After a very pleasant week of quiet and recovery we got the call, Denver, CO! Four weeks of lighting and troubleshooting at the Chase building in Downtown, Yikes! They also requested my trouble/son to go, so we reset and off we go…..
Flagstaff was uneventful, probably because it was one night only. I stopped to get a few Tall Cans at the gas station, looked in, saw black cans with the AB logo and said, “Cobra” then I checked in to find I bought Natty Ice, Blaaaaggh! It still worked. We left Flagstaff at nine AM, and the son and wife blaze ahead in Kia Korean Kar, while Bella and I mosey in the OMWC van, do, do, do…..
All of a sudden I hear brrrrr, BANG! The left rear let go at 70 mph, but the core held long enough to get off the I-40, in Nowhere, 35 miles west of Gallup NM. I have a spare, then I went looking for a jack, no. I call for very expensive towing into Gallup, and spend 3 hours waiting for the Indians who run Firestone service center to change one tire! Back in Cali, it’s 20 minutes at the local llanteria, stereotypes gonna be stereotypes I guess, I lost 5 hours, and the crew was in ABQ waiting for gas money, so, off we go.
Castle Rock, CO.
We landed at Super 8 after a 16 hour tour, a 16 hour tour……….. and they were sold out, even though I have a guaranteed reservation with my card, part of the bargain you see. After some haggling, we crashed in a single til the morning, and here we are, in our double, POS room.
Until then, I had not considered when we were going to be in CO, then it hit me, Independence Day, and a glorious light show courtesy of God daily, what’s not to love.
The drive into Denver is no worse than L.A., and back is a breeze at 4 AM. I also traded out my OMWC van for the best thing of all, a Kia Sedona minivan!
It fits all my stuff and I have room to spare. Where we are staying, we have an indoor gun range, 2 breweries, 2 liquor stores, Jack in the Box, Mc D’s and a laundromat, don’t forget the smoke shop, all within ¼ mile of our pad, oh yeah, Waffle House and Village Idiot for foodie stuff, convenient to be sure….
After settling in, Yusef goes straight outside to wait for rain, and here it comes, lightning, hail and floods of yummy moisture from the sky. I love it. Every day, the same thing, work, walk the dog, beer and Glibs, until…
Hey, Baby, it’s the Fourth of July….
The wife loves sparklers, and being broke, and in a motel I thought I best stick with a few hundred of them and not buy any blowy-uppy things, I knew I wouldn’t need them anyway, not here. There is a definite Motel Culture, a few people decided to BBQ, then others brought meats and chips and….. I brought the Sparklers.
What started as a few ended up with half the motel enjoying Independence Day together, as Americans, sharing and still living well despite our living conditions, and handing out Sparklers to the kids is mine and the wife’s great joys in life, FIRE!!!
Start ’em young! This has been a highlight of our trip to far, change is afoot however, but we shall leave that til next time,
The Gallery, and the Beer Gallery, after the first week, heh.
There is a definite Motel Culture,-
So what are some interesting stories from the fellow motel dwellers?
I’m writing them down, that’s a whole other article in itself, Maybe a teaser tonight, Watch the Skies!
Will do
This is hillarious
Who doesn’t like a tall glass of say, lemonade with ICE? why take my ICE away?
What about ICE bondage porn? She could handcuff the Sandynistas to that chain-link link fence and bang them with a strap-on.
I think that is a thing already.
Indeed it is.
I’m hiding contraband in my butt
Don’t shoot yourself in the nuts. It’ll fall out.
Weird flex, but OK.
Here’s a little song, it’s on my roadtrip playlist.
Gary Richrath, nice guitar player, good band, a bit smarmy later, why they died probably,
Riding the Storm out,
Yeah, Back on the Road again was the only song written or sung by the base player Bruce Hall. Never had anyone name that tune just listening to it.
I mean, no one’s ever guessed it was REO Speedwagon, just by hearing it.
