Good morning! Its a lovely Tuesday to be alive, and kicking it with everyone on such a fantastic summer day!
Okay fine I’ll stop. It’s only funny because OMWC keeps begging the gods for rain but doesn’t realize this place is hell on earth once the storms pass over, drop nothing in town, and the jungle rot sets in….
Okay, so now for the links!
Narrative intersectionality! Worlds colliding! With a Guatemalan migrant accusing the Iowa couple that smuggled her of sexual assault.
Venezuela: so poor they can no longer afford beer. Now they drink some kind of tequila like, agave based hooch.
“We never used to drink this. We drank beer,” said Jonathan Yepez, a car mechanic in the western Venezuelan city of Barquisimeto, as he stood in line at a bodega to buy cocuy. “Cocuy was for old people and grandparents. … But now everyone — from adolescents to adults — drinks cocuy.”
Que terriblé…Speaking of Venezuela. Maduro and the opposition will meet in an elaborate attempt to seize power hold negotiations in Barbados.
Mexico’s finance minister takes to Twatter and resigns over differences with El Presidenté, AMLO.
Peruvians don’t like jobs. Who knew? Seriously, I didn’t.
A surprisingly optimistic take on Trump’s chances with brown people.
It is a prominent tendency among Democrats in the U.S. Another democratic presidential candidate, the former mayor of New York Bill de Blasio encouraged airport workers to strike by citing Che Guevara’s slogan, “Hasta la Victoria Siempre!” “Ever on to victory.”
He was immediately repudiated, and the party had to apologize as Blasio uttered these words in Miami. The city is the capital of Cubans in exile. Thousands of citizens from the island who escaped the firing squads commanded by Guevara and the Castro brothers live in Miami.
The candidate was there alongside nine other presidential hopefuls, seeking to win the Latin American vote, even speaking in Spanish to win over the right-wing crowd.
When Trump assumed the U.S. presidency, he had the support of 31% of Latin Americans. While there are still skeptical sections, at the national level Trump has the support of 50% of Latin Americans as indicated through polls conducted by McLaughlin and Associates and surveys by NPR (National Public Radio) and PBS (Public Broadcasting System) with data from the analytics platform, Marista.
I’ll end it with this. Grab Tuesday by the juevos, and kick it!
Anybody quoting or praising Che is an asshole. And yes, that includes you McAfee you otherwise beautiful bastard.
You don’t like mass murdering psychopaths that think Marx’s platform is the perfect vehicle to legitimize their murderous behavior? What is wrong with you?
Did you get that new manager position?
(a promotion at work, you perverts)
I dont know. They haven’t started interviewing yet. I expect next week or so I’ll know more.
Ah. OK, well good luck!
Is perverted Manager Position just a fancy word for taking it up the ass?
McAfee praised Che?
Yeah, I dont know what he was thinking. I would figure he should know better.
Ugh. C’mon John you can do better than that. It doesn’t matter that the CIA et. al. were fucking around with Latin America; that doesn’t excuse the fact that Che was a murderous piece of shit.
And he doubled down on it.
What an asshole.
He also said this:
What happened?
So he isn’t a libertarian for any ideological reasons, only because he wants to be able to do whatever crazy shit he wants to do.
He wants to not be disappeared?
I really hope that is it. Either that or the meth. I dont want to hate mcaffee.
I imagine if Snowden was a twitter addict he’d probably be saying nice things about Russia.
Yep and that gave me a sad.
The danger of elevating any one man.
Except me. You can trust me.
-1 SP
It’s different for womyn! You cant challenge my lived experience.
That was more a shot at how many times Tundra has let SP down.
Meth is a powerful drug.
I watched a frothy little confection of a movie, last night. It was called “Downfall”.
I keep that one in my porn folder
Feel good movie of the century!
That brunette is a firecracker, though.
OMG why are you watching a movie that humanizes and normalizes THE NAZIS?
Obviously he’s a white nationalist. Or WORSE!!!11!!
The only thing I can think of as being worse is a black white nationalist.
The only thing I can think of that could be worse is a black white nationalist.
+1 Clayton Bigsby
Same joke down thread at almost the exact same time. *Whoa*
And the same reply! Double *whoa*
“Echo chamber” or “great minds”?????
And you just did it again. We need moar Keanu gifs.
Was it any good? Cause the memes from it are awesome
If you like historical dramas and are interested in the time period, it was pretty good. Probably the most realistic depiction of the last days in the bunker that will ever be put to screen. Mostly focused on the people in the bunker, with some focus as well on the people of Berlin and the impending doom. Kind of a downer film, obviously, as it depicts the chickens coming home to roost while the people responsible for the mess are in denial or seeking to avoid their impending fate.
“But while Mexico mass-produces tequila, which is consumed around the world, cocuy is produced by hand in small batches and is hardly known outside of Venezuela.”
Who knew that the economic collapse in Venezuela was actually caused by rampant hipsterism.
Just wait for some cocuy bars to pop up here in the US.
With or without the authentic starving mobs attacking pets and zoo animals?
Don’t forget the sans-TP bathrooms!
Just wait until you see the appetizer options they have!
A blank page?
The bargirls wouldn’t be thicc ☹️
Ah! Finally a silver lining in all this!
Well, the ones that took advantage of their bar girl status to supplement their income might be.
Too many protein shakes?
Chicha never caught on.
So it’s Venezuelan pulche?
pulque. What an odd error.
How dare they appropriate the drink of the Aztec royalty!
If I recall correctly there are some 25 or more indigenous groups to Venezuela and all of them have their own version of some rubbing alcohol drink.
But do they start the fermentation by chewing the leaves then spitting them into the fermenter bucket?
The Yanomamo do when making their drink of choice. Of course, you only sip that shit, cause if you do shots of it, it will be the last time you drink anything…
“Protests erupt in Peru over billion-dollar copper mine”
No doubt. They got fucked over pretty badly the last time this got cranked up.
Speaking of copper mines, whatever happened to Francisco from TOS?
Where you affected by the storm, Suthen?
He pops in here from time to time.
The storm was a big nothing here. Other parts of the state got hit hard but here where I am we just got about 36 hours of light to medium rain. My grass got watered, that is all.
But you all are missing the real story. Some New Yorkers lost power for a few hours*.
Though the Weather Channel was sure to hype the storm enough to make up for that.
I just got about 20 hours of light drizzle from that storm system and a high temp in the mid eighties for a few days. It was nice.
He should feel the love from this site and come back more often. This is the second query for him that I remember this year.
Hey! Welcome back!
on such a fantastic summer day
At least it’s a dry heat.
How else do you kiln-dry people?
Ask zerohedge commenters.
They do it wrong.
Like sticking your body in a pizza oven – at least that’s what I thought when I was down in Tuscon in early September.
I tend to sweat easily, so the mid-Atlantic humidity can be an issue for me.
Yep. I was way more comfortable in the dry desert than the swamps of the southeast.
When you can get burned simply by sitting down in your car (or touching the wrong portions of your car), it’s too damned hot.
/remembers first trip to Arizona, in July, where my rental car got a free “upgrade” to leather seats
When Iived in Bryan TX, I made the mistake of leaving the top down on my convertible thinking I was only going to be in the store for a minute.
I still have the scars to prove it.
I lived in Byan for quite a few years.
When were you there ?
From 1997 to about 2005-ish.
You guys are Aggie townies?
I worked on campus in The Office of the Texas State Chemist, then later at the St. Gobain Advanced Ceramics plant. I could never be “from” B/CS. Too big of a cultural dive, though I wouldn’t have minded interbreeding with the local populace.
I are an Aggie.
I lived there 1989ish through 2005 .
One of my childhood friends was a State chemist.
Trying to recall his name.
Can’t be you though because of the cultural divide statement.
Thinking his first name was maybe Ben.
Did you ever drink beer at Carney’s pub ?
I’m sure I did.
There was a cursed location directly across from campus on Texas Avenue that had a series of absolutely wonderful restaurants that failed. I think a Caine’s dropped in there before I left.
We also spent a lot of time in Northgate. The “Jin’s” chain of restaurants was pretty good too.
Spice Bowl and Burger House are World Class.
And whatever that big vegetable market was, that place was fantastic.
you can get burned simply by sitting down in your car
Speaking of this, I have one major criticism of my Civic. The gearshift has metal on the top and bottom of the knob that gets hot in the sun and I have to grip it with my thumb and pointer on the leather around the middle to avoid getting burned for the first few minutes of driving.
Driving gloves. Sheesh, it’s like you don’t even read the comments.
And people make fun of me for them.
It’s not the “driving gloves” perse, it’s the myriad other options that we’ve bestowed upon you.
Hrmm… where did I put my snarking gloves?
I still use a windshield reflector thing when I park my car in the sun. It was a necessity I learned living in Las Vegas.
Summer test for mobile HVAC often includes TUS as a “pull-down” location. Vehicle is parked in full sun facing into the sun to “soak” before a cooling curve (Temp vs time) is taken.
TUS is part of an I-10 run that typically includes condensate-handling tests in HOU and the long pull up Baker Grade coming out of Death Valley.
Needs more TLAs
At least it’s a dry heat.
…they always say that. The fun part part is you sweat here just as much as in Florida. It’s just evaporating off your skin.
The big difference being that when you sweat in an arid enviroment, the evaporation of the sweat off your skin actually cools your body. In a humid environment, it just makes you wet and does little good.
ever see those swamp coolers on the sidelines? I always wonder how they can sell those to SEC teams . . . Mountain West: sure . . . but that mist ain’t helping nothing east of I-35
Its deceptive, and people forget to hydrate.
