Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it always is!
Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska was interviewed by the FBI in 2016, strongly doubting the FBI’s collusion theory.
One-third of the Americans view the media as the enemy of the people.
Navy SEAL found not guilty of murder. Interesting story from Breitbart of how accusations against him blew up from stealing cookie butter to murder.
Florida Man is ready for the challenge.
Florida Man is ready for the challenge.
Selective outrage of Democrats about Obama era detention centers versus now in pictures.
When mindless social signaling starts to effect our laws.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Mornin Banjos!
First! Woohoo!
Mornin’ Banjos!
I think mindless social signaling has been affecting our laws for a long long time.
And I still can’t find one positive effect that came from any of that….
It is all “Road to hell” kind of shit.
No, every law named after someone is a well thought out and planned law. Not just a knee jerk reaction to DO SOMETHING!
Gliberati, Please vote on this call.
If my phobias are defined by things I won’t fuck, then I’m probably ready for an institution.
Warty would be the only sane one left.
Having thought about this for a moment, I would probably go actual gay before screwing a man who thinks he’s a woman. There’s no need to bring mental illness into the equation.
I can understand being gay (I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, after all). I don’t understand being gay but needing to pretend that cause the dude has tits you are fucking a woman or whatever the reason is to have sex with women with penises to quote these people.
At work, or I would find the video/quote from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia. To paraphrase, “How is he going to pretend it’s a beautiful woman on the other side of it [a glory hole] with a cock in his mouth?”
Eeeh. Secondary sex characteristics exist and have an psychological effect. That’s the entire basis of cartoon porn from Tijuana Bibles to Catgirls. Claiming otherwise is to ask “why would anyone think Jessica Rabbit is sexy?”
^This. Men without facial hair rarely attract my attention. Bearded men with chest hair go to the front of the line.
I’d fuck Blair White.
Fuck him out of what?
“Some women have penises”
I obviously have led a sheltered life. Perhaps Women With Penises is a new phenomena caused by eating too much lead laden paint or something. I can only go on my personal experiences so I have to vote no. Ain’t no ladies with boy equipment
HM will be here soon to correct your notion about that…
FWIW, I do not seek out the company of transmen (born female, still has vagina).
I need a sanity check plz Tonio. Am I crazy for believing people should mind their own fucking business and let other people love and have sex with whatever adults they want, and that these sorts of people that tell you the problem is with you for not wanting to do things that are of no interest to you, are really the problem?
I am not woke enough to see how “Live and let live” squares with the you MUST sleep with women with penises or you are a bigot thing, and need help.
If not being up for the Tranny experience makes me a bigot then you can go ahead and call me Bull Connor.
Honestly, it’s a sneaky (but not necessarily untrue) bit of TERF logic:
TERF: “Transwomen are men.”
Also TERF: “Believing that you are entitled to sex is a uniquely male trait”
Transwomyn: The “cotton ceiling” is a real thing and lesbians who won’t fuck me are transphobes!”
TERF: “Checkmate.”
Does “cotton ceiling” refer to menstruation?
Apparently refers to regular underwear.
Which is interesting because they now have “boy shorts,” boy-style cotton briefs, often with (fake?) fly, in women size cut and colors. AFAIK this is not a lesbian thing (Q – be a bro and research this).
I would have presumed that MF trans people would wear women-style panties. Those would presumably be uncomfortable, but you’re planning to lose it anyway and the hormones will shrink it down before surgery.
Yeah, I knew a few very hard butch lesbians (who were NOT transmen thankyouverymuch) and they would occasionally go full drag king with men’s clothes — no women’s cut versions.
She was so butch that her TERF landlady actually refused to renew her lease because the landlady thought my friend was trans.
Oddly enough she was almost always the bottom, even with femmes.
That’s called a soft bottom butch.
You are quite sane, Alex. The problem here is that the lunatics have taken over the asylum and the rational are now outnumbered by the mad.
I am fine with acceptance. But these people insist that you approve and participate.
My neighbor has a sister who is dating a man who is now “transitioning” to a woman.
I get shown a pic via Facebook. “That’s a man.”
Another pic: “That’s still a man.”
Mean looks ensue.
I consider that truly fucked up. Did the transitioning plans come about before they started dating? Does the sister consider herself a lesbian?
Well, at some point tolerance began morphing from simple “live and let live” to “enthusiastic endorsement of every freakshow on earth”.
I don’t care who anyone wants to have sex with, so long as they’re consenting adults. That don’t care cuts both ways – I am not interested because I think people should be allowed to live their own lives, but I also don’t care because I actually don’t care. I’m not signing on to anyone’s lunacy, thank you very much.
One of the greatest things about the internet is that it allowed everyone to a) realize that their shameful kink was shared by a lot of people (when looked at globally) and b) allow you to find and connect with your fellow deviant.
I think that is one of the reasons that gay rights moved so quickly. People realized that everyone was fucked up someway somehow and why only hold the gays to a higher standard?
Now come trans folks and they are the first group that seems to feel that instead of using the internet to find other people who are into women with penises to have a happy life that the internet should be used to spread a message that everyone needs to adopt their own kink OR ELSE!
Trans people should look at that poll and say, “you know what? 13% of the people are willing to jump in the sack with me. That is pretty good. I’m sure we are polling way above the furries.”
That sure is an interesting take on it your holiness. What worries me is that they are unable to see this can’t end well?
Those are pretty good odds.
I know from experience that fewer than 13% of the women I find attractive are willing to jump in the sack with me.
Why are you such a hater?
The toxicity of my whiteness and maleness overwhelms any sense of oppression I suffer as a homosexual. Also, it’s fun.
I like this response.
I like men.
I have not seen a woman who can convincingly enough pretend to be one in the head, let alone what’s going on downstairs.
OK that got weird.
Weird, but a good and terrifying insight.
Because nothing says conquest like impunity to have your pick of the conquered for sexual purposes. They are now trying to define refusing an advance based on actual present genitalia as unacceptable. Next it will be a milkshake or criminal charges.
See Not Adahn above.
Who is denying them permission and limiting the range of people they can stick their dicks in?
Individuals who refuse to get naked with them, RC. We can’t have people making individual choices about who they associate with.
See, that is what seriously scares me Tonio, because while this is now limited to the real of sexuality and sex, which I add is already one of the more private and big individual decisions we all face, I can quickly see them goalposts be moved where they demand you conform on every possible choice to whatever the standard du jour is. A system like that, based on arbitrary shit and feelings, will make all of us sinners and irredeemable, if you will allow me to borrow a term from religion.
When will (((they))) consider one’s consent to sex as a public accommodation?
I wonder how long until they come around to considering rape just another acceptable expression of sexuality.
In all seriousness, reading this thread it really sounds to me like these activists want to normalize rape when it is convenient for them.
So you’re saying that if I grew a pair of tits that I could get lesbian chicks to have sex with me?
Go on…
Money Quote:
“That person’s biology is irrelevant, because the idea of gender trumps the fact of sex.”
See, I’m lucky – I’m ugly enough that no trans woman would want to demand sex. Or straight woman for that matter. Or gay man. Or bisexuals, pan sexuals, and any other group I’m forgetting. Hell even our esteemed MR. SMITH would probably have a momentary pause.
Make me wonder about the wife and what weird fetishes she has to end up with me.
Pictures? I guess I could look at a link with pics.
Are you asking about the link above you?
No, I was talking about the main linx (the one about the difference between detention camps in 2016 and 2019). Unfortunately work blocks twitter pics, so all I saw were a bunch of crazy squiggles on the page.
SJWednesday: Sometimes It’s All Just a Big Bag of Assholes
It just gets worse from there.
The best, most self-unaware part of it all:
So basically a bunch of people who are at the top of the first world food chain, the 1 percent of the 1 percent, are offended because one of their own actually believes what they all pretend to be, saviors of the world. It’s almost unfathomable in its stupidity.
The lack of Jigsaw’s self awareness was due to creating a university like environment. The employees think like college professors with tenure not the replaceable cogs in the corporate machine.
The whole point of demoralization is to make people so that they cant function. Fill their heads full of scrambled shit and they cant fight back. The idiots eventually turn on each other and tear themselves apart. The king slouches into his golden throne, chews on a turkey leg and laughs at the spectacle.
How very apt, Suthen!
“In early August 2017, an anti-diversity memo”
This is like saying that when Copernicus called the Catholic church out on the false belief that the earth was the center of the universe, he was the one that was in the wrong for publishing the anti-heliocentric paper of his…
“essentially a blackface picture”
Sounds like SJWs are trying to tell a certain group of “poor brown people” who they can, and cannot, invite to participate in their rituals. IOW, they are defining the cultural expression of PBB.
It’s absurd at best, and just proof of their rank arrogance at worst.
The Post adds climate change may be to blame for their thriving population,
Yet there is no climate change to speak of. Perhaps genetic adaptation has something to do with it? Or perhaps crowding in the existing population is spurring them to expand.
Blaming a phenomena that cant be detected is telling.
Non-native species accidentally introduced, multiplies. These are (presumably) the descendants of escaped pets or food lizards. They didn’t migrate there on their own, otherwise they’d also be every place on the land route between Florida and the closest “native” range for this species. Just like the Burmese pythons and Snakehead fish didn’t migrate – they were introduced (probably deliberately in the case of the snakehead).
“Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska was interviewed by the FBI in 2016, strongly doubting the FBI’s collusion theory.”
Deripaska is closely connected to several real shady and real corrupt deals with the Clintons. Look up the whole Skulkovo program that netted the Clintons and their charity hundreds of millions of dollars. It was approved, over the objections of the US military , I add, by the Obama administration, and not unwound until the Russians, whom pretended to be doing this project to create a new Russian silicon valley tied to our own, were caught stealing all sorts of tech with military applications (sounds a lot like the transfer of nuke and rocket tech the ChiComms got for the $2 million they gave to the Clinton campaign back in the 90s, huh?). The new Russian hypersonic missiles being fielded (anti-ship and anti-satellite) are based on technology stolen by this Skulkovo enterprise. So are several weapons improvements and tech related to the new SU-57, the enhancements to Russian submarine launched ballistic missiles, and AI for drone technology. The fact that the Chinese also walked away with this tech eventually should have resulted in the Clintons doing hard time.
