SEIU sucks dick.
AFGE isnt far behind them.
And it earned them a trillion dollar kickback from Obama the second he was sworn in.
Hell yes. I was an involuntary member years ago. They were useless leeches.
I’ve worked in several hospitals where SEIU represented the nurses and other staff. Funny thing, no matter who the hospital execs were, SEIU shop stewards would insist they were evil and they’d have to focus on “getting rid of them”. So there were never any productive meet and confers, just demonstrations with literal effigies of c-suite exec X, the enemy of that month, hanging from a stick in the hospital courtyard.
The rest of the time SEIU focused on getting the jobs back for employees who came to work stumbling drunk, even when on the highest probationary level of discipline. And you know what? The drunks would always be back at work again soon after. One was a janitor who was so brazen that he kept a bottle of bourbon on his cleaning cart, between the Windex and the 409. When people would say something about it to him, he’d say, “that’s none of your business. Take it up with my union rep at SEIU.”
I mentioned this before, but I was reading the newsletter for the union representing some of SEIU’s own employees (like clerical staff, organizers, etc). It was full of the same gripes as any other union workplace. Management (non-represented SEIU employees and managers) were just as oppressive and anti-union employee with unreasonable demands according to the newsletter.
The beginning of what I’m.sure was an interesting debate about unions.
STEVE SMITH should talk to Yuengling. Their employees voted to decertify:
Yuengling employees filed for union decertification in 2006. As a result, Yuengling did not renew a contract with Teamsters Local 830 of Philadelphia in March 2006.[19][20] In response, the trade union began boycotting Yuengling products.
France failed to persuade EU partners to impose a Europe-wide tax on online giants, but is now pushing for an international deal with the 34 countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
I think France doesn’t have quite the clout the US has in getting the OECD to do its bidding, but we’ll see.
Thousands of mothers marched in Hong Kong on Friday in support of students who have taken to the streets in recent weeks to protest against an extradition bill that would allow people to be sent to mainland China for trial.
I guess the mainland is trying to improve its image. “Disappearing” people is so gauche.
The authorities have always argued that most of the efforts to view porn were inadvertent or down to so-called malware.
I don’t think anyone in the Yuengling family believes “YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT!”
Full disclosure: I love their beer and would probably still drink it even if the clan endorsed Bernie Sanders. I also have been in Pottsville but have never toured the brewery. Some trip soon to PA I’ll have to change that.
I don’t see it around here (NYC)*. Am curious to check it out, though.
*Full disclosure: I rarely buy beer & don’t look very hard when I do
Yuengling on tap tastes so close to Shiner on tap that they might actually be the same thing.
Really? I’ve only ever had Yuengling in the bottle and I’m not a fan. Something in their malt bill tastes too vegetal to me. On the other hand, I love Shiner, so maybe something’s getting lost in the bottling process by the time I get Yuengling.
I’ve only ever had Yuengling in the bottle and I’m not a fan.
More Yuengling for me.
I prefer Shiner to Yuengling, but Yuengling is our go-to cheap beer.
Yuengling is available in New York state. I think they now have a brewery in New York state. I took at look at their New York distributor list. There are some in the NYC area, but none in NYC.
“none in NYC.”
Probably for the same reason there’s no chick fill a.
Ah, but Chick-Fil-A has moved into New York City, drawing large crowds and articles decrying the sad New Yorkers who don’t understand why they shouldn’t eat there.
The hate seething through every word, my God.
It’s funny you say that. I generally don’t care about the personal, political leanings of business owners. I only take notice when then owner is “in your face about it.” Enter Ben&Jerry’s. I really enjoy their ice cream but it will be a very long time before I buy it again.
Yuengling’s father tried to keep him out of the business. He bought the brewery when his Dad sold it as a shell purchase so his Dad didnt know the buyer.
According to this video, the story was a bit different. The current owner walked out. He bought from his father when his father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and his father knew exactly what was going on.
” a small, pioneering tax”
Pioneering huh. Fuck off.
Speaking of Taxation is Theft.
I started thinking about Leon’s article again. I came to the conclusion that taxation is extortion as opposed to theft. A thief will randomly steal your car and that’s it. OTOH the extortioners keep returning over and over with a threat that failure to comply will result in a far more serious consequence.
