Hey guys, I hope no one here is as hungover as my wife. She had an excellent 4th of July, and I suspect the first hour or so of the 5th were pretty fun, too, but now… Grumpy.
Slate grudgingly admits that the whole 4th of July thing was not quite the third act of The Wall.
Modern day slavery in the UK. Insert Polack joke… well, its really not funny.
Man, I knew teledildonics was going to be huge. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Good news, more armed good guys in school. Bad news, police training.
Actually were Poles? Usually when you see these modern slavery in western countries stories, the perpretrators tend to be from lower lattitudes.
And I bet they’re so relaxed and sipping Coronas they don’t even realize they’re enslaved.
OT: Brett L, according to http://laws.flrules.org/ there re 168 new laws in Florida, not 20. You may want to look at the list to see which ones a hypothetical Florida Man would want to break for fun. However, breaking laws is illegal, and I would never be an accessory before the fact in encouraging people to not be law abiding citizens.
Speaking of Florida Man
There are the other 49 states and there is Florida. Imagine living in a state populated by Florida Men, Florida Women, Florida Children, Florida Nonbinaries, and Florida wildlife.
Bad news, police training.
At least they will get home safe at night………
The Utah school psychologist weaved through a maze of dusty halls before spotting him in the corner of a classroom, holding a gun to a student’s head. She took a deep breath and fired three shots, the first time she’s ever used a gun.
Maybe a shoot house isn’t the place to learn to operate and fire a firearm? Good on Utah though that they don’t need to affirmatively arm teachers, just stop prohibiting them and others from lawfully carrying if they choose.
It is not that simple. The risky places for mass murder by firearm are places that are declared but not properly enforced ‘gun free zones.’ The problem with declassifying schools from ‘gun free zone’ status is that because the gun laws in the US prohibit children from carrying concealed firearms, and because the people who work in government schools are predominantly of the persuasion that are of high risk of having hoplophobia, a hypothetical government school that is not a ‘gun free one’ would still be a target rich environment, or if you prefer, would have a weaker deterrent of opposing fire.
would have a weaker deterrent of opposing fire than most places of public gathering that are not ‘gun free.’
In Utah it’s not too hard to find a teacher who likes to shoot.
But we will ignore the sex slavery carried out in our country by the Religion of Peace ™ because reasons.
Who let a fucking guido in here?
is he Chicken?
Being cuckolded by a virile Pakistani imam is a common kink in terrone culture.
As it happens I’m Irish. I just thought it would make a decent handle. Posted as Jake W. on TOS.
We prefer ‘dago’ or ‘wop’, schifoso.
Cacciatore was my mother’s favorite Italian meal. Hey wait a minute…are you my dad? *puppy dog eyes and outstretched arms*
My Grandmother made the most amazing Cacciatore. Over polenta.
*misses Grandma*
If I’m your dad you’re the youngest glib.
“Modern day slavery in the UK. ”
Were they forced to vote for ‘Remain’, too?
What sort of delivery guy doesn’t even bother to knock or push the doorbell before rushing off? The kind that leans a 90 pound box marked ‘fragile’ against the storm door that opens outward.
Is it something Italian?
No, it’s an air conditioner.
Replacing the window unit or adding to it?
those kind, you know, Morons…..
I have some delivery apes that just stick the package in the middle of my driveway, right in the car’s path. Thankfully I haven’t run one over yet.
Some of the delivery guys decide to hide the package by our side door… behind the bushes. It’s not a door we use frequently (attached garage), and the girlfriend has a habit of ordering things and then not following the tracking information. Some of our delivery guys have gone the extra mile, and dropped stuff off by the patio door, which means they carried it all the way around the house and the garage to drop it off.
Does your girlfriend tend to sunbathe nude on the patio?
Negative, and there really isn’t much sun back there. Corner lot, so there’s a house next to it, combined with a huge old oak tree overhead provides lots of shade.
I had the delivery guy drop 3 French doors on a pallet in the middle of my driveway. I was waiting around all day for them and decided to just go run some errands and found it. They didn’t even ring the door bell. Scumbags
One who works for the USPS or UPS?
“Hey guys, I hope no one here is as hungover as my wife. She had an excellent 4th of July, and I suspect the first hour or so of the 5th were pretty fun, too, but now… Grumpy.”
A not uncommon aftereffect of chemically induced Dopey. Let us all hope it does not take too long for her to get Happy. At least she did not partake enough to need Doc.
“Slate grudgingly admits that the whole 4th of July thing was not quite the third act of The Wall.”