But no. The Russia colluder is orange man, cause he won the election they rigged for Hillary and then exposed how the Obama administration had weaponized and criminalized the bureaucracy (especially all the three letter agencies) to serve the purpose of team blue and the Obamas/Clintons.
Would love to see him openly testifying before Congress. Heh.
There is no fucking way that would happen. Then again, with Mueller now slated to testify despite the fact that he will be destroyed and this shitshow will have completely the opposite effect of what idiots like Nadler are desperate to achieve, maybe I am being naive.
He would fall victim to a ‘botched’ robbery or ‘suicide’ with multiple shot to the back of the head before that.
Time for someone to write a “None Dare Call it Treason” book about the Clintons and Obama, but full of facts and not silly assumptions.
still want to see you write a comprehensive history of it all…
“…the deplorable conditions migrants faced in detention facilities during the Obama administration in 2014. The commentary from certain Democrats appears to be more politically motivated…”
No shit. Gays, blacks, trannys, illegals, children, the erf, voting rights, etc, etc. The left doesn’t give one tiny dry hump about any of those people or causes. Eventually they will all end up against the wall.
Under the bus, Suthen.
Reminds me of George Orwell’s statement that socialists don’t really care about the poor so much as they hate the rich.
When I was working in Puerto Rico, the locals used high-powered air guns to hunt iguanas. I had several people tell me they are excellent eating.
And that strikes me as the solution. Let it be known that there is an open season, no license required, and they are good to eat. The local rednecks will clean them right up.
I think that’s only true if they are actually good to eat. In somewhat related news, Denver has found a way to deal with hate birds, the birds that hate.
Giving them diabetes?
While that would work… here’s the rest of the story:
“Food for the needy” – jeez, you can’t make this stuff up.
Years ago, Minnesoda tried a program that donated venison from deer that had been hit by cars to homeless shelters. The homeless advocates threw a hissy fit because “of the message it sent that homeless people are only worthy of eating road kill”. So the program was ended.
“Are you the people who left this bag of muffin stumps in front of my shelter??”
I wanted to laugh, but realized this actually did happen, and now I want to cry…
There still is a program in MN where you can legally donate the legal deer you shot. Somehow that doesn’t fit my definition of the purpose of hunting but what do I know. Also was a TC program of professionally trapping the Canadian Wonder Bird and butchering by pros under sanitary conditions for donations to food shelves. Turned out to be extremely expensive and hungry people rejected the bird.
If I was a farmer and was watching those deer eat me into the poor house, I could see shooting a bunch of them and donating them.
And can you blame the homeless for passing on geese? They may be lazy and/or crazy, but they still have functioning taste buds and geese just aren’t that good.
I wonder how much was spent in grant money to determine this?
Oh yeah Neph, if there’s one thing that a poor southerner would have no way of doing, its turning a shitty chunk of meat into a delicious meal.
I was going to post a video of recipes but couldn’t resist this headline.
“When I was working in Puerto Rico, the locals used high-powered air guns to hunt iguanas. I had several people tell me they are excellent eating.”
Not only that Animal, but I can vouch from personal experience that iguana soup has an aphrodisiac effect. All across Latin America men drink that shit (like we eat oysters) to impress the ladies. it is the original Viagra.
Well, that explains… uhh… Never mind.
Wait wut?
Cue iguana extinction in 3…2…1…
Any animal that makes it into the human diet food chain will never go extinct. Ask, cows, pigs, chickens, and the occasional homeless people eaten by crazies like Dahmer.
Food chain? Correct. Aphrodisiac? Not so sure.
When Florida man/woman starts selling iguana flavored coffee/ice cream, it will become part of the food chain…
Iguana bath salts would be more Florida.
Well, sort of. Any animal that ends up being domesticated and raised as food animals will never go extinct. Otherwise… well, ask the next passenger pigeon you see.
-1 Megatherium, Mastodon, and who knows what other Pleistocene megafauna.
-0.5 Buffalo
As I understand it the large tortoises which used to exist on Mauritius were very tasty. No matter the bounty offered by the British Royal Society no example ever survived the trip to London – they were just too delicious. They were eaten to extinction.
Sure the iguanas are gone, but now we have hordes of old Chinese tourists with ED looking for a cure.
The tigers might make it back in that case…
Pope gets it!
Not as often as I’d like, but I still keep after the wife.
67% of respondents said that the “news media is an important part of a democracy.”
This is a strong argument against news media and democracy
Mornin’ Banjos! Nice song choice. Queen is one of those bands that always had at least one or two great songs on nearly every album. Their early stuff was was pretty damn solid but the later releases kinda faded in comparison.
It’s impossible to not love Queen.
They were the champions, my friend.
Btw, mornin.
It should be legal to kill the retarded hats of retarded members of congress
No, let her continue with the parade of ridiculous chapeaux. It lets even the morons know not to take this creature seriously.
I think you badly overestimate morons.
As silly as her hats are, they pale in comparison to her speaking voice. Holy Shi-ite, she sounds like Dave Chappelle pretending to be an old crazy lady.
In order for her to keep getting re-elected, I’d wager she has a stable of pipe-hittin’ Grandsons… She is an honest to fuck national embarrassment.
fining businesses up to $800 for giving out plastic straws and stirrers
That seems a bit excessive. I would like to see mass disobeying of this ordinance and what better time than near/on July 4th.
Excessive? It’s disgusting. Every non-plastic straw I’ve tried has had serious drawbacks, and the go-to paper straws are the worst. Anyone who proposes or votes for a straw ban needs to be whipped into the sea.
It’s DC, so the real question is whether or not plastic straws are good enough to snort coke off a hooker’s ass.
Up here all of that convenient stuff is set to be banned nation wide if Trudy gets his way. Plastic straws, bags, drink containers etc. October is coming and I’ve got a bad feeling about the outcome.
Dammit… paper straws not plastic
What about plastic poop knives? I know we discussed that topic once here…
As long as they aren’t single-use.
I hope you meant you use them more than once to cut the poop, not to do other cutting with it as well…
Hey anyone seen the poop knife?
*family turns as one and looks at knife sticking out of peanut butter jar with dawning horror*
Of course.
It’s almost like the intent is to raise a lot of money.
They are doing this to save Gaia! How dare you call them used car salesmen!
Imagine if the time, energy and money invested in this nonsense could be channeled instead to building nuclear power plants. If you aren’t for safe nuclear power, then you are just an environmentalist poseur.
The commentary from certain Democrats appears to be more politically motivated than directed at improving conditions for migrants in detention.
*Rummages through drawer*
I know I left my *shocked face* around here somewhere.
Canadian Man Arrested for Corvette Squatting
simply occupying the driver’s seat magically made it his
That’s not how personal property works.
Maybe he was mixing his labor with it?
I respect Locke a lot, but he was just flat wrong on that.
mixing his labor
And, yes, that **IS** a euphemism.
Gonna need to get the deluxe car detailing package after that.
Personally, I just think Locke had an aneurysm when he wrote that part of the 2nd Treatise.
I think he was trying too hard to fit in a natural law property right. Lots of libertarians make the same mistake.
Mises and George reached the same point as each other starting from completely different first principles.
Mises: History says land ownership is “might makes right”. Everyone took it from someone by force. But, respecting property rights is a really good idea, even if it has no natural law basis, so we will draw a line and say “From this point on, property rights exist!”
George: Land is owned by everyone equally, but that doesn’t really work, so lets pretend there are property rights because that works [But we will acknowledge the original premise by taxing away the land rents].
I agree with both; property rights of land are a pure fiction created by the state. But it is a damn useful fiction. And my one main nod to utilitarianism. And why I am not an anarchist. [And, of course, why I support the SLT]
The root of all property ownership, land or no land, is might makes right. If you couldn’t defend your chattels, they would be taken from you. Just as you would be driven from your land if you couldn’t defend it.
Just because we started outsourcing the use of force to governments to aid in retention of property doesn’t change that.
That is true of everything. If you can’t defend yourself, you are gonna get murdered, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a natural law right to life.
Natural law is about moral rights. You would still have to defend them or have them defended for you. Right to life and right to the product of your labor fall into this category. Dibs on this particular acre of forest, not so much.
This comes back to Paine and why governments exist. Maybe Locke and Paine and Jefferson were completely BSing us on the reason for governments, just like the social contract people do.
There is no difference in natural rights between this acre of forest and this piece of knapped flint or this integrated circuit.
I still don’t get the reason for differentiating land and other forms of property. I’ve heard it argued that there is a limited amount of land and it cannot be created, so it is imperative that it be shared, but that argument holds for all forms of property. There are limited amounts of resources and you cannot produce an infinite amount of anything.
Because when these arguments were formulated, the rich were landholding agrarians, and they needed a moral excuse to sock it to them. If George lived today, he’d be arguing against a natural right to own stock.
Raw resources would be equivalent to land. No difference.
Improvements to either belong to the person doing the improvement (or anyone they trade/sell it to).
And that is why having the property right is important, so that the improvements can be done to them. I won’t build a house on land I don’t own.
There’s been some recent arguments that Locke, in those sections, was seeking to justify English appropriation of Native American lands.
Yeah, you need to plant a flag somewhere in the car and loudly proclaim that the car now belongs to some king or queen. That’s how proper shitlords steal stuff.
Nah – these days it’s just a majority “democratic” vote.
Hey, finders keepers dood.
I’m paranoid it’s meat’: the rise of vegan conspiracy theories
If you need imitation meat products from fast food places, I’m doubting your dedication to the lifestyle. But stop and think about this. How much civil and regulatory liability would Yum! Brands face if their chain were falsely advertising the ingredients in their vegan options? It is not worth the risk to lie for the off chance of a few more members of a small subculture shopping in their restaurants.
My guess is whatever $10M in 2002 would be now. That is how much McD’s had to pay out to settle a law suit because they used beef tallow in their fries.
And remember, McD’s never said their fries were vegan friendly. They just said that they were now cooking them in 100% vegetable oil. The dolts then assumed on their own that fries were now “suitable for a vegan diet”. Then the dolts were shocked and outraged that there were still beef products in the fries.
$10M because dolts are dolts.
I’m thinking they’d make more than $10M if they rolled out Tallow fries again and actively advertized that was what they were cooked in.
Burgers… KFC? Britain is truly a fucked-up place.
“felt the fake fried chicken tasted alarmingly real”
I think the term burger is being misapplied.