Great tune. Saw them do it live back in early 80’s.
And since I brought up Lemonade stands, what’s with all the undocumented stands? I was joking but now I’m not. the local Julio’s get their cart full of fruitas and blow away little Suzie on the opposite corner, I say kill em all with the AIDS or something,
/Don’t try this at home, Humor only
Yusef with 2 Kias now. How long have you been on the road now? How much longer?
I used to do that but only to a single location at a time, stay 5-6 weeks and back to home base and only once or twice a year. Lots of short out of town trips in between but back home on the week ends. I sort of liked it, not bothered by corporate. OTOH, corporate wasn’t bothered by me either so it was reciprocal.
I feel for you though, a person needs a home base, where the beer is already cold. Good luck in the days to come.
I came to the Glibs with 2 Kias, then charity sold my old Blue one, then Yippee! a 2007 minivan, measured and set up for the wife’s power chair, plenty of room,
Those things will bark the tires. My buddy used to joke his Kia minivan was more likely to spin the tires than his Dodge Ram. Good little ride.
Can I come live with you? My name is Bob the Builder for a reason…
Nice beer selection! Sounds like another cool adventure:)
Been having fun on payday weekend to be sure,
Don’t talk shit about Minivans!!!!!
Oh…. I thought someone said something
I would have loved a mini van back when I lived out if my ’77 Gran Prix with leaky T-Tops:) Although chicks did love that two-tone Prix. It’s all relative.
My wife talks shit about them all the time. Too bad I bought her one.
Minivans? I think you meant to say Swagger Wagons.
There’s nothing mini about the man inside a minivan
Looks like you’re making the best out of an unpleasant situation. Thanks for taking us on your adventures!
Thanks Yusef. I appreciate your positive outlook on things. It reminds me to try not to be too aggravated and enjoy life more.
I miss my stuff, I have my Ukelele and a tablet, the PC died, thank Gom for backups
This was not how I envisioned life Post-Singularity.
Pretty creative really
I see nothing wrong with it.
Should be a libertarian national holiday:
This Wednesday marks the day to go the wrong way and be proud (and maybe a little defiant about it). Wednesday, July 17, is Wrong Way Corrigan Day.
This is why I never let someone drive me anywhere, Y’all don’t no North from South…….
something, something, forgiveness not permission.
Almost always, the correct approach, something something
Say “hey” to the wife for me, and give some ear scritches to Bella!
Belly says arf! Wendy is back in the hospital with her last foot, messed up bad, but in Cali where her Doctors are, so that’s cool.
You formatted this just how I wanted, Thanks again to you and all the Glibs!
Damn. Give my best to Wendy. At least she’s with the docs who know her situation.
Yep. I don’t have the self control for that kind of lifestyle. I need structure. And I’m not even German.
I’m going nuts for that reason alone, I rely on a schedule, and a routine, old and wise you see, and I maximise my fucking off time,
mmmm fucking off time…..
Do you know who else was not even German?
Reminder that My Name is Earl is a top 5 all time sitcom.
Who the Fuck is Earl? is he a Libertarian writer I haven’t heard of?
This was at my shop.
Did you get to bang Jaime Pressly?
No, but she was very nice and not put off at all by my flirting.
Good for you. You miss all the shots you don’t take.
Rather shoot for the moon and miss, than shoot for the gutter and make it, right?
Rather shoot for the moon and miss, than shoot for the gutter and make it, right?
With a double barrel, no less!
To be honest, I’ve done both.
It bears repeating.
They filmed n episode at my motorcyle shop. It’s the one with the OCC buffoons in it. Paid me well and they were pretty cool about everything.
I still have an official script, somwhere.
A damned good sitcom, but that may be debatable.
Granted, it’s no Three’s Company.
It pains me to admit that I actually watched that. But I have an excuse, there were only four channels.
Come and knock on my door…
Knock and Come on my door.
Mr. Furley, is that you?
