This is worse than getting a cap busted in your ass while you’re on the treadmill.
Better drug test those gators for meth.
Korea man channels his inner Floridan man.
There’s still hope.
Nothing to see, folks. No coverup here
Never change, John. Never change.
He was one of us.
Way to kink-shame Creosote.
Er, I meant to quote the “Yeah, ick” bit. I’m on my smartphone because we’re about to get a thunderstorm.
But at least I was first.
I would give you flouncy tits anime but I don’t have those powers.
Never change, John. Never change.
I thought you were smarter than that.
Oh, not that John.
Yeah, I was expecting a fat chick in body armor.
You rang?
::raises eyebrow::
You… have armor?
I might be confused but I think HS has been to some Renfairs.
She might wear some when she shit blows up out in the desert as well.
I had thought that, but hadn’t gone with the ‘modern’ version when I read that.
She has, but, her pics portray ornate dresses, not armor.
I suppose it could be both—I just had a different concept in mind.
Oh no….
The couple she’s posted from the fair/faire.
Actually, I should probably let her field this—I would presume she handles her own PR.
Guillermo Villa was across the street about to charge his Tesla SUV when he heard the blast go off.
Villa said he saw light and then a cloud of debris before “I started seeing pieces of the building falling on my head.”
“I went underneath my car because there was so much debris flying,” he told ABC News. “It was like raining pieces of roof, wall, bricks.”
I’d rather take my chances in the open then crawl under a Tesla. What if the batteries catch?
I wouldn’t take a new Tesla for free. They look like toys, like gadgets for the kind of people who get really excited about hooking up the lights in their house to their Amazon Echo instead of just using a light switch.
I always call this “gadgetry for gadgetry’s sake”. I worry about the market going in this direction, particularly for cars. I don’t want to fuck with a stupid touchscreen when I’m trying to drive.
Exactly. Give me knobs
These euphemisms.
*perks up*
As long at they have some sort of tactile feedback so you tell what position it’s in without looking at it.
And preferably to find the button without looking down. If there is a single worst drawback of the current car it’s the capacitive buttons.
Using a touch screen for climate control seems dangerous. You have to fuck around with a computer if your windshield fogs.
Especially when the screen freezes and you have to reboot to make it work. I’m not a big proponent of “the good old days -TM”, but sometimes reliable simplicity trumps (TW – Trump) new tech. I have a 2014 Cadillac CTS with CUE – it’s garbage and has been replaced under warranty twice and is now out again (it lasts roughly 2 yrs per unit) there are redundant controls, but the problem is when HAL, I mean CUE, over rides those commands whether it be climate control temperature or stereo volume. Fuck CUE with a rusty chain saw. My dad has a 2011 CTS, pre-CUE – it’s a nicer looking interior and works better.
In a well thought out car, you don’t really have to “fiddle” with a touch screen while driving. There are redundant switches, steering wheel mounted controls, and voice commands. The touch screen does allow for enhanced control of your car and a nice big Nav screen.
You are correct sir.
I won’t force a Tesla on anyone, but you’d have to pry my Tesla key card out of my cold dead hands.
It has ruined me for all other cars.
More intuitive than you suspect before you drive one.
The only thing (honestly) that bugged me about my friend’s Tesla was the floor. I know that the whole no driveshaft ting gives you more room, but something about the very flat, slablike, flexing floor made me feel like it belonged in a golf cart, not something as hyper-expensive as this was (he had a model X)
You’d hate a ’66 Olds Toranado.
I love the idea of over the air updates. I wish Detroit would get on board with that.
Yeah, it’s the kind of idea someone who says things like “We want to design experiences that will delight our users” comes up with. Me, I just want to open a fuckin’ door without a glitter bomb going off or having to talk to a helpful robot lady.
I love a good amount of the new auto tech, but they’re fucking losing me on these “digital cockpits”.
*snicker* … “Cockpits”
Give me real gauges on muh dash.
I’ve got a 2000 Silverado, and I’d like to replace the stock radio with a big, fat navigation screen with bluetooth so I can play Spotify via my phone and have it switch to a back-up camera when in reverse. That’s all the modern tech I want. Why do I need a digital readout for the air conditioner? Is my decision-making ability or quality of life going to improve because I can think I’m setting the A/C to a specific temperature as opposed to further towards the cold end?
What ended up being wrong with the hvac on that thing, anyways?
The freon (not actually freon, but you know) was too low for the compressor clutch to kick on enough to suck the refills in. I jumped the relay to force it on, filled it up, and now it’s fine.
Parked next to a Tesla yesterday. I point out to my FiL that the rear trim was no flush with the quarter(?) glass. Easily a half inch gap. He shook his head
The build quality doesn’t look like what you’d expect to see at that price point. If you spend Tesla S money on a Mercedes you can get an E-Class AMG. That trim is damned sure going to be flush. I’d rather have the Mercedes, thanks.
One of my grandfathers was in the 82nd in Sicily. He told me a couple of times about the first few days they were in the city when battleships were shelling it. He was part of an advance team sent in to secure the town–he never said the name, but I think it was Gela based on research I’ve done since–by checking for mines, traps, stuff like that. One of the guys he was with panicked during one of the barrages and crawled under a truck. The truck took an indirect hit (presumably) and exploded.
He was part of an advance team sent in to secure the town–he never said the name, but I think it was Gela based on research I’ve done since–by checking for mines, traps, stuff like that.
One of my grandfathers did a little of that in France after D-Day. He was one of the glider infantry. As the Allies pushed inland his unit would have to check places out for traps.
My gramps was a Lt. and he rebuilt the bridges that the allies blew up. He said the townspeople would tell them that they were so disorganized compared to the Kruats. The Kruats would keep meticulous records and everything was carefully sorted by type, weight and style. The GIs would just fling everything where ever there was room and haphazardly toss it together into a bridge. They did realize, eventually that the Germans took a year to build their bridge and the US one took about a week. Great stories from him. After the war he became an Exec with some major companies, working with Howard Hughes among others.
That has the possibility of creating even more memorable stories than being a GI. Haha.
He told me that HH knew vast details of every employee he encountered, asking about even distant relatives of people as lowly as the janitors. He said he tried his best to emulate him, but couldn’t even get close.