Most vegans start off unbalanced, so this is no surprise.
Related: SP and I served vegetarian tacos to the gathered Glibs last weekend. I was assured that they were remarkably meat-like.
Is it vegetarian if you use meat from some creature in a vegetative state?
I kidnapped a couple people from a Trump rally. The meat was too fatty.
Well, I am glad I will not fall victim to that now that I know your MO OMWC…
I tried it at a Warren rally, but the meat was stringy and smelled funny.
How did you make it through all those smoke signals to get any of them?
So what would they do if a sentient alien lifeform showed up and brought us a delicious (to humans) domesticated alien bovine-like creature which nourished itself via photosynthesis?
Anytime someone offers meat substitutes I always think of this.
And yet, the meat eaters all were shocked. In a good way.
Or they could, I dunno, stop tempting fate and just eat obvious plants.
Shouldn’t fake meat be with the trans stuff upthread?
Veganism is driven by the same psychological factors that drive religious purity rituals. Abstinence and sacrifice are part of it. So is a fear of contamination. So is social coordination.
(And I don’t say this to mock vegans. I happily partake in Christian purity rituals.)
“Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace, and there is no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable,” Wilson said.
“We’re gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down, and they should be prosecuted,” she added. “You cannot intimidate members of Congress, frighten members of Congress. It is against the law, and it’s a shame in this United States of America.”
Nice conflation of satire with intimidation. Anyway, “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…”. So kindly fuck off.
Stupid people don’t get satire. I was gonna broad-brush and say Lefties but early era National Lampoon belies that idea. Remember when the Right were the stiffs?
But it’s totes OK to vilify, denigrate, harass, or otherwise shit talk about Trump.
+1 cock-holster
“frighten members of Congress.”
SJWednesday: The Most Dangerous Game Is the Only Game Worth Playing
something something padded bras
Shit, I never put a sock you-know-where to impress them, so why do they do this to me?
I see you’ve met Clorette DePasto, too…
“I never put a sock you-know-where to impress them”
The author:
>> JewWitch
isn’t that a (((given)))
Speaking of Jewish gals…
::prepares passport::
Ahhh. So a moron, then. Glad we cleared that little bit of confusion up.
How edgy.
Thank you for wading into the fever swamps and reporting back.
“If you ask me, this original intent can never be separated from our versions of contemporary camo-style fashion,”
Cool do American Gun Control
Fuck, beat me to it.
Jesus, that was a singularity of dumbassery. Each paragraph managed to somehow add to a miasmic mass of stupid. I started to dread the end of each because I knew another paragraph of assertion without evidence, logical fallacy, and downright ridiculous (I’m still scared of camo! So scared!) was coming.
I’m pretty sure this idiot has no idea as to why camo was invented. I’m pretty sure that wearing disguising patterns has origins in hunting animals as much as, if not more, than in warfare. But it doesn’t matter, because icky warring men wear it and they probably belonged to the NRA.
Anybody who has to stress how “working class” they are while making a living working at publishing poetry books and writing website articles is kinda suspect, doncha think?
My standard response on twitter to these idiots is to point out they’re actually bourgeois scum. You and i know she’s just a useful idiot but still, it amuses me to point out that in actual clsss terms she’d be a goner in marxism.
This one in particular reeks of trust fund baby syndrome besides.
<— Heads to Bass Pro Shops to buy more camo shirts
“so that they could stealthily hunt people on opposing armies”
Umm, no. It was made so that they were harder for the other army to spot and kill them. Camo is mainly defensive, not offensive.
Ignoramus is ignorant.
Brad Paisley has a sad.
I prefer that song where he tells the girl that he has her back and when they go out in the woods he will check her for ticks and, and then points out that he also has her front.
Until 1977 no branch of the US military issued camouflage uniforms to troops outside of a combat theater.
I tried reading that. I bailed. My brain hurts.
bullshit. Camo has been around since the beginning of time and was originally for hunting game.
You have to understand, these people are just simple farmers.
People of the land.
The common clay of the new West.
You know.
Now do gun control laws.
I don’t know that this is true. The military didn’t really start using Camo on a regular basis until the 20th century and we have examples of Camo being used by hunters going back to antiquity. Sure those specific patterns may have been developed by the military first but the general idea is far older than the military use of it because up unti the development of effective long range rifles and rapid fire artillery high visibility for unit cohesion and communication was far more important to military effectiveness than being unseen by the enemy. as any enemy far enough away that they might not see you was likely beyond the range you could effectively engage them at.
Auto industry icon Lee Iacocca dies at 94
What was more surprising to me was that Iacocca had still been alive.
I thought he was killed in the Watchmen.
I met him back in 92. He was our graduating class speaker and our student council ate lunch with him beforehand. His advice?
– Never start a business with heavy capital requirements unless it’s someone else’s money
– Ross Perot is a good friend of mine, but don’t vote for him, he’s crazy.
Good advice.
Still better than Bush or Clinton.
Perot changed the political landscape so that the government was running surpluses by the end of the 90’s. Then came Bush Jr.
“Compassionate conservatism” was just marxism driving us all at the speed limit over the cliff, as opposed to like a bat out of hell like the other side does it (stolen from someone that posted that here).
I think that was me! I can’t swear that I posted it here, but I’ve used that analogy many times before.
I hate Bush Jr more than Bill Clinton. I’m certain part of it had to with political realities, but with Clinton at least there was an acknowledgement that deficits matter.
And Cheney can rot in hell.
“I hate Bush Jr more than Bill Clinton.”
I hate them equally. But I sure as hell hate the fact that stupid people made/make me defend Bush, on occasion, because they cant stick to the facts to show how horrible he was and have to resort to making up shit.
I remember getting into an argument with some Progressives during the GWB years that if they liked LBJ’s social programs, they should also like GWB’s social programs as they just an extension of the Great Society.
It went about as well as you can expect.
Nope. The last Clinton budget got damn close, but still ran a teeny, tiny deficit.
Fair enough, but it was the best we’ve had for a very long time.
1957 fiscal year was last surplus.
$17,907,308,271.43 to be exact. debt to the penny website
Andy Jackson got the debt down to $33,733.05
Because congress was afraid he’d challenge them to a duel and shoot them if they spent too much.
When someone in that era has been shot that many times and still lived, you had to worry.
Andy Jackson was known as “Bag of Marbles” because of all the bullets still left in him.
RIP Lee. Thanks for the good times I had in my ’65 Mustang convertible.
I see there is a Woke Charmed from last night that I missed. If my dead body is found later this morning, you now know why.
wbitch set you up?Minnesoda Public Radio thinks that rube farmers who voted for Trump in 2016 won’t be so eager to vote for him again now that he is fucking with their illegal labor.
I am very pro-immigration, but I cannot fathom why the MSM thinks stories like this are helpful to their cause. You want me to feel sorry for illegal immigrants for being so stressed out because the Feds are ramping up efforts to catch them? They are illegal. They should feel stressed.
Where are the stories about kiddy diddlers feeling stressed out because undercover cops are trolling the message boards posing as kids? Or about the anxiety that drunks feel because of increased enforcement of DUI laws on holiday weekends? Does no one care about those lawbreakers?
It boils down to the fact that the establishment wing of neither TEAM really wants to “fix” the status quo. In this case, the only way those farmers get their cheap labor without fear of the migras is to move to officially open borders. The clowns on stage last week seem to advocating exactly that but I seriously doubt it’s a winning position in the general.
Another reason that farmers can really get under my nerves sometimes. No one likes to rail more about city folks sucking at the public tit and being a bunch of law breakers more than farmers. All the while they are collecting govt handouts (but those aren’t welfare, nosiree) and hiring illegals.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if Trump announced a program where farmers could sponsor the illegals working for them. All they’d have to do is pay them the minimum wage and abide by other labor laws and the CBP wouldn’t hassle them any more. I’m sure about 75% of the farmers would stick with keeping them illegal.
More good news out of Ohio, this time relating to traffic cameras.
Given their misuse as revenue streams, I am of the opinion that tickets should only be issued when actual damage has been caused.
Most, if not all, traffic related enforcement is about revenue and not about safety. I say so as someone that has spent a considerable amount of time and money making sure the machine that uses traffic enforcement to make the state money know it will always cost them more to try to fine me than it will to leave me alone. There is a reason that I can simply sign my tickets as not guilty and mail it in, and the state agrees with it and lets it go regardless.
Michigan is a “blue state” but is also unexpectedly strange when it comes to some things.
Like we have no drunk driving check points. Also I’ve never seen a traffic camera (at least on this side of the state).
We get the checkpoints, but usually only around specific holidays (looking at you St. Patrick’s Day), and the locations for the checkpoints are announced ahead of time.
Huh – didn’t know that. Never seen one and never had to “participate”. But these days I’m not driving around at 2AM unless I’m getting back from the airport.
On the other hand, isn’t Michigan the state where that kid got shot for flashing his lights at a cop?
Hey now, I never said it was paradise. Just weird.
Minnesoda is also a blue state and has no checkpoints (they were found unconstitutional by the MN Supreme Court). We tried traffic cameras but they went away because they lost in court too.
I still don’t get the Trump baby.
He’s a baby because he responds to criticism? Everyone responds to criticism. I guess we are all babies.
Code Pink is gleefully planning on displaying their Trump Baby balloon on the National Mall during this year’s Fourth of July celebration. They won’t be able to fly the balloon, though; the permit approved by the National Park Service doesn’t allow for them to fill it with helium. It states that the balloon can only be filled with cold air and must be tethered to the ground at all times. No doubt, it will still receive an inordinate amount of positive coverage from the MSM. And, no doubt, it will most likely only serve to aid in reelecting President Trump, but more on that later.
The purpose for Code Pink’s presence as stated on the permit is “To show opposition to a political event called by president on July 4th.”
So you’re saying you hate freedom?
“Some people met on a a certain date a long time ago and an event happened”.
Yes, exactly, “some people did something”.
The purpose for Code Pink’s presence as stated on the permit is “To show opposition to a political event called by president on July 4th.”
So, the president of the United States holding a celebration to commemorate the birth of the United States is somehow a “political event”? Really? Because that implies that a patriotic celebration of our nation’s birth is Republican in nature, and Democrats are in opposition. Is that really the narrative the geniuses on the left want to promote? It’s almost like these idiots are trying to get Trump reelected in a landslide.