Chrissy’s nipples. Janet’s ass.
You shut your whore mouth. Three’s Company is a goddamn classic.
I was NOT being sarcastic.
Oops. Thread fail.
Hey Foursquare. You likely know this already, but here’s Ron Bailey at TOS on the Beepocalypse.
I had a very attractive young woman come by the house collecting donations to save the bees. I told her I’d be making a donation later when I buy loads of vegetables at the store*.
*I didn’t. I meekly took a pamphlet and pretended to take the beepocalypse seriously.
cs didn’t make that comment?? What is this world coming to?
/probably becoming a place where prepositions can end a sentence…
Yeah, I’m a big confrontation-averse pussy.
It probably won’t surprise you to know that I duck out of the way to avoid passing people in corridors. I’ll abruptly change course to avoid having to briefly acknowledge people.
Yeah, I kinda fig-Hey! Where you going, cs?
I’ll stare them in the eye and pretend they aren’t there.
Thanks, Mikey. I’ve been saying this for years by anecdotally tracking the price of the bee packages every year. Every year the price would increase a little, about the same as inflation but rounded up a little. Supply and demand, etc. As Bailey pointed out its very easy to increase the supply, as long as there is a demand for more bees.
Had there been a real shortage the price of honey would have shot up as well. Just another BS scare , this time by ‘scientists’ that should know better. The market works with bees like any other product.
“Pornhub’s Beesexual Campaign Buzzes With Beerotica To Help Save The Bees”
Glad you made it OK, despite the tire hangup. I didn’t think there were Village Inns anymore. And yeah, that’s what I used to call ’em.
Damnit, now I’m hungry….
I was wondering if that’s what he meant. I liked and now miss our Village Inn.
A Village Inn very near here, only its a restaurant/bar
uh oh here we go again
Italian waterboarding?
Make it a deep dish and it violates the Geneva Conventions.
Sweet mother of God don’t give anyone any ideas.
Make sure that pineapple ring is on an uncircumcised penis.
I’ll be in Chicago tomorrow ordering thin crust pizza.
No FFL required.
More proof that the NFA needs to be thrown out.
I’d like to see some reviews first.
That makes my wrist ache just looking at it.
Yeah, I’m out.
Not only is this non-NFA – you don’t have to purchase through an FFL (in most states). Just order it to your house.
If you end up in a dangerous social encounter where a firearm is required, and you do draw first, I would suppose your opponent would not even try to pull out a Glock or a S&W. This would pretty much just end the argument unfired.
You came through Albuquerque and didn’t hit up any of the natives?
Enemy of the people.
Buzzfeed is a hive of garbage humans.
Yusef, good luck with you travels. Change is hard and uncertain. You will do well.
Yes, folding money is much softer.
And stays in the order you sort it to.
Bree Newsome Bass
Since at least the 1950s, “communist” has become a popular coded word for nigger. Let’s be real.
Well I can’t argue, I communist rigged my fence gate when it broke.
Commie stole my bike!
Commie PLEASE!
You win, THIS TIME.
Where’s Madcat?
Commie, please.
so you broke your fence, blamed it on Kulaks, and made you orphans clean up, sounds about right…
Know how to starve a commie to death?
Hide his food stamps under his work boots.
What are three things you cant give a commie?
A fat lip
A black eye
A job
What’s the difference between a commie and a bag of shit?
The bag.
What’s green and sits on my front porch?
It’s my commie and I’ll paint him whatever color I want to.
How come there aren’t any commies on Star Trek?
They don’t work in the future, either.
I think it’s funny that Roddenberry put tons of pro-socialist messaging in there, but the corollary that many people take away from it is “socialism will work when we invent replicators that can copy almost any piece of matter at a near-zero cost”.
And even then I wouldn’t bet on it working.
They evolved past the need for possessions.
Funny that this sort of propaganda is okay today but New Trek propaganda is terrible. And make no mistake there was a definite contemporary political agenda in TNG..