Prosecutors say the 48-year-old South Korean man drank a bottle of whiskey before the flight and later bothered a child seated next him.
Any of us missing?
If it was an American ex-pat living in Korea, I would expect it to be Evan.
Except that Evan is in Thailand now.
South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, they all loo… never mind.
Chinese, Japanese, dir…
LOL classic
I knew a guy who was a wrangler for a 90’s rock star and they hadda stop a flight once at an American airport. I feel like it was about 20k to pay for that. He seemed overdosed, but snapped out of it when they landed and got pissed. 172 seems really high.
The quotes from that swinger article are gold, Jerry! For instance:
I mean, personally, as a matter of taste that is, I agree with the octogenarians, but it’s not like they’re camping out in the middle of town or in someone’s front yard. It’s a bunch of people who want to be freaks in peace without bothering anyone. More power to them, I say. It’s definitely not my bag, but the world would be a lesser place if laws were written according to my personal tastes.
“Does Malvern need this? If you allow it once a year it could escalate and come again.”
Well, it’ll some kind of recharge time, or is that just me?
Nobody needs 23 different kinds of swingers.
“They said it was an annual event, but we didn’t think they meant every year.”
Nap’; is the avatar a relative?
Great-great-grandfather. I was doing some scanning of family pictures and I figured I’d freshen up the ol’ avatar while I was at it. Lots of stories about him, not sure how many of which are actually true. At one point he went up to the Klondike during the gold rush and met up with Jim Nabors’s grandfather, of all people, who was also from Alabama. As the story goes, they spent a lot of time raising hell, and Nabors’s granddad developed a reputation as a serious badass. He had a scar (Nabors) from one side of his face to the other across his jawline where someone had tried to cut his throat from behind.
Naptown, it was too late to comment so wanted to say congrats on the son!! That’s awesome.
Thanks! Part of the reason I changed up my avatar was because I was going through the family genealogy looking for names, and he features pretty prominently in the family lore.
For some reason, this was on my YouTube sidebar for the Durante link. A great song from a vastly under-rated album and somehow, appropriate to glibs, no?
Huh. And I got this.
I’m stumped.
Uh… stump grinder, perhaps??
Probably shouldn’t link that to my amputee friend…
If the alligator was on meth, wouldn’t that mean that he’s not hungry?
I was thinking the meth came from eating the dead body.
I could see the smoke from that from about 10 miles (as the crow flies) away. Been to the (since closed, thankfully) pizza place that was the epicenter of the explosion as well.
Amazing nobody was killed.
Yeah, that’s a serious explosion, right there.
Reminds me of a recent house explosion in my neighborhood. Woke is up.
Woke *us* up
I just read it was a vegan pizza place.
Reposted gripe from the dead thread
I hate hate hate parts counters. Fixing up my wife’s old saw and replacing some things. Regular parts guy at the shop wasn’t in today, so one of the sales guy “helped” me. He’s been there a long time (and incidentally sold me two machines in the last couple of months but zero recognition) and I figured he was competent. Nope, wrong part which became evident when I got home. Back to store next week.
Second piece was picking up a replacement bar. After researching the wrong part on the first, also figured out there were two bar options. Was that offered? Nope, probably because they only had the one in stock or the sale guy only knows that one. I hate the fake expertise that sale people use. Especially in this day and age when the correct info isn’t that hard to find.
Yeah, ALWAYS use google to verify the part number first.
Fixing up my wife’s old saw…
I try my damndest to avoid asking for help. I’ll usually look up the part number, pull it up on the store app, and use the aisle and bay info on the app to walk directly to the part. If it’s something that requires human interaction (like a car parts shop), I come fully equipped with the exact brand and part written down. Somehow, I still have to make 3 trips to the store to complete a project.
My father always said, “It’s not a project unless you’ve been to the hardware store 3 times and you’re bleeding.”
Nice song choice today. I’m a fan of early Jimmy Durante (e.g. really really really really really old guy music).
I went with Duke Ellington last week.
Went where with him?
And have you notified his descendants?
We took the “A” train to Cocomo.
I saved the best for last. Miner’s Daughter is my last BIF beer and it is good.
Thanks Bob Boberson and Nephilium!
In 2015, McAfee was arrested in the United States for driving under the influence. He again disappeared from view until January 2019, when he fled the country.
Yet slightly earlier in the article
McAfee’s immediate goal is to win the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party, which advocates for free trade and a sharply reduced federal government.
He tried but failed in 2016, edged out for that party’s nomination by Gary Johnson
Still think McAfee would have been a less embarrassing nominee
I love how conservatives on Twitter retweet McAfee and mock him. “LOL- this guy is talking about drugs. Tee hee”. Mother fucker, your party nominated a reality TV host.
McAfee is genuinely awesome. He’s got my vote
The coke and hookers video is a classic but really, you have to admit not everyone has the sophisticated sense of humor that we do.
you have to admit not everyone has the sophisticated sense of humor that we do.
And that’s a shame. A nation of prudes
Eh, ‘prudes’? Nah. Cowards, sure. I guess you can argue it’s potatopo-tah-to, but, tastes are one thing. Being afraid of someone in authority not being serious is a whole other monster.
The bag was clearly labeled “bath salts”. He was going for Florida Man’s vote.
Just imagine Hunter S. Thompson on the campaign trail with McAfee.
Love the Durante song. A show I listen to most days closes with “And goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.”
Entertainers used to just entertain.
I’ve binge watched some of the old roasts. Tear inducing comedy.
Brutal without being ridiculously vulgar. A lost art.
My dad had a, ummm, private record of a roast that was not meant for civilians. I was delighted to hear people like Jack Benny and Art Linkletter dropping f-bombs.
That sounds awesome.
Linkletter: “I knew I was ready for this roast when I called my children ‘sons of bitches.’ And then told my wife to go fuck herself.”
Comedians say the darndest things.
Durante with underrated comic actress Mary Wickes
Nothing to see, folks. No coverup here
Meh. After spending all my formative years hearing about the great Red Menace, only to find out their technology was absolute shit, I’m gonna guess someone lit a cigge in the wrong place.