I saw quite a bit of anti-July 4 celebration gibberish this morning on tv. Apparently it is racisthomophobicwhitesupremacistproslaverytrumpist and should be abolished. How can we tell? Because Trump is celebrating it.
America MUST be fundamentally changed!
And American history stands in the way of said fundamental change the marxist dream off…
I think it’s a cute homage. Trump should own it.
The horror!!!!!
Shampoo Charades
But who sells them the crappy food? Can we brow beat them into stopping? / Left
Yeah, fuck that. Shampoo is a surfactant (soap). Some of the better shampoos have hair-friendly additives, but those don’t degrade the performance of shampoo as body soap.
I use liquid castile soap for both hair and body. Good enough for me, good enough for them.
Not to mention we have hair all over our body.
Speak for yourself, Hairball!
Hope my kids don’t get wind of this. They’ll be whining that they are being treated as bad as these kids.
It’s almost like I could swear I’ve seen shelves and shelves full of the stuff at Rite Aid being sold to Real Americans®.
“mundane, toiletry-proximal items that was almost certainly not manufactured with anyone’s happiness in mind”
Yeah, the fact that this person doesn’t think personal hygiene makes anyone happy tells me a lot about them, and nothing about the Border Patrol.
I, for one, am happier when I and the people around me are clean.
I don’t know what’s wrong with this author.
I bet this author has never had the kind of job that requires them to take a shower when they get home from work, instead of before.
I saw that guy in the movie Office Space.. Only he was ranting about the customers…
At least we know the price is right.
Falling behind and catching up: India’s transition from a colonial economy
I keep reading such articles hoping for a bit of clarity but most of them are sort of a mess. This one is no different
“Forget it Pie, it’s Sub-continent town”. Just a tangled, torn up mess for 5000 years made worse by the partition. Don’t even try to fathom it.
I had an Indian coworker that told me the worst thing that happened to his country was the British leaving and the people adopting the idiotic belief India was backwards because of colonialism. His point, and it was simply a point you could not argue against logically, was that it created a vacuum for the worst sorts of scoundrels to keep a corrupt and backwards culture in place while blaming colonialism and their old colonial masters for the failures they were now causing themselves.
It is hard to say. It is obvious colonialism had some bad issues and certain development aspects were not priorities. Off course there were issues pre colonialism and there is no telling how local ruling classes would have adapted to the industrial revolution in the 19th century.
I can guarantee you that the most backward countries on this world, all of which still use colonialism to excuse away the fact that they are dysfunctional people being ruled by even more dysfunctional people that is the problem, are shitholes because of their own bad practices. I am not defending colonialism: I am pointing out it provided too many bad actors with excuses to keep doing more of the shit that keeps them backwards.
I will defend colonialism. It made most people stop eating their neighbors and put some fucking shoes on. It is the reason they no longer live in huts made of dung or holes in the ground. It is the reason they don’t wear bones in their noses. it is the reason child virgin sacrifices are almost never performed anymore. If not for colonialism most of the world would still be naked, spear carrying cannibals engaged in life-long war with their closest neighbors and have an average life expectancy of about 30. No blue jeans, no cars, no antibiotics, no hamburgers, no written language.
Fuck the anti-colonialists.
And I left out slavery, but don’t get me started on slavery.
I am distracted. My damned tractor quit working this morning and I don’t feel like working on it.
Crap… equipment malfunctions are the devil!
Very few Japanese blame the US occupation administration for anything done to Japan during the post-war rule of Japan. Heck, some of the introduced reforms nearly pushed the nation to a socialist brink – but most Japanese just wanted to get back to rebuilding and making their country function again.
India was an organized society/culture for millennia before the British showed up and the Brits have been gone for generations. They just don’t seem to be motivated enough to make India work for most of the people who live there.
Well yes but thei say one problem is the effects of brits coming and going. And this is not something testable
Convenient, isn’t it?
Convinient or not, it is a fact. I believe easter Europe would be massively better now had communism been contained to russia after second world war, although not directly testable
See, I don’t equate colonialism in any way or form with the Soviet occupation. In fact, the Soviet occupation was sold as the remedy to colonialism. Marxist economics and oppression have a level of evil/stupid that is impossible to get close to by any other system. Even fascism falls short there IMO.
They could start by eating bacon cheeseburgers.
Was India better off before the Brits came than it was when they left?
The answer to that question is the answer to whether “colonialism” was good or bad for India.
Well the article claims it was better in some ways. But this is not a valid argument imo. If colonialism caused less growth than otherwise, india cam be better after than before but not as good as could have been.
Depends on which part of India you’re talking about. The core regions of the old Mughal Empire were in pretty good shape and it’s hard to know what would have developed if the British (& the French to some extent) had arrived. In the southern regions of India, there was a great deal of chaos around the time the British got really interested (early 18th century). One of the catalysts for British expansion was a general collapse of social structure because of decades of warfare. The British essentially built Calcutta/Kolkata as a base to protect East India Company trade.
To some extent, all this is related to timing. One of the reasons there was little European colonization of India prior to the mid-18th century was because the Mughals were powerful, prosperous, and generally supported by the population. When that order broke down it opened the door.
As a thought experiment, imagine a seaborne Aztec Empire turning up on the shores of England in the midst of the War of the Roses.
You should read Pastwatch: The Resdmption of Christopher Columbus. The premis is that our current timeline was created by someone avoiding that very scenario.
I thought about that book when I read that comment too.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
My Aztec example was in part inspired by Thomas Harlan’s “In the Time of the Sixth Sun” series which creates a future stellar empire ruled by the Aztecs and supported by the Japanese. The back story is that the Mongol invasion of Japan succeeded, the Japanese fled east across the Pacific and brought iron-smelting technology to the Aztecs.
Jayant Bhandari writes some interesting columns over at Liberty Unbound on India.
Imagine finding a paper about the trouble India has with forming a modern industrial culture, hitting Ctrl+f+mar and ctrl+f+sociali and getting no results.
Sure, Jan.
The development of society is a constant struggle between productive and non-productive spheres of the state. The libertarians insist on the minimization of non-productive strata of the nation and keeping government intrusion into economics at bay, whereas socialists rely on the regulation of the entire economic life by the state. Libertarians are categorically against even a fraction of government intrusion into the private life of an individual. The libertarian point of view is right in its principles; however, its whole philosophy, like any scientific theory, has its particular area of application. At some points, the theory does not adequately describe observable phenomena or suggests weak decisions. I would like to dwell on these special moments.
1. Libertarianism works well if all economic partners are friendly and honest and adhere to all its provisions. That is why it is easier to follow its tenets within the boundary of a nation rather than between countries.
2. Libertarianism does not show a good solution at times of war or acute social unrest, where vital decisions must be produced quickly, and all resources must be concentrated on and managed by the authority rather than by the market forces.
3. Libertarianism has weak solutions in some extreme points, such as the maximal concentration of capital that leads to the monopolization of industries or unchecked international divisions of labor.
Libertarians envision an ideal situation where one country produces “bread” and another “butter” and happily trade with each other. This division of labor is fair and economically beneficial for both countries. The citizens of both countries enjoy high quality and low prices of goods. Libertarianism works just fine in case of the division of labor between friendly democratic countries, which have similar economic capabilities and cultural and moral values. However, in the expression “division of labor,” the key word is “labor.” It assumes that the “division of labor” does not lead to a sharp decrease or even disappearance of the opportunity to perform labor in one country and, on the contrary, a rise of employment in another. The jobs are supposed to remain in both countries. The division of labor is optimal when both counterparts keep employment on a high level.
The libertarians do not put a limit on the degree of permissible division of labor, thus they allow it to go to infinity. Libertarianism does not model a situation where a single country behaves like a black hole, sucking in capital and material from the rest of the world — e.g., China. The jobs have been going to China for several decades already, and in the initial stages, the U.S. did not feel the heat. Restructuring the economy helped to absorb freed labor in service and other newly created branches such as I.T. But the flow of capital into low-wage areas has been continuing and soon affected all sectors of the economy. Libertarians consider this process healthy and natural, even though runaway capital leaves whole factories closed. In the long run, the United States has lost entire industries and gotten an enormous trade deficit.
The libertarians need to adjust their point of view to consider trade with the authoritarian countries with military ambitions. It is a matter of national security to keep enough know-how, production capabilities, and economic diversity in case unfriendly regimes decide to stop trading. Besides, libertarians do not consider the fact of cheating by their counterparts. It is not a secret that China is involved in protectionism, currency manipulation, prisoners’ labor, and violations of intellectual property.
I think at least, and at least among this crowd, we just want the government’s founding charter enforced to the letter.
“2. Libertarianism does not show a good solution at times of war or acute social unrest, where vital decisions must be produced quickly, and all resources must be concentrated on and managed by the authority rather than by the market forces.”
The old, we need to take over the economy to defend freedom. It’s an assertion that makes no sense. It argues that a central authority is better at making “quick vital decisions “ but then why are libertarians right the rest of the time?
How bout less war? I think a libertarian state where there is a military can handle that. And acute social unrest is rarely caused by libertarianism and as such less of a worry
Let us NEVER start a war unless we intend to do whatever it takes to make it as short as possible and win it. The shit we do today is evil.
The first step would be to show me where in the world we’re defending freedom (successfully).
The Federal Reserve, fiat money, fractional reserve banking, taxpayer funded bailouts, and manipulated interest rates are oh so libertarian.
Quick Rant:
Despite my Avatar I only recently got a gym membership and started lifting. It has been really great but today I’m pissed. It might be because I fucked up and tweaked my back on the deadlift. It might be because of the douche doing his 30 min circuit monopolizing 3 sets of equipment. I have no problem waiting if someone is actively using (ie lifting or doing their rests) but switching between equipment is a douche mobe.
/reasons I workout in my garage
Basement. I could never deal with the bullshit of gym membership, when a reasonable investment in a good bench and free weights is all I really need.
Yeah… I actually find it pushes me to go because I’m paying for it. I mean I like working out, but it’s an added reason to make sure I get my but out of bed and go work out.
I guess I’ve been working out for so long (since about 11 years of age) it’s just part of the daily routine, like brushing my teeth. It actually bugs the shit out me when I have some injury which interferes with working out.
