A sad ending to a valiant effort.

Hmmm. Looks like STEVE SMITH got into a bit of trouble. The spotter UAV did get some good pics….and, oooh. The STEVE SMITH FILE is open.

Hmmmm…old family ties turned sour…

YETI never got over losing that one.

YETI becomes union boss…SMITH Family not happy. STEVE storms into YETI’s HQ.

That must have been some fight.

Whoa…looks like YETI made one big mistake. He located by the sea. Forgot that STEVE SMITH has family…and they are on his side.

Oooh. That had to hurt.

Oh my…recent UAV video…looks like SEA SMITH is dragging YETI back to ASIA. That is one long arsed, salt water soaking journey. I hope STEVE SMITH is OK. Might have to have ZARDOZ fill in on Friday.

Well, now that I am all caught up, we can get to the links.

  • Go ahead…make all the “easier to run away” jokes.
  • Guaranteed to make friends and win people to your side!
  • This is angry. I like angry tabloids.

Music – Today, it is going to be a scorching one.