The issue is that this was THE top secret Russian sub. The thinking is that they were on a mission to tap, or sever transoceanic internet cables. And there’s still a nuclear reactor on the floor of the ocean.
They were trying to raise an Elder God and things went wrong.
They didn’t recover it?
Wait, I saw this movie…
Hence, Pence.
Supposedly it can operate at 20,000 feet down. That is pretty good.
20,000 feet under the sea doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.
It’s in a different league.
A league of its own?
More like voyage to the bottom of the sea?
Or, not.
In Soviet Russia, submarine sinks you
Aw, a little girl with her pets, it’s just adorab…Oh dear God no!
That little girl is a badass.
A future Darwin award winner ? for sure.
Meh. Of all the carbs I miss the most, they’re all Indian. Naan, samosas, and pakoras.
I bet that little girl eats any carb she wants to. Don’t let that little girl punk you out
Those are basically my “cheat” carbs.
I made some boxed samosas last night for the daughter’s vegetarian boyfriend. They were pretty tasty. I only had one because of the carbs.
She puts on a good show, but I’m 99% sure they are venomoids. Harmless as rat snakes.
Venom sacks removed you mean? Sounds plausible.
Exactly. They are common in the pet trade for amateur keepers and usually the ones seen handled by entertainers. There’s even realistic looking prosthetics that can be surgically implanted to replace the fangs.
“Floribama Shore star Nilsa Prowant arrested for ‘disorderly conduct’ in Florida after baring her breasts and kicking in a car window
According to the arrest report obtained by TMZ, Nilsa was observed by officers — and a large crowd — revealing her breasts from a balcony and telling folks beneath to sneak a peek.
The report says that Nilsa was told she had leave but cops say she became belligerent and erratic.
They also say that once she got into a car for a ride home she allegedly kicked the rear driver side window until it shattered.”
Oh my God.
Nilsa Prowant has no boobpedia page.
I expect one will appear soon.
became belligerent and erratic
Became? Sounds more like natural state.
This should be interesting.
Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking of minors
Plenty of politicians on both sides of the aisle have been associated with him, along with some other huge names. Can’t wait to see who he turns on.
He’s the Lolita Express guy?
I can’t even.
The sluts.
I kind of hope he brings the entire government down with him.
This case will fall apart out of necessity.
Me too.
“Disney bans grieving father from having Spider-Man on son’s grave
A grieving father has been denied permission to put a picture of Spider-Man on his little boy’s grave because Disney wants to preserve the ‘magic’ of its characters.
Marvel superfan Ollie Jones, four, died from a rare genetic disorder last year and was given a Spider-Man themed funeral, featuring a horse-drawn carriage decorated in red and blue balloons. The little boy, of Maidenstone, Kent, had suffered with leukodystrophy for two years and his last holiday had been to Disneyland to meet his favourite superhero. His dad Lloyd Jones asked the council for permission to get an etching of Spider-Man on Ollie’s gravestone as he wanted the image to remind him of his son. Council officials told Lloyd to contact the Walt Disney Company, which owns the Marvel franchise.”
“Grieving father is devastated after Disney stop him from putting a picture of Spider-Man on his four-year-old son’s grave following his death from rare genetic disease – because he doesn’t own the copyright”
With great power comes great contemptibility.
“3 Instances of Disney being the absolute scummiest place on Earth. They won’t let this dead kid have spiderman on his grave cause they gotta “preserve the ‘magic’ of its characters…” FUCK YOU DISNEY!”
Not to be an ass, but… can a 4-year-old really be a super-fan of anything? My mom thought I was a super-fan of turtles into my teens. I had so many god-damned stuffed, ceramic, quartz, stone, and glass turtles it was ridiculous.
But yeah, fuck Disney.
I think the ass is in Count Potato’s comment just below.
In fairness, it was one of his most favorite things in his whole life.
Omg turtles. That was a thing for me too. Birthdays, Christmas, whatever… someone would give me a turtle figurine.
I’m sitting in my living room right now, drunk on Tito’s and carrot juice looking at the remnants of my turtle figurine collection. At least I’ve added a Santa Clause figurine, Godzilla cigarette lighter, Snow White, a couple of little elephant figurines, and a mlb baseball my wife snagged at Wrigley Field (a screamer foul ball off the bat of Alfonso Soriano just into the stands at 3rd bass).
My mom loves turtle. We bought her figurines and nick knacks for every birthday and Christmas. She finally told everyone a few years back that while she still loves turtles, she’d rather have dish towels or vacuum bags than anymore turtles.
My thing was Thomas the Tank Engine. To this day, my friends and family get me some little Thomas-related gift as a joke.
Thomas is my JAM.
This always makes me smile. Thanks, HM.
Do it anyway and make the fuckers at Disney be heels.
My thoughts as well. Can you imagine the bad press of Disney suing grieving parents over this? Of course, I’m probably thinking too much of the media, they’ll probably help Disney keep the a lawsuit quiet.
More likely the gravestone maker won’t put on copyrighted or protected images without a release from the owner. And Disney would go after the shop, probably not the Dad, if they did.
What a stupid decision.
Wtf is wrong with just etching name, dates, and maybe some inane quote? Spider-Man on your kid’s grave? Jesus H.
All I saw looking at this site was Mercedes and Audi get it.
They seem determined to be remembered as mobsters. Classless idiots.
“here lies Gustave Lytton
He thought Spiderman was stupid, but the spiders seem to enjoy him”
It’s a little creepy that you know when he was born and when he’ll die.
Bravo, trsh
Name and date. Everything else is fluff and won’t be understood in the future. Also, all obits should have a line saying what you died of, everyone wonders and this way you don’t have to be rude and ask the bereaved.
They all die jacking off while choking themselves.
One can only hope to go out in such a glorious fashion.
So everyone is a David Carradine fan?
Anthony Bourdain fans, too.
He forgot the jacking off part.
Also, all obits should have a line saying what you died of, everyone wonders and this way you don’t have to be rude and ask the bereaved
It’s like resigning for personal reasons.
Or “they are no longer employed with the company.”
So I take it you’re not a fan of memorial bumper stickers in a nice cursive script?
I thought this was America.