And unfortunately as I age, all those old injuries are now coming back to remind me of my misadventures too…
And unfortunately as I age, all those old injuries are now coming back to remind me of my misadventures too…
I’ve had difficulties exercising as of late and it’s beginning to show. I’ve got to get back into the gym but, to be honest, it just hurts anymore. I know the longer I wait, the worse it will be. Getting old sucks.
My last job pushed me so hard for my time that I ended up not running or working out for almost a year. That was one of the reasons I had to quit.
When the kids came along I was turning 50 and found I couldn’t hit the gym the way I always had done. So I found new ways of keeping in shape – pull-up bar in the stairway, kettlebells, one barbell for a little heavy work – but mostly running and body-weight exercises.
Since quitting my last job I have been getting back into a good routine – running and mostly body weight and kettlebells – with a focus on full range of motion. Pull-ups/chin-ups have to top out chest-to-bar, push-ups on wood blocks so I decline chest-to-block, etc. I get in one or two sessions of isolation free weights at a local Army installation (now that I’m retired from the reserves).
I’ve also cut out almost all sugar and quit as much simple carbs as I can do practically. Health is too precious at this stage of my life.
But Japanese rice is such a staple! Not to mention tasty.
I finally got my wife to start making 100% Genmai (un-threashed rice) for me. She kept adding it with some standard white rice until she realized that we both needed to change our diets.
Yes, white rice tastes good. But my body is more than just my tongue. And Genmai is pretty good anyway – just not the same as white rice.
I’ve eaten some quite tasty genmai rice.
Still, of course, carb heavy, but I’m fortunate that I can eat a modest amount of carbs.
Aren’t gym memberships just for checking out the bodies of other people?
I have a weight bench, a flat bench, and a dip/pull-up station. Works well enough for me, especially with some bands to “replicate” rowing machine or pull downs.
Only problem is December though February the 0-20 degree temps are usually too cold for lazy winter-version me. So I usually lose most of my gains, only to get ’em back next year. ::sigh::
What I really need is an attachment to the house, or a better way to heat my garage.
kerosene heater work ?
( I can’t imagine it wouldn’t )
Yeah it would – just worried about venting.
I have one of these:
Buy an extra hose and connect to a 20-lb propane tank.
I also have the double burner version:
I have used this in a 14 ft by 14 foot canvas tent with a 12 ft ceiling. Kept the tent plenty warm when there was frost on the ground outside.
And yes, they are safe to use in an enclosed space (within reason, don’t light up the double burner in closet and see if you can survive).
thanks – looks like that would work.
15 minutes before your workout, put all of your weights into a 400 degree oven.
That’s the kind of advice I respect.
Stare at him until he slinks away. If it doesn’t work, get bigger.
If it doesn’t work, get bigger.
And unleash the Doomcock of Doom!
This message has been approved by the USDA.
Hate gyms.
Too many phonies and trendies.
I on ocassion use 2 lieces of equipment in parallel but i only claim the main one. The other i hope it is free when i need
And that’s fine. Especially if it’s something like a machine. But when you’ve got your barbell with weights still on it, everyone else is the dick for “taking” your equipment
If i have a barbell it is always my primary. And my secondary is never a second barbell
I love circuit training, but i never do it if there are enough people around that I would monopolize the equipment.
My current job has a fairly decent gym on site that I have taken advantage of. When I first started I inadvertently started a small kerfuffle because I moved a water bottle and a phone from one of the two flat benches so I could use it. The owner of the phone and water bottle was using the other flat bench and was miffed I moved his stuff. When he bitched, I was nonplussed and said something like “dude, you don’t need a bench for your stuff”. That ended it for the day, but I found out later that he was some big wig in the company and had complained to some other people.
On the other hand, I met a lot of people because they told me privately that they loved the fact that I moved his crap because he has been doing that shit for a long time and none of them had ever dared move his crap. WTF is up with people?
I have no problem waiting if someone is actively using (ie lifting or doing their rests) but switching between equipment is a douche mobe.
Sometimes when I’m supersetting I’ll need to switch between equipment, but on those days I make sure to work out when the gym isn’t busy. And if someone wants to work in, I let them.
Now that the college kids are home, the gym has too many of those little douchebags. Happily, the regulars have become more aggressive about speeding the little fuckers along and shaming them into getting their shit together.
Also, no one needs 5 minutes between sets on bench. You can fucking Insta with your douchebag friends later!
I went the other day after work (I get off around 2-3) and the class of people was entirely different all teenager to young 20s and it just had the air of people who were unserious. I caught one kid checking himself out. Not even lifting, just flexing. After that I vowed to not sleep in and miss my morning time slot.
LOL! I saw one little peacock doing tricep cable pressdowns while performing an almost perfect Blue Steel. So sad.
That’s one of the things I enjoy about the Army gym I’ve been using. Because of the time of day when I get there it’s pretty much empty – sometimes I am turning the lights on. It has more free weights and machines than I’ll ever need and zero crowds during the daytime.
I try to go right about 1pm. By then, the lunch crowd is done and it is much less crowded. During the winter it is just the same dozen people I’ve seen for the last 6 or 7 years. All business.
I actually like the gym. I work at home a lot and the idea of trying to lift here doesn’t appeal at all.
I like working out at home but the timing (first thing in the morning) doesn’t work so well with getting grade-school kids out the door on time. I’ve had to chop my routine into shorter pieces for different days.
I’m usually in the gym during lunch but the “crowd” there is only 3 or 4 people. Too easy to work around them. I’m lucky it’s an Army facility so profit doesn’t support its existence. I’m pretty sure the place gets plenty of traffic in the late afternoon and evenings.
Hope you are learning that when that happens, the solution is move movement, not to baby your back.
Always be ready to do your whole routine with only barbells and dumbbells. The idiots that designed the gym I go to put in 3x as much cardio equipment than is ever utilized during peak time, and the weight room is undersized. the only thing I *need* is the squat rack when I’m doing heavy squats because there’s no way I’m going to clean and press a barbell onto my back. And I guess a bench.
But you should just walk up to the guy and ask him to work in. If he says no, just start using it while he’s on something else and play dumb “I thought you were done”.
“Always be ready to do your whole routine with only barbells and dumbbells”
Yeah, that’s what I try to do. The main thing was he was using the one hex bar which I prefer, and so I switched to use the dumb bell and fucked up my form. I should have used lower weight but wasn’t thinking.
Or you could just say “fuck you, you don’t own the equipment.”
I read on Return of Kings that laconic passive aggressive is more alpha than regular aggressive.
I received this list of Google alternatives from a friend. I browsed through. It’s probably a good reference for people who don’t know where to start.
Enough lollygagging around here. Time to mow the yard.
Oh, you don’t mow your lawn at 6 am like the guy who lives behind me?
I’m gonna get that bastard somehow.
What an asshole. I am a very early riser, but I never start noisy yard work until 8:00 am.
That’s usually when I do it….or, more likely these days, my son. It’s still new enough to him that he actually likes mowing the lawn.
Ask Rand Paul how to deal with a shitty neighbor.
Hit his fist with your face?
And ribs. Don’t forget the ribs.
My neighbor was mowing his lawn at 10:30 the other night
Buy a catapult and shoot wasp nests at the mother fucker…
Whelp, I’m tapping out. Off to the Land of Nod. Have fun Glibs!
Night night Festus.
Re Detention centres and Obama.
WHAT ABOUTISM! = How dare you point out our hypocrisy and disingenuous double standards!
Barry didn’t know about it because CNN didn’t report it.
i can only aspire to kick so much ass when i’m their age..
“Z Burger’s Peter Tabibian isn’t sure the ban is a great idea. But he’s tossing out tens of thousands of plastic straws and promising to replace them with something safer for the environment. “I ordered metal straws,” he said. “That’s what’s really going to help the environment.”
D.C. says businesses can use bamboo, hay, steel or glass — or no straw at all. Just not plastic.
Straws may be only a small percentage of the plastic waste we dump. But millions already pollute our waterways.”It doesn’t disintegrate in the water,” said Benjamin Gildea, 8, sipping guiltily on a soda with a plastic straw. “So it gets in turtles’ noses, so I really believe that these straws should be banned.”
Here’s one more wrinkle. Businesses are still required to keep a few plastic straws on hand for people with disabilities who find it tough to use any other kind.”
Jesus me, Ben.
And straws made of glass? How safe is that?
It’s like they never saw Scarface.
Not many people watch movies from the 1930s anymore.
Leni Riefenstahl is making a comeback.
She’s hiring out her services to a number of the Democrat candidates.
Just got a flash to Bag O Glass on SNL.
“See, it’s got a warning right on the bag: ‘Hey Kids, Broken Glass'”
Who’s gonna be the premiere troll and setup little stands for people to take a straw from near restaurants so people can grab a plastic straw on their way in?
My wife assures me that as long as I put aside the money for bail, I am free to buy boxes of plastic straws and leave them at restaurants around here.
“tossing out tens of thousands of plastic straws”
Huh and how are they being disposed of?
“It doesn’t disintegrate in the water,” said Benjamin Gildea, 8, sipping guiltily on a soda with a plastic straw. “So it gets in turtles’ noses, so I really believe that these straws should be banned.”
Policy written by 8 year olds because they saw that one video that is a fair and accurate representation of what happens all the time.
I’ve had this image of some old turtle telling the young-uns how he and his peers used to show how cool and edgy they were by wearing a plastic straw in their nose (mostly because their shape didn’t allow them to wear a belt from which they could carry an onion…)
But millions already pollute our waterways.
Citation, please. Because over 95% of all plastic in the oceans comes from just ten rivers in Africa and Asia. North America and Europe are not the problem, and banning straws and other plastic things will have no effect.
Don’t you know restaurants don’t just throw the straws in the trash to be sent to landfills which don’t drain into the waterways but instead make special trips to the nearest stream to chuck them into the water.
“Straws may be only a small percentage of the plastic waste we dump. But millions already pollute our waterways.”It doesn’t disintegrate in the water,” said Benjamin Gildea, 8, sipping guiltily on a soda with a plastic straw. “So it gets in turtles’ noses, so I really believe that these straws should be banned.”
No way.
“And a child shall lead them.”
…to their doom.
Step aside Axe, we have a new champion of the scrawny, man-child.
Shit, I think Bernie was right about this one.
If you’re going to name any hygiene product “X Box”, start with a douche.
Brilliant marketing man….