When you can make something with a replicator, why work for it? And yet, there were still rich people. Hmmmm.
I always assumed the cool tech was restricted to the military. The plebes did not have access to replicators.
And social agenda. It was ham handed in its preaching.
What do commie kids get for Christmas?
Your bike.
Helicopter rides.
That went dark quickly.
I just report the news.
Commie drives a Nova
Everybody: please remove your lawn proletariat(s) from your yards.
Whatever you do, resist the urge to attend a hammer & sickle burning–it won’t go over well in the local press, and, we need all the good optics we can obtain.
/“I’ll have those Bolsheviks voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
I don’t understand. Does this mean I can’t mow my own lawn?
Depends on how you identify, “comrade”.
BREAKING: Rolling Stone is trash
I’m not sure that’s breaking news.
well, when you’re oblivious…
So is this person:
Nice write up Yusef! Setting the mood on my end by eating dinner in a hotel room. Now if I only had a tall can…
Voodoo Ranger Imperial PA whoo hoo!
This is a zucchini:
“Demonstrators holding signs that read “Abolish ICE” and “Close the Camps” have blocked 5th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. Traffic at a standstill.”
Take that, alt-right cabbies!
Those nazi Indians and their swastikas.
Hey, an Aryan is an Aryan. Doesn’t matter what they do for a living.
“Ironically, it looks like they’ve erected some sort of barrier, or wall.”
I wonder who they made pay for it?
These commies are about as “pro-open borders” as Stalin.
Ironically their preferred policies would result in many fewer migrants rushing over the border. Of course, by then the guns are all pointed into the country.
Yusef, I’m finally catching up on your motel living series.
Where we are staying, we have an indoor gun range, 2 breweries, 2 liquor stores… don’t forget the smoke shop
IOW, perfect for a Glibs meetup…
It’s an ATF convenience store.
Linked already? For reasons, this won’t be considered a gaffe.
What about this gem?
“I am not a kook.”
Mad respect, Yusef. Your guts and good cheer in adversity is something to behold.
*doffs top hat*
Testing 1-2-3.
Have I been unpersoned? I made 2 comments that I saw on bu then they disappeared
Duh. I posted it to the wrong open browser window.
I still exist!
Hey! Hayek got a post through. Something went wrong.
Reading you 5×5 HE
Hope things are going well out there in the boonies. You missed a classic Minnesoda thunderstorm today. Sunny and hot at 4pm. By 5 it was storming with tornado warnings everywhere. 8pm was back to sunny.
You know you miss that sort of weather.
Yeah, I kinda do miss thunderstorms.
We had some spectacular ones over winter here, but everyone says that’s very rare.
Now I only get the crazy weather on work trips.
I love a good road trip story
liberalauthoritarian globalism to authoritarian nationalism“socially advanced”
That’s an odd way to say “infested with Marxists”.
Oops that wasn’t meant as a reply.
Yes it is interesting that our “liberal elites” might defend “liberalism” in the abstract but loathe it in practice. when they aren’t defending it they are bemoaning income equality, white privilege, global warming, toxic masculinity, consumerism, etc…
Well two of my direct reports at work nearly snuffed it last Thursday at Dugway. I saw the still pics at that time but saw the video today.
Sheesh. I didn’t sleep well this weekend and after seeing the vid, tonight’s not going to be better.
The two of them both suffered hearing damage but are otherwise ok.
I am a nervous wreck, but maintaining a stiff upper lip.
I saw one of them today and he told me he was sorry, which struck me as strange because he executed the procedure correctly but I am now eliminating said procedure. I spontaneously gave him a hug and he said “Does this mean I still have a job?”
Poor dude.
The hazards of command. You’ll get through it together. And you obviously have developed a good crew.
Thanks. Glad they all made it back more or less intact.
“Does this mean I still have a job?”
“Good night, [employee]. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”
Lol. Pretty much, yeah.