20h20 hours ago
Replying to @DJWhooKid @Danieljean561
Libertarians be like…
Incorrect. See: roads.
If it weren’t for the camera, that would have turned out differently.
“3 reasons the American Revolution was a mistake
Happy Fourth!”
Ooh, another voxsplainer!
Parliamentary democracies are so much better because:
“In the UK, the Conservative government decided it wanted a carbon tax. So there was a carbon tax, and the coal sector has taken a beating. Just like that. Passing big, necessary legislation — in this case, legislation that’s literally necessary to save the planet — is a whole lot easier with parliaments than with presidential systems.”
“nd the efficiency of parliamentary systems enables larger social welfare programs that reduce inequality and improve life for poor citizens. Government spending in parliamentary countries is about 5 percent of GDP higher, after controlling for other factors, than in presidential countries. If you believe in redistribution, that’s very good news indeed.”
“The Westminister system of parliamentary democracy also benefits from weaker upper houses. The US is saddled with a Senate that gives Wyoming the same power as California, which has more than 66 times as many people. Worse, the Senate is equal in power to the lower, more representative house. ”
Statists: power now, concentrated, focused, and in our hands.
Vox is wrong about literally everything. It’s impressive, really.
In a Jeffrey , or 9/11 sort of way, it really is.
Oh every now and then they screw up and put something up that isn’t just insanely, stupidly, impossibly wrong.
I’d have given the premise a chance if the guy did any intellectual legwork at all. Instead he makes a very weak argument regarding abolition, and even weaker argument regarding the treatment of native tribes, and then closes with a statement based solely on his own opinion, which by this point in the argument I’m not putting very much faith in. Hell, the British came within a hair’s breadth of supporting the CSA, slavery and all, until Sharpsburg/Antietam.
Vox isn’t big on unhelpful facts.
Well, I started prepping the garage for re-framing today. I’m tempted to do some electrical work I’ve wanted to do for a while, but I should probably put that off. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the lumber. Now I just need to find one of my friends to come over and help.
You have friends?
We’ll have to wait and see if anyone comes to help before I answer that question.
Despair, loneliness and existentialism. All the fine makings of a good Saturday night. The only thing saving me from a hollow life is that Trump thought there were airports in the Revolutionary war, and no President, especially the GREAT ORATOR has made a gaffe before.
Hey, man. I moved most of my money out of my checking account last week for an unexpected expense and forgot to leave some for my Patreon payment. I’ll get you squared up on Monday. Sorry, bud. I’m a fucking airhead.
No prob.
Our president is a babbling imbecile. His contenders are promising full-frontal socialism. Who’s the idiot?
I might be missing something, but I don’t recall any Trump supporter ever belaying their faith in him based upon his speaking skills.
I mean generally. The only defense I care to marshal in favor of the asshole is that his lunatic opposition makes him seem like Warren G. Harding.
Oh, that is priceless.
“Give me a non-stop to La Guardia or give me death!”
Jeez, I wouldn’t wish LaGuardia upon my worst enemies.
It’s still better than Newark.
NFW. I flew into both last year. I’ll happily take Newark.
TBF, LaGuardia is in the middle of a huge rebuild.
Never been to Newark.
And let’s not talk about JFK.
“And let’s not talk about JFK.“
If only the Dems would agree to that…
I prefer to call him “Lines 57”
Don’t forget him pronouncing Navy corpsman as “Navy corpse-man”.
And referring to the Falkland Islands as “the Maldives” was pretty meme-worthy as well.
An island’s an island, when you’re ‘Murica.
Unless it tips over. Like Guam.
Didn’t he also float the claim of sharks still swimming the route of slave ships due to the sheer number of slaves being thrown overboard? Was that some other asshole? They all kind of blend together after a short while.
Undoubtedly, the same folks who believe Trump thought there were airports in 1776 thinks that Obama really believes there are 57 states.
I would think they are inverse but equal.
It only matters when the other guy does it.
Guilty as charged. I’ve had any number of laughs about the “57 states”. Feckin’ teleprompters, man.
They already have one John. They are called cigars.
I had a friend once, who on a night of drinking was giving out Cubans at the bar (the last of his stash and he was celebrating something) There was this one dipshit who almost started a fight because he swore he had a Cuban before, and this free cigar he got wasn’t a Cuban, because he had a Cuban before. fucking asshole.
There’s always that “meh I’ve had better” person. Just shut up and enjoy your free cigar.
Interesting. Most of the early Cubans I bought were counterfeit. And every brand of Cuban I’ve had tasted different.
You’re still talking about cigars right?
The best Cuban cigars are rolled on the thighs of Cuban virgins.
Leave those young Cuban boys alone!
OK, now the Spud/OMWC connection makes some sense.
Cigars first, otherwise the “thighs of virgins” rings pretty hollow. Although after OMWC, most of them don’t realize they’re no longer virgins.
Wasn’t there an ad for so,e brand that claimed that? I could swear I’ve seen that before.
I don’t believe he ‘bought them’, navy guy who was on piracy duty. I think they were intercepted and ‘lost’ in chain of evidence. Hence why this douche who has never left Wisconsin complained about them it was so funny.
The superiority of the Cuban cigar, while once true, is now a myth. Communism slowly pushed their best farmers and rollers out of the country over several decades. From what I understand most migrated to the Dominican Republic and that nation now owns the crown.
Nicaraguan cigars have surged to the forefront. Once Cuban seed tobacco made it out of Cuba, it was only a matter of time before the right terroirs were found. There are only a few Cuban brands that really interest me.
Ah, didn’t know that. Their are a few large cigar outlets not too far from me. May need to try a Nicaraguan soon. Though I’m not much of a cigar smoker I do like one a couple times a year. What price range would you suggest for a respectable representation? Keep in mind, I’m naturally cheap.
Alec Bradley “Tempus” Nicaragua, Oliva Series “V”, any Nicaraguan from the My Father, or Le Aroma De Cuba lines.
I can’t remember, what were the ones we smuggled out of Europe?
I think the last cigar I smoked was at your most recent wedding.
They ain’t necessarily cheap, but Joya de Nicaraguas are damfine.
I’ll check it out but yeah, not going to spend too much.
