Yer darn tootin’!
Sitting on the front porch watching the lightning show . A lovely 75 degrees.
It’s 90+ degrees and 90+ humi
Humidity. I kinda hate you. I should move
93 and 21% here. But here in my recliner, it’s a lovely 75.
62 and drizzle here. About damn time.
86 and 39% here. Could be worse. Still hibernating in a room with AC.
Looking forward to next weekend? 🙂
88 and 62% here on the icy northern plains.
Oh fuck me.
Oahu is Oahu. Highs were 85, lows will be 75 and the Trade Winds will be blowing 15-20 knots. Until we get a tropical storm blowing through this forecast will be good until October. Then the temps will drop 3-4 degrees.
You guys have been smoking hot for Alaska.
It was ridiculous. But I think we got enough rain today to knock down any smoke in the Anchorage bowl and give enough moisture to prevent new or hinder existing any fires.
We’ve been lucky on the smoke, so far. We get a summer inversion and the smoke just sits in the valley. What really sucks is when we have to deal with smoke drifting in from Oregon and Washington. Assholes.
Was there a run on shorts and t-shirts last week?
Stores ran out of fans the first week of the month.
I say again: lucky bastard.
Someone’s copying our Texas
styleweather…My attention, you have it.
The weeks previews bum me out because the weekends are the only time I have to sit on my ass and
type idiotic shitparticipate here.Yeah. I’m at work from noon-9p east coast time and I’ll have time to skim but not post. Not that my posts add a whole hell of a lot.
There are some that do?
We’re all Tulpa, so not really.
Oh YA!
as it turns out to be Agile cyborg……
Scottish Nationalist Party?
Jesus tulpa.
Yay! SNP is back! We missed you! *Blows miss*
Miss who?
Kiss I hate autocorrect. And no, not the band. Eww.
I liked Autocorrect, the debut album was great…. ohhh
I was thinking Groovus.
That was my guess too.
Sitting on the front porch watching the lightning show . A lovely 75 degrees.
We’re in “afternoon thunderstorms” season, too. Rain a little while ago, with some hail thrown in, for good measure. The temp has dropped at least ten degrees. Thunder rolling in the distance.
Where are you ?
I think I have the most boring weather in the entire country.
Yeah, but just as you get used to it, perhaps it will surprise you? I remember Woody Harrelson firing LA weatherman Steve Martin for just assuming the weather would be the same as every other day, only to have a freak rainstorm.
Oldie but goodie
June gloom for 3 months. Every year. Earthquake every 20 or so years. Nothing to see hear, move along..
We’re having a great summer storm in the North Country. Lightning/thunder/ind and rain. All is gone , still a little more rain. So far .6/.7 inches of rain and my garden is loving it. Wind got a little serious, probably got some trees down, maybe the road is closed. We lost DISH for awhile so no TV or internet but obviously we’re back communicating.
Ozzy Man presents, Horse Girl!
Hold still for just a few minutes
Alright, you too…
I see bilateral colles fractures in her future.
I had one of those. The fractured humerus that came with it was way worse.
Harder to stabilize the humerus.
“bilateral colles fractures” being slang for….
Two broken wrists. I was waiting for a double snap when she went over the picnic table.
Horse women, of any stripe or flavor, are all batshit crazy and to be avoided at any cost.
Married to one. Can confirm.
Goddamn. Blink twice if you’re at horse show and desperately want to be anywhere else.
I’ve been lucky. She doesn’t like to be watched when she’s riding. Given how much she showed in California, no, that makes no effing sense whatsoever. But it also means I didn’t have to go to horse shows. But damn, those chicks could drink.
These days, I drive her to the barn for her lessons three days a week, and that’s about it. And there is no mucking of the stalls.
The last show I went to before I dumped her, I looked around at all the older guys who were their for their wives and realized that I didn’t want to be in their shoes in for the next 30 years. It just wasn’t going to work. And that’s fine.
He has a horse hair butt plug.
Not far wrong. They do make tail extensions for shows.
You mean like Sarah Jessica Parker?
Without a tailplug and bridle, I declare bullshit.
Of course that exists.
“pony girls” is an actual fetish.
I swear, you are the most boring alternative-sexualitied person I’ve ever met.
Another stereotype smashed. I’m so proud.
SEE! Tailplug and bit/bridle!
Go on. ..
I am confused by any jewelry what would match turquoise against rhinestones.
Says the least stereotypical gay guy ever.
Sports fan? Yup. NFL, AFL, Soccer, Tennis (okay, that one doesn’t help the argument)
Star Trek fan? Yup. Most iterations, IIRC.
Gamer? Yup.
You’re a gaybro, dude. Or gaynerd. Make your choice!
Rhy is comedy skit.
NFL?! You’re tripping, girlfriend.
My mistake.
Also: I deserved that.
some kind of cage for grass
Got a good giggle out of me.
Finished watching Stranger Things 3 today.
I liked it. Maya Hawke really was a gem.
Yeah, oh look, a Pac-man machine!
Watching Season 2, episode 3 right now
moral: companies can’t operate intelligently because they can’t predict which mass of market manipulations various governments will try
Pray they don’t alter the terms any further……..
That’s what the bribes are for…
That only happens in Social….nevermind.
Since we have so many medical and adjacent-professions among the glibertariat:
How many handles of bourbon can I drink in a month and not be an alcoholic?
Five or more drinks in one sitting is considered binge drinking. I suggest you get up and move around a little between two and three, so you can reset the clock.
The answer I was hoping for is “As long as you are asking in handles per month and not handles per week, you’re ok.”
Follow my advice and the number of handles are meaningless.
Tres Sr, when he drank, averaged 12-18 beers/day. He rationalized it with, “look, doctors say you should drink 8 glasses of water per day. The beer i drink is 96% water. So I figure a 12 pack should cover me.”
I switched to mass mugs years ago. I haven’t had five of those in one siting since college.
can you hold a job? a Wife? Congrats! you are a functional alcoholic,
/takes a humble bow
This is why Spud was a Captain.
Countless times in the ER we’ve seen totally intoxicated individuals who swore they only had two beers. Later on we found out they were being honest, though it was two 40-oz. fortified malt liquors.
I like that that Betty White’s face is visible, since the other person doesn’t matter.
Oof. In a short stint SF, it seemed like King Cobra was the go to of people who weren’t doing so well in live.
King Cobra, Colt 45, Old English 800…
Mex and I did a Bum Beer Challenge…
In my ghetto medic days, we would get off duty in the morning, put on jeans and flannel shirts, and go drink with the bums we picked up when they fell off their barstools a few hours earlier. Never got recognized.
Local bums prefer Hurricane if the empty cans on the sidewalk and greenbelts are taken a representative sample.