All of you….HYDRATE
I can’t decide of the “Hydra TE” is more of a sports car or a sports drink.
And eat a banana.
I’m sorry, but monsoons are the only thing I miss about PX. I mean the single, only thing. Except for the easy chicks in Tempe, of course, but you can find that almost anywhere.
What about the WILFs in Sun City?
You mean the raisinettes?
Used to be goobers.
*ponders his likely future, slumps in his chair and swigs another beer*
There’s an article I would read.
“The project has long been lamented by residents in the southern region of Arequipa where farmers say the mine will pollute their fields and affect water supplies.”
I don’t know. Maybe a job in a copper mine is not any better than farming. I’m not a miner, but I imagine it’s not the most pleasant occupation. A mine is surely more economically beneficial to the region and will absolutely create a higher density of employment, but to the farmer in the area, I can understand his concerns.
I get the farmer’s concerns, too. Especially if even the “wonderful” US EPA lets (causes) shit like this to happen.
Side note; does anyone else see the face in that picture? And I’m not talking about the three humans.
Just because the rock is groaning, doesn’t mean that’s a face on it.
It looks like it just heard one of your jokes.
Looks to me like that rock has been on the freeway for about an hour too long and got to Denny’s just in the nick of time.
You mean the spirit of Danny Glover that is trapped in that rock?
Meh, mining isn’t worse than any other job.
The last time they did this Fujimori sold the mining rights to China and England. The billions they were paid disappeared down a rabbit hole…of course…and the infrastructure that was promised as part of the deal (The Peruvians wanted schools, roads, bridges, hospitals, etc) turned out to be a fleet of ships that were used to haul ore to China. “Fuck you. That is infrastructure” was the answer they got.
I really don’t blame them for being pissed.
John Henry would like a word.
Hell, even among physical labor jobs, mining is pretty shitty.
Oh, come now, black lung, silicosis, and cave-ins aren’t that bad.
I think The Hyperbole has hacked Suthen’s account.
Well, if I got to sit in an airconditioned cab for eight hours plus breaks driving a truck the size of an apartment block, I could say it’s okay.
But if I had to crawl down a pitch black tunnel dragging several tons in a cart for sixteen hours a day…
Yes, there are many different types of mining. And yes, modern technology has made it much, much better than it used to be.
Most aren’t air conditioned. Hot in summer. Cold in winter. Guys I know wear full carhartt overalls in winter and some have a separate heater in the cab with them. Some machines are open air cabs.
That’s barbaric. If I can’t have an airconditioned cab, I’ll go back to IT.
The iron mines here are mostly open pit now. Some older ones were underground. The modern open pot mines are much nicer to work in, but everyone I know that works there needs to shower before leaving for home since they look like you did in that picture a while back. Most of the older houses around here have showers in the basement that has an outside entrance or some other separate room so miners could shower before going in the main house.
Mostly they are just guys (and a few gals) playing in the dirt with really large machines. It’s dirty, but not especially hard from what I gather. It’s not like they have pickaxes and shovels. Explosives, huge front end loaders and dump trucks moving rocks to conveyor belts that bring the material into the processing plant. That place is the worst part. Extremely hot in summer, and you get covered in red iron dust from the crushers. I can only imagine what their lungs look like since most are too macho (did I mention it’s hot?) to wear masks.
The new thing is a copper-nickel mine. Main issue with that is the sulfide rock the copper is in. The resulting tailings are not especially benign. With all the water around, folks are understandably concerned at the less than stellar track record of the corporations and governments involved.
My business with the Squirrels has concluded. Hopefully well, but I’ll probably never learn the outcome.
I hesitate to think what a bear’s “business” with squirrels might be but I’m pretty certain that the squirrels will be none too happy at the end of the day.
He ran out of rabbits?
You guys get me.
Bear facing da wrong way.
Yeah, screw that. I am not voting for any of those pendejos. Especially after their pathetic display and attempts to pander to “my people”.
My grandpa’s gotta be rolling in his grave.
You must be some kind of white Hispanic shitlord…
You know it, brother.
Trump has the support of 50% of Latin Americans
I don’t see why he wouldn’t, particularity among those that immigrated from socialist countries.
That means his opponents get 50 % so a wash on the Latin American vote. They may as well all stay home…on election day. Their vote won’t count.
But in the total it is huge I think.
Isn’t that a big swing for a Repub resident ?
Titty Tuesday is calling for a total and complete shutdown of all uggo immigration until we can figure out what the Hell is going on.
3, 7, 8 (reminds me of my old college crush), 14, 30. I wish to sponsor their immigration attempts.
25 seems like she could help with your Differential Equations homework.
I could use her fine tutelage as well.
Why is #1 posing on a beach with a giant green pepper?
Hey guys, you’re not gonna believe this
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama beat John McCain by nine and a half million votes and became the country’s first African-American President. In 2016, Donald Trump, an unapologetic racist, lost the popular ballot by three million votes but, thanks to the antediluvian rules that still govern our voting system, succeeded Obama in the Oval Office. Understanding the role of racism and its persistence in this dismal pivot will be as central to our understanding of our times as it was to our understanding of Reconstruction.
What’s curious is just how many people have resisted seeing squarely Trump’s racism, his shrewd exploitation of animosity, hatred, and division for political advantage. Trump is hardly a man of subtle concealment. W. E. B. Du Bois wrote that Andrew Johnson’s unwillingness to enact policies to give freedmen land, a decent education, or voting rights resided, first and foremost, in “his inability to picture Negroes as men.” Trump’s hostility toward minorities and his capacity to signal that hostility to others has never been a secret. This quality is central to his politics and his appeal.
And on, and on.
He tosses this little nugget out, too:
at their press conference, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley all took the high road, imploring the public not to take the bait—Trump’s race-baiting—and focus on the issues, from the climate crisis to income inequality.
Is braying about how Trumphitler should be impeached, and only referring to him as the “occupant” of the White House, qualify as taking the high road? Why not “that squatter” in the White House? Too reminiscent of their core constituency?
Trump is the worst racist in the White House since Woodrow Wilson! Why doesn’t anybody say that?
Actually, Biden said Trump was the absolute worst. I don’t even wanna link it again.
Reading that gave me a laugh at work earlier. Sure, the guy who has minorities in his Cabinet is a worse racist than the guy who screened The Birth of A Nation in the White House and purged the federal government of African Americans. What a tool.
And I forgot to mention one who was known as the Indian Killer and another one who threw American citizens into camps because of their country of origin. Absolutely hilarious.
“I’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years.”
Was that something Trump said?
Now I suppose I should link it again.
I do enjoy how he’s getting sodomized in the responses.
Words are not only violence, but also blowjobs? Excellent.
Yeah and fuck LBJ too. I hope the worms had a nice feast of his old dead ass.
Why do you hate worms’ digestive tracts?
“an unapologetic racist”
Man talk about the Big Lie. This is the one that really gets me; ask anyone who says this to honestly explain where they get this and it’s usually some mushmouth nonsense about the “Muslim ban” (which isn’t) or “immigrants in death camps” (that Obama used extensively). It’s just been repeated so many times that everyone takes it on faith now.
It’s like how they still keep going with he’s cool with white supremacists because of his “fine people on both sides” comment they butcher and fail to read the rest of.
Facts and logic are not these people’s strong suit. Their entire toolbox consists of insane appeals to emotion, based on half truths and outright falsehoods, and praying the stupid unwashed idiots looking for handouts or for government to stomp harder on their neighbor’s face than it does on their own, don’t catch on to their scam.
Yep, there’s no point in even trying to appease or entertain them anyways because we’re already the irredeemable deplorables who are better off dead in their eyes.
I heard shit-tons of commentary on the “go home” Tweet before I actually read it and thought to myself, “Man, he just tore the mask off and looks stupid.”
Then I read the actual Tweet. I should have known better after the “Fine People” hoax. Trump really is a Rorschach test to determine if people can think for themselves or not. So many red-pills.
I have a friend who said he was racist once. I told him, “you can’t just go around accusing people of that with no proof.”
Friend: “Well obviously he is.”
Me: “Name one racist thing he’s done.”
Friend: “Well, I mean we are ALL racist to some extent, right?”
I rolled my eyes and said we are done talking about this anymore.
The worse part is that he isn’t even a prog. He’s a left leaning centrist. But he gets all his “news” from CNN because he still thinks they are the same relatively unbiased news organization from 15 years ago.
They are the same as 15 years ago and 30 years ago.
They were never relatively unbiased.
They weren’t as blatantly obvious about then as now.
That was because the controlled the news , a feature that was used to protect team blue and go after team red, and the unwashed masses had no means to go out on their own and find out about it till later.
It is almost like they have to distort everything the man says and does. Lie big, lie often.
What an absolute monster.
“…ask anyone…”
I did a couple of weeks ago.
“I hate him because he is best friends with Putin!”
“Oh? Can you offer any eviden…”
*She interrupts* “I don’t want to talk about it anymore”
It really is derangement.
Sorry to hear about your nightmare with the doggo, Suthen. Glad you and yours are going to be okay!
Trump’sracism,hisshrewd exploitation of animosity, hatred, and division for political advantage.That’s some mighty fine progjection.
The entire news feed from Reuters this morning was about how racist Trump was, and how one Republican congressman went beyond the pale to accuse house Democrats of being antisemitic.
All the harping about income inequality…
I read this yesterday. Pretty interesting data about the truth behind the numbers.