Everyone I’ve ever met (except for one) who actually smoked a Cuban cigar told me that they’re nothing special at all.
You know what’s a damn shame? Ever since I quit smoking cigarettes, I can’t enjoy cigars anymore. The smell of a humidor room is one of the finest in the world, but when I actually smoke a cigar, it just tastes like acrid, burning tar. It makes me want to snuff the damn thing out and go brush my teeth for half an hour.
To me, cigars smoke much better than they smell. The smell reminds me of fish food flakes.
Cigars taste horrible. People who pretend otherwise aren’t fooling me.
I always liked the cigars that tasted close to a cigarette. Usually when I was smoking one, I couldn’t wait to finish so i could have a cigarette.
I quit cigars when I quit nicotine overall last year. I’ll miss the occasional cigar with dad or friends, but I think it’s best if I avoid nicotine altogether.
I smoke cigars June-September. It’s a warm weather, outdoor activity.
I never understood cigarettes, they just tasted like chemicals to me. Kind of like Red Bull.
You’re supposed to keep smoking them until you’ve burnt off enough taste buds not to taste the chemicals.
*nods in agreement*
However, a pipe is the superior method for inhaling tobacco. I enjoyed mine while I had it.
Pipes were too much work for me. I’ve got a small pipe collection, but I found it kind of annoying.
I thought Dominicans wrapped cigars too tight?
Missed it by that much
As long as they don’t roll the too tight.
I am not up on cigars at all and have only smoked one Cuban. A little one, (cigarillo thing) that I don’t remember the name of. It was given to me in S Sudan by a German.
Was going to say this.
Well,…you all know this song:
As it so happens, It just came to my attention that my junior high/freshman girlfriend posed in a nudie mag three years ago at the age of 36. Good god! Some women lose it after their teens and early twenties and some women lose the baby fat and turn into a mature goddess…I really, really, fucked that one up.
Something something The Best Selling Cider is Dixen Cider!
Fuse Magazine. Not saying the volume or her name. Classy layout, pink lingerie, then the reveal. The gods do smile on us from time to time.
I’ve got stories a lot raunchier than that, sadly mine all end with me being a gentlemen.
So, “the Bawdy Cavalier”?
C’mon. Throw us a bone. A little hint?
You guys like to complain about the travesty of the Russian/collusion/Mueller thing but all of that pales in comparison to the fact that the J Giles Band is not in the Rock and Roll hall of Fame. Biggest miscarriage of justice in the last three centuries.
Eddie Trunk goes on endlessly about how screwed up the RRHoF is. It gets tiresome but he’s right.
Green Day is in the RRHoF. Melvins, Pixies, Misfits are not. That’s all you need to know about the fucking joke that is the RRHoF.
ABBA got in (why?) 4 years before KISS. The entire thing is a huge fucking joke created to make some dumb fucking assholes a bunch more money. Burn it to the ground.
+1 house party
I think the real tragedy is that Little Feat is not in the RnRHoF. A truly seminal band that influenced many subsequent HoF member performers, and a tight band that was adored by their peers in their heyday. On top of that, they created a great song catalog, and their live album Waiting for Columbus was played at virtually every party and barbecue in the country in the late 70s and 80s.
But hey, no room for a terrific rock band, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame needs space for pop artists and rappers instead.
I’m willin’
Look I dig the Little Feat Band as much as the next guy but to be perfectly honest the entirety of the Rock and Roll all of Fame should consist of Ike Turner, The Kinks, The J Giles band, and Pat Benatar. that’s it put a wrap on it and call it a day.
As much as I love j geils band, I do not believe they are HoF worthy. The biggest travesty in our sad existence is that Jethro Tull is not in the HoF.
You are a horrible person with horrible opinions. I will pray for you. Seek help.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Uriah heep, Wishbone Ash, and argent should be in there, too. On the American front, the entirely underrated Spirit should be in there, too… And Nils Lofrgren, but that will never happen.
I personally believe that the RnR HoF is too american centric, but it’s based here. They waited too long to put deep purple in it, but whatever, it’s not like I lose sleep over this.
Jesus, what’s WRONG with you people?
I too, thought that was a step too far.
Actually, I was scratching my head at Argent.
His first album is one of my top ten albums. 1+1 and cry tough are great, too. Plus he’s from Maryland. Albeit southern Maryland, but he did the jingle for that karate place.
And as far as argent is concerned, In Deep? Good God that’s one of the best albums bestowed upon us by other humans. And the first self titled album and circle of hands are great, too. All together now was hastily released so they could profit off of hold your head up.
The biggest miscarriage of justice in the last three centuries is that the Pop Music Hall of Fame was incorrectly named the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. If it’s truly about rock and roll, then a high percentage of inductees don’t belong there and a bunch of others should be in there/shouldn’t have had to wait so long to get in there.
It’s a total bullshit “museum” ran by a few record label execs who like what they like and don’t like what they don’t like and don’t give any shits that their whims make no sense musically.
The entire thing is a fucking farce and all musically inclined people should ignore it and work together to create a real Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
*fucking christ I hate that bad excuse for a HOF.*
As someone who likes a lot of music both “rock” and “not rock” and doesn’t understand why “rock” is so exalted, I couldn’t give a shit. I.e. the entire concept is ridiculous IMHO.
Agreed. Rock n roll is about guitar riffs, head banging, drugs, booze, sex, pointless violence, general stupidity, and drugs.
A hall of fame? A fucking museum? That sounds stupid and boring and not rock n roll.
Are you and Rhy’ saying the same thing? I agree that a R&R museum sounds stupid. What I seriously, hardcore, do not fucking agree with is groups like ABBA and Madonna and Tupac Shakur getting in if there’s going to be one.
Again; call it the Popular Music Hall of Fame (which is what it is, in essence) and I wouldn’t give any shits. The phrase “Rock and Roll” used to, and still should mean something.
Remember the oft used mantra here? Words mean something? Well, Rock and Roll means something completely different than what is going on in Cleveland.
Rock & roll spawned all of that. What I disagree with is the “rawk” image that only certain kinds of “rock” are worthy of the label.
It’s elitist claptrap.
Rock and Roll did not spawn ABBA or Tupac. And Madonna only maybe slightly influenced by it, but she jettisoned any relation to R&R pretty early on.