I understand that in both cases your stuff is being taken but the modus operandi is totally different. You can mitigate a thief somewhat with better security and defense mechanisms.
Kind of screams “it will get bigger”, doesn’t it.
These euphemisms.
France is the George Costanza of nations.
How hard is it to not surf porn at work?
I can hold off for the other 16 hours of my day.
I think you mean how soft is it.
What the heck is your new avatar?
I’d tell you, but then I’d have to nuke you from orbit.
Sigourney Weaver in aliens. Wow. That’s old.
13 year old moi wore out the VCR rewind and pause buttons thanks to that scene.
Little wonder that you ended up where you are, Gaijin.
I am disappoint.
Were the tits at least nice?
Just finished s3e3 of Stranger Things. Good episode, imo.
Probably gonna start season 3 tonight.
I felt the second season was worse than the first and want planning to see S3. How would you rate it compared to the other 2 seasons?
1 was great. 2 … Eh, not bad. 3 is building to something good (I hope).
As soon as we can get our daughter to stop running around the house like a lunatic we’re either going to watch the Deadwood movie or start the new season of Stranger Things. Since the wife’s pregnant that’s put a serious crimp in our traditional Friday night of binge-watching and cocktails on the couch, so we’ve fallen behind.
Did you already announce that? If so, cool. If not, CONGRATS, man!
Yes, congratulations!
Goes for me too. Can’t have too many kids, well OK, you can but still every boy needs a sister or two (or a brother or two)
Congrats, when is the kid due?
Congratulations on the new addition. Better you than me – I’m getting too old for that shyte.
“watch the Deadwood movie”… Did that finally happen? – This is one of the reasons why I hang out here. Stuff that happens back in the US too often passes right by me.
Yep, they made it and it’s available on HBO’s streaming service, presumably also on whatever On Demand if you’ve got cable.
That’s awesome, though. Wanted another twerp around the house, but we were only blessed with the one. Grateful for the one at least. *Cheers*
Slip her a mickey.
No shit, we’ve had multiple pediatricians say stuff like, “You know, Children’s Benadryl is a really benign drug, so don’t feel like you shouldn’t give it to your kid if she’s maybe got a sniffle and it’s keeping her awake…”
May or may not have done that tonight. Between the fireworks, the in-laws visiting, and the chest cold she has, she hasn’t slept well for a few days. She’s out like a rock tonight, though.
Thanks y’all! A boy, January 21st. Provided everything goes as planned this will be our last kid, I think, or at least the last deliberate one. I’ll be 41 in August, and next March my wife will turn 21 again for the 19th year in a row. She’s got an aunt who had her third and last when she was 40 or 41, I believe, so there’s precedent in the family, but neither of us are wild about the idea of raising toddlers past our mid-40s. I’d love to have a bunch of kids, but I’d love to have already had a bunch of kids, if you see what I mean.
but neither of us are wild about the idea of raising toddlers past our mid-40s.
Yeah. I have no kids, and that is not in the cards for me as I see it as I’m in my early 40s. Not only dealing with a toddler, but dealing with surly teenagers as I enter my 60s.
Hopefully all works out for you two!
Congratulations! Like you say, I couldn’t imagine doing the toddler thing in late-40s or later. Sometimes it takes all my energy and I’m in my early 30s. My Aunt and Uncle had their third one in their early 50s. He won’t be out of the house until they’re in their 70s! Granted, they had a hard time conceiving for almost a decade, so they see all of the kids as special provisions from God.
Congratulations to you and Mrs Naptown!
Another future Glib in the world. Congrats!
That’s great news, Nappy!
“Lindsey Vonn’s boyfriend P.K. Subban wears her tiny string bikini for hilarious July 4 fashion face off: ‘Who wore it better?'”
Black hockey player? FAKE NEWS
Lindsey Vonn wore it better.
Never get between Subban and a camera.
Would. The boyfriend, of course. But the bikini doesn’t do anything for me.
Wait, PK Subban is Lindsey Vonn’s boyfriend?
I know. So unfair. [pouts]
Ah, yes – he’s at the Devils now.
What an interesting rivalry the 3 NYC-area teams are building!
Did she wear just his swim trunks?
The goon with the hat looks exactly like a guy I used to know, and yes, he was a thug.
Also, it is raining again. I do not remember a syear so wet in Colorado. They are still skiing at A-Basin. In July. Global warming my ass.
