This is all part of one big conspiracy to turn men into women and women into men.
This is my review of Boulder Beer Company Gender Fluid Lager.
No…not really. At least according to this article, this one, and this one, was made in recognition of Pride Month…or at least drag queen bingo. What is truly interesting about it, when I looked it up on Beer Advocate I found it had an average score of 0/5 due to there being absolutely zero reviews for it. Odd given the number of links telling the wild and wacky world of beer drinking it exists.
With regards to Pride Month, why does this need to be controversial? What difference does it make that people want to march because they are gay? Certainly, it provides an opportunity for trolls to provide a practical example of why somebody might want to participate in a gay pride parade. Which seems to demonstrate a lack of self-awareness given the reaction the trolls are intent on receiving. I can’t necessarily say there is no reason for Pride Parades, even if the number of countries legalizing gay marriages are becoming the norm. After all, Black History month is still celebrated and last I checked the Civil Rights Act was signed into law 55 years ago, and the 14th Amendment became law 151 years ago and neither was immediately accepted either. A victory is a victory, so celebrate it. Hell, World War 1 ended a century ago, and we still celebrate that (we just call it Veteran’s Day). It’s harmless, just know what streets to avoid if you’re driving and let them be.
As for gender fluid people and their potential choice in beer: it tastes like Heineken.
This may be more appropriate than I previously anticipated. I can sit here and morally justify my opinions on this beer’s flavor profile, its magnificent can, and assume that because my opinions on beer, the can, gender-fluidty, and the Venn Diagram of communities this beer hopes to encompasses will ultimately have no impact on my life. I can say that because I am a cis-heteronormative male married to a cis-heteronormative female, living in a world seemingly built around such normativities. Upon reflection, it seems my frame of reference caused me to miss the point entirely. Gender identity and yellow lagers are two prominent constructs that go hand in hand and one that I casually dismissed. Yet for others this is not so simple. If one lives in say, the Netherlands–or as pointed out to me, Thailand–one does not always have the option to display such privilege in beer preference because one’s experience in gender does not line up in a way to conform to biologically or socially accepted gender roles–and this beer reflects that.
To which I say, BRAVO. For identifying the disparity and putting it on display for those that are most likely to recognize this disparity for what it is, and subjecting it to their subtle mockery. In this light, mimicking the flavor profile of Heineken makes perfect sense. I therefore will leave the reader with this selection of ladies for perusal as penance for my word salad, as well as some music for which to celebrate while they do. Boulder Beer Company Gender Fluid Lager 1.5/5
I really don’t want to be first on a gender fluid drinking binge. Cheers.
Screw it. I tried, you’re first, girlfriend.
That read as, “I’m bingeing on drinking gender fluids”.
So, feeling any different yet? Are adam’s apples suddenly attractive? Hair growing out of odd places sexy? Blue hair turning you on yet?
JLC’s breasts made an already great movie absolutely sublime.
Cheers, Mexi!
+1 love that movie
I didn’t even know she was in it until I re-watched it a couple of weeks ago. It was a nice treat to say the least.
Agreed. Great
“JLC’s breasts made an already great movie absolutely sublime”
+True Lies
+ Fish Called Wanda
+1 dollar.
But it tastes like Heineken which is a lager, but is brewed like a pilsner? Is that the point? Which bathroom do you use when drinking this? Fuck, I am confused.
Pilsner is a type of lager. I used the powder room, which is to say a room with a toilet but no bath or shower.
Huh, who knew. The things you teach me about beer. I thought they were different styles of brewing and flavor profile development and hence the different nomenclature. Kind of like a penis and a vagina.
The Pilsner…
Is the checz pilsner different than the german one?
Not really, different hops but overall is a similar animal. Originating in a part of the Czech Republic populated with ethnic Germans. Its a style produced in nearly every country. One could probably create a family tree of brands with Pilsner Urquell at the top.
So a half-bath?
Is that what you people call it?
Did you mean gas station toilet?
No. I’d call that a shitter.
I heard of beer that tastes like piss, but not referred to as gender fluid
Prosperity provides options that poverty precludes.
People in poor countries devote their energy towards food and shelter, not on taking gender studies courses and trying to figure out whether their a boy or a girl.
In before Ted S, huh?
How long has Thailand been prosperous?
“Hell, World War 1 ended a century ago, and we still celebrate that (we just call it Veteran’s Day).”
I contend that ww1 actually ended in 1945, or maybe even 1991.
I can say that because I am a cis-heteronormative male married to a cis-heteronormative female, living in a world seemingly built around such normativities (because building a world around non-sustainable micro-minority edge cases would be really stupid).