Cobra is the Best cheap Malt liquor out there, I drink it ice cold, fight me!!!!!
Bum fight!
Mickey’s big mouths was the malt liquor of choice when I was a kid.
The last time that I ever drank Mickey’s was the only time in my life where I woke up the next morning and didn’t know where I was.
So….you slipped yourself a Mickey??
/Ingenious–must’ve caught himself by surprise…
A sixer of bigmouths.
Light weights. I had to have at least 3 before medical professionals got involved.
Or use larger glasses.
This is why you should diversify, and add some vodka, scotch, and gin.
This weekend, the cashier at the liquor store said to my gf, “haven’t seen you in a while”.
She should have responded, “yeah, those blackouts can be a bitch, right?”
Brilliant! This is the kind of advice I expect from
I have a partial bottle of Turi in the freezer.
Turi now gone.
Who knew Estonia would make the best vodka?
However, now that I look at the (empty) bottle…
It’s made from rye.
Rye whiskey is fantastic.
Rye bread is fantastic.
“Raisins, Rice and Rye” was a great breakfast cereal…
Maybe rye is the best grain for humans to consume?
Rye beer is also good.
I used to buy Chopin vodka for my Celiac friend. This was way before gluten free became a thing. It was really rough for her.
I really like Chopin, but Turi is even better. (imo)
You know who else liked Chopin?
He was used in my sophomore theory class as an example of the Neapolitan 2nd. I still really like that prelude.
He’s a good boyyy.
Fredrick Fucking Chopin I hope……
Backpacking around Europe in 1983, a must-see was Jim Morrison’s grave in the Paris “celebrity” cemetery. Back then half the tombstones were defaced with messages about The Doors or directions to the gravesite. I remember seeing Chopin’s memorial covered with spray paint saying “this way to Jim”. Heathens.
Do you get the DTs?
Then you’re good.
That and the inability to have one drink and then stop. Or so I was told at court mandated drinking counseling. Which, honestly, the court mandated part and how it was a cash grab with zero regard for any outcome of my non-crime is the event that turned me in this direction.
A guy on my HS football team moved to Coastal Oregon and became a court appointed counselor. All of his business is court ordered. All.
This guy is sub literate and has an IQ in the 80s. It’s amazing what they’ll take as an “online” degree.
The entire thing is a scam.
Complete scam and money grab backed by the threat of more jail time. I don’t know how everyone involved in this racket can lived with themselves.
Bingo. If you seize when your blood alcohol goes below 0.2, you may have a problem. I wouldn’t worry to much about it other than that.
Isn’t that like serious drinking problem? Wouldn’t it be better to stop before then?
It’s my understanding that hospitals keep grain alcohol on hand to wean off the hardcore drunks so they don’t get the DTs.
*slides bottle behind monitor*
Those are the hardcore drinkers I would pick up at detox. What a miserable existence.
“How many handles of bourbon can I drink?”
Is this a quiz? I was told there’d be no math
You’re only an alcoholic if you quit.
It’s the meetings, don’t go to the meetings and you’re GTG.
I’m a quitter but no meetings. My drinking buddy said I was no fun after I stopped. He died a year or two later in an alcoholic induced accident.
It’s annoying how some people ridicule someone for taking a positive step. One of my “friends” did that to me when I quit smoking.
I’m not quitting drinking completely, but I’ve been cutting back lately. So far it’s been a good improvement for health, finances, and time (no more spending all of Sunday hung over and unable to do anything).
It’s annoying how some people ridicule someone for taking a positive step
I’ve found it to be a really good indicator that I don’t need the person in my life.
I’m not an alcoholic. I’m a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.
If you remember drinking all of them, then you’re good.
Steve Smith is now upper management.
Is he a Democrat Presidential candidate?
I just assume everyone is.
Rape taxpayers sounds like a Steve Smith slogan, so..he’d fit right in.
Humidity. I kinda hate you. I should move
“Where are you, Tulip?”, asked the totally-not-a-stalker.
She is on the prowl for an eligible bachelor…
Bachelor, which P Brooks is not. So settle down.
He isn’t? We didn’t meet any significant other when we met him.
And he lives in the Last Best Place.
Really? *bats eyes, affects breathy voice* Hi
“I dont have a girlfriend, but I DO know a girl that would be really mad if she heard me say that.” -Mitch Hedberg
You joke, but I actually had a FWB like that.
Fortunately, she got married.
Watches P Brooks run for the hills. Yep.
He is dead though. Could be a deal breaker.
That’s cold.
Yeah, but that also means he’s always stiff.
Went to join Weezy?
I am (in response to OneOut) in southwest Montana. North of Yellowstone.
Anyone else been having issues with Greasemonkey/Eyepiece this weekend? I thought it fixed itself, but now it’s acting up again.
I’m terrible with configuration, and it’s never run better for me: new laptop
Nope. The only issue I get is once a week or so it will forget which settings I have disabled.
Windows wanted to restart due to some updates so I did it hoping it would fix Greasemonkey. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, or if the mere fact of restarting FF was enough, but it appears to have cleared up.
You know, I wonder if the times I’ve had issues are when I’ve left FF open for a long period of time; like all day and overnight. Not sure why that would matter, but I’ll pay attention to that.
I leave my browser open for weeks at a time – it’s a wonder I have as few problems as I do.
Greasemonkey/tampermonkey sometimes acts up and makes Eyepiece do things not in its code. Usually if it’s a persistent issue, clearing your cookies will nuke Eyepiece. I have had occasional trouble (twice) where I uninstalled and reinstalled tampermonkey to fix the weirdness.
Thanks, Trashy. For the advice and for creating/maintaining Eyepiece.
if Mike’s running FF, does he have trashmonkey?
Ff can run either.
[ tamper monkey ]
I suggest you get up and move around a little between two and three, so you can reset the clock.
Nice. I like the way you think.
Interesting article but these parts give me pause:
Iisn’t it a wee bit contradictory to complain that “liberalism” has been bastardized yet also claim to support “a living intellectual tradition” as if the current state of “liberalism” is a result of “a living intellectual tradition”?
Also how it exactly is it supposed to work that everything is evolving and changing yet we are all supposed to agree on the same basic things all the time and do this forever?
This political individualism in practice over the centuries seems to be nothing than conforming to the views of the urban elites in Paris, London, NYC, LA. So individualistic and those said elites adore economic liberalism and political individualism right?
Also is this political individualism a form of culture war and the politicalization of everything?
And why are his three example all from the 19th century?
If you are hoping embracing “individualism” will save you being labeled a neo-Nazi then Richard Carranza has words for you.
*as if the current state of “liberalism” isn’t a result of “a living intellectual tradition”?*
I’ll clarify: things evolve and change but 18th century political terms should stay the same.