Oh, and a full lol @ the pic up top.
“Attention Nike: The flag Colin Kaepernick told you was unacceptable on your shoes was displayed rather prominently at Barack Obama’s inauguration.”
“That Betsy Ross flag sure fell out of fashion quickly. (Photo: 2nd Obama inaugural, 2013)”
Fuck CK and fuck Nike.
Yes to both.
Seneca for the first beer for tonight.
Mmmm….gin & (diet) tonics.
Cheers Tulpas.
Calypso spiced rum with diet kroger brand cherry cola. The LQ across the street has Calypso for $10.99 a gallon, and King Soopers has their pop for 79 cents a 2 ltr. Living large.
I’ve never found a diet tonic that tastes right. You can get two G&Ts out of a bottle of Fever Tree and that’s at least cane not HFCS. Cheers!
I picked up some White Rock diet tonic on a whim and have been very pleased by it.
“White Rock diet“
Florida Man?
I’ve never, ever, ever smoked crack. Other things, I can’t deny so unequivocally.
I’ll bet Rhywun has some ideas about this.
Hm? I have no ideas about tonic if that’s what you’re aiming at.
Jesse recommends Whole Food’s house brand diet tonic water.
I do.
Thank jessie. If I remember correctly, that came from him as we went through The Great Tonic Search.
Simpler to just switch to Martinis!
Haven’t seen you around much. All good?
All is good. I’m busy at work, and have made an effort to go to more concerts/events around LA. The wife and I are moving to Seattle in September to open a branch office. Lots of logistics and planning going on. But pay raises, and promotions so everything is a-ok.
Glad to hear it!
I need to up my concerts. I’ve missed some excellent shows.
Tundra: Lots of the 70’s – 90’s punk bands have tours going this year.
Just saw Mudd on Monday night in LA. Upcoming will be Ringo Deathstarr on the 21st, Holy Tunics on the 27th, and The Courtney’s on the 29th.
I’m going to see your boys the Decendents in September at First Avenue!
Can’t wait!
?? Really dig them
Thanks for the heads up on the Dents show.
What cracks me up is how much we pay to see our favorite old punk bands. At first it seems pretty un-punk.
But then I realize that the boys in the band probably feel the exact same way. It’s like we’re all still glad to be here – they’re glad to play, I’m glad to pay. And they all deliver.
Tundra: I’m just entertained that the Descendents are basically just flying out somewhere, and touring for a weekend then heading home. So far, on my list for the next couple of months are:
Bad Religion
Social Distortion/Flogging Molly
Less than Jake
Then Viva next year, and possibly Punk Rock Bowling or Camp Anarchy next year.
It’s nice the nice Hong Kong moms are marching in support of the antiextradition position but how fucked is Hong Kong really? If the CCP wants to press the issue, and who’s going to stop them (no one, that’s who), there’s nothing they can do about it. At this point they’re basically Taiwan without a US defense guarantee and a difficult to cross body of water.
Yeah, and 2040 is coming fast. Poor folks. Get out now while you can.
Huh. I guess 2047, but still…
What’s to stop China from null and voiding the deal and rolling on in there? This has become about more than an extradition treaty and they can’t afford to lose face on this issue.
I suspect that Hong Kong provides quite a lot of tax money to the mainland, and revoking their special status would likely endanger that revenue.
Everyone had to see this coming as soon as the UK gave them up. I think i was like 10 when it happened, and figured that’s how it’d go. The only surprising thing is China taking so long.
There is a lot of money that comes into East Asia through Hong Kong. Even the CCP knows that. It’s the only thing that is keeping HK as free as it is.
The primary reason why Mao didn’t take Hongkong in 1949 was to have a close route to smuggle hard currency and other key items through a large port connected to the west.
Even with the amount of trade being done directly through their own ports I believe the CCP understands they still need Hongkong for their finance and other technical capabilities. In my experience many Chinese speaking westerners still prefer Hongkong to any location in the PRC for a number of reasons – this brings connections to the world economy that are not being replicated in the mainland.
The trouble I see is that the CCP cannot resist the urge to boil this frog – but this frog can see the temperature setting on the burner and is objecting. They know that if they don’t object now their children will pay the price.
On paper, there’s nothing the CCP can do to force the issue. Short of military action against HK, they don’t actually control the government. The real question is how much Carrie Lam and company are the PRC’s puppets.