There’s a difference between recognizing that society is built around the majority cases and that being part of that majority provides a certain benefit without demanding that all of society be re-ordered. Just because your classic SJW doesn’t know the difference shouldn’t mean that we are too blind to see it.
Totally on the same page, jesse. Building a society around the (vast?) majority in no way requires hostility or discrimination against the minority. My snark was intended to illuminate “your classic SJW doesn’t know the difference”, and not as a demonstration that I am “too blind to see it”.
And let’s face it, SJWs are not really engaged in a project of building anything, including a society oriented around micro-minority edge cases. Their project is entirely destructive, using edge cases to undermine and destroy current social values and systems.
I’m having trouble with “being normal is a benefit” in the same way as “not taking is giving.”
I don’t think there’s any coincidence that “normal” is a term that been rendered completely verboten, and “normative” is now used as a pejorative.
Let’s make this argument more neutral than social issues:
I’m left handed. I’m more likely to injure myself using many of the tools that you take for granted. I do not think that all scissors should be made left handed, but you benefit (I’m assuming you’re right handed because 90% of the population) because you never have to think about whether the pair of scissors you pull out of the drawer will be awkward/mildly dangerous to use, that gadgets that specifically cater to you are rarer and more expensive, or whether your grades will be marked down because your hand smudged the required pencil type you marked your test up with because we write left-to-right in English and your hand drags straight across what you’re writing etc.
I like the specificity of norm, normal normative: it is normal to be left handed though it is not the norm, and luckily being right-handed is no longer normative (conforming to the norm has moral implications).
If someone says being left-handed is not normal they may mean it’s not the majority, weird/unepected, or violation of expected social behavior.
I actually am left handed.
Which is why I know that being right-handed isn’t a “privilege” that can then be used as a justification to hang obligations on normal people.
I’m not being oppressed by the dextrarchy. Hell, I’m not even oppressed when a overly Japanese tameshigiri teacher won’t teach me to cut unless I hold the sword right-handed. Now if left-handed versions of items were banned, then there would be a case for oppression.
Basically, I’m opposed to the idea that default = advantaged, ESPECIALLY in it’s real-world application. Default is default. Advantaged is being “above” default.
It seems the SJWs have won on very fundamental level if you have to code left-handed-ness in privilege vs oppression. I’m not being oppressed by right handed people or he dextrarchy (my Korean students certainly still were though). But there is still benefit and disadvantage. The fact that we can’t even think about these issues without dropping directly into being oppressed or not leaves no middle ground for thoughtfulness and empathy when interacting with people who are going to experience things in different ways. So, good on them for owning the language enough that it defines our conversations here, I guess.
Benefit and disadvantage is another bogus dichotomy. But it is one that is specifically created when you destroy the category of normal, and/or redefine “default” to being “advantaged.” Which I think you are doing when you accept the concept of “being part of that majority provides a certain benefit.”
Is it an advantage in being exactly like everyone else? No. It’s not. There is an advantage in being better than everyone else. Literally nobody would consider a C student as being privileged. “Mediocre” is never a compliment. People go to great lengths to stand out from the crowd, far more than they should if default were desirable.
So being white (the default) in America is like being a C student? Jumping to a meritocratic normal rather than an intrinsic quality normal doesn’t really sell your point.
And nobody is destroying the category of “normal” it’s just a meaningless term in most of these contexts because whoever uses it risks meaning the norm and being read as meaning normative.
Let’s call white people (70+%) normal and Asians (5.6%) are abnormal. Christians are normal (~75%) and Jews are abnormal (1.4%).
This is all part of one big conspiracy to turn men into women and women into men – well they do say hops give men boobs
The last photo.
That’s not a woman is it?
Ahhh. I’ve never seen that. God bless the 80s.
Good old Jamie and her XXY chromosomal disorder
“Ja, fer shur from Sveeden!”
“But… you’re wearing lederhosen!”
Also we would be remiss to fail to mention Jamie and Kevin Kline in “A Fish Called Wanda” 1988.
And the (superior imo) sequel “Fierce Creatures.”
Actually not a sequel. The two movies had no connection other than the cast. According to Kevin Kline, they just had a lot of fun working together and wanted to do another film. So, in the fine tradition, it was time for “…and now, for something completely different.”
So about the pics we are supposed to guess where there is no Y cromosome?
Ah Ha ha ha ha ha ha *coughs*. Ahem. Ah ha ha ha ha ha,!
Congrats to your fellow Romanian. Knocked off Serena. No small feat.
small breast though…
They’ll do. Bit of a butterface though.