Not waiting for an actual body count before I make changes.
Oh, wow–video. That which is seen can’t be un-seen.
And, the poor guys. Did they say if they had improved any over the weekend?
/Sorry you had to experience that.
They had their hearing checked today. Not great but the doc wants them to come back next week. He expects a full restoration.
Whew! I hope it all goes well for them. What a “DAY-UM!” situation.
Yeah it put the fear of God into the hearts of all involved and of those who deal with similar tech.
How do I get into that line of work? Can I do like an army reserve stint? I’m boring and my life is boring and I need to jump-start my CV so I have fun stories to tell people, rather than stories like how dad mistook a beer bottle for a prairie dog.
But…I like the prairie dog story!
And this is how you Glib.
Careful what you wish for there, Sparky.
I wish to wow the panties off ladies.
*screws up eyes, crosses fingers extra hard*
Yikes. Work accidents suck. On Thursday, a buddy of mine got whacked pretty good.
We had an accident using the jib hoist above the 58’. The drum keep rolling up after the up button was released. The block hit the drum and caused the cable to slip out of the swaged lock. That caused the block to fall, Seth was placing a bolt in the North Aux. Brake Assembly. It hit him on the left side of the neck. He is banged up right now, with a cracked shoulder blade and a crack in a vertebra.
Geez, Lach–you be careful, too. Sorry to hear about your co-worker. Speedy recovery wishes for him.
Scary with the spinal injury especially. Hope that doesn’t keep haunting him
Oof, that sounds painful, though other than the last bit, that largely sounded like something from Patriot.
(I sort of want to memorize that scene).
This is my favorite along those lines
I’ve seen that before. It’s spectacular.
It is a lovely film. There’s an old black and white original with the same words but different props.
Nerd humor.
That is funny.
Good to hear that your crew has nothing more than a story to tell others someday.
Thanks, Double. Been a tough week
He works for Dick Jones!
We all will. Eventually.
Ok, went out for a walk and a tall can. Even if it is crappy Constellations fake beer.
What’s with the color schemes on these cans of beer you guys post? Hired the uniform designer from the USFL?
Crappy lighting maybe?
In better light
Oh, it’s Pacifico. Not bad at all. It’s not your lighting. It’s my eyes.
I was gonna say, not much difference than the 天皇 of beer
So, are these Duff brand beers?
Welcome Spring Premium Malts. Wish we could get rid of this rainy season. Lasting forever this year.
It’s been very mild here this year as well. Had a very early heat wave, then normal, then stuck in cooler. Rained again this morning. I think the wife didn’t turn the heat on today.
You’ll regret writing that in a couple weeks when the oven kicks up the temps. I have a bad premonition that this summer is going to make up for all the cool temps we’ve been having so far.
^This is true. Got a baaaad feeling about this, man.
Or for another fitting movie reference – “I’m getting too old for this shit.”
Dad takes the dog out for a walk up on g-ma’s property a couple weeks ago. Puts his beer down at the top of the drive, walks the dog down to the bottom, maybe a quarter mile. On his way back up he spots what seems to be some sort of vermin standing at attention up the lane, watching him and the dog approach. The whole walk back up the drive he and the dog are creeping along as he tries to figure out what this little critter—prairie dog? Wild ferret?—is doing.
It’s his beer bottle in silhouette against the twilit sky.
Must have been some good stuff 🙂
I love a happy ending.
Are we not doing phrasing anymore?
Definitely a happy ending. Land was plagued with f’ing prairie dogs for years.
The plague probably took them. One infected flea is all it takes to wipe out a colony.
Sorta like Alien/Aliens, only smaller. And fewer advanced weapons.
The motel I stayed at in Bakersfield, the phone rang and I picked up thinking it might be the front desk. In a husky male voice I hear, “Do you want me to suck your dick?” I hung up and faced the door all night. Fucking Bakersfield.