IS army drops US from Name due to links to Slavery
That’s quality satire.
Satire? Honestly, give it 5~10 more years if current trends hold and I could see that happening.
“Communists burn a flag in front of the White House, toss it on U.S. Secret Service Police, who recoils in pain. Another USSS member comes in with a fire extinguisher and puts it out.”
Those pictures aren’t great. It looks more like threw it near a cop.
Yeah, it looks like he recoiled in caution but it doesn’t seem to be touching him. The angles are kind of hard to judge though.
Way to like up stereotypes of commies in this country.
*live up to stereotypes
Is it really a stereotype when it’s 100% true? It’s not like there are any nice commies who don’t hate ‘Murica.
I meant more about the composition of the group.
My first pistol competition is tomorrow morning. Finished with the day’s shooting, cleaned the pistol. Then I was paranoid that I might have done something stupid and hurt the functionality somehow so went back to the range and put another magazine through it.
Lesson: Eez-ox discolors my beautiful custom Glibgrips. Alas.
My victory conditions for tomorrow:
Abject failure: Do not fire a shot, either by oversleeping or disqualified before the first stage.
Failure: DNF/DQ
Success: Complete all stages
Great success: Finish not at the bottom of the final ranking.
The weather is supposed to be absolute ass. Low 90’s with high humidity, chance of torrential downpours.
I hope you do well!
Good luck and try not to get liquored up tonight.
Don’t show up to a shooting contest hungover? That’s not the advice I’ve come to expect here.
Drink away. Just keep the needle out of your arm.
It’s not that kind of shooting contest.
Ohhh, my bad.
Well Delirium tremens makes it hard to keep the sights steady.
Not really, I mean it is just under 12%, but you shouldn’t be swaying from just one… unless you were talking about a 750 ml bottle.
Bah, that’s right, they changed the recipe… only 8.5% now.
? Go get some!
Bah. The best race I ever ran was in ridiculous weather. If you prepare, it makes not a fucking difference. And you prepared.
You’re ready. Get out there and make us proud!
Good luck!
Huh. It’s started to hail. I’m guessing that means everything will blow over by tomorrow morning.
LOL if only that was how weather works.
Good luck, buddy.
Good luck.
We’re all counting on you.
Focus on how you practiced and you’ll do great. Front sight on bullseye above everything else.
Maybe you can e-mail Eez-ox to see if they have any recommendations to restore color to your grips?
Good luck!
Good luck! (What was your forecast for yourself this week?)
Get the feeling that American university students will start protesting for the right to be extradited to China.
Only if Trump expresses some sort of support for Hong Kongers.
He has been awfully quiet on that. Did I miss him mentioning the protests?
Take your pick
Goddamnit, I have to go to work tomorrow. For the 3rd Saturday in a row, to try to schedule appointments for our work crews. Every motherfucker is walking around with a phone, but no one fucking answers it anymore. People suck.
Are they supposed to answer their personal phones when they aren’t at work? My wife’s coworkers constantly call her on her day off. She hates it. “Why do you answer it?” “It might be important!”
Recently I ran into a former co-worker from my last job. One of the first topics which came up was the relief to no longer have to carry the work phone – and always be cognizant on the quickest route to the office wherever I was.
Japanese guy? The shit they have to put up with on their days off is crazy. A good friend’s sister died from a stomach ailment (stress induced they said) because she would jump night or day when her company called. Being untethered to the workplace. Some people just can’t do it.
It was part of the environment there – even though it was a very international company. The management saw how easy it was to get Japanese on board with that level of commitment and, like many foreign firms here, was only too happy to exploit it.
I was in upper management so it kinda comes with the territory but she was just an office grunt so she “should” (had the place been run by humans) have been able to turn it off after hours.
I blame tele scammers. I never pick up an unknown number.
I try not to, unless I recognize the area code and prefix is from one of the areas of the main offices I support. On call this week, so I’ve got to answer every call. I asked my bosses for a list of our main support center outbound ANI’s so I could program them in my phone, but they never responded.
Oh well, I was going to be more upset about it when I thought I was passed over for a bonus this quarter, then I got the notice what my annual raise was (first with the company). I think a 7% raise is a sign that I’m doing alright where I am.