I recently had a discussion with one of these morons that believe our society, and especially our economic system, today debase humanity and is evil. You can guess the moron was a raging marxist, with little to no real understanding of how marxism plays out in the real world. I got him to finally admit that the big pet peeve of idiots like him, the social justice types, is to force an equality of outcome. Basically their agenda is to get everyone to cross the finish line with the same toys, regardless of if said toys were earned or not.
You should have seen his reaction when I pointed out that under his system I would basically opt to do absolutely nothing at all, because I was still guaranteed the same shit that the guy that spend 23 hours of his day working hard did anyway, and that as others realized this, more and more people would just opt to do squat and collect whatever the dwindling resources were. he thought he was clever as hell when he told me that this wouldn’t be allowed to happen, because his system would make sure you worked, or else….
Man was he pissed when I told him: “So, Labor camps are your solution?”. At least he was quick enough to realize he had been a bit too candid and broke off the discussion. Not because he had seen the light, mind you, but because he had shown his hand…
Your associate needs a hive of bees, perfect socialism
1 queen
A few drones (male) that do nothing except one of them breeds the queen once
Workers, until they die from exhaustion working themselves to death
One jerk (me) that comes along and takes all their production and leaves them to starve
See, socialism works better for some than for others
Helicopters provide more lift than bees. His friend needs a helicopter ride.
“thanks to the antediluvian rules that still govern our voting system, ”
I know, that really arcane provision about the electoral college really came out of nowhere. Only someone who studied law, and the Constitution would have known to exploit that.
exploitation of animosity, hatred, and division for political advantage
It’s true. What this country really needs is a Uniter. Someone who will help all these bitter clingers see exactly how racist they all are so that we can finally start healing the divide that those redneck hick fucks continue to cause by their very existence.
“Mexico’s finance minister takes to Twatter and resigns”
You mean AMLO is just another corrupt Latin American socialist!? UNPOSSIBLE! He was going to usher in a new era of Mexican prosperity by engaging in nepotism, kleptocracy and graft! This time it was going to be the *good* kind of nepotism, kleptocracy and graft!
Yes. The kind that enriches Señor Urvúa….
I had some stunned cunt stop me at work today to make sure that my nondescript red hat wasn’t a Maga cap. “No,” I replied. “I don’t wear logos or political statements on my clothing, even if I like a brand. It would be unprofessional in a workplace setting. In fact, I don’t wear any of that stuff, anywhere.” Unbelievable. In the hinterlands of Canada, no less…
You need to buy that red “Made you look” hat.
That goes against my policy, though. She just saw a red ball cap and was ready to swing into action. I don’t do logos if possible. “I’m not your billboard, Slaver!”
The red hat has been weaponized though. You may need a plain beige hat. Or, can’t go wrong with a top hat.
Mebbe grow out my forelock or a nice queue.
“can’t go wrong with a top hat.”
And monocle?
The Shitlord Special.
Yeah, the problem is you wearing a red hat….
Not her crazy ass wanting to pick a fight with you for wearing a hat…
That’s totes cool and logical..
/fist bumps Festus.
I had the dealer remove all plate frames and decal from our truck before I would accept delivery. I bought the damn thing, you can pay me to advertise if you want.
Haha just beat me to it. One of my friends is friends with the guy who made those
I have like 5 MAGA hats, I also have a red one that says Made You Look
Do your hats get into battles for alpha dominance of your head?
Airing this fall, ESPN 8 “The Ocho”
More power to you but it’s not my style. I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself in meat space. The less attention drawn to myself the better.
Damn, MexSharp. That is one kickin’ song. Never heard of them before.
Sevendust? They were reasonably big in the late 90’s early 00’s.
Not where I was. You picked a good song to introduce them.
Man Gets Life Plus 419 Years In Deadly Charlottesville Car Attack
Where do you get Life plus 419 out of either vehicular manslaughter or murder 2?
Nevermind the fact that when (not if) an Antifa POS eventually kills someone he’ll get 6 months probation and an endowed professorship at Berkeley.
That already happened for the Alinsky’s didn’t it?
“Guilty as Hell, as free as a bird!”
To make sure he doesn’t replace us.
Did you not read the article. The man is an avowed white supremacist. That’s where you get life plus 419 years.
We can criminalize ideas? So we can start throwing commies in prison from centuries over their murderous preferences?
Hate crime legislation has existed for decades.
And it’s only the wrong ideas that are criminalized.
My comment when I hear this sort of idiocy is that I can only support this system if I am making the determination of what is and is not the wrong idea, cause I don’t trust anyone else to get that right…
Many immoral and unconstitutional laws have existed for decades, that doesn’t make them any less wrong.
The only question in this case is did he intend to kill the victim, or did he panic because there was an angry mob trying to break into his car?
Irrelevant cuz NOTZEEEEEE!!
Look man, the Commies only wish to make the world a better place and have good intentions.
This argument reminds me of when my friends would all gloat and talk about punching “nazis” who wore some of the edgy/alt-right crap. I ask them, “Hey so is it cool if I can punch asshats who wear the stupid Che shirt?” Absolute fuggin crickets.
“We can criminalize ideas?”
That’s what hate crime legislation is. Punishing someone for doing something wrong while having the wrong ideas.
C’mon, you should Ngo better.
*narrows gaze*
A black white supremacist would’ve gotten more.
Clayton Bigsby didn’t strike me as particularly violent.
And that is the same response to the joke upthread. *Whoa*
He did get rid of that bitch that slept with “n****” he was married to.
and injuring dozens
probably figured more into it than any unmentioned agenda
Part of me suspects that in different circumstances, those would have been concurrant sentances rather than consecutive.
I don’t have any data on wider trends, but the concurrent sentences I’m familiar with were for property crimes. For example, a defendant accepts a plea deal to one or a few cases of wire or bank fraud, trespassing, passing bad paper, that sort of thing, which takes a load off the prosecutor.
In this case, aren’t we talking about someone who ran over a bunch of people in a case that began with premeditation? Folks who were just crunched up but didn’t die still deserve justice, and the incremental cases would have been pieces of cake: no motivation for the prosecution to cut deals.
Do we have premeditation? I have yet to see evidence of that, but I don’t know what waspresented to the jury.
Just totally disregarded the part where an Antifa but with a rifle chased him moments earlier. They could have at least pretended to give the guy a real lawyer and fair trial.
Did that actually happen, or was that just an internet rumor?
It happened and the the guy was called in to testify.
” 29 federal hate crime charges.”
Honestly, how is that possible?
How long does it take to think a bad thought?
Sex robots now have ‘Foreplay’ mode where users can VIRTUALLY seduce dolls
no drunken humiliation mode? Fuggitabout.
WTF? I bought a sexbot specifically so I don’t have to bother with that shit and get straight to the deep dicking.
What’s next, “pillowtalk mode”? STFU and get me a sandwich.
EXACTLY! This guy gets it…
No smokes in bed afterwards, those bot things are expensive
Wait, there’s “sammich maker” mode too?
That’s the ultrapremium model. They’re pricey. It can end up costing you half of everything you own.
I actually enjoy foreplay a lot, but not sure if I would with a robot …
Pretty soon the sexbots will botch at you for drinking too much and wearing your work boots in the house and men will just go back to the real thing.
If my sexbot starts nagging while I’m watching a game, she’s losing her electricity privileges for a week.
What about if she tells you to put the seat down after….
I’ll be gunning for the programmer.
We have software to jailbreak your ‘bot and replace the factory code with open source personality modules.
Warning – this will void your warranty.
She’ll report you to the Robot Defense League.
IF they made them realistic like my ex they would have a random “headache” mode.
I never have that mode.
Lucky LH!
Take that, Trump
Amazon would not be the $995 billion company it is today without the US Postal Service, according to CEO Jeff Bezos.
In an interview with the “CBS Evening News” on Monday, Bezos said the Postal Service gave Amazon a huge helping hand from the outset, as the online retailer did not have to invest in a delivery network.
“I didn’t have to build a transportation network to deliver the packages,” Bezos told Norah O’Donnell. “It existed: It was called the post office.”
The comments were designed to contrast with the work Bezos is doing to commercialize space travel. Bezos said he was investing up front to build infrastructure, which should enable future generations to enter the field more easily — a bit like what the Postal Service did for Amazon.
“It takes hundreds of millions of dollars to even just get started with something interesting,” Bezos said. “What I want to do is reduce that price of admission with reusable space vehicles so that the next generation you can actually have two kids in a dorm room build a great space company.”
Bezos risks “enraging” Trump with those comments, they say. Because using the Post Office to ship packages is free riding, or some such bullshit.
On Trump’s chosen battleground of Twitter, he has accused the company of abusing its relationship with the Postal Service and calling the service Amazon’s “delivery boy,” which he said it used at a “fraction of real cost.”
Yeah, okay. And Trump Hotels don’t have frequent flyer programs?
Trump has a point when the USPS loses hundreds of millions most years.
as the online retailer did not have to invest in a delivery network
UPS was already a thing when Amazon started.
Well, if you say so.
During an appearance Monday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” author Jon Meacham said on the heels of President Donald Trump’s criticism of the so-called “The Squad,” a foursome of progressive Democratic lawmakers in the House of Representatives, Trump joined former President Andrew Johnson as “the most racist president” in American history.
Meacham included Trump’s Charlottesville remarks and his quest for former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, in addition to his comments regarding “The Squad,” to bolster his case.
“He has joined Andrew Johnson as the most racist president in American history,” Meacham declared. “Johnson in a state message said that African-Americans were incapable of self-government and relapsed into barbarism if they weren’t closely supervised.”
