TW: Lew Rockwell)
Serious question- if the Kochs actually cared about foreign policy then why wouldn’t they just fund the numerous libertarian institutions that promote non-interventionism? They know some of the people within these groups (even if they are not friendly). It’s not like or the Libertarian Institute are completely unknown to them. And why would they spend more of their campaign donations on someone like Jeff Flake (who says bad things about Orange Man, but then votes to end debate to give Orange Man the authority to snoop on American phone calls and has never seen a war that he was not all about) than a Rand Paul, Ron Paul, or Thomas Massie (none of them ever got any money from the Kochs when they first ran for office and Rand has only gotten a paltry sum from them in the last election).
And George Soros opposes “forever war”? Since when? The man who funds the overthrow of democratically elected governments in Eastern Europe in close collaboration with the State Department opposes interventionism? Since when?
his seems more like an effort to pacify or control a movement that is growing in popularity. Controlled opposition.
They’re tired of being a lefty pinata and think that this will buy them goodwill.
They already fund the Atlantic Council (a quasi-governmental organization that finds Russia under everyone’s bed every night) how much more closely do they have to work with the State Department in order for them to feel more comfortable at their cocktail parties?
Reminder- the Kochs aren’t funding Rand Paul. They’re funding Marco Rubio, Ron Johnson, and Richard Burr.
At least they aren’t funding Ron’s antagonist, John Ronson. His three cent titanium tax goes too far.
Why are you always giving John Ronson shit?
I enjoyed his book Them
So the McCain syndrome?
John McCain most likely received more funding from the Kochs than Rand, Ron, and Massie combined
Soros and the Kochs are mendacious dogs who like to conceal their self-interest with a veil of activism and altruism. They have no principles other than making money and I have no problem with that, it’s the false righteousness that gets me.
My impression of the Kochs is that they sincerely believe that by working within the system they can shift things in a positive direction.
It appears to me that they believe in directing each dollar towards the direction that they think will have the greatest impact. And, they really don’t care how they look. They are used to being demonized.
It’s a legitimate strategy. Obviously it’s not sufficient on its own; there has to be an ideological cadre that promotes more radical change operating alongside their within-the-system efforts to actually create meaningful change.
Personally, I don’t think they are doing much harm; they are quite happy to rip the rug out of organizations that they feel have lost their way.
That’s a very sympathetic argument in their defense. But it doesn’t really conform with reality. They think so strategically about their dollar spending that they direct most of it to the most statist Republicans and avoid the Pauls and Massie like the plague.
I’m sure it really grates at them that with all the money they’ve dropped in politics all they have to show for it is Marco Rubio. While Ron Paul got Amash, Massie, and his son elected off of his mailing list of donors alone. If they sincerely believe in what they purport to believe, at some point they should reassess why their investments have been such abject failures. Unless they never believed in what they purport to believe in the first place.
Sometimes they donate to good beneficial projects (the CATO Institute being one), but most of them time their political donations are far removed from the ideals that they supposedly espouse.
The best possible outcome is that Sanders, win or lose, lays the foundation for a viable socialist project that radically transforms American society into a fairer, more just place
Mass graves, it is.
Some… may not adapt well to forced labor. They are willing for you to pay that price.
It’ll go bust by hyperinflation before the camps and forced labor. These idiots think they can spend their way out of economic reality.
Though, to be sure, they’ll be jailing people for price gouging or refusing to accept US tender. And they’ll be nationalizing businesses. They’ll be inciting rioters and looters.
I see no reason why we can’t have hyperinflation, concentration camps, and forced labor. I mean, we wouldn’t be the first, after all.
Question for beer-making Glibs: I have a 5 gallon keg and a 5 pound CO2 tank. This is the first time I’ve kegged beer. I took the CO2 tank to the welding gas supply house, and I assume they filled it completely, although I didn’t read the receipt. The unregulated pressure was in the “green” zone on the gauge that came with the tank. I hooked the CO2 up to the keg, adjusted the regulated pressure to ~10psi, as suggested by More Beer kegging guide. The keg and CO2 tank are not refrigerated, but sitting in the basement, around 68F. After leaving it for a couple weeks, the beer seemed adequately carbonated, so I figure all is well. As time goes on, though, the beer seems less carbonated, and now the CO2 tank reads empty and I’ve still got half a keg of beer left. What have I done wrong?