I would ask them to text you instead. How hard would that be?
Or hell, just email. It all alerts you the same if you allow it to.
They don’t provide a work phone, so I don’t have the work e-mail synched to my personal phone. Most of the people calling are tier one support people from call centers overseas, so I’m not sure they have access to text. Hell, I can’t even get them to leave me voicemails if I don’t answer.
Huh. I used my personal phone at my last place just fine. Just had to set up my work email account on it.
I could set it up, but then my phone would be near constantly going off. The people at the company I support (and the other people who support them) have my cell number and can get a hold of me if needed.
Gonna go do a tile job tomorrow so that I can aford more top shelf booze.
I don’t envy you. Tiling and roofing are the most hateful jobs there are.
In my book drywall mudding and painting are the worst.
Mud and paint are tedious as hell, but other thanthat I don’t mind.
The knees are getting old, but only a 15sq foot area is floor. The rest is a wall, so won’t be bad.
Drywall and mufflers.
I guess I missed my calling. I always enjoyed doing tile work. Something about the symmetry of it all and working around imperfections.
Well, I got the darn AC installed and running.
We’ll see if I can sleep better now.
Is it in addition to the other one or a replacement?
in addition.
I had AC installed in the upstairs of my house because I got tired of mucking with window units. It was worth every penny.
We’ve got a floor furnace for heat and window units for AC and it sucks ass. I think the next big thing we do to the house will be to have modern HVAC installed. Since it’s a small place and we don’t have convenient places to install ductwork I’m leaning towards doing a ductless mini-split.
Ductless mini-splits are expensive. I considered one since I have a ductless unit for the downstairs courtesy of a previous owner. Doing one for my upstairs was quite expensive. A ducted unit with ducts in the attic was the way to go.
We don’t have an attic, unfortunately. It’s an old Sears kit house, a Cape Cod, and what would be the attic is finished and is where the bedrooms are. There’s a space where the roof meets the front side of the house that was made into a storage area that runs the length of the house where we could probably stick ductwork, but we’d have to then cross over the stairs in order to get ducting into the non-master bedroom. Downstairs we’d have to do all the ductwork in the crawlspace, and I’d imagine the cost in labor would be damn high for that just because it’s so cramped. I’d prefer a heat pump and ducts, but at the end of the day it might not wind up being cheaper in our case.
Did you check the thermostat?
Getting ready for a big party next week. I have 5 cases of bottled homebrew pulled out, 4 full kegs, 2 half kegs, and a couple of third kegs.
I’m worried it’s not enough.
Can I walk home from there if I miss my train?
Hmm… probably not but it will be a hell of a good start.
5 gallon kegs? And all sours? I think you’ll be fine. 🙂
One keg of flanders red. It’s a diverse collection of products.
Good Lord, man. That sounds like, uh…quite a party!
Four day camping trip which is really just an excuse to keep a party going on for four days and four nights.
Any Glibs in the Seattle area interested in auditing/examinations for the Asset Based Lending industry? Only requirement is a bachelors degree. Pays well. Don’t have to wear a suit or tie, don’t go to the same office every day. There is some travel to Canada, Portland, Utah, Alaska, etc.
Even if it’s not right for you, think of a friend or relative that might be interested. Recent grads are fine. No accounting/ business experience necessary.
Full benefits. A real job! A career! No HR, no stupid hiring process.
Email me at my handle at gmail.
Maybe Evan would be interested.
Isn’t Evan in Bangkok? What’s up with that guy?
Something like that. He seems like an interesting kid. Makes me laugh.
Weed tests?
Maybe. I know we’ll do exams on lumber companies, and fisheries. We do some wineries, and one distillery. So, I suppose a weed operation might be possible. However, banks are very reluctant to do business with companies that sell an “illegal “ product.
I think he was asking more of the employee would need to piss clean.
No weed testing. Can confirm many employees use cannabis recreationally.
Ah dang.
Outrageous? I don’t care how much the CEO makes. Does he or she do a good job?
“Go Fuck Yourself” is the only acceptable response to these assholes.
Meanwhile Biden’s promising Obama’s third term – literally undoing Trump’s horrors. We’re so fucked.
Make ends meat. That’s a great John-O.
Probably with the SEIU.