And I suspect that it will be difficult to find a modern “lifestyle individualist” or “cultural innovator” who doesn’t have statist politics.
Bachelor, which P Brooks is not.
Wait, what?
Nobody tells me anything. I’m always the last to know.
It might help if you wouldn’t leave her tied up in the cellar.
First legitimately hot day we’ve had here on Palmer Ridge, now it’s 61 and raining though. Perfect wine drinking weather.
Slutty Sunday!
So who is #7? She shows up all the time.
Does she? Can you introduce us?
Only after I was certain that she wasn’t interested in a little rodent action. And really, how can you be certain about something like that?
You’re right. I don’t know her name but would guess she is a little known model.
4 is a man, baby!
The first half of the set had some really great smiles. Love it.
here on Palmer Ridge
Castle Rock?
You are killing independent George!
I’m working days right now, maybe an after work beer or something?
Yah dood. Do you know Pikes Peak Brewery?
no that’s just me…..
@Mock-Star, if you’re around…
Are we going to try and do drinks in town this week?
We arrive tomorrow afternoon and leave Friday morning.
Unfortunately, I will not be able too. I would love to, but working nights for the man 6 days a week can be a drag sometimes. Also, Bedford suffers from a dearth of decent watering holes. Fun fact though: If you go to Bad Boyz Bistro (as featured on Food Network’s “Outrageous Food”), you can mock our disgraced former DA, whose antics were featured twice on TOS. Since his arrest and removal from office, he busses tables there. The wife and I used to go there, but we do not any longer simply because they hired him. If you are looking to dine somewhere other than Bedford Springs, the Jean Bonnet Tavern is good. Both Horn o’ Plenty (farm to table) and 10/09 Kitchen I have heard are good. Tacopacetic (tacos) is decent. As far as things to do outside of Bedford Springs, there isnt a whole lot. We mostly pass the time fishing, shooting guns, and rafting down the Juniata River. But you can always hike to the abandoned Turnpike Tunnels. I think the county fair will be going on while you are around, So downtown bedford, esecially the eastern half of town, is going to be packed.
Watches P Brooks run for the hills. Yep.
*hurriedly adds “likes to be chased” to profile*
Oh, hmm okay, runs after P Brooks.
Hey! Stop running so fast!
*pants* C’mon!
True story: a male friend once gave me a man catching kit. It was a bread pan and a rolling pin. He told me I should lure them into range with the smell of fresh baked bread, then club them with the rolling pin and drag them back to my lair. I’m beginning to think that would be easier than online dating.
Wish I could find the Neighborhood comic with the guy standing at the entrance to an alley, with “successful businessmen only” written on the ground, and an arrow pointing the way in. The caption is, “The allure was, of course, intense.”
I figure the freshly baked dread ploy would function something like that.
OK you clowns.
My Dad is selling a gun. He hasn’t had many hits, so I offered to pass it on to you group of rapscallions to see if there were any takers. He told me that although the buy it now is at 425, if someone has a firm offer of 350, he’d let it go for that.
It’s in excellent-like new condition. Didn’t shoot it much because he never really liked the balance on it, but it’s a great gun.
Oh, also, if you’re actually really interested, let TPTB know and they can give you my email.
The only reason I haven’t bought it is the .40 S&W.
I’ve heard great things about how the gun works/shoots, and that’s enough to overcome the butt-ugliness of it, but I”m not interested in that caliber.
A shootin’ buddy has it in 9mm. Very comfortable to shoot. Mild recoil with tiny bit of twist from that rotating bolt. I would be interested in how it feels in .40. But not in a position to buy right now – and NJ is such a damn pain just to transfer.
Actually…I might know someone. Her initials are SP.
Sweet! Drop me a line and I can get you in touch with Q Sr.
*Starts writing OMWC’s obituary*
Nah. She has a special set of rusty can lids for him.
Sylvia Plath?
I dont think she needs to own a firearm….
Stefanie Powers.
She’s one lady who knows how to take care of herself.
Sylvia Plath was good at that too.
I have the Compact 9mm version. Made a few mods. I like it a lot.
Sunday night Giant Super Happy Funtime Sample Session!
Everyone knows this gem from The Incredible Bongo Band- Apache. (turn it to 11)
Kool G and Polo needed a hook, so they stole it to make this.
There are probably a thousand breakbeat tracks that use it.
I know. Its dope af tho- I can see why.
AFAICT, there is nothing even vaguely Apache about that.
Protip: the more complicated your rhythms are, the less likely it was ever played on a drum in pre-1900 North America.
So it would seem.
Interesting fact: that was not actually a North American rhythm.
Stress on the first beat (of four) did not actually exist. The closest was accent on first and third.
Any time I can use my three years as a music major I am happy.
You may or may not believe that the University of Oklahoma had an emphasis on Native American music.
You mean the University of Indian Territory?
I’m going to have to ask the wife about this one. I doubt she had much interaction with anyone/thing in the music/arts programs, but we’ll see.
Also: Dang, C–you’re prickly these past few days.
I hope being prickly is a good thing. But just to clarify, prior to becoming a state, for many years what became Oklahoma, with the same borders, was named Indian Territory.
Oh, yeah–I know what you meant. I figured you were being facetious–my wife’s a double alum, so I married into it (being unaffiliated, otherwise).
But, you were rather disapproving of some of our male gaze targets the other evening. Your grumblings-they wound me!
I’m trying (not very hard) to get rid of my sole .40s&w pistol- a S&W Sigma imitation Glock; (see “how many calibers do you want tom stock?” discussion from previous post)
.22lr, 9mm parabellum, and .45acp.
and the orphan .38 super caliber Llama which is a damn good shooter
Ewww. I had a Sigma .40. Didn’t like it. No sir.
4013tsw – bad ass
Sig 2022 – bad ass
Shorty 40-bad ass
There’s others, but those are my faves.
Love the looks of those old S&Ws.
I saw an old Llama last time I was at the gun store. Very cool. Unfortunately I’ve hit my limit for the year.
My calibers .22LR, .380, 9mm, 45GAP, .410, 5.56. I’m open to another .45ACP as long as it’s not Kimber. .32 and 7.62 are on my future list. And 12 or 20ga. And a .38 wheel gun.
I was sold on .38 Special until I discovered the numbers
.38 Muzzle energy =245
.22 Mag muzzle energy = 260
I’m looking to switch to .327 Mag
Hmmm. .22, .38, .357 magnum, .40S&W, .45ACP, .223, .30-30, .32-20, 6.5Creedmoor, .410, 20ga, 12ga.
Looks like I need one more for a baker’s dozen.
I just wish I had some guns so I could use the ammo.
My condolences on the boating accident.