So good company? 😉
I mean, Trump said something nice about AJ once (that he avoided civil war) so he must agree with him on everything else. That’s how it works.
I guess the slave owning or indian killing or Chinese excluding or birth of a nation screening or Japanese American interning presidents dont count.
You know these people deserve praise because they did that all for the right reasons!
“included Trump’s Charlottesville remarks ”
So he’s a liar? Or he really believed that everyone who disagrees with him is a liar.
Lincoln said similar things as Jackson.
We aren’t supposed to talk about that.
People talk about Trump’s alleged racist exclusion of black people from his properties, in the ’70s(?).
Something tells me he was just as opposed to renting to poor white people as to poor black people.
Don’t use this doctor:
He’s not all wrong:
But I doubt he refuses to operate on teenagers who choose to transition before they’re adults. And he conflates true intersex conditions with “I’m not happy, so I must be a different gender.”
He(she?) Clearly is. They use intersex as the Mote when called out for their unscientific Baily. The argument about transgenderism is not about folk who are intersex. (Oe XXY/XXX which is very different.)
I have been scrolling through his feed. That is the best of the worst.
And here I thought he was just Trump’s Number One Fan.
“Trans men and non-binary individuals are human beings”
True… unfortunately this has no bearing whatsoever on whether “men can get pregnant”. No wonder the world is so fucked up and people are so demoralized; the pure insanity just in that statement hurts my head.
Reality blows because it impedes my fantasies, so I want reality to be forced to conform!
Now Eugene, say that again but run around in circles and wave your arms wildly while you do it.
What a bunch of fucking gibberish.
The guy is up and up looney tunes. If I was in a hospital and Gu was going to work on me, I’d pull the plug myself.
Trans men and non-binary individuals are human beings who deserve to be acknowledged by society.
So are schizophrenics, bulimics, and people compulsively crack their knuckles.
I’m going to need a citation on their human-ness and deservedness to be acknowledged by society.
*puts on his knuckle cracking gloves, cracks neck for good measure*
let’s do this.
I had some stunned cunt stop me at work today to make sure that my nondescript red hat wasn’t a Maga cap.
Secret racist hat. It says MAGA right there, in invisible ink. It’s red, and that’s enough.
I’ve known this person for two years. I’ve been wearing the hat for nearly as long. Trump really has fried their brains, hasn’t he?
-insert it’s happening gif
Conservatives against liberty: Ron Paul
Sure, it would be nice if the populist conservatives would do that, but that would make them libertarians, no?
Libertarians aren’t libertarian anymore.
Doesn’t leave many other options other than the wilderness or the populists, does it?
We need to introduce the glibs to another cyptid. I recommend the Kappa.
I remember in jr. high school reading a description about them and their purported behavior and I just couldn’t grasp WTF that was about.
*Flashes back to glorious memories of the girls of the Kappa house*
Well, how many jr. high schoolers know about the prostate gland?
I mean, then. Now, you learn about prostate gland massage in 2nd grade.
They learn about it from this movie, HM…
I see.
The Tucker thing a few weeks ago where he accused the Republican party of being beholden to libertarian principals and Austrian economics was so incredibly stupid that it made my head hurt.
He really misses the mark sometimes.
He’s okay on immigration and foreign policy but not much else. I skip through more than half of his segments on a good night.
If I shake my goddamn head more, I’ll tear my jugular vein.
He’s been going down that imbecilic road for a while. I appreciate his willingness to stand up for non-interventionism, but so much of what is say is really, really dumb.
I’m reposting this story because I can.
Oh yeah, been seeing her pop up in Razorfist’s gf’s feed. Seeing a lot of the replies, Hoes mad, my dude.
That’s a “would” then??
*blows dust off of ball sack* Yes.
Hard journalism:
Hard as in it makes certain parts of the anatomy hard?
Best kind of “journalism”, right?
CP is celebrating diversity!
It’s all part of the service…
Police officer pulled women over for speeding then preyed on them for sex
“Liverpool Crown Court heard that Murphy would give women smaller penalties, such as for not wearing a seatbelt even when they were, to gain their trust.”
Nothing gets me to trust someone like being falsely cited.
Like PUA tactics, hunting badge bunnies probably works some of the time.
Not even when they send you a dick pic later?
Let me guess: Chubby Chaser.
Tard Tuesday: Ladies and Gentlemen, Chuckie Blow
There can be no more discussion or debate
A common theme for leftism if there ever was one.
As inelegant as I thought Trump’s tweet was, I think it highlights the left’s modus operandi quite well.
It wouldn’t have mattered if Trump had tweeted that or not. No matter what, if you disagree with them, you’re racist, you’re misogynist, you’re in bed with big business…
This has been going on for the last twenty years and has only gotten louder and more persistent. Trump’s pushing them over the edge into full blown insanity.
” reveal to us their open animus for us through their continued support of him.”
Define “us” because I might down with being part of “us”.
+1 bag of irredeemable deplorables
BTW, isn’t it hilarious that there’s a national election here in Japan and nobody GAF?
Oh, shit there was? *raughs roudry*
Anyone nearly as entertaining as the circus performers distracting the public over here?
No. Abe’s party will clean house again. It’s next week and I saw my first campaign TV commercial today.
How are the campaign loudspeaker-cars legal? Just tradition?
I’m sure they have a carve out legally for election season because that’s the only time you see them. You can get arrested if you heckle or try to interrupt an officially designated street campaign speech. Commies were on the corner spewing last Friday and my Japanese friend saw me about to shout something. “Don’t do that.” Good friend.
Yes, I have open animus for Charles Blow.
Jonathan Greenblatt
Verified account
#AntiSemitism is on the rise.
@realDonaldTrump using Israel to defend his blatant racism only hurts the Jewish community. He doesn’t speak for any of us.
We call on ALL leaders across the political spectrum to condemn these racist, xenophobic tweets & using Jews as a shield.
He only can because (((they))) have mesmerized the world, or so I am told. Classic Nazi move.
In the hopes of making sex with robots as life-like as possible, one sex doll company has launched a ‘Foreplay’ mode.
They should make one that says, “We never go anywhere. All you want to do is fuck.”
White people and whiteness are the center of the Trump presidency. His primary concern is to defend, protect and promote it.
For some reason, this made me think of black people who abuse and shame people in their communities for “acting white”.
“Fucking white people. I hate ’em.”
Hell, one of the Four Horsepersons of the Apocalypse came out yesterday and chided any and all non-whites who don’t tow the Democrat lion.
It’s funny coming from people running on nothing except
identity politicstribalism. The largest tribe will eventually start to notice and get annoyed.There’s an #IamCarlton hashtag out there for black nerds who feel ostracized by their own racial peers for “acting white” or “getting good grades” etc.
Yeah, the problem is you wearing a red hat….
Not her crazy ass wanting to pick a fight with you for wearing a hat…
That’s totes cool and logical..
Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.
BTW, isn’t it hilarious that there’s a national election here in Japan and nobody GAF?
They all look alike.
Gives me a good excuse when I stray.
You’d think that your wife not working at a soapland might be a differentiator.
“Wait a second. That was Soapland?”
Sumimasen. Nihongo wa wakarimasen. Muzukashi desu.
I assume they didn’t elect a “right wing” “nut job?” Because if they did, I bet I’d hear about it.
Next week. They’re all ethno staters if you really want to be honest about it.
Tard Tuesday: What Planet Are You On?
They also have been having a hard time calling certain individuals and groups terrorists, but hey, let’s keep playing this silly game.
What the fuck? Either this person is delusional or I am.
Or it is parody. Idk anymore.
I’m surprised about all the defense of Donald Trump over what was, by almost anyway I think about it, a terrible tweet. I think y’all should pause and think about why you need to defend him against being called a racist.
I haven’t defended anything, Mr. High ‘n’ Mighty.
🙂 See my comment below. I guess what I’m trying to get at is that no matter what, doing the “is/isn’t racist dance” is just playing the leftist game. I get the gut reaction to put down the hysterical hypocrites, but it’s a waste of time, and we defend what?
naw I was just breakin’ your balls over the y’all statement 😉
Go on…
You really want a CUMMIEBOT visit, don’t you?
I’ll reread the tweets. My first impression was that I really didn’t care.
He’s just a moron and a child: he’s repeatedly shown he lacks the maturity to know what he’s doing and therefore can’t be convicted of racism or much of anything else of intellectual significance or complexity.
He got Democrats to rally around their most generally despised members, and crippled efforts to marginalize them. If he’s a moron, he’s lucky enough to make up for it.
1. There’s a difference between defending someone and attacking the hypocrites who are attacking a purported racist.
2. Racism has come to be such a useless concept that anyone using it as a weapon deserves mockery.
I’ve never been a fan of the “if you don’t like it, just gtfo” line of argument. I just find it hilarious that people are acting like he’s the ultimate super American racist president when there’s clearly and objectively worse examples to fit that claim.
I had the same reaction initially. I read the tweet and contorting it into something non-offensive is a bit of gymnastics. It helps normalize and make Omar/Talib into martyrs. So why the urge to defend Trump for it?
For me I think it’s a combination of exauhstion with the hysterical left, and not wanting to submit to them trying to take the “high ground” when they are clearly moral reprobates.
Also Trump doesn’t need to be defended. Racist means nothing anymore. Why be bothered being called one when, as long as you disagree with the left, you will always be a racist to the left.
I’m already a racist, a misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, etc… simply because I’m a white, straight male, male and I don’t agree with the left’s policy proposals. Even milquetoast Mitt Romney, who has adopted black grandchildren, is a “racist”.