Think about your situation. When your keg was full of an incompressible fluid (beer), it took relatively little additional CO2 to get the carbonation you wanted. Now, you have to pressurize half a keg with CO2 molecules. I think your tank might be undersized for your keg. Also, your beer is probably flatter if you can’t maintain 10psi in the keg. if the pressure in the keg goes down, the amount of CO2 dissolved will decrease. Basically, every time you drink a beer, you have to replace all the CO2 that was in the beer you drank, plus the volume of the beer.
That could well be true. Someone that paid more attention in Physics than I would have to figure out how much volume the compressed CO2 would occupy at 10psi (if I knew the volume of the tank, and the starting pressure, which I don’t).
The More Beer guide suggests that a 5 pound tank should be good for 3-4 kegs. They could be full of crap, but it they are, the economics of kegging get a lot worse in a hurry.
I don’t know the volume of his CO2 bottle, but if it’s, say, 150PSIG, replacing the head-space in a similarly-sized keg could be done 10 times. I don’t know about the time and surface-area issues that might be at play, but why doesn’t that work for him?
/ has no idea of beer process particulars
fivish times
/ reconsiders to absolute pressure of destination tank
A five pound CO2 tank is pretty standard. Based on the description, you probably have a small leak somewhere. Mix up some soapy water, and put it over the connection between the tank and the regulator (that’s the most common place for leaks). You could also have a leak between the keg and the cap, or a stuck poppet. For the cap on the keg, I usually leave it partially unseated when I hook the CO2 up, and let the CO2 pressurize and push the lid into a seated position to be sure it’s air tight.
What, consider the obvious failure case?! Never! ::slinks away to mix up soapy water::
I agree with Nephilium. You have a leak someplace. A 5-lb tank should be good to force carbonate and push out multiple 5-gallon kegs.
Yeah, I don’t know why I didn’t think of the most likely problem. I was thinking, maybe the surly guy at the welding gas supply shorted me, or the higher temperature was resulting in unexpected CO2 absorption rates, whatever. Now the tank is empty, of course, so I’ll need to go get some more gas, but I’ll check for leaks when I reconnect.
I hate the depressingly stupid world we inhabit.
The left goes apeshit when someone correctly points out they’re lying. That’s all it is.
And their morality is entirely based on facile things like “punching nazis good” so they don’t take well to the idea that it’s not virtuous. They all are desperate to believe they’re on the beach at Normandy, not commie thugs running around Berlin in 1925.
Along with having a highly flexible and adaptable definition of “Nazi”
As in “Nazi is anyone who disagrees with/annoys/contradicts/debates me. Being a Nazi makes one subhuman and a legitimate target for violence.”
They do Nazi it our way therefore they deserve whatever’s coming to them.
So much this…
A black hospital patient went on a walk with an IV drip. Police arrested him on suspicion of stealing medical equipment
Although nobody was shot.
Here comes a national conversation about “convalescing while black”.
Who the fuck leaves the hospital when the doctor recommends you get up and walk around some?
“Oh, you meant up and down the hall, my bad.”
There used to be a cluster of patients with IV bags and everything outside one of my hospitals in Dallas. Of course, they went outside to smoke. We solved that problem by locking the IV poles so they were too tall to fit on an elevator.
I occasionally see people in gowns outside my current hospital. I can’t recall one dragging an IV pole around, but it wouldn’t shock me.
My morning bus stop is right in front of an ER that serves the lowest-income neighborhoods in the state. 1 or 2 times a week, I see someone in a gown, wrapped in a blanket, holding their IV, and smoking under the no smoking sign in the bus stop shelter.
I never arrived at the hospital with cigs when ketoacidosis got me a few times, but I still wouldn’t have tried walking outside with an IV. Fuck, going to the bathroom was enough trouble.
That stupid account (and their “owners account”) has me blocked as well, probably for following/interacting with him.
So you’re saying it would have been appropriate to lynch Duranty.
Lynching Duranty is at least justifiable as he was covering up atrocities committed by a vicious regime. Assaulting Ngo because he offended the feelings of trust fund kids cosplaying revolutionaries is not justified in any way, unless you are a rich liberal who feels that you are everyone’s moral superior. Which brings us back to Duranty
Is it just me, or does Swalwell look drunk in most pictures taken of him?
He looks like he’s in resource class.
Lefties: They’re brown, therefore blameless. You can’t expect brown people to solve their own problems. That’s a burden for white people.