Her breast reduction makes me sad, but her beating Serena Williams makes me happy.
She clobbered her. And the media being what it is, the narrative is going to be all about Serena and how she was “off her game” or something.
“I thought you said you checked the engine mounts?”
Ha! That’s awesome!
That whole reddit is full of awesome.
It looks like the head actually comes off.
They can buff that right out at the carwash.
Best timeline.
It’s already had a makeover:
Tail don’t wag the dog
That’s awesome.
It’s harmless, just know what streets to avoid if you’re driving and let them be.
If only it were that easy. Unfortunately, my company has decided to go all in on it, and the month of June was a giant celebration of my coworkers’ sexual preferences, including sensitivity training, establishment and reinforcement of diversity panels company and department-wide, constant mention in all staff meetings, and multiple weekly emails from each level of management.
Comparatively, veterans get 2 (really 3, since independence day has evolved into a military focused holiday) days and 3 or 4 emails a year.
Pride dwarfs black history month, women’s history month, and all patriotic celebrations combined. The closest equivalent in magnitude is Christmas, but thats an icky Christian holiday, so we just call it “end of year shutdown” at my company. We celebrate Diwali more than Christmas at my company.
If pride of today were celebrated the same way and at the same magnitude as pride 2016, I wouldnt be pissed about it. Instead, it has evolved into a progressive, post-modern amalgamation of Ramadan and Advent.
That is… insane. I hope they pay you well because I’d be looking for another company otherwise. I’ve never worked anywhere that “celebrated” anything in that manner.
It’s far too common at big companies. I had a blissful reprieve from it for the time I worked for the start-up. Then we got bought by a big company.
Yup. Our company also had multiple Pride Month events, sensitivity trainings, lectures, receptions, on and on.
I wonder how much money is wasted on:
– Virtue signalling “celebrations”
– “Diversity” quotas that require employees to take time calculating the “correct” balance of race and gender in the workplace
– Lost productivity due to affirmative action hiring policies
– Frivolous discrimination lawsuits
I know these are private companies and they’re not being forced to do these things, but I think a lot of it is driven by the fear of government action if they appear to be discriminating in some way, so they put all this shit on as a sort of character evidence if they should ever find themselves in court. And it’s baked into the price that they end up charging consumers.
– “Diversity” quotas that require employees to take time calculating the “correct” balance of race and gender in the workplace
As soon as I figure out how to write it without potentially doxxing myself, I have a helluva article brewing with an inside view on how this shit works and how it’s a whole damned industry, not just some grassroots groundswell.
In short, I was voluntold to be the department lead for our gender diversity initiative, which means I get to see how the sausage is made. Err, I’m sure there’s a more feminine cliche to use.
Yeah, I’m looking because I agree that it’s well outside of the bounds of rationality. Some of that is because it’s a large silicon Valley company. Some is because it’s trying to shift the view in SV that it’s a shit place to work. Some is because the legal department is a shit place to work.
Unfortunately, my field of expertise is specialized enough that I can’t just walk down the street to the next shop with the level of experience that I have. I need to either get to 5 years tenure or go back to a law firm. Most companies want me to be in their R&D hubs, which means moving to CA (not gonna happen) . It had been a bit of debate in my mind whether to seriously pursue different jobs up until i got “jokingly” reported to the chief diversity officer for manspreading. Now I’m in full-on application mode.
“i got “jokingly” reported to the chief diversity officer for manspreading”
You have got to be fucking kidding.
Once you get your next gig lined up, it would be amusing to report the people complaining about your manspreading, on the grounds that they have made the workplace a hostile environment for people who identify as male. Maybe add a detailed explanation of how anatomy makes a spread-leg posture more comfortable and natural for persxns equipped with male genitalia, so that objecting to it is no different than requiring African-Americans to straighten their hair, or persxns identifying as female to bind their breasts.
Nope. Head up her ass feminist coworker (who was already on my “avoid at all costs” list for previous bad behavior) decided it would be funny to joke to the chief diversity officer after a meeting that the two guys sitting next to her were manspreading, thus creating obstacles keep her voice from being heard. Evidently “he didn’t find it as funny as I did.”
I ended up reporting the incident to my boss just to get it on the record. That way if she decides to escalate the idiocy, I have some evidence that it was an escalating pattern of bad behavior. Ive also started putting a few resumes out there to test the water.
the two guys sitting next to her were manspreading
To be clear, she mentioned us by name. If she had just said “the guys around me were manspreading, hahaha” it wouldn’t have been a big deal.
creating obstacles keep her voice from being heard
I don’t even want to know how your manspreading managed to shut her mouth.