I will take your word for it. It sounds like Mrs. Brett L had a more enjoyable way to melt her brain.
“Modern day slavery in the UK. Insert Polack joke… well, its really not funny.”
FTA: “false promises of well-paid work.” Lying for commercial gain = fraud.
FTA: “In one instance, a man who complained about poor pay and living conditions HAD HIS ARM BROKEN [emphasis added], was given no medical care, then ejected from the lodgings. Another was forced to remove his clothes and threatened with the REMOVAL OF HIS KIDNEYS [emphasis added] if he did not keep quiet about the situation.” Even if you are in favor of no labor laws and in favor of open borders, this goes beyond civilized employer-employee labor relations.
“Man, I knew teledildonics was going to be huge. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.”
It is not too late. This news is about a conference involving speculation about.
“Good news, more armed good guys in school. Bad news, police training.”
Good summary. I read the article and I do not have anything to add right now to Brett L’s summary.
Fuck off Tulpa!
Hey, Yusef, are your tall cans up or down right now?
I’m having this,
a tasty IRA, not the Irish kind,
Non Irish whisky. Copy that.
I’m guessing there will be fewer of those in Britain now. The Remainers are probably huddled together wondering how long they’ll have to wait for this to blow over before they re-start yammering about another referendum.
IMHO, the Remainers’ bigger problems right now is how to keep the UK in the EU in November 2019 onward and not have an early election, and failing that, what to do so that an early election will not result in less political power for the Remainers.
The AP article Brett L linked to does not quote anyone saying that most law enforcement should be unarmed, reserving arming for the elite within law enforcement, like they do in fill-in-the-blank civilized country that is not the United States.
I couldn’t find the Slate article through all the “Trump said airports hurr durr” articles on google news.
What the hell kind of half-assed training is it where the first time you shoot a gun is in scenario training?
You should get familiarization training and range time before you do anything like that.
Overall, it’s definitely a positive step.
Much better than keeping the students and staff helpless.
It’s the kind where you blow your fingers off or drop the gun off after firing.
The scary question is whether or not in Utah the law enforcement cadets also are expected to discharge firearms for their first times in a shoothouse.
Where did the other two bullets go?
That thought occurred to me as well, maybe the one in the forehead was a lucky hit?
Why did you feel little Susie deserved to die?
Looks at those books!
“..slavery in the UK”
Of course I immediately thought of this.
here’s a fun hybrid,
Wreak havoc Imperial Red Ale, 8.5% Abv,
So far Bootstrap brewery has made the best types and styles I have had out here,
I’m still working through my midsummer cold, so you can have my TALL CANS.
Looks good.
It is freaking hot.
It’s only 96 right now.
Down to 80 here but the humidity is oppressive.
Only 52 percent humidity. I was surprised it’s that low since it stormed yesterday.
Hmm, 82, 18% humidity. Down to 52 tonight.
75, rainy, 86% humidity and 70 dewpoint. Down to 62 tonight.
91. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse, with “Florida-lik”e humidity and intermittent downpours.
OT: To what temperature do you freeze beer so that it can be breaded and deep fried without liquefying? Assuming that it works, how do you prepare he result so that someone can safely sample it? What beer do you recommend ruining by this preparation? “You know I like my chicken fried cold beer on a Friday night.”
First, you don’t freeze beer. It’s just a bad idea. Second, it’ll depend on the ABV of the beer. Third, breading would not be the appropriate thing unless you really like grease fires.
The deep fried beer I’ve heard of was about a teaspoon wrapped and sealed in a pretzel like dough, which was then fried.
I’ve frozen beer before.
In my younger days I would drink through what was cold and get drunk, decide that if I put one in the freezer it’ll be cold quick enough.
Next morning there is a frozen exploded beer up there.
Never tried to deep fry it, however.
I did acknowledge that the beer would be ruined. You are correct about breading in a deep fryer.
John Cleese gives a sensible interview and talks sensible sense:
He also says something negative about female genital mutilation so he’s doomed.
TL;WW but that sounds better than some of the decidedly less sensible things he’s said in recent years.
He got brutalized in the press recently for saying London isn’t an English city anymore and he seems to have taken a lesson from it. He says if Jordan Peterson is being attacked by the same bunch that attacked me he must be a good chap and the like.
Ah yes, I remember that now.
I’m going back a few years. He blathered a bunch of bog-standard lefty claptrap about something or other – don’t remember the details. I remember thinking “Nooooo!!”