Everything, and I mean everything, is to be judged by the relative power of the parties involved in the postmodern framework.
As time goes on, though, the beer seems less carbonated, and now the CO2 tank reads empty and I’ve still got half a keg of beer left. What have I done wrong?
I’m with Nephilium. You probably have a leak. I have a plastic spray bottle with soapy water in it for checking leaks. Mist your with the soapy water, and watch for bubbles.
*mist your connections
I mist you, too, Big Guy.
*reaches for a hug
RE: Antifa.
The more this shit keeps happening, the more some dark part of my mind hopes they start bringing guns and it turns into a proper skirmish. Then I come back to reality and realize how bad that would be for everyone and it would just create martyrs for the commies. Along with that, no matter 3%ers wet dreams, civil war would not be positive for anyone and would not result in more liberty.
My issue is, I don’t know where and/or how this ends. The only path with a potentially favorable outcome I can think of is a RICO investigation that gets their moneymen. Arresting them doesn’t seem to matter since sympathetic judges and prosecutors charge them with misdemeanors (or nothing) and let them out on no bail. Even at that, they have rich benefactors that would represent them and get them out if they happen to get clipped for something worse.
What is to be done?
It ends when a Democrat is elected president.
Since Antifa have basically replaced the KKK as the paramilitary arm of the Democratic party, nothing much can actually be done in places where the Democrats hold power, which is where Antifa gets their thuggery on.
Sure, the shock troops have their safe spaces in towns controlled by Dems. The question is, why is the entire country a safe space for the organizations engaged in criminal conspiracies to support and fund them?
For the same reason the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. can engage in a criminal conspiracy to unseat a duly elected president without serious repercussions: the Democrat left is firmly in control of the government bureaucracies.
The only path with a potentially favorable outcome I can think of is a RICO investigation that gets their moneymen.
As with the NGOs funding the migrants, our FBI and DOJ seem completely uninterested in investigating certain criminal conspiracies. Weird, right?
The rot must go a lot deeper than anyone realizes. Seems that a Trump-appointed AG could directly order an investigation, but maybe he won’t do that because he knows his subordinates won’t cooperate. Seems as though middle to upper-middle leadership in these agencies are in outright mutiny.
Along with that, no matter 3%ers wet dreams, civil war would not be positive for anyone and would not result in more liberty.
Yep. On a personal level, I would rather enjoy seeing antifa getting slaughtered like cattle, but what would follow any armed conflict would likely be horrifying.
Ludwig von Mises grappled with this very question in a book that people constantly reference to ‘prove’ that he had a soft spot for fascism. Liberalism
Basically, shine a light on the cockroaches and denounce them. Do it courageously. And defend yourself proportionately against physical attacks. And accept that adopting anti-fa’s techniques to fight them will create the very sort of violent, oppressive, & totalitarian society anti-fa is trying to construct.
Reminds me of Popper’s greatest philosophical mistake, or perhaps just a mistake of linguistic clarity, for he sets no reasonable threshold:
Perhaps I’m being too harsh.
It’s the shifting meaning of “intolerant” that bothers me. Popper clearly means those who would enforce their views by violence, but I think the term is too watered down for that.
“Democracy in Chains” or whatever it’s called. Is my favorite parody book
With people getting their wigs split and the pols and the fuzz refusing to step in we’re inevitably going to see people getting gunned down. It’s just a matter of time, when the state won’t maintain order then people will at least attempt to take it into their own hands.
Robbie Bernstein on Julian Castro’s “reproductive justice” comment in the debate: “What, are they going to start performing abortions with a gavel?”
No, with a shotgun.
that was funny. I think Robbie does a fantastic job on the show.
“King of the Caucs”
The Mises Caucus really should brand themselves as the MiCaucs. They could make clever t-shirts off of that
Not surprising I guess but that Scottish kid who gave his teacher hell over the gender stuff and filmed it has been expelled:
No independent thought allowed you wanker.
Shortbread-munching, skirt-wearing twats!
I’m certain that they wouldn’t expel someone for an actual commission of violence, but thoughtcrimes are verboten.
As they say, all the smart Scots left that island a long time ago.
It ends when a Democrat is elected president.
The election of Donald Trump was a repudiation of their HopenChange fantasyland. They got slapped in the face, hard, and the resulting tantrum has not resulted in Mommy letting them have their way. They get angrier every day.