Wait….so they offer that without a request? Maybe they’re just ahead of the curve, as it were.
“Fucking Bakersfield”, indeed!
LOL hotels are the best.
Do you think that particular place qualifies as a “hotel”?
We both worked hospitality in our careers, so I know it happens. But, it sounds more like “motor inn” shenanigans.
Also, no pistol-whipping for writing “shenanigans”.
it was a motel, as per the article title. The kind of motel with cracked pink plaster walls and a window in the dirty bathroom.
Dude(s), I’ve worked enough Hotels to know there ain’t no difference between a Hotel and a Motel other than parking arrangements.
Well, and $$.
Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn..
Bah wit da ba bang adang ditty ditty up jump the..Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Rock!
One fine evening waiting in line to check in to a motel in ABQ. At the front of the line is a guy who obviously rode in on the hog parked out front. He’s trying to straighten out his reservation which the lady at the desk has no record of. Right behind him is a woman who anybody would assume was not unaccustomed to the phrase “$20 – same as downtown” with her “chaperone”. After the conversation at the desk dragged on a bit too long Ms. $20 tells the biker – “Look asshole, she’s trying to be polite – but she doesn’t have any fucking room for you”.
I sure was glad I was properly armed for that establishment.
So, what was your answer?
I hung up. I was in the mood for a rimjob that night.
You get those at Howard Johnson’s.
Just ask for the “Orange Roof Special”.
I mean, that’s what I’ve read online.
No offense.
You never go ass to mouth.
I got a prank sex call in college once. Heavy breathing, I said “alright who the hell is this?”
I didn’t recognize his voice when he said “Do you want to talk dirty and touch yourself?” So I answered “That is very kind, but I’m not in the mood just now, so no thank you.”
I think he was surprised I gave a polite decline and he sounded a little startled when he said “OK. Have a nice evening.”
“Thanks a lot, it’s not sexy if you’re not offended.”
Pretty much yeah. Silly bastard.
If he’d shown up at my room handsome and engorged, I might have let him in.
What about not offensively ugly and engorged?
Would you accept loathsome and semi flaccid? The years have taken their toll.
That, right there, is for the business card.
Dating profile advice for Tulip?
Huh….I think you may have found a solution, straff.
“What about not offensively ugly and engorged?”
Well then I have to get to know the guy and if he’s witty and intelligent it could be a win.
But if it’s casual, he’s got to be handsome.
My 80-something grandmother got a rude call when I was there. She didn’t recognize the voice when the guy asked her how she was. When she responded and asked him how he was (grandmothers…), He said, “Oh, just jacking off.”
That’s when I heard my sweet Okla/Tex grandmother use the phrase “jaking off”…. Some things, you just can’t even.
/Yes–she hung up in a very shocked state.
Straff, you’re not a reporter, are you?
Straight to the ‘facts’ with this one.
Oh, my God….Any time I see/hear this in a story, I get a knot in my stomach.
Yusef, you are a mighty man. I’m glad you are persevering, and are able to tell us about it.
Yusef has that survivor vibe going on.
He damn well does!
/Three cheers for survivors!
Fake Saudi passport, diamonds and piles of cash. Screw Epstein’s safe. What’s in McAffe’s?
What’s in
yourhis wallet?/tread carefully–you may not be so curious about his safe
“I said wallet, not where you nut.”
But, the COINS, man!
As a kid in the 70’s, I’d keep my coins in my tube socks.
For beating the fat kid when he got you lunch detention?
That’s an odd euphemism
Ha. Last day of my senior year in high school I got called to the principal’s office. “It looks like you owe us 50 hours of detention. Alright, sit in the chair outside my office for an hour and we’ll call it even.” Cool principal.
Hell, last day of school? He wanted to go home as bad as everyone else
That and the detentions were for skipping school and going to Twins games. He was a fan himself.
Shoulda used that tube sock of coinage on him. Run like hell, and you’re home that much quicker.