His dick was stuck in it.
Sucks. I feel your pain. In-house is a smaller job market, and unfortunately job moves very often mean relocating.
When I was in the market, I redlined CA even though there were some real opportunities there. Aside from my concern about its descent into third-world status and the cost of living, I would have had to take another fucking bar exam because CA doesn’t fucking allow deemed status for lawyers licensed in other states.
I’m not hearing about that lunacy in health care; I suspect the number of full-speed impacts with actual reality that happen all day every day prevent it from getting much traction.
Some is because the legal department is a shit place to work.
Sounds like they are trying to make it even worse.
Yeah, “joking” was a shot across the bow. Good luck on the job hunt.
Please, during your exit interview, mention that this incident contributed to you leaving.
The sucky thing is that my boss is doing everything he can. She doesn’t work for him, I asked him not to blow this up into a huge ordeal because I don’t want to deal with retaliation, and he was sympathetic to my concerns. However, there is literally nothing they can do short of firing her that would make me comfortable staying in this office. The only other possible resolution is a relocation back to TX for me, but that only fixes the idiot feminist issue, not the company/department issues.
Either way, it’ll absolutely come up in the exit interview. Now I need to find an in-house job that doesn’t require at least 5 years of post-JD experience.
Best wishes on your hunt.
^^^This. I’m fine with my employer ignoring all holidays and just giving me time off.
I’d like to think that the obsession with what people do with their genitals will end in my lifetime. Unfortunately it only seems to get worse.
How can you properly celebrate people’s sexual preferences if you don’t know what they are? Perhaps some sort of badge would help?
Oh, and I take this as confirmation of my thesis that the Culture War is well and truly lost.
Just don’t buy them a sex toy.
Maybe a pink triangle?
This is pissing me off probably more than it should:
The lack of coverage from other news sources is also a bit of a thorn in my side.
Hell, they won’t cover when a lunatic tries to assassinate Team Red’s congressional delegation at a softball game, why would they cover this?
Any number of crimes were committed. Some of the criminals were courteous enough to document their participation. Confident prediction: not one will be prosecuted. As a result, the Iron Law guarantees we will get more of this.
I want to live in the United States. I don’t want to live in some borderless utopia ruled (not governed, ruled) by distant, unaccountable, faceless bureaucrats (whether governmental or NGO). That means I want a border that is enforced.
Australia went through an open borders/non-enforcement period. As a result hundreds or thousands of people died in the ocean trying to get to Australia. When they started enforcing their border again, the illegal immigrant traffic dropped precipitously as did the death toll. If you really are a humanitarian who wants to choke off the suffering and death of people making a run for our border, enforce the border. They will stop hiring criminal gangs, stop trying to cross the Sonoran desert on foot, and stop dragging small children along as get out of jail free cards.
“If you really are a humanitarian who wants to choke off the suffering and death of people making a run for our border, enforce the border”
They are not and they don’t want to.
They are looking to:
1) Import voters.
2) Overwhelm the welfare state to destabilize the system.
3) Destroy American culture.
PS: If these immigrants were likely to vote Team Red, we’d already have the Berlin Wall on the border.
So it looks like a coordinated effort from some commie front group, as I figured it would. I doubt there was a Mexican in the bunch.
Nothing better than when a hot girl emits some gender fluid.
Except for when I do.
you have to hurry to be first
I always take care of her first. I enjoy it. Then it’s my turn.
Also, a Q-worthy collection of ladies (minus the last one).
Which one is your favorite?
Prolly the ginger.
Did your wife get over the diffitude?
Last test came back negative.
Her stomach is still a little messed up, though.
Your wife was ill? I must have missed this. I hope everything works out.
She got the Q special: C. Diff
She’s almost back to normal now.
Sorry. Good to hear she’s almost back to normal.
Good news!
Btw, thanks for the kefir recommendation. I’ve been trying it for about 3 weeks and seems to be an improvement.
Wow. Jamie Lee Curtis doesn’t make the cut?
I don’t mean to spoil the bit, but she’s the only one pictured who was born female.
Depending on your definition of female, of course
I’m pretty sure one of them is/used to be a dude. The only thing I am sure about is it’s not the last one.
There was an old rumor that JLC was born a hermaphrodite and her parents had to pick one.
That was about the time Rod Stewart passed out on stage and they found six ounces of semen in his stomach.
And the gerbil?
That was true. Richard Gere shoved a gerbil in his butt.
Poor Lemmingwinks.