Not much here: .22, .22Mag, .357mag, .45 colt, .45 ACP, .270, .30-06, .44, .54 round ball, .54 conical, 20ga, 16 ga, 12ga
This made me curious as to what I have.
The easy ones: .22, 9mm, .45, .223, .308, 30-30, 12 ga.
The more obscure ones/antique that I’ve never actually fired: 16 ga/9mm Mauser (on a drilling gun), .22 Winchester auto, 25-30 (Remington pump action rifle), 8×22 Nambu, 45-70 (Springfield trapdoor), and one mystery caliber (custom hunting rifle on a K98k bolt action, but it appears to have been rechambered).
Sorry, Remington is a 25-20
oooohh boy.
.22lr, 9mm, .45acp, .38, .357 mag, 7.62×25, 7.62x38r, 7.62×39, 7.62x54r, 8mm mauser, 8x56r, .303, .308, 5.56, 7mm mag, 12g, 20g
OK, I’m beginning to think I should just head over to other glibbers’ houses for a SHTF situation.
/.22lr, .380 (x2), .40 (x2), 5.56
Didn’t some mediocre Aussie male tennis player beat her (or almost did) a while back? I don’t think it is outrageous that 12 percent of men think they could beat her.
But then again they polled Brits so…
The Guardian contains derp known by, well, everyone to cause cancer.
Actually the question was “Take a point” not “beat”. Not unreasonable for a guy in pretty good shape who plays regularly.
One of several interviews where Mcenroe says Serena Wiilams is greatest woman player but not the greatest player ever. Interviewers just won’t accept it.
The whole conversation is so fucking tedious, and deliberately contrived to stir shit up. I’m tired of it.
That’s what I get for not following Tennis…
I mean not realizing that they are talking about getting a point rather than defeating.
I wonder if that describes 12% of British men?
Truth or self perceptions?
the best you could hope for if you saw a Serena serve come your way is not to soil yourself
In my prime, she still would’ve kicked my ass, but I could drop triple digit serves and had strong enough forehand and backhands to steal a few points. I wouldn’t have shit myself over a 115 mph serve. It’s fast, but it’s not that fast.
Today, she’d blank me. I’m 80 lbs out of prime tennis shape and the muscle memory is a bit rusty.
Yes he did. And Venus as well. He was ranked 200 or 300th in the world at the time and he beat the Williams sisters easily. It wasn’t close and it looked like he hadn’t really prepared for the match.
Wonder why the author didn’t mention that?
His name was Karsten Braasch . He beat Serena 6-1 and then Venus 6-2. His training regime supposedly centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple of bottles of ice cold lager. He said he played down to make it interesting. He was ranked 203rd at the time.
Hmm the guy was German so I was mistaken. And he was thirty and the event was over 20 years ago…
Ah but the event occurred in Australia which is likely how I became mistaken…
Because it would mean acknowledging that men are physically stronger than women and that mediocre non-professional male tennis players may be able to score points against her and those 12% may not be as deluded as the author thinks?
Now do Simona Halep.
Wood eye! Wood eye!
And Bob’s your uncle.
Oh yeah?
“These are not crank predictions. They are official estimates, derived from the best scientists the government has available.”
Take that!
OFFICIAL I tells ya!
As someone that routinely deals with the ‘finest scientific minds’ the government has to offer (state, local, and federal EPA) in my career as “air pollution measurement specialist”, reading that line made me shoot beer out my nose.
Way to assume Bob’s gender, you cis shitlord.
There is absolutely no way the Dutch could ever deal with rising seas. They would quickly cease to exist and their wooden shoes would end up at the bottom of the rising seas.
No. Wooden shoes float
Owe me a coke.
Wouldnt they float?
Not if they are being worn at the time.
So I baked some biscuits for biscuits and gravy for dinner because that is the kind of rebel I am. They taste great but did not fluff at all. Probably a stupid question, but could that be because I have no idea how old my baking powder and soda is? I tried to not man handle the dough too much and only folded 3 times as per Chef Johns instructions.
If you don’t know how old it is, then it’s probably time to replace.
I’m not much of a baker, but I know baking soda and powder lose their potency after a while. Def could be that. You should also check the thermostat.
Powder yes, but baking soda doesn’t really degrade.
Sounds like you need a fluffer.
I’m not sure I need one but I am not totally opposed to the idea either.
Yeah, the baking powder can go bad. The baking soda would need to be paired with some acid (such as buttermilk) in order to get it to rise. You could test the soda by mixing a small amount with some vinegar.
you need to apply a laquer over the top to prevent yellowing,
Snow for dioramas
Could be. I found a can in the back of the panty – tried it and it didn’t work.
“Back of the panty”. That’s a novel use for baking soda.
Keeps the fart smells to a minimum.
I’m not sure it’s something I would want to cook with.
I feel like some sort of tentacle sushi would be the appropriate menu choice. The Japanese put dirty panties on everything.
Fair point.
Now we’re cooking with gas!
The biggest problem is you didn’t mention buttermilk. Now I’m no southern belle but g-d they are right about buttermilk. I use the recipe from The Joy of Cooking. And don’t roll them and cut them, drop biscuits hold their own. It’s all about that base ( and acid)
I personally make drop biscuits. Having said that, rolling will get you much better layering. The most important thing is that there is molten fat in your biscuit pan so that you get shortening saturation and then flip them so that you get that saturation on both top and bottom.
^ their is a reason why I don’t comment here, all you smart assholes have better thoughts and ideas.
another reason to not comment: grammar Nazis.
I just noticed. You guys sure make a shy depressed person needed!
May I suggest a hearty, “fuck off Tulpa!”.
Here, here!
But it’s avatar is caaaaa-ute!
Dammit. “Its”
::insert Nelson laugh for MikeS::
Biscuits are SRS BSNS for southerners.
Of course I used buttermilk. What do you people take me for? I am not a knuckle dragging heathen.
Post which will be completely meaningless to most Glibs but which is written from anguish: that may be the most heart-breaking, bizarre, incomprehensible way to lose the Cricket World Cup.
I saw a cricket in my pots and pans drawer not but five minutes ago. Little fucker.
Sorry, completely meaningless to me 🙁
Watched West Coast/Pies the other night. What a match!
Yeah, I went to bed after seeing the 3/4 time score and was completely shocked the next morning to see the ‘Pies won.
On the up side, Carlton got their 4th win of the year.
Vs. Sydney? *excellent*
Personal trivia: I’ve attended two VFL/AFL games in my lifetime. One was Footscray vs. South Melbourne as the Western Oval.
Heh, that’s dating yourself.
Hah! Yeah, I’m older than most here. And the VFL became the AFL the year I left Oz.
To borrow a little bit from William Faulkner, somewhere in my mind, 11 teams are still based in Melbourne, one in Geelong; all the games kick off at 2pm on Saturday. And the Grand Final is ALWAYS played on the last Saturday in September.