That said, Trump would have been better off just telling them to kiss his ass, but I think he feeds on their outrage. I wish he had dealt with it differently, but an asshole may be the only type of person who can survive the constant barrage from the media and the left.
You said male twice.
Just emphasizing that point for maximum maleness.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
*cough cough*
I think that’s a fair reaction.
In my view, it was dumb. Even if there was some genius calculus behind it, not worth making martyrs of those racist and stupid twits Ilhan and Rashida.
BUT. Ilhan does come from a shithole country and she pisses all over the country that took her in. So she can straight fuck off.
and she pisses all over the country that took her in
Yup. I thought he was implying that they should show a little appreciation. Then I was corrected by my betters to realize that he is just a big-meanie racist nazi.
Here is the “Trump is playing 4D chess” take on the tweet:
1. Swing voters hate AOC/Tlalib/open socialists.
2. DNC embraces AOC/Tlalib/open socialists.
Reelection and graftProfit!Styx be on that shiz like white on rice:
It’s a convincing case.
The “4D chess” stuff is hilarious. Trump’s not some crafty genius. He goes with his gut instincts every time. Now, you can argue as to the wisdom of his intuition, but it’s served him fairly well so far, at least so far as getting himself elected.
I think I’ve decided that Trump is the smartest idiot in history, rather than the dumbest genius.
I think he has a few basic calculations that he sticks to, all of which are variations of the same thing: America is awesome, the American people are awesome, I love and support average Americans and my opponents hate them. Most of the things he says (and tweets) are tied to those concepts, which generally is fairly effective because, when he’s attacked in response, he can insinuate that the attacker says what he says because he hates America and the average American.
It doesn’t hurt him that such a notion contains more than a bit of truth to it even if it’s rather irrelevent.
Idiot-savant is what you’re aiming for.
“ot worth making martyrs of those racist and stupid twits Ilhan and Rashida.”
Counter argument is that he is making them the face of the Democrat party, and they are not that popular nationwide.
Counter counter point would be that the Democrats had done a good job of that themselves. A recent poll said that 50% of Americans saw AOC as the face of the Democratic party.
Counter counter counter point: The Tweet(tm) broke up a fight that was potentially going to carve off AOC as her own faction of the party.
Which would then have untethered other Democrats from her craziness and made it easier for them to stay afloat.
Terrible tweet does not equal racist. I will defend him because he is not a racist and the accusation that he is is absurd.
I’ll defend him against being called a racist.
While the tweets were incorrect because 3 of the 4 are natural born the tweets were political in nature not skin color.
I don’t know that I defended Trump. I did say I thought I understood the tactical reason for throwing that grenade: it was starting to look like the Dem leadership was isolating and marginalizing the Four Morons, and Trump wants them to continue to be the face of the Dem Party. And it worked.
Now, is this wise and statesmanlike? Probably not. Is it politically effective? Probably so.
Add to that, his characterization of the Four Morons as anti-American was accurate, IMO, and the response is inaccurate (Trump is not a racist; he was attacking them on nationalist, not racist or sexist grounds). Pointing this out is only “pro-Trump” if you believe in a binary, the enemy-of-my-enemy world.
Do I wish that we had a better class of politicians? You bet your ass. But here we are.
I’m surprised about all the defense of Donald Trump over what was, by almost anyway I think about it, a terrible tweet. I think y’all should pause and think about why you need to defend him against being called a racist.
It was tactically dumb. Instead of fanning the flames of internal Democrat backbiting, he brought them together and gave them a common target.
And I hated that “Love it or leave it” crap in the ’60s.
A related song:
Especially since they introduced that fucking exit tax. Victims of the war on drugs, globally shit stirring military, BS cops, regulation etc all come before victims of “racism” in the US. Sure, there may be some overlap in the Venn diagram, but it would be racist to focus only on POCs that are victims of the aforementioned abuses.
On the other hand, it made Pelosi embrace the Karla Marx gang. I think that might have been part of his motivation.
See? The 3D chess move doesn’t seem so far fetched.
That guy says Trump is more racist than neo-Nazis.
That’s some racism.
“Vegas TenoldProtected Tweets
Journalist. Would rather talk about Dungeons & Dragons but Nazis keep ruining things. Tweets auto-delete eventually. Twitter is hell. Blocks.”
I think I see his problem.
Yeah, D&D is so 80s.
Now it is AD&D, right?
Oh, no, they simplified it, it’s no longer “Advanced”
I’m not afraid to say that guy looks like he just came from an actual concentration camp.
“If you’re supporting Trump, you are a racist at this point. I’m not afraid to say it and no one should be.”
Calling half the country
deplorableracist is a totally innovative strategy. Carry on.*orders MAGA hat*
“At this point”. Hah.
Bahh doesn’t go far enough. If you are white, I’m pretty sure you are a racist
So Moby’s real name is Vegas? No wonder he goes by Moby.
Best response is this dumbass:
“Interesting! This is similar to Leon Trotsky work under Hitler, if you didn’t go along with his “master race” ideology, you were a racist. It’s when it started, and is being used today for the same purpose! “
He sounds edumacated.
246 comments by 9:30am?
It’s 10:38 at night for me, this gaijintarian raughs ate you.
I’m working coordinating insurance for my kid’s surgery because the doctor’s office is insisting they sent in the pre-authorization and the insurance has no record of it.
Of course, with Bernie, she’d have the first appointment with the cardiologist in November, the appointment with the specialist in August 2020, and the surgery sometime in the summer of 2021 (if we’re lucky), but hey.
But in February of 2021, you’ll be informed that the surgical center has closed and you will have to start over to get on the waiting list for another facility three states over.
That acellerated schedule is only true if she is a party member.
I’m a member of the Outer Party, though I’m probably going to Room 101 for sedition and associating with proles.
Good luck JB! Hope it all works out for her.
I honestly dont know how much more fucked up healthcare would be if they went ahead and went full Bernie. 70 years of government intervention have made such a mess of the current system that I can sympathize with the free health care crowd.
Of course, I dont endorse socialist healthcare. However, I see little prospects for any free market reforms in the future and fully understand why a lot of people look to the socialist solution. What we have now is fucked up as a can of worms.
I honestly dont know how much more fucked up healthcare would be if they went ahead and went full Bernie.
A lot more fucked up. Combine the VA with Medicaid and eliminate any exit ramps or alternatives.
-1 Charlie Gard.
8:30 am, you provincial sheep fucker.
Not sheep.
Ewe mad bro?
Way to ram that comment home, UCS!
Your’e a baaaaaad man UCS.
I don’t give a flock.
He was just kidding.
Billy for you!
“Hasta la Victoria Siempre!” “Ever on to victory.”
Grow up.
It’s the best translation I’ve seen yet.
Good morning Mr. Sharpshooter and all the sweaty Glibs!
Thanks for providing the lynx of insanity. I thought the clown car of dems would be funny and entertaining, but I’ve already grown weary of them.
I wish they would just go.
Good afternoon Tundra!
I wish. Only 08:44 in God’s time zone.
I wish they would just go.
Good lord, where all men emaciated chicken-legged shitstains in the 80’s?
No, just mucisians and backup dancers.
The ones with drug and alcohol habits as epic as Motley Crue were.
Coke and Gin diets.
About the “You so racist!” crap:
Let us say, for the sake of argument, I go on a computer-generated blind date with a woman who turns out to be a mixed race individual. During the course of the evening, she explains to me, in minute detail, why Elizabeth Warren is the best and brightest choice for our next President. Also, why Home Owners Associations should be mandatory, in order to preserve the character of neighborhoods.
If I never call her again, is it because I’m a racist?
No, it’s because you’re a racist misogynist of course.
So, your blind date was 1023/1024ths white and 1/1024th black?
Brooks driving home.
Taking every turn possible to avoid continuity?
Did she put out?
No, it’s because you called a different number.
“If I never call her again, is it because I’m a racist?”
No it’s cause your white, and that’s what makes you a racist.
You have to consult the hierarchy chart to determine that. If she has a penis, then you are a sexist misogynist, but if not, you are just racist.
Race is an immutable characteristic. One does not choose their race. One does not change their race.
Culture, politics, philosophy…all changeable. We choose those.
“You come from a shit culture” is not racist. “If you don’t like it here GTFO” is not racist. “you are a commie shitweasel.” Is not racist.
People are mostly dumb motherfuckers that can’t tell up from down. Race is not culture. Race is not philosophy. Race is not politics.
You’re right. I’ll just say that America did in fact have a horrific history with racism (as did the rest of the world). The US version certainly was in favor of whites, however you define that, and I’m glad it got challenged. Thing is, how do you know when you fought racism enough and the country is as non racist as you’re ever going to make it? How do you know when you’ve gone too far fighting racism? It’s not like the groups that formed to fight it are just going to say, “Welp, that’s about right” and pack up their tents. Whites needed to join en masse to bring an end to racism in the US and, unfortunately, non whites en masse are going to have to be the ones to say, “About now is when we can stop.”
“Race is an immutable characteristic. One does not choose their race. One does not change their race.”
Tell Rachel Dolezal that. She still thinks the white patriarchy got her.
No, it’s because you’re gay.
How can you say that? We don’t even know what she looks like yet.
quarter cat/quarter penguin/half sea slug
In order to answer this question, we need to know if you banged on the first date.
If he didn’t bang, definitely racist.
If I never call her again, is it because I’m a racist?
Maybe. Does she have a nice rack?
That’s one thing you rarely ever hear about that has been going on at the border for years and years is all the women who are raped, the rape trees, etc. Feminists completely ignore it.