Axe Box?
Is that a reference to the fact that it looks like an axe wound that won’t heal and bleeds 5 days out of the month?
It’s made by Axe.
Fighting back.
And would.
Bingo. The entire purpose of Title IX (at this point) is to do thru the universities what the Constitution forbids them to do otherwise.
As Barrett wrote, the evidence suggests that the committee “decided that John was guilty based on the accusation rather than the evidence.”
Evidence is a tool of white, male supremacy and misogyny.
Now that it’s ok to kill iguanas, I just had to Google how to actually kill one. Turns out you have to do it in a way that kills it instantly. If you do it in a way that makes it suffer, you can be charged with animal cruelty. I’d guess a .22 would work, but apparently it’s illegal in Florida to shoot outside of a range. Just wait until those iguanas make it to Indiana. I frequently hear rapid gunfire coming from the nearby farms where people just shoot in their back yards.. The iguanas wouldn’t stand a chance.
A friend in Texas goes out hunting wild pigs, as do tens of thousands of other Texans. Yet the frigging pigs seem to be thriving.
It will be impossible to wipe out wild hogs. They multiply like rabbits.
Wanton Wednesday contains tits that hit you like a cement milkshake.
Does #2 really need that tube with her built-in personal flotation devices? Does #2 get tired of hearing questions like this?
“Does #2 get tired of hearing questions like this?”
If she does, she’s an idiot. You don’t get implants like that for people to not notice them.
Your NY tax dollars…
A failed high school chemistry experiment results in nearly $60 million in damages
As a kid I’ve lit many things on fire. But in a classroom on an open bench it really doesn’t seem like a good idea to mess around with ethanol. It’s tough to see burn.
I once blew up a chemistry lab making nitroglycerin in high school… I still remember the ass kicking I got from my dad for that..
Oh shit. I remember looking the process over and thinking “nope”.
Heh, I was the idiot that thought “why not?”. My dad got a $5K bill (back in 1980) and he made sure I worked that off…
What’s with the X on the first one?
Bah, at Q
That’s where the surgeon went in for the implants.
And on a lighter note!
Restaurant with ‘My Girlfriend is Not Hungry’ menu item goes viral
Cue boycotts in 3… 2… 1….
I fail to see the problem. In fact, it addresses a very real problem.
Hell, a brewery up here almost got me in trouble with the girlfriend once. We were there eating, sitting at the bar, and I ordered one last beer before we were going to close the tab. The beer was a nice Pilsener with the name, “Separate Czechs”. They’ve talked about naming a beer, “Just Water For Now” as well. Their Christmas beer: Three Hos.
I think I would like this brewery.
These social signaling laws are the Progressivism religion’s equivalent of blue laws. And climate change is de debil, hiding in plain sight everywhere, responsible for most of the ills of the world.
On the plastic straw ban, New Zealand says “hold my beer” with a nation-wide ban on “single-use” plastic bags.
The Ministry for the Environment has even created an online portal for the public to report businesses which don’t comply.
Sorry, didn’t realize the Herald had brought in a paywall. Here’s a different article on five things you need to know about the ban. It ionadvertently shows how stupid the ban is since ” People will still be able to buy lightweight barrier bags, like the ones that you get in the deli or butchery, along with bin liners, pet waste bags and nappy bags. Also exempt were bags used in packaging, like bread bags and pouches for cooked chicken.”
When NY’s ban goes into effect next year, in addition to paying to purchase and wash cloth bags, I will have to separately purchase (single-use!) bags for recycling and litter box clean up and various other second-hand uses I have for grocery store bags today. To heal the planet.
No more condoms?
Nope. Just mandatory re-use.
+1 condom patch kit.
Can I reuse my own, or do I have to share?
No one wants to share with you Q. By the time you are done with them, you’ve chewed all the taste out of them.
The spermicide is just so tasty!
New Zealand’s descent into a dystopian, totalitarian shithole continues apace.
Yeah, the Herald earlier this week was all triumphant about some teenage kid who’d been arrested several days earlier finally “admitting” he possessed a copy of the mosque shooting.
I know you are, but what am I?
“Do you know the Fourth of July is a celebration of this country’s independence, are you aware of that?” White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway asked a reporter on Tuesday morning in response to his question about the planned celebration. When the reporter replied in the affirmative, Conway said this: “You are? You know what happened July 4, 1776? OK. Because it doesn’t sound like you’re even talking about the patriotism that undergirds it.”
The dynamic, as Conway and the White House see it, is simple: If you are questioning why Trump is using July 4 to put on a show of military might, you simply don’t either understand what it means to be an American or you don’t love your country properly.
Which is, uh, well, problematic.
There’s a reason that no president before Trump has turned July 4 into, well, what Trump is turning it into. And that reason isn’t that they didn’t love America enough or understand what makes this country great.
Instead, they understood that there is a very fine line between patriotism and nationalism. (FWIW: Patriotism is, according to Merriam Webster, a “love for or devotion to one’s country.” Nationalism is a “sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.”)
CNN haz a outrage. Trump doesn’t even know what it means to be a True American Patriot.
“CNN haz a outrage. Trump doesn’t even know what it means to be a True American Patriot.”
Worshiping at the altar of Marx, team blue, and insanity, is my guess of what CNN considers patriotism.
Yes, we have massive military might. But we also believe in diplomacy, avoiding military conflicts at all costs and using force as only a last resort.
No. You don’t believe that.
They believe the opposite of whatever Bad Orange Man does. See: Iran strike called off.
Like, omigod.
Cilizza is a dick but, OTOH, this kind of military display is what third world banana republics and mid-20th century dictators do. Trump could celebrate patriotism without this bullshit.
Agreed. Sure is funny that Cilizza is worried about the cost, though.
Yeah, the hypocrisy on spending from both sides is astounding. I had friends who cheered on every Obama program objecting to one of Trump’s early initiatives (can’t remember which one now) SOLELY because of the deficit. Then, of course, their are my conservative friends who haven’t met a “defense” expenditure they didn’t love.
My bet is he is doing this because he knows it pissed the people that hate him off.
That is pretty much his modus operandi.
That said, I’m not seeing how this is “political”.
Standard leftist M.O. Everything they don’t like is partisan.
They act as though treating the fourth as another day to worship the military is a new development.
I don’t think parking two tanks on the grounds and having the blue angels fly over is exactly ‘a show of military might’. In fact, since childhood I have been to J4 celebrations that had exactly that or more. But hey, it’s CNN town, whadayagonnado?
The parading of military has long been the stuff of dictators and authoritarian regimes — from Iran to North Korea to Russia. The leaders — military and civilian — in the United States have avoided that sort of thing because, well, the strongest guy in the gym doesn’t need to go around telling everyone how strong he is. It’s understood. Yes, we have massive military might. But we also believe in diplomacy, avoiding military conflicts at all costs and using force as only a last resort.
Trump doesn’t seem to grasp that nuance. Or he grasps it and either doesn’t care or doesn’t agree.
“That’s not what I would do. You’re stoopid.”
Amd- speaking of tanks, what are the odds we get our very own Tank Man on the 4th? There must be some brave antifa soldier willing to dive under the rolling treads to strike a blow against authoritarianism in Trump’s America on Independence Day.
I think the military parade is lame. Let those guys have a day off. But now a bunch of joes are being grilled by First Sergeant to make sure they look pretty for the presidents military parade
Speaking of real soldiers, I feel for the guys forced to participate in that spectacle when they should be drinking 1 beer and eating 1 hotdog and/or hamburger grilled by the 1SG at a mandatory fun event.
I feel the same way about those poor bastards who get roped into participating at any “Armed Forces Appreciation Day” sportzball days. You know that they had at least 3 inspections prior to the game to make sure that their uniforms were sat. And how many formations/drills did they have to go to to make sure they looked sharp during the game.
Also, 1 hotdog and 1 beer? That is why you should have joined the Marines. Our gatherings were always flowing with booze.
doesn’t need to go around telling everyone how strong he is
I grant that Trump is a speak loudly and carry a big stick character, but this does not correspond to foreign policy. Other countries should know that we are not to be messed with. That said, the parade is a dumb waste of money. But the hysterical coverage should be entertaining.
Further, it’s not the first time we’ve done something similar.
brave antifa soldier
Anitfa don’t play outside their comfort zone.
It wouldn’t be the first time they have rioted in DC, and I seem to recall that after a few arrests, everything was quietly dismissed (not sure). I think DC may be one of their safe spaces.
STEVE SMITH DELIVER KEYNOTE, AND BY KEYNOTE MEAN…Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference coming to Gatlinburg July 27.
Is it bad for me to say “I told you so”?..
The decision to let biological males compete has “deprived many girls of opportunities to achieve public recognition, a sense of reward for hard work, opportunities to participate in higher level competition, and the visibility necessary to attract the attention of college recruiters and resulting scholarships,” states the complaint, filed in mid-June.
Totally irrelevant if you believe they are girls. I don’t, but I’m not filing the complaint.
I think we all knew this was coming.
Feel terrible for girls in that position.
Wokeness is completely shitting on all the progress of many groups they claim to represent. Women, gay, black, disabled, all those hard-fought gains are now being sacrificed for the sake of increasingly smaller minorities.
I argue that mindless #resist is a huge problem. If every enemy of my enemy is my friend, soon I’m sharing the tent with folks I absolutely abhor.
Take women’s sports. To the extent that its growth in the US is a sexual justice issue, it is absolutely undermined by the I-identify-as bizarreness. So lots of big-tent woke types are watching what had seem to them as advances be undermined by SJW tolerance of chicks-with-dicks ruining legitimate competition.
At some point they need to understand that #resist is bankrupt; they need to define their first principles . . . and stick to them when it means calling out seeming allies.
Herein lies the problem. It’s no longer socially acceptable to hurt someone’s feelings, particularly if they’re of a “victim” group. The trannies know this and are using it to their advantage.
Everyone is afraid of them, so they give them what they want. It will never be enough, because these people cannot ever have enough to feel validated. It’s not even worth trying to do so, never mind the other obvious reasons for not complying with their little tyrannical demands.
The situation in Connecticut is the most eggregious (they only have to identify as F), but the NCAA policy (one year of hormone therapy) still doesn’t make sense. I’ve mentioned this before, but it seems to me that even if hormone levels are suppressed, bone structure doesn’t change — I’m guessing women’s hips are not as conducive to running.