Yeah, bro. The whole thing is stupid and fucked. It was never about RnR anyways. It was always about a record label paying for one of it’s bands to have a media presence. An excuse to be relevant. It’s contrived. Cynical. Fake. And stupid.
Like the Oscars.
I actually meant something more like “rawk” vs “rock”.
The great majority of the music I like is “rock” if not “rawk”. I couldn’t give two shits about the image of “rawk”.
What is “rawk”?
egould described it better than I could:
“guitar riffs, head banging, drugs, booze, sex, pointless violence, general stupidity, and drugs”
Well, I don’t know why the spelling change, because that is “Rock and Roll”. It actually means something. It’s an actual genre of music. If there isn’t an actual drum set being played, and actual guitars being played, I don’t understand how it can be called R&R. Or rock. Or rawk.
Again, words mean things.
Other than “guitar riffs”, there is nothing in that description that relates to music.
ABBA had drums and guitars. Why is it not rock?
Did any of the 4 members play those instruments? How many guitar riffs did Madonna and Tupac have?
I think you know what I mean by R&R. It’s not just having someone in the band play those instruments. It’s also about chords, guitar solos, content of the music, band members actually playing the instruments, a heavy blues influence…It is a real, definable genre.
There seems to be a new push by people and bands claiming to “rock”. They poo-poo any definition of what “rock”means, while simultaneously gloming on to the “rock star lifestyle” and claiming they are “R&R”
“Rock and Roll” is an actual genre of music. Full stop.
I can’t speak for Tupac because that’s way outside my wheelhouse but I think it’s indubitable that ABBA was at the very least influenced by the common understanding of “rock and roll”.
I get where you’re coming from; I just don’t like what feels to me like a definition that’s too subjective.
That’s my main issue. I think this has been bastardized to include things that do not fit into the true definition.
i.e. you have rappers and country artists claiming to be “rock”. No. That is not rock and roll. It just isn’t.
Nothing wrong with a building dedicated to Ike, The Davies Brothers, Pete, and Pat, also the only thing in the building should be a 13″ television with the video for “Space Lord” playing on repeat.
Thank you
“5 July is International Day of LGBTQ+ people in STEM day. Wondering why today? I’m told today’s date, 507, is the wavelength in nanometres of the colour green featured in the rainbow flag ?️?#LGBTStemDay”
Enough Already
Now do 705.
It does seem odd that they would rearrange a number to fit an agenda when promoting STEM fields.
Well, he’s probably part of some Euro outfit. There’s no one “correct” way to arrange month and date. Perhaps they are referring to one of several ISO standards, which would make it more sciencey I guess but no less ridiculous and almost certain made-up.
I’ll never accept anything that Europeans do as correct
Stop using commas as decimal points, you filthy animals
Fuckin’ A right!
Srsly, what’s wrong with them?
Every time I see that shit, I think I’ve stumbled on to some “new math”gobbledygook.
More European beer for me.
More Czech, Finnish, and Swiss guns for me.
ISO8601 or GTFO
Setting the date format to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm is one of the first things I do on any new computer.
Out to whom?
I just bought some green LEDs. I’ll have to check the data sheet to see if they are gay.
Just dim the lights, put on some soft music, and see if they rub their anodes together.
There will be none of that on my circuit boards. It anodes and cathodes together, just like god intended
Isn’t any type of STEM celebration triggering for idiots ie all SJWs? So this is racist?
JFC I don’t care. It’s not clever. No one learned anything. No minds were changed.
Screw whoever you want however you want. Just get back to work and stop hectoring me.
does that count teenagers on the Lolita express?
“Lithuanian couple defends world wife-carrying championship title
Among the two dozen contesting couples, Vytautas Kirkliauskas and his wife Neringa Kirkliauskiene came out on top for a second straight year, completing a 253.5 meter (277 yards) obstacle course featuring a water trap in 1 minute and 6 seconds.
The Lithuanian couple claimed the first place prize – consisting of the wife’s weight in beer – after beating six-time champion Taisto Miettinen of Finland and his partner Katja Kovanen by the slimmest of margins – 0.1 seconds.”
Is that also how they pick their wife? Fight the patriarchy!
Went shopping today bought some new Nikes. My Republican father in law didn’t seem to be pleased with my purchase. Why can’t companies stop the virtue signalling bullshit? Can’t they see it’s tearing families apart!?
I once brought in chic-fil-a at lunch for work (not on purpose- I was just by there around lunch) and it triggered a female employee. To make it worse, it was shortly after the 2016 election. That election broke her brain (like it did so many). Chicken was pretty good though
I find the thought of fast food disgusting in general (having previously worked in that capacity and seeing what goes on behind the counter) but I do get a fucking craving for Chic-fil-A every time I hear the name.
I only seem to be near a chik-fil-a on sundays.
Chicken too good.
OT (& apologies if posted as it’s a month old): 2 Chili in Reason mag:
Dark n Stormy time.
cliche and droll.
but tasty
I have no idea if this has been posted before, but.
Those are Antifa’s rules, if that’s not clear.
So woke. So transparent
Fuck them with a dull chainsaw.
More Antifa fun
It looks like the cops kept them on a pretty short leash this time. Good for them.
Never heard of it so looked. Interesting group. They list some sleezy people, but I am not sure everyone who calls themselves conservative is ready to burn crosses in yards as they imply.
What pisses me off more than anything about these people is their claim to be anarchist. They are the opposite of anarchist.
That’s just a cover, they’re commies.
Commie Anarchy, “Before we begin, lets agree on the rules…”
Yea, it’s weird how anarcho-communists have a number of things that wouldn’t exist in their system such as corporations and private property (some anarcho-feminist strains even say that marriage wouldn’t exist). We’re supposed to believe that there’s some administrative organ that prevents anyone from creating these things, but it’s NOT a government for some reason.
Meanwhile, most people I’ve talked to react with utter perplexity to the term anarcho-capitalism. The first question is always, “Anarcho-capitalism? How is that even possible?”
“anarcho-communist” makes no sense. It’s like vegan carnivore.
Parse that one.
That would be the “hold my beer” parasite club.