Can’t do that. It’ll go on your permanent record.
“utterly impossible in these other languages, used by many hundreds of millions, without tearing them apart from top to bottom”
That’s the point. Tearing shit up.
Blockquote the first paragraph and we can decide if we want to click on the link.
That would require that we RTFA though 😛
Also I wanted to include his critique of non-binary pronouns and the bit about individualism.
Did I ever tell ya that this here wall-o-text represents a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom?
May I subscribe to your newsletter?
It’s in English but the letters run top-bottom, right to left. And the newsletter is bound on right side.
.aixelsyd uoy evah
but the letters run top-bottom
You never go top to bottom.
Check out cs over here….all with the sexual advice!
You need to write a column for us: Got Grammar, Got Game
I’ve just got a huge crush on Rosario Dawson.
It’s the nurse thing from all the Netflix Marvel shows, isn’t it?
Word up to Commodius.
Hey everyone, CS is Cory Booker.
Once again, Tyler was the villain.
Some people have trouble with that.
God, I hope so.
New album from Holy Tunics. Jangly guitars, power pop, with tinges of 80’s new wave/???
I kind of dig the style, but having the vocals behind the music is distracting.
Nice! That guy has a mouth on him, though.
But is he ass to? Because you never do that. It’s not allowed.
Yeah. More f-bombs than I was expecting. Their other albums were not as sweary.
I much like. Will check out further.
New album from Proto Idiot, out of Manchester? UK. Punky garage rock with shades of Buzzcocks/Wire, lo-fi aesthetics and a general fuckit attitude.
I did a job today for a Russian guy born in 1970. He mentioned that he left at 16 with his family. He said they took everything from them but their suitcases and called them traitors and told them never to return. His take was that “all the good Russians left then or when they could. Maybe 5-10% of those that did not are decent. The rest are fucked. That’s why they voted for Putin. Anyone that really wanted freedom got out of there. Those that didn’t want it stayed. I can’t believe that here in America many people now seem to want that type of system.” Preach it brother.
Talking with my super proggy since I’ve known her sister-in-law this weekend, she said she hates the fed gov (now that she works for DNR). She’s still uneducated about being ‘One Of Us’, but I see this as a start. So maybe somethings can change some times.
Baby steps.
What is the DNR, Department of Natural Resources?
I was hoping for “Denatured Nudist Resort”, myself. I guess yours makes more sense, though.
I like yours better.
Dept. of Nothing Really
Yours is probably far more accurate to the situation, unfortunately.
That’s an interesting take from somebody who lived it.
In 1993 a buddy and I helped a Russian woman drive her van – which she had purchased in Japan – up from Slovakia to her home in St. Petersburg (long story behind this). For the 2 1/2 days it took to get there we rarely left the vehicle – sleeping in it when we weren’t moving other wise it would be stolen.
When we got to St. Petersburg she had arranged a place to park it which was heavily guarded behind tall, steel walls. Speaking with her mother (through her as the translator) she said that Russians believed freedom means freedom to do crime.
Huh, sounds like the reactions from both parties when we talk about freedom.
Well, when people have freedom, they may make the wrong choices. Gotta protect everyone from that.
Nice story, I’d like to hear the rest. I can only imagine how fucked up Russia would have been in 1993.
When the movie “The Death of Stalin” came out I went to see it in the theater. The crowd reaction was interesting. The people with more laps around the Sun thought it was funny and the younger set were silent and confused. However there was one old woman who was clearly pissed off.
After the movie ended the woman approached me. In a still distinct Russian accent she said she was very angry because they “played the death of that monster” for humor. I agreed he was a monster but he would hate to think that he was being mocked.
“Satan hates to be mocked”
CS Lewis
Good night Glibs, more to come, Love you all,
even /Ted S
Night, Yusef. Thanks for the write up.
Good night to you and Bella. Tomorrow’s another day to kickass and take names.
Thanks for the tale Yusef. Hope your motel living doesn’t last too long.