Let’s ask Mayor Khan…
Despite what the outrage brigade insinuated, it wasn’t about race.
Very interesting, He’s one of the greatest,
I don’t think he gives a shit
It’s new anime season time in Japan! Let’s see the fucked up stuff the Japanese minds have thought of this season. This isn’t really that bad compared to other seasons; could only find a couple to note.
Wait, the guy hanging onto some girl’s panties and trying to find the owner isn’t the pervert?
I just watched Araburu Kisetsu. Right now I can recommend. It seems to be an relatively honest look at how sexuality awakens in HS. Too many character and too compressed to be real, but it is actually thoughtful so far.
Only first episode of course.
That particular summary is really crappy in my opinion.
Well I’m glad I didn’t waste my time watching it, in that case.
Holy Shit. Where is Pro Libertate? If he didn’t coin the term teledildonics, he was using it years before I saw it anywhere else. I hope he’s enjoying his stock returns.
From the sidebar of the sex robots story, Kevin Spacey lawsuit dropped:
Kevin Spacey has had his lawsuit dropped against him by his accuser, who claimed the actor groped him in a Nantucket bar in 2016.
The man’s attorney, Mitchell Garabedian, announced in an email today that the lawsuit, which was filed on June 26, had been voluntarily dismissed.
No reason was provided either by Garabedian or the court, and the attorney added he would have no final comment.
Spacey still faces a criminal charge.
I expected more of this from the Utah teacher’s article. Only one paragraph of fear mongering about armed teachers? Sheesh.
“Are police tasking teachers to perform a law enforcement responsibility by arming them to protect others? We have to be cautious of what we ask people to do in these traumatic, stressful situations,” said Ken Trump, a school safety expert with the National School Safety and Security Services consulting firm.
Because a building full of helpless people has a much better outcome.
And since when is self defense a law enforcement task?
“Ken Trump, a school safety expert with the National School Safety and Security Services consulting firm.”
What do you suppose is Trump’s preferred solution for dealing with an “active shooter” in a government school?
I really don’t give a shit, because schools are a local matter, not a federal one.
Thousands of bureaucrats at the US Dept of Ed would like a word, and to continue their phoney-baloney jobs.
“give the governor harrumph!”
Insert snark here
Sorry, I just tried to come up with something snarky about Reagan and the Department of Education, but I couldn’t. It’s just too sad.
“Hey, I tried.”
Not according to the clause in the Constitution of the United States of America authorizing the Congress to create and fund with taxes or borrowing a U.S. Department of Education.
*bows to the hidden ink version of the Constitution*
Protecting others isn’t a price obligation
Gonzalez v Castle Rock
Ken Trump, a
school safety expert with the National School Safety and Security Services consulting firmgrifter employed by a company of grifters that’s meal ticket is threatened by allowing teachers to carry100% true.
I suspect that the teachers have their back on this. Most teachers are progs, think guns are icky, don’t want to be around them, and shit themselves at the thought that they might have to undergo any sort of firearms training even if they are not required to be armed.
Well, I didn’t believe he plied that kid with liquor in front of his mom, if I remember the accusation correctly.
It may sound a little too pro-police to say this, but it always seems to me that the people who complain most about cops in schools went to schools where you didn’t need cops around. I use to volunteer with at-risk youths and the stories they told just about going to school on any given day was terrifying. The ideal solution would be vouchers, but white urban progressives hate that because they don’t want poor black kids attending their schools in their gated communities
It should also be noted that these kids were the ones who demanded that the school district assign cops to schools. The district eventually relented.
So, maybe this issue shouldn’t be viewed as so cut and dry. If there are public schools that everyone is forced to attend (unless you are lucky enough to afford private school or your parents have the luxury to homeschool) seems more than reasonable to insist that some amount of security be provided. Especially from other kids themselves
If there are students whose mere presence requires a full time security staff to protect the rest, then it seems they should not be in the school in the first place. There may be a need for security to protect the students from outside threats (although that should probably be addressed in other ways too), but turning a school into a jail makes it a shitty school and a shitty jail.
white urban progressives hate that because they don’t want poor black kids attending their schools in their gated communities
I don’t think that’s it. White urban progressives are in the educated professionals tribe and that tribe’s most sacred vocation is teaching in a government school. Vouchers give students and their families the power of choice, which the sacred vocation’s high ministry has decreed heretical.