How to remove them
This reminds me: I found the following early this morning…
Just had to order it. In red.
That’s going to go over the heads of a lot of people.
I don’t get it.
Well, it had better go over my head, i’ll tell ya that.
It’s for me, though—I had to explain it to the wife, so, I have no desire to go beyond that. i can be smug in a cotton blend.
Hoppe and Change /2020
I would buy that one, too, probably.
Ehh…maybe not. Still, better than most other campaigns.
I googled it to see if anyone else had thought of it. Doesn’t look like it. Print them up and you’ll probably sell a few dozen.
That sent me down a road of Pinochet youtubes. Confirmed, Milton Freidman CIA operative
Well, back to the floor of my daughter’s room to console here while my favorite neighbor lights off another salvo of fireworks. Hopefully they’re done before midnight this time.
It’s been surprisingly quiet near my house this year. But, tonight the race track is going to light a bunch off after they finish wrecking on the figure 8. It’s close enough that I can go upstairs and watch.
That sounds like it would be a ton of fun to attend!
It’s intense. They actually wreck less than you’d think. They run almost every Saturday night. Check it out next time you’re visiting home..
Ha! I’ve been there a couple of times.
Grew up in New Castle, IN.
We took the kid up our friend’s house in the high desert. They had the boxed homeowner fireworks kits that you set off out in the street. He was enthralled by it. Biggest smile he could have the whole time. Way better than the government sanctioned events we are “allowed” to have down here.
The internet:
Greatest timeline
Best Video Ever!
I feel weirder than I feel after watching a HM video.
Throughout the whole thing I kept wondering about the smell and craving calamari.
She’s the new Poppy.
No she isn’t!
Odds on if he walks again?
I guess it depends on if Hillary is running again.
It’s just a minor charge.
He was just kidding around.
These puns are child’s play
Yeah, but he already did HARD time, amirite?
I don’t think this story has climaxed quite yet.
“Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein“
Worst. Batman. Ever.
Just don’t ask what he carries in the utility belt. And, don’t get too close to it, either.
*Takes out 10 foot pole*
Chafed, you braggart!
You are on tonight!
Either that or he gets suicided before the trial, the dude’s got a lot of dirt on a lot of very powerful people.
Which begs the question: How many rich/powerful people want to diddle children? How many of the .01% get hard over pre-pubescent yutes?
I’d be willing to bet that the debauchery among the uber rich approaches Eyes Wide Shuttian proportions so I’d think it’d be higher than what you see in the general population. That being said, I think Epstein’s thing is young teens which is still messed up.
Maybe he has an acne fetish.
I guess that would help explain why I’m not in that group—an aversion to that kind of debauchery.
As well as a general lack of talent and/or skill.
Can he still post bail at the Clinton Foundation?
I almost forgot: Did the commentariat have a good holiday weekend? Did I miss any goings on?
I managed to piss off some people trying to fill in for Q on the fourth.
Do tell!
Why? What?
That’s what I wanna know.
Look at the midday post. I didn’t see the dust up until it was a dead thread. FWIW, MikeS correctly explained what happened.
I wanted to thank you but didn’t see you on any threads while I was active. Thanks my metal brother.
Rock on.
I thought his whole reaction was a bit over the top. Almost like he had an ulterior motive…or was whiskey drunk.
The point wasn’t lost, but sure was overshadowed by the hostility.
I appreciated that. I’d like to think most people know I don’t hijack threads and am compassionate to my fellow glibs. It was disheartening OneOut immediately assumed the worst. You clearly knew what had happened. I was grateful you said so.
It was poor timing and I wish you had waited, but there was obviously no bad intent there. The amount of vitriol pointed at not only you, but all of us, was pretty ridiculous. Cat-butt worthy, even.
Oh, holy geeze…you never know what’s going to set off a glib.
Well, I suppose you learned a lesson, huh?
I would not have posted T&A pics at all if there was any indication (in the headline) it was intensely personal and involved a child. I was posting on the previous thread and had the T&A link ready to go. I saw a new article had been posted. As it happens, I was also out to breakfast and about to leave. It was the fourth so I wasn’t expecting anything heavy.
I went to the new post and read the headline. A post about regulation I thought. I’ll post and then come back to read it. So I posted the pics.
I drove home and read the article. Needless to say, I knew immediately how inappropriate those pics were for that post. I did leave a genuine comment and then went about my day. When I checked in later… well… if you read it then you know what happened.
In other words, on helluva “First!”
And yet no ass slapping GIF ?
Sorry, looked, but couldn’t find it.
It’s Leap’s article. Just start at the top of the comments and read through first 1/3rd.
Until you misused begging the question
actually my weekend was pretty shit even then.
Christ, I need better hobbies.
Who, me?? I was using the idiom version…
If the US team wins the World Cup, will they celebrate by eating out?
Video, or it didn’t happen.
Imagine MAGA hat cosplay.
Would that be 11 girls and one cup?
New Zealand journalists excited on gun buyback:
FTA: “Almost 1000 guns have already been handed in to police, and another 8000 have been flagged for surrender through the online registration process.”
Why not turn a buck and sell ’em in Illinois?
The cops will shoot them?
It’s New Zealanders. They’re all white. I learned that from those dorky Hobbit movies.
Not a rugby fan, I see.
I liked Mr. Gormsby.
Congrats, NZ—You’re a pussy.
So, so stupid.
And I am not a gun person. Presently.
How difficult is it to become one in NYC? I’m talking just about the purchase, not concealed carry.
Impossible unless you’re friends with a cop or a judge, AFAIK.
Not impossible. Just not legal. A buddy of mine told me he found a contact for some dude like right out of Taxi Driver. Guy shows up with a suitcase and he pays cash on the barrel.
Hopefully the guy doesn’t pull out a badge after the transaction.
You don’t do that kind of thing without references you can trust.
That’s ridiculous. CA is a pain but the hoop jumping is doable.
New Zealand is such a disappoint to me, one douchebag shoots a bunch of people up and they fold like a cheap suit and give the shooter exactly what he wanted, and I mean exactly.
It almost make one think the whole thing was orchestrated in the shadows specifically for that result.