Homan looked like he was ready to beat the living shit out of Garcia, he certainly asked for it.
That was such a disgusting display from Garcia. Glad Homan dragged his ass hard.
He has said that he almost/wanted to “throw a beatdown” on the rep.
I’m sorry but the discourse between the chair and Mr Green is hilarious. ” I know, that’s why I’m banging”
He put a hurting on AOC as well.
That’s way more than the Twitter character limit.
But no CLOWN used as a verb?
commodious spittoon KILLED Thicc Thursdays.
Prove me wrong.
I think it was type 2 diabetes what done it.
Engaging in the culture war makes one stupid.
Also, you missed “DERANGED LEFTISTS” from the headline linked elsewhere in this thread.
I’ll have to compose an addendum.
I think BARRON TRUMP is supposed to be in all caps.
Glib anthem?
I could use a cold one right now.
Tundra is on a Replacements kick today!
Gary likes it.
Color me impressed!
Justice Department will not bring charge against NYPD officer in death of Eric Garner
The Justice Department will not bring federal charges against a New York City police officer over the death of Eric Garner during a chaotic arrest that ignited nationwide protests five years ago.
The decision, described by a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to comment publicly, marks the end of a civil rights probe into an episode that helped turn a national spotlight on how police officers use force against minorities.
“how police officers use force against minorities”
It’s like they don’t actually want to see reform.
They don’t. They only want to see the power of the state turned against their enemies.
For selling loosies.
Got that progs? He’s dead because the state of NY doesn’t get to collect their maximum taxes when someone sells individual cigarettes.
And the copsuckers who defend that arrest/kill? Go to hell.
Anyone who thinks that was cool is already in hell. I can’t imagine what a miserable, meaningless life they must have.
Every single law in this country, no matter how petty and silly, is ultimately subject to the death penalty. That’s what the goo-goo “nudge” type of statists, the Cass Sunstein crowd, refuses to acknowledge.
The local rag continues to portray a Republicans comments that the state police should send bachelors if they tried to arrest him as “threats”, while ignoring the governor and democratic leadership’s statements to use the state police (and prompted his statement) as just as much or more of a threat backed up by deadly force.
One thing I’ve learned in my travels through the internet webs is that there are copsuckers that make Dunphy look like one of us. It’s the worst, and I think they outnumber those of us who give a shit and want reform.
What about those who suck cops in green uniforms?
Forest service police?
Fuck size limits. If I catch anything other than a pumpkinseed, I’m keeping it.
Man, screw that noise.
That sucks.
Over….fricken loosies.
Well, here’s where you have to hope karma kicks in for anyone and everyone who had a hand in this from the law to the death.
It wasn’t over loosies.
It was because many months ago he had been arrested for selling loosies.
This time around the cops had been called to break up a fight. When they arrived on scene, the fight was over and the fighters were nowhere to be seen.
And the cops would be shit upon if they didn’t come back from being dispatched with something, so they looked around for something to do. And they saw Gardner and decided to roust him.
He wasn’t doing anything. They basically detained him because FYTW. That’s why he told them to go fuck themselves. He wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Oh, I know the incident wasn’t about the loosies per se but it was indirectly part of the calculus. Thanks for reminding of the details which make it all the more grotesque.
Would have made more sense with a period after force.
Finally watched the Shaver shooting the other day.
I was avoiding it because I kept thinking, “it can’t be as bad as they make it sound.
I know cops have done a lot of really messed up shootings, but shooting someone crawling and begging not to be shot?
No way you get acquitted from that one is there?”
Holy Shit. That was murder, straight up.
Made the mistake of having my wife watch it with me and now it haunts her, she was a little wary of cops, especially since I Opem Carry, now she might be terrified if I get stopped.
Glib anthem?
The Kindle edition of Winston Churchill: The Era and The Man by Virginia Cowles is free right now on Amazon.
Why do the clients insist on calling our support team for updates on issues that we’ve already told them we don’t support? I even gave the clients my direct number to prevent them from calling our tier one guys. Instead they keep calling in for updates, and asking us for information from their internal help desk.
I guess it’s a good sign that they prefer talking to the contracted support, but we’ve got no access, no visibility, and will not have any updates. Look at the e-mail chain, that’s got all the names that we have to reach out to for updates.
“That’s the helpdesk number. I’ve got it on my sticky note next to the one with my password.”
Log entry 755577: called contract support for updates. no new updates on issue
“Hey boss, I’m keeping up on that issue”
They are grasping at straws, hoping one will hold.
You should take it as a compliment, you are the probably the only group providing any sort of responsive support.
That’s what happens to any IT guy at our company that helps people, the person gets hammered all the time because the users know that person will at least try.
I’ve seen the response times and customer service skill of some of the other groups. I don’t doubt that we’re (in general) giving faster and more courteous support (we do want to keep the contract going forward after all). Hell, I give them my direct line to give to their internal help desk if the internal help desk tries to pass the buck to another group. But I’ve given you my direct line, I’d rather you call that then try to call in another P1/P2 ticket for something we don’t support, and I’ve told you earlier today that we don’t support.
Leftists decided to take down the U.S flag & raise a Mexican flag in its place at the Aurora ICE facility
Anti-American politicians like @AOC have promoted this by disrespecting our flag & lying about ICE & Border Patrol agents.
God bless our law enforcement, we support you!
That’s a bit “law and order con” for me but WOULD.
Now that’s sticking it in crazy.
She can salute my flagpole anytime.
They should have raised the Pride parade and told all those detainees that they are one victim checkbox short of asylum and if they want in to start gaying it up.
Worked for Scarface.
:Got that progs? He’s dead because the state of NY doesn’t get to collect their maximum taxes when someone sells individual cigarettes.”
This really can’t be repeated enough.
Every single law in this country, no matter how petty and silly, is ultimately subject to the death penalty. That’s what the goo-goo “nudge” type of statists, the Cass Sunstein crowd, refuses to acknowledge.
OBEY, and no harm will come to you.
Remember that Minneapolis bar that was owned by a guy who supported David Duke that got in all sorts of trouble a couple years ago? Well it is still open and is full of nationalists. Black Nationalists! (OK, maybe just regular black people, but black nationalists is more fun).
The writer isn’t very happy with this turn of events. How could these poor dumb black folk fall for the evil shitlord’s tricknology?
the North Loop’s most black-friendly bar
Love the implication that the other bars have “No Niggers” signs out front.
The Last Frontier
Homesteaders on the margins of America
Settlers will typically have a few solar panels hooked up to batteries for basics such as lights and a refrigerator, but beyond that you need money for gasoline, you need water, and, when it gets cold, you need a reliable source of heat.
Odd, I need that stuff to survive too and I live in town. WHYCOME AINT URVYTHING FREE??!>1
Solar panels? In an area that is reliably windy? You could hook up a wind powered water well to save some of that electrical requirement. Or is it too windy for windmills? I understand they’re fragile things that have to be shut down at the slightest gust.
The San Luis Valley is awesome.
“Four kids steal parent’s car and run away on 600-mile road trip
(CNN)Four adventurous children aged between 10 and 14 packed a stolen family car with fishing rods and took off on an epic 600-mile road trip along the Australian coast, authorities have said.
One of the children left a goodbye note for their parents before leaving for the mammoth journey, which ended several hours later when police tracked down the parked car along a highway in New South Wales, authorities told CNN.
The kids likely shared driving responsibilities during the 930-kilometer (578-mile) trip from Rockhampton in Queensland to Grafton in New South Wales, police added, after taking a four-wheel-drive Nissan Patrol car belonging to one of their parents.
The runaways were taken into custody at 10:40 p.m. on Sunday evening (8:40 a.m. ET) and could now face charges.”
Simpson’s Did It.
This is what I get for using those damn things.
Fingers? Keyboards? Words?
Those two.
But I was referring to these thingies -> ””””””””””””””’
Ted lures?
Just one component of the Ted Tacklebox.
Charges? They made it 578 miles without having an accident, and likely had to fill the gas tank at least once. Let the parents take care of this. They’re not a threat to society.
Theft. Rotten blighters.
This is why I should wait to post, or I should read the fucking article, but who does that? That’s un-American.
That’s what headlines are for.
Worse than that. They didn’t have proper hand gear.
Besides, the media’s involved now and prosecutors just can’t help themselves when they might get some publicity from it.
But did they buy wigs?
fear of the power of government manifests as a generalized kind of unease, which, I imagine, was less a feature of life on the American frontier one hundred years ago than it seems to be today.
No shit?
My Prime Day purchases so far: A wallet, an umbrella, and an air mattress. I’m a wild and crazy guy, what can I say?
Are you expecting to pick up hookers in the rain?
Call girls. When they’re dead they’re hookers.
I purchased two shirts for the gym and an Agatha Christie audiobook. AMA.
Which book?
Murder on the Orient Express was on sale for $5.
Despite it’s fame, I found that to be among the most disappointing pieces she wrote. If you don’t know the ending, I won’t spoil it.
Wife has read it many times and wants to listen to it on her upcoming road trip. I will probably listen to it at some point, but I wouldn’t have gotten it just for me.
I’m not a particular fan of mysteries outside of Sherlock Holmes (which I enjoyed for the characterization) but I figure I’ll give it a try when all my library books are on hold.
Thanks for the no-spoilers.
I can’t stand sherlock holmes because they all seem to be resolved by some piece of information drawn out of the detective’s rectum at the conclusion rather than presented at time of discovery, preventing me from actually solving the mystery.
Murder By Death hammered that criticism.