Not to mention the very explicit profit motive that “progressives” have in keeping kids in government schools…
More kids in government schools means more staff allocated to that school. More staff means more people paying into the teacher’s union. More dues-paying members means more profits for the union, and more profits for the union means more money donated to the Democrat Party. More Democrats in office means more roadblocks to private schools. More roadblocks to private schools means more kids in government schools. Rinse and repeat.
It’s worth noting that vouchers typically pay out less than the per-pupil spending of a school district. On paper, every student who takes a voucher is a net boon for the school system they’re leaving. But in reality, the spending distribution of a school district is Pareto, and the students who take the vouchers are usually the ones who don’t cost much to teach.
Are police tasking teachers to perform a law enforcement responsibility by arming them to protect others?
Peelian principle #7:
Today I caught two creek chubs and a roll of mortified birch bark off the bottom of a pool.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I threw them back, so they are technically still your fish.
a bad day fishing is always a good day, good luck tomorrow,
How’s the scenery?
Wet and drippy. Otherwise, nice. We went through lots of pretty country today.
That’s my new criteria. I may get skunked, but I need to see some cool shit.
Good luck tomorrow!
ME too – a lesson from my Dad and both grandfathers. Just being out is reward enough.
Now you got me thinking about birch bark canoes.
Really? He had me thinking about Birch Gold. That’s weird
They only made those because they couldn’t make cedar strip ones.
No, you want a Seliga if you can find and afford one.
Yes. $4K buys you a pretty sweet canoe!
I still have the 17′ aluminum canoe I bought when I was 14. The thing is about as heavy as a WWII Fletcher-class destroyer but will carry 2-3 people and enough gear to keep you in the woods for a couple of weeks.
There’s enough history involving me and that canoe to produce two or three more Allamakee County Chronicles stories.
Ugh. My first bunch of trips to the BWCA were in a stupid Grumman that seemed to weigh as much as me.
Great memories, yes, but I’ll take the kevlar beauty I can lift and carry by myself!
I’d read those stories, fwiw.
I did the BWCA twice! First time with a group, probably 1975 or so, second time was solo, I was 16, so, probably 1978.
When I was a kid I had the habit of disappearing into the woods for several days at a time. That second BWCA trip, it was two weeks. Mom fretted some about it, but Dad always took an even strain. “He’ll come home when he gets hungry,” he would tell Mom, and as usual, he was right.
My brother put himself through college by working as a canoe guide in the BWCA
I don’t think you’ve missed the teledildonics train. Jump on now! Slavery not what it used to be. Who else was going to hire the louts?
“I knew teledildonics was going to be huge”
Not everyone is a size queen, I’m sure some Tele dildonics will be moderately sized.
I’m happy to help with the trials.
Please don’t give the teachers Glocks. They’ll be just like the cops who can’t handle the trigger. DA only.
I’m the only one professional enough, that I know of, to carry this Glock 40
I knew what it was before I clicked. And it just never gets old.
Glock 22 .40 is my nightstand gun:) Taking it to the range tomorrow.
Anyone here seriously considering going to DC tomorrow?
ANTIFA plans acid attacks on D.C. Free Speech Rally, saying goal is to blind attendees
I’ll wager the DC police do as little as possible to deal with them. One of these days, this shit is going to turn lethal.
If you’re attending this and you’re not armed then I have no idea what you’re thinking
Why would you attend it armed?
Given it is in DC, attending armed is a good way to get arrested.
Unless you are Antifa that is.
Was that a serious question?
Yes, why attend something that requires you to be armed? Safest bet – stay home.
I’m not going. I’m saying if someone is going they should be armed. And I think the talking point “don’t exercise your right to free speech because some thugs are going to start trouble” is cancerous bullshit. The heckler’s veto is the mark of a totalitarian society. Exercise your right to free speech, but be aware that you’ll need to exercise your right to defend yourself as well.
Fair enough, I was going to post that I don’t think freedom of speech is threatened enough to justify wasting a fool but that’s the point isn’t it? As soon as we won’t defend it it’s lost. I rescind my snark and endorse the policy of attending free speech rallies with the means and wherewithal to punish (lethally if one must) anyone willing to violently interfere with the rally.
From my own standpoint, I’m not going to attend, because I don’t know the people and I’m not interested in associating with them. But, I would never tell someone that their protest is bad or wrong or they shouldn’t do it, because criminals will assault them. That fact just instinctually makes me more defensive of a person’s right to speak.
A movie that I watched when I was younger that had a profound impact on me was “Skokie”. That really was the high water mark for liberalism which is essentially a dead philosophy now, if we’re being honest
Again agreed, I made a quick and ill thought out point above.
So more, why go somewhere you feel the need to be armed at.
I get it, though I think people attending a free speech rally might bristle at an attempt to intimidate them from not expressing support for free speech.
The argument doesn’t make sense. It’s an attempt to drape the heckler’s veto as just sensible. I’m certain it would not be said if the principles were different
I’m imagining putting on a helmet, goggles. gas mask, vest, illegal concealed weapons… and somewhere in the process asking “what the hell am I doing?” Then sitting by the pool the rest of the day.
Could be the DC Police (MPD), National Park Police (jurisdiction over National Mall and the various monuments and memorials, IIRC), etc. The important distinction is that NPP are federal cops and not under the command of the mayor.
Anyone here seriously considering going to DC tomorrow?
Not for that shit. I have some in laws in town for the regular touristy stuff. Hopefully they won’t be inconvenienced.
If antifa wants to come out here, I have it on good authority that, besides the hippy next door neighbor, I’m likely the least prepared for armed conflict.
I wouldn’t go even if I could legally take a rifle.
“Don’t do stupid things, don’t go to stupid events, and stay away from stupid people.”. Something to that effect.
“Hey guys, I hope no one here is as hungover as my wife. She had an excellent 4th of July, and I suspect the first hour or so of the 5th were pretty fun, too, but now… Grumpy.”
I had a nice fourth, everyone will be coming to my place tomorrow for grilled meats, fire and fireworks. I may subject them to that Adams quote before the fireworks. Any local glibs are invited, though i don’t know any. ..
The things I learn….there’s an Ear Pulling Championships. The Inuit dominate apparently.
Isn’t the world a fantastic place?
*starts training*
I’ll just leave this here….to go along with the EPC we have Russian Slapping championships.
The fat bearded guy cleaned house.
Yeah I didn’t watch the whole thing but the moment he appeared I thought “I do not want to be put through a wall by him”.
Sex should be kept inside the home. It’s a private affair between a man and his hand towel.
*toilet paper
Only aristocrats have their own designated jerk off towel. Is it monogrammed too?
So far the NYT, HuffPo, a spokesman for the Human Rights Fund, and a writer at ThinkProgress have justified the attack on Andy Ngo. Didn’t someone say the other day that no one was defending the attack?
Consider that your betters are not good people and that conforming with the NYT editorial page should not be your highest ideal in life
Dozens of bluechecks defended the attack.
That’s Twitter nonsense. I’m referring to actual articles (except for the Human Rights Fund)
Where someone actually wrote a piece defending violence and then signed their name to it believing that what they wrote was a smart take
Twitter or not, it’s still professional journalists publishing “what they wrote was a smart take” with their real names.
Name seven.
People that have defended the attack, and by name I mean rattle off their names. Chances are even if you can nobody here (or anywhere else) will have heard of any of them, if that.
I can’t link to the articles but these are not minor publications. Even Vox wrote a piece that I forgot to mention.
Does the notoriety of the author matter if it is appearing in supposed “respectable” publications? The NYT, Vox, HuffPo.
Are you suggesting that doesn’t prove anything?
No. Go look ’em up.
Oh, there were umpteen shitloads of evil morons defending that thuggery. The claim that no one was defending it is laughable. It takes 20 seconds looking at the comment section of any publication discussing it that has a comment section to see them.
And any publication with a comment section has umpteen shitloads of skinheads making stupid ass statement s as well, It’s the twitterization of opinion – “I can find dozens of anonymous blowhards acting the fool thus america is (insert your preferred grievance here)” My point the other day and above is that both the “Everybody is saying” and the “nobody is saying” thing is 99% bullshit. Stop with the “They” “Everyone” “the Libs” “The Nazi’s” “the Establishment” etc and list names, who is actually saying these things? most of the time you’ll have one or two published screeds by some far left/right lunatic and then nothing but a bunch of nobodies howling at the storm.
Ken White? It took him less that two days to go from “Attacking A Journalist is wrong and if you disagree I will block you” to literally retweeting “Andy Ngo deserved worse.”
Ken White suffers from a severe case of TDS. Anyone who still takes that guy seriously has problems. The mere fact that he was ever championed as a defender of free speech (when he is writing articles defending the state’s right to force others to post information within their business because Ken’s highest ideal is to virtue signal) shows how shitty today’s civil libertarians are in comparison to years past.
Again, it’s the self-described liberal who has discredited liberalism. And no one else
Link, my twitter-foo is no good and my attempts at finding @Popehat tweets about Ngo turned up empty.
It’s not there.
Either he deleted it, or Not Adahn confused a reply for a retweet. There’s a lot of replies to this tweet to the effect of “Ngo is not a journalist”, “he deserved it”, etc. but White isn’t endorsing those replies and seems to have blocked anyone who says anything remotely like justifying the attack.
That’s true. Comment sections don’t mean anything. And I’d even say that social media posts don’t mean anything. The good part about social media is that it’s exposed a lot of terrible people who consider themselves to be our betters. But, Tweets are verbal diareah. But, it’s the articles that shock me. Someone actually thought through writing such an argument and then assigning their name to it.
Like I said, liberalism is an essentially dead philosophy.
I disagree. The people in the comment sections are the ones most likely to engage in the same behavior and there are lots of them. It is unlikely that ‘people who matter’ will do more than just turn a blind eye or tacitly encourage this kind of thing.
It should be soundly condemned. How about this? Find 7 lefties* condemning it in no uncertain terms.
*there may be but I haven’t seen them.
Fair point. The problem is that there are lots of idiots out there defending the attack, not just one or two lunatics. Lunacy abounds.
Oh no – hangover imminent tomorrow with our neighbors coming over tonight. They can drink ‘n’ toke ‘n’ drink until the wee hours of the morning.
Your life sounds rough.
Impressive humblebrag.
Animal gets to fishing tomorrow, LHhas a hangover on the way, it’s tough alright,
Kayaking anyone?
On call this week, so no real fun. And this, while all the All Star festivities are happening around town.
Remember that White Woman Missing story? Then it tuned out she was a sugar baby?
“Recovery of remains of missing student Mackenzie Lueck, 23, from a canyon leaves police chief ‘relieved and grief-stricken’ – a week after IT specialist was arrested for her murder”
When they’re dead, they’re just hookers.
“Florida man ‘impersonating a police officer’ is arrested after pulling over a real cop and warning him to ‘slow down'”
He looks the cop wannebe part.
He was discovered when he wouldn’t extend professional courtesy to the speeding cop?
His car also contained a dispatch radio
Cobra brand? Bet that’s just a CB radio, not a police dispatch one.
I have a Cobra CB in my pickup, but as far as I know they don’t make a police-band unit. At least they don’t sell them on Amazon.
It takes a special kind of nuts to do that.
“Marianne Williamson photoshops herself into the Vogue photo of female presidential candidates that excluded her”
Awesome:) I’d vote for her for entertainment purposes. It’s not like the space cadet would ever accomplish anything.
That is great. Perfect response to MSM elitism.
Elevator Heiferweizen is quite yummy.
It’s quite good, and it’s a nice callback to one of the best shows for getting things past the radar ever.
Nice:) on to Negro Modelo. Always solid.
By some quirk of fate, neither Spawn has anything going on tonight. I’m not holding my breath, but I may actually get some QT with both of them together!
Those of you wishing that their Spawn would grow up already – you’re wrong.
But hey, no worries.
Let’s listen to some Elvis.
Happy Friday, weirdos!
Congrats and thanks for the perspective
Better Elvis.
No. No. No. No. No.
Best Elvis of them all
Ted wins.
Ted links are the most painful links.
He’s no Velvet Elvis imitator
Not my normal, but this came up on YT:
Gentle on my My MInd
When I was a small yeti, my parents had a ton of GC records, so I know every damn word to this song. We had one of those console stereos where you could load a bunch of LPs and I have some great memories GC, Beatles, CCR, Kingston Trio…
Get off my lawn, punks!
I can never listen to Campbell on youtube. He reminds me of Roy Clark and I immediately go listen to Clark.
You could listen to BOTH!
How’s the arm?
I am a fanatic about killing bugs. That is the key to swift recovery. It’s starting to ache a bit which means time to disinfect and rebandage. That fucker chewed me up pretty good. A dozen punctures all the way through the skin.
Peroxide, buddy. But you know that already.
Peroxide. Hibecleanse. Rinse with sterile saline. Iodine. Rinse with sterile saline. Gobs of triple antibiotic salve. Nonstick pad and then wrap.
You might want to see a neurologist if you’ve still got numbness, sooner is better if you need to have something done about it.
The numbness seems to have gone away, thank God. After a fresh bandage per above I have no sensation of pain which tells me I disinfected adequately. I am pretty sure one tooth hit the bone on the inside of my right forearm.
Next stray I see with sad eyes gets a rock thrown at it.
Must have been a Paula Zahn investigation. 33,000 years later…