Huh. This year’s GF is on the last Sat. in Semptember. I’m still discovering some of the baked-in matches, many of which involve the Pies. Tuesday match?! Oh, of course, it’s the Queen’s birthday. Duh.
Yeah, it’s worked out the last few years but, for example, the 2016 GF was on October 1.
Did he underarm roll?
+1 Ban
Cricket? The bug?
Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
Did you see the story about Bologna’s boss?
Link to it?
Sucks. I liked him a lot as a player and he’s a good coach.
Did it have a first name?
Only tangentially related story – when my time in Iraq was over, my agency sent me to Kuwait to end my 6-month deployment. I had 10 days to kill in order to meet the number of days required in theater (stupid rule – instead of being able to go home to Germany to actually work, they made me sit idle in Kuwait to meet a arbitrary timeframe, but I digress).
Only sports station on the tv showed cricket 24/7, so there generally wasn’t anyone watching except me. First day one soldier stopped by and asked if I understood the game. I told him I did, and he sat and watched as I explained the rules. Next day it was 5. Day later it was 10. By the end of my 10 days, the room was full of Americans cheering on the Indians in their match against the Pakistanis.
At least England lost.
Or is that not what you wanted?
The sea level might rise over time by 10 metres
I might be the reincarnated Buddha.
Uh huh. And Bill Clinton had nothing to do with this right?
He’s a retard.
Goddamn, sometimes Lefties get sooooo close to seeing the true picture.
… Although I still object to the term “crony capitalism” – I think that phenomenon is actually closer to socialism since it consists of the government usurping the role of the price system in determining where resources should be allocated.
Because their solution to crony capitalism and corporate welfare is always socialism…
I wonder what lefties would think if they knew the CA pension fund is the largest investor in the US. Down with Capitalism!!!
Hey! Stop running so fast!
*stops, hides behind rock to POUNCE*
At least 300 million people will become climate refugees; China and the USA will lose coastal cities.
If I pulled that out of my ass, I wouldn’t shit right for a week.
If the US lost coastal city voters, that might not be such a bad thing.
I hope Im not the only one that, during the July 4th earthquakes, secretly hoped everything west of the San Andreas slid into the pacific.
(ceptin glibs and their kin, totes obvs)
I love how some Lefties brought up the idea of California secession after Trump won, and they acted like it was a big middle finger to conservatives. What they don’t know (or chose to ignore) is that conservatives – particularly pro-gun people – have been saying for decades that it would be better for the rest of the US if California just self-amputated and kept their statist bullshit to themselves.
I split just in time,
Sup Tres!
Interesting thread about the Tacoma fuckwit being lionized by antifa.
“This connects Kim Kelly of @TeenVogue to the ANTIFA HANDBOOK author, proving the research published by @Quillette about left wing extremists being in BED with media outlets as CORRECT.”
I would expect someone working at Vogue to be more stylish.
Where is Claude Rains when you need him?
So… when do these get people get classified as domestic terrorists?
Any bets?
Once they start attacking Pelosi?
That’s about right.
Speaking of protecting Antifa. Portland mayor Ted Wheeler should resign. Dude is apparently Mayor AND police chief. Glitch in the system.
Tired of these woke leaders who hike, play in bands and talk all unicorny.
Just do your damn job.
No, Outlaw is the police chief.
City government is organized into various bureaus, such as the Portland Police Bureau. Each bureau is ran by an elected commissioner or the mayor, with the mayor assigning bureaus to each. Wheeler took the police bureau, as other mayors have in the past.
Ah. I misheard.
Still. Isn’t that a conflict of interest of sorts?
Not sure how. Cities with strong mayor systems can have the various departments working directly for them as well.
Real issue is Portland has insane political culture, progressivism substituted for religion, and is reaping the whirlwind of 40 years of increasing idiocy.
Is he the Mayor to fix this or is he exactly how I imagine him to be?
Probably how you imagine him. He’s not going to fix things and whoever replaces him won’t either. There’s not even the pragmatic constituency service demands of say a Chicago or NYC. The general population, or at least the voting one is just as much to blame. They don’t even insist that roads get paved or such. They’re just as much true believers and they’re demoralized in the Soviet sense.
The left is all about organization. The guy was suicidal, it seems, but I would expect more of this. You know, because history.
One may assert Trump is hurting the mentally ill but in fact it’s all the hyperbole and hysteria ginned up by the NPC Orange Man Bad idiots who rile these poor souls up.
Do we know if Pie got fed today, or is he roaming a foreign country with some extra hangry bloodlust?
Bessarabia watch out!
He’s too busy celebrating Halep’s victory.
Overlooked is that Barbora Strýcová won the ladies’ doubles final, and at the age of 33 finally makes it to #1 in the doubles rankings.
People watch doubles? Worse, mixed doubles?
Doubles is a lot of fun. Too bad it’s ignored other than a couple of pairs of siblings.
That ladies doubles final WAS a lot of fun. I like Hsieh – watching her play singles is a blast because so many of her opponents don’t know how to handle her.
Hsieh beat Halep at Wimbledon last year.
It’s also too bad her country doesn’t get the recognition it deserves at sporting events.
I hated playing doubles. You want to smash your partner in the head and vicey versy.
The only late night comedian that’s still funny
He did go woke on Haiti though.
I missed that. Even so, I’m not asking for perfection, I just don’t want to get lectured every night by a comedian.
This is part of what made Carson a genius. Every politician was potentially the butt of his jokes. I laughed at jokes made at the expense of politicians I supported because the joke was the point. I knew he’d dish it out to the other side as well.
Carson and Letterman were so watchable and a hoot. The monarch and the rebel. Letterman at 12:30pm on NBC and all those quirky guests.
/spits on the ground.
Not asking for perfection?
/He probably wouldn’t make that now.
Straff is actually Conan?
On a more patriotic note, here is cosplayer with huge boobs
I would expect someone working at Vogue to be more stylish.
I clicked on that.
“Anarchist Co-ordinating Council” t-shirt? SERIOUSLY?
That’s not how it works, you muggle.
The facebook page for this weekend’s ops showed a laundry list of communist orgs behind it. They aren’t fooling anyone with this “anarchist” nonsense.
I was confused by that, too. The whole thing with anarcho-communism has confused me since I learned about it in high school. I got the whole anarchy thing comes later, but the whole disbanding communism thing to me made now sense. Now I know that Marx and the people who believe the lie are just statists masquerading as people who don’t want government, but back then I was genuinely intrigues by the idea.
That’s because we have to abolish the state but we must restructure the economy and society either by using entities not called states or staying that the state will wither away once it controls everything.