*begins unflapping tin foil, thinks better of it, reintragrates back into the Matrix*
I wouldn’t say this was orchestrated but I guarantee you they had a confiscation regimen laid out and ready to go in anticipation of just the right incident.
Oh, that’s just crazy talk. Next you’re gonna tell me that the PATRIOT Act was actually written years before 9/11 and they just seized upon the opportunity to pass it.
It’s been said here before, but if the government didn’t sell them the guns in the first place, it’s not a “buyback.”
I’m hoping to hear about a lot of boating accidents – but I doubt the MSM would carry those stories.
He is isn’t he? I loved him in 48 Hours.
Brutal KO in 5 seconds.
J. Geils Band sucked dick. There, I said it.
You are a horrible person with horrible opinions and I weep for you, seek help.
He is indeed both, but he’s right on this rare occasion.
Sturgeon’s Rule.
You said it and you’re wrong.
That’s the first stupid thing I’ve seen you say. Sad day.
J. Geils is a story of two bands. They went pop to sell albums. I like to think they’d have been even bigger if they’d stayed true to their roots.
Awful band. But Magic Dick best white boy afro ever.
But they didn’t stay true to their roots, so I’m right.
Very well.
But the real question is: do they belong in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
I went to college in Boston from 1983-1987. WBCN played all their stuff going back to the beginning. Peter Wolf had been a DJ there and came back one day a year. The band was legendary. I enjoyed it all.
Well see now that is just terrible, I take back everything, Jesus Christ! John Lee deserves better, I apologize to anyone I called horrible up thread, fuck me, I don’t think I have ever been wronger about anything in my life. As of now the biggest travesty is that The Sensational Alex Harvey Band isn’t in the Rock Hall of Fame.
Fuck off. They belong there far before ABBA and you know it.
Seagrams 7 Crown is a fine mixer at a decent price.
This is the website you end up with if you don’t enter the right date in those stupid age boxes on liquor sites
Oh, that lawless internet…
That age verification shit is fucking stupid. What’s the point?
1. Anyone can just put some 1980-something birthdate in there and get right in.
2. You can’t even do anything on the websites of alcohol manufacturers except view their line of products. It’s not like they all have some button you can click and get a complimentary case shipped to your door.
Won’t you think of the children™?!?!?
That may work on OMWC, but not with me, Mike…
That’s why I stopped visiting their sites.
“We have a lot of unwarranted drinking deaths to answer for, don’t we?”
First! Also, 419 posts? Don’t you people work?
Not til Monday. That’s what the robots are fo… oh, sorry.
Do you mean “work”, or “work”-work?
Also, I’m sure I work a nerve, so there’s that.
Not ‘Til Tuesday
Huh….always figured she was brunette.
She was a dirty blonde on Portlandia and pretty dark eyebrows. I’m gonna go with not a natural blonde.
Still blonde. Still hot. Milftacular.
I gotta say; I prefer my milfs a little less…bony.
She’s taken.
Always hot. I forgot that she was dating gangsters in that video.
What up Rufus?
Dangit…had me looking for Rufus.
“What? Where? I didn’t see Rufus post anything…”
/I get it. Now.
Don’t you sleep?
*he’s a robot*
Every two months, right on schedule. Day 1 of Nagoya Basho tomorrow tonight
You stay up late around here, you get shit posts.
Do you want justice?
You weren’t kidding
You laughed. You know you did…
This seems fair.
How would anyone get beyond the brainstorming stage that this wouldn’t get them sued into oblivion?
Woke is a hell of a drug.
Can you imagine what Chapelle could do with all that’s going on today?
So, Black = Poor, apparently.
Thanks for giving away the ending.
Now I know what would make me root for the cops.
Hey, guys.
I’ve got to do a quick update. Don’t panic. Should only be down 3 minutes.
Unless I break something….
But I can’t wait 3 minutes.
All done! Didn’t hurt a bit, did it?
6 hours assorted Glib site work today, and nobody even noticed. *sigh*
Anyway, finally off to read. Goodnight, Chafed!
Oh, right…Chafed gets a goodnight; the rest of us get bupkis.
We notice how well it works though. Other than an occasional glitch in the matrix. I wish my home isp was somewhere near as reliable.
Well, TBH, nobody should notice the site itself if I’m doing a good job; it’s the content and community that should stand out.
Goodnight, gents!
Good night fair lady!
You’re a Saint, SP!
I live among the creatures of the night and I haven’t got the will to fight
HELLO! Hello. hello, is there anybody out there?
::looks around::
Not really.
Two is good enough for golf or cribbage.
Just finished building the last display stand for Wifey. Still have all of my digits.
A productive holiday weekend? Uuuuggghhh……
Ours was last weekend but I managed to build two and work an overtime shift. *buffs fingernails on chest*
Calling Dr. Nick!
First think I thought of on building a display stand for the wife
Disappointed it wasn’t the oscillating chair from HM links a day or two ago…
Could have been worse. Could have been Clooney’s basement device in Burn After Reading.
Great Minds, etc.
Do you really want to think like us?
Hell, I’ll settle for thinking.
Styx brings it, too bad that he didn’t shit on Cracked too –
Another Nightwalker!
Did you bring your armor?
I do owns chainmaill bra…
“Well I get up at two O-clock and I go to work at nine…
Well, it’s the 3-year anniversary of the Dallas ambush. Seems a lot longer than that, to me. The fallout prompted a change in employers, but, I left some good people behind, and, I don’t think it’s been particularly easy-going for them with the changes in the college district. I may try a write-up for the site, now that i’ve got my feet wet. That is, if i can remember most/all events from that night.
Any interest from the really late-nighters/overseas glibs?
Holy shit, yes! Sorry that you had any involvement with that, Friend. Write it up!
Someday I’ll put pen to paper and finally tell the story about the time that my uncle tried to murder us at the behest of our mother and how things didn’t go according to plan…
So, you lived?
Sorry—gallows humor/movie joke. I’d definitely like to know that story.
14 year-old Canadian boys don’t drown easy, although they might be adept at starting forest fires.
Summer blockbuster material, right there.
If I didn’t live through the experience I’d never believe it. Hard to tell the story with the proper gravitas without it descending into a comedy of errors. I’m not a writer so it will stay on the back burner for now.