People are offended that Nike pulled a pair of shoes with the American flag. I’m more offended that they stopped selling shoes from a fashion designer because he voiced support for the Hong Kong protests.
“Nike has stopped selling some products in China after a fashion designer’s support for protests in Hong Kong sparked a social media backlash.
The US retail giant said in a statement Thursday that it had decided to remove some of its goods “based on feedback from Chinese consumers.”
“We have withdrawn from China a small number of products that were designed by a collaborator,” a Nike (NKE) spokesperson told CNN Business.”
“Some social media users in mainland China expressed outrage over the post. On Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, some vowed to throw out their Nike sneakers. One user posted a photo of shoes in a trash can.
“There is one China,” another user wrote, adding that they were offended by the studio’s comments. The same user uploaded a photo showing the “Undercover” logo on a Nike shoe crossed out.
Undercover declined to comment.
China is one of Nike’s largest and fastest-growing markets. It’s also a key manufacturing hub, with about a quarter of Nike’s footwear and apparel being made there in the 2018 fiscal year.”
The coddling of the Chinese state by American companies would be sanctioned if it were done for Russia. But, you can’t make money in Russia.
But is China’s history laden and soiled by the sin of slavery?
Can’t argue that point.
Slavery in China has taken various forms throughout history. Slavery was reportedly abolished as a legally recognized institution, including in a 1909 law[1][2] fully enacted in 1910,[3] although the practice continued until at least 1949.[4]
AT LEAST 1949, but, I dunno, maybe as recently as 2019.
The Practice was ramped up in 1949, and here are some 1.4 billion slaves in China today.
I thought we were doin a bit here. Get back in character, jerk.
If they’re not going to sell, I don’t see where they have much of a choice. It does, however, illustrate their rank hypocrisy.
I’m much more concerned with the tech companies complicity with government surveillance and censorship.
I think I’m going to start supporting a McAfee/Williamson ticket.
I read her quotes, and have an image of someone running around in tight circles, flapping their hands, making Three-Stoogesesque “woob woob woob” noises.
Bad news
The Trump campaign and his committees raised $54 million while the RNC raised $51 million, the campaign said in a news release.
Trump’s haul — and the $100 million war chest he and the RNC have in remaining cash — cements his early fundraising advantage over the Democratic field, especially as the two dozen Democrats vying to face Trump in the general election are scrambling for money to compete in the primaries. The announcement comes as Democratic 2020 hopefuls are revealing their second-quarter results.
Trump, who built his unorthodox 2016 campaign on online, small-dollar donors, never stopped running for office. He filed his paperwork for re-election on the day he took the oath of office in January 2017 and raised more than $30 million in the first quarter of 2019.
In an unprecedented move, Trump’s campaign has merged its operations with the RNC, giving the President’s campaign operatives a leading role in guiding field operations, well ahead of the general election.
In 2011, former President Barack Obama had raked in $47 million for his re-election campaign in the second quarter that year, and the Democratic National Committee had raised $38 million.
Get (Republican) money out of politics.
Never stopped running. Unique in the history of the nation. What a monster.
Clinton spent what, a billion? And far outspent Trump to no avail.
Must have been the million or so the Russians spent of Facebook shitposts that made the difference.
That’s a little alarming. Doesn’t he have a declared challenger? (Stop laughing.)
He does… Bill Weld. That’s no joke. It’s also why the RNC feels comfortable with doing that at this stage (since, well, Weld is a joke).
Welp, now they can never complain about the DNC being in the tank for Herself in 2016.
Why would the Repubs complain about a losing loser and her loser party? That lost?
never stopped running for office
I seem to recall someone else who did this.
unorthodox 2016 campaign on online, small-dollar donors
You’d prefer he be funded by megadonors?
In an unprecedented move, Trump’s campaign has merged its operations with the RNC
I seem to recall – oh, nevermind. This dishonest hack can just fuck off.
What are the odds Obama is working the back channels, right this minute, in an effort to nudge some people toward the exits, and imploring them to turn their campaign coffers over to the DNC (and him) in order that the money be put to “more effective use”?
“To the
Bat Cavesmoke filled room, gentlemen!”*also- using “clown car” as a descriptor for the Democratic Presidential primary field is needlessly offensive and prejudicial toward honest hard working clowns everywhere. It’s hurtful.
I was kinda hoping they would play Yakety Sax at the debates.