“Neutralizing Ngo: The Apologetics of Antifascist Street Violence
In Politics and the English Language, George Orwell observed that “political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible.” He detailed how certain manners of diction are employed to that end—dying metaphors, verbal false limbs, pretentious and otherwise meaningless words all work to constitute a kind of inflated, euphemistic style of expression. This divests language of plain meaning in order to obscure brutal realities and to hide the “gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims.” As these habits are adopted and spread, clear thinking and good communication become more difficult and the process self-perpetuates. Stupid, ugly, and oppressive ideas actively distort language to create a semblance of reason and respectability; in turn, the corruption of language further predisposes people to uncritically accept and conform to the same sorts of orthodoxies.
In a vein similar to Orwell’s lexicology of apologetics, criminological theory may help inform an understanding of how speech is used in defense of the indefensible at another level of analysis—that of rhetorical strategies. Specifically, what follows is a look at the online discourse surrounding the recent assault of a journalist by antifascist demonstrators, as viewed through the lens of Neutralization Theory.”
True story: a male friend once gave me a man catching kit. It was a bread pan and a rolling pin. He told me I should lure them into range with the smell of fresh baked bread, then club them with the rolling pin and drag them back to my lair. I’m beginning to think that would be easier than online dating.
Come to Montana. I’ll let you drag me back to *my* lair.
Google’s time share in Montana
Damn, they are all in NW Montana. Columbia, etc
Yusef and Bella are having Hard boiled eggs and Jimmy Dean sausage biscuits for dinner. We bought a 20 dollar electric skillet that rocks, did you know you can buy a six pack of eggs?
what a wonderful modern age we live in….
I tend to buy six pack of eggs.
Yes, but you also buy bags of milk.
Not me man. I hate milk.
eggs are delicious, nutritious, and cheap.
And they last a fuckton longer than they are “supposed” to. I left some out on top of my dorm fie for a semester and they never went rotten.
Maybe the japaterians can confirm eggs are not refrigerated in Japan
We put them in the fridge. Pretty sure the in laws do, too. They are sold in the chilled case at the grocery store. Maybe some people leave them out, but I haven’t seen it.
The key is to not wash them. Doing that removes the “bloom” and allows air to pass through the shell.
I used to raise laying hens and I agree, don’t wash them. But keep to laying boxes clean, for some reason your girlfriend might not want shit covered eggs in the fridge
Yea, that would be a no-go for me as well. A fragment of shit could easily fall into the bowl when you’re cracking them, and that’s a major problem if you cook your eggs somewhat rare (as in an omelette or frittata).
I think I’d much rather wash them and deal with the loss of freshness. I tend to use them within a week or two anyway.
Now that I’m on an Ozzy Man kick
I was confused by that, too. The whole thing with anarcho-communism has confused me since I learned about it in high school.
To be sure, anarchism is all well and good, but somebody has to co-ordinate things. You’ve got to have RULES.
Otherwise… who’s in charge? Somebody has to be in charge, right?
How else will we know the right way to not have a government?
We’re an anatcho-syndicalist commune
So, Tulip and P Brooks? Stranger things have happened.
BTW, Brooks declined two offers to meet him as we passed thru. Not a judgement, just a comment.
I think SP and I cured him of those notions.
You’re not his type?
BTW, Brooks declined two offers to meet him as we passed thru. Not a judgement, just a comment.
I don’t think I ever saw them. I’m mostly only around in the mornings. Sorry- absolutely no offense intended.
We mostly tour Montana west of Butte. We had a lovely time with Riven and her hubby traveling thru Billings and had hoped to meet with you on our way through westward.
We’ll try again.
“…Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania professor Wendy Lynne Lee agreed and described President Trump as “a pathetic coward,” “an incompetent buffoon,” and “a cruel, morally bankrupt, monster.”
“That’s right, but not just any old attention. @realDonaldTrump wants to be seen as a ‘strong man’ even though he’s a pathetic coward; a great statesman, even though he’s an incompetent buffoon, an excellent human being–even though he’s a cruel, morally bankrupt, monster,” she declared.”
Example of projection?
“Wendy Lynne Lee
5.3 | Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Philosophy, Faculty Member | Philosophy+867
Wendy Lynne Lee is professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania where she has taught for over 25 years. Her primary objectives have long been to realize a philosophically informed life both professionally and personally, as a citizen, dissident, human and animal rights advocate, friend, daughter, and mother…”
Her works:
The arm wrestling duck lesbian feminist article is highly tempting, but I don’t think I’ve drank enough to that at the moment. And the amount of booze one might require after reading such an article may be enough to put one in the hospital.
Holy Moly! I kept scrolling down and it never ended. Every title looks like it was generated by one of those random phrase genertors.
How can someone go through like that?
Yes prestigious Boozburg Uni
My lived experience is informed by marginalized margarine and kumquats of color.
“Those that can’t do, teach.”
I had the credentials but not the inclination. One way or another I wouldn’t have lasted very long in a structured environment.
“That’s right, but not just any old attention. @realDonaldTrump wants to be seen as a ‘strong man’ even though he’s a pathetic coward; a great statesman, even though he’s an incompetent buffoon, an excellent human being–even though he’s a cruel, morally bankrupt, monster,” she declared.”
Can’t you literally fill that in with every politician ever?
Putting a D after their name obscures from normal mortal eyes all the subtle, but incredibly intelligent an ultra-moral actions a politician takes.
If it’s not immediately apparent to you how great they are, that’s a fault in your character.
Picture worth a thousand whippings.
We’re all going to miss this guy when he’s gone.
He’s no Eric, but when all you have is glue to kick your meth habit…
I didn’t know Mexicans could own slaves.
Tell us how you really feel, NYPost.
Instead of writing “Why Liberalism Failed” Deneen should have just used a picture of de Blasio.
Every day, he drags himself out of bed at the crack of 10, has himself driven to the other side of town so he can do a halfhearted couple of minutes on the elliptical, and then maybe goes to City Hall.
Hard hitting journalism right there.
At least de Blasio was in the country. Bloomberg would have been at his place in the Bahamas.
Is that supposed to make de Blasio look good?
“Fair and balanced.”
Doesn’t change that at the heart of his character, de Blasio is weapons grade douche bag.
Also reminds of the days when Bloomberg was the number 1. enemy of freedom…
Bloomberg’s chief value lay in keeping the nutbags like Deblasio – who are always waiting in the wings – out of the mayor’s office.
A statist douchebag Republican (or former Republican) being less worse than a Democrat? Never expected that! I mean NYC Council has lately been a hotbed of libertarian Democrats!
How is this not a bigger story with consequences? Boggles my mind that they get away with this crap with impunity.
Having the MSM on your side has some nice perks…
I’m sure he means well. I mean, he’s a Democrat.