You had me at “After Steve Smith rape goons and they run away…” My Union is useless and I try to avoid them as much as I can. When present company took over the contract they kept me on at a day rate. A gentleman’s agreement, if you will. I get to finish the job as quickly and diligently as I can and they pay me for 8 hours at the standard rate. Not bad in the summer because I can complete both sites in 4 hours. Just can’t let the Goons find out about my special little deal or there will be hell to pay. Sure, garnish my wages, just leave me the fuck alone.
Zona’s Revenge is the next beer, thanks to the BIF. It’s not bad.
And it begins…the worst thing about the fourth are the fireworks on the nights after the fourth. For Christ’s sake, give it a rest fellas.
The 7th is Tanabata. It’s a festival where two stars that can only meet once a year get together and hump all night.
Per Wikipedia: “and boys wished for better handwriting by writing wishes on strips of paper.”
My handwriting sucks so I guess it’s worth a shot. Do you do that on the day of or what’s the deal?
You can do it from a week or two before.
U-S-A !
We went to Pigeon Forge last fall but never made it down to Gatlinburg. That’s a pretty part of the world. I have it on good authority however that Bigfoot in fact lives in Texas.
Last month I was in Gatlinburg. I got off the interstate in Sevierville. I stopped at Bud’s Guns and the Smokey Mountain Knife Shop. Then I drove through Pigeon Forge. Holy shit was traffic bad. I was happy to get to Gatlinburg to my hotel so I could park and get out of that traffic. Gatlinbug was a nice town to walk around, but I’ll only stop there again if I’m passing through. It doesn’t rate a special trip.
We went to Pigeon Forge to meet my in-laws not quite halfway between our place and theirs (east Texas, about 45 min. west of Shreveport) in November. Picked a random weekend and drove out. Turns out it was like this particular weekend when everyone within 500 miles went to go look at leaves or whatever. We’d take a left out of the condo we rented and then be stuck on that main drag going through Pigeon Forge for hours. What we didn’t know was that it basically is a loop that goes up the mountain into the park and then cuts back around. If you think it’s bad in the town itself, wait ’til you’re driving into the park. Two lanes, one each way, with nowhere to turn off for several miles. It was like the worst DC Beltway traffic I’ve ever seen. People were walking back and forth between cars with beer.
Continuing from the dead thread, but I can’t find any evidence Ken White justified the attack against Andy Ngo on twitter. His only tweet currently visible on the topic is:
He’s also blocking anyone who tries to justify the attack (“Ngo is not a journalist”, “he deserved worse”, “it was just a milkshake”, etc.).
He isn’t an apologist but a lot of people on that thread sure are.
He definitely did not excuse it, and that tweet was pretty much the only one he made on the subject (except for the one right after it announcing that he’d found a whole bunch of new people to block thanks to that tweet).
Except he’s not. He’s RTed this little gem: https://twitter.com/gwensnyderPHL/status/1146086282088648707
Idiocracy on the tube – I had forgotten how hot a young Maya Rudolph was
Interesting – it’s on Viceland – “shit” and “fuck” are fine, “fag” gets bleeped.
Not sure Judge saw that one coming.
Really? I didn’t find her attractive at all.
She looks skinny and juggy, which is a good look.
She has a weird face, kind of inbetweeen cherub cute and ugly baby.
Full sleeve tatts. Hipster glasses. Skinny jeans. Probably American. He rushes on the train and takes the last open seat in the priority seating (for pregnant women, handicapped, elderly). And he’s drinking a beer. Tempted to tell him to fuck off.
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Tell him I hate him from half a globe away.
When I was 25 and fresh off the boat, my friend and I got drunk and were acting the fool on the platform. A white guy in his 60’s approached us. “I know you guys are just having fun, but you really shouldn’t do that here.” We appreciated his advice. Never forgot that.
Hell, I do that here.
I’d do it in Chippewa, but not in a place like, say, Chicago.
I don’t understand why “don’t be an asshole” isn’t more universal.
Women sometimes find assholes appealing, so assholery persists.
Uh, we don’t. Really, assholes are not attractive.
Fair: “some women”.
I’ve seen many examples.
BTW, did you post a post-date after-action report? That dude sounded promising.
So… how’s the online dating thing going?
I hear you – but then I observe the world around me and I have to wonder.
Some women mistake being interesting with being an asshole.
Really, we want an update, Tulip.