Honestly, not terrible for a 1970s made-for-TV movie.
I bought a pair of wireless earbuds which I expect I’ll hate.
Which kind? I tried the ‘true wireless’ type and hated them, so went back to Jaybird. I like to be able to hang them around my neck.
Something like these. I think I’ll be in your shoes when they arrive, but I see them all over so I figured I’d give them a shot.
I think it depends how you use them. I found I was not capable of leaving them in all the time, even at the gym. I lose stuff too often, as well.
Upgraded to the latest Garmin Vivoactive for the wife and I. I think our current ones are 4 years old, and we love them, but I wanted the integrated heartrate monitor. They were half-price yesterday, so it was a good strategic purchase.
Uffda. You know why we love immigrants/refugees in the US? Because they are so grateful.
It is a crying shame we snatched her from the life of Riley in a refugee camp in Kenya and forced her to work for an evil corporation.
So she makes $19.25 to work in a warehouse, a job which takes no particular skills or abilities…..and somehow she’s oppressed?
Her employer doesn’t RESPECT her!!!!!!!
Not after this stunt, for sure.
In the morning?
She is a grifter. Amazon should fire her. She is poison.
“We didn’t fire you, we just scheduled you for zero hours a week.”
Hell, Tier 1 help desk around here starts at around $15/hour. But we should make sure to set a national minimum wage, no harm can come of it.
Are we going to pretend that the 19th Century labor movement wasn’t mostly composed of Jews, various “Hunkies”, Italians, Germans, and other 1st gen. immigrants?
Only because industrialists were too racist to hire anyone swarthier than Mediterranean tanned.
Because the 19th Century labor movement was all about complaining that $40k per year was insufficient and that they didn’t have a prayer space. Not to mention their heroic role in insisting that putting 260 items away per hour was just too demanding.
Sorry, HM, but these folks are Exhibit A for Amazon automating the entire process here.
I mean, who can possibly pack 4.3 items per minute? That’s like, a whole 13 seconds per item.
/sarc, in case it wasn’t obvious.
That’s a non sequitur. I’m not saying their cause is justified, I’m criticizing the ideas that a) this behavior is somehow tied to the cultures of modern immigrant populations, and b) immigrants lose their freedom of conscience in exchange for the right to be here.
If your first reaction is “go back!” as opposed to “you’re wrong because…”, you’re being a shithead.
I’m not sure “go back” is the first reaction for most, but I agree. I think it is simply an inelegant way of reminding folks that whatever crap they (we) have to deal with here is still much better than many places on this planet.
Regardless of what CNN tells us, it isn’t.
I’m criticizing the ideas that a) this behavior is somehow tied to the cultures of modern immigrant populations,
Its not. Its immigrants being used as useful idiots by crypto-Marxist assholes.
and b) immigrants lose their freedom of conscience in exchange for the right to be here.
They are certainly free to believe what they want; I don’t think anyone has said otherwise. And we are free to mock and criticize their beliefs. I see no reason why the response “If your job is so horrible, why don’t you just quit?” is out of line.
It isn’t.
I don’t think that I suggested they go back. I think my point was that these refugees weren’t being very grateful for us taking them out of a camp in Kenya.
Most of these people were supposed to be refugees that were going to go back. However, any time we mildly mention that the earthquake in El Salvador was 13 years ago and maybe it is time to go back the refugees and their advocates freak out. Ditto for Liberia and Somalia.
If the tax payers are going to get screwed constantly on the refugee deal, then they might be forgiven for not being so trusting next time they are told that the state is rolling out the welcome mat for more refugees.
I recall them fighting for the very things this person has. Not some nebulous idea of respect, since trading a fair days pay for a fair days work with reasonably safe working conditions was all the “respect” they needed.
My employers don’t respect me, but my paycheck still clears every two weeks. If that second part ever changes, you bet your ass I’m not showing up any more.
No one ever told the Wobblies that.
Socialists gonna socialist…
Are we going to pretend that the 19th Century labor movement wasn’t mostly composed of Jews, various “Hunkies”, Italians, Germans, and other 1st gen. immigrants?
In other words, high levels of immigration from socialist countries make the new country more socialist. Doesn’t exactly inspire one to put out the welcome mat.
Actually we do love immigrants…if they have skills and a decent work ethic…if they aren’t criminals.
The commies can stay in their shitholes. We don’t want them. Fuck them.
One of our best employees is a legal immigrant. Hard working and respected by his coworkers, including the MAGA crowd.
“The idea that an economic system untethered to any ethical or moral consideration – then given virtual control of our government – leads to anything other than societal disaster is a foolish illusion that’s already created rampant pain and dysfunction for both people and planet.”
an economic system untethered to any ethical or moral consideration
Tell me about it. The rise of government intervention in the economy, of literally using the threat of death or being thrown in a cage, to induce social cooperation, has got to be one of the bigger moral failures of our time. It should be a source of grave concern for anyone who considers himself a moral person.
Oh, wait, that’s not what you meant?
I think Williamson is my favorite Dem candidate.
an economic system untethered to any ethical or moral consideration
Good thing free market capitalism isn’t untethered, etc., based as it is on personal responsibility for the risks you take and the rewards you reap, and personal agency for the decisions you make.
That’s what the goo-goo “nudge” type of statists, the Cass Sunstein crowd, refuses to acknowledge.
As I grow older and more curmudgeonly, the more I wonder if they perfectly well understand it and are just fine with it.
Omelet —-> Eggs
Of course they get it. It’s money and power. People don’t just stumble into a combination of both of those.
Thaler and Sunstein claim to be “libertarian”
I offer that their “nudge” concepts are less authoritarian than what more progressives would choose, but I would not classify them as libertarians.
The soft “nudgers” are willfully blind to the fact that, once you say the Almighty State can nudge you to do something, you have no grounds left for saying the Almighty State can’t punish you if you don’t.
So she makes $19.25 to work in a warehouse, a job which takes no particular skills or abilities…..and somehow she’s oppressed?
She has to take things from shelves and put them into baskets!
Don’t you get it? It’s just like slavery.
My wife used to make that kind of money reading chromosome cases for cancer patients but now she’s been promoted.
Federal magistrate says Jewish woman should get $14 million from neo-Nazi who orchestrated troll-storm
Tanya Gersh sued Andrew Anglin in 2017 after she and her family experienced years of harassment and intimidation because Anglin published her name and contact information on his website, the Daily Stormer, and urged readers to contact her.
Scumbag. $14 million though?
Now do Buzzfeed and Carpe Donktum.
Twitter would be bankrupt tomorrow
I remember that story. Anglin is a scumbag, yes, but the backstory was kind of hinky. The woman was trying to organize protests at a building owned by Richard Spencer’s mother to pressure her into selling it to this woman from the lawsuit.
Also, whenever I read this:
I immediately get suspicious.
That’s what the mother claims, yes.
This was what she told CNN:
I find that story to be rather curious, myself. She’s claiming she was getting involved in this to “defuse tensions”. To me, that’s fairly implausible. Doesn’t mean she deserved to have the Stormfront goons after her, and I shed no tears for Anglin, but I don’t buy that she was just some noble good Samaritan.
No, I agree. I’m saying that there are two narratives here.
There’s only room for one narrative in this town.
*clobbers other narrative with u-lock*
Trollstorm is an underrated Finnish epic, IMHO.
Is It Okay to Laugh at Florida Man?
What it’s like to go viral as one of the Internet’s biggest memes — and the moral complications of laughing along.
Florida Man is the new victimhood identity group.
Taking moral inventory is a sure-fire way to get the big belly laughs.
Maybe the secret isn’t to try to foster ever more granular sensitivies for these things. Maybe the secret is to recognize how backward and narcissistic that is, and to quit imagining that everything is implicated in everything else. Maybe the secret is to recognize that humans are fallible, nuanced creatures, that our egos often outpace our intellects, that misinterpreting or overinterpreting benign or harmless expressions to ferret out malice does not in fact smooth out the wrinkles of society, it makes us a more contemptible and contemptuous species, bitterer and suspicious, like a Soviet apartment full of NKVD informants.
*furiously takes notes*
This will be great material for my handler. I might even get a day off from reporting.
” And is it still okay to laugh along”
That sounds like a personal choice. Please stop lecturing me.
Go back to where you came from
I think we’re going to start seeing a lot more of this. We’re now seeing a plethora of XYZ hyphenated Americans with no interest of assimilation. I realize immigrants retained their home country culture in the past, but their offspring always integrated. Now their offspring are being taught not to integrate because diversity is strength instead of recognizing that it causes strife and reduces cohesion in a community.
I’ve never understood the hyphenated American thing. It seems like something a legit racist majority would enact to ensure immigrants stay second class citizens.
In Canada that shit is encouraged. Except Quebec. There they want it to be in French.
“their offspring are being taught not to integrate”
I don’t think that phenomenon is as widespread as it may appear in the media. Yes, the political and education establishments are doing a lot of that but from what I see on the ground in my city that has rather a lot of immigrants, they are largely integrating just fine on their own.
To be fair, I think different people have different ideas about what “integration” means. Living in a city like NYC increases one’s tolerance for ambiguity, I believe. I know some people here in NH who would absolutely lose their shit if I dropped them off in the middle of Flushing and they couldn’t read a single storefront sign. For some people, integration merely means you live your life and get along with others, but for others, it means, you start wearing khakis and polo shirts, consume mayonnaise, and drive a Econbox “crossover”.
For some people, integration merely means you live your life and get along with others…
I think this is the vast, but quiet, majority.
“consume mayonnaise”
It is artisinal, I’ll have you know!