It succeeded in giving money to favoured groups. That’s what it’s all about it.
I love reading the Post. However, PageSix is blocked at work.
Sad times…
“On the left is what diversity and inclusion should look like. On the right is what the increasingly kooky woke left wants them to look like.”
Watermelons got to watermelon…
It takes government to make the sort of drastic action that will pile bodies like cordwood.
“Yo anybody know of this shit and can explain it to me! Cause WTF!”
*paging Not Adahn*
Huh. He’s in therapy.
“#Walkaway Walkaway from the Democrat Party movement marches today in D.C. Congratulations to Brandon Straka for starting something very special.”
Remember Trumps wants to round up all the gays into camps.
““In January of 2017, I bitterly proclaimed on social media that I would never be able to understand how anybody could vote for a man who stood before a cheering crowd & mocked a reporter’s disability. That’s when somebody sent me this…” SEE FULL VIDEO:”
Why did Roberts take Ryu out? He was cruising and under 100 pitches!
Soooo…. it’s Sunday. Did the Palmer raids happen or a big non event?
They started last night. And yes, nonevent.
Ah so I missed that article on Social Media.
Should we talking about one of the serious downsides of modern communications that it allows the political class to micromanage? In the past there was little POTUS could do about say an Indian raid out while it was actually occurring and to deal with the immediate aftermath or directly micromanage the response but now he can.
And creates the perception that politicians should know about every current issue and in turn Must Do Something About It?
Also the ability of modern technology to resolve all social, political and economic issues has been shown to have been false since at least the 19th century. And liberal and libertarian technophilia was/is heavily predicated on the assumption that “We like technology so therefore anyone who embraces technology must agree with us on everything since it is modern and we are modern and how can someone like something that is produced by a corporation and then call for government control of the economy?”
Not really a cliffhanger. Cousin Yeti is a badass.
I hope you all had a great weekend! I learned that when your Spawn leaves, he comes back a very different, but very interesting person.
Weird but somehow right.
Yeah, funny how your kids can turn into decent people right in front of your eyes.
I like the humans that my three daughters turned into. Funny thing, they seem to like me, too.
My son is a well educated POS, that is all…..
+1 Sophocles.
Do I bring shiity weather with me? 60 degrees, overcast but no rain, smells like California….
Got a taster for what you have coming tomorrow?
not yet but soon, Plum Creek
Sounds like heaven to me. I already miss open windows and fresh air.
Whycome no English?!
“My hometown only separates trash into two types,” 39-year-old Jai Tomkinson, an Australian who works for a local outdoors store, said. “Documents at banks and post offices are mostly in Japanese, which makes things challenging.”
Zero pity. Move to a country, learn its fucking language.
What about immigrants to America then?
I’d say the same should go for them. I pretty much agree with Dave Smith’s recent assertion on his podcast: If you come here, learn the language. Or, you can pass over learning the language, but you have to accept that government business and most private business will be conducted in English, and you just have to deal with the consequences of that.
My long term expat friends break down into 3 groups: 1) Never really tried to learn the language and just rely on stuff they casually pick up 2) Tried hard to learn the language and burned out. They feel guilty about not keeping up with their studies, but can get by in most situations. 3) Studied hard and kept at in at consistently over the years. Fine in almost every situation.
*I’m a long time plugger, but have gaps I should fill.
I was a solid 2 in Germany. Never expected any help. My learning German was basically stopped when I was transferred to an area with a huge American population and the German merchants insisted on speaking English.
The Chinese and Koreans have huge advantage in that area. People assume they speak Japanese. People assume I don’t and through poor English at me. I buy the Yomiuri everyday to stay sharp. Sometimes the conbini clerk will say, “Uh, uh, One hundred, uh, uh, forty, uh, uh”. I say, “ひゃくごじゅう円 でしょ?”
He’ll continue with, “Wait, wait, one hundred, uh, uh, fif, no, four, no fif…” That’s when I just put 150¥ on the counter and walk out. I imagine he’s still there trying to spit it out.
Lowe’s disagrees with you. A least they do if you speak Spanish.
What about them? If someone wants to offer help, fine – but don’t go demanding it.
Are there a significant amount of Nepalis in resort towns? I was surprised to see a Nepali was mentioned; I’d reckon he would have been in UAE as slave labor.
There are some in my neighborhood in Tokyo. Good curry restaurant. Not exactly friendly, but they don’t cause any problems as far as I can tell.
Mmmmm. Momo.
Huh. Are there any other groups in Japan that us gaijin wouldn’t expect to be there? I’ve never been, but I always pictured Japan as Japanese and some random Anglos mixed in with a random Brazilian diaspora person mixed in.
Chinese and Koreans make up the vast majority of gaijin. Americans are like 8th or 9th on the list. Met lots of Iranians for some reason.
And over 2% gaijin now. Well until Raph comes back, then I guess it will dip under again.
Hmmm. More Nepalis than Americans.
And in my experience, the Nepalese are not into marrying outside their culture.
IME it’s POC and Central Americans, nice people, glad to have a job,
Although the town currently has no English disaster prevention maps, the municipality has begun hiring Japanese proficient in English
Yes, only the best Engrish for those evacuation instructions!
“Assume there are five totally inebriated people in a car. Group consensus determines no one should drive, and, being close, we push the car home. I’m sure “drunk pushing” is not illegal. But what about the dude steering while pushing? Asking for a friend.”
Uber? feet on sidewalk?
“Johnny Depp is not having a good year. Been replaced in four films, including “King Of The Jungle” – a fictionalized account of my life. I am happier with Michael Keaton playing me. Depp has been consuming more mind altering substances than me – a dangerous record for anyone.”
“it’s better to burn out, than it is to rust”
my my, hey hey
Meh, I don’t see Mcafee doing more mind altering shit than Hunter Thompson. More and more expensive shit, that I see.
It’s a shtick, always has been, HST, Macafee, same thing, attempted over the top BS, nothing more
What’s French for Iron Man?
But he’s dressed and colored EXACTLY the same as the current Ant Man. They can’t even propaganda good. (really it looks more like Robocop 3)
I didn’t even know there was a Robocop 3
That was the film that ‘ruined my childhood’ before that was a thing. I’m the original hipster, but not as douchey.
Well, adulting is difficult.
/Really? Robo 3?
I was a mature 5th grader when my dreams were shattered.
“Mature 5th Grader seeks Non-Shitty Sci-Fi flick for Fun and Adventure”
At least, that’s what came to mind.
/Tulip… You need help with the ad…?
Heh, based on some recent headlines one would believe a 5th grader has better odds of getting a woman than me.
I would joke, “Become a teacher, then”, but….nah.
OMWC ruined that joke for everyone else, now we’d just be imitators.