Remind me why I will probably either never get rid of OMWC or will remain single the rest of my life if I do.
Is he missing any finger joints?
“Passenger injury”
OT – yesterday’s ribs were a smashing success but one rack stood above the rest – Jerk ribs. HOLY MACKEREL! Jerk ribs are delicious. Cut rack in half, slather with jerk sauce/paste, vacuum seal, sous vide for 18 hours at 155°F, remove, pat dry, apply more jerk, throw under the broiler for a couple minutes on each side. So yummy.
Those sound great. Pork?
Of course. Those giant dinosaur-like beef ribs only cross my plate when served by family in Texas and Colorado. Me, I pine to dine on swine.
I’m eating leftover jerk ribs as we speak.
I salt them the day before, hit them with a dry rub before the 4 or so hours at 225. When they are done, I crank up the heat, hit them with jerk sauce and sear them nicely and serve.
Sounds delicious. I would normally prefer a wet rib – really drenched in sauce (the Florida/Georgia vinegar-heavy sauce is my fave, followed by that Carolina style with lots of mustard) but the jerk formed a bark-like crispy crust that was just divine.
What’s your jerk paste recipe? Or was it store bought?
Store bought all the way; we like the Walkerswood brand in the mild configuration (once I hit 30, my ability to tolerate spicy foods really took a nosedive), almost spicy enough for wifey but not so spicy as to tear apart my now tender GI tract.
We should change this site’s name to Sousvidatarians 😉
Still haven’t caved. I smoked my ribs for six hours yesterday. They were sublime.
OT: Is it just me, or does Laura Loomer kinda look like a RealDoll in this appearance?
She does but she’s a definite would as long as she didn’t talk.
Is she the lady who yelled during some House committee meeting, prompting a Congresscritter to start auction calling at her?
Her? https://youtu.be/AvALgOjojOI
Not even with Warty’s dick.
Aw come on, she’s not that bad.
I hear tell that ball-gags are convenient items for just such a situation….
That’s a little harsh. But I’d pass.
Dave Smith interviewed her a day or two ago. He didn’t push back on her much. I suppose that’s because of how badly she’s getting screwed by the woke corps. Even got her bank account frozen. I don’t see how that was legal.
I usually click the links! I swear!
Okay, I larfed – https://youtu.be/LP_iE8wB2i0
Always. What in the ever loving fuck is the sudden hatred of parades? I’ve always hated them.
The sudden fear of clowns makes me chuckle. Clowns aren’t scary, merely annoying. “Fuck off, Clown!” has always been my go-to.
I don’t handle loud sudden noises very well. Parades are like a personal hell for me. I’m just waiting in anxiety for the fire truck to blow his fucking horn right in my ear and make me jump out of my skin.
You and my kid. That surround sound (TH something) trailer they do at the movie theater makes her go scanners. We don’t even go in until the movie starts thanks to that annoying trailer (or whatever that’s called).
Silly question: Is that guy a regular poster on this site? I just have that notion in my head, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s true or where it came from. Maybe I’m just making an association between CPRM’s avatar and that guy’s aviators.
Razorfist? Doubt it. He’s certainly a right leaning libertarian, though.
I sincerely doubt that we’d want Razorfist linking to this site.
Did I miss something? Someone get blocked? Cat butted?
No, we were just riffing on Razorfist. If he was a poster on this site his wall-o-text would make Gilmour blush.
Ah Akiras comment came off as someone came around stirring up trouble and I couldn’t find any comments I could tie to his.
The popularity of the talking-head-speaks-to-camera genre is mystifying to me.
Did you like Dennis Miller on SNL?
For the 10 minutes of Weekend Update, yes
It’s the same idea. Some people want more than 10 minutes.
I thought wall-o-text was Ken
Ken defined the genre. Gilmore wasn’t bad. Every now and again he’d really go on about something.
I stand corrected.
I love that guy, he’s quite the funny mofo.
I got up to get some water and lost my seat:
Time to retire, I think.
That’s adorable. Who drinks water?
Oh, for your scotch. *Forehead slap*
I’m chasing Jameson. And Ardbeg. And some wine with dinner.
Hope you catch him.
That’s sweet. It’s good to share with your best friend.
I think I doxxed myself, BTW. Ah, well.
If you did it’s not obvious to me.