Just wait until the women’s national soccer team is replaced by transwomen. It might make their games entertaining…
Up until, oh, last week I might have thought the public wouldn’t stand for that. Now, I’m not so sure.
The rumor that it’s coming to the Olympics, if true, makes it even more likely.
I so hope it does, that would be delicious. Watching the woke squad devour each other will be schadenfreudtastic.
If we’re lucky, maybe Title IX will go up in flames.
Speaking of women’s soccer, BBC Sport had a story this morning about the possibility of the Premier League taking over the English Women’s Super League (the top tier of women’s football in England) from the FA. There’s a lot of details in the story including the observation that the WSL is the only full-time women’s league in Europe. But, what really caught my eye was that the average attendance last season was < 1000. It's hard to see this as something either the EPL or the FA sees as a money-making issue.
I’m sure they’ll just siphon off a few hundred million from the vault of cash generated by the men every year to prop it up.
No doubt. But I was mainly surprised by the attendance. You’d think if there was huge amounts of interest from women in England, the crowds would be higher. There were 53k at the England/US game yesterday, but I can’t find out ticket prices or freebies. I know there were a lot of free tickets for the women’s champion’s league final.
I watched a few games from the previous US league which was airing on regular cable at the time, and the crowds were better than 1,000. The final was in my hometown (a minor hot-bed way back in the day) and it was around 10,000 which I think was a record. So yeah, I would think the PL could gin up bigger crowds than in the past if they drive more attention to it.
The NBA has been absorbing large losses to keep the WNBA going since the day it started.
I wonder what ticket sales will be like
at least Florida Man can have a garden
Starting July 1, any local ordinance that expressly limits or prohibits growing vegetables on one’s own property will be “void and unenforceable.”
Three cheers for IJ, the governor and the legislature.
Hisses for the busybodies that caused this nonsense.
Every detailed story I read about the accusations against the SEAL officer make most of his team sound like a giant pack of bitching pussies.
Yeah I don’t know. The problem is getting any good info, due to the high profile and charged nature of war crimes trial.
My Dad is convinced the other SEAL is lying, which on one hand is crazy to think someone would do but on the other hand I could see it happening.
I think the military parade is lame.
No argument here. I just find it fascinating to watch all the kneejerk huffing and puffing. If Trump had said, “Hey, let’s NOT celebrate the Perpetual War State we have become. Let’s make this 4th of July celebration about finding ways to promote real freedom and independence at home and abroad,” the same idiots would be crying about how Trump hates teh TROOPS and wants to destroy our standing as the leader of the free world.
Speaking of real freedom, local suburban city council kicked off a shit storm when they voted to no longer routinely pledge allegiance to the flag before meetings.
I got stuck doing a bit of driving yesterday and got stuck having to listen to local GOPer rant and rave about how un-American this was. He went on and on about how only a snow flake would object to pledging allegiance (or at least silently – but respectfully – tolerating it).
Shit like that is why I couldn’t ever be a GOP-ite. They are just as much a precious snow flake as any millennial when it comes to their precious hobby horses.
When I recently opined here that there was nothing necessarily freedom-loving about conservatives, I was answered with this treatise: “bullshit.”
But let me assure you: most of your neighbors, regardless of how they vote, want you to be free to do what they tell you do. These same people think they are freedom-loving, red-blooded Americans.
When I recently opined here that there was nothing necessarily freedom-loving about conservatives, I was answered with this treatise: “bullshit.”
If you’re referring to the same conversation that I’m thinking of, then I’m the one who said “bullshit”. Of course, there was more to my response, and your original comment was more along the lines of “conservatives are just as authoritarian as progs”, which is bullshit.
“conservatives are just as authoritarian as progs”,
no . . . you just enjoy thinking I think that way
You think that he thinks what you think is actually not how he thinks you think.
In all seriousness, conservativism went wrong as soon as National Review came on the scene. Bill Buckley is history’s greatest villain. If Taft would have defeated Eisenhower for the GOP nomination and then won the presidency the country would have been better off.
And I sincerely mean that
By the way here’s the “one word treatise” you seem to have conveniently forgotten:
However, I was wrong about what you said. You didn’t compare conservatives to progs. You merely said:
Which, as somebody who has known and worked with many conservatives and conservative movements, I can say that most of the people were generally freedom loving. Sure, they aren’t libertarians. There’s a reason I’m not a conservative. However, by and large theyre pro-free markets, pro-deregulation, pro-private/charter/homeschooling, pro-Constitution. They suck on the drug war, warmongering, and some culture war issues, but to pretend that there’s not even a fiber of a foundation of freedom seems way off in my opinion. Of course, all of the neo-prohibitionists and nosy church ladies I’ve met have either been squishy moderates or FDR democrats, so maybe I’m biased.
Yeah, that’s ridiculous. We didn’t even do it in HS.
When you’ve lost Farheed…
Actually, no, it doesn’t. At least, not in the US. The UN might have other ideas but they don’t write our laws.
This this this this this this….
No work until Monday, smoking a jibber, watching the Blue Angels do test runs for the Air Show this weekend from my backyard, life is groovy.
Is it the good good?
Girl Scout Cookies
That looks like the goOd goOd. Happy trials.
“Why am I being asked for my age to view Girl Scout Cookies?”
So what does $11.00 buy you?
About a gram.
What? I had no idea that a filthy hippie such as yourself lived near me. There goes the neighborhood
No shit? I’m in Avondale. NKC Hospital is part of my skyline.
Cilizza is a dick but, OTOH, this kind of military display is what third world banana republics and mid-20th century dictators do. Trump could celebrate patriotism without this bullshit.
Also true, but all I hear is, “OMG, like, gold-plated faucets? And did you see those gaudy tasteless picture frames? How totally gauche and lame and stuff! Spluh!”
St. Louis County settles for $750,000 in case where SWAT team shot family dog
– They had to conduct a no-knock search, these people were delinquent on their utility bill.
To be fair, what’s the point of being a Silicon Valley zillionaire if you’re not going to run a harem.
His only mistake was getting married at all.
JFK agrees.
His mistake was not divorcing the bitch like I did…
/O.J. Simpson
I’ve been thinking about this “crisis” at the border, and the idea of open borders. If the Democratic candidates ever get their way and we do have open borders, can you imagine what that would look like? I’m picturing tens of thousands of people walking over the border every day. Where would all those people go? How would they sign up for their free health care? Where would they sleep? Where would they get food? It would be as bad as any refugee crises we’ve ever seen.
welfareprosperity for everyone? /Cato, Reason, et alWe will finally reach a truly just system with two classes of people!
The masters and the serfs….
“If the Democratic candidates ever get their way and we do have open borders, can you imagine what that would look like?”
Like their debates, which in themselves look like a clown car?
Here’s the issue:
Absent the routine abuse of property rights the government engages in, employment markets would eventually just sort themselves out; it would essentially be like neighboring states in the US.
HOWEVER, given the current welfare state, all that would happen is that government services would be rapidly overwhelmed and the economy would collapse in short order. To the Dems, along with all the new voters, this is a feature not a bug. That they have adopted the Cloward-Piven strategy has been an open secret for a while now, regardless of whatever lip service they pay to economic growth. You have to tear down the existing order so you can build a new one.
employment markets would eventually just sort themselves out
Well, yeah, but not necessarily to the advantage of the people already here. Or at least not necessarily to the advantage of some of the people already here. Like trade, immigration is probably a net positive for the economy. But, that net benefit masks the fact that there are also some pretty significant distributive effects. Importing a whole lot of comparatively cheap foreign labor will only depress wages and earnings for low-skilled domestic labor. Sure, it’s a significant step-up for the immigrants coming from the Third World. But, a step up for someone from the Third World can still be a massive step down by American standards. The benefits of those lower wages tend to be enjoyed more thoroughly by people higher up on the economic food chain.
I wonder how much enlightened acceptance of the world’s underclass the American left would display if there were a directive that immigrants from the Third World should be given priority for all jobs in academia, academic administration, teaching, the bureaucracy and entertainment.
I don’t really see how the second follows from the first.
Consider the following thought experiment. A ruthless and vicious ideologue takes over a major political party and gains a filibuster-proof majority in the legislature of legislators who are so servile they will vote for whatever legislation he demands.
And he immediately suspends all welfare programs leaving their beneficieries suddenly scrounging.
Would such a change crash the economy? It would impact it significantly, sure, and in ways difficult to predict now. But such a withdrawal of state-provisioned charity would in no way imperil the economy.
Similarly a boost in the number of people qualifying for government benefits that cause these charities to collapse due to underfunding would not imperil the economy any further than it is already imperiled by the massive deficit spending the government engages in to ‘pay’ for current social programs.
What mechanism do you see causing a collapse due to an expansion of people demanding handouts?
I’m not a macroeconomic expert, but my guess is that the debt would balloon to 200%+ of GDP, companies would pull cash out of domestic markets to put elsewhere causing a massive cash crunch, banks would start defaulting on debt since they wouldn’t have any money, the dollar value and the stock market would both plunge.
Would that result in Mad Max? No, but it would create lots of misery, poverty and discontent; perfect for some strongman to come in an “fix” the problems.
Again, I’m not an expert and maybe it wouldn’t happen. Regardless, it’s hard for me to see how drastically increasing the number of people on the government teat could be good or even neutral.
So you are saying it would be “bad luck” like Heinlein called it?
“employment markets would eventually just sort themselves out”
I highly doubt that what with all the government interference in employment markets already. One only has to look at Europe to see how refugee/immigrants have a harder time finding work. If anything unions would get more powerful. The Dems think this is all peachy, but they seem to get their European news about 12 years late.
I just picture that first week when we say, “Border is open, come on in!” It’s going to look like a hurricane hit.
You know there would be non-profits at the border with iPads registering people.
And you know they would get a commission from the welfare bureaucracy for every new person registered.
The US is a rich country because it exploited poor countries through colonialism. That’s it in a nutshell. You’d have no right to deny them entry into the US or deny them healthcare if you believe that. Their logic is consistent if you look at it that way.
“Open borders” never actually means “open borders”. It usually just means “open (southern) border”. They’re not making it any easier for someone from the Philippines to move here. Their proposals only benefit Mexicans and the few central Americans that are able to traverse Mexico and make it to the US before the Mexican police deport them back to their home country.