I helped work on the sux6000 from the first one. They wrecked the nice one and we had to “niceify” the lesser one for close ups.
I’m going to presume you weren’t in Dallas to work on it. Were you?
No sir. San Fernando valley.
I didn’t think you’d need to be for that.
I don’t remember much about them shooting in the city/surrounding areas at the time. It’s interesting to go back and see areas that I remember that either aren’t around any more, or, are different in some way.
““The work that Google is doing in China is indirectly benefiting the Chinese military; Indirect maybe not be a full characterization of the way it is. It’s more of a direct benefit to the Chinese military.” – Gen. Joseph Dunford”
“Just pubbed to terminal: At the National Conservarism conference Peter Thiel just said the FBI and CIA should investigate whether Google has been infiltrated by Chinese intelligence”
watch China uncensored on the Jootube, Chris Chappelle will learn ya about the Chinee
I bet they already are, and not just those two agencies. I also think there’s more involvement by the IC in the commercial sphere as potential threat vector than is commonly believed.
Meh. Buying a pair of sneakers or an iPhone is also “indirectly benefiting the Chinese military”.
Florida Man has crabs
“Just 5 alcoholic drinks a week could shorten your life, study says.”
Then why isn’t everyone here dead, Mr. Science?
Drinks can be alcoholics now?!
According to the math on this cocktail napkin, I drink 33 drinks a week.
They don’t say how big a “drink” is, so I’m assuming it’s a jigger.
Oh, “jigger”. Never mind.
Huh. I’m probably about 20 years past my expiration date.
The science is settled.
So that’s like 100 beers, right?
150 per week is what my Doctor told me, I’m keeping up,
Sounds like a good Sconnie doctor.
Coffee, water, beer, life….
Remove two of those and you get me…
Well, remove just one, and we won’t have you.
/Observation, not request.
Dog, Wife, Bacon, Weed
“Pornhub Launches Bee-Themed Channel To Raise Money For Bee Conservation”
Excuse me, what?
“Pornhub’s new ‘BeeSexual’ channel will give viewers the chance to watch bees getting busy though, while donating money for bee convservation every time you do so.
Pornhub wants people to do their bit in saving the bees by watching their new channel, which will focus solely on bees doing their thing, pollinating flowers. Every time someone watches the videos, the porn site will donate money to an organisation focused on bee preservation or protection.
A video posted to Pornhub’s YouTube introduces BeeSexual, starting by warning viewers that bees are dying off and without them, we’re in trouble.
If you’re wondering how watching a couple (or a group, whatever tickles their pickle) of bees getting down and dirty can be remotely sexual in any way, viewers won’t just be watching a nature video.
Instead, the bees will all be voiced by adult film stars to give it a slightly more Pornhub feel, with stars such as Brett Rossi, Dante Colle, and Domino Presley all getting involved in the initiative.”
And the bee were fine, the end
Sounds like a situation where you’d only want the audio.
Of course, you do your kink your way.
They got people of all stripes, I guess.
Shit job, Motels, Awesome Dog, Awesome Wife , never thought I would miss California, but I do..
OK–Wednesday, it is. Gotta finish up H&H shirt tales, Pt. 2, now.
I ‘member Shirt Tails, you ‘member Shirt Tails?
I knew the name was familiar. Turns out, that is the only thing familiar about that cartoon. I mean, I was definitely watching Saturday Morning Cartoons back then, just not ST.
I remember the Pac Man cartoon. Maybe I was watching that? Maybe that’s why I was socially awkward.
/Yeah, “was”…
Watched them both, but later in syndication. I’m a youngin. 83 is the best vintage for crackpots, dontchaknow.
Mmmmm…Chateau du Sconnie, 1983. Potent alcohol notes. Bold textural themes, with strong notes of comedy, and a touch of melancholy.
There. There’s your online dating opener.
“It is so important that nonwhite children have teachers that look like them, and it is equally as important that white children have teachers who do not look like them.”
Christ, what an asshole.
So persuasive. It is so important that whatever I believe in be accepted despite me not giving any reasons.
Fuck the world.
Hack the Gibson!
2nd grade. What do I win?
Even with my added 10 years of college, unless a Castilian is considered non-white, never…except maybe that one diversity course teacher who claimed some nebulous native but was really white…Do I get my Diplomas revoked now because race something something?
I could add 5th grade, multiples in every year of jr. and sr. high school, and several in college. No wonder I turned out so superior.
You know, that’s like saying you have black friends, which therefore makes you racist. Now what you need to do is hint at your diverse up-bringing, without actually mentioning it, because that would make you racist, but also anyone who didn’t have as diverse of an upbringing is also a racist, and if they don’t talk about how diverse their upbringing was then they are racist, but if they do then they are racist…
It’s almost like this is a game you can’t win.
Almost as if its intentional…
Well, ‘turnabout’ IS fair play…
Your new handle, Not a turnabout intruder?
Well, Sir Digby is definitely an intruder of sorts. Never
nudenaked, of course*.*maybe, on request
Rhy, it looks like you’re going to have to re-administer all of CPRM’s state testing, to ensure that all of his scholastic advancement is legit. Sort of a ‘pay it forward’ with all of the special PoC magic you inherited.
What if you can’t remember most of your teachers’ names or faces, let alone their skin color?
There was that one teacher that if I weren’t such a Catholic nerd would have made a headline…I’m saying she wanted to bone me, if that wasn’t clear…
Never a danger for me.
“The Blessing & the Curse”
I remember all of them, for some reason.
Elementary school was Mrs. Weichmann, Miss Lamb, Ms. Birkahn, Miss Clutterbuck, Mrs. Thomas, and Ms. Hansen. Ms. Hansen took us on a kick-ass field trip to Toronto and carried a clutch reading “Rich Bitch”.
Who is this guy? Is there a reason to care what he says?
Not really. Even if he was a somebody, it’s just, like, his opinion, man.
Still a schmuck, though.
Because I love each and every one of you:
Weaponized Toilet Brush
Critikal really brings it on the ‘As seen on TV’ commercials. He’s a pretty funny guy.
Any of the late nighters foamers? Still can’t believe this is real. Never thought I’d see an operational Big Boy
I don’t get it. Is this the first cousin to KK’s airplane videos?
I had never even heard of the term ‘foamer’ until he mentioned it.
I vote for more like-minded pursuit mentions. And, where is KK these days (evenings)?
It’s been some time since I’ve seen her comment.
Same here. Hope she’s OK–probably on during the “normal” hours…
I figured foaming was his kink.
Insert a “running a train” joke right about here.
/comedy gold, that one.
I just like the headline.
I wonder if he’ll need therapy for that. Also, maybe now he can drop the “Beto” and just go with “Massa”.
I mean, it’s what he really wants. I guess the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.