OK, so the hallucinogens haven’t worn off yet. And I have to go back to work today. And it’s cooler than normal, 105°. So don’t tell me it’s a good morning. Well, the one good thing is that the news is still pretty entertaining.

But before that, birthdays. A guy who would be president if he were still alive; the original #metoo girl; one of my scientific heroes; a baseballer with the delightful nickname of “Clank”; and the greatest cartoonist of our generation.


The irony, it burns!


Actual rising problem or increase in snowflake percentage? 


Surprise, surprise, a grifter continues to grift.


“Nobody was jerking off in my movies, and if they were, they were in real trouble.”


This will definitely impact his ability to stuff the run.


I’m not saying it’s aliens…


Common-sense plasma control laws are needed.


Ahhh, Chicago!


Old Guy Music is old guy Paul Cebar, whom I habitually describe as “The Compleat Musician.” He works in just about every genre, and here’s his funky side.