Not hermaphrodite, XXY, aka Klinefelter Syndrome
I thought that had been pretty soundly debunked some time ago.
Yeah, I don’t think the technology was available in the 80s to give her breasts that magnificent.
Boy howdy!
I therefore will leave the reader with this selection of ladies for perusal as penance for my word salad
How many are men?
Kroc is a magnificent nutcase. Kroc rows are still a staple of my swolersenal, even though they’re Janae rows now.
I like that Janae is honest enough to continue competing with men. It earns a few points in my book.
Dare to dream
Tard slapfight continues:)
LOL. Healing the nation one race at a time.
We’re building a new plantation and you better get your Uncle Tom brown and black asses on it!
Fucking hell, I hate Trump’s eleventy hundred dimensional chess match apologists, but the people insisting that Sandy didn’t say racist therefore she can’t have meant it are even more obnoxious. She has no concision because she’s as much a dummy as Trump. Quit defending morons.
First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they laugh at you, then they laugh at you, then they laugh at you some more.
This is getting fun
Love it.
The goombah eyebrows are nearly perfect:
Why is everyone just sitting around commenting? Do Something. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!
I was placated by OMWC’s morning link.
I thought it was the after tommorow?
Opportune post. Miss Tiffany’s Universe finale is next Saturday.
And now a word for our friends in the occupied state….”The hat is on the desk. I repeat. The hat is on the desk. The hair is on the head. I repeat. The hair is on the head………”
This message is for any Glibs who will be in the southern part of CrAzy LIFe Of RuNnI Alot. I will be infiltrating the enemy’s lair and have a safe house established near “Whale’s Vagina” Monday through Friday if anybody is interested in a PM.
You can come see my “coin collection” if you know what I mean.
No, really, it’s just coins.
Are you coming any further north than Sunny Whale’s Vaginia?
I’m in town all week, but can’t make it down there.
We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.
So- colored only is making a comeback?
Needs moar “No Uncle Toms”.
Also- What in Satan’s vegetable garden is that thing in the front page illustration?
Random question…am I and Gordilocks the only ones listening to Thaddeus Russell or does anyone else here listen to the Unregistered Podcast.
Caught Episode 84 yesterday. Absolutely nuts. I didn’t really follow that story much when it was going on – may have been deployed, etc – but seems like an insane miscarriage of justice from the presentation here.
Was Jerry Sandusky framed?
I listened to that podcast not too long ago.
I used to think Sandusky was guilty of at least some of the charges. I always suspected that some of them he shouldn’t have been convicted of.
I now think he was framed. Ziegler got a few things wrong, but most of what he says matches up with what I know of the area (I used to live in the area) and things I had heard, plus he fills in some gaps in believable ways.
I have a pot of beef burgundy bubbling away downstairs. The recipe didn’t use the whole bottle of wine I bought, so I poured the last into a beer glass and am drinking it now.
Madman. It’s eleventy-hundred percent humid out. Wrong weather for beef burgundy.
Beef Burgundy is fine for any season.
I intend this pot as lunches for the week. I’ll portion it out and freeze it.
Your jib, sir. I like the cut of it.
Boeuf Bourguignon was what originally turned me on to simple French cuisine. Then I discovered Oeufs Meurette, which is basically eggs coddled in a Boeuf Bourguignon gravy, and I practically came all over myself. (Just so you know, I was actually showing more restraint than my spousal unit, who offered to do depraved things to the chef in exchange for the recipe [this was before the ubiquity of the Internet]. ”Darling, I’m sitting right here.”).
In sum, yum.
We’ve got this modern thingamajig called Air Conditioning. It takes hot air out, and pumps cool air in. That’s how I can drink port in July.
I think I have internalized my parent’s attitude towards AC as a luxury that I don’t quite deserve.
In the back of my mind I still feel slightly guilty for using it.
(I imagine that would change if I lived in some hellscape climate like AZ)
I definitely keep my AC use to a minimum for financial reasons. My house has some total crap insulation, so it costs a fortune to keep it at 65 degrees or some shit.
It’s 87 degrees out today, but with all the windows open and fans running in the house, it’s actually fairly comfortable as long as I’m not moving around constantly.
The same goes for heat; my house is usually at 57 in the winter unless other people are coming over.
I think my car is low on gender fluid, but I can’t seem to locate the dipstick.
But does it have plenty of turn signal fluid? If so, you’re OK.
I was somewhat horrified when I couldn’t find the dipstick on my 2007 BMW. Then I read the manual and found out it didn’t have one. Then I was pissed that the oil level was being monitored by a fallible sensor.