This is not the user you’re looking for *waves hand*
I assume someone has written a short story about Obi Wan’s casual mind control causing brain damage to those troopers.
No way that’s consequence free
You need not concern yourself over unnamed characters.
*waves hand*
Blue accented glasses?
I chase little feller out of the chair all the time.
My wife makes fun of me for sitting on the floor when the dog jumps in my spot. But then he puts his chin on my shoulder and I get to scratch his ears. Win win!
Exactly. Id rather spend time with my dog.
You need a new chair, although I bet that one is very comfortable, and fits like an old glove.
Ironic irony or ironic sincerity?
Hard to tell without any context.
It’s Weigel. Don’t think he was mocking the shirt. Mocking people who over react to it? Maybe.
Iget that it’s Weigel. He probably isn’t mocking the shirt. I can’t tell where the photo was taken or why that guy is wearing a hammer and sickle shirt.
I don’t have any other info on the pic. It’s a funny shirt. Curious why he deleted the tweet.
Me too.
Not just any hammer and sickle but an apparent pride one. Since the Soviets were big supporters of gay rights apparently.
It is known.
That far gone, eh? Pathetic.
I am for expanded legal immigration to the US. Stories like this frost me. I hope there is enough evidence to prosecute the congresswoman.
anyone returned must be fluent in Spanish because they may have to reside in Mexico up to five years until a U.S. federal judge decides their asylum claim.
a) 5 years to decide an asylum claim is ridiculous. And more than likely moot at that point
b) how did they make their way through Mexico without being able to understand Spanish?
c) 5 years is plenty of time to practice their español, and no better way to do so than by immersion
Many of the poorest people in central and southern America are pure natives, without a drop of Spanish blood or language. Seriously, many don’t even speak Spanish.
Biden does it again. “I’d punch Trump so hard people would forget I’m white.”
Sure thing, Bob Barker.
I might vote for Biden if he actually said that.
* Roundhouse swings and misses, spins 720 and falls to the ground, breaking a hip in the process*
He’s that athletic? I’m thinking he’d pay someone else to do it.
That shouldn’t be funny.
Ugh. Wifey is hammered. She’s such a sweet thing but sometimes when she gets in her cups she can be pretty arch. Her voice lowers an octave and every little thing might set her off. Pray for Festus…
Wake up happy and bubbly. That’ll help.
“Let’s go golfing!’
She’s in bed. I just pried the shoes off her feet and put a blankey on her. She’s got this one single friend that can bend her ear for hours on the phone. Jesus, woman, just get to the point!
There is no such thing with women.
Thanks for nothing Debbie Downer
Most times Wifey is Hope Hicks but once in awhile she becomes Ilhan Omar. It was a bad deal when the girls were young and all of their menses lined up. Four angry women, one man outside working on something, anything…
Sounds like hell
Not as long as he got out of the house. https://youtu.be/9-95uLna-P0
Legit LOL.
“I wish my parents never brought me here. Happy 4th!”
“I HATE this house!”
Can we expel Omar and Peter King, R-IRA on the same boat?
Top men.
Did you know that if you spin Pat Boone albums backward they say “Fuck Off, Slaver!” over and over again?
well the fuckin Clippers FO just gave a lesson to the Lakers
Don’t give a shit about ghetto-ball. Not a real sport.
Invented by a white Murican for white Murican yutes.
Doesn’t matter, a basketball court is significantly smaller than, say, a soccer field, while the sport utilizes all aspects of human kinesiology.
Also, I’m a white boy who can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, and you want me to do a layup?
Also, almost as boring to watch as baseball, and that’s saying something.
Quiet you, you’re drunk
They don’t enforce the rules of the game. What if the NHL started slowly allowing players to carry the puck in their hand and throw it toward the net? Five steps to dunk is ridiculous although it draws eyeballs but that chest-thumping faux bravado really sticks in my craw. Don’t get me started on “carrying”. Fie!
I thought Naismith was Canadian.
Clifford Robert Olsen was Canadian. Just sayin’
Damn. I was right.
You called PG to the clippers? When?
Just Kawhi. PG came out the blue. Best team in LA?
Goddamnit kcp is a waste of 8 mil… stupid
Mcgee at 4 per season could be ok but would have been better on a minimum
I am not sure this is a championship team
Why would you be sure? The West is stacked. Lakers could implode. Next season just got much more interesting.