‘Night, Yusef!
G’night. Sleep tight.
Got a documentary on The Munsters cued up for whenever I fell like dropping off of here. That’s the kind of sick fuck I am, even when I’m drifting off into a drunken stooper my brain wants to be learning new stuff while I’m passing out.
Can I be Fred Gwynne?? Yvonne was a looker…
Also, Dragula
But, hang out for a while, dude.
Rob Zombie, before he was famous. Well known, but amusing.
Well, it’s been like 20 mins, so you made me bored. I sleep now. BY SLEEP MEAN WATCH EDUCATIONAL CONTENT UNTIL I ACTUALLY FALL ASLEEP (not as memeable as STEVE SMITH)
20 minutes to make you bored? I got police shit to handle, man!
CS is Cory Booker and SD is a cop. It’s a night of revelations.
I make no written or verbal claims to officer-hood (heh)…
/ix-nay on the op-cay alk-tay!
Ok but CS isn’t denying anything. Ergo, Cory Booker is a secret Glibertarian.
Well, maybe he’s just ‘busy’, IYKWIMAITYD.
A sense of style, great grooves, and you can play it loud. I really enjoy him.
Same here. Also, hello, Chafed.
/good taste, man
Late-nite YT vids:
For all you night owls that maybe aren’t too jaded yet, check out Arcade Matt:
Seems like a genuinely nice guy–makes a living playing arcade games of skill and then uploading the videos, seems to have a pretty big fan base (yeah, mostly kids)…his stuff is “family friendly”, so, probably not a glib.
In this day and age I continue to be amazed at the many ways people manage to make a living. I had no idea this existed.
Like I said, they guy seems nice. Kids are always around where he is, and he’s pretty gracious about the fan club.
But, yeah–A little jelly that I didn’t think of that a long time ago. There are other arcade/games of skill channels, and none seem to be as personable.
I would link to the one couple that who you would, based solely on the wife’s voice, think was a case of child bride syndrome. Her voice will break your metal-tuned ears.
You were 30 minutes from my place. Why you no email?
How would anyone know where you live? It’s not like it’s in your na-. Oh wait. Nevermind.
phonecomputer. Who dis?”I think you missed him by…what, a half-hour? Hour?
But, if you’re wanting an email, fine…make with the address!
Does Grizzzly know about this?
Also, did I spell “Grizzzly” correctly?
What inspired that post:
/Wait for it…
Ok, I’m sorry, but I have a quick update to make to the site. There only seem to be a couple of you around, so….stand by!
Will just be a couple minutes. (I hope…..)
Whew. The site is still here.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled late night lonely hearts club meeting.
Thank ya, ma’am.
::dips imaginary cowboy hat::
Have a peaceful shift, SD.
Will do!
The site’s not here, it’s been replaced with a perfect replica. The original is off in some eccentric’s collection
Where’d our Nippon-based glibs run off to? The Monday night slough-off can be brutal, but, you lot are usually about.
Also, paging Pie.
Morning all. I finished work a wee bit early (5:30a) and was able to hit the bagel store right as they opened up. Freshly baked bagels are very, very tasty. Thanks for the window into your life Yusef. Please accept my (I’m an atheist, so saying prayers sounds off) hopes/wishes/love/good thoughts for your Wendy.
I second those emotions but will throw in a prayer because God has pulled my fat out of the fryer more than once.
As predicted, no sleeping
I was reading the Wiki article on the Victims of Communism memorial and came across this particularly stupid quote:
Gee, maybe because there isn’t really anything attributable to free enterprise that racks up death tolls in the millions??
Morning peeps
You really shouldn’t eat peeps this early, even if you microwave them first.
Late to the party.
Yusef, I like these stories and that you’re hanging in there. Best wishes to your wife for her foot.
Hayeksplosives and Lachowsky, I’m sorry to hear about the work accidents and I hope your coworkers heal up sokn.