HM is a racist.
No, I’m rac-y.
There’s a difference.
So confusing…
If you don’t consume mayonnaise, you can’t consume devilled eggs.
I think (?) all businesses are required to have English somewhere in their signage.
Here is a typical example in Flushing:,-73.831083,3a,75y,340.87h,88.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEC2PltlDYo8qMarhq2nQwg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
The Sign store was a great pick.
Most signs do have English, but many don’t. 1 facing the other way of 1
IIRC the law is in place so that emergency services can find them in case their building is on fire or something. But yeah, it’s not something I hear about being enforced.
Isn’t Flushing filled with white hipsters looking for “authentic” Chinese food?
Why do you think they put up the signs in Chinese? It’s part of the illusion sold to the customers.
Authentic dim sum is passe, it’s now all about the Korean part of Flushing.
Korean womenz moan just like their Chinese and Japanese counter parts… It’s a thing.
Flushing is about as non-hipster as it gets. Or it was until very recently, if all the new condos going up in that street view are any indication.
I’m fine with it meaning “a belief in negative rights”.
I’ve never understood the hyphenated American thing.
Me neither. An English teacher I had in high school once went on a spiel about how wonderful it is that we are all hyphen Americans. Even then I thought “Why can’t we just be Americans?”. I don’t go around calling myself Ukrainian (and other various Euro whatevers that are in my bloodline)-American despite being descendant from people who lived there and immigrated.
I identify as Mutt-American.
Now their offspring are being taught not to integrate because diversity is strength instead of recognizing that it causes strife and reduces cohesion in a community.
“Why y’all act so white?”
Western Civilization is evil. Commonly held truths and notions of human decency and dignity which supercede skin color steal power from the tribalists.
Last I heard, The Communist Manifesto, The Manifesto of the Italian Fasci of Combat , Agrarian Justice, the Paris Commune, and the First International were all products of Western Civilization.
So was Harry Potter though. Evens out.
You’re only helping me here, you realize.
Dude, you’re not helping.
from what I see on the ground in my city that has rather a lot of immigrants, they are largely integrating just fine on their own.
I sincerely hope that’s true.
Some people are so stupid I can’t believe that they are able to breathe without help.
More student loan borrowers carry six-figure balances
There’s more:
I’m speechless.
I’m getting the impression that “Pharmacy manager” is not the same as “Pharmacist”, and “Doctor of Pharmacy” might not be the same either.
As for the acupuncturist, I mean, you really need a population of believers before you can sell them services.
Trials and Tripps can correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I understand, a Pharm.D. is the entry level degree you need to be a pharmacist, be it of the hospital or drug store type.
Which is actually a decent career, but one that can be started without a half million dollar debt most likely.
My father was a retail pharmacist. It was and is an excellent and high paying career – but quite a lot of school. This chick must have borrowed every damn dime.
And I’ll bet anything she did a “study abroad”, too.
And changed majors a bunch of times too…
To be fair, our aspiring pharmacist only has $310k.
But yeah, looking it up, the Doctor of Pharmacy is the prerequisite for getting licenced as a Pharmacist in the US.
So if she sticks it out for a few more years, she should be able to make a dent into that debt.
I think her problem is wanting it all now.
UCS is correct – credentialism has infected pharmacy licensing as well. The Pharm.D. is a terminal degree, then you sit for an exam. A lot like a JD and a law license, only I think the pharmacists have some kind of residency or apprenticeship requirement which may be part of the degree program, or may come after, not sure.
Pharmacy manager should be making good money. Perhaps she hasn’t passed a state license test to become a full pharmacist?
CNBC is being very polite here, I think.
Still, her student loan balance is half a million dollars.
I, uhhh…..
Insanity. Doctor of naturopathic medicine… you could get an actual MD from a private school for half that.
What the fuck is naturopathic?
Scamming aging hippies out of funds for imagined ailments via placebo treatments.
I need to read this chick’s dissertation.
“I just never imagined being a professional who still lives paycheck to paycheck”
Living paycheck to paycheck isn’t about how much money you earn.
Cut spending and live within her means?
The horror.
…or whether you are white collar or blue collar.
Cripes, my business loan/renovations put me in that neighbourhood but I can manage it because the business is viable. /keeps fingers crossed.
But putting down that kind of coin on an education that may not render a salary or return to pay that off is high risk. That’s bigger than an average mortgage which takes, traditionally, 20-25 years to pay off.
It’s 4 times the size of my mortgage.
More than six times mine.
/cheapass house.
That’s pretty close to what I still owe on mine, which is a fifteen year mortgage that is already paying down principal at twice the amount of interest owed.
Pharmacists are well and truly fucked. They can easily make $150k a year within a few years of graduating, which, if they stay off the hedonic treadmill, they could use to pay off $300k in four years.
But they are still tuck in quite possibly the worst job in medicine: 50% of it is dealing with the public in a retail environment, and 50% of it is dealing with insurance companies.
Its easy to say “stay of the hedonic treadmill” but a lot of people who go into the profession come from an upper class upbringing. They have a really hard time staying off the treadmill for another half decade after living like a monk to get through school.
Why bother making anything other than the minimum payment when Democrats are stumbling over each other promising more lavish forgiveness schemes? No doubt there will be talk of reparations for debt holders before long. Forgiving debts isn’t enough to make them whole, no, they deserve compensation for the burden of having lived under the crushing debt that freely agreed to take out and lived off for years.
“doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine and master’s in acupuncture from Bastyr University”
Holy shit.
But to study at the University of Oklahoma to become a doctor of pharmacy, she borrowed more than $310,000,
A state university? I’d have to check, but I would bet that you can get all the way to the end of that program in 7 years (4 undergrad, 1 master’s, 2 doctorate). That would be borrowing around $45K a year. Out of state tuition is less than $25K/year in 2019, and would have been less when she was in school. IN-state tuition is less than $12K/year.
So what the hell was she spending all that money on, anyway?
Yeah, that’s a complete lie. I applied to the Pharma D. program, it was nowhere near that bad.
Though the last year (residency) would have been a big financial hit.
And nobody goes to OU for that, they go to SWOSU
Yeah, that’s a complete lie.
I believe she borrowed that much. I just wonder what she spent it on, because I don’t see how she could have spent it on school.
Bastyr University. With Campuses in San Diego and Seattle.
At least it’s not one of those evil FOR PROFIIT UNIVERSITEES!
My cousin just went 3/4 of a million in the hole to buy a plot of land and build Turkey houses on it. He expects to make money, but if he doesn’t, he is still on the hook for it.
There ain’t no free lunches honey. If you plan on sinking that kind of money into something, you best be damn sure its profitable.
He at least sounds like he has a business plan and a product to sell that could cover the debt.
Ms. Natruppathy doesn’t.
As long as he manages them right, he will end up doing just fine. Turkey is big business around here.
Personally, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing I owed that much money, but I’m extremely debt averse.
I’m guessing it’s near Istanbul?
Not your business.
I feel dumb, I was trying to figure out if you meant turn key, or if it was a style of house.
I guess it technically is a kind of house…
I think of it more as a concentration camp for turkeys headed to the death camps though.
He should put an “Arbeit Macht Frei” sign over the entrance.
Maybe the secret is to recognize how backward and narcissistic that is, and to quit imagining that everything is implicated in everything else. Maybe the secret is to recognize that humans are fallible, nuanced creatures, that our egos often outpace our intellects, that misinterpreting or overinterpreting benign or harmless expressions to ferret out malice does not in fact smooth out the wrinkles of society, it makes us a more contemptible and contemptuous species, bitterer and suspicious, like a Soviet apartment full of NKVD informants.
*Sternly points toward exit*
So if she sticks it out for a few more years, she should be able to make a dent into that debt.
I think her problem is wanting it all now.
One of her college classmates sent her a selfie from the beach in Tahiti, and she wants to go. Not Fair.
She can actually have it all now with the amazing taste of Diet Dr. Pepper.
Just saying.
Should the Moon Landing Site Be a National Historic Landmark?
The treaty was signed with the soviets.
The soviets are gone.
Annex the moon.
This. We have already taken the first step when we planted our flag on it. Next up would be a permanent base, capable of defending itself from invaders.
“Both the United States and the Soviet Union feared that the other nation would claim sovereignty over a celestial body such as the moon, place weapons there, and exclude the other from those same privileges by virtue of being first,”
Seeing how the Soviet Union no longer exists and our flag is the only one on it, the moon is ours.
Don’t stand on that ground, the flag has been bleached white by decades of exposure to unfiltered sunlight.
So the French own it?
The dark side of the moon is still free.
Except for the Chinese invaders.
Most overrated album ever. The Chinese can have it.
Are we talking about The Dark Side of the Moon or Chinese Democracy? Because, either way, yes.
*thinks about dropping gloves*
*takes another bong hit instead*
They took the base from the Nazis?
Thus the need for the new moon mission (2024?), to place a more durable flag up there and go ahead and claim the thing.
With all the private launch capacity, I wonder if we could get there faster than five years. Several (?) launches to preposition material and supplies, and then send up some people.
Unfortunately, the treaty was signed by a bunch of countries, not just us and the Soviets. As I think about it, I would just as soon leave the treaty in place, as it essentially creates a stateless zone. Naturally, sooner or later the states will disregard the treaty and start demanding control. but no need to hurry the process along.
I was hoping to one day move to ancapistan on the moon.
Let’s keep the states at bay if at all possible.
If there ever is another “space race” I think we’ll find out in short order how much the paper that treaty was written on is worth.