This actually makes a lot of sense when you consider that the Democratic Party’s strongest supporters are college kids who are adherents to the Faith of Wokeness and its intersectional nonsense and upper class urban whites. The first group benefits because their faith places higher value on brown skin while the latter group benefits from virtual slave labor.
Like all political positions, the policy makes sense if you consider what voters they rely on for election.
^^^This. You forgot the pols at the top who want the system to go bankrupt so they can ride in on their white horses and save us from the inevitable failure of capitalism that caused the bankruptcy. It only proves the old system doesn’t work and we need Bernieist-Marxist-Corporatist socialism to fix everything.
“I’ll have those wetbacks voting Democrat for the next 200 years!”
Also, if this came to pass, I can easily see Mexico no longer playing along with our demands that they control their own southern border. They’d be back to hustling Central Americans north like they had been up until last week.
The problem will solve itself once the US is as poor as the rest of those countries so… win?
I’ve said this several times, though. Hispanics are not going to deliver Democrats a permanent majority. In fact, they may end up hurting them in the long term. The two major parties continue to rely HEAVILY on white voters. Democrats rely on wealthy whites and singles, while Republicans rely on middle class whites and married. Hispanics split between the two parties.
And if Trump was smart he’d give Venezuelans blanket refugee status if they reach the US. The voting patterns of people who flee socialist countries is lopsided toward Republicans, hence why Poles love Republicans (in general) and despise Democrats.
Sure about that? Hispanics voted 66% to 28% against Trump, for example.
That’s what I thought – I mean, if the Dems thought Hispanics were voting Republican they would have shut down the border long ago. As it is, they think they are importing more voters for themselves.
Of course that’s an improvement over Romney, and I believe McCain.
The percentage of Hispanics voting Republican has declined since the Bush administration. But, on the state level, such as Texas Republicans perform very well with Hispanics. There are other elections beyond national elections
Further these numbers are based upon those who self identify as “Hispanic”, which studies have shown stops being the identity of second and especially third generation Hispanics. Likely those who self-identify as Hispanic will be more apt to vote Democratic, because their ethnic identity is more important to them (thus achieving the essence of wokeness).
Hispanics split between the two parties.
Are you claiming Hispanics don’t favor Democrats? You got a source for that, because that’s definitely not the impression I get, but I could be wrong.
Ass backwards reasoning, FTW!
The National Rifle Association aired an avalanche of TV ads and pushed its 5 million-plus members to the polls for Donald Trump in 2016, propelling him in the Rust Belt states that delivered him the presidency.
Now, the gun rights group is in total meltdown — and senior Republicans and Trump 2020 officials are alarmed.
In recent weeks, the NRA has seen everything from a failed coup attempt to the departure of its longtime political architect to embarrassing tales of self-dealing by top leaders. The turmoil is fueling fears that the organization will be profoundly diminished heading into the election, leaving the Republican Party with a gaping hole in its political machinery.
With the Chamber of Commerce and Koch political network withdrawing from their once-dominant roles in electing conservatives, Republicans worry that three organizations that have long formed the core of their electoral infrastructure will be effectively on the sidelines.
Without the [insert Goldstein of choice] performing their mind control voodoo on the unwashed mob, Trump would never have won that election.
With the NRA
Weather Machinepolitical action committee in disarray, a Democrat will surely win. It’s inevitable.VICTORY IS AT HAND
I don’t want to get all team Rah-Rah, but I do fear a Democrat win in 2020. It would be a big shift to the left, since that is the flavor of the week (more like decade). ie – we won because the “majority” agrees with us. Even if the Republicans kept the senate, the gridlock ala Obama would mean lots of crazy presidential fiats. It would be the battle of the judicial branch.
Not only that, they are out for blood and are going to punish the fuck out of wrong-thinkers just for spite.
one rule that works both ways:
Just because the MSM and social media is full of derp, it doesn’t mean that Trump isn’t a moron.
Just because team Red isn’t ready for primetime over a year in advance doesn’t mean that any of the Blue candidates are remotely viable.
“Koch political network”
Should be noted that the Kochs still spend big bucks on electing Republicans, but they are the shitty Republicans. Now they’re branching out to help elect “moderate Democrats”, you know like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. The rise of the neocon libertarians
“Failed Coup”
Some Board Members tried to do their job.
I don’t want to get all team Rah-Rah, but I do fear a Democrat win in 2020.
The notion of President Kamala Harris fills me with dread. For all the weeping and wailing about Trumpthoritarianism, he’s a goddam free-everything hippie compared to that living nightmare.
President Warren would be horrific.
ANY of them would be horrific, with the minor exception of Gropy Joe, he’d merely be terrible. He’s trying to outwoke himself now, but he’s an old school machine politician that’ll fill whatever vessel he’s poured into. He’s not a rabid ideologue like the rest of them so it’s possible he wouldn’t be quite as insane.
That said, Trump is lightyears better than the whole group and I’m no Trumpkin. I didn’t vote for him in ’16 but I am going to in ’20 simply because the current batch of Hard Left lunatics needs to be slapped down.
*fingers crossed*
I’m hoping for something dramatic, like a 44 state win.
Oh come on, if Marianne Williamson committed to simply meditating and sending angels to solve the world’s problems, I could vote for her.
“Infighting and accusations playing out almost daily in the national media regarding the NRA have not been helpful. Clearly it will have an impact in the NRA’s ability to raise money, which would be used in elections to turn out its membership,” LaCivita said.
With the organization mired in palace intrigue and confronting a daily barrage of negative publicity, some NRA officials are skeptical a 2020 plan will emerge. Many Republicans are convinced the job of turning out Second Amendment supporters will fall to the cash-flush Republican National Committee, which is constructing a massive get-out-the-vote and data machine devoted to turning out conservatives.
None of those hillbillies would even know there’s an election on if the NRA didn’t tell them. And, even if they did find out somehow, they’d have no idea whom to vote for, without Wayne LaPierre to tell them.
And the money. The money. Always the money.
This is where Dems complain about having to raise money to fight Team Evil, otherwise they would be pure as angels and running their campaigns on bake sales and girl scout cookies.
Get the tissues ready, Amy Coney Barret is talking dirty!
The decision-makers adopted a formal #BelieveWomen approach, deciding that the accuser was credible without actually hearing from her. Judge Barrett found this “perplexing” and concluded that “it is plausible that Sermersheim and her advisors chose to believe Jane because she is a woman and to disbelieve John because he is a man.” Barrett continued:
“The plausibility of that inference is strengthened by a post that CARE [the university center dedicated to supporting victims of sexual assault] put up on its Facebook page during the same month that John was disciplined: an article from The Washington Post titled “Alcohol isn’t the cause of campus sexual assault. Men are.” Construing reasonable inferences in John’s favor, this statement, which CARE advertised to the campus community, could be understood to blame men as a class for the problem of campus sexual assault rather than the individuals who commit sexual assault. And it is pertinent here that Bloom, CARE’s director, wrote the letter regarding Jane to which Sermersheim apparently gave significant weight.”
The US is a rich country because it exploited poor countries through colonialism. That’s it in a nutshell. You’d have no right to deny them entry into the US or deny them healthcare if you believe that. Their logic is consistent if you look at it that way.
We should be paying reparations to the Aztecs because we stole all their gold. It’s shameful.
The Incas too. Oh man, those damn Yankees destroying that proud civilization or something.
Fuck that, we need to pay reparations to Neanderthals. We totes colonized them and drove them to extinction.
Hey! I am more Neanderthal than Lizzie is Indian. We are not extinct.
2-5% of my DNA begs to differ.
So one of your ancestors was a Neander-lover? Get ‘im! Get the Neander-lover!
*tackles Q*
Is there anything the Yankee isn’t guilty of?
Prosperity for so many people living in shitholes?
And you know they would get a commission from the welfare bureaucracy for every new person registered.
You make it sound so crass and capitalistic. NGOs will receive grants to enable then to assist the deserving refugees to claim their richly deserved welcome into American society, which is in no way to be construed as a handout, but rather a “hand up”.
We could suspend 3A and force existing residents to provide space in their homes for the new arrivals. For the children.
Worked for Merkel. Well, except the original inhabitants had to leave first.
If I get to pick the migrants I house, I can promise I will do something for the children. I will father them.
And shocking no one who as worked for any Fortune 1000 company – Boeing outsourced IT development to India for the 737 MAX.
Let me cut to the chase – it’s not a panacea it can create new problems.
Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers
Don’t I know it. My last company outsource all kinds of stuff to India. Yeah those guys worked for peanuts, and many of them were competent, but the timezone change alone must have cost the company millions in lost productivity; to say nothing of the substandard work that came out of others. I guess the cost saved in salary/benefits was worth it though, cause they were continuing to lump more and more responsibilities onto the Indian office.
Every single Fortune 100 company I have worked for has tried this. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But there are ALWAYS problems.
And the timezone issue is also always problematic.
My experience is that routine stuff outsources much better. But my experience is as a user and business unit owner and not a developer.
I’ve had to herd Indian developers (in India) in the past. Two successive bosses (both naturalized Americans born in India) didn’t like it any more than I did.
Mrs. Dean has worked with a web developer who had Indian subcontractors. Between the time zone change and the fact that apparently every third day is a holiday, the experience has been less than inspiring.
Boeing said the company did not rely on engineers from HCL and Cyient for the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, which has been linked to the Lion Air crash last October and the Ethiopian Airlines disaster in March. The Chicago-based planemaker also said it didn’t rely on either firm for another software issue disclosed after the crashes: a cockpit warning light that wasn’t working for most buyers.
There is a ton of software on an airplane that is not related to flight critical applications. Going offshore is not a shock for this kind of software.
Let me know when anyone puts safety-critical applications in the hands of Indian coders.
And even if they did – it is supposed to be written to specification and it’s up to Boeing to accept the software.
Boeing outsourced IT development to India for the 737 MAX.
Code is code, right?
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
*sound of plane nose-diving into ground*
“why is the airplane asking me for pic of bobs and vagene?”
Code is code, right?
No. Not even close.
See DO-178C
Don’t just kneel there and take your beheading like a good little dhimmi? Probably a fascist terrorist.
To be fair, he IS a Millwall supporter.
So if you happen to be labeled a far-right, you can give someone the black